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แสงธรรม ฉบับวันมาฆบูชา
       ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้

 Saeng Dhamma
ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๓๐ ประจำาเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔
      Vol.36 No.430 February 2011
                                                       ปี ๒๕๕๔
สื่อส่องทาง	สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา		พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้
      ปีที่	36	ฉบับที่	430	ประจ�าเดือนกุมภาพันธ์	พ.ศ.	2554			Vol.36	No.430		February,	2011

		Objectives	:
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                สารบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
  	 Buddhists	living	in	the	United	States.             		The		Buddha’s	Words..............................................	1
                                                       		Emancipation	From	the	World		By	Ven.	Buddhadasa..	2
		เจ้าของ	:	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.                 		Just	Do	it		Ven.			By	Ajanh	Chah..................................7
	 ที่ปรึกษา	:	พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                        			Blind		Minded		Man		By	Ven.	Laung	Ta	Chi..................	15
	 กองบรรณาธิการ	:                                      		The	Hot	News	Of	World	Buddhism	.........................17
	 ดร.พระมหาถนัด		อตฺถจารี                              		สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก	...................................	21
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภากโร                              		ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนมกราคม	..............................	22
	 พระจรินทร์		อาภสฺสโร                                 		เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี		23
	 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญาโณ
	 พระสุริยา		เตชวโร                                    		ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ	เดือนมกราคม.............	30
	 พระมหาสราวุธ		สราวุโธ                                		เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี	......................................	32
	 พระมหาประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                           		ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหาถนัด	 39
	 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                            		อนุโมทนาพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks..........................	43
	 พระมหาค�าตัล		พุทฺธงฺกุโร                            		Thai	Temple’s	News...............โดย	ดร.	แฮนดี้				44
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       		สรุปรายรับ-รายจ่ายวัดไทยฯ	......................................47
	 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        		รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนมกราคม	Ven.Pradoochai				48
	 SAENG	DHAMMA	Magazine                                		รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล	/	Lunch............................53
	 is	published	monthly	by                              		ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันมาฆบูชา	.....................................	62
	 Wat	Thai	Washington,	D.C.	Temple
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906
	 Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661                                               Photos	taken	by	
	 Fax	:	301-871-5007                                                   Ven.	Pradoochai,	Ven.	Khumtan
	 E-mail	:                                       Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Ven.Srisuporn	
	 Homepage	:                                               Mr.	Kevin	&	Mr.	Sam	
	 Radio	Network	:                                         Bank	&	Ms.	Golf	
	 2,500	Copies
	 	                              	                            	          เมือคิดถึงตามธรรมดา														 ชีวตเราเกิดมาก็เป็นปัญหาทังนัน
                                                                                ่                                                                ิ                                                ้ ้
									                        	                            	          อันคนเราเกิดมาเพือสิงใดกัน											หมุนเวียนแปรผันเปลียนไปทุกวันตามวัย
                                                                                                         ่ ่                                                                      ่
									                        	                            	          ชีวตคนเราผิดกับมาลี																				เพราะว่าปวงมาลีสดชืนด้วยดีเสมอไป
                                                                                  ิ                                                                                                   ่
									                        	                            	          มนุษย์เกิดมาโลกนีเ้ พืออะไร											 	ทุกข์ระทมฤทัยหรือเพือสุขใจแน่เอย	
                                                                                                                ่                                                                   ่
	 “แสงธรรม”	ฉบับเดือนแห่งความรัก	มาฆบูชาประจ�าปีน	ี้ เก็บบทเพลง	“ชีวตกับดอกไม้”	ของ	แก้ว	อัจฉริยะกุล	ซึงเป็นการตังค�าถาม                   ิ                                                                        ่            ้
เปรียบเทียบชีวตมนุษย์เรากับมวลดอกไม้ทให้ความสดชืน	ความสวยงามแก่โลกและมวลมนุษย์	อีกไม่นาน	เมือความหนาวเย็นผ่านพ้นไป	
                           ิ                                                        ี่              ่                                                                                                ่
แสงแดดอันน�าความอบอุนมาเยือน	เมือนัน	ดอกไม้กจะบานสะพรังอีกครา	ใบไม้กจะกลับคืนสูตน	คืนชีวต	ให้ออกซิเจน	สรรพสัตว์จะ
                                                  ่                      ่ ้                      ็                          ่                         ็                ่้                  ิ                ๊
เติบโต	นันคือการผ่านพ้นไปอีกฤดูกาล	ความงามของฤดูใบไม้ผลินามาซึงความสุข	สดชืน	ความสวยงาม	แต่งเติมสีสนแก่โลกใบนี	้ ส่วน
               ่                                                                                                            � ่                              ่                                                        ั
มนุษย์เรา	อาศัยหยัดยืนอยูบนโลกทุกฤดูกาลแทบไม่แตกต่าง	จะอยูแบบสุขสดชืนหรือแบบทุกข์ระทม	กับสิงแวดล้อมทีเ่ ปลียนแปลง	มี
                                                          ่                                                                     ่              ่                                                   ่                      ่
ส่วนในการแต่งเติมโลกนีอย่างไรกันบ้าง	ถ้าหวนคิดว่าเกิดมาเพืออะไร	แสวงหาอะไร	นับเป็นการตังค�าถามทีดวาคุณค่าของเรา	สูตนไม้	
                                              ้                                                                     ่                                                         ้                        ่ี่                            ้้
	 เดือนกุมภาพันธ์	 มีวนส�าคัญต่างหลายๆ	วัน	ตามแต่สญชาติความสนใจของผูคน	ทังวันปีใหม่แบบจีน	(ตรุษจีน)	วันวาเลนไทน์	 วัน
                                                ั                                                         ั                                          ้ ้
ประธานาธิบดี	 และทีสาคัญของเราชาวพุทธคือ	วันมาฆบูชา	นันเอง	อย่างทีเ่ คยน�าเสนอไว้แล้วว่า	การปรารภวันขึนมานันเพือยกความ
                                    ่�                                                                                ่                                                                                          ้ ้ ่
พิเศษให้กบวันนันๆ	แต่เนือแท้จริงๆ	วันอืนๆ	อีก	๓๖๔	วันก็มความส�าคัญ	เราจึงควรประพฤติ	ปฏิบตดจเดียวกัน	จะเป็นประโยชน์ตอชีวต
                 ั           ้                      ้                         ่                               ี                                                            ัิุ                                                       ่ ิ
ยิงขึน	ไม่ใช่มาละชัว	ท�าดี	 ท�าจิตให้บริสทธิ	์ เพือร�าลึกถึงวันมาฆบูชาเพราะพระบรมศาสดาได้ตรัสโอวาทปาฏิโมกข์ให้ธรรมมะนี	้ ส่วนวัน
  ่ ้                          ่                                            ุ            ่
อืนๆ	ละความดี	กระท�าความชัว	สร้างความมัวหมองให้กบจิต	หรือจะมาคิดถึงประธานาธิบดีเฉพาะวันนี	้ เลยเป็นประชาชนคนดีเสียทีหนึง	
   ่                                                            ่                                      ั                                                                                                                                      ่
แต่วนอืนๆ	อะไรก็ชาง	อย่างนีกใช่ท	ี กลายเป็นชีวตก็ไม่สมบูรณ์	สูธรรมชาติไม่ได้ทมคณค่าตลอดปี	ตลอดกาล	อย่าให้อายธรรมชาติกนเลย
         ั ่                     ่                             ้็                          ิ                              ้                  ี่ ี ุ                                                                                   ั
ส�าหรับวัดไทย	ดี.ซี.	ปีนได้กาหนดจัดงานวันมาฆบูชาขึนในวันที	่ ๒๐	กุมภาพันธ์	ศกนี	้ กิจกรรมงานบุญมีทงทาน	ศีล	ภาวนา	จึงขอเชิญชวน
                                        ี้ �                                                    ้                                                                                       ั้
ญาติมตรได้รวมกันเจริญทาน	ศีล	ภาวนาในช่วงวันเวลาดังกล่าวด้วย
           ิ           ่
	 ส่วน	“๑๐๐	ปี	๑๐๐	เรืองหลวงพ่อเล่า(ปัญญานันทะ)”	ขอน�าเรืองพิชตเพลย์บอย	ความว่า	“...พระพุทธเจ้าของชาวเราทังหลายนัน
                                                            ่                                                                     ่ ิ                                                                                       ้             ่
ทรงกล้าหาญมาก...เช่นตัวอย่างว่า	ไปพบพวกเพลย์บอย		เขาเรียกว่าพวกภัททวัคคีย	 ภัททวัคคียหมายความว่าพวกทีเ่ จริญด้วยความ                                       ์                ์
สนุกสนาน	พวกคนทีลมหลงความสนุกสนาน	สมัยนีกควรเรียกว่า	พวกเพลย์บอย	มีอยู	่ 	๓๐	คนด้วยกัน	เทียวไปเรือยๆ	ไป	มีผหญิงด้วย	
                                   ่ ุ่                                                        ้็                                                                                               ่              ่              ู้
แต่วาคนหนึงมันไม่ม	ี เมือไม่ม	ี เพือนฝูงเห็นว่าคนนีมนอยูโดดเดียวไม่มพวก	เรามันมีกนทุกคนแล้วสนุกเต็มทีแล้ว	ก็เลยไปหามาให้คนหนึง	
       ่             ่                    ่                       ่                          ้ั ่                 ่                ี                     ั                                    ่                                             ่
ทีไปหามาให้มนเป็นคนไม่เรียบร้อย	เหมือนกับสาวใช้ทเี่ ข้ามาอยูในบ้านเราสมัยนี	้ ซึงมีอยูไม่ใช่นอยเหมือนกัน	มาอยูสองวัน	แล้วก็กวาด
     ่                   ั                                                                                              ่                             ่ ่             ้                                           ่
เรียบไปเลย	เอาไปเรียบร้อย	นีเ่ ขาเรียกว่า	มันไม่ด	ี เขาก็หาคนประเภทนันมาให้	เทียวไปๆ	พอเผลอมันลักทรัพย์เรียบเลย	ของพวกนันทัง	        ้             ่                                                                                    ้ ้
๓๐	คนมันกวาดหมด	ห่อใหญ่ไปเลย	พวกนันก็เทียวตามหา	ตามมาก็เจอพระพุทธเจ้าเข้า	พอเจอพระพุทธเจ้า	พระองค์ถามว่า	“พวกเธอ
                                                                                       ้ ่
	 เขาบอกว่า	“ตามหาผูหญิงคนหนึงซึงลักทรัพย์ของพวกเราไป	พระองค์นงอยูตรงนีเ้ ห็นไหม	ว่าผูหญิงคนนันเดินมาทางนีหรือไม่”		
                                                      ้                 ่ ่                                                            ั่ ่                                     ้                      ้                ้
	 พระองค์ไม่ตอบว่าเห็นหรือไม่เห็น	แต่พระองค์กลับถามว่า	“แสวงหาหญิงดี	 หรือแสวงหาตนดี”	ถามไปในแง่ธรรมะว่า	แสวงหาผู้
หญิงดี	หรือแสวงหาตนดี		คนเหล่านันเข้าใจความหมายว่าแสวงหาตนคืออะไร		ก็เลยบอกว่า	“แสวงหาตนดีกว่า”	
	 เมือแสวงหาตนดีกว่า	พระองค์กบอกว่า	“ถ้าอย่างนัน	นังลง”	เมือนังลงเรียบร้อยแล้วก็พดธรรมะให้ฟง	เมือเข้าใจธรรมะพวกนันก็เลย
             ่                                                        ็                               ้ ่                      ่ ่                                ู                        ั ่                                     ้
บวชหมดทัง	๓๐	คน	นีพระองค์สอนในทางทีถกอย่างนี	้ ไม่ได้สอนไปในทางอืน		(ศาสนาทีแท้อยูในตัวเรา	วันอาทิตย์ท	ี่ ๒๕	พฤศจิกายน	
                   ้                        ่                                           ู่                                               ่                     ่ ่
พ.ศ.	๒๕๒๒)
	 สุดท้ายแจ้งให้ทราบอีกข่าว	ขณะนีทางวัดไทย	ดี.ซี.	ได้มการบิณฑบาตทุกวันอาทิตย์	จึงขอเชิญชวนญาติโยมผูสนใจประสงค์จะท�าบุญ
                                                                          ้                                 ี                                                                                              ้
ตักบาตร	ร่วมกิจกรรมได้ทกวันอาทิตย์ในเวลา	๐๗.๐๐น.	ขอบุญกุศลจงน�าทุกท่านมีภพภูมทดในเบืองหน้าโน้นเถิด
                                                        ุ                                                                                                       ิ ี่ ี ้
แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

                 The Buddha’s Words
         อตฺตนา ว กตํ ปาปํ        อตฺรชํ อตฺตสมฺภวํ
         อภิมตฺถติ ทุมฺเมธํ       วชิรํ วมฺหยํ มณึ. (๑๖๑)
	   บาปทีตนทําเอง เกิดในตนเอง และตนเองเป็นผูสร้างไว้ ย่อมทําลายคนโง่
          ่                                 ้
	   The		evil,	done		by		oneself,	self-begotten	and	self-produced,	
	   crushes		the	witless	one,		as	the	diamond	grinds		the		hardest		gem.
แสงธรรม 2         Saeng Dhamma

                                                     FROM THE WORLD
                                                        by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

   ...Continued from last issue...                              grasping	and	clinging,	and	so	defeating	our	original	
                                                                purpose.	The	practice	is	quite	correct	in	itself,	but	
EMANCIPATION FROM THE WORLD                                     if	we	misunderstand	it	and	cling	to	it	irrationally,	

	T      he	third	fetter	is	Superstition	(Silabbatapra-
        ramasa)	or	attachment	to	rules	and	rituals	
based	on	a	misunderstanding	of	their	real	purpose.	
                                                                regarding	it	as	something	magical	or	sacred,	then	it	
                                                                becomes	pure	superstition.	Even	taking	upon	one-
                                                                self	the	moral	precepts,	if	done	in	the	belief	that	it	
Essentially	it	is	a	misguided	attachment	to	certain	            will	lead	to	rebirth	as	a	celestial	being,	is	without	a	
things	 one	 does.	 Usually	 it	 has	 to	 do	 with	 doc-        doubt	an	example	of	attachment	to	rules	and	ritu-
trines	and	ceremonies.	An	example	of	this	is	belief	            als	and	goes	contrary	to	Buddhist	aims.	Such	be-
in	magic	and	magical	practices,	which	is	blatantly	             liefs	contaminate	otherwise	virtuous	conduct.	The	
just	superstition	and	occurs	even	among	Buddhists.	             objective	of	the	Buddhist	discipline	is	the	elimina-
Practice	 based	 on	 the	 belief	 that	 it	 will	 produce	      tion	of	the	cruder	defilements	of	body	and	speech	
magical	 abilities,	 psychic	 powers	 and	 protective	          as	a	foundation	for	the	progressive	development	
forces	is	founded	on	false	hopes	and	is	irrational.	            of	concentration	and	insight.	The	objective	is	not	
Another	example	is	the	undertaking	of	moral	pre-                rebirth	 in	 heaven.	 To	 have	 such	 false	 motives	 is	
cepts	(Five	Precepts,	etc.)	or	virtuous	conduct.	The	           to	 soil	 and	 contaminate	 one’s	 own	 morals	 with	
real	purpose	of	this	is	to	eliminate	mental	defile-             grasping	 and	 clinging,	 with	 false	 ideas.	 Charity,	 or	
ments;	 but	 if	 we	 believe	 that	 it	 will	 give	 rise	 to	   adherence	to	moral	precepts,	or	meditation	prac-
miraculous	 powers	 which	 we	 shall	 then	 be	 able	           tice,	if	carried	out	with	a	mistaken	idea	of	their	true	
to	use	to	eradicate	the	defilements,	we	are	in	fact	            objective.	 inevitably	 will	 stray	 from	 the	 Buddhist
แสงธรรม 3      Saeng Dhamma
path.	Do	 understand	that	 even	Buddhist	practice	           anyone	who	has	studied	well	and	made	progress,	
associated	with	misunderstanding	because	craving	            these	three	elements	should	not	be	present;	and	if	
has	come	in	and	taken	over,	bringing	the	expec-              they	are,	then	that	person’s	mind	should	be	con-
tation	 of	 mystical	 powers,	 becomes	 superstition	        sidered	still	primitive.	Anyone	ought	to	be	able	to	
instead.	 This	 applies	 to	 even	 the	 very	 small	 and	    give	 up	 these	 three	 defilements	 and	 become	 an	
trivial	things	that	most	of	us	like	to	indulge	in,	such	     Aryian.	If	he	can’t	he	is	still	a	foolish	and	delud-
as	ritual	chanting,	merit	making	and	the	like.	The	          ed	 person,	 or,	 to	 use	 the	 best	 term,	 a	 worldling	
ceremony	of	placing	rice	and	trays	of	sweets	before	         (Puthujjana),	someone	with	a	thick	blindfold	cov-
the	Buddha’s	image,	if	performed	in	the	belief	that	         ering	the	eye	of	insight	.	When	any	individual	has	
it	is	an	offering	to	the	Buddha’s	“spirit”	and	that	he	      managed	 to	 give	 up	 these	 defilements,	 his	 mind	
will	be	able	to	partake	of	it,	is	100	percent	certain	       is	freed	from	bondage	to	the	world.	These	three	
to	produce	effects	precisely	the	opposite	of	what	           are	ignorance	and	delusion	obscuring	the	truth	and	
the	 devotee	 is	 hoping	 for.	 Behavior	 that	 defeats	     are	fetters	binding	the	mind	to	the	world.	Giving	
its	 own	 true	 purpose	 is	 generally	 quite	 common	       them	up	is	like	rendering	ineffective	three	kinds	of	
in	Buddhist	circles.	It	is	foolish	and	irrational	and	       bondage	or	three	blind	folds,	then	slipping	free	and	
results	in	practices	originally	worthwhile	and	attrac-       rising	above	and	beyond	the	world,	into	the	first	
tive	becoming	contaminated	with	the	stupidity	and	           supramundane	level.	This	is	what	it	is	to	become	
ignorance	of	the	people	performing	them.	This	is	            an	Aryian	of	the	first	degree,	to	attain	the	first	level	
what	is	meant	by	superstition.	As	we	can	see,	this	          in	the	supramundane	plane.	Such	an	individual	is	
defilement	has	its	origins	in	delusion	and	misunder-         called	a	“Stream	-	enterer,”	one	who	has	attained	
standing.	Most	of	us	have	our	own	ingrown	beliefs	           for	the	first	time	the	Stream	that	flows	on	to	Nir-
in	mystical	powers	as	a	result	of	having	been	mis-           vana.	In	other	words	an	individual	at	this	stage	is	
informed	and	led	astray	by	others.	We	need	not	              certain	to	attain	Nirvana	at	some	time	in	the	future.	
go	into	any	more	detail	here;	but	though	it	may	be	          What	he	has	attained	is	only	the	Stream	of	Nirvana,	
rather	disturbing,	everyone	ought	to	do	some	criti-          not	Nirvana	itself.	This	Stream	is	a	course	that	flows	
cal	self-examination	along	these	lines.                      right	on	to	Nirvana,	inclining	towards	Nirvana	just	as	
	 When	these	first	three	defilements,	namely	self	           the	 water-course	 of	 a	 river	 slopes	 down	 towards	
belief,	 doubt	 and	 superstition,	 have	 been	 com-         the	sea.	Though	it	may	still	take	some	time,	a	mind	
pletely	given	up,	one	is	said	to	have	attained	the	          which	has	once	entered	the	Stream	is	certain	to	
lowest	level	in	the	supramundane	plane,	that	is,	to	         achieve	 Nirvana	 eventually.	 Attaining	 the	 second	
have	become	a	Stream	enterer.	To	give	up	com-                level	in	the	supramundane	plane	implies	giving	up	
pletely	these	three	defilements	is	not	difficult	at	         the	three	fetters	just	mentioned,	and	further,	being	
all,	 because	 they	 are	 just	 primitive	 qualities	 pos-   able	to	attenuate	certain	types	of	craving,	aversion	
sessed	 by	 primitive,	 under-developed	 people.	 In	        and	delusion	to	such	a	degree	that	the	mind	be-
แสงธรรม 4       Saeng Dhamma
comes	elevated	and	only	very	feebly	attached	to	 sentment,	has	been	washed	out	to	a	large	extent	
sensuality.	It	is	traditionally	held	that	an	individual	 by	the	Once	-	returner	so	that	there	remains	only	
who	 achieves	 this	 level	 will	 return	 to	 this	 world	 a	trace	of	ill	humor	to	obstruct	his	mind;	but	the	
at	most	only	once	more,	hence	he	is	known	as	a	 Never	-	returner	has	got	rid	of	it	altogether.	Thus	
“Once	-	returner.”	A	Once	-	returner	is	closer	to	 the	Never	-	returner	has	thrown	off	both	sensual	
Nirvana	than	a	Stream	-	enterer,	there	remaining	in	 desire	and	ill	will.
him	no	more	than	a	trace	of	worldliness.	Should	he	 	 This	sensual	desire	or	attachment	to	and	satis-
return	to	the	sensual	human	world,	he	will	do	so	 faction	in	sensuality	was	explained	adequately	in	
not	more	than	once,	because	craving,	aversion	and	 the	section	on	sensual	attachment.	It	is	a	chronic	
delusion,	though	not	completely	eliminated,	have	 defilement,	 firmly	 fixed	 in	 the	 mind	 as	 if	 it	 were	
become	exceedingly	attenuated.                             a	very	part	of	it,	of	the	same	substance.	For	the	
	 The	third	stage	is	that	of	the	Never	-	returner.	 ordinary	 man,	 it	 is	 hard	 to	 understand	 and	 hard	
This	grade	of	Aryian,	be-                                                             to	 eradicate.	 Anything	
sides	having	succeeded	                                                               at	 all	 can	 serve	 as	 an	
in	 giving	 up	 the	 defile-                                                          object	for	desire:	colors	
ments	 to	 the	 extent	                                                               and	 shapes,	 sounds,	
necessary	for	becoming	                                                               odors,	 tastes	 and	 tac-
a	 Once	 -	 returner,	 has	                                                           tile	objects	of	any	sort,	
also	 managed	 to	 give	                                                              kind	 and	 description.	
up	 the	 fourth	 and	 fifth	                                                          These	 are	 sensual	 ob-
fetters.	 The	 Fourth	 fet- ทำ�บุญร่วมช�ติ เตรียมอ�ห�รตักบ�ตรร่วมกัน..ส�ธุ!! jects	 (Kama),	 and	 the	
ter	is	sensual	desire	and	                                                            state	of	mental	attach-
the	 fifth	 is	 ill	 will.	 Nei-                                                      ment	 which	 takes	 the	
ther	the	Stream	-	enterer	nor	the	Once	-	returner	 form	 of	 satisfaction	 in	 these	 desirable	 objects	 is	
has	completely	given	up	sensual	desire.	In	both	of	 sensual	desire	(Kama	-	raga).	What	we	call	ill	will	is	
them	there	is	still	a	remnant	of	satisfaction	in	allur- the	reaction	of	a	mind	that	feels	dissatisfaction.	If	
ing	and	desirable	objects.	Even	though	they	have	 there	is	satisfaction,	there	is	sensual	desire;	if	dis-
managed	to	give	up	self	belief,	doubt	and	supersti- satisfaction,	ill	will.	Most	people’s	minds	are	sub-
tion,	they	are	still	unable	to	relinquish	completely	 ject	 to	 these	 two	 states.	 There	 may	 arise	 ill	 will	
their	attachment	to	sensuality	of	which	some	trac- towards	even	inanimate	objects,	and	what	is	more,	
es	remain.	But	an	Aryian	at	the	third	stage,	a	Never	-	 one	can	even	be	dissatisfied	with	the	things	one	
returner,	has	succeeded	in	giving	it	up	completely,	 has	produced	oneself,	the	things	that	arise	in	one’s	
so	that	not	a	trace	remains.	The	defilement	called	 own	mind.	Where	there	is	actual	hatred	and	anger	
ill	will,	which	includes	all	feelings	of	anger	or	re- towards	an	object,	ill	will	has	become	too	fierce.
แสงธรรม 5       Saeng Dhamma
An	Aryian	at	a	stage	below	the	Non	-	returnee	has	 es	of	concentration	on	forms	(rupa	-	raga).	The	first	
given	it	up	to	a	degree	appropriate	to	his	station.	 three	grades	of	Aryian	are	still	not	capable	of	giving	
The	ill	will	that	remains	for	the	third	grade	of	Aryian	 up	attachment	to	the	bliss	and	tranquillity	obtain-
to	relinquish	is	just	a	mental	reaction	so	subtle	that	 able	by	concentrating	deeply	on	forms,	but	they	
possibly	no	outward	evidence	of	it	appears.	It	is	an	 will	succeed	in	doing	so	when	they	move	up	to	the	
inner	perturbation	not	revealed	by	any	facial	ex- last	stage,	that	of	the	Arahant.	The	fully	concen-
pression,	yet	present	inwardly	as	dissatisfaction,	as	 trated	state	has	a	captivating	flavor,	which	can	be	
irritation	or	annoyance	at	some	person	or	thing	that	 described	as	a	foretaste	of	Nirvana.	Though	it	dif-
does	not	conform	to	expectation.	Imagine	a	person	 fers	from	real	Nirvana,	it	has	more	or	less	the	same	
completely	devoid	of	every	form	of	ill	will:	consid- flavor.	While	one	is	fully	concentrated,	the	defile-
er	what	a	very	exceptional	individual	he	would	be,	 ments	are	dormant;	but	they	have	not	evaporated	
and	how	worthy	of	respect.	The	five	defilements	 away	entirely,	and	will	reappear	as	soon	as	concen-
we	 have	 just	 been	 dis-                                                               tration	is	lost.	As	long	as	
cussing	 were	 grouped	                                                                  they	are	dormant,	how-
together	by	the	Buddha	                                                                  ever,	the	mind	is	empty,	
as	the	first	to	be	given	                                                                clear,	 free,	 and	 knows	
up.	 Self	 belief,	 doubt,	                                                              the	 flavor	 of	 real	 Nir-
superstition,	 sensual	                                                                  vana.	Consequently	this	
desire	 and	 ill	 will	 have	                                                            state	 can	 also	 become	
all	been	given	up	by	an	                                                                 a	cause	of	attachment.
Aryian	at	the	third	level.	 “อิมใจทุกคร� เวล�ทำ�บุญ เป็นทุนหนุนชีวมสขใจ” The	seventh	subtle	de-
                                  ่                                          ี ี ุ
Because	 there	 remains	                                                                 filement	is	desire	for	the	
no	sensual	desire,	this	grade	of	Aryian	never	again	 bliss	associated	with	full	concentration	on	objects	
returns	 to	 the	 sensual	 state	 of	 existence.	 This	 is	 other	 than	forms	 (arupa	-	raga).	It	 resembles	 the	
why	 he	 gets	 the	 name	 “Never	 -	 returner,”	 one	 sixth	fetter,	but	is	one	degree	more	subtle	and	at-
who	will	never	come	back.	For	him	there	is	only	 tenuated.	Concentration	on	an	object	such	as	space	
movement	 forward	 and	 upward	 to	 Arahantship	 or	emptiness	yields	a	tranquillity	and	quiescence	
and	Nirvana,	in	a	state	having	nothing	to	do	with	 more	profound	than	concentration	on	a	form,	with	
sensuality,	a	supreme,	divine	condition.	As	for	the	 the	result	that	one	becomes	attached	to	that	state.	
five	remaining	defilements,	these	only	the	Arahant,	 No	Arahant	could	ever	become	fascinated	by	any	
the	fourth	grade	of	Aryian,	succeeds	in	relinquishing	 state	of	pleasant	feeling	whatsoever,	regardless	of	
completely.                                                 where	 it	 originated,	 because	 an	 Arahant	 is	 auto-
	 The	next	defilement,	the	sixth	of	the	fetters,	is	 matically	aware	of	the	impermanence,	unsatisfac-
desire	for	the	bliss	associated	with	the	various	stag- toriness	and	nonselfhood	of	every	state	of	feeling.
แสงธรรม 6       Saeng Dhamma
Other	hermits	and	mystics	practicing	concentration	        to	think	automatically	of	oneself	as	better	or	worse	
in	 the	 forest	 do	 not	 perceive	 the	 hidden	 danger	   than	the	other	fellow	in	this	fashion	is	bound	to	
in	these	blissful	states	and	so	become	fascinated	         be	very	difficult.	The	placing	of	this	defilement	as	
by	and	attached	to	the	flavor	of	them	just	as	im-          number	eight	is	probably	meant	to	indicate	that	it	
mature	people	become	attached	to	the	flavor	of	            is	hard	to	give	up	and	so	belongs	near	the	end	of	
sensual	objects.	For	this	reason	the	Buddha	used	          the	list.	Only	the	highest	grade	of	Aryian	can	relin-
the	same	word	“desire”	for	both	cases.	If	you	think	       quish	it.	The	likes	of	us	naturally	can’t	give	it	up.	
this	subject	over	and	really	come	to	understand	it,	       This	idea	that	one	is	better	than,	or	on	a	par	with,	
you	will	be	full	of	admiration	and	respect	for	these	      or	not	as	good	as	the	other	fellow,	comes	from	a	
individuals	called	Aryians.	The	eighth	fetter	binding	     certain	kind	of	attachment.	As	long	as	the	mind	is	
a	man	to	the	world	is	awareness	of	superiority	or	         still	involved	in	good	and	bad,	the	awareness	of	
inferiority	(mana).	It	is	the	delusion	of	having	this	     inferiority,	 superiority,	 or	 equality	 with	 respect	 to	
or	that	status	relative	to	another.	It	consists	in	the	    others	remains	to	disturb	it;	but	when	it	has	com-
thought:	“I	am	not	as	good	as	he	is.	I	am	just	as	         pletely	transcended	good	and	bad,	such	ideas	can-
good	as	he	is.	I	am	better	or	higher	than	he	is.”	         not	exist.	As	long	as	such	ideas	do	remain,	real	bliss	
Thinking	“I	am	not	as	good	as...,”	one	feels	inferior;	    and	tranquillity	are	lacking.
thinking	“I	am	better	than...,”	one	feels	puffed	up;	
and	thinking	“I	am	just	as	good	as...,”	one	thinks	                          To be continued
along	competitive	lines	or	in	terms	of	getting	ahead	
of	the	other	fellow.	It	is	not	pride	or	conceit.	Not	

   คุณ PHUONG DUC DAO (หน่อง) อุปสมบท ณ วัดไทยดีซี เป็นเวลา 11 วัน เพื่ออุทิศส่วนบุญกุศลให้น้องชาย
คือคุณต่วน ดาว ที่ล่วงลับไปแล้ว เจ้าภาพโดยพ่อแทน-แม่สมพอดี-คุณศรคำา ดาว ขอขอบใจแขกทุกท่านที่มาร่วมบุญ
แสงธรรม 7      Saeng Dhamma

                                          Just Do It!
                                                By Ajahn Chah

JUST DO IT!                                               practice.	

	J     ust	 keep	 breathing	 in	 and	 out	 like	 this.	
       Don’t	 be	 interested	 in	 anything	 else.	 It	
doesn’t	matter	even	if	someone	is	standing	on	
                                                          	 If	the	mind	is	at	ease,	if	it’s	at	peace	then	
                                                          it	 will	 be	 naturally	 aware.	 As	 you	 keep	 doing	
                                                          it,	the	breath	diminishes,	becomes	softer.	The	
their	head	with	their	ass	in	the	air.	Don’t	pay	it	       body	becomes	pliable,	the	mind	becomes	pli-
any	attention.	Just	stay	with	the	in-breath	and	          able.	 It’s	 a	 natural	 process.	 Sitting	 is	 comfort-
the	out-breath.	Concentrate	your	awareness	on	            able:	you’re	not	dull,	you	don’t	nod,	you’re	not	
the	breath.	Just	keep	doing	it.	                          sleepy.	The	mind	has	a	natural	fluency	about	
	 Don’t	take	up	anything	else.	There’s	no	need	           whatever	it	does.	It	is	still.	It	is	at	peace.	And	
to	think	about	gaining	things.	Don’t	take	up	any-         then	when	you	leave	the	samādhi,	you	say	to	
thing	at	all.	Simply	know	the	in-	breath	and	the	         yourself,	‘Wow,	what	was	that?’	You	recall	the	
out-breath.	 The	 in-breath	 and	 the	 out-breath.	       peace	 that	 you’ve	 just	 experienced.	 And	 you	
Bud	 on	 the	 in-breath;	 dho	 on	 the	 out-breath.	      never	forget	it.	
Just	stay	with	the	breath	in	this	way	until	you	          	 The	 thing	 which	 follows	 along	 with	 us	 is	
are	aware	of	the	in-breath	and	aware	of	the	out-          called	sati,	the	power	of	recollection,	and	sam-
breath....aware	 of	 the	 in-breath....aware	 of	 the	    pajañña,	self-awareness.	Whatever	we	say	or	do,	
out-breath.	Be	aware	in	this	way	until	the	mind	          wherever	we	go,	on	almsround	or	whatever,	in	
is	peaceful,	without	irritation,	without	agitation,	      eating	 the	 meal,	 washing	 our	 almsbowl,	 then	
merely	the	breath	going	out	and	coming	in.	Let	           be	aware	of	what	it’s	all	about.	Be	constantly	
your	mind	remain	in	this	state.	You	don’t	need	           mindful.	Follow	the	mind.	
a	goal	yet.	It’s	this	state	that	is	the	first	stage	of	   	 When	 you’re	 practising	 walking	 meditation
แสงธรรม 8      Saeng Dhamma
(cankama),	have	a	walking	path,	say	from	one	            time	with	these	different	postures,	make	all	four	
tree	to	another,	about	50	feet	in	length.	Walk-          postures	beneficial.	This	is	the	action.	We	just	
ing	cankama	is	the	same	as	sitting	meditation.	          keep	doing	it.	It’s	not	easy.	
Focus	your	awareness:	‘’Now,	I	am	going	to	put	          	 To	make	it	easy	to	visualise,	take	this	glass	
forth	 effort.	 With	 strong	 recollection	 and	 self-   and	set	it	down	here	for	two	minutes.	When	the	
awareness	I	am	going	to	pacify	my	mind.’’	The	           two	minutes	are	up	then	move	it	over	there	for	
object	 of	 concentration	 depends	 on	 the	 per-        two	minutes.	Then	move	it	over	here	for	two	
son.	Find	what	suits	you.	Some	people	spread	            minutes.	Keep	doing	that.	Do	it	again	and	again	
mettā	 to	 all	 sentient	 beings	 and	 then	 leading	    until	you	start	to	suffer,	until	you	doubt,	until	
with	their	right	foot,	walk	at	a	normal	pace,	us-        wisdom	arises.	‘’What	am	I	thinking	about,	lift-
ing	the	mantra	‘Buddho’	in	conjunction	with	the	         ing	a	glass	backwards	and	forwards	like	a	mad-
walking.	Continually	being	aware	of	that	object.	        man.’’	The	mind	will	think	in	its	habitual	way	
If	the	mind	becomes	agitated	then	stop,	calm	            according	to	the	phenomena.	It	doesn’t	matter	
the	mind	and	then	resume	walking.	Constantly	            what	 anyone	 says.	 Just	 keep	 lifting	 that	 glass.	
self-aware.	Aware	at	the	beginning	of	the	path,	         Every	two	minutes,	okay	-	don’t	daydream,	not	
aware	at	every	stage	of	the	path,	the	beginning,	        five	 minutes.	 As	 soon	 as	 two	 minutes	 are	 up	
the	middle	and	the	end.	Make	this	knowing	con-           then	move	it	over	here.	Focus	on	that.	This	is	
tinuous.	                                                the	matter	of	action.	
	 This	is	a	method,	focussing	on	walking	can-            	 Looking	 at	 the	 in-breaths	 and	 out-breaths	
kama.	Walking	cankama	means	walking	to	and	              is	the	same.	Sit	with	your	right	foot	resting	on	
fro.	It’s	not	easy.	Some	people	see	us	walking	          your	 left	 leg,	 sit	 straight,	 watch	 the	 inhalation	
up	and	down	and	think	we’re	crazy.	They	don’t	           to	its	full	extent	until	it	completely	disappears	
realize	that	walking	cankama	gives	rise	to	great	        in	the	abdomen.	When	the	inhalation	is	com-
wisdom.	 Walk	 to	 and	 fro.	 If	 you’re	 tired	 then	   plete	then	allow	the	breath	out	until	the	lungs	
stand	and	still	your	mind.	Focus	on	making	the	          are	empty.	Don’t	force	it.	It	doesn’t	matter	how	
breathing	 comfortable.	 When	 it	 is	 reasonably	       long	or	short	or	soft	the	breath	is,	let	it	be	just	
comfortable	then	switch	the	attention	to	walk-           right	for	you.	Sit	and	watch	the	inhalation	and	
ing	again,	                                              the	exhalation,	make	yourself	comfortable	with	
	 The	postures	change	by	themselves.	Stand-              that.	Don’t	allow	your	mind	to	get	lost.	If	it	gets	
ing,	walking,	sitting,	lying	down.	They	change.	We	      lost	 then	 stop,	 look	 to	 see	 where	 it’s	 got	 to,	
can’t	just	sit	all	the	time,	stand	all	the	time	or	      why	it	is	not	following	the	breath.	Go	after	it	and	
lie	 down	 all	 the	 time.	 We	 have	 to	 spend	 our	    bring	it	back.	Get	it	to	stay	with	the	breath,	and,
แสงธรรม 9     Saeng Dhamma
without	doubt,	one	day	you	will	see	the	reward.	          feeling	arises.	Know	it,	look	at	it.	But	don’t	be	
Just	keep	doing	it.	Do	it	as	if	you	won’t	gain	any-       deluded	by	it.	Keep	doing	it,	keep	doing	it.	Do	
thing,	as	if	nothing	will	happen,	as	if	you	don’t	        it	often.	After	the	meal,	air	your	robe	on	a	line,	
know	who’s	doing	it,	but	keep	doing	it	anyway.	           and	get	straight	out	onto	the	walking	meditation	
Like	rice	in	the	barn.	You	take	it	out	and	sow	it	in	     path.	Keep	thinking	‘Buddho,	Buddho’.	Think	it	
the	fields,	as	if	you	were	throwing	it	away,	sow	it	      all	the	time	that	you’re	walking.	Concentrate	on	
throughout	the	fields,	without	being	interested	          the	word	‘Buddho’	as	you	walk.	Wear	the	path	
in	it,	and	yet	it	sprouts,	rice	plants	grow	up,	you	      down,	wear	it	down	until	it’s	a	trench	and	it’s	
transplant	 it	 and	you’ve	got	sweet	green	rice.	         halfway	 up	 your	 calves,	 or	 up	 to	 your	 knees.	
That’s	what	it’s	about.	                                  Just	keep	walking.	
	 This	is	the	same.	Just	sit	there.	Sometimes	            	 It’s	not	just	strolling	along	in	a	perfunctory	
you	might	think,	‘’Why	am	I	watching	the	breath	          way,	thinking	about	this	and	that	for	a	length	of	
so	intently.	Even	if	I	didn’t	watch	it,	it	would	still	   the	path,	and	then	going	up	into	your	hut	and	
keep	going	in	and	out.’’	                                 looking	 at	 your	 sleeping	 mat,	 ‘’How	 inviting!’’	
	 Well,	you’ll	always	finds	something	to	think	           Then	laying	down	and	snoring	away	like	a	pig.	
about.	That’s	a	view.	It	is	an	expression	of	the	         If	you	do	that	you	won’t	get	anything	from	the	
mind.	Forget	it.	Keep	trying	over	and	over	again	         practice	at	all.	
and	make	the	mind	peaceful.	                              	 Keep	doing	it	until	you’re	fed	up	and	then	
	 Once	the	mind	is	at	peace,	the	breath	will	di-          see	how	far	that	laziness	goes.	Keep	looking	un-
minish,	the	body	will	become	relaxed,	the	mind	           til	you	come	to	the	end	of	laziness.	Whatever	
will	become	subtle.	They	will	be	in	a	state	of	           it	is	you	experience	you	have	to	go	all	the	way	
balance	until	it	will	seem	as	if	there	is	no	breath,	     through	it	before	you	overcome	it.	It’s	not	as	if	
but	nothing	happens	to	you.	When	you	reach	               you	can	just	repeat	the	word	‘peace’	to	yourself	
this	 point,	 don’t	 panic,	 don’t	 get	 up	 and	 run	    and	then	as	soon	as	you	sit,	you	expect	peace	
out,	because	you	think	you’ve	stopped	breath-             will	arise	like	at	the	click	of	a	switch,	and	when	it	
ing.	It	just	means	that	your	mind	is	at	peace.	You	       doesn’t	then	you	give	up,	lazy.	If	that’s	the	case	
don’t	 have	 to	 do	 anything.	 Just	 sit	 there	 and	    you’ll	never	be	peaceful.	
look	at	whatever	is	present.	                             	 It’s	easy	to	talk	about	and	hard	to	do.	It’s	
	 Sometimes	 you	 may	 wonder,	 ‘’Eh,	 am	 I	             like	monks	who	are	thinking	of	disrobing	saying,	
breathing?’’	This	is	the	same	mistake.	It	is	the	         ‘’Rice	farming	doesn’t	seem	so	difficult	to	me.	
thinking	mind.	Whatever	happens,	allow	things	            I’d	be	better	off	as	a	rice	farmer’’.	They	start	
to	 take	 their	 natural	 course,	 no	 matter	 what	      farming	without	knowing	about	cows	or	buffa-
แสงธรรม 10     Saeng Dhamma
loes,	 harrows	 or	 ploughs,	 nothing	 at	 all.	 They	   reach	an	optimum,	‘just	right’	state.	When	the	
find	 out	 that	 when	 you	 talk	 about	 farming	 it	    mind	is	peaceful	the	self-awareness	arises	natu-
sounds	easy,	but	when	you	actually	try	it	you	           rally.	Then	if	you	want	to	sit	right	through	the	
get	to	know	exactly	what	the	difficulties	are.	          night,	you	feel	nothing,	because	the	mind	is	en-
Everyone	would	like	to	search	for	peace	in	that	         joying	itself.	When	you	get	this	far,	when	you’re	
way.	 Actually,	 peace	 does	 lie	 right	 there,	 but	   good	at	it,	then	you	might	find	you	want	to	give	
you	don’t	know	it	yet.	You	can	follow	after	it,	         Dhamma	 talks	 to	 your	 friends	 until	 the	 cows	
you	can	talk	about	it	as	much	as	you	like,	but	          come	home.	That’s	how	it	goes	sometimes.	
you	won’t	know	what	it	is.	                              	 It’s	like	the	time	when	Por	Sang	was	still	a	
	 So,	do	it.	Follow	it	until	you	know	in	pace	           postulant.	One	night	he’d	been	walking	canka-
with	the	breath,	concentrating	on	the	breath	us-         ma	and	then	began	to	sit.	His	mind	became	lucid	
ing	the	mantra	‘Buddho’.	Just	that	much.	Don’t	          and	sharp.	He	wanted	to	expound	the	Dhamma.	
let	the	mind	wander	off	anywhere	else.	At	this	          He	couldn’t	stop.	I	heard	the	sound	of	some-
time	have	this	knowing.	Do	this.	Study	just	this	        one	teaching	over	in	that	bamboo	grove,	really	
much.	Just	keep	doing	it,	doing	it	in	this	way.	If	      belting	it	out.	I	thought,	‘’Is	that	someone	giving	
you	start	thinking	that	nothing	is	happening,	just	      a	Dhamma	talk,	or	is	it	the	sound	of	someone	
carry	 on	 anyway.	 Just	 carry	 on	 regardless	 and	    complaining	about	something?’’	It	didn’t	stop.	
you	will	get	to	know	the	breath.	                        So	I	got	my	flashlight	and	went	over	to	have	a	
	 Okay,	so	give	it	a	try!	If	you	sit	in	this	way	        look.	 I	 was	 right.	 There	 in	 the	 bamboo	 grove,	
and	the	mind	gets	the	hang	of	it,	the	mind	will	         sitting	cross-legged	in	the	light	of	a	lantern,	was	

   คุณสานิต-คุณพนมรัตน์-น้องกีตา มุขกัง ทำาบุญวันคล้ายวันเกิดให้นองแอนนา
                               ้                                 ้
  ถวายภัตตาหารเพลแด่พระสงฆ์วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. เมื่อวันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ม.ค. 2554
แสงธรรม 11    Saeng Dhamma
Por	Sang,	talking	so	fast	I	couldn’t	keep	up.’’	       Eating,	tell	yourself,	‘’I	eat	this	food,	not	with	
	 So	I	called	out	to	him,	‘’Por	Sang,	have	you	        craving,	but	as	medicine,	to	sustain	my	body	for	
gone	crazy?’’	                                         a	day	and	a	night,	only	in	order	that	I	may	con-
	 He	said,	‘’I	don’t	know	what	it	is,	I	just	want	     tinue	my	practice.’’	
to	talk	the	Dhamma.	I	sit	down	and	I’ve	got	to	        	 When	you	lay	down	then	teach	your	mind.	
talk,	I	walk	and	I’ve	got	to	talk.	I’ve	just	got	to	   When	you	eat	then	teach	your	mind.	Maintain	
expound	the	Dhamma	all	the	time.	I	don’t	know	         that	attitude	constantly.	If	you’re	going	to	stand	
where	it’s	going	to	end.’’	                            up,	 then	 be	 aware	 of	 that.	 If	 you’re	 going	 to	
	 I	thought	to	myself,	‘’When	people	practice	         lie	down,	then	be	aware	of	that.	Whatever	you	
the	Dhamma	there’s	no	limit	to	the	things	that	        do,	then	be	aware.	When	you	lie	down,	lie	on	
can	happen.’’	                                         your	right	side	and	focus	on	the	breath,	using	
	 So	 keep	 doing	 it,	 don’t	 stop.	 Don’t	 follow	   the	mantra	‘Buddho’	until	you	fall	asleep.	Then	
your	moods.	Go	against	the	grain.	Practise	when	       when	you	wake	up	it’s	as	if	‘Buddho’	has	been	
you	feel	lazy	and	practice	when	you	feel	dili-         there	all	the	time,	it’s	not	been	interrupted.	For	
gent.	Practice	when	you’re	sitting	and	practice	       peace	to	arise,	there	needs	to	be	mindfulness	
when	you’re	walking.	When	you	lay	down,	focus	         there	 all	 the	 time.	 Don’t	 go	 looking	 at	 other	
on	your	breathing	and	tell	yourself,	‘’I	will	not	     people.	Don’t	be	interested	in	other	people’s	
indulge	in	the	pleasure	of	laying	down.’’	Teach	       affairs;	just	be	interested	in	your	own	affairs.	
your	heart	in	this	way.	Get	up	as	soon	as	you	
                                                                       To be continued
awaken,	and	carry	on	putting	forth	effort.	

 คุณตุม และสามี เจ้าของร้าน Nava Thai และพนักงาน ร่วมทำาบุญร้าน ถวายภัตตาหารเพลแด่พระสงฆ์
 เพือความเป็นสิรมงคลในการค้าขาย ส่งท้ายปีเก่า-ต้อนรับปีใหม่ เมือวันอังคารที่ 11 ม.ค. 2554 (สาธุๆ)
    ่           ิ                                              ่
แสงธรรม 12     Saeng Dhamma

     Essays On The Dhamma
        By Luang Ta Chi
    Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart

I. Those Who Fear Death                                of	understanding.		They	will	be	above	death	as	
                                                       they	remain	selfless	and	do	not	have	the	delu-
	 That	is	all	that	the	Gathā Unahissavichai	dis-       sion	of	being	attached	to	anything—no	being,	no	
cussed.		The	person	who	created	the	Gathā	(dis-        person.		At	the	highest	level	of	Dhamma	in	Bud-
course)	 used	 Dhamma	 to	 keep	 death	 from	 oc-      dhism,	death	is	completely	removed	from	one’s	
curring,	 so	 that	 those	 who	 follow	 the	 Dhamma	   mind:	no	more	questions	or	problems	concerning	
would	be	saved	from	all	kinds	of	untimely	death	       the	fear	of	death	arise.		In	a	conversation	where	
but	would	not	ultimately	escape	death.		The	end	       Mogharāja	 asked	 the	 Buddha,	 “What	 does	 one	
of	the	Gathā	emphasizes	the	fact	that	in	order	for	    need	to	avoid	death?”	the	Buddha	answered,
life	to	continue	to	prosper,	the	Dhamma	has	to	
be	followed	with	seriousness.		It	has	to	remain	in	    										Suññato	loke	avekkassu
one’s	thought	and	mind,	and	be	taught	to	others,	      										Mogharāja	sadā	sato
and	have	firm	respect	given	to	it.	
	 It	 is	 thus	 supposed	 that	 only	 Dhamma	 will	    	 Listen	to	my	word,	Mogharāja.		Always	view	
protect	 us	 from	 untimely	 death,	 and	 one	 must	   the	world	with	mindfulness	and	detachment.	     	
be	strict	and	honest	in	following	the	precepts.		In	   When	the	world	is	seen	in	that	light,	death	will	
short,	living	according	to	the	Dhamma	and	teach-       no	longer	frighten	you.
ing	others	the	Dhamma	will	result	in	the	preven-
tion	of	untimely	death.		                              	 In	 Buddhism,	 when	 one	 reaches	 the	 truth	
	 Understand	 that	 the	 Dhamma	 in	 the	 Gathā	       through	practicing	the	highest	level	of	the	Dham-
keeps	 only	 untimely	 death	 away,	 but	 can	 nev-    ma,	the	fear	of	death	will	disappear	and	will	no	
er	 prevent	 timely	 death.	 	 The	 Dhamma	 that	      longer	 have	 any	 influence	 on	 one’s	 life.	 	 We	
would	prevent	ultimate	death	is	a	higher	level	of	     should	remember	that	the	path	that	leads	us	to	
Dhamma	for	those	who	have	reached	the	depth	           become	one	with	the	concepts	of	suññatā	(noth-
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
ingness	)	and	anattā	(no	self/no	control	over	na-       of	death,	the	higher	level	of	the	Dhamma	should	
ture)	is	an	important	one—it	is	the	heart	of	Bud-       be	sought.		Apply	meditation	and	awareness	to	
dhism.                                                  observe	the	body	and	mind,	and	to	see	the	three	
	 For	those	who	are	afraid	of	death,	if	you	do	         interrelated	basic	characteristics	of	existence:
not	 want	 to	 face	 death,	 you	 have	 to	 practice	   	 Aniccatā—impermanence	(all	things	are	con-
the	Dhamma	mentioned	above	that	the	Buddha	             stantly	changing)
taught	 to	 Mogharāja.	 	 When	 the	 mind	 reaches	     	 Dukkhatā—unsatisfactoriness	 (stress	 and	 dis-
peace,	purity,	and	clarity,	fear	will	disappear	be-     satisfaction	occur	because	of	these	changes)
cause	the	mind	will	be	free,	as	described	in	the	       	 Anattatā—no	self/no	control	(we	mistakenly	
following	remark	by	the	Buddha:                         believe	that	we	can	have	control	over	the	forces	
									                                               of	nature)
										Rūpadhātu	pariññāya                           					When	we	reach	this	understanding,	our	minds	
										Arūpesu	asanthitā                             will	be	free	from	attachment.		Thus	the	fear	of	
										Nirodhe	ye	vimuccanti                         death	will	lose	its	hold	on	us.
										Te	janā		maccuhāyino		
									                                               II. Blind-Minded Man
	 For	those	who	understand	that	physical	phe-
nomena	(rūpadhātu)	are	not	attached	to	mental	           										Konu	hāso	kimānando
phenomena	 (nāmadhātu),	 there	 is	 cessation	 of	       										Niccam	pajjalite	sati
suffering	(nirodha).	Those	people	are	thus	beyond	       										Andhakārena	onaddhā
the	cycle	of	birth	and	death.                            										Padīpam	nāgavesatha
                                                         	 Why	is	there	celebration	when	the	world	is	
	 The	 best	 way	 to	 make	 one’s	 life	 longer,	 to	 in	constant	flame?		All	of	you	are	lost	in	dark-
avoid	 untimely	 death,	 is	 to	 conduct	 oneself	 ness.		Why	not	seek	a	torch	to	guide	the	way?		
strictly	according	to	the	five	precepts.		That	is,	to	
avoid	bad	deeds	(physically	and	verbally),	not	to	 	 The	Buddha	spoke	of	the	women	friends	of	
kill,	not	to	steal,	to	refrain	from	unlawful	sexual	 Nang	 Visakha.	 	 The	 friends	 gave	 in	 to	 alcohol	
activities,	 to	 avoid	 lying	 (false	 speech,	 namely,	 and	 intoxicants.	 	 Their	 husbands	 	 asked	 Nang	
malevolent	gossip,	crude	language,	or	meaning- Visakha	to	help	their	wives,	and	so	she	brought	
less	chatter).		This	is	the	medicine	that	makes	life	 them	to	the	Buddha	to	hear	his	teachings.
longer.		Always	remember	what	the	monks	teach	 	 The	friends	came	with	their	hidden	bottles	and	
us:	those	who	want	to	live	a	long	should	follow	 snuck	drinks	until	they	became	intoxicated.		Feel-
the	precepts	and	spread	loving-kindness.		               ing	a	little		drunk		and		intoxicated,		they	decided	
	 For	people	who	would	like	to	flee	the	grasp	 to	perform	songs	and	dances	for	the	Buddha.		The
แสงธรรม 14      Saeng Dhamma
Buddha,	sensing	the	reason	for	their	behavior,	            										2.	Ignorance	of	the	cause	of	suffering
caused	darkness	to	surround	them	and	caused	               										3.	Ignorance	of	the	cessation	of	suffering
great	fear	among	the	women.		So	great	was	their	           										4.	Ignorance	of	the	path	to	the	cessation	
fear	 that	 the	 drunkenness	 disappeared.	 	 The	         of	suffering
Buddha	then	taught	his	discourse	on	the	dan-               										5.	Ignorance	of	the	past
gers	of	unmindfulness.                                     										6.	Ignorance	of	the	future
	 For	all	people,	no	matter	in	what	time	they	             										7.	Ignorance	of	both	past	and	future
live	in	or	what	country,	if	they	are	stuck	in	igno-        										8.	Ignorance	of	the	law	of	conditionality
rance,	their	minds	are	blinded.		Even	friends	of	
Nang	Visakha,	living	in	the	time	of	the	Buddha,	           	 When	we	speak	of	the	world,	it	is	not	the	
who	was	most	pure,	were	in	this	state.		Nang	              non-human	objects	such	as	land	or	mountains;	
Visakha	herself	reached	the	first	level	of	Enlight-        it	means	the	living	humans,	men	and	women.		It	
enment	at	the	age	of	seven	and	was	instructing	            is	these	humans	who	are	covered	in	ignorance	
and	guiding	these	friends;	yet	they	did	not	see	           so	 they	 cannot	 see	 and	 the	 mind	 is	 blinded.	 	
the	 error	 of	 drinking	 intoxicants.	 	 Even	 at	 the	   Just	 as	 a	 chicken	 inside	 the	 egg	 shell	 cannot	
place	where	the	Buddha	was	staying,	they	were	             see	what	is	outside,	so,	too,	a	human	ignorant	
drinking.	 	 Ignorance	 blinded	 them	 to	 all	 right	     of	the	truth	cannot	see	beyond	the	ignorance.	       	
and	wrong,	causing	them	to	act	and	speak	im-               Even	a	bright	mind	will	lose	its	brightness	when	
properly.		Such	is	the	power	of	ignorance.		The	           the	darkness	of	ignorance	covers	it.		People	do	
inner	intelligence	or	the	inner	eye	was	closed,	           not	see	that	there	is	suffering;	thus,	they	cannot	
closed	to	the	teaching,	the	Dhamma.		They	did	             know	what	causes	it.		They	do	not	know	how	
not	 see	 their	 own	 goodness,	 other	 people’s	          suffering	ceases;	thus,	they	do	not	know	which	
goodness,	and	the	supreme	value	of	Nirvana	to	             path	leads	to	the	cessation	of	suffering.
completely	extinguish	all	suffering.		They	could	          	 People	 do	 not	 know	 the	 past,	 the	 future,	
not	see	that	the	Dhamma	is	good,	is	right,	and	            both	the	past	and	the	future,	or	the	law	of	con-
is	true.		The	wrong	view	of	their	blinded	minds	           ditionality	because	they	lack	the	wisdom	to	see	
made	these	people	this	way.		                              what	is	what.		
	 The	Buddha	has	stated,                                   	 According	to	the	Buddha’s	discourse,	our	life	
										Avijjāya	nivuto	loko                             is	full	of	suffering:
										When	the	world	is	covered	with	igno-
rance,	the	Four	Noble	Truths	cannot	be	seen	               										Dukkhameva		hi		sambhoti
as	they	really	are.                                        										Dukkham		titthati		veti		ca
	 Ignorance	is	classified	into	eight	kinds:                										Nāññatara		dukkhā		sambhoti
										1.	Ignorance	of	suffering                        										Nāññatara		dukkhā 	nirujjhati
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma
	 Only	 	 suffering	 	 arises,	 	 remains,	 and	 is	 and	death	is	to	not	be	born.
extinguished.		If	there	is	no	suffering,	nothing	 	 4.	Pakinnakadukkha.		Various	kinds	of	suffer-
is	born	and	nothing	is	extinguished.                    ing	caused	by	sadness:	discontent	when	we	are	
                                                        separated	 from	 our	 loved	 ones,	 when	 we	 are	
	 Suffering	is	classified	into	ten	kinds:               not	where	we	want	to	be,	when	we	are	where	
                                                        we	do	not	want	to	be,	or	when	we	cannot	have	
	 1.	Nibatthadukkha.		Constant	suffering	that	 what	we	desire.		All	people,	rich	or	poor,	have	
exists	in	all.		Discomfort/suffering	from	changes	 these	 experiences.	 	 We	 all	 have	 hope,	 desire,	
in	the	weather	(too	hot	or	too	cold),	changes	 or	want	never	to	be	disappointed	or	separated	
in	our	physical	body	that	occur	(hunger,	thirst,	 from	a	loved	one	or	a	loved	possession.		This	
aches	and	pains,	etc.).		Rich	and	poor	alike	feel	 kind	 of	 thing	 may	 affect	 us	 in	 varying	 degrees	
these.		If	hunger	cannot	be	satisfied,	then	there	 and	is	ever	present	in	us.		Only	the	enlightened	
can	be	very	great	suffering	of	hunger.		Food	can	 ones	do	not	have	these	various	kinds	of	suffering.
lessen	hunger,	but	it	cannot	completely	end	it.	 	 5.	 Santapadukkha.	 	 Suffering	 due	 to	 pas-
We	still	need	to	eat	several	times	a	day,	every	 sion	 arises	 from	 defilements	 such	 as	 love,	 	 an-
day,	all	through	our	lives.		Thirst	and	pains	of	 ger,	jealousy,	or	vengeance.		Anyone	who	has	not	
the	body	can	be	lessened	but	will	constantly	 reached	Enlightenment	has	a	tendency	to	suffer	
come	again	to	all	without	exception		                   under	these	conditions.	
	 2.	 Byādhidukkha.	 	 Suffering	 involving	 dis- 	 6.	 Vipakatadukkha.	 	 Suffering	 due	 to	 guilty	
ease	 is	 illness,	 pain	 occurring	 from	 disease	 or	 conscience	resulting	from	fear	from	having	done	
an	irregular	condition	of	our	body.		When	weak- bad	 deeds.	 	 Those	 who	 have	 committed	 bad	
ened,	we	are	more	likely	to	be	affected	by	dis- deeds	usually	suffer	from	mental	anguish.		This	
ease	or	bad	weather.		Everyone	will	have	some	 kind	of	suffering	can	be	avoided	by	not	commit-
illness	sooner	or	later;	no	one	is	an	exception,	 ting	wrong	action,	speech,	or	thought.		However,	
not	even	doctors.                                       very	few	people		except	an	enlightened	one	can	
	 3.	 Sabhāvadukkha.	 	 Physical	 and	 mental	 achieve	this	state.
suffering	caused	by	aging	and	death.	Old	people	 	 7. Āhārapariyetthidukkha.	 	 Suffering	 arises	
are	more	aware	of	this	condition,	but	our	younger	 from	the	mental	and	physical	work,	worry,	and	
ones	also	know	this	because	they	certainly	do	 anguish	when	competing	to	make	a	living	for	your-
not	enjoy	getting	older.	People	worry	about	aging	 self	and	your		family.		Many	people	have	lost	their	
and	 fear	 death.	 	 Suffering	 is	 caused	 because	 lives	while	struggling	to	maintain	their	livelihood.		
people	try	to	avoid	what	is	unavoidable.		There	
is	 no	 power	 or	 medicine	 to	 overcome	 death.	    	                To be continued
The	only	way	to	prevent	the	suffering	of	aging
แสงธรรม 16     Saeng Dhamma

    The Hot News of World Buddhism
B	 People	must	be	compassionate	towards	 B	 Buddhists	upset	over	death	of	sacred	
all:	Dalai	Lama.                         fish	inside	Bodhgaya	temple	pond.
	      TNN, Jan 12, 2011                                        ANI, Jan 9, 2011

	V      ARANASI,	India	--	Tibetan	spiritual	leader,	
        the	Dalai	Lama,	said	that	all	living	beings	
in	the	world	feel	pain	and	sorrow,	but	only	hu-
                                                       	B        odh	 gaya,	 India	 --	 Buddhists	 in	 Bihar’s	
                                                                 Bodhgaya	city	fear	that	things	could	get	
                                                       worse	following	the	death	of	a	sacred	‘golden	
mans	can	feel	the	pain	and	sorrow	of	others.           fish’	 inside	 the	 temple	 pond	 due	 to	 freezing	
	 Addressing	the	Buddhist	monks	and	follow-            temperature	on	Sunday.
ers	on	Wednesday	at	the	Central	University	of	         	 Golden	fish	represent	good	fortune	for	Bud-
Tibetan	 Studies	 (CUTS),	 Sarnath,	 he	 said	 that	   dhists	and	their	passing	has	rattled	the	monks	
one	could	achieve	‘bodhi’	by	removing	the	sor-         who	 are	 very	 concerned	 about	 what	 it	 may	
row	of	others.	People	should	be	compassionate	         presage	for	the	future.
towards	all,	he	said.                                  	 According	to	‘View	on	Buddhism’,	the	gold-
	 “Among	all	living	beings,	humans	have	wis-           en	fish	symbolises	that	‘living	beings	who	prac-
dom,	 hence	 they	 should	 apply	 their	 wisdom	       tice	dharma	need	have	no	fear	to	drown	in	the	
purposefully	and	in	the	right	direction,”	he	said.     ocean	of	suffering,	and	can	freely	migrate	(chose	
	 Later,	the	prime	minister	of	the	Tibetan	gov-        their	rebirth)	like	fish	in	the	water’.
ernment	 in	 exile,	 S	 Rinpoche,	 inaugurated	 the	   	 One	of	the	monks,	Priyapal	Bante,	wants	the	
newly	built	academic	building	of	the	CUTS	on	          Temple	Management	Committee	to	take	steps	
the	occasion.                                          to	preserve	the	fish	just	as	they	do	with	the	sa-
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma
cred	Bodhi	tree	-	the	tree	that	Buddha	achieved	       worn	for	Cambodian	funerals	-	and	monks	swathed	
enlightenment.                                         in	vibrant	orange	robes	filled	the	pews	as	Chhean	
	 “The	way	the	sacred	tree,	which	is	known	for	        was	eulogized	in	both	Khmer	and	English.	
the	longevity	of	Buddhist	Monks,	is	looked	after	      	 Among	 the	 crowd	 was	 Assemblywoman	
by	 scientists	 and	 experts	 from	 the	 Dehradun-     Bonnie	 Lowenthal,	 D-Long	 Beach,	 who	 knew	
based	 Forest	 Research	 Institute,	 similarly	 the	   Chhean	for	two	decades	and	helped	him	tackle	
management	committee	of	the	temple	should	             issues	in	the	Cambodian	community	during	her	
deploy	experts	for	conservation	of	fish	and	pre-       time	on	the	Long	Beach	City	Council.
vention	of	water	pollution,”	said	Bante.
	 “It	is	very	cold	here,	and	many	fish	died	be-
cause	of	it,”	added	Trishi,	a	visitor	from	Arunach-
al	Pradesh.

B	 Celebrating	a	monk	Press-Telegram.
        Jan 16, 2011

	C       ommunity	 recalls	 Khmer	 leader	 who	
         helped	Cambodians	settle	in	Long	Beach
	 LONG	 BEACH,	 CA	 (USA)	 --	 The	 Rev.	 Kong	
Chhean	 was	 surrounded	 by	 a	 sea	 of	 orange,	
white	and	yellow	flowers	as	hundreds	paid	their	
respects	to	the	late	Buddhist	monk	on	Sunday.
	 They	remembered	him	as	a	man	who	was	de-
voted,	compassionate	and	spiritual	-	a	man	who	
worked	to	help	heal	the	Cambodian	community.           	 “For	 me	 personally,	 Rev.	 Chhean	 was	 a	
	 Chhean,	 the	 well-known	 and	 beloved	 head	        friend,”	 said	 Lowenthal,	 one	 of	 more	 than	 a	
monk	at	the	Khemara.	Buddhikarama	Temple,	died	        dozen	who	shared	their	memories	of	the	monk.
at	Long	Beach	Memorial	Medical	Center	on	Jan.	7	       Lowenthal	 recalled	 Chhean’s	 efforts	 to	 help	
after	battling	a	series	of	ailments.	He	was	66.        young	Cambodian	gang	members.
	 Chhean’s	 life	 was	 commemorated	 Sunday	           	 “He	took	them	into	the	temple.	He	helped	
in	a	memorial	service	at	All	Souls	Mortuary	fol-       them	with	community	service.	He	turned	their	
lowed	by	a	final	Buddhist	ritual	service	at	Khe-       lives	around,”	she	said.
mara	Buddhikarama	Temple,	2100	W.	Willow	St.,	
which	is	popularly	called	Wat	Willow.                  Advertisement
	 Mourners	dressed	in	white	-	the	traditional	color	   	 Born	in	Cambodia	in	1945,	Chhean	was	or-
แสงธรรม 18     Saeng Dhamma
dained	 as	 a	 novice	 monk	 at	 12	 years	 old.	 He	   B	 County	officials	meet	with	Buddhist	
studied	 Buddhism	 and	 philosophy	 at	 Banaras	        monks.
Hindu	University	in	India	and	received	his	doc-              by Andrew Dunn, January 5, 2011
torate	in	1975.
	 Unable	to	return	to	his	native	country	be-
cause	of	the	Khmer	Rouge,	Chhean	came	to	the	
                                                        	B       olivia,	 NC	 (USA)	 --	 The	 news	 that	 the	
                                                                 Wat	Carolina	Buddhist	monastery	in	Bo-
                                                        livia	 would	 be	 hosting	 a	 conference	 of	 about	
United	States	in	1979	and	set	up	his	first	temple	      100	monks	in	June	apparently	raised	a	few	eye-
in	an	apartment	on	Clarkdale	Avenue	in	Hawai-           brows	in	the	county	government.
ian	Gardens	and	his	second	in	a	home	in	Lake-           	 A	group	of	officials,	including	a	building	inspec-
wood.                                                   tor	and	fire	marshal,	and	representatives	of	the	
	 As	more	Cambodian	refugees	arrived	in	the	            environmental	health,	storm	water	and	planning	
U.S.,	Chhean	began	holding	religious	services	at	       departments,	visited	leaders	of	the	monastery	on	
El	Dorado	Park.                                         Tuesday	to	learn	more	about	their	plans	and	pass	
	 In	 addition	 to	 leading	 his	 congregation,	        along	what	would	be	required	of	them,	county	
Chhean	had	a	strong	interest	in	mental	health	          zoning	administrator	Helen	Bunch	said.
and	worked	with	the	Los	Angeles	County	Mental	          	 “We	came	out	with	a	better	understanding,”	
Health	Department	to	treat	Cambodian	refugees	          she	said,	noting	that	the	meeting	went	well.
suffering	from	post-traumatic	stress	disorder.          	 She	said	that	the	monastery	will	have	to	put	
	 He	earned	a	master’s	degree	in	psychology	            together	a	site	plan	of	the	permanent	buildings	
at	Pepperdine	University	in	1986	and	a	doctor-          and	where	the	teepees	are	being	built,	as	well	
ate	in	clinical	psychology	in	1989.                     as	submit	internal	building	layouts.	Some	per-
	 Each	year,	Chhean	raised	funds	and	used	his	          mits	might	also	be	required.
own	salary	so	he	could	return	to	Cambodia	and	          	 Bunch	 said	 that	 the	 intent	 of	 the	 meeting	
purchase	hundreds	of	bags	of	rice	for	the	needy.        was	never	to	shut	them	down,	but	to	find	out	
“He	 frequently	 reminded	 us	 that	 when	 he	 is	      how	the	county	could	help.
no	longer	here	on	earth,	his	one	and	only	wish	
was	for	all	of	us	to	stay	united	and	take	care	of	      B	 Dalai	 Lama	 calls	 on	 Russian	 Bud-
the	beloved	temple	that	he	dedicated	himself	           dhists	to	translate	spiritual	texts.
to	building,”	according	to	a	biography	read	by	         	      RIA Novosti, December 3, 2010
community	member	Mala	Soy	in	the	memorial	
	 “He	 wanted	 it	 to	 remain	 a	 Khmer	 Buddhist	
                                                        	D      HARAMSHALA,	 India	 --	 The	 Dalai	 Lama	
                                                                has	called	on	Russian	pilgrims	to	trans-
                                                        late	Buddhist	spiritual	writings	which	have	not	
Temple,	where	we	can	preserve	and	conserve	our	         been	published	in	Russian.
Khmer	culture	for	the	next	generation	in	America.”	     	 “Kangyur	(The	Translation	of	the	Word	con-
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma
sisting	 of	 108	 volumes	 is	 supposed	 to	 have	     in	a	Buddhist	ceremony	in	Leeds.
been	spoken	by	the	Buddha	himself)	and	the	            	 The	 Venerable	 Mary	 Reavey	 blessed	 a	
Tengyur	 (Translation	 of	 Treatises	 constituting	    number	of	pets	and	other	animals	as	part	of	the	
of	224	volumes	of	Buddha’s	followers’	com-             Jamyang	Buddist	Centre’s	celebrations	of	World	
mentaries),	as	well	as	texts	written	by	Tibetan	       Animal	Day.
mentors...	If	it	is	possible,	you	should	organize	     	 The	nun	touched	each	animal	gently	with	a	holy	
a	 group	 of	 translators,”	 the	 Dalai	 Lama	 told	   object	while	walking	around	them	with	a	stupa	-	an	
Russian	Buddhists	in	the	northern	Indian	city	of	      object	which	represents	the	Buddha’s	mind.
Dharmashala.                                           	 A	 number	 of	 animals	 working	 for	 Pets	 as	
	 The	 texts	 have	 never	 been	 translated	 into	     Therapy	were	also	blessed.		World	Animal	Day	
Russia	and	several	Tibetan	texts	have	not	been	        falls	on	the	same	day	as	the	feast	of	St	Francis	
translated	into	Chinese	or	Japanese.                   of	Assisi,	the	patron	saint	of	animals.
	 More	than	1,200	pilgrims	from	Russia	came	to	        	 Buddhists	 strongly	 identify	 with	 St	 Francis’	
Dharmashala,	the	seat	of	Tibet’s	government	in	        compassion	for	animals	and	view	all	living	be-
exile	in	north	India,	to	attend	three-day	spiritual	   ings	as	capable	of	achieving	the	highest	state	of	
courses,	which	were	held	by	the	Dalai	Lama	for	        enlightenment.	
Russian	Buddhists	for	the	second	time	this	year.	
The	meeting	also	involved	believers	from	China,	
Spain,	 Vietnam,	 South	 Korea,	 Britain,	 Mongolia	
and	Kazakhstan.

B	 Police	horses	blessed	by	Buddhist.
       BBC, Oct 4, 2009

	L     eeds,	UK	--	Two	police	horses	from	the	
       West	Yorkshire	force	have	been	blessed	

                                                        B Buddhist college for Glasgow.
                                                             by Hilary Barclay, Evening Tiomes, 8
                                                        Nov 2010

                                                        	B      ritain’s	first	Buddhist	College	is	to	open	
                                                                at	Glasgow	University.
                                                        	 Glasgow,	Scotland	(UK)	--	An	inaugural	one-
                                                        year	diploma	course	will	be	open	to	students
แสงธรรม 20     Saeng Dhamma
from	the	start	of	the	next	academic	year	in	Sep-        to	be	part	of	it.”
tember	2011.                                            	 Tutors	will	include	the	Venerable	Rewatha	and	
	 One	of	the	driving	forces	behind	the	College	         Doctor	Kenneth	Hutton	of	the	University’s	Depart-
is	Glasgow’s	“Maryhill	monk”,		the		Venerable	      	   ment	of	Theology	and	Religious	Studies.Successful	
K.	Sri	Rewatha	Thero.                                   students	can	go	on	to	take	a	degree	course.
	 The	Buddhist	College	UK	will	be	modelled	             	 The	 Vice	 Chancellor	 of	 Sri	 Lanka’s	 Bud-
on	the	Buddhist	and	Pali	University	of	Sri	Lanka,	      dhist	 and	 Pali	 University,	 Professor	 Ittademali-
the	 Venerable	 Rewatha’s	 home	 country.	 The	         ye	Indasara	Nayaka	Thero	is	in	Glasgow	for	the	
Venerable	Rewatha	is	also	Buddhist	Chaplain	to	         launch.	He	said:	“Buddhism	is	not	confined	to	
Glasgow	University.                                     one	generation,	one	country	or	even	one	race.”
	 He	 said:	 “The	 course	 will	 provide	 an	 aca-      	 Glasgow	 University	 Chaplain	 the	 Reverend	
demic	approach	to	Buddhism	and	open	up	in-              Stuart	MacQuarrie	said:	“This	is	all	about	valuing	
ter-faith	dialogue	in	Scotland.	Setting	up	the	col-     people	and	the	different	cultures	they	bring	to	
lege	is	a	great	achievement	and	I	am	delighted	         this	city.”
แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma

     พระไตรปิฎก สำ�หรับผู้เริ่มศึกษ� เล่มที่ ๑๔ หน้� ๑๙๔, ๒๒๕ พระสุตตันตปิฎก อังคุตตรนิก�ย จตุกกนิบ�ต

ความกลัวที่เป็นเหตุให้ท�าความดี                                                               สัทธรรม	เมือเจอโรคหนัก		ก็จะเศร้าเสียดายทีตนเป็นอย่างนัน	
                                                                                                           ่                                               ่                    ้
	 (๑๒๑)		ปฐมภยสูตร		ตรัสแก่ภกษุทงหลายว่า		มีภย		(ความ ส่วนคนทีไม่กลัวต่อความตาย		มีนยตรงกันข้าม
                                                             ิ ั้               ั                      ่                                 ั
กลัว)	๔		อย่าง		ทีเ่ ป็นเหตุให้ละชัว		ท�าดี		และท�าตนให้บริสทธิ	์ 	คือ	
                                                           ่                        ุ
๑.		อัตตานุวาทภัย		๒.		ปรานุวาทภัย		๓.		ทัณฑภัย		๔.		ทุคติภย หลักการบริหารเศรษฐกิจของอริยสาวก	(องฺ.ปญฺจก.๑๔/๒๗๕)
	 อัตตานุวาทภัย	 	 คือการที่คนเราพิจารณาเห็นว่า	 	 เมื่อ 	 (๔๑)	 อาทิยสูตร	 	 วันหนึง	 	 พระพุทธองค์ประทานพระ                          ่
ประพฤติทจริต		ตัวเองก็จะติเตียนตัวเองได้ในเรืองศีล		เกิดความ โอวาทแก่อนาถปิณฑิกเศรษฐีวา		ประโยชน์อน	(อริยสาวก)		พึง
             ุ                                                          ่                                                           ่                ั
กลัว		จึงละทุจริต		ประพฤติสจริต	                         ุ                                    ได้จากโภคทรัพย์ม		๕		ประการ		คือ		
	 ปรานุวาทภัย		การทีคนเราพิจารณาเห็นว่า		เมือประพฤติ 	 ๑.	 ใช้ในการเลียงตน	 	 เลียงมารดาบิดา	 	 เลียงบุตรภริยา	
                                             ่                                ่                                       ้           ้                          ้                    	
ทุจริต		คนอืนก็จะติเตียนเอาได้ในเรืองศีล		เกิดความกลัว		จึง ทาส		กรรมกร		คนใช้		ให้มความสุข			
                  ่                                             ่                                                           ี
ละทุจริต		ประพฤติสจริต            ุ                                                           	 ๒.	ใช้ในการเลียงมิตรสหายให้เป็นสุข		
	 ทัณฑภัย	 	 คือการที่คนเราเห็นคนจับโจรไปลงโทษด้วย 	 ๓.	ใช้บรรเทาอันตรายทีอาจเกิดขึนจากไฟ		น�า		พระราชา	                      ่              ้                 ้                  	
ประการต่างๆ		เพราะความชัวทีทาเอาไว้		เกิดความกลัวว่า		ถ้า (ฝ่ายบ้านเมือง)		โจร		ทายาททีไม่พงประสงค์		
                                                    ่ ่ �                                                                             ่ ึ
ตัวเองท�าความชัวอย่างนัน		ก็จะต้องถูกลงโทษเหมือนกัน		จึง 	 ๔.	ใช้ในการท�าพลี	 	(การสละเพือช่วยเหลือหรือเพือบูชา)	
                        ่                  ้                                                                                               ่                            ่
ละทุจริต		ประพฤติสจริต          ุ                                                             ๕	อย่าง	(๑.	ญาติพลี-สงเคราะห์ญาติ		๒.	อติถพลี	-	ต้อนรับแขก	
	 ทุคติภย		การทีคนเราพิจารณาเห็นว่า		วิบากของทุจริตใน ๓.	ปุพพเปตพลี	 -	ท�าบุญอุทศให้ผตาย		๔.	ราชพลี	 -	เสียสละ
               ั              ่                                                                                                 ิ ู้
ภายภาคหน้าเป็นสิงเลวร้าย		ถ้าตัวเองประพฤติทจริต		ตายไป เพือบ้านเมือง		เช่น	เสียภาษีอากร	เป็นต้น		๕.	เทวตาพลี	 –	
                            ่                                             ุ                         ่
ก็จะต้องตกอบาย		ทุคติ		วินบาต		นรก		เกิดความกลัว		จึงละ ท�าบุญอุทศให้เทวดา	)		
                                                  ิ                                                      ิ
ทุจริต		ประพฤติสจริต      ุ                                                                   	 ๕.	 ใช้ในการท�าบุญให้ทานแก่สมณพราหมณ์ผประพฤติดี                    ู้
เหตุที่ท�าให้กลัวตาย - ไม่กลัวตาย                                                             	 ตรัสว่า		เมืออริยสาวกได้ประโยชน์จากโภคทรัพย์ดงกล่าว
                                                                                                                ่                                                         ั
								(๑๘๔)	อภยสูตร		พราหมณ์ชาณุสโสณีกราบทูลถึงความ นี		หากโภคทรัพย์หมดสินไป		ก็พอใจว่า		ได้ใช้โภคทรัพย์ให้เป็น
                                                                                                  ้                     ้
เห็นของตนว่า		สัตว์ผมความตายเป็นธรรมดา		ทีจะไม่กลัวไม่ ประโยชน์แล้ว		ไม่เกิดความเดือดร้อน		หากโภคทรัพย์เพิมพูน
                                      ู้ ี                                  ่                                                                                                 ่
สะดุงต่อความตาย		ย่อมไม่ม		พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่า		ทีกลัวก็มี	 ขึน		ก็พอใจว่า		ได้ประโยชน์จากโภคทรัพย์ทพอกพูนขึน		ไม่เกิด
       ้                                             ี                            ่             ้                                                 ี่                  ้
ทีไม่กลัวก็ม		ผูทกลัวต่อความตาย		มี		๔		จ�าพวก	คือ		๑.		พวก ความเดือดร้อน
  ่              ี ้ ี่
ทียงมีความรักใคร่		เมือเจอโรคหนักก็จะเศร้าเสียดายกาม	-	สิง 	 ในพระคาถาท้ายพระสูตรกล่าวอีกว่า			ผูได้ประโยชน์จาก
    ่ั                              ่                                                       ่                                                            ้
อันเป็นทีรกซึงจะพรากจากไป		๒.	พวกทียงมีความรักใคร่		เมือ โภคทรัพย์ทง	๕		ประการนี		จัดว่า		เป็นผูดารงอยูในอริยธรรม	
          ่ั ่                                                    ่ั                    ่                    ั้           ้                    ้�                ่                	
เจอโรคหนัก		ก็จะเศร้าเสียดายกายอันเป็นทีรกของตน		ซึงจะ บัณฑิตย่อมสรรเสริญเขาในชีวตนี		และครันตายไปย่อมรืนรมย์
                                                                     ่ั               ่                                          ิ ้           ้                            ่
ต้องพรากจากไป				๓.	พวกทีไม่ได้ทาคุณงามความดีไว้เลย		ท�า ในสวรรค์	
                                                       ่      �
แต่ความชัวช้าเลวทราม		เมือเจอโรคหนัก		ก็จะเศร้าเสียดายที่
           ่                                    ่
ตนเป็นอย่างนัน		๔.		พวกทียงมีความเคลือบแคลงสงสัยในพระ
                    ้                          ่ั
แสงธรรม 22    Saeng Dhamma
                    ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.

                    Those	who	are	interested	in	Thai	Theravada	Buddhism	and	mem-
                    bers	of	the	general	public	are	cordially	invited	to	Wat	Thai,	D.C.,	
                    Temple	to	pay	their	respect	to	or	simply	view	the	Buddha	relics	on	
                    display	in	the	chanting	hall.

ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. 19 กุมภ�พันธ์ 2554
           � สาธยายพระไตรปิฎก ภาษาบาลี
           � ฟังบรรยายธรรม - ธรรมสากัจฉา
           � เจริญจิตตภาวนา - แผ่เมตตา
           ขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าโดยพร้อมกัน เวลา 9.00 A.M.
แสงธรรม 23     Saeng Dhamma

                                        เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย
                                                         พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)

                            ปญฺญวา พุทฺธิสมฺปนฺโน           วิธานวิธิโกวิโท
                            กาลญฺญู สมยญฺญู จ               ส ราชวสตึ วเส.
               ผู้มีปัญญา ถึงพร้อมด้วยความรู้ ฉลาดในวิธีจัดการงาน รู้กาล รู้สมัย
                            ชีวเต วาปิ สปฺปญฺโญ             อปิ วิตฺตปริกฺขยา
                            ปญฺญาย จ อลาเภน                 วิตฺตวาปิ น ชีวติ.
               ถึงสิ้นทรัพย์ ผู้มีปัญญาก็ด�ารงอยู่ได้ แต่ถ้าไร้ปัญญา แม้มีทรัพย์ ก็ด�ารงอยู่ไม่ได้

	 ปั       ญญา	ในพจนานุกรมภาษาประมวลศัพท์ได้ให้
           ความหมายไว้ ว ่ า 	 ความรู ้ , ปรี ช าหยั่ ง รู ้
เหตุ,ความรู้เข้าใจชัดเจน,ความรู้เข้าใจ หยั่งแยกได้ใน
                                                                         ปญฺญา โลกสฺมิ ปชฺโชโต.
                                                                          นตฺถิ ปญฺญาสมา อาภา.
เหตุผล ชั่วดี คุณโทษ ประโยชน์ มิใช่ประโยชน์ เป็นต้น                   แสงสว่างอื่นเสมอด้วยปัญญาไม่มี
และรู้ที่จะจัดแจง จัดสรร จัดการ, ความรอบรู้ในกอง                            ปญฺญา นรานํ รตนํ.
สังขาร มองเห็นเป็นความจริง ที่กล่าวมานี้	เป็นลักษณะ                      ปัญญาเป็นแก้วของนรชน
ของ	 “ปั ญ ญา”	 ตามที่ ท ่ า นบั ญ ญั ติ ไว้ ใ นพจนานุ ก รม                ปญฺญา เจนํ ปสาสติ.
ประมวลศัพท์                                                                ปัญญาปกครองคนได้
		 พระพุทธศาสนาเป็นศาสนาแห่งปัญญา	ดังทีพระพุทธ 		 มนุษย์ทุกรูปทุกนามตามส่วนต่าง	ๆ	ของโลก	อาศัย
องค์ทรงแสดงไว้ว่า                                            แสงสว่างทางปัญญา	จึงสามารถพากันด�ารงชีวตอยูได้ดวย
                                                                                                    ิ ่ ้
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
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Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
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Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
Saengdhamma Vol. 36 No. 430 February 2011
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  • 1. แสงธรรม ฉบับวันมาฆบูชา ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา Saeng Dhamma ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๓๐ ประจำาเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔ Vol.36 No.430 February 2011 ปี ๒๕๕๔
  • 2. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 430 ประจ�าเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554 Vol.36 No.430 February, 2011 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สารบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words.............................................. 1 Emancipation From the World By Ven. Buddhadasa.. 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. Just Do it Ven. By Ajanh Chah..................................7 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี Blind Minded Man By Ven. Laung Ta Chi.................. 15 กองบรรณาธิการ : The Hot News Of World Buddhism .........................17 ดร.พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก ................................... 21 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภากโร ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนมกราคม .............................. 22 พระจรินทร์ อาภสฺสโร เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญาโณ พระสุริยา เตชวโร ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนมกราคม............. 30 พระมหาสราวุธ สราวุโธ เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ...................................... 32 พระมหาประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหาถนัด 39 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks.......................... 43 พระมหาค�าตัล พุทฺธงฺกุโร Thai Temple’s News...............โดย ดร. แฮนดี้ 44 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต สรุปรายรับ-รายจ่ายวัดไทยฯ ......................................47 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนมกราคม Ven.Pradoochai 48 รายนามผู้บริจาคออมบุญประจ�าปีและเจ้าภาพภัตตาหารเช้า..52 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล / Lunch............................53 is published monthly by ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันมาฆบูชา ..................................... 62 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple At 13440 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Photos taken by Fax : 301-871-5007 Ven. Pradoochai, Ven. Khumtan E-mail : Ven. Ananphiwat, Ven.Srisuporn Homepage : Mr. Kevin & Mr. Sam Radio Network : Bank & Ms. Golf 2,500 Copies
  • 3. ถ้อยแถลง เมือคิดถึงตามธรรมดา ชีวตเราเกิดมาก็เป็นปัญหาทังนัน ่ ิ ้ ้ อันคนเราเกิดมาเพือสิงใดกัน หมุนเวียนแปรผันเปลียนไปทุกวันตามวัย ่ ่ ่ ชีวตคนเราผิดกับมาลี เพราะว่าปวงมาลีสดชืนด้วยดีเสมอไป ิ ่ มนุษย์เกิดมาโลกนีเ้ พืออะไร ทุกข์ระทมฤทัยหรือเพือสุขใจแน่เอย ่ ่ “แสงธรรม” ฉบับเดือนแห่งความรัก มาฆบูชาประจ�าปีน ี้ เก็บบทเพลง “ชีวตกับดอกไม้” ของ แก้ว อัจฉริยะกุล ซึงเป็นการตังค�าถาม ิ ่ ้ เปรียบเทียบชีวตมนุษย์เรากับมวลดอกไม้ทให้ความสดชืน ความสวยงามแก่โลกและมวลมนุษย์ อีกไม่นาน เมือความหนาวเย็นผ่านพ้นไป ิ ี่ ่ ่ แสงแดดอันน�าความอบอุนมาเยือน เมือนัน ดอกไม้กจะบานสะพรังอีกครา ใบไม้กจะกลับคืนสูตน คืนชีวต ให้ออกซิเจน สรรพสัตว์จะ ่ ่ ้ ็ ่ ็ ่้ ิ ๊ เติบโต นันคือการผ่านพ้นไปอีกฤดูกาล ความงามของฤดูใบไม้ผลินามาซึงความสุข สดชืน ความสวยงาม แต่งเติมสีสนแก่โลกใบนี ้ ส่วน ่ � ่ ่ ั มนุษย์เรา อาศัยหยัดยืนอยูบนโลกทุกฤดูกาลแทบไม่แตกต่าง จะอยูแบบสุขสดชืนหรือแบบทุกข์ระทม กับสิงแวดล้อมทีเ่ ปลียนแปลง มี ่ ่ ่ ่ ่ ส่วนในการแต่งเติมโลกนีอย่างไรกันบ้าง ถ้าหวนคิดว่าเกิดมาเพืออะไร แสวงหาอะไร นับเป็นการตังค�าถามทีดวาคุณค่าของเรา สูตนไม้ ้ ่ ้ ่ี่ ้้ ดอกไม้ได้หรือไม่ เดือนกุมภาพันธ์ มีวนส�าคัญต่างหลายๆ วัน ตามแต่สญชาติความสนใจของผูคน ทังวันปีใหม่แบบจีน (ตรุษจีน) วันวาเลนไทน์ วัน ั ั ้ ้ ประธานาธิบดี และทีสาคัญของเราชาวพุทธคือ วันมาฆบูชา นันเอง อย่างทีเ่ คยน�าเสนอไว้แล้วว่า การปรารภวันขึนมานันเพือยกความ ่� ่ ้ ้ ่ พิเศษให้กบวันนันๆ แต่เนือแท้จริงๆ วันอืนๆ อีก ๓๖๔ วันก็มความส�าคัญ เราจึงควรประพฤติ ปฏิบตดจเดียวกัน จะเป็นประโยชน์ตอชีวต ั ้ ้ ่ ี ัิุ ่ ิ ยิงขึน ไม่ใช่มาละชัว ท�าดี ท�าจิตให้บริสทธิ ์ เพือร�าลึกถึงวันมาฆบูชาเพราะพระบรมศาสดาได้ตรัสโอวาทปาฏิโมกข์ให้ธรรมมะนี ้ ส่วนวัน ่ ้ ่ ุ ่ อืนๆ ละความดี กระท�าความชัว สร้างความมัวหมองให้กบจิต หรือจะมาคิดถึงประธานาธิบดีเฉพาะวันนี ้ เลยเป็นประชาชนคนดีเสียทีหนึง ่ ่ ั ่ แต่วนอืนๆ อะไรก็ชาง อย่างนีกใช่ท ี กลายเป็นชีวตก็ไม่สมบูรณ์ สูธรรมชาติไม่ได้ทมคณค่าตลอดปี ตลอดกาล อย่าให้อายธรรมชาติกนเลย ั ่ ่ ้็ ิ ้ ี่ ี ุ ั ส�าหรับวัดไทย ดี.ซี. ปีนได้กาหนดจัดงานวันมาฆบูชาขึนในวันที ่ ๒๐ กุมภาพันธ์ ศกนี ้ กิจกรรมงานบุญมีทงทาน ศีล ภาวนา จึงขอเชิญชวน ี้ � ้ ั้ ญาติมตรได้รวมกันเจริญทาน ศีล ภาวนาในช่วงวันเวลาดังกล่าวด้วย ิ ่ ส่วน “๑๐๐ ปี ๑๐๐ เรืองหลวงพ่อเล่า(ปัญญานันทะ)” ขอน�าเรืองพิชตเพลย์บอย ความว่า “...พระพุทธเจ้าของชาวเราทังหลายนัน ่ ่ ิ ้ ่ ทรงกล้าหาญมาก...เช่นตัวอย่างว่า ไปพบพวกเพลย์บอย เขาเรียกว่าพวกภัททวัคคีย ภัททวัคคียหมายความว่าพวกทีเ่ จริญด้วยความ ์ ์ สนุกสนาน พวกคนทีลมหลงความสนุกสนาน สมัยนีกควรเรียกว่า พวกเพลย์บอย มีอยู ่ ๓๐ คนด้วยกัน เทียวไปเรือยๆ ไป มีผหญิงด้วย ่ ุ่ ้็ ่ ่ ู้ แต่วาคนหนึงมันไม่ม ี เมือไม่ม ี เพือนฝูงเห็นว่าคนนีมนอยูโดดเดียวไม่มพวก เรามันมีกนทุกคนแล้วสนุกเต็มทีแล้ว ก็เลยไปหามาให้คนหนึง ่ ่ ่ ่ ้ั ่ ่ ี ั ่ ่ ทีไปหามาให้มนเป็นคนไม่เรียบร้อย เหมือนกับสาวใช้ทเี่ ข้ามาอยูในบ้านเราสมัยนี ้ ซึงมีอยูไม่ใช่นอยเหมือนกัน มาอยูสองวัน แล้วก็กวาด ่ ั ่ ่ ่ ้ ่ เรียบไปเลย เอาไปเรียบร้อย นีเ่ ขาเรียกว่า มันไม่ด ี เขาก็หาคนประเภทนันมาให้ เทียวไปๆ พอเผลอมันลักทรัพย์เรียบเลย ของพวกนันทัง ้ ่ ้ ้ ๓๐ คนมันกวาดหมด ห่อใหญ่ไปเลย พวกนันก็เทียวตามหา ตามมาก็เจอพระพุทธเจ้าเข้า พอเจอพระพุทธเจ้า พระองค์ถามว่า “พวกเธอ ้ ่ จะไปไหนกัน” เขาบอกว่า “ตามหาผูหญิงคนหนึงซึงลักทรัพย์ของพวกเราไป พระองค์นงอยูตรงนีเ้ ห็นไหม ว่าผูหญิงคนนันเดินมาทางนีหรือไม่” ้ ่ ่ ั่ ่ ้ ้ ้ พระองค์ไม่ตอบว่าเห็นหรือไม่เห็น แต่พระองค์กลับถามว่า “แสวงหาหญิงดี หรือแสวงหาตนดี” ถามไปในแง่ธรรมะว่า แสวงหาผู้ หญิงดี หรือแสวงหาตนดี คนเหล่านันเข้าใจความหมายว่าแสวงหาตนคืออะไร ก็เลยบอกว่า “แสวงหาตนดีกว่า” ้ เมือแสวงหาตนดีกว่า พระองค์กบอกว่า “ถ้าอย่างนัน นังลง” เมือนังลงเรียบร้อยแล้วก็พดธรรมะให้ฟง เมือเข้าใจธรรมะพวกนันก็เลย ่ ็ ้ ่ ่ ่ ู ั ่ ้ บวชหมดทัง ๓๐ คน นีพระองค์สอนในทางทีถกอย่างนี ้ ไม่ได้สอนไปในทางอืน (ศาสนาทีแท้อยูในตัวเรา วันอาทิตย์ท ี่ ๒๕ พฤศจิกายน ้ ่ ู่ ่ ่ ่ พ.ศ. ๒๕๒๒) สุดท้ายแจ้งให้ทราบอีกข่าว ขณะนีทางวัดไทย ดี.ซี. ได้มการบิณฑบาตทุกวันอาทิตย์ จึงขอเชิญชวนญาติโยมผูสนใจประสงค์จะท�าบุญ ้ ี ้ ตักบาตร ร่วมกิจกรรมได้ทกวันอาทิตย์ในเวลา ๐๗.๐๐น. ขอบุญกุศลจงน�าทุกท่านมีภพภูมทดในเบืองหน้าโน้นเถิด ุ ิ ี่ ี ้ คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 4. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต อตฺตนา ว กตํ ปาปํ อตฺรชํ อตฺตสมฺภวํ อภิมตฺถติ ทุมฺเมธํ วชิรํ วมฺหยํ มณึ. (๑๖๑) บาปทีตนทําเอง เกิดในตนเอง และตนเองเป็นผูสร้างไว้ ย่อมทําลายคนโง่ ่ ้ เหมือนเพชรทําลายแก้วมณีฉะนัน ้ The evil, done by oneself, self-begotten and self-produced, crushes the witless one, as the diamond grinds the hardest gem.
  • 5. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma EMANCIPATION FROM THE WORLD by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu ...Continued from last issue... grasping and clinging, and so defeating our original purpose. The practice is quite correct in itself, but EMANCIPATION FROM THE WORLD if we misunderstand it and cling to it irrationally, T he third fetter is Superstition (Silabbatapra- ramasa) or attachment to rules and rituals based on a misunderstanding of their real purpose. regarding it as something magical or sacred, then it becomes pure superstition. Even taking upon one- self the moral precepts, if done in the belief that it Essentially it is a misguided attachment to certain will lead to rebirth as a celestial being, is without a things one does. Usually it has to do with doc- doubt an example of attachment to rules and ritu- trines and ceremonies. An example of this is belief als and goes contrary to Buddhist aims. Such be- in magic and magical practices, which is blatantly liefs contaminate otherwise virtuous conduct. The just superstition and occurs even among Buddhists. objective of the Buddhist discipline is the elimina- Practice based on the belief that it will produce tion of the cruder defilements of body and speech magical abilities, psychic powers and protective as a foundation for the progressive development forces is founded on false hopes and is irrational. of concentration and insight. The objective is not Another example is the undertaking of moral pre- rebirth in heaven. To have such false motives is cepts (Five Precepts, etc.) or virtuous conduct. The to soil and contaminate one’s own morals with real purpose of this is to eliminate mental defile- grasping and clinging, with false ideas. Charity, or ments; but if we believe that it will give rise to adherence to moral precepts, or meditation prac- miraculous powers which we shall then be able tice, if carried out with a mistaken idea of their true to use to eradicate the defilements, we are in fact objective. inevitably will stray from the Buddhist
  • 6. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma path. Do understand that even Buddhist practice anyone who has studied well and made progress, associated with misunderstanding because craving these three elements should not be present; and if has come in and taken over, bringing the expec- they are, then that person’s mind should be con- tation of mystical powers, becomes superstition sidered still primitive. Anyone ought to be able to instead. This applies to even the very small and give up these three defilements and become an trivial things that most of us like to indulge in, such Aryian. If he can’t he is still a foolish and delud- as ritual chanting, merit making and the like. The ed person, or, to use the best term, a worldling ceremony of placing rice and trays of sweets before (Puthujjana), someone with a thick blindfold cov- the Buddha’s image, if performed in the belief that ering the eye of insight . When any individual has it is an offering to the Buddha’s “spirit” and that he managed to give up these defilements, his mind will be able to partake of it, is 100 percent certain is freed from bondage to the world. These three to produce effects precisely the opposite of what are ignorance and delusion obscuring the truth and the devotee is hoping for. Behavior that defeats are fetters binding the mind to the world. Giving its own true purpose is generally quite common them up is like rendering ineffective three kinds of in Buddhist circles. It is foolish and irrational and bondage or three blind folds, then slipping free and results in practices originally worthwhile and attrac- rising above and beyond the world, into the first tive becoming contaminated with the stupidity and supramundane level. This is what it is to become ignorance of the people performing them. This is an Aryian of the first degree, to attain the first level what is meant by superstition. As we can see, this in the supramundane plane. Such an individual is defilement has its origins in delusion and misunder- called a “Stream - enterer,” one who has attained standing. Most of us have our own ingrown beliefs for the first time the Stream that flows on to Nir- in mystical powers as a result of having been mis- vana. In other words an individual at this stage is informed and led astray by others. We need not certain to attain Nirvana at some time in the future. go into any more detail here; but though it may be What he has attained is only the Stream of Nirvana, rather disturbing, everyone ought to do some criti- not Nirvana itself. This Stream is a course that flows cal self-examination along these lines. right on to Nirvana, inclining towards Nirvana just as When these first three defilements, namely self the water-course of a river slopes down towards belief, doubt and superstition, have been com- the sea. Though it may still take some time, a mind pletely given up, one is said to have attained the which has once entered the Stream is certain to lowest level in the supramundane plane, that is, to achieve Nirvana eventually. Attaining the second have become a Stream enterer. To give up com- level in the supramundane plane implies giving up pletely these three defilements is not difficult at the three fetters just mentioned, and further, being all, because they are just primitive qualities pos- able to attenuate certain types of craving, aversion sessed by primitive, under-developed people. In and delusion to such a degree that the mind be-
  • 7. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma comes elevated and only very feebly attached to sentment, has been washed out to a large extent sensuality. It is traditionally held that an individual by the Once - returner so that there remains only who achieves this level will return to this world a trace of ill humor to obstruct his mind; but the at most only once more, hence he is known as a Never - returner has got rid of it altogether. Thus “Once - returner.” A Once - returner is closer to the Never - returner has thrown off both sensual Nirvana than a Stream - enterer, there remaining in desire and ill will. him no more than a trace of worldliness. Should he This sensual desire or attachment to and satis- return to the sensual human world, he will do so faction in sensuality was explained adequately in not more than once, because craving, aversion and the section on sensual attachment. It is a chronic delusion, though not completely eliminated, have defilement, firmly fixed in the mind as if it were become exceedingly attenuated. a very part of it, of the same substance. For the The third stage is that of the Never - returner. ordinary man, it is hard to understand and hard This grade of Aryian, be- to eradicate. Anything sides having succeeded at all can serve as an in giving up the defile- object for desire: colors ments to the extent and shapes, sounds, necessary for becoming odors, tastes and tac- a Once - returner, has tile objects of any sort, also managed to give kind and description. up the fourth and fifth These are sensual ob- fetters. The Fourth fet- ทำ�บุญร่วมช�ติ เตรียมอ�ห�รตักบ�ตรร่วมกัน..ส�ธุ!! jects (Kama), and the ter is sensual desire and state of mental attach- the fifth is ill will. Nei- ment which takes the ther the Stream - enterer nor the Once - returner form of satisfaction in these desirable objects is has completely given up sensual desire. In both of sensual desire (Kama - raga). What we call ill will is them there is still a remnant of satisfaction in allur- the reaction of a mind that feels dissatisfaction. If ing and desirable objects. Even though they have there is satisfaction, there is sensual desire; if dis- managed to give up self belief, doubt and supersti- satisfaction, ill will. Most people’s minds are sub- tion, they are still unable to relinquish completely ject to these two states. There may arise ill will their attachment to sensuality of which some trac- towards even inanimate objects, and what is more, es remain. But an Aryian at the third stage, a Never - one can even be dissatisfied with the things one returner, has succeeded in giving it up completely, has produced oneself, the things that arise in one’s so that not a trace remains. The defilement called own mind. Where there is actual hatred and anger ill will, which includes all feelings of anger or re- towards an object, ill will has become too fierce.
  • 8. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma An Aryian at a stage below the Non - returnee has es of concentration on forms (rupa - raga). The first given it up to a degree appropriate to his station. three grades of Aryian are still not capable of giving The ill will that remains for the third grade of Aryian up attachment to the bliss and tranquillity obtain- to relinquish is just a mental reaction so subtle that able by concentrating deeply on forms, but they possibly no outward evidence of it appears. It is an will succeed in doing so when they move up to the inner perturbation not revealed by any facial ex- last stage, that of the Arahant. The fully concen- pression, yet present inwardly as dissatisfaction, as trated state has a captivating flavor, which can be irritation or annoyance at some person or thing that described as a foretaste of Nirvana. Though it dif- does not conform to expectation. Imagine a person fers from real Nirvana, it has more or less the same completely devoid of every form of ill will: consid- flavor. While one is fully concentrated, the defile- er what a very exceptional individual he would be, ments are dormant; but they have not evaporated and how worthy of respect. The five defilements away entirely, and will reappear as soon as concen- we have just been dis- tration is lost. As long as cussing were grouped they are dormant, how- together by the Buddha ever, the mind is empty, as the first to be given clear, free, and knows up. Self belief, doubt, the flavor of real Nir- superstition, sensual vana. Consequently this desire and ill will have state can also become all been given up by an a cause of attachment. Aryian at the third level. “อิมใจทุกคร� เวล�ทำ�บุญ เป็นทุนหนุนชีวมสขใจ” The seventh subtle de- ่ ี ี ุ Because there remains filement is desire for the no sensual desire, this grade of Aryian never again bliss associated with full concentration on objects returns to the sensual state of existence. This is other than forms (arupa - raga). It resembles the why he gets the name “Never - returner,” one sixth fetter, but is one degree more subtle and at- who will never come back. For him there is only tenuated. Concentration on an object such as space movement forward and upward to Arahantship or emptiness yields a tranquillity and quiescence and Nirvana, in a state having nothing to do with more profound than concentration on a form, with sensuality, a supreme, divine condition. As for the the result that one becomes attached to that state. five remaining defilements, these only the Arahant, No Arahant could ever become fascinated by any the fourth grade of Aryian, succeeds in relinquishing state of pleasant feeling whatsoever, regardless of completely. where it originated, because an Arahant is auto- The next defilement, the sixth of the fetters, is matically aware of the impermanence, unsatisfac- desire for the bliss associated with the various stag- toriness and nonselfhood of every state of feeling.
  • 9. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma Other hermits and mystics practicing concentration to think automatically of oneself as better or worse in the forest do not perceive the hidden danger than the other fellow in this fashion is bound to in these blissful states and so become fascinated be very difficult. The placing of this defilement as by and attached to the flavor of them just as im- number eight is probably meant to indicate that it mature people become attached to the flavor of is hard to give up and so belongs near the end of sensual objects. For this reason the Buddha used the list. Only the highest grade of Aryian can relin- the same word “desire” for both cases. If you think quish it. The likes of us naturally can’t give it up. this subject over and really come to understand it, This idea that one is better than, or on a par with, you will be full of admiration and respect for these or not as good as the other fellow, comes from a individuals called Aryians. The eighth fetter binding certain kind of attachment. As long as the mind is a man to the world is awareness of superiority or still involved in good and bad, the awareness of inferiority (mana). It is the delusion of having this inferiority, superiority, or equality with respect to or that status relative to another. It consists in the others remains to disturb it; but when it has com- thought: “I am not as good as he is. I am just as pletely transcended good and bad, such ideas can- good as he is. I am better or higher than he is.” not exist. As long as such ideas do remain, real bliss Thinking “I am not as good as...,” one feels inferior; and tranquillity are lacking. thinking “I am better than...,” one feels puffed up; and thinking “I am just as good as...,” one thinks To be continued along competitive lines or in terms of getting ahead of the other fellow. It is not pride or conceit. Not คุณ PHUONG DUC DAO (หน่อง) อุปสมบท ณ วัดไทยดีซี เป็นเวลา 11 วัน เพื่ออุทิศส่วนบุญกุศลให้น้องชาย คือคุณต่วน ดาว ที่ล่วงลับไปแล้ว เจ้าภาพโดยพ่อแทน-แม่สมพอดี-คุณศรคำา ดาว ขอขอบใจแขกทุกท่านที่มาร่วมบุญ
  • 10. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma Just Do It! By Ajahn Chah JUST DO IT! practice. J ust keep breathing in and out like this. Don’t be interested in anything else. It doesn’t matter even if someone is standing on If the mind is at ease, if it’s at peace then it will be naturally aware. As you keep doing it, the breath diminishes, becomes softer. The their head with their ass in the air. Don’t pay it body becomes pliable, the mind becomes pli- any attention. Just stay with the in-breath and able. It’s a natural process. Sitting is comfort- the out-breath. Concentrate your awareness on able: you’re not dull, you don’t nod, you’re not the breath. Just keep doing it. sleepy. The mind has a natural fluency about Don’t take up anything else. There’s no need whatever it does. It is still. It is at peace. And to think about gaining things. Don’t take up any- then when you leave the samādhi, you say to thing at all. Simply know the in- breath and the yourself, ‘Wow, what was that?’ You recall the out-breath. The in-breath and the out-breath. peace that you’ve just experienced. And you Bud on the in-breath; dho on the out-breath. never forget it. Just stay with the breath in this way until you The thing which follows along with us is are aware of the in-breath and aware of the out- called sati, the power of recollection, and sam- breath....aware of the in-breath....aware of the pajañña, self-awareness. Whatever we say or do, out-breath. Be aware in this way until the mind wherever we go, on almsround or whatever, in is peaceful, without irritation, without agitation, eating the meal, washing our almsbowl, then merely the breath going out and coming in. Let be aware of what it’s all about. Be constantly your mind remain in this state. You don’t need mindful. Follow the mind. a goal yet. It’s this state that is the first stage of When you’re practising walking meditation
  • 11. แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma (cankama), have a walking path, say from one time with these different postures, make all four tree to another, about 50 feet in length. Walk- postures beneficial. This is the action. We just ing cankama is the same as sitting meditation. keep doing it. It’s not easy. Focus your awareness: ‘’Now, I am going to put To make it easy to visualise, take this glass forth effort. With strong recollection and self- and set it down here for two minutes. When the awareness I am going to pacify my mind.’’ The two minutes are up then move it over there for object of concentration depends on the per- two minutes. Then move it over here for two son. Find what suits you. Some people spread minutes. Keep doing that. Do it again and again mettā to all sentient beings and then leading until you start to suffer, until you doubt, until with their right foot, walk at a normal pace, us- wisdom arises. ‘’What am I thinking about, lift- ing the mantra ‘Buddho’ in conjunction with the ing a glass backwards and forwards like a mad- walking. Continually being aware of that object. man.’’ The mind will think in its habitual way If the mind becomes agitated then stop, calm according to the phenomena. It doesn’t matter the mind and then resume walking. Constantly what anyone says. Just keep lifting that glass. self-aware. Aware at the beginning of the path, Every two minutes, okay - don’t daydream, not aware at every stage of the path, the beginning, five minutes. As soon as two minutes are up the middle and the end. Make this knowing con- then move it over here. Focus on that. This is tinuous. the matter of action. This is a method, focussing on walking can- Looking at the in-breaths and out-breaths kama. Walking cankama means walking to and is the same. Sit with your right foot resting on fro. It’s not easy. Some people see us walking your left leg, sit straight, watch the inhalation up and down and think we’re crazy. They don’t to its full extent until it completely disappears realize that walking cankama gives rise to great in the abdomen. When the inhalation is com- wisdom. Walk to and fro. If you’re tired then plete then allow the breath out until the lungs stand and still your mind. Focus on making the are empty. Don’t force it. It doesn’t matter how breathing comfortable. When it is reasonably long or short or soft the breath is, let it be just comfortable then switch the attention to walk- right for you. Sit and watch the inhalation and ing again, the exhalation, make yourself comfortable with The postures change by themselves. Stand- that. Don’t allow your mind to get lost. If it gets ing, walking, sitting, lying down. They change. We lost then stop, look to see where it’s got to, can’t just sit all the time, stand all the time or why it is not following the breath. Go after it and lie down all the time. We have to spend our bring it back. Get it to stay with the breath, and,
  • 12. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma without doubt, one day you will see the reward. feeling arises. Know it, look at it. But don’t be Just keep doing it. Do it as if you won’t gain any- deluded by it. Keep doing it, keep doing it. Do thing, as if nothing will happen, as if you don’t it often. After the meal, air your robe on a line, know who’s doing it, but keep doing it anyway. and get straight out onto the walking meditation Like rice in the barn. You take it out and sow it in path. Keep thinking ‘Buddho, Buddho’. Think it the fields, as if you were throwing it away, sow it all the time that you’re walking. Concentrate on throughout the fields, without being interested the word ‘Buddho’ as you walk. Wear the path in it, and yet it sprouts, rice plants grow up, you down, wear it down until it’s a trench and it’s transplant it and you’ve got sweet green rice. halfway up your calves, or up to your knees. That’s what it’s about. Just keep walking. This is the same. Just sit there. Sometimes It’s not just strolling along in a perfunctory you might think, ‘’Why am I watching the breath way, thinking about this and that for a length of so intently. Even if I didn’t watch it, it would still the path, and then going up into your hut and keep going in and out.’’ looking at your sleeping mat, ‘’How inviting!’’ Well, you’ll always finds something to think Then laying down and snoring away like a pig. about. That’s a view. It is an expression of the If you do that you won’t get anything from the mind. Forget it. Keep trying over and over again practice at all. and make the mind peaceful. Keep doing it until you’re fed up and then Once the mind is at peace, the breath will di- see how far that laziness goes. Keep looking un- minish, the body will become relaxed, the mind til you come to the end of laziness. Whatever will become subtle. They will be in a state of it is you experience you have to go all the way balance until it will seem as if there is no breath, through it before you overcome it. It’s not as if but nothing happens to you. When you reach you can just repeat the word ‘peace’ to yourself this point, don’t panic, don’t get up and run and then as soon as you sit, you expect peace out, because you think you’ve stopped breath- will arise like at the click of a switch, and when it ing. It just means that your mind is at peace. You doesn’t then you give up, lazy. If that’s the case don’t have to do anything. Just sit there and you’ll never be peaceful. look at whatever is present. It’s easy to talk about and hard to do. It’s Sometimes you may wonder, ‘’Eh, am I like monks who are thinking of disrobing saying, breathing?’’ This is the same mistake. It is the ‘’Rice farming doesn’t seem so difficult to me. thinking mind. Whatever happens, allow things I’d be better off as a rice farmer’’. They start to take their natural course, no matter what farming without knowing about cows or buffa-
  • 13. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma loes, harrows or ploughs, nothing at all. They reach an optimum, ‘just right’ state. When the find out that when you talk about farming it mind is peaceful the self-awareness arises natu- sounds easy, but when you actually try it you rally. Then if you want to sit right through the get to know exactly what the difficulties are. night, you feel nothing, because the mind is en- Everyone would like to search for peace in that joying itself. When you get this far, when you’re way. Actually, peace does lie right there, but good at it, then you might find you want to give you don’t know it yet. You can follow after it, Dhamma talks to your friends until the cows you can talk about it as much as you like, but come home. That’s how it goes sometimes. you won’t know what it is. It’s like the time when Por Sang was still a So, do it. Follow it until you know in pace postulant. One night he’d been walking canka- with the breath, concentrating on the breath us- ma and then began to sit. His mind became lucid ing the mantra ‘Buddho’. Just that much. Don’t and sharp. He wanted to expound the Dhamma. let the mind wander off anywhere else. At this He couldn’t stop. I heard the sound of some- time have this knowing. Do this. Study just this one teaching over in that bamboo grove, really much. Just keep doing it, doing it in this way. If belting it out. I thought, ‘’Is that someone giving you start thinking that nothing is happening, just a Dhamma talk, or is it the sound of someone carry on anyway. Just carry on regardless and complaining about something?’’ It didn’t stop. you will get to know the breath. So I got my flashlight and went over to have a Okay, so give it a try! If you sit in this way look. I was right. There in the bamboo grove, and the mind gets the hang of it, the mind will sitting cross-legged in the light of a lantern, was คุณสานิต-คุณพนมรัตน์-น้องกีตา มุขกัง ทำาบุญวันคล้ายวันเกิดให้นองแอนนา ้ ้ ถวายภัตตาหารเพลแด่พระสงฆ์วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. เมื่อวันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ม.ค. 2554
  • 14. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma Por Sang, talking so fast I couldn’t keep up.’’ Eating, tell yourself, ‘’I eat this food, not with So I called out to him, ‘’Por Sang, have you craving, but as medicine, to sustain my body for gone crazy?’’ a day and a night, only in order that I may con- He said, ‘’I don’t know what it is, I just want tinue my practice.’’ to talk the Dhamma. I sit down and I’ve got to When you lay down then teach your mind. talk, I walk and I’ve got to talk. I’ve just got to When you eat then teach your mind. Maintain expound the Dhamma all the time. I don’t know that attitude constantly. If you’re going to stand where it’s going to end.’’ up, then be aware of that. If you’re going to I thought to myself, ‘’When people practice lie down, then be aware of that. Whatever you the Dhamma there’s no limit to the things that do, then be aware. When you lie down, lie on can happen.’’ your right side and focus on the breath, using So keep doing it, don’t stop. Don’t follow the mantra ‘Buddho’ until you fall asleep. Then your moods. Go against the grain. Practise when when you wake up it’s as if ‘Buddho’ has been you feel lazy and practice when you feel dili- there all the time, it’s not been interrupted. For gent. Practice when you’re sitting and practice peace to arise, there needs to be mindfulness when you’re walking. When you lay down, focus there all the time. Don’t go looking at other on your breathing and tell yourself, ‘’I will not people. Don’t be interested in other people’s indulge in the pleasure of laying down.’’ Teach affairs; just be interested in your own affairs. your heart in this way. Get up as soon as you To be continued awaken, and carry on putting forth effort. คุณตุม และสามี เจ้าของร้าน Nava Thai และพนักงาน ร่วมทำาบุญร้าน ถวายภัตตาหารเพลแด่พระสงฆ์ ่ เพือความเป็นสิรมงคลในการค้าขาย ส่งท้ายปีเก่า-ต้อนรับปีใหม่ เมือวันอังคารที่ 11 ม.ค. 2554 (สาธุๆ) ่ ิ ่
  • 15. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma Blind-Minded Man Essays On The Dhamma By Luang Ta Chi Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart I. Those Who Fear Death of understanding. They will be above death as they remain selfless and do not have the delu- That is all that the Gathā Unahissavichai dis- sion of being attached to anything—no being, no cussed. The person who created the Gathā (dis- person. At the highest level of Dhamma in Bud- course) used Dhamma to keep death from oc- dhism, death is completely removed from one’s curring, so that those who follow the Dhamma mind: no more questions or problems concerning would be saved from all kinds of untimely death the fear of death arise. In a conversation where but would not ultimately escape death. The end Mogharāja asked the Buddha, “What does one of the Gathā emphasizes the fact that in order for need to avoid death?” the Buddha answered, life to continue to prosper, the Dhamma has to be followed with seriousness. It has to remain in Suññato loke avekkassu one’s thought and mind, and be taught to others, Mogharāja sadā sato and have firm respect given to it. It is thus supposed that only Dhamma will Listen to my word, Mogharāja. Always view protect us from untimely death, and one must the world with mindfulness and detachment. be strict and honest in following the precepts. In When the world is seen in that light, death will short, living according to the Dhamma and teach- no longer frighten you. ing others the Dhamma will result in the preven- tion of untimely death. In Buddhism, when one reaches the truth Understand that the Dhamma in the Gathā through practicing the highest level of the Dham- keeps only untimely death away, but can nev- ma, the fear of death will disappear and will no er prevent timely death. The Dhamma that longer have any influence on one’s life. We would prevent ultimate death is a higher level of should remember that the path that leads us to Dhamma for those who have reached the depth become one with the concepts of suññatā (noth-
  • 16. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma ingness ) and anattā (no self/no control over na- of death, the higher level of the Dhamma should ture) is an important one—it is the heart of Bud- be sought. Apply meditation and awareness to dhism. observe the body and mind, and to see the three For those who are afraid of death, if you do interrelated basic characteristics of existence: not want to face death, you have to practice Aniccatā—impermanence (all things are con- the Dhamma mentioned above that the Buddha stantly changing) taught to Mogharāja. When the mind reaches Dukkhatā—unsatisfactoriness (stress and dis- peace, purity, and clarity, fear will disappear be- satisfaction occur because of these changes) cause the mind will be free, as described in the Anattatā—no self/no control (we mistakenly following remark by the Buddha: believe that we can have control over the forces of nature) Rūpadhātu pariññāya When we reach this understanding, our minds Arūpesu asanthitā will be free from attachment. Thus the fear of Nirodhe ye vimuccanti death will lose its hold on us. Te janā maccuhāyino II. Blind-Minded Man For those who understand that physical phe- nomena (rūpadhātu) are not attached to mental Konu hāso kimānando phenomena (nāmadhātu), there is cessation of Niccam pajjalite sati suffering (nirodha). Those people are thus beyond Andhakārena onaddhā the cycle of birth and death. Padīpam nāgavesatha Why is there celebration when the world is The best way to make one’s life longer, to in constant flame? All of you are lost in dark- avoid untimely death, is to conduct oneself ness. Why not seek a torch to guide the way? strictly according to the five precepts. That is, to avoid bad deeds (physically and verbally), not to The Buddha spoke of the women friends of kill, not to steal, to refrain from unlawful sexual Nang Visakha. The friends gave in to alcohol activities, to avoid lying (false speech, namely, and intoxicants. Their husbands asked Nang malevolent gossip, crude language, or meaning- Visakha to help their wives, and so she brought less chatter). This is the medicine that makes life them to the Buddha to hear his teachings. longer. Always remember what the monks teach The friends came with their hidden bottles and us: those who want to live a long should follow snuck drinks until they became intoxicated. Feel- the precepts and spread loving-kindness. ing a little drunk and intoxicated, they decided For people who would like to flee the grasp to perform songs and dances for the Buddha. The
  • 17. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma Buddha, sensing the reason for their behavior, 2. Ignorance of the cause of suffering caused darkness to surround them and caused 3. Ignorance of the cessation of suffering great fear among the women. So great was their 4. Ignorance of the path to the cessation fear that the drunkenness disappeared. The of suffering Buddha then taught his discourse on the dan- 5. Ignorance of the past gers of unmindfulness. 6. Ignorance of the future For all people, no matter in what time they 7. Ignorance of both past and future live in or what country, if they are stuck in igno- 8. Ignorance of the law of conditionality rance, their minds are blinded. Even friends of Nang Visakha, living in the time of the Buddha, When we speak of the world, it is not the who was most pure, were in this state. Nang non-human objects such as land or mountains; Visakha herself reached the first level of Enlight- it means the living humans, men and women. It enment at the age of seven and was instructing is these humans who are covered in ignorance and guiding these friends; yet they did not see so they cannot see and the mind is blinded. the error of drinking intoxicants. Even at the Just as a chicken inside the egg shell cannot place where the Buddha was staying, they were see what is outside, so, too, a human ignorant drinking. Ignorance blinded them to all right of the truth cannot see beyond the ignorance. and wrong, causing them to act and speak im- Even a bright mind will lose its brightness when properly. Such is the power of ignorance. The the darkness of ignorance covers it. People do inner intelligence or the inner eye was closed, not see that there is suffering; thus, they cannot closed to the teaching, the Dhamma. They did know what causes it. They do not know how not see their own goodness, other people’s suffering ceases; thus, they do not know which goodness, and the supreme value of Nirvana to path leads to the cessation of suffering. completely extinguish all suffering. They could People do not know the past, the future, not see that the Dhamma is good, is right, and both the past and the future, or the law of con- is true. The wrong view of their blinded minds ditionality because they lack the wisdom to see made these people this way. what is what. The Buddha has stated, According to the Buddha’s discourse, our life Avijjāya nivuto loko is full of suffering: When the world is covered with igno- rance, the Four Noble Truths cannot be seen Dukkhameva hi sambhoti as they really are. Dukkham titthati veti ca Ignorance is classified into eight kinds: Nāññatara dukkhā sambhoti 1. Ignorance of suffering Nāññatara dukkhā nirujjhati
  • 18. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma Only suffering arises, remains, and is and death is to not be born. extinguished. If there is no suffering, nothing 4. Pakinnakadukkha. Various kinds of suffer- is born and nothing is extinguished. ing caused by sadness: discontent when we are separated from our loved ones, when we are Suffering is classified into ten kinds: not where we want to be, when we are where we do not want to be, or when we cannot have 1. Nibatthadukkha. Constant suffering that what we desire. All people, rich or poor, have exists in all. Discomfort/suffering from changes these experiences. We all have hope, desire, in the weather (too hot or too cold), changes or want never to be disappointed or separated in our physical body that occur (hunger, thirst, from a loved one or a loved possession. This aches and pains, etc.). Rich and poor alike feel kind of thing may affect us in varying degrees these. If hunger cannot be satisfied, then there and is ever present in us. Only the enlightened can be very great suffering of hunger. Food can ones do not have these various kinds of suffering. lessen hunger, but it cannot completely end it. 5. Santapadukkha. Suffering due to pas- We still need to eat several times a day, every sion arises from defilements such as love, an- day, all through our lives. Thirst and pains of ger, jealousy, or vengeance. Anyone who has not the body can be lessened but will constantly reached Enlightenment has a tendency to suffer come again to all without exception under these conditions. 2. Byādhidukkha. Suffering involving dis- 6. Vipakatadukkha. Suffering due to guilty ease is illness, pain occurring from disease or conscience resulting from fear from having done an irregular condition of our body. When weak- bad deeds. Those who have committed bad ened, we are more likely to be affected by dis- deeds usually suffer from mental anguish. This ease or bad weather. Everyone will have some kind of suffering can be avoided by not commit- illness sooner or later; no one is an exception, ting wrong action, speech, or thought. However, not even doctors. very few people except an enlightened one can 3. Sabhāvadukkha. Physical and mental achieve this state. suffering caused by aging and death. Old people 7. Āhārapariyetthidukkha. Suffering arises are more aware of this condition, but our younger from the mental and physical work, worry, and ones also know this because they certainly do anguish when competing to make a living for your- not enjoy getting older. People worry about aging self and your family. Many people have lost their and fear death. Suffering is caused because lives while struggling to maintain their livelihood. people try to avoid what is unavoidable. There is no power or medicine to overcome death. To be continued The only way to prevent the suffering of aging
  • 19. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma The Hot News of World Buddhism B People must be compassionate towards B Buddhists upset over death of sacred all: Dalai Lama. fish inside Bodhgaya temple pond. TNN, Jan 12, 2011 ANI, Jan 9, 2011 V ARANASI, India -- Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said that all living beings in the world feel pain and sorrow, but only hu- B odh gaya, India -- Buddhists in Bihar’s Bodhgaya city fear that things could get worse following the death of a sacred ‘golden mans can feel the pain and sorrow of others. fish’ inside the temple pond due to freezing Addressing the Buddhist monks and follow- temperature on Sunday. ers on Wednesday at the Central University of Golden fish represent good fortune for Bud- Tibetan Studies (CUTS), Sarnath, he said that dhists and their passing has rattled the monks one could achieve ‘bodhi’ by removing the sor- who are very concerned about what it may row of others. People should be compassionate presage for the future. towards all, he said. According to ‘View on Buddhism’, the gold- “Among all living beings, humans have wis- en fish symbolises that ‘living beings who prac- dom, hence they should apply their wisdom tice dharma need have no fear to drown in the purposefully and in the right direction,” he said. ocean of suffering, and can freely migrate (chose Later, the prime minister of the Tibetan gov- their rebirth) like fish in the water’. ernment in exile, S Rinpoche, inaugurated the One of the monks, Priyapal Bante, wants the newly built academic building of the CUTS on Temple Management Committee to take steps the occasion. to preserve the fish just as they do with the sa-
  • 20. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma cred Bodhi tree - the tree that Buddha achieved worn for Cambodian funerals - and monks swathed enlightenment. in vibrant orange robes filled the pews as Chhean “The way the sacred tree, which is known for was eulogized in both Khmer and English. the longevity of Buddhist Monks, is looked after Among the crowd was Assemblywoman by scientists and experts from the Dehradun- Bonnie Lowenthal, D-Long Beach, who knew based Forest Research Institute, similarly the Chhean for two decades and helped him tackle management committee of the temple should issues in the Cambodian community during her deploy experts for conservation of fish and pre- time on the Long Beach City Council. vention of water pollution,” said Bante. “It is very cold here, and many fish died be- cause of it,” added Trishi, a visitor from Arunach- al Pradesh. B Celebrating a monk Press-Telegram. Jan 16, 2011 C ommunity recalls Khmer leader who helped Cambodians settle in Long Beach LONG BEACH, CA (USA) -- The Rev. Kong Chhean was surrounded by a sea of orange, white and yellow flowers as hundreds paid their respects to the late Buddhist monk on Sunday. They remembered him as a man who was de- voted, compassionate and spiritual - a man who worked to help heal the Cambodian community. “For me personally, Rev. Chhean was a Chhean, the well-known and beloved head friend,” said Lowenthal, one of more than a monk at the Khemara. Buddhikarama Temple, died dozen who shared their memories of the monk. at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center on Jan. 7 Lowenthal recalled Chhean’s efforts to help after battling a series of ailments. He was 66. young Cambodian gang members. Chhean’s life was commemorated Sunday “He took them into the temple. He helped in a memorial service at All Souls Mortuary fol- them with community service. He turned their lowed by a final Buddhist ritual service at Khe- lives around,” she said. mara Buddhikarama Temple, 2100 W. Willow St., which is popularly called Wat Willow. Advertisement Mourners dressed in white - the traditional color Born in Cambodia in 1945, Chhean was or-
  • 21. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma dained as a novice monk at 12 years old. He B County officials meet with Buddhist studied Buddhism and philosophy at Banaras monks. Hindu University in India and received his doc- by Andrew Dunn, January 5, 2011 torate in 1975. Unable to return to his native country be- cause of the Khmer Rouge, Chhean came to the B olivia, NC (USA) -- The news that the Wat Carolina Buddhist monastery in Bo- livia would be hosting a conference of about United States in 1979 and set up his first temple 100 monks in June apparently raised a few eye- in an apartment on Clarkdale Avenue in Hawai- brows in the county government. ian Gardens and his second in a home in Lake- A group of officials, including a building inspec- wood. tor and fire marshal, and representatives of the As more Cambodian refugees arrived in the environmental health, storm water and planning U.S., Chhean began holding religious services at departments, visited leaders of the monastery on El Dorado Park. Tuesday to learn more about their plans and pass In addition to leading his congregation, along what would be required of them, county Chhean had a strong interest in mental health zoning administrator Helen Bunch said. and worked with the Los Angeles County Mental “We came out with a better understanding,” Health Department to treat Cambodian refugees she said, noting that the meeting went well. suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. She said that the monastery will have to put He earned a master’s degree in psychology together a site plan of the permanent buildings at Pepperdine University in 1986 and a doctor- and where the teepees are being built, as well ate in clinical psychology in 1989. as submit internal building layouts. Some per- Each year, Chhean raised funds and used his mits might also be required. own salary so he could return to Cambodia and Bunch said that the intent of the meeting purchase hundreds of bags of rice for the needy. was never to shut them down, but to find out “He frequently reminded us that when he is how the county could help. no longer here on earth, his one and only wish was for all of us to stay united and take care of B Dalai Lama calls on Russian Bud- the beloved temple that he dedicated himself dhists to translate spiritual texts. to building,” according to a biography read by RIA Novosti, December 3, 2010 community member Mala Soy in the memorial service. “He wanted it to remain a Khmer Buddhist D HARAMSHALA, India -- The Dalai Lama has called on Russian pilgrims to trans- late Buddhist spiritual writings which have not Temple, where we can preserve and conserve our been published in Russian. Khmer culture for the next generation in America.” “Kangyur (The Translation of the Word con-
  • 22. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma sisting of 108 volumes is supposed to have in a Buddhist ceremony in Leeds. been spoken by the Buddha himself) and the The Venerable Mary Reavey blessed a Tengyur (Translation of Treatises constituting number of pets and other animals as part of the of 224 volumes of Buddha’s followers’ com- Jamyang Buddist Centre’s celebrations of World mentaries), as well as texts written by Tibetan Animal Day. mentors... If it is possible, you should organize The nun touched each animal gently with a holy a group of translators,” the Dalai Lama told object while walking around them with a stupa - an Russian Buddhists in the northern Indian city of object which represents the Buddha’s mind. Dharmashala. A number of animals working for Pets as The texts have never been translated into Therapy were also blessed. World Animal Day Russia and several Tibetan texts have not been falls on the same day as the feast of St Francis translated into Chinese or Japanese. of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. More than 1,200 pilgrims from Russia came to Buddhists strongly identify with St Francis’ Dharmashala, the seat of Tibet’s government in compassion for animals and view all living be- exile in north India, to attend three-day spiritual ings as capable of achieving the highest state of courses, which were held by the Dalai Lama for enlightenment. Russian Buddhists for the second time this year. The meeting also involved believers from China, Spain, Vietnam, South Korea, Britain, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. B Police horses blessed by Buddhist. BBC, Oct 4, 2009 L eeds, UK -- Two police horses from the West Yorkshire force have been blessed B Buddhist college for Glasgow. by Hilary Barclay, Evening Tiomes, 8 Nov 2010 B ritain’s first Buddhist College is to open at Glasgow University. Glasgow, Scotland (UK) -- An inaugural one- year diploma course will be open to students
  • 23. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma from the start of the next academic year in Sep- to be part of it.” tember 2011. Tutors will include the Venerable Rewatha and One of the driving forces behind the College Doctor Kenneth Hutton of the University’s Depart- is Glasgow’s “Maryhill monk”, the Venerable ment of Theology and Religious Studies.Successful K. Sri Rewatha Thero. students can go on to take a degree course. The Buddhist College UK will be modelled The Vice Chancellor of Sri Lanka’s Bud- on the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, dhist and Pali University, Professor Ittademali- the Venerable Rewatha’s home country. The ye Indasara Nayaka Thero is in Glasgow for the Venerable Rewatha is also Buddhist Chaplain to launch. He said: “Buddhism is not confined to Glasgow University. one generation, one country or even one race.” He said: “The course will provide an aca- Glasgow University Chaplain the Reverend demic approach to Buddhism and open up in- Stuart MacQuarrie said: “This is all about valuing ter-faith dialogue in Scotland. Setting up the col- people and the different cultures they bring to lege is a great achievement and I am delighted this city.”
  • 24. แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก พระไตรปิฎก สำ�หรับผู้เริ่มศึกษ� เล่มที่ ๑๔ หน้� ๑๙๔, ๒๒๕ พระสุตตันตปิฎก อังคุตตรนิก�ย จตุกกนิบ�ต ความกลัวที่เป็นเหตุให้ท�าความดี สัทธรรม เมือเจอโรคหนัก ก็จะเศร้าเสียดายทีตนเป็นอย่างนัน ่ ่ ้ (๑๒๑) ปฐมภยสูตร ตรัสแก่ภกษุทงหลายว่า มีภย (ความ ส่วนคนทีไม่กลัวต่อความตาย มีนยตรงกันข้าม ิ ั้ ั ่ ั กลัว) ๔ อย่าง ทีเ่ ป็นเหตุให้ละชัว ท�าดี และท�าตนให้บริสทธิ ์ คือ ่ ุ ๑. อัตตานุวาทภัย ๒. ปรานุวาทภัย ๓. ทัณฑภัย ๔. ทุคติภย หลักการบริหารเศรษฐกิจของอริยสาวก (องฺ.ปญฺจก.๑๔/๒๗๕) ั อัตตานุวาทภัย คือการที่คนเราพิจารณาเห็นว่า เมื่อ (๔๑) อาทิยสูตร วันหนึง พระพุทธองค์ประทานพระ ่ ประพฤติทจริต ตัวเองก็จะติเตียนตัวเองได้ในเรืองศีล เกิดความ โอวาทแก่อนาถปิณฑิกเศรษฐีวา ประโยชน์อน (อริยสาวก) พึง ุ ่ ่ ั กลัว จึงละทุจริต ประพฤติสจริต ุ ได้จากโภคทรัพย์ม ๕ ประการ คือ ี ปรานุวาทภัย การทีคนเราพิจารณาเห็นว่า เมือประพฤติ ๑. ใช้ในการเลียงตน เลียงมารดาบิดา เลียงบุตรภริยา ่ ่ ้ ้ ้ ทุจริต คนอืนก็จะติเตียนเอาได้ในเรืองศีล เกิดความกลัว จึง ทาส กรรมกร คนใช้ ให้มความสุข ่ ่ ี ละทุจริต ประพฤติสจริต ุ ๒. ใช้ในการเลียงมิตรสหายให้เป็นสุข ้ ทัณฑภัย คือการที่คนเราเห็นคนจับโจรไปลงโทษด้วย ๓. ใช้บรรเทาอันตรายทีอาจเกิดขึนจากไฟ น�า พระราชา ่ ้ ้ ประการต่างๆ เพราะความชัวทีทาเอาไว้ เกิดความกลัวว่า ถ้า (ฝ่ายบ้านเมือง) โจร ทายาททีไม่พงประสงค์ ่ ่ � ่ ึ ตัวเองท�าความชัวอย่างนัน ก็จะต้องถูกลงโทษเหมือนกัน จึง ๔. ใช้ในการท�าพลี (การสละเพือช่วยเหลือหรือเพือบูชา) ่ ้ ่ ่ ละทุจริต ประพฤติสจริต ุ ๕ อย่าง (๑. ญาติพลี-สงเคราะห์ญาติ ๒. อติถพลี - ต้อนรับแขก ิ ทุคติภย การทีคนเราพิจารณาเห็นว่า วิบากของทุจริตใน ๓. ปุพพเปตพลี - ท�าบุญอุทศให้ผตาย ๔. ราชพลี - เสียสละ ั ่ ิ ู้ ภายภาคหน้าเป็นสิงเลวร้าย ถ้าตัวเองประพฤติทจริต ตายไป เพือบ้านเมือง เช่น เสียภาษีอากร เป็นต้น ๕. เทวตาพลี – ่ ุ ่ ก็จะต้องตกอบาย ทุคติ วินบาต นรก เกิดความกลัว จึงละ ท�าบุญอุทศให้เทวดา ) ิ ิ ทุจริต ประพฤติสจริต ุ ๕. ใช้ในการท�าบุญให้ทานแก่สมณพราหมณ์ผประพฤติดี ู้ ประพฤติชอบ เหตุที่ท�าให้กลัวตาย - ไม่กลัวตาย ตรัสว่า เมืออริยสาวกได้ประโยชน์จากโภคทรัพย์ดงกล่าว ่ ั (๑๘๔) อภยสูตร พราหมณ์ชาณุสโสณีกราบทูลถึงความ นี หากโภคทรัพย์หมดสินไป ก็พอใจว่า ได้ใช้โภคทรัพย์ให้เป็น ้ ้ เห็นของตนว่า สัตว์ผมความตายเป็นธรรมดา ทีจะไม่กลัวไม่ ประโยชน์แล้ว ไม่เกิดความเดือดร้อน หากโภคทรัพย์เพิมพูน ู้ ี ่ ่ สะดุงต่อความตาย ย่อมไม่ม พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่า ทีกลัวก็มี ขึน ก็พอใจว่า ได้ประโยชน์จากโภคทรัพย์ทพอกพูนขึน ไม่เกิด ้ ี ่ ้ ี่ ้ ทีไม่กลัวก็ม ผูทกลัวต่อความตาย มี ๔ จ�าพวก คือ ๑. พวก ความเดือดร้อน ่ ี ้ ี่ ทียงมีความรักใคร่ เมือเจอโรคหนักก็จะเศร้าเสียดายกาม - สิง ในพระคาถาท้ายพระสูตรกล่าวอีกว่า ผูได้ประโยชน์จาก ่ั ่ ่ ้ อันเป็นทีรกซึงจะพรากจากไป ๒. พวกทียงมีความรักใคร่ เมือ โภคทรัพย์ทง ๕ ประการนี จัดว่า เป็นผูดารงอยูในอริยธรรม ่ั ่ ่ั ่ ั้ ้ ้� ่ เจอโรคหนัก ก็จะเศร้าเสียดายกายอันเป็นทีรกของตน ซึงจะ บัณฑิตย่อมสรรเสริญเขาในชีวตนี และครันตายไปย่อมรืนรมย์ ่ั ่ ิ ้ ้ ่ ต้องพรากจากไป ๓. พวกทีไม่ได้ทาคุณงามความดีไว้เลย ท�า ในสวรรค์ ่ � แต่ความชัวช้าเลวทราม เมือเจอโรคหนัก ก็จะเศร้าเสียดายที่ ่ ่ ตนเป็นอย่างนัน ๔. พวกทียงมีความเคลือบแคลงสงสัยในพระ ้ ่ั
  • 25. แสงธรรม 22 Saeng Dhamma ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ิ Those who are interested in Thai Theravada Buddhism and mem- bers of the general public are cordially invited to Wat Thai, D.C., Temple to pay their respect to or simply view the Buddha relics on display in the chanting hall. ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนกุมภำพันธ์ ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. 19 กุมภ�พันธ์ 2554 ศึกษาและปฏิบัติธรรมตามแนวพระไตรปิฎก � สาธยายพระไตรปิฎก ภาษาบาลี � ฟังบรรยายธรรม - ธรรมสากัจฉา � เจริญจิตตภาวนา - แผ่เมตตา ขอเชิญพุทธศาสนิกชนร่วมดับร้อนผ่อนคลายทุกข์ด้วยธรรมโอสถ ขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าโดยพร้อมกัน เวลา 9.00 A.M.
  • 26. แสงธรรม 23 Saeng Dhamma เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) ผู้น�ำมีปัญญำ-แต่ขำดควำมรู้ ปญฺญวา พุทฺธิสมฺปนฺโน วิธานวิธิโกวิโท กาลญฺญู สมยญฺญู จ ส ราชวสตึ วเส. ผู้มีปัญญา ถึงพร้อมด้วยความรู้ ฉลาดในวิธีจัดการงาน รู้กาล รู้สมัย เขาพึงอยู่ในราชการได้ ชีวเต วาปิ สปฺปญฺโญ อปิ วิตฺตปริกฺขยา ปญฺญาย จ อลาเภน วิตฺตวาปิ น ชีวติ. ถึงสิ้นทรัพย์ ผู้มีปัญญาก็ด�ารงอยู่ได้ แต่ถ้าไร้ปัญญา แม้มีทรัพย์ ก็ด�ารงอยู่ไม่ได้ ปั ญญา ในพจนานุกรมภาษาประมวลศัพท์ได้ให้ ความหมายไว้ ว ่ า ความรู ้ , ปรี ช าหยั่ ง รู ้ เหตุ,ความรู้เข้าใจชัดเจน,ความรู้เข้าใจ หยั่งแยกได้ใน ปญฺญา โลกสฺมิ ปชฺโชโต. ปัญญาเป็นแสงสว่างในโลก นตฺถิ ปญฺญาสมา อาภา. เหตุผล ชั่วดี คุณโทษ ประโยชน์ มิใช่ประโยชน์ เป็นต้น แสงสว่างอื่นเสมอด้วยปัญญาไม่มี และรู้ที่จะจัดแจง จัดสรร จัดการ, ความรอบรู้ในกอง ปญฺญา นรานํ รตนํ. สังขาร มองเห็นเป็นความจริง ที่กล่าวมานี้ เป็นลักษณะ ปัญญาเป็นแก้วของนรชน ของ “ปั ญ ญา” ตามที่ ท ่ า นบั ญ ญั ติ ไว้ ใ นพจนานุ ก รม ปญฺญา เจนํ ปสาสติ. ประมวลศัพท์ ปัญญาปกครองคนได้ พระพุทธศาสนาเป็นศาสนาแห่งปัญญา ดังทีพระพุทธ มนุษย์ทุกรูปทุกนามตามส่วนต่าง ๆ ของโลก อาศัย ่ องค์ทรงแสดงไว้ว่า แสงสว่างทางปัญญา จึงสามารถพากันด�ารงชีวตอยูได้ดวย ิ ่ ้