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The interests of Romans and the 
Cartaghinians crashed in the 
Western Mediterranean. 
The Roman Republic had gained 
control of the Italian Peninsula and 
Carthage controlled several islands in 
the Western Mediterranean and the 
South of the Iberian Peninsula. The 
confrontment between these two 
peoples was the cause of the three 
Punic Wars: 
-1st Punic War (264 BC- 241 BC) 
-2nd Punic War (218 BC-201 BC) 
-3rd Punic War (149 BC -146 BC)
As a consequence of their defeat in the 1st 
Punic War, the Carthaginians tried to expand 
their control over the Iberian Peninsula. 
-238 BC: Hamilcar Barca disembarked in 
Gades and started occupying the territory 
more effectively and exploiting its resources. 
-227 BC: general Hasdrubal founded Qart 
Hadasht (Cartago Nova) 
-226 BC: signature of the Ebro Treaty: 
Hasdrubal and the Roman Republic agreed 
on limiting the Carthaginian expansion to 
the South of River Ebro. This way, the 
Romans answered to the 
demands of their allies in the Peninsula 
(Arse and Emporion) 
-219 BC: Hannibal, Hasdrubal’s son, sieged 
Arse (Saguntum), where there was an 
important mint, in order to get resources to 
declare war on Rome. 
Hamilcar Barca Hasdrubal the Fair Hannibal
The people of Saguntum asked the 
Romans for help, but the Romans took a 
long time to send troops and Saguntum 
had to surrender after 8 months of 
siege. When Hannibal occupied the city, 
most of its population had died of 
hunger and illnesses. 
Saguntum people didn’t throw 
themselves into a bonfire, as the legend 
says, but this has been repeated many 
times since then. 
After Saguntum surrender, the Romans 
sent two armies to the Peninsula and 
this meant the beginning of the 2nd 
Punic War. 
The Final Day of Saguntum, painted by Francisco Domingo Marqués, 
1st STAGE (218 BC-197 BC): War against the Carthaginians 
2nd STAGE (154 BC-133 BC): Wars against the Celtiberians 
and Lusitanians 
3rd STAGE (29 BC-19 BC): Wars against the Astures, Cantabri 
and Gallaeci
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus 
arrived in the Peninsula in 210 BC 
Two Roman armies commanded by the 
brothers Gneus Cornelius Scipio 
Calvus and Publius Cornelius Scipio 
disembarked in Emporion in 218 BC. 
They died fighting against Hasdrubal 
and the Roman Senate sent Publius 
Cornelius Scipio Africanus in 210 BC 
and this changed the course of the war: 
-209 BC: the Romans took Cartago 
-208 BC: the Romans defeated the 
Carthaginians in the Battle of Baecula 
-206 BC: Carthaginian defeat in the 
Battle of Ilipa. The city of Italica was 
founded for war veterans and 
When Hannibal was defeated by the 
Romans in Zama (201 BC), the 
Carthaginians were expelled from the 
In 197 BC the Roman Senate appointed two 
praetors, who were sent to the Peninsula to rule 
the Hispaniae. The Peninsula was divided into 
two provinces: 
-HISPANIA CITERIOR: the closest province to 
Rome, from the Pyrenees to Cartago Nova. 
-HISPANIA ULTERIOR: the farthest province from 
Rome, including the lands of the Southern 
Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean 
Hispania became part of the Roman Republic and 
its integration into the Roman world started.
The main resistance 
during the 2nd century BC 
came from the 
Celtiberians and the 
revolted against the high 
taxes imposed by the 
Romans, led by Viriatus, 
who obtained some 
victories against the 
Romans between 147 and 
139 BC. Finally, the 
Romans accepted 
to sign peace. 
Statue of Viriatus 
in Zamora 
Death of Viriatus, painting by José de Madrazo (1807) 
Quintus Servilius Caepio bribed Audax, Ditalcus and Minurus, Lusitanian ambassadors sent by 
Viriatus to negotiate peace. They killed Viriatus when he was sleeping. When the traitors asked 
the Romans for the payment, Q.S. Caepio told them: “Rome doesn’t pay traitors who kill their chief”. 
The Lusitanians continued to fight, but the Romans controlled most of their territory and the 
Lusitanians gradually assimilated Roman culture and language.
Siege of Numantia 
133 BC): It was a total war (“war of fire”). 
Numantia became the main center of 
resistance. Publius Cornelius Scipio 
Aemilianus, Carthage’s destroyer, 
arrived in 134 BC and decided to finish 
with Numantia’s resistance. He sieged 
the city surrounding it with a nine km 
fence ad cut all its supplies. After 13 
months of siege, the Numantians 
surrendered. The few survivors were sold 
as slaves. 
The legend about the burning of the city and 
the suicide of its inhabitants is not true, 
but was exploited by the Romans first , 
to glorify Scipio Aemilianus, and in 
different periods of Spanish history to 
extol the sacrifice of the individuals in 
defense of the homeland. 
Numantia’s Last Day, by Alejo Vera, 1880
After the Lusitanian and 
Celtiberian wars, the Romans 
controlled almost all the 
Peninsula. Only part of the 
West and the North escaped 
the Roman control. But the 
rest became more and more 
integrated in the Roman world 
and Hispania became an 
important theater of the 1st 
century civil wars: 
-Sertorian War (80-72 BC) 
-War between Pompey and 
Julius Caesar (49-45 BC)
Quintus Sertorius 
Sertorian War (80-72 BC) 
Sertorius fought on Marius side against 
Sulla. In the Iberian Peninsula he formed a 
coalition with the indigenous peoples and 
occupied almost all the Iberian Peninsula. 
Rome sent Pompey and Metellius against 
Sertorius and the war finished when he was 
killed by Perperna, one of his men, in 72 BC. 
Quintus Sertorius and the Horse Tail, Gerard van 
Kuijl, 1635
Pompey and Julius Caesar 
Caesar crossing the Rubicon 
AND POMPEY (49-45 BC) 
Julius Caesar had been 
quaestor and praetor in 
Hispania and Pompey had been 
in charge of Hispania between 
55 and 50 BC and got the 
support of the indigenous 
In 49 BC Caesar crossed the 
Rubicon River and declared 
war on Pompey, who fled to 
Greece. Caesar arrived in 
Hispania to end with Pompey’s 
supporters and defeated them 
at Ilerda (49 BC) and Munda 
(45 BC). After this, Caesar was 
appointed perpetual dictator in 
Rome, but was killed by a 
senator’s conspiracy in 44 BC. 
Julius Caesar’s campaigns
Emperor Octavian Augustus arrived in the Peninsula to complete the conquest 
of Hispania and take control of its rich mineral resources. He deployed 8 legions 
and several auxiliary troops (50,000 soldiers), opened a 400 km front, from the 
Pyrenees to Portugal and defeated the Cantabri, Astures and Gallaeci. 
Augustus created Emerita Augusta, for the war veterans (emeriti), and gave 
them land there. Back in Rome, Augustus ordered the construction of the Ara 
Pacis, an altar to commemorate the victory in these wars. This marked the 
beginning of the PAX ROMANA and the definitive inclusion of all the territory of 
Hispania in the Roman world. 
Decimus Junius 
26 BC 
Brutus, 137 BC Augustus 
25 BC 
Julius Caesar 
Octavian Augustus, 
first Roman Emperor 
Ara Pacis Augustae, altar built to commemorate 
Augustus victory in the Cantabrian wars 
The Romans extended their language, 
religion, economic system, political 
organization, model of urban society 
and culture to all the territories they 
Romanization is the process of 
assimilation of the Roman feautures, 
usually started by the local elites and 
later extended to the rest of the 
The origins of the Roman emperors are 
an evidence of the success of 
romanization. Many of them came from 
different parts of the Empire. For 
example, emperors Trajan and Hadrian 
came from Hispania. 
Origin of the Roman emperors 
Hispania became quickly integrated in the Roman world: the reduction of the troops (only one 
legion, the Legio VII Gemina, remained stationed on the ground) and the little information about 
Hispania in the Roman sources after the wars of conquest show that the Peninsula soon became 
integrated in the Roman Empire.
- Many veterans of the civil wars stayed in the 
Peninsula and founded colonies, like Italica and 
Legio VII Gemina 
- Colonists, merchants and civil servants from 
Italy also settled down in Hispania 
- The indigenous elites soon adopted the Roman 
customs as a way of keeping their status. Their 
example was followed by the rest of the 
- The intensity of the acculturation process was 
different depending on the regions: faster and 
more intense in the Mediterranean region, the 
Ebro and Guadalquivir Valley and later and more 
superficial in the North and mountainous areas.
-Political organization 
-Urban society 
-Social groups 
-Economic system 
-Material evidence
- Provincial division of Hispania 
o 197 BC: Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior 
o 27 BC: Augustus divided it into Tarraconensis (under the emperor’s control), Baetica and Lusitania 
o 298: Diocletian divided it into 5 provinces: Tarraconensis, Baetica, Lusitania, Cargthaginensis and 
Gallaecia. Together with Maurtania Tingitania (North of Africa), they formed the Diocesis 
Hispaniarum . 
o 4th century: creation of Balearica. 
Provinces were divided into conventus (regions) 
- Cities (urbes) were the base of Roman culture and the main center of transmission of Roman 
There were around 400 cities in 
Hispania. Some of them existed 
before the Roman conquest and 
remained, like Clunia (Burgos) or 
Segóbriga (Cuenca). Others were 
built new, like Emerita Augusta 
(Mérida) or Legio Septima 
Gemina (León), following the 
orthogonal plan 
Roman roads communicated 
the different parts of the Empire 
and were basic for trade. The 
main ones in Hispania were: 
-Silver Way, which 
communicated Emerita Augusta 
with Asturica Augusta 
-Via Augusta, which linked the 
Mediterranean cities and 
communicated them with Rome 
through the Pyrenees
Roman cities followed the model of a Roman military camp, with two main streets (cardus and 
decumanus) and the rest organized on a grid. The forum (main square) was the center and the 
main buildings (curia, basilica, main temple) were located there. 
Roman cities had all kind 
of services: 
-fresh water, brought 
with aqueducts and 
available in fountains and 
the houses of the rich 
people (domus) 
-sewage system, 
-Curia (building fo the 
municipal government) 
-leisure buildings: 
circuses, amphitheatres, 
theatres, thermal baths, 
public libraries
Caldes de Montbuí thermal baths 
Nymphaeus, Valeria (Cuenca) 
Roman circus, Mérida 
Calagurris sewage system 
Emerita Augusta theater 
Segovia’ s aqueduct
In year 74 Emperor Vespasian gave the Latin 
citizenship to all the citizens in Hispania. 
This meant that the citizens got some rights, 
like owning land, getting married to other 
residents in Latin cities and living in any 
Latin city. This was an intermediate stage to 
get Roman citizenship. Vespasian gave Latin 
citizenship to Hispania to get their support 
after a period of conflicts in Rome. 
In 212 Emperor Caracalla gave Roman 
citizenship to all the free inhabitants of 
Hispania. The reason was increasing the 
number of citizens in order to collect more 
taxes to defend the Empire. 
Same social groups as in Rome, depending on their wealth and status 
- Senatorial order: magistrates and big landowners 
- Equestrian orders: merchants and business owners. In charge of the army, 
public administration and religious posts 
- Decurional order: in charge of the government of the provinces 
- Plebeians: citizens obliged to work to survive. 
- FREEDPEOPLE: former slaves freed by their owners 
- SLAVES: war prisoners sold to work. 
- Continuation of the exploitation of the 
resources of the Peninsula 
- Establishment of Rome’s economic 
- exploitation of latifundia (big plots of 
- private property 
- slavery 
- cities as centres of production and 
- use of money 
- Hispania started importing products, 
but soon became an exporting region. 
Lots of Hispanic goods were 
distributed across the 
Roman villa, center of exploitation in the countryside 
Oil production
- New agricultural 
techniques were 
introduced: Roman 
plough, fallow, animal 
drawn, irrigation 
- Main crops: wheat, olive 
trees, vines, fruit trees 
and vegetables. 
- Sheep herds raised in the 
Central Plateau to 
produce wool.
Garum production 
Baelo Claudia (Bolonia) garum factory in 
-Salted fish 
-Garum (sauce made with the 
useless parts of fish) 
-linen cloth 
-esparto grass 
-ceramics (Terra Sigillata pottery) 
Terra Sigillata pottery 
Oil amphora
Mines were massively exploited 
by the Romans. They belonged to 
the State, but were exploited by 
private contractors (negotiatores) 
-silver and lead from Sª Morena 
(Mons Marianus) and Guadalquivir 
-copper from Riotinto 
-lapis specularis or selenite from 
-gold from the North, especially in 
Las Médulas, León, where they 
used the ruina montium technique 
-cinnabar and minium from Sisapo 
Lapis specularis
- The Romans allowed the cult of the gods of the 
indigenous peoples if they didn’ threaten Roman 
- The Emperor was also considered to be divine a 
and had to be worshipped. The Christians rejected 
worshipping the Emperor and they started being 
persecuted, until their legalization (Milan Edict, 313) 
- First Christian communities in Hispania date to 
the 1st century, but they were limited to the elite. 
Christianity started spreading in the 3rd century. 
The legends about the presence of Saint James 
and Saint Paul in Hispania are not true. 
- In 380 Christianity became the only religion allowed 
in the Empire and the Church organized in the same 
way as in Rome: archbishops in provinces, bishops in 
conventus and Hispania was divided into dioceses 
and parishes. 
Expansion of Christianiity in Hispania 
- In the 4th century there was a heressy originated 
in Hispania: Priscillian heresy, condemned by the 1st 
council of Toledo Priscillian
- Conquests stopped, there were fewer and more 
expensive slaves, so the production mode based 
on slavery became less profitable. Slaves had to 
be replaced by colonists (impoverished peasants 
who looked for the protection of the big 
landowners and offered their small plots of land 
and work in exchange): acceleration of land 
concentration and beginning of serfdom. 
-Incomes decreased and prices and taxes 
- As a consequence of several devaluations, 
currency lost most of its value and hyperinflation 
made life more expensive 
- Craftsmanship and trade decreased, cities 
started declining and ruralization began: 
producers tried to be self-sufficient, barter spread 
and monetary economy disappeared. 
Reduction of the amount of silver 
in the Roman denarius
In addition: 
-the Barbarians started putting pressure 
on the borders of the Empire (Limes). 
- Emperors used authoritarianism to 
impose their power and conspiracies to 
overthrow them became frequent. 
Political instability spread. 
- In the provinces praetors assumed 
power and ruled more and more 
independently from Rome. 
Number of emperors during the 3rd century crisis
Hispania went through a complicated period from the last third of the 3rd century: invasions of 
the Franks and Alamanni, peasants’ revolts…The construction of Luculus Augustus (Lugo) wall 
was a consequence of this insecurity climate. 
At the beginning of the 5th century three Germanic peoples, the Sueves, the Vandals and the 
Alans, invaded the Peninsula.
The Sueves came from the Baltic Sea and settled 
down in the North West (Gallaecia). 
The Vandals Asdingi (from Hungary and Romania) 
settled down in Gallaecia and were defeated by 
the Sueves. The Vandals Silingi (from Oder and 
Vistula Rivers) settled down in the South 
The Alans, from present Iran, settled down in 
Lusitania and Carthaginensis. 
Emperor Honorius signed a treaty (foedus) with 
the Visigoths, another Germanic people, in order 
to get their help to expel the Sueves, Vandals and 
Alans. As a reward for their help, the Visigoths 
could settle down in the South of Gaul (Aquitaine). 
The Visigoths arrived in the Peninsula in 416, 
defeated the Vandals Silingi and the Alans, 
expelled the Vandals Silingi to the North of Africa, 
confined the Sueves in Gallaecia and established 
their capital city in Toulouse. 
With the fall of the Roman Empire in 476, the 
Visigothic kingdom reached independence.
Sisapo, Almodóvar del Campo 
Segóbriga, Saelices (Cuenca) 
Carranque (Toledo) 
Valeria (Cuenca)

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Roman Hispania

  • 2. AREAS OF INFLUENCE OF CARTHAGE AND ROME BEFORE THE PUNIC WARS The interests of Romans and the Cartaghinians crashed in the Western Mediterranean. The Roman Republic had gained control of the Italian Peninsula and Carthage controlled several islands in the Western Mediterranean and the South of the Iberian Peninsula. The confrontment between these two peoples was the cause of the three Punic Wars: -1st Punic War (264 BC- 241 BC) -2nd Punic War (218 BC-201 BC) -3rd Punic War (149 BC -146 BC)
  • 3. As a consequence of their defeat in the 1st Punic War, the Carthaginians tried to expand their control over the Iberian Peninsula. -238 BC: Hamilcar Barca disembarked in Gades and started occupying the territory more effectively and exploiting its resources. -227 BC: general Hasdrubal founded Qart Hadasht (Cartago Nova) -226 BC: signature of the Ebro Treaty: Hasdrubal and the Roman Republic agreed on limiting the Carthaginian expansion to the South of River Ebro. This way, the Romans answered to the demands of their allies in the Peninsula (Arse and Emporion) -219 BC: Hannibal, Hasdrubal’s son, sieged Arse (Saguntum), where there was an important mint, in order to get resources to declare war on Rome. Hamilcar Barca Hasdrubal the Fair Hannibal
  • 4. BEGINNING OF THE 2nd PUNIC WAR The people of Saguntum asked the Romans for help, but the Romans took a long time to send troops and Saguntum had to surrender after 8 months of siege. When Hannibal occupied the city, most of its population had died of hunger and illnesses. Saguntum people didn’t throw themselves into a bonfire, as the legend says, but this has been repeated many times since then. After Saguntum surrender, the Romans sent two armies to the Peninsula and this meant the beginning of the 2nd Punic War. The Final Day of Saguntum, painted by Francisco Domingo Marqués, 1869
  • 5. ROMAN CONQUEST OF THE IBERIAN PENINSULA 1st STAGE (218 BC-197 BC): War against the Carthaginians 2nd STAGE (154 BC-133 BC): Wars against the Celtiberians and Lusitanians 3rd STAGE (29 BC-19 BC): Wars against the Astures, Cantabri and Gallaeci
  • 6. 1st STAGE: WAR AGAINST THE CARTHAGINIANS (218-197 BC) Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus arrived in the Peninsula in 210 BC Two Roman armies commanded by the brothers Gneus Cornelius Scipio Calvus and Publius Cornelius Scipio disembarked in Emporion in 218 BC. They died fighting against Hasdrubal and the Roman Senate sent Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus in 210 BC and this changed the course of the war: -209 BC: the Romans took Cartago Nova -208 BC: the Romans defeated the Carthaginians in the Battle of Baecula -206 BC: Carthaginian defeat in the Battle of Ilipa. The city of Italica was founded for war veterans and wounded. When Hannibal was defeated by the Romans in Zama (201 BC), the Carthaginians were expelled from the Peninsula
  • 7. In 197 BC the Roman Senate appointed two praetors, who were sent to the Peninsula to rule the Hispaniae. The Peninsula was divided into two provinces: -HISPANIA CITERIOR: the closest province to Rome, from the Pyrenees to Cartago Nova. -HISPANIA ULTERIOR: the farthest province from Rome, including the lands of the Southern Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean Hispania became part of the Roman Republic and its integration into the Roman world started.
  • 8. 2nd STAGE: WARS AGAINST THE CELTIBERIANS AND LUSITANIANS (154-133 BC) The main resistance during the 2nd century BC came from the Celtiberians and the Lusitanians: -the LUSITANIANS revolted against the high taxes imposed by the Romans, led by Viriatus, who obtained some victories against the Romans between 147 and 139 BC. Finally, the Romans accepted to sign peace. Statue of Viriatus in Zamora Death of Viriatus, painting by José de Madrazo (1807) Quintus Servilius Caepio bribed Audax, Ditalcus and Minurus, Lusitanian ambassadors sent by Viriatus to negotiate peace. They killed Viriatus when he was sleeping. When the traitors asked the Romans for the payment, Q.S. Caepio told them: “Rome doesn’t pay traitors who kill their chief”. The Lusitanians continued to fight, but the Romans controlled most of their territory and the Lusitanians gradually assimilated Roman culture and language.
  • 9. Siege of Numantia - WAR AGAINST THE CELTIBERIANS (154- 133 BC): It was a total war (“war of fire”). Numantia became the main center of resistance. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus, Carthage’s destroyer, arrived in 134 BC and decided to finish with Numantia’s resistance. He sieged the city surrounding it with a nine km fence ad cut all its supplies. After 13 months of siege, the Numantians surrendered. The few survivors were sold as slaves. The legend about the burning of the city and the suicide of its inhabitants is not true, but was exploited by the Romans first , to glorify Scipio Aemilianus, and in different periods of Spanish history to extol the sacrifice of the individuals in defense of the homeland. Numantia’s Last Day, by Alejo Vera, 1880
  • 10. After the Lusitanian and Celtiberian wars, the Romans controlled almost all the Peninsula. Only part of the West and the North escaped the Roman control. But the rest became more and more integrated in the Roman world and Hispania became an important theater of the 1st century civil wars: -Sertorian War (80-72 BC) -War between Pompey and Julius Caesar (49-45 BC)
  • 11. Quintus Sertorius Sertorian War (80-72 BC) SERTORIAN WAR (80-72 BC) Sertorius fought on Marius side against Sulla. In the Iberian Peninsula he formed a coalition with the indigenous peoples and occupied almost all the Iberian Peninsula. Rome sent Pompey and Metellius against Sertorius and the war finished when he was killed by Perperna, one of his men, in 72 BC. Quintus Sertorius and the Horse Tail, Gerard van Kuijl, 1635
  • 12. Pompey and Julius Caesar Caesar crossing the Rubicon CIVIL WAR BETWEEN CAESAR AND POMPEY (49-45 BC) Julius Caesar had been quaestor and praetor in Hispania and Pompey had been in charge of Hispania between 55 and 50 BC and got the support of the indigenous peoples. In 49 BC Caesar crossed the Rubicon River and declared war on Pompey, who fled to Greece. Caesar arrived in Hispania to end with Pompey’s supporters and defeated them at Ilerda (49 BC) and Munda (45 BC). After this, Caesar was appointed perpetual dictator in Rome, but was killed by a senator’s conspiracy in 44 BC. Julius Caesar’s campaigns
  • 13. 3rd STAGE: WARS AGAINST THE ASTURES, CANTABRI AND GALLAECI (29-19 BC) Emperor Octavian Augustus arrived in the Peninsula to complete the conquest of Hispania and take control of its rich mineral resources. He deployed 8 legions and several auxiliary troops (50,000 soldiers), opened a 400 km front, from the Pyrenees to Portugal and defeated the Cantabri, Astures and Gallaeci. Augustus created Emerita Augusta, for the war veterans (emeriti), and gave them land there. Back in Rome, Augustus ordered the construction of the Ara Pacis, an altar to commemorate the victory in these wars. This marked the beginning of the PAX ROMANA and the definitive inclusion of all the territory of Hispania in the Roman world. Decimus Junius 26 BC Brutus, 137 BC Augustus 25 BC Julius Caesar campaigns Octavian Augustus, first Roman Emperor Ara Pacis Augustae, altar built to commemorate Augustus victory in the Cantabrian wars CANTABRIAN WARS
  • 15. ROMANIZATION The Romans extended their language, religion, economic system, political organization, model of urban society and culture to all the territories they conquered. Romanization is the process of assimilation of the Roman feautures, usually started by the local elites and later extended to the rest of the population. The origins of the Roman emperors are an evidence of the success of romanization. Many of them came from different parts of the Empire. For example, emperors Trajan and Hadrian came from Hispania. Origin of the Roman emperors Hispania became quickly integrated in the Roman world: the reduction of the troops (only one legion, the Legio VII Gemina, remained stationed on the ground) and the little information about Hispania in the Roman sources after the wars of conquest show that the Peninsula soon became integrated in the Roman Empire.
  • 16. HOW DID ROMANIZATION SPREAD OUT? - Many veterans of the civil wars stayed in the Peninsula and founded colonies, like Italica and Legio VII Gemina - Colonists, merchants and civil servants from Italy also settled down in Hispania - The indigenous elites soon adopted the Roman customs as a way of keeping their status. Their example was followed by the rest of the population. - The intensity of the acculturation process was different depending on the regions: faster and more intense in the Mediterranean region, the Ebro and Guadalquivir Valley and later and more superficial in the North and mountainous areas.
  • 17. MAIN EVIDENCES OF ROMANIZATION -Political organization -Urban society -Citizenship -Social groups -Economic system -Religion -Material evidence
  • 18. POLITICAL ORGANIZATION - Provincial division of Hispania o 197 BC: Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior o 27 BC: Augustus divided it into Tarraconensis (under the emperor’s control), Baetica and Lusitania o 298: Diocletian divided it into 5 provinces: Tarraconensis, Baetica, Lusitania, Cargthaginensis and Gallaecia. Together with Maurtania Tingitania (North of Africa), they formed the Diocesis Hispaniarum . o 4th century: creation of Balearica. Provinces were divided into conventus (regions) - Cities (urbes) were the base of Roman culture and the main center of transmission of Roman culture.
  • 19. URBAN SOCIETY There were around 400 cities in Hispania. Some of them existed before the Roman conquest and remained, like Clunia (Burgos) or Segóbriga (Cuenca). Others were built new, like Emerita Augusta (Mérida) or Legio Septima Gemina (León), following the orthogonal plan Roman roads communicated the different parts of the Empire and were basic for trade. The main ones in Hispania were: -Silver Way, which communicated Emerita Augusta with Asturica Augusta -Via Augusta, which linked the Mediterranean cities and communicated them with Rome through the Pyrenees
  • 20. Roman cities followed the model of a Roman military camp, with two main streets (cardus and decumanus) and the rest organized on a grid. The forum (main square) was the center and the main buildings (curia, basilica, main temple) were located there. RECONSTRUCTION OF ROMAN TARRACO Roman cities had all kind of services: -fresh water, brought with aqueducts and available in fountains and the houses of the rich people (domus) -sewage system, sidewalks -Curia (building fo the municipal government) -temples -marketplaces -leisure buildings: circuses, amphitheatres, theatres, thermal baths, public libraries
  • 22. Caldes de Montbuí thermal baths Nymphaeus, Valeria (Cuenca) Roman circus, Mérida Calagurris sewage system Emerita Augusta theater Segovia’ s aqueduct
  • 23. CITIZENSHIP In year 74 Emperor Vespasian gave the Latin citizenship to all the citizens in Hispania. This meant that the citizens got some rights, like owning land, getting married to other residents in Latin cities and living in any Latin city. This was an intermediate stage to get Roman citizenship. Vespasian gave Latin citizenship to Hispania to get their support after a period of conflicts in Rome. In 212 Emperor Caracalla gave Roman citizenship to all the free inhabitants of Hispania. The reason was increasing the number of citizens in order to collect more taxes to defend the Empire. VESPASIAN CARACALLA
  • 24. SOCIAL GROUPS Same social groups as in Rome, depending on their wealth and status FREE PEOPLE - Senatorial order: magistrates and big landowners - Equestrian orders: merchants and business owners. In charge of the army, public administration and religious posts - Decurional order: in charge of the government of the provinces - Plebeians: citizens obliged to work to survive. - FREEDPEOPLE: former slaves freed by their owners - SLAVES: war prisoners sold to work. NON FREE PEOPLE
  • 25. ECONOMY - Continuation of the exploitation of the resources of the Peninsula - Establishment of Rome’s economic structures: - exploitation of latifundia (big plots of land) - private property - slavery - cities as centres of production and distribution - use of money - Hispania started importing products, but soon became an exporting region. Lots of Hispanic goods were distributed across the Empire Roman villa, center of exploitation in the countryside Oil production
  • 26. AGRICULTURE - New agricultural techniques were introduced: Roman plough, fallow, animal drawn, irrigation - Main crops: wheat, olive trees, vines, fruit trees and vegetables. - Sheep herds raised in the Central Plateau to produce wool.
  • 27. Garum production Baelo Claudia (Bolonia) garum factory in Cádiz MAIN EXPORT PRODUCTS -Oil -Wine -Salted fish -Garum (sauce made with the useless parts of fish) -Honey -linen cloth -purple -esparto grass -ceramics (Terra Sigillata pottery) Terra Sigillata pottery Oil amphora
  • 28. MINING Mines were massively exploited by the Romans. They belonged to the State, but were exploited by private contractors (negotiatores) -silver and lead from Sª Morena (Mons Marianus) and Guadalquivir Valley -copper from Riotinto -lapis specularis or selenite from Segóbriga -gold from the North, especially in Las Médulas, León, where they used the ruina montium technique -cinnabar and minium from Sisapo Cinnabar Lapis specularis
  • 29. RELIGION - The Romans allowed the cult of the gods of the indigenous peoples if they didn’ threaten Roman order - The Emperor was also considered to be divine a and had to be worshipped. The Christians rejected worshipping the Emperor and they started being persecuted, until their legalization (Milan Edict, 313) - First Christian communities in Hispania date to the 1st century, but they were limited to the elite. Christianity started spreading in the 3rd century. The legends about the presence of Saint James and Saint Paul in Hispania are not true. - In 380 Christianity became the only religion allowed in the Empire and the Church organized in the same way as in Rome: archbishops in provinces, bishops in conventus and Hispania was divided into dioceses and parishes. Expansion of Christianiity in Hispania - In the 4th century there was a heressy originated in Hispania: Priscillian heresy, condemned by the 1st council of Toledo Priscillian
  • 30. 3rd CENTURY CRISIS - Conquests stopped, there were fewer and more expensive slaves, so the production mode based on slavery became less profitable. Slaves had to be replaced by colonists (impoverished peasants who looked for the protection of the big landowners and offered their small plots of land and work in exchange): acceleration of land concentration and beginning of serfdom. -Incomes decreased and prices and taxes increased - As a consequence of several devaluations, currency lost most of its value and hyperinflation made life more expensive - Craftsmanship and trade decreased, cities started declining and ruralization began: producers tried to be self-sufficient, barter spread and monetary economy disappeared. Reduction of the amount of silver in the Roman denarius
  • 31. In addition: -the Barbarians started putting pressure on the borders of the Empire (Limes). - Emperors used authoritarianism to impose their power and conspiracies to overthrow them became frequent. Political instability spread. - In the provinces praetors assumed power and ruled more and more independently from Rome. Number of emperors during the 3rd century crisis
  • 32. Hispania went through a complicated period from the last third of the 3rd century: invasions of the Franks and Alamanni, peasants’ revolts…The construction of Luculus Augustus (Lugo) wall was a consequence of this insecurity climate. At the beginning of the 5th century three Germanic peoples, the Sueves, the Vandals and the Alans, invaded the Peninsula.
  • 33. The Sueves came from the Baltic Sea and settled down in the North West (Gallaecia). The Vandals Asdingi (from Hungary and Romania) settled down in Gallaecia and were defeated by the Sueves. The Vandals Silingi (from Oder and Vistula Rivers) settled down in the South (Baetica). The Alans, from present Iran, settled down in Lusitania and Carthaginensis. Emperor Honorius signed a treaty (foedus) with the Visigoths, another Germanic people, in order to get their help to expel the Sueves, Vandals and Alans. As a reward for their help, the Visigoths could settle down in the South of Gaul (Aquitaine). The Visigoths arrived in the Peninsula in 416, defeated the Vandals Silingi and the Alans, expelled the Vandals Silingi to the North of Africa, confined the Sueves in Gallaecia and established their capital city in Toulouse. With the fall of the Roman Empire in 476, the Visigothic kingdom reached independence.
  • 34. MAIN ROMAN REMAINS IN CASTILLA LA MANCHA Sisapo, Almodóvar del Campo Segóbriga, Saelices (Cuenca) Carranque (Toledo) Valeria (Cuenca)