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Information Management Journey
…coordinating a group wide approach

September 2011
“Data Management”                                             Vision: We have defined & implemented a data management function that supports the data supply & data quality requirements of the Bank and external entities.
        BUSINESS INTENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   V0.2

       A       WHERE ARE WE NOW?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 B           WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE?
Current State                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Future State
Data Quality - Issues:
1.   Front line staff have an impact on data quality but most likely do not realise the down stream impact of work arounds or short cuts [eg always entering a reason                  C         WHAT DO WE NEED TO GET THERE?                                                         Data Quality - Issues:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1.   We have an ongoing data quality management program in place to e nsure minimal errors at data capture.
     code because ‘it works’ not because it is correct].                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2.   We have communicated & achieved a balance between customer servic e & data quality backed up by system validation
2.   Business focus is on customer service not necessarily data quality.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    where appropriate.
3.   Issue with completeness; accuracy; and consistency of data entered into systems.                                                                                                   Dependencies                                                                                   3.   We have addressed data accuracy issues with standard data entry rules & system validation where appropriate.
4.   Lack of system rules or checks to prevent the entry of incorrectdata at source system front ends. Data is entered in numerous formats ( eg hyphenated names;                                                                                                                      4.   The organisation has a greater commitment to the resolution of d ata issues.
     street addresses; etc).                                                                                                                                                            1.     Executive buy in and ongoing support of a data management function.                     5.   We have created roles for the detection of data issues and provision of feedback to staff.
5.   No education or feedback process for staff who enter data [eg when recognised – staff are not told of errors and the impacts they may have].                                       2.     Recognition at all levels of the organisation that this is not a trivial task – it is   6.   Our data quality approach includes feedback & staff education to highlight/rectify data entry issues.
6.   No ownership or responsibility for detecting errors and providing the necessary feedback to staff.                                                                                        a major undertaking that we have attempted previously and failed.                       7.   We have a Bank-wide glossary of agreed definitions to ensure consistent use of terminology.
7.   No organisational focus on resolution of data errors.                                                                                                                              3.     Adequate resourcing of the data management function.                                    8.   Data quality – we have ascribed a business cost to the entry & ongoing use of poor quality data.
8.   No common terminology – no single glossary or data dictionary to facilitate data sharing.                                                                                          4.     Adequately skilled business staff to undertake the data management
9.   No one could say who is ultimately accountable for data quality & data integrity.                                                                                                         function.                                                                               Data   Management – Governance:
10. Not convinced that the Executive know the basis of their reporting [eg how many people involved; what sources; what manipulations of data; true sources of                          5.     Adequately skilled IT staff to support the data management function.                    9.     We have a clearly defined ownership & accountability structure for data in the organisation.
     data; etc].                                                                                                                                                                        6.     Bank has the willingness to accept the cultural change required to support              10.    We have a data governance process in place to assist with ongoing data quality.
11. Not sure if the impacts of ‘bad’ data are really appreciated.                                                                                                                              the data management function.                                                           11.    We have implemented the data management function as an appropriately staffed organisational support unit [not a
                                                                                                                                                                                        7.     Need to fit this initiative in with the organisational change process                          project].
Data   Management - Governance:                                                                                                                                                         8.     Dependency - the Bank’s future data warehouse strategy.                                 12.    We have established a single point of ownership of data and reduced the incidence of data redundancy.
12.    Board & Executive do not appear to have an understanding of thesignificant issues, frustration & associated costs caused by lack of data governance.                             9.     Dependency – the Bank’s future GL strategy & approach.                                  13.    There is an organisation wide commitment, from Board & Executive down, to the adherence to data management
13.    No review of data management processes or requirements since integration.                                                                                                                                                                                                              principles.
14.    No owner of data management.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14.    We have an understanding of the benefits & cost savings to be achieved from a sound data management approach.
15.    Need for governance/management approach to be determined – centralised or decentralised?                                                                                                                                                                                        15.    We have established clear responsibility & accountability for da ta management [data quality & data integrity].
       Definition of data rules required – who owns them [the organisation or each department]?
       No single point of ownership for data – also have multiple stores and views for same piece of data.
                                                                                                                                                                                      D         HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN?                                                              16.    The Data Management group has the authority to enforce data quality initiatives.

18.    Lack of commitment by all levels of the business to adhere to da ta management principles – for expediency, business areas will source and manipulate data                                                                                                                      Data Management – Controls:
       themselves and not take an organisational view.                                                                                                                               High -level project tasks                                                                         17. Data/information is readily accessible to those staff authorised to source it.
19.    Data – no one at Executive level appears to want to own it or take accountability since the merger                                                                                                                                                                              18. Our reporting states the data sources used for the report and any data transformation or consolidations required to
20.    Data management – is not a significant part of anyone’s role/responsibility – therefore is easily parked when other issues or priorities aris e.                              Short Term Activities:                                                                                 produce it.
                                                                                                                                                                                     1.   Determine the scope & requirements for implementation of a data                              19. We are confident in the data & information obtained from our DW and other certified sources.
Data   Management - Controls:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          20. We have a process of certification of trusted data sources.
                                                                                                                                                                                          management function.
21.    Data accessibility – there is minimal control over sourcing and reusing data.                                                                                                                                                                                                   21. We have implemented system controls to assist with the input of quality data.
                                                                                                                                                                                     2.   Determine how much detail is required by Executive to prove the worth of the
22.    Short term approach – there is a need for additional controls [eg do not allow any more customer data extracts for new databases].                                                                                                                                              22. We have implemented manual & systematic validation/reconciliation processes to ensure the ongoing integrity of the
23.    There are no details on what data fields are important/required to the run the business [eg what is it that makes a branch/channel successful].                                                                                                                                      Bank’s data resources.
                                                                                                                                                                                     3.   Develop & document case for change [benefits/costs] and present this to
24.    Ad hoc requests for reporting are often difficult to deliver as data is not available or accessible.                                                                                                                                                                            23. We have audit trails in place to assist with tracking changes to data of high importance.
                                                                                                                                                                                     4.   Identify a list of initiatives that can be undertaken in the short term to progress
[Lack of] Data Management- Impacts:                                                                                                                                                       the initiative.                                                                              Data   Management – Impacts:
25. General lack of confidence in the organisation’s d a t a .                                                                                                                       5.   Define management/performance reporting requirements for Board; Executive                    24.    We are confident that our existing data sources & interfaces are correct/validated.
26. APRA expectations regarding and ADI’s management of data.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          25.    We are confident our business decisions are based on adequate & trusted data.
                                                                                                                                                                                          and BU Heads.
27. There are occasions when the Bank has provided customers with incorrect data.                                                                                                                                                                                                      26.    We have clearly defined responsibility for managing data integrity on an ongoing basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                     6.   Determine the gaps between current data availability and the requirements &
28. Current situation a result of multiple mergers and inconsistent incorporation of data [mapping not always correct].                                                                                                                                                                27.    We have implemented an approach to reduce current levels of multiple data sources and associated data redundancy.
                                                                                                                                                                                          and the approach
29. There is a cost associated with data issues [eg over compensating capital; inability to securitise loans; inability to identify appropriate risks].                                                                                                                                28.    Our data management approach has been developed taking into account the requirements of both internal and external
                                                                                                                                                                                          to close these gaps.
30. Risk of data privacy issues as data is propagated and lack of audit trail.                                                                                                       7.   Determine the required approach to get this initiative into the organisational                      [eg APRA] stakeholders.
31. Data security issues as data is propagated [including data on laptops, etc that can be lost, etc].                                                                                    change process.                                                                              29.    Our data management approach has reduced the chance of the Bank providing customers with erroneous data.
32. Simple data requirements are not defined. Potential that business decisions are being based on ‘no data ’ or simple trend data.                                                  8.   Define preferred options for the short term and longer term approach to                      30.    We have reduced the risk of data privacy issues through enhanced rules & controls on the use of data.
33. Question as to what value is lost when acquiring data [eg from a M&A] as there is no framework to determine what is best data source.                                                                                                                                              31.    We have established a data management regime that takes into account the complexity of future information requests.
                                                                                                                                                                                          establish the data
34. Complexity of data & reporting requests is growing – and eventually become unsustainable with current processes, etc .
                                                                                                                                                                                          management function.
35. No one appears to be responsible for the ongoing management of the data resource [eg after it has been collected] – needs to be done to ensureongoing data                                                                                                                         Business Processes:
                                                                                                                                                                                     9.   Analyse and document information on the various data bases/data
     integrity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        32. We have defined/achieved a balance between a controlled data approach and the business units ’ needs for flexibility &
                                                                                                                                                                                          sources/interfaces from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            timely data.
                                                                                                                                                                                          source systems.
Business Processes:                                                                                                                                                                  10. Review all current management reporting processes and define enhancements                     33. We have defined a range of data rules and their ownership [organisation wide or individual business unit].
36. There is a history of creating new databases/spreadsheets each time we cannot access data or source it quickly enough.                                                                that can be                                                                                  34. We have a clear understanding of the performance drivers/measures for each business unit and can provide the data
37. Multiple databases across the Bank containing the same data, leading to data redundancy.                                                                                              undertaken in the short term [eg Board; Executive].                                               necessary to support the process.
38. No central source or catalogue to assist with accessing data from the most appropriate source in a timely manner.                                                                                                                                                                  35. We have the capability to service these data requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                                     11. Define a road map of prioritised initiatives to develop a phased development &
39. The role played by each part of the organisation in data management is unclear [particularly since the merger]. No one knows who is                                                                                                                                                36. We have developed a catalogue of trusted data resources for the business.
     responsible for providing different information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  37. Our trusted data resources are fully reconciled and validated.
                                                                                                                                                                                          strategy for the required reporting approach [including review o f current state of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       38. We have developed & communicated the role played by each part of the organisation in the ongoing data management
Staffing:                                                                                                                                                                            12. Determine & meet with all internal & external stakeholders to communicate the                      function.
40. Do we have the skills in-house to progress with the data management approach? Require data architects; data modellers; business SMEs ; etc.                                           proposed
41. Data analysts – more focus on number crunching than on analysis and providing insights.                                                                                               approach and potential timeframe.                                                            Staffing:
42. There appear to be quite a number of data analyst roles in the b usiness areas – are they reinventing the wheel and is there scope to have them better                                                                                                                             39. We have adequately trained staff involved with the data management function.
                                                                                                                                                                                     13. Develop interim approach until DM team is established.
      equipped and coordinated?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        40. Staff understand the value of our data resource and strive to maintain data quality.
                                                                                                                                                                                     14. Discuss and consolidate lessons learned/experiences from data management
43. Risk of losing good staff due to their frustration in dealing wit h manual processes. Also attempts to empower staff are thwarted by absence                                                                                                                                       41. We have overcome the staff frustration through the introduction of more automated processes, etc.
      of tools for exception reporting, etc – therefore revert to a more command approach.                                                                                                                                                                                             42. Staff focus on analysis of the data not compilation activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                          [business & technical] undertaken previously in the Bank as well as appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                          external examples.
Technical Aspects:                                                                                                                                                                   15. Review the existing EDW and data models to determine capability to meet                       Technical Aspects:
44. Multiple third party/vendor systems is an issue for data mapping.                                                                                                                     current and future                                                                           43. We utilise a corporate data model for all development initiative and view data as multipurpose not application specific.
45. We don’t understand how data flows from source systems to reporting output – there is no system overview or architecture detailing this.                                                                                                                                           44. Our corporate data model is governed within the enterprise architecture framework to manage reusability & redundancy.
                                                                                                                                                                                          data/reporting requirements.
46. There is no common definition of data fields/terminology – makes it difficult to consolidate data.                                                                                                                                                                                 45. We have a record of the Bank’s current physical data architecture [data sources; data bases; data flows; etc].
                                                                                                                                                                                     16. Determine how the data management function fits in with the ente rprise
47. Multiple data dictionaries – no ‘official’ data dictionary understood and communicated. Leads to inconsistency.                                                                                                                                                                    46. We have established a single data dictionary.
                                                                                                                                                                                          architecture approach.
48. The longer the Bank runs two banking systems – the problems will grow [eg impacts on capital measurement and c osts; inability to match customers between                                                                                                                          47. We are capable of easily integrating the data from 3rd party applications.
                                                                                                                                                                                     17. Determine what reconciliations can be set up in the short term to enhance
    systems; etc].
                                                                                                                                                                                          financial data
49. Current position is multiple heritage data warehouses and minimal activity on the Enable EDW.                                                                                         quality.                                                                                     Existing DW Resources:
                                                                                                                                                                                     18. Analyse current Board & Executive management reports and remove                               48. We have a corporate data warehouse that satisfies a significant proportion of the Bank’s management reporting
Existing DW Resources:                                                                                                                                                                    inconsistencies.                                                                                  requirements.
50. ERIS – future? At this time there is no clear direction or strategy – depends on the future role of the Enable EDW.                                                                                                                                                                49. A clear management strategy (including potential decommissioning) has been established for all existing data
                                                                                                                                                                                     19. Align data sources used for management reporting and external reporting.
51. Enable EDW – initial focus was capital reporting and there is a need to revie w current state and determine and gaps that impact future uses.                                                                                                                                           warehouses.
                                                                                                                                                                                     20. Analyse current reconciliation processes and ensure source syste ms are
52. Various data warehouses are still in operation and these have not been supported for a number of years and some business areas that use the data are not                                                                                                                           50. The ongoing management of the EDW has been resolved and suitably resourced.
                                                                                                                                                                                          reconciled to the data
     aware of these sources.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           51. Our data sources have data structures that are less complex and easily adapted to change.
53. No plans to decommission these unsupported data sources – should be built in as part of future initiative.
54. These data sources have complicated data structures built up over time – therefore if change is required it becomes too difficult and work-arounds are in place                    Longer Term Activities:                                                                             Reporting & Tools:
                                                                                                                                                                                       21. Develop initial functions required to be undertaken by the DM te a m .                          52. We have suitable analytical/reporting tools to assist the business with self service reporting utilising the DW [including ad
Current Reporting [& Tools] Situation:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            hoc reporting requirements].
                                                                                                                                                                                       22. Recruited/appoint staff to cover these DM functions.
55. Executive reporting – are data sources fully understood?                                                                                                                                                                                                                               53. We have a catalogue of current management reports used by the organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                                       23. Clearly define the scope and agreed objectives pf the DM team.
56. Executive reporting – inconsistencies within reports [eg different figures for what is supposed to be the same data].                                                                                                                                                                  54. Our approach to recurrent reporting is largely automated.
                                                                                                                                                                                       24. Define organisational position of the new DM function.
57. Executive reporting – currently not a report produced by a roll up – therefore cannot drill down to source data and reconciliation to source systems not as easy                                                                                                                       55. Bank users also have access to appropriate self service reporting capability.
                                                                                                                                                                                       25. Define critical success factors for the new DM function.
     as it should be.                                                                                                                                                                  26. Establish appropriate metrics to measure data quality [if it is not measured it                 56. Our Board & Executive reporting are free of inconsistencies caus ed by the use of varied data sources.
58. External reporting [eg by Will Rayner] – details put together by a different process and there are inconsistencies compared to Executive reporting.                                      will not be managed].                                                                         57. Our external reporting is sourced from the same data as for inte rnal management reporting.
59. Bank has no consistent set of reporting tools – issues with balance between self service and flexibility & contr o l .                                                             27. Determine approaches undertaken by other organisations and define best
                                                                                                                                                                                             practices to feed to                                                                          Data Management Requirements:
Data Management - Potential Requirements:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  58. The organisation can readily source the required information and data critical for business decisions
                                                                                                                                                                                             feed into Bank approac h.
60. Doubts that we actually know what data is critical for each busin ess decision.                                                                                                                                                                                                        59. We have a clear definition of performance management for each business area and can support the required level of
                                                                                                                                                                                       28. Map & document existing data flows; data stores and data bases.
61. Need to have a balance between the disciplines imposed by a data architecture approach and the flexibility that business require for sourcing & using data.                                                                                                                                   reporting.
                                                                                                                                                                                       29. Define the potential benefits that can be achieved through imple mentation of
62. No clear definition of performance measurement for business areas therefore cannot drive reporting in required direction.                                                                                                                                                              60. We have defined a short term & longer term approach to implementing a data management function.
                                                                                                                                                                                             the advanced
63. MIRC – becoming business area data/reporting SMEs as the business does not have time to get into the required level of detail.                                                           Basel II capital management approach.                                                         61. We have determined a range of data management initiatives aligned with organisational requirements & priorities.
64. Business areas do not have the tools and skills to support a degree of self help – therefore greater expectations of MIRC.                                                         30. Define strategy for existing data warehouses [including potential                               62. Our data management framework is flexible enough to cater for fu ture data & reporting requirements.
65. Current approachon for new systems to create new databases with out an overarching architecture/roadmapP Zeitz; A Woods; B Spears; M Bamford; Rthese
                 Based is Meetings held 17.11.2009 & 18.11.2009 - Attendees [at one or both sessions]: R Fennell [part]; – therefore lose potential to leverage Tolladay; W Robertson; P Bancroft; D Boromeo; D Look; T Camporeale; M Wickett; L Groom; A Wat ts; S Lai [ S Brooks & K Bond63. We have a data management framework in place that is accessible to all staff [eg solution architects].
                                                                                                                                                                                             decommissioning].                                                                             - facilitators]
     solutions for other users.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            64. We have a framework that will facilitate the incorporation of additional systems [eg from M&A activities].
                                                                                                                                                                                       31. Define approach to establish end user self service reporting & d ata sourcing
66. Cannot simply focus on data warehouses – take into account state of source systems and data capture; dat stored in off the shelf systems and alignment to
                                                                                                                       a                                                                                                                                                                   65. We have established a continuous improvement environment that leverages each additional initiative.
     the Bank’s definitions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               66. We have a clear understanding of the management reporting/information requirements of the organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                                       32. Define approach to automate standard or recurring reporting processes.
                                                                                                                                                                                     33.     Investigate approach to control ongoing creation of Access databases.
Learnings – Previous DW Initiatives:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Learnings – Previous DW Initiatives:
In a nutshell …..

  The magic ingredients

  •We are not IT
  •This is not a project this is a function (IM is not just for Christmas it’s for life)
  •We were an integral part if the F&T transformation program
  •Created a awareness of the issues and galvanised commitment to the cause

                                                                                           Page 3
Management Information Framework
                                                                         Internal and External
                                                                      Customer Information Needs
             •Efficient decision making             •Improved Performance Management                 •Timely production of results      •Accurate regulatory reporting
                      •Consistency of information at all levels         •Branch level financial performance     •Customer/Product/Service contribution

 Change and
 Infrastructure                                            Management Information Framework                                                                              Risk

                                                                   Consistent                                Making             Common
                                          Obligation and                               Engagement
                                                                  analysis and                             information          language
                                         motivation to report                          (spread the
                                                                    reporting                             accurate and           for data

                                         information issues                               word)
                                                                   framework                                accessible            miners

                                                                                          Bank wide
                                                                                     Business Intelligence

•Resources                      Data Warehouse
•Processes                                                  Adl DW           MRS                                                                                •Resources
•Frameworks                                                                                                                                                     •Processes

•Methodologies                                                                                                                                                  •Frameworks
                                                                                                       Rationalisation of                       Feed
•Support agreements                              EIS      Mkt.D’base      ERIS                                                                                  •Methodologies
                                                                                       Data Analysts    Corporate Data                          back
                                                                                                                                                                •Support agreements

                                                Linx?           ALM       EDW

                                                                                         Bank wide
                                                                                      Data Governance

                                         Corporate Data         Governance                          Engagement                   KPI’s /
                                             Model                Policy                          (spread the word)             Measures

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 4
Information Management Functional Alignment
•strategic direction - transform our information management capability to improve all corporate internal and
external customer information needs
•clear functional responsibility and accountability
•clarity of milestones
•clarity of Interrelationship within and outside
                                    Information Management Committee

                Other            DW Support and Enhancement                                    BI Centre
                                   (dedicated IT resources)
                SS A                                                                        Business Rules

                                                                            Related          (Metadata)

                SS B

                             Landing       Staging                                                  (DDS)
                              Area          Area                           Corporate
                SS C         (pulled)      (pulled)                                                     Future
                                                                           Data Store     Cap Ad.

                SS D                                         corporate data model          Future       Future

                                                                                           Cube?        Cube?

                SS E

                                                                                              Analysis tool set
                                                      Linx        Norkom            SAS
                                                                                                      Static  Adhoc
                                                                                                      Reports Reports

                                          Data Governance

Version 3
Information                                           Information Management Committee (IMC)
                                            ?     Executive Committee
Management                                  ?
                                                  Set strategic direction
                                                  Monitor progress
Functional                                  ?     Monitor effectiveness of data management components
                                            ?     Set development priorities
Alignment                                   ?     Manage Information Management Risks

             Resources continue to report to functional                         Head of
             managers in IT and Change however their
            daily tasks and direction is set by dotted line
                              manager                                         Management

       DW Support and                                         Business Intelligence Centre (11)                  Data Governance (2)
       Development (15)                                       Functions:                                     ?    Data Governance
   Roles:                                                                                                         Managers
                                                              ?   Manager Business Intelligence
                                                                                                             ?    Deployed to support BU or
   ?   DWSD Manager                                           ?   Front Desk/Project Office
                                                                                                                  Data Groupings
   ?   DW Support                                             ?   Portal
                                                                                                             ?    Data Steward structure to
   ?   ETL Developers                                         ?   Essbase                                         leverage off Risk Team
   ?   Data Architect                                         ?   Consultancy/Business Partnering/Training
   ?   Data Modeller                                          ?   Data Experts
                                                                                                                 Data Governance Function to utilise
   ?   DBA’ s                                                 ?   Report Development                              Business Risk Partners Model for
   ?   DW Architect
   ?   Source System Experts
                                                                                                                     Risk Business
                                                                                                                    Partner Support

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Scott ross presentation

  • 1. Information Management Journey …coordinating a group wide approach September 2011
  • 2. “Data Management” Vision: We have defined & implemented a data management function that supports the data supply & data quality requirements of the Bank and external entities. BUSINESS INTENT V0.2 A WHERE ARE WE NOW? B WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE? Current State Future State Data Quality - Issues: 1. Front line staff have an impact on data quality but most likely do not realise the down stream impact of work arounds or short cuts [eg always entering a reason C WHAT DO WE NEED TO GET THERE? Data Quality - Issues: 1. We have an ongoing data quality management program in place to e nsure minimal errors at data capture. code because ‘it works’ not because it is correct]. 2. We have communicated & achieved a balance between customer servic e & data quality backed up by system validation 2. Business focus is on customer service not necessarily data quality. where appropriate. 3. Issue with completeness; accuracy; and consistency of data entered into systems. Dependencies 3. We have addressed data accuracy issues with standard data entry rules & system validation where appropriate. 4. Lack of system rules or checks to prevent the entry of incorrectdata at source system front ends. Data is entered in numerous formats ( eg hyphenated names; 4. The organisation has a greater commitment to the resolution of d ata issues. street addresses; etc). 1. Executive buy in and ongoing support of a data management function. 5. We have created roles for the detection of data issues and provision of feedback to staff. 5. No education or feedback process for staff who enter data [eg when recognised – staff are not told of errors and the impacts they may have]. 2. Recognition at all levels of the organisation that this is not a trivial task – it is 6. Our data quality approach includes feedback & staff education to highlight/rectify data entry issues. 6. No ownership or responsibility for detecting errors and providing the necessary feedback to staff. a major undertaking that we have attempted previously and failed. 7. We have a Bank-wide glossary of agreed definitions to ensure consistent use of terminology. 7. No organisational focus on resolution of data errors. 3. Adequate resourcing of the data management function. 8. Data quality – we have ascribed a business cost to the entry & ongoing use of poor quality data. 8. No common terminology – no single glossary or data dictionary to facilitate data sharing. 4. Adequately skilled business staff to undertake the data management 9. No one could say who is ultimately accountable for data quality & data integrity. function. Data Management – Governance: 10. Not convinced that the Executive know the basis of their reporting [eg how many people involved; what sources; what manipulations of data; true sources of 5. Adequately skilled IT staff to support the data management function. 9. We have a clearly defined ownership & accountability structure for data in the organisation. data; etc]. 6. Bank has the willingness to accept the cultural change required to support 10. We have a data governance process in place to assist with ongoing data quality. 11. Not sure if the impacts of ‘bad’ data are really appreciated. the data management function. 11. We have implemented the data management function as an appropriately staffed organisational support unit [not a 7. Need to fit this initiative in with the organisational change process project]. Data Management - Governance: 8. Dependency - the Bank’s future data warehouse strategy. 12. We have established a single point of ownership of data and reduced the incidence of data redundancy. 12. Board & Executive do not appear to have an understanding of thesignificant issues, frustration & associated costs caused by lack of data governance. 9. Dependency – the Bank’s future GL strategy & approach. 13. There is an organisation wide commitment, from Board & Executive down, to the adherence to data management 13. No review of data management processes or requirements since integration. principles. 14. No owner of data management. 14. We have an understanding of the benefits & cost savings to be achieved from a sound data management approach. 15. Need for governance/management approach to be determined – centralised or decentralised? 15. We have established clear responsibility & accountability for da ta management [data quality & data integrity]. 16. 17. Definition of data rules required – who owns them [the organisation or each department]? No single point of ownership for data – also have multiple stores and views for same piece of data. D HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN? 16. The Data Management group has the authority to enforce data quality initiatives. 18. Lack of commitment by all levels of the business to adhere to da ta management principles – for expediency, business areas will source and manipulate data Data Management – Controls: themselves and not take an organisational view. High -level project tasks 17. Data/information is readily accessible to those staff authorised to source it. 19. Data – no one at Executive level appears to want to own it or take accountability since the merger 18. Our reporting states the data sources used for the report and any data transformation or consolidations required to 20. Data management – is not a significant part of anyone’s role/responsibility – therefore is easily parked when other issues or priorities aris e. Short Term Activities: produce it. 1. Determine the scope & requirements for implementation of a data 19. We are confident in the data & information obtained from our DW and other certified sources. Data Management - Controls: 20. We have a process of certification of trusted data sources. management function. 21. Data accessibility – there is minimal control over sourcing and reusing data. 21. We have implemented system controls to assist with the input of quality data. 2. Determine how much detail is required by Executive to prove the worth of the 22. Short term approach – there is a need for additional controls [eg do not allow any more customer data extracts for new databases]. 22. We have implemented manual & systematic validation/reconciliation processes to ensure the ongoing integrity of the initiative. 23. There are no details on what data fields are important/required to the run the business [eg what is it that makes a branch/channel successful]. Bank’s data resources. 3. Develop & document case for change [benefits/costs] and present this to 24. Ad hoc requests for reporting are often difficult to deliver as data is not available or accessible. 23. We have audit trails in place to assist with tracking changes to data of high importance. Executive. 4. Identify a list of initiatives that can be undertaken in the short term to progress [Lack of] Data Management- Impacts: the initiative. Data Management – Impacts: 25. General lack of confidence in the organisation’s d a t a . 5. Define management/performance reporting requirements for Board; Executive 24. We are confident that our existing data sources & interfaces are correct/validated. 26. APRA expectations regarding and ADI’s management of data. 25. We are confident our business decisions are based on adequate & trusted data. and BU Heads. 27. There are occasions when the Bank has provided customers with incorrect data. 26. We have clearly defined responsibility for managing data integrity on an ongoing basis. 6. Determine the gaps between current data availability and the requirements & 28. Current situation a result of multiple mergers and inconsistent incorporation of data [mapping not always correct]. 27. We have implemented an approach to reduce current levels of multiple data sources and associated data redundancy. and the approach 29. There is a cost associated with data issues [eg over compensating capital; inability to securitise loans; inability to identify appropriate risks]. 28. Our data management approach has been developed taking into account the requirements of both internal and external to close these gaps. 30. Risk of data privacy issues as data is propagated and lack of audit trail. 7. Determine the required approach to get this initiative into the organisational [eg APRA] stakeholders. 31. Data security issues as data is propagated [including data on laptops, etc that can be lost, etc]. change process. 29. Our data management approach has reduced the chance of the Bank providing customers with erroneous data. 32. Simple data requirements are not defined. Potential that business decisions are being based on ‘no data ’ or simple trend data. 8. Define preferred options for the short term and longer term approach to 30. We have reduced the risk of data privacy issues through enhanced rules & controls on the use of data. 33. Question as to what value is lost when acquiring data [eg from a M&A] as there is no framework to determine what is best data source. 31. We have established a data management regime that takes into account the complexity of future information requests. establish the data 34. Complexity of data & reporting requests is growing – and eventually become unsustainable with current processes, etc . management function. 35. No one appears to be responsible for the ongoing management of the data resource [eg after it has been collected] – needs to be done to ensureongoing data Business Processes: 9. Analyse and document information on the various data bases/data integrity. 32. We have defined/achieved a balance between a controlled data approach and the business units ’ needs for flexibility & sources/interfaces from timely data. source systems. Business Processes: 10. Review all current management reporting processes and define enhancements 33. We have defined a range of data rules and their ownership [organisation wide or individual business unit]. 36. There is a history of creating new databases/spreadsheets each time we cannot access data or source it quickly enough. that can be 34. We have a clear understanding of the performance drivers/measures for each business unit and can provide the data 37. Multiple databases across the Bank containing the same data, leading to data redundancy. undertaken in the short term [eg Board; Executive]. necessary to support the process. 38. No central source or catalogue to assist with accessing data from the most appropriate source in a timely manner. 35. We have the capability to service these data requirements. 11. Define a road map of prioritised initiatives to develop a phased development & 39. The role played by each part of the organisation in data management is unclear [particularly since the merger]. No one knows who is 36. We have developed a catalogue of trusted data resources for the business. implementation responsible for providing different information. 37. Our trusted data resources are fully reconciled and validated. strategy for the required reporting approach [including review o f current state of 38. We have developed & communicated the role played by each part of the organisation in the ongoing data management EDW]. Staffing: 12. Determine & meet with all internal & external stakeholders to communicate the function. 40. Do we have the skills in-house to progress with the data management approach? Require data architects; data modellers; business SMEs ; etc. proposed 41. Data analysts – more focus on number crunching than on analysis and providing insights. approach and potential timeframe. Staffing: 42. There appear to be quite a number of data analyst roles in the b usiness areas – are they reinventing the wheel and is there scope to have them better 39. We have adequately trained staff involved with the data management function. 13. Develop interim approach until DM team is established. equipped and coordinated? 40. Staff understand the value of our data resource and strive to maintain data quality. 14. Discuss and consolidate lessons learned/experiences from data management 43. Risk of losing good staff due to their frustration in dealing wit h manual processes. Also attempts to empower staff are thwarted by absence 41. We have overcome the staff frustration through the introduction of more automated processes, etc. initiatives of tools for exception reporting, etc – therefore revert to a more command approach. 42. Staff focus on analysis of the data not compilation activities. [business & technical] undertaken previously in the Bank as well as appropriate external examples. Technical Aspects: 15. Review the existing EDW and data models to determine capability to meet Technical Aspects: 44. Multiple third party/vendor systems is an issue for data mapping. current and future 43. We utilise a corporate data model for all development initiative and view data as multipurpose not application specific. 45. We don’t understand how data flows from source systems to reporting output – there is no system overview or architecture detailing this. 44. Our corporate data model is governed within the enterprise architecture framework to manage reusability & redundancy. data/reporting requirements. 46. There is no common definition of data fields/terminology – makes it difficult to consolidate data. 45. We have a record of the Bank’s current physical data architecture [data sources; data bases; data flows; etc]. 16. Determine how the data management function fits in with the ente rprise 47. Multiple data dictionaries – no ‘official’ data dictionary understood and communicated. Leads to inconsistency. 46. We have established a single data dictionary. architecture approach. 48. The longer the Bank runs two banking systems – the problems will grow [eg impacts on capital measurement and c osts; inability to match customers between 47. We are capable of easily integrating the data from 3rd party applications. 17. Determine what reconciliations can be set up in the short term to enhance systems; etc]. financial data 49. Current position is multiple heritage data warehouses and minimal activity on the Enable EDW. quality. Existing DW Resources: 18. Analyse current Board & Executive management reports and remove 48. We have a corporate data warehouse that satisfies a significant proportion of the Bank’s management reporting Existing DW Resources: inconsistencies. requirements. 50. ERIS – future? At this time there is no clear direction or strategy – depends on the future role of the Enable EDW. 49. A clear management strategy (including potential decommissioning) has been established for all existing data 19. Align data sources used for management reporting and external reporting. 51. Enable EDW – initial focus was capital reporting and there is a need to revie w current state and determine and gaps that impact future uses. warehouses. 20. Analyse current reconciliation processes and ensure source syste ms are 52. Various data warehouses are still in operation and these have not been supported for a number of years and some business areas that use the data are not 50. The ongoing management of the EDW has been resolved and suitably resourced. reconciled to the data aware of these sources. 51. Our data sources have data structures that are less complex and easily adapted to change. warehouse/s. 53. No plans to decommission these unsupported data sources – should be built in as part of future initiative. 54. These data sources have complicated data structures built up over time – therefore if change is required it becomes too difficult and work-arounds are in place Longer Term Activities: Reporting & Tools: 21. Develop initial functions required to be undertaken by the DM te a m . 52. We have suitable analytical/reporting tools to assist the business with self service reporting utilising the DW [including ad Current Reporting [& Tools] Situation: hoc reporting requirements]. 22. Recruited/appoint staff to cover these DM functions. 55. Executive reporting – are data sources fully understood? 53. We have a catalogue of current management reports used by the organisation. 23. Clearly define the scope and agreed objectives pf the DM team. 56. Executive reporting – inconsistencies within reports [eg different figures for what is supposed to be the same data]. 54. Our approach to recurrent reporting is largely automated. 24. Define organisational position of the new DM function. 57. Executive reporting – currently not a report produced by a roll up – therefore cannot drill down to source data and reconciliation to source systems not as easy 55. Bank users also have access to appropriate self service reporting capability. 25. Define critical success factors for the new DM function. as it should be. 26. Establish appropriate metrics to measure data quality [if it is not measured it 56. Our Board & Executive reporting are free of inconsistencies caus ed by the use of varied data sources. 58. External reporting [eg by Will Rayner] – details put together by a different process and there are inconsistencies compared to Executive reporting. will not be managed]. 57. Our external reporting is sourced from the same data as for inte rnal management reporting. 59. Bank has no consistent set of reporting tools – issues with balance between self service and flexibility & contr o l . 27. Determine approaches undertaken by other organisations and define best practices to feed to Data Management Requirements: Data Management - Potential Requirements: 58. The organisation can readily source the required information and data critical for business decisions feed into Bank approac h. 60. Doubts that we actually know what data is critical for each busin ess decision. 59. We have a clear definition of performance management for each business area and can support the required level of 28. Map & document existing data flows; data stores and data bases. 61. Need to have a balance between the disciplines imposed by a data architecture approach and the flexibility that business require for sourcing & using data. reporting. 29. Define the potential benefits that can be achieved through imple mentation of 62. No clear definition of performance measurement for business areas therefore cannot drive reporting in required direction. 60. We have defined a short term & longer term approach to implementing a data management function. the advanced 63. MIRC – becoming business area data/reporting SMEs as the business does not have time to get into the required level of detail. Basel II capital management approach. 61. We have determined a range of data management initiatives aligned with organisational requirements & priorities. 64. Business areas do not have the tools and skills to support a degree of self help – therefore greater expectations of MIRC. 30. Define strategy for existing data warehouses [including potential 62. Our data management framework is flexible enough to cater for fu ture data & reporting requirements. 65. Current approachon for new systems to create new databases with out an overarching architecture/roadmapP Zeitz; A Woods; B Spears; M Bamford; Rthese Based is Meetings held 17.11.2009 & 18.11.2009 - Attendees [at one or both sessions]: R Fennell [part]; – therefore lose potential to leverage Tolladay; W Robertson; P Bancroft; D Boromeo; D Look; T Camporeale; M Wickett; L Groom; A Wat ts; S Lai [ S Brooks & K Bond63. We have a data management framework in place that is accessible to all staff [eg solution architects]. decommissioning]. - facilitators] solutions for other users. 64. We have a framework that will facilitate the incorporation of additional systems [eg from M&A activities]. 31. Define approach to establish end user self service reporting & d ata sourcing 66. Cannot simply focus on data warehouses – take into account state of source systems and data capture; dat stored in off the shelf systems and alignment to a 65. We have established a continuous improvement environment that leverages each additional initiative. function. the Bank’s definitions. 66. We have a clear understanding of the management reporting/information requirements of the organisation. 32. Define approach to automate standard or recurring reporting processes. 33. Investigate approach to control ongoing creation of Access databases. Learnings – Previous DW Initiatives: Learnings – Previous DW Initiatives:
  • 3. In a nutshell ….. The magic ingredients •We are not IT •This is not a project this is a function (IM is not just for Christmas it’s for life) •We were an integral part if the F&T transformation program •Created a awareness of the issues and galvanised commitment to the cause Page 3
  • 4. Management Information Framework Internal and External Customer Information Needs •Efficient decision making •Improved Performance Management •Timely production of results •Accurate regulatory reporting •Consistency of information at all levels •Branch level financial performance •Customer/Product/Service contribution Change and Infrastructure Management Information Framework Risk Consistent Making Common Obligation and Engagement analysis and information language motivation to report (spread the reporting accurate and for data How information issues word) framework accessible miners Bank wide Business Intelligence •Resources Data Warehouse •Processes Adl DW MRS •Resources •Frameworks •Processes What •Methodologies •Frameworks Rationalisation of Feed •Support agreements EIS Mkt.D’base ERIS •Methodologies Data Analysts Corporate Data back •Support agreements Linx? ALM EDW Control Bank wide Data Governance Corporate Data Governance Engagement KPI’s / Glossary Model Policy (spread the word) Measures Page 4
  • 5. Information Management Functional Alignment Providing: •strategic direction - transform our information management capability to improve all corporate internal and external customer information needs •clear functional responsibility and accountability •clarity of milestones •clarity of Interrelationship within and outside Information Management Committee Other DW Support and Enhancement BI Centre (dedicated IT resources) SS A Business Rules Str Related (Metadata) ate SS B gic Landing Staging (DDS) Area Area Corporate SS C (pulled) (pulled) Future Data Store Cap Ad. Cube? SS D corporate data model Future Future Dir Cube? Cube? ect SS E ion Analysis tool set GL Linx Norkom SAS Static Adhoc Reports Reports Data Governance Version 3
  • 6. Information Information Management Committee (IMC) ? Executive Committee Management ? ? Set strategic direction Monitor progress Functional ? Monitor effectiveness of data management components ? Set development priorities Alignment ? Manage Information Management Risks Resources continue to report to functional Head of managers in IT and Change however their daily tasks and direction is set by dotted line Information manager Management DW Support and Business Intelligence Centre (11) Data Governance (2) Development (15) Functions: ? Data Governance Roles: Managers ? Manager Business Intelligence ? Deployed to support BU or ? DWSD Manager ? Front Desk/Project Office Data Groupings ? DW Support ? Portal ? Data Steward structure to ? ETL Developers ? Essbase leverage off Risk Team ? Data Architect ? Consultancy/Business Partnering/Training ? Data Modeller ? Data Experts Data Governance Function to utilise ? DBA’ s ? Report Development Business Risk Partners Model for support. ? DW Architect ? Source System Experts Risk Business Partner Support