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Service Integration in the Web of Things 1|
Simon Mayer
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Service Integration in the Web of Things
Service Integration in the Web of Things 2|
Simon Mayer
Simon Mayer, PhD Student at ETH Zurich, WoT since 2009
Example: Sensor Platforms
Sensors: Temperature, Ambient Light, Accelerometer
Actuators: 8 LEDs, Analog Outputs (e.g., motor controller)
Example: Smart Cars
Sensors: Speed, GPS, Fuel Consumption, Total KM
Actuators: Unlock, Start, Accelerate, Brake
Service Integration in the Web of Things 11|
Simon Mayer
 Services measure or actuate values in the real, physical
world. They are provided by smart things
 Smart environments allow well-informed decisions
 Umbrella lights up if the forecast shows rain
 Smart environments can perform complex tasks
 Example: Music stream that follows the user
Service Integration and the Web of Things
Service Integration in the Web of Things 12|
Simon Mayer
 Smart Things can already do powerful tasks by themselves…
Service Integration and the Web of Things
 Open endpoints that are accessible by all authorized users
 Modeling according to the REST principles
However, the full potential is realized by
integrating functionality across services
The “Social Web of Things” (Ericsson, 2010)
Note the explicit communication between David and his smart
“Leaving work”, “Sophia comes”, “No dinner”, “Order the usual”
…and the hidden communication between smart things
Oven, carpet vacuuming, smart umbrella, HiFi downloading playlist
Our Menu for Today.
Introduction/Overview WS-* Web Services
REST Service Integration Features
Service Integration via Structured Metadata
(WoT in the Wild)Semantic Service Integration
vous êtes ici
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Unexplored State of Usability
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Unexplored State of Usability
Service Integration in the Web of Things 18|
Simon Mayer
Service Integration in the Web of Things
Overview: WoT Concepts and Challenges
Saint Germain au Mont d’Or, France
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Service Integration in the Web of Things 19|
Simon Mayer
 Definitions of the following concepts in a Web of Things
 Major challenges for service integration
Web of Things Concepts and Challenges
Smart Things
Automatic Service
Service Integration in the Web of Things 20|
Simon Mayer
 Cyber-physical functionality
 Sensing, Actuation (or both) of real, physical quantities
 Structured according to the REST principles
 Respect the HATEOAS property (application statelessness)
 Interfaces are “open”, but secure
 Fully described for people and machines
 Interacting Smart Things: Smart Environments
Smart Things in the Web of Things (WoT)
Service Integration in the Web of Things 21|
Simon Mayer
Smart Things in the Web of Things
Example: RESTful Sun SPOTs
Service Integration in the Web of Things 22|
Simon Mayer
 Generally: Services are Sub-Resources of Smart Things
 A Smart Thing itself (i.e., the top URL) can also be a service
Services in the Web of Things
M. Kovatsch, S. Mayer, and B. Ostermaier. Towards the Thin Server Architecture for the Internet of Things, 2012
Service Integration in the Web of Things 23|
Simon Mayer
Services in the Web of Things
Example: RESTful Sun SPOTs
Temperature Sensor:
Service Integration in the Web of Things 24|
Simon Mayer
Services in the Web of Things
Example: RESTful Sun SPOTs
LED Switch:
Service Integration in the Web of Things 25|
Simon Mayer
 Prevalent Types
 Visual Data Rendering
 Cartographic / Geographic
 Data Converters, Aggregators (Feeds, News)
 Examples:
 In the Web of Things, mashups also act on physical
Service Mashups in the Web of Things
“A mashup (…) is a web application that
uses content from more than one source to
create a single new service.”
Service Integration in the Web of Things 26|
Simon Mayer
Mashups in the Web of Things
Example: Anti-Theft Mashup
 Shop management system + RFID reader + Web Cam
 All with Web servers on-board!
 Goal: Take a picture if a theft is detected
= if an item is read by the RFID reader but not marked as “sold”
 Send the picture to a mobile phone
D. Guinard, C. Floerkemeier, S. Sarma. Cloud Computing, REST and Mashups to Simplify RFID Application Development and Deployment, 2011
Service Integration in the Web of Things 27|
Simon Mayer
Mashups in the Web of Things
Example: Room Configuration
Service Integration in the Web of Things 28|
Simon Mayer
 Enabling people to talk to services
 Enabling services to talk to each other and form mashups
 Enabling people to talk to service mashups
Service Integration in the Web of Things
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Unexplored State of Usability
Now, let’s talk about some
challenges in service
Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery and Look-Up
Mashup Management: For Everyone
Automatic Service Composition
Now, let’s talk about some
challenges in service
Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery and Look-Up
Mashup Management: For Everyone
Automatic Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 32|
Simon Mayer
 Advertise services that are provided by devices within a
smart environment!
Arrive and Operate
Service Discovery
What’s the current
I know that!
It’s 23°C
Thank you :-)
Service Integration in the Web of Things 33|
Simon Mayer
Arrive and Operate
Service Look-Up
 It’s not static text documents anymore!
 Possible to use Google for this?
 Which attributes? Keywords, Device Type, Reviews,..
 Search Engines for the WoT, e.g., Dyser, InfraWoT
B. Ostermaier, K. Römer, F. Mattern, M. Fahrmair, and W. Kellerer. A Real-Time Search Engine for the Web of Things, 2010
S. Mayer, D. Guinard, and V. Trifa. Searching in a Web-based Infrastructure for Smart Things, 2012
Service Integration in the Web of Things 34|
Simon Mayer
 Search for smart things that exhibit a given state at the
time of the query
 “Empty rooms that have a temperature of 23°C”
 Querying for real-time states is expensive!
 Dyser: Create statistical models for sensors. First query
sensors that likely satisfy the parameters
Arrive and Operate
Service Look-Up: Dyser
Service Integration in the Web of Things 35|
Simon Mayer
Now, let’s talk about some
challenges in service
Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery
Mashup Management: For Everyone
Automatic Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 36|
Simon Mayer
Non-PhD-Nabaztag idea: Dom Guinard
Mashups for Everyone
I don’t have a PhD in computer
Enable tech-savvy users to develop applications that
leverage functionality from sensors and actuators
[“programming the real world”]
Service Integration in the Web of Things 37|
Simon Mayer
Mashups for Everyone
Graphical Editors for Physical Mashups
 Facilitate the composition of RESTful services
 Clickscript (JavaScript-based visual programming language)
 Web of Things modules: Thermometer, fan, etc.
Service Integration in the Web of Things 38|
Simon Mayer
Mashups for Everyone
Graphical Editors for Physical Mashups
D. Guinard, C. Floerkemeier, S. Sarma. Cloud Computing, REST and Mashups to Simplify RFID Application Development and Deployment, 2011
Service Integration in the Web of Things 40|
Simon Mayer
Now, let’s talk about some
challenges in service
Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery
Mashup Management: For Everyone
Automatic Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 41|
Simon Mayer
Automatic Service Composition
 Embed information about what smart things can do!
 Syntactic level: Data type, units of measurement, etc.
 Semantic level: “What is the meaning of this data?”
 Is automatic mashup creation even possible? We’ll see… :-D
...and tell others!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 42|
Simon Mayer
Smart Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 43|
Simon Mayer
Smart Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 44|
Simon Mayer
Smart Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 45|
Simon Mayer
Smart Service Composition
Service Integration in the Web of Things 46|
Simon Mayer
 Web of Things Concepts
 Smart Things and Smart Environments
 Services
 Service Integration
 Service Mashups
 Web of Things Challenges
 Arrive and Operate: Service Discovery and Look-Up
 Mashups: Enable tech-savvy users to program the real world
 Service Composition: Fully automatic?
Introductory Stroll
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Unexplored State of Usability
WS-* Forest
Service Integration in the Web of Things 48|
Simon Mayer
Service Integration in the Web of Things
A History Primer: WS-* Web Services
Sonoma County, USA
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Service Integration in the Web of Things 49|
Simon Mayer
Service Integration in the Web of Things
A History Primer: WS-* Web Services
Bliss, Microsoft
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Introductory Stroll
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Unexplored State of Usability
WS-* Forest
Service Integration in the Web of Things 51|
Simon Mayer
 Here, endpoints are service calls, not resources
 Resource:
 Service:
 Main Technologies:
 Service Access SOAP
 Service Description WSDL
 Service Discovery UDDI
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Service Integration in the Web of Things 52|
Simon Mayer
 Challenge (1995):
How to make heterogeneous services on the
Internet discoverable and usable for clients?
 Internet too heterogeneous for a single RPC technology
 Goal: Language-independent standards for Web Services
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies
Service Integration in the Web of Things 53|
Simon Mayer
 SOAP: Service Access (1998)
 “Simple Object Access Protocol”, today just “SOAP”
 Dave Winder (also RSS!), together with MS engineers
 Transport usually via HTTP, but also possible via, e.g., SMTP
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: SOAP
Service Integration in the Web of Things 54|
Simon Mayer
 WSDL: Service Description (2000)
 Web Services Description Language
 IBM, MS, Ariba
 UDDI: Service Discovery (2000)
 Universal Description Discovery and Integration (part of WS-I)
 MS, IBM, Ariba
 SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI are part of the WS-* stack
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL and UDDI
Service Integration in the Web of Things 55|
Simon Mayer
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies
XML Documens
Client Server
look up
request / reply
Material adapted from: F. Mattern, Distributed Systems Lecture, ETH Zurich, 2012
Service Integration in the Web of Things 56|
Simon Mayer
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies
Client Server
look up
request / reply
SOAP envelope
Header (optional)
WSDL description
types, messages
Service Integration in the Web of Things 57|
Simon Mayer
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: SOAP
SOAP envelope
Header (optional)
SOAP Definition and Encoding Style
Optional Header
Transaction Context: Authentication and Billing
Service Integration in the Web of Things 58|
Simon Mayer
Types: What does the exchanged data look like?
WSDL description
types, messages
Messages: What are messages composed of?
PortType: What do the operations look like?
Binding: Which protocol to use?
Service: Structure/Bundling of operations
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL
Service Integration in the Web of Things 59|
Simon Mayer
Types: Define Serialization Objects
<xs:element name="myName" type="myObject"/>
<xs:complexType name="myObject">
<xs:element name="i" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element name="j" type="xs:float"/>
“complexType”: Composite Objects!
WSDL description
types, messages
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL
Service Integration in the Web of Things 60|
Simon Mayer
<message name="myRequest">
<part name="parameters"
<part name="optionalParameters"
<message name="myResponse">
<part name="result" element="tns:myRet"/>
WSDL description
types, messages
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL
“tns”: target namespace
Service Integration in the Web of Things 61|
Simon Mayer
PortType: Define Operations
<portType name="groupOfServices">
<operation name="myService">
<input message="tns:myRequest"/>
<output message="tns:myResponse"/>
<fault message="tns:someFault"/>
WSDL description
types, messages
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL
There can also be multiple operations
Service Integration in the Web of Things 62|
Simon Mayer
Transport Binding
<binding name="myBinding“
WSDL description
types, messages
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL
Service Integration in the Web of Things 63|
Simon Mayer
Service: Packaging the Service
<service name="SimpleService">
<port binding="tns:myBinding">
<soap:address location=“"/>
WSDL description
types, messages
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Main Technologies: WSDL
Service Integration in the Web of Things 64|
Simon Mayer
 Stubs handle communication
issues such as message packing
and unpacking (“marshalling”)
 Server stub is also responsible for
publishing the WSDL file
The Service-Oriented Architecture
WS-* in Practice
Server Logic
Server Stub
Client Stub
Client Logic
Service Integration in the Web of Things 65|
Simon Mayer
 The “server stub”
 Handle SOAP marshalling
 Publish WSDL
 Two possibilities to create the server stub
1. Bottom-Up / Code-First: Stub from implementation
Example on next slide (JAX-WS)
2. Top-Down / Contract-First: Stub from Interface WSDL
The Service-Oriented Architecture
WS-* in Practice: WS-* Servers
Server Logic
Server Stub
Service Integration in the Web of Things 66|
Simon Mayer
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
Java Annotations to create Web
Services from simple Java code
Service Integration in the Web of Things 67|
Simon Mayer
 Stubs handle communication issues
such as message packing and
unpacking (“marshalling”)
 Server stub is also responsible for
publishing the WSDL file
The Service-Oriented Architecture
WS-* in Practice
Server Logic
Server Stub
Client Stub
Client Logic
Service Integration in the Web of Things 68|
Simon Mayer
 The “client stub” handles SOAP marshalling
 Two options:
1. Bottom-Up / Code-First: Stub from implementation
2. Contract-First: Stubs from WSDL
Highly appealing for enterprises!
The Service-Oriented Architecture
WS-* in Practice: WS-* Clients
Client Stub
Client Logic
Service Integration in the Web of Things 69|
Simon Mayer
The Service-Oriented Architecture
Discussion of WS-*
 Immensely powerful and lots of available tools!
 Huge complexity - hard to learn
 WSDL: Enormous documents for simple functionality!
 SOAP: Only POST (for http-binding)
 Therefore no http-based caching possible!
 UDDI: No role-based access, no service life-cycle
management, limited look-up capabilities (IBM, 2007)
Service Integration in the Web of Things 70|
Simon Mayer
It is that it has features that encourage the
compiling of clients against it, and that
such clients are not flexible enough to
adapt to changing interfaces
(creation of client stubs from WSDL)
One of the biggest problems of WSDL (and WADL, see later) isn’t technical…
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
REST Beacon of Hope
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 72|
Simon Mayer
Service Integration in the Web of Things
(Back) to the Future: REST
CERN, Switzerland/France
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 73|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
Image: Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment
[one of the main particle detectors at CERN]
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
REST Beacon of Hope
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 75|
Simon Mayer
 Introduction to REST by Michaël and Lionel (yesterday)
 Comparison of REST and WS-*
 Google Trends
 Performance of REST vs. WS-*
 Ease of use of REST and WS-*
 A different approach to understanding REST
 The main REST feature for service integration: HATEOAS
Overview: REST, WS-*, and HATEOAS
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 76|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
Makes no sense to look this up… ;-)
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 77|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
“SOAP Java”
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 78|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 79|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 80|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
Makes little sense to look this up either… ;-)
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 81|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 82|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Google Trends, 2004-2013
“SOAP Java”
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 83|
Simon Mayer
 REST outperforms WS-*
 Some data in a minute…
 REST is a better fit to the “Do-It-Yourself” Web
 Often frontend creation, i.e., quick data access
 “Web Developers” vs. “Programmers”
 WS-* suite is a complex standard, now
 Makes it hard to use for novices
 Some data in a minute…
REST and WS-*
The Downside of WS-* Web Services…
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 84|
Simon Mayer
 REST and SOAP on devices with limited resources
REST and WS-*
Power Consumption [mW] Completion Time [s]
D. Yazar and A. Dunkels: Efficient Application Integration in IP-based Sensor Networks, 2009
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 85|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Better Fit for Do-It-Yourself Web
 RESTful vs. “Big” Web Services
 REST for tactical, ad hoc integration over the Web
 WS-* in professional enterprise application integration
scenarios with a longer lifespan and advanced QoS
 Today, REST is being more and more adopted for this use case!
C. Pautasso, O. Zimmermann, and F. Leymann: RESTful Web Services vs. “Big” Web Services. Making the Right Architectural Decision, 2008
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 86|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Complexity & Approachability
 Also consider the perceived ease of use as a key to the
adoption of an IT system
 Increasing reliance on external developers to build
innovative services (App Store, Google Play, etc.)
F. D. Davis. Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology, 1989
D. Gefen and M. Keil. The Impact of Developer Responsiveness on Perceptions of Usefulness and Ease of Use, 1998
An easy to learn and easy to use API is key
to foster a broad community of developers!
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 87|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective
 Study to evaluate the developers’ experience when
learning and implementing Web Service applications
 Perceived advantages & disadvantages of REST and WS-*
 Ease and speed of learning
 Perceived suitability of REST and WS-* for different scenarios
 Participants
 Computer science students (n = 69)
 Third or fourth year of Bachelor studies
D. Guinard, I. Ion, S. Mayer: REST or WS-*? A Developers’ Perspective, 2011
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 88|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Study Setup
 Data Sources (quantitative and qualitative feedback)
1. Implementation Task Teams (n = 25)
2. Structured Questionnaire Individual (n = 69)
3. Feedback Form Anonymous (n = 37)
 Implementation Task: Mobile Phone Applications (n = 25)
 Access temperature measurements on wireless sensor nodes
a. RESTful API
 Standard libraries: Apache HTTPClient for REST, kSoap2 for WS-*
All course material is available online:
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 89|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Study Setup
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 90|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Study Setup
2. Structured Questionnaire (n = 69)
 Advantages and disadvantages of REST and WS-*
 Suitability of WS-* and REST in different domains
 Completed after finishing implementation
3. Anonymous Feedback Form (n = 37)
 WS-* / REST ease and speed of learning
 Suitability of WS-* / REST in different domains
 Completed after finishing implementation
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 91|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Results
 Perceived advantages of each technology
 Ease and speed of learning
 Perceived suitability for use cases
 Embedded devices
 Mobile phone client applications
 Business applications
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 92|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Perceived Advantages
 Very easy to understand, learn, and implement (36 participants)
 More lightweight (27)
 More scalable (21)
 WS-*
 WSDL enables service contracts (31)
 Better security features (19)
 Better level of abstraction (11)
Qualitative Results, n = 69
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 93|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Ease of Learning
 “Easy” or “Very easy” to learn
 REST: 70%
 WS-*: 11%
 REST M = 3.85, SD = 1.09
 WS-* M = 2.50, SD = 1.10
 REST significantly easier to learn (p < 0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test)
Not easy at all Not easy Average Easy Very easy
5 point Likert scale [1 = Not easy at all, ..., 5 = Very easy], n = 37
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 94|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Speed of Learning
 “Fast” or “Very fast” to learn
 REST: 65%
 WS-*: 0%
 REST: M = 3.43, SD = 1.09
 WS-*: M = 2.21, SD = 0.80
 REST significantly faster to learn (p < 0.009, Wilcoxon signed rank test)
Not fast at all Not fast Average Fast Very fast
5 point Likert scale [1 = Not fast at all, ..., 5 = Very fast], n = 37
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 95|
Simon Mayer
 REST easier to learn because RESTful Web Services are based on
familiar technologies such as HTTP (9)
 REST made it easier to understand what services the sensor nodes
offer (25). This is because of the HTML interface (8)
 WSDL and SOAP are more complex to use (8)
 Good that WSDL is “standard” (7)
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Summary
“REST is easy and WS-* is
just a complicated mess.”
“Everybody who is using a browser
already knows a little about [REST]”
Qualitative Results, n = 69
WS-* Standards Overview
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 97|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases
Would you use REST or WS-* for…
… Embedded Devices?
… Mobile Phone Clients?
… Business Applications?
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 98|
Simon Mayer
5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 99|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases
 Embedded Devices
 REST (66%), WS-* (8%)
 Reasons: REST better in heterogeneous environments, more
 Smart Home Sensor Network (students’ private homes)
 REST (89%), WS-* (7%)
 Reasons: Simplicity of deployment and use (24)
(avg. footprint 17.46 kB for REST, 83.27 kB for WS-* application)
5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 + qualitative data
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 100|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases
 Mobile Phones
 REST (53%), WS-* (16%), 32% undecided
 Reasons: REST causes less traffic (7)
 Undecided reasons: Mobile phones getting very powerful
5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 + qualitative data
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 101|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases
 Business Applications
 WS-* (52%), REST (24%)
 WS-* Reasons: Security needs (21), better service contracts (18)
 REST Reasons: Simplicity (10), Scalability (10)
5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 + qualitative data
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 102|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
Developers’ Perspective: Summary
 REST: Intuitive, flexible, lightweight
 WS-*: Advanced security, standardization, contracts
 Learning Ease and Speed: REST Preference (significant)
 Embedded and Mobile Apps: REST Preference (significant)
 Business Applications: WS-* Preference (not significant)
 Study done among novice developers
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 103|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
REST Advantages: Summary
 Great for open, interoperable APIs
 Greatly facilitates creation of mashups
 Web features for free
 Bookmark your devices and their functionality
 Caching for scalability, security mechanisms
 People are used to exploring the Web using a browser
 Seems to facilitate application development
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 104|
Simon Mayer
REST and WS-*
REST Advantages: Summary
 REST and SOAP on devices with limited resources
 UDDI discontinued by IBM, Microsoft, SAP in 2006
 Functionality removed from Windows Server in 2010
 WS-* APIs discontinued by Google in 2011
Power Consumption [mW] Completion Time [s]
Try to avoid repeating the same mistakes for service
integration in the Web of Things
Do not create service descriptions
that encourage the compiling of
clients against them
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Now for the cool stuff: HATEOAS
[or, Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State]
[or, the server guides clients using hyperlinks]
Did you ever experience that the “back”
button broke a hypermedia application?
e-banking, e-commerce, flights booking, etc.
Why is that?
“The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
is a networking protocol for distributed,
collaborative, hypermedia information
systems. HTTP is the foundation of data
communication for the World Wide Web.”
“Prominent members
include the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol.”
HATEOAS: Simple Example
Known URL!
Clients that click “back” break the HATEOAS “contract”!
The server didn’t want a “back” button to be available in the application. Else,
there would be a hypermedia control to enable the “back”-action
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 111|
Simon Mayer
 All possible state transitions of an application are under
control of the server. To guide clients in applications, the
server provides hyperlinks that they may follow
 Clients only follow provided hyperlinks! “follow your nose”
 Take Care! What if a client wants to buy a book, but only
finds a link “Add to shopping cart”?
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HATEOAS [Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State]
No Problem!
What about
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 112|
Simon Mayer
Client context,
e.g.: Do I like
Page contents,
e.g.: ”Zurich”
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HATEOAS for Human Clients
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 113|
Simon Mayer
 Important part of REST! Especially for service integration…
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HATEOAS: Google Trends (2004-2013)
HATEOAS: Book Store Example
Known URL!
“Recommended Books: Book1
Books in your cart: None.
Checkout not possible (no books).”
“This is Book1. It’s great!
Add book to cart”
GET books/book1
HATEOAS: Book Store Example
Known URL!
“This is Book1. It’s great!
Add book to cart”
POST carts/simon?book=Book1
“Recommended Books: None
Books in your cart: Book1.
Go to checkout.”
“Select payment type:
Credit Card, Debit Card”
Known URL!
HATEOAS: Book Store Example
What if the bookstore renames the /books pages?
Known URL!
“Recommended Books: Book1
Books in your cart: None.
Checkout not possible (no books).”
“This is Book1. It’s great!
Add book to cart”
GET XYZ/book1
HATEOAS: Book Store Example
Known URL!
“This is Book1. It’s great!
Add book to cart”
GET XYZ/book1
POST carts/simon?book=Book1
“Recommended Books: None
Books in your cart: Book1.
Go to checkout.”
“Select payment type:
Credit Card, Debit Card”
HATEOAS: Book Store Example
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 119|
Simon Mayer
 HATEOAS is what adds flexibility to REST systems!
 Links are discovered by clients at runtime
 Clients will automatically adapt if links change!
 This is why browsers are general-purpose tools and not
specialized applications
 What if the book store API was described in WSDL?
 Risk that clients are compiled from the WSDL
 Not mandatory, but was common practice! Why?
 WSDLs are more complex to parse and perceived as being static
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HATEOAS and Flexible Service Consumption
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 120|
Simon Mayer
 We assume that a machine client can follow its nose
 Can they, really? What is required to “follow your nose”?
 How to combine services from different providers?
 They don’t know about each other!
 They cannot include links to each other!
 HATEOAS cannot accomplish such service integration
tasks alone!
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HATEOAS for Machine Clients: Challenges
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
This is where HATEOAS breaks down for machine clients!
Create a new type of WSDL, for RESTful Web Services
(top-down, standardization, look at WADL in the next slides)
Offer Web developers ways of annotating their resources
(basically the same thing, but taking into account the developers’ perspective / bottom-up)
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 123|
Simon Mayer
 Web Application Description Language
 Initial draft (2005) by Marc Hadley
 Sun Microsystems (today: Oracle)
Some words about WADL
Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 124|
Simon Mayer
WADL: Repeating WS-* Mistakes?
 WADL example to annotate a news search
 Alternative Option: OpenSearch
 WADL documents are verbose and
perceived as rather rigid
 “the REST answer to WSDL”
Risk of compiling against WADL!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 125|
Simon Mayer
Service Integration in the Web of Things
WoT Service Integration
Zurich, Switzerland
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Service Integration in the Web of Things 126|
Simon Mayer
Example Scenario
Service Integration in the Web of Things 127|
Simon Mayer
 User enters personal preferences into smartphone
(temperature, preferred song, etc.)
 Smartphone negotiates with devices in the surroundings
to set these preferences
 Constraints
 Must be flexible: Should work in the user’s home, office, hotels, etc.
 Interaction metadata must be discoverable on the fly!
 Discourage compiling against service descriptions!
Example Scenario
Service Integration in the Web of Things 128|
Simon Mayer
 Heterogeneous services from different providers should
be dynamically composable
 Services don’t know anything about how to interact with
other services when they are created (i.e., no “standards”)
 No HATEOAS: No hyperlinks between services!
 Links are known only between “local” services where URLs have
been intentionally linked by the service provider
The big picture…
Service Integration in the Web of Things 129|
Simon Mayer
 Make things smart enough to know what they can do…
 First level: Syntax
“What type does a service’s output data have?”
 REST offers a great mechanism to help with that: Content Negotiation
 Second level: Semantics
“Does it make sense to link these two services?”
Service Integration: Self-aware Things!
...and tell others!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 130|
Simon Mayer
 Make things smart enough to know what they can do…
 First level: Syntax
“What type does a service’s output data have?”
 REST offers a great mechanism to help with that: Content Negotiation
 Second level: Semantics
“Does it make sense to link these two services?”
Service Integration: Self-aware Things!
...and tell others!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 131|
Simon Mayer
 A smart thermostat takes inputs as XML:
 The client’s desired temperature is in a JSON document:
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
A Glimpse at Syntactic Service Integration
desiredSong:”Yellow Submarine”,
Method: PUT
Content: (…)<value>23.3</value>(…)
Service Integration in the Web of Things 132|
Simon Mayer
 Describe the service’s API in an Internet Media Type!
 Make this information public!
 Client can now create/render the input and use the service
 This is part of REST self-describing messages!
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
A Glimpse at Syntactic Service Integration
Method: PUT
Content: (…)<value>23.3</value>(…)
Content-Type: application/xml+simon-thermostat
Service Integration in the Web of Things 133|
Simon Mayer
 Make things smart enough to know what they can do…
 First level: Syntax
“What type does a service’s output data have?”
 REST offers a great mechanism to help with that: Content Negotiation
 Second level: Semantics
“Does it make sense to link these two services?”
Service Integration: Self-aware Things!
...and tell others!
How to infer that it’s about temperatures
and not about a GPS longitude?
Not possible! They look the same!
Yes, but their semantics are different.
True, the messages aren’t self-descriptive with respect to
this: “value” could be anything
Method: PUT
Content: (…)<value>23.3</value>(…)
But we can fix that, by adding semantic metadata!
Not possible! They look the same!
Alright… from the beginning :-)
We’ll see four service integration techniques, an
example for each, and discuss their suitability for
our considered applications
Service Integration in the Web of Things 137|
Simon Mayer
 Simple Hypermedia Crawling
 Metadata: Microformats and Microdata
 Crowd-sourced Service Integration
 Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?
 Semantics-based Service Integration
 Web Linking + Metadata Embedding
 My current research…
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Service Integration in the Web of Things 139|
Simon Mayer
 Simple Hypermedia Crawling
 Metadata: Microformats and Microdata
 Crowd-sourced Service Integration
 Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?
 Semantics-based Service Integration
 Web Linking + Metadata Embedding
 My own current research…
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Service Integration in the Web of Things 140|
Simon Mayer
 Crawling of hypermedia structures sometimes is already
sufficient as enabler for integration
 Mainly relies on: GET Well-known, right?
HEAD Who knows this?
OPTIONS And this one?
 Friends and Things: Sharing of physical and digital
artifacts via social networks
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Hypermedia Crawling
D. Guinard, M. Fischer, V. Trifa. Sharing Using Social Networks in a Composable Web of Things, 2010
Service Integration in the Web of Things 141|
Simon Mayer
@home Sharing your energy consumption
Encouraging energy savings…
@work Laboratory automation
“You may monitor my mass spectrometer”
@business Sharing the trace of tagged products
Hypermedia Crawling
The Friends and Things Project
Service Integration in the Web of Things 142|
Simon Mayer
Hypermedia Crawling
The Friends and Things Project
Service Integration in the Web of Things 143|
Simon Mayer
 FaT must discover thing APIs to be shared first
 Entirely done via hypermedia crawling, no semantics whatsoever
 Then, things can be shared via the OpenSocial API
 …and used by others
Hypermedia Crawling
The Friends and Things Project
Service Integration in the Web of Things 144|
Simon Mayer
Hypermedia Crawling
The Friends and Things Project
Service Integration in the Web of Things 145|
Simon Mayer
 Only API discovery, nothing else!
 No information about how APIs can be used: Only
specialized applications can use them
 For crawling to work, links must already exist!
(the “local” hyperlinks problem, again…)
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Hypermedia Crawling: Limitations
Service Integration in the Web of Things 146|
Simon Mayer
Hypermedia Crawling
Rating Comments
Partial Requires APIs to be connected via hyperlinks
Service Usage
Can be used to discover APIs that are then used
by tailored applications (like Friends and Things
Level of
None No semantic integration whatsoever
Simplicity Very Easy No specific annotations required
Service Integration in the Web of Things 147|
Simon Mayer
 Simple Hypermedia Crawling
 Metadata: Microformats and Microdata
 Crowd-sourced Service Integration
 Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?
 Semantics-based Service Integration
 Web Linking + Metadata Embedding
 My own current research…
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Service Integration in the Web of Things 148|
Simon Mayer
 Easy: Find a common way of embedding “useful” metadata
 Standardized “structured Data” can be successful… ;-)
 vCard supporters:
Android, Symbian, Apple Mac OS X, combit Relationship Manager, Egroupware, Kontact,
Lotus Notes, Lotus Organizer, Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Novell
Evolution, Novell GroupWise, Roundcube, SOGo, Palm Desktop, The Bat, Trillian, Turba,
WebWeaver Suite, etc.
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Metadata Embedding
Anybody know the vCard format?
Service Integration in the Web of Things 149|
Simon Mayer
 Easy: Find a common way of embedding “useful” metadata
 Standardized “structured Data” can be successful… ;-)
 Wikipedia “Infoboxes”
 Wikidata
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Metadata Embedding
Service Integration in the Web of Things 150|
Simon Mayer
 Microformats
 Specifically hRESTS for service integration
 Standardized formats for describing contact info, products, etc.
 Example application: Service lookup infrastructure
 Microdata
 Driven by the “big players”, often linked to ontologies
 Example application: UI descriptions
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Metadata Embedding
both: HTML!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 151|
Simon Mayer
 Microformats
 Specifically hRESTS for service integration
 Standardized formats for describing contact info, products, etc.
 Example application: Service lookup infrastructure
 Microdata
 Driven by the “big players”, often linked to ontologies
 Example application: UI descriptions
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Metadata Embedding
Service Integration in the Web of Things 152|
Simon Mayer
 Standardized HTML-embeddable structured data profiles
Metadata Embedding
<div class="vcard">
<a class="url fn" href="">Tantek Çelik</a>
hCard format
For API descriptions! Next slide!
hRESTS format
Service Integration in the Web of Things 153|
Simon Mayer
Does this really help machine clients?
The hRESTS Format for API Descriptions
<div class="service">
This <span class="label">thermostat</span> enables users to
<div class="operation”>
<span class="label">configure the current temperature</span>
. It is invoked using a
<span class="method">PUT</span>
request at
<span class="address">{temp}</span>
<span class="input">the desired temperature</span>
replacing the
Service Integration in the Web of Things 154|
Simon Mayer
 A management infrastructure for smart things
 Enables searching for devices in smart environments
 Parameters:
 UUID, Name, Keywords
 Type/Category of device
 Location
 Reviews
 Type of REST API
Embedded Microformats Example: InfraWoT
S. Mayer, D. Guinard, and V. Trifa. Searching in a Web-based Infrastructure for Smart Things, 2012
Find a Thermostat at the
location Living Room that
takes a temperature as input
Service Integration in the Web of Things 155|
Simon Mayer
 Hierarchies of management nodes, nodes only aware of
direct neighbors
highly scalable! (tested with 100k devices…)
The InfraWoT Project
Service Integration in the Web of Things 156|
Simon Mayer
 Management infrastructure for smart things
 Service Discovery and Look-up
The InfraWoT Project
Trifa, V., Guinard, D., Mayer, S. Leveraging the Web for a Distributed Location-aware Infrastructure for the Real World, 2010
Things register
Service Integration in the Web of Things 157|
Simon Mayer
 Management infrastructure for smart things
 Service Discovery and Look-up
The InfraWoT Project
…and can be
found by clients!
Things register
first… Find a Thermostat at the
location Living Room that
takes a temperature as input
Service Integration in the Web of Things 158|
Simon Mayer
The InfraWoT Project: Registration
Service Integration in the Web of Things 159|
Simon Mayer
The InfraWoT Project: Metadata
Parameters Microformat
Identification Name, UUID
None. Information
derived from URL
Product Info Device Type, Brand, Price, etc. hProduct
User Reviews Ratings, Description hReview
Context Location (GPS + Indoor Location)
GEO for GPS, proprietary
format for indoor
API Description
Label, URL Template, Input,
Service Integration in the Web of Things 160|
Simon Mayer
The InfraWoT Project: Service Look-Up
Find a Thermostat at the location
Living Room that takes a
temperature as input
Method: HTTP PUT
Rating: 4.3 (0..5)
hProduct Category
hRESTS Input
Service Integration in the Web of Things 161|
Simon Mayer
 Information is not machine-interpretable
 hRESTS service label can only be “understood” by humans!
 Only allows to annotate text/html representations
 Clumsy embedding via HTML overloading of “class”
 Declining interest…
Service Integration in the Web of Things 162|
Simon Mayer
Rating Comments
None Requires to fall back on crawling or indexing
Service Usage
hRESTS allows definition of API, but no format to
describe it for machine clients
Level of
Microformats define the semantics of objects, but
are only partially linked to ontologies
Simplicity Medium
Cumbersome annotation of HTML
representations required
Service Integration in the Web of Things 163|
Simon Mayer
 Microformats
 Specifically hRESTS for service integration
 Standardized formats for describing contact info, products, etc.
 Example application: Service lookup infrastructure
 Microdata
 Driven by the “big players”, often linked to ontologies
 Example application: UI descriptions
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Metadata Embedding
Service Integration in the Web of Things 164|
Simon Mayer
 Also based on structured data and HTML embedding
 New attributes instead of overloading
 Part of HTML5
 “More semantics”: Linking to ontologies possible via fixed
vocabularies like or
 Maintainers: Google, MS, etc.
Metadata Embedding
Service Integration in the Web of Things 165|
Simon Mayer
 Smarter embedding via special HTML attributes
<… itemprop=“propertyName”> to annotate specific items
<… itemscope itemprop=“scopeName”> for scoping
 Usually added to <span> or <div> tags
 Demonstration (navigate to colored LED)
Metadata Embedding
<html>…<span itemscope itemprop=“vCard”>This page is
about <span itemprop=“firstName”>Maximilian</span>
<span itemprop=“lastName”>Muster</span> who lives in
<span itemprop=“locality”>Zurich</span></span>…</html>
Service Integration in the Web of Things 166|
Simon Mayer
 Goal: Automatic UI generation for smart things
 Intuitive interfaces for multiple modalities (GUI, speech, haptics, etc.)
 Metadata should be easy to embed for developers
 UI Information embedded as Microdata
Embedded Microdata Example: InterWoTions
Service Integration in the Web of Things 167|
Simon Mayer
Human- and machine-readable volume controller interaction markup.
The InterWoTions Project
GUI / Touch Screen
Haptic / Gyro
Example: Interaction with a Web-enabled LED
Haptic / Accelerometer
Example: Interaction with a Web-enabled Power Plug
Haptic / Gyroscope
Example: Interaction with a Web-enabled Toy Robot
GUI / Gyroscope
Composite UI
set intensity,
switch, get data,
goto, move
Example: Interaction with iTunes
Faster than the iPhone-App!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 172|
Simon Mayer
 Yields useful interfaces
 Covers lots of use cases: Home automation, A/V, lecture
controls, car controls, etc.
 Markup is easily producible for tech-savvy users
Embedded Interaction Information: InterWoTions
Service Integration in the Web of Things 173|
Simon Mayer
Rating Comments
None Requires to fall back on crawling or indexing
Service Usage
No No standard format to annotate Web APIs
Level of
Allows to define an object’s class/type, if
ontologies like are used
Simplicity Easy
Annotation of HTML representations required.
Better usability than Microformats
Service Integration in the Web of Things 174|
Simon Mayer
 We never actually tried that! Rather, we moved on to explore “full”,
functional semantic integration…
 Works only for HTML representations (like Microformats)
 W3C working on Microdata-RDF Transformation
Allows to define an object’s class/type, if
ontologies like are used
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
 Goal: Extract interesting information about a device
regardless of the annotation format
 Approach: Discovery based on a runtime-dynamic set of
strategies (Microformats-Strategy, Microdata-Strategy, proprietary
strategies, etc.)
Brief Outtake!
How to merge different embedded
Metadata Descriptions
S. Mayer, D. Guinard. An Extensible Discovery Service for Smart Things, 2011
Forecast: Rain
Temperature: 24˚C Please configure
forecast data source
Your fridge currently
consumes 45W
I’m located in Zurich!
Human-readable and understandable
Lots of smart things…
...and multiple semantic annotation formats...
…<div itemscope><div
<div class="geo">GEO: <span
<span class="longitude">-
...and multiple semantic annotation formats...
…<div itemscope><div
<div class="geo">GEO: <span
<span class="longitude">-
Content type:
Content type: text/html
Annotations: Microdata
Content type: text/html
Annotations: Microformats
Content type:
Does every smart device have to be
capable of parsing every single
Service Integration in the Web of Things 181|
Simon Mayer
And it gets worse...
Imagine we agreed on everybody using application/json...
Content type:
Service Integration in the Web of Things 182|
Simon Mayer
A single, agreed upon,
standard format
Options for annotating smart things
Or multiple (but few!) formats
Syntax problem remains
Probably not feasible...
Service Integration in the Web of Things 183|
Simon Mayer
Different Syntax: OK!
A method to understand
multiple different formats
Options for annotating smart things
Future formats?
Service Integration in the Web of Things 184|
Simon Mayer
Different Syntax: OK!
An extensible method to
understand multiple
different formats
Options for annotating smart things
Future formats: OK!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 185|
Simon Mayer
 Uses multiple strategies to extract metadata
 More strategies can be loaded at runtime
 Can handle protected resources and resources behind firewalls
 Great help for decoupling service providers and consumers
The DiscoWoT Project
GET /analyze?
Information about
S. Mayer, D. Guinard. An Extensible Discovery Service for Smart Things, 2011
Computer vision techniques + Embedded UI Information
Intuitive Interfaces!
Outtake! Embedded Metadata to Interact
with Smart Things!
S. Mayer, M. Schalch, M. George, G. Sörös: Device Recognition for Intuitive Interaction with the Web of Things, 2013
Service Integration in the Web of Things 187|
Simon Mayer
Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata
Tracking Rendered UI
Service Integration in the Web of Things 188|
Simon Mayer
Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata
Example: Web-enabled Toy Robot
GUI / Gyroscope
Service Integration in the Web of Things 189|
Simon Mayer
Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata
Example: Volume Controller
GUI / Gyroscope
Service Integration in the Web of Things 190|
Simon Mayer
Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata
Soon for cars?
Service Integration in the Web of Things 191|
Simon Mayer
Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata
Soon for cars?
Service Integration in the Web of Things 192|
Simon Mayer
Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata
Current status…
Service Integration in the Web of Things 193|
Simon Mayer
 Microdata-based metadata is absolutely suitable for this!
 Lots of potential, if data access is ensured!
Embedded UI information + Object Recognition
S. Mayer, C. Beckel, B. Scheidegger, C. Barthels, G. Sörös: Uncovering Device Whispers in Smart Homes, 2012
S. Mayer, M. Schalch, M. George, G. Sörös: Device Recognition for Intuitive Interaction with the Web of Things, 2013
Service Integration in the Web of Things 194|
Simon Mayer
 Simple crawling for interface discovery
 Requires hyperlinks to be present!
 Application: Access right management
 Structured Data (Microformats and Microdata) for simple embedding of
metadata in resources
 Application: Web of Things search engine
 Application: Embedding of interaction information
Take-home Points
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Service Integration in the Web of Things 196|
Simon Mayer
 Simple Hypermedia Crawling
 Metadata: Microformats and Microdata
 Crowd-sourced Service Integration
 Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?
 Semantics-based Service Integration
 Web Linking + Metadata Embedding
 My own current research…
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
These are constrained to
operating within hypermedia
They require HATEOAS-style hypermedia controls to be already present!
[example coming right up…]
 All possible state transitions of an application are under
control of the server. To guide clients in applications, the
server provides hyperlinks that they may follow
 Clients only follow provided hyperlinks! “follow your nose”
 Take Care! What if a client wants to buy a book, but
only finds a link “Add to shopping cart”?
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HATEOAS [Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State]
I can do
that! What about
Still remember this?
Example from REST Introduction
Known URL!
“Recommended Books: Book1
Books in your cart: None.
Checkout not possible (no books).”
“This is Book1. It’s great!
Add book to cart”
GET books/book1
POST carts/simon?book=Book1
“Select payment type:
Credit Card, Debit Card”
Example from REST Introduction
What about multiple stores?
Not possible! No Link!
Store A
Store BI found this great book at store
A. It also exists in store B.
I’d like to buy it there!
I can
do that!
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
More seriously: Think about a smart environment…
I have a song title,
“Yellow Submarine”.
I’d like to play that song.
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Plays song
Not possible! No Link!
I can do
that, too! Will you stop
now !
It’s the “follow your nose”-Problem again!
What if a client wants to “buy” a book, but only finds a link “Add to shopping cart”?
Hm, you
know. I can…
YES! I got it.
Our goal is to enable it for this guy!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 204|
Simon Mayer
 Special-purpose link lists that can be queried by users
 Various implementations: Web Linking metadata
Link repositories
 Multiple ways of constructing these
 Crowd-sourced Linkbases
 Semantics-based Linkbases
Globalization of HATEOAS: Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 205|
Simon Mayer
 Simple Hypermedia Crawling
 Metadata: Microformats and Microdata
 Crowd-sourced Service Integration
 Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?
 Semantics-based Service Integration
 Web Linking + Metadata Embedding
 My current research…
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Service Integration in the Web of Things 206|
Simon Mayer
 Rely on developers or users to publish links
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
I know that you can
connect these services!
Let me show you!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 207|
Simon Mayer
S. Mayer, D. Karam. A Computational Marketplace for the Web of Things, 2012
 Mashup developers find links manually, but publish their
mashups in a “WoT Marketplace”
 Clients can ask the marketplace for linking information
 These links make sense, because they are used in a mashup!
 Clients only need to choose which link to follow
 Yay! That sounds like we can use HATEOAS again!
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 208|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
Service Integration in the Web of Things 209|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Node A
Node B
Node C
Node D
Node F
Marketplace exposes linking metadata about nodes!
Node X:
“service” : “”
“forward_paths” : {
# None
Service Integration in the Web of Things 211|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Node A
Node B
Node C
Node D
Node F
I know that you can
connect the services at
A and F!
202 Created
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Node A
Node B
Node C
Node D
Node F
Now, others can use
that information!
“service” : “”
“forward_paths” : {
“play_song” : “nodes/F”
“service” : “”
“forward_paths” : {
“play_song” : “nodes/F”
I can do that
now, too!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 216|
Simon Mayer
 Clients need to be able to find services on the
marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve
their goal
 The marketplace should provide meta-information about
services and thus help to optimize traversal
 Mechanisms are required for security and billing
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 217|
Simon Mayer
 Clients need to be able to find services on the
marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve
their goal
 The marketplace should provide meta-information about
services and thus help to optimize traversal
 Mechanisms are required for security and billing
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 218|
Simon Mayer
 Marketplace API exposes paths
 “Graph Crawler” keeps all paths up-to-date
 Basically an ordinary search machine…
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Interface Discovery
“service” : “”
“forward_paths” : {
“play_song” : “nodes/F”
Service Integration in the Web of Things 219|
Simon Mayer
 Clients need to be able to find services on the
marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve
their goal
 The marketplace should provide meta-information about
services and thus help to optimize traversal
 Mechanisms are required for security and billing
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 220|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal
The following use case is about
arrhythmia detection
We have a heartbeat feed and an
arrhythmia detector.
We want to decide whether to follow the
“ambulance” link
Service Integration in the Web of Things 221|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal
Service Integration in the Web of Things 222|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal
Yes, this is hard!
But at least we have links again and can “outsource” the logic to
the client…
Here, clients are not “compiled” against the links anymore,
but against the link names!
This is a bit less bad…
Task: Implement a client such that it follows
the emergency link when the probability for
arrhythmia is higher than 50%
Service Integration in the Web of Things 224|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal
Service Integration in the Web of Things 225|
Simon Mayer
 Clients need to be able to find services on the
marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve
their goal
 The marketplace should provide meta-information about
services and thus help to optimize traversal
 Mechanisms are required for security and billing
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 226|
Simon Mayer
“service” : “”
“forward_paths” : {
“play_song” : {
“node” : “nodes/F”,
Service Integration in the Web of Things 227|
Simon Mayer
 Optimize traversal according to application needs
 Multi-dimensional cost metrics: time, money, quality,...
 Marketplace offers this information, but does not decide
on routes → Generic path deciders
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Path Optimization
Service Integration in the Web of Things 228|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Node A
Node D
Node B
Node C Node E
This is for arrhythmia
detection, again!
Node A: Heartbeat feed
Nodes B, C, D: Arrhythmia Detectors. The marketplace provides delay metadata
Node E: Emergency-Link, “Call Ambulance” Service
This is the actual thing! (we use to create these)
S. Mayer, D. Karam. A Computational Marketplace for the Web of Things, 2012
Task: Implement a client that
always uses the arrhythmia
detector with the lowest delay
Service Integration in the Web of Things 231|
Simon Mayer
 Generic service traversal (lowest time cost path)
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Path Optimization
Result: Automatic load balancing!
That’s why we call it “marketplace”
Service Integration in the Web of Things 233|
Simon Mayer
 Clients need to be able to find services on the
marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve
their goal
 The marketplace should provide meta-information about
services and thus help to optimize traversal
 Mechanisms are required for security and billing
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Service Integration in the Web of Things 234|
Simon Mayer
 Authentication, authorization, and billing schemes to
restrict access to computational resources
 Don’t create a centralized repository for login data
 Trust problems, security problems, scaling problems...
 Instead use third-party schemes (like OAuth 2.0) and
inline this functionality as a linked computational node!
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Security and Billing
Service Integration in the Web of Things 235|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Node A
Node B
Node C
Node D
Node F
The OAuth node controls
access to the media player!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 236|
Simon Mayer
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Rating Comments
Yes Requires developers or users to publish links
Service Usage
Partial Only on syntactic level (data types and formats)
Level of
None No annotations
Simplicity Tricky
Relies on enough participants! And on them
being reliable enough!
Again, this didn’t enable automatic service usage!
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Service Integration in the Web of Things 239|
Simon Mayer
Can we automate the publishing of links?
Globalization of HATEOAS
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
Service Integration in the Web of Things 240|
Simon Mayer
 Simple Hypermedia Crawling
 Metadata: Microformats and Microdata
 Crowd-sourced Service Integration
 Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?
 Semantics-based Service Integration
 Web Linking + Metadata Embedding
 My current research…
Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things?
Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
Service Integration in the Web of Things 241|
Simon Mayer
Use semantic metadata to find potential links!
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
R.Verborgh et al. RESTdesc - A Functionality-Centered Approach to Semantic Service Description and Composition, 2012
S. Mayer and G. Basler. Embedded Semantic Metadata to Support Device Interaction in Smart Environments, 2013
Service Integration in the Web of Things 242|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
Based on what I know
about these services, there
could be a link here!
Service Integration in the Web of Things 243|
Simon Mayer
 We’ve already seen limited metadata embedding…
 This time, we mean it!
Functional semantic service descriptions
 Semantic reasoner to process these descriptions
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases
Connect that information to its API
Describe what a service does
Service Integration in the Web of Things 244|
Simon Mayer
 Usability as one major constraint
 It should not be too hard to create service descriptions
 It should be easy to create user goals
 Pragmatism as another
 Make use of previous research in semantic technologies
 Use existing ontologies. Avoid creating new ones!
 Format: Notation3 (user-friendly RDF with inference rules)
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases
The title of the resource, is “Person 1”, and it knows
another resource,
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
xmlns:dc= xmlns:foaf="">
<rdf:Description rdf:about=“">
<dc:title>Person 1</dc:title>
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
dc:title "Person 1";
foaf:knows "".
Brief N3 Primer: Statements
Remember Catherine’s talk?
Turtle Syntax
Brief N3 Primer: Rules
𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 → 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
“ knows ”
“ knows ”
If one person knows another person, this second person also knows the first.
(“foaf:knows is symmetric”)
Brief N3 Primer: Rules
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
is shorthand for=> log:implies
If one person knows another person, this second person also knows the first.
(“foaf:knows is symmetric”)
Brief N3 Primer: Rules
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
?x a foaf:Person;
foaf:knows ?y.
?y foaf:knows ?x.
If one person knows another person, this second person also knows the first.
(“foaf:knows is symmetric”)
is shorthand for=> log:implies
Superb tutorial at (by Ruben Verborgh)
Service Integration in the Web of Things 249|
Simon Mayer
Now: Semantic metadata for the Songs Search Machine
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata
Service Integration in the Web of Things 250|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata
Precondition: Facts that are required for a meaningful execution of the service
-> Knowledge of a Song Title
Postcondition: Additional facts that hold after an execution of the service?”
-> Knowledge of a URL of a song with that title
Songs Search
Method: GET
Input: Song Title
Output: MP3 URL
The Songs Search Machine
@prefix dc: <>.
If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title.
If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title.
The Songs Search Machine
@prefix dc: <>.
?songTitle a dc:title.
?songURL a dc:Song;
myOnt:hasTitle ?songTitle.
Store this as ssm_rule.n3
Service Integration in the Web of Things 253|
Simon Mayer
Now, we only need to link that to the service!
Multiple ways to do that…
We use HTTP OPTIONS for that
“This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements
associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a
resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.” (RFC 2616)
Link: <ssm_rule.n3>; rel=“describedBy“
We use the Link Header (RFC 5988) to return the description
Songs Search
Who is not convinced?
Why is that?
After reading ssm_rule.n3, I know
that I can get a song URL.
But I don’t know how!
How to include the request? Basically two options…
𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∧ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 → 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 → 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∧ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡
This works, but is impractical (knowledge about all requests required from the start…)
It also messes up the quantification!
“Given the Preconditions, all GET requests give the Postcondition”
This works too, and it is sound!
“Given the Preconditions, there exists a GET request that gives the Postcondition”
R.Verborgh et al. RESTdesc - A Functionality-Centered Approach to Semantic Service Description and Composition, 2012
The second option
sounds better to me!
The Songs Search Machine
@prefix dc: <>.
?songTitle a dc:title.
?songURL a dc:Song;
myOnt:hasTitle ?songTitle.
If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title. Plus, we
know about an HTTP request.
The Songs Search Machine
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix http: <>.
?songTitle a dc:title.
?songURL a dc:Song;
myOnt:hasTitle ?songTitle.
_:request http:methodName “GET”;
http:requestURI (<>?songTitle);
http:resp [ http:body ?songURL ].
Store this as ssm_rule.n3
We’ll refer to it as a “RESTdesc” description
If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title. Plus, we
know about an HTTP request.
“Yellow Submarine” a dc:title.
“Yellow Submarine” a dc:Title.
?songURL a dc:Song;
myOnt:hasTitle “Yellow Submarine”.
_:request http:methodName “GET”;
http:requestURI (<>?songTitle);
http:resp [ http:body ?songURL ].
[+ proof]
But how do I say that
I want a song URL?
“Yellow Submarine” a dc:title.
Goal: ?song a dc:Song; hasTitle “Yellow Submarine”.
A proof that is parsed to an internal HTTP request description format
Send a GET request to{songTitle} and substitute “songTitle” with
“Yellow Submarine”. Then, unpack the response. Its body contains the song.
GET ?title=YellowSubmarine
Songs Search
Why does this solve the
missing links Problem?
Service Integration in the Web of Things 263|
Simon Mayer
First: Add semantic metadata to the Media Player!
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Media Player
Method: PUT
Input: MP3 URL
Output: Will play music
Service Integration in the Web of Things 264|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata
Simon’s Office
- Contains 2 services
Songs Search
Media Player
I want to play “Yellow
Submarine” now!!
Then formulate your goal.
But be precise!
?state a st:State;
log:includes {
:SimonsOffice musicPlaying [ myOnt:hasTitle “Yellow Submarine” ]
I want Simon’s office to be in a state
where “Yellow Submarine” is playing.
“Yellow Submarine” a dc:title.
Client Goal
A proof that can be parsed to an internal HTTP request description format
Send a GET request to{songTitle} and substitute “songTitle”
with “Yellow Submarine”. Then, unpack the response. Its body contains the
songURL. Take this variable and send a PUT to{songURL}
Execute the requests to play the song!
Send a GET request to{songTitle} and substitute “songTitle” with
“Yellow Submarine”. Then, unpack the response. Its body contains the songURL. Take this
variable and send a PUT to{songURL}
Media Player
GET ?title=YellowSubmarine
Songs Search
Now, yellowsub.mp3 is playing in Simon’s office!
Sounds complicated. Could you
summarize what I have to do?
1. Formulate your goal
2. Search for a reasoner (e.g., using InfraWoT)
3. Ask the reasoner how to reach the goal
4. Parse the proof to extract the requests
5. Execute the requests
I don’t believe this!
Let’s see it!
+ reasoner has access to ssm_rule.n3, mp_rule.n3, and a states ontology.
Do Proof!
(the two n3 files aren’t online anymore)
Oh, it actually works…
Isn’t it too hard to create the
goal, for a client like me?
That’s tricky. But we’re working on it!
One idea is to integrate the goal creation with Clickscript.
And you know how to use that, right?
Service Integration in the Web of Things 273|
Simon Mayer
 A standard semantic reasoner
 Lots of research done into this, optimized
 Can handle lots of inference rules, will not be the
bottleneck, at least for home automation scenarios
 Infer what a smart environment can do for us!
 And how to trigger that functionality!
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Discussion
Service Integration in the Web of Things 274|
Simon Mayer
 Set favorite song on your mobile
phone to create a music stream
that follows you!
 Indoor localization service
 Stream server/transmitter
 Stream players/receivers in all
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype
S. Mayer and G. Basler. Semantic Metadata to Support Device Interaction in Smart Environments, 2013
Service Integration in the Web of Things 275|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype
 A music stream that “follows” the user
Service Integration in the Web of Things 276|
Simon Mayer
 Implementation (version 1)
 Passive reasoner: Only active when queried by the client
 Implementation (version 2)
 Reasoner actively searching for services using the InfraWoT
discovery infrastructure
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype
Service Integration in the Web of Things 277|
Simon Mayer
 Too many requests! 10s to change the song!
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype v1
Service Integration in the Web of Things 278|
Simon Mayer
 Working on this… stay tuned!
 Scalability testing looks good
 InfraWoT strategy: Growing scopes
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype v2
Hm. So I should
just state my goals.
And I can find and
use services, too!
Crowd-sourced Linkbases
Rating Comments
Yes Only requires service entry endpoints
Service Usage
Yes Contains API annotations for automatic usage
Level of
Uses reasoner to deduce paths for reaching the
user’s goal. Does not make use of big ontologies
(but could/should…)
Simplicity ?
Requires annotation of devices and definition of
goals. Good progress, but not out of the
woods yet
Service Integration in the Web of Things 281|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Possibilities
Service Integration in the Web of Things 282|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Possibilities
Service Integration in the Web of Things 283|
Simon Mayer
Globalization of HATEOAS
Semantics-based Linkbases: Possibilities
Semantic Service Integration Technologies: Overview
Crawling Microformats Microdata Crowd
Partial None None Yes Yes
Service Usage
No Partial No Partial Yes
Level of
None Partial Partial None Partial
Simplicity Very Easy Medium Easy Tricky ?
Introductory Stroll
WS-* Forest
REST Beacon of Hope
Data Lake
Crowded Village
Semantic Mountains
Unexplored State of Usability
Service Integration in the Web of Things 286|
Simon Mayer
École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets
September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or
Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
Service Integration in the Web of Things
Carinthia, Austria
Study techniques and technologies that
enable machines to discover smart
devices, to select appropriate services,
and to use them automatically!
Expose services as REST resources. Make
them discoverable via repositories or search
machines. Annotate them to expose their APIs
and make them automatically usable!
However, REST by itself is not enough for
automatic service usage
REST offers very interesting features for smart
environments and allows to embed API
descriptions and other metadata
We’ve seen multiple approaches to
facilitate the creation of mashups, and the
usage by machine clients
Embedding functional semantic service
descriptions could be a viable alternative to
“top-down” standardization
Service Integration in the Web of Things 291|
Simon Mayer
 Beginnings in Europe, now intercontinental!
 Web of Things Workshop Series:
 WoT 2010 @ PerCom, Mannheim
 WoT 2011 @ Pervasive, San Francisco
 WoT 2012 @ Pervasive, Newcastle
 WoT 2013 @ UbiComp, Zurich
 Community blog:
The Web of Things Community
Service Integration in the Web of Things 292|
Simon Mayer
 Ruben Verborgh, David Karam
 Nadine Inhelder, Gianin Basler
 Markus Schalch, Andreas Tschofen
 Dominique Guinard, Vlad Trifa
 Matthias Kovatsch, Leyna Sadamori, Gábor Sörös
 Erik Wilhelm, Josh Siegel, Sanjay Sarma
 Special Thanks to Ruben, Nadine, and David for your input on these slides!
THANK YOU for this invitation !
Jean-Paul Jamont
Cécile Favre
Lionel Médini
Michaël Mrissa
Tous les participants de l’école d’été Web Intelligence 2013!
 http://
Image Sources

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Service Integration in the Web of Things

  • 1. Service Integration in the Web of Things 1| Simon Mayer École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich Service Integration in the Web of Things
  • 2. Service Integration in the Web of Things 2| Simon Mayer Myself Simon Mayer, PhD Student at ETH Zurich, WoT since 2009
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 7.
  • 8. Example: Sensor Platforms Sensors: Temperature, Ambient Light, Accelerometer Actuators: 8 LEDs, Analog Outputs (e.g., motor controller)
  • 9. Example: Smart Cars Sensors: Speed, GPS, Fuel Consumption, Total KM Actuators: Unlock, Start, Accelerate, Brake
  • 10.
  • 11. Service Integration in the Web of Things 11| Simon Mayer  Services measure or actuate values in the real, physical world. They are provided by smart things  Smart environments allow well-informed decisions  Umbrella lights up if the forecast shows rain  Smart environments can perform complex tasks  Example: Music stream that follows the user Service Integration and the Web of Things
  • 12. Service Integration in the Web of Things 12| Simon Mayer  Smart Things can already do powerful tasks by themselves… Service Integration and the Web of Things
  • 13.  Open endpoints that are accessible by all authorized users  Modeling according to the REST principles However, the full potential is realized by integrating functionality across services
  • 14. The “Social Web of Things” (Ericsson, 2010) Note the explicit communication between David and his smart home… “Leaving work”, “Sophia comes”, “No dinner”, “Order the usual” …and the hidden communication between smart things Oven, carpet vacuuming, smart umbrella, HiFi downloading playlist
  • 15. Our Menu for Today. 45min.30min.15min. Introduction/Overview WS-* Web Services REST Service Integration Features Service Integration via Structured Metadata (WoT in the Wild)Semantic Service Integration vous êtes ici
  • 16. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains Unexplored State of Usability
  • 17. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains Unexplored State of Usability
  • 18. Service Integration in the Web of Things 18| Simon Mayer Service Integration in the Web of Things Overview: WoT Concepts and Challenges Saint Germain au Mont d’Or, France École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
  • 19. Service Integration in the Web of Things 19| Simon Mayer  Definitions of the following concepts in a Web of Things context  Major challenges for service integration Overview Web of Things Concepts and Challenges Smart Things Services Service Integration Service Mashups Arrive-and- Operate Mashup Management Automatic Service Composition
  • 20. Service Integration in the Web of Things 20| Simon Mayer  Cyber-physical functionality  Sensing, Actuation (or both) of real, physical quantities  Structured according to the REST principles  Respect the HATEOAS property (application statelessness)  Interfaces are “open”, but secure  Fully described for people and machines  Interacting Smart Things: Smart Environments Smart Things in the Web of Things (WoT)
  • 21. Service Integration in the Web of Things 21| Simon Mayer Smart Things in the Web of Things Example: RESTful Sun SPOTs GET <HTML>… GET {json}
  • 22. Service Integration in the Web of Things 22| Simon Mayer  Generally: Services are Sub-Resources of Smart Things  A Smart Thing itself (i.e., the top URL) can also be a service Services in the Web of Things M. Kovatsch, S. Mayer, and B. Ostermaier. Towards the Thin Server Architecture for the Internet of Things, 2012
  • 23. Service Integration in the Web of Things 23| Simon Mayer Services in the Web of Things Example: RESTful Sun SPOTs Temperature Sensor: GET 28.5
  • 24. Service Integration in the Web of Things 24| Simon Mayer Services in the Web of Things Example: RESTful Sun SPOTs PUT‘on’ OK LED Switch:
  • 25. Service Integration in the Web of Things 25| Simon Mayer  Prevalent Types  Visual Data Rendering  Cartographic / Geographic  Data Converters, Aggregators (Feeds, News)  Examples:  In the Web of Things, mashups also act on physical quantities! Service Mashups in the Web of Things “A mashup (…) is a web application that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service.”
  • 26. Service Integration in the Web of Things 26| Simon Mayer Mashups in the Web of Things Example: Anti-Theft Mashup  Shop management system + RFID reader + Web Cam  All with Web servers on-board!  Goal: Take a picture if a theft is detected = if an item is read by the RFID reader but not marked as “sold”  Send the picture to a mobile phone D. Guinard, C. Floerkemeier, S. Sarma. Cloud Computing, REST and Mashups to Simplify RFID Application Development and Deployment, 2011
  • 27. Service Integration in the Web of Things 27| Simon Mayer Mashups in the Web of Things Example: Room Configuration
  • 28. Service Integration in the Web of Things 28| Simon Mayer  Enabling people to talk to services  Enabling services to talk to each other and form mashups  Enabling people to talk to service mashups Service Integration in the Web of Things
  • 29. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains Unexplored State of Usability
  • 30. Now, let’s talk about some challenges in service integration Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery and Look-Up Mashup Management: For Everyone Automatic Service Composition
  • 31. Now, let’s talk about some challenges in service integration Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery and Look-Up Mashup Management: For Everyone Automatic Service Composition
  • 32. Service Integration in the Web of Things 32| Simon Mayer  Advertise services that are provided by devices within a smart environment! Arrive and Operate Service Discovery What’s the current temperature? I know that! It’s 23°C Thank you :-)
  • 33. Service Integration in the Web of Things 33| Simon Mayer Arrive and Operate Service Look-Up  It’s not static text documents anymore!  Possible to use Google for this?  Which attributes? Keywords, Device Type, Reviews,..  Search Engines for the WoT, e.g., Dyser, InfraWoT B. Ostermaier, K. Römer, F. Mattern, M. Fahrmair, and W. Kellerer. A Real-Time Search Engine for the Web of Things, 2010 S. Mayer, D. Guinard, and V. Trifa. Searching in a Web-based Infrastructure for Smart Things, 2012
  • 34. Service Integration in the Web of Things 34| Simon Mayer  Search for smart things that exhibit a given state at the time of the query  “Empty rooms that have a temperature of 23°C”  Querying for real-time states is expensive!  Dyser: Create statistical models for sensors. First query sensors that likely satisfy the parameters Arrive and Operate Service Look-Up: Dyser
  • 35. Service Integration in the Web of Things 35| Simon Mayer Now, let’s talk about some challenges in service integration Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery Mashup Management: For Everyone Automatic Service Composition
  • 36. Service Integration in the Web of Things 36| Simon Mayer Non-PhD-Nabaztag idea: Dom Guinard Mashups for Everyone I don’t have a PhD in computer science... Enable tech-savvy users to develop applications that leverage functionality from sensors and actuators [“programming the real world”]
  • 37. Service Integration in the Web of Things 37| Simon Mayer Mashups for Everyone Graphical Editors for Physical Mashups  Facilitate the composition of RESTful services  Clickscript (JavaScript-based visual programming language)   Web of Things modules: Thermometer, fan, etc.
  • 38. Service Integration in the Web of Things 38| Simon Mayer Mashups for Everyone Graphical Editors for Physical Mashups [] D. Guinard, C. Floerkemeier, S. Sarma. Cloud Computing, REST and Mashups to Simplify RFID Application Development and Deployment, 2011
  • 39.
  • 40. Service Integration in the Web of Things 40| Simon Mayer Now, let’s talk about some challenges in service integration Arrive-and-Operate: Service Discovery Mashup Management: For Everyone Automatic Service Composition
  • 41. Service Integration in the Web of Things 41| Simon Mayer Automatic Service Composition  Embed information about what smart things can do!  Syntactic level: Data type, units of measurement, etc.  Semantic level: “What is the meaning of this data?”  Is automatic mashup creation even possible? We’ll see… :-D ...and tell others!
  • 42. Service Integration in the Web of Things 42| Simon Mayer Smart Service Composition Possibilities
  • 43. Service Integration in the Web of Things 43| Simon Mayer Smart Service Composition Possibilities
  • 44. Service Integration in the Web of Things 44| Simon Mayer Smart Service Composition Possibilities
  • 45. Service Integration in the Web of Things 45| Simon Mayer Smart Service Composition Possibilities
  • 46. Service Integration in the Web of Things 46| Simon Mayer  Web of Things Concepts  Smart Things and Smart Environments  Services  Service Integration  Service Mashups  Web of Things Challenges  Arrive and Operate: Service Discovery and Look-Up  Mashups: Enable tech-savvy users to program the real world  Service Composition: Fully automatic? Summary
  • 47. Introductory Stroll REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains Unexplored State of Usability WS-* Forest
  • 48. Service Integration in the Web of Things 48| Simon Mayer Service Integration in the Web of Things A History Primer: WS-* Web Services Sonoma County, USA École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
  • 49. Service Integration in the Web of Things 49| Simon Mayer Service Integration in the Web of Things A History Primer: WS-* Web Services Bliss, Microsoft École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
  • 50. Introductory Stroll REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains Unexplored State of Usability WS-* Forest
  • 51. Service Integration in the Web of Things 51| Simon Mayer  Here, endpoints are service calls, not resources  Resource:  Service:  Main Technologies:  Service Access SOAP  Service Description WSDL  Service Discovery UDDI The Service-Oriented Architecture
  • 52. Service Integration in the Web of Things 52| Simon Mayer  Challenge (1995): How to make heterogeneous services on the Internet discoverable and usable for clients?  Internet too heterogeneous for a single RPC technology  Goal: Language-independent standards for Web Services The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies
  • 53. Service Integration in the Web of Things 53| Simon Mayer  SOAP: Service Access (1998)  “Simple Object Access Protocol”, today just “SOAP”  Dave Winder (also RSS!), together with MS engineers  Transport usually via HTTP, but also possible via, e.g., SMTP The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: SOAP
  • 54. Service Integration in the Web of Things 54| Simon Mayer  WSDL: Service Description (2000)  Web Services Description Language  IBM, MS, Ariba  UDDI: Service Discovery (2000)  Universal Description Discovery and Integration (part of WS-I)  MS, IBM, Ariba  SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI are part of the WS-* stack The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL and UDDI
  • 55. Service Integration in the Web of Things 55| Simon Mayer The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies XML Documens Client Server Registry-Service UDDI WSDLWSDL SOAP register look up request / reply Material adapted from: F. Mattern, Distributed Systems Lecture, ETH Zurich, 2012
  • 56. Service Integration in the Web of Things 56| Simon Mayer The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies Client Server Lookup-Service UDDI WSDLWSDL SOAP register look up request / reply SOAP envelope Header (optional) Body WSDL description types, messages portType binding service
  • 57. Service Integration in the Web of Things 57| Simon Mayer The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: SOAP SOAP envelope Header (optional) Body Envelope SOAP Definition and Encoding Style Optional Header Transaction Context: Authentication and Billing Body
  • 58. Service Integration in the Web of Things 58| Simon Mayer Types: What does the exchanged data look like? WSDL description types, messages portType binding service Messages: What are messages composed of? PortType: What do the operations look like? Binding: Which protocol to use? Service: Structure/Bundling of operations The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL
  • 59. Service Integration in the Web of Things 59| Simon Mayer Types: Define Serialization Objects <xs:element name="myName" type="myObject"/> <xs:complexType name="myObject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="i" type="xs:int"/> <xs:element name="j" type="xs:float"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> “complexType”: Composite Objects! WSDL description types, messages portType binding service The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL
  • 60. Service Integration in the Web of Things 60| Simon Mayer Messages <message name="myRequest"> <part name="parameters" element="tns:myName"/> <part name="optionalParameters" element="tns:myOpt"/> </message> <message name="myResponse"> <part name="result" element="tns:myRet"/> </message> WSDL description types, messages portType binding service The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL “tns”: target namespace myObject
  • 61. Service Integration in the Web of Things 61| Simon Mayer PortType: Define Operations <portType name="groupOfServices"> <operation name="myService"> <input message="tns:myRequest"/> <output message="tns:myResponse"/> <fault message="tns:someFault"/> </operation> </portType> WSDL description types, messages portType binding service The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL There can also be multiple operations
  • 62. Service Integration in the Web of Things 62| Simon Mayer Transport Binding <binding name="myBinding“ type="tns:allMyServices"> <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xml-" style="document"/> </binding> WSDL description types, messages portType binding service The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL
  • 63. Service Integration in the Web of Things 63| Simon Mayer Service: Packaging the Service <service name="SimpleService"> <port binding="tns:myBinding"> <soap:address location=“"/> </port> </service> WSDL description types, messages portType binding service The Service-Oriented Architecture Main Technologies: WSDL
  • 64. Service Integration in the Web of Things 64| Simon Mayer  Stubs handle communication issues such as message packing and unpacking (“marshalling”)  Server stub is also responsible for publishing the WSDL file The Service-Oriented Architecture WS-* in Practice Application-Server Server Logic Server Stub Client Client Stub Client Logic
  • 65. Service Integration in the Web of Things 65| Simon Mayer  The “server stub”  Handle SOAP marshalling  Publish WSDL  Two possibilities to create the server stub 1. Bottom-Up / Code-First: Stub from implementation Example on next slide (JAX-WS) 2. Top-Down / Contract-First: Stub from Interface WSDL The Service-Oriented Architecture WS-* in Practice: WS-* Servers Application-Server Server Logic Server Stub
  • 66. Service Integration in the Web of Things 66| Simon Mayer The Service-Oriented Architecture Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) Java Annotations to create Web Services from simple Java code
  • 67. Service Integration in the Web of Things 67| Simon Mayer  Stubs handle communication issues such as message packing and unpacking (“marshalling”)  Server stub is also responsible for publishing the WSDL file The Service-Oriented Architecture WS-* in Practice Application-Server Server Logic Server Stub Client Client Stub Client Logic
  • 68. Service Integration in the Web of Things 68| Simon Mayer  The “client stub” handles SOAP marshalling  Two options: 1. Bottom-Up / Code-First: Stub from implementation 2. Contract-First: Stubs from WSDL Highly appealing for enterprises! The Service-Oriented Architecture WS-* in Practice: WS-* Clients Client Client Stub Client Logic
  • 69. Service Integration in the Web of Things 69| Simon Mayer The Service-Oriented Architecture Discussion of WS-*  Immensely powerful and lots of available tools!  Huge complexity - hard to learn  WSDL: Enormous documents for simple functionality!  SOAP: Only POST (for http-binding)  Therefore no http-based caching possible!  UDDI: No role-based access, no service life-cycle management, limited look-up capabilities (IBM, 2007)
  • 70. Service Integration in the Web of Things 70| Simon Mayer It is that it has features that encourage the compiling of clients against it, and that such clients are not flexible enough to adapt to changing interfaces (creation of client stubs from WSDL) One of the biggest problems of WSDL (and WADL, see later) isn’t technical…
  • 71. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains REST Beacon of Hope
  • 72. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 72| Simon Mayer Service Integration in the Web of Things (Back) to the Future: REST CERN, Switzerland/France École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
  • 73. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 73| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 LHC Image: Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment [one of the main particle detectors at CERN]
  • 74. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains REST Beacon of Hope
  • 75. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 75| Simon Mayer  Introduction to REST by Michaël and Lionel (yesterday)  Comparison of REST and WS-*  Google Trends  Performance of REST vs. WS-*  Ease of use of REST and WS-*  A different approach to understanding REST  The main REST feature for service integration: HATEOAS Overview: REST, WS-*, and HATEOAS
  • 76. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 76| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 SOAP Makes no sense to look this up… ;-)
  • 77. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 77| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 “SOAP Java”
  • 78. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 78| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 WSDL
  • 79. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 79| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 UDDI
  • 80. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 80| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 REST Makes little sense to look this up either… ;-)
  • 81. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 81| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 RESTful
  • 82. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 82| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Google Trends, 2004-2013 UDDI RESTful “SOAP Java”
  • 83. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 83| Simon Mayer  REST outperforms WS-*  Some data in a minute…  REST is a better fit to the “Do-It-Yourself” Web  Often frontend creation, i.e., quick data access  “Web Developers” vs. “Programmers”  WS-* suite is a complex standard, now  Makes it hard to use for novices  Some data in a minute… REST and WS-* The Downside of WS-* Web Services…
  • 84. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 84| Simon Mayer  REST and SOAP on devices with limited resources REST and WS-* Performance Power Consumption [mW] Completion Time [s] D. Yazar and A. Dunkels: Efficient Application Integration in IP-based Sensor Networks, 2009
  • 85. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 85| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Better Fit for Do-It-Yourself Web  RESTful vs. “Big” Web Services  REST for tactical, ad hoc integration over the Web (“Mashups”)  WS-* in professional enterprise application integration scenarios with a longer lifespan and advanced QoS requirements  Today, REST is being more and more adopted for this use case! C. Pautasso, O. Zimmermann, and F. Leymann: RESTful Web Services vs. “Big” Web Services. Making the Right Architectural Decision, 2008
  • 86. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 86| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Complexity & Approachability  Also consider the perceived ease of use as a key to the adoption of an IT system  Increasing reliance on external developers to build innovative services (App Store, Google Play, etc.) F. D. Davis. Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology, 1989 D. Gefen and M. Keil. The Impact of Developer Responsiveness on Perceptions of Usefulness and Ease of Use, 1998 An easy to learn and easy to use API is key to foster a broad community of developers!
  • 87. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 87| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective  Study to evaluate the developers’ experience when learning and implementing Web Service applications  Perceived advantages & disadvantages of REST and WS-*  Ease and speed of learning  Perceived suitability of REST and WS-* for different scenarios  Participants  Computer science students (n = 69)  Third or fourth year of Bachelor studies D. Guinard, I. Ion, S. Mayer: REST or WS-*? A Developers’ Perspective, 2011
  • 88. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 88| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Study Setup  Data Sources (quantitative and qualitative feedback) 1. Implementation Task Teams (n = 25) 2. Structured Questionnaire Individual (n = 69) 3. Feedback Form Anonymous (n = 37)  Implementation Task: Mobile Phone Applications (n = 25)  Access temperature measurements on wireless sensor nodes a. RESTful API b. WS-* (WSDL + SOAP) API  Standard libraries: Apache HTTPClient for REST, kSoap2 for WS-* All course material is available online:
  • 89. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 89| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Study Setup
  • 90. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 90| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Study Setup 2. Structured Questionnaire (n = 69)  Advantages and disadvantages of REST and WS-*  Suitability of WS-* and REST in different domains  Completed after finishing implementation 3. Anonymous Feedback Form (n = 37)  WS-* / REST ease and speed of learning  Suitability of WS-* / REST in different domains  Completed after finishing implementation
  • 91. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 91| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Results  Perceived advantages of each technology  Ease and speed of learning  Perceived suitability for use cases  Embedded devices  Mobile phone client applications  Business applications
  • 92. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 92| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Perceived Advantages  REST  Very easy to understand, learn, and implement (36 participants)  More lightweight (27)  More scalable (21)  WS-*  WSDL enables service contracts (31)  Better security features (19)  Better level of abstraction (11) Qualitative Results, n = 69
  • 93. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 93| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Ease of Learning  “Easy” or “Very easy” to learn  REST: 70%  WS-*: 11%  REST M = 3.85, SD = 1.09  WS-* M = 2.50, SD = 1.10  REST significantly easier to learn (p < 0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test) Not easy at all Not easy Average Easy Very easy 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 REST WS-* 5 point Likert scale [1 = Not easy at all, ..., 5 = Very easy], n = 37
  • 94. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 94| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Speed of Learning  “Fast” or “Very fast” to learn  REST: 65%  WS-*: 0%  REST: M = 3.43, SD = 1.09  WS-*: M = 2.21, SD = 0.80  REST significantly faster to learn (p < 0.009, Wilcoxon signed rank test) Not fast at all Not fast Average Fast Very fast 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 REST WS-* 5 point Likert scale [1 = Not fast at all, ..., 5 = Very fast], n = 37
  • 95. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 95| Simon Mayer  REST easier to learn because RESTful Web Services are based on familiar technologies such as HTTP (9)  REST made it easier to understand what services the sensor nodes offer (25). This is because of the HTML interface (8)  WSDL and SOAP are more complex to use (8)  Good that WSDL is “standard” (7) REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Summary “REST is easy and WS-* is just a complicated mess.” “Everybody who is using a browser already knows a little about [REST]” Qualitative Results, n = 69
  • 97. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 97| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases Would you use REST or WS-* for… … Embedded Devices? … Mobile Phone Clients? … Business Applications?
  • 98. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 98| Simon Mayer 5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases
  • 99. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 99| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases  Embedded Devices  REST (66%), WS-* (8%)  Reasons: REST better in heterogeneous environments, more lightweight  Smart Home Sensor Network (students’ private homes)  REST (89%), WS-* (7%)  Reasons: Simplicity of deployment and use (24) (avg. footprint 17.46 kB for REST, 83.27 kB for WS-* application) 5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 + qualitative data
  • 100. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 100| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases  Mobile Phones  REST (53%), WS-* (16%), 32% undecided  Reasons: REST causes less traffic (7)  Undecided reasons: Mobile phones getting very powerful 5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 + qualitative data
  • 101. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 101| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Use Cases  Business Applications  WS-* (52%), REST (24%)  WS-* Reasons: Security needs (21), better service contracts (18)  REST Reasons: Simplicity (10), Scalability (10) 5 point Likert scale [1 = WS-*, ..., 5 = REST], n = 37 + qualitative data
  • 102. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 102| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* Developers’ Perspective: Summary  REST: Intuitive, flexible, lightweight  WS-*: Advanced security, standardization, contracts  Learning Ease and Speed: REST Preference (significant)  Embedded and Mobile Apps: REST Preference (significant)  Business Applications: WS-* Preference (not significant)  Study done among novice developers
  • 103. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 103| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* REST Advantages: Summary  Great for open, interoperable APIs  Greatly facilitates creation of mashups  Web features for free  Bookmark your devices and their functionality  Caching for scalability, security mechanisms  People are used to exploring the Web using a browser  Seems to facilitate application development
  • 104. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 104| Simon Mayer REST and WS-* REST Advantages: Summary  REST and SOAP on devices with limited resources  UDDI discontinued by IBM, Microsoft, SAP in 2006  Functionality removed from Windows Server in 2010  WS-* APIs discontinued by Google in 2011 Power Consumption [mW] Completion Time [s] []
  • 105. Try to avoid repeating the same mistakes for service integration in the Web of Things Do not create service descriptions that encourage the compiling of clients against them
  • 106. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains
  • 107. Now for the cool stuff: HATEOAS [or, Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State] [or, the server guides clients using hyperlinks]
  • 108. Did you ever experience that the “back” button broke a hypermedia application? e-banking, e-commerce, flights booking, etc. Why is that?
  • 109. “The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a networking protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.” “Prominent members include the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.” HATEOAS: Simple Example Known URL!
  • 110. Clients that click “back” break the HATEOAS “contract”! The server didn’t want a “back” button to be available in the application. Else, there would be a hypermedia control to enable the “back”-action
  • 111. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 111| Simon Mayer  All possible state transitions of an application are under control of the server. To guide clients in applications, the server provides hyperlinks that they may follow  Clients only follow provided hyperlinks! “follow your nose”  Take Care! What if a client wants to buy a book, but only finds a link “Add to shopping cart”? Representational State Transfer (REST) HATEOAS [Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State] No Problem! What about me??
  • 112. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 112| Simon Mayer Client context, e.g.: Do I like chocolate? Page contents, e.g.: ”Zurich” advertisement Representational State Transfer (REST) HATEOAS for Human Clients
  • 113. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 113| Simon Mayer  Important part of REST! Especially for service integration… Representational State Transfer (REST) HATEOAS: Google Trends (2004-2013) HATEOAS
  • 114. HATEOAS: Book Store Example Known URL! “Recommended Books: Book1 Books in your cart: None. Checkout not possible (no books).” “This is Book1. It’s great! Add book to cart” GET books/book1
  • 115. HATEOAS: Book Store Example Known URL! “This is Book1. It’s great! Add book to cart” POST carts/simon?book=Book1 “Recommended Books: None Books in your cart: Book1. Go to checkout.” “Select payment type: Credit Card, Debit Card”
  • 117. Known URL! “Recommended Books: Book1 Books in your cart: None. Checkout not possible (no books).” “This is Book1. It’s great! Add book to cart” GET XYZ/book1 HATEOAS: Book Store Example
  • 118. Known URL! “This is Book1. It’s great! Add book to cart” GET XYZ/book1 POST carts/simon?book=Book1 “Recommended Books: None Books in your cart: Book1. Go to checkout.” “Select payment type: Credit Card, Debit Card” HATEOAS: Book Store Example
  • 119. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 119| Simon Mayer  HATEOAS is what adds flexibility to REST systems!  Links are discovered by clients at runtime  Clients will automatically adapt if links change!  This is why browsers are general-purpose tools and not specialized applications  What if the book store API was described in WSDL?  Risk that clients are compiled from the WSDL  Not mandatory, but was common practice! Why?  WSDLs are more complex to parse and perceived as being static Representational State Transfer (REST) HATEOAS and Flexible Service Consumption
  • 120. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 120| Simon Mayer  We assume that a machine client can follow its nose  Can they, really? What is required to “follow your nose”?  How to combine services from different providers?  They don’t know about each other!  They cannot include links to each other!  HATEOAS cannot accomplish such service integration tasks alone! Representational State Transfer (REST) HATEOAS for Machine Clients: Challenges
  • 121. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains
  • 122. This is where HATEOAS breaks down for machine clients! Options? Create a new type of WSDL, for RESTful Web Services (top-down, standardization, look at WADL in the next slides) Offer Web developers ways of annotating their resources (basically the same thing, but taking into account the developers’ perspective / bottom-up)
  • 123. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 123| Simon Mayer  Web Application Description Language  Initial draft (2005) by Marc Hadley  Sun Microsystems (today: Oracle) Some words about WADL WADL
  • 124. Web-based Interaction with Smart Environments 124| Simon Mayer WADL: Repeating WS-* Mistakes?  WADL example to annotate a news search  Alternative Option: OpenSearch  WADL documents are verbose and perceived as rather rigid  “the REST answer to WSDL” Risk of compiling against WADL!
  • 125. Service Integration in the Web of Things 125| Simon Mayer Service Integration in the Web of Things WoT Service Integration Zurich, Switzerland École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich
  • 126. Service Integration in the Web of Things 126| Simon Mayer Example Scenario
  • 127. Service Integration in the Web of Things 127| Simon Mayer  User enters personal preferences into smartphone (temperature, preferred song, etc.)  Smartphone negotiates with devices in the surroundings to set these preferences  Constraints  Must be flexible: Should work in the user’s home, office, hotels, etc.  Interaction metadata must be discoverable on the fly!  Discourage compiling against service descriptions! Example Scenario
  • 128. Service Integration in the Web of Things 128| Simon Mayer  Heterogeneous services from different providers should be dynamically composable  Services don’t know anything about how to interact with other services when they are created (i.e., no “standards”)  No HATEOAS: No hyperlinks between services!  Links are known only between “local” services where URLs have been intentionally linked by the service provider The big picture…
  • 129. Service Integration in the Web of Things 129| Simon Mayer  Make things smart enough to know what they can do…  First level: Syntax “What type does a service’s output data have?”  REST offers a great mechanism to help with that: Content Negotiation  Second level: Semantics “Does it make sense to link these two services?” Service Integration: Self-aware Things! ...and tell others!
  • 130. Service Integration in the Web of Things 130| Simon Mayer  Make things smart enough to know what they can do…  First level: Syntax “What type does a service’s output data have?”  REST offers a great mechanism to help with that: Content Negotiation  Second level: Semantics “Does it make sense to link these two services?” Service Integration: Self-aware Things! ...and tell others!
  • 131. Service Integration in the Web of Things 131| Simon Mayer  A smart thermostat takes inputs as XML:  The client’s desired temperature is in a JSON document: Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? A Glimpse at Syntactic Service Integration { commonName:”clientX”, desiredSong:”Yellow Submarine”, desiredTemperature:”20” } Method: PUT Endpoint: Content: (…)<value>23.3</value>(…)
  • 132. Service Integration in the Web of Things 132| Simon Mayer  Describe the service’s API in an Internet Media Type!  Make this information public!  Client can now create/render the input and use the service  This is part of REST self-describing messages! Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? A Glimpse at Syntactic Service Integration Method: PUT Endpoint: Content: (…)<value>23.3</value>(…) Content-Type: application/xml+simon-thermostat
  • 133. Service Integration in the Web of Things 133| Simon Mayer  Make things smart enough to know what they can do…  First level: Syntax “What type does a service’s output data have?”  REST offers a great mechanism to help with that: Content Negotiation  Second level: Semantics “Does it make sense to link these two services?” Service Integration: Self-aware Things! ...and tell others!
  • 134. How to infer that it’s about temperatures and not about a GPS longitude? Not possible! They look the same! Yes, but their semantics are different. ?
  • 135. True, the messages aren’t self-descriptive with respect to this: “value” could be anything Method: PUT Endpoint: Content: (…)<value>23.3</value>(…) But we can fix that, by adding semantic metadata! Not possible! They look the same!
  • 136. Alright… from the beginning :-) We’ll see four service integration techniques, an example for each, and discuss their suitability for our considered applications
  • 137. Service Integration in the Web of Things 137| Simon Mayer  Simple Hypermedia Crawling  Metadata: Microformats and Microdata  Crowd-sourced Service Integration  Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?  Semantics-based Service Integration  Web Linking + Metadata Embedding  My current research… Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? Techniques for Semantic Service Integration morefunctionality……morecomplexity
  • 138. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains
  • 139. Service Integration in the Web of Things 139| Simon Mayer  Simple Hypermedia Crawling  Metadata: Microformats and Microdata  Crowd-sourced Service Integration  Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?  Semantics-based Service Integration  Web Linking + Metadata Embedding  My own current research… Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
  • 140. Service Integration in the Web of Things 140| Simon Mayer  Crawling of hypermedia structures sometimes is already sufficient as enabler for integration  Mainly relies on: GET Well-known, right? HEAD Who knows this? OPTIONS And this one?  Friends and Things: Sharing of physical and digital artifacts via social networks Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Hypermedia Crawling D. Guinard, M. Fischer, V. Trifa. Sharing Using Social Networks in a Composable Web of Things, 2010
  • 141. Service Integration in the Web of Things 141| Simon Mayer @home Sharing your energy consumption Encouraging energy savings… @work Laboratory automation “You may monitor my mass spectrometer” @business Sharing the trace of tagged products RESTful EPCIS Hypermedia Crawling The Friends and Things Project
  • 142. Service Integration in the Web of Things 142| Simon Mayer Hypermedia Crawling The Friends and Things Project
  • 143. Service Integration in the Web of Things 143| Simon Mayer  FaT must discover thing APIs to be shared first  Entirely done via hypermedia crawling, no semantics whatsoever  Then, things can be shared via the OpenSocial API  …and used by others Hypermedia Crawling The Friends and Things Project
  • 144. Service Integration in the Web of Things 144| Simon Mayer Hypermedia Crawling The Friends and Things Project
  • 145. Service Integration in the Web of Things 145| Simon Mayer  Only API discovery, nothing else!  No information about how APIs can be used: Only specialized applications can use them  For crawling to work, links must already exist! (the “local” hyperlinks problem, again…) Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Hypermedia Crawling: Limitations
  • 146. Service Integration in the Web of Things 146| Simon Mayer Hypermedia Crawling Discussion Rating Comments Interface Discovery Partial Requires APIs to be connected via hyperlinks Automatic Service Usage No Can be used to discover APIs that are then used by tailored applications (like Friends and Things does!) Level of Semantic Integration None No semantic integration whatsoever Simplicity Very Easy No specific annotations required
  • 147. Service Integration in the Web of Things 147| Simon Mayer  Simple Hypermedia Crawling  Metadata: Microformats and Microdata  Crowd-sourced Service Integration  Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?  Semantics-based Service Integration  Web Linking + Metadata Embedding  My own current research… Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
  • 148. Service Integration in the Web of Things 148| Simon Mayer  Easy: Find a common way of embedding “useful” metadata  Standardized “structured Data” can be successful… ;-)  vCard supporters: Android, Symbian, Apple Mac OS X, combit Relationship Manager, Egroupware, Kontact, Lotus Notes, Lotus Organizer, Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Novell Evolution, Novell GroupWise, Roundcube, SOGo, Palm Desktop, The Bat, Trillian, Turba, WebWeaver Suite, etc. Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Metadata Embedding Anybody know the vCard format?
  • 149. Service Integration in the Web of Things 149| Simon Mayer  Easy: Find a common way of embedding “useful” metadata  Standardized “structured Data” can be successful… ;-)  Wikipedia “Infoboxes”  Wikidata Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Metadata Embedding
  • 150. Service Integration in the Web of Things 150| Simon Mayer  Microformats  Specifically hRESTS for service integration  Standardized formats for describing contact info, products, etc.  Example application: Service lookup infrastructure  Microdata  Driven by the “big players”, often linked to ontologies  Example application: UI descriptions Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Metadata Embedding both: HTML!
  • 151. Service Integration in the Web of Things 151| Simon Mayer  Microformats  Specifically hRESTS for service integration  Standardized formats for describing contact info, products, etc.  Example application: Service lookup infrastructure  Microdata  Driven by the “big players”, often linked to ontologies  Example application: UI descriptions Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Metadata Embedding
  • 152. Service Integration in the Web of Things 152| Simon Mayer  Standardized HTML-embeddable structured data profiles Metadata Embedding Microformats <div class="vcard"> <a class="url fn" href="">Tantek Çelik</a> </div> hCard format For API descriptions! Next slide! hRESTS format
  • 153. Service Integration in the Web of Things 153| Simon Mayer Does this really help machine clients? Microformats The hRESTS Format for API Descriptions <div class="service"> This <span class="label">thermostat</span> enables users to <div class="operation”> <span class="label">configure the current temperature</span> . It is invoked using a <span class="method">PUT</span> request at <span class="address">{temp}</span> with <span class="input">the desired temperature</span> replacing the <code>temp</code> parameter. </div> </div> Demonstration!
  • 154. Service Integration in the Web of Things 154| Simon Mayer  A management infrastructure for smart things  Enables searching for devices in smart environments  Parameters:  UUID, Name, Keywords  Type/Category of device  Location  Reviews  Type of REST API Microformats Embedded Microformats Example: InfraWoT S. Mayer, D. Guinard, and V. Trifa. Searching in a Web-based Infrastructure for Smart Things, 2012 Find a Thermostat at the location Living Room that takes a temperature as input
  • 155. Service Integration in the Web of Things 155| Simon Mayer  Hierarchies of management nodes, nodes only aware of direct neighbors highly scalable! (tested with 100k devices…) Microformats The InfraWoT Project
  • 156. Service Integration in the Web of Things 156| Simon Mayer  Management infrastructure for smart things  Service Discovery and Look-up Microformats The InfraWoT Project Trifa, V., Guinard, D., Mayer, S. Leveraging the Web for a Distributed Location-aware Infrastructure for the Real World, 2010 Things register first…
  • 157. Service Integration in the Web of Things 157| Simon Mayer  Management infrastructure for smart things  Service Discovery and Look-up Microformats The InfraWoT Project …and can be found by clients! Things register first… Find a Thermostat at the location Living Room that takes a temperature as input
  • 158. Service Integration in the Web of Things 158| Simon Mayer Microformats The InfraWoT Project: Registration
  • 159. Service Integration in the Web of Things 159| Simon Mayer Microformats The InfraWoT Project: Metadata Parameters Microformat Identification Name, UUID None. Information derived from URL Product Info Device Type, Brand, Price, etc. hProduct User Reviews Ratings, Description hReview Context Location (GPS + Indoor Location) GEO for GPS, proprietary format for indoor API Description Label, URL Template, Input, Output hRESTS
  • 160. Service Integration in the Web of Things 160| Simon Mayer Microformats The InfraWoT Project: Service Look-Up Find a Thermostat at the location Living Room that takes a temperature as input Method: HTTP PUT Rating: 4.3 (0..5) hProduct Category GEO hRESTS Input
  • 161. Service Integration in the Web of Things 161| Simon Mayer  Information is not machine-interpretable  hRESTS service label can only be “understood” by humans!  Only allows to annotate text/html representations  Clumsy embedding via HTML overloading of “class”  Declining interest… Microformats Discussion Microformats
  • 162. Service Integration in the Web of Things 162| Simon Mayer Microformats Discussion Rating Comments Interface Discovery None Requires to fall back on crawling or indexing Automatic Service Usage Partial hRESTS allows definition of API, but no format to describe it for machine clients Level of Semantic Integration Partial Microformats define the semantics of objects, but are only partially linked to ontologies Simplicity Medium Cumbersome annotation of HTML representations required
  • 163. Service Integration in the Web of Things 163| Simon Mayer  Microformats  Specifically hRESTS for service integration  Standardized formats for describing contact info, products, etc.  Example application: Service lookup infrastructure  Microdata  Driven by the “big players”, often linked to ontologies  Example application: UI descriptions Techniques for Semantic Service Integration Metadata Embedding
  • 164. Service Integration in the Web of Things 164| Simon Mayer  Also based on structured data and HTML embedding  New attributes instead of overloading  Part of HTML5  “More semantics”: Linking to ontologies possible via fixed vocabularies like or  Maintainers: Google, MS, etc. Metadata Embedding Microdata
  • 165. Service Integration in the Web of Things 165| Simon Mayer  Smarter embedding via special HTML attributes <… itemprop=“propertyName”> to annotate specific items <… itemscope itemprop=“scopeName”> for scoping  Usually added to <span> or <div> tags  Demonstration (navigate to colored LED) Metadata Embedding Microdata <html>…<span itemscope itemprop=“vCard”>This page is about <span itemprop=“firstName”>Maximilian</span> <span itemprop=“lastName”>Muster</span> who lives in <span itemprop=“locality”>Zurich</span></span>…</html>
  • 166. Service Integration in the Web of Things 166| Simon Mayer  Goal: Automatic UI generation for smart things  Intuitive interfaces for multiple modalities (GUI, speech, haptics, etc.)  Metadata should be easy to embed for developers  UI Information embedded as Microdata Microdata Embedded Microdata Example: InterWoTions
  • 167. Service Integration in the Web of Things 167| Simon Mayer InterWoTions Human- and machine-readable volume controller interaction markup. Microdata The InterWoTions Project
  • 168. GUI / Touch Screen Haptic / Gyro Example: Interaction with a Web-enabled LED
  • 169. Speech Haptic / Accelerometer Example: Interaction with a Web-enabled Power Plug
  • 170. Haptic / Gyroscope Example: Interaction with a Web-enabled Toy Robot
  • 171. GUI / Gyroscope Composite UI set intensity, switch, get data, goto, move Example: Interaction with iTunes Faster than the iPhone-App!
  • 172. Service Integration in the Web of Things 172| Simon Mayer  Yields useful interfaces  Covers lots of use cases: Home automation, A/V, lecture controls, car controls, etc.  Markup is easily producible for tech-savvy users Microdata Embedded Interaction Information: InterWoTions
  • 173. Service Integration in the Web of Things 173| Simon Mayer Microdata Discussion Rating Comments Interface Discovery None Requires to fall back on crawling or indexing Automatic Service Usage No No standard format to annotate Web APIs Level of Semantic Integration Partial Allows to define an object’s class/type, if ontologies like are used Simplicity Easy Annotation of HTML representations required. Better usability than Microformats
  • 174. Service Integration in the Web of Things 174| Simon Mayer  We never actually tried that! Rather, we moved on to explore “full”, functional semantic integration…  Works only for HTML representations (like Microformats)  W3C working on Microdata-RDF Transformation Microdata Discussion Allows to define an object’s class/type, if ontologies like are used
  • 175. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains
  • 176.  Goal: Extract interesting information about a device regardless of the annotation format  Approach: Discovery based on a runtime-dynamic set of strategies (Microformats-Strategy, Microdata-Strategy, proprietary strategies, etc.) Brief Outtake! How to merge different embedded Metadata Descriptions S. Mayer, D. Guinard. An Extensible Discovery Service for Smart Things, 2011
  • 177. Forecast: Rain Temperature: 24˚C Please configure forecast data source Your fridge currently consumes 45W I’m located in Zurich! Human-readable and understandable Lots of smart things…
  • 178. ...and multiple semantic annotation formats... {“data”:[{“weather- forecast”:”Rain”}], “name”:”MyNabaztag”} …<div itemscope><div itemprop=“tag=“>Illumination</div><div itemprop=“value”>150</div></div>… ... <div class="geo">GEO: <span class="latitude">8.549902</span>, <span class="longitude">- 47.378088</span></span></div> {“consumption”:”45”, “unit”:”Watts”, “appliance”:”fridge”}
  • 179. ...and multiple semantic annotation formats... {“data”:[{“weather- forecast”:”Rain”}], “name”:”MyNabaztag”} …<div itemscope><div itemprop=“tag=“>Illumination</div><div itemprop=“value”>150</div></div>… ... <div class="geo">GEO: <span class="latitude">8.549902</span>, <span class="longitude">- 47.378088</span></span></div> Content type: application/json Content type: text/html Annotations: Microdata Content type: text/html Annotations: Microformats Machine-readable {“consumption”:”45”, “unit”:”Watts”, “appliance”:”fridge”} Content type: application/json
  • 180. Does every smart device have to be capable of parsing every single format...?
  • 181. Service Integration in the Web of Things 181| Simon Mayer And it gets worse... {“data”:[{“weather-forecast”:”Rain”}], “name”:”MyNabaztag”} Imagine we agreed on everybody using application/json... Content type: application/json {“data”:{“weather-forecast”:”Rain”}, “name”:”MyNabaztag”} {“data-item”:[{“weather-forecast”:”Rain”}], “name”:”MyNabaztag”}
  • 182. Service Integration in the Web of Things 182| Simon Mayer A single, agreed upon, standard format Options for annotating smart things Or multiple (but few!) formats Syntax problem remains Probably not feasible...
  • 183. Service Integration in the Web of Things 183| Simon Mayer Different Syntax: OK! A method to understand multiple different formats Options for annotating smart things Future formats?
  • 184. Service Integration in the Web of Things 184| Simon Mayer Different Syntax: OK! An extensible method to understand multiple different formats Options for annotating smart things Future formats: OK!
  • 185. Service Integration in the Web of Things 185| Simon Mayer  Uses multiple strategies to extract metadata  More strategies can be loaded at runtime  Can handle protected resources and resources behind firewalls  Great help for decoupling service providers and consumers The DiscoWoT Project GET /analyze? Information about S. Mayer, D. Guinard. An Extensible Discovery Service for Smart Things, 2011
  • 186. Computer vision techniques + Embedded UI Information = Intuitive Interfaces! Outtake! Embedded Metadata to Interact with Smart Things! S. Mayer, M. Schalch, M. George, G. Sörös: Device Recognition for Intuitive Interaction with the Web of Things, 2013
  • 187. Service Integration in the Web of Things 187| Simon Mayer Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata Object Categorization Object Tracking Rendered UI (InterWoTions)
  • 188. Service Integration in the Web of Things 188| Simon Mayer Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata Example: Web-enabled Toy Robot GUI / Gyroscope
  • 189. Service Integration in the Web of Things 189| Simon Mayer Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata Example: Volume Controller GUI / Gyroscope
  • 190. Service Integration in the Web of Things 190| Simon Mayer Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata Soon for cars?
  • 191. Service Integration in the Web of Things 191| Simon Mayer Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata Soon for cars?
  • 192. Service Integration in the Web of Things 192| Simon Mayer Object Recognition + Embedded UI Metadata Current status…
  • 193. Service Integration in the Web of Things 193| Simon Mayer  Microdata-based metadata is absolutely suitable for this!  Lots of potential, if data access is ensured! Embedded UI information + Object Recognition Conclusion S. Mayer, C. Beckel, B. Scheidegger, C. Barthels, G. Sörös: Uncovering Device Whispers in Smart Homes, 2012 S. Mayer, M. Schalch, M. George, G. Sörös: Device Recognition for Intuitive Interaction with the Web of Things, 2013
  • 194. Service Integration in the Web of Things 194| Simon Mayer  Simple crawling for interface discovery  Requires hyperlinks to be present!  Application: Access right management  Structured Data (Microformats and Microdata) for simple embedding of metadata in resources  Application: Web of Things search engine  Application: Embedding of interaction information Take-home Points
  • 195. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains
  • 196. Service Integration in the Web of Things 196| Simon Mayer  Simple Hypermedia Crawling  Metadata: Microformats and Microdata  Crowd-sourced Service Integration  Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?  Semantics-based Service Integration  Web Linking + Metadata Embedding  My own current research… Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
  • 197. However… These are constrained to operating within hypermedia applications! They require HATEOAS-style hypermedia controls to be already present! [example coming right up…]
  • 198.  All possible state transitions of an application are under control of the server. To guide clients in applications, the server provides hyperlinks that they may follow  Clients only follow provided hyperlinks! “follow your nose”  Take Care! What if a client wants to buy a book, but only finds a link “Add to shopping cart”? Representational State Transfer (REST) HATEOAS [Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State] I can do that! What about me?? Still remember this?
  • 199. Example from REST Introduction Known URL! “Recommended Books: Book1 Books in your cart: None. Checkout not possible (no books).” “This is Book1. It’s great! Add book to cart” GET books/book1 POST carts/simon?book=Book1 “Select payment type: Credit Card, Debit Card”
  • 200. Example from REST Introduction /book/cart /checkout
  • 201. What about multiple stores? Not possible! No Link! /book/cart /checkout /book/cart /checkout Store A Store BI found this great book at store A. It also exists in store B. I’d like to buy it there! I can do that! …
  • 202. Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services More seriously: Think about a smart environment… I have a song title, “Yellow Submarine”. I’d like to play that song. Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Plays song Not possible! No Link! I can do that, too! Will you stop now !
  • 203. It’s the “follow your nose”-Problem again! What if a client wants to “buy” a book, but only finds a link “Add to shopping cart”? Hm, you know. I can… YES! I got it. Our goal is to enable it for this guy!
  • 204. Service Integration in the Web of Things 204| Simon Mayer  Special-purpose link lists that can be queried by users  Various implementations: Web Linking metadata Link repositories  Multiple ways of constructing these  Crowd-sourced Linkbases  Semantics-based Linkbases Globalization of HATEOAS: Linkbases vs.
  • 205. Service Integration in the Web of Things 205| Simon Mayer  Simple Hypermedia Crawling  Metadata: Microformats and Microdata  Crowd-sourced Service Integration  Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?  Semantics-based Service Integration  Web Linking + Metadata Embedding  My current research… Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
  • 206. Service Integration in the Web of Things 206| Simon Mayer  Rely on developers or users to publish links Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music I know that you can connect these services! Let me show you!
  • 207. Service Integration in the Web of Things 207| Simon Mayer S. Mayer, D. Karam. A Computational Marketplace for the Web of Things, 2012  Mashup developers find links manually, but publish their mashups in a “WoT Marketplace”  Clients can ask the marketplace for linking information  These links make sense, because they are used in a mashup!  Clients only need to choose which link to follow  Yay! That sounds like we can use HATEOAS again! Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases
  • 208. Service Integration in the Web of Things 208| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Marketplace Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music
  • 209. Service Integration in the Web of Things 209| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Marketplace Node A Node B Node C Node D Node F Marketplace exposes linking metadata about nodes! Node X:
  • 210. GET { “service” : “” “forward_paths” : { # None } }
  • 211. Service Integration in the Web of Things 211| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Marketplace Node A Node B Node C Node D Node F I know that you can connect the services at A and F!
  • 213. Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Marketplace Node A Node B Node C Node D Node F Now, others can use that information! play_song
  • 214. GET { “service” : “” “forward_paths” : { “play_song” : “nodes/F” } }
  • 215. GET { “service” : “” “forward_paths” : { “play_song” : “nodes/F” } } I can do that now, too!
  • 216. Service Integration in the Web of Things 216| Simon Mayer  Clients need to be able to find services on the marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve their goal  The marketplace should provide meta-information about services and thus help to optimize traversal  Mechanisms are required for security and billing Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases
  • 217. Service Integration in the Web of Things 217| Simon Mayer  Clients need to be able to find services on the marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve their goal  The marketplace should provide meta-information about services and thus help to optimize traversal  Mechanisms are required for security and billing Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases
  • 218. Service Integration in the Web of Things 218| Simon Mayer  Marketplace API exposes paths  “Graph Crawler” keeps all paths up-to-date  Basically an ordinary search machine… Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Interface Discovery GET { “service” : “” “forward_paths” : { “play_song” : “nodes/F” } }
  • 219. Service Integration in the Web of Things 219| Simon Mayer  Clients need to be able to find services on the marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve their goal  The marketplace should provide meta-information about services and thus help to optimize traversal  Mechanisms are required for security and billing Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases
  • 220. Service Integration in the Web of Things 220| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal The following use case is about arrhythmia detection We have a heartbeat feed and an arrhythmia detector. We want to decide whether to follow the “ambulance” link
  • 221. Service Integration in the Web of Things 221| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal
  • 222. Service Integration in the Web of Things 222| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal Yes, this is hard! But at least we have links again and can “outsource” the logic to the client… Here, clients are not “compiled” against the links anymore, but against the link names! This is a bit less bad…
  • 223. Task: Implement a client such that it follows the emergency link when the probability for arrhythmia is higher than 50%
  • 224. Service Integration in the Web of Things 224| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Service Traversal
  • 225. Service Integration in the Web of Things 225| Simon Mayer  Clients need to be able to find services on the marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve their goal  The marketplace should provide meta-information about services and thus help to optimize traversal  Mechanisms are required for security and billing Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases
  • 226. Service Integration in the Web of Things 226| Simon Mayer GET { “service” : “” “forward_paths” : { “play_song” : { “node” : “nodes/F”, “cost”:”0.02$”, “delay”:”1sec” } } }
  • 227. Service Integration in the Web of Things 227| Simon Mayer  Optimize traversal according to application needs  Multi-dimensional cost metrics: time, money, quality,...  Marketplace offers this information, but does not decide on routes → Generic path deciders Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Path Optimization
  • 228. Service Integration in the Web of Things 228| Simon Mayer Marketplace Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Node A Node D Node B Node C Node E This is for arrhythmia detection, again! Node A: Heartbeat feed Nodes B, C, D: Arrhythmia Detectors. The marketplace provides delay metadata Node E: Emergency-Link, “Call Ambulance” Service
  • 229. This is the actual thing! (we use to create these) S. Mayer, D. Karam. A Computational Marketplace for the Web of Things, 2012
  • 230. Task: Implement a client that always uses the arrhythmia detector with the lowest delay
  • 231. Service Integration in the Web of Things 231| Simon Mayer  Generic service traversal (lowest time cost path) Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Path Optimization
  • 232. Result: Automatic load balancing! That’s why we call it “marketplace”
  • 233. Service Integration in the Web of Things 233| Simon Mayer  Clients need to be able to find services on the marketplace and select appropriate services to achieve their goal  The marketplace should provide meta-information about services and thus help to optimize traversal  Mechanisms are required for security and billing Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases
  • 234. Service Integration in the Web of Things 234| Simon Mayer  Authentication, authorization, and billing schemes to restrict access to computational resources  Don’t create a centralized repository for login data  Trust problems, security problems, scaling problems...  Instead use third-party schemes (like OAuth 2.0) and inline this functionality as a linked computational node! Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases: Security and Billing
  • 235. Service Integration in the Web of Things 235| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Marketplace Node A Node B Node C Node D Node F The OAuth node controls access to the media player!
  • 236. Service Integration in the Web of Things 236| Simon Mayer Crowd-sourced Linkbases Discussion Rating Comments Interface Discovery Yes Requires developers or users to publish links Automatic Service Usage Partial Only on syntactic level (data types and formats) Level of Semantic Integration None No annotations Simplicity Tricky Relies on enough participants! And on them being reliable enough!
  • 237. Again, this didn’t enable automatic service usage!
  • 238. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains
  • 239. Service Integration in the Web of Things 239| Simon Mayer Can we automate the publishing of links? Globalization of HATEOAS Crowd-sourced Linkbases Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music
  • 240. Service Integration in the Web of Things 240| Simon Mayer  Simple Hypermedia Crawling  Metadata: Microformats and Microdata  Crowd-sourced Service Integration  Web Linking: “Globalized” HATEOAS?  Semantics-based Service Integration  Web Linking + Metadata Embedding  My current research… Service Integration: “Self-aware” Things? Techniques for Semantic Service Integration
  • 241. Service Integration in the Web of Things 241| Simon Mayer Use semantic metadata to find potential links! Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music R.Verborgh et al. RESTdesc - A Functionality-Centered Approach to Semantic Service Description and Composition, 2012 S. Mayer and G. Basler. Embedded Semantic Metadata to Support Device Interaction in Smart Environments, 2013
  • 242. Service Integration in the Web of Things 242| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music Based on what I know about these services, there could be a link here!
  • 243. Service Integration in the Web of Things 243| Simon Mayer  We’ve already seen limited metadata embedding…  This time, we mean it! Functional semantic service descriptions  Semantic reasoner to process these descriptions Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases How? Connect that information to its API What? Describe what a service does
  • 244. Service Integration in the Web of Things 244| Simon Mayer  Usability as one major constraint  It should not be too hard to create service descriptions  It should be easy to create user goals  Pragmatism as another  Make use of previous research in semantic technologies  Use existing ontologies. Avoid creating new ones!  Format: Notation3 (user-friendly RDF with inference rules) Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases
  • 245. The title of the resource, is “Person 1”, and it knows another resource, <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc= xmlns:foaf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=“"> <dc:title>Person 1</dc:title> <foaf:knows></foaf:knows> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> StandardRDF/XML @prefix dc: <>. @prefix foaf: <>. <> dc:title "Person 1"; foaf:knows "". Notation3 Brief N3 Primer: Statements Remember Catherine’s talk? Turtle Syntax
  • 246. Brief N3 Primer: Rules 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 → 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 “ knows ” implies “ knows ” If one person knows another person, this second person also knows the first. (“foaf:knows is symmetric”)
  • 247. Notation3 Brief N3 Primer: Rules @prefix dc: <>. @prefix foaf: <>. { Precondition. } => { Postcondition. } is shorthand for=> log:implies If one person knows another person, this second person also knows the first. (“foaf:knows is symmetric”)
  • 248. Notation3 Brief N3 Primer: Rules @prefix dc: <>. @prefix foaf: <>. { ?x a foaf:Person; foaf:knows ?y. } => { ?y foaf:knows ?x. } If one person knows another person, this second person also knows the first. (“foaf:knows is symmetric”) is shorthand for=> log:implies Superb tutorial at (by Ruben Verborgh)
  • 249. Service Integration in the Web of Things 249| Simon Mayer Now: Semantic metadata for the Songs Search Machine Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata
  • 250. Service Integration in the Web of Things 250| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata Precondition: Facts that are required for a meaningful execution of the service -> Knowledge of a Song Title Postcondition: Additional facts that hold after an execution of the service?” -> Knowledge of a URL of a song with that title Songs Search Machine Method: GET Input: Song Title Output: MP3 URL
  • 251. Notation3 The Songs Search Machine @prefix dc: <>. { Precondition. } => { Postcondition. } If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title.
  • 252. If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title. Notation3 The Songs Search Machine @prefix dc: <>. { ?songTitle a dc:title. } => { ?songURL a dc:Song; myOnt:hasTitle ?songTitle. } Store this as ssm_rule.n3
  • 253. Service Integration in the Web of Things 253| Simon Mayer Now, we only need to link that to the service! Multiple ways to do that… We use HTTP OPTIONS for that “This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.” (RFC 2616) OPTIONS Link: <ssm_rule.n3>; rel=“describedBy“ We use the Link Header (RFC 5988) to return the description Demonstration! Songs Search Machine ssm_rule.n3
  • 254. Who is not convinced? Me!!
  • 255. Why is that? After reading ssm_rule.n3, I know that I can get a song URL. But I don’t know how!
  • 256. How to include the request? Basically two options… 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∧ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 → 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 → 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∧ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 This works, but is impractical (knowledge about all requests required from the start…) It also messes up the quantification! “Given the Preconditions, all GET requests give the Postcondition” This works too, and it is sound! “Given the Preconditions, there exists a GET request that gives the Postcondition” R.Verborgh et al. RESTdesc - A Functionality-Centered Approach to Semantic Service Description and Composition, 2012 The second option sounds better to me!
  • 257. Notation3 The Songs Search Machine @prefix dc: <>. { ?songTitle a dc:title. } => { ?songURL a dc:Song; myOnt:hasTitle ?songTitle. Request. } If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title. Plus, we know about an HTTP request.
  • 258. Notation3 The Songs Search Machine @prefix dc: <>. @prefix http: <>. { ?songTitle a dc:title. } => { ?songURL a dc:Song; myOnt:hasTitle ?songTitle. _:request http:methodName “GET”; http:requestURI (<>?songTitle); http:resp [ http:body ?songURL ]. } Store this as ssm_rule.n3 We’ll refer to it as a “RESTdesc” description If we know a song title, we also know the URL of a song with that title. Plus, we know about an HTTP request.
  • 259. “Yellow Submarine” a dc:title. “Yellow Submarine” a dc:Title. ?songURL a dc:Song; myOnt:hasTitle “Yellow Submarine”. _:request http:methodName “GET”; http:requestURI (<>?songTitle); http:resp [ http:body ?songURL ]. [+ proof] ssm_rule.n3
  • 260. But how do I say that I want a song URL?
  • 261. “Yellow Submarine” a dc:title. Goal: ?song a dc:Song; hasTitle “Yellow Submarine”. A proof that is parsed to an internal HTTP request description format Send a GET request to{songTitle} and substitute “songTitle” with “Yellow Submarine”. Then, unpack the response. Its body contains the song. GET ?title=YellowSubmarine ssm_rule.n3 Songs Search Machine ssm_rule.n3
  • 262. Why does this solve the missing links Problem?
  • 263. Service Integration in the Web of Things 263| Simon Mayer First: Add semantic metadata to the Media Player! Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine ssm_rule.n3 Media Player Method: PUT Input: MP3 URL Output: Will play music
  • 264. Service Integration in the Web of Things 264| Simon Mayer Parfait! Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Metadata Simon’s Office - Contains 2 services Songs Search Machine ssm_rule.n3 Media Player mp_rule.n3
  • 265. I want to play “Yellow Submarine” now!! Then formulate your goal. But be precise! ?state a st:State; log:includes { :SimonsOffice musicPlaying [ myOnt:hasTitle “Yellow Submarine” ] } I want Simon’s office to be in a state where “Yellow Submarine” is playing.
  • 266. “Yellow Submarine” a dc:title. Client Goal A proof that can be parsed to an internal HTTP request description format Send a GET request to{songTitle} and substitute “songTitle” with “Yellow Submarine”. Then, unpack the response. Its body contains the songURL. Take this variable and send a PUT to{songURL} Execute the requests to play the song! ssm_rule.n3 mp_rule.n3
  • 267. Send a GET request to{songTitle} and substitute “songTitle” with “Yellow Submarine”. Then, unpack the response. Its body contains the songURL. Take this variable and send a PUT to{songURL} Media Player mp_rule.n3 GET ?title=YellowSubmarine Songs Search Machine ssm_rule.n3 PUT ? Now, yellowsub.mp3 is playing in Simon’s office!
  • 268. Sounds complicated. Could you summarize what I have to do? 1. Formulate your goal 2. Search for a reasoner (e.g., using InfraWoT) 3. Ask the reasoner how to reach the goal 4. Parse the proof to extract the requests 5. Execute the requests
  • 269. I don’t believe this! Let’s see it!
  • 270. mayersi/n3goals/user-goal- music.n3&r= input.n3 + reasoner has access to ssm_rule.n3, mp_rule.n3, and a states ontology. Do Proof! (the two n3 files aren’t online anymore)
  • 271. Oh, it actually works…
  • 272. Isn’t it too hard to create the goal, for a client like me? That’s tricky. But we’re working on it! One idea is to integrate the goal creation with Clickscript. And you know how to use that, right?
  • 273. Service Integration in the Web of Things 273| Simon Mayer  A standard semantic reasoner  Lots of research done into this, optimized  Can handle lots of inference rules, will not be the bottleneck, at least for home automation scenarios  Infer what a smart environment can do for us!  And how to trigger that functionality! Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Discussion
  • 274. Service Integration in the Web of Things 274| Simon Mayer  Set favorite song on your mobile phone to create a music stream that follows you!  Indoor localization service  Stream server/transmitter  Stream players/receivers in all rooms Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype S. Mayer and G. Basler. Semantic Metadata to Support Device Interaction in Smart Environments, 2013
  • 275. Service Integration in the Web of Things 275| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype  A music stream that “follows” the user
  • 276. Service Integration in the Web of Things 276| Simon Mayer  Implementation (version 1)  Passive reasoner: Only active when queried by the client  Implementation (version 2)  Reasoner actively searching for services using the InfraWoT discovery infrastructure Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype
  • 277. Service Integration in the Web of Things 277| Simon Mayer  Too many requests! 10s to change the song! Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype v1
  • 278. Service Integration in the Web of Things 278| Simon Mayer  Working on this… stay tuned!  Scalability testing looks good  InfraWoT strategy: Growing scopes Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Prototype v2
  • 279. Hm. So I should just state my goals. And I can find and use services, too!
  • 280. Crowd-sourced Linkbases Discussion Rating Comments Interface Discovery Yes Only requires service entry endpoints Automatic Service Usage Yes Contains API annotations for automatic usage Level of Semantic Integration Partial Uses reasoner to deduce paths for reaching the user’s goal. Does not make use of big ontologies (but could/should…) Simplicity ? Requires annotation of devices and definition of goals. Good progress, but not out of the woods yet
  • 281. Service Integration in the Web of Things 281| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Possibilities
  • 282. Service Integration in the Web of Things 282| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Possibilities
  • 283. Service Integration in the Web of Things 283| Simon Mayer Globalization of HATEOAS Semantics-based Linkbases: Possibilities
  • 284. Semantic Service Integration Technologies: Overview Crawling Microformats Microdata Crowd Linkbases Semantic Linkbases Interface Discovery Partial None None Yes Yes Automatic Service Usage No Partial No Partial Yes Level of Semantic Integration None Partial Partial None Partial Simplicity Very Easy Medium Easy Tricky ?
  • 285. Introductory Stroll WS-* Forest REST Beacon of Hope HATEOAS Cliffs Structured Data Lake Crowded Village Semantic Mountains Unexplored State of Usability
  • 286. Service Integration in the Web of Things 286| Simon Mayer École d’Été Web Intelligence 2013 - Web des Objets September 4th 2013, St. Germain au Mont d’Or Simon Mayer, ETH Zurich Service Integration in the Web of Things Conclusion Carinthia, Austria
  • 287. Study techniques and technologies that enable machines to discover smart devices, to select appropriate services, and to use them automatically! Goal
  • 288. Expose services as REST resources. Make them discoverable via repositories or search machines. Annotate them to expose their APIs and make them automatically usable! Approach
  • 289. However, REST by itself is not enough for automatic service usage REST offers very interesting features for smart environments and allows to embed API descriptions and other metadata
  • 290. We’ve seen multiple approaches to facilitate the creation of mashups, and the usage by machine clients Embedding functional semantic service descriptions could be a viable alternative to “top-down” standardization
  • 291. Service Integration in the Web of Things 291| Simon Mayer  Beginnings in Europe, now intercontinental!  Web of Things Workshop Series:  WoT 2010 @ PerCom, Mannheim  WoT 2011 @ Pervasive, San Francisco  WoT 2012 @ Pervasive, Newcastle  WoT 2013 @ UbiComp, Zurich  Community blog: The Web of Things Community
  • 292. Service Integration in the Web of Things 292| Simon Mayer  Ruben Verborgh, David Karam  Nadine Inhelder, Gianin Basler  Markus Schalch, Andreas Tschofen  Dominique Guinard, Vlad Trifa  Matthias Kovatsch, Leyna Sadamori, Gábor Sörös  Erik Wilhelm, Josh Siegel, Sanjay Sarma  Special Thanks to Ruben, Nadine, and David for your input on these slides! Credits
  • 293. THANK YOU for this invitation ! Jean-Paul Jamont Cécile Favre Lionel Médini Michaël Mrissa Tous les participants de l’école d’été Web Intelligence 2013!
  • 294.            http://               Image Sources