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Performance Tuning of MySQL Cluster

  Santa Clara, April 2012

  Johan Andersson

  Severalnines AB

  Cell +46 73 073 60 99
Copyright Severalnines 2012


       Scaling and Partitioning

       Designing a Scalable System

       Insert Performance Tuning

       Query Tuning

       Random tricks

       Disk Data Tuning

    Copyright Severalnines 2012

           Here is ...
    Access Layer

          App        App
         Server     Server

        MYSQL      MYSQL


         DATA          DATA
         NODE          NODE

         P0             P1
      Node group 0

        Copyright Severalnines 2012

        It can scale linearly ...
    Access Layer

          App        App        App         App      App        App        App      App
         Server     Server     Server      Server   Server     Server     Server   Server

        MYSQL      MYSQL       MYSQL      MYSQL     MYSQL      NDBAPI    NDBAPI    NDBAPI

    STORAGE LAYER                       STORAGE LAYER                   STORAGE LAYER

         DATA          DATA                DATA         DATA                DATA            DATA
         NODE          NODE                NODE         NODE                NODE            NODE

         P0             P1                  P2           P3                  P4             P5
      Node group 0                       Node group 1                    Node group 2

      Copyright Severalnines 2012
if you find the bottlenecks

   A lot of CPU is used on the data nodes
       Probably a lot of large index scans and full table scans are used.

   A lot of CPU is used on the mysql servers
       Probably a lot of GROUP BY/DISTINCT or aggregate functions.

   Hardly no CPU is used on either mysql or data nodes
       Probably low load
       Time is spent on network (a lot of “ping pong” to satisfy a request).

   System is running slow in general
       Disks (io util), queries, swap (should never happen)

Copyright Severalnines 2012
and if you know how
   Adding mysqlds – trivial – if the mysqld is the bottleneck

   BUT! Adding data nodes
        More data nodes does not automatically give better performance
                    Latency may increase for a single query
                    Total throughout will be improved
        How to get both?

Copyright Severalnines 2012

      Designing a
      Scalable System

       Define the most typical Use Cases
           List all my friends, session management etc etc.
           Optimize everything for the typical use case

       Keep it simple
           Complex access patterns does not scale
           Simple access patterns do ( Primay key and Partitioned Index Scans )

       Note! There is no parameter in config.ini that affects performance – only availability.
           Everything is about the Schema and the Queries.
           Tune the mysql servers (sort buffers etc) as you would for innodb.

    Copyright Severalnines 2012

      Simple Access

       PRIMARY KEY lookups are HASH lookup O(1)

       INDEX searches a T-tree and takes O(log n) time.

       In 7.2 JOINs are ok, but in 7.1 you should try to avoid

    Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Data Access
    Access Layer

          App        App        App       App      App         App      App      App
         Server     Server     Server    Server   Server      Server   Server   Server

        MYSQL      MYSQL      MYSQL      MYSQL    MYSQL       NDBAPI   NDBAPI   NDBAPI


         DATA          DATA               DATA         DATA              DATA            DATA
         NODE          NODE               NODE         NODE              NODE            NODE

         P0             P1                P2           P3                 P4             P5
      Node group 0                      Node group 1                   Node group 2

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Data Access

        One Request can hit all Partitions
             Sub-optimal and won't scale

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Data Access
     Access Layer

            App         App         App        App      App        App       App      App
           Server      Server      Server     Server   Server     Server    Server   Server

          MYSQL       MYSQL        MYSQL     MYSQL     MYSQL      NDBAPI   NDBAPI    NDBAPI


           DATA           DATA                 DATA        DATA               DATA            DATA
           NODE           NODE                 NODE        NODE               NODE            NODE

           P0              P1                  P2           P3                 P4             P5
       Node group 0                         Node group 1                   Node group 2

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Data Access

        One Request hits one partition
             Scales!
             The number of Partitions (data nodes) does not matter!
        Partitioning is important!

     Copyright Severalnines 2012


        MySQL Cluster auto-partitions based on the Primary Key
             Data is spread randomly
        If possible better to Partition on a part of the Primary Key
             CREATE TABLE user_friends(
                friendid ,
                PRIMARY KEY (userid, friendid)) PARTITION BY KEY(userid)
             All records with userid=X will be stored in the same partition!
        Ultra important for MySQL Cluster 7.2 and Fast JOINs.

     Copyright Severalnines 2012


        EXPLAIN PARTITIONS <query>
             Tells you what partitions you touch.
        Also verify with:

       mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’;
          | Variable_name         | Value |
          | Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 1     |

             Increases when Partition Pruning could be used.

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Insert Performance

        Scaling Inserts
             Option 1) Batch INSERTS if you can
                    ●   An insert batch of 10 records will perform 10x faster than 10 single
                    ●   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (<record1>), (<record2>), …,(<recordN>)
             Option 2) Many threads (parallelism)
             Or a combo of both
        Dumpfiles or LOAD DATA INFILEs
             Chunk them up and load in parallel on several mysqlds

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Insert Performance

        INSERTs in a table with AUTO_INCREMENT
        MySQL Server query Data nodes for an auto_increment
              –   The mysqld can hold a range of autoincs (cache)
              –   Before an INSERT, and autoinc must be fetched from either Data node
                  (slow) or on the cache (fast)
        ndb_autoincremet_prefetch_sz sets the cache size and it affects insert perf:
              –   ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz=1:            1211.91TPS
              –   ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz=256:          3471.71TPS
              –   ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz=1024:         3659.52TPS

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Insert Performance

        ndb_batch_size can also be important with LOAD DATA INFILE or
             You may get LongMessageBuffer Overload
                     ●   Increase it in config.ini to 32M or 48M
        Also REDO logs may get overloaded if your disks are too slow and/or
         the REDO is too small.

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Query Performance

        Queries needs to be tuned as “usual”:
             Slow query / general log
             From a monitoring system (like ClusterControl)
             + a methodology

     Copyright Severalnines 2012
Query Performance
 Slow query log
    set global slow_query_log=1;
    set global long_query_time=0.01;
    set global log_queries_not_using_indexes=1;

 General log (if you don’t get enough info in the Slow Query Log)
    Activate for a very short period of time (30-60seconds) – intrusive
    Can fill up disk very fast – make sure you turn it off.
    set global general_log=1;

 Use Severalnines ClusterControl
    Includes a Cluster-wide Query Monitor.
    Query frequency, EXPLAINs, lock time etc.
    Performance Monitor and Manager.

  Copyright Severalnines 2012
Data Types
 BLOB/TEXT columns are stored in an external hidden table.
    First 255B are stored inline in main table
    Reading a BLOB/TEXT requires two reads
    One for reading the Main table + reading from hidden table

    Your BLOB/TEXTs can fit within an 8052B record
    (record size is currently 8052 Bytes)
    Reading/writing VARCHAR/VARBINARY is less expensive

Note 1: BLOB/TEXT are also more expensive in Innodb as BLOB/TEXT data is not
   inlined with the table. Thus, two disk seeks are needed to read a BLOB.

Note 2: Store images, movies etc outside the database on the filesystem.
  Copyright Severalnines 2012
Data Types
 Example
CREATE TABLE `t1_blob` (


`data1` blob,

`data2` blob,



 Performance (8 threads, one mysqld, two data nodes):
   data1 and data2 as BLOBs: 5844TPS
   data1 and data2 as VARBINARY: 19206TPS
 ~3x

   Copyright Severalnines 2012

   Tables sharing the same PRIMARY KEY can be denormalized.
        Table T1: <UID, SOME_DATA>
        Table T2: <UID, SOME_OTHER_DATA
        SELECT * from T1,T2 WHERE T1.UID=T2.UID and T2.UID=1 requires
         two roundtrips.
        Starting with MySQL Cluster 7.2 only one roundtrip is needed,.

   Denormalize
        Table T12: <UID,SOME_DATA, SOME_OTHER_DATA>

   Improvement: 2X in throughput

Copyright Severalnines 2012
Query Tuning < 7.2
 Don't trust the OPTIMIZER in MySQL Cluster 7.1 and earlier
    Statistics gathering is non-existing
    Optimizer thinks there are only 10 rows to examine in each table!

 You have to do a lot of
    FORCE INDEX / STRAIGH_JOIN to get queries run the way you

 Copyright Severalnines 2012
Query Tuning < 7.2
 Classic example: if you have two similar indexes:
    index(a)
    index(a,ts)

on the following table
        CREATE TABLE `t1` (
     `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
     `a` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
     KEY `idx_t1_a` (`a`),
     KEY `idx_t1_a_ts` (`a`,`ts`)) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1

  Copyright Severalnines 2012
Query Tuning < 7.2
mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11';

    | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys             | key      | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
    | 1 | SIMPLE         | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a | 9                | const | 10 | Using where |

 Use FORCE INDEX(..) ...
mysql> explain select * from t1 FORCE INDEX (idx_t1_a_ts) where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05

+| 1 | SIMPLE       | t1   | ref | idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a_ts | 13           | const,const | 10 | Using where |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

     ensure the correct index is picked!

 The difference can be 1 record read instead of any number of

   Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Query Tuning in 7.2

             Must be performed periodically to rebuild index stats
             Make sure the explain show “Child of JOIN pushed down”
             This means that the Fast JOIN of NDB could be used
             SHOW WARNINGS;
                    ●   Shows why a Query was not pushed down.

     Copyright Severalnines 2012
 Problem:
   A Sendbuffer on the connection between mysqld and the data nodes is protected
    by a Mutex.
   Connection threads in MySQL must acquire Mutex and the put data in SendBuffer.
   Many threads gives more contention on the mutex
   Must scale out with many MySQL Servers.

 Workaround:
   Ndb_cluster_connection_pool (in my.cnf) creates more connections from one
    mysqld to the data nodes
   Threads load balance on the connections gives less contention on mutex which in
    turn gives increased scalabilty
   Less MySQL Servers needed to drive load!
   allows you to specify the connection
   >70 % improvement.

 Copyright Severalnines 2012
 Gives atleast 70% better performance and a MySQL Server that
  can scale beyond four database connections.

 Set Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=2x<CPU cores>
    It is a good starting point
    One free [mysqld] slot is required in config.ini for each
 4 mysql servers,each with Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8 requires 32
  [mysqld] in config.ini

  Copyright Severalnines 2012
Disk Data Tuning
 Disk Data Tables
    Un-indexed columns → tablespace on disk
    Indexed columns → DataMemory
 DiskPageBufferMemory (DPBM) – LRU page cache
    Like innodb_buffer_pool
    Should be big as possible
 If data not in DPBM                                      DiskPage
    Go to TS and fetch (Slow) IndexMemory DataMemory       Buffer
 If data is DPBM
                                               REDO LOG
    Return page (faster)                                 UNDO LOG

  Copyright Severalnines 2012
Disk Data Tuning
 DiskPageBufferMemory
     –   Hit ratio (derived from ndbinfo.diskpagebuffer):
     –   1000*page_requests_direct_return/
         (page_requests_direct_return +
     –   998 is good (like in innodb).
     –   DiskPageBufferMemory=2048M is a good start
                                   IndexMemory DataMemory         Buffer

                                                   REDO LOG
                                                                UNDO LOG

 Copyright Severalnines 2012
Disk Data Tuning
     –   Always overseen but can be extended overtime
     –   Set it to 50% of the REDO log size :
           ●   0.5 x NoOfFragmentLogFiles x FragmentLogFileSize
 Undo buffer (specd in CREATE LOGFILE GROUP)
     –   32M to 64M (like the RedoBuffer)
     –   SharedGlobalMemory=512M
                                  IndexMemory DataMemory           Buffer

                                                REDO LOG
                                                                  UNDO LOG

 Copyright Severalnines 2012
More on Cluster
 Severalnines Forum

 Johan Andersson @ blogspot
 Configuration and Deployment
      –   ~20 min to deploy a 4 node cluster (288 seconds is the
          World Record)
 Self-training

  Copyright Severalnines 2012


     Copyright Severalnines 2012

       Thank you for your time!

            Twitter: @severalnines

     Copyright Severalnines 2012

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Conference slides: MySQL Cluster Performance Tuning

  • 1. Performance Tuning of MySQL Cluster Santa Clara, April 2012 Johan Andersson Severalnines AB Cell +46 73 073 60 99 Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 2. 2 Agenda  Scaling and Partitioning  Designing a Scalable System  Insert Performance Tuning  Query Tuning  Random tricks  Disk Data Tuning Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 3. 3 Here is ... Access Layer App App Server Server MYSQL MYSQL STORAGE LAYER DATA DATA NODE NODE P0 P1 Node group 0 Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 4. 4 It can scale linearly ... Access Layer App App App App App App App App Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL NDBAPI NDBAPI NDBAPI STORAGE LAYER STORAGE LAYER STORAGE LAYER DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Node group 0 Node group 1 Node group 2 Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 5. if you find the bottlenecks  A lot of CPU is used on the data nodes  Probably a lot of large index scans and full table scans are used.  A lot of CPU is used on the mysql servers  Probably a lot of GROUP BY/DISTINCT or aggregate functions.  Hardly no CPU is used on either mysql or data nodes  Probably low load  Time is spent on network (a lot of “ping pong” to satisfy a request).  System is running slow in general  Disks (io util), queries, swap (should never happen) Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 6. and if you know how  Adding mysqlds – trivial – if the mysqld is the bottleneck  BUT! Adding data nodes  More data nodes does not automatically give better performance ● Latency may increase for a single query ● Total throughout will be improved  How to get both? Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 7. 7 Designing a Scalable System  Define the most typical Use Cases  List all my friends, session management etc etc.  Optimize everything for the typical use case  Keep it simple  Complex access patterns does not scale  Simple access patterns do ( Primay key and Partitioned Index Scans )  Note! There is no parameter in config.ini that affects performance – only availability.  Everything is about the Schema and the Queries.  Tune the mysql servers (sort buffers etc) as you would for innodb. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 8. 8 Simple Access  PRIMARY KEY lookups are HASH lookup O(1)  INDEX searches a T-tree and takes O(log n) time.  In 7.2 JOINs are ok, but in 7.1 you should try to avoid them. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 9. 9 Data Access Access Layer App App App App App App App App Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL NDBAPI NDBAPI NDBAPI STORAGE LAYER DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Node group 0 Node group 1 Node group 2 Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 10. 10 Data Access  One Request can hit all Partitions  Sub-optimal and won't scale Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 11. 11 Data Access Access Layer App App App App App App App App Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL MYSQL NDBAPI NDBAPI NDBAPI STORAGE LAYER DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Node group 0 Node group 1 Node group 2 Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 12. 12 Data Access  One Request hits one partition  Scales!  The number of Partitions (data nodes) does not matter!  Partitioning is important! Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 13. 13 Partitioning  MySQL Cluster auto-partitions based on the Primary Key  Data is spread randomly  If possible better to Partition on a part of the Primary Key  CREATE TABLE user_friends( userid, friendid , somedata, PRIMARY KEY (userid, friendid)) PARTITION BY KEY(userid)  All records with userid=X will be stored in the same partition!  Ultra important for MySQL Cluster 7.2 and Fast JOINs. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 14. 14 Partitioning  EXPLAIN PARTITIONS <query>  Tells you what partitions you touch.  Also verify with: mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’; +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 1 | +-----------------------+-------+  Increases when Partition Pruning could be used. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 15. 15 Insert Performance  Scaling Inserts  Option 1) Batch INSERTS if you can ● An insert batch of 10 records will perform 10x faster than 10 single inserts! ● INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (<record1>), (<record2>), …,(<recordN>)  Option 2) Many threads (parallelism)  Or a combo of both  Dumpfiles or LOAD DATA INFILEs  Chunk them up and load in parallel on several mysqlds Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 16. 16 Insert Performance  INSERTs in a table with AUTO_INCREMENT  MySQL Server query Data nodes for an auto_increment – The mysqld can hold a range of autoincs (cache) – Before an INSERT, and autoinc must be fetched from either Data node (slow) or on the cache (fast)  ndb_autoincremet_prefetch_sz sets the cache size and it affects insert perf: – ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz=1: 1211.91TPS – ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz=256: 3471.71TPS – ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz=1024: 3659.52TPS Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 17. 17 Insert Performance  ndb_batch_size can also be important with LOAD DATA INFILE or dumps  SET GLOBAL|SESSION NDB_BATCH_SIZE = 16M  You may get LongMessageBuffer Overload ● Increase it in config.ini to 32M or 48M  Also REDO logs may get overloaded if your disks are too slow and/or the REDO is too small. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 18. 18 Query Performance  Queries needs to be tuned as “usual”:  Slow query / general log  From a monitoring system (like ClusterControl)  + a methodology Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 19. Query Performance  Slow query log  set global slow_query_log=1;  set global long_query_time=0.01;  set global log_queries_not_using_indexes=1;  General log (if you don’t get enough info in the Slow Query Log)  Activate for a very short period of time (30-60seconds) – intrusive  Can fill up disk very fast – make sure you turn it off.  set global general_log=1;  Use Severalnines ClusterControl  Includes a Cluster-wide Query Monitor.  Query frequency, EXPLAINs, lock time etc.  Performance Monitor and Manager. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 20. Data Types  BLOB/TEXT columns are stored in an external hidden table.  First 255B are stored inline in main table  Reading a BLOB/TEXT requires two reads  One for reading the Main table + reading from hidden table  Change to VARBINARY/VARCHAR if:  Your BLOB/TEXTs can fit within an 8052B record  (record size is currently 8052 Bytes)  Reading/writing VARCHAR/VARBINARY is less expensive Note 1: BLOB/TEXT are also more expensive in Innodb as BLOB/TEXT data is not inlined with the table. Thus, two disk seeks are needed to read a BLOB. Note 2: Store images, movies etc outside the database on the filesystem. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 21. Data Types  Example CREATE TABLE `t1_blob` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `data1` blob, `data2` blob, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )ENGINE=ndbcluster  Performance (8 threads, one mysqld, two data nodes):  data1 and data2 as BLOBs: 5844TPS  data1 and data2 as VARBINARY: 19206TPS  ~3x Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 22. Denormalize  Tables sharing the same PRIMARY KEY can be denormalized.  Table T1: <UID, SOME_DATA>  Table T2: <UID, SOME_OTHER_DATA  SELECT * from T1,T2 WHERE T1.UID=T2.UID and T2.UID=1 requires two roundtrips.  Starting with MySQL Cluster 7.2 only one roundtrip is needed,.  Denormalize  Table T12: <UID,SOME_DATA, SOME_OTHER_DATA>  Improvement: 2X in throughput Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 23. Query Tuning < 7.2  Don't trust the OPTIMIZER in MySQL Cluster 7.1 and earlier  Statistics gathering is non-existing  Optimizer thinks there are only 10 rows to examine in each table!  You have to do a lot of  FORCE INDEX / STRAIGH_JOIN to get queries run the way you want. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 24. Query Tuning < 7.2  Classic example: if you have two similar indexes:  index(a)  index(a,ts) on the following table CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `a` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `ts` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_t1_a` (`a`), KEY `idx_t1_a_ts` (`a`,`ts`)) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 25. Query Tuning < 7.2 mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11'; +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a | 9 | const | 10 | Using where | +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+  Use FORCE INDEX(..) ... mysql> explain select * from t1 FORCE INDEX (idx_t1_a_ts) where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11; +| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a_ts | 13 | const,const | 10 | Using where | 1 row in set (0.00 sec)  ensure the correct index is picked!  The difference can be 1 record read instead of any number of records! Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 26. 26 Query Tuning in 7.2  ANALYZE TABLE  Must be performed periodically to rebuild index stats  EXPLAIN EXTENDED/PARTITIONS  Make sure the explain show “Child of JOIN pushed down”  This means that the Fast JOIN of NDB could be used  SHOW WARNINGS; ● Shows why a Query was not pushed down. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 27. Ndb_cluster_connection_pool  Problem:  A Sendbuffer on the connection between mysqld and the data nodes is protected by a Mutex.  Connection threads in MySQL must acquire Mutex and the put data in SendBuffer.  Many threads gives more contention on the mutex  Must scale out with many MySQL Servers.  Workaround:  Ndb_cluster_connection_pool (in my.cnf) creates more connections from one mysqld to the data nodes  Threads load balance on the connections gives less contention on mutex which in turn gives increased scalabilty  Less MySQL Servers needed to drive load!  allows you to specify the connection pool.  >70 % improvement. Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 28. Ndb_cluster_connection_pool  Gives atleast 70% better performance and a MySQL Server that can scale beyond four database connections.  Set Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=2x<CPU cores>  It is a good starting point  One free [mysqld] slot is required in config.ini for each Ndb_cluster_connection.  4 mysql servers,each with Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8 requires 32 [mysqld] in config.ini Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 29. Disk Data Tuning  Disk Data Tables  Un-indexed columns → tablespace on disk  Indexed columns → DataMemory  DiskPageBufferMemory (DPBM) – LRU page cache  Like innodb_buffer_pool  Should be big as possible  If data not in DPBM DiskPage  Go to TS and fetch (Slow) IndexMemory DataMemory Buffer Memory  If data is DPBM REDO LOG  Return page (faster) UNDO LOG Tablespace Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 30. Disk Data Tuning  DiskPageBufferMemory – Hit ratio (derived from ndbinfo.diskpagebuffer): – 1000*page_requests_direct_return/ (page_requests_direct_return + page_requests_wait_io+ page_requests_wait_queue) – 998 is good (like in innodb). – DiskPageBufferMemory=2048M is a good start DiskPage IndexMemory DataMemory Buffer Memory REDO LOG UNDO LOG Tablespace Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 31. Disk Data Tuning  UNDO LOG – Always overseen but can be extended overtime – Set it to 50% of the REDO log size : ● 0.5 x NoOfFragmentLogFiles x FragmentLogFileSize  Undo buffer (specd in CREATE LOGFILE GROUP) – 32M to 64M (like the RedoBuffer) – SharedGlobalMemory=512M DiskPage IndexMemory DataMemory Buffer Memory REDO LOG UNDO LOG Tablespace Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 32. More on Cluster  Severalnines Forum –  Johan Andersson @ blogspot –  Configuration and Deployment – – ~20 min to deploy a 4 node cluster (288 seconds is the World Record)  Self-training – Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 33. 33 Q&A Copyright Severalnines 2012
  • 34. 34 Thank you for your time! Twitter: @severalnines Copyright Severalnines 2012