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       Scientific Research

         An Najah National University

              Author:O. Tamimi
Meaning of Scientific Research
  Examples of Scientific Research
Who is a Researcher, What Does a Researcher Do
  What is the difference between Scientist and Researcher?
Choosing a Research Topic by a Scientist
Classification of Scientific Research
  Pure Research:
 Applied Research:
Additional Classifications
  Qualitative research
  Quantitative research
Characteristics of Research
Research Process (Fundamental Steps)
Step-1 Make an Observation, Find a Problem & Ask a Question
  Find a Problem
  Scientific Question
Examples of Observations & Scientific Questions
Page-1                       An Najah National University     O. Tamimi
Step-2 Literature Review (Background-Research)
Sources of Literature Review
  Primary Sources
  Secondary Sources
Step-3Testable Hypothesis
Step-4 Design an Experiment (Procedure)
Step-5 Collecting & Analyzing Data
  Primary Data
  Secondary Data
Step-6 What to do if Hypothesis is wrong
Step-7 Writing Report & Publish Findings
  Research Title
  Scientific Question
  Testable Hypothesis
Data Collection, Data Analysis & Discussion
Further Reading & References
Page-2                       An Najah National University   O. Tamimi
Meaning of Scientific Research
  The systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to
   increase our understanding of an issue
  Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of learning new
   facts or testing the application of theories to known facts
  Its an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge
  The research aims at seeking answers to problems through the
   application of scientific mythology , which guarantees that the
   information is reliable and unbiased
Examples of Scientific Research (current research)
 Effect of GPS satellite on health
 Electrical properties of silicon material or the semiconductor diodes
 Effect of genetically modified food on health
 Contaminated water and cancer
 Studying the effect of global warming on see levels & wild-life

Page-3                      An Najah National University                  O. Tamimi
The word "research" can be confusing because it is frequently used in
conversation to describe a non-scientific searching process. For example, you
might say that you conducted "research" to find the best price for a computer, or
maybe you "researched" the internet for the best deal of Ford car. In both
instances you clearly did not follow a rigorous, scientific method of solving

Page-4                      An Najah National University                 O. Tamimi
Who is a Researcher, What Does He Do
    A researcher is a knowledgeable person who has a good background in
    science with a good written and communication skills

  A researcher should be able to carry out a range of professional
   1.Define research subject
   2.Gather information, techniques, studies from various literatures
   3.Carries out experiments
   4.Analyze & interpret research results
   5.Prepare research reports
   6.Takes part in seminars and workshops
What is the difference between Scientist and Researcher?
    A scientist is highly specialized professional who has a significant
       knowledge and expertise in one or many disciplines
    A scientist is a researcher but not vice-versa

Page-5                      An Najah National University               O. Tamimi
Choosing a Research Topic by a Researcher

   Depends on the researcher’s subject of interest or specialty area
     e.g. Chemical Engineering

   The interest of a researcher in exploring ideas or issues
     e.g. Plastic Recycling (Dissolving the Plastics )

   Problems detected and needing a solution in practical or theoretical terms
      e.g. Studying the effectiveness of acetone extraction C3H6O in dissolving

   Questions arising from experience or reading the literature
     e.g. Studying how safe the x-rays on pregnant women

Page-6                         An Najah National University            O. Tamimi
Classification of Scientific Research
Pure Research: it is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention
to apply it in practice (Natural/Physics research) e.g. Newton Laws
Pure research tends to investigate answers like the following questions
    How did the universe begin ?
    What the protons, neutrons & electrons composed of ?
    Why are there 7 colors in a rainbow ?

Applied Research: aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing
a society or an industrial/business organization
Applied research may investigate ways to:
   Treat or cure a specific disease
   Improve the energy efficiency of offices or homes
   Discovery of x-ray

Page-7                    An Najah National University                 O. Tamimi
Additional Classifications
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research

  Qualitative Research
   Designed to explore and understand people's beliefs, experiences,
    attitudes, behavior and interactions
   Used in social science

  Quantitative Research
   Relies primarily on the collection and analysis of numerical data
   Lab research and engineering research falls under the quantitative
  research terms

Page-8                        An Najah National University               O. Tamimi
Characteristics of Research
  The following represents the mains characteristics of a scientific research

  Purpose: the purpose of research is clearly stated

  Solution: it is solution oriented and directed towards the solution of a

  Relation: Determines the relation between two or more problems

  Skills: Research require a careful skill in recording and reporting the data

  Knowledge: Research requires that researcher have full knowledge of the
  problem under the study

  Replication: research is replicable. The design, procedures and result of
  scientific research should be replicable so that any person other than the
  researcher assess the validity of research
Page-9                       An Najah National University                    O. Tamimi
Research Process
(Fundamental steps)
Research process consists of series of
Actions or steps necessary to effectively
carry out research

Page-10              An Najah National University   O. Tamimi
Step-1 Make an Observation, Find a Problem & Ask a
The first step of a scientific research is divided into three main steps
1- Observe a specific situation
2- Identify the problem in the situation
3- Formulate a question
 Observation ”means“ looking at something without influencing it and
  simultaneously recording it for later analysis, or facts you have discovered
  using your five senses
 Scientific observations can be made directly with our own senses or may be
  made indirectly through the use of tools
Scientific Question
 Any question related to an observation and answered through scientific
 Often comes from the thought “what we have right now is not good enough,
  we can do better…”
 Scientific question usually starts with: How, What, When & Who

Page-11                      An Najah National University                  O. Tamimi
 Examples of Scientific Questions
               Why the sky turns red when the sun goes down?
               Why the color of an apple-slice turns to brown after few hours?

Research Problem
 It is a clear and a stand‐alone statement which explains what are you aiming
  or trying to achieve
 To formulate a research problem, Firstly select your research topic and
  describe the problem at the beginning of research
 Research problem is not a problem in the normal sense (is actually the
  unknown part of a research)
 Problem statement shall have an outcome based verb

           identify    define        analyze          review   justify
          formulate    explain        apply          suggest   clarify
           create      design       evaluate         purpose   suggest

Page-12                     An Najah National University                 O. Tamimi
 Examples
Analyze the readiness of Palestinian cities to a massive earthquake
Identify the risks of plastic enclosures for reservoir food on health

Page-13                       An Najah National University              O. Tamimi
Observations & Scientific Questions Examples

   “Observation” Discovery of water in the form of water-ice on mars planet
  “Scientific question” Is there any life forms on the planet? (being investigated)

  “ Marie Curie’s observation” Uranium causes air ionization (electrically
   “Scientific question” Is the Uranium a radioactive element ?
  “Observation” The compass needle aligns itself when an electric current
   flows through a nearby wire
  “Scientific question” What makes the needle of a compass to align. This has
   led to the discovery of electromagnetism which revolutionized our world
  Note: Good observations lead to scientific discoveries
Page-14                       An Najah National University                   O. Tamimi
Step-2 Reviewing Literature (Background Research)
Why Reviewing Literatures ?
 It’s a regular rule that research projects begins with conducting literature
  review, which means to identify related research projects
 Literature review aim to get an insight and to get a view work of others
 Literature review helps you anticipate common problems in your research
 you should look at conclusions, theories, arguments that underline the work
  and look for similarities and differences with closely related work
By Studying of Literature we Would Like to Find the Answers to Following
 Did anybody else formulate the same research problem in the past?
 Did anybody else solve the same or similar problem in the past?
 Are the results of the previous solving acceptable for us or not?
Writing a Good Literature Review Requires
 You have to have an ability to show why your research should be carried out
 why did you choose certain theories to work with
 And how your work already adds to research carried out.
Page-15                     An Najah National University               O. Tamimi
Step-2 Literature Review (Background Research)

Sources of Literature Review
The term sources refer to print, electronic or visual materials necessary for your
research. Sources are classified into primary and secondary sources
          Primary Sources (Highly Reliable, Up to Date Knowledge)
              Scientific Journals
              Seminar papers
              Academic Thesis
              Academic Dissertation
              Patents
          Secondary Sources
              Lab Reports
              Text-Books
              eBook
              Documentaries
              Web-Links (Google scholar, company websites or Forums)

Page-16                     An Najah National University                  O. Tamimi
Step-3 Testable Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a special kind of prediction that forecasts (predicts) how
changing one part of an experiment will affect the results. It is NOT a guess. It is
an informed and well-thought out prediction that requires background
information. You can also think of it as a cause-effect statement.
A hypothesis is best written in the “If ______________, then _____________.”
Examples of a Hypothesis (Using If, Then Statement)
If the temperature of sea water increases, then the amount of salt that
dissolves in the water increases.
Scientific Question: How does the amount of daylight affect plant growth ?
Hypothesis: If the amount of daylight increases, then the growth of a plant
Scientific Question: How does the color of a surface affect its temperature?
Hypothesis: if the color of a surface is black then the temperature absorption is
Page-17                         An Najah National University                O. Tamimi
Step-3 Testable Hypothesis

If color change in leaves is related to temperature, then exposing leaves to
direct sunlight will make them to burn

Any hypothesis statement has two variables: Independent variable &
Dependent variable

Dependent variable → (Leaves)
Independent variable → (Temperature)
More Hypothesis Examples (Using May Statement)
 Chocolate may cause pimples
 Salt soil may affect plant growth
 Plant growth may be affected by the color of light
 Bacterial growth may be affect by temperature
 Ultra violet light may cause a skin cancer
Page-18                   An Najah National University                  O. Tamimi
Step- 4 Design an Experiment (Procedure)

Designing an Experiment is Influenced by Many Factors
Determine place, time, budget for the experiment
 Means of obtaining the information (Data collection method)
 Resources available for the research
 Skills of the research personnel

The Procedure is an Integral Part of the Experimental Design, the Following
Represents the Fundamental Steps of Writing a Procedure
Includes a list of steps that the scientist takes to complete the experiment
 Very detailed list that is numbered 1,2,3.. order (its not a paragraph)
 The procedure should allow others to repeat it. (reproducible)
 Your procedure is considered a Good one if someone do it and achieve the
  same results as you did

Page-19                     An Najah National University               O. Tamimi
Step- 5 Collecting / Analyzing Data

  Data collection is an important aspect of any scientific research, there are
different approaches for data

 Data Quantitative research is usually expressed in numerical form and
presented in tables and figures

     Primary Data (Not published yet): Collected by the researcher himself either
      through experiments (e.g. Lab or Field experiments) or through surveys
      Survey Data is collected using one of the following ways:
       Observation
       Personal interview
       Telephone interview
       Questionnaires
     Secondary Data (Readily available data): is a data found in published
      sources such as (Journal, Internet & Books)

Page-20                        An Najah National University                O. Tamimi
Step- 5 Collecting / Analyzing Data

After the research data has been obtained, Data analysis shall be carried out
using a closely related operations, such as:

 Presenting data in Tables & Figures
 Study the relationship between variables (direct, indirect, proportional, etc…)
 Percentage, average & coefficient computations using statistical formulas

Page-21                     An Najah National University                O. Tamimi
Step-6: (Decision) Hypothesis Testing
After analyzing the data, the researcher is in a position to test the hypotheses,
to see if the facts support hypothesis or they happen to be contrary
Hypothesis testing involves stating the hypothesis by converting the research
question into null and alternative hypothesis

Null Hypothesis: (Denoted H0)
  Attempts to show that there is no-relationship between hypothesis variables
 (Doesn’t relate hypothesis variables in anyway)
  statement that is capable of being proven false (It is simple to disprove)
  Examples
                (Chocolate may not cause pimples)
                ( Fertilizers have no effects on plant growth)
Alternative Hypothesis: (Denoted H1)
  It means that there is a relationship between variables (opposite to Null-
  Example
                (Chocolate may cause pimples)
Page-22                     An Najah National University                   O. Tamimi
Step-6: (Decision) Hypothesis Testing
The experiment is to be carried out in an attempt to prove or reject the null-

There are two possible decisions:

 Conclude that there is enough evidence to support the alternative
  hypothesis. Reject the null. (Chocolate may cause pimples)

 Conclude that there is not enough evidence to support the alternative
  Fail to reject the null. (Chocolate may not cause pimples)
What to do if Hypothesis (Alternative) is Wrong
 Amend the hypothesis and do the experiment again
 Stop the research

Page-23                     An Najah National University                  O. Tamimi
Step- 7 Writing Report & Publish Findings
Writing and publishing a research report is necessary in order to
 Circulate the ideas, facts and findings to the others
 To make a good contribution to the existing stock of knowledge
 To get the ideas protected
Research report shall be carefully written keeping in view the following
 Title page
 Abstract
 Background research (Introduction).
 Experimental procedure
 Data analysis and discussion (includes data table and graph(s))
 Conclusions
Research report has many different styles such as:
■ Lab Report
■ Scientific Literature (published in Journal, Conference & patent, Books)
■ Project Thesis (For educational purposes)
■ Project Dissertation (For educational purposes)
Page-24                   An Najah National University                     O. Tamimi
Sample Scientific Research
Research Title: Light effects on colored surfaces
Scientific Question: How does the color of a surface affect its temperature?
Testable Hypothesis: If a dark-colored object is exposed to light, then it is
expected to get worm


Page-25                      An Najah National University                 O. Tamimi
1) Place the two containers on a level surface and allow the air inside the
   containers to equalize with air in the room. This should take no more than
   about 10 minutes.
2) Cut a strip of dark paper to fit one container and tape this paper around the
   outside of the container covering its surface.
3) Cut a strip of light paper to fit the other container and tape this paper around
   the outside of the container covering its surface.
4) Cut two pieces of foam to firmly fit like caps inside the top of each of the
5) Cut slots in each of the foam caps for inserting the thermometers, insert one
   thermometer inside the slot of each of the foam caps.
6) Place the caps with the thermometers inserted firmly on each container,
   making sure that the liquid in the thermometer is visible. Record the
   temperature of
   each thermo-meter.
7) Put the two containers side by side and place the heat lamp about 6 inches
    from the containers. Plug the light into an electrical outlet and turn it on.
Page-26                   An Najah National University                      O. Tamimi
Data Collection, Data Analysis & Discussion
8) Record the temperature of both thermometers at 5-minute intervals, 5
   different times.
Data Collection
                     Temp. (C°)          Temp. (C°)
  Time (Minutes)
                   Dark Container    Light Container
           0             13                 13
           5             16                 15
          10             21                 19
          15             27                 24
          20             31                 27
          25             35                 30
               Experimental Results

                                                             Experimental Setup
Page-27                       An Najah National University                  O. Tamimi
Data Analysis
Calculating the average temp.

          Tmax (Light-Container)   = 30 Cº
          Tmax (Dark-Container)    = 35 Cº

Page-28                                An Najah National University   O. Tamimi
The figure demonstrates the temp rise for both; light container and dark container
as expected, the drawing indicates that there was a temperature rise in both
containers, but based on the data analysis (average and max temperatures) it
can be noticed that the dark colored container reached a higher temperature
than the light-colored one.
Page-29                         An Najah National University                    O. Tamimi

Note: Because the assumed hypothesis at the beginning of the experiment is
proven correct, it is possible to carry on and write down a conclusion that
summaries the outcomes

It can be concluded that the light and dark surfaces show a difference in
increase of temperature over a 25-minute period, with the dark-colored
container reaching the highest temperature reading. Dark surfaces become
warmer because they absorb more of the incident radiation. Light-colored
surfaces reflect more of the incident radiation, hence absorbing less radiation.
The higher the absorption, the warmer the temperature.

Page-30                       An Najah National University                O. Tamimi
Further Reading & References

Edgar Bright Wilson (1990), Introduction to scientific research. 3rd ed. NY. 367
Steve Chapman (2005), Research Methods. 3rd ed. NY. 207

C. R. Kothari (2006), Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques. 2nd ed.
New-Delhi. 398

Page-31                       An Najah National University                O. Tamimi
Further Reading & References
Page-32                          An Najah National University                O. Tamimi

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Scientific Research

  • 1. LOGO Scientific Research An Najah National University Author:O. Tamimi
  • 2. Contents Meaning of Scientific Research Examples of Scientific Research Who is a Researcher, What Does a Researcher Do What is the difference between Scientist and Researcher? Choosing a Research Topic by a Scientist Classification of Scientific Research Pure Research: Applied Research: Additional Classifications Qualitative research Quantitative research Characteristics of Research Research Process (Fundamental Steps) Step-1 Make an Observation, Find a Problem & Ask a Question Observation Find a Problem Scientific Question Examples of Observations & Scientific Questions Page-1 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 3. Contents Step-2 Literature Review (Background-Research) Sources of Literature Review Primary Sources Secondary Sources Step-3Testable Hypothesis Step-4 Design an Experiment (Procedure) Step-5 Collecting & Analyzing Data Primary Data Secondary Data Step-6 What to do if Hypothesis is wrong Step-7 Writing Report & Publish Findings Research Title Scientific Question Testable Hypothesis Procedure Data Collection, Data Analysis & Discussion Conclusion Further Reading & References Page-2 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 4. Meaning of Scientific Research  The systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our understanding of an issue  Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of learning new facts or testing the application of theories to known facts  Its an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge  The research aims at seeking answers to problems through the application of scientific mythology , which guarantees that the information is reliable and unbiased Examples of Scientific Research (current research)  Effect of GPS satellite on health  Electrical properties of silicon material or the semiconductor diodes  Effect of genetically modified food on health  Contaminated water and cancer  Studying the effect of global warming on see levels & wild-life Page-3 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 5. The word "research" can be confusing because it is frequently used in conversation to describe a non-scientific searching process. For example, you might say that you conducted "research" to find the best price for a computer, or maybe you "researched" the internet for the best deal of Ford car. In both instances you clearly did not follow a rigorous, scientific method of solving problems. Page-4 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 6. Who is a Researcher, What Does He Do A researcher is a knowledgeable person who has a good background in science with a good written and communication skills A researcher should be able to carry out a range of professional assignments 1.Define research subject 2.Gather information, techniques, studies from various literatures 3.Carries out experiments 4.Analyze & interpret research results 5.Prepare research reports 6.Takes part in seminars and workshops What is the difference between Scientist and Researcher?  A scientist is highly specialized professional who has a significant knowledge and expertise in one or many disciplines  A scientist is a researcher but not vice-versa Page-5 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 7. Choosing a Research Topic by a Researcher Depends on the researcher’s subject of interest or specialty area e.g. Chemical Engineering The interest of a researcher in exploring ideas or issues e.g. Plastic Recycling (Dissolving the Plastics ) Problems detected and needing a solution in practical or theoretical terms e.g. Studying the effectiveness of acetone extraction C3H6O in dissolving plastic Questions arising from experience or reading the literature e.g. Studying how safe the x-rays on pregnant women Page-6 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 8. Classification of Scientific Research Pure Research: it is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention to apply it in practice (Natural/Physics research) e.g. Newton Laws Pure research tends to investigate answers like the following questions  How did the universe begin ?  What the protons, neutrons & electrons composed of ?  Why are there 7 colors in a rainbow ? Applied Research: aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/business organization Applied research may investigate ways to:  Treat or cure a specific disease  Improve the energy efficiency of offices or homes  Discovery of x-ray Page-7 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 9. Additional Classifications Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Qualitative Research  Designed to explore and understand people's beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior and interactions  Used in social science Quantitative Research  Relies primarily on the collection and analysis of numerical data  Lab research and engineering research falls under the quantitative research terms Page-8 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 10. Characteristics of Research The following represents the mains characteristics of a scientific research Purpose: the purpose of research is clearly stated Solution: it is solution oriented and directed towards the solution of a problem Relation: Determines the relation between two or more problems Skills: Research require a careful skill in recording and reporting the data Knowledge: Research requires that researcher have full knowledge of the problem under the study Replication: research is replicable. The design, procedures and result of scientific research should be replicable so that any person other than the researcher assess the validity of research Page-9 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 11. Research Process (Fundamental steps) Research process consists of series of Actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research Page-10 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 12. Step-1 Make an Observation, Find a Problem & Ask a Question The first step of a scientific research is divided into three main steps 1- Observe a specific situation 2- Identify the problem in the situation 3- Formulate a question Observation  Observation ”means“ looking at something without influencing it and simultaneously recording it for later analysis, or facts you have discovered using your five senses  Scientific observations can be made directly with our own senses or may be made indirectly through the use of tools Scientific Question  Any question related to an observation and answered through scientific investigation  Often comes from the thought “what we have right now is not good enough, we can do better…”  Scientific question usually starts with: How, What, When & Who Page-11 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 13.  Examples of Scientific Questions Why the sky turns red when the sun goes down? Why the color of an apple-slice turns to brown after few hours? Research Problem  It is a clear and a stand‐alone statement which explains what are you aiming or trying to achieve  To formulate a research problem, Firstly select your research topic and describe the problem at the beginning of research  Research problem is not a problem in the normal sense (is actually the unknown part of a research)  Problem statement shall have an outcome based verb identify define analyze review justify formulate explain apply suggest clarify create design evaluate purpose suggest Page-12 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 14.  Examples Analyze the readiness of Palestinian cities to a massive earthquake Identify the risks of plastic enclosures for reservoir food on health Page-13 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 15. Observations & Scientific Questions Examples “Observation” Discovery of water in the form of water-ice on mars planet “Scientific question” Is there any life forms on the planet? (being investigated) “ Marie Curie’s observation” Uranium causes air ionization (electrically conductive). “Scientific question” Is the Uranium a radioactive element ? “Observation” The compass needle aligns itself when an electric current flows through a nearby wire “Scientific question” What makes the needle of a compass to align. This has led to the discovery of electromagnetism which revolutionized our world Note: Good observations lead to scientific discoveries Page-14 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 16. Step-2 Reviewing Literature (Background Research) Why Reviewing Literatures ?  It’s a regular rule that research projects begins with conducting literature review, which means to identify related research projects  Literature review aim to get an insight and to get a view work of others  Literature review helps you anticipate common problems in your research context  you should look at conclusions, theories, arguments that underline the work and look for similarities and differences with closely related work By Studying of Literature we Would Like to Find the Answers to Following Questions:  Did anybody else formulate the same research problem in the past?  Did anybody else solve the same or similar problem in the past?  Are the results of the previous solving acceptable for us or not? Writing a Good Literature Review Requires  You have to have an ability to show why your research should be carried out  why did you choose certain theories to work with  And how your work already adds to research carried out. Page-15 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 17. Step-2 Literature Review (Background Research) Sources of Literature Review The term sources refer to print, electronic or visual materials necessary for your research. Sources are classified into primary and secondary sources Primary Sources (Highly Reliable, Up to Date Knowledge)  Scientific Journals  Seminar papers  Academic Thesis  Academic Dissertation  Patents Secondary Sources  Lab Reports  Text-Books  eBook  Documentaries  Web-Links (Google scholar, company websites or Forums) Page-16 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 18. Step-3 Testable Hypothesis Hypothesis A hypothesis is a special kind of prediction that forecasts (predicts) how changing one part of an experiment will affect the results. It is NOT a guess. It is an informed and well-thought out prediction that requires background information. You can also think of it as a cause-effect statement. A hypothesis is best written in the “If ______________, then _____________.” Examples of a Hypothesis (Using If, Then Statement) If the temperature of sea water increases, then the amount of salt that dissolves in the water increases. Scientific Question: How does the amount of daylight affect plant growth ? Hypothesis: If the amount of daylight increases, then the growth of a plant increases Scientific Question: How does the color of a surface affect its temperature? Hypothesis: if the color of a surface is black then the temperature absorption is high Page-17 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 19. Step-3 Testable Hypothesis Example If color change in leaves is related to temperature, then exposing leaves to direct sunlight will make them to burn Any hypothesis statement has two variables: Independent variable & Dependent variable Dependent variable → (Leaves) Independent variable → (Temperature) More Hypothesis Examples (Using May Statement)  Chocolate may cause pimples  Salt soil may affect plant growth  Plant growth may be affected by the color of light  Bacterial growth may be affect by temperature  Ultra violet light may cause a skin cancer Page-18 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 20. Step- 4 Design an Experiment (Procedure) Designing an Experiment is Influenced by Many Factors Determine place, time, budget for the experiment  Means of obtaining the information (Data collection method)  Resources available for the research  Skills of the research personnel The Procedure is an Integral Part of the Experimental Design, the Following Represents the Fundamental Steps of Writing a Procedure Includes a list of steps that the scientist takes to complete the experiment  Very detailed list that is numbered 1,2,3.. order (its not a paragraph)  The procedure should allow others to repeat it. (reproducible)  Your procedure is considered a Good one if someone do it and achieve the same results as you did Page-19 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 21. Step- 5 Collecting / Analyzing Data  Data collection is an important aspect of any scientific research, there are different approaches for data  Data Quantitative research is usually expressed in numerical form and presented in tables and figures  Primary Data (Not published yet): Collected by the researcher himself either through experiments (e.g. Lab or Field experiments) or through surveys Survey Data is collected using one of the following ways:  Observation  Personal interview  Telephone interview  Questionnaires  Secondary Data (Readily available data): is a data found in published sources such as (Journal, Internet & Books) Page-20 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 22. Step- 5 Collecting / Analyzing Data After the research data has been obtained, Data analysis shall be carried out using a closely related operations, such as:  Presenting data in Tables & Figures  Study the relationship between variables (direct, indirect, proportional, etc…)  Percentage, average & coefficient computations using statistical formulas Page-21 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 23. Step-6: (Decision) Hypothesis Testing After analyzing the data, the researcher is in a position to test the hypotheses, to see if the facts support hypothesis or they happen to be contrary Hypothesis testing involves stating the hypothesis by converting the research question into null and alternative hypothesis Null Hypothesis: (Denoted H0)  Attempts to show that there is no-relationship between hypothesis variables (Doesn’t relate hypothesis variables in anyway)  statement that is capable of being proven false (It is simple to disprove)  Examples (Chocolate may not cause pimples) ( Fertilizers have no effects on plant growth) Alternative Hypothesis: (Denoted H1)  It means that there is a relationship between variables (opposite to Null- Hypothesis)  Example (Chocolate may cause pimples) Page-22 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 24. Step-6: (Decision) Hypothesis Testing The experiment is to be carried out in an attempt to prove or reject the null- hypothesis There are two possible decisions:  Conclude that there is enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis. Reject the null. (Chocolate may cause pimples)  Conclude that there is not enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis. Fail to reject the null. (Chocolate may not cause pimples) What to do if Hypothesis (Alternative) is Wrong  Amend the hypothesis and do the experiment again  Stop the research Page-23 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 25. Step- 7 Writing Report & Publish Findings Writing and publishing a research report is necessary in order to  Circulate the ideas, facts and findings to the others  To make a good contribution to the existing stock of knowledge  To get the ideas protected Research report shall be carefully written keeping in view the following elements:  Title page  Abstract  Background research (Introduction).  Experimental procedure  Data analysis and discussion (includes data table and graph(s))  Conclusions Research report has many different styles such as: ■ Lab Report ■ Scientific Literature (published in Journal, Conference & patent, Books) ■ Project Thesis (For educational purposes) ■ Project Dissertation (For educational purposes) Page-24 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 26. Sample Scientific Research Research Title: Light effects on colored surfaces Scientific Question: How does the color of a surface affect its temperature? Testable Hypothesis: If a dark-colored object is exposed to light, then it is expected to get worm Material Page-25 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 27. Procedure 1) Place the two containers on a level surface and allow the air inside the containers to equalize with air in the room. This should take no more than about 10 minutes. 2) Cut a strip of dark paper to fit one container and tape this paper around the outside of the container covering its surface. 3) Cut a strip of light paper to fit the other container and tape this paper around the outside of the container covering its surface. 4) Cut two pieces of foam to firmly fit like caps inside the top of each of the containers. 5) Cut slots in each of the foam caps for inserting the thermometers, insert one thermometer inside the slot of each of the foam caps. 6) Place the caps with the thermometers inserted firmly on each container, making sure that the liquid in the thermometer is visible. Record the temperature of each thermo-meter. 7) Put the two containers side by side and place the heat lamp about 6 inches from the containers. Plug the light into an electrical outlet and turn it on. Page-26 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 28. Data Collection, Data Analysis & Discussion 8) Record the temperature of both thermometers at 5-minute intervals, 5 different times. Data Collection Temp. (C°) Temp. (C°) Time (Minutes) Dark Container Light Container 0 13 13 5 16 15 10 21 19 15 27 24 20 31 27 25 35 30 Experimental Results Experimental Setup Page-27 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 29. Data Analysis Calculating the average temp. Tmax (Light-Container) = 30 Cº Tmax (Dark-Container) = 35 Cº Page-28 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 30. The figure demonstrates the temp rise for both; light container and dark container Discussion as expected, the drawing indicates that there was a temperature rise in both containers, but based on the data analysis (average and max temperatures) it can be noticed that the dark colored container reached a higher temperature than the light-colored one. Page-29 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 31. Conclusion Note: Because the assumed hypothesis at the beginning of the experiment is proven correct, it is possible to carry on and write down a conclusion that summaries the outcomes It can be concluded that the light and dark surfaces show a difference in increase of temperature over a 25-minute period, with the dark-colored container reaching the highest temperature reading. Dark surfaces become warmer because they absorb more of the incident radiation. Light-colored surfaces reflect more of the incident radiation, hence absorbing less radiation. The higher the absorption, the warmer the temperature. Page-30 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 32. Further Reading & References Edgar Bright Wilson (1990), Introduction to scientific research. 3rd ed. NY. 367 Steve Chapman (2005), Research Methods. 3rd ed. NY. 207 C. R. Kothari (2006), Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques. 2nd ed. New-Delhi. 398 Page-31 An Najah National University O. Tamimi
  • 33. Further Reading & References Page-32 An Najah National University O. Tamimi