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The Why and How of Integrating
        Rich Art Experiences into Instruction for
                    English Learners:
          What’s Good for EL’s is Good for All!

                                      Presented by:
                           Dr. Lisa Gonzales, Ed.D. Coordinator
                       Santa Clara County Office of Education
                      Jill Polhemus, Consultant – School Support
                         Stanislaus County Office of Education

 Provide an overview of the changes in ELA/ELD
   standards with Common Core
 How the arts can support the Common Core

 The role of the 4 C’s for EL students & all

 The value of the arts for EL’s and all

 Model programs – Oak Grove & Alum Rock School
 Tips on how to design model programs
Why the Arts?
What does that mean?
The research surveyed says…

 Higher grades and test scores

 Better attendance and behavior

 More self-confidence and empowerment

 Positive school climate and community engagement

 Lower drop-out rate

 Success for “at risk” students

 Teaches 21st Century Skills for College and Career
The arts…every child, every School, Every Day
Common Core state standards

How can learning in the
   Arts support and
     enhance the
 implementation and
    teaching of the
 Common Core State
The arts are performance-based assessment

Smarter Balanced Performance Task
Specifications                                                   Performance
                             Information Processing                  Task
                                                                   • Essay, story, script
                             • Increasing in rigor
                                                                • Display, models, design
                      High                             Item C      • Oral presentation
                                                                     • Scoring Rubric
   Cognitive          Mid                     Item B

            • Text
          • Graphs
      • Photos, media
   • Artistic Presentation           Design Elements
            • Etc.
 Students must be able to:

Changes with CCSS      Engage with complex,
                         informational text
                         (communication, critical thinking)

                       Use evidence in writing
                         and research (communication,
                         critical thinking)

                       Work collaboratively to
                         present ideas and
                         communicate multiple
                         perspectives (communication,
                         collaboration, critical thinking,
Overview of California ELD Standards
 Describe the knowledge skills, and abilities in English as a new
   language that are expected at exit from each proficiency level.
 Exit descriptors signal high expectations for ELs to progress
   through all levels and to attain the academic English language
   they need to access and engage with grade-level content in all
   content areas.
Challenges of New CCSS for EL Students

 Require systemic, district-wide approaches to curriculum
   design & instructional delivery

 Focus has to be on language development AND content

 CCSS are great at bridging gaps that have existed between
   language acquisition and content proficiency

 ELs will need support to participate in activities that
   simultaneously develop conceptual understanding of content
   and language use.
Instructional Shifts To Improve ELL’s Language & Content Learning

                                    Activities that develop
          Teaching language       conceptual understanding
       independent of academic     of content and language
               content              use; making meaning
Instructional Shifts To Improve ELL’s Language & Content Learning

                                   Opportunities for extended
          Sequential building of     learning learning within
         structures & vocabulary   content areas; content-rich
        aimed at correctness and      activities with focus on
                 fluency                comprehension &
Instructional Shifts To Improve ELL’s Language & Content Learning

                                       Socially engaged process
                                      whwere students work and
                                    talk together to plan, research,
          An individual process      discuss, tap prior knowledge;
                                     opportunities to interact with
                                           proficient students
How Can the Core Support the Arts?
Blueprint Strand 2                        6-8 ELA
– Literacy in Visual Arts                 – Integration of Knowledge & Ideas

Visual Arts has its own vocabulary           Integrate and evaluate content
and literacy, as well as its own set of       presented in diverse media and
skills that support learning across           formats.
the curriculum. For example, careful
observation of a work of art                 Delineate and evaluate the
resembles the close reading of a              argument and specific claims in
text – one that includes making               text.
observations and drawing
inferences. Visual Arts also includes        Analyze how two or more texts
tasks where students read and write           address similar themes or
as well as engage in accountable              topics in order to build
talk.                                         knowledge or to compare the
                                              approaches the authors take.
Arts References in Common Core
           Standards for Reading

• If definition of text includes non-print texts
 (dance, media arts, music, or theatre
• …then all reading standards refer to arts-
 based content or investigation.
Reading a work of drama:
 • RL.5.3: Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings or events in a story or drama,
   drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact.)

Using songs in instruction:
 • RL.2.4: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated
   lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

Comparing the same work in different media:
 • RL.6.7: Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to
   or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see”
   and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.

Analyzing and interpreting images:
 • RI.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the
   text in which they appear.

Multimedia references:
 • RI.7.7: Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text,
   analyzing each medium’s portrayal of the subject.
Arts References in Common Core
                 Standards for Writing
• Eight arts links in 100 standards
• Visual art/drawing links found in the standards for the lower
 • W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, writing, and dictating to
   compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name
   what they are writing about and supply some information
   about the topic.
• Media Arts/multimedia links:
 • W.8.2.a: Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow;
   organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader
   categories; include formatting, graphics (e.g., charts, tables)
   and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
Arts References in Common Core Standards for
            Speaking and Listening

• 16 arts links in 60 standards
• Most references are related to standard #5:

   Make strategic use of digital media and visual
   displays of data to express information and
   enhance understanding of presentations
Standard 5: Make strategic use of digital media and digital displays of
data to express information and enhance understanding of

•   SL.K.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide
    additional detail.

•   SL.2.5: Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual displays
    to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and

•   SL.5.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in
    presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.

•   SL.8.5: Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information,
    strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.

•   SL.11-12.5: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and
    interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning,
    and evidence and to add interest.
Arts References in
     Common Core Standards for Language

• The language standards contain one direct arts
  reference in standard L.5.3:

    Compare and contrast the varieties of English
    (e.g., dialects, registers) used in stories,
    dramas, or poems
Framework Connections with the standards for

• All Anchor Standards for Reading connected to Lifelong Goal #1:

       Artistically literate citizens use a variety of artistic
       media, symbols, and metaphors to independently
       create and perform work that
       expresses/conveys/communicates their own ideas,
       and are able to respond by analyzing and
       interpreting the artistic communications of others.

  • The creative practices of investigation and reflection
    were included in every standard as well.
                                                   DEFINE                            LABEL
                                       CALCULATE                                           ILLUSTRATE
                                                           WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY
                                 ARRANGE       STATE                                                 MEASURE
                                                                TABULATE             NAME
                                                    TELL                                         REPORT
                                        RECALL                  RECOGNIZE          USE                             INFER
                       DESIGN                                                                QUOTE
                                                 RECITE                                                     CATEGORIZE
                   CONNECT                                                                           COLLECT AND DISPLAY
                                                              LEVEL ONE
                                                                                                     IDENTIFY PATTERNS
 How the Arts   SYNTHESIZE

                                              LEVEL                                  LEVEL



Have Meaning    APPLY CONCEPTS                FOUR

                                                               INTERPRET                                                      PREDICT
  in Common     CRITIQUE
                                              Thinking)                             Concept)
                                                                                                     ESTIMATE              INTERPRET

                                                                                                  COMPARE             DISTINGUISH
        Core       ANALYZE                                   LEVEL THREE
                                                            Strategic Thinking
                                                                                                            USE CONTEXT CUES
                    CREATE                                                                MAKE OBSERVATIONS
                                              REVISE                          ASSESS
                                                   DEVELOP A LOGICAL ARGUMENT                  SUMMARIZE
                       PROVE            APPRISE                                 CONSTRUCT
                                           USE CONCEPTS TO SOLVE NON-ROUTINE PROBLEMS
                                  CRITIQUE                                               COMPARE
                                                EXPLAIN PHENOMENA IN TERMS OF CONCEPTS
                                   FORMULATE                                          INVESTIGATE
                                                          DRAW CONCLUSIONS

                                                               CITE EVIDENCE
Why the Arts?
How do the Arts
  Help English Learners
        (and all)?
Arts Education helps English
Learners succeed in society (in
school and learning) in developing
intelligence and healthy minds in
a 21st century society.
 Aspects of national character
 Validate culture
 Empathetic towards those in
   other cultures
 Respect other cultures, races,
   human condition at an early
   age                (Davis, 2010)
The Arts
  Speed Knowledge
 By lowering the affective
  filter, students can acquire
  more info in less time
  (Krashen, 1982)
 EL’s who may not have had
  consistent success
  elsewhere but study the arts
  do better on SAT’s (College
  Entrance Board, 2001)
The Arts Design Thinking
 Early arts training develops the brain areas involved in
  language and reasoning (Robinson, 2001)
 Students learn to think creatively and seek innovative solutions
  – beyond “one right answer”
 Both brain hemispheres are engaged, benefiting the spoken
  and written language, logical thinking, reasoning, numbers and
  physical movement
The Arts Focus on the
   “Whole Child”
 The Arts directly tie to
  improved learning and
  academic performance (Catterall
  et al, 1999)
 Music helps prevent damaging
  effects of chronic stress
  (Catterall, 1996)
 Dance and visual arts support
  creative thinking (McCoubrey,
 Work in the arts and
  appreciation of it ties to the
  mental abilities characterized
  by complex adult life tasks
  (Eisner, 1998)
The Arts
        Develop Skills
        for a Lifetime
 Arts help students succeed in life
  with the focus on cooperation,
  collaboration, negotiation, team
 Students learn the value of effort
  on a goal with persistence and hard
  work (Baum et al, 1997)
 Arts tie to essential 21st century
  workplace skills, including
  observation, innovation, synthesis
  (Eisner, 2002)
 Arts teach skills of flexibility and
  supple intellect (Robinson, 2001)
What challenges face EL’s and
                                  art exposure?
 When students perform below standard, electives are
   compromised and doubling up on subjects is prevalent

 This is the population most needing a tie to socio-cultural,
   emotional, linguistic and cognitive activities

 The arts are most apt to bring opportunities to talk , listen,
   work collaboratively, and be creative

 The arts are one of the only subjects where there is no “right”

 This is the population most likely to NOT have access to the
 2010 CBEDS data showed
Why Is This An Issue?      only 16.4% of students in
                           free/reduced meal programs
                           are enrolled in VAPA courses

                         Or…..83.6% of students
                           enrolled in VAPA programs
                           are not of low-socioeconomic

                         Lower income children have
                           fewer arts options in school;
                           less disposable income to
                           engage in after-school study
But there’s more…

 Attention only to the impact of poverty limits how educators
   approach the whole child

 Language and culture affirm positive traits of heritage, identity,
   and resilience which energize a child’s ability to learn, make
   meaning, create, and contribute

 Recent CA statewide research – CA middle schools who teach a
   majority of Latino, African American and American Indian
   students are far less likely to provide arts with reduced budgets
What You Should Know…
 Title I funds CAN be used to support quality arts integration
   programs in our schools

 What does the USDE say is acceptable? Arts integration as a
   school reform model, teacher professional development,
   evaluation of the program, contracts with outside arts
   organizations to partners with classroom teachers to deliver arts
   integrated curriculum, purchase of materials (instruments,
   equipment, etc)

 Who at CDE can verify? Deputy Superintendent Deb Sigman and
   Director of Improvement/Accountability Christine Swenson

 Any problems? California Alliance for Arts Education (Joe Landon)
So Where Do We

                      Arts Integration in Action
 Let’s take a look at how one Middle School has integrated the
   arts in every corner of their curriculum

Integrate the Arts,
     Deepen the Learning


                   Anchor Standards for ELA

 Please find the pink handout at the back of your PowerPoint.

 Look carefully at Reading Anchor Standard 1 and Writing
   Anchor Standard 1.

                                                           Reading Art

 “In an age when literacy dominates public discourse on
   education, we must begin to think more broadly about what
   students read. Sure—the new Common Core State Standards
   support the “reading” and scrutiny of other forms of high-
   quality text. Works of art can, indeed should, be “read” in a
   very similar way to a poem by Shakespeare or a speech by
   Winston Churchill.” Lynne Munson
            (Sept. 13, 2012)

            Additional resource link: Arts Integration Lesson Plans and other resources
What could you do with the arts?
INSTEAD OF…                     TRY….

   Student of the Week         •   Artist of the Week

   Routine class jobs          •   Art occupations – fine art resources
                                    manager, curator, exhibition mgr

   Curriculum presented in     •   Curriculum presented with arts ties
    isolation                       – timelines, etc.

   Student artwork used for    •   Artwork used to regularly build
    illustration                    skills & show breadth of skills

   One art tool used at desk   •   Varied art tools available at all
    (crayons)                       times and throughout the year
Discussion Question
Discuss with others near you:

How do the skills of observation transfer across
content areas?

How is this good for EL students?

How is this good for ALL students?
According to David Coleman,
an architect of the common core curriculum standards that are being
adopted in nearly all 50 states, and now the president of the College Board

    …”The great news is that the standards call
      on so many things the arts do well. The
      tradition of careful observation, attention
      to evidence and artists’ choices, the love
      of taking an artist’s work seriously lies at
      the heart of these standards.”
Characteristics of Model Programs

 Start where you are               High quality professional
 Establish a clear vision
                                    Intentional ties to the
 Use policy and planning to          cultural background of
   move forward                       students/staff/community
 Identify roles for multiple       Sequential program
   players – superintendent,
   asst. superintendent,            Exhibitions and sharing
   principal, teachers, parents,
   volunteers                       Community collaborations
 Integration of arts into daily
                instructional program
               Discrete arts classes during the
                school day
               Extra-curricular VAPA classes after
               Integration of VAPA standards into
               Elective courses during the day
               After school courses
Oak Grove
 Elementary grade chorus and
                math program
               Baseline is 4 days of
               FBB students pulled out two days
                a week for intensive math work
                with teacher
               BB and B students pulled the
                other two days a week for
                intensive math work with teacher
Alum Rock
               Results? Lyndale gained 22 points
  School        on Math CST’s in cohort groups
 District       from 2nd to 4th grade
Tips for Designing Programs
    Trade off use of facilities for free
    Solicit support from your County Office
      of Education
    Collaborations are key – ask for help
      before you ask for a handout
    Look for model programs in your
    Brainstorm with your parents

    Put them on stage and they will come

 The California Department of Education
     • List of state and national arts organizations and
     • Arts and Common Core
       •   Presidents’ Committee on Arts and
 CCSESA: County Offices of Education web sites
     • Directory at:
Review of Our Outcomes

 Provide an overview of the changes in ELA/ELD
   standards with Common Core
 How the arts can support the Common Core

 The role of the 4 C’s for EL students & all

 The value of the arts for EL’s and all

 Model programs – Oak Grove & Alum Rock School
 Tips on how to design model programs
Rich Arts Experiences for EL's and All.pptx

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  • 1. The Why and How of Integrating Rich Art Experiences into Instruction for English Learners: What’s Good for EL’s is Good for All! Presented by: Dr. Lisa Gonzales, Ed.D. Coordinator Santa Clara County Office of Education Jill Polhemus, Consultant – School Support Stanislaus County Office of Education
  • 2. Outcomes  Provide an overview of the changes in ELA/ELD standards with Common Core  How the arts can support the Common Core  The role of the 4 C’s for EL students & all  The value of the arts for EL’s and all  Model programs – Oak Grove & Alum Rock School Districts  Tips on how to design model programs
  • 4. What does that mean? The research surveyed says…  Higher grades and test scores  Better attendance and behavior  More self-confidence and empowerment  Positive school climate and community engagement  Lower drop-out rate  Success for “at risk” students  Teaches 21st Century Skills for College and Career
  • 5. The arts…every child, every School, Every Day
  • 6. Common Core state standards How can learning in the Arts support and enhance the implementation and teaching of the Common Core State Standards?
  • 7. The arts are performance-based assessment Smarter Balanced Performance Task Specifications Performance Information Processing Task • Essay, story, script • Increasing in rigor • Display, models, design High Item C • Oral presentation • Scoring Rubric Cognitive Mid Item B Demand Item Low A Stimulus • Text • Graphs • Photos, media • Artistic Presentation Design Elements • Etc.
  • 8.  Students must be able to: Changes with CCSS  Engage with complex, informational text (communication, critical thinking)  Use evidence in writing and research (communication, critical thinking)  Work collaboratively to present ideas and communicate multiple perspectives (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity)
  • 9. Overview of California ELD Standards  Describe the knowledge skills, and abilities in English as a new language that are expected at exit from each proficiency level.  Exit descriptors signal high expectations for ELs to progress through all levels and to attain the academic English language they need to access and engage with grade-level content in all content areas.
  • 10. Challenges of New CCSS for EL Students  Require systemic, district-wide approaches to curriculum design & instructional delivery  Focus has to be on language development AND content  CCSS are great at bridging gaps that have existed between language acquisition and content proficiency  ELs will need support to participate in activities that simultaneously develop conceptual understanding of content and language use.
  • 11. Instructional Shifts To Improve ELL’s Language & Content Learning Activities that develop Teaching language conceptual understanding independent of academic of content and language content use; making meaning practices
  • 12. Instructional Shifts To Improve ELL’s Language & Content Learning Opportunities for extended Sequential building of learning learning within structures & vocabulary content areas; content-rich aimed at correctness and activities with focus on fluency comprehension & communication
  • 13. Instructional Shifts To Improve ELL’s Language & Content Learning Socially engaged process whwere students work and talk together to plan, research, An individual process discuss, tap prior knowledge; opportunities to interact with proficient students
  • 14. How Can the Core Support the Arts? Blueprint Strand 2 6-8 ELA – Literacy in Visual Arts – Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Visual Arts has its own vocabulary  Integrate and evaluate content and literacy, as well as its own set of presented in diverse media and skills that support learning across formats. the curriculum. For example, careful observation of a work of art  Delineate and evaluate the resembles the close reading of a argument and specific claims in text – one that includes making text. observations and drawing inferences. Visual Arts also includes  Analyze how two or more texts tasks where students read and write address similar themes or as well as engage in accountable topics in order to build talk. knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
  • 15. Arts References in Common Core Standards for Reading • If definition of text includes non-print texts (dance, media arts, music, or theatre works)… • …then all reading standards refer to arts- based content or investigation.
  • 16. Reading a work of drama: • RL.5.3: Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact.) Using songs in instruction: • RL.2.4: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. Comparing the same work in different media: • RL.6.7: Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch. Analyzing and interpreting images: • RI.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear. Multimedia references: • RI.7.7: Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each medium’s portrayal of the subject.
  • 17. Arts References in Common Core Standards for Writing • Eight arts links in 100 standards • Visual art/drawing links found in the standards for the lower grades • W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, writing, and dictating to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. • Media Arts/multimedia links: • W.8.2.a: Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting, graphics (e.g., charts, tables) and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
  • 18. Arts References in Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening • 16 arts links in 60 standards • Most references are related to standard #5: Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations
  • 19. Standard 5: Make strategic use of digital media and digital displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations • SL.K.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. • SL.2.5: Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings • SL.5.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. • SL.8.5: Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest. • SL.11-12.5: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
  • 20. Arts References in Common Core Standards for Language • The language standards contain one direct arts reference in standard L.5.3: Compare and contrast the varieties of English (e.g., dialects, registers) used in stories, dramas, or poems
  • 21. Framework Connections with the standards for READING • All Anchor Standards for Reading connected to Lifelong Goal #1: Artistically literate citizens use a variety of artistic media, symbols, and metaphors to independently create and perform work that expresses/conveys/communicates their own ideas, and are able to respond by analyzing and interpreting the artistic communications of others. • The creative practices of investigation and reflection were included in every standard as well.
  • 24. How do the Arts Help English Learners (and all)? Arts Education helps English Learners succeed in society (in school and learning) in developing intelligence and healthy minds in a 21st century society.  Aspects of national character  Validate culture  Empathetic towards those in other cultures  Respect other cultures, races, human condition at an early age (Davis, 2010)
  • 25. The Arts Speed Knowledge Acquisition  By lowering the affective filter, students can acquire more info in less time (Krashen, 1982)  EL’s who may not have had consistent success elsewhere but study the arts do better on SAT’s (College Entrance Board, 2001)
  • 26. The Arts Design Thinking  Early arts training develops the brain areas involved in language and reasoning (Robinson, 2001)  Students learn to think creatively and seek innovative solutions – beyond “one right answer”  Both brain hemispheres are engaged, benefiting the spoken and written language, logical thinking, reasoning, numbers and physical movement
  • 27. The Arts Focus on the “Whole Child”  The Arts directly tie to improved learning and academic performance (Catterall et al, 1999)  Music helps prevent damaging effects of chronic stress (Catterall, 1996)  Dance and visual arts support creative thinking (McCoubrey, 1994)  Work in the arts and appreciation of it ties to the mental abilities characterized by complex adult life tasks (Eisner, 1998)
  • 28. The Arts Develop Skills for a Lifetime  Arts help students succeed in life with the focus on cooperation, collaboration, negotiation, team work  Students learn the value of effort on a goal with persistence and hard work (Baum et al, 1997)  Arts tie to essential 21st century workplace skills, including observation, innovation, synthesis (Eisner, 2002)  Arts teach skills of flexibility and supple intellect (Robinson, 2001)
  • 29. What challenges face EL’s and art exposure?  When students perform below standard, electives are compromised and doubling up on subjects is prevalent  This is the population most needing a tie to socio-cultural, emotional, linguistic and cognitive activities  The arts are most apt to bring opportunities to talk , listen, work collaboratively, and be creative  The arts are one of the only subjects where there is no “right” answer  This is the population most likely to NOT have access to the arts
  • 30.  2010 CBEDS data showed Why Is This An Issue? only 16.4% of students in free/reduced meal programs are enrolled in VAPA courses  Or…..83.6% of students enrolled in VAPA programs are not of low-socioeconomic status  Lower income children have fewer arts options in school; less disposable income to engage in after-school study
  • 31. But there’s more…  Attention only to the impact of poverty limits how educators approach the whole child  Language and culture affirm positive traits of heritage, identity, and resilience which energize a child’s ability to learn, make meaning, create, and contribute  Recent CA statewide research – CA middle schools who teach a majority of Latino, African American and American Indian students are far less likely to provide arts with reduced budgets
  • 32. What You Should Know…  Title I funds CAN be used to support quality arts integration programs in our schools  What does the USDE say is acceptable? Arts integration as a school reform model, teacher professional development, evaluation of the program, contracts with outside arts organizations to partners with classroom teachers to deliver arts integrated curriculum, purchase of materials (instruments, equipment, etc)  Who at CDE can verify? Deputy Superintendent Deb Sigman and Director of Improvement/Accountability Christine Swenson  Any problems? California Alliance for Arts Education (Joe Landon)
  • 33.
  • 35. 35 Arts Integration in Action  Let’s take a look at how one Middle School has integrated the arts in every corner of their curriculum Integrate the Arts, Deepen the Learning Edutopia:
  • 36.
  • 37. 37 Anchor Standards for ELA  Please find the pink handout at the back of your PowerPoint.  Look carefully at Reading Anchor Standard 1 and Writing Anchor Standard 1.
  • 38. 38
  • 39. 39 Reading Art  “In an age when literacy dominates public discourse on education, we must begin to think more broadly about what students read. Sure—the new Common Core State Standards support the “reading” and scrutiny of other forms of high- quality text. Works of art can, indeed should, be “read” in a very similar way to a poem by Shakespeare or a speech by Winston Churchill.” Lynne Munson  (Sept. 13, 2012) Additional resource link: Arts Integration Lesson Plans and other resources from
  • 40. What could you do with the arts? INSTEAD OF… TRY….  Student of the Week • Artist of the Week  Routine class jobs • Art occupations – fine art resources manager, curator, exhibition mgr  Curriculum presented in • Curriculum presented with arts ties isolation – timelines, etc.  Student artwork used for • Artwork used to regularly build illustration skills & show breadth of skills  One art tool used at desk • Varied art tools available at all (crayons) times and throughout the year
  • 41. Discussion Question Discuss with others near you: How do the skills of observation transfer across content areas? How is this good for EL students? How is this good for ALL students?
  • 42. According to David Coleman, an architect of the common core curriculum standards that are being adopted in nearly all 50 states, and now the president of the College Board …”The great news is that the standards call on so many things the arts do well. The tradition of careful observation, attention to evidence and artists’ choices, the love of taking an artist’s work seriously lies at the heart of these standards.” blog-salon-discussion/#more-16907
  • 43.
  • 44. Characteristics of Model Programs  Start where you are  High quality professional development  Establish a clear vision  Intentional ties to the  Use policy and planning to cultural background of move forward students/staff/community  Identify roles for multiple  Sequential program players – superintendent, asst. superintendent,  Exhibitions and sharing principal, teachers, parents, volunteers  Community collaborations
  • 45.  Integration of arts into daily instructional program  Discrete arts classes during the school day  Extra-curricular VAPA classes after school  Integration of VAPA standards into core  Elective courses during the day  After school courses Oak Grove School District
  • 46.  Elementary grade chorus and math program  Baseline is 4 days of chorus/student  FBB students pulled out two days a week for intensive math work with teacher  BB and B students pulled the other two days a week for intensive math work with teacher Alum Rock  Results? Lyndale gained 22 points School on Math CST’s in cohort groups District from 2nd to 4th grade
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. Tips for Designing Programs  Trade off use of facilities for free training  Solicit support from your County Office of Education  Collaborations are key – ask for help before you ask for a handout  Look for model programs in your community  Brainstorm with your parents  Put them on stage and they will come
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. OTHER RESOURCES  The California Department of Education • List of state and national arts organizations and associations • Arts and Common Core • Presidents’ Committee on Arts and Humanities  CCSESA: County Offices of Education web sites • Directory at:
  • 58. Review of Our Outcomes  Provide an overview of the changes in ELA/ELD standards with Common Core  How the arts can support the Common Core  The role of the 4 C’s for EL students & all  The value of the arts for EL’s and all  Model programs – Oak Grove & Alum Rock School Districts  Tips on how to design model programs

Editor's Notes

  1. 8:30 am
  2. Lisa presents Slides #2-8
  3. One in ten public school students in California have access to a comprehensive, sequential standards-based arts education.•Comprehensive--all four arts disciplines are taught at the school: dance, theatre, music and visual arts•Standards-based--aligned with the California Visual and Performing ArtsFramework and Content Standards•Sequential--skills are scaffolded throughout the year and from grade tograde
  4. Source:Arts Education Advocacy Handbook
  5. Action 1: Upgrade state standards by adopting a common core of internationally benchmarkedstandards in math and language arts for grades K-12 to ensure that students are equipped with thenecessary knowledge and skills to be globally competitive.Benchmarking for Success:Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a World-Class EducationA report by the National Governors Association,the Council of Chief State School Officers, and Achieve, Inc.
  6. Tie the 4 C’s in here….
  7. Clear descriptors are what is essential – and having language as a FOCUS area rather than CONTENT to be taught
  8. Not just a school focus or certain grades not performing at standards….but ALLCA has content and has taught it well for years but now its really about the language skillsCCSS allow us to make links, be creative, explore, give ownership back to teachers to go beyond a pacing calendar and teach for proficiencyScaffolding and modeling is still critical*** The language they need is an OUTCOME for what they learn at school – not what they need to learn at school. Analogy – learning is not linear – its simultaneous happening – thinking about a toddler learning to walk. You don’t tell them to STOP until they can do it w/o falling down – you help and support and this is what the new standards focus on.
  9. A lot of shifts…but we will share 3Still have CCSS but ELD is to support simultaneouslyWant skills to be tied to ALL subjects to attain language skills in all areas*** look at “other” subject teachers – the content needs to be streamlined – many school districts have trained teachers on systematic ELD – so what does this mean for the work in our schools? Language and content cannot be taught separately – and all teachers will need to be talking with one another on how they are supporting their EL students
  10. Use to be about steps to follow in how we teachNow its about learning activities in context – projects, problem based learning; nonfiction that is content rich, extensive talking/listening
  11. This is really about the 4 C’s – collaboration, communicationTeacher as FACILITATOR
  12. Jill presents Slides #9-18ELA and Math are designed to SUPPORT the arts – the basic skills are used to make connectionsNew arts standards are being written Explicit references TO the arts in the new CCSS…..but there are also parallels in the goals and thinking in the new CCSS
  13. Overview of findings about arts references in ELA standards. Examples of a few.
  14. ...more findings about arts references...
  15. Overview of findings about arts references in ELA standards. Examples of a few.
  16. Findings: READINGHere are some SBAC examples of how all this might be assessed:Middle School6-8Students analyze how the playwright Louise Fletcher uses particular elements of drama (e.g., setting and dialogue) to create dramatic tension in her play Sorry, Wrong Number. [RL.7.3] (89)Students compare and contrast the effect Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem “Paul Revere’s Ride” has on them to the effect they experience from a multimedia dramatization of the event presented in an interactive digital map (, analyzing the impact of different techniques employed that are unique to each medium. [RL.6.7] (89)Students integrate the quantitative or technical information expressed in the text of David Macaulay’s Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction with the information conveyed by the diagrams and models Macaulay provides, developing a deeper understanding of Gothic architecture. [RST.6–8.7] (100) Students construct a holistic picture of the history of Manhattan by comparing and contrasting the information gained from Donald Mackay’s The Building of Manhattan with the multimedia sources available on the “Manhattan on the Web” portal hosted by the New York Public Library ( tan/index2.cfm?Trg=1&d1=865). [RST.6–8.9] (100)
  17. LOOK AT THIS SLIDE – which of these skills can be demonstrated with the arts?The 4 C’s are 21st century skills. Each is embodied in the 21st century rainbow that are you all familiar with.Talking points: The 4 C’s really are some of the 21st century skills and they tie the arts into the common core. So how do the arts fit in the CC? The arts provide for and reinforce the skills that allow students to be problem solvers and then demonstrate their learning via the outcomes established by their teachers in the form of projects.BUT HERE is how we tie the arts into Common Core…Please take a minute to talk with your tablemates about the big “aha’s” you see in this picture. At the heart of this picture are two key words ARTS INTEGRATION.
  18. Lisa presents Slides #18-28After this – add story – highlighted from book…..
  19. Add story: 15 year old Yolanda was in a school performance of Peter Pan, a performance that was shared community wide. After three shows, she shared the following, which was translated “I care about the community of case members and the broader community we represent. I am responsible for my contribution on stage and in the broader wrold. I am inspired by Peter Pan and want to try to make it possible for all children to have homes of their own and to see beyond the given in their day-to-day lives.”
  20. Add story: A 16 year old bilingual public high school student who experienced a 7-week immersion program in the arts put it succinctly: The arts in, really in every different form of the arts, be it painting or sculpting or acting or, you know, creating music. Anything I think, it’s a completely different type of learning. It, you know, nourishes your soul and it just allows you a freedom that you don’t get in the normal classroom and school a lot of times. I know that people need to be able to explore themselves, express themselves, and create. And its not something that you’re always able to do in just the normal context of the classroom.
  21. Robinson’s research comes out of what employers say they want…..and that research hasn’t changed in the last 12 yearsCisco – 2009 report that noted the key to manufacturing survival during tough economic times is the ability to unlock employee creativity and potential
  22. Add story from book……highlighted
  23. Story:Like many of his fellow students, Latino high schooler Robert was a foster child who was raised in a violent home and the culture of school was often threatening and dangerous. I hoped the workshops I offered could allow the students a new opportunity to work cooperatively and practice respect and empathy. In that sense, one young man was particularly moved. He confided that he always wanted to learn more about performing, but constant name-calling and taunting from his peers at school prohibited him from pursuing it. The chance to participate in a group of students, all working on creating a performance, gave him the support he needed to excel. Moreover, when he was distinguished as a talented actor – when he made his peers laughed WITH him – he gained the confidence to make more friendships in school and the emotional strength to push on in school…and I believe that his experience directly improved his academic learning as well as his social and emotional development.
  24. Jill presents Slides #29-36So where do we start?Talking points: Arts integration as defined by the Kennedy Center. What is it? This does NOT mean you are expected to master the art of teaching the arts. You won’t be teaching how to do a plie, use charcoal to sketch a replica of the Statue of David, or even sing holiday songs on key while playing the piano. Let’s see some examples of arts integration so we better understand what it is…
  25. Let’s put this concept of Integration in action by taking a closer look at the CCSS for ELA. Find the pink document at the end of the PowerPoint. These are the college and career Readiness anchor standards. Each of the ELA grade level standards is based on the anchor standards. Read the anchor standard 1 for reading and writing. Talk to your table about what you see as the expectation of this standard – What would a student be able to do or demonstrate that would indicate he or she has met this standard?Share with your table and share out a few
  26. Let’s think about this standard as a visual arts teacher might. I want you to be the students for this next activity. We are going to use the Visual Thinking Strategy of observation to analyze complex text. This concept of looking for evidence or supporting details can be difficult when looking at a piece of writing. But giving students a playing field that is more concrete can help your EL’s (all students). So as a table group or with a partner look carefully at this picture and take two minutes to list what you think the artist might be trying to convey or the mood of it, or your interpretation or understanding about the people in the picture or even just how it makes you feel. Create a T-Chart on your paper and make a vertical listShare out: Somber farmers, hardworking, maybe a little disappointed in life, Good! Now go back to the picture and look very closely at the details in it that provide evidence of your opinions or interpretations of the painting. Of course this is a very famous painting which can sometimes be used within the context of a subject area as well, such as US History.
  27. The quote on this slide is from Lynne Munson, in a blog article referenced here. She also discusses Art, Speaking and Listening; Art, Informative Writing with good examples of works of art to use, grade level specific strategies and standards references. This is a good article to read later to expand your knowledge of these connections.The second resource link is to Edutopia’s Arts Integration Lesson Plans and resources, which has a rich collection of resources for interacting with works of art and addressing content standards. One particularly helpful presentation is in the section called Artful Thinking.
  28. Intent: Participants will discuss how skills of description transfer across content areas.Talking Points:Share responses in table groups.Share whole group in both rooms.
  29. TIE these into the 4 C’s - where is creativity? Collaboration? Critical thinking? Communication? Tie in how these principles out of Project ZERO have been adopted by arts teachers nationwide…and how what the arts teachers are teaching are really life skills – give examples of each, starting with developing craft…and go around the circle.Reflection Question: How can the Arts and the Studio Habits of Mind enhance the implementation of the Common Core Standards?
  30. Lisa presents Slides #37-42
  31. Nora Talking points: Students in the Alum Rock School District were part of an interdisciplinary banner project whereby they raised the funds, made presentations in the community, shared the design process at the ArtSplash event at Montalvo last April, and then put banners up in the Alum Rock area from their unique cultural designs.
  32. NoraTalking Points: The banner project integrates ideas of tessellations that can link back to the Syrian Tile Pattern
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