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Equine Nutrition
 Very delicate dietary needs
 Management needs to focus on their
digestive tract and psychology of prey
Horse and Donkeys
Mouth- lips, tongue and teeth
- Full set of teeth, flat for grinding
- Lips- very sensitive
- Use both teeth and lips to get food
- Produce a lot
- Lube and buffer in proximal region of
Digestive tract
Non-ruminant herbivore
- Designed to eat plants, ( primarily grasses)
and graze over large distances, ingesting
a wide variety of forages in small amounts
- Confined horses with limited access to
pasture, who are fed two to three times a
day must be carefully maintained to
avoid digestive problems
Physiology of the Equine GI
 Monogastric with a functioning cecum
 The cecum with its large amount of microbial
digestion is very similar to the rumen
 Proper dental care is essential for digestion in the
 The muscles of the esophagus ( cardiac sphincter)
are so strong where they meet the stomach that
vomiting or belching is almost impossible for a
 Horses will also overeat due to a poorly
functioning satiety center ( they do not feel full
and stop eating)
 Small as they are grazers, should eat small amounts
throughout the day
 Cardiac sphincter- is so strong that it does not
allow vomiting
 Pyloric sphincter
- Rupture of the stomach is possible
- Stress >>> no eating>>>> then overeat
- Usually eat the wrong type of feed
- Fermenting in the stomach>> lactic acid which
impairs the relaxation of the pyloric sphincter and
emptying of the stomach ( can happen when
weaning foals)
Small Intestine
 Responsible for the digestion of
 Glycemic index: determined by composition
of the diet ( grain, forage and fat) affects
glucose levels in the body
 Pre-cecal digestion
- Depends on the type of grains and how they
are processed
- If pre-cecal digestion does not occur >>>
rapid fermentation of the contents of the
cecum can lead to colic
 Large because these are hind gut fermenters
 Anatomical design leads to problems in
- A blind sac which has a very high entrance
and exit
- If there is not enough water in the diet, the
cecum will become impacted
The cecum requires a very slow transition is the
diet is being changed
 Finishes fermentation
 Absorbs water
Feeding Consumption and
Slowing Consumption
 Donkey
- Do not graze as often as horses
- Very easy keepers
- Don’t need to supplement
- Very selective grazers
- Very picky eaters
- Palatability and availability important
 Spend approximately 50% of the day grazing,
mostly during the daylight hours
 Time spent grazing depends on pasture
quality and amount of forage available
Slow down the consumption of concentrates to
prevent GI disturbances:
- Spread grain thinly over a large surface
- Utilize compartments in the feed box to slow
- Feed small amounts often
 Better utilized when fed about 2 hours
after roughage is fed, due to slowing of
passage through GI tract
 The conventional procedure of feeding
the concentrate with or before the hay is
likely to depress the net value of the
dietary protein
 Aids in digestion and elimination of wastes
 Must have fresh, clean drinking water
available at all times
 Drink 10-12 gallons a day which increases
with exercise and temperature
 Pregnant mares will also need more water
 Allows the horse to maintain optimum body
condition for performance, reproduction and
 Body condition scores are assessed to estimate if
energy levels are adequate
1. Poor 7. Fleshy
2. Very thin 8. fat
3. Thin 9. extremely fat
4. Moderately thin
5. Moderate
6. Moderately fleshy
Feeding Different Classes of
 Daily rations depend on a horses lifestyle
 NRC’s 2007 Nutrient Requirement of
Horses is used by veterinarians and
technicians to make feeding
recommendations to owners
 Very important to provide pasture and hay
Grass forages
- Are low in Ca and high in P
- Are high in Ca and low in P
• You want to feed a combination of grass and
• Lactating or growing foals will need
additional additives to meet their specific
dietary needs
Forages Continued
Tall Fescue can be infected with endophytes
- Not for use in pregnant mares
- A very good choice if it is affordable
- High protein
- Feed in small amounts
- Inspect for blister beetles which will be very
irritable to the horses and can lead to colic
Timothy hay is another good choice
Feeds for Horses
Electrolytes and Minerals
- Especially important in endurance animals
- Necessary for bursts of energy, utilizing muscle
- Needs vary by the animal and its use
- Improves hoof condition
- Is very expensive to supplement in horses
Feeds for Horses ( cont)
- High grain diets can predispose them to
- Quality is most important for young animals
- Lysine is the most limiting amino acid in horse
diets ( endurance horses are not fed high-
protein diets or alfalfa hay)
Minerals ( Ca, P, Se, Cu, Zn, Na, K and Cl)
- Adjusted when changes in hay or
Feeds for Horses ( cont)
Vitamins- not required if on good quality
hay or pasture
- Supplementation of A, E and D when
green forage is lacking in the diet
- Supplementation of animals kept in stalls
and during training
- Vitamin E reduces immunosuppression
- Horses have very low levels of calcidiol
Early pasture season problems
 Intake is too high when horses are first put
out to pasture in the spring or if pastures
are lush and growing rapidly
 Overeating at this time can cause
diarrhea, colic and laminitis
Managing pasture time in
 Remove horses from pasture as soon as they
have eaten the available forage
 Horses prefer younger growth because they
digest forage less efficiently than cattle
 The horses small stomach means they need
short grazing sessions at frequent intervals
 Horses spend more time walking around and
eating then cows, especially if alone
Pre-cecal digestion and fat
Processing of corn
- Whole corn undergoes little pre-cecal
digestion so when it reaches the cecum,
unprocessed, it leads to rapid fermentation
which can lead to colic and other digestive
- Ground corn is best for digestion in the horse
- Corn is referred to as a “hot feed” because it
contains so much starch
 Whole grain
 Good pre-cecal digestion in horses
 Additional processing is usually not an
 Crimping or micronized can decrease
pre-cecal digestibility
 Horses do not have a gall bladder, bile is
released directly into the digestive tract
 Fats in the diet delay gastric emptying of
 Supplement fats only if exercise increases
and intake is maximal
 Pre-cecal digestibility determines the proportion of
cereal carbohydrates absorbed as glucose and
that absorbed as Volatile Fatty Acids and the
potential for adverse hindgut fermentation
 Pre-cecal digestibility of oat starch exceed that of
corn, barley, and sorghum
 Grinding enhances pre-cecal digestibility but
reduces shelf life of cereals
 Small intestine carbohydrate digestibility is
influenced by the type of cereal, grain processing
and amount fed
Carbohydrates ( cont)
 High pre-cecal digestibility decreases the amount
of lactic acid and other organic acids in the large
intestine and the problems of grain overload
 When undigested starch reaches the ileum and
cecum, organic acid production is increased and
the Ph is decreased
 Feed modification is important in nutrient
utilization but more important in preventing
hindgut problems
 This is why most horse owners prefer to feed oats
instead of corn
Feeding Programs for Horses
 Maintenance
 Reproduction
 Growth
 Performance
 Aging
 foals
Maintenance Horses
 Mature, non working horses that are not
pregnant or nursing
 May need supplements depending on
pasture and forages in the diet
 Good quality pasture in summer and hay
in winter
 Adequate forages will deter many
abnormal behaviors
 Increased Calcium and Phosphorus
 Make sure they have an acceptable body
condition score
 Gradual increase in intake around 6 months
and by 8-10 months, 20% increase
 Maintain BCS 5-7, moderate, fleshy condition
but not obese
 Ca and P needs increase in last trimester and
during lactation
 Prenatal nutrition- Cu to foal in utero reduces
Development Orthopedic
 The term "DOD" describes a variety of
orthopedic disorders in growing horses.
Contracted tendons, wobbles, phystis,
osteochondritis, osteochondrosis
dissecans (OCD) and angular limb
deformities are all considered
Development Orthopedic Disease.
 Critical in avoiding DOD
 Use of creep feed
 Accelerated is bad for bone and joint
 Anaerobic activity- build up reserves of
glycogen for easily accessible energy
 Aerobic- utilizes fatty acids and stores
 Ergogenic aids
- Additives
- Metabolites
- Enhances performance
- Sodium bicarb milkshake prevents lactic acid
build up, given before the race BANNED
Aging Horses
 Small amounts at a time of a highly
digestible feed
 Teeth are extremely important, owner
must pay attention to them
 Senior pelleted diets are complete but for
optimum GI health, they need forages
Breeding Meet the requirement of the mare and the
 Nutritional needs change during gestation
 Early gestation, late gestation or lactation
 Body condition scoring is essential
 First 8 months of gestation nutritional
requirements are similar to maintenance
 Last 3-4 months of pregnancy must increase
protein, energy, vitamins and minerals
 Foaling/lactation consume between 2-3 % of
body weight
Stallion Nutrition
 Maintenance until breeding season
( protein requirements are higher than
mare maintenance)
 Assess body condition prior to breeding
 Thin stallions can have reduced libido and
Aged Horse Nutrition
 Genetics and lifestyle determine when a
horse is classified as aged
 Many older horses have dental problems
which can lead to severe nutritional
 Motility of the digestive tract can also
decrease with age
 Processed feeds may lead to better
Normal Foal Nutrition
 Must receive colostrum within the first 18 hours
of birth
 May need an enema to pass meconium
 The mares diet should provide all the required
nutrients so her milk will lead to optimal
growth in the foal
 Coprophagy will actually benefit the foal by
providing the GI tract with necessary
 Orphan foals need a nurse mare, nurse goat
or milk replacer
 Normal foal behavior, possibly due to
pheromones, it should not be
 Innoculates the GI tract with necessary
bacteria, and vitamins
 Starts as early as the first week of life,
especially during the first two months,
utilizing the feces of the mare
Nutritional supplements for
 If foals are unable to feed, they must be
supported by enteral or parenteral feeding
 Delayed feeding of the foal can lead to
- won’t get colostrum which is necessary for the
foals immune system
- Reduction in intestinal villi height
- Decreased weight of stomach, pancreas and
small intestine
- Increased risk of necrotizing entercolitis
 Alters growth rate
 Copper is involved in the cross linking of
 Growth plate is a very active region
 Ca:P ratio needs to be correct
Donkey Feeding and Nutrition
 Higher forage digestibility
 Very adaptable, easy keeper
 Energy- low resting metabolism
 Can utilize straw
 Water- don’t need to drink as much because they
don’t waste as much energy, and don’t sweat as
 Major problems: over feeding leading to obesity
 Like short grass
 Utilize protein very efficiently
Laminitis Founder or lameness, especially of the forefeet
- Genetic differences in susceptibility
- Exposure to black walnut
• Inflammation of the sensitive laminae of hoof
• Nutritional etiology- carbohydrate overload of
- Grain or lush pasture ( overloading)
- Grain with low pre-cecal digestibility
* Microbial growth increases lactate and microbial
Laminitis ( con’t)
 Preventative nutritional intervention includes:
- Avoid sudden exposure to lush pasture or
- Maintain susceptible animals on dry feed
such as grass hay
- If grain mix is used, factor in pre-cecal
digestibility and glycemic index
- If grain is fed, feed using Virginiamycin as an
Azoturia Characterized by dark, sweet-smelling urine,
myoglobinuria, severe muscle cramping
( tying up), animal is stiff and sore and in great
 A genetic condition may predispose horses to
this condition ( improper use of glycogen)
 Associated with hard exercise and forced
 Vit E and Se deficiency and electrolyte
imbalance may predispose horses to it
Azoturia nutritional intervention
 Feed balanced ration in small meals to
avoid excess glycogen storage
 Feed a low – energy diet with added fat
and avoid grain
 Feed high-quality alfalfa hay but make
sure to balance for Ca and P
Starvation and Neglect
 Detrimental effects on the immune system,
digestive tract health, healing and body score
Feeding a starved, neglected horse ( Stull, 2003)
1. Days 1-3 one pound of leafy alfalfa every 4 hours
2. Days 4-10 increase amount of alfalfa to four
pounds every 8 hours by day 6
3. Day 10 to several months feed as much alfalfa as
the horse will eat twice a day. Provide a salt block.
Do not feed grains or supplements until the horse
maintains a normal body score
 Generic term for abdominal pain caused by
distension of the gastrointestinal tract
 Many causes of colic are related to the diet
 Impaction
- Due to reduced water intake
- Poorly digestible feeds
- Ingestion of sand
- Sudden diet changes
- Poisonous plants
Colic ( cont)
 Gas- from fermentation
- Consumption of lush green forage or grain
- Sudden change to a much lower nutritional
• Irritation of gastrointestinal tract or alteration
of motility
- Poisonous plants
- Blister beetles in hay
Possible Causes of Colic
 Feeding unwholesome feeds
 Horses bolt their feed
 Overfeeding
 Irregular feeding schedule
 One large meal per day
 Diet changes without a transition period
 Inability to vomit
Vitamin deficiencies
 Se and Vit E
- White muscle disease and steatitis in foals
- Reproductive failure and azoturia in
- Equine motor neuron disease due to low
plasma vit E
White Muscle Disease
- stiff, stilted gait, hopping in rear legs
- Necropsy shows mottled white patches of
gritty feeling muscle
Vitamin Def ( cont)
 Selenium deficiency
- In presence of adequate vitamin E
- Generalized steatitis
- Subcutaneaous fat is grossly tan and appears
• Biotin deficiency
- Hoof wall problems
- Low in grains
- corn and soybean meal> oats> wheat, barley and
- Bacteria in gut generates avidin which binds biotin
Horse Feeding Wrap up
 Keep feed boxes clean
 Make feed changes, especially
carbohydrates gradually
 Feed frequently
 Feed at the same time of day
 Feed by weight, not volume
 Slow horses that bolt food by spreading feed
 Check teeth regularly
 Have fresh water available at all times

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Session 11 horse_nutrition

  • 1. Equine Nutrition  Very delicate dietary needs  Management needs to focus on their digestive tract and psychology of prey animals
  • 2. Horse and Donkeys Mouth- lips, tongue and teeth - Full set of teeth, flat for grinding - Lips- very sensitive - Use both teeth and lips to get food Saliva - Produce a lot - Lube and buffer in proximal region of stomach
  • 3. Digestive tract Non-ruminant herbivore - Designed to eat plants, ( primarily grasses) and graze over large distances, ingesting a wide variety of forages in small amounts - Confined horses with limited access to pasture, who are fed two to three times a day must be carefully maintained to avoid digestive problems
  • 4. Physiology of the Equine GI tract  Monogastric with a functioning cecum  The cecum with its large amount of microbial digestion is very similar to the rumen  Proper dental care is essential for digestion in the horse  The muscles of the esophagus ( cardiac sphincter) are so strong where they meet the stomach that vomiting or belching is almost impossible for a horse  Horses will also overeat due to a poorly functioning satiety center ( they do not feel full and stop eating)
  • 5. Stomach  Small as they are grazers, should eat small amounts throughout the day  Cardiac sphincter- is so strong that it does not allow vomiting  Pyloric sphincter - Rupture of the stomach is possible - Stress >>> no eating>>>> then overeat - Usually eat the wrong type of feed - Fermenting in the stomach>> lactic acid which impairs the relaxation of the pyloric sphincter and emptying of the stomach ( can happen when weaning foals)
  • 6. Small Intestine  Responsible for the digestion of macromolecules  Glycemic index: determined by composition of the diet ( grain, forage and fat) affects glucose levels in the body  Pre-cecal digestion - Depends on the type of grains and how they are processed - If pre-cecal digestion does not occur >>> rapid fermentation of the contents of the cecum can lead to colic
  • 7. Cecum  Large because these are hind gut fermenters  Anatomical design leads to problems in digestion - A blind sac which has a very high entrance and exit - If there is not enough water in the diet, the cecum will become impacted The cecum requires a very slow transition is the diet is being changed
  • 9. Feeding Consumption and Slowing Consumption  Donkey - Do not graze as often as horses - Very easy keepers - Don’t need to supplement Horses - Very selective grazers - Very picky eaters - Palatability and availability important
  • 10. Grazers  Spend approximately 50% of the day grazing, mostly during the daylight hours  Time spent grazing depends on pasture quality and amount of forage available Slow down the consumption of concentrates to prevent GI disturbances: - Spread grain thinly over a large surface - Utilize compartments in the feed box to slow consumption - Feed small amounts often
  • 11. Concentrates  Better utilized when fed about 2 hours after roughage is fed, due to slowing of passage through GI tract  The conventional procedure of feeding the concentrate with or before the hay is likely to depress the net value of the dietary protein
  • 12. Water  Aids in digestion and elimination of wastes  Must have fresh, clean drinking water available at all times  Drink 10-12 gallons a day which increases with exercise and temperature  Pregnant mares will also need more water
  • 13. Energy  Allows the horse to maintain optimum body condition for performance, reproduction and growth  Body condition scores are assessed to estimate if energy levels are adequate 1. Poor 7. Fleshy 2. Very thin 8. fat 3. Thin 9. extremely fat 4. Moderately thin 5. Moderate 6. Moderately fleshy
  • 14. Feeding Different Classes of Horses  Daily rations depend on a horses lifestyle  NRC’s 2007 Nutrient Requirement of Horses is used by veterinarians and technicians to make feeding recommendations to owners
  • 15. Forages  Very important to provide pasture and hay Grass forages - Are low in Ca and high in P Legumes - Are high in Ca and low in P • You want to feed a combination of grass and legumes • Lactating or growing foals will need additional additives to meet their specific dietary needs
  • 16. Forages Continued Tall Fescue can be infected with endophytes - Not for use in pregnant mares Alfalfa - A very good choice if it is affordable - High protein - Feed in small amounts - Inspect for blister beetles which will be very irritable to the horses and can lead to colic Timothy hay is another good choice
  • 17. Feeds for Horses Electrolytes and Minerals - Especially important in endurance animals - Necessary for bursts of energy, utilizing muscle glycogen - Needs vary by the animal and its use Vitamins Biotin - Improves hoof condition - Is very expensive to supplement in horses
  • 18. Feeds for Horses ( cont) Carbohydrates - High grain diets can predispose them to laminitis Protein - Quality is most important for young animals - Lysine is the most limiting amino acid in horse diets ( endurance horses are not fed high- protein diets or alfalfa hay) Minerals ( Ca, P, Se, Cu, Zn, Na, K and Cl) - Adjusted when changes in hay or training/exercise
  • 19. Feeds for Horses ( cont) Vitamins- not required if on good quality hay or pasture - Supplementation of A, E and D when green forage is lacking in the diet - Supplementation of animals kept in stalls and during training - Vitamin E reduces immunosuppression - Horses have very low levels of calcidiol
  • 20. Early pasture season problems  Intake is too high when horses are first put out to pasture in the spring or if pastures are lush and growing rapidly  Overeating at this time can cause diarrhea, colic and laminitis
  • 21. Managing pasture time in horses  Remove horses from pasture as soon as they have eaten the available forage  Horses prefer younger growth because they digest forage less efficiently than cattle  The horses small stomach means they need short grazing sessions at frequent intervals  Horses spend more time walking around and eating then cows, especially if alone
  • 22. Pre-cecal digestion and fat use Processing of corn - Whole corn undergoes little pre-cecal digestion so when it reaches the cecum, unprocessed, it leads to rapid fermentation which can lead to colic and other digestive upsets - Ground corn is best for digestion in the horse - Corn is referred to as a “hot feed” because it contains so much starch
  • 23. Oats  Whole grain  Good pre-cecal digestion in horses  Additional processing is usually not an advantage  Crimping or micronized can decrease pre-cecal digestibility
  • 24. Fats  Horses do not have a gall bladder, bile is released directly into the digestive tract  Fats in the diet delay gastric emptying of carbohydrates  Supplement fats only if exercise increases and intake is maximal
  • 25. Carbohydrates  Pre-cecal digestibility determines the proportion of cereal carbohydrates absorbed as glucose and that absorbed as Volatile Fatty Acids and the potential for adverse hindgut fermentation  Pre-cecal digestibility of oat starch exceed that of corn, barley, and sorghum  Grinding enhances pre-cecal digestibility but reduces shelf life of cereals  Small intestine carbohydrate digestibility is influenced by the type of cereal, grain processing and amount fed
  • 26. Carbohydrates ( cont)  High pre-cecal digestibility decreases the amount of lactic acid and other organic acids in the large intestine and the problems of grain overload  When undigested starch reaches the ileum and cecum, organic acid production is increased and the Ph is decreased  Feed modification is important in nutrient utilization but more important in preventing hindgut problems  This is why most horse owners prefer to feed oats instead of corn
  • 27. Feeding Programs for Horses  Maintenance  Reproduction  Growth  Performance  Aging  foals
  • 28. Maintenance Horses  Mature, non working horses that are not pregnant or nursing  May need supplements depending on pasture and forages in the diet  Good quality pasture in summer and hay in winter  Adequate forages will deter many abnormal behaviors
  • 29. Reproduction  Increased Calcium and Phosphorus  Make sure they have an acceptable body condition score  Gradual increase in intake around 6 months and by 8-10 months, 20% increase  Maintain BCS 5-7, moderate, fleshy condition but not obese  Ca and P needs increase in last trimester and during lactation  Prenatal nutrition- Cu to foal in utero reduces DOD
  • 30. Development Orthopedic Disease  The term "DOD" describes a variety of orthopedic disorders in growing horses. Contracted tendons, wobbles, phystis, osteochondritis, osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) and angular limb deformities are all considered Development Orthopedic Disease.
  • 31. Growth  Critical in avoiding DOD  Use of creep feed  Accelerated is bad for bone and joint formation
  • 32. Performance  Anaerobic activity- build up reserves of glycogen for easily accessible energy  Aerobic- utilizes fatty acids and stores glycogen  Ergogenic aids - Additives - Metabolites - Enhances performance - Sodium bicarb milkshake prevents lactic acid build up, given before the race BANNED
  • 33. Aging Horses  Small amounts at a time of a highly digestible feed  Teeth are extremely important, owner must pay attention to them  Senior pelleted diets are complete but for optimum GI health, they need forages
  • 34. Breeding Meet the requirement of the mare and the foal  Nutritional needs change during gestation  Early gestation, late gestation or lactation  Body condition scoring is essential  First 8 months of gestation nutritional requirements are similar to maintenance  Last 3-4 months of pregnancy must increase protein, energy, vitamins and minerals  Foaling/lactation consume between 2-3 % of body weight
  • 35. Stallion Nutrition  Maintenance until breeding season ( protein requirements are higher than mare maintenance)  Assess body condition prior to breeding season  Thin stallions can have reduced libido and fertility
  • 36. Aged Horse Nutrition  Genetics and lifestyle determine when a horse is classified as aged  Many older horses have dental problems which can lead to severe nutritional problems  Motility of the digestive tract can also decrease with age  Processed feeds may lead to better absorption
  • 37. Normal Foal Nutrition  Must receive colostrum within the first 18 hours of birth  May need an enema to pass meconium  The mares diet should provide all the required nutrients so her milk will lead to optimal growth in the foal  Coprophagy will actually benefit the foal by providing the GI tract with necessary microbes  Orphan foals need a nurse mare, nurse goat or milk replacer
  • 38. Coprophagy  Normal foal behavior, possibly due to pheromones, it should not be discouraged  Innoculates the GI tract with necessary bacteria, and vitamins  Starts as early as the first week of life, especially during the first two months, utilizing the feces of the mare
  • 39. Nutritional supplements for foals  If foals are unable to feed, they must be supported by enteral or parenteral feeding  Delayed feeding of the foal can lead to problems - won’t get colostrum which is necessary for the foals immune system - Reduction in intestinal villi height - Decreased weight of stomach, pancreas and small intestine - Increased risk of necrotizing entercolitis
  • 40. DOD  Alters growth rate  Copper is involved in the cross linking of matix  Growth plate is a very active region  Ca:P ratio needs to be correct
  • 41. Donkey Feeding and Nutrition  Higher forage digestibility  Very adaptable, easy keeper  Energy- low resting metabolism  Can utilize straw  Water- don’t need to drink as much because they don’t waste as much energy, and don’t sweat as much  Major problems: over feeding leading to obesity  Like short grass  Utilize protein very efficiently
  • 42. Laminitis Founder or lameness, especially of the forefeet - Genetic differences in susceptibility - Exposure to black walnut • Inflammation of the sensitive laminae of hoof • Nutritional etiology- carbohydrate overload of hindgut - Grain or lush pasture ( overloading) - Grain with low pre-cecal digestibility * Microbial growth increases lactate and microbial toxins
  • 43. Laminitis ( con’t)  Preventative nutritional intervention includes: - Avoid sudden exposure to lush pasture or grain - Maintain susceptible animals on dry feed such as grass hay - If grain mix is used, factor in pre-cecal digestibility and glycemic index - If grain is fed, feed using Virginiamycin as an additive
  • 44. Azoturia Characterized by dark, sweet-smelling urine, myoglobinuria, severe muscle cramping ( tying up), animal is stiff and sore and in great pain  A genetic condition may predispose horses to this condition ( improper use of glycogen)  Associated with hard exercise and forced immobility  Vit E and Se deficiency and electrolyte imbalance may predispose horses to it
  • 45. Azoturia nutritional intervention  Feed balanced ration in small meals to avoid excess glycogen storage  Feed a low – energy diet with added fat and avoid grain  Feed high-quality alfalfa hay but make sure to balance for Ca and P
  • 46. Starvation and Neglect  Detrimental effects on the immune system, digestive tract health, healing and body score Feeding a starved, neglected horse ( Stull, 2003) 1. Days 1-3 one pound of leafy alfalfa every 4 hours 2. Days 4-10 increase amount of alfalfa to four pounds every 8 hours by day 6 3. Day 10 to several months feed as much alfalfa as the horse will eat twice a day. Provide a salt block. Do not feed grains or supplements until the horse maintains a normal body score
  • 47. Colic  Generic term for abdominal pain caused by distension of the gastrointestinal tract  Many causes of colic are related to the diet  Impaction - Due to reduced water intake - Poorly digestible feeds - Ingestion of sand - Sudden diet changes - Poisonous plants
  • 48. Colic ( cont)  Gas- from fermentation - Consumption of lush green forage or grain - Sudden change to a much lower nutritional plane • Irritation of gastrointestinal tract or alteration of motility - Poisonous plants - Blister beetles in hay
  • 49. Possible Causes of Colic  Feeding unwholesome feeds  Horses bolt their feed  Overfeeding  Irregular feeding schedule  One large meal per day  Diet changes without a transition period  Inability to vomit
  • 50. Vitamin deficiencies  Se and Vit E - White muscle disease and steatitis in foals - Reproductive failure and azoturia in adults - Equine motor neuron disease due to low plasma vit E White Muscle Disease - stiff, stilted gait, hopping in rear legs - Necropsy shows mottled white patches of gritty feeling muscle
  • 51. Vitamin Def ( cont)  Selenium deficiency - In presence of adequate vitamin E - Generalized steatitis - Subcutaneaous fat is grossly tan and appears necrotic • Biotin deficiency - Hoof wall problems - Low in grains - corn and soybean meal> oats> wheat, barley and milo - Bacteria in gut generates avidin which binds biotin
  • 52. Horse Feeding Wrap up  Keep feed boxes clean  Make feed changes, especially carbohydrates gradually  Feed frequently  Feed at the same time of day  Feed by weight, not volume  Slow horses that bolt food by spreading feed out  Check teeth regularly  Have fresh water available at all times