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KD 1.1-1.2
Subject : English
Class/Semester : IX / 1
Competence Standard : 1. Listening
To understand the meaning in the simple short spoken
transactional and interpersonal conversation in interactive and non
interactive communication, formally and informally to interact
with the surrounding environment and or in the context of
Basic Competence : 1.1 To understand the explicit meaning in short simple interpersonal
and transactional conversation involving the speech act of: Asking
and giving certainty, expressing and responding doubt, asking
repetition, giving attention, expressing admiration
1.2 To understand the implicit meaning in short simple interpersonal
and transactional conversation involving the speech act of: Asking
and giving certainty, expressing and responding doubt, asking
repetition, giving attention, expressing admiration
Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their
ability to identify spoken expressions and choose the correct responds
accurately to expressions of:
1. Asking and giving certainty/doubt
2. Asking repetition
3. Giving attention
4. Expressing admiration.
Text : Interpersonal and Transactional conversation
Skill : Listening
Time Allocation : 3 x Meeting ( 6 x 40 Minutes)
A. Learning Objectives
1. Enable students to identify the spoken expressions of:
a. Asking and giving certainty and doubt
b. Asking repetition
c. Giving attention
d. Expressing admiration
2. Enable students to choose the correct responds to expressions of:
a. Asking and giving certainty and doubt
b. Asking repetition
c. Giving attention
d. Expressing admiration
B. Teaching Learning Material
1. Asking and giving certainty and doubt
a. Via’s walking through the living room. There, she finds her father sitting on the sofa
holding something
Via : Hi, Dad.
Mr. Indra : Hi, sweetie. Where have you been?
Via : Well, I went to Listy’s house to study together.
And hmm….what’s in your hand, Dad? Is that your new mobile phone?
Mr. Indra : Yes. It is.
Via : Can I have a look? Hmm, it’s a good stuff, Dad. Do you mind if I use it
to send an SMS
Mr. Indra : No problem.
Via : Really, Dad?
Mr. Indra : Sure, it’s all right. But be careful, it’s still new.
Via : I will, Dad. Thank you
2. The expressions of repetition and giving attention:
Aldo is a little hard of hearing (=deaf). He often has to ask people to repeat what they have
Aldo : Sorry. What was that you said?
Bram : I’ll meet you at the Bull and Bush round about seven.
Aldo : Where?
Bram : At the Bull and Bush.
Aldo : When did you say?
Bram : Round about seven. Tony’s coming too.
Aldo : Who’s coming?
Bram : Tony. Tony Hughes, you know. Don’t forget to bring the letter.
Aldo : Sorry. I didn’t quite catch what you said. There’s a lot of noise outside.
(Would you mind repeating that?)
Bram : I said don’t forget to bring the letter.
Aldo : Oh, I see. Don’t worry, I will
3. The expressions of admiration:
Ratih is in the exhibition hall. She is in the painting corner now.
Ratih : What a beautiful painting!
A Painter: Do you like it?
Ratih : I do, Sir. It’s fabulous!
A Painter: Thank you.
Ratih : Hmm… is it your work, Sir?
A Painter : Right. This is one of my works. And, you see the painting over there, the
landscape. What do you say?
Ratih : That one? That’s great! It looks so real, Sir.
A Painter: Thank you.
C. Methode / Technique: Three Phase Techique
1. Pre Listening
2. Whilst Listening
3. Post Listening
D. Learning Steps
1. First Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions and asking the
students to make simple dialogue to focus on the topic
- The teacher also gives motivation of how important to listen to English to make them
used to English expressions
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- Listen to the conversation related to the gambit
- Find the meaning of the new words
- Read the expressions in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material, questions and the
strategy of listening effectively
- The students answer/respond questions from the conversation
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking
the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen
to the conversation again.
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- For students who get lower mark, attention is given to them, then the follow-up
activities are given by asking them to read again the script that is done at home as the
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher ask the students to use the expression that has been learned in the real
2. Second Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions and asking the
students to make simple dialogue to focus on the topic
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the conversation read by the teacher
- Find the meaning of the new words
- Read the expressions in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
- The students answer/respond questions from the conversation
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking
the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen
to the conversation again.
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- For students who get lower mark, attention is given to them, then the follow-up
activities are given by asking them to read again the script that is done at home as the
- The teacher helps the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher ask the students to use the expression that has been learned in the real
3. Third Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about the expression
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the conversation read by one of them
- Find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences
- Read the expressions in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
- The students answer/respond questions from the conversation
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback.
- The students correct their answers and find out the other similar expressions
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- For students who get lower mark, attention is given to them, then the follow-up
activities are given by asking them to read again the script that is done at home as the
- The teacher helps the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher asks the students to use the expression that has been learned in the real
E. Learning Source
1. Script of conversations.
2. Text Book
3. Surrounding environments
F. Assessment
1. Teqnique : Written test.
2. Form : - Identifying the gambit from the spoken conversation
- Retelling a dialogue containing the gambit
3. Instrument :
1. Listen to the dialogue and write down five expressions about certainty/doubt,
repetition and admiration!
Ratih has just walked out of her house. She sees Listy walking toward her.
Ratih : Hi Listy.
Listy : Oh, hi, Ratih. Where are you going?
Ratih : Well, I’m going to the art exhibition.
Listy : What exhibition did you say?
Ratih : I said, art exhibiton.
Listy : Sounds great. Hmm… Ratih, do you mind if I go with you?
Ratih : Not at all. But I’ll be there a while. Is that all right?
Listy : No problem.
Ratih : O.K. Let’s go.
At the art exhibition
Ratih : Listy, come here! What do you think about this shell handicraft?
It’s very wonderful? Must be difficult to make it, right?
Listy : Well, I …ummm…
Ratih : You’re not sure, right?
Listy : No, but as long as we know how to make it and we do it every day, that’s
not a difficult thing to do.
Ratih : I think so. Oh.. look at that painting!
Listy : Wow.. that’s fabulous. Let’s find the painter.
Ratih : Ok.
2. Listen to the dialogue and retell it with your own sentence!
Mrs. Indra was in the market. She wanted to buy some vegetables. She was at the
greengrocer and was trying to bargain for some vegetables.
The seller : Good morning madam. Can I help you?
Mrs. Indra : Yes, please. I need a kilogram of carrot. How much is it per kilogram?
The seller : It’s Rp. 4.000,00 per kilogram.
Mrs. Indra : Rp. 4.000,00? It’s too expensive. How about Rp. 3.000,00?
The seller : Umm…well, I’ll give it for you …Rp. 3.500,00.
Mrs. Indra : Pardon?
The seller : Rp. 3.500,00.
Mrs. Indra : Mmm..O.K. Please give me one and a half kilograms.
The seller : Sure. Anything else, madam?
Mrs. Indra : No, thank you.
4. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression
For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph
Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10
2 1 x 10 = 10
Total 20
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
5. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I Correct content, correct linguistic structure
Correct content, wrong linguistic structure
Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure
II Correct content, correct structure, and proper diction
Correct content, improper structure, and proper diction
Correct content, wrong structure, and improper diction
Correct content, wrong structure, and wrong diction
The content is not correct, wrong structure, and wrong diction
No answer
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003v -
KD 2.1-2.2
Subject : English
Class/Semester : IX / 1
Competence Standard : 2. To understand the meaning in the simple short spoken
transactional and interpersonal conversation in interactive and
non interactive communication, formally and informally to
interact with the surrounding environment and or in the context
of academic.
Basic Competence : 2.1 To understand the explicit meaning in short simple spoken non
transactional text in the form of procedure, report and
explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic
2.2 To understand the implicit meaning in short simple spoken non
transactional text in the form of procedure, report and
explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic
Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their
ability to identifythe following features accurately from the text:
1. the information
2. the generic structure
3. the communicative purpose
Text : Short Essay (Procedure, Report, Explanation)
Aspect/Skill : Listening
Time Allocation : 4 Meetings (8 X 40 minutes)
G. Learning Purpose
a. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken procedure text
b. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken procedure text
c. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken procedure text
d. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken report text
e. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken report text
f. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken report text
g. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken explanation text
h. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken explanation text
i. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken explanation text
H. Learning Material
1. Procedure Text
How to Cook Rice Using a Magic Com
First, wiegh the exact amount of rice that will be poured. It should not be more than 4
measure cups. Then, wash the rice. Put it in the inner pot, and adjust the quantity of
water. At the same time, you can cook another meal like vegetables. Put them in the
steam pot. Aftar that, plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the cooking
button. A light red will turn on. After cooking, open the cover and mingle the cooked rice
for a while.
2. Report Text
Fishes come in an amazing variety of shapes and colours, but they all have three
things in common. All fishes live in water, have fins, and use gills to get oxygen from the
A female fish releases eggs in water. This process is called spawning. However,
there are also some fishes, like shark and dolphin, which give birth to live young.
Fish egges range in size from a barely visible dot to the size of a pea. Fish eggs
may hatch within several days of spawning or many weeks later, depending on the
species and the water temperature.
Fishes have the same five senses humans have: sight, hearing, touch, smell and
taste. They use their senses to look for food, avoid predators, find a partner to spawn
with, and find their way around their habitat. Fishes can also differenciate colour, just as
people do.
3. Explanation Text
Female butterflies are very choosy about the plants they would want to lay
their eggs. underside the leaves is where you find the butterfly eggs. These are white and
very small. It takes almost a week for the eggs to hatch. The larva develops inside the
egg and nourishes on the yolk of the egg. Finally, they make a small hole in the egg and
emerges on the leaf.
The larva of the butterfly is called caterpillar. Caterpillars grows fast feeding
on the leaves. In 2 weeks they become an adult caterpillar. As the caterpillar grows
longer it outgrows its skin. It sheds the skin. This process is called as molting. Adult
caterpillar, starts crawling away from the plant it was feeding till it finds a safe haven to
pupate. Once the caterpillar finds a place to pupate. It makes a silk-like mat on the
surface and hangs upside down.
The skin of the caterpillar is shed for the final time and the casing takes the color
of jade. This casing is called chrysalis. Within the chrysalis the caterpillar slowly turns
into a butterfly. There is transformation -taking place within the pupa. The body of
caterpillar disintegrate to the body of butterfly.
The hardened chrysalis cracks and the butterfly emerges from it. The wings of
butterfly are small and wet. At this juncture, a life-saving fluid known as hemolymph is
pumped into the body of butterfly. This helps in enlarging the wings and the body of
butterfly. However, within an hour the wings become dry and butterfly is ready to fly.
I. Method / Technique : Three phase technique
1. Pre listening
2. Whilst listening
3. Post Listening
J. Learning Activities
1. First Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic
- The teacher also gives motivation of how important enrich our vocabulary through
the procedure text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the procedure text
- The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help
- The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure
of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking
the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen
to the text again.
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher asks the students to find the other example of procedure text around
2. Second Meeting
d. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the report text read by one of their friend
- The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help
- The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure
of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking
the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen
to the text again.
f. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher asks the students to find the other example of report text.
3. Third Meeting
d. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about the explanation text
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the text read by the teacher
- The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences
- The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback.
- The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text
f. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
4. Fourth Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about all of the essay text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the text read by the teacher
- The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences
- The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback.
- The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
K. Learning source
a. Text book
b. Internet
c. Surrounding environment
L. Assessment
a. Tecnique : a. Observation and small quiz
b. Written test
b. Form : a. Performance and short questions
b. Multiple choice and completion
c. Instrument :
I.a. Listen to the teacher’s instuction and demonstrate how to operate a digital
camera in a group of three!
- Hold up the camera
- Center the object in the LCD
- Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want
- When you’re ready to take the picture, hold the shutter haflway, A light should
appear that let’s you know the camera is set to go.
- Press shutter all the way down.
b. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions!
Ginger Fish
One black pomfret 2cm ginger (chopped)
Half teaspoon of salt Two tablespoons of soy sauce
Half tablespoon of corn floor Two tablespoon of water
One cup of oil a pinch of sugar
1. Clean the fish
2. Rub salt and corn flour all over it
3. Heat out the oil in the wok
4. Slide the fish in. After three minutes, turn the fish over. Remove it when it is
golden brown.
5. Leave about one tablespoon of oil in the wok. Fry the chopped ginger until it is
6. Add the soy sauce, sugar and water
7. Pour the gravy over the fish.
1. What is the goal of the text?
2. How should you cut the ginger?
3. When is the fish put into the wok?
4. how much oil do we need to fry the ginger?
5. What is the last step?
II.a. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions by choosing the
correct answer from the option!
Magazines are periodicals that appear daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
They usually contain news, articles, and stories from various writers. Some
magazines are intended for special group of readers, like children, teenagers or
women. Some others specialize in certain fields of interest, like science, music or
Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They
contain news and articles of general interest. They are issued everyday. Tabloids are
very similar to newspaper. They look a like, but tabloids are similar in size. Tabloids
are also similar to magazines because they deal with specific fields of interest. They
usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. the definition of magazine
b. the function of magazine
c. the kinds of mass media
d. the importance of newspaper
2. What are daily newspapers issued?
a. every month
b. every week
c. every day
d. every time
3. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. Magazines have the same contain to newspaper
b. magazines are intended for teenagers
c. tabloid are quite similar to newspaper
d. tabloid are issued one a week
4. Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They
contain …(paragraph 2). What does the word ‘they’ refer to …?
a. newspapers
b. new articles
c. stories
d. various writers
5. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly (paragraph 3). The word
‘fortnightly’ has the same meaning to …
a. once a week
b. once two week
c. once a month
d. once a year
b. Listen to teacher and complete the missing words of the text!
Rain always comes from ....(1)..... But where do they come from? How does
all the water get into the ....(2)....?
The water in the ocean is warm when the ...(3)... on it. Some of this water
goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind ....(4).... the clouds for hundreds
of kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see ....(5).... of water. The
drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans.
Listening script
Rain always comes from clouds But where do they come from? How does all
the water get into the sky?
The water in the ocean is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water
goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of
kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops
of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans.
d. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 a the score is 1 for each correct demonstration
For part 1 b the score is 1 for each correct answer
For part 2 a and b the score is 1 for each correct answer
Maximum score : 1 10 x 1 = 10
2 10 x 1 = 10
Total 20
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
e. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I a The demonstration is correct
The demonstration is not correct
b The answer is correct
The answer is not correct
II a The answer is correct
The answer is not correct
b The answer is correct
The answer is not correct
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi, M.pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd.
NIP. 19590916 198302 1 002
KD 2.1-2.2
Subject : English
Class/Semester : IX / 1
Competence Standard : 2. To understand the meaning in the simple short spoken
transactional and interpersonal conversation in interactive and
non interactive communication, formally and informally to
interact with the surrounding environment and or in the context
of academic.
Basic Competence : 2.1 To understand the explicit meaning in short simple spoken non
transactional text in the form of procedure, report and
explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic
2.2 To understand the implicit meaning in short simple spoken non
transactional text in the form of procedure, report and
explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic
Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their
ability to identifythe following features accurately from the text:
4. the information
5. the generic structure
6. the communicative purpose
Text : Short Essay (Procedure, Report, Explanation)
Aspect/Skill : Listening
Time Allocation : 4 Meetings (8 X 40 minutes)
M. Learning Purpose
a. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken procedure text
b. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken procedure text
c. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken procedure text
d. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken report text
e. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken report text
f. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken report text
g. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken explanation text
h. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken explanation text
i. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken explanation text
N. Learning Material
4. Procedure Text
How to Cook Rice Using a Magic Com
First, wiegh the exact amount of rice that will be poured. It should not be more than 4
measure cups. Then, wash the rice. Put it in the inner pot, and adjust the quantity of
water. At the same time, you can cook another meal like vegetables. Put them in the
steam pot. Aftar that, plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the cooking
button. A light red will turn on. After cooking, open the cover and mingle the cooked rice
for a while.
5. Report Text
Fishes come in an amazing variety of shapes and colours, but they all have three
things in common. All fishes live in water, have fins, and use gills to get oxygen from the
A female fish releases eggs in water. This process is called spawning. However,
there are also some fishes, like shark and dolphin, which give birth to live young.
Fish egges range in size from a barely visible dot to the size of a pea. Fish eggs
may hatch within several days of spawning or many weeks later, depending on the
species and the water temperature.
Fishes have the same five senses humans have: sight, hearing, touch, smell and
taste. They use their senses to look for food, avoid predators, find a partner to spawn
with, and find their way around their habitat. Fishes can also differenciate colour, just as
people do.
6. Explanation Text
Female butterflies are very choosy about the plants they would want to lay
their eggs. underside the leaves is where you find the butterfly eggs. These are white and
very small. It takes almost a week for the eggs to hatch. The larva develops inside the
egg and nourishes on the yolk of the egg. Finally, they make a small hole in the egg and
emerges on the leaf.
The larva of the butterfly is called caterpillar. Caterpillars grows fast feeding
on the leaves. In 2 weeks they become an adult caterpillar. As the caterpillar grows
longer it outgrows its skin. It sheds the skin. This process is called as molting. Adult
caterpillar, starts crawling away from the plant it was feeding till it finds a safe haven to
pupate. Once the caterpillar finds a place to pupate. It makes a silk-like mat on the
surface and hangs upside down.
The skin of the caterpillar is shed for the final time and the casing takes the color
of jade. This casing is called chrysalis. Within the chrysalis the caterpillar slowly turns
into a butterfly. There is transformation -taking place within the pupa. The body of
caterpillar disintegrate to the body of butterfly.
The hardened chrysalis cracks and the butterfly emerges from it. The wings of
butterfly are small and wet. At this juncture, a life-saving fluid known as hemolymph is
pumped into the body of butterfly. This helps in enlarging the wings and the body of
butterfly. However, within an hour the wings become dry and butterfly is ready to fly.
O. Method / Technique : Three phase technique
4. Pre listening
5. Whilst listening
6. Post Listening
P. Learning Activities
1. First Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic
- The teacher also gives motivation of how important enrich our vocabulary through
the procedure text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the procedure text
- The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help
- The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure
of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking
the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen
to the text again.
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher asks the students to find the other example of procedure text around
2. Second Meeting
g. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic
h. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the report text read by one of their friend
- The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help
- The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure
of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking
the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen
to the text again.
i. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher asks the students to find the other example of report text.
3. Third Meeting
g. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about the explanation text
h. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the text read by the teacher
- The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences
- The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback.
- The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text
i. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
4. Fourth Meeting
d. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher review the previous material
- The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about all of the essay text
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students listen to the text read by the teacher
- The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences
- The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions
related with the text
- The students answer questions about the information from the text
3) Confirmation
- The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback.
- The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text
f. Closing Activities
- The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities.
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
Q. Learning source
a. Text book
b. Internet
c. Surrounding environment
R. Assessment
a. Tecnique : a. Observation and small quiz
b. Written test
b. Form : a. Performance and short questions
b. Multiple choice and completion
c. Instrument :
I.a. Listen to the teacher’s instuction and demonstrate how to operate a digital
camera in a group of three!
- Hold up the camera
- Center the object in the LCD
- Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want
- When you’re ready to take the picture, hold the shutter haflway, A light should
appear that let’s you know the camera is set to go.
- Press shutter all the way down.
b. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions!
Ginger Fish
One black pomfret 2cm ginger (chopped)
Half teaspoon of salt Two tablespoons of soy sauce
Half tablespoon of corn floor Two tablespoon of water
One cup of oil a pinch of sugar
8. Clean the fish
9. Rub salt and corn flour all over it
10. Heat out the oil in the wok
11. Slide the fish in. After three minutes, turn the fish over. Remove it when it is
golden brown.
12. Leave about one tablespoon of oil in the wok. Fry the chopped ginger until it is
13. Add the soy sauce, sugar and water
14. Pour the gravy over the fish.
6. What is the goal of the text?
7. How should you cut the ginger?
8. When is the fish put into the wok?
9. how much oil do we need to fry the ginger?
10. What is the last step?
II.a. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions by choosing the
correct answer from the option!
Magazines are periodicals that appear daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
They usually contain news, articles, and stories from various writers. Some
magazines are intended for special group of readers, like children, teenagers or
women. Some others specialize in certain fields of interest, like science, music or
Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They
contain news and articles of general interest. They are issued everyday. Tabloids are
very similar to newspaper. They look a like, but tabloids are similar in size. Tabloids
are also similar to magazines because they deal with specific fields of interest. They
usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
6. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. the definition of magazine
b. the function of magazine
c. the kinds of mass media
d. the importance of newspaper
7. What are daily newspapers issued?
a. every month
b. every week
c. every day
d. every time
8. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. Magazines have the same contain to newspaper
b. magazines are intended for teenagers
c. tabloid are quite similar to newspaper
d. tabloid are issued one a week
9. Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They
contain …(paragraph 2). What does the word ‘they’ refer to …?
a. newspapers
b. new articles
c. stories
d. various writers
10. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly (paragraph 3). The word
‘fortnightly’ has the same meaning to …
a. once a week
b. once two week
c. once a month
d. once a year
b. Listen to teacher and complete the missing words of the text!
Rain always comes from ....(1)..... But where do they come from? How does
all the water get into the ....(2)....?
The water in the ocean is warm when the ...(3)... on it. Some of this water
goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind ....(4).... the clouds for hundreds
of kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see ....(5).... of water. The
drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans.
Listening script
Rain always comes from clouds But where do they come from? How does all
the water get into the sky?
The water in the ocean is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water
goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of
kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops
of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans.
d. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 a the score is 1 for each correct demonstration
For part 1 b the score is 1 for each correct answer
For part 2 a and b the score is 1 for each correct answer
Maximum score : 1 10 x 1 = 10
2 10 x 1 = 10
Total 20
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
e. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I a The demonstration is correct
The demonstration is not correct
b The answer is correct
The answer is not correct
II a The answer is correct
The answer is not correct
b The answer is correct
The answer is not correct
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi, M.pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd.
NIP. 19590916 198302 1 002
KD 4.1-4.2
Subject : English
Class/Semester : IX / 1
: 4. To express the meaning in the simple short functional
to interact with surrounding environment and or in
the context of academic.
Basic Competence : 4.1 To express the meaning in simple spoken text in the
form of procedure, report and explanation text to
communicate interactively in the informal situation
in daily life / academic context
4.2 To express the meaning in simple spoken text in the
form of procedure, report and explanation text to
communicate non interactively in the formal
situation in daily life / academic context
Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated
by their ability to do a short monologue confidencely in the
form of procedure / report / explanation
Text : Short Essay (Procedure, Report, Explanation)
Aspek/Skill : Speaking
Time Allocation : 4 x meeting ( 8 x 40 Minutes)
A. Learning Purpose.
1. Enable students to do a short monologue in the form of procedure text
2. Enable students to do a short monologue in the form of report text
3. Enable students to do a short monologue in the form of explanation text
B. Learning Material.
1. Procedure text
a. A procedure tells how to do or make something
b. It usually consists of three main parts:
- Aim/Goal
This part tells what will be made or done
- Materials/Ingredients
This part gives a list of what is needed
- Steps
This part explains how to do it
c. A recipe and manual are examples of procedures
d. Short and clear instructions are necessary in a procedure
e. It mostly uses Simple present tense and imperatives (action verbs)
2. Report text
a. A report gives information by stating fact
b. It usually consists of two main parts:
- General Classification
This part gives brief information about the focus of the report. It may give the
definition of the subject.
- Description
This part gives facts about the focus of the report. It may describe the features of
the subject.
c. It mostly uses Simple present tense. However, the reports may also use past tense to state
past facts
d. A report uses general terms. For example, use ‘fish’ rather than ‘my fish’.
3. Explanation text
a. An explanation is aimed to explain the process of something such as how something is
formed, or to discuss about a theory, phenomena, definition, ideology, and something
related to the natural phenomenon. It can also be used to explain the function of a device
or tool.
b. It usually consists of two main parts:
- General statement
This part tells opinion of the writer or phenomenon in the nature, or something
known generally.
- Process explanation
This part explains why and how something exists or happens.
c. It mostly uses Simple present tense, action verbs, general and abstract noun, and also
passive voice.
C. Learning Method : Total Physical Response
D. Learning Activities.
1. First Meeting
b. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
c. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the spoken procedure
- The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend.
- The students are given the other monologues
3) Confirmation
- The students choose one monologe and practice it in pairs
- The teacher goes around the classroom, listening to them and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to practice the monologue in front of the
d. Closing Activities
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The teacher asks the students to find the other example of the text
2. Second Meeting
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher reminds the students about the previous material
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the report text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the spoken report
monologue from the internet
- The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend.
- The students are asked to search the other report text from the internet
3) Confirmation
- The students choose one monologe and practice it in pairs
- The teacher goes around the classroom, listening to them and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to practice the monologue in front of the
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
- The students are asked to make some slide of explanation text to be presented in the
next meeting in a group of four
3. Third Activity
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher reminds the students about the previous material
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the explanation text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher present an explanation text using Power Point program
- The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend.
3) Confirmation
- The students prepare their slides and present it using explanation techniques in a
group of four
- The teacher listeni to them and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to comment the presentation..
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
4. Fourth Activity
a. Opening:
- The teacher greets and calls the roll
- The teacher reminds the students about the previous material
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the report, procedure and
explanation text helped by the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher present the example of the three text using Power Point program
- The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend.
3) Confirmation
- The teacher ask the student to do the monologue based on the theme given
- The teacher listening to them and give feedback
c. Closing Activities
- The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material.
E. Learning Source.
1. Internet.
2. Text book.
F. Assessment
1. Tecnique : Performance
Form : Performance
2. Instrument:
Do the monologue of the following procedure, report or explanation text
individually. The theme is provided below!
Choose one of these topic
a. How to make fried rice
b. How to make kite
c. Snow
d. Bear
e. Metamorphosis
f. Rain
3. Scoring Guide:
The score is 10 for each criterion
Maximum score : 10 x 10 = 100
4. Scoring Rubric:
A. MATERIAL Each aspects is assessed in the
1. Content Score range as follows:
2. Grammar 1-3 : Poor
3. Diction 4-6 : Fair
4. Creativity 7-8 : Good
9-10: Excellent
1. Opening
2. Pronunciation
3. Intonation
4. Explaining
5. Answering questions
10 Closing
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003 -
KD 5.1.1-5.2.1 a
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX / I
Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written
text related to the surrouning environment and or in the
context of academic
Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short
written functional text
Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:
 some information
 the communicative purpose
 the language features
Type of text : Functional Text
Aspect/Skill : Reading
Time Allocation : 3 meetings (6 x 40 minutes)
S. Learning Objectives
At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the
functional text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the language features
T. Learning Material.
1. Invitation
2. Advertisement
3. Label
U. Learning Method: Three Phase Technique and Cooperative Learning
V. Steps of Activities
1. First Meeting
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the Invitation Card helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the invitation taken from
the internet.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words and
answer some questions about the information, the purpose and the languange
feature of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the purpose and the
languange feature of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
- To ask the student to find an advertisement text for the next meeting.
2. Second Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
- The teacher check the students’ preparation with their advertisement text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the advertisement helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the advertisement taken
from the newspaper.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words and
answer some questions about the information, the purpose and the languange
feature of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students prepare their own text and identify the vocabularies and the
languange feature of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to explain about their identification in
front of the classroom.
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
- To ask the student to prepare a label of a product text for the next meeting.
3. Third Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
- The teacher check the students’ preparation with their label text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the label helped by the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the label taken from a
real product.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words and
answer some questions about the information, the purpose and the languange
feature of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students prepare their own text and identify the vocabularies and the
languange feature of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to explain about their identification in
front of the classroom.
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
W. Learning Resources :
Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper.
X. Assessment
1. Technique : Assignment and Written test.
2. Form : Short essay and multiple choice
3. Instrument :
I. Answer the question briefly based on the text!
1. What kind of text is it?
2. What is the product in the text?
3. What are the content of the product?
4. Who is supposed to dring 3 time each day?
5. What should we do before drink it?
II. Choose the best answer based on the text
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie and Mr. & Mrs. Tonys Cordially request the honor of
your presence to witness the vows of love and the beginning of their
children’s life together
Natasya Charlie
Daniel Stephen
Sunday, on July 10th
Wedding Reception
7.00 pm – onwards
Mutiara Ballroom – Grand Hyatt Hotel
Jl. MH. Thamrin
Jakarta – Indonesia
1.Where does the wedding take place?
A. Jakarta – Indonesia
B. Jl. Thamrin – Jakarta
C. Grand Hyatt Hotel – Jakarta
D. Mutiara Ballroom – Grand Hyatt – Jakarta
2.When will the party be held?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. In the daytime
3.The text tells us about … of the canned fruit.
A. The function
B. The advantages
C. The content
D. The side effects
4.We get … calories for making a cup of the fruit drink.
A. 35
B. 70
C. 105
D. 140
5. out of 4 doctors would recommend flora
proactive mini drink. The underlined word
can be replaced with ….
A. hoped
B. offered
C. asked
D. suggested
 Best Canned Fruit
 Native Forest Organic Tropical
Fruit Salad Chunks of
pineapple, mango, papaya, and
watermelon in a light fruit
juice. The fruit isn’t mushy or
overly sugary. Per ½ cup: 70
calories, <1 g>
6. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To promote herbal drink.
B. To inform about herbal drink.
C. To explain about the composition of herbal drink.
D. To give information about the advantage of herbal drink.
7. Whom is the drink for?
A. The weight looser
B. The sick person
C. The overweight person
D. The over sleeper
8. When will the host hold the party?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night
9. How old is the writer?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 20
D. 22
10. Who is Rina?
A. The host
B. The guest
C. The writer
D. The contact person
4. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression
For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph
Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10
2 1 x 10 = 10
Total 20
Maximum grade : 100
To Rina my close friend
Please, come to my twelfth birthday party
Sunday, March 15th 2011
14.00 p.m. - 16.00 p.m.
At SEDAP Resto, Yogya.
Griptha hall, Kudus
RSVP to Salsa or Bona
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
5. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I Correct content, correct linguistic structure
Correct content, wrong linguistic structure
Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure
II Correct Answer
Incorrect answer
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003 -
KD 5.1.2-5.2.2
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX / I
Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written
text related to the surrouning environment and or in the
context of academic
Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short
written functional text and short essay text in the form of
procedure text to communicate in daily life / academic
Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the generic structure
 the language features
Type of text : Procedure
Aspect/Skill : Reading
Time Allocation : 4 meetings (8 x 40 minutes)
Y. Learning Objectives
At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the
procedure text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the generic structure
 the language features
Z. Learning Material.
Procedure text
a. A procedure tells how to do or make something
b. It usually consists of three main parts:
- Aim/Goal
This part tells what will be made or done
- Materials/Ingredients
This part gives a list of what is needed
- Steps
This part explains how to do it
c. A recipe and manual are examples of procedures
d. Short and clear instructions are necessary in a procedure
e. It mostly uses Simple present tense and imperatives (action verbs)
Example of Procedure Text:
How to Cook Oxtail Soup
1 oxtail
2 carrots
1 turnip
1 onion
4 tablespoons dripping or oil
1 tablespoons seasoned flour
3 tablespoons parsley chopped finely
1 bay leaf
4 pints water
1. Cut the tail into small joints and roll in the seasoned flour.
2. Heat the oil and fry the floured water, salt and parsley and bay leaf.
3. Simmer for about 2 hours.
4. Leave to go cold and remove any solidified fat.
5. Add the diced vegetables, bring to the boil, and simmer for another 2 hours.
6. Remove bones carefully and let the soup cold.
7. Blend the soup and season well.
8. Serve hot
AA.Learning Method: Three Phase Technique and cooperative learning
BB. Steps of Activities
1. First Meeting
d. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
with the picture of food, drink, etc.
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the communicative purpose and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the procedure text
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the communicative purpose and answer some
questions about the information of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the communicative
purpose, and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
f. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
2. Second Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
and reminding them about the communicative purpose of the text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the generic structure of the procedure text helped by
the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the generic structure and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the procedure text
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the generic structure and answer some
questions about the information, of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the generic structure
and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
3. Third Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
and reminding them about the generic structure of the text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the language features of the procedure text helped by
the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the language features and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the procedure text
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the languange feature and answer some
questions about the information, of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the languange
feature, and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
4. Fourth Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the
communicative purpose, the generic structure and the language features of the
procedure text
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about some information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher asked the students to find the other example of the procedure text
from the internet
- The students make a group of four and discuss the content of the text.
- The students are asked to make some questions based on the text.
3) Confirmation
- The students change their text with the other group, identify it, and answer the
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- One group is given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
CC.Learning Resources :
Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper.
1. Technigue : Assignment and Written test.
2. Form : Short essay and multiple choice
3. Instrument :
III. Answer the question briefly based on the text!
The Hole Games
Two players, one marble per person, a hole in ground, a line(distance) to start from
1. You must dub (click marbles together)
2. You must check that the marbles are in good condition and are nearly worth the
same value
3. Dig a hole in the ground and draw a line, a fair distance away from the hole.
4. The first player carefully throws his or her marble toward the hole
5. Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble closer to the hole than
his or her opponent.
6. Then the player whose marbles closest to the hole tries to flick his or her
opponent’s marble into it. If successful, the player tries to flick his or her
opponent marble into the hole. The person flicking the last marble into the hole
wins and gets to keep both marbles.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. How many steps are there to play it?
3. When should the player check the marbles?
4. How can the player win the game?
5. Then the player whose marbles closest to the hole tries to flick his or her
opponent’s marble into it.
“It” refers to ...
IV. Choose the best answer based on the text
Ingredients :
1 large ginger
Granulated sugar as desired
100 gr peanut, fried and get rid of its inner skin
100 gr bean, boiled
3 slices of bread, slice into dices
100 gr boil until soft
Instruction :
Ginger water :
Peel and slice the ginger
Boil it in a liter of water
Add some granulated sugar and 0,5 piece of palm sugar
Stir in once it’s boiled
Serving :
Pour some boiled ginger water into a small bowl
Add 1 tbs of green bean and peanut
Add some bread on top
1. These are the ingredients of serving ‘sekoteng’ except …
A. pure water, granulated sugar.
B. sugar, peanut, pomegranate seed
C. ginger water ,pomegranate seed
D. green bean, bread, pomegranate seed
2. The word ‘slice’ in ‘slice the ginger’ has the similar meaning with … .
A. cut into pieces
B. boil until soft
C. pour onto
D. get rid of
3. From the text we know that ….
A. We don’t need any bread
B. We don’t use the ginger skin
C. The bean is fried
D. We need palm sugar or granulated sugar
4. What should be done to the peanut?
A. boiled
B. granulated
C. fried
D. stirred
5. We need … liter/s of water to make Sekoteng according to the recipe.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
How to play congklak (Indonesian traditional game
 Number of Players: 2
 What you need: congklak board and 98 small shells, seeds or stones (for a board
that has 7 holes on each side)
 Object of the Game: to get as many shells as you can into your store house. Your
store house is the hole at the end of the board on your left side.
 To Win: You win the game if you have the most shells in your store house
(menang biji) – or – if you are the last person to run out of shells on your side of
the board (menang jalan).
How to Play
- Count 7 shells into each of the holes on your side of the board.
- Leave your store house (at the end) empty.
- If your board has less/more than 7 holes on each side, fill each hole with playing
pieces equal in number to the number of holes on one side of the board.
- Decide who will go first.
- The first player takes all of the shells out of any hole on their side of the board.
- Move clockwise around the board and drop one shell into each hole in an effort to
reach your own storehouse at the end of the board. Do not drop a shell into your
opponent’s store house.
6. What is the purpose of the text above ?
A. To describe about congklak.
B. To discuss about congklak.
C. To show how to play congklak.
D. To entertain the reader in playing congklak.
7. What are needed to play the game?
- Seeds and stones
- Board and seeds
- Clock and board
- Clock and stones
8. The store house is … at the first we count the shell.
A. Full
B. Big
C. Equal
D. Empty
9. Which statement is correct based on the text?
A. We should fill the opponent’s store house first.
B. We need more than one hundred seeds is the hole is eight
C. The winner can be the last person who fills the store house.
D. We can play it with more than two friends.
10. For winning the game you should have . . .
A. the least shells in your store house
B. the most shells in your store house
C. to be the second player
D. to be the first player
4. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression
For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph
Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10
2 1 x 10 = 10
Total 20
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
5. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I Correct content, correct linguistic structure
Correct content, wrong linguistic structure
Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure
II Correct answer
Incorrect answer
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003 -
KD 5.1.3-5.2.3
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX / I
Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written
text related to the surrouning environment and or in the
context of academic
Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short
written functional text and short essay text in the form of
report text to communicate in daily life / academic context
Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the generic structure
 the language features
Type of text : Report
Aspect/Skill : Reading
Time Allocation : 4 meetings (8 x 40 minutes)
EE. Learning Objectives
At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the
report text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the generic structure
 the language features
FF.Learning Materials
Report Text:
a. A report gives information by stating fact
b. It usually consists of two main parts:
- General Classification
This part gives brief information about the focus of the report. It may give the
definition of the subject.
- Description
This part gives facts about the focus of the report. It may describe the features of
the subject.
c. It mostly uses Simple present tense. However, the reports may also use past tense to state
past facts
d. A report uses general terms. For example, use ‘fish’ rather than ‘my fish’.
Example of report text
The mock strawberry or "Gurbir", Potentilla indica (formerly Duchesnea indica), also
called Indian strawberry or false strawberry, has foliage and fruit similar to true strawberry,
though it is not in the genus Fragaria. It can readily be distinguished by its yellow flowers, as
opposed to the flowers of true strawberries which are white or slightly pink. It is native to
eastern and southern Asia, but has been introduced to many other areas as an ornamental
plant. It has been naturalized in many regions, including the southern United States, and is
considered a noxious weed in some regions.
The leaves are trifoliate, roughly veined beneath, dark green, and often persisting
through the winter, arising from short crowns. The plant spreads along creeping stolons,
rooting and producing crowns at each node. The yellow flowers are produced in mid spring,
then sporadically throughout the growing season. The fruits are white or red, and entirely
coverered with red seeds. They are edible, though unpleasant to eat, as they have no
discernable taste.
Recent genetic evidence has shown that this genus is better included within
but currently most sources still list it in the genus Duchesnea.
GG.Learning Method: Three Phase Technique and cooperative learning
HH.Steps of Activities
1. First Meeting
g. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
with the picture of animal, plant, etc.
h. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the report text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the communicative purpose and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the report text
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the communicative purpose and answer some
questions about the information of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the communicative
purpose, and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
i. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
2. Second Activity
d. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
and reminding them about the communicative purpose of the text
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the generic structure of the report text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the generic structure and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the report text
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the generic structure and answer some
questions about the information, of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the generic structure
and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
f. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
3. Third Activity
d. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
and reminding them about the generic structure of the text
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the language features of the report text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the language features and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the report text
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the languange feature and answer some
questions about the information, of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the languange
feanture, and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
f. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
4. Fourth Activity
d. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the
communicative purpose, the generic structure and the language features of the report
e. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the report text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about some information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher asked the students to find the other example of the report text from
the internet
- The students make a group of four and discuss the content of the text.
- The students are asked to make some questions based on the text.
3) Confirmation
- The students change their text with the other group, identify it, and answer the
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- One group is given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
f. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
II. Learning Resources :
Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper.
JJ. Assessment
a. Technigue : Assignment and Written test.
b. Form : Short essay and multiple choice
c Instrument :
V. Answer the question briefly based on the text!
The durian is the fruit of trees of the genus Durio. Widely known and revered in
Southeast Asia as the "King of Fruits”, the fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique
odor, and a formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow up to 30 centimeters (12
in) long and 15 centimeters (6 in) in diameter, and typically weighs one to three
kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the color of its husk green
to brown and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. The hard outer husk is
covered with sharp, prickly thorns, while the edible flesh within emits the distinctive
odor, which is regarded as either fragrant or overpowering and offensive. The odor of
the ripe fruit is very strong and penetrating, even when the husk of the fruit is still
The flesh of the durian, famously described by the British naturalist Alfred
Russell Wallace as “rich custard highly flavored with almonds", can be consumed at
various stages of ripeness, and is used to flavor a wide variety of edibles, both savory
and sweet.
Durians from different species or clones can have significantly different
aromas; for example, red durian has a deep caramel flavor with a turpentine odor, while
red-fleshed durian emits a fragrance of roasted almonds. The degree of ripeness has a
great effect on the flavor as well. Three scientific analyses of the composition of durian
aroma — from 1972, 1980, and 1995 — each found a different mix of volatile
compounds, including esters, ketones and many different organosulfur compounds,
with no agreement on which may be primarily responsible for the distinctive odor.
1. What are the main characteristic of durian?
2. What does the third paragraph tell us about?
3. What flavor do Red durians have?
4. How did russel describe the flesh of durian?
5. The word distinctive in the last paragraph has thhe similar meaning with....
VI. Choose the best answer based on the text
Modern Japanese dress incorporates both Eastern and Western styles. Western
clothes, worn by both men and women, are virtually universal. The traditional kimono,
a loose-fitting garment with wide sleeves, is now worn principally at home or on
certain special occasions. Men's kimonos differ from women's primarily in color and
fabric. Women wear their kimonos at ankle length, bound with a sash called an obi.
Men's kimonos are shorter and on very formal occasions are worn with a wide, divided
skirt called a hakama. A kimono-shaped cloak called a haori may be worn over a
kimono by both sexes. The clothes Japanese children wear are much like those worn by
children in the United States. Boys wear short or long pants and shirts or sweaters.
Girls wear skirts with blouses or sweaters. Japanese girls still wear kimonos for
festivals, however.
The Japanese usually wear shoes like those worn in Western nations. However,
geta, or wooden clogs, and zori, or rubber or straw sandals, are still worn with
kimonos. Socks called tabi are worn with geta and zori. The tabi have a separate place
for the big toe—the geta or zori strap is held between it and the other toes.
Japanese now wear Western hairstyles. The elaborate hairstyles Japanese
women formerly wore are now used only at weddings or by entertainers in the theatre
and hostesses at geisha houses.
1. What is the text about?
A. modern Japanese people clothes
B. Japanese people wear in weddings
C. What Japanese girls wear for festivals
D. Japanese people still wear kimonos nowadays
2. What do Japanese boys wear to school?
A. Geta with kimono
B. traditional clothes
C. clothes different from boys in USA
D. short or long pants and shirt or sweater
3. —the geta or zori strap is held between it and the other toes
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Strap
B. The big toe
C. Shoes
D. Wooden clock
4. What does the second paragraph tell about?
A. the footwear Japanese people wear
B. shoes worn by western nations
C. socks for Japanese women
D. sandals from straws
5. “The elaborate hairstyles Japanese women formerly wore……”
The elaborate means…
A. simple
B. complicated
C. expensive
D. beautiful
6. A chef de partie, also known as a "station chef" or "line cook",[4]
is in charge of a
particular area of production
The underlined phrase refers to . . . .
A. Service
B. Having responsibility for and control of something
Chef de partie
A chef de partie, also known as a "station chef" or "line cook",[4] is in
charge of a particular area of production. In large kitchens, each station
chef might have several cooks and/or assistants. In most kitchens however,
the station chef is the only worker in that department. Line cooks are often
divided into a hierarchy of their own, starting with "first cook", then
"second cook", and so on as needed.
C. A person who charge
D. A duty
7. What does the text tell you about?
A. Chef department
B. Cooker
C. Charger
D. Production.
8. The following is the closest meaning of expediter is . . . .
A. A cook
B. Executive chef
C. bartender
D. waiter
9. What does the expediter work.........
A. In the kitchen only
B. In the station
C. In the kitchen and dining room
D. In the operation room
10. What is the purpose of the text above ?
A. To give instruction how to take the order
B. To entertain the readers
C. To describe the expediter’s work
D. To retell the job of expediter
d. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression
For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph
Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10
2 1 x 10 = 10
Total 20
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
The expediter (in French aboyeur) takes the orders from the dining
room and relays them to the stations in the kitchen. This person also often
puts the finishing touches on the dish before it goes to the dining room. In
some operations this task may be done by either the executive chef or
the sous-chef.[3]
e. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I Correct content, correct linguistic structure
Correct content, wrong linguistic structure
Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure
II Correct content, correct structure, and proper diction
Correct content, improper structure, and proper diction
Correct content, wrong structure, and improper diction
Correct content, wrong structure, and wrong diction
The content is not correct, wrong structure, and wrong diction
No answer
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003 -
KD 5.1.4-5.2.4
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX / I
Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written
text related to the surrouning environment and or in the
context of academic
Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short
written functional text and short essay text in the form of
explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic
Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the generic structure
 the language features
Type of text : Explanation
Aspect/Skill : Reading
Time Allocation : 4 meetings (8 x 40 minutes)
KK.Learning Objectives
At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the
explanation text:
 some information from the text
 the communicative purpose
 the generic structure
 the language features
LL. Learning Material:
Explanation text
a. An explanation is aimed to explain the process of something such as how something is
formed, or to discuss about a theory, phenomena, definition, ideology, and something
related to the natural phenomenon. It can also be used to explain the function of a device
or tool.
b. It usually consists of two main parts:
- General statement
This part tells opinion of the writer or phenomenon in the nature, or something
known generally.
- Process explanation
This part explains why and how something exists or happens.
c. It mostly uses Simple present tense, action verbs, general and abstract noun, and also
passive voice.
Example of explanation text:
How Venus Eclipse Happens
On May 16, 2010, people in most regions in the world have seen a very rare natural
phenomenon. It was Venus eclipse. It was very rare amazing natural event. It was reported
that the Venus eclipse will seen again in the future in 2050. Do you know how this rare
Venus eclipse happens?
Well, actually Venus eclipse is like Sun eclipse. Venus eclipses occurs when the
position of the earth, moon and Venus is parallel. Venus planet will slowly disappear for a
moment because it is covered the surface of the Moon. Venus planet seems to move to the
back side of the Moon. The moon and planets are sharing a similar apparent path in the sky.
That is why, it is not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus.
In fact, the moon appears somewhere near it about once a month. However, most
people don’t see these events because they are visible in the evening sky only half the time,
and then only for a short period after sunset. The apparent closeness varies from month to
month as well.
MM. Learning Method: Three phase technique and cooperative learning
NN.Steps of Activities
1. First Meeting
j. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
with the picture of natural phenomenon.
k. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the explanation text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the communicative purpose and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the explanation
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the communicative purpose and answer some
questions about the information of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the communicative
purpose, and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
l. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
2. Second Activity
g. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
and reminding them about the communicative purpose of the text
h. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the generic structure of the explanation text helped by
the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the generic structure and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the explanation
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the generic structure and answer some
questions about the information, of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the generic structure
and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
i. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
3. Third Activity
g. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text
and reminding them about the generic structure of the text
h. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the language features of the explanation text helped by
the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the language features and some
information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the explanation
- The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
- The students are asked to identify the languange feature and answer some
questions about the information, of the text with their partner.
3) Confirmation
- The students find the other text by themselves and identify the languange
feanture, and difficult words of the text individually.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
i. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
4. Fourth Activity
g. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the
communicative purpose, the generic structure and the language features of the
explanation text
h. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about some information of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher asked the students to find the other example of the explanation text
from the internet
- The students make a group of four and discuss the content of the text.
- The students are asked to make some questions based on the text.
3) Confirmation
- The students change their text with the other group, identify it, and answer the
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- One group is given chance to read their text and explain about their
identification in front of the classroom.
i. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
OO.Learning Resources :
Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper.
a. Technigue : Assignment and Written test.
b. Form : Short essay and multiple choice
c Instrument :
VII. Answer the question briefly based on the text!
How do seasons happen?
Seasons come to us regularly. We have probably noticed that it gets warmer in
summer or dry season while it get colder in the winter or wet season. However do we
know how these seasons change?
Seasons happen and change every year. This happens because the earth tilts back
and forth as it goes around the sun. During the summer, the earth tilts toward the sun. It
makes half of the earth hotter. This condition is what we call summer. During the other
half of the year, the earth tilts away from the sun. As a result, it makes that half of the
earth cooler. This co ol condition is then what we call winter.
The different parts of the world have the same season at different times. In the
northern half of the world, winter happens during the months of December, January
and February. The regions are such North America and Europe. In the other hand, the
southern half of the world has winter during the months of June, July and August. The
regions are like South America and Australia. How does this difference happen? The
same season happens at different times because the top and bottom halves of the earth
tilt away from the sun at different times.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
3. The different season is caused by ….
4. When does the summer happen?
5. Why does the same season happen in different times in the north and south?
VIII. Choose the best answer based on the text
How does Rain Happen?
Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing
suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power
plants and crop irrigation.
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle
involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and causing the surface water to
evaporate. The water vapour rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the
atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are
heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.
However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through
dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert
1. What is not the function of rain?
A. Giving good condition for ecosystem
B. Hydroelectric power plants
C. To make a water vapour
D. For crop irrigation
2. In fact rain is a/an ….
A. Water vapour
B. Water circle
C. Unnatural phenomenon
D. snow
3. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall… . The underlined word refers
A. Atmosphere
B. Liquid
C. Droplets
D. Water
4. What is told in the last paragraph?
A. Virga
B. Dry desert
C. Phenomenon
D. Rain
5. However, not all rain reaches the surface. The underlined word has the similar
meaning with ….
A. Arrives
B. Exceeds
C. Rises
D. Flows
d. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression
For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph
Maximum score : 1 5 x 1 = 10
2 5 x 1 = 10
Total 10
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
e. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I Correct content, correct linguistic structure
Correct content, wrong linguistic structure
Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure
II Correct content, correct structure, and proper diction
Correct content, improper structure, and proper diction
Correct content, wrong structure, and improper diction
Correct content, wrong structure, and wrong diction
The content is not correct, wrong structure, and wrong diction
No answer
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003 -
KD 6.1.1
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX / I
Competence Standard : 6. To express the meaning in simple short functional written text to
interact with surrounding environment in the context of
Basic Competence : 6.1 To express the information in the short simple written functional
text accurately, fluently and acceptable to communicate in daily
life / academic context
Indicators :  To complete short functional text accurately
 To arrange words/order of words into meaningful sentences
Type of text : Functional Text (Invitation, advertisement, announcement)
Aspect/Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 3 meetings (6 x 40 minutes)
QQ.Learning Objectives
At the end of learning process, the students are able:
 To complete short functional text
 To arrange words/order of words into meaningful sentences
RR.Learning Material
1. Invitation
2. Advertisement
3. Announcement
SS.Learning Method: Total Physical Response
TT. Steps of Activities
1. First Meeting
m. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about real
invitation card
n. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the Invitation Card helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the invitation taken from
the internet.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words
3) Confirmation
- The students are given some jumbled sentences related to invitation.
- The students are also given an incomplete invitation card and they have to find
the suitable words to complete the text
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their answer in front of the
o. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
2. Second Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about real
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the advertisement helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the advertisement taken
from the magazine or newspaper.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words
3) Confirmation
- The students are given some jumbled sentences related to advertisement.
- The students are also given an incomplete invitation card and they have to find
the suitable words to complete the text
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their answer in front of the
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
3. Third Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the characteristics of the announcement helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
structure related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the announcement taken
from the magazine or newspaper.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words
3) Confirmation
- The students are given some jumbled sentences related to announcement.
- The students are also given an incomplete label and they have to find the
suitable words to complete the text
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their answer in front of the
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
UU.Learning Resources:
Text book, visual aid, surrounding environtment.
a. Technigue : Written test.
b. Form : Completing, arranging sentences
c Instrument :
IX. Complete the blank spaces of the following text!
X. Arrange the jumbled sentences in a good order!
d. Scoring Guide:
For part 1 the score is 1 for each answer
For part 2 the score is 5 for the best arrangement
Maximum score : 1 5 x 1 = 5
2 1 x 5 = 5
Total 10
Maximum grade : 100
Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
Maximum score
e. Scoring Rubric:
No. Detail Score
I Correct answer
Incorrect answer
II Each correct arrangement 1
Demak, July 2014
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher
Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd
NIP 196401071989021003 -
KD 6.1.2
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX / I
Competence Standard : 6. To express the meaning in simple short functional written text to
interact with surrounding environment in the context of
Basic Competence : 6.1 To express the information in the short simple written functional
text accurately, fluently and acceptable to communicate in daily
life / academic context
Indicators :  To write short functional texts creatively
Type of text : Functional Text (Invitation, Advertisement, announcement)
Aspect/Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 3 meetings (6 x 40 minutes)
WW. Learning Objectives
At the end of learning process, the students are able:
 To write short functional texts
XX.Learning Material
1. Invitation
2. Advertisement
3. Announcement
YY.Learning Method: Total Physical Response
ZZ. Steps of Activities
1. First Meeting
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the
invitation card
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the generic structure of the Invitation Card helped by
the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
features related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the invitation taken from
the internet.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find some usual terms of an
3) Confirmation
- The students are asked to make their own invitation card sent to one of their
friend in the classroom.
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their invitation card in front of
the classroom.
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
2. Second Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the generic structure of the advertisement helped by the
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
features related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the advertisement taken
from the internet.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find some usual terms of an
3) Confirmation
- The students are asked to make their own advertisement of their imaginary
- The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
- Some of the students are given chance to read their advertisement in front of
the classroom.
c. Closing Activities
- To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process.
- To conclude the learning materials.
3. Third Activity
a. Opening:
- Greetings and Calling the roll
- The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the
b. Main Activities
1) Exploration
- The students understand the generic structure of the announcement helped by
the teacher
- The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic
features related to the model of the text
2) Elaboration
- The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the announcement taken
from the real environment.
- The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends.
- The students are given the other text and asked to find some usual terms of a

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  • 1. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 1.1-1.2 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Class/Semester : IX / 1 Competence Standard : 1. Listening To understand the meaning in the simple short spoken transactional and interpersonal conversation in interactive and non interactive communication, formally and informally to interact with the surrounding environment and or in the context of academic. Basic Competence : 1.1 To understand the explicit meaning in short simple interpersonal and transactional conversation involving the speech act of: Asking and giving certainty, expressing and responding doubt, asking repetition, giving attention, expressing admiration 1.2 To understand the implicit meaning in short simple interpersonal and transactional conversation involving the speech act of: Asking and giving certainty, expressing and responding doubt, asking repetition, giving attention, expressing admiration Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their ability to identify spoken expressions and choose the correct responds accurately to expressions of: 1. Asking and giving certainty/doubt 2. Asking repetition 3. Giving attention 4. Expressing admiration. Text : Interpersonal and Transactional conversation Skill : Listening Time Allocation : 3 x Meeting ( 6 x 40 Minutes) A. Learning Objectives 1. Enable students to identify the spoken expressions of: a. Asking and giving certainty and doubt b. Asking repetition c. Giving attention d. Expressing admiration 2. Enable students to choose the correct responds to expressions of: a. Asking and giving certainty and doubt b. Asking repetition c. Giving attention d. Expressing admiration B. Teaching Learning Material 1. Asking and giving certainty and doubt a. Via’s walking through the living room. There, she finds her father sitting on the sofa holding something Via : Hi, Dad. Mr. Indra : Hi, sweetie. Where have you been? Via : Well, I went to Listy’s house to study together. And hmm….what’s in your hand, Dad? Is that your new mobile phone? Mr. Indra : Yes. It is.
  • 2. Via : Can I have a look? Hmm, it’s a good stuff, Dad. Do you mind if I use it to send an SMS Mr. Indra : No problem. Via : Really, Dad? Mr. Indra : Sure, it’s all right. But be careful, it’s still new. Via : I will, Dad. Thank you 2. The expressions of repetition and giving attention: Aldo is a little hard of hearing (=deaf). He often has to ask people to repeat what they have said. Aldo : Sorry. What was that you said? Bram : I’ll meet you at the Bull and Bush round about seven. Aldo : Where? Bram : At the Bull and Bush. Aldo : When did you say? Bram : Round about seven. Tony’s coming too. Aldo : Who’s coming? Bram : Tony. Tony Hughes, you know. Don’t forget to bring the letter. Aldo : Sorry. I didn’t quite catch what you said. There’s a lot of noise outside. (Would you mind repeating that?) Bram : I said don’t forget to bring the letter. Aldo : Oh, I see. Don’t worry, I will 3. The expressions of admiration: Ratih is in the exhibition hall. She is in the painting corner now. Ratih : What a beautiful painting! A Painter: Do you like it? Ratih : I do, Sir. It’s fabulous! A Painter: Thank you. Ratih : Hmm… is it your work, Sir? A Painter : Right. This is one of my works. And, you see the painting over there, the landscape. What do you say? Ratih : That one? That’s great! It looks so real, Sir. A Painter: Thank you. C. Methode / Technique: Three Phase Techique 1. Pre Listening 2. Whilst Listening 3. Post Listening D. Learning Steps 1. First Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions and asking the students to make simple dialogue to focus on the topic - The teacher also gives motivation of how important to listen to English to make them used to English expressions b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - Listen to the conversation related to the gambit - Find the meaning of the new words - Read the expressions in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material, questions and the strategy of listening effectively - The students answer/respond questions from the conversation
  • 3. 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen to the conversation again. c. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - For students who get lower mark, attention is given to them, then the follow-up activities are given by asking them to read again the script that is done at home as the homework. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher ask the students to use the expression that has been learned in the real situation. 2. Second Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions and asking the students to make simple dialogue to focus on the topic b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the conversation read by the teacher - Find the meaning of the new words - Read the expressions in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions - The students answer/respond questions from the conversation 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen to the conversation again. c. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - For students who get lower mark, attention is given to them, then the follow-up activities are given by asking them to read again the script that is done at home as the homework. - The teacher helps the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher ask the students to use the expression that has been learned in the real situation. 3. Third Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about the expression b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the conversation read by one of them - Find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences - Read the expressions in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions - The students answer/respond questions from the conversation
  • 4. 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback. - The students correct their answers and find out the other similar expressions c. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - For students who get lower mark, attention is given to them, then the follow-up activities are given by asking them to read again the script that is done at home as the homework. - The teacher helps the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher asks the students to use the expression that has been learned in the real situation. E. Learning Source 1. Script of conversations. 2. Text Book 3. Surrounding environments F. Assessment 1. Teqnique : Written test. 2. Form : - Identifying the gambit from the spoken conversation - Retelling a dialogue containing the gambit 3. Instrument : 1. Listen to the dialogue and write down five expressions about certainty/doubt, repetition and admiration! Ratih has just walked out of her house. She sees Listy walking toward her. Ratih : Hi Listy. Listy : Oh, hi, Ratih. Where are you going? Ratih : Well, I’m going to the art exhibition. Listy : What exhibition did you say? Ratih : I said, art exhibiton. Listy : Sounds great. Hmm… Ratih, do you mind if I go with you? Ratih : Not at all. But I’ll be there a while. Is that all right? Listy : No problem. Ratih : O.K. Let’s go. At the art exhibition Ratih : Listy, come here! What do you think about this shell handicraft? It’s very wonderful? Must be difficult to make it, right? Listy : Well, I …ummm… Ratih : You’re not sure, right? Listy : No, but as long as we know how to make it and we do it every day, that’s not a difficult thing to do. Ratih : I think so. Oh.. look at that painting! Listy : Wow.. that’s fabulous. Let’s find the painter. Ratih : Ok. 2. Listen to the dialogue and retell it with your own sentence! Mrs. Indra was in the market. She wanted to buy some vegetables. She was at the greengrocer and was trying to bargain for some vegetables. The seller : Good morning madam. Can I help you? Mrs. Indra : Yes, please. I need a kilogram of carrot. How much is it per kilogram? The seller : It’s Rp. 4.000,00 per kilogram. Mrs. Indra : Rp. 4.000,00? It’s too expensive. How about Rp. 3.000,00? The seller : Umm…well, I’ll give it for you …Rp. 3.500,00. Mrs. Indra : Pardon? The seller : Rp. 3.500,00. Mrs. Indra : Mmm..O.K. Please give me one and a half kilograms.
  • 5. The seller : Sure. Anything else, madam? Mrs. Indra : No, thank you. 4. Scoring Guide: For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10 2 1 x 10 = 10 Total 20 Maximum grade : 100 Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100 Maximum score 5. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I Correct content, correct linguistic structure Correct content, wrong linguistic structure Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure 2 1 0 II Correct content, correct structure, and proper diction Correct content, improper structure, and proper diction Correct content, wrong structure, and improper diction Correct content, wrong structure, and wrong diction The content is not correct, wrong structure, and wrong diction No answer 10 8 6 4 2 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003v - -
  • 6. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 2.1-2.2 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Class/Semester : IX / 1 Competence Standard : 2. To understand the meaning in the simple short spoken transactional and interpersonal conversation in interactive and non interactive communication, formally and informally to interact with the surrounding environment and or in the context of academic. Basic Competence : 2.1 To understand the explicit meaning in short simple spoken non transactional text in the form of procedure, report and explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic context. 2.2 To understand the implicit meaning in short simple spoken non transactional text in the form of procedure, report and explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic context. Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their ability to identifythe following features accurately from the text: 1. the information 2. the generic structure 3. the communicative purpose Text : Short Essay (Procedure, Report, Explanation) Aspect/Skill : Listening Time Allocation : 4 Meetings (8 X 40 minutes) G. Learning Purpose a. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken procedure text b. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken procedure text c. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken procedure text d. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken report text e. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken report text f. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken report text g. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken explanation text h. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken explanation text i. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken explanation text H. Learning Material 1. Procedure Text How to Cook Rice Using a Magic Com First, wiegh the exact amount of rice that will be poured. It should not be more than 4 measure cups. Then, wash the rice. Put it in the inner pot, and adjust the quantity of water. At the same time, you can cook another meal like vegetables. Put them in the steam pot. Aftar that, plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the cooking button. A light red will turn on. After cooking, open the cover and mingle the cooked rice for a while.
  • 7. 2. Report Text Fish Fishes come in an amazing variety of shapes and colours, but they all have three things in common. All fishes live in water, have fins, and use gills to get oxygen from the water. A female fish releases eggs in water. This process is called spawning. However, there are also some fishes, like shark and dolphin, which give birth to live young. Fish egges range in size from a barely visible dot to the size of a pea. Fish eggs may hatch within several days of spawning or many weeks later, depending on the species and the water temperature. Fishes have the same five senses humans have: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. They use their senses to look for food, avoid predators, find a partner to spawn with, and find their way around their habitat. Fishes can also differenciate colour, just as people do. 3. Explanation Text BUTTERFLY METAMORPHOSIS Female butterflies are very choosy about the plants they would want to lay their eggs. underside the leaves is where you find the butterfly eggs. These are white and very small. It takes almost a week for the eggs to hatch. The larva develops inside the egg and nourishes on the yolk of the egg. Finally, they make a small hole in the egg and emerges on the leaf. The larva of the butterfly is called caterpillar. Caterpillars grows fast feeding on the leaves. In 2 weeks they become an adult caterpillar. As the caterpillar grows longer it outgrows its skin. It sheds the skin. This process is called as molting. Adult caterpillar, starts crawling away from the plant it was feeding till it finds a safe haven to pupate. Once the caterpillar finds a place to pupate. It makes a silk-like mat on the surface and hangs upside down. The skin of the caterpillar is shed for the final time and the casing takes the color of jade. This casing is called chrysalis. Within the chrysalis the caterpillar slowly turns into a butterfly. There is transformation -taking place within the pupa. The body of caterpillar disintegrate to the body of butterfly. The hardened chrysalis cracks and the butterfly emerges from it. The wings of butterfly are small and wet. At this juncture, a life-saving fluid known as hemolymph is pumped into the body of butterfly. This helps in enlarging the wings and the body of butterfly. However, within an hour the wings become dry and butterfly is ready to fly. I. Method / Technique : Three phase technique 1. Pre listening 2. Whilst listening 3. Post Listening J. Learning Activities 1. First Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic - The teacher also gives motivation of how important enrich our vocabulary through the procedure text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the procedure text - The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help
  • 8. - The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen to the text again. c. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher asks the students to find the other example of procedure text around them. 2. Second Meeting d. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the report text read by one of their friend - The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help - The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen to the text again. f. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher asks the students to find the other example of report text. 3. Third Meeting d. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about the explanation text e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the text read by the teacher - The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences - The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text
  • 9. 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback. - The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text f. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. 4. Fourth Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about all of the essay text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the text read by the teacher - The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences - The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback. - The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text c. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. K. Learning source a. Text book b. Internet c. Surrounding environment L. Assessment a. Tecnique : a. Observation and small quiz b. Written test b. Form : a. Performance and short questions b. Multiple choice and completion c. Instrument : I.a. Listen to the teacher’s instuction and demonstrate how to operate a digital camera in a group of three! - Hold up the camera - Center the object in the LCD - Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want - When you’re ready to take the picture, hold the shutter haflway, A light should appear that let’s you know the camera is set to go. - Press shutter all the way down. b. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions! Ginger Fish Ingredients: One black pomfret 2cm ginger (chopped)
  • 10. Half teaspoon of salt Two tablespoons of soy sauce Half tablespoon of corn floor Two tablespoon of water One cup of oil a pinch of sugar Methods: 1. Clean the fish 2. Rub salt and corn flour all over it 3. Heat out the oil in the wok 4. Slide the fish in. After three minutes, turn the fish over. Remove it when it is golden brown. 5. Leave about one tablespoon of oil in the wok. Fry the chopped ginger until it is fragrant. 6. Add the soy sauce, sugar and water 7. Pour the gravy over the fish. Questions: 1. What is the goal of the text? 2. How should you cut the ginger? 3. When is the fish put into the wok? 4. how much oil do we need to fry the ginger? 5. What is the last step? II.a. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer from the option! Magazines are periodicals that appear daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. They usually contain news, articles, and stories from various writers. Some magazines are intended for special group of readers, like children, teenagers or women. Some others specialize in certain fields of interest, like science, music or computer. Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They contain news and articles of general interest. They are issued everyday. Tabloids are very similar to newspaper. They look a like, but tabloids are similar in size. Tabloids are also similar to magazines because they deal with specific fields of interest. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly. 1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? a. the definition of magazine b. the function of magazine c. the kinds of mass media d. the importance of newspaper 2. What are daily newspapers issued? a. every month b. every week c. every day
  • 11. d. every time 3. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text? a. Magazines have the same contain to newspaper b. magazines are intended for teenagers c. tabloid are quite similar to newspaper d. tabloid are issued one a week 4. Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They contain …(paragraph 2). What does the word ‘they’ refer to …? a. newspapers b. new articles c. stories d. various writers 5. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly (paragraph 3). The word ‘fortnightly’ has the same meaning to … a. once a week b. once two week c. once a month d. once a year b. Listen to teacher and complete the missing words of the text! a Rain always comes from ....(1)..... But where do they come from? How does all the water get into the ....(2)....? The water in the ocean is warm when the ...(3)... on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind ....(4).... the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see ....(5).... of water. The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans. Listening script Rain always comes from clouds But where do they come from? How does all the water get into the sky? The water in the ocean is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans. d. Scoring Guide: For part 1 a the score is 1 for each correct demonstration For part 1 b the score is 1 for each correct answer For part 2 a and b the score is 1 for each correct answer Maximum score : 1 10 x 1 = 10 2 10 x 1 = 10 Total 20 Maximum grade : 100 Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
  • 12. Maximum score e. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I a The demonstration is correct The demonstration is not correct 1 0 b The answer is correct The answer is not correct 1 0 II a The answer is correct The answer is not correct 1 0 b The answer is correct The answer is not correct 1 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi, M.pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd. NIP. 19590916 198302 1 002
  • 13. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 2.1-2.2 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Class/Semester : IX / 1 Competence Standard : 2. To understand the meaning in the simple short spoken transactional and interpersonal conversation in interactive and non interactive communication, formally and informally to interact with the surrounding environment and or in the context of academic. Basic Competence : 2.1 To understand the explicit meaning in short simple spoken non transactional text in the form of procedure, report and explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic context. 2.2 To understand the implicit meaning in short simple spoken non transactional text in the form of procedure, report and explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic context. Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their ability to identifythe following features accurately from the text: 4. the information 5. the generic structure 6. the communicative purpose Text : Short Essay (Procedure, Report, Explanation) Aspect/Skill : Listening Time Allocation : 4 Meetings (8 X 40 minutes) M. Learning Purpose a. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken procedure text b. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken procedure text c. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken procedure text d. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken report text e. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken report text f. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken report text g. Enable students to identify the information of the spoken explanation text h. Enable students to identify the generic structure of the spoken explanation text i. Enable students to identify the communicative purpose of the spoken explanation text N. Learning Material 4. Procedure Text How to Cook Rice Using a Magic Com First, wiegh the exact amount of rice that will be poured. It should not be more than 4 measure cups. Then, wash the rice. Put it in the inner pot, and adjust the quantity of water. At the same time, you can cook another meal like vegetables. Put them in the steam pot. Aftar that, plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the cooking button. A light red will turn on. After cooking, open the cover and mingle the cooked rice for a while.
  • 14. 5. Report Text Fish Fishes come in an amazing variety of shapes and colours, but they all have three things in common. All fishes live in water, have fins, and use gills to get oxygen from the water. A female fish releases eggs in water. This process is called spawning. However, there are also some fishes, like shark and dolphin, which give birth to live young. Fish egges range in size from a barely visible dot to the size of a pea. Fish eggs may hatch within several days of spawning or many weeks later, depending on the species and the water temperature. Fishes have the same five senses humans have: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. They use their senses to look for food, avoid predators, find a partner to spawn with, and find their way around their habitat. Fishes can also differenciate colour, just as people do. 6. Explanation Text BUTTERFLY METAMORPHOSIS Female butterflies are very choosy about the plants they would want to lay their eggs. underside the leaves is where you find the butterfly eggs. These are white and very small. It takes almost a week for the eggs to hatch. The larva develops inside the egg and nourishes on the yolk of the egg. Finally, they make a small hole in the egg and emerges on the leaf. The larva of the butterfly is called caterpillar. Caterpillars grows fast feeding on the leaves. In 2 weeks they become an adult caterpillar. As the caterpillar grows longer it outgrows its skin. It sheds the skin. This process is called as molting. Adult caterpillar, starts crawling away from the plant it was feeding till it finds a safe haven to pupate. Once the caterpillar finds a place to pupate. It makes a silk-like mat on the surface and hangs upside down. The skin of the caterpillar is shed for the final time and the casing takes the color of jade. This casing is called chrysalis. Within the chrysalis the caterpillar slowly turns into a butterfly. There is transformation -taking place within the pupa. The body of caterpillar disintegrate to the body of butterfly. The hardened chrysalis cracks and the butterfly emerges from it. The wings of butterfly are small and wet. At this juncture, a life-saving fluid known as hemolymph is pumped into the body of butterfly. This helps in enlarging the wings and the body of butterfly. However, within an hour the wings become dry and butterfly is ready to fly. O. Method / Technique : Three phase technique 4. Pre listening 5. Whilst listening 6. Post Listening P. Learning Activities 1. First Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic - The teacher also gives motivation of how important enrich our vocabulary through the procedure text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the procedure text - The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help
  • 15. - The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen to the text again. c. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher asks the students to find the other example of procedure text around them. 2. Second Meeting g. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the topic h. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the report text read by one of their friend - The students find the meaning of the new words with the teacher’s help - The students and the teacher discuss about the purpose and the generic structure of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback by asking the questions like: What difficulties do you find in the activities? Ok, let’s listen to the text again. i. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher asks the students to find the other example of report text. 3. Third Meeting g. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about the explanation text h. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the text read by the teacher - The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences - The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text
  • 16. 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback. - The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text i. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. 4. Fourth Meeting d. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher review the previous material - The teacher ask questions to the students and they discuss about all of the essay text e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students listen to the text read by the teacher - The students find the meaning of the new words and use it in new sentences - The students read the text in correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the listening material and questions related with the text - The students answer questions about the information from the text 3) Confirmation - The teacher checks the students’ answer and gives positive feedback. - The students correct their answers and find out the other similar text f. Closing Activities - The teacher gives score to each student in the listening activities. - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. Q. Learning source a. Text book b. Internet c. Surrounding environment R. Assessment a. Tecnique : a. Observation and small quiz b. Written test b. Form : a. Performance and short questions b. Multiple choice and completion c. Instrument : I.a. Listen to the teacher’s instuction and demonstrate how to operate a digital camera in a group of three! - Hold up the camera - Center the object in the LCD - Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want - When you’re ready to take the picture, hold the shutter haflway, A light should appear that let’s you know the camera is set to go. - Press shutter all the way down. b. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions! Ginger Fish Ingredients: One black pomfret 2cm ginger (chopped)
  • 17. Half teaspoon of salt Two tablespoons of soy sauce Half tablespoon of corn floor Two tablespoon of water One cup of oil a pinch of sugar Methods: 8. Clean the fish 9. Rub salt and corn flour all over it 10. Heat out the oil in the wok 11. Slide the fish in. After three minutes, turn the fish over. Remove it when it is golden brown. 12. Leave about one tablespoon of oil in the wok. Fry the chopped ginger until it is fragrant. 13. Add the soy sauce, sugar and water 14. Pour the gravy over the fish. Questions: 6. What is the goal of the text? 7. How should you cut the ginger? 8. When is the fish put into the wok? 9. how much oil do we need to fry the ginger? 10. What is the last step? II.a. Listen to text read by the teacher and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer from the option! Magazines are periodicals that appear daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. They usually contain news, articles, and stories from various writers. Some magazines are intended for special group of readers, like children, teenagers or women. Some others specialize in certain fields of interest, like science, music or computer. Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They contain news and articles of general interest. They are issued everyday. Tabloids are very similar to newspaper. They look a like, but tabloids are similar in size. Tabloids are also similar to magazines because they deal with specific fields of interest. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly. 6. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? a. the definition of magazine b. the function of magazine c. the kinds of mass media d. the importance of newspaper 7. What are daily newspapers issued? a. every month b. every week c. every day
  • 18. d. every time 8. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text? a. Magazines have the same contain to newspaper b. magazines are intended for teenagers c. tabloid are quite similar to newspaper d. tabloid are issued one a week 9. Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They contain …(paragraph 2). What does the word ‘they’ refer to …? a. newspapers b. new articles c. stories d. various writers 10. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly (paragraph 3). The word ‘fortnightly’ has the same meaning to … a. once a week b. once two week c. once a month d. once a year b. Listen to teacher and complete the missing words of the text! a Rain always comes from ....(1)..... But where do they come from? How does all the water get into the ....(2)....? The water in the ocean is warm when the ...(3)... on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind ....(4).... the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see ....(5).... of water. The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans. Listening script Rain always comes from clouds But where do they come from? How does all the water get into the sky? The water in the ocean is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. The clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into the rivers. Rivers run into oceans. d. Scoring Guide: For part 1 a the score is 1 for each correct demonstration For part 1 b the score is 1 for each correct answer For part 2 a and b the score is 1 for each correct answer Maximum score : 1 10 x 1 = 10 2 10 x 1 = 10 Total 20 Maximum grade : 100 Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100
  • 19. Maximum score e. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I a The demonstration is correct The demonstration is not correct 1 0 b The answer is correct The answer is not correct 1 0 II a The answer is correct The answer is not correct 1 0 b The answer is correct The answer is not correct 1 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi, M.pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd. NIP. 19590916 198302 1 002
  • 20. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 4.1-4.2 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Class/Semester : IX / 1 Competence Standard : 4. To express the meaning in the simple short functional to interact with surrounding environment and or in the context of academic. Basic Competence : 4.1 To express the meaning in simple spoken text in the form of procedure, report and explanation text to communicate interactively in the informal situation in daily life / academic context 4.2 To express the meaning in simple spoken text in the form of procedure, report and explanation text to communicate non interactively in the formal situation in daily life / academic context Indicator : The students suceed in achieving the competence is indicated by their ability to do a short monologue confidencely in the form of procedure / report / explanation Text : Short Essay (Procedure, Report, Explanation) Aspek/Skill : Speaking Time Allocation : 4 x meeting ( 8 x 40 Minutes) A. Learning Purpose. 1. Enable students to do a short monologue in the form of procedure text 2. Enable students to do a short monologue in the form of report text 3. Enable students to do a short monologue in the form of explanation text B. Learning Material. 1. Procedure text a. A procedure tells how to do or make something b. It usually consists of three main parts: - Aim/Goal This part tells what will be made or done - Materials/Ingredients This part gives a list of what is needed - Steps This part explains how to do it c. A recipe and manual are examples of procedures d. Short and clear instructions are necessary in a procedure e. It mostly uses Simple present tense and imperatives (action verbs) 2. Report text a. A report gives information by stating fact b. It usually consists of two main parts: - General Classification This part gives brief information about the focus of the report. It may give the definition of the subject. - Description This part gives facts about the focus of the report. It may describe the features of the subject.
  • 21. c. It mostly uses Simple present tense. However, the reports may also use past tense to state past facts d. A report uses general terms. For example, use ‘fish’ rather than ‘my fish’. 3. Explanation text a. An explanation is aimed to explain the process of something such as how something is formed, or to discuss about a theory, phenomena, definition, ideology, and something related to the natural phenomenon. It can also be used to explain the function of a device or tool. b. It usually consists of two main parts: - General statement This part tells opinion of the writer or phenomenon in the nature, or something known generally. - Process explanation This part explains why and how something exists or happens. c. It mostly uses Simple present tense, action verbs, general and abstract noun, and also passive voice. C. Learning Method : Total Physical Response D. Learning Activities. 1. First Meeting b. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text c. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the spoken procedure monologue - The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend. - The students are given the other monologues 3) Confirmation - The students choose one monologe and practice it in pairs - The teacher goes around the classroom, listening to them and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to practice the monologue in front of the classroom. d. Closing Activities - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The teacher asks the students to find the other example of the text 2. Second Meeting a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher reminds the students about the previous material - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the report text helped by the teacher
  • 22. - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the spoken report monologue from the internet - The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend. - The students are asked to search the other report text from the internet 3) Confirmation - The students choose one monologe and practice it in pairs - The teacher goes around the classroom, listening to them and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to practice the monologue in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. - The students are asked to make some slide of explanation text to be presented in the next meeting in a group of four 3. Third Activity a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher reminds the students about the previous material b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the explanation text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher present an explanation text using Power Point program - The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend. 3) Confirmation - The students prepare their slides and present it using explanation techniques in a group of four - The teacher listeni to them and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to comment the presentation.. c. Closing Activities - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. 4. Fourth Activity a. Opening: - The teacher greets and calls the roll - The teacher reminds the students about the previous material b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the report, procedure and explanation text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the text 2) Elaboration
  • 23. - The teacher present the example of the three text using Power Point program - The students understand the monologue by discussing it with their friend. 3) Confirmation - The teacher ask the student to do the monologue based on the theme given individually - The teacher listening to them and give feedback c. Closing Activities - The teacher and the students make conclusion about the material. E. Learning Source. 1. Internet. 2. Text book. F. Assessment 1. Tecnique : Performance Form : Performance 2. Instrument: Do the monologue of the following procedure, report or explanation text individually. The theme is provided below! Choose one of these topic a. How to make fried rice b. How to make kite c. Snow d. Bear e. Metamorphosis f. Rain 3. Scoring Guide: The score is 10 for each criterion Maximum score : 10 x 10 = 100 4. Scoring Rubric: NO ASSESSMENT ASPECTS SKOR A. MATERIAL Each aspects is assessed in the 1. Content Score range as follows: 2. Grammar 1-3 : Poor 3. Diction 4-6 : Fair 4. Creativity 7-8 : Good 9-10: Excellent B. PERFORMANCE 1. Opening 2. Pronunciation 3. Intonation 4. Explaining 5. Answering questions
  • 24. 10 Closing Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003 -
  • 25. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 5.1.1-5.2.1 a SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Grade/Semester : IX / I Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written text related to the surrouning environment and or in the context of academic Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short written functional text Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:  some information  the communicative purpose  the language features Type of text : Functional Text Aspect/Skill : Reading Time Allocation : 3 meetings (6 x 40 minutes) S. Learning Objectives At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the functional text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the language features T. Learning Material. 1. Invitation 2. Advertisement 3. Label U. Learning Method: Three Phase Technique and Cooperative Learning V. Steps of Activities 1. First Meeting a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the Invitation Card helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the invitation taken from the internet. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words and answer some questions about the information, the purpose and the languange feature of the text with their partner.
  • 26. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the purpose and the languange feature of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. - To ask the student to find an advertisement text for the next meeting. 2. Second Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text - The teacher check the students’ preparation with their advertisement text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the advertisement helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the advertisement taken from the newspaper. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words and answer some questions about the information, the purpose and the languange feature of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students prepare their own text and identify the vocabularies and the languange feature of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to explain about their identification in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. - To ask the student to prepare a label of a product text for the next meeting. 3. Third Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text - The teacher check the students’ preparation with their label text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the label helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the model of the text
  • 27. 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the label taken from a real product. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words and answer some questions about the information, the purpose and the languange feature of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students prepare their own text and identify the vocabularies and the languange feature of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to explain about their identification in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. W. Learning Resources : Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper. X. Assessment 1. Technique : Assignment and Written test. 2. Form : Short essay and multiple choice 3. Instrument : I. Answer the question briefly based on the text! 1. What kind of text is it? 2. What is the product in the text? 3. What are the content of the product? 4. Who is supposed to dring 3 time each day? 5. What should we do before drink it?
  • 28. II. Choose the best answer based on the text Mr. & Mrs. Charlie and Mr. & Mrs. Tonys Cordially request the honor of your presence to witness the vows of love and the beginning of their children’s life together Natasya Charlie And Daniel Stephen Sunday, on July 10th 2011 Wedding Reception 7.00 pm – onwards Mutiara Ballroom – Grand Hyatt Hotel Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta – Indonesia 1.Where does the wedding take place? A. Jakarta – Indonesia B. Jl. Thamrin – Jakarta C. Grand Hyatt Hotel – Jakarta D. Mutiara Ballroom – Grand Hyatt – Jakarta 2.When will the party be held? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening D. In the daytime 3.The text tells us about … of the canned fruit. A. The function B. The advantages C. The content D. The side effects 4.We get … calories for making a cup of the fruit drink. A. 35 B. 70 C. 105 D. 140 5. out of 4 doctors would recommend flora proactive mini drink. The underlined word can be replaced with …. A. hoped B. offered C. asked D. suggested  Best Canned Fruit  Native Forest Organic Tropical Fruit Salad Chunks of pineapple, mango, papaya, and watermelon in a light fruit juice. The fruit isn’t mushy or overly sugary. Per ½ cup: 70 calories, <1 g>
  • 29. 6. What is the purpose of the text? A. To promote herbal drink. B. To inform about herbal drink. C. To explain about the composition of herbal drink. D. To give information about the advantage of herbal drink. 7. Whom is the drink for? A. The weight looser B. The sick person C. The overweight person D. The over sleeper 8. When will the host hold the party? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening D. At night 9. How old is the writer? A. 12 B. 13 C. 20 D. 22 10. Who is Rina? A. The host B. The guest C. The writer D. The contact person 4. Scoring Guide: For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10 2 1 x 10 = 10 Total 20 Maximum grade : 100 To Rina my close friend Please, come to my twelfth birthday party on Sunday, March 15th 2011 14.00 p.m. - 16.00 p.m. At SEDAP Resto, Yogya. Love, Riska Griptha hall, Kudus RSVP to Salsa or Bona 081-325-789-007
  • 30. Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100 Maximum score 5. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I Correct content, correct linguistic structure Correct content, wrong linguistic structure Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure 2 1 0 II Correct Answer Incorrect answer 1 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003 -
  • 31. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 5.1.2-5.2.2 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Grade/Semester : IX / I Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written text related to the surrouning environment and or in the context of academic Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short written functional text and short essay text in the form of procedure text to communicate in daily life / academic context Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the generic structure  the language features Type of text : Procedure Aspect/Skill : Reading Time Allocation : 4 meetings (8 x 40 minutes) Y. Learning Objectives At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the procedure text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the generic structure  the language features Z. Learning Material. Procedure text a. A procedure tells how to do or make something b. It usually consists of three main parts: - Aim/Goal This part tells what will be made or done - Materials/Ingredients This part gives a list of what is needed - Steps This part explains how to do it c. A recipe and manual are examples of procedures d. Short and clear instructions are necessary in a procedure e. It mostly uses Simple present tense and imperatives (action verbs) Example of Procedure Text: How to Cook Oxtail Soup Ingredients: 1 oxtail 2 carrots 1 turnip 1 onion 4 tablespoons dripping or oil 1 tablespoons seasoned flour
  • 32. 3 tablespoons parsley chopped finely 1 bay leaf 4 pints water Method: 1. Cut the tail into small joints and roll in the seasoned flour. 2. Heat the oil and fry the floured water, salt and parsley and bay leaf. 3. Simmer for about 2 hours. 4. Leave to go cold and remove any solidified fat. 5. Add the diced vegetables, bring to the boil, and simmer for another 2 hours. 6. Remove bones carefully and let the soup cold. 7. Blend the soup and season well. 8. Serve hot AA.Learning Method: Three Phase Technique and cooperative learning BB. Steps of Activities 1. First Meeting d. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text with the picture of food, drink, etc. e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the communicative purpose and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the procedure text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the communicative purpose and answer some questions about the information of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the communicative purpose, and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. f. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 2. Second Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text and reminding them about the communicative purpose of the text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the generic structure of the procedure text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the generic structure and some information of the text
  • 33. 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the procedure text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the generic structure and answer some questions about the information, of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the generic structure and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 3. Third Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text and reminding them about the generic structure of the text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the language features of the procedure text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the language features and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the procedure text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the languange feature and answer some questions about the information, of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the languange feature, and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 4. Fourth Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the communicative purpose, the generic structure and the language features of the procedure text b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about some information of the text
  • 34. 2) Elaboration - The teacher asked the students to find the other example of the procedure text from the internet - The students make a group of four and discuss the content of the text. - The students are asked to make some questions based on the text. 3) Confirmation - The students change their text with the other group, identify it, and answer the questions. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - One group is given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. CC.Learning Resources : Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper. DD.Assessment 1. Technigue : Assignment and Written test. 2. Form : Short essay and multiple choice 3. Instrument : III. Answer the question briefly based on the text! The Hole Games Two players, one marble per person, a hole in ground, a line(distance) to start from 1. You must dub (click marbles together) 2. You must check that the marbles are in good condition and are nearly worth the same value 3. Dig a hole in the ground and draw a line, a fair distance away from the hole. 4. The first player carefully throws his or her marble toward the hole 5. Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble closer to the hole than his or her opponent. 6. Then the player whose marbles closest to the hole tries to flick his or her opponent’s marble into it. If successful, the player tries to flick his or her opponent marble into the hole. The person flicking the last marble into the hole wins and gets to keep both marbles. 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. How many steps are there to play it? 3. When should the player check the marbles? 4. How can the player win the game? 5. Then the player whose marbles closest to the hole tries to flick his or her opponent’s marble into it. “It” refers to ... IV. Choose the best answer based on the text S E K O T E N G Ingredients : 1 large ginger Granulated sugar as desired 100 gr peanut, fried and get rid of its inner skin 100 gr bean, boiled 3 slices of bread, slice into dices 100 gr boil until soft
  • 35. Instruction : Ginger water : Peel and slice the ginger Boil it in a liter of water Add some granulated sugar and 0,5 piece of palm sugar Stir in once it’s boiled Serving : Pour some boiled ginger water into a small bowl Add 1 tbs of green bean and peanut Add some bread on top 1. These are the ingredients of serving ‘sekoteng’ except … A. pure water, granulated sugar. B. sugar, peanut, pomegranate seed C. ginger water ,pomegranate seed D. green bean, bread, pomegranate seed 2. The word ‘slice’ in ‘slice the ginger’ has the similar meaning with … . A. cut into pieces B. boil until soft C. pour onto D. get rid of 3. From the text we know that …. A. We don’t need any bread B. We don’t use the ginger skin C. The bean is fried D. We need palm sugar or granulated sugar 4. What should be done to the peanut? A. boiled B. granulated C. fried D. stirred 5. We need … liter/s of water to make Sekoteng according to the recipe. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 How to play congklak (Indonesian traditional game  Number of Players: 2  What you need: congklak board and 98 small shells, seeds or stones (for a board that has 7 holes on each side)  Object of the Game: to get as many shells as you can into your store house. Your store house is the hole at the end of the board on your left side.
  • 36.  To Win: You win the game if you have the most shells in your store house (menang biji) – or – if you are the last person to run out of shells on your side of the board (menang jalan). How to Play - Count 7 shells into each of the holes on your side of the board. - Leave your store house (at the end) empty. - If your board has less/more than 7 holes on each side, fill each hole with playing pieces equal in number to the number of holes on one side of the board. - Decide who will go first. - The first player takes all of the shells out of any hole on their side of the board. - Move clockwise around the board and drop one shell into each hole in an effort to reach your own storehouse at the end of the board. Do not drop a shell into your opponent’s store house. 6. What is the purpose of the text above ? A. To describe about congklak. B. To discuss about congklak. C. To show how to play congklak. D. To entertain the reader in playing congklak. 7. What are needed to play the game? - Seeds and stones - Board and seeds - Clock and board - Clock and stones 8. The store house is … at the first we count the shell. A. Full B. Big C. Equal D. Empty 9. Which statement is correct based on the text? A. We should fill the opponent’s store house first. B. We need more than one hundred seeds is the hole is eight C. The winner can be the last person who fills the store house. D. We can play it with more than two friends. 10. For winning the game you should have . . . A. the least shells in your store house B. the most shells in your store house C. to be the second player D. to be the first player 4. Scoring Guide: For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10 2 1 x 10 = 10 Total 20 Maximum grade : 100
  • 37. Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100 Maximum score 5. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I Correct content, correct linguistic structure Correct content, wrong linguistic structure Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure 2 1 0 II Correct answer Incorrect answer 1 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003 -
  • 38. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 5.1.3-5.2.3 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Grade/Semester : IX / I Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written text related to the surrouning environment and or in the context of academic Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short written functional text and short essay text in the form of report text to communicate in daily life / academic context Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the generic structure  the language features Type of text : Report Aspect/Skill : Reading Time Allocation : 4 meetings (8 x 40 minutes) EE. Learning Objectives At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the report text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the generic structure  the language features FF.Learning Materials Report Text: a. A report gives information by stating fact b. It usually consists of two main parts: - General Classification This part gives brief information about the focus of the report. It may give the definition of the subject. - Description This part gives facts about the focus of the report. It may describe the features of the subject. c. It mostly uses Simple present tense. However, the reports may also use past tense to state past facts d. A report uses general terms. For example, use ‘fish’ rather than ‘my fish’. Example of report text The mock strawberry or "Gurbir", Potentilla indica (formerly Duchesnea indica), also called Indian strawberry or false strawberry, has foliage and fruit similar to true strawberry, though it is not in the genus Fragaria. It can readily be distinguished by its yellow flowers, as opposed to the flowers of true strawberries which are white or slightly pink. It is native to eastern and southern Asia, but has been introduced to many other areas as an ornamental plant. It has been naturalized in many regions, including the southern United States, and is considered a noxious weed in some regions.
  • 39. The leaves are trifoliate, roughly veined beneath, dark green, and often persisting through the winter, arising from short crowns. The plant spreads along creeping stolons, rooting and producing crowns at each node. The yellow flowers are produced in mid spring, then sporadically throughout the growing season. The fruits are white or red, and entirely coverered with red seeds. They are edible, though unpleasant to eat, as they have no discernable taste. Recent genetic evidence has shown that this genus is better included within Potentilla,[1] but currently most sources still list it in the genus Duchesnea. GG.Learning Method: Three Phase Technique and cooperative learning HH.Steps of Activities 1. First Meeting g. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text with the picture of animal, plant, etc. h. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the report text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the communicative purpose and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the report text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the communicative purpose and answer some questions about the information of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the communicative purpose, and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. i. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 2. Second Activity d. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text and reminding them about the communicative purpose of the text e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the generic structure of the report text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the generic structure and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the report text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends.
  • 40. - The students are asked to identify the generic structure and answer some questions about the information, of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the generic structure and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback f. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 3. Third Activity d. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text and reminding them about the generic structure of the text e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the language features of the report text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the language features and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the report text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the languange feature and answer some questions about the information, of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the languange feanture, and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback f. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 4. Fourth Activity d. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the communicative purpose, the generic structure and the language features of the report text e. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the report text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher asked the students to find the other example of the report text from the internet - The students make a group of four and discuss the content of the text. - The students are asked to make some questions based on the text.
  • 41. 3) Confirmation - The students change their text with the other group, identify it, and answer the questions. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - One group is given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. f. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. II. Learning Resources : Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper. JJ. Assessment a. Technigue : Assignment and Written test. b. Form : Short essay and multiple choice c Instrument : V. Answer the question briefly based on the text! The durian is the fruit of trees of the genus Durio. Widely known and revered in Southeast Asia as the "King of Fruits”, the fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odor, and a formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow up to 30 centimeters (12 in) long and 15 centimeters (6 in) in diameter, and typically weighs one to three kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the color of its husk green to brown and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. The hard outer husk is covered with sharp, prickly thorns, while the edible flesh within emits the distinctive odor, which is regarded as either fragrant or overpowering and offensive. The odor of the ripe fruit is very strong and penetrating, even when the husk of the fruit is still intact. The flesh of the durian, famously described by the British naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace as “rich custard highly flavored with almonds", can be consumed at various stages of ripeness, and is used to flavor a wide variety of edibles, both savory and sweet. Durians from different species or clones can have significantly different aromas; for example, red durian has a deep caramel flavor with a turpentine odor, while red-fleshed durian emits a fragrance of roasted almonds. The degree of ripeness has a great effect on the flavor as well. Three scientific analyses of the composition of durian aroma — from 1972, 1980, and 1995 — each found a different mix of volatile compounds, including esters, ketones and many different organosulfur compounds, with no agreement on which may be primarily responsible for the distinctive odor. 1. What are the main characteristic of durian? 2. What does the third paragraph tell us about? 3. What flavor do Red durians have? 4. How did russel describe the flesh of durian? 5. The word distinctive in the last paragraph has thhe similar meaning with.... VI. Choose the best answer based on the text Modern Japanese dress incorporates both Eastern and Western styles. Western clothes, worn by both men and women, are virtually universal. The traditional kimono, a loose-fitting garment with wide sleeves, is now worn principally at home or on certain special occasions. Men's kimonos differ from women's primarily in color and fabric. Women wear their kimonos at ankle length, bound with a sash called an obi. Men's kimonos are shorter and on very formal occasions are worn with a wide, divided skirt called a hakama. A kimono-shaped cloak called a haori may be worn over a kimono by both sexes. The clothes Japanese children wear are much like those worn by children in the United States. Boys wear short or long pants and shirts or sweaters.
  • 42. Girls wear skirts with blouses or sweaters. Japanese girls still wear kimonos for festivals, however. The Japanese usually wear shoes like those worn in Western nations. However, geta, or wooden clogs, and zori, or rubber or straw sandals, are still worn with kimonos. Socks called tabi are worn with geta and zori. The tabi have a separate place for the big toe—the geta or zori strap is held between it and the other toes. Japanese now wear Western hairstyles. The elaborate hairstyles Japanese women formerly wore are now used only at weddings or by entertainers in the theatre and hostesses at geisha houses. 1. What is the text about? A. modern Japanese people clothes B. Japanese people wear in weddings C. What Japanese girls wear for festivals D. Japanese people still wear kimonos nowadays 2. What do Japanese boys wear to school? A. Geta with kimono B. traditional clothes C. clothes different from boys in USA D. short or long pants and shirt or sweater 3. —the geta or zori strap is held between it and the other toes The underlined word refers to …. A. Strap B. The big toe C. Shoes D. Wooden clock 4. What does the second paragraph tell about? A. the footwear Japanese people wear B. shoes worn by western nations C. socks for Japanese women D. sandals from straws 5. “The elaborate hairstyles Japanese women formerly wore……” The elaborate means… A. simple B. complicated C. expensive D. beautiful 6. A chef de partie, also known as a "station chef" or "line cook",[4] is in charge of a particular area of production The underlined phrase refers to . . . . A. Service B. Having responsibility for and control of something Chef de partie A chef de partie, also known as a "station chef" or "line cook",[4] is in charge of a particular area of production. In large kitchens, each station chef might have several cooks and/or assistants. In most kitchens however, the station chef is the only worker in that department. Line cooks are often divided into a hierarchy of their own, starting with "first cook", then "second cook", and so on as needed.
  • 43. C. A person who charge D. A duty 7. What does the text tell you about? A. Chef department B. Cooker C. Charger D. Production. 8. The following is the closest meaning of expediter is . . . . A. A cook B. Executive chef C. bartender D. waiter 9. What does the expediter work......... A. In the kitchen only B. In the station C. In the kitchen and dining room D. In the operation room 10. What is the purpose of the text above ? A. To give instruction how to take the order B. To entertain the readers C. To describe the expediter’s work D. To retell the job of expediter d. Scoring Guide: For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph Maximum score : 1 5 x 2 = 10 2 1 x 10 = 10 Total 20 Maximum grade : 100 Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100 Maximum score Expediter The expediter (in French aboyeur) takes the orders from the dining room and relays them to the stations in the kitchen. This person also often puts the finishing touches on the dish before it goes to the dining room. In some operations this task may be done by either the executive chef or the sous-chef.[3]
  • 44. e. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I Correct content, correct linguistic structure Correct content, wrong linguistic structure Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure 2 1 0 II Correct content, correct structure, and proper diction Correct content, improper structure, and proper diction Correct content, wrong structure, and improper diction Correct content, wrong structure, and wrong diction The content is not correct, wrong structure, and wrong diction No answer 10 8 6 4 2 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003 -
  • 45. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 5.1.4-5.2.4 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Grade/Semester : IX / I Competence Standard : 5. To understand the meaning in simple short functional written text related to the surrouning environment and or in the context of academic Basic Competence : 5.1-5.2 To understand the explicit and implicit meaning in short written functional text and short essay text in the form of explanation text to communicate in daily life / academic context Indicators : To identify accurately the following features from the text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the generic structure  the language features Type of text : Explanation Aspect/Skill : Reading Time Allocation : 4 meetings (8 x 40 minutes) KK.Learning Objectives At the end of learning process, the students can identify the following features from the explanation text:  some information from the text  the communicative purpose  the generic structure  the language features LL. Learning Material: Explanation text a. An explanation is aimed to explain the process of something such as how something is formed, or to discuss about a theory, phenomena, definition, ideology, and something related to the natural phenomenon. It can also be used to explain the function of a device or tool. b. It usually consists of two main parts: - General statement This part tells opinion of the writer or phenomenon in the nature, or something known generally. - Process explanation This part explains why and how something exists or happens. c. It mostly uses Simple present tense, action verbs, general and abstract noun, and also passive voice. Example of explanation text: How Venus Eclipse Happens On May 16, 2010, people in most regions in the world have seen a very rare natural phenomenon. It was Venus eclipse. It was very rare amazing natural event. It was reported that the Venus eclipse will seen again in the future in 2050. Do you know how this rare Venus eclipse happens?
  • 46. Well, actually Venus eclipse is like Sun eclipse. Venus eclipses occurs when the position of the earth, moon and Venus is parallel. Venus planet will slowly disappear for a moment because it is covered the surface of the Moon. Venus planet seems to move to the back side of the Moon. The moon and planets are sharing a similar apparent path in the sky. That is why, it is not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus. In fact, the moon appears somewhere near it about once a month. However, most people don’t see these events because they are visible in the evening sky only half the time, and then only for a short period after sunset. The apparent closeness varies from month to month as well. MM. Learning Method: Three phase technique and cooperative learning NN.Steps of Activities 1. First Meeting j. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text with the picture of natural phenomenon. k. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the explanation text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the communicative purpose and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the explanation text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the communicative purpose and answer some questions about the information of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the communicative purpose, and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. l. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 2. Second Activity g. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text and reminding them about the communicative purpose of the text h. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the generic structure of the explanation text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the generic structure and some information of the text
  • 47. 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the explanation text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the generic structure and answer some questions about the information, of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the generic structure and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback i. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 3. Third Activity g. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the text and reminding them about the generic structure of the text h. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the language features of the explanation text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the language features and some information of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the other example of the explanation text - The students read the text aloud and discuss the content with their friends. - The students are asked to identify the languange feature and answer some questions about the information, of the text with their partner. 3) Confirmation - The students find the other text by themselves and identify the languange feanture, and difficult words of the text individually. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback i. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 4. Fourth Activity g. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the communicative purpose, the generic structure and the language features of the explanation text h. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the procedure text helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about some information of the text
  • 48. 2) Elaboration - The teacher asked the students to find the other example of the explanation text from the internet - The students make a group of four and discuss the content of the text. - The students are asked to make some questions based on the text. 3) Confirmation - The students change their text with the other group, identify it, and answer the questions. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - One group is given chance to read their text and explain about their identification in front of the classroom. i. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. OO.Learning Resources : Relevant text book, authentic text, internet, magazine and newspaper. PP.Assessment a. Technigue : Assignment and Written test. b. Form : Short essay and multiple choice c Instrument : VII. Answer the question briefly based on the text! How do seasons happen? Seasons come to us regularly. We have probably noticed that it gets warmer in summer or dry season while it get colder in the winter or wet season. However do we know how these seasons change? Seasons happen and change every year. This happens because the earth tilts back and forth as it goes around the sun. During the summer, the earth tilts toward the sun. It makes half of the earth hotter. This condition is what we call summer. During the other half of the year, the earth tilts away from the sun. As a result, it makes that half of the earth cooler. This co ol condition is then what we call winter. The different parts of the world have the same season at different times. In the northern half of the world, winter happens during the months of December, January and February. The regions are such North America and Europe. In the other hand, the southern half of the world has winter during the months of June, July and August. The regions are like South America and Australia. How does this difference happen? The same season happens at different times because the top and bottom halves of the earth tilt away from the sun at different times. Source: 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. What can we learn from the first paragraph? 3. The different season is caused by …. 4. When does the summer happen? 5. Why does the same season happen in different times in the north and south? VIII. Choose the best answer based on the text How does Rain Happen? Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and causing the surface water to
  • 49. evaporate. The water vapour rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions. 1. What is not the function of rain? A. Giving good condition for ecosystem B. Hydroelectric power plants C. To make a water vapour D. For crop irrigation 2. In fact rain is a/an …. A. Water vapour B. Water circle C. Unnatural phenomenon D. snow 3. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall… . The underlined word refers to…. A. Atmosphere B. Liquid C. Droplets D. Water 4. What is told in the last paragraph? A. Virga B. Dry desert C. Phenomenon D. Rain 5. However, not all rain reaches the surface. The underlined word has the similar meaning with …. A. Arrives B. Exceeds C. Rises D. Flows d. Scoring Guide: For part 1 the score is 2 for each expression For part 2 the score is 10 for the best paragraph Maximum score : 1 5 x 1 = 10 2 5 x 1 = 10 Total 10 Maximum grade : 100 Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100 Maximum score
  • 50. e. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I Correct content, correct linguistic structure Correct content, wrong linguistic structure Wrong content, wrong linguistic structure 2 1 0 II Correct content, correct structure, and proper diction Correct content, improper structure, and proper diction Correct content, wrong structure, and improper diction Correct content, wrong structure, and wrong diction The content is not correct, wrong structure, and wrong diction No answer 10 8 6 4 2 0 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003 -
  • 51. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 6.1.1 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Grade/Semester : IX / I Competence Standard : 6. To express the meaning in simple short functional written text to interact with surrounding environment in the context of academic. Basic Competence : 6.1 To express the information in the short simple written functional text accurately, fluently and acceptable to communicate in daily life / academic context Indicators :  To complete short functional text accurately  To arrange words/order of words into meaningful sentences accurately Type of text : Functional Text (Invitation, advertisement, announcement) Aspect/Skill : Writing Time Allocation : 3 meetings (6 x 40 minutes) QQ.Learning Objectives At the end of learning process, the students are able:  To complete short functional text  To arrange words/order of words into meaningful sentences RR.Learning Material 1. Invitation 2. Advertisement 3. Announcement SS.Learning Method: Total Physical Response TT. Steps of Activities 1. First Meeting m. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about real invitation card n. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the Invitation Card helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the invitation taken from the internet. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words 3) Confirmation - The students are given some jumbled sentences related to invitation.
  • 52. - The students are also given an incomplete invitation card and they have to find the suitable words to complete the text - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their answer in front of the classroom. o. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 2. Second Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about real advertisement b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the advertisement helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the advertisement taken from the magazine or newspaper. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words 3) Confirmation - The students are given some jumbled sentences related to advertisement. - The students are also given an incomplete invitation card and they have to find the suitable words to complete the text - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their answer in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 3. Third Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about announcement b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the characteristics of the announcement helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the announcement taken from the magazine or newspaper. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find the difficult words
  • 53. 3) Confirmation - The students are given some jumbled sentences related to announcement. - The students are also given an incomplete label and they have to find the suitable words to complete the text - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their answer in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. UU.Learning Resources: Text book, visual aid, surrounding environtment. VV.Assessment a. Technigue : Written test. b. Form : Completing, arranging sentences c Instrument : IX. Complete the blank spaces of the following text! X. Arrange the jumbled sentences in a good order! d. Scoring Guide: For part 1 the score is 1 for each answer For part 2 the score is 5 for the best arrangement Maximum score : 1 5 x 1 = 5 2 1 x 5 = 5 Total 10 Maximum grade : 100 Students’ grade : Correct answer x 100 Maximum score e. Scoring Rubric: No. Detail Score I Correct answer Incorrect answer 1 0 II Each correct arrangement 1 Demak, July 2014 Acknowledged by Headmaster of SMP N 2 Demak English Teacher Drs. Setyobudi M.Pd Ifana Fauziyah, S.Pd NIP 196401071989021003 -
  • 54. LEARNING ENFORCEMENT PLANNING (RPP) KD 6.1.2 SMP/MTs : SMP N 2 DEMAK Subject : English Grade/Semester : IX / I Competence Standard : 6. To express the meaning in simple short functional written text to interact with surrounding environment in the context of academic. Basic Competence : 6.1 To express the information in the short simple written functional text accurately, fluently and acceptable to communicate in daily life / academic context Indicators :  To write short functional texts creatively Type of text : Functional Text (Invitation, Advertisement, announcement) Aspect/Skill : Writing Time Allocation : 3 meetings (6 x 40 minutes) WW. Learning Objectives At the end of learning process, the students are able:  To write short functional texts XX.Learning Material 1. Invitation 2. Advertisement 3. Announcement YY.Learning Method: Total Physical Response ZZ. Steps of Activities 1. First Meeting a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the invitation card b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the generic structure of the Invitation Card helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic features related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the invitation taken from the internet. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find some usual terms of an invitation. 3) Confirmation - The students are asked to make their own invitation card sent to one of their friend in the classroom. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback
  • 55. - Some of the students are given chance to read their invitation card in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 2. Second Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the advertisement b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the generic structure of the advertisement helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic features related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the advertisement taken from the internet. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find some usual terms of an advertisement. 3) Confirmation - The students are asked to make their own advertisement of their imaginary product. - The teacher goes around the classroom, look at their job and give feedback - Some of the students are given chance to read their advertisement in front of the classroom. c. Closing Activities - To ask students’ problem during teaching learning process. - To conclude the learning materials. 3. Third Activity a. Opening: - Greetings and Calling the roll - The teacher brain storms the students’ schemata by asking questions about the announcement b. Main Activities 1) Exploration - The students understand the generic structure of the announcement helped by the teacher - The students and the teacher discuss about the vocabularies and linguistic features related to the model of the text 2) Elaboration - The teacher facilitates the students with the example of the announcement taken from the real environment. - The students understand the text by discussing it with their friends. - The students are given the other text and asked to find some usual terms of a announcement.