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Russian Medicine in
XVIII century
Peter I Alexeevich
from 1696 till
(1672 – 1725)
Peter I era
• “Great embassy" - Peter I trip to
European countries in 1697-1698
• Many Western specialists (including
medical doctors and pharmacists) were
invited to Russia
Peter I era
(late 17th – early 18th cent.)
• Rapid growth and development of
Russian state, from isolated Moscovia
to great Russian Empire (1721)
Мария Милослаская Наталья Нарышкина
(ум. 1682)
Софья Иван (ум. 1696) Петр
Два царя
1682 – 1696 г.
Царь Алексей Михайлович Романов
Foundation of St.Petersburg
(founded in 1703 )
Peter the Great
• 1721 – peace treaty with Sweden, end of
Northern War
• 1721 г. Peter I was entitled “Father of
Fatherland, All-Russian Emperor, Peter
the Great".
• Russian Empire was formed
Peter the Great, first Russian
Peter I era
• Multiple expeditions to Siberia, Middle Asia
and Far East. Exploration of natural
• Mapping of Azov, Caspian, Baltic and
White seas
Vitus Behring
(1727 – 1729 гг.)
Alexei Chirikov
Map of Russian Empire
(mid XVIII c.)
• Accelerate the pace of cultural
development , which was associated with
the development of the economy.
• Secularization of art and culture, the end
has come to the dictates of the church in
determining the nature of Russian culture.
• Features of the new culture : secularism ,
democracy , openness in dealing with
other cultures.
• To establish contacts with the leading
scientists in Europe .
• Disparate knowledge on various branches
began to turn to science.
• In the XVIII century in Russia
revealed the need for a large number
of physicians , primarily to meet the
needs of the Army and Navy , the
service nobility and the emerging
merchant class , as well as for health
care factories and plants, which were
built at a distance from the
administrative and cultural centers of
the country .
Education reform
• A system of secular education itroduced
by Peter I played a key role in
secularization of Russian culture
Education reform
• In 1699 in Moscow was founded
Pushkarnaya school , and in 1701 the
building was opened Sukharev Navigation
School , which was the first institution of
higher education in Russia.
• First Hospital school was opened in
Moscow in 1707 , and followed her
shipbuilding , mate , engineering , mining
and trade schools .
Nickolas Bidloo (1670-1735)
First director of Moscow
hospital school
Compiled by
" For students
in the anatomical
theater »
Hospital schools
• In 1733 there were also open hospital schools
for land and Admiralty Hospital in St. John's
Petersburg, Admiralty Hospital in Kronstadt .
• In 1758 the school was opened at the hospital
Kolyvano Resurrection factory hospital , which
released about 160 doctors.
• From 1788 to 1796 there was a hospital school
at Elisavetgrad hospital , which released 152
Hospital schools
• The program of teaching in hospital schools
were included all the theoretical and practical
medical disciplines and to a greater extent than
in the medical faculties of foreign universities.
• Teaching subjects: human anatomy and
physiology, pathology, medical material, and
Hospital Schools
• Clinical disciplines taught in the hospital wards,
primary education was considered surgery.
• In the course of internal diseases included
familiarization of students with infectious
diseases, dermatology and sexually transmitted
diseases and children .
• From 1763 , it was introduced to study
Hospital Schools
1. Characteristic features of these schools were:
high educational level of the students who came
from schools of spiritual department familiar with
the Latin language , philosophy, works of Greek
and Latin philosophers , democratic origin of
2. Education lasted for 5 - 7 years years followed
by graduation exams: answering questions and
3-4 surgeries upon cadaver
Healthcare reforms
• Aptekarsky prikaz was replaced by
Meditsynskaya kantselyariya in 1716, headed
by Robert Erskine, Peter’s physician-in-
Реформа образования
education Reform
• In the XVIII century in Russia for the first time in
the world was developed and put into practice a
new system of medical education , provide
training of qualified doctors universal .
• Graduates of hospital schools have made in
Russia in the XVIII century the bulk of the
outstanding figures of Russian medicine , and
played an important role in the development of
national health care.
Academy of sciences
• In 1724 Peter I issued a decree on
foundation of Petersburg academy of
sciences with gymnasium and university
Russian academy of sciences
• 1725 - Academy of Sciences was opened.
• Grammar School and the University of the
Academy of Sciences were designed to
train personnel for scientific work.
• Under the auspices of the Academy of
Sciences started drawing maps, carried
out extensive geological and
oceanographic research.
Era of palace coup d'etat
• Peter I died on January 8, 1725 and did
not leave a will .
• In the history of the Russian Empire from
1725 to 1762 years, according to the
definition of the historian VO Kliuchevskoi
was " the era of palace revolutions ."
• For 37 years there has been a coup d'etat
3 with the feudal aristocracy and Guarodii.
Catherine I Alexeevna
(1684 -1727)
from 1725 to 1727
Peter II Аlexeevich
(1715 – 1730)
Terms from
с1727 to 1730 гг.
Anna Ioannovna
(1693 – 1740)
Term from
1730 to 1740.
Ioann Antonovich (Ivan VI)
ruleD from 1740 to 1741 .
under the regency
Anna Leopoldovna
Elisabeth Petrovna
(1709 – 1761)
Terms from 1741 to
Peter III Fedorovich
(1728 – 1762)
From 1761 to1762 .
Catherine II the Great
(1729 – 1796)
Terms from1762 to
Pavel I
(1754 – 1801)
From 1796 to1801.
• In the XVIII century is becoming a science
in Russia the European level.
• The most striking and versatile
representative of Russian science was M.
V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) - first Russian
member of St. Petersburg Academy of
Sciences ( 1745).
Мikhail Lomonosov
(1711 – 1765)
Laboratory MV University
Мозаика М.В. Ломоносова
Моsаiк М.V. University
MV Lomonosov
MV Lomonosov
MV Lomonosov
• In 1746, Professor of Chemistry
• Academician Lomonosov in Russia for
the first time began to give public lectures
for students in Russian .
Моscow University
• The idea of opening the University of Moscow​​
was embodied in the project II Shuvalov , written
in collaboration with M. Lomonosov, which the
Empress Elizabeth approved January 24, 1755
the nominal decree " On the establishment of
the University of Moscow and two
gymnasiums ."
• April 26, 1755 the opening ceremony of the
Moscow University and two high schools.
Old building of Moscow University
М.V. Ломоnоsоv
• Especially important written by MV Lomonosov in
1761 appeal to Count II Shuvalov letter " On the
reproduction and preservation of the Russian
people ", in which he drew attention to a number
of issues related to the state of medicine in
Russia at the time.
• Lomonosov said poor care at birth , high infant
mortality in childbirth at an early age , high adult
morbidity and mortality , lack of medical care as
the civilian population of Russia, and in the army.
М.V. LомоNоSоV
• Lomonosov set the objective of improving
medical care , increase the number of doctors,
hospitals , pharmacies , compilation and
publication available to a wide circle of books for
assistance in childbirth, on the treatment of
• He called for improved childcare , fight
unhygienic habits in everyday life, in particular
related to church ceremonies , considered
measures to combat infant mortality.
М.V. Lомоnоsоv
Era of Catherine II
(1762 -1796)
• Catherine II to formulate the challenges facing the
Russian monarch :
• Need to educate the nation , which should be controlled.
• You must enter the good order of the state, society and
support to make it comply with the laws .
• It is necessary to establish in the country a good and
accurate police.
• Need to contribute to the flourishing of the state and
make it fertile .
• It is necessary to make the state a formidable in itself
and inspiring respect for neighbors.
The era of Catherine II
• The territory of the Russian Empire grew at the
expense of joining the fertile southern lands - the
Crimea, the Black Sea region , as well as the
eastern part of the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth and others .
• The population increased from 23.2 million ( in
1763 ) to 37.4 million ( in 1796 ), Russia has
become the most populous country in Europe
( on it accounted for 20 % of the European
population ) . Catherine II formed 29 new
provinces and built about 144 cities.
The era of Catherine II
• The structure of the country for 1796
included the northern Black Sea , Sea
of Azov , Crimea, Right-Bank Ukraine ,​​
the land between the Dniester and the
Bug , Belarus, Lithuania , and Courland
• In 1726 , there were 336 cities to beg.
XIX century - 634 cities.
• At the end of the XVIII century the city
was about 10 % of the population.
Era of Catherine II
• In a separate administrative unit was placed
city . At the head of it instead of the governors
was put mayor , endowed with all the rights and
• In the cities, introduced strict police control . City
was divided into parts , which were over the
supervision of the private bailiff , and parts were
divided into quarters, quarterly warden
War (Войны)
• Azov campaigns of 1695 - 1696 years.
• Russian - Swedish war of 1700 - 1721
• Prut campaign against the Turks in 1711
• Khiva Expedition 1716-1717,
A.Cherkasskogo .
• The war with Persia 1722-1723 gg.
• Russian - Turkish war of 1735-1739 .
• Seven Years War 1756 - 1763 period .
Healthcare reform
• All healthcare institutions including
teaching schools were governed by
Meditsynskaya kollegiya ( Collegium
Medicum), created in 1736
Реформа здравоохранения
Health Care Reform
• In the middle of the XVIII century made the​​
new health care reform is to increase the
number of doctors in the cities paid great
attention to the education and training of
medical specialists and the teacher
In XVIII there were several plague
epidemics in Russia. Plague
epidemic in Moscow 1770—1772
was particularly disastrous
Count Grigory Orlov
Current Vagankovskoe , Danilovskoye
Dorogomilovskaya Pyatnitskoe,
Kalitnikovskaya , Transfiguration and
Semenovskoe cemetery , known as
historical, are monuments of the
invasion of Moscow plague in 1770
-1772 years.
• When Catherine II the fight against epidemics
in Russia began to acquire the character of
public activities directly under the
responsibility of the Imperial Council and the
• By Catherine II were created outposts placed
not only at the borders, but also on the roads
leading to the center of Russia .
• Was created by the "Charter of border and
port quarantine ."
Smallpox inoculation
In October 1768 , Catherine II has
subjected himself and his son Paul
smallpox vaccination ( inoculation ) .
Since that time in Russia began to be
established ospoprivivatelnye home.
Era of Catherine II
• When Catherine II Russian absolutism
reached unprecedented power. Nobility
has received huge privileges , Russia
became one of the first world powers.
• Tightening of serfdom was the main cause
of the peasant voyny1773-1775 years
under the leadership of E.I.Pugacheva.
Peasant War1773 – 1775 гг.
Pugachev rebellion
• Peasant uprising of 1773-1775 . seized land
Yaitsky troops , Orenburg region , the Urals,
Kama , Bashkiria , part of Western Siberia ,
Middle and Lower Volga .
• To the Cossacks joined Bashkirs, Tatars ,
Kazakhs, Ural factory workers and numerous
serfs of all provinces , the territory of which the
peasant war unfolded .
• Sep 12 . 1774 Pugachev captured, after which
he was executed .
Science and Education of the
XVIII century
• In the 1780s . Catherine II made another​​
attempt to create a unified system of
• In 1786, in provincial cities opened four-
year college major ; in the county - two
year low .
• " Charter public schools " provides an
opportunity to transition from a small
school in the main , and then - the
university entrance.
Medical Education
• In the second half of the XVIII century in
the Russian Empire has been
considerably developed medical
• From 1764 , we started regular classes at
the medical faculty of Moscow University.
Semyon Zybelin
Moscow University
First Russian professor of Moscow
University, professor of anatomy and
surgery, practice of medicine and
chemistry member of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
Медицинское образование
Medical Education
• In 1764 the Medical Board recognized the equal
rights of Russian and German language teaching
in hospital schools.
• In 1795, in the " preliminary order of positions
who teach , students ' stated: " ... Professor
should know perfectly the Russian language for
precise and intelligible to express their thoughts
on the hold the teaching of doctrine; in case of
necessity, when it will be impossible to find such
permitted knowing thoroughly the Latin language
, which will be required to teach in 3 years
(follow-up 3 years) , during which period it has to
learn the Russian language . "
Medical Education
• In 1764 the Medical Board received the right
to confer the degree of Doctor of doctors of
medicine, but in the XVIII century it was given
only 16 physicians trained in hospital
• Medical faculty of Moscow University has
received the right to confer the degree of
doctor of medicine only in the 90s of the XVIII
century .
• In the 1859-1860 period . were allowed to
defend their dissertations in Russian .
Foma Barsuk-Мoiseev
The first MD thesis "On the physiology of
breathing " at Moscow University (1794).
• In the XVIII century continuously
developing new areas for Russian
• Hospitals have been opened for the
treatment of syphilis , psychiatric
hospitals and orphanages ;
• Issued a number of fundamental works
on medicine .
Education reforms
• 1753—1760 - аcheaters‘
• . Z. Kondoidi and М. I. Shein P
improve the teaching of anatomy and
clinical disciplines , staged clinical
wards, were introduced mandatory
autopsy , the teaching of obstetrics and
gynecological diseases , changed the
procedure for examinations.
Pavel Kondoidi
(1709 – 1760)
and Chief
The Office of the
Russia's first
(1756 )
P.Z Kondoidi
• From the middle of the XVIII century when
• P. 3 Kondoidi in hospital schools began
to teach mainly in Russian .
• With this was a big step forward in the
preparation of Russian medical personnel.
П.З. Кондоиди
• Arhiatr PZ Kondoidi decided to train their own
staff of doctors , worthy substitute teaching
positions , direct gifted graduates of hospital
schools in foreign universities for doctoral title .
• Young doctors trip abroad began in 1761 .
• Gradually hospital schools no longer need the
foreign teachers.
Медицинская литература
The medical literature
• For the medical literature of Russia in XVIII
century is characterized by a large number of
translated works.
• By order of Peter I have been translated into
Russian and published at public expense ,
foreign works on medicine, for example, "
Aphorisms of Hippocrates ", " Anatomy of the
Human Body " Bidloo , " Marching and the home
pharmacy " and others .
Медицинская литература
• In 1757 MI Shein published the first translation
of the widespread Geystera textbook on
anatomy, in 1761 g.- transfer textbook on
surgery Platner .
• Work on the translation of medical textbooks and
books continued to NM - Ambodik Maksimovic ,
M. Terekhovsky , FI Barsuk - Moiseev et al .
Мartyn Shein
The first drawing teacher in Kronstadt hospital
school (from 1738 ) .
Intrigued medicine, graduated from the hospital
school and in 1745 received the title of Doctor .
Was appointed senior physician Petersburg
Naval Hospital .
Being a master of freehand it on materials
Kronstadt hospital carried out a large
number of original drawings that are included in its
anatomical atlas , first published in Russian
in 1744
When founded the Academy of Fine Arts ( 1757 )
MI Shein became its first professor of anatomy .
• Great merit MI Shein was to create a
medical terminology
• in Russian , which previously did not
• Many medical terms proposed by M.
Shane , remained unchanged up to the
present time, for example :
• blood vessels , ileum , phrenic barrier
, vas deferens , and others .
Constantin Stchepin (1728—1770)
• Russian physician and botanist ,
anatomist and military surgeon of the XVIII
century .
• Developed a scientifically based system of
training doctors made training programs​​
for hospital schools. Lectures conducted
in Russian , introduced compulsory
teaching of anatomy on the corpses of
К.I. Schepin
• KI Schepin prepared in Russian two manuscripts
- " Anatomical Lectures" ( 1763 ) and "On the
anatomy in general" ( 1764 ) . In them, he
expounded in an accessible form for students
general and particular anatomical teaching.
• KI Schepin introduced repetition of material tests
of knowledge for a week and monthly exams for
each medical science rather than existed before
his exams for every third year.
Nestor Maximovich-Ambodik
" Anatomiko-
Dictionary " (1783)
and gynecologists
in Russia ,
teachings about caring
for infants
Danila Samoilovich
Major works
associated with
plague and poverty
Медицинское образование
Medical Education
• Medical College in 1785 sent two experienced doctors
Terekhovsky M. and A. Shymlanskaya in Europe to
familiarize with the medical education. A year later, on
his return they received a report on the transformation of
hospital schools and their staffs .
• Since 1786 under the new law, hospital schools
Petersburg and Kronstadt turned into medical and
surgical schools , and teachers have received the title of
professor .
• Each school was created 4 chairs . School has been
granted the right to confer doctoral degrees . They were
separated from the hospital and began to exist
Медико-хирургические училища
Medical and surgical school
•With the transformation in 1786 of hospital schools in the
medical and surgical schools were introduced chemistry,
mathematics to physics . When hospitals were organized
anatomical museums.
•Since 1795 , in the medico-surgical schools established a
5-year period of study. Students of the first three courses
studied general subjects , anatomy, recipes , physiology ,
surgery, etc. ophthamology . Specialized disciplines .
•On the 4th and 5th courses were mainly practical training
and duty in the clinical wards of hospitals . After passing the
exam school graduates receive the title of healers .
Медико-хирургические училища
Medical and surgical school
Major changes in the
activities of medical
and surgical schools
conducted by the
director of the
Medical College of
( 1793 )
Privy Councillor
AI Vasiliev
Medico-Surgical Academy
• Nominal decree of December 18, 1798 Emperor
Paul I ordered AI Vasilyev create the necessary
material base to open in St. Petersburg
institution of higher education for the training of
doctors .
• This date is considered the foundation of the St.
Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy , which
eventually became the leading educational -
scientific center of the Russian Empire in the
training of physicians and the development of
medical science.
Medical- Surgical Academy (now - the
Naval Academy . Kirov )
Высшее медицинское образование
Graduate Medical Education
• Phase of development of the national higher
medical school was a difficult and lengthy ; it
covers the reign of Peter I to Paul I. It is possible
to allocate the following periods and significant
events :
• background of higher education in Russia
( Emperor Peter I),
• Opening of the Moscow University ( Empress
Elizabeth )
• the formation of the Medical-Surgical Academy
( Emperor Paul I).
XVIII Century
• XVIII century was an important stage in
the development of medicine in
Russia . This was the period of
formation and growth of Russian
medical science , when Russia
appeared and quickly developed
scientific medicine . Among physicians
to promote the development of medical
science , a major role in the XVIII
century, played a Russian hospital
school students .

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Russuan History of Medicine

  • 1. Russian Medicine in XVIII century B.L.Lichterman
  • 2. Peter I Alexeevich Ruled from 1696 till 1725 (1672 – 1725)
  • 3. Peter I era • “Great embassy" - Peter I trip to European countries in 1697-1698 • Many Western specialists (including medical doctors and pharmacists) were invited to Russia
  • 4. Peter I era (late 17th – early 18th cent.) • Rapid growth and development of Russian state, from isolated Moscovia to great Russian Empire (1721)
  • 5. Мария Милослаская Наталья Нарышкина Федор (ум. 1682) Софья Иван (ум. 1696) Петр Два царя 1682 – 1696 г. Царь Алексей Михайлович Романов (1629-1676) (1651-1694) Наталья (1624-1669)
  • 7. Peter the Great • 1721 – peace treaty with Sweden, end of Northern War • 1721 г. Peter I was entitled “Father of Fatherland, All-Russian Emperor, Peter the Great". • Russian Empire was formed
  • 8. Peter the Great, first Russian emperor (1721)
  • 9. Peter I era • Multiple expeditions to Siberia, Middle Asia and Far East. Exploration of natural resources. • Mapping of Azov, Caspian, Baltic and White seas
  • 10. Vitus Behring (1727 – 1729 гг.)
  • 12. Map of Russian Empire (mid XVIII c.)
  • 13. Culture • Accelerate the pace of cultural development , which was associated with the development of the economy. • Secularization of art and culture, the end has come to the dictates of the church in determining the nature of Russian culture. • Features of the new culture : secularism , democracy , openness in dealing with other cultures.
  • 14. Science • To establish contacts with the leading scientists in Europe . • Disparate knowledge on various branches began to turn to science.
  • 15. • In the XVIII century in Russia revealed the need for a large number of physicians , primarily to meet the needs of the Army and Navy , the service nobility and the emerging merchant class , as well as for health care factories and plants, which were built at a distance from the administrative and cultural centers of the country .
  • 16. Education reform • A system of secular education itroduced by Peter I played a key role in secularization of Russian culture
  • 17. Education reform • In 1699 in Moscow was founded Pushkarnaya school , and in 1701 the building was opened Sukharev Navigation School , which was the first institution of higher education in Russia. • First Hospital school was opened in Moscow in 1707 , and followed her shipbuilding , mate , engineering , mining and trade schools .
  • 18. Nickolas Bidloo (1670-1735) First director of Moscow hospital school Compiled by Manuscript guide " For students surgery in the anatomical theater »
  • 19. Hospital schools • In 1733 there were also open hospital schools for land and Admiralty Hospital in St. John's Petersburg, Admiralty Hospital in Kronstadt . • In 1758 the school was opened at the hospital Kolyvano Resurrection factory hospital , which released about 160 doctors. • From 1788 to 1796 there was a hospital school at Elisavetgrad hospital , which released 152 physician.
  • 20. Hospital schools • The program of teaching in hospital schools were included all the theoretical and practical medical disciplines and to a greater extent than in the medical faculties of foreign universities. • Teaching subjects: human anatomy and physiology, pathology, medical material, and surgery.
  • 21. Hospital Schools • Clinical disciplines taught in the hospital wards, primary education was considered surgery. • In the course of internal diseases included familiarization of students with infectious diseases, dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases and children . • From 1763 , it was introduced to study midwifery.
  • 22. Hospital Schools 1. Characteristic features of these schools were: high educational level of the students who came from schools of spiritual department familiar with the Latin language , philosophy, works of Greek and Latin philosophers , democratic origin of students. 2. Education lasted for 5 - 7 years years followed by graduation exams: answering questions and 3-4 surgeries upon cadaver
  • 23. Healthcare reforms • Aptekarsky prikaz was replaced by Meditsynskaya kantselyariya in 1716, headed by Robert Erskine, Peter’s physician-in- attendence
  • 24. Реформа образования education Reform • In the XVIII century in Russia for the first time in the world was developed and put into practice a new system of medical education , provide training of qualified doctors universal . • Graduates of hospital schools have made in Russia in the XVIII century the bulk of the outstanding figures of Russian medicine , and played an important role in the development of national health care.
  • 25. Academy of sciences • In 1724 Peter I issued a decree on foundation of Petersburg academy of sciences with gymnasium and university
  • 26. Russian academy of sciences • 1725 - Academy of Sciences was opened. • Grammar School and the University of the Academy of Sciences were designed to train personnel for scientific work. • Under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences started drawing maps, carried out extensive geological and oceanographic research.
  • 27. Era of palace coup d'etat • Peter I died on January 8, 1725 and did not leave a will . • In the history of the Russian Empire from 1725 to 1762 years, according to the definition of the historian VO Kliuchevskoi was " the era of palace revolutions ." • For 37 years there has been a coup d'etat 3 with the feudal aristocracy and Guarodii.
  • 28. Catherine I Alexeevna . (1684 -1727) Terms from 1725 to 1727
  • 29. Peter II Аlexeevich (1715 – 1730) Terms from с1727 to 1730 гг.
  • 30. Anna Ioannovna (1693 – 1740) Term from 1730 to 1740.
  • 31. Ioann Antonovich (Ivan VI) (1740-1764) Nominally ruleD from 1740 to 1741 . under the regency Anna Leopoldovna
  • 32. Elisabeth Petrovna (1709 – 1761) Terms from 1741 to 1761
  • 33. Peter III Fedorovich (1728 – 1762) Terms From 1761 to1762 .
  • 34. Catherine II the Great (1729 – 1796) Terms from1762 to 1796.
  • 35. Pavel I (1754 – 1801) Terms From 1796 to1801.
  • 36. Science • In the XVIII century is becoming a science in Russia the European level. • The most striking and versatile representative of Russian science was M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) - first Russian member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences ( 1745).
  • 43. MV Lomonosov • In 1746, Professor of Chemistry • Academician Lomonosov in Russia for the first time began to give public lectures for students in Russian .
  • 44. Моscow University • The idea of opening the University of Moscow​​ was embodied in the project II Shuvalov , written in collaboration with M. Lomonosov, which the Empress Elizabeth approved January 24, 1755 the nominal decree " On the establishment of the University of Moscow and two gymnasiums ." • April 26, 1755 the opening ceremony of the Moscow University and two high schools.
  • 45. Old building of Moscow University
  • 46. М.V. Ломоnоsоv • Especially important written by MV Lomonosov in 1761 appeal to Count II Shuvalov letter " On the reproduction and preservation of the Russian people ", in which he drew attention to a number of issues related to the state of medicine in Russia at the time. • Lomonosov said poor care at birth , high infant mortality in childbirth at an early age , high adult morbidity and mortality , lack of medical care as the civilian population of Russia, and in the army.
  • 47. М.V. LомоNоSоV • Lomonosov set the objective of improving medical care , increase the number of doctors, hospitals , pharmacies , compilation and publication available to a wide circle of books for assistance in childbirth, on the treatment of children. • He called for improved childcare , fight unhygienic habits in everyday life, in particular related to church ceremonies , considered measures to combat infant mortality.
  • 49. Era of Catherine II (1762 -1796) • Catherine II to formulate the challenges facing the Russian monarch : • Need to educate the nation , which should be controlled. • You must enter the good order of the state, society and support to make it comply with the laws . • It is necessary to establish in the country a good and accurate police. • Need to contribute to the flourishing of the state and make it fertile . • It is necessary to make the state a formidable in itself and inspiring respect for neighbors.
  • 50. The era of Catherine II • The territory of the Russian Empire grew at the expense of joining the fertile southern lands - the Crimea, the Black Sea region , as well as the eastern part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and others . • The population increased from 23.2 million ( in 1763 ) to 37.4 million ( in 1796 ), Russia has become the most populous country in Europe ( on it accounted for 20 % of the European population ) . Catherine II formed 29 new provinces and built about 144 cities.
  • 51. The era of Catherine II • The structure of the country for 1796 included the northern Black Sea , Sea of Azov , Crimea, Right-Bank Ukraine ,​​ the land between the Dniester and the Bug , Belarus, Lithuania , and Courland . • In 1726 , there were 336 cities to beg. XIX century - 634 cities. • At the end of the XVIII century the city was about 10 % of the population.
  • 52. Era of Catherine II • In a separate administrative unit was placed city . At the head of it instead of the governors was put mayor , endowed with all the rights and powers. • In the cities, introduced strict police control . City was divided into parts , which were over the supervision of the private bailiff , and parts were divided into quarters, quarterly warden controlled.
  • 53. War (Войны) • Azov campaigns of 1695 - 1696 years. • Russian - Swedish war of 1700 - 1721 years. • Prut campaign against the Turks in 1711 • Khiva Expedition 1716-1717, A.Cherkasskogo . • The war with Persia 1722-1723 gg. • Russian - Turkish war of 1735-1739 . • Seven Years War 1756 - 1763 period .
  • 54. Healthcare reform • All healthcare institutions including teaching schools were governed by Meditsynskaya kollegiya ( Collegium Medicum), created in 1736
  • 55. Реформа здравоохранения Health Care Reform • In the middle of the XVIII century made the​​ new health care reform is to increase the number of doctors in the cities paid great attention to the education and training of medical specialists and the teacher
  • 56. Epidemics In XVIII there were several plague epidemics in Russia. Plague epidemic in Moscow 1770—1772 was particularly disastrous .
  • 57. Count Grigory Orlov Current Vagankovskoe , Danilovskoye Dorogomilovskaya Pyatnitskoe, Kalitnikovskaya , Transfiguration and Semenovskoe cemetery , known as historical, are monuments of the invasion of Moscow plague in 1770 -1772 years.
  • 58. Epidemic • When Catherine II the fight against epidemics in Russia began to acquire the character of public activities directly under the responsibility of the Imperial Council and the Senate. • By Catherine II were created outposts placed not only at the borders, but also on the roads leading to the center of Russia . • Was created by the "Charter of border and port quarantine ."
  • 59. Smallpox inoculation In October 1768 , Catherine II has subjected himself and his son Paul smallpox vaccination ( inoculation ) . Since that time in Russia began to be established ospoprivivatelnye home.
  • 60. Era of Catherine II • When Catherine II Russian absolutism reached unprecedented power. Nobility has received huge privileges , Russia became one of the first world powers. • Tightening of serfdom was the main cause of the peasant voyny1773-1775 years under the leadership of E.I.Pugacheva.
  • 61. Peasant War1773 – 1775 гг.
  • 62. Pugachev rebellion • Peasant uprising of 1773-1775 . seized land Yaitsky troops , Orenburg region , the Urals, Kama , Bashkiria , part of Western Siberia , Middle and Lower Volga . • To the Cossacks joined Bashkirs, Tatars , Kazakhs, Ural factory workers and numerous serfs of all provinces , the territory of which the peasant war unfolded . • Sep 12 . 1774 Pugachev captured, after which he was executed .
  • 63. Science and Education of the XVIII century • In the 1780s . Catherine II made another​​ attempt to create a unified system of education. • In 1786, in provincial cities opened four- year college major ; in the county - two year low . • " Charter public schools " provides an opportunity to transition from a small school in the main , and then - the university entrance.
  • 64. Medical Education • In the second half of the XVIII century in the Russian Empire has been considerably developed medical education. • From 1764 , we started regular classes at the medical faculty of Moscow University.
  • 65. Semyon Zybelin (1735—1802) Moscow University First Russian professor of Moscow University, professor of anatomy and surgery, practice of medicine and chemistry member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 66. Медицинское образование Medical Education • In 1764 the Medical Board recognized the equal rights of Russian and German language teaching in hospital schools. • In 1795, in the " preliminary order of positions who teach , students ' stated: " ... Professor should know perfectly the Russian language for precise and intelligible to express their thoughts on the hold the teaching of doctrine; in case of necessity, when it will be impossible to find such permitted knowing thoroughly the Latin language , which will be required to teach in 3 years (follow-up 3 years) , during which period it has to learn the Russian language . "
  • 67. Medical Education • In 1764 the Medical Board received the right to confer the degree of Doctor of doctors of medicine, but in the XVIII century it was given only 16 physicians trained in hospital schools. • Medical faculty of Moscow University has received the right to confer the degree of doctor of medicine only in the 90s of the XVIII century . • In the 1859-1860 period . were allowed to defend their dissertations in Russian .
  • 68. Foma Barsuk-Мoiseev The first MD thesis "On the physiology of breathing " at Moscow University (1794).
  • 69. Меdicine • In the XVIII century continuously developing new areas for Russian medicine. • Hospitals have been opened for the treatment of syphilis , psychiatric hospitals and orphanages ; • Issued a number of fundamental works on medicine .
  • 70. Education reforms • 1753—1760 - аcheaters‘ • . Z. Kondoidi and М. I. Shein P improve the teaching of anatomy and clinical disciplines , staged clinical wards, were introduced mandatory autopsy , the teaching of obstetrics and gynecological diseases , changed the procedure for examinations.
  • 71. Pavel Kondoidi (1709 – 1760) Arhiatr and Chief Director medical The Office of the (1753-1760) Creator Russia's first medical libraries (1756 )
  • 72. P.Z Kondoidi • From the middle of the XVIII century when arhiatre • P. 3 Kondoidi in hospital schools began to teach mainly in Russian . • With this was a big step forward in the preparation of Russian medical personnel.
  • 73. П.З. Кондоиди • Arhiatr PZ Kondoidi decided to train their own staff of doctors , worthy substitute teaching positions , direct gifted graduates of hospital schools in foreign universities for doctoral title . • Young doctors trip abroad began in 1761 . • Gradually hospital schools no longer need the foreign teachers.
  • 74. Медицинская литература The medical literature • For the medical literature of Russia in XVIII century is characterized by a large number of translated works. • By order of Peter I have been translated into Russian and published at public expense , foreign works on medicine, for example, " Aphorisms of Hippocrates ", " Anatomy of the Human Body " Bidloo , " Marching and the home pharmacy " and others .
  • 75. Медицинская литература • In 1757 MI Shein published the first translation of the widespread Geystera textbook on anatomy, in 1761 g.- transfer textbook on surgery Platner . • Work on the translation of medical textbooks and books continued to NM - Ambodik Maksimovic , M. Terekhovsky , FI Barsuk - Moiseev et al .
  • 76. Мartyn Shein The first drawing teacher in Kronstadt hospital school (from 1738 ) . Intrigued medicine, graduated from the hospital school and in 1745 received the title of Doctor . Was appointed senior physician Petersburg Naval Hospital . Being a master of freehand it on materials Kronstadt hospital carried out a large number of original drawings that are included in its anatomical atlas , first published in Russian in 1744 When founded the Academy of Fine Arts ( 1757 ) MI Shein became its first professor of anatomy .
  • 77. • Great merit MI Shein was to create a medical terminology • in Russian , which previously did not exist. • Many medical terms proposed by M. Shane , remained unchanged up to the present time, for example : • blood vessels , ileum , phrenic barrier , vas deferens , and others .
  • 78. Constantin Stchepin (1728—1770) • Russian physician and botanist , anatomist and military surgeon of the XVIII century . • Developed a scientifically based system of training doctors made training programs​​ for hospital schools. Lectures conducted in Russian , introduced compulsory teaching of anatomy on the corpses of PEOPLE.
  • 79. К.I. Schepin • KI Schepin prepared in Russian two manuscripts - " Anatomical Lectures" ( 1763 ) and "On the anatomy in general" ( 1764 ) . In them, he expounded in an accessible form for students general and particular anatomical teaching. • KI Schepin introduced repetition of material tests of knowledge for a week and monthly exams for each medical science rather than existed before his exams for every third year.
  • 80. Nestor Maximovich-Ambodik (1744—1812) Creator " Anatomiko- physiological Dictionary " (1783) founder scientific Obstetrics and gynecologists in Russia , teachings about caring for infants
  • 81. Danila Samoilovich (1744-1805) Major works associated with epidemiology plague and poverty plague
  • 82. Медицинское образование Medical Education • Medical College in 1785 sent two experienced doctors Terekhovsky M. and A. Shymlanskaya in Europe to familiarize with the medical education. A year later, on his return they received a report on the transformation of hospital schools and their staffs . • Since 1786 under the new law, hospital schools Petersburg and Kronstadt turned into medical and surgical schools , and teachers have received the title of professor . • Each school was created 4 chairs . School has been granted the right to confer doctoral degrees . They were separated from the hospital and began to exist independently.
  • 83. Медико-хирургические училища Medical and surgical school •With the transformation in 1786 of hospital schools in the medical and surgical schools were introduced chemistry, mathematics to physics . When hospitals were organized anatomical museums. •Since 1795 , in the medico-surgical schools established a 5-year period of study. Students of the first three courses studied general subjects , anatomy, recipes , physiology , surgery, etc. ophthamology . Specialized disciplines . •On the 4th and 5th courses were mainly practical training and duty in the clinical wards of hospitals . After passing the exam school graduates receive the title of healers .
  • 84. Медико-хирургические училища Medical and surgical school Major changes in the activities of medical and surgical schools conducted by the director of the Medical College of ( 1793 ) Privy Councillor AI Vasiliev
  • 85. Medico-Surgical Academy • Nominal decree of December 18, 1798 Emperor Paul I ordered AI Vasilyev create the necessary material base to open in St. Petersburg institution of higher education for the training of doctors . • This date is considered the foundation of the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy , which eventually became the leading educational - scientific center of the Russian Empire in the training of physicians and the development of medical science.
  • 86. Medical- Surgical Academy (now - the Naval Academy . Kirov )
  • 87. Высшее медицинское образование Graduate Medical Education • Phase of development of the national higher medical school was a difficult and lengthy ; it covers the reign of Peter I to Paul I. It is possible to allocate the following periods and significant events : • background of higher education in Russia ( Emperor Peter I), • Opening of the Moscow University ( Empress Elizabeth ) • the formation of the Medical-Surgical Academy ( Emperor Paul I).
  • 88. XVIII Century • XVIII century was an important stage in the development of medicine in Russia . This was the period of formation and growth of Russian medical science , when Russia appeared and quickly developed scientific medicine . Among physicians to promote the development of medical science , a major role in the XVIII century, played a Russian hospital school students .