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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2007; 51 (6) : 486-495                                                      Special Article
                                                                          Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007

                        Scoliosis and Anaesthetic Considerations
                                                                                    Anand H. Kulkarni1 , Ambareesha M2
      Scoliosis may be of varied etiology and tends to cause a restrictive ventilatory defect, along with ventilation-perfusion
mismatch and hypoxemia. There is also cardiovascular involvement in the form of raised right heart pressures, mitral valve
prolapse or congenital heart disease. Thus a careful pre-anaesthetic evaluation and optimization should be done. Intraoperatively
temperature and fluid balance, positioning, spinal cord integrity testing and blood conservation techniques are to be kept in mind.
Postoperatively, intensive respiratory therapy and pain management are prime concerns.
Keywords          Scoliosis; Deformity, Spine; Monitoring, Spinal cord; Defect, Restrictive.
Introduction                                                         Table 1 Etiologic classification of scoliosis
     Scoliosis is a complex deformity of the spine and               1.    Idiopathic (genetic) scoliosis (approximately 70% of all cases
                                                                           of scoliosis; classified by age of onset)
anaesthesia for scoliosis surgery can be challenging, with
several aspects to be kept in mind simultaneously. A brief           2.    Congenital scoliosis (probably not genetic)
review is presented to highlight important aspects of the                        Vertebral
pre-anaesthesia evaluation and anaesthesia management.                           Open- with posterior spinal defect
                                                                                 With neurologic deficit (e.g., myelomeningocele)
Definition                                                                       Closed-       no   posterior         element           defect
      Scoliosis is a complex deformity of the spine re-                          With neurological deficit (e.g., diastematomy
sulting in lateral curvature and rotation of the vertebrae                 elia with spina bifida)
as well as a deformity of the rib cage1. There is usually                        Without neurological deficit (e.g., hemivertebra,
secondary involvement of the respiratory, cardiovascu-                     unilateral unsegmented bar)
lar and neurologic systems.                                                      Extravertebral (e.g., congenital rib fusions)
                                                                     3.    Neuromuscular scoliosis
Classification                                                                   Neuropathic forms
      The initial classification was given by Schulthess                         Lower motor neuron disease (e.g., poliomyelitis)
W 2. He classified scoliosis by the region involved.
                                                                                 Upper motor neuron disease (e.g., cerebral palsy)
1.   Cervico thoracic                                                            Others (e.g., syringomyelia)
2.   Thoracic                                                                    Myopathic forms

3.   Thoracolumbar                                                               Progressive (e.g., muscular dystrophy)
                                                                                 Static (e.g., amyotonia congenita)
4.   Lumbar
                                                                                 Others (e.g., Friedrich’s ataxia, unilateral amalia)
5.   Combined double primary
                                                                     4.    Neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen’s disease)
      The etiologic classification was introduced by the             5.    Mesenchymal disorders
Terminology Committee of the Scoliosis Research Soci-                           Congenital (e.g., Marfan’s syndrome,
ety in 19693, that is shown in Table 1.                                    Morquio’s disease, amyoplasia
                                                                           congenita, various types of dwarfism)
Epidemiology                                                               Acquired (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, Still’s disease)
      Scoliosis can develop at any age, but tends to be-                   Others (e.g., Scheurmann’s disease, osteogenesis imperfecta)
come clinically evident during periods of rapid somatic              6.    Trauma
growth. It’s reported prevalence in the general population                       Vertebral (e.g., fracture, irradiation, surgery)
varies from 0.3 – 15.3% 4-6. However the prevalence is                           Extravertebral (e.g., burns, thoracic surgery)
less than 3% for curves more than 10o and less than 0.3%
1. MD, DNB, Assistant Professor, 2. MD, DA, Professor and Head, Dept of Anesthesia, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore,
Correspondence to: Anand H.Kulkarni, C 3-20, KMC Staff Quarters, Lighthouse Hill Road, Mangalore -575003. Karnataka, India.
E-mail:         Accepted for publication on:20.10.07
Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia

for curves more than 30 o. It is more common in adoles-
cents and has a female to male ratio of about 3:1 7.
      75 -90% of cases of scoliosis are of the idiopathic
type, out of which the adolescent type is most common.
Remaining 10 – 25% cases belong to various other eti-
Measurement of severity
     The Cobb’s method of measurement, recom-
mended by the Terminology Committee of the Scoliosis
Research Society, consists of three steps.
1.      Locating the superior end vertebra.
2.      Locating the inferior end vertebra.
3.    Drawing intersecting perpendicular lines from the
      superior surface of the superior end vertebra and from
      the inferior surface of the inferior end vertebra.                  Fig.1 Cobb’s method: measurement of severity.
       The angle of deviation of these perpendicular lines
from straight line is the angle of the curve (Fig1). If the               Pre anaesthetic assessment
end plates are obscured pedicles can be used instead for                  I.   Airway assessment: Airway difficulties may be
quantification 8. The draw back of the Cobb’s method is                        anticipated when the scoliosis involves the upper
that it measures a complex deformity in only two dimen-                        thoracic or cervical spine. Also devices like halo
sions. Nevertheless it maintains a uniform method of                           traction may interfere with securing the airway.
measurement.                                                                   Some disorders like Duchenne muscular dystrophy
       Surgery is performed when the Cobb’s angle ex-                          may lead to tongue hypertrophy.
ceeds 50o in the thoracic spine and 40o in the lumbar                     II. Respiratory system: Assessment of the pulmo-
spine. The goal of surgery is to stop the progression of                      nary system must focus on evidence of pre existing
cardiopulmonary disease. If untreated, idiopathic scolio-                     lung injury or pulmonary disease, pneumonia and
sis is often fatal in the fourth or fifth decades of life as a                                      10
                                                                              severity of scoliosis . Factors associated with post-
result of pulmonary hypertension or respiratory failure9 .                    operative mechanical ventilation requirements in-
The severity of scoliosis and clinical implications are as                    clude pre-existing neuromuscular disease, severe
in Table 2.                                                                   restrictive pulmonary dysfunction with a vital
Table 2 Severity of scoliosis and clinical correlation7 :                     capacity(VC) of <35% predicted, congenital heart
     Cobb’s angle   Clinical manifestations                                   defects, right ventricular failure,obesity, anterior tho-
                                                                                                                                    -1 9
     ( degrees)                                                               racic spine surgery and blood loss of > .
     <10            No symptoms                                               Scoliosis results in reduced VC, reduced functional
     >25            Increase in pulmonary artery pressure                     residual capacity (FRC), and restrictive pulmonary
     >40            Consider surgical intervention                            disease pattern characterized by increased respira-
     >70            Significant decrease in lung volume                       tory rate and decreased tidal volume. The severity
     >100           Dyspnea on exertion                                       of pulmonary impairment is influenced by the scolio-
     >120           Alveolar hypoventilation, chronic respiratory             sis angle (>70 ), number of vertebra involved (7 or
                                                                              more), cephalad location of the curvature and de-
Treatment options:                                                            gree of loss seen in the thoracic kyphosis. Pulmo-
I.      Non surgical – braces, traction, plaster applications                 nary impairment is manifested by a decreased arte-
                                                                              rial oxygen tension due to pulmonary shunting There
II. Surgical- posterior approaches, anterior ap-
                                                                              is significant controversy regarding the degree of
    proaches, combined/staged procedures
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007

improvement in pulmonary function after scoliosis                  way obstruction, which may be a result of chronic
surgery. One study found that patients with an an-                 airway inflammation secondary to poor clearance
terior component to correction had worse pulmo-                    of secretions . Significant displacement or rotation
nary function testing variables at 3 months but im-                of the trachea or main stem bronchi may cause
proved function at 2 years. Patients who had poste-                mechanical airway obstruction . In severe restric-
rior correction only had a trend for improved func-                tive defects, there is decrease in inspiratory capac-
tion at 3 months but no significant difference from                ity and also ineffective ventilatory patterns which
the anterior or combined group at 2 years . Scolio-                rely on increase in frequency of respiration rather
sis surgery is more likely to have immediate pulmo-                than increase in tidal volume, which increases the
nary complications if the curvature is >60 . Reduced               work of breathing and promotes respiratory muscle
VC is the first manifestation of restrictive lung dis-             fatigue in response to exercise. They also have a
ease. As the disease progresses gas exchange is                    decreased response to carbon dioxide . When the
affected by ventilation-perfusion mismatch, alveo-                 Cobb’s angle is 100 patients are at an increased
lar hypoventilation, an increased dead space and an                risk of developing chronic respiratory failure and
increased alveolar- arterial gradient. Prolonged pe-               pulmonary hypertension. The pulmonary hyperten-
riods of hypoxemia result in pulmonary hyperten-                   sion is a product of chronic atelectasis, chronic hy-
sion, hypercapnia and eventual respiratory failure.                poxemia and chronic hypercapnia . Scoliosis of neu-
Surgery for scoliosis is performed to slow disease                 romuscular dysfunction etiology usually starts from
progression and prevent complications . Scoliosis                  early infancy, when the chest wall is very compli-
may limit the function of the respiratory muscles                  ant, and the distortion of the thorax is severe. Also
i.e., intercostals may be overstretched or unable to               the lung growth is severely impaired. Moreover the
stretch due to intercostal space changes, putting                  potential for complications is higher because of prob-
them at a mechanical disadvantage. Moreover, the                   lems like chronic recurrent aspiration and
effectiveness of the muscles may be hampered by                    pneumonias due to impaired secretion clearance .
limiting the ability of the thorax to expand. The dis-             Preoperatively respiratory function should be as-
tortion of the thoracic cage makes the respiratory                 sessed by a thorough history, focusing on functional
system much less compliant, thus increasing the                    impairment and effort tolerance, physical examina-
work of breathing even when the lungs themselves                   tion and appropriate investigations. Respiratory func-
are healthy . Scoliosis has generally been associ-                 tion should be optimized by treating any reversible
ated with the development of restrictive lung defect               cause of pulmonary dysfunction like infection by
manifested by a decrease in total lung capacity                    physiotherapy and bronchodilator therapy as indi-
(TLC) on pulmonary function testing. Infantile and                 cated. Preoperative incentive spirometry is advis-
juvenile scoliosis are more likely to be associated                able before thoracotomy for anterior approach cor-
with true lung hypoplasia because the thoracic de-                 rections.
formity is present during the period of rapid lung             III. Cardiovascular system: The cardiovascular
growth and development . In adolescent scoliosis,                   changes associated with scoliosis are less common
in contrast, the decrease in TLC is more likely to                  but more serious than the changes in the respira-
reflect the impaired chest wall mechanics that pre-                 tory system and share a common etiology. The al-
vent normal inflation of the lungs . Long standing                  teration in the cardiovascular system is related pri-
hypoinflation and atelectasis leads to further reduc-               marily to the changes in the structure of the medi-
tion of lung volume. The decreased TLC is often                     astinum and secondarily to the effects of chronic
associated with increased residual volume (RV),                     respiratory insufficiency on the function of the car-
resulting in very high RV /TLC ratio reflecting the                 diac system. The primary changes are related to
dysfunction of expiratory muscles, which do not al-                 structure of the mediastinum following scoliotic
low full exhalation . In severe cases of scoliosis,                 curves. The effect is a restrictive pericarditis with
flow-volume loops may show evidence of lower air-                   a possible secondary pericardial effusion. Limited

Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia

    cardiac filling decreases any potential increases in            Table 3 Suggested preoperative investigations be-
    cardiac output . In response to exercise, the al-               fore major spine surgery9
    ready elevated pulmonary artery pressure increases.                               M i n i mu m                Optional
    Moreover the displacement or compression of the                                   investigations              investigations
                                                                     Respiratory       Plain chest X-ray         PFT (bronchodilator
    heart due to thoracic deformity may not allow an                 system                                       reversibility)
    increase in stroke volume necessary during exer-                                  ABG                        Pulmonary diffusion
         7                                                                                                        capacity
    cise . Eventually even normal filling can be impaired                              Spirometry(FEV1,FVC)
    and the cardiac output at rest can be impaired. At               Cardiovascular   ECG                    Dobutamine
                                                                                                                                 stress echo
    this point cardiac reserves are limited and may not              system
                                                                                       Echo                     Dipyridamole/thallium
    able to withstand the increased haemodynamic de-                                                          scintigraphy
    mand of major surgery. Echocardiography and stress               Blood             Complete blood count  Liver function tests
                                                                                       Clotting profile
    testing, either physical or pharmacologic, can be                                  Cross match
    done to determine the performance of the myocar-                                   Urea/electrolytes

    dium. In addition to mechanical impairment of myo-              IV. Neurologic system: A detailed neurologic evalua-
    cardium, there can be cardiovascular pathology sec-                 tion and documentation is important because of medi-
    ondary to the chronic insufficiency of the respira-                 colegal issues. Moreover, patients who have preex-
    tory system. Pulmonary hypertension is the natural                  isting neurologic deficits are at an increased risk of
    evolution from chronic hypoxemia . Other factors                    developing spinal cord injury during scoliosis surgery.
    contributing to pulmonary hypertension are that the                 Prepoerative considerations for patients undergo-
    number of vascular units per unit volume of lung is                 ing major reconstructive spinal surgery are summa-
    lesser than in normal lungs .Also in the compressed                 rized in Table 4.
    lung regions, the alveoli become smaller than at re-            Table 4 Preoperative considerations for patients
    sidual volume, leading to blood flow in extra alveo-            undergoing major reconstructive spinal surgery22
    lar vessels which have a higher resistance . Even-               Problem                           C o mme n t
    tually right ventricular strain and failure will evolve          Respiratory
    from increased work of right sided cardiac output.                      Reduction in total lung        Reduction worse with increas
                                                                             capacity and vital              -ing deformity. If vital capac
    Detection of any right ventricular dysfunction should                    capacity                        -ity <40% predicted postop
    be a stronger indication for complete cardiac evalu-                                                     -erative ventilation likely.
    ation . Patients with idiopathic scoliosis also have                                                     A further decrease in the vital
                                                                                                             capacity of up to 40% may
    been found to have a high incidence of mitral valve                                                      occur postoperatively: recov-
    prolapse (up to 25%). It may indicate a common                                                           ery may take up to 2
    basis for both the entities, namely a collagen disor-               Increasing V/Q mismatch            Hypoxemia more likely
    der . Moreover the incidence of scoliosis is higher              Cardiovascular
                                                                        Increase in pulmonary              Independent of severity of
    in patients with congenital heart disease than in nor-                vascular resistance                scoliosis
    mal subjects. Hence the patients should be evalu-                   Increase in incidence of           High index of suspicion
                                                                          congenital heart disease
    ated for the presence of congenital heart disease                     and mitral valve
    like ventricular or atrial septal defects, patent duc-                regurgitation
                                         21                          Neurological
    tus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot . Assessment of                 Variable preoperative              Careful preoperative docu
    the cardiovascular system should be done keeping                      deficit                            mentation
    all above in mind. Minimum investigations include                Musculoskeletal
                                                                        Muscular dystrophy                 Abnormal response to muscle
    an electrocardiogram and echocardiography to as-                                                         relaxants
    sess left ventricular function and pulmonary artery                     Respiratory impairment         Postoperative ventilation may
                                                                                                             be required
    pressures. Dobutamine stress echo may be used to                 Nutrition
    assess cardiac function in those with limited effort                Malnourishment                     Likely in patients with meta
                                                                                                             -static carcinoma
    tolerance9 . The preoperative investigations suggested
    are as in Table 3.                                              Anaesthesia technique
                                                                    I.    Premedication: It is advisable to avoid use of nar-
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007

    cotics or heavy sedation as premedication in pres-                    capnography, esophageal stethoscope and a tem-
    ence of pulmonary function impairment.                                perature probe. Also a urinary catheter should be
    Bronchodilators may be used as part of optimiza-                      placed and urine output measured. The prolonged
    tion of lung function preoperatively.Antisialogogues                  anaesthesia in unusual positions, combined with sig-
    may be of value in procedures where a fibre- optic                    nificant blood loss, haemodynamic effects of tho-
    intubation is planned or when prone or lateral posi-                  racic surgery and possible need for deliberate hy-
    tion is required to minimize secretions and avoid                     potension mandate an invasive arterial line. Also
    wetting of the tape securing the endotracheal tube.                   serial blood gas measurements may be done where
    In those at risk of aspiration H2 blocking agents or                  required. CVP values are not reliable in the prone
    proton pump inhibitors may be administered with or                                                   23
                                                                          position or with an open chest .
    without sodium citrate.
                                                                     VI. Positioning: Patient positioning for surgery varies
II. Induction: Routine induction by the intravenous                      depending on the level of spine to be operated upon
    route is common. Alternatively an inhalational in-                   and nature of proposed surgery. Repositioning may
    duction may be used guided by the patient’s condi-
                                                                         be required intraoperatively. Peripheral nerves, eyes,
    tion. Use of succinylcholine may be associated with
                                                                         genitals and bony points should be padded and pro-
    a hyperkalemic response in presence of myopathies
                                                                         tected. Intraoperative imaging is often required, thus
    or denervation. It may also cause malignant hyper-
                                                                         the surgical site should be placed away from the
    thermia in certain syndromes like King- Denborough,
                                                                         table’s central support area. Prone positioning re-
    central core disease, adenylate kinase deficiency
    etc . Therefore it may be prudent to avoid succi-                    quires an uncompressed abdomen. Anterior ap-
    nylcholine in these cases and use nondepolarising                    proaches to thoracic spine are via a thoracotomy
    neuromuscular blocking agents for intubation.                        with the patient supported in the lateral position.
                                                                         Anterior approach to the lumbar spine necessitates
III. Intubation: Anterior approaches to spine may ne-                    laparotomy.
     cessitate the use of a double lumen tube for lung
     isolation to enable access to the anterior spine. This          VII.Malignant hyperthermia: Malignant hyperther-
     may be difficult in cases where there is involve-                   mia is a rare pharmacogenetic myopathy affecting
     ment of upper thoracic or cervical spine by the                     humans .Affected patients are susceptible to acute
     scoliosis since distortion of the tracheobronchial tree             hyperthermia which may be triggered by potent in-
     is a common accompaniment. On the other hand a                      halational anaesthetics or succinyl choline . There
     single lumen tube may be used, allowing more lim-                   are several published reports of myopathies associ-
     ited intraopertive lung retraction, after discussion                ated with malignant hyperthermia and several of
     with the surgeon. In posterior approaches a single                  these syndromes have skeletal abnormalities includ-
     lumen tube is used.                                                 ing scoliosis .It is critically important to be alert for
IV. Maintenance: A stable anaesthetic depth is re-                       early evidence of malignant hyperthermia like rise
     quired to enable proper interpretation of somato                    in body temperature, elevated heart rate, ventricu-
     sensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) or motor evoked                   lar arrhythmias or hypercapnia. The key to success-
     potentials (MEPs). Either a nitrous oxide-narcotic-                 ful management of malignant hyperthermia is im-
     inhalation agent technique may be employed or an                    mediate cessation of triggering agents, 100% oxy-
     intravenous technique using propofol may be used.                   gen, cooling, supportive respiratory, cardiovascular
     Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents are                  and acid-base procedures; and drugs like dantrolene
     used to maintain relaxation. When MEPs are to be                    which lower free ionized intracellular calcium .
     recorded it is advisable to use atracurium by con-              VIII.Spinal cord monitoring: The cervical and lum-
     tinuous infusion and maintain a constant depth of                   bar ganglionic areas of the spinal cord are meta-
     block by neuromuscular monitoring. Intravenous flu-                 bolically more active and the number and size of
     ids should be warmed and a warming mattress de-                     the cervical and lumbar feeders are greater than
     vice is preferable.                                                 those in the thoracic cord and thus the thoracic cir-
V. Intraoperative monitoring: Minimum monitoring                         culation is described as“water shed”. This critical
   should include ECG, NIBP, pulse oximetry,                             zone extends from T4 to T9 where the vascular
Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia

     supply is least generous and special care should be                         aesthetic agents may suppress SSEP signals, cer-
     taken during surgery .Distraction of the spine,                             tain patient conditions like neuromuscular degenera-
     placement of pedicle screws and bony decompres-                             tion may make SSEPs impossible to obtain; and
     sion are intraoperative events in which the spinal                          anterior cord injury may go completely undetected
     cord or nerves may suffer injury . Above and be-                            in spite of SSEP monitoring. A wake-up test should
     low the auto- regulation range, spinal cord blood flow                      be planned for well in advance and discussed with
     depends on perfusion pressure. Spinal cord injury                           the patient in the pre-anaesthesia visit. Because of
     due to above reasons leads to loss of auto regula-                          neuromonitoring concerns a predominantly nitrous
     tion. In this situation hypotension may further com-                        oxide and narcotic technique is typically used. Small
     promise spinal cord blood flow and compound the                             doses of volatile anaesthetics, if used, should be dis-
     injury. Spinal cord blood flow is also highly sensitive                     continued an hour before wake-up is anticipated.
     to PaCO2 alterations during induced hypotension28 .                         Two or three twitches on a train-of-four are suffi-
     The risks of spinal cord damage and methods to                              cient to allow the patient to move his or her toes.
     minimize the risks are as given in Table 5. The inci-                       After discontinuation of nitrous oxide and ventila-
     dence of post operative neurologic injury is estimated                      tion with 100% oxygen, the patient should be able
     at 1.84% .SSEPs, MEPs and the “wake-up” tests                               to follow commands to move their toes within ten
     are commonly used to help safeguard spinal cord                             minutes. It is not advisable to reverse neuro muscu-
     and nerve root function during surgery.                                     lar blockade or narcotics to speed a wake-up test
Table 5 Risks of spinal cord damage                  22                          because this may result in violent movements that
                                                                                 can damage instrumentation or hurt the patient. Also
 Risk related to:
                                                                                 the sympathetic discharge accompanying narcotic
       Length and type of surgical procedure                                    reversal may further compromise spinal cord blood
       Spinal cord perfusion pressure                                           flow. As soon as satisfactory movement is observed,
       Underlying spinal pathology                                              anaesthesia is reestablished. A successful wake-up
       Pressure on neural tissue during surgery                                 test suggests an intact cortex and spinal cord.
 Risk minimized by:                                                          B . SSEP: They are a type of sensory evoked response.
       Careful positioning                                                      It provides the ability to monitor functional integrity
       Maintaining SCPP                                                         of sensory pathways in the anaesthetized patient
             SCPP = MAP – CSFP                                                   undergoing surgical procedures which place the
             CSFP can be reduced by CSF drainage                                 spinal cord at risk. It is recorded after electrical
             MAP manipulated by anaesthetist                                     stimulation of a peripheral mixed nerve. Stimulation
             ?keep systolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg                             is by surface electrodes placed on the skin above
       Drugs                                                                    the nerve. A square wave stimulus of 50-250 micro
             Methylprednisolone given less than 8 hours after insult             sec duration, strength 20-50 mA, stimulation rate 1-
             NMDA antagonists (ketamine, magnesium)                              6 Hz is commonly used. Sites of stimulation are
       Prevention of hematoma formation
                                                                                 common peroneal nerve at knee or posterior tibial
                                                                                 nerve at ankle. For best results an anaesthetic tech-
             Careful hemostasis
                                                                                 nique that does not markedly depress the SSEP
             Stop anti-platelet medication preoperatively
                                                                                 should be chosen and the physiologic status of the
             Withhold heparin immediately postoperatively
                                                                                 patient should remain constant during periods of
(CSFP, cerebrospinal fluid pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure;                                           31

NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; SCPP, spinal cord perfusion pres-
                                                                                 potential surgical injury .The blood supply to the
                                                                                 motor tracts is derived from the anterior spinal ar-
                                                                                 tery. It is therefore possible for significant motor
A. Wake-up test: It was first described by Vauzelle,
                         30                                                      deficit to develop post-operatively in patients with
   Stagnara et al in 1973 . It is a gross test of spinal                                                             32
                                                                                 intact SSEPs throughout surgery . All anaesthetic
   motor function. It remains the most reliable assess-
                                                                                 drugs affect SSEPs. Generally they tend to increase
   ment of the intact spine for several reasons. An-
                                                                                 latency and decrease amplitude. Exceptions are ni-
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007

    trous oxide, ketamine and midazolam which do not                A. Reducing blood loss
    affect latency. Etomidate has been reported to in-              1.    When patients are placed prone intraabdominal
    crease amplitude. The use of inhaled agents upto 1                    pressure should be minimized. This leads to a re-
    MAC may not significantly affect SSEP monitor-                        duced epidural venous pressure and thus the venous
    ing. Bolus doses of opioids or sedatives or sudden                    surgical bleed.
    increase in concentration of anaesthetic agents al-
                                                                    2.    Hypotensive anaesthesia is considered a reason-
    ter SSEPs. Therefore the best anaesthetic technique                   ably safe and effective method for reducing blood
    is one that provides smooth and continuous anaes-                     loss by up to 58% during spine surgery .Mean
    thetic effect avoiding bolus dosing . Physiologic                     arterial pressure is typically maintained at 60-65mm
    factors influencing SSEPs include blood pressure,                     of Hg. Hypotensive anaesthesia can be achieved
    temperature and blood gas tensions. When mean                         by the use of inhalational agents , sodium nitroprus-
    arterial pressure falls to below the lower limit of                        45
                                                                          side , ganglion blocking drugs e.g.trimethaphan ,

    auto- regulation there is progressive decrease of                     calcium channel blockers e.g. nicardipine , beta
                                            33                                                                           48
    amplitude with no change in latency . Hypother-                       blockers e.g. propranolol, esmolol, labetalol , nitro-
                                                                                    49               50
    mia causes increase in latency and decrease in                        glycerin , fenoldopam etc.
    amplitude .Hyperthermia decreases amplitude and                 3.    Antifibrinolytic agents e.g. aprotinin inhibits plas-
                                0 35
    causes loss of wave at 42 C . Hypoxia decreases                       min and kallikrein and preserves platelet function .
    amplitude . An amplitude decrease of 50% or a                         Urban et al found significantly reduced blood loss in
    latency increase of 10% may suggest a correctable                     major spine surgeries where aprotinin infusion was
    problem. It is to be confirmed that capnography;                      used intraoperatively .
    pulse oximetry and temperature readings are all
    constant for the patient. The blood pressure is to be           B. Autologous blood transfusion
    raised in attempt to improve spinal cord perfusion.                  Autologous blood can be made available to the
    If hemodilution had been performed it should be                 patient by 3 methods.
    reversed. A wake-up test or anatomic manipulation               1. Preoperative autologous blood donation
    may then be performed based on the surgeon’s dis-                  (PABD): The patient donates blood 3 -5 weeks
    cretion37 .                                                        before surgery for use intraoperatively. Recombi-
C. MEP: The limitations of the wake- up test led in-                   nant erythropoietin has been used before major sur-
    vestigators to explore the possibility of monitoring               gery to rise hemoglobin levels, to reduce allogenic
    MEPs38 . Compared to SSEPs, MEPs are markedly                      blood requirements and facilitate PABD and acute
    depressed by almost all anaesthetic agents 39.The                  normovolemic hemodilution (ANH).
    marked influence of anaesthetic drugs on MEPs de-               2. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH): This
    mands a rigid anaesthetic protocol. During the MEP                 is performed immediately before surgery. The re-
    recording anaesthesia is maintained by minimum                     moved blood is replaced by the infusion of colloids
    dose of ketamine or etomidate infusion. An alterna-                or crystalloids to achieve normovolemia with re-
    tive is to use a titrable infusion of droperidol-fenta-            duced hematocrit. During surgery blood of a lower
    nyl40 .                                                            hematocrit is lost. The donated blood may be
IX. Blood conservation: In extensive spine surgeries                   retransfused once hemostasis is achieved.
                                                  -1 41
    blood losses are typically 10 to 30 . It is               3. Intraoperative cell salvage: Blood lost during
    desirable to keep allogenic blood transfusion to a                 surgery is collected using commercially available
    minimum considering the risks of allogenic transfu-                equipment and is then anticoagulated, filtered for
    sion i.e., hypothermia, impaired coagulation, hyper-               clots and debris, centrifuged, resuspended in saline
    kalemia, hypocalcaemia, transfusion reactions, acute               and reinfused to the patient. Clotting factors need
    lung injury, transmitted infections etc. This is ac-               to be replaced using fresh frozen plasma. The tech-
    complished by techniques to reduce blood loss and                  nique is unsuitable in the presence of malignancy or
    by autologous blood transfusion.                                   infection.
Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia

X. Post operative care: The patients undergoing                           fects . The use of opioids would not interfere with
   scoliosis surgery frequently have preexisting mor-                     neurologic assessment. However the effects of a
   bidity, and surgery imposes several further stresses                   single intrathecal opioid dose would have a limited
   like significant blood loss and fluid shifts, prolonged                duration of effect. Other techniques like intrapleu-
   anaesthesia, hypothermia etc. After scoliosis cor-                     ral infusions of local anaesthetics or opioids or both
   rection preferably all patients should be cared for in                 have been used .The use of low dose intravenous
   an intensive care setting. This is particularly impor-                 ketamine has demonstrated efficacy with an initial
   tant in those with pre existing myelopathy, pulmo-                     dose of 0.25 -1, followed by an infusion of 2-
   nary dysfunction, cardio vascular disease, extensive                   2.5 -1.min-1 improves pain scores, decreases
   spine surgery, airway edema or those who have had                      nausea, reduces narcotic requirements and is not
   massive transfusion . Oxygen by mask is given for                      associated with hallucinations27 .
   the first few hours after extubation and may be re-
   quired for longer periods in those with pre existing              Conclusion
   pulmonary dysfunction. Pulmonary complications                          Scoliosis, which may be of varied etiology, leads to
   (ARDS, pneumonia, atelectasis, pulmonary embo-                    respiratory involvement characterized by restrictive lung
   lism) are the most common post operative compli-                  disease, ventilation-perfusion maldistribution and hypox-
   cations, and vigilant monitoring, incentive spirom-               emia. Cardiovascular involvement is usually in the form
   etry and aggressive pulmonary toilet are essential                of raised right heart pressures, mitral valve prolapse or
   for reducing morbidity particularly in those with pre             congenital heart disease. Anaesthesia is often needed
   existing pulmonary disease. Certain other compli-                 for corrective orthopaedic surgery, which is very chal-
   cations which could occur after scoliosis surgery                 lenging. A detailed pre-anaesthetic assessment and opti-
   are neurologic injury, ileus, pneumothorax, dural                 mization of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
   tears, urinary complications and syndrome of inap-                is imperative. Important intraoperative considerations are
                                8, 27
   propriate ADH secretion            .                              monitoring, temperature and fluid balance maintenance,
XI. Post operative analgesia: Pain management can                    positioning, spinal cord integrity monitoring and blood
    be challenging and pain is of a severe degree in                 conservation. Post operative intensive care, respiratory
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     ISACON 2007                                                                               Diamond Jubilee Year - 2007
               55   th
                         Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists
                    Visakhapatnam, 26th - 29th Dec, 2007 (Organised by ISA Visakhapatnam City Branch)
                                               Hosted by ISA AP State Branch.
                                  Venue : Port Stadium complex, Visakhapatnam

                              REGISTRATION CHARGES
 CATEGORY                               UPTO                   UPTO                          FROM
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  • 1. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2007; 51 (6) : 486-495 Special Article Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007 Scoliosis and Anaesthetic Considerations Anand H. Kulkarni1 , Ambareesha M2 Summary Scoliosis may be of varied etiology and tends to cause a restrictive ventilatory defect, along with ventilation-perfusion mismatch and hypoxemia. There is also cardiovascular involvement in the form of raised right heart pressures, mitral valve prolapse or congenital heart disease. Thus a careful pre-anaesthetic evaluation and optimization should be done. Intraoperatively temperature and fluid balance, positioning, spinal cord integrity testing and blood conservation techniques are to be kept in mind. Postoperatively, intensive respiratory therapy and pain management are prime concerns. Keywords Scoliosis; Deformity, Spine; Monitoring, Spinal cord; Defect, Restrictive. Introduction Table 1 Etiologic classification of scoliosis Scoliosis is a complex deformity of the spine and 1. Idiopathic (genetic) scoliosis (approximately 70% of all cases of scoliosis; classified by age of onset) anaesthesia for scoliosis surgery can be challenging, with several aspects to be kept in mind simultaneously. A brief 2. Congenital scoliosis (probably not genetic) review is presented to highlight important aspects of the Vertebral pre-anaesthesia evaluation and anaesthesia management. Open- with posterior spinal defect With neurologic deficit (e.g., myelomeningocele) Definition Closed- no posterior element defect Scoliosis is a complex deformity of the spine re- With neurological deficit (e.g., diastematomy sulting in lateral curvature and rotation of the vertebrae elia with spina bifida) as well as a deformity of the rib cage1. There is usually Without neurological deficit (e.g., hemivertebra, secondary involvement of the respiratory, cardiovascu- unilateral unsegmented bar) lar and neurologic systems. Extravertebral (e.g., congenital rib fusions) 3. Neuromuscular scoliosis Classification Neuropathic forms The initial classification was given by Schulthess Lower motor neuron disease (e.g., poliomyelitis) W 2. He classified scoliosis by the region involved. Upper motor neuron disease (e.g., cerebral palsy) 1. Cervico thoracic Others (e.g., syringomyelia) 2. Thoracic Myopathic forms 3. Thoracolumbar Progressive (e.g., muscular dystrophy) Static (e.g., amyotonia congenita) 4. Lumbar Others (e.g., Friedrich’s ataxia, unilateral amalia) 5. Combined double primary 4. Neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen’s disease) The etiologic classification was introduced by the 5. Mesenchymal disorders Terminology Committee of the Scoliosis Research Soci- Congenital (e.g., Marfan’s syndrome, ety in 19693, that is shown in Table 1. Morquio’s disease, amyoplasia congenita, various types of dwarfism) Epidemiology Acquired (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, Still’s disease) Scoliosis can develop at any age, but tends to be- Others (e.g., Scheurmann’s disease, osteogenesis imperfecta) come clinically evident during periods of rapid somatic 6. Trauma growth. It’s reported prevalence in the general population Vertebral (e.g., fracture, irradiation, surgery) varies from 0.3 – 15.3% 4-6. However the prevalence is Extravertebral (e.g., burns, thoracic surgery) less than 3% for curves more than 10o and less than 0.3% 1. MD, DNB, Assistant Professor, 2. MD, DA, Professor and Head, Dept of Anesthesia, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Correspondence to: Anand H.Kulkarni, C 3-20, KMC Staff Quarters, Lighthouse Hill Road, Mangalore -575003. Karnataka, India. E-mail: Accepted for publication on:20.10.07 486
  • 2. Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia for curves more than 30 o. It is more common in adoles- cents and has a female to male ratio of about 3:1 7. 75 -90% of cases of scoliosis are of the idiopathic type, out of which the adolescent type is most common. Remaining 10 – 25% cases belong to various other eti- ologies1. Measurement of severity The Cobb’s method of measurement, recom- mended by the Terminology Committee of the Scoliosis Research Society, consists of three steps. 1. Locating the superior end vertebra. 2. Locating the inferior end vertebra. 3. Drawing intersecting perpendicular lines from the superior surface of the superior end vertebra and from the inferior surface of the inferior end vertebra. Fig.1 Cobb’s method: measurement of severity. The angle of deviation of these perpendicular lines from straight line is the angle of the curve (Fig1). If the Pre anaesthetic assessment end plates are obscured pedicles can be used instead for I. Airway assessment: Airway difficulties may be quantification 8. The draw back of the Cobb’s method is anticipated when the scoliosis involves the upper that it measures a complex deformity in only two dimen- thoracic or cervical spine. Also devices like halo sions. Nevertheless it maintains a uniform method of traction may interfere with securing the airway. measurement. Some disorders like Duchenne muscular dystrophy Surgery is performed when the Cobb’s angle ex- may lead to tongue hypertrophy. ceeds 50o in the thoracic spine and 40o in the lumbar II. Respiratory system: Assessment of the pulmo- spine. The goal of surgery is to stop the progression of nary system must focus on evidence of pre existing cardiopulmonary disease. If untreated, idiopathic scolio- lung injury or pulmonary disease, pneumonia and sis is often fatal in the fourth or fifth decades of life as a 10 severity of scoliosis . Factors associated with post- result of pulmonary hypertension or respiratory failure9 . operative mechanical ventilation requirements in- The severity of scoliosis and clinical implications are as clude pre-existing neuromuscular disease, severe in Table 2. restrictive pulmonary dysfunction with a vital Table 2 Severity of scoliosis and clinical correlation7 : capacity(VC) of <35% predicted, congenital heart Cobb’s angle Clinical manifestations defects, right ventricular failure,obesity, anterior tho- -1 9 ( degrees) racic spine surgery and blood loss of > . <10 No symptoms Scoliosis results in reduced VC, reduced functional >25 Increase in pulmonary artery pressure residual capacity (FRC), and restrictive pulmonary >40 Consider surgical intervention disease pattern characterized by increased respira- >70 Significant decrease in lung volume tory rate and decreased tidal volume. The severity >100 Dyspnea on exertion of pulmonary impairment is influenced by the scolio- o >120 Alveolar hypoventilation, chronic respiratory sis angle (>70 ), number of vertebra involved (7 or failure. more), cephalad location of the curvature and de- Treatment options: gree of loss seen in the thoracic kyphosis. Pulmo- I. Non surgical – braces, traction, plaster applications nary impairment is manifested by a decreased arte- 9. rial oxygen tension due to pulmonary shunting There II. Surgical- posterior approaches, anterior ap- is significant controversy regarding the degree of proaches, combined/staged procedures 487
  • 3. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007 improvement in pulmonary function after scoliosis way obstruction, which may be a result of chronic surgery. One study found that patients with an an- airway inflammation secondary to poor clearance 14 terior component to correction had worse pulmo- of secretions . Significant displacement or rotation nary function testing variables at 3 months but im- of the trachea or main stem bronchi may cause 15 proved function at 2 years. Patients who had poste- mechanical airway obstruction . In severe restric- rior correction only had a trend for improved func- tive defects, there is decrease in inspiratory capac- tion at 3 months but no significant difference from ity and also ineffective ventilatory patterns which 11 the anterior or combined group at 2 years . Scolio- rely on increase in frequency of respiration rather sis surgery is more likely to have immediate pulmo- than increase in tidal volume, which increases the o nary complications if the curvature is >60 . Reduced work of breathing and promotes respiratory muscle VC is the first manifestation of restrictive lung dis- fatigue in response to exercise. They also have a 16 ease. As the disease progresses gas exchange is decreased response to carbon dioxide . When the o affected by ventilation-perfusion mismatch, alveo- Cobb’s angle is 100 patients are at an increased lar hypoventilation, an increased dead space and an risk of developing chronic respiratory failure and increased alveolar- arterial gradient. Prolonged pe- pulmonary hypertension. The pulmonary hyperten- riods of hypoxemia result in pulmonary hyperten- sion is a product of chronic atelectasis, chronic hy- 17 sion, hypercapnia and eventual respiratory failure. poxemia and chronic hypercapnia . Scoliosis of neu- Surgery for scoliosis is performed to slow disease romuscular dysfunction etiology usually starts from 10 progression and prevent complications . Scoliosis early infancy, when the chest wall is very compli- may limit the function of the respiratory muscles ant, and the distortion of the thorax is severe. Also i.e., intercostals may be overstretched or unable to the lung growth is severely impaired. Moreover the stretch due to intercostal space changes, putting potential for complications is higher because of prob- them at a mechanical disadvantage. Moreover, the lems like chronic recurrent aspiration and 7 effectiveness of the muscles may be hampered by pneumonias due to impaired secretion clearance . limiting the ability of the thorax to expand. The dis- Preoperatively respiratory function should be as- tortion of the thoracic cage makes the respiratory sessed by a thorough history, focusing on functional system much less compliant, thus increasing the impairment and effort tolerance, physical examina- work of breathing even when the lungs themselves tion and appropriate investigations. Respiratory func- 12 are healthy . Scoliosis has generally been associ- tion should be optimized by treating any reversible ated with the development of restrictive lung defect cause of pulmonary dysfunction like infection by manifested by a decrease in total lung capacity physiotherapy and bronchodilator therapy as indi- (TLC) on pulmonary function testing. Infantile and cated. Preoperative incentive spirometry is advis- juvenile scoliosis are more likely to be associated able before thoracotomy for anterior approach cor- with true lung hypoplasia because the thoracic de- rections. formity is present during the period of rapid lung III. Cardiovascular system: The cardiovascular 13 growth and development . In adolescent scoliosis, changes associated with scoliosis are less common in contrast, the decrease in TLC is more likely to but more serious than the changes in the respira- reflect the impaired chest wall mechanics that pre- tory system and share a common etiology. The al- 7 vent normal inflation of the lungs . Long standing teration in the cardiovascular system is related pri- hypoinflation and atelectasis leads to further reduc- marily to the changes in the structure of the medi- tion of lung volume. The decreased TLC is often astinum and secondarily to the effects of chronic associated with increased residual volume (RV), respiratory insufficiency on the function of the car- resulting in very high RV /TLC ratio reflecting the diac system. The primary changes are related to dysfunction of expiratory muscles, which do not al- structure of the mediastinum following scoliotic 7 low full exhalation . In severe cases of scoliosis, curves. The effect is a restrictive pericarditis with flow-volume loops may show evidence of lower air- a possible secondary pericardial effusion. Limited 488
  • 4. Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia cardiac filling decreases any potential increases in Table 3 Suggested preoperative investigations be- 18 cardiac output . In response to exercise, the al- fore major spine surgery9 ready elevated pulmonary artery pressure increases. M i n i mu m Optional Moreover the displacement or compression of the investigations investigations Respiratory  Plain chest X-ray  PFT (bronchodilator heart due to thoracic deformity may not allow an system reversibility) increase in stroke volume necessary during exer- ABG  Pulmonary diffusion  7 capacity cise . Eventually even normal filling can be impaired  Spirometry(FEV1,FVC) and the cardiac output at rest can be impaired. At Cardiovascular ECG  Dobutamine  stress echo this point cardiac reserves are limited and may not system  Echo Dipyridamole/thallium  able to withstand the increased haemodynamic de- scintigraphy mand of major surgery. Echocardiography and stress Blood  Complete blood count  Liver function tests   Clotting profile testing, either physical or pharmacologic, can be  Cross match done to determine the performance of the myocar-  Urea/electrolytes dium. In addition to mechanical impairment of myo- IV. Neurologic system: A detailed neurologic evalua- cardium, there can be cardiovascular pathology sec- tion and documentation is important because of medi- ondary to the chronic insufficiency of the respira- colegal issues. Moreover, patients who have preex- tory system. Pulmonary hypertension is the natural isting neurologic deficits are at an increased risk of 18 evolution from chronic hypoxemia . Other factors developing spinal cord injury during scoliosis surgery. contributing to pulmonary hypertension are that the Prepoerative considerations for patients undergo- number of vascular units per unit volume of lung is ing major reconstructive spinal surgery are summa- 19 lesser than in normal lungs .Also in the compressed rized in Table 4. lung regions, the alveoli become smaller than at re- Table 4 Preoperative considerations for patients sidual volume, leading to blood flow in extra alveo- undergoing major reconstructive spinal surgery22 20 lar vessels which have a higher resistance . Even- Problem C o mme n t tually right ventricular strain and failure will evolve Respiratory from increased work of right sided cardiac output.  Reduction in total lung  Reduction worse with increas capacity and vital -ing deformity. If vital capac Detection of any right ventricular dysfunction should capacity -ity <40% predicted postop be a stronger indication for complete cardiac evalu- -erative ventilation likely. 18 ation . Patients with idiopathic scoliosis also have A further decrease in the vital capacity of up to 40% may been found to have a high incidence of mitral valve occur postoperatively: recov- prolapse (up to 25%). It may indicate a common ery may take up to 2 months. basis for both the entities, namely a collagen disor-  Increasing V/Q mismatch  Hypoxemia more likely 7 der . Moreover the incidence of scoliosis is higher Cardiovascular  Increase in pulmonary  Independent of severity of in patients with congenital heart disease than in nor- vascular resistance scoliosis mal subjects. Hence the patients should be evalu-  Increase in incidence of  High index of suspicion congenital heart disease ated for the presence of congenital heart disease and mitral valve like ventricular or atrial septal defects, patent duc- regurgitation 21 Neurological tus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot . Assessment of  Variable preoperative  Careful preoperative docu the cardiovascular system should be done keeping deficit mentation all above in mind. Minimum investigations include Musculoskeletal  Muscular dystrophy  Abnormal response to muscle an electrocardiogram and echocardiography to as- relaxants sess left ventricular function and pulmonary artery  Respiratory impairment  Postoperative ventilation may be required pressures. Dobutamine stress echo may be used to Nutrition assess cardiac function in those with limited effort  Malnourishment  Likely in patients with meta -static carcinoma tolerance9 . The preoperative investigations suggested are as in Table 3. Anaesthesia technique I. Premedication: It is advisable to avoid use of nar- 489
  • 5. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007 cotics or heavy sedation as premedication in pres- capnography, esophageal stethoscope and a tem- ence of pulmonary function impairment. perature probe. Also a urinary catheter should be Bronchodilators may be used as part of optimiza- placed and urine output measured. The prolonged tion of lung function preoperatively.Antisialogogues anaesthesia in unusual positions, combined with sig- may be of value in procedures where a fibre- optic nificant blood loss, haemodynamic effects of tho- intubation is planned or when prone or lateral posi- racic surgery and possible need for deliberate hy- tion is required to minimize secretions and avoid potension mandate an invasive arterial line. Also wetting of the tape securing the endotracheal tube. serial blood gas measurements may be done where In those at risk of aspiration H2 blocking agents or required. CVP values are not reliable in the prone proton pump inhibitors may be administered with or 23 position or with an open chest . without sodium citrate. VI. Positioning: Patient positioning for surgery varies II. Induction: Routine induction by the intravenous depending on the level of spine to be operated upon route is common. Alternatively an inhalational in- and nature of proposed surgery. Repositioning may duction may be used guided by the patient’s condi- be required intraoperatively. Peripheral nerves, eyes, tion. Use of succinylcholine may be associated with genitals and bony points should be padded and pro- a hyperkalemic response in presence of myopathies tected. Intraoperative imaging is often required, thus or denervation. It may also cause malignant hyper- the surgical site should be placed away from the thermia in certain syndromes like King- Denborough, table’s central support area. Prone positioning re- central core disease, adenylate kinase deficiency 20 etc . Therefore it may be prudent to avoid succi- quires an uncompressed abdomen. Anterior ap- nylcholine in these cases and use nondepolarising proaches to thoracic spine are via a thoracotomy neuromuscular blocking agents for intubation. with the patient supported in the lateral position. Anterior approach to the lumbar spine necessitates III. Intubation: Anterior approaches to spine may ne- laparotomy. cessitate the use of a double lumen tube for lung isolation to enable access to the anterior spine. This VII.Malignant hyperthermia: Malignant hyperther- may be difficult in cases where there is involve- mia is a rare pharmacogenetic myopathy affecting 24 ment of upper thoracic or cervical spine by the humans .Affected patients are susceptible to acute scoliosis since distortion of the tracheobronchial tree hyperthermia which may be triggered by potent in- 25 is a common accompaniment. On the other hand a halational anaesthetics or succinyl choline . There single lumen tube may be used, allowing more lim- are several published reports of myopathies associ- ited intraopertive lung retraction, after discussion ated with malignant hyperthermia and several of with the surgeon. In posterior approaches a single these syndromes have skeletal abnormalities includ- 20 lumen tube is used. ing scoliosis .It is critically important to be alert for IV. Maintenance: A stable anaesthetic depth is re- early evidence of malignant hyperthermia like rise quired to enable proper interpretation of somato in body temperature, elevated heart rate, ventricu- sensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) or motor evoked lar arrhythmias or hypercapnia. The key to success- potentials (MEPs). Either a nitrous oxide-narcotic- ful management of malignant hyperthermia is im- inhalation agent technique may be employed or an mediate cessation of triggering agents, 100% oxy- intravenous technique using propofol may be used. gen, cooling, supportive respiratory, cardiovascular Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents are and acid-base procedures; and drugs like dantrolene 20 used to maintain relaxation. When MEPs are to be which lower free ionized intracellular calcium . recorded it is advisable to use atracurium by con- VIII.Spinal cord monitoring: The cervical and lum- tinuous infusion and maintain a constant depth of bar ganglionic areas of the spinal cord are meta- block by neuromuscular monitoring. Intravenous flu- bolically more active and the number and size of ids should be warmed and a warming mattress de- the cervical and lumbar feeders are greater than vice is preferable. those in the thoracic cord and thus the thoracic cir- V. Intraoperative monitoring: Minimum monitoring culation is described as“water shed”. This critical should include ECG, NIBP, pulse oximetry, zone extends from T4 to T9 where the vascular 490
  • 6. Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia supply is least generous and special care should be aesthetic agents may suppress SSEP signals, cer- 26 taken during surgery .Distraction of the spine, tain patient conditions like neuromuscular degenera- placement of pedicle screws and bony decompres- tion may make SSEPs impossible to obtain; and sion are intraoperative events in which the spinal anterior cord injury may go completely undetected 27 cord or nerves may suffer injury . Above and be- in spite of SSEP monitoring. A wake-up test should low the auto- regulation range, spinal cord blood flow be planned for well in advance and discussed with depends on perfusion pressure. Spinal cord injury the patient in the pre-anaesthesia visit. Because of due to above reasons leads to loss of auto regula- neuromonitoring concerns a predominantly nitrous tion. In this situation hypotension may further com- oxide and narcotic technique is typically used. Small promise spinal cord blood flow and compound the doses of volatile anaesthetics, if used, should be dis- injury. Spinal cord blood flow is also highly sensitive continued an hour before wake-up is anticipated. to PaCO2 alterations during induced hypotension28 . Two or three twitches on a train-of-four are suffi- The risks of spinal cord damage and methods to cient to allow the patient to move his or her toes. minimize the risks are as given in Table 5. The inci- After discontinuation of nitrous oxide and ventila- dence of post operative neurologic injury is estimated tion with 100% oxygen, the patient should be able 29 at 1.84% .SSEPs, MEPs and the “wake-up” tests to follow commands to move their toes within ten are commonly used to help safeguard spinal cord minutes. It is not advisable to reverse neuro muscu- and nerve root function during surgery. lar blockade or narcotics to speed a wake-up test Table 5 Risks of spinal cord damage 22 because this may result in violent movements that can damage instrumentation or hurt the patient. Also Risk related to: the sympathetic discharge accompanying narcotic  Length and type of surgical procedure reversal may further compromise spinal cord blood  Spinal cord perfusion pressure flow. As soon as satisfactory movement is observed,  Underlying spinal pathology anaesthesia is reestablished. A successful wake-up  Pressure on neural tissue during surgery test suggests an intact cortex and spinal cord. Risk minimized by: B . SSEP: They are a type of sensory evoked response.  Careful positioning It provides the ability to monitor functional integrity  Maintaining SCPP of sensory pathways in the anaesthetized patient SCPP = MAP – CSFP undergoing surgical procedures which place the CSFP can be reduced by CSF drainage spinal cord at risk. It is recorded after electrical MAP manipulated by anaesthetist stimulation of a peripheral mixed nerve. Stimulation ?keep systolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg is by surface electrodes placed on the skin above  Drugs the nerve. A square wave stimulus of 50-250 micro Methylprednisolone given less than 8 hours after insult sec duration, strength 20-50 mA, stimulation rate 1- NMDA antagonists (ketamine, magnesium) 6 Hz is commonly used. Sites of stimulation are  Prevention of hematoma formation common peroneal nerve at knee or posterior tibial nerve at ankle. For best results an anaesthetic tech- Careful hemostasis nique that does not markedly depress the SSEP Stop anti-platelet medication preoperatively should be chosen and the physiologic status of the Withhold heparin immediately postoperatively patient should remain constant during periods of (CSFP, cerebrospinal fluid pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; 31 NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; SCPP, spinal cord perfusion pres- potential surgical injury .The blood supply to the sure) motor tracts is derived from the anterior spinal ar- tery. It is therefore possible for significant motor A. Wake-up test: It was first described by Vauzelle, 30 deficit to develop post-operatively in patients with Stagnara et al in 1973 . It is a gross test of spinal 32 intact SSEPs throughout surgery . All anaesthetic motor function. It remains the most reliable assess- drugs affect SSEPs. Generally they tend to increase ment of the intact spine for several reasons. An- latency and decrease amplitude. Exceptions are ni- 491
  • 7. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, December 2007 trous oxide, ketamine and midazolam which do not A. Reducing blood loss affect latency. Etomidate has been reported to in- 1. When patients are placed prone intraabdominal crease amplitude. The use of inhaled agents upto 1 pressure should be minimized. This leads to a re- MAC may not significantly affect SSEP monitor- duced epidural venous pressure and thus the venous ing. Bolus doses of opioids or sedatives or sudden surgical bleed. increase in concentration of anaesthetic agents al- 2. Hypotensive anaesthesia is considered a reason- ter SSEPs. Therefore the best anaesthetic technique ably safe and effective method for reducing blood is one that provides smooth and continuous anaes- loss by up to 58% during spine surgery .Mean 42,43 31 thetic effect avoiding bolus dosing . Physiologic arterial pressure is typically maintained at 60-65mm factors influencing SSEPs include blood pressure, of Hg. Hypotensive anaesthesia can be achieved 44 temperature and blood gas tensions. When mean by the use of inhalational agents , sodium nitroprus- arterial pressure falls to below the lower limit of 45 side , ganglion blocking drugs e.g.trimethaphan , 46 47 auto- regulation there is progressive decrease of calcium channel blockers e.g. nicardipine , beta 33 48 amplitude with no change in latency . Hypother- blockers e.g. propranolol, esmolol, labetalol , nitro- 49 50 mia causes increase in latency and decrease in glycerin , fenoldopam etc. 34 amplitude .Hyperthermia decreases amplitude and 3. Antifibrinolytic agents e.g. aprotinin inhibits plas- 0 35 causes loss of wave at 42 C . Hypoxia decreases min and kallikrein and preserves platelet function . 51 36 amplitude . An amplitude decrease of 50% or a Urban et al found significantly reduced blood loss in latency increase of 10% may suggest a correctable major spine surgeries where aprotinin infusion was 41 problem. It is to be confirmed that capnography; used intraoperatively . pulse oximetry and temperature readings are all constant for the patient. The blood pressure is to be B. Autologous blood transfusion raised in attempt to improve spinal cord perfusion. Autologous blood can be made available to the If hemodilution had been performed it should be patient by 3 methods. reversed. A wake-up test or anatomic manipulation 1. Preoperative autologous blood donation may then be performed based on the surgeon’s dis- (PABD): The patient donates blood 3 -5 weeks cretion37 . before surgery for use intraoperatively. Recombi- C. MEP: The limitations of the wake- up test led in- nant erythropoietin has been used before major sur- vestigators to explore the possibility of monitoring gery to rise hemoglobin levels, to reduce allogenic MEPs38 . Compared to SSEPs, MEPs are markedly blood requirements and facilitate PABD and acute depressed by almost all anaesthetic agents 39.The normovolemic hemodilution (ANH). marked influence of anaesthetic drugs on MEPs de- 2. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH): This mands a rigid anaesthetic protocol. During the MEP is performed immediately before surgery. The re- recording anaesthesia is maintained by minimum moved blood is replaced by the infusion of colloids dose of ketamine or etomidate infusion. An alterna- or crystalloids to achieve normovolemia with re- tive is to use a titrable infusion of droperidol-fenta- duced hematocrit. During surgery blood of a lower nyl40 . hematocrit is lost. The donated blood may be IX. Blood conservation: In extensive spine surgeries retransfused once hemostasis is achieved. -1 41 blood losses are typically 10 to 30 . It is 3. Intraoperative cell salvage: Blood lost during desirable to keep allogenic blood transfusion to a surgery is collected using commercially available minimum considering the risks of allogenic transfu- equipment and is then anticoagulated, filtered for sion i.e., hypothermia, impaired coagulation, hyper- clots and debris, centrifuged, resuspended in saline kalemia, hypocalcaemia, transfusion reactions, acute and reinfused to the patient. Clotting factors need lung injury, transmitted infections etc. This is ac- to be replaced using fresh frozen plasma. The tech- complished by techniques to reduce blood loss and nique is unsuitable in the presence of malignancy or by autologous blood transfusion. infection. 492
  • 8. Anand H. Kulkarni et al. Scoliosis and anaesthesia 53 X. Post operative care: The patients undergoing fects . The use of opioids would not interfere with scoliosis surgery frequently have preexisting mor- neurologic assessment. However the effects of a bidity, and surgery imposes several further stresses single intrathecal opioid dose would have a limited like significant blood loss and fluid shifts, prolonged duration of effect. Other techniques like intrapleu- anaesthesia, hypothermia etc. After scoliosis cor- ral infusions of local anaesthetics or opioids or both 45 rection preferably all patients should be cared for in have been used .The use of low dose intravenous an intensive care setting. This is particularly impor- ketamine has demonstrated efficacy with an initial tant in those with pre existing myelopathy, pulmo- dose of 0.25 -1, followed by an infusion of 2- nary dysfunction, cardio vascular disease, extensive 2.5 -1.min-1 improves pain scores, decreases spine surgery, airway edema or those who have had nausea, reduces narcotic requirements and is not 10 massive transfusion . Oxygen by mask is given for associated with hallucinations27 . the first few hours after extubation and may be re- quired for longer periods in those with pre existing Conclusion pulmonary dysfunction. Pulmonary complications Scoliosis, which may be of varied etiology, leads to (ARDS, pneumonia, atelectasis, pulmonary embo- respiratory involvement characterized by restrictive lung lism) are the most common post operative compli- disease, ventilation-perfusion maldistribution and hypox- cations, and vigilant monitoring, incentive spirom- emia. Cardiovascular involvement is usually in the form etry and aggressive pulmonary toilet are essential of raised right heart pressures, mitral valve prolapse or for reducing morbidity particularly in those with pre congenital heart disease. Anaesthesia is often needed existing pulmonary disease. Certain other compli- for corrective orthopaedic surgery, which is very chal- cations which could occur after scoliosis surgery lenging. A detailed pre-anaesthetic assessment and opti- are neurologic injury, ileus, pneumothorax, dural mization of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems tears, urinary complications and syndrome of inap- is imperative. Important intraoperative considerations are 8, 27 propriate ADH secretion . monitoring, temperature and fluid balance maintenance, XI. Post operative analgesia: Pain management can positioning, spinal cord integrity monitoring and blood be challenging and pain is of a severe degree in conservation. Post operative intensive care, respiratory more extensive procedures. A multimodal approach care and pain therapy deserve special mention. to analgesia is recommended using a combination References of primary analgesics, opioids and regional tech- 1. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ. Anesthesia for orthopedic surgery, niques where appropriate. Intravenous opioids by Chapter 40, in Clinical Anesthesia by Barash PG, Cullen BF, infusion or patient controlled analgesia devices is Stoelting RK eds. Fifth edition. Lippincott Williams and the mainstay of analgesia. The side effects like res- Wilkins 2005. piratory depression, nausea–vomiting, sedation and 2. Schulthess W. Die Pathologie and therapie der Ruckgrats. ileus tend to limit their use. Nonsteroidal anti-inflam- Joachimsthal-Hand-Buch der Orthopadischen Chirurgie. Gustav Fischer 1905-1907. matory drugs may be used as adjuncts, but the side effects are increased bleeding, gastritis and renal 3. Goldstein LA, Waugh TR. Classification and terminology of scoliosis. Clin Orthop 1973; 93:10-22. dysfunction. Local anaesthetic agents or opioids or 4. Koukourakis I, Giaourakis G, Kouvidis G, et al. Screening school both have been used by the epidural route, the epi- children for scoliosis on the island of Crete. J Spinal Disord dural catheter being placed intraoperatively by the 52 1997; 10:527-531. surgeon . However epidural anaesthesia with lo- 5. Stirling AJ, Howel D, Millner PA, et al. Late onset idiopathic cal anaesthetic agents makes neurologic assessment scoliosis in children six to fourteen years old: A cross sectional difficult. Also concerns over risk of epidural he- prevalence study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1996; 78:1330-1336. matoma and infection have hindered its widespread 6. Lonstein JE. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Lancet 1994; use. Intrathecal opioids can be injected with techni- 344:1407-1412. cal ease before wound closure. Studies suggest the 7. Koumbourlis AC. Review: Scoliosis and the respiratory sys- optimum dose of morphine to be 2–5 -1 which tem. Paed Resp Rev 2006; 7:152-160. provides analgesia for 24 hours with few side ef- 8. Freeman BL. The Spine. Chapter 12, in Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics. 10th Edition, Mosby Publications 2003. 493
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