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สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหำ		พระพุทธศำสนำมีทำงแก้
   ปีที่	36	ฉบับที่	425	ประจ�ำเดือนกันยำยน	พ.ศ.	2553			Vol.36	No.425		September,	2010

  Objectives :
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                 สำรบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
 	 Buddhists	living	in	the	United	States.              	The		Buddha’s	Words................................................	1
                                                        INSIGHT,	BY	THE	NATURE	METHOD..........................	2
  เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.                 	 SAMADHI IN BUDDHISM						Ven.	Prayudh	Payutto............		7
  ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                        	IT CAN BE DONE 		Ven.	Ajanh	Chah.....................	10
  กองบรรณาธิการ :                                       The Hot News Of World Buddhism ...........................17
	 ดร.พระมหำถนัด		อตฺถจำรี                              	ขอเชิญร่วมสร้าง พระไตรปิฎกภาษาปาฬิ อักษรสยาม....20	
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภำกโร                              	ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนกันยำยน.................................	22
	 พระจรินทร์		อำภสฺสโร                                 	เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี				23
	 พระมหำเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญำโณ                        	ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนสิงหาคม ..............	30
	 พระสุริยำ		เตชวโร                                    	เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ........................................	32
	 พระมหำสรำวุธ		สรำวุโธ                                	ท่องแดนพระพุทธศำสนำ	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหำถนัด			 39
	 พระมหำประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                           	เทศกำลวันสำรทไทย....................................................	43
	 พระมหำศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                            	สำระธรรมจำก...พระไตรปิฎก	.....................................	45
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       	Thai Temple’s News....................โดย	Handy					46
	 และอุบำสก-อุบำสิกำวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        	อนุโมทนำพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks...........................	47
  SAENG DHAMMA	Magazine                                	รำยนำมผู้บริจำคเดือนสิงหำคม	.........Ven.	Sarawut		48
	 is	published	monthly	by                              	 รำยนำมผู้บริจำคออมบุญประจ�ำปีและเจ้ำภำพภัตตำหำรเช้ำ...	53
  Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple                     	รำยนำมเจ้ำภำพถวำยเพล	/	Lunch............................	54
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,                                	ก�ำหนดกำรท�ำบุญวันสำรทไทย....................................	62
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906
  Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661
  Fax :	301-871-5007                                                          Photos taken by
  E-mail :                                          Mr.	Sam	&	Bank,	Ms.	Golf,
  Homepage :                                                 Ven.	Pradoochai,	
  Radio Network :                                          Mr.	Yuttachat,	
  2,500 Copies                                                           Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Mr.	Kevin,
	 	 “วันคืนที่ล่วงไปๆ บัดนี้ท่านท�าอะไรอยู่”		เป็นค�ำกล่ำวให้ระลึกถึงกำรใช้ชีวิตของผู้คนว่ำเป็นชีวิตที่มีคุณ	มีค่ำหรือ
ไม่	 เพรำะโลกนี้เปรียบเหมือนศำลำให้อำศัยชั่วครำวเท่ำนั้น	ไม่มีใครยั่งยืนคู่โลก	ควำมพยำยำมในกำรจะยืดชีวิตของโลกกำร
แพทย์ก็ดี	โลกแห่งวิทยำศำสตร์ต่ำงๆ	ก็ดี	อื่นๆ	ก็ดี	หำได้ท�ำให้มนุษย์เรำเป็นอมตะไม่	เกิดเท่ำไร	ตำยเท่ำนั้น	เพรำะวิถีทำงที่
พยำมยำมท�ำอยู่เป็นได้แค่เพียงยื้อเวลำให้ยำวขึ้นเท่ำนั้นเอง	แต่กำรอยู่บนพื้นโลกนี้นำนๆ	ก็ไม่ได้หมำยควำมว่ำจะท�ำให้คนๆ	
นั้นมีคุณค่ำมำกขึ้นแต่อย่ำงไร	 คุณค่ำของคนอยู่ที่กำรกระท�ำของเขำเท่ำนั้นเอง	 ท่ำนอำจำรย์พุทธทำสได้ประพันธ์ไว้อย่ำงน่ำ
																				 โลกนี้เปรียบ	ศาลา	ให้อาศัย																		 ระเดี๋ยวใจ	ผ่อนพัก	แล้วจักผัน
													 ทางที่ดี	เมื่อพราก	ไปจากมัน																				 ควรสร้างสรรค์	ส่งเสริม	เพิ่มคะแนน	
																		 เมื่อเราได้	เกิดมา	ในอาโลก																			 ด้พ้นโศก	พ้นภัย	สบายแสน
													 จึงควรสร้าง	สิ่งชอบ	ไว้ตอบแทน																ให้เป็นแดน	ดื่มสุข	ขึ้นทุกกาล	
															 	 คุณความดี	ของท่าน	กาลก่อนก่อน							 ที่ท่านสอน	ไว้ประจักษ์	เป็นหลักฐาน
													 เราเกิดมา	อาศัย	ได้ส�าราญ																							ควรหรือผ่าน	พ้นไป	ไม่ค�านึงฯ

	 	 กันยำยนของทุกปี	 วัดไทยฯ	ดี.ซี.	จะมีงำนบุญใหญ่ประจ�ำปีที่เปิดโอกำสให้มีกำรออกร้ำนขำยอำหำรแบบสงกรำนต์	
คืองำนวันสำรทไทย	 โดยประเพณีนี้ก็สืบเนื่องมำจำกกำรกตัญญูกตเวทีอุทิศบุญกุศลแด่บรรพชนผู้ล่วงลับดับขันธ์	 เพรำะเชื่อ
กันว่ำในช่วงท้ำยแห่งเดือน	๑๐	จะมีกำรปลดปล่อยให้ผู้ล่วงลับกลับมำรับส่วนบุญกุศลจำกญำติได้	๑๕	วัน	คือจำกวันแรม	๑	
–	๑๕	ค�่ำ	เดือน	๑๐	ทำงปักษ์ใต้จึงมีพิธีทั้งรับและส่งในวันดังกล่ำว	ในช่วงของเทศกำลที่เรียกกันว่ำ	วันชิงเปรต	ภำคเหนือ	
เรียกงำนช่วงนี้ว่ำ	สลำกภัต	หรือก๋วยสลำก	พี่น้องท้องถิ่นอีสำนก็จะเป็นบุญข้ำวสำก	ภำคกลำง	วันสำรทไทย	ส่วนด้ำนวัตถุ
ทำนนั้นช่วงเดือน	๑๐	ถือเป็นช่วงที่สมบูรณ์ในด้ำนผลมำกรำกไม้	พืชพันธ์ุธัญญำหำรต่ำงผลิดอกออกผลโดยเฉพำะผลไม้จึงมี
กำรประดับประดำเป็นวัตถุทำน	 นอกจำกนั้นยังมีขนมที่โดดเด่นและสำมำรถถือว่ำเป็นขนมของเทศกำล	 เช่น	 กระยำสำรท	
(ภำคกลำง)	ขนมลำ	พอง	ดีซ�ำ	ขนมบ้ำ	ขนมไข่ปลำฯ	(ภำคใต้)	พุทธศำสนำเน้นย�้ำเรื่องบุคคลที่หำได้ยำกไว้	 ๒	ประกำร	คือ	
บุพกำรี	และกตัญญูกตเวที	ดังนั้น	โอกำสที่ได้เกิดมำเป็นมนุษย์	แม้ไม่ได้มีโอกำสรับฟังธรรมจำกพระพุทธเจ้ำโดยตรง	แต่ก็ยัง
มีโอกำสได้ศึกษำธรรมที่พระองค์ทรงตรัสรู้ผ่ำนพระไตรปิฎก	หรือผ่ำนพระเจ้ำพระสงฆ์องค์สำมเณร	ได้ศึกษำหลักธรรมนี้	 จึง
สมควรอย่ำงยิงทีเรำเหล่ำชำวพุทธควรจะได้เป็นผูให้กำรอุปกำระก่อน	และเป็นผูรบรูคณของท่ำนผูให้กำรอุปกำระมำก่อนแล้ว
               ่ ่                              ้                               ้ั ุ้             ้
ก็รู้จักกระท�ำกำรตอบแทนคุณ	ถ้ำเรำสำมำรถสำนต่อแนวคิดนี้ต่อเนื่องไปได้	มีกำรเอื้อเฟื้อเผื่อแผ่เกื้อกูล	โอบอ้อมอำรีกันและ
กัน	มีจิตใจรักใคร่กลมเกลียว	เป็นชีวิตที่มีคุณค่ำต่อคนอื่น	สิ่งอื่น	สังคมก็เป็นสุข	โลกทั้งผองพี่น้องกัน	ไม่นำนเรำก็จำกโลกนี้
	 	 ส�ำหรับวันสำรทไทยปีน	วัดไทยฯ	ดี.ซี.	ก�าหนดจัดในวันอาทิตย์ที่ ๑๙ กันยายน ศกนี้ ตังแต่เวลำ	๐๘.๐๐	–	๑๖.๐๐	น.	
                               ี้                                                              ้
อย่ำลืม	ร่วมงำนวันสำรท	สืบสำนประเพณีกตัญญูกตเวที	ท�ำบุญตักบำตรอุทิศบุญกุศลแด่บรรพชน	ชมกิจกรรมมำกมำย
	 	 ท้ำยสุดขออ�ำนวยพรให้ญำติมตรทุกท่ำนจงเป็นผูมบญกุศล	และแบ่งปันไปยังผูอนทังทียงมีชวตอยูหรือล่วงลับไปแล้ว
                                      ิ                  ้ี ุ                         ้ ื่ ้ ่ ั ี ิ ่
ด้วยให้พ้นจำกทุกข์มีควำมสุขยิ่งๆ	ขึ้นไปด้วยกันทุกท่ำนทุกคนเถิด

แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

	   	     	      	     The Buddha’s Words
	             อจริตฺวา พฺรหฺมจริยํ          อลทฺธา โยพฺพเน ธนํ
              เสนฺติ จาปาติขีณา ว           ปุราณานิ อนุตฺถุนํ ฯ (๑๕๖)

        เมืออยูในวัยหนุมสาว ไม่ทาตัวให้ดี และไม่หาทรัพย์ไว้ พอถึงวัยแก่เฒ่า
           ่ ่         ่        ํ
        พวกเขาย่อมนอนทุกข์ ทอดถอนใจรําพึงถึงความหลัง เหมือนธนูหก (ใช้ยงอะไรก็ไม่ได้)
                                                                     ั      ิ

        Having led neither a good life, nor acquired riches while young,
        they lie about like broken bows, sighing about the past.
แสงธรรม 2      Saeng Dhamma

                                          BY THE NATURE METHOD
                                                by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

INSIGHT,	BY	THE	NATURE	METHOD                            Path.	Naturally	occurring	concentration,	which	is	

	I   n	this	chapter	we	shall	see	how	concentra-
     tion	may	come	about	naturally	on	the	one	
hand,	and	as	a	result	of	organized	practice	on	
                                                         sufficient	and	suitable	for	use	in	introspection,	
                                                         is	 harmless,	 having	 none	 of	 the	 disadvantages	
                                                         inherent	in	concentration	developed	by	means	
the	other.	The	end	result	is	identical	in	the	two	       of	intensive	training.
cases:	 the	 mind	 is	 concentrated	 and	 fit	 to	 be	   	 In	 the	 Tipitaka,	 there	 are	 numerous	 refer-
used	 for	 carrying	 out	 close	 introspection.	 One	    ences	to	people	attaining	naturally	all	states	of	
thing	 must	 be	 noticed,	 however:	 the	 intensity	     Path	and	Fruit.	This	generally	came	about	in	the	
of	concentration	that	comes	about	naturally	is	          presence	of	the	Buddha	himself	but	also	hap-
usually	sufficient	and	appropriate	for	introspec-        pened	later	with	other	teachers.	These	people	
tion	 and	 insight,	 whereas	 the	 concentration	        did	not	go	into	the	forest	and	sit,	assiduously	
resulting	 from	 organized	 training	 is	 usually	 ex-   practicing	 concentration	 on	 certain	 objects	 in	
cessive,	 more	 than	 can	 be	 made	 use	 of.	 Fur-      the	way	described	in	later	manuals.
thermore,	misguided	satisfaction	with	that	high-         	 Clearly	 no	 organized	 effort	 was	 involved	
ly	 developed	 concentration	 may	 result.	 While	       when	arahantship	was	attained	by	the	first	five	
the	mind	is	fully	concentrated,	it	is	likely	to	be	      disciples	of	the	Buddha	on	hearing	the	Discourse	
experiencing	such	a	satisfying	kind	of	bliss	and	        on	Non	-	selfhood,	or	by	the	one	thousand	her-
well-	being	that	the	meditator	may	become	at-            mits	on	hearing	the	Fire	Sermon.	In	these	cases,	
tached	to	it,	or	imagine	it	to	be	the	Fruit	of	the	      keen,	penetrating	insight	came	about	quite	nat-
แสงธรรม 3     Saeng Dhamma
urally.	These	examples	clearly	show	that	natu-          ness	or	spiritual	well	being.	Doing	good	in	some	
ral	concentration	is	liable	to	develop	of	its	own	      way,	even	giving	alms,	considered	the	most	ba-
accord	 while	 one	 is	 attempting	 to	 understand	     sic	form	of	merit-making,	can	be	a	source	of	joy.	
clearly	 some	 question,	 and	 that	 the	 resulting	    Higher	up,	at	the	level	of	morality,	completely	
insight,	as	long	as	it	is	firmly	established	must	      blameless	conduct	by	way	of	word	and	action	
be	 quite	 intense	 and	 stable.	 It	 happens	 natu-    brings	 an	 increase	 in	 joy.	 Then	 in	 the	 case	 of	
rally,	automatically	in	just	the	same	way	as	the	       concentration,	we	discover	that	there	is	a	defi-
mind	 becomes	 concentrated	 the	 moment	 we	           nite	 kind	 of	 delight	 associated	 with	 the	 lower	
set	about	doing	arithmetic.	Likewise	in	firing	a	       stages	of	concentration.
gun,	when	we	take	aim,	the	mind	automatically	          	 This	rapture	has	in	itself	the	power	to	induce	
becomes	concentrated	and	steady.	This	is	how	           tranquillity.	 Normally	 the	 mind	 is	 quite	 unre-
naturally	occurring	concentration	comes	about.	         strained,	continually	falling	slave	to	all	sorts	of	
We	normally	overlook	it	completely	because	it	          thoughts	 and	 feelings	 associated	 with	 enticing	
does	not	appear	the	least	bit	magical,	miracu-          things	outside.	It	is	normally	restless,	not	calm.	
lous,	or	awe	inspiring.	But	through	the	power	of	       But	as	spiritual	joy	becomes	established,	calm	
just	this	naturally	occurring	concentration,	most	      and	steadiness	are	bound	to	increase	in	propor-
of	us	could	actually	attain	liberation.	We	could	       tion.	When	steadiness	has	been	perfected,	the	
attain	the	Fruit	of	the	Path,	Nirvana,	arahantship,	    result	is	full	concentration.	The	mind	becomes	
just	by	means	of	natural	concentration.                 tranquil,	steady,	flexible,	manageable,	light	and	
	 So	 don’t	 overlook	 this	 naturally	 occurring	      at	ease,	ready	to	be	used	for	any	desired	pur-
concentration.	It	is	something	most	of	us	either	       pose,	in	particular	for	the	elimination	of	the	de-
already	have,	or	can	readily	develop.	We	have	          filements.
to	 do	 everything	 we	 can	 to	 cultivate	 and	 de-    	 It	is	not	a	case	of	the	mind’s	being	rendered	
velop	it,	to	make	it	function	perfectly	and	yield	      silent,	hard	and	rocklike.	Nothing	like	that	hap-
the	appropriate	results,	just	as	did	most	of	the	       pens	 at	 all.	 The	 body	 feels	 normal,	 but	 the	
people	who	succeeded	in	becoming	arahants,	             mind	is	especially	calm	and	suitable	for	use	in	
none	of	whom	knew	anything	of	modern	con-               thinking	and	introspection.	It	is	perfectly	clear,	
centration	techniques.                                  perfectly	cool,	perfectly	still	and	restrained.	In	
	 Now	let	us	have	a	look	at	the	nature	of	the	          other	words,	it	is	fit	for	work,	ready	to	know.	This	
states	of	inner	awareness	leading	up	to	full	in-        is	the	degree	of	concentration	to	be	aimed	for,	
sight	into	“the	world,”	that	is,	into	the	five	aggre-   not	the	very	deep	concentration	where	one	sits	
gates.	The	first	stage	is	joy	(piti),	mental	happi-     rigidly	like	a	stone	image,	quite	devoid	of	aware-
แสงธรรม 4      Saeng Dhamma
ness.	Sitting	in	deep	concentration	like	that,	one	      been	surrounded	by	too	many	false	views.	But	
is	in	no	position	to	investigate	anything.	A	deep-       however	it	turns	out,	the	insight	that	does	arise	
ly	concentrated	mind	cannot	practice	introspec-          is	bound	to	be	something	quite	special,	for	in-
tion	at	all.	It	is	in	a	state	of	unawareness	and	is	     stance	extraordinarily	clear	and	profound.	If	the	
of	no	use	for	insight.	DEEP	CONCENTRATION	IS	            knowledge	 gained	 is	 right	 knowledge,	 corre-
A	 MAJOR	 OBSTACLE	 TO	 INSIGHT	 PRACTICE.	 To	          sponding	with	reality,	corresponding	with	Dham-
practice	 introspection	 one	 must	 first	 return	 to	   ma,	then	it	will	progress,	developing	ultimately	
the	shallower	levels	of	concentration;	then	one	         into	 right	 and	 true	 knowledge	 of	 all	 phenom-
can	make	use	of	the	power	the	mind	has	ac-               ena.	If	insight	develops	in	only	small	measure,	
quired.	Highly	developed	concentration	is	just	a	        it	may	convert	a	person	into	an	Aryian	at	the	
tool.	In	this	developing	of	insight	by	the	nature	       lowest	stage;	or	if	it	is	not	sufficient	to	do	that,	it	
method,	we	don’t	have	to	attain	deep	concen-             will	just	make	him	a	high-	minded	individual,	an	
tration	and	sit	with	the	body	rigid.	                                    ordinary	person	of	good	qualities.	
Rather,	we	aim	at	a	calm,	steady	                                        If	the	environment	is	suitable	and	
mind,	one	so	fit	for	work	that	when	                                     good	qualities	have	been	properly	
it	is	applied	to	insight	practice,	it	                                   and	 adequately	 established,	 it	 is	
gains	right	understanding	with	re-                                       possible	to	become	an	arahant.	It	
gard	to	the	entire	world.	Insight	so	                                    all	depends	on	the	circumstances.	
developed	 is	 natural	 insight,	 the	 same	 sort	 as	   But	however	far	things	go,	as	long	as	the	mind	
was	gained	by	some	individuals	while	sitting	lis-        has	natural	concentration,	this	factor	called	in-
tening	to	the	Buddha	expounding	Dhamma.	It	is	           sight	is	bound	to	arise	and	to	correspond	more	
conducive	to	thought	and	introspection	of	the	           or	less	closely	with	reality.	Because	we,	being	
right	 kind,	 the	 kind	 that	 brings	 understanding.	   Buddhists,	have	heard	about,	thought	about	and	
And	it	involves	neither	ceremonial	procedures	           studied	the	world,	the	five	aggregates	and	phe-
nor	miracles.                                            nomena,	in	the	hope	of	coming	to	under	stand	
	 This	doesn’t	mean,	however,	that	insight	will	         their	true	nature,	it	follows	that	the	knowledge	
arise	instantaneously.	One	can’t	be	an	arahant	          we	 acquire	 while	 in	 a	 calm	 and	 concentrated	
straight	 off.	 The	 first	 step	 in	 knowledge	 may	    state	 will	 not	 be	 in	 any	 way	 misleading.	 It	 is	
come	about	at	any	time,	depending	once	again	            bound	to	be	always	beneficial.
on	 the	 intensity	 of	 the	 concentration.	 It	 may	    	 The	expression	“insight	into	the	true	nature	
happen	that	what	arises	is	not	true	insight,	be-         of	things”	refers	to	seeing	transience,	unsatisfac-
cause	one	has	been	practicing	wrongly	or	has	            toriness	and	non-selfhood,	seeing	that	nothing
แสงธรรม 5      Saeng Dhamma
is	worth	getting,	nothing	is	worth	being,	seeing	         the	truth	of	the	statement	that	there	is	no	state	
that	 no	 object	 whatsoever	 should	 be	 grasped	        of	being	such	that	to	maintain	it	will	not	involve	
at	and	clung	to	as	being	a	self	or	as	belonging	          struggle.	The	trouble	and	struggle	necessary	to	
to	a	self,	as	being	good	or	bad,	attractive	or	re-        maintain	one’s	state	of	being	are	simply	the	re-
pulsive.	Liking	or	disliking	anything,	even	if	it	is	     sult	of	blind	infatuation	with	things,	of	clinging	
only	an	idea	or	a	memory,	is	clinging.	To	say	that	       to	things.	If	we	were	to	give	up	trying	to	get	or	
nothing	is	worth	getting	or	being	is	the	same	as	         to	be	anything,	how	could	we	continue	to	exist?	
to	 say	 that	 nothing	 is	 worth	 clinging	 to.	 “Get-   This	is	bound	to	be	a	major	source	of	skepticism	
ting”	refers	to	setting	one’s	heart	on	property,	         for	anyone	who	has	not	given	much	thought	to	
position,	wealth,	or	any	pleasing	object.	“Being”	        the	matter.	The	words	“getting”	and	“being”	as	
refers	to	the	awareness	of	one’s	status	as	hus-           used	here	refer	to	getting	and	being	based	on	
band,	wife,	rich	man,	poor	man,	winner,	loser,	           mental	defilements,	on	craving,	on	the	idea	of	
or	human	being,	or	even	the	awareness	of	being	           “worth	getting,	worth	being,”	so	that	the	mind	
oneself.	If	we	really	look	deeply	at	it,	even	be-         does	get	and	be	in	real	earnest.	This	is	bound	to	
ing	oneself	is	no	fun,	is	wearisome,	because	it	is	       lead	to	depression,	anxiety,	distress	and	upset,	
a	source	of	suffering.	If	one	can	completely	give	        or	at	least	a	heavy	burden	on	the	mind,	right	
up	 clinging	 to	 the	 idea	 of	 being	 oneself,	 then	   from	beginning	to	end.	Knowing	this	truth,	we	
being	 oneself	 will	 no	 longer	 be	 suffering.	 This	   shall	be	constantly	on	the	alert,	keeping	watch	
is	what	it	is	to	see	the	worthlessness	of	being	          over	the	mind	to	see	that	it	doesn’t	fall	slave	
anything,	and	is	the	gist	of	the	statement	that	          to	 getting	 and	 being	 through	 the	 influence	 of	
being	anything,	no	matter	what,	is	bound	to	be	           grasping	and	clinging.	Aware	that	in	reality	things	
suffering	in	a	way	appropriate	to	that	particular	        are	just	not	worth	getting	or	being,	we	shall	be	
state	of	being.	Any	state	of	being,	if	it	is	to	con-      smart	enough	to	stay	aloof	from	them.
tinue	as	such,	has	to	be	made	to	last,	to	endure.	        	 If,	however,	we	are	not	yet	in	a	position	to	
At	the	very	least,	it	must	endure	in	one’s	mind	          withdraw	completely	from	having	and	being,	we	
in	the	form	of	a	belief	in	that	particular	state	of	      must	be	mindful	and	wide	awake,	so	that	when	
being.	 When	 there	 exists	 “oneself,”	 there	 are	      we	do	get	or	become	something,	we	do	so	with-
bound	to	exist	things	which	are	other	than	that	          out	emotional	upset.	We	must	not	be	like	those	
self	and	belong	to	it.	Thus	one	has	one’s	chil-           people	who,	turning	a	blind	eye	and	a	deaf	ear,	
dren,	one’s	wife,	one’s	this,	that	and	the	other.	        go	 ahead	 brainlessly	 and	 inexpertly	 getting	 or	
Then	one	has	one’s	duty	as	husband	or	wife,	              becoming,	with	the	result	that	they	fall	right	into	
master	or	servant,	and	so	on.	All	this	points	to	         the	pit	of	their	own	stupidity	and	attachment,
แสงธรรม 6      Saeng Dhamma
and	end	up	having	to	commit	suicide.                     	 The	Buddha	and	all	the	other	arahants	were	
	 The	world	and	all	things	have	the	property	            completely	free	of	desire,	yet	succeeded	in	do-
of	impermanence,	of	worthlessness	and	of	not	            ing	many	things	far	more	useful	than	what	any	of	
belonging	to	anyone.	Any	individual	who	grasps	          us	are	capable	of.	If	we	look	at	accounts	of	how	
at	and	clings	to	anything	will	be	hurt	by	it,	in	the	    the	Buddha	spent	his	day,	we	find	that	he	slept	
very	beginning	when	he	first	desires	to	get	it	or	       for	only	four	hours	and	spent	all	the	rest	of	the	
to	be	it,	later	while	he	is	in	the	process	of	get-       time	working.	We	spend	more	than	four	hours	
ting	it	and	being	it,	and	then	again	after	he	has	       a	day	just	amusing	ourselves.	If	the	defilements	
got	it	or	been	it.	All	the	time,	before,	during	and	     responsible	for	the	desire	to	be	and	get	things	
after,	when	anyone	grasps	and	clings	with	deaf	          had	been	completely	eliminated,	what	was	the	
ear	and	blind	eye,	he	will	receive	his	full	meas-        force	 that	 motivated	 the	 Buddha	 and	 all	 Ara-
ure	of	suffering,	just	as	can	be	seen	happening	         hants	to	do	all	this?	They	were	motivated	by	dis-
to	all	deluded	worldlings.	It	is	the	same	even	          crimination	coupled	with	goodwill	(metta).	Even	
with	goodness,	which	everyone	values	highly.	If	         actions	based	on	natural	bodily	wants	such	as	
anyone	becomes	involved	with	goodness	in	the	            receiving	and	eating	alms	food	were	motivated	
wrong	 way	 and	 clings	 to	 it	 too	 much,	 he	 will	   by	discrimination	They	were	free	of	defilements,	
derive	just	as	much	suffering	from	goodness	as	          free	of	all	desire	to	keep	on	living	in	order	to	be	
he	would	from	evil.	In	becoming	involved	with	           this	or	to	get	that,	but	they	did	have	the	ability	
goodness,	we	have	to	bear	in	mind	that	it	pos-           to	 discriminate	 between	 what	 was	 worthwhile	
sesses	this	property.                                    and	what	was	not	as	the	motivating	force	that	
	 A	skeptic	may	ask:	“If	nothing	at	all	is	worth	        sent	their	bodies	out	to	find	food.	If	they	found	
getting	 or	 being,	 does	 it	 follow	 that	 nobody	     food,	well	and	good;	if	not,	never	mind.	When	
ought	to	do	any	work	or	build	up	wealth,	posi-           they	were	suffering	with	fever,	they	knew	how	
tion	and	property?”	Anyone	who	comprehends	              to	treat	it	and	did	so	as	well	as	possible	on	the	
this	subject	can	see	that	a	person	equipped	with	        basis	of	this	knowledge.	If	the	fever	was	quite	
right	knowledge	and	understanding	is	actually	in	        overpowering	and	they	were	not	strong,	they	re-
a	far	better	position	to	carry	out	any	task	than	        called	that	to	die	is	natural.	Whether	they	lived	
one	who	is	subject	to	strong	desires,	foolish,	and	      or	 died	 was	 of	 no	 significance	 to	 them;	 they	
lacking	in	understanding.	Very	briefly,	in	becom-        were	of	equal	value	in	their	eyes.
ing	involved	in	things,	we	must	do	so	mindfully;	
                                                                       To be continued
our	actions	must	not	be	motivated	by	craving.	
The	result	will	follow	accordingly.
แสงธรรม 7      Saeng Dhamma

                                        in Buddhism
                                                   by Ven. Prayudh Payutto
                                Lecture delivered at Wat Dhammaram, Chicago, U.S.A. on May 6, 1996

  ...Continued from last issue...
                                                            But	the	Buddha	was	not	satisfied.	If	our	goal	is	

	T       here	 are	 eight	 levels	 of	 jhana:	 four	
         Jhanas	of	the	Fine-Material	Sphere	and	
four	Jhanas	of	the	Immaterial	Sphere.	The	Bud-
                                                            to	have	psychic	power	and	to	attain	jhana	only,	
                                                            we	do	not	need	Buddhism,	because	other	peo-
                                                            ple	have	achieved	them	already.	This	is	a	point	
dha’s	 first	 master,	 Alara	 Kalama,	 attained	 the	       to	which	we	have	to	pay	attention.	Please	note	
seventh	level	of	jhana-Akincannayatana	(Sphere	             that	after	the	Buddha	attained	Enlightenment,	
of	nothingness).	The	Buddha	went	to	study	with	             he	discouraged	the	use	of	Samadhi	for	the	pur-
him	and	also	attained	this	level.	But	the	Buddha	           pose	of	attaining	psychic	power	and	for	the	mar-
was	not	satisfied,	he	left	and	went	to	study	with	          vels	of	performing	miracles.
Master	Uddaka	Ramaputta.	This	master	attained	              	 The	Buddha	outlined	the	three	Marvels	(Pati-
one	level	higher:	the	eighth	level	ofjhana-Nevas-           hariya)	in	connection	with	Samadhi	as	follows:
annanasannayatana	(Sphere	of	neither	percep-                	 1.	Marvel	of	psychic	power	(Iddhi-patihariya):	
tion	nor	non-perception)..	The	Buddha	attained	             the	ability	to	use	different	kinds	of	psychic	pow-
this	level	as	well.	His	master	informed	him	that	           er:	to	fly,	to	walk	in	the	air/on	the	water,	to	go	
he	had	completed	the	knowledge	that	he	could	               beneath	the	earth,	etc..	.
obtain	 from	 him	 and	 invited	 him	 to	 stay	 and	        	 2.	Marvel	of	mind-reading	(Adesana-patihari-
teach	the	followers.	The	Buddha	considered	the	             ya):	the	ability	to	read	the	minds	of	others:	what	
proposal	 but	 concluded	 that	 this	 was	 not	 his	        they	think,	how	they	think,	what	they	intend	to	
goal.	 He	 left	 again,	 this	 time	 to	 search	 on	 his	   do,	or	how	the	state	of	their	mind	is.
own.	                                                       	 3.	Marvel	of	teaching	(Anusasani-patihariya):	
	 Many	yogis,	ascetics,	hermits	before	the	Bud-             the	teaching	of	the	way	to	cultivate	wisdom,	to	
dha	era	had	psychic	power	and	attained	jhanas.	             know	the	truth	by	oneself.
แสงธรรม 8      Saeng Dhamma
Only	the	third	Marvel	is	praised	by	the	Buddha,	       for	them	to	give	us	what	we	wish	to	obtain.	As	
the	 first	 and	 second	 Marvels	 are	 discouraged.	   a	result,	we	do	not	know	how	to	face	problems,	
Why	so?	One	important	reason	is	that	with	the	         how	to	solve	problems,	how	to	move	on	in	life.	
first	and	second	Marvels,	when	someone	is	able	        We	are	bound	to	stay	in	place	without	making	any	
to	do	these	things,	the	ability	belongs	to	him	        progress.	The	Buddha	did	not	want	this	to	happen.
only.	Other	people	will	simply	be	interested	to	       	 We	can	see	that	the	Buddha	exceeded	eve-
view	them	as	miracles	and	come	to	rely	on	him.	        ryone	 in	 psychic	 power.	 Even	 though	 he	 only	
When	people	rely	on	others,	they	are	depend-           praised	 anusasanipatihariya,	 he	 was	 also	 su-
ent	and	are	not	free.	In	the	case	of	the	third	Mar-    preme	in	iddhi-patihariya	and	adesana-patihar-
vel,	the	Buddha	taught	people	to	cultivate	wis-        iya.	It	should	be	noted	that	during	all	of	the	45	
dom.	It	is	a	marvel	in	the	sense	that	when	they	       years	that	the	Buddha	taught	Dhamma	(the	laws	
achieved	wisdom,	they	saw	the	truth	for	them-          of	nature),	he	never	used	his	psychic	power	for	
selves.	When	they	saw	the	truth	for	themselves,	       anyone	 to	 gain	 anything.	 This	 is	 an	 important	
they	knew	how	to	do	by	themselves	whatever	            observation	which	is	often	ignored.	Why	is	it	that	
they	were	taught	to	do	and	thus	became	inde-           the	 Buddha	 never	 used	 his	 psychic	 power	 for	
pendent	of	the	Buddha.	In	the	same	way	that	           anyone	to	obtain	what	he	wanted	during	those	
he	himself	came	to	see	the	truth,	the	Buddha	          45	years?	It	is	because	the	Buddha	did	not	want	
taught	 others	 to	 cultivate	 wisdom.	 When	 wis-     anyone	to	depend	on	him.	If	people	kept	rely-
dom	was	developed,	people	were	able	to	see	            ing	on	him,	they	would	become	careless;	they	
the	truth	as	the	Buddha	saw	it.	They	became	           would	not	think	of	standing	on	their	own	feet,	
free	and	 did	 not	 have	to	 rely	on	the	Buddha	       not	learn	to	cope	with	problems	on	their	own.	If	
anymore.	But	with	the	first	and	second	Marvels,	       we	do	not	face	problems	ourselves,	we	will	not	
they	had	to	count	on	the	Buddha	and	hoped	             learn.	So,	if	we	are	interested	in	psychic	power,	
to	 depend	 on	 him	 continuously.	 The	 Buddha	       we	 have	 to	 be	 careful	 not	 to	 go	 astray	 from	
wanted	them	to	be	independent.	Therefore,	he	          the	doctrines	of	Buddhism.	Any	interest	that	we	
discouraged	the	attainment	of	the	first	and	sec-       have	in	it	should	not	be	a	hindrance	for	us	to	
ond	Marvels	which	are	good	in	some	particular	         stand	on	our	own	feet.	We	should	discipline	and	
cases	only.	We	have	to	be	careful	when	they	           cultivate	ourselves	and	work	diligently	to	gain	
are	used	in	the	long	term,	they	can	lead	to	care-      the	 right	 results.	 This	 is	 one	 of	 the	 important	
lessness.	When	we	see	people	with	supernatu-           doctrines	of	Buddhism.
ral	power,	we	respect	them,	we	are	drawn	to	           	 Buddhism	transcends	the	practices	of	ascet-
them	and	tend	to	depend	on	them.	We	I	wait	            ics	and	hermits.	In	the	ancient	times-as	a	matter
แสงธรรม 9      Saeng Dhamma
of	 fact,	 even	 today-ascetics	 and	 yogis	 in	 India	   meeting	 with	 matted-haired	 ascetics	 (Jatila).	
like	 to	 compete	 with	 each	 other	 in	 the	 mat-       These	ascetics	possessed	super	psychic	power	
ter	of	psychic	power.	But	the	Buddha	did	not	             and	 were	 very	 respected	 by	 the	 public	 who	
like	this.	He	said	that	if	people	were	concerned	         held	that	Arahants	should	have	psychic	power.	
solely	with	psychic	power,	they	would	not	make	           For	this	reason,	the	Buddha	went	to	see	them	
progress.	Under	what	circumstances	then	would	            first.	 The	 Buddha	 reasoned	 that	 if	 he	 did	 not	
the	 Buddha	 use	 his	                                                                prove	 he	 was-more	
psychic	 power?	 He	                                                                  advanced,	 people	
would	 utilize	 psychic	                                                              would	 not	 listen	 to	
power	when	he	chose	                                                                  him.	 They	 would	 say	
to	 have	 people	 who	                                                                no	one	could	be	com-
were	 proud	 of	 their	                                                               pared	to	their	chief	as-
personal	psychic	pow-                                                                 cetic.	 When	 the	 Bud-
er	 accept	 his	 superi-                                                              dha	 went	 to	 see	 the	
ority	and	be	ready	to	listen	to	his	teaching.	In	         chief	ascetic,	he	was	put	to	the	test	for	several	
the	Buddha’s	time,	people	considered	psychic	             nights,	but	each	night	he	prevailed.	In	the	end,	
power	as	very	important;	whoever	did	not	have	            the	chief	ascetic	realized	that	the	Buddha	was	
it	 would	 not	 be	 considered	 an	 Arahant	 (one	        more	highly	developed.	When	he	realized	this	
who	has	attained	Nibbana).	They	believed	that	            and	surrendered,	he	was	willing	to	listen	to	the	
an	Arahant	must	have	psychic	power.	But	the	              Buddha.	Before	that	time	he	would	not	listen	
Buddha	did	not	think	of	it	as	a	criterion	of	being	       and	boasted	that	he	was	the	number	one,	oth-
an	Arahant.	The	Buddha	was	living	in	a	society	           ers	were	no	match	for	him.	When	the	chief	as-
which	had	this	belief,	and	as	a	supreme	master-           cetic	was	willing	to	listen,	the	Buddha	started	to	
one	who	proclaimed	a	great	religion-he	had	to	            teach	him	with	anusasani-patihariya.	He	realized	
have	this	kind	of	power	in	order	for	others	to	           the	truth	and	accepted	the	Buddha’s	views	on	
believe	 in	 him	 in	 the	 first	 place.	 The	 Buddha	    psychic	power	and	the	Buddha	stopped	using	it	
used	 his	 psychic	 power	 as	 a	 tool	 to	 proclaim	     himself.	We	see	how	the	Buddha	used	psychic	
Buddhism.	At	that	time,	when	people	with	pow-             power	to	conquer	the	unbelievers.	Once	they	
ers	met	together,	they	challenged	each	other’s	           surrendered,	he	stopped	using	it.	He	never	used	
ability.	If	you	did	not	have	the	powers,	people	          it	as	a	means	to	give	special	favors	to	anyone.
would	not	believe	in	you.
	 We	 look	 at	 the	 example	 of	 the	 Buddha’s	                              THE END
แสงธรรม 10     Saeng Dhamma

                                   IT CAN BE DONE
                                                         By Ajahn Chah

	A        t	this	time	please	determine	your	minds	
          to	listen	to	the	Dhamma.	Today	is	the	
traditional	day	of	dhammasavana.	It	is	the	ap-
                                                        ceived	 the	 	 precepts.’’	 We	 talk	 like	 this	 here	
                                                        in	 the	 countryside	 and	 so	 it	 has	 become	 our	
                                                        habitual	way	of	understanding.	If	we	think	like	
propriate	 time	 for	 us,	 the	 host	 of	 Buddhists,	   this,	that	we	come	to	receive	precepts	from	the	
to	study	the	Dhamma	in	order	to	increase	our	           monks	on	the	lunar	observance	days	and	that	if	
mindfulness	 and	 wisdom.	 Giving	 and	 receiving	      the	monks	won’t	give	precepts	then	we	don’t	
the	teachings	is	something	we	have	been	doing	          have	morality,	that	is	only	a	tradition	of	delu-
for	a	long	time.	The	activities	we	usually	perform	     sion	that	we	have	inherited	from	our	ancestors.	
on	 this	 day,	 chanting	 homage	 to	 the	 Buddha,	     Thinking	in	this	way	means	that	we	give	up	our	
taking	moral	precepts,	meditating	and	listening	        own	responsibility,	not	having	firm	trust	and	con-
to	teachings,	should	be	understood	as	methods	          viction	in	ourselves.	Then	it	gets	passed	down	to	
and	principles	for	spiritual	development.	They	         the	next	generation,	and	they	too	come	to	‘re-
are	not	anything	more	than	this.	                       ceive’	precepts	from	the	monks.	And	the	monks	
	 When	it	comes	to	taking	precepts,	for	exam-           come	 to	 believe	 that	 they	 are	 the	 ones	 who	
ple,	a	monk	will	proclaim	the	precepts	and	the	         ‘give’	the	precepts	to	the	laity.	In	fact	moral-
lay	people	will	vow	to	undertake	them.	Don’t	           ity	and	precepts	are	not	like	that.	They	are	not	
misunderstand	 what	 is	 going	 on.	 The	 truth	 is	    something	 to	 be	 ‘given’	 or	 ‘received’;	 but	 on	
that	morality	is	not	something	that	can	be	giv-         ceremonial	occasions	of	making	merit	and	the	
en.	It	can’t	really	be	requested	or	received	from	      like	 we	 use	 this	 as	 a	 ritual	 form	 according	 to	
someone.	We	can’t	give	it	to	someone	else.	In	          tradition	and	employ	the	terminology.	
our	vernacular	we	hear	people	say,	‘’The	ven-           	 In	truth	morality	resides	with	the	intentions	
erable	monk	gave	the	precepts’’	and	‘’we	re-            of	people.	If	you	have	the	conscious	determina-
แสงธรรม 11    Saeng Dhamma
tion	to	refrain	from	harmful	activities	and	wrong-        are	 humans.	 The	 Buddha	 taught	 his	 Dhamma	
doing	by	way	of	body	and	speech	then	morality	            for	humans.	If	we	people	don’t	have	morality	
is	coming	about	within	you.	You	should	know	it	           and	knowledge	of	these	things	then	we	are	not	
within	yourself.	It	is	okay	to	take	the	vows	with	        much	different	from	animals,	so	it	is	appropriate	
another	person.	You	can	also	recollect	the	pre-           that	we	study	and	learn	about	them	and	make	
cepts	by	yourself.	If	you	don’t	know	what	they	           ourselves	able.	This	is	taking	advantage	of	the	
are	then	you	can	request	them	from	someone	               precious	 accomplishment	 of	 human	 existence	
else.	It	is	not	something	very	complicated	or	dis-        and	bringing	it	to	fulfilment.	
tant.	So	really	whenever	we	wish	to	receive	mo-           	 The	profound	Dhamma	is	the	teaching	that	
rality	and	Dhamma	we	have	them	right	then.	It	            morality	is	necessary.	Then	when	there	is	mo-
is	just	like	the	air	that	surrounds	us	everywhere.	       rality,	we	have	a	foundation	on	which	we	can	
Whenever	 we	 breathe	 we	 take	 it	 in.	 All	 man-       progress	 in	 Dhamma.	 Morality	 means	 the	 pre-
ner	of	good	and	evil	is	like	that.	If	we	wish	to	         cepts	as	to	what	is	forbidden	and	what	is	per-
do	good,	we	can	do	it	anywhere,	at	any	time.	             missible.	Dhamma	refers	to	nature	and	to	hu-
We	can	do	it	alone	or	together	with	others.	Evil	         mans	knowing	about	nature	-	how	things	exist	
is	the	same.	We	can	do	it	with	a	large	or	small	          according	 to	 nature.	 Nature	 is	 something	 we	
group,	in	a	hidden	or	open	place.	It	is	like	this.	       do	not	compose.	It	exists	as	it	is	according	to	
These	are	things	that	are	already	in	existence.	          its	 conditions.	 A	 simple	 example	 is	 animals.	 A	
But	 as	 for	 morality,	 this	 is	 something	 that	 we	   certain	species,	such	as	peacocks,	is	born	with	
should	consider	normal	for	all	humans	to	prac-            its	various	patterns	and	colours.	They	were	not	
tice.	A	person	who	has	no	morality	is	no	differ-          created	like	that	by	humans	or	modified	by	hu-
ent	from	an	animal.	If	you	decide	to	live	like	an	        mans;	they	are	just	born	that	way	according	to	
animal	then	of	course	there	is	no	good	or	evil	           nature.	This	is	a	little	example	of	how	it	is	in	
for	 you,	 because	 an	 animal	 doesn’t	 have	 any	       nature.	
knowledge	of	such	things.	A	cat	catches	mice,	            	 All	things	of	nature	are	existing	in	the	world	
but	we	don’t	say	it	is	doing	evil,	because	it	has	        -	this	is	still	talking	about	understanding	from	a	
no	concepts	or	knowledge	of	good	or	bad,	right	           worldly	viewpoint.	The	Buddha	taught	Dhamma	
or	 wrong.	 These	 beings	 are	 outside	 the	 circle	     for	us	to	know	nature,	to	let	go	of	it	and	let	it	
of	 human	 beings.	 It	 is	 the	 animal	 realm.	 The	     exist	according	to	its	conditions.	This	is	talking	
Buddha	pointed	out	that	this	group	is	just	living	        about	the	external	material	world.	As	to	Namad-
according	to	the	animal	kind	of	kamma.	Those	             hamma,	meaning	the	mind,	it	cannot	be	left	to	
who	understand	right	and	wrong,	good	and	evil,	           follow	its	own	conditions.	It	has	to	be	trained.	In
แสงธรรม 12      Saeng Dhamma
the	end	we	can	say	that	mind	is	the	teacher	of	            time	comes	we	have	to	let	go	of	it	all.	It	is	be-
body	and	speech,	so	it	needs	to	be	well	trained.	          yond	the	ability	of	humans	to	change	this	or	get	
Letting	it	go	according	to	its	natural	urges	just	         beyond	it.	The	Dhamma	that	the	Buddha	taught	
makes	 one	 an	 animal.	 It	 has	 to	 be	 instructed	      is	something	to	be	applied	while	we	are	here,	
and	trained.	It	should	come	to	know	nature,	but	           for	making	actions,	words	and	thoughts	correct	
should	not	merely	be	left	to	follow	nature.	               and	proper.	It	means	he	was	teaching	the	minds	
	 We	 are	 born	 into	 this	 world	 and	 all	 of	 us	      of	people	so	that	they	would	not	be	deluded	
will	naturally	have	the	afflictions	of	desire,	anger	      in	regard	to	nature,	and	to	conventional	reality	
and	delusion.	Desire	makes	us	crave	after	vari-            and	 supposition.	 The	 teacher	 instructed	 us	 to	
ous	things	and	causes	the	mind	to	be	in	a	state	           see	the	world.	His	Dhamma	was	a	teaching	that	
of	imbalance	and	turmoil.	Nature	is	like	that.	It	         is	above	and	beyond	the	world.	We	are	in	the	
will	just	not	do	to	let	the	mind	go	after	these	           world.	We	were	born	into	this	world;	he	taught	
impulses	 of	craving.	It	 only	leads	to	 heat	and	         us	to	transcend	the	world	and	not	to	be	a	pris-
distress.	It	is	better	to	train	in	Dhamma,	in	truth.	      oner	to	worldly	ways	and	habits.	
When	aversion	occurs	in	us	we	want	to	express	             	 It	is	like	a	diamond	that	falls	into	a	muddy	
anger	towards	people;	it	may	even	get	to	the	              pit.	No	matter	how	much	dirt	and	filth	covers	it,	
point	 of	 physically	 attacking	 or	 killing	 people.	    that	does	not	destroy	its	radiance,	the	hues	and	
But	 we	 don’t	 just	 ‘let	 it	 go’	 according	 to	 its	   the	worth	of	it.	Even	though	the	mud	is	stuck	
nature.	We	know	the	nature	of	what	is	occur-               to	it	the	diamond	does	not	lose	anything,	but	is	
ring.	We	see	it	for	what	it	is,	and	teach	the	mind	        just	as	it	originally	was.	There	are	two	separate	
about	it.	This	is	studying	Dhamma.	                        things.	
	 Delusion	is	the	same.	When	it	happens	we	are	            	 So	 the	 Buddha	 taught	 to	 be	 above	 the	
confused	about	things.	If	we	just	leave	it	as	it	is,	      world,	 which	 means	 knowing	 the	 world	 clear-
then	we	remain	in	ignorance.	So	the	Buddha	told	           ly.	 By	 ‘the	 world’	 he	 did	 not	 mean	 so	 much	
us	to	know	nature,	to	teach	nature,	to	train	and	          the	earth	and	sky	and	elements,	but	rather	the	
adjust	nature,	to	know	exactly	what	nature	is.	            mind,	the	wheel	of	Samsara	within	the	hearts	of	
	 For	example,	people	are	born	with	physical	              people.	He	meant	this	wheel,	this	world.	This	is	
form	and	mind.	In	the	beginning	these	things	are	          the	world	that	the	Buddha	knew	clearly;	when	
born,	in	the	middle	they	change	and	in	the	end	            we	talk	about	knowing	the	world	clearly	we	are	
they	are	extinguished.	This	is	ordinary;	this	is	their	    talking	about	these	things.	If	it	were	otherwise,	
nature.	We	cannot	do	much	to	alter	these	facts.	           then	the	Buddha	would	have	had	to	be	flying	
We	 train	 our	 minds	 as	 we	 can	 and	 when	 the	        everywhere	to	‘know	the	world	clearly.’	It	is	not
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
like	that.	It	is	a	single	point.	All	dhammas	come	        study	the	thinking	and	feeling	in	our	hearts.	Just	
down	 to	 one	 single	 point.	 Like	 people,	 which	      that.	It	is	something	we	are	presently	unable	to	
means	men	and	women.	If	we	observe	one	man	               change.	If	we	can	change	it	we	can	be	free	of	
and	one	woman,	we	know	the	nature	of	all	peo-             all	suffering	and	unsatisfactoriness	in	life,	just	by	
ple	in	the	universe.	They	are	not	that	different.	        changing	this	one	point:	our	habitual	world	view,	
Or	learning	about	heat.	If	we	just	know	this	one	         our	way	of	thinking	and	feeling.	If	we	come	to	
point,	the	quality	of	being	hot,	then	it	does	not	        have	a	new	sense	of	things,	a	new	understand-
matter	what	the	source	or	cause	of	the	heat	is;	          ing,	then	we	transcend	the	old	perceptions	and	
the	condition	of	‘hot’	is	such.	Knowing	clearly	          understanding.	
this	 one	 point,	 then	                                                               The	 authentic	 Dham-
wherever	 there	 may	                                                                  ma	 of	 the	 Buddha	 is	
be	hotness	in	the	uni-                                                                 not	 something	 point-
verse,	 we	 know	 it	 is	                                                              ing	far	away.	It	teaches	
like	 this.	 So	 the	 Bud-                                                             about	 atta,	 self,	 and	
dha	 knew	 a	 single	                                                                  that	things	are	not	re-
point	 and	 thus	 his	                                                                 ally	 self.	 That	 is	 all.	
knowledge	 encom-                                                                      All	 the	 teachings	 that	
passed	 the	 world.	                                                                   the	Buddha	gave	were	
Knowing	 coldness	 to	                                                                 pointing	out	that	‘this	
be	a	certain	way,	when	he	encountered	cold-               is	not	a	self,	this	does	not	belong	to	a	self,	there	
ness	anywhere	in	the	world,	he	already	knew	it.	          is	no	such	thing	as	ourselves	or	others.’	Now,	
He	taught	a	single	point,	for	beings	living	in	the	       when	we	contact	this,	we	can’t	really	read	it,	
world	to	know	the	world,	to	know	the	nature	              we	don’t	‘translate’	the	Dhamma	correctly.	We	
of	the	world.	Just	like	knowing	people.	Knowing	          still	think	‘this	is	me,	this	is	mine.’	We	attach	to	
men	and	women,	knowing	the	manner	of	exist-               things	and	invest	them	with	meaning.	When	we	
ence	of	beings	in	the	world.	His	knowledge	was	           do	this,	we	can’t	yet	disentangle	from	them;	the	
such.	Knowing	one	point,	he	knew	all	things.	             involvement	deepens	and	the	mess	gets	worse	
The	Dhamma	that	the	teacher	expounded	was	                and	worse.	If	we	know	that	there	is	no	self,	that	
for	 going	 beyond	 suffering.	 What	 is	 this	 ‘going	   body	 and	 mind	 are	 really	 anatta	 as	 the	 Bud-
beyond	 suffering’	 all	 about?	 What	 should	 we	        dha	taught,	then	when	we	keep	on	investigating,	
do	to	‘escape	from	suffering’?	It	is	necessary	for	       eventually	 we	 will	 come	 to	 realization	 of	 the	
us	 to	 do	 some	 study;	 we	 need	 to	 come	 and	        actual	condition	of	selflessness.	We	will	genu-
แสงธรรม 14      Saeng Dhamma
inely	realize	that	there	is	no	self	or	other.	Pleas-      to	use	new	garments.	
ure	is	merely	pleasure.	Feeling	is	merely	feeling.	       	 So	 we	 will	 have	 the	 exact	 same	 feeling	
Memory	is	merely	memory.	Thinking	is	merely	              about	our	existence	in	this	world.	We	will	not	
thinking.	 They	 are	 all	 things	 that	 are	 ‘merely’	   cry	 or	 moan	 over	 things.	 We	 will	 not	 be	 tor-
such.	 Happiness	 is	 merely	 happiness;	 suffering	      mented	or	burdened	by	them.	They	remain	the	
is	merely	suffering.	Good	is	merely	good,	evil	is	        same	things	as	they	were	before,	but	our	feeling	
merely	evil.	Everything	exists	merely	thus.	There	        and	understanding	of	them	has	changed.	Now	
is	no	real	happiness	or	real	suffering.	There	are	        our	knowledge	will	be	exalted	and	we	will	see	
just	the	merely	existing	conditions.	Merely	hap-          truth.	We	will	have	attained	supreme	vision	and	
py,	 merely	 suffering,	 merely	 hot,	 merely	 cold,	     authentic	taught	the	Dhamma	that	we	ought	to	
merely	 a	 being	 or	 a	 person.	 You	 should	 keep	      know	and	to	see.	Where	is	the	Dhamma	that	we	
looking	 to	 see	 that	 things	 are	 only	 so	 much.	     ought	to	know	and	see?	It	is	right	here	within	
Only	earth,	only	water,	only	fire,	only	wind.	We	         us,	this	body	and	mind.	We	have	it	already;	we	
should	keep	on	‘reading’	these	things	and	inves-          should	come	to	know	and	see	it.	
tigating	this	point.	Eventually	our	perception	will	      	 For	example,	all	of	us	have	been	born	into	
change;	we	will	have	a	different	feeling	about	           this	human	realm.	Whatever	we	gained	by	that	
things.	The	tightly	held	conviction	that	there	is	        we	are	going	to	lose.	We	have	seen	people	born	
self	and	things	belonging	to	self	will	gradually	         and	 seen	 them	 die.	 We	 just	 see	 this	 happen-
come	undone.	When	this	sense	of	things	is	re-             ing,	but	don’t	really	see	clearly.	When	there	is	
moved	then	the	opposite	perception	will	keep	             a	birth,	we	rejoice	over	it;	when	people	die,	we	
increasing	steadily.	                                     cry	for	them.	There	is	no	end.	It	goes	on	in	this	
	 When	the	realization	of	anatta	comes	to	full	           way	and	there	is	no	end	to	our	foolishness.	See-
measure	then	we	will	be	able	to	relate	to	the	            ing	birth	we	are	foolhardy.	Seeing	death	we	are	
things	of	this	world	-	to	our	most	cherished	pos-         foolhardy.	There	is	only	this	unending	foolish-
sessions	and	involvements,	to	friends	and	rela-           ness.	Let’s	take	a	look	at	all	this.	These	things	are	
tions,	 to	 wealth,	 accomplishments	 and	 status	        natural	occurrences.	Contemplate	the	Dhamma	
-	just	the	same	as	we	do	to	our	clothes.	When	            here,	 the	 Dhamma	 that	 we	 should	 know	 and	
shirts	and	pants	are	new	we	wear	them;	they	              see.	 This	 Dhamma	 is	 existing	 right	 now.	 Make	
get	dirty	and	we	wash	them;	after	some	time	              up	 your	 minds	 about	 this.	 Exert	 restraint	 and	
they	are	worn	out	and	we	discard	them.	There	             self-control.	 Now	 we	 are	 amidst	 the	 things	 of	
is	nothing	out	of	the	ordinary	there;	we	are	con-         this	life.	We	shouldn’t	have	fears	of	death.	We	
stantly	getting	rid	of	the	old	things	and	starting	       should	fear	the	lower	realms.	Don’t	fear	dying;
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma
rather	be	afraid	of	falling	into	hell.	You	should	          When	 there	 is	 anxiety	 and	 regret	 over	 it	 have	
be	afraid	of	doing	wrong	while	you	still	have	life.	        the	wisdom	to	recognize	the	limits	of	this	anxi-
These	 are	 old	 things	 we	 are	 dealing	 with,	 not	      ety	and	regret,	knowing	what	they	are	according	
new	 things.	 Some	 people	 are	 alive	 but	 don’t	         to	the	truth.	If	you	can	consider	things	in	this	
know	themselves	at	all.	They	think,	“What’s	the	            way	then	wisdom	will	arise.	Whenever	suffering	
big	deal	about	what	I	do	now;	I	can’t	know	what	            occurs,	wisdom	can	arise	there,	if	we	investigate.	
is	going	to	happen	when	I	die.’’	They	don’t	think	          But	people	generally	do	not	want	to	investigate.	
about	the	new	seeds	they	are	creating	for	the	              Wherever	 pleasant	 or	 unpleasant	 experience	
future.	They	only	see	the	old	fruit.	They	fixate	           happens,	 wisdom	 can	 arise	 there.	 If	 we	 know	
on	present	experience,	not	realizing	that	if	there	         happiness	 and	 suffering	 for	 what	 they	 really	
is	fruit	it	must	have	come	from	a	seed,	and	that	           are	 then	 we	 know	 the	 Dhamma.	 If	 we	 know	
within	the	fruit	we	have	now	are	the	seeds	of	              the	Dhamma,	we	know	the	world	clearly;	if	we	
future	fruit.	These	seeds	are	just	waiting	to	be	           know	the	world	clearly,	we	know	the	Dhamma.	
planted.	Actions	born	of	ignorance	continue	the	            Actually,	for	most	of	us,	if	something	is	displeas-
chain	in	this	way,	but	when	you	are	eating	the	             ing	we	don’t	really	want	to	know	about	it.	We	
fruit	you	don’t	think	about	all	the	implications.	          get	caught	up	in	the	aversion	to	it.	If	we	dislike	
Wherever	 the	 mind	 has	 a	 lot	 of	 attachment,	          someone	we	don’t	want	to	look	at	his	face	or	
just	there	will	we	experience	intense	suffering,	           get	 anywhere	 near	 him.	 This	 is	 the	 mark	 of	 a	
intense	 grief,	 intense	 difficulty.	 The	 place	 we	      foolish,	unskilful	person;	this	is	not	the	way	of	a	
experience	the	most	problems	is	the	place	we	               good	person.	If	we	like	someone	then	of	course	
have	the	most	attraction,	longing	and	concern.	             we	 want	 to	 be	 close	 to	 him,	 we	 make	 every	
Please	try	to	resolve	this.	Now,	while	you	still	           effort	to	be	with	him,	taking	delight	in	his	com-
have	life	and	breath,	keep	on	looking	at	it	and	            pany.	This	also	is	foolishness.	They	are	actually	
reading	it	until	you	are	able	to	‘translate’	it	and	        the	same,	like	the	palm	and	back	of	the	hand.	
solve	the	problem.	                                         When	we	turn	the	hand	up	and	see	the	palm,	
	 Whatever	we	are	experiencing	as	part	of	our	              the	back	of	the	hand	is	hidden	from	sight.	When	
lives	now,	one	day	we	will	be	parted	from	it.	So	           we	turn	it	over	then	the	palm	is	not	seen.	Pleas-
don’t	just	pass	the	time.	Practice	spiritual	culti-         ure	hides	pain	and	pain	hides	pleasure	from	our	
vation.	Take	this	parting,	this	separation	and	loss	        sight.	Wrong	covers	up	right,	right	covers	wrong.	
as	your	object	of	contemplation	right	now	in	the	           Just	looking	at	one	side	our	knowledge	is	not	
present,	 until	 you	 are	 clever	 and	 skilled	 in	 it,	   complete.	Let’s	do	things	completely	while	we	
until	you	can	see	that	it	is	ordinary	and	natural.	         still	have	life.	Keep	on	looking	at	things,	separat-
แสงธรรม 16     Saeng Dhamma
ing	truth	from	falsehood,	noting	how	things	re-          become	a	slave	to	virtue	and	to	your	concepts	
ally	are,	getting	to	the	end	of	it,	reaching	peace.	     of	 what	 is	 good.	 It	 puts	 you	 in	 difficulty,	 and	
When	the	time	comes	we	will	be	able	to	cut	              there	will	not	be	an	end	to	your	tears.	It	does	
through	and	let	go	completely.	Now	we	have	              not	matter	how	much	good	you	have	practiced,	
to	firmly	attempt	to	separate	things	-	and	keep	         if	you	are	attached	to	it	then	you	are	still	not	
trying	to	cut	through.	                                  free	and	there	will	be	no	end	to	tears.	But	one	
	 The	 Buddha	 taught	 about	 hair,	 nails,	 skin	       who	 transcends	 good	 as	 well	 as	 evil	 has	 no	
and	teeth.	He	taught	us	to	separate	here.	A	per-         more	tears	to	shed.	They	have	dried	up.	There	
son	who	does	not	know	about	separating	only	             can	be	an	end.	We	should	learn	to	use	virtue,	
knows	 about	 holding	 them	 to	 himself.	 Now	          not	to	be	used	by	virtue.	
while	we	have	not	yet	parted	from	these	things	          	 In	a	nutshell,	the	point	of	the	teaching	of	the	
we	should	be	skilful	in	meditating	on	them.	We	          Buddha	is	to	transform	one’s	view.	It	is	possible	
have	not	yet	left	this	world,	so	we	should	be	           to	 change	 it.	 It	 only	 requires	 looking	 at	 things	
careful.	We	should	contemplate	a	lot,	make	co-           and	then	it	happens.	Having	been	born	we	will	
pious	charitable	offerings,	recite	the	scriptures	a	     experience	aging,	illness,	death	and	separation.	
lot,	practise	a	lot:	develop	insight	into	imperma-       These	things	are	right	here.	We	don’t	need	to	
nence,	unsatisfactoriness,	and	selflessness.	Even	       look	up	at	the	sky	or	down	at	the	earth.	The	
if	the	mind	does	not	want	to	listen	we	should	           Dhamma	that	we	need	to	see	and	to	know	can	
keep	on	breaking	things	up	like	this	and	come	           be	seen	right	here	within	us,	every	moment	of	
to	know	in	the	present.	This	can	most	definitely	        every	day.	When	there	is	a	birth,	we	are	filled	
be	done.	One	can	realize	knowledge	that	tran-            with	joy.	When	there	is	a	death,	we	grieve.	That’s	
scends	 the	 world.	 We	 are	 stuck	 in	 the	 world.	    how	we	spend	our	lives.	These	are	the	things	we	
This	 is	 a	 way	 to	 ‘destroy’	 the	 world,	 through	   need	to	know	about,	but	we	still	have	not	really	
contemplating	and	seeing	beyond	the	world	so	            looked	 into	 them	 and	 seen	 the	 truth.	 We	 are	
that	we	can	transcend	the	world	in	our	being.	           stuck	deep	in	this	ignorance.	We	ask,	‘’When	will	
Even	while	we	are	living	in	this	world	our	view	         we	see	the	Dhamma,’’	but	it	is	right	here	to	be	
can	be	above	the	world.	                                 seen	in	the	present.	
In	 a	 worldly	 existence	 one	 creates	 both	 good	
and	evil.	Now	we	try	to	practice	virtue	and	give	                          To be Continued
up	 evil.	 When	 good	 results	 come	 then	 you	
should	not	be	under	that	good,	but	be	able	to	
transcend	it.	If	you	do	not	transcend	it	then	you
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma

The Hot News of World Buddhism
�Another Buddhist temple opens in Russia. � There is no gender bias in Buddhism.
   By Prime Time Russia, 15 August, 2010               By Sify News, Aug 21, 2010
	 Chita,	Russia	--	The	spiritual	leader	of	Rus-    	 Dalai	 Lama	 celebrates	 birthday	 with	 sup-
sian	Buddhists,	Pandito	Hambo	Lama	Damba	          porters
Ayushev,	has	dedicated	a	new	temple	in	the	        	 Lahaul,	India	--	Tibetan	spiritual	leader	Dalai	
East	Siberian	city	of	Chita.                       Lama	said	in	Himachal	Pradesh’s	Lahaul	district	
	 Describing	it	as	a	“historic	event”,	the	head	   on	Friday,	there	is	no	gender	bias	in	Buddhism	
of	the	Russian	Buddhists	said	that	Chita	has	      and	nothing	prevents	a	woman	from	becoming	
thus	become	the	second	Russian	city,	after	St.	    his	successor.
Petersburg,	to	welcome	a	Buddhist	monastery.       	 “So	 the	 purpose	 of	 the	 incarnation	 is	 to	
	 The	idea	to	build	it	came	about	16	years	        serve	people	about	dharma	(faith).	If	the	cir-
ago.	Construction	works	however,	began	only	       cumstances	 are	 such,	 female	 form	 is	 more	
in	2007.                                           useful,	then	why	not,”	said	Dalai	Lama.		He	
	 The	previous	monastery	was	built	in	Chita	       also	added	that	that	the	female	Dalai	Lama	
111	years	ago,	but	was	burnt	down	15	years	        should	be	attractive.
later,	in	unclear	circumstances.	The	new	one	      	 “And	I	also	mentioned	in	case	Dalai	Lama’s	
is	said	to	resemble	it,	having	embodied	the	       incarnation	one	female	comes	then	must	be	
features	of	the	Buddhist-Buryat	architecture.      very	attractive	female.	So	the	very	reason,	you	
	 The	statue	of	Buddha	in	brass	has	the	height	    see	more	influence	to	others,	an	ugly	female	
of	an	average	man	–	1.8	meters	(6	feet)	as	well	   then	may	not	much	effective,”	added	Dalai	
as	heads	of	dragons,	and	the	Buddhist	altar	       Lama.
was	cast	in	the	Mongolian	capital,	Ulan	Bator.     	 Dalai	Lama	is	on	a	four-day-long	visit	to	the
แสงธรรม 18      Saeng Dhamma
region,	to	give	discourses	on	Buddhism.	               copper-domed	 traditional	 Tibetan	 Buddhist	
                                                       temple	on	the	centre’s	land.
�Worship rooms provided for Buddhist                   	 The	14.5	meter	tall	temple	will	perch,	by	
inmates. By The Jakarta Post, Aug 9, 2010              the	retreat	center,	on	top	of	the	cliffs	at	Gar-
	 KUTA,	Bali	(Indonesia)	--	Kerobokan	Peniten-         ranes,	 near	 Allihies,	 west	 Cork.	 	 The	 retreat	
tiary	 in	 Kuta	 has	 recently	 provided	 worship	     center,	which	was	founded	in	1992,	sits	on	150	
rooms	for	Buddhist	in-                                 acres.
mates,	 adding	 to	 the	                                                         	 Matt	 Padwick,	 the	
prison’s	 existing	 wor-                                                         director	 of	 the	 retreat	
ship	facilities	for	Hindus,	                                                     said	“A	number	of	fish-
Muslims	and	Christians,	                                                         ermen	 returning	 to	
a	 prison	 warden	 says.	  	                                                     (Castletownbere)	 port	
Prison	 head	 Siswanto	                                                          tell	us	they	love	to	see	
said	 the	 small	 vihara,	                                                       the	 centre	 because	
called	 Cetiya	 Dhama	                                                           they	then	feel	they	are	
Metta,	 was	 built	 using	                                                       home.	Maybe	they	will	
funds	donated	by	the	                                                            soon	see	a	new	building	
Balinese	Buddhist	com-                                                           which	will	be	like	a	spir-
munity.                                                itual	lighthouse.”
	 “There	are	13	inmates	who	hold	Buddhist	             	 The	 temple’s	 construction	 will	 follow	 Ti-
beliefs.	We	thank	you	for	the	help	of	the	Bud-         betan	designs	and	will	cost	about	€1	million.	
dhist	 community	 here,”	 Siswanto	 said.	 The	        It	is	hoped	that	construction	will	get	underway	
prison	is	currently	home	to	759	prisoners.             later	this	year	and	the	temple	will	be	com-
	 “We	hope	the	vihara	will	become	a	place	             pleted	within	18	months.
for	Buddhist	inmates	here	to	pray	and	seek	            	 Padwick	 said	 “We	 need	 to	 fundraise	 the	
peace,”	said	Ida	Bagus	Rahula,	the	chairwom-           money	before	we	can	start.	At	the	moment	
an	of	the	Bali	chapter	of	the	Indonesian	Or-           we	have	collected	just	over	€100,000.	In	some	
ganization	for	Buddhist	Followers	(Walubi).            ways	 it	 is	 the	 most	 difficult	 time	 to	 raise	
                                                       money	because	of	the	economy	and	we	are	
                                                       taking	on	a	challenge.	But	so	far	we	have	had	
�		Ireland’s first Buddhist temple to be built         a	very	positive	response.”
    By CATHY HAYES,, July 22, 2010
                                                       	 Each	 year	 300	 people	 come	 a	 visit	 the	
	 The	first	copper-domed	Tibetan	Buddhist	             center	for	weekend	retreats,	to	learn	art	and	
temple	will	be	built	on	the	coast	of	west	Cork         meditation.
Garranes,	Ireland	--	It	has	been	announced	that	       	 “We	have	a	wonderful	view	here.	Many	of	
the	Dzogchan	Beara	retreat	centre	will	build	a	        the	people	who	come	here	to	learn	meditation
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma
do	so	on	the	recommendation	of	family	and	            Vesak.
friends	and	that’s	very	nice,”	said	Padwick	“I	       	 “The	embassy	hosts	this	event	to	promote	
think	with	the	development	of	the	temple	we	          the	oneness	of	the	Sri	Lankans	here.	The	Vesak	
are	looking	forward	to	a	very	bright	future.”         day,	like	any	other	festival,	stresses	on	leading	
The	name	Dzogchen	Beara	means	“great	per-             a	moral	and	compassionate	life.	The	celebra-
fection”	in	Buddhist	tradition.	Tibetan	masters	      tion	here	is	joined	in	by	people	of	all	com-
have	commented	in	the	past	on	the	beautiful	          munities	and	religions,	which	reflects	the	true	
surrounding	of	the	center	and	the	profound	           message	 of	 the	 day,”	 said	 one	 of	 the	 em-
peace	there.                                          bassy	officials.
	 “We	welcome	everyone,	from	all	walks	of	life	       	 The	 events,	 which	 began	 in	 the	 morning	
and	of	any	faith	or	none,	and	offer	many	different	   with	traditional	celebrations,	concluded	with	
ways	to	visit	Dzogchen	Beara,”	said	Padwick.          a	 colourful	 cultural	 show	 staged	 by	 the	 Sri	
                                                      Lankan	 community	 in	 Qatar.	 Electrically	 lit	
                                                      toranas,	colourful	lanterns	called	Vesak	koodu	
                                                      and	bhakti	gee	or	Buddhist	devotional	songs,	
                                                      were	the	highlights	of	the	event.
                                                      	 Enormous	lighted	structures	erected	at	the	
                                                      embassy	premises	illustrated	a	story	from	the	
                                                      550	Jataka	Katha	(Past	Life	Stories)	of	the	Bud-
                                                      dha.	With	the	structure	and	lanterns,	the	or-
                                                      ganisers	 were	 able	 to	 create	 the	 traditional	
                                                      festive	 atmosphere	 of	 Vesak.	 The	 lanterns	
                                                      signify	the	light	of	the	Buddha,	Dharma	and	
                                                      the	Sangha.	The	Sri	Lankan	children	sang	tra-
�	Sri Lankans celebrate Vesak in Qatar.
 	                                                    ditional	songs	and	presented	a	short	skit	on	
   By THE PENINSULA.                                  the	life	of	the	Buddha.	Prior	to	the	event,	a	
	 DOHA,	Qatar	--	Hundreds	of	people	gathered	         meditation	session	was	held	as	per	tradition.
at	the	Sri	Lankan	Embassy	yesterday	to	mark	          	 Vesak	 is	 celebrated	 in	 Thailand,	 India,	 Sri	
Vesak,	which	is	celebrated	as	a	religious	and	a	      Lanka,	Cambodia,	Indonesia,	Myanmar,	Viet-
cultural	festival	in	Sri	Lanka.	The	day,	observed	    nam	 and	 Laos	 and	 by	 Buddhists	 in	 some	
by	practicing	Buddhists	in	many	Asian	countries,	     Western	countries.	
marks	 the	 birth,	 enlightenment	 and	 passing	
away	of	Gautama	Buddha.
		 Sri	Lankans	light	traditional	lamps	at	the	Sri	
Lankan	Embassy	yesterday	on	the	occasion	of
แสงธรรม 20      Saeng Dhamma

พระไตรปิฎกภาษาปาฬิ อักษรสยาม
                               พระไตรปิฎกภาษาปาฬิ อักษรสยาม
           จุลจอมเกล้าบรมธัมมิกมหาราช พ.ศ. ๒๔๓๖ ฉบับอนุรักษ์ดิจิทัล พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓
                                   ชุดพิเศษ ๔๐ เล่ม ชุดนี้
                                 หม่อมเจ้าหญิง วุฒิเฉลิม วุฒิชัย

 พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาจุฬาลงกรณ์ พระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัวแห่งกรุงสยาม บรมธัมมิกมหาราช
                      ไม่น้อยกว่า ๓๐ ประเทศทั่วโลก เมื่อหนึ่งศตวรรษที่แล้ว

                                 หม่อมเจ้าหญิง วุฒิเฉลิม วุฒิชัย
      จึงทรงอุปถัมภ์การพิมพ์และการอัญเชิญพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยาม ฉบับอนุรักษ์ดิจิทัลชุดนี้
              เป็นพระธัมมทานชุดแรกแก่พระอารามไทยในประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา ประดิษฐาน
                                    ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.

                          วันที่ ๒๓ ตุลาคม พระพุทธศักราช ๒๕๕๓
                     วาระที่บรรจบครบรอบ ๑๐๐ ปี แห่งการเสด็จสู่สวรรคาลัย

            ขอให้ชาวไทยในสหรัฐอเมริกา และผู้ที่มีกุศลเจตนาร่วมประดิษฐานเป็นพระธัมมเจดีย์
เพื่อความยืนยาวของพระพุทธศาสนาเถรวาท จงได้รับอานิสงส์บุญกิริยาอันบริสุทธิ์สะอาดตามหลักธัมม์ค�าสอน
     ของพระบรมศาสดาสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าในพระไตรปิฎก พร้อมทั้งเจริญด้วยจตุรพิธพรชัยและปัญญาบารมี
แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma

	   	   	        	        	        	        	          	       	        	       ๑๘	กรกฎำคม	พ.ศ.	๒๕๕๓
เรื่อง		 กำรอัญเชิญและประดิษฐำนพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำม	ณ	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตันดีซี
เรียน		 พี่น้องชำวไทยในสหรัฐอเมริกำทุกท่ำน
	 	 เมื่อ	๑๑๗	ปีที่ผ่ำนมำ	ใน	ร.ศ.	๑๑๒	(พ.ศ.	๒๔๓๖)	สยำมประเทศเกิดวิกฤตกำรณ์ในระดับที่อำจสูญบ้ำนเสียเมืองได้	หำก
ด้วยพระรำชวิสัยทัศน์อันยำวไกล	พระบำทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้ำเจ้ำอยู่หัว	ทรงเอำพระธัมม์	น�ำสยำมประเทศออกจำกวิกฤตกำรณ์
ในครั้งนั้นได้	 พระองค์ทรงโปรดให้จัดท�ำพระไตรปิฎกภำษำปำฬิขึ้นใหม่	 ซึ่งจำกเดิมเป็นพระไตรปิฎกที่จำรบนใบลำนด้วยอักษรขอม	
มำเป็นกำรตีพิมพ์เป็นหนังสือด้วยอักษรสยำม	และจัดพิมพ์เป็นชุด	๓๙	เล่ม	จ�ำนวนประมำณ	๑,๐๐๐	ชุด	เป็นครั้งแรกของโลก	ชื่อ
เรียกโดยย่อว่ำ	“พระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยาม”	เพื่อพระรำชทำนมำยังประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกำ	และประเทศต่ำงๆ	ทั่วโลก	เป็นกำร
เชื่อมสัมพันธไมตรีกับประเทศนั้นๆ	 ด้วยหลักธัมม์ประจ�ำชำติไทยที่ยั่งยืนมำหลำยพันปี	 ทั้งยังเป็นคลังอำรยธรรมทำงปัญญำของชน
ชำวสยำมมำยำวนำน	อำนิสงส์จำกกำรพระรำชทำนพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำมนี	มีสวนเป็นอย่ำงมำกทีทำให้เรำยังคงประเทศไทย
                                                                                  ้ ่                    ่ �
	 	 เนืองจำกสมัยนัน	ยังไม่มวดไทยทำงพุทธศำสนำในโลกตะวันตก	พระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำมนี	จึงไม่มประดิษฐำนในวัดไทย	
              ่           ้           ีั                                                           ้         ี
ดังทีควรจะมี	มำบัดนีเ้ มือมีวดไทยแล้ว	หม่อมเจ้าหญิง วุฒเิ ฉลิม วุฒชย (ท่านหญิงนัง) ประธำนกิตติมศักดิโครงกำรพระไตรปิฎกสำกล
  ่ ่                    ่ ั                                      ิ ั                                  ์
ในสหรัฐอเมริกำ	 ซึงเป็นพระธิดำของพระเจ้ำลูกยำเธอในสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้ำเจ้ำอยูหว	 พลเอกและพลเรือเอก	 พระเจ้ำบรมวงศ์เธอ	
                   ่                                                               ่ ั
กรมหลวงสิงหวิกรมเกรียงไกร	มีพระประสงค์จะสืบสำนให้สมบูรณ์	ในพระรำชประสงค์แห่งสมเด็จพระอัยกำธิรำชเจ้ำ	จึงทรงขอให้กองทุน
สนทนำธัมม์นำสุข	จัดท�ำพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำม	เป็นชุดพิเศษ	๑	ชุด	๔๐	เล่ม	(รวมฉบับประมวลเนือหำ	๑	เล่ม)	เพืออัญเชิญมำ
                �                                                                                    ้           ่
ประดิษฐำน	ณ	วัดไทยในกรุงวอชิงตัน	ซึงเป็นศูนย์รวมของพุทธศำสนิกชนและชำวไทยในถินนี	ให้เป็นกำรแสดงควำมกตัญญูกตเวทิตำ	ต่อ
                                         ่                                             ่ ้
บูรพกษัตริยำธิรำชพระบำทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้ำเจ้ำอยูหว	ในวำระ	๑๐๐	ปี	แห่งกำรสวรรคต	ซึงก�ำลังเวียนมำบรรจบ	ในวันปิยมหำรำช	
                                                        ่ ั                                ่
๒๓	ตุลำคม	พ.ศ.	๒๕๕๓	ทีจะมำถึง	ในไม่ชำนี้
                             ่             ้
	 	 กระผม	นำยแพทย์สวฒน์	ศิลปสุวรรณ	ประธำนโครงกำรพระไตรปิฎกสำกลในสหรัฐอเมริกำ	(World	Tipitaka	USA	Chapter)	
ซึงก�ำลังด�ำเนินงำนอัญเชิญพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำม	และพระไตรปิฎกสำกล	อักษรโรมัน	มำประดิษฐำน	ณ	หอสมุดรัฐสภำ	และ	
นำยแพทย์ประพันธ์	อภิสำรธนรักษ์	ประธำนร่วมงำนพิธอญเชิญพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำม	มำประดิษฐำน	ณ	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตันดี
ซี	จึงมีควำมยินดีบอกบุญมำยังพีนองชำวไทยทุกท่ำน	ขอให้รวมกันอัญเชิญพระบรมศำสดำพระสัมมำสัมพุทธเจ้ำ	มำเป็นมิงขวัญของชำว
                                   ่้                       ่                                                  ่
ไทยและชำวอเมริกำในสหรัฐฯ	ด้วยกำรเป็นเจ้ำภำพจัดพิมพ์พระไตรปิฎกฉบับนี	และร่วมกันอัญเชิญมำประดิษฐำน	ณ	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน
ดีซ	ตำมหมำยก�ำหนดงำนพิธอญเชิญและสมโภชพระไตรปิฎก	ในวันที	๒๓	ตุลำคม	พ.ศ.	๒๕๕๓	โดยพร้อมเพรียงกัน	หำกท่ำนใดทีมจต
     ี                         ีั                                   ่                                                 ่ีิ
ศรัทธำ	ประสงค์จะร่วมสร้ำงพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำมนี	โปรดส่งเช็คสังจ่ำย	“Wat	Thai	Washington	DC.”	มำยังเลขที	“13440	
                                                              ้         ่                                          ่
Layhill	Rd.	Silver	Spring,	MD	20906-3201”	กรุณำระบุบนเช็คว่ำ	เพือสร้ำงพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.
	 	 ขออำนิสงส์ในกำรสร้ำงพระไตรปิฎก	จปร.	อักษรสยำม	ชุดประวัตศำสตร์น	จงมีผลให้ทำนและครอบครัว	เจริญด้วยจตุรพิธพร
                                                                          ิ    ี้            ่
ชัย	คืออำยุ	วรรณะ	สุขะ	พละ	และเกิดปัญญำบำรมีพร้อมสันติสุข	ตลอดกำลนำนเทอญ

                                                นำยแพทย์	สุวัฒน์	ศิลปสุวรรณ
แสงธรรม 22    Saeng Dhamma
            ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.

            Those	who	are	interested	in	Thai	Theravada	Buddhism	and	mem-
            bers	of	the	general	public	are	cordially	invited	to	Wat	Thai,	D.C.,	
            Temple	to	pay	their	respect	to	or	simply	view	the	Buddha	relics	on	
            display	in	the	chanting	hall.

       ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี.
             25 กันยายน 2553
     พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี และคณะ
     All are welcome to participate in the
      next retreat which will be held on
              September 25, 2010
แสงธรรม 23    Saeng Dhamma

                                      เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย
                                                        พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)

	 	              กุหา ถทฺธา ลปา สิงฺคี          อุนฺนฬา จาสมาหิตา
                 น เต ธมฺเม วิรูหนฺติ           สมฺมาสมฺพุทฺธเทสิเต.
            คนหลอกลวง เย่อหยิ่ง เพ้อเจ้อ ขี้โอ่ อวดดี และไม่ตั้งมั่น ย่อมไม่

	 อวดดี			            เป็นสมบัติ	    ของคนบ้า	         ความจ�าเป็นที่จะต้องมีผู้น�า		มีหัวหน้า		มีประมุข		มี
อวดกล้า	              เป็นสมบัติ	    ของคนขีขลาด
                                               ้       ประธาน	 	 เพื่อเป็นการควบคุมหมู่	 	 คณะ	 	 สังคม	     	
อวดฉลาด	              เป็นสมบัติ	    ของคนโง่          ประเทศชาติ	 	 ให้ด�าเนินไปด้วยความเรียบร้อยและ
อวดโก้	               เป็นสมบัติ	    ของคนจน           ปลอดภัย		อาศัยกฎ		กติกา		ระเบียบ		แบบแผน		วินัย	
	 คนอวดดี	            เพราะไม่มี	    ดีจะอวด           กฎหมาย		วัฒนธรรม		ประเพณีอันดีงาม		เป็นเครื่อง
เขาบอกชวด	            ว่าฉลู	        ดูน่าขัน          มือในการทีจะปกครอง	ดูแล		ควบคุมให้ชมชนทีอยูรวม
                                                                  ่                             ุ    ่ ่่
เขาบอกไก่	            ไพล่ว่าเป็ด	 เท็จช่างมัน         กันในสังคม		ให้มีความรักกัน		สามัคคีกัน	สร้างสรรค์
รู้ตะบัน	             ทั้งที่กู	     ไม่รู้เอย         สังคมให้อุดมไปด้วยความสุข	 ความเจริญ	 และความ
	 มนุษย์เป็นสัตว์สงคม		นิยมอยูกนเป็นหมู		เป็นคณะ	
                    ั             ่ั     ่         	   ก้าวหน้าในทุกๆ	ด้าน
เป็นสังคม		เป็นประเทศ		ปัจจุบันอปโลกน์กันเป็นบ้าน	 	   	 สังคมต่างๆ	ตังแต่สงคมส่วนย่อย		ตลอดสังคมส่วน
                                                                        ้ ั
เป็นต�าบล		เป็นอ�าเภอ		เป็นจังหวัด		เป็นภาค		เป็น      รวม		สังคมทุกระดับชั้น		จ�าเป็นต้องมีหัวหน้า		มีผู้น�า	
ประเทศ		ตลอดเป็นสังคมโลก		ในการรวมกันอยู่เป็น          มีประมุข		มีประธาน		เพราะต้องการให้คนในสังคมนันๆ	 ้ 	
หมู่	 	เป็นคณะ		เป็นสังคม		เป็นประเทศ	เช่นนี้	 	ก็มี   ปฏิบตตนอยูในกรอบของสังคมแห่งการอยูรวมกัน		ถ้า
                                                            ัิ      ่                             ่่
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
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Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
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Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010
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Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010

Saeng Dhamma Vol. 30 No. 425 September 2010

  • 1. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหำ พระพุทธศำสนำมีทำงแก้ วำรสำรธรรมะรำยเดือนที่เก่ำแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกำ ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 425 ประจ�ำเดือนกันยำยน พ.ศ. 2553 Vol.36 No.425 September, 2010 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สำรบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words................................................ 1 INSIGHT, BY THE NATURE METHOD.......................... 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. SAMADHI IN BUDDHISM Ven. Prayudh Payutto............ 7 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี IT CAN BE DONE Ven. Ajanh Chah..................... 10 กองบรรณาธิการ : The Hot News Of World Buddhism ...........................17 ดร.พระมหำถนัด อตฺถจำรี ขอเชิญร่วมสร้าง พระไตรปิฎกภาษาปาฬิ อักษรสยาม....20 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภำกโร ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนกันยำยน................................. 22 พระจรินทร์ อำภสฺสโร เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระมหำเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญำโณ ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนสิงหาคม .............. 30 พระสุริยำ เตชวโร เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ........................................ 32 พระมหำสรำวุธ สรำวุโธ ท่องแดนพระพุทธศำสนำ ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหำถนัด 39 พระมหำประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม เทศกำลวันสำรทไทย.................................................... 43 พระมหำศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป สำระธรรมจำก...พระไตรปิฎก ..................................... 45 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต Thai Temple’s News....................โดย Handy 46 และอุบำสก-อุบำสิกำวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. อนุโมทนำพิเศษ / Special Thanks........................... 47 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine รำยนำมผู้บริจำคเดือนสิงหำคม .........Ven. Sarawut 48 is published monthly by รำยนำมผู้บริจำคออมบุญประจ�ำปีและเจ้ำภำพภัตตำหำรเช้ำ... 53 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple รำยนำมเจ้ำภำพถวำยเพล / Lunch............................ 54 At 13440 Layhill Rd., ก�ำหนดกำรท�ำบุญวันสำรทไทย.................................... 62 Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Fax : 301-871-5007 Photos taken by E-mail : Mr. Sam & Bank, Ms. Golf, Homepage : Ven. Pradoochai, Radio Network : Mr. Yuttachat, 2,500 Copies Ven. Ananphiwat, Mr. Kevin,
  • 2. ถ้อยแถลง “วันคืนที่ล่วงไปๆ บัดนี้ท่านท�าอะไรอยู่” เป็นค�ำกล่ำวให้ระลึกถึงกำรใช้ชีวิตของผู้คนว่ำเป็นชีวิตที่มีคุณ มีค่ำหรือ ไม่ เพรำะโลกนี้เปรียบเหมือนศำลำให้อำศัยชั่วครำวเท่ำนั้น ไม่มีใครยั่งยืนคู่โลก ควำมพยำยำมในกำรจะยืดชีวิตของโลกกำร แพทย์ก็ดี โลกแห่งวิทยำศำสตร์ต่ำงๆ ก็ดี อื่นๆ ก็ดี หำได้ท�ำให้มนุษย์เรำเป็นอมตะไม่ เกิดเท่ำไร ตำยเท่ำนั้น เพรำะวิถีทำงที่ พยำมยำมท�ำอยู่เป็นได้แค่เพียงยื้อเวลำให้ยำวขึ้นเท่ำนั้นเอง แต่กำรอยู่บนพื้นโลกนี้นำนๆ ก็ไม่ได้หมำยควำมว่ำจะท�ำให้คนๆ นั้นมีคุณค่ำมำกขึ้นแต่อย่ำงไร คุณค่ำของคนอยู่ที่กำรกระท�ำของเขำเท่ำนั้นเอง ท่ำนอำจำรย์พุทธทำสได้ประพันธ์ไว้อย่ำงน่ำ สนใจว่ำ โลกนี้เปรียบ ศาลา ให้อาศัย ระเดี๋ยวใจ ผ่อนพัก แล้วจักผัน ป ทางที่ดี เมื่อพราก ไปจากมัน ควรสร้างสรรค์ ส่งเสริม เพิ่มคะแนน เมื่อเราได้ เกิดมา ในอาโลก ด้พ้นโศก พ้นภัย สบายแสน ไ จึงควรสร้าง สิ่งชอบ ไว้ตอบแทน ให้เป็นแดน ดื่มสุข ขึ้นทุกกาล คุณความดี ของท่าน กาลก่อนก่อน ที่ท่านสอน ไว้ประจักษ์ เป็นหลักฐาน เราเกิดมา อาศัย ได้ส�าราญ ควรหรือผ่าน พ้นไป ไม่ค�านึงฯ กันยำยนของทุกปี วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. จะมีงำนบุญใหญ่ประจ�ำปีที่เปิดโอกำสให้มีกำรออกร้ำนขำยอำหำรแบบสงกรำนต์ คืองำนวันสำรทไทย โดยประเพณีนี้ก็สืบเนื่องมำจำกกำรกตัญญูกตเวทีอุทิศบุญกุศลแด่บรรพชนผู้ล่วงลับดับขันธ์ เพรำะเชื่อ กันว่ำในช่วงท้ำยแห่งเดือน ๑๐ จะมีกำรปลดปล่อยให้ผู้ล่วงลับกลับมำรับส่วนบุญกุศลจำกญำติได้ ๑๕ วัน คือจำกวันแรม ๑ – ๑๕ ค�่ำ เดือน ๑๐ ทำงปักษ์ใต้จึงมีพิธีทั้งรับและส่งในวันดังกล่ำว ในช่วงของเทศกำลที่เรียกกันว่ำ วันชิงเปรต ภำคเหนือ เรียกงำนช่วงนี้ว่ำ สลำกภัต หรือก๋วยสลำก พี่น้องท้องถิ่นอีสำนก็จะเป็นบุญข้ำวสำก ภำคกลำง วันสำรทไทย ส่วนด้ำนวัตถุ ทำนนั้นช่วงเดือน ๑๐ ถือเป็นช่วงที่สมบูรณ์ในด้ำนผลมำกรำกไม้ พืชพันธ์ุธัญญำหำรต่ำงผลิดอกออกผลโดยเฉพำะผลไม้จึงมี กำรประดับประดำเป็นวัตถุทำน นอกจำกนั้นยังมีขนมที่โดดเด่นและสำมำรถถือว่ำเป็นขนมของเทศกำล เช่น กระยำสำรท (ภำคกลำง) ขนมลำ พอง ดีซ�ำ ขนมบ้ำ ขนมไข่ปลำฯ (ภำคใต้) พุทธศำสนำเน้นย�้ำเรื่องบุคคลที่หำได้ยำกไว้ ๒ ประกำร คือ บุพกำรี และกตัญญูกตเวที ดังนั้น โอกำสที่ได้เกิดมำเป็นมนุษย์ แม้ไม่ได้มีโอกำสรับฟังธรรมจำกพระพุทธเจ้ำโดยตรง แต่ก็ยัง มีโอกำสได้ศึกษำธรรมที่พระองค์ทรงตรัสรู้ผ่ำนพระไตรปิฎก หรือผ่ำนพระเจ้ำพระสงฆ์องค์สำมเณร ได้ศึกษำหลักธรรมนี้ จึง สมควรอย่ำงยิงทีเรำเหล่ำชำวพุทธควรจะได้เป็นผูให้กำรอุปกำระก่อน และเป็นผูรบรูคณของท่ำนผูให้กำรอุปกำระมำก่อนแล้ว ่ ่ ้ ้ั ุ้ ้ ก็รู้จักกระท�ำกำรตอบแทนคุณ ถ้ำเรำสำมำรถสำนต่อแนวคิดนี้ต่อเนื่องไปได้ มีกำรเอื้อเฟื้อเผื่อแผ่เกื้อกูล โอบอ้อมอำรีกันและ กัน มีจิตใจรักใคร่กลมเกลียว เป็นชีวิตที่มีคุณค่ำต่อคนอื่น สิ่งอื่น สังคมก็เป็นสุข โลกทั้งผองพี่น้องกัน ไม่นำนเรำก็จำกโลกนี้ กันไปทั้งหมด ส�ำหรับวันสำรทไทยปีน วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ก�าหนดจัดในวันอาทิตย์ที่ ๑๙ กันยายน ศกนี้ ตังแต่เวลำ ๐๘.๐๐ – ๑๖.๐๐ น. ี้ ้ อย่ำลืม ร่วมงำนวันสำรท สืบสำนประเพณีกตัญญูกตเวที ท�ำบุญตักบำตรอุทิศบุญกุศลแด่บรรพชน ชมกิจกรรมมำกมำย ท้ำยสุดขออ�ำนวยพรให้ญำติมตรทุกท่ำนจงเป็นผูมบญกุศล และแบ่งปันไปยังผูอนทังทียงมีชวตอยูหรือล่วงลับไปแล้ว ิ ้ี ุ ้ ื่ ้ ่ ั ี ิ ่ ด้วยให้พ้นจำกทุกข์มีควำมสุขยิ่งๆ ขึ้นไปด้วยกันทุกท่ำนทุกคนเถิด คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 3. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต อจริตฺวา พฺรหฺมจริยํ อลทฺธา โยพฺพเน ธนํ เสนฺติ จาปาติขีณา ว ปุราณานิ อนุตฺถุนํ ฯ (๑๕๖) เมืออยูในวัยหนุมสาว ไม่ทาตัวให้ดี และไม่หาทรัพย์ไว้ พอถึงวัยแก่เฒ่า ่ ่ ่ ํ พวกเขาย่อมนอนทุกข์ ทอดถอนใจรําพึงถึงความหลัง เหมือนธนูหก (ใช้ยงอะไรก็ไม่ได้) ั ิ Having led neither a good life, nor acquired riches while young, they lie about like broken bows, sighing about the past.
  • 4. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma INSIGHT, BY THE NATURE METHOD by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu INSIGHT, BY THE NATURE METHOD Path. Naturally occurring concentration, which is I n this chapter we shall see how concentra- tion may come about naturally on the one hand, and as a result of organized practice on sufficient and suitable for use in introspection, is harmless, having none of the disadvantages inherent in concentration developed by means the other. The end result is identical in the two of intensive training. cases: the mind is concentrated and fit to be In the Tipitaka, there are numerous refer- used for carrying out close introspection. One ences to people attaining naturally all states of thing must be noticed, however: the intensity Path and Fruit. This generally came about in the of concentration that comes about naturally is presence of the Buddha himself but also hap- usually sufficient and appropriate for introspec- pened later with other teachers. These people tion and insight, whereas the concentration did not go into the forest and sit, assiduously resulting from organized training is usually ex- practicing concentration on certain objects in cessive, more than can be made use of. Fur- the way described in later manuals. thermore, misguided satisfaction with that high- Clearly no organized effort was involved ly developed concentration may result. While when arahantship was attained by the first five the mind is fully concentrated, it is likely to be disciples of the Buddha on hearing the Discourse experiencing such a satisfying kind of bliss and on Non - selfhood, or by the one thousand her- well- being that the meditator may become at- mits on hearing the Fire Sermon. In these cases, tached to it, or imagine it to be the Fruit of the keen, penetrating insight came about quite nat-
  • 5. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma urally. These examples clearly show that natu- ness or spiritual well being. Doing good in some ral concentration is liable to develop of its own way, even giving alms, considered the most ba- accord while one is attempting to understand sic form of merit-making, can be a source of joy. clearly some question, and that the resulting Higher up, at the level of morality, completely insight, as long as it is firmly established must blameless conduct by way of word and action be quite intense and stable. It happens natu- brings an increase in joy. Then in the case of rally, automatically in just the same way as the concentration, we discover that there is a defi- mind becomes concentrated the moment we nite kind of delight associated with the lower set about doing arithmetic. Likewise in firing a stages of concentration. gun, when we take aim, the mind automatically This rapture has in itself the power to induce becomes concentrated and steady. This is how tranquillity. Normally the mind is quite unre- naturally occurring concentration comes about. strained, continually falling slave to all sorts of We normally overlook it completely because it thoughts and feelings associated with enticing does not appear the least bit magical, miracu- things outside. It is normally restless, not calm. lous, or awe inspiring. But through the power of But as spiritual joy becomes established, calm just this naturally occurring concentration, most and steadiness are bound to increase in propor- of us could actually attain liberation. We could tion. When steadiness has been perfected, the attain the Fruit of the Path, Nirvana, arahantship, result is full concentration. The mind becomes just by means of natural concentration. tranquil, steady, flexible, manageable, light and So don’t overlook this naturally occurring at ease, ready to be used for any desired pur- concentration. It is something most of us either pose, in particular for the elimination of the de- already have, or can readily develop. We have filements. to do everything we can to cultivate and de- It is not a case of the mind’s being rendered velop it, to make it function perfectly and yield silent, hard and rocklike. Nothing like that hap- the appropriate results, just as did most of the pens at all. The body feels normal, but the people who succeeded in becoming arahants, mind is especially calm and suitable for use in none of whom knew anything of modern con- thinking and introspection. It is perfectly clear, centration techniques. perfectly cool, perfectly still and restrained. In Now let us have a look at the nature of the other words, it is fit for work, ready to know. This states of inner awareness leading up to full in- is the degree of concentration to be aimed for, sight into “the world,” that is, into the five aggre- not the very deep concentration where one sits gates. The first stage is joy (piti), mental happi- rigidly like a stone image, quite devoid of aware-
  • 6. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma ness. Sitting in deep concentration like that, one been surrounded by too many false views. But is in no position to investigate anything. A deep- however it turns out, the insight that does arise ly concentrated mind cannot practice introspec- is bound to be something quite special, for in- tion at all. It is in a state of unawareness and is stance extraordinarily clear and profound. If the of no use for insight. DEEP CONCENTRATION IS knowledge gained is right knowledge, corre- A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO INSIGHT PRACTICE. To sponding with reality, corresponding with Dham- practice introspection one must first return to ma, then it will progress, developing ultimately the shallower levels of concentration; then one into right and true knowledge of all phenom- can make use of the power the mind has ac- ena. If insight develops in only small measure, quired. Highly developed concentration is just a it may convert a person into an Aryian at the tool. In this developing of insight by the nature lowest stage; or if it is not sufficient to do that, it method, we don’t have to attain deep concen- will just make him a high- minded individual, an tration and sit with the body rigid. ordinary person of good qualities. Rather, we aim at a calm, steady If the environment is suitable and mind, one so fit for work that when good qualities have been properly it is applied to insight practice, it and adequately established, it is gains right understanding with re- possible to become an arahant. It gard to the entire world. Insight so all depends on the circumstances. developed is natural insight, the same sort as But however far things go, as long as the mind was gained by some individuals while sitting lis- has natural concentration, this factor called in- tening to the Buddha expounding Dhamma. It is sight is bound to arise and to correspond more conducive to thought and introspection of the or less closely with reality. Because we, being right kind, the kind that brings understanding. Buddhists, have heard about, thought about and And it involves neither ceremonial procedures studied the world, the five aggregates and phe- nor miracles. nomena, in the hope of coming to under stand This doesn’t mean, however, that insight will their true nature, it follows that the knowledge arise instantaneously. One can’t be an arahant we acquire while in a calm and concentrated straight off. The first step in knowledge may state will not be in any way misleading. It is come about at any time, depending once again bound to be always beneficial. on the intensity of the concentration. It may The expression “insight into the true nature happen that what arises is not true insight, be- of things” refers to seeing transience, unsatisfac- cause one has been practicing wrongly or has toriness and non-selfhood, seeing that nothing
  • 7. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma is worth getting, nothing is worth being, seeing the truth of the statement that there is no state that no object whatsoever should be grasped of being such that to maintain it will not involve at and clung to as being a self or as belonging struggle. The trouble and struggle necessary to to a self, as being good or bad, attractive or re- maintain one’s state of being are simply the re- pulsive. Liking or disliking anything, even if it is sult of blind infatuation with things, of clinging only an idea or a memory, is clinging. To say that to things. If we were to give up trying to get or nothing is worth getting or being is the same as to be anything, how could we continue to exist? to say that nothing is worth clinging to. “Get- This is bound to be a major source of skepticism ting” refers to setting one’s heart on property, for anyone who has not given much thought to position, wealth, or any pleasing object. “Being” the matter. The words “getting” and “being” as refers to the awareness of one’s status as hus- used here refer to getting and being based on band, wife, rich man, poor man, winner, loser, mental defilements, on craving, on the idea of or human being, or even the awareness of being “worth getting, worth being,” so that the mind oneself. If we really look deeply at it, even be- does get and be in real earnest. This is bound to ing oneself is no fun, is wearisome, because it is lead to depression, anxiety, distress and upset, a source of suffering. If one can completely give or at least a heavy burden on the mind, right up clinging to the idea of being oneself, then from beginning to end. Knowing this truth, we being oneself will no longer be suffering. This shall be constantly on the alert, keeping watch is what it is to see the worthlessness of being over the mind to see that it doesn’t fall slave anything, and is the gist of the statement that to getting and being through the influence of being anything, no matter what, is bound to be grasping and clinging. Aware that in reality things suffering in a way appropriate to that particular are just not worth getting or being, we shall be state of being. Any state of being, if it is to con- smart enough to stay aloof from them. tinue as such, has to be made to last, to endure. If, however, we are not yet in a position to At the very least, it must endure in one’s mind withdraw completely from having and being, we in the form of a belief in that particular state of must be mindful and wide awake, so that when being. When there exists “oneself,” there are we do get or become something, we do so with- bound to exist things which are other than that out emotional upset. We must not be like those self and belong to it. Thus one has one’s chil- people who, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear, dren, one’s wife, one’s this, that and the other. go ahead brainlessly and inexpertly getting or Then one has one’s duty as husband or wife, becoming, with the result that they fall right into master or servant, and so on. All this points to the pit of their own stupidity and attachment,
  • 8. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma and end up having to commit suicide. The Buddha and all the other arahants were The world and all things have the property completely free of desire, yet succeeded in do- of impermanence, of worthlessness and of not ing many things far more useful than what any of belonging to anyone. Any individual who grasps us are capable of. If we look at accounts of how at and clings to anything will be hurt by it, in the the Buddha spent his day, we find that he slept very beginning when he first desires to get it or for only four hours and spent all the rest of the to be it, later while he is in the process of get- time working. We spend more than four hours ting it and being it, and then again after he has a day just amusing ourselves. If the defilements got it or been it. All the time, before, during and responsible for the desire to be and get things after, when anyone grasps and clings with deaf had been completely eliminated, what was the ear and blind eye, he will receive his full meas- force that motivated the Buddha and all Ara- ure of suffering, just as can be seen happening hants to do all this? They were motivated by dis- to all deluded worldlings. It is the same even crimination coupled with goodwill (metta). Even with goodness, which everyone values highly. If actions based on natural bodily wants such as anyone becomes involved with goodness in the receiving and eating alms food were motivated wrong way and clings to it too much, he will by discrimination They were free of defilements, derive just as much suffering from goodness as free of all desire to keep on living in order to be he would from evil. In becoming involved with this or to get that, but they did have the ability goodness, we have to bear in mind that it pos- to discriminate between what was worthwhile sesses this property. and what was not as the motivating force that A skeptic may ask: “If nothing at all is worth sent their bodies out to find food. If they found getting or being, does it follow that nobody food, well and good; if not, never mind. When ought to do any work or build up wealth, posi- they were suffering with fever, they knew how tion and property?” Anyone who comprehends to treat it and did so as well as possible on the this subject can see that a person equipped with basis of this knowledge. If the fever was quite right knowledge and understanding is actually in overpowering and they were not strong, they re- a far better position to carry out any task than called that to die is natural. Whether they lived one who is subject to strong desires, foolish, and or died was of no significance to them; they lacking in understanding. Very briefly, in becom- were of equal value in their eyes. ing involved in things, we must do so mindfully; To be continued our actions must not be motivated by craving. The result will follow accordingly.
  • 9. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma Samadhi in Buddhism by Ven. Prayudh Payutto Lecture delivered at Wat Dhammaram, Chicago, U.S.A. on May 6, 1996 ...Continued from last issue... But the Buddha was not satisfied. If our goal is T here are eight levels of jhana: four Jhanas of the Fine-Material Sphere and four Jhanas of the Immaterial Sphere. The Bud- to have psychic power and to attain jhana only, we do not need Buddhism, because other peo- ple have achieved them already. This is a point dha’s first master, Alara Kalama, attained the to which we have to pay attention. Please note seventh level of jhana-Akincannayatana (Sphere that after the Buddha attained Enlightenment, of nothingness). The Buddha went to study with he discouraged the use of Samadhi for the pur- him and also attained this level. But the Buddha pose of attaining psychic power and for the mar- was not satisfied, he left and went to study with vels of performing miracles. Master Uddaka Ramaputta. This master attained The Buddha outlined the three Marvels (Pati- one level higher: the eighth level ofjhana-Nevas- hariya) in connection with Samadhi as follows: annanasannayatana (Sphere of neither percep- 1. Marvel of psychic power (Iddhi-patihariya): tion nor non-perception).. The Buddha attained the ability to use different kinds of psychic pow- this level as well. His master informed him that er: to fly, to walk in the air/on the water, to go he had completed the knowledge that he could beneath the earth, etc.. . obtain from him and invited him to stay and 2. Marvel of mind-reading (Adesana-patihari- teach the followers. The Buddha considered the ya): the ability to read the minds of others: what proposal but concluded that this was not his they think, how they think, what they intend to goal. He left again, this time to search on his do, or how the state of their mind is. own. 3. Marvel of teaching (Anusasani-patihariya): Many yogis, ascetics, hermits before the Bud- the teaching of the way to cultivate wisdom, to dha era had psychic power and attained jhanas. know the truth by oneself.
  • 10. แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma Only the third Marvel is praised by the Buddha, for them to give us what we wish to obtain. As the first and second Marvels are discouraged. a result, we do not know how to face problems, Why so? One important reason is that with the how to solve problems, how to move on in life. first and second Marvels, when someone is able We are bound to stay in place without making any to do these things, the ability belongs to him progress. The Buddha did not want this to happen. only. Other people will simply be interested to We can see that the Buddha exceeded eve- view them as miracles and come to rely on him. ryone in psychic power. Even though he only When people rely on others, they are depend- praised anusasanipatihariya, he was also su- ent and are not free. In the case of the third Mar- preme in iddhi-patihariya and adesana-patihar- vel, the Buddha taught people to cultivate wis- iya. It should be noted that during all of the 45 dom. It is a marvel in the sense that when they years that the Buddha taught Dhamma (the laws achieved wisdom, they saw the truth for them- of nature), he never used his psychic power for selves. When they saw the truth for themselves, anyone to gain anything. This is an important they knew how to do by themselves whatever observation which is often ignored. Why is it that they were taught to do and thus became inde- the Buddha never used his psychic power for pendent of the Buddha. In the same way that anyone to obtain what he wanted during those he himself came to see the truth, the Buddha 45 years? It is because the Buddha did not want taught others to cultivate wisdom. When wis- anyone to depend on him. If people kept rely- dom was developed, people were able to see ing on him, they would become careless; they the truth as the Buddha saw it. They became would not think of standing on their own feet, free and did not have to rely on the Buddha not learn to cope with problems on their own. If anymore. But with the first and second Marvels, we do not face problems ourselves, we will not they had to count on the Buddha and hoped learn. So, if we are interested in psychic power, to depend on him continuously. The Buddha we have to be careful not to go astray from wanted them to be independent. Therefore, he the doctrines of Buddhism. Any interest that we discouraged the attainment of the first and sec- have in it should not be a hindrance for us to ond Marvels which are good in some particular stand on our own feet. We should discipline and cases only. We have to be careful when they cultivate ourselves and work diligently to gain are used in the long term, they can lead to care- the right results. This is one of the important lessness. When we see people with supernatu- doctrines of Buddhism. ral power, we respect them, we are drawn to Buddhism transcends the practices of ascet- them and tend to depend on them. We I wait ics and hermits. In the ancient times-as a matter
  • 11. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma of fact, even today-ascetics and yogis in India meeting with matted-haired ascetics (Jatila). like to compete with each other in the mat- These ascetics possessed super psychic power ter of psychic power. But the Buddha did not and were very respected by the public who like this. He said that if people were concerned held that Arahants should have psychic power. solely with psychic power, they would not make For this reason, the Buddha went to see them progress. Under what circumstances then would first. The Buddha reasoned that if he did not the Buddha use his prove he was-more psychic power? He advanced, people would utilize psychic would not listen to power when he chose him. They would say to have people who no one could be com- were proud of their pared to their chief as- personal psychic pow- cetic. When the Bud- er accept his superi- dha went to see the ority and be ready to listen to his teaching. In chief ascetic, he was put to the test for several the Buddha’s time, people considered psychic nights, but each night he prevailed. In the end, power as very important; whoever did not have the chief ascetic realized that the Buddha was it would not be considered an Arahant (one more highly developed. When he realized this who has attained Nibbana). They believed that and surrendered, he was willing to listen to the an Arahant must have psychic power. But the Buddha. Before that time he would not listen Buddha did not think of it as a criterion of being and boasted that he was the number one, oth- an Arahant. The Buddha was living in a society ers were no match for him. When the chief as- which had this belief, and as a supreme master- cetic was willing to listen, the Buddha started to one who proclaimed a great religion-he had to teach him with anusasani-patihariya. He realized have this kind of power in order for others to the truth and accepted the Buddha’s views on believe in him in the first place. The Buddha psychic power and the Buddha stopped using it used his psychic power as a tool to proclaim himself. We see how the Buddha used psychic Buddhism. At that time, when people with pow- power to conquer the unbelievers. Once they ers met together, they challenged each other’s surrendered, he stopped using it. He never used ability. If you did not have the powers, people it as a means to give special favors to anyone. would not believe in you. We look at the example of the Buddha’s THE END
  • 12. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma IT CAN BE DONE By Ajahn Chah A t this time please determine your minds to listen to the Dhamma. Today is the traditional day of dhammasavana. It is the ap- ceived the precepts.’’ We talk like this here in the countryside and so it has become our habitual way of understanding. If we think like propriate time for us, the host of Buddhists, this, that we come to receive precepts from the to study the Dhamma in order to increase our monks on the lunar observance days and that if mindfulness and wisdom. Giving and receiving the monks won’t give precepts then we don’t the teachings is something we have been doing have morality, that is only a tradition of delu- for a long time. The activities we usually perform sion that we have inherited from our ancestors. on this day, chanting homage to the Buddha, Thinking in this way means that we give up our taking moral precepts, meditating and listening own responsibility, not having firm trust and con- to teachings, should be understood as methods viction in ourselves. Then it gets passed down to and principles for spiritual development. They the next generation, and they too come to ‘re- are not anything more than this. ceive’ precepts from the monks. And the monks When it comes to taking precepts, for exam- come to believe that they are the ones who ple, a monk will proclaim the precepts and the ‘give’ the precepts to the laity. In fact moral- lay people will vow to undertake them. Don’t ity and precepts are not like that. They are not misunderstand what is going on. The truth is something to be ‘given’ or ‘received’; but on that morality is not something that can be giv- ceremonial occasions of making merit and the en. It can’t really be requested or received from like we use this as a ritual form according to someone. We can’t give it to someone else. In tradition and employ the terminology. our vernacular we hear people say, ‘’The ven- In truth morality resides with the intentions erable monk gave the precepts’’ and ‘’we re- of people. If you have the conscious determina-
  • 13. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma tion to refrain from harmful activities and wrong- are humans. The Buddha taught his Dhamma doing by way of body and speech then morality for humans. If we people don’t have morality is coming about within you. You should know it and knowledge of these things then we are not within yourself. It is okay to take the vows with much different from animals, so it is appropriate another person. You can also recollect the pre- that we study and learn about them and make cepts by yourself. If you don’t know what they ourselves able. This is taking advantage of the are then you can request them from someone precious accomplishment of human existence else. It is not something very complicated or dis- and bringing it to fulfilment. tant. So really whenever we wish to receive mo- The profound Dhamma is the teaching that rality and Dhamma we have them right then. It morality is necessary. Then when there is mo- is just like the air that surrounds us everywhere. rality, we have a foundation on which we can Whenever we breathe we take it in. All man- progress in Dhamma. Morality means the pre- ner of good and evil is like that. If we wish to cepts as to what is forbidden and what is per- do good, we can do it anywhere, at any time. missible. Dhamma refers to nature and to hu- We can do it alone or together with others. Evil mans knowing about nature - how things exist is the same. We can do it with a large or small according to nature. Nature is something we group, in a hidden or open place. It is like this. do not compose. It exists as it is according to These are things that are already in existence. its conditions. A simple example is animals. A But as for morality, this is something that we certain species, such as peacocks, is born with should consider normal for all humans to prac- its various patterns and colours. They were not tice. A person who has no morality is no differ- created like that by humans or modified by hu- ent from an animal. If you decide to live like an mans; they are just born that way according to animal then of course there is no good or evil nature. This is a little example of how it is in for you, because an animal doesn’t have any nature. knowledge of such things. A cat catches mice, All things of nature are existing in the world but we don’t say it is doing evil, because it has - this is still talking about understanding from a no concepts or knowledge of good or bad, right worldly viewpoint. The Buddha taught Dhamma or wrong. These beings are outside the circle for us to know nature, to let go of it and let it of human beings. It is the animal realm. The exist according to its conditions. This is talking Buddha pointed out that this group is just living about the external material world. As to Namad- according to the animal kind of kamma. Those hamma, meaning the mind, it cannot be left to who understand right and wrong, good and evil, follow its own conditions. It has to be trained. In
  • 14. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma the end we can say that mind is the teacher of time comes we have to let go of it all. It is be- body and speech, so it needs to be well trained. yond the ability of humans to change this or get Letting it go according to its natural urges just beyond it. The Dhamma that the Buddha taught makes one an animal. It has to be instructed is something to be applied while we are here, and trained. It should come to know nature, but for making actions, words and thoughts correct should not merely be left to follow nature. and proper. It means he was teaching the minds We are born into this world and all of us of people so that they would not be deluded will naturally have the afflictions of desire, anger in regard to nature, and to conventional reality and delusion. Desire makes us crave after vari- and supposition. The teacher instructed us to ous things and causes the mind to be in a state see the world. His Dhamma was a teaching that of imbalance and turmoil. Nature is like that. It is above and beyond the world. We are in the will just not do to let the mind go after these world. We were born into this world; he taught impulses of craving. It only leads to heat and us to transcend the world and not to be a pris- distress. It is better to train in Dhamma, in truth. oner to worldly ways and habits. When aversion occurs in us we want to express It is like a diamond that falls into a muddy anger towards people; it may even get to the pit. No matter how much dirt and filth covers it, point of physically attacking or killing people. that does not destroy its radiance, the hues and But we don’t just ‘let it go’ according to its the worth of it. Even though the mud is stuck nature. We know the nature of what is occur- to it the diamond does not lose anything, but is ring. We see it for what it is, and teach the mind just as it originally was. There are two separate about it. This is studying Dhamma. things. Delusion is the same. When it happens we are So the Buddha taught to be above the confused about things. If we just leave it as it is, world, which means knowing the world clear- then we remain in ignorance. So the Buddha told ly. By ‘the world’ he did not mean so much us to know nature, to teach nature, to train and the earth and sky and elements, but rather the adjust nature, to know exactly what nature is. mind, the wheel of Samsara within the hearts of For example, people are born with physical people. He meant this wheel, this world. This is form and mind. In the beginning these things are the world that the Buddha knew clearly; when born, in the middle they change and in the end we talk about knowing the world clearly we are they are extinguished. This is ordinary; this is their talking about these things. If it were otherwise, nature. We cannot do much to alter these facts. then the Buddha would have had to be flying We train our minds as we can and when the everywhere to ‘know the world clearly.’ It is not
  • 15. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma like that. It is a single point. All dhammas come study the thinking and feeling in our hearts. Just down to one single point. Like people, which that. It is something we are presently unable to means men and women. If we observe one man change. If we can change it we can be free of and one woman, we know the nature of all peo- all suffering and unsatisfactoriness in life, just by ple in the universe. They are not that different. changing this one point: our habitual world view, Or learning about heat. If we just know this one our way of thinking and feeling. If we come to point, the quality of being hot, then it does not have a new sense of things, a new understand- matter what the source or cause of the heat is; ing, then we transcend the old perceptions and the condition of ‘hot’ is such. Knowing clearly understanding. this one point, then The authentic Dham- wherever there may ma of the Buddha is be hotness in the uni- not something point- verse, we know it is ing far away. It teaches like this. So the Bud- about atta, self, and dha knew a single that things are not re- point and thus his ally self. That is all. knowledge encom- All the teachings that passed the world. the Buddha gave were Knowing coldness to pointing out that ‘this be a certain way, when he encountered cold- is not a self, this does not belong to a self, there ness anywhere in the world, he already knew it. is no such thing as ourselves or others.’ Now, He taught a single point, for beings living in the when we contact this, we can’t really read it, world to know the world, to know the nature we don’t ‘translate’ the Dhamma correctly. We of the world. Just like knowing people. Knowing still think ‘this is me, this is mine.’ We attach to men and women, knowing the manner of exist- things and invest them with meaning. When we ence of beings in the world. His knowledge was do this, we can’t yet disentangle from them; the such. Knowing one point, he knew all things. involvement deepens and the mess gets worse The Dhamma that the teacher expounded was and worse. If we know that there is no self, that for going beyond suffering. What is this ‘going body and mind are really anatta as the Bud- beyond suffering’ all about? What should we dha taught, then when we keep on investigating, do to ‘escape from suffering’? It is necessary for eventually we will come to realization of the us to do some study; we need to come and actual condition of selflessness. We will genu-
  • 16. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma inely realize that there is no self or other. Pleas- to use new garments. ure is merely pleasure. Feeling is merely feeling. So we will have the exact same feeling Memory is merely memory. Thinking is merely about our existence in this world. We will not thinking. They are all things that are ‘merely’ cry or moan over things. We will not be tor- such. Happiness is merely happiness; suffering mented or burdened by them. They remain the is merely suffering. Good is merely good, evil is same things as they were before, but our feeling merely evil. Everything exists merely thus. There and understanding of them has changed. Now is no real happiness or real suffering. There are our knowledge will be exalted and we will see just the merely existing conditions. Merely hap- truth. We will have attained supreme vision and py, merely suffering, merely hot, merely cold, authentic taught the Dhamma that we ought to merely a being or a person. You should keep know and to see. Where is the Dhamma that we looking to see that things are only so much. ought to know and see? It is right here within Only earth, only water, only fire, only wind. We us, this body and mind. We have it already; we should keep on ‘reading’ these things and inves- should come to know and see it. tigating this point. Eventually our perception will For example, all of us have been born into change; we will have a different feeling about this human realm. Whatever we gained by that things. The tightly held conviction that there is we are going to lose. We have seen people born self and things belonging to self will gradually and seen them die. We just see this happen- come undone. When this sense of things is re- ing, but don’t really see clearly. When there is moved then the opposite perception will keep a birth, we rejoice over it; when people die, we increasing steadily. cry for them. There is no end. It goes on in this When the realization of anatta comes to full way and there is no end to our foolishness. See- measure then we will be able to relate to the ing birth we are foolhardy. Seeing death we are things of this world - to our most cherished pos- foolhardy. There is only this unending foolish- sessions and involvements, to friends and rela- ness. Let’s take a look at all this. These things are tions, to wealth, accomplishments and status natural occurrences. Contemplate the Dhamma - just the same as we do to our clothes. When here, the Dhamma that we should know and shirts and pants are new we wear them; they see. This Dhamma is existing right now. Make get dirty and we wash them; after some time up your minds about this. Exert restraint and they are worn out and we discard them. There self-control. Now we are amidst the things of is nothing out of the ordinary there; we are con- this life. We shouldn’t have fears of death. We stantly getting rid of the old things and starting should fear the lower realms. Don’t fear dying;
  • 17. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma rather be afraid of falling into hell. You should When there is anxiety and regret over it have be afraid of doing wrong while you still have life. the wisdom to recognize the limits of this anxi- These are old things we are dealing with, not ety and regret, knowing what they are according new things. Some people are alive but don’t to the truth. If you can consider things in this know themselves at all. They think, “What’s the way then wisdom will arise. Whenever suffering big deal about what I do now; I can’t know what occurs, wisdom can arise there, if we investigate. is going to happen when I die.’’ They don’t think But people generally do not want to investigate. about the new seeds they are creating for the Wherever pleasant or unpleasant experience future. They only see the old fruit. They fixate happens, wisdom can arise there. If we know on present experience, not realizing that if there happiness and suffering for what they really is fruit it must have come from a seed, and that are then we know the Dhamma. If we know within the fruit we have now are the seeds of the Dhamma, we know the world clearly; if we future fruit. These seeds are just waiting to be know the world clearly, we know the Dhamma. planted. Actions born of ignorance continue the Actually, for most of us, if something is displeas- chain in this way, but when you are eating the ing we don’t really want to know about it. We fruit you don’t think about all the implications. get caught up in the aversion to it. If we dislike Wherever the mind has a lot of attachment, someone we don’t want to look at his face or just there will we experience intense suffering, get anywhere near him. This is the mark of a intense grief, intense difficulty. The place we foolish, unskilful person; this is not the way of a experience the most problems is the place we good person. If we like someone then of course have the most attraction, longing and concern. we want to be close to him, we make every Please try to resolve this. Now, while you still effort to be with him, taking delight in his com- have life and breath, keep on looking at it and pany. This also is foolishness. They are actually reading it until you are able to ‘translate’ it and the same, like the palm and back of the hand. solve the problem. When we turn the hand up and see the palm, Whatever we are experiencing as part of our the back of the hand is hidden from sight. When lives now, one day we will be parted from it. So we turn it over then the palm is not seen. Pleas- don’t just pass the time. Practice spiritual culti- ure hides pain and pain hides pleasure from our vation. Take this parting, this separation and loss sight. Wrong covers up right, right covers wrong. as your object of contemplation right now in the Just looking at one side our knowledge is not present, until you are clever and skilled in it, complete. Let’s do things completely while we until you can see that it is ordinary and natural. still have life. Keep on looking at things, separat-
  • 18. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma ing truth from falsehood, noting how things re- become a slave to virtue and to your concepts ally are, getting to the end of it, reaching peace. of what is good. It puts you in difficulty, and When the time comes we will be able to cut there will not be an end to your tears. It does through and let go completely. Now we have not matter how much good you have practiced, to firmly attempt to separate things - and keep if you are attached to it then you are still not trying to cut through. free and there will be no end to tears. But one The Buddha taught about hair, nails, skin who transcends good as well as evil has no and teeth. He taught us to separate here. A per- more tears to shed. They have dried up. There son who does not know about separating only can be an end. We should learn to use virtue, knows about holding them to himself. Now not to be used by virtue. while we have not yet parted from these things In a nutshell, the point of the teaching of the we should be skilful in meditating on them. We Buddha is to transform one’s view. It is possible have not yet left this world, so we should be to change it. It only requires looking at things careful. We should contemplate a lot, make co- and then it happens. Having been born we will pious charitable offerings, recite the scriptures a experience aging, illness, death and separation. lot, practise a lot: develop insight into imperma- These things are right here. We don’t need to nence, unsatisfactoriness, and selflessness. Even look up at the sky or down at the earth. The if the mind does not want to listen we should Dhamma that we need to see and to know can keep on breaking things up like this and come be seen right here within us, every moment of to know in the present. This can most definitely every day. When there is a birth, we are filled be done. One can realize knowledge that tran- with joy. When there is a death, we grieve. That’s scends the world. We are stuck in the world. how we spend our lives. These are the things we This is a way to ‘destroy’ the world, through need to know about, but we still have not really contemplating and seeing beyond the world so looked into them and seen the truth. We are that we can transcend the world in our being. stuck deep in this ignorance. We ask, ‘’When will Even while we are living in this world our view we see the Dhamma,’’ but it is right here to be can be above the world. seen in the present. In a worldly existence one creates both good and evil. Now we try to practice virtue and give To be Continued up evil. When good results come then you should not be under that good, but be able to transcend it. If you do not transcend it then you
  • 19. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma The Hot News of World Buddhism �Another Buddhist temple opens in Russia. � There is no gender bias in Buddhism. By Prime Time Russia, 15 August, 2010 By Sify News, Aug 21, 2010 Chita, Russia -- The spiritual leader of Rus- Dalai Lama celebrates birthday with sup- sian Buddhists, Pandito Hambo Lama Damba porters Ayushev, has dedicated a new temple in the Lahaul, India -- Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai East Siberian city of Chita. Lama said in Himachal Pradesh’s Lahaul district Describing it as a “historic event”, the head on Friday, there is no gender bias in Buddhism of the Russian Buddhists said that Chita has and nothing prevents a woman from becoming thus become the second Russian city, after St. his successor. Petersburg, to welcome a Buddhist monastery. “So the purpose of the incarnation is to The idea to build it came about 16 years serve people about dharma (faith). If the cir- ago. Construction works however, began only cumstances are such, female form is more in 2007. useful, then why not,” said Dalai Lama. He The previous monastery was built in Chita also added that that the female Dalai Lama 111 years ago, but was burnt down 15 years should be attractive. later, in unclear circumstances. The new one “And I also mentioned in case Dalai Lama’s is said to resemble it, having embodied the incarnation one female comes then must be features of the Buddhist-Buryat architecture. very attractive female. So the very reason, you The statue of Buddha in brass has the height see more influence to others, an ugly female of an average man – 1.8 meters (6 feet) as well then may not much effective,” added Dalai as heads of dragons, and the Buddhist altar Lama. was cast in the Mongolian capital, Ulan Bator. Dalai Lama is on a four-day-long visit to the
  • 20. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma region, to give discourses on Buddhism. copper-domed traditional Tibetan Buddhist temple on the centre’s land. �Worship rooms provided for Buddhist The 14.5 meter tall temple will perch, by inmates. By The Jakarta Post, Aug 9, 2010 the retreat center, on top of the cliffs at Gar- KUTA, Bali (Indonesia) -- Kerobokan Peniten- ranes, near Allihies, west Cork. The retreat tiary in Kuta has recently provided worship center, which was founded in 1992, sits on 150 rooms for Buddhist in- acres. mates, adding to the Matt Padwick, the prison’s existing wor- director of the retreat ship facilities for Hindus, said “A number of fish- Muslims and Christians, ermen returning to a prison warden says. (Castletownbere) port Prison head Siswanto tell us they love to see said the small vihara, the centre because called Cetiya Dhama they then feel they are Metta, was built using home. Maybe they will funds donated by the soon see a new building Balinese Buddhist com- which will be like a spir- munity. itual lighthouse.” “There are 13 inmates who hold Buddhist The temple’s construction will follow Ti- beliefs. We thank you for the help of the Bud- betan designs and will cost about €1 million. dhist community here,” Siswanto said. The It is hoped that construction will get underway prison is currently home to 759 prisoners. later this year and the temple will be com- “We hope the vihara will become a place pleted within 18 months. for Buddhist inmates here to pray and seek Padwick said “We need to fundraise the peace,” said Ida Bagus Rahula, the chairwom- money before we can start. At the moment an of the Bali chapter of the Indonesian Or- we have collected just over €100,000. In some ganization for Buddhist Followers (Walubi). ways it is the most difficult time to raise money because of the economy and we are taking on a challenge. But so far we have had � Ireland’s first Buddhist temple to be built a very positive response.” By CATHY HAYES,, July 22, 2010 Each year 300 people come a visit the The first copper-domed Tibetan Buddhist center for weekend retreats, to learn art and temple will be built on the coast of west Cork meditation. Garranes, Ireland -- It has been announced that “We have a wonderful view here. Many of the Dzogchan Beara retreat centre will build a the people who come here to learn meditation
  • 21. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma do so on the recommendation of family and Vesak. friends and that’s very nice,” said Padwick “I “The embassy hosts this event to promote think with the development of the temple we the oneness of the Sri Lankans here. The Vesak are looking forward to a very bright future.” day, like any other festival, stresses on leading The name Dzogchen Beara means “great per- a moral and compassionate life. The celebra- fection” in Buddhist tradition. Tibetan masters tion here is joined in by people of all com- have commented in the past on the beautiful munities and religions, which reflects the true surrounding of the center and the profound message of the day,” said one of the em- peace there. bassy officials. “We welcome everyone, from all walks of life The events, which began in the morning and of any faith or none, and offer many different with traditional celebrations, concluded with ways to visit Dzogchen Beara,” said Padwick. a colourful cultural show staged by the Sri Lankan community in Qatar. Electrically lit toranas, colourful lanterns called Vesak koodu and bhakti gee or Buddhist devotional songs, were the highlights of the event. Enormous lighted structures erected at the embassy premises illustrated a story from the 550 Jataka Katha (Past Life Stories) of the Bud- dha. With the structure and lanterns, the or- ganisers were able to create the traditional festive atmosphere of Vesak. The lanterns signify the light of the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha. The Sri Lankan children sang tra- � Sri Lankans celebrate Vesak in Qatar. ditional songs and presented a short skit on By THE PENINSULA. the life of the Buddha. Prior to the event, a DOHA, Qatar -- Hundreds of people gathered meditation session was held as per tradition. at the Sri Lankan Embassy yesterday to mark Vesak is celebrated in Thailand, India, Sri Vesak, which is celebrated as a religious and a Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Viet- cultural festival in Sri Lanka. The day, observed nam and Laos and by Buddhists in some by practicing Buddhists in many Asian countries, Western countries. marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Gautama Buddha. Sri Lankans light traditional lamps at the Sri Lankan Embassy yesterday on the occasion of
  • 22. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma พระไตรปิฎกภาษาปาฬิ อักษรสยาม พระไตรปิฎกภาษาปาฬิ อักษรสยาม จุลจอมเกล้าบรมธัมมิกมหาราช พ.ศ. ๒๔๓๖ ฉบับอนุรักษ์ดิจิทัล พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ ชุดพิเศษ ๔๐ เล่ม ชุดนี้ ทรงสร้างเป็นพระพุทธบูชา โดย หม่อมเจ้าหญิง วุฒิเฉลิม วุฒิชัย พระราชนัดดาใน พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาจุฬาลงกรณ์ พระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัวแห่งกรุงสยาม บรมธัมมิกมหาราช พระมหากษัตริย์ไทยผู้ทรงพิมพ์พระไตรปิฎกเป็นชุดหนังสือที่ทันสมัยชุดแรกของมนุษยชาติ และได้รับพระราชทานเป็นคลังอารยธรรมทางปัญญาสูงสุดแก่สถาบันส�าคัญต่างๆ ไม่น้อยกว่า ๓๐ ประเทศทั่วโลก เมื่อหนึ่งศตวรรษที่แล้ว เพื่อเป็นพระบรมราชศรัทธานุสรณ์ในสมเด็จพระบรมอัยยิกาธิราชผู้ประเสริฐพระองค์นั้น หม่อมเจ้าหญิง วุฒิเฉลิม วุฒิชัย จึงทรงอุปถัมภ์การพิมพ์และการอัญเชิญพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยาม ฉบับอนุรักษ์ดิจิทัลชุดนี้ เป็นพระธัมมทานชุดแรกแก่พระอารามไทยในประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา ประดิษฐาน ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. วันปิยมหาราช วันที่ ๒๓ ตุลาคม พระพุทธศักราช ๒๕๕๓ วาระที่บรรจบครบรอบ ๑๐๐ ปี แห่งการเสด็จสู่สวรรคาลัย ขอให้ชาวไทยในสหรัฐอเมริกา และผู้ที่มีกุศลเจตนาร่วมประดิษฐานเป็นพระธัมมเจดีย์ เพื่อความยืนยาวของพระพุทธศาสนาเถรวาท จงได้รับอานิสงส์บุญกิริยาอันบริสุทธิ์สะอาดตามหลักธัมม์ค�าสอน ของพระบรมศาสดาสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าในพระไตรปิฎก พร้อมทั้งเจริญด้วยจตุรพิธพรชัยและปัญญาบารมี สมตามพระราชปณิธานอุทิศแห่งสถาบันพระมหากษัตริย์พุทธมามกะไทยตลอดไปชั่วกาลนานเทอญ
  • 23. แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma ๑๘ กรกฎำคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ เรื่อง กำรอัญเชิญและประดิษฐำนพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำม ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตันดีซี เรียน พี่น้องชำวไทยในสหรัฐอเมริกำทุกท่ำน เมื่อ ๑๑๗ ปีที่ผ่ำนมำ ใน ร.ศ. ๑๑๒ (พ.ศ. ๒๔๓๖) สยำมประเทศเกิดวิกฤตกำรณ์ในระดับที่อำจสูญบ้ำนเสียเมืองได้ หำก ด้วยพระรำชวิสัยทัศน์อันยำวไกล พระบำทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้ำเจ้ำอยู่หัว ทรงเอำพระธัมม์ น�ำสยำมประเทศออกจำกวิกฤตกำรณ์ ในครั้งนั้นได้ พระองค์ทรงโปรดให้จัดท�ำพระไตรปิฎกภำษำปำฬิขึ้นใหม่ ซึ่งจำกเดิมเป็นพระไตรปิฎกที่จำรบนใบลำนด้วยอักษรขอม มำเป็นกำรตีพิมพ์เป็นหนังสือด้วยอักษรสยำม และจัดพิมพ์เป็นชุด ๓๙ เล่ม จ�ำนวนประมำณ ๑,๐๐๐ ชุด เป็นครั้งแรกของโลก ชื่อ เรียกโดยย่อว่ำ “พระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยาม” เพื่อพระรำชทำนมำยังประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกำ และประเทศต่ำงๆ ทั่วโลก เป็นกำร เชื่อมสัมพันธไมตรีกับประเทศนั้นๆ ด้วยหลักธัมม์ประจ�ำชำติไทยที่ยั่งยืนมำหลำยพันปี ทั้งยังเป็นคลังอำรยธรรมทำงปัญญำของชน ชำวสยำมมำยำวนำน อำนิสงส์จำกกำรพระรำชทำนพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำมนี มีสวนเป็นอย่ำงมำกทีทำให้เรำยังคงประเทศไทย ้ ่ ่ � เป็นเอกรำชอยู่มำจนบัดนี้ เนืองจำกสมัยนัน ยังไม่มวดไทยทำงพุทธศำสนำในโลกตะวันตก พระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำมนี จึงไม่มประดิษฐำนในวัดไทย ่ ้ ีั ้ ี ดังทีควรจะมี มำบัดนีเ้ มือมีวดไทยแล้ว หม่อมเจ้าหญิง วุฒเิ ฉลิม วุฒชย (ท่านหญิงนัง) ประธำนกิตติมศักดิโครงกำรพระไตรปิฎกสำกล ่ ่ ่ ั ิ ั ์ ในสหรัฐอเมริกำ ซึงเป็นพระธิดำของพระเจ้ำลูกยำเธอในสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้ำเจ้ำอยูหว พลเอกและพลเรือเอก พระเจ้ำบรมวงศ์เธอ ่ ่ ั กรมหลวงสิงหวิกรมเกรียงไกร มีพระประสงค์จะสืบสำนให้สมบูรณ์ ในพระรำชประสงค์แห่งสมเด็จพระอัยกำธิรำชเจ้ำ จึงทรงขอให้กองทุน สนทนำธัมม์นำสุข จัดท�ำพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำม เป็นชุดพิเศษ ๑ ชุด ๔๐ เล่ม (รวมฉบับประมวลเนือหำ ๑ เล่ม) เพืออัญเชิญมำ � ้ ่ ประดิษฐำน ณ วัดไทยในกรุงวอชิงตัน ซึงเป็นศูนย์รวมของพุทธศำสนิกชนและชำวไทยในถินนี ให้เป็นกำรแสดงควำมกตัญญูกตเวทิตำ ต่อ ่ ่ ้ บูรพกษัตริยำธิรำชพระบำทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้ำเจ้ำอยูหว ในวำระ ๑๐๐ ปี แห่งกำรสวรรคต ซึงก�ำลังเวียนมำบรรจบ ในวันปิยมหำรำช ่ ั ่ ๒๓ ตุลำคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ ทีจะมำถึง ในไม่ชำนี้ ่ ้ กระผม นำยแพทย์สวฒน์ ศิลปสุวรรณ ประธำนโครงกำรพระไตรปิฎกสำกลในสหรัฐอเมริกำ (World Tipitaka USA Chapter) ุั ซึงก�ำลังด�ำเนินงำนอัญเชิญพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำม และพระไตรปิฎกสำกล อักษรโรมัน มำประดิษฐำน ณ หอสมุดรัฐสภำ และ ่ นำยแพทย์ประพันธ์ อภิสำรธนรักษ์ ประธำนร่วมงำนพิธอญเชิญพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำม มำประดิษฐำน ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตันดี ีั ซี จึงมีควำมยินดีบอกบุญมำยังพีนองชำวไทยทุกท่ำน ขอให้รวมกันอัญเชิญพระบรมศำสดำพระสัมมำสัมพุทธเจ้ำ มำเป็นมิงขวัญของชำว ่้ ่ ่ ไทยและชำวอเมริกำในสหรัฐฯ ด้วยกำรเป็นเจ้ำภำพจัดพิมพ์พระไตรปิฎกฉบับนี และร่วมกันอัญเชิญมำประดิษฐำน ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน ้ ดีซ ตำมหมำยก�ำหนดงำนพิธอญเชิญและสมโภชพระไตรปิฎก ในวันที ๒๓ ตุลำคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ โดยพร้อมเพรียงกัน หำกท่ำนใดทีมจต ี ีั ่ ่ีิ ศรัทธำ ประสงค์จะร่วมสร้ำงพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำมนี โปรดส่งเช็คสังจ่ำย “Wat Thai Washington DC.” มำยังเลขที “13440 ้ ่ ่ Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906-3201” กรุณำระบุบนเช็คว่ำ เพือสร้ำงพระไตรปิฎก จปร. ่ ขออำนิสงส์ในกำรสร้ำงพระไตรปิฎก จปร. อักษรสยำม ชุดประวัตศำสตร์น จงมีผลให้ทำนและครอบครัว เจริญด้วยจตุรพิธพร ิ ี้ ่ ชัย คืออำยุ วรรณะ สุขะ พละ และเกิดปัญญำบำรมีพร้อมสันติสุข ตลอดกำลนำนเทอญ ขอแสดงควำมนับถือ นำยแพทย์ สุวัฒน์ ศิลปสุวรรณ
  • 24. แสงธรรม 22 Saeng Dhamma ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ิ Those who are interested in Thai Theravada Buddhism and mem- bers of the general public are cordially invited to Wat Thai, D.C., Temple to pay their respect to or simply view the Buddha relics on display in the chanting hall. ปฏิบัติธรรมเดือนกันยายน ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. 25 กันยายน 2553 น�าปฏิบัติโดย...หลวงตาชี พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี และคณะ All are welcome to participate in the next retreat which will be held on September 25, 2010
  • 25. แสงธรรม 23 Saeng Dhamma เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) ผู้น�ำขี้โอ่...โอหัง กุหา ถทฺธา ลปา สิงฺคี อุนฺนฬา จาสมาหิตา น เต ธมฺเม วิรูหนฺติ สมฺมาสมฺพุทฺธเทสิเต. คนหลอกลวง เย่อหยิ่ง เพ้อเจ้อ ขี้โอ่ อวดดี และไม่ตั้งมั่น ย่อมไม่ งอกงามในธรรมที่พระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าทรงแสดงแล้ว อวดดี เป็นสมบัติ ของคนบ้า ความจ�าเป็นที่จะต้องมีผู้น�า มีหัวหน้า มีประมุข มี อวดกล้า เป็นสมบัติ ของคนขีขลาด ้ ประธาน เพื่อเป็นการควบคุมหมู่ คณะ สังคม อวดฉลาด เป็นสมบัติ ของคนโง่ ประเทศชาติ ให้ด�าเนินไปด้วยความเรียบร้อยและ อวดโก้ เป็นสมบัติ ของคนจน ปลอดภัย อาศัยกฎ กติกา ระเบียบ แบบแผน วินัย คนอวดดี เพราะไม่มี ดีจะอวด กฎหมาย วัฒนธรรม ประเพณีอันดีงาม เป็นเครื่อง เขาบอกชวด ว่าฉลู ดูน่าขัน มือในการทีจะปกครอง ดูแล ควบคุมให้ชมชนทีอยูรวม ่ ุ ่ ่่ เขาบอกไก่ ไพล่ว่าเป็ด เท็จช่างมัน กันในสังคม ให้มีความรักกัน สามัคคีกัน สร้างสรรค์ รู้ตะบัน ทั้งที่กู ไม่รู้เอย สังคมให้อุดมไปด้วยความสุข ความเจริญ และความ มนุษย์เป็นสัตว์สงคม นิยมอยูกนเป็นหมู เป็นคณะ ั ่ั ่ ก้าวหน้าในทุกๆ ด้าน เป็นสังคม เป็นประเทศ ปัจจุบันอปโลกน์กันเป็นบ้าน สังคมต่างๆ ตังแต่สงคมส่วนย่อย ตลอดสังคมส่วน ้ ั เป็นต�าบล เป็นอ�าเภอ เป็นจังหวัด เป็นภาค เป็น รวม สังคมทุกระดับชั้น จ�าเป็นต้องมีหัวหน้า มีผู้น�า ประเทศ ตลอดเป็นสังคมโลก ในการรวมกันอยู่เป็น มีประมุข มีประธาน เพราะต้องการให้คนในสังคมนันๆ ้ หมู่ เป็นคณะ เป็นสังคม เป็นประเทศ เช่นนี้ ก็มี ปฏิบตตนอยูในกรอบของสังคมแห่งการอยูรวมกัน ถ้า ัิ ่ ่่