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SAP White Paper
Enterprise Mobility

Best Practices for a Mobility Center
of Excellence
Keeping Pace with Mobile Technology
Table of Contents

               5	   Executive Summary

               6	   Exploring a Mobility Center
                    of Excellence
                    Dimensions of the Mobility COE

               9	   Getting Started
How can your enterprise embrace the advance of
mobile devices in the workplace – and continually
keep up with rapidly evolving technology? How
can the IT organization support the business
proactively and deal with the many issues, from
infrastructure and security to app provisioning?
The answer: a mobility center of excellence that
serves as the fulcrum for these initiatives across
the enterprise.
Mobile Devices Are Everywhere

Executive Summary

As cross-enterprise adoption of mobile           stores. This experience has conditioned
technology continues at a rapid pace, IT         them to expect a relatively rapid applica-
organizations are trying to deal with the        tion development (and enhancement)
following challenges.                            timeline, without compromising on the
   First, mobile technology is constantly        quality and user experience of the appli-
changing. In fact, the pace of change in         cation. The implication for enterprise
innovation and technology in mobility is         application developers is clear: how do
faster than in other IT areas. This rapid        you accommodate these expectations
pace of change – in terms of require-            with the existing enterprise software
ments and technology – results in the            development lifecycle infrastructure?
need for greater alignment between lines            Finally, enterprise IT needs to put in
of business and IT on mobility initiatives       place the appropriate infrastructure, pro-
to prevent duplication of effort. The enter-     cesses, and organization to ensure the
prise also has to deal with a proliferation      desired visibility and control across the
of devices, vendors, and services: iPhone,       lifecycle of these mobile assets (devices,
iPad, Google Android, BlackBerry,                users, and applications). While some
Windows Phone, and more.                         companies still issue and retain owner-
   Mobile devices are everywhere and             ship of mobile devices, the majority allow
used by everyone. This pervasiveness             employees to use their own devices to
creates opportunities to make employees          access corporate information. This blur-
more productive, engage with customers           ring of lines between professional and
in a more targeted and personalized man-         personal devices leads to diversity and
ner, and streamline collaboration with           complexity, as well as data security con-
partners. This means that enterprise IT          siderations. Enterprise IT needs to step
needs to plan for and be ready to meet a         up to the task, whether that involves self-
diverse set of requirements (end users,          service provisioning of mobile devices
engagement modalities, use cases, secu-          for users, deep insights into device and
rity, scalability, and so forth) while retain-   application usage metrics, or compliance
ing sufficient agility to meet these needs       monitoring. What’s required is a robust
in a timely manner.                              set of tools that automate as much as
   As consumers themselves, employees            possible the operational complexities of
are used to the relatively smooth and            a mobile infrastructure while providing
easy process of downloading and using            actionable insights to deal with issues
mobile apps from the various online              and exceptions as needed.

SAP White Paper – Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence                           5
A Way to Centralize Governance, Standards, and Activities

Exploring a Mobility Center of Excellence

Establishing a mobility center of excel-       Dimensions of the Mobility COE              •• What is the core function of the COE?
lence (COE) is an initiative intended to                                                      Are you setting it up to act in a purely
centralize governance, standards, and          Different organizations are in different       community-enablement function –
activities around a set of principles –        stages of their mobility adoption and          that is, to drive better collaboration on
organizational and architectural – for         maturity, which in turn shapes their           mobility initiatives across the organiza-
an effective and efficient use of mobile       experience level, competency mix, and          tion by providing the infrastructure
technology across the enterprise. By           comfort level with mobility. Regardless,       (knowledge management, social media,
capturing experience, best practices,          a mobility COE has three broad but             and so on) and organizational tools
and reference architectures from mobil-        interlinked dimensions, as shown in            (such as communities of practice)?
ity projects within the organization, the      the figure.                                    Or is the function to shape and drive a
mobility COE can accelerate deployment                                                        mobility strategy for the organization
within the corporation. In addition, the       Scope                                          that can be used by the various depart-
COE also minimizes overall effort, as each     As a first order of business, you need to      ments and business units as a basis for
work group or business unit no longer          define the scope and the charter of the        their mobility initiatives? Or is the intent
has to reinvent and implement mobility         mobility COE. This is an essential ele-        to use the COE to guide the strategy
policies on its own.                           ment to grounding the mobility COE for         and also provide support on mobility
   A mobility COE provides the leadership      everything it does going forward. We rec-      projects – whether in the form of creat-
needed to deploy and manage personal           ommend that you answer the following           ing usability guidelines, defining archi-
and company-owned mobile devices               questions to help define the scope of          tecture principles, recommending
seeking access to corporate data. The          your mobility COE:                             specific technology choices, or manag-
group uses a combination of standards                                                         ing an initial set of pilots or proofs of
and policies, along with technology infra-                                                    concept (POCs)?
structure and skills, to alleviate the chal-
lenges of enterprise mobility.
   The mobility center of excellence facili-
tates success by:                              Figure: Dimensions of a Mobility Center of Excellence
•• Leveraging existing IT processes
   (standards, governance) and people
•• Defining standards, vendor and tech-
   nology selection, and security policies
   relevant to mobility
•• Acting as the trusted adviser to the                                                Scope
   line-of-business leaders
•• Reviewing, evaluating, and approving
   mobility projects
•• Providing technology expertise to the
   business, authoring best practices, and
   facilitating training and technical sup-
   port during implementation
•• Offering thought leadership, consulting
   on mobile technology, and providing
   metrics reporting and support after                             Organization                       Governance
•• What does the COE cover? Mobile                With sponsorship identified and secured,      With the organizational structure and
   technologies encompass business-to-         the next steps are to outline the key roles    the roles identified, you need to define
   business and business-to-consumer           and reporting structure within the COE,        the responsibilities of the individuals in
   applications, enterprise mobile man-        specifying the competencies required to        terms of key work activities and deliver-
   agement (of which mobile device             staff these roles and building out the orga-   ables. As you get started on building the
   management is a component), remote          nization. A critical decision at this point    COE, you should look to your supplier
   access, machine to machine, radio-          is to choose the right person to lead the      ecosystem (telecom carrier, system inte-
   frequency identification, and so on.        COE. Since this individual serves as the       grator, network, security vendors, and
   That’s why you need to set limits on        focal point for mobility initiatives within    so forth) for resources that can support
   the set of mobility initiatives the COE     the organization, he or she needs to be:       the COE.
   will take on. It is perfectly acceptable    •• Comfortable defining “art of the possi-
   (and even recommended) to have an              ble” mobility scenarios                     Governance
   aspirational statement, but start with      •• Credible across business and IT             The governance element of the COE
   one or two key areas of focus.                 leadership                                  defines:
•• How will the COE interface with your        •• Proficient in driving and delivering on     •• The ground rules for its operations
   existing IT organization? Since most IT        innovation                                  •• The funding model
   organizations already have an existing      •• Grounded in real-world IT project           •• The mechanism by which decisions
   infrastructure (processes, tools, and          delivery                                       are made
   people), you need to define what the                                                       •• The criteria used to track its ongoing
   COE will define and create as “net new”     In addition to the leader, here are some          effectiveness
   for mobility. This will ensure minimal      roles to consider for staffing the COE         •• The process for communicating key
   duplication of efforts and leave “regu-     organization:                                     decisions and milestones to its
   lar IT” relatively unchanged, thus caus-    •• Solution architect                             stakeholders
   ing as little disruption to ongoing IT      •• Usability specialist
   activities as possible.                     •• Business analyst                            In defining governance for the COE, it
                                                                                              is important to keep this process light-
Organization                                   Given that most COEs are “bootstrapped”        weight and pragmatic. For a space that
Once you have defined the scope for the        – that is, staffed up over time – deciding     is moving as fast as mobility, you need a
mobility COE, the next element to review       which resources will be full-time versus       governance process that is nimble yet
is the underlying organizational structure     part-time is important. We recommend           robust enough to get the desired results.
and associated ways of working. This           that you start with a full-time COE leader     Being transparent about how mobility
starts with securing buy-in from major         and explore leveraging resources from          projects are reviewed, approved, and
stakeholders across the organization.          other parts of the organization (applica-      delivered is a critical part of the gover-
Since mobility has an enterprise-wide          tion development, technology architec-         nance model.
impact, it is important to get sponsor-        ture, user experience, and so on).                We find that three of the most com-
ship from senior and influential individu-                                                    monly addressed areas within gover-
als across business and IT for the COE.                                                       nance relate to architecture, security,
Securing this kind of executive sponsor-                                                      and operations.
ship conveys the importance of mobility
(and the COE) and lends legitimacy to
the entire effort.

SAP White Paper – Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence                                                                      7
Architecture:                                 •• If yes, then:                               •• What guidelines should you develop for
•• How will you decide which modality            –– What is the process for specifying          mobile applications in terms of man-
   (or more than one) to use for a specific          the list of supported devices under        datory and optional requirements for
   application – native client, HMTL5                the BYOD policy? Does it cover             security – authorization, authentica-
   app, hybrid app, mobile browser, text             smartphones and tablets?                   tion, and auditing (AAA); data at rest;
   messaging?                                    –– What processes and infrastructure           data in motion; and so on?
•• How will mobile application develop-              do you need to get the desired level
   ment be integrated with your existing             of security and visibility across the   IT operations:
   software development lifecycle tools              lifecycle of the mobile assets?         •• How will your mobile assets (devices
   and process – for example, change             –– How do you account for country-             and applications) be managed across
   management, version control, pat-                 and region-specific data privacy reg-      their lifecycle (from provisioning all the
   terns, code reuse, defect tracking, and           ulations and their impact on BYOD?         way through refresh)?
   the like?                                     –– What is the policy for reimbursing       •• Which parts of these will you auto-
•• What will your mobile user experience             employees on telecom charges?              mate? How much of this should be
   guidelines be? What parts of your          •• If not, then:                                  made self-service so as to reduce the
   existing user experience principles can       –– Do you support any individual liable        burden on IT? And what do you need
   you carry over to mobile?                         (IL) devices at all? If yes, what are      to put in place to make this happen?
•• How will mobile align with other initia-          the constraints?                        •• What does “support” mean? What
   tives such as enterprise 2.0, service-        –– How do you communicate the trade-           service-level agreement can you pro-
   oriented architecture, collaboration,             offs and implications to your              vide for these devices and applications?
   and so on?                                        employees?                              •• If users get an unsupported device,
                                              •• What changes do you need to make               what is your support policy?
Security:                                        to your existing information security       •• What skill sets do you need to support
•• Do you support “bring your own                policy?                                        mobility, and how will you staff up for
   device” (BYOD)?                            •• How do you amend the standard                  that?
                                                 acceptable-use policy to account for
                                                 mobile devices?

A mobility COE provides the leadership needed
to deploy and manage personal and company-owned
mobile devices seeking access to corporate data.
A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting Started

For the mobility COE to succeed, follow            Drive effective engagement with end
this core set of best practices.                users – Understanding your end users’
   Secure executive sponsorship –               mobility needs at a relatively granular level
Without strong executive sponsorship, a         requires you to “walk in their shoes.” Devel-
mobility COE cannot function effectively.       oping the level of insight might involve, for
It will not be able to get the visibility and   example, a ride-along to document how
the organizational muscle it needs to           an insurance adjuster goes about the job,
drive a consistent approach to mobility         or mapping out a current business pro-
across the business. Mobile technology          cess and a new mobile process for a field
has the potential to impact every part of       inspector. You need to understand the var-
your business, and you want the backing         ious user personas involved and capture
of someone who can help you keep the            how and where mobility can be embedded
initiatives within your organization to a       in the most seamless way possible. Mobil-
well-defined and manageable minimum.            ity requires a kind of engagement with end
   Drive a partnership between business         users that is different from many other IT
and IT – Closely tied to sponsorship is         capabilities.
the need for strong partnership between            Define a “straw man” mobility strat-
business and IT. While this may sound           egy – Once the mobility COE is launched,
cliché and trite to experienced IT pro-         the enterprise should focus on maintain-
fessionals, it is all the more true with        ing and developing the mobility strategy
mobility. Since we are all consumers of         and framework. The key here is to develop
mobile technology, we expect the enter-         a “straw man” strategy road map – a
prise to provide the same level of support      starting point for gathering feedback –
for mobile devices that we experience           and evolve it based on experience gath-
in our daily lives. A successful COE will       ered from ongoing mobility projects. This
demonstrate how to embrace mobility             road map could include:
to transform the business – for example,        •• Translating corporate and business
predicting or determining the areas of             strategy into mobility strategy
the business where process changes              •• Creating a set of mobility capabilities
could result in time or revenue savings            according to mobile user profiles or
to departmental budgets.                           personas
                                                •• Creating a strategy and framework
                                                   for adoption of mobile applications

Drive a culture of agility, flexibility, and customer
centricity among the COE team.

SAP White Paper – Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence                            9
The strategy should include taking stock        •• Glean insights into evolving device and       How SAP Can Help
of and documenting all mobility initiatives        wireless networks (from your carrier)
                                                                                                 As adoption of mobile technology across
in the company, as well as overlaying the       •• Understand considerations for industri-
                                                                                                 the enterprise continues at a rapid pace,
corporation’s mobility strategy with its           alizing your mobile application lifecycle     IT organizations are trying to deal with a set
project portfolio. Part of the responsibility      (from your enterprise independent             of unique mobility challenges. By embrac-
of the mobility COE could be to align the          software vendor and system integrator         ing a mobility center of excellence, you can
company’s mobility solutions with its              partners)                                     not only accelerate deployment within your
                                                                                                 organization but also minimize redundant
product lifecycle. For example, consider        •• Capture network and security implica-
                                                                                                 effort to maximize success. As a leading
how the company will be using mobile               tions (from your network equipment            vendor in the enterprise mobility space,
devices in the sell and service stages of          and security vendors)                         SAP can partner with you to “mobilize”
the product lifecycle versus the design                                                          your business, providing knowledge and
and develop stages. Consider sales              Start small, refine, and mature – As you         expertise along the way to help focus your
                                                                                                 efforts and streamline your initiatives.
channels and product lifecycle stages           staff up the first iteration of your mobility
to determine which mobile applications          COE, define your straw man mobility strat-
to develop. The mobility COE should             egy, and deliver on the first handful of
also assign budget for mobility initiatives     mobility projects, you will acquire experi-
according to priorities and set aside bud-      ence in the mobility lifecycle. Providing for
get and resources to test new or yet            regular updates to your mobility COE and
unproven mobility concepts.                     strategy to reflect lessons learned and
   Bootstrap from your supplier ecosys-         technology advancements is critical to
tem – In the early stages of a COE’s evo-       the ongoing viability and success of your
lution, tapping into the extended resource      mobility initiatives. However, it all starts
pool across your supplier ecosystem is a        with forming a COE in the first place. For
useful way to supplement your internal          almost every organization, it is conceiv-
resources. Getting capable resources            able that its mobility portfolio will include,
from your partners to participate on a          conservatively, a dozen or more applica-
part-time basis in the initial phases of        tions over the next 12 to 18 months. A COE
your COE can help you:                          is a critical foundation for the enterprise
                                                to effectively deliver on that portfolio and
                                                sustain it in a cost-effective manner.

In defining governance for the COE, it is important
to keep this process lightweight and pragmatic. For
a space that is moving as fast as mobility, you need a
governance process that is nimble yet robust enough
to get the desired results.

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SAP Best Practices for a mobility center of excellence

  • 1. SAP White Paper Enterprise Mobility Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence Keeping Pace with Mobile Technology
  • 2.
  • 3. Table of Contents 5 Executive Summary 6 Exploring a Mobility Center of Excellence Dimensions of the Mobility COE 9 Getting Started
  • 4. How can your enterprise embrace the advance of mobile devices in the workplace – and continually keep up with rapidly evolving technology? How can the IT organization support the business proactively and deal with the many issues, from infrastructure and security to app provisioning? The answer: a mobility center of excellence that serves as the fulcrum for these initiatives across the enterprise.
  • 5. Mobile Devices Are Everywhere Executive Summary As cross-enterprise adoption of mobile stores. This experience has conditioned technology continues at a rapid pace, IT them to expect a relatively rapid applica- organizations are trying to deal with the tion development (and enhancement) following challenges. timeline, without compromising on the First, mobile technology is constantly quality and user experience of the appli- changing. In fact, the pace of change in cation. The implication for enterprise innovation and technology in mobility is application developers is clear: how do faster than in other IT areas. This rapid you accommodate these expectations pace of change – in terms of require- with the existing enterprise software ments and technology – results in the development lifecycle infrastructure? need for greater alignment between lines Finally, enterprise IT needs to put in of business and IT on mobility initiatives place the appropriate infrastructure, pro- to prevent duplication of effort. The enter- cesses, and organization to ensure the prise also has to deal with a proliferation desired visibility and control across the of devices, vendors, and services: iPhone, lifecycle of these mobile assets (devices, iPad, Google Android, BlackBerry, users, and applications). While some Windows Phone, and more. companies still issue and retain owner- Mobile devices are everywhere and ship of mobile devices, the majority allow used by everyone. This pervasiveness employees to use their own devices to creates opportunities to make employees access corporate information. This blur- more productive, engage with customers ring of lines between professional and in a more targeted and personalized man- personal devices leads to diversity and ner, and streamline collaboration with complexity, as well as data security con- partners. This means that enterprise IT siderations. Enterprise IT needs to step needs to plan for and be ready to meet a up to the task, whether that involves self- diverse set of requirements (end users, service provisioning of mobile devices engagement modalities, use cases, secu- for users, deep insights into device and rity, scalability, and so forth) while retain- application usage metrics, or compliance ing sufficient agility to meet these needs monitoring. What’s required is a robust in a timely manner. set of tools that automate as much as As consumers themselves, employees possible the operational complexities of are used to the relatively smooth and a mobile infrastructure while providing easy process of downloading and using actionable insights to deal with issues mobile apps from the various online and exceptions as needed. SAP White Paper – Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence 5
  • 6. A Way to Centralize Governance, Standards, and Activities Exploring a Mobility Center of Excellence Establishing a mobility center of excel- Dimensions of the Mobility COE •• What is the core function of the COE? lence (COE) is an initiative intended to Are you setting it up to act in a purely centralize governance, standards, and Different organizations are in different community-enablement function – activities around a set of principles – stages of their mobility adoption and that is, to drive better collaboration on organizational and architectural – for maturity, which in turn shapes their mobility initiatives across the organiza- an effective and efficient use of mobile experience level, competency mix, and tion by providing the infrastructure technology across the enterprise. By comfort level with mobility. Regardless, (knowledge management, social media, capturing experience, best practices, a mobility COE has three broad but and so on) and organizational tools and reference architectures from mobil- interlinked dimensions, as shown in (such as communities of practice)? ity projects within the organization, the the figure. Or is the function to shape and drive a mobility COE can accelerate deployment mobility strategy for the organization within the corporation. In addition, the Scope that can be used by the various depart- COE also minimizes overall effort, as each As a first order of business, you need to ments and business units as a basis for work group or business unit no longer define the scope and the charter of the their mobility initiatives? Or is the intent has to reinvent and implement mobility mobility COE. This is an essential ele- to use the COE to guide the strategy policies on its own. ment to grounding the mobility COE for and also provide support on mobility A mobility COE provides the leadership everything it does going forward. We rec- projects – whether in the form of creat- needed to deploy and manage personal ommend that you answer the following ing usability guidelines, defining archi- and company-owned mobile devices questions to help define the scope of tecture principles, recommending seeking access to corporate data. The your mobility COE: specific technology choices, or manag- group uses a combination of standards ing an initial set of pilots or proofs of and policies, along with technology infra- concept (POCs)? structure and skills, to alleviate the chal- lenges of enterprise mobility. The mobility center of excellence facili- tates success by: Figure: Dimensions of a Mobility Center of Excellence •• Leveraging existing IT processes (standards, governance) and people •• Defining standards, vendor and tech- nology selection, and security policies relevant to mobility •• Acting as the trusted adviser to the Scope line-of-business leaders •• Reviewing, evaluating, and approving mobility projects •• Providing technology expertise to the business, authoring best practices, and facilitating training and technical sup- port during implementation •• Offering thought leadership, consulting on mobile technology, and providing metrics reporting and support after Organization Governance deployment
  • 7. •• What does the COE cover? Mobile With sponsorship identified and secured, With the organizational structure and technologies encompass business-to- the next steps are to outline the key roles the roles identified, you need to define business and business-to-consumer and reporting structure within the COE, the responsibilities of the individuals in applications, enterprise mobile man- specifying the competencies required to terms of key work activities and deliver- agement (of which mobile device staff these roles and building out the orga- ables. As you get started on building the management is a component), remote nization. A critical decision at this point COE, you should look to your supplier access, machine to machine, radio- is to choose the right person to lead the ecosystem (telecom carrier, system inte- frequency identification, and so on. COE. Since this individual serves as the grator, network, security vendors, and That’s why you need to set limits on focal point for mobility initiatives within so forth) for resources that can support the set of mobility initiatives the COE the organization, he or she needs to be: the COE. will take on. It is perfectly acceptable •• Comfortable defining “art of the possi- (and even recommended) to have an ble” mobility scenarios Governance aspirational statement, but start with •• Credible across business and IT The governance element of the COE one or two key areas of focus. leadership defines: •• How will the COE interface with your •• Proficient in driving and delivering on •• The ground rules for its operations existing IT organization? Since most IT innovation •• The funding model organizations already have an existing •• Grounded in real-world IT project •• The mechanism by which decisions infrastructure (processes, tools, and delivery are made people), you need to define what the •• The criteria used to track its ongoing COE will define and create as “net new” In addition to the leader, here are some effectiveness for mobility. This will ensure minimal roles to consider for staffing the COE •• The process for communicating key duplication of efforts and leave “regu- organization: decisions and milestones to its lar IT” relatively unchanged, thus caus- •• Solution architect stakeholders ing as little disruption to ongoing IT •• Usability specialist activities as possible. •• Business analyst In defining governance for the COE, it is important to keep this process light- Organization Given that most COEs are “bootstrapped” weight and pragmatic. For a space that Once you have defined the scope for the – that is, staffed up over time – deciding is moving as fast as mobility, you need a mobility COE, the next element to review which resources will be full-time versus governance process that is nimble yet is the underlying organizational structure part-time is important. We recommend robust enough to get the desired results. and associated ways of working. This that you start with a full-time COE leader Being transparent about how mobility starts with securing buy-in from major and explore leveraging resources from projects are reviewed, approved, and stakeholders across the organization. other parts of the organization (applica- delivered is a critical part of the gover- Since mobility has an enterprise-wide tion development, technology architec- nance model. impact, it is important to get sponsor- ture, user experience, and so on). We find that three of the most com- ship from senior and influential individu- monly addressed areas within gover- als across business and IT for the COE. nance relate to architecture, security, Securing this kind of executive sponsor- and operations. ship conveys the importance of mobility (and the COE) and lends legitimacy to the entire effort. SAP White Paper – Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence 7
  • 8. Architecture: •• If yes, then: •• What guidelines should you develop for •• How will you decide which modality –– What is the process for specifying mobile applications in terms of man- (or more than one) to use for a specific the list of supported devices under datory and optional requirements for application – native client, HMTL5 the BYOD policy? Does it cover security – authorization, authentica- app, hybrid app, mobile browser, text smartphones and tablets? tion, and auditing (AAA); data at rest; messaging? –– What processes and infrastructure data in motion; and so on? •• How will mobile application develop- do you need to get the desired level ment be integrated with your existing of security and visibility across the IT operations: software development lifecycle tools lifecycle of the mobile assets? •• How will your mobile assets (devices and process – for example, change –– How do you account for country- and applications) be managed across management, version control, pat- and region-specific data privacy reg- their lifecycle (from provisioning all the terns, code reuse, defect tracking, and ulations and their impact on BYOD? way through refresh)? the like? –– What is the policy for reimbursing •• Which parts of these will you auto- •• What will your mobile user experience employees on telecom charges? mate? How much of this should be guidelines be? What parts of your •• If not, then: made self-service so as to reduce the existing user experience principles can –– Do you support any individual liable burden on IT? And what do you need you carry over to mobile? (IL) devices at all? If yes, what are to put in place to make this happen? •• How will mobile align with other initia- the constraints? •• What does “support” mean? What tives such as enterprise 2.0, service- –– How do you communicate the trade- service-level agreement can you pro- oriented architecture, collaboration, offs and implications to your vide for these devices and applications? and so on? employees? •• If users get an unsupported device, •• What changes do you need to make what is your support policy? Security: to your existing information security •• What skill sets do you need to support •• Do you support “bring your own policy? mobility, and how will you staff up for device” (BYOD)? •• How do you amend the standard that? acceptable-use policy to account for mobile devices? A mobility COE provides the leadership needed to deploy and manage personal and company-owned mobile devices seeking access to corporate data.
  • 9. A Step-by-Step Guide Getting Started For the mobility COE to succeed, follow Drive effective engagement with end this core set of best practices. users – Understanding your end users’ Secure executive sponsorship – mobility needs at a relatively granular level Without strong executive sponsorship, a requires you to “walk in their shoes.” Devel- mobility COE cannot function effectively. oping the level of insight might involve, for It will not be able to get the visibility and example, a ride-along to document how the organizational muscle it needs to an insurance adjuster goes about the job, drive a consistent approach to mobility or mapping out a current business pro- across the business. Mobile technology cess and a new mobile process for a field has the potential to impact every part of inspector. You need to understand the var- your business, and you want the backing ious user personas involved and capture of someone who can help you keep the how and where mobility can be embedded initiatives within your organization to a in the most seamless way possible. Mobil- well-defined and manageable minimum. ity requires a kind of engagement with end Drive a partnership between business users that is different from many other IT and IT – Closely tied to sponsorship is capabilities. the need for strong partnership between Define a “straw man” mobility strat- business and IT. While this may sound egy – Once the mobility COE is launched, cliché and trite to experienced IT pro- the enterprise should focus on maintain- fessionals, it is all the more true with ing and developing the mobility strategy mobility. Since we are all consumers of and framework. The key here is to develop mobile technology, we expect the enter- a “straw man” strategy road map – a prise to provide the same level of support starting point for gathering feedback – for mobile devices that we experience and evolve it based on experience gath- in our daily lives. A successful COE will ered from ongoing mobility projects. This demonstrate how to embrace mobility road map could include: to transform the business – for example, •• Translating corporate and business predicting or determining the areas of strategy into mobility strategy the business where process changes •• Creating a set of mobility capabilities could result in time or revenue savings according to mobile user profiles or to departmental budgets. personas •• Creating a strategy and framework for adoption of mobile applications Drive a culture of agility, flexibility, and customer centricity among the COE team. SAP White Paper – Best Practices for a Mobility Center of Excellence 9
  • 10. The strategy should include taking stock •• Glean insights into evolving device and How SAP Can Help of and documenting all mobility initiatives wireless networks (from your carrier) As adoption of mobile technology across in the company, as well as overlaying the •• Understand considerations for industri- the enterprise continues at a rapid pace, corporation’s mobility strategy with its alizing your mobile application lifecycle IT organizations are trying to deal with a set project portfolio. Part of the responsibility (from your enterprise independent of unique mobility challenges. By embrac- of the mobility COE could be to align the software vendor and system integrator ing a mobility center of excellence, you can company’s mobility solutions with its partners) not only accelerate deployment within your organization but also minimize redundant product lifecycle. For example, consider •• Capture network and security implica- effort to maximize success. As a leading how the company will be using mobile tions (from your network equipment vendor in the enterprise mobility space, devices in the sell and service stages of and security vendors) SAP can partner with you to “mobilize” the product lifecycle versus the design your business, providing knowledge and and develop stages. Consider sales Start small, refine, and mature – As you expertise along the way to help focus your efforts and streamline your initiatives. channels and product lifecycle stages staff up the first iteration of your mobility to determine which mobile applications COE, define your straw man mobility strat- to develop. The mobility COE should egy, and deliver on the first handful of also assign budget for mobility initiatives mobility projects, you will acquire experi- according to priorities and set aside bud- ence in the mobility lifecycle. Providing for get and resources to test new or yet regular updates to your mobility COE and unproven mobility concepts. strategy to reflect lessons learned and Bootstrap from your supplier ecosys- technology advancements is critical to tem – In the early stages of a COE’s evo- the ongoing viability and success of your lution, tapping into the extended resource mobility initiatives. However, it all starts pool across your supplier ecosystem is a with forming a COE in the first place. For useful way to supplement your internal almost every organization, it is conceiv- resources. Getting capable resources able that its mobility portfolio will include, from your partners to participate on a conservatively, a dozen or more applica- part-time basis in the initial phases of tions over the next 12 to 18 months. A COE your COE can help you: is a critical foundation for the enterprise to effectively deliver on that portfolio and sustain it in a cost-effective manner. In defining governance for the COE, it is important to keep this process lightweight and pragmatic. For a space that is moving as fast as mobility, you need a governance process that is nimble yet robust enough to get the desired results.
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