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in Consumer
A Critical
Joseph Sirgy

By Walid ABRAZ for MK 617
Self-Concept in
Consumer Behavior
A Critical Review
Joseph Sirgy

Some Key words
Consumer behavior
Product Image
The brand
Congruity / Incongruity
Objective of the study
it denotes the importance of Self-concept in
consumer behavior.

Every product you purchase reflects who
you really are.

1. Definitions and theories about the self-concept

2. The Image Product

3. The self-concept studies

4. The self-concept theories : Identification /
Congruity / Incongruity

5. The self-concept measurements

6. The self-concept research

7. A critical review of the self-concept
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              Definition and theories 1/6

              The Self-concept denotes the “totality of the individual’s thoughts and
              feelings having reference to himself as an object”

              How do you see yourself?

              Some define the Self-Concept to be “Self-Image”, which means “an
              individual’s perception of himself”.
              It is often described of defined by the word “Self-description”

              Example 1
              “I am a marketer” or “I am a teacher”

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                               4
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              Definition and theories 2/6

              The Self-concept seems to have three (03) components :

              1. The Ideal self-concept    The person you would like to be.
                          Ex. : I want to be a Successful Marketing Manager

              2. The Public self-concept   The image you think people have on you.
                          Ex. : I am perceived to be arrogant and snob!

              3. The Real self-concept    What you really think about yourself.
                        Ex. : I am intelligent and competent !

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                             5
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              Definition and theories 3/6


              1. Self-esteem      which means the auto-evaluation in a positive or a
              negative way.
                   Ex.: I believe I am competent and I am proud about that. (+)
                        I think I am disrespectful and I am ashamed about that. (-)

              In this case we have to distinguish that the self-esteem is a focus on a
              positive or a negative auto-evaluation. Whereas, the self-concept refers
              to what we think about ourselves in general.

              2. Self-consistency    that denotes the ego-centrism which means the
              tendency for an individual to behave consistently with a view of himself.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                               6
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              Definition and theories 4/6

              Back to the self-concept components…
              Sometimes there is a conflict between the Real Self-Concept and the
              other types or components. For example in performing art, sport or
              studies, those conflicts may affect the performance of a person. That’s
              why many people try to work on how to improve their self-concept by
              using psychological methods (therapies).

              Ideally, to avoid such conflicts and feel good, people often try to create a
              harmony between the three components of the self-concept. In
              other words, to maintain good mental health, people try to establish a
              kind of balance between those components.

              This means that the Public self-concept and the Ideal self-concept
              should be compatible with the Real self-concept.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior              By Walid ABRAZ                                7
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              Definition and theories 5/6

              Moreover, different theories have been presented in this article to
              define the “Self-concept”.
              1. According to the “Psychoanalytic theory”: the self-concept is defined
                 as the self-system inflicted with conflicts.

              2. According to the “Behavioral theory”: the self-concept is a set of self-
                 responses to a stimulation.

              3. According to the “Organismic theory”: the self-concept refers to body
                 function and natural development.

              4. According to the “Cognitive theory”: the self-concept is represented
                 as being a conceptual system processing information about the
                 self. This theory definitely denotes the self-concept as being an
                 individual’s psychological functions.
MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                                8
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              Definition and theories 6/6

              5. According to the “Symbolic interactionism”: the self-concept is seen
                 as being a function of interpersonal interactions.

                  In this context, the self-concept refers to the differences that could
              exist between people. That means that people respond toward products
              or concepts differently.

              This difference in interpretations and assumptions is based on how
              much those objects, products, concepts or images are significant to

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                                9
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

                 Moreover, if an object, product or image is important to one person, it
              can be less important or unimportant at all to another person.

              As a result, both persons facing the same objects, products, images or
              concepts may have significantly different reactions to them.

                     I LIKE beers                                       I HATE beers

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                                  10
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
                A Critical Review

Passing the introduction where the author presented
different definitions and interpretations of what the “self-
concept” stands for ; the first part of the article is linked to
how to use the self-concept while studying the
consumer behavior as a part of the marketing
In this context, Sirgy talks about the well known concept
that “Consumers can be defined in terms of the
products they purchase or they use. Or in terms of
what those products mean for them”.

French citation adaptation :
• Dis moi ce que tu consommes, je te dirais qui tu es !
  (Tell me what you consume, I’ll tell you who you are !)

  MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ            11
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The product image 1/1

              Several factors determine the personality
              Or the image of a product, such as :
              the physical appearance, the packaging,
              the advertising, and the price…etc.

              In general, when all these factors are present,
              we generally talk about the brand.

              The American Marketing Association defines a product when it comes
              to a brand as being : a name, a term, a design, and a symbol that identify or
              distinguish a product from another.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior                By Walid ABRAZ                                 12
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review


              According to Holman, as cited in this article, for a product to have an
              image, a personality association, and to effectively convey a message in
              term of communication, it has to be : Purchased visibly, Used variably,
              and personalizable.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                             13
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The self-concept studies 1/4

              In general, those studies tend to deal directly with the product image and
              how it is perceived by the consumers.

              1. The stereotypic image of the product :
                            Ex: the stereotypic image on the cars “made in germany”
                                to be the most reliable, performing and highly designed

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                              14
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The self-concept studies 2/4

              2. The product image in direct association with the self-concept (A):

                    Ex: FC Barcelona soccer team derived products’ image that is
              extremely related to the high level of soccer playing and to the Spanish
              Catalan Identity.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                                 15
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The self-concept studies 3/4

              2. The product image in direct association with the self-concept (B):

                    It’s important to know that in terms of self-concept and product image,
              the FC Barcelona club fans play an important role in the development of the
              club and the affirmation of it’s Catalan identity.
              As such, different derived products were manufactured using the FCB brand
              image in relation of the Catalan supporters’ self-concept.
              Consequently, the FCB “Company” gained a competitive advantage by
              associating the FCB brand with the self-concept. This successful association
              was very difficult to reproduce by the other European soccer teams.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior              By Walid ABRAZ                                16
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The self-concept studies 4/4

              3. Sex-typed product image: It’s a part of the consumers behavior studies
              based on the consideration of the sex role in purchasing products.
              • How do the consumers perceive the masculine and feminine products?
              • How to decide weather a specific product is for males or for females?
              • And how do consumers differentiate masculine products form feminine

                most men           most women are into            both are into fancy
               are into cars            perfumes                      underwear

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior              By Walid ABRAZ                                  17
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The Self-Concept Theories 1/4

              A. The Identification 1/2

                     1. According to Levy as cited in this article, the consumer behavior
                        toward purchasing products is not functionally but regarded as
                        being affected by the different symbols, images, and messages

                     2. The consumer behavior is probably affected by the product image
                        affecting his self-concept.

                     3. Some consumers who see people purchasing a specific product, or
                        are influenced by displays, and advertisements on packaging are
                        more likely ready to purchase this same product.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior                By Walid ABRAZ                                18
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The Self-Concept Theories 2/4

              A. The Identification 2/2

                     4. Through purchasing specific products, some consumers tend or want to
                        enhance their self-concepts related to those specific products or

                             Kind of special feelings when purchasing a product or a service
                             (ex: cars, bikes, tattoos, piercings… etc.)

                             Also, the use of some products or services might be the only way
                             for some consumers to express theirs thoughts or their feelings.
MK 617 - Consumer Behavior                    By Walid ABRAZ                              19
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The Self-Concept Theories 3/4

              B. The Self-image / Product image Congruity 1/2

              The main idea developed in this theory by Joseph Sirgy is that the
              consumers insist in conveying a specific image that is congruent with
              the product they purchase. It’s a theory where consumers are highly
              motivated to purchase a product.
                (A high status product A high consumer position           A high value)

                                               A POSITIVE SELF-CONGRUITY

                                             Ex : L’OREAL cosmetics and beauty products

                                                        “L’OREAL, parce que je le vaux bien”
                                                             (L’OREAL because I’m worth it)

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior             By Walid ABRAZ                                  20
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The Self-Concept Theories 4/4

              B. The Self-image / Product image Congruity 1/2

              However, Sirgy discusses not only the positive congruity that involve the
              product image and the self-concept, but also :

              •   The positive self-incongruity : Where a positive product image is compared to a
                  negative self-image belief.

              •   The Negative self-congruity: Where a negative product image is compared to a
                  positive self-image belief.

              •   The Negative self-incongruity : Where a negative product image is compared to
                  a negative self-image belief.

              In those cases, the consumer will have to deal with his real wants and
              needs, while paying attention to his self-esteem and self-consistency to
              purchase a product (+/- motivated to purchase).
MK 617 - Consumer Behavior                 By Walid ABRAZ                                   21
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The Self-Concept Measurements 1/1

              1. The Q-Sort : A method that measures the relation between the
                 consumer and the product.
                             The self-identification of a consumer to a product.
                 This method denotes a series of questions addressed to the respondents
                 in order to extract what the consumers really want.
                                                 “Most like me”       “Least like me”
                    Question 1                           X
                    Question 2                                              X
                    Question 3                           X

              In addition to other types of self-concept measurements where discussed in
              this article, such as :
              2. The Semantic Differential
              3. The Adjective check-list
              4. The sex-role attitude measurement.
MK 617 - Consumer Behavior              By Walid ABRAZ                                  22
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The Self-Concept Research 1/1

              In this section, the author presents 5 types of research related to self-
                     1. Some are related to social and psychological factors.

                      2. Others treat the relation between the consumer behavior and the
                         self-concept / product image.

                      3. While other research focus on the consumer behavior as being
                         directly influenced by the self-concept.

                      4. In addition to some particular attention to the product images that
                         stimulate the consumer behavior and motivate the purchase.

                      5. Finally, Sirgy represents the self-concept as a function of behavior.

MK 617 - Consumer Behavior                 By Walid ABRAZ                                 23
Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
              A Critical Review

              The research problems : a critical review

              As in all other studies and analysis, the author presents his own critical review of the
              theories relevance and research problems. Starting by a critique on the theoretical part
              of the self-concept studies : passing by the interrelationship between the self-concept
              and the product image (congruity / incongruity) : to end up his study by a critique on the
              self-concept measurement :

              •   The semantic Differential : Based on the choice of question and adjectives, this
                  method presents some methodological difficulties, as there is no one agreed
                  method by the consumer behavior researchers.
              •   The Q-Method : The difficulties are mostly related to respondents that may find it
                  difficult to describe themselves in terms of product.
                            Not all the people can identify themselves to a specific product.
                                The “most like me”/ “least like me” does not work sometimes.

              Overall, the author initiated us to an important starting point of the consumer behavior
              studies, namely the self-concept and its different aspects, and characteristics that
              constitute a real pillar for the marketing researchers in the process of wanting to know
              what the consumers really want ?
MK 617 - Consumer Behavior                   By Walid ABRAZ                                       24




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9/19/2011 Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior

  • 1. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Joseph Sirgy By Walid ABRAZ for MK 617 9/19/2011
  • 2. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Joseph Sirgy Some Key words Consumer behavior Self-concept Product Image The brand Congruity / Incongruity Self-esteem Self-consistency Identification Marketing Motivation Purchase
  • 3. Objective of the study it denotes the importance of Self-concept in consumer behavior. Every product you purchase reflects who you really are. 1. Definitions and theories about the self-concept 2. The Image Product 3. The self-concept studies 4. The self-concept theories : Identification / Congruity / Incongruity 5. The self-concept measurements 6. The self-concept research 7. A critical review of the self-concept
  • 4. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Definition and theories 1/6 The Self-concept denotes the “totality of the individual’s thoughts and feelings having reference to himself as an object” How do you see yourself? Some define the Self-Concept to be “Self-Image”, which means “an individual’s perception of himself”. It is often described of defined by the word “Self-description” Example 1 “I am a marketer” or “I am a teacher” MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 4
  • 5. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Definition and theories 2/6 The Self-concept seems to have three (03) components : 1. The Ideal self-concept The person you would like to be. Ex. : I want to be a Successful Marketing Manager 2. The Public self-concept The image you think people have on you. Ex. : I am perceived to be arrogant and snob! 3. The Real self-concept What you really think about yourself. Ex. : I am intelligent and competent ! MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 5
  • 6. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Definition and theories 3/6 DO NOT CONFUSE WITH THE FOLLOWING… 1. Self-esteem which means the auto-evaluation in a positive or a negative way. Ex.: I believe I am competent and I am proud about that. (+) I think I am disrespectful and I am ashamed about that. (-) In this case we have to distinguish that the self-esteem is a focus on a positive or a negative auto-evaluation. Whereas, the self-concept refers to what we think about ourselves in general. 2. Self-consistency that denotes the ego-centrism which means the tendency for an individual to behave consistently with a view of himself. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 6
  • 7. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Definition and theories 4/6 Back to the self-concept components… Sometimes there is a conflict between the Real Self-Concept and the other types or components. For example in performing art, sport or studies, those conflicts may affect the performance of a person. That’s why many people try to work on how to improve their self-concept by using psychological methods (therapies). Ideally, to avoid such conflicts and feel good, people often try to create a harmony between the three components of the self-concept. In other words, to maintain good mental health, people try to establish a kind of balance between those components. This means that the Public self-concept and the Ideal self-concept should be compatible with the Real self-concept. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 7
  • 8. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Definition and theories 5/6 Moreover, different theories have been presented in this article to define the “Self-concept”. 1. According to the “Psychoanalytic theory”: the self-concept is defined as the self-system inflicted with conflicts. 2. According to the “Behavioral theory”: the self-concept is a set of self- responses to a stimulation. 3. According to the “Organismic theory”: the self-concept refers to body function and natural development. 4. According to the “Cognitive theory”: the self-concept is represented as being a conceptual system processing information about the self. This theory definitely denotes the self-concept as being an individual’s psychological functions. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 8
  • 9. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Definition and theories 6/6 5. According to the “Symbolic interactionism”: the self-concept is seen as being a function of interpersonal interactions. In this context, the self-concept refers to the differences that could exist between people. That means that people respond toward products or concepts differently. This difference in interpretations and assumptions is based on how much those objects, products, concepts or images are significant to people. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 9
  • 10. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Moreover, if an object, product or image is important to one person, it can be less important or unimportant at all to another person. As a result, both persons facing the same objects, products, images or concepts may have significantly different reactions to them. I LIKE beers I HATE beers MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 10
  • 11. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Passing the introduction where the author presented different definitions and interpretations of what the “self- concept” stands for ; the first part of the article is linked to how to use the self-concept while studying the consumer behavior as a part of the marketing research. In this context, Sirgy talks about the well known concept that “Consumers can be defined in terms of the products they purchase or they use. Or in terms of what those products mean for them”. French citation adaptation : • Dis moi ce que tu consommes, je te dirais qui tu es ! (Tell me what you consume, I’ll tell you who you are !) MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 11
  • 12. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The product image 1/1 Several factors determine the personality Or the image of a product, such as : the physical appearance, the packaging, the advertising, and the price…etc. In general, when all these factors are present, we generally talk about the brand. The American Marketing Association defines a product when it comes to a brand as being : a name, a term, a design, and a symbol that identify or distinguish a product from another. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 12
  • 13. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Furthermore…! According to Holman, as cited in this article, for a product to have an image, a personality association, and to effectively convey a message in term of communication, it has to be : Purchased visibly, Used variably, and personalizable. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 13
  • 14. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The self-concept studies 1/4 In general, those studies tend to deal directly with the product image and how it is perceived by the consumers. 1. The stereotypic image of the product : Ex: the stereotypic image on the cars “made in germany” to be the most reliable, performing and highly designed cars. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 14
  • 15. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The self-concept studies 2/4 2. The product image in direct association with the self-concept (A): Ex: FC Barcelona soccer team derived products’ image that is extremely related to the high level of soccer playing and to the Spanish Catalan Identity. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 15
  • 16. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The self-concept studies 3/4 2. The product image in direct association with the self-concept (B): It’s important to know that in terms of self-concept and product image, the FC Barcelona club fans play an important role in the development of the club and the affirmation of it’s Catalan identity. As such, different derived products were manufactured using the FCB brand image in relation of the Catalan supporters’ self-concept. Consequently, the FCB “Company” gained a competitive advantage by associating the FCB brand with the self-concept. This successful association was very difficult to reproduce by the other European soccer teams. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 16
  • 17. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The self-concept studies 4/4 3. Sex-typed product image: It’s a part of the consumers behavior studies based on the consideration of the sex role in purchasing products. • How do the consumers perceive the masculine and feminine products? • How to decide weather a specific product is for males or for females? • And how do consumers differentiate masculine products form feminine ones? most men most women are into both are into fancy are into cars perfumes underwear MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 17
  • 18. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The Self-Concept Theories 1/4 A. The Identification 1/2 1. According to Levy as cited in this article, the consumer behavior toward purchasing products is not functionally but regarded as being affected by the different symbols, images, and messages encountered. 2. The consumer behavior is probably affected by the product image affecting his self-concept. 3. Some consumers who see people purchasing a specific product, or are influenced by displays, and advertisements on packaging are more likely ready to purchase this same product. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 18
  • 19. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The Self-Concept Theories 2/4 A. The Identification 2/2 4. Through purchasing specific products, some consumers tend or want to enhance their self-concepts related to those specific products or services. Kind of special feelings when purchasing a product or a service (ex: cars, bikes, tattoos, piercings… etc.) Also, the use of some products or services might be the only way for some consumers to express theirs thoughts or their feelings. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 19
  • 20. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The Self-Concept Theories 3/4 B. The Self-image / Product image Congruity 1/2 The main idea developed in this theory by Joseph Sirgy is that the consumers insist in conveying a specific image that is congruent with the product they purchase. It’s a theory where consumers are highly motivated to purchase a product. (A high status product A high consumer position A high value) A POSITIVE SELF-CONGRUITY Ex : L’OREAL cosmetics and beauty products “L’OREAL, parce que je le vaux bien” (L’OREAL because I’m worth it) MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 20
  • 21. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The Self-Concept Theories 4/4 B. The Self-image / Product image Congruity 1/2 However, Sirgy discusses not only the positive congruity that involve the product image and the self-concept, but also : • The positive self-incongruity : Where a positive product image is compared to a negative self-image belief. • The Negative self-congruity: Where a negative product image is compared to a positive self-image belief. • The Negative self-incongruity : Where a negative product image is compared to a negative self-image belief. In those cases, the consumer will have to deal with his real wants and needs, while paying attention to his self-esteem and self-consistency to purchase a product (+/- motivated to purchase). MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 21
  • 22. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The Self-Concept Measurements 1/1 1. The Q-Sort : A method that measures the relation between the consumer and the product. The self-identification of a consumer to a product. This method denotes a series of questions addressed to the respondents in order to extract what the consumers really want. “Most like me” “Least like me” Question 1 X Question 2 X Question 3 X In addition to other types of self-concept measurements where discussed in this article, such as : 2. The Semantic Differential 3. The Adjective check-list 4. The sex-role attitude measurement. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 22
  • 23. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review The Self-Concept Research 1/1 In this section, the author presents 5 types of research related to self- concept. 1. Some are related to social and psychological factors. 2. Others treat the relation between the consumer behavior and the self-concept / product image. 3. While other research focus on the consumer behavior as being directly influenced by the self-concept. 4. In addition to some particular attention to the product images that stimulate the consumer behavior and motivate the purchase. 5. Finally, Sirgy represents the self-concept as a function of behavior. MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 23
  • 24. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior A Critical Review Conclusion The research problems : a critical review As in all other studies and analysis, the author presents his own critical review of the theories relevance and research problems. Starting by a critique on the theoretical part of the self-concept studies : passing by the interrelationship between the self-concept and the product image (congruity / incongruity) : to end up his study by a critique on the self-concept measurement : • The semantic Differential : Based on the choice of question and adjectives, this method presents some methodological difficulties, as there is no one agreed method by the consumer behavior researchers. • The Q-Method : The difficulties are mostly related to respondents that may find it difficult to describe themselves in terms of product. Not all the people can identify themselves to a specific product. The “most like me”/ “least like me” does not work sometimes. Overall, the author initiated us to an important starting point of the consumer behavior studies, namely the self-concept and its different aspects, and characteristics that constitute a real pillar for the marketing researchers in the process of wanting to know what the consumers really want ? MK 617 - Consumer Behavior By Walid ABRAZ 24
  • 25. REFERENCES interactionism/