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The disease which hurts the
 joints and kills the heart
Q: What do comedienne Lucille Ball, French
 painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Hollywood
actress Kathleen Turner and heart transplant
   surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard have in
Arthritis [RA]
   RA is a non-suppurative, systemic inflammatory
    disease of unknown cause characterized by a
    symmetrical poly-arthritis affecting peripheral joints
    & extra articular structures.
   It is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the
    synovium & leading to joint damage & absorption of
    adjacent bone.
   The course of disease is variable but tend to be
    chronic & characterized by exacerbations &
   Chronic systemic inflammatory disease of unknown
   Affects the synovial membranes of multiple joints
   Prevalence 1-2% of the population
   0.7% in rural area Indians
   Female : Male ratio 3:1
   Usual age of onset 20-40 years though individuals
    of any age group may be affected
Hypothesized causes
1.   Initiating factor therapy:
        An initiating factors causes joint inflammation
        It does not switch off after acute episode
2.   Infectious theory:
        Infection from diphtheroids & mycoplasms or from the
         viruses – rubella, harpes zoster
3.   Genetic predisposition:
        Relative of people with RA are more prone to develop
         the disease than rest of population.
Genetics of RA
   Genetic factors gives prevalence of 2%–12% in
    first-degree relatives of RA sufferers – i.e. approx
    ten times that of other population.
   The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) component
    accounts for around 30% of the genetic risk.
   Patients must have 4 of the 7 criteria:
    1.   Morning stiffness lasting at least 1 hour*
    2.   Swelling in three or more joints*
    3.   Swelling in hand joints*
    4.   Symmetric joint swelling*
    5.   Erosions or decalcification on x-ray of hand
    6.   Rheumatoid nodules
    7.   Abnormal serum rheumatoid factor.
           [*Must be present at least six weeks]
American Rheumatology Association
Remission Criteria for RA (Eberhardt a Fex 1998)

        4 or more of the following criteria must be fulfilled
         for at least 2 consecutive months:
    1.     Duration of morning stiffness not exceeding 15 min
    2.     No fatigue
    3.     No joint pain (by history)
    4.     No joint tenderness or pain on motion
    5.     No soft tissue swelling in joints or tendonsheaths
    6.     ESR<30mm after 1 hour for a female or <20mm after 1
           hour for a male
   RA is generalized disorder of connective tissue
    affecting –
       Articular structure &
       Extra articular structures
Progressive changes in joints
   Stage I:
       Inflammation of the synovial membrane spreads to articular
        cartilage & other soft tissues.
       Limitation of joint movt with pain & muscle spasm
Stage II:
    Granulation tissue formation within synovial membrane
     & spread to periarticular tissue.
    Cartilage disintegration & joint filled with granulation
    Thickening of joint capsule, tendon (with sheaths) &
     impaired joint movt permanently.
Stage III:
   Granulation tissue converted into fibrous tissue with
    adhesion formation between tendon, joint capsule &
    articular surface.
   Articular surface cover partly by cartilage & partly by
    fibrous tissue.
Stage IV:
   Permanent joint damage and deformity  disability
Extra articular changes
   Nodule formation:
       In the pressure area & may be
        subcutaneous or intracutaneous.
       They may present in organs such as
        lung & heart.
   Vascular changes:
       It constitute inflammation of all size
       The lumen of small vessels can
        become obliteration.
Clinical feature
               Articular features
   Pain                       Loss of function
   Tenderness                 Stiffness
   Swelling                   Deformity
   Warmth over the joint      Muscle wasting
   Erythema                   Decreased ROM
Common Extra Articular Feature of RA
                 Nodules, Anaemia, Lymphadenopathy,
                 Amyloidosis, Vasculitis, Felty’s Syndrome
Ocular           Keratoconjunctivitis, Scleritis & Episcleritis
Bone             Osteoporosis

                 Peripheral nerve entrapment, Peripheral
Neurology        neuropathy, Cervical spine instability, Cervical
                 cord compression, nerve root compression

                 Pleuritis, Pleural effusion, Pulmonary alveolitis
                 and fibrosis

                 Pericarditis & myocarditis, Pericardial effusion,
                 Conduction defect, Atherosclerosis
               Swelling is confined to the
                area of the joint capsule
               Synovial thickening feels
                like a firm sponge
               Prominent ulnar deviation in
                the right hand
               MCP and PIP swelling in
                both hands
               Synovitis of wrist
Commonly affected joints

                            Temporomandibular 20-30%
    Cervical spine 40-50%
                                     Shoulder 50-60%
       Elbow 40-50%
                              Wrist 80-90%
 MCP 90-95%
 PIP 65-90%

                              Hip 40-50%
           Knee 60-80%
                               Ankle 50-80%

   MTP 50-90%
Common Deformities in RA
Shoulder girdle   Protraction
Shoulder          Flexion, adduction, medial rotation
Elbow             Flexion, increase carrying angle
Forearm           Pronation
Wrist             Volar subluxation, flexion, radial deviation
MCP               Volar subluxation, flexion, ulnar deviation
                  Boutonniere (flexed PIP, hyper extended DIP)
                  Swan neck (hyper extended PIP, flexed DIP)
Hips              Flexion, adduction, lateral rotation
Knees             Flexion, valgus
Ankle             valgus
MTP               Plantar subluxation, hyper extended
PIP & DIP         flexion
Referral, Diagnosis And
Referral for Specialist Treatment
   Refer for specialist opinion with any person
    suspected persistent synovitis of undetermined
   Refer urgently if any of the following apply:
    1.   The small joints of the hands or feet are affected
    2.   More than one joint is affected
    3.   There has been a delay of 3 months or longer between
         onset of symptoms and seeking medical advice.
   Do not avoid referring urgently any person with
    suspected persistent synovitis of undetermined
    cause whose blood tests show a normal acute-
    phase response or negative Rh factor.






 There is no single diagnostic test for RA
 Investigations are used to support the clinical
  diagnosis and negative results do not exclude
  the diagnosis of RA
 No of test are available with rheumatologist
  to rule out the different remarks of the disease
       Acute phase reactants, Autoantibodies, Synovial fluid
        examination, radiography, newer markers of inflammation etc
Investigations helpful in Dx of RA
   Acute phase reactants (APRs)    Uric acid/ Synovial fluid
   Erythrocyte sedimentation        analysis
    rate (ESR)                      Urinalysis
   C-reactive protein (CRP)        Bone marrow examination
   Full blood count (FBC)          Thyroid function
   Rheumatoid factor (RF)           (TSH, T3,T4)
   Antinuclear antibody (ANA)      Hepatic enzymes
   Urea & electrolytes (U&E)        (SGOT, SGPT, alkaline
   Liver function tests (LFT)
                                    Muscle enzyme (CPK,)
Acute phase reactant
   These are the proteins produce by hepatocytes
   Synthesis is effected by the proinflammatory
    cytokines IL-6, IL-1 &TNF-alfa
   The concentration of these protein may-
       Increase (+ve APRs)
       Decrease (-ve APRs)
Positive acute phase reactant
       Mild elevation            Complement C3
                                 Complement C4
                                 Alfa1-acid glycoprotein
                                 Alfa1-proteinase inhibitor
     Moderate elevation
                                 Fibrinogen (causing elevate ESR)
                                 C reactive protein
     Marked elevation
                                 Serum amyloid A protein
Negetive acute phase reactants
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
   ESR has been using as a reliable indicator of
    inflammation & still clinically useful
   Rises >24 hours after inflammation onset and
   Gradually returns to normal 4 weeks after resolution
   It is a measure of rouleaux formation which is
    dependent on the concentration of –
         Fibrinogen, Immunoglobulin & Some other plasma protein
   Normal ESR is – 0–20mm in females, 0–15 in male
   In rheumatology -
       Elevated ESR increases the probability of
        inflammatory arthritis, whereas a normal ESR
        increases the probability of non-inflammatory
        condition like mech. pain
       Moderately elevated ESR can help to asses the disease
        activities in RA
C-reactive protein
   It raises 24 hr after the onset of inflammation.
    Short half life of 5-7 hours
       Rapidly declines after condition resolves
   Can raises up to 1,000 fold
   It is a sensitive & early indicator of inflammation
   The normal concentration is less then 0.6 mg/dl
   In rheumatic conditions
       The level range between 1-10 mg/dl except in systemic
        vascuities (500 mg/dl)
Rheumatoid Factor
   Rheumatoid factor (RF) is a term used to describe a
    group of autoantibodies
   The RF test is considered the basic screen and
    hallmark for the autoimmune disorder RA
   The three subclasses of RF include IgM, IgA and
    IgG autoantibodies. Most tests for RF measure each
    of these subtypes
   The simultaneous presence of all 3 types is usually
    only seen in RA
   In patients with RA, IgM RF predominates & the
    other subtypes are usually present in lower amounts
   It is found in the sera of 80% of pts with RA
   Extra-articular features of RA are common in pts
    with high concentrations of rheumatoid factor
   But it is a poor guide to the severity of joint disease
    & to the success or otherwise of Rx
Antinuclear antibody (ANA)
   The test is to exclude the systemic lupus erythromatus when
    the test is negative
   Presence of ANA increases the likelihood of an autoimmune
   It checks blood levels of antibodies that are often present in
    connective tissue diseases or other autoimmune
    disorders, such as lupus
   There are also tests for individual types of ANA’s that may
    be more specific to people with certain autoimmune disorders
   ANA’s are also sometimes found in healthy people
   Therefore, having ANA’s in the blood does not necessarily
    mean that a person has a disease
Urea & electrolytes (U&E)
   Mild elevation of alkaline phosphatase and
    gamma-GT in rheumatic conditions
Uric acid/ Synovial fluid analysis
   It is a simple test & provides valuable information
    specially in mono arthritis patient
   Joint aspiration is done to obtain a sample of
    synovial fluid
   The test provides important diagnostic information
       Crystals (found in pts with gout or other types of crystal-
        induced arthritis)
       Bacteria or viruses (found in pts with infectious arthritis)
        are present in the joint.
Classification of Synovial fluid finding
                              Non inflammatory    Inflammatory
                 Normal                                            Septic
                                    (OA)               (RA)
Colour          Colourless    Straw to yellow    Yellow           Variable

Clarity         Transparent   transparent        Translution      Opaque

Viscosity       High          High               Low              Variable

Mucin clot      Firm          Firm               Friable          Friable

Cell count/ul   <200          200 - 2,000        2,000 - 75,000   > 10,000

Polymorphs      < 25%         < 25 %             > 50 %           > 75 %

Culture         Sterile       Sterile            Sterile          Positive
   In this test, a urine sample is studied for
    protein, RBC, WBC or casts
   These abnormalities indicate kidney
    disease, which may be seen in several rheumatic
    diseases such as lupus or vasculitis
   Some medications used in the Rx of arthritis can
    also cause abnormal findings on urinalysis
Complete blood count (CBC)
   CBC determines the number of WBC, RBC &
    platelets present in a sample of blood
   Some rheumatic conditions or drugs used to treat
    arthritis are associated with a low WBC
    (leukopenia), low RBC (anemia), or low platelet
    count (thrombocytopenia)
   When doctors prescribe medications that affect
    the CBC, they periodically test the patient’s blood
White blood cell count (WBC)
   This test determines the number of WBC present
    in a sample of blood
   The number may increase as a result of infection
    or decrease in response to certain medications, or
    with certain diseases, such as lupus
   Low numbers of WBC increase a person’s risk of
Hematocrit (PCV, packed cell volume)
    This test and the test for hemoglobin measure the
     number of RBC present in a sample of blood
    A decrease in the number of RBC (anemia) is
     common in people with inflammatory arthritis
     and rheumatic diseases.
Liver function
   Tests for liver function may give abnormal results
    in patients with RA
   Serum concentrations of transaminases & alkaline
    phosphatase may be moderately elevated when
    the disease is active
Thyroid function (TSH, T3, T4)
   It was found that the mean T4 levels in the RA
    patients were significantly higher
   T3 levels were more than 2 SD above controls
   T4 levels were higher in 27 patients
   TSH levels were more than 2SD above
       Thyroid hormonal defects are related with the disease
        duration & not with the disease activity
Bone marrow examination
   There is mounting evidence that osteoclasts are
    involved in the pathogenesis of a component of
    the focal bone erosions in RA
Muscle enzyme (CPK)
   Patients with RA usually have low Creatine
    Kinase (CK) values
   Even mild rise in CK levels may suggest presence
    of polymyositis, which may be confirmed on
    muscle biopsy
   High incidence of vasculitis in biopsied muscle
    suggests that it may be the primary event in the
    pathogenesis of myositis in RA
Labs (ARA recommended, but
do not exclude diagnosis)
   Initial Labs
       Complete Blood Count with differential
       Rheumatoid Factor (Initially positive in 70%)
       Sedimentation Rate (ESR) or C-Reactive Protein (C-RP)
   Additional labs in preparation for rheumatic agents
       Liver Function Tests
       Renal Function tests
   Markers of disease course
       C-Reactive Protein (C-RP)
       Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
       Wrist X-Ray or Ankle X-Ray
       Anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
Laboratory findings in RA
   Anaemia: normochromic or hypochromic, normocytic (if
    microcytic consider iron deficiency)
   Thrombocytosis
   Raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate
   Raised C reactive protein concentration
   Raised ferritin concentration as acute phase protein
   Low serum iron concentration
   Low total iron binding capacity
   Raised serum globulin concentrations
   Raised serum alkaline phosphatase activity
   Presence of rheumatoid factor
Other causes of positive test for
rheumatoid factor
   Other connective tissue diseases
   Viral infections
   Leprosy
   Leishmaniasis
   Subacute bacterial endocarditis
   Tuberculosis
   Liver diseases
   Sarcoidosis
   Mixed essential cryoglobulinaemia
Differential diagnosis of RA
   Psoriatic arthritis--always seronegative
   Primary nodal osteoarthritis
   Other connective tissue diseases – SLE
   Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
   Polyarticular gout
   Fibromyalgia
   Medical conditions presenting with arthropathy –
    thyroid disease
Clinical problem Provisional diagnosis            Test to order
Monoarthritis    Septic arthritis        Synovial fluid examination (SFE)
                 Gout                    SFE Serum uric acid
                 Osteoarthritis          Radiography
                 Tuberculosis            Radiography, SF Culture
                 None                    SFE
Chronic          Rheumatoid arthritis    Hb, ESR, RF, X-Rays, CRP
polyarthritis    Systemic lupus          CBC, ANA, Anti-dsDNA,C3,C4,
                 erythromatus            Urine examination
                 Psoriasis               CBC, X-Ray
                                         CBC, ANA, RF, Anti-Ro & La,
                 Sjogren's syndrome        salivary gland biopsy
                                         Muscle enzyme, EMG,ANA,
                 Inflammatory myositis     Muscle biopsy
Principles of Treatment
   Early initiation of treatment
   Multidisciplinary team approach
   Patient education
   Assessment of response to treatment
   Hospital admission
   Complication (cost) of untreated disease
Early initiation of Treatment
   Goals of early treatment
       Symptom control
       Reduction of joint damage & disability
       Maintenance or improvement of quality of life
Multidisciplinary team approach
   GP
   Rheumatologist
   Physical therapist
   Occupational therapist
   Nurse specialist
   Dietitian
   Podiatrist
   Pharmacist
   Social worker
Patient education
   Should be adopted by all members of
    multidisciplinary team in both 1ry & 2ndry care.
   Should be provided with an information on
    booklet & if possible one to one education.
Assessment of response to Rx
   Quantification of disease activity & outcome is
    important in assessing, comparing &
    standardizing treatment of RA.
   Clinical measures of response to Rx includes –
       Patient opinion
       Physician opinion
       Extend of synovitis (no of swollen or tender or both)
       Duration/ severity of stiffness after inactivity
       Functional ability
   Laboratory measures of response to Rx includes –
       Acute phase response (ESR, CRP)
       Anaemia
       Radiological progression
Hospital admission
   Multiple joint involved acute phase patient may
    required hospitalization.
   Selective patient may benefit from more intensive
    hospital based Rx from multidisciplinary team.
   It is essential to maintained specialist IP facilities
    for selected RA patients.
Complication/ Cost of untreated
   Personal costs –
       Lost work opportunities
       Decreased leisure activities
       Stress on relationships
   Costs to society –
       Loss of working skills of RA individuals
       Loss of contributions to the home
       The burden of economic cost for care
   Pharmacological management
   Analgesics –
       Simple analgesics should be used in place of NSAIDs
           Paracetamol, Codeine Or Compound Analgesics
   DMARDs should be introduced to suppress
    disease activity.
       Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) Inhibitors.
Diet and complementary therapies
   Inform people with RA that there is no strong
    evidence that their arthritis will benefit with diet.
   However, they could be encouraged for the
    principles of a Mediterranean diet
       Mediterranean Diet:
           More Bread, Fruit, Vegetables & Fish
           Less Meat & Replace Butter & Cheese With Products
            Based On Vegetable And Plant Oils.
   Fasting has shown to be benefit in some patient.
Diet and complementary therapies
   Complementary therapies that although some may
    provide short-term symptomatic benefit, there is
    little or no evidence for their long-term efficacy.
   If a person with RA decides to try complementary
    therapies, advise them:
       These approaches should not replace conventional Rx
       This should not prejudice the attitudes of members of
        the multidisciplinary team, or affect the care offered.
Approach to PT Assessment
   Note the time of day you make assessment; this
    could be very important for reassessment as many
    patients have variation in symptoms throughout
    the day.
       For example, if you carried out your initial assessment
        early in the morning, then reassessed at midday, you
        could get very different responses because ........???
       By noon her morning stiffness would have eased.
Subjective Assessment
   Demographic details & history of present
   General health and past medical history
   Present medication and drug history
   Splints
   Social history
Objective Assessment
   General observation
   Joints involved
   Extra-articular manifestations
   Functional assessment
   How long does her morning stiffness last?
   Does she have any systemic symptoms that might
    impact upon your ideas for management?
       e.g. has the RA affected her heart or does she fatigue
   Has she had any physiotherapy before and how
    has she responded?
Problem list
   Pain in all joints affected especially hips & knees
   Reduced range of movement in all affected joints
   Reduced muscle strength
   Reduced mobility both in bed & during
    locomotion (no longer able to get around with
    walking frame)
   Reduced function.
Aims of Physiotherapy Rx
   To reduce pain & stiffness
   To maintain or increase ROM in affected joints
   To maintain or increase muscle strength in
    affected groups
   To prevent deformities
   To maximise function, independence and quality
    of life
An Approach to Physiotherapy Rx
   Despite pharmacological advances in Rx of RA
    many patients still present with functional deficits
    who need physiotherapy.
   According to World Confederation of Physical
    Therapists (WCPT)
       Physiotherapy is ‘concerned with identifying &
        maximizing movement potential, within the spheres of
        promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation’.
WCPT components of
physiotherapy interventions
   Thermotherapy – hot/cold packs, paraffin/wax
    baths and infrared.
   Ice application –
       It provides cooling to skin temp which is raise by
       Cooling will diminish the rate of swelling &
        production of irritants.
       It also helps in alleviate some of pain.
       Ice can be applied regularly @ 2/day
   Heat application –
       Acute conditions – Heat application to the inflamed
        joint is not recommended.
       Chronic conditions – Thermotherapy, especially
        paraffin baths combined with ex, should included as an
        intervention to improve ROM & decrease pain &
Therapeutic ultrasound
   Therapeutic US without additional therapeutic
    interventions is effective for reducing joint
    tenderness caused by RA.
   Continuous US is more effective for patients with
    chronic RA.
       Mechanical effect of both pulsed & continuous US
        increases skin permeability, thus decreasing
        inflammatory response, reducing pain & facilitating the
        soft tissue healing process.
   Both pulsed and continuous US reduce nerve
    conduction velocity of pain nerve fibres.
   Continuous US, however, has thermal effects that
    reduce muscle spasms and pain.
   The thermal effects also cause vasodilatation,
    which enhances the excretion of chronic
    inflammatory cells.
Pulse electromagnetic energy
   There is minimal literature of PEME in RA
   But in some studies it has shown to be effective
Interferential therapy
   Helps in minimizing pain in RA
   The electrodes needs to place carefully in pts with
    high dose steroid
   Used of such modalities may addicted to the patient
    & when experiencing multiple joint pain it would
    be impractical.
   Dosage –
       90 – 100 Hz – reduce nerve accommodation
       50 – 100 Hz – improve healing, blood supply &
                       membrane permeability
   It has been proven to be effective in managing
    chronic pain.
   Different dosage may be used with disease
    activity levels
   Many patient tend to substitute medication with
   Hydrotherapy produces physiological, functional
    and psychological benefits.
   Long-term hydrotherapy reduces the rate of
    hospital admissions and does not increase joint
   However, it is not suitable for all RA patients due
    to contra-indications and the cost of hydrotherapy
    reduces its widespread availability.
Joint Protection & Provision of
Walking & Disability Aids / Splinting
   Provision of sticks or crutches
       Reduce lower limb loading
       Helps in pain relieve & improving mobility in RA.
       However, redistribution of load to the small joints of
        the upper limbs requires especially designed walking
        aids, e.g. gutter frames
   Splinting
       It can reduce pain & improve function.
       Splinting is usually applied by occupational therapists
        (OTs), but a trained Therapist may supply splints.
Characteristics of an ideal splint
   The splint should be –
       Inexpensive
       Easy & quick to make
       Comfortable
       Light & neat
       Strong
       Functionally accurate
       Fitting optimal
       Cosmetically accepted
Advantage of splinting
   Correct deformities
   Provide support & rest
   Easy application & removal
   Prevent dynamic instability
   Offer functional efficiency
   Reduce the impact of unwanted force on body
   Provide means of strengthening, re-educative &
    assistive aids.
Disadvantage of splint
   Possibility of muscular weakness & wasting
   Loss of mobility
   Tendency to fixed in one position of splint
   Fabrication, trial & application are painful.
Splint for swan neck deformity
Splint for boutonniere deformity
Exercise therapy
   On land & Aquatic physiotherapy includes –
       Aerobic activities,
       Flexibility
       Strengthening ex,
       Core stability ex,
       Balance rehabilitation,
       Promotion of lifestyle physical activity.
Manual therapy
   Manual therapy– includes –
       Mobilisation
       Manipulation
       Myofascial release
       Trigger point therapy
       Acupuncture and
       Massage.
Course & Prognosis of RA
   The course of disease is variable & unpredictable
   Prognosis in term of function is reasonably good:
       25 % - Remains fit for all-round activities
       40 % - Moderate impairment of function
       25 % - Badly disable
       10 % - Wheelchair dependent
   Prognosis is poor if –
       RH-f is high
       Erosion of the joint surface appear early
       Nodules
       Systemic manifestations
Reducing the risk of RA
   Health promotion
   Smoking cessation
   PK Pispati. Manual of Rhrumatology
   Michael L Snaith. ABC of rheumatology; London; BMJ
    publishing group; 1996
   Hillary chappel et al. management of early rheumatoid
    arthritis. Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline; 2000; 13-14
   Elaine Moore. Rheumatoid factor diagnosing rheumatoid
    arthritis and related disorders; Mar 19, 2006
   Vinita Agrawal et al. Muscle involvement in rheumatoid
    arthritis: clinical & histological characteristics and review of
    literature, J Indian Rheumatol Assoc, 2003 : 11 : 98 - 103

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Rheumatoid arthritis

  • 1. The disease which hurts the joints and kills the heart
  • 2.
  • 3. Q: What do comedienne Lucille Ball, French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Hollywood actress Kathleen Turner and heart transplant surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard have in common?
  • 5. Definition  RA is a non-suppurative, systemic inflammatory disease of unknown cause characterized by a symmetrical poly-arthritis affecting peripheral joints & extra articular structures.  It is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the synovium & leading to joint damage & absorption of adjacent bone.  The course of disease is variable but tend to be chronic & characterized by exacerbations & remissions.
  • 6. INTRODUCTION  Chronic systemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology  Affects the synovial membranes of multiple joints  Prevalence 1-2% of the population  0.7% in rural area Indians  Female : Male ratio 3:1  Usual age of onset 20-40 years though individuals of any age group may be affected
  • 7. Hypothesized causes 1. Initiating factor therapy:  An initiating factors causes joint inflammation  It does not switch off after acute episode 2. Infectious theory:  Infection from diphtheroids & mycoplasms or from the viruses – rubella, harpes zoster 3. Genetic predisposition:  Relative of people with RA are more prone to develop the disease than rest of population.
  • 8.
  • 9. Genetics of RA  Genetic factors gives prevalence of 2%–12% in first-degree relatives of RA sufferers – i.e. approx ten times that of other population.  The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) component accounts for around 30% of the genetic risk.
  • 10. 1987 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RHEUMATOLOGY CRITERIA FOR RA  Patients must have 4 of the 7 criteria: 1. Morning stiffness lasting at least 1 hour* 2. Swelling in three or more joints* 3. Swelling in hand joints* 4. Symmetric joint swelling* 5. Erosions or decalcification on x-ray of hand 6. Rheumatoid nodules 7. Abnormal serum rheumatoid factor. [*Must be present at least six weeks]
  • 11. American Rheumatology Association Remission Criteria for RA (Eberhardt a Fex 1998)  4 or more of the following criteria must be fulfilled for at least 2 consecutive months: 1. Duration of morning stiffness not exceeding 15 min 2. No fatigue 3. No joint pain (by history) 4. No joint tenderness or pain on motion 5. No soft tissue swelling in joints or tendonsheaths 6. ESR<30mm after 1 hour for a female or <20mm after 1 hour for a male
  • 12. Pathology  RA is generalized disorder of connective tissue affecting –  Articular structure &  Extra articular structures
  • 13. Progressive changes in joints  Stage I:  Inflammation of the synovial membrane spreads to articular cartilage & other soft tissues.  Limitation of joint movt with pain & muscle spasm
  • 14. Stage II:  Granulation tissue formation within synovial membrane & spread to periarticular tissue.  Cartilage disintegration & joint filled with granulation  Thickening of joint capsule, tendon (with sheaths) & impaired joint movt permanently.
  • 15. Stage III:  Granulation tissue converted into fibrous tissue with adhesion formation between tendon, joint capsule & articular surface.  Articular surface cover partly by cartilage & partly by fibrous tissue.
  • 16. Stage IV:  Permanent joint damage and deformity  disability
  • 17. Extra articular changes  Nodule formation:  In the pressure area & may be subcutaneous or intracutaneous.  They may present in organs such as lung & heart.  Vascular changes:  It constitute inflammation of all size arteries.  The lumen of small vessels can become obliteration.
  • 18. Clinical feature Articular features  Pain  Loss of function  Tenderness  Stiffness  Swelling  Deformity  Warmth over the joint  Muscle wasting  Erythema  Decreased ROM
  • 19. Common Extra Articular Feature of RA Nodules, Anaemia, Lymphadenopathy, Systemic Amyloidosis, Vasculitis, Felty’s Syndrome Ocular Keratoconjunctivitis, Scleritis & Episcleritis Bone Osteoporosis Peripheral nerve entrapment, Peripheral Neurology neuropathy, Cervical spine instability, Cervical cord compression, nerve root compression Pleuritis, Pleural effusion, Pulmonary alveolitis Pulmonary and fibrosis Pericarditis & myocarditis, Pericardial effusion, Cardiovascular Conduction defect, Atherosclerosis
  • 20. CLINICAL FEATURE  Swelling is confined to the area of the joint capsule  Synovial thickening feels like a firm sponge  Prominent ulnar deviation in the right hand  MCP and PIP swelling in both hands  Synovitis of wrist
  • 21. Commonly affected joints Temporomandibular 20-30% Cervical spine 40-50% Shoulder 50-60% Elbow 40-50% Wrist 80-90% MCP 90-95% PIP 65-90% Hip 40-50% Knee 60-80% Ankle 50-80% MTP 50-90%
  • 22.
  • 23. Common Deformities in RA UPPER LIMB Shoulder girdle Protraction Shoulder Flexion, adduction, medial rotation Elbow Flexion, increase carrying angle Forearm Pronation Wrist Volar subluxation, flexion, radial deviation MCP Volar subluxation, flexion, ulnar deviation Boutonniere (flexed PIP, hyper extended DIP) PIP & DIP Swan neck (hyper extended PIP, flexed DIP) LOWER LIMB Hips Flexion, adduction, lateral rotation Knees Flexion, valgus Ankle valgus MTP Plantar subluxation, hyper extended PIP & DIP flexion
  • 24.
  • 25. Referral, Diagnosis And Investigations
  • 26. Referral for Specialist Treatment  Refer for specialist opinion with any person suspected persistent synovitis of undetermined cause.  Refer urgently if any of the following apply: 1. The small joints of the hands or feet are affected 2. More than one joint is affected 3. There has been a delay of 3 months or longer between onset of symptoms and seeking medical advice.
  • 27. Do not avoid referring urgently any person with suspected persistent synovitis of undetermined cause whose blood tests show a normal acute- phase response or negative Rh factor.
  • 28. Elbow=48 Wrist=32 MCP=5 PIP=3 Knee=95 Ankle=32 MTP=3
  • 29. Investigation  There is no single diagnostic test for RA  Investigations are used to support the clinical diagnosis and negative results do not exclude the diagnosis of RA  No of test are available with rheumatologist to rule out the different remarks of the disease  Acute phase reactants, Autoantibodies, Synovial fluid examination, radiography, newer markers of inflammation etc
  • 30. Investigations helpful in Dx of RA  Acute phase reactants (APRs)  Uric acid/ Synovial fluid  Erythrocyte sedimentation analysis rate (ESR)  Urinalysis  C-reactive protein (CRP)  Bone marrow examination  Full blood count (FBC)  Thyroid function  Rheumatoid factor (RF) (TSH, T3,T4)  Antinuclear antibody (ANA)  Hepatic enzymes  Urea & electrolytes (U&E) (SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase)  Liver function tests (LFT)  Muscle enzyme (CPK,)
  • 31. Acute phase reactant  These are the proteins produce by hepatocytes  Synthesis is effected by the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-1 &TNF-alfa  The concentration of these protein may-  Increase (+ve APRs)  Decrease (-ve APRs)
  • 32. Positive acute phase reactant Ceruloplasmin Mild elevation Complement C3 Complement C4 Alfa1-acid glycoprotein Alfa1-proteinase inhibitor Moderate elevation Haptoglobin Fibrinogen (causing elevate ESR) C reactive protein Marked elevation Serum amyloid A protein Negetive acute phase reactants Albumin Transferrin
  • 33. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)  ESR has been using as a reliable indicator of inflammation & still clinically useful  Rises >24 hours after inflammation onset and symptoms  Gradually returns to normal 4 weeks after resolution  It is a measure of rouleaux formation which is dependent on the concentration of –  Fibrinogen, Immunoglobulin & Some other plasma protein  Normal ESR is – 0–20mm in females, 0–15 in male
  • 34. In rheumatology -  Elevated ESR increases the probability of inflammatory arthritis, whereas a normal ESR increases the probability of non-inflammatory condition like mech. pain  Moderately elevated ESR can help to asses the disease activities in RA
  • 35. C-reactive protein  It raises 24 hr after the onset of inflammation. Short half life of 5-7 hours  Rapidly declines after condition resolves  Can raises up to 1,000 fold  It is a sensitive & early indicator of inflammation  The normal concentration is less then 0.6 mg/dl  In rheumatic conditions  The level range between 1-10 mg/dl except in systemic vascuities (500 mg/dl)
  • 36. Rheumatoid Factor  Rheumatoid factor (RF) is a term used to describe a group of autoantibodies  The RF test is considered the basic screen and hallmark for the autoimmune disorder RA  The three subclasses of RF include IgM, IgA and IgG autoantibodies. Most tests for RF measure each of these subtypes
  • 37. The simultaneous presence of all 3 types is usually only seen in RA  In patients with RA, IgM RF predominates & the other subtypes are usually present in lower amounts  It is found in the sera of 80% of pts with RA  Extra-articular features of RA are common in pts with high concentrations of rheumatoid factor  But it is a poor guide to the severity of joint disease & to the success or otherwise of Rx
  • 38. Antinuclear antibody (ANA)  The test is to exclude the systemic lupus erythromatus when the test is negative  Presence of ANA increases the likelihood of an autoimmune disease  It checks blood levels of antibodies that are often present in connective tissue diseases or other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus  There are also tests for individual types of ANA’s that may be more specific to people with certain autoimmune disorders  ANA’s are also sometimes found in healthy people  Therefore, having ANA’s in the blood does not necessarily mean that a person has a disease
  • 39. Urea & electrolytes (U&E)  Mild elevation of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-GT in rheumatic conditions
  • 40. Uric acid/ Synovial fluid analysis  It is a simple test & provides valuable information specially in mono arthritis patient  Joint aspiration is done to obtain a sample of synovial fluid  The test provides important diagnostic information whether  Crystals (found in pts with gout or other types of crystal- induced arthritis)  Bacteria or viruses (found in pts with infectious arthritis) are present in the joint.
  • 41. Classification of Synovial fluid finding Non inflammatory Inflammatory Normal Septic (OA) (RA) Colour Colourless Straw to yellow Yellow Variable Clarity Transparent transparent Translution Opaque Viscosity High High Low Variable Mucin clot Firm Firm Friable Friable Cell count/ul <200 200 - 2,000 2,000 - 75,000 > 10,000 Polymorphs < 25% < 25 % > 50 % > 75 % Culture Sterile Sterile Sterile Positive
  • 42. Urinalysis  In this test, a urine sample is studied for protein, RBC, WBC or casts  These abnormalities indicate kidney disease, which may be seen in several rheumatic diseases such as lupus or vasculitis  Some medications used in the Rx of arthritis can also cause abnormal findings on urinalysis
  • 43. Complete blood count (CBC)  CBC determines the number of WBC, RBC & platelets present in a sample of blood  Some rheumatic conditions or drugs used to treat arthritis are associated with a low WBC (leukopenia), low RBC (anemia), or low platelet count (thrombocytopenia)  When doctors prescribe medications that affect the CBC, they periodically test the patient’s blood
  • 44. White blood cell count (WBC)  This test determines the number of WBC present in a sample of blood  The number may increase as a result of infection or decrease in response to certain medications, or with certain diseases, such as lupus  Low numbers of WBC increase a person’s risk of infections
  • 45. Hematocrit (PCV, packed cell volume)  This test and the test for hemoglobin measure the number of RBC present in a sample of blood  A decrease in the number of RBC (anemia) is common in people with inflammatory arthritis and rheumatic diseases.
  • 46. Liver function  Tests for liver function may give abnormal results in patients with RA  Serum concentrations of transaminases & alkaline phosphatase may be moderately elevated when the disease is active
  • 47. Thyroid function (TSH, T3, T4)  It was found that the mean T4 levels in the RA patients were significantly higher  T3 levels were more than 2 SD above controls  T4 levels were higher in 27 patients  TSH levels were more than 2SD above  Thyroid hormonal defects are related with the disease duration & not with the disease activity
  • 48. Bone marrow examination  There is mounting evidence that osteoclasts are involved in the pathogenesis of a component of the focal bone erosions in RA
  • 49. Muscle enzyme (CPK)  Patients with RA usually have low Creatine Kinase (CK) values  Even mild rise in CK levels may suggest presence of polymyositis, which may be confirmed on muscle biopsy  High incidence of vasculitis in biopsied muscle suggests that it may be the primary event in the pathogenesis of myositis in RA
  • 50. Labs (ARA recommended, but do not exclude diagnosis)  Initial Labs  Complete Blood Count with differential  Rheumatoid Factor (Initially positive in 70%)  Sedimentation Rate (ESR) or C-Reactive Protein (C-RP)  Additional labs in preparation for rheumatic agents  Liver Function Tests  Renal Function tests  Markers of disease course  C-Reactive Protein (C-RP)  Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate  Wrist X-Ray or Ankle X-Ray  Anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
  • 51. Laboratory findings in RA  Anaemia: normochromic or hypochromic, normocytic (if microcytic consider iron deficiency)  Thrombocytosis  Raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate  Raised C reactive protein concentration  Raised ferritin concentration as acute phase protein  Low serum iron concentration  Low total iron binding capacity  Raised serum globulin concentrations  Raised serum alkaline phosphatase activity  Presence of rheumatoid factor
  • 52. Other causes of positive test for rheumatoid factor  Other connective tissue diseases  Viral infections  Leprosy  Leishmaniasis  Subacute bacterial endocarditis  Tuberculosis  Liver diseases  Sarcoidosis  Mixed essential cryoglobulinaemia
  • 53. Differential diagnosis of RA  Psoriatic arthritis--always seronegative  Primary nodal osteoarthritis  Other connective tissue diseases – SLE  Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease  Polyarticular gout  Fibromyalgia  Medical conditions presenting with arthropathy – thyroid disease
  • 54. Clinical problem Provisional diagnosis Test to order Monoarthritis Septic arthritis Synovial fluid examination (SFE) Gout SFE Serum uric acid Osteoarthritis Radiography Tuberculosis Radiography, SF Culture None SFE Chronic Rheumatoid arthritis Hb, ESR, RF, X-Rays, CRP polyarthritis Systemic lupus CBC, ANA, Anti-dsDNA,C3,C4, erythromatus Urine examination Psoriasis CBC, X-Ray CBC, ANA, RF, Anti-Ro & La, Sjogren's syndrome salivary gland biopsy Muscle enzyme, EMG,ANA, Inflammatory myositis Muscle biopsy
  • 55. Principles of Treatment  Early initiation of treatment  Multidisciplinary team approach  Patient education  Assessment of response to treatment  Hospital admission  Complication (cost) of untreated disease
  • 56. Early initiation of Treatment  Goals of early treatment  Symptom control  Reduction of joint damage & disability  Maintenance or improvement of quality of life
  • 57. Multidisciplinary team approach  GP  Rheumatologist  Physical therapist  Occupational therapist  Nurse specialist  Dietitian  Podiatrist  Pharmacist  Social worker
  • 58. Patient education  Should be adopted by all members of multidisciplinary team in both 1ry & 2ndry care.  Should be provided with an information on booklet & if possible one to one education.
  • 59. Assessment of response to Rx  Quantification of disease activity & outcome is important in assessing, comparing & standardizing treatment of RA.
  • 60. Clinical measures of response to Rx includes –  Patient opinion  Physician opinion  Extend of synovitis (no of swollen or tender or both)  Duration/ severity of stiffness after inactivity  Functional ability  Laboratory measures of response to Rx includes –  Acute phase response (ESR, CRP)  Anaemia  Radiological progression
  • 61. Hospital admission  Multiple joint involved acute phase patient may required hospitalization.  Selective patient may benefit from more intensive hospital based Rx from multidisciplinary team.  It is essential to maintained specialist IP facilities for selected RA patients.
  • 62. Complication/ Cost of untreated disease  Personal costs –  Lost work opportunities  Decreased leisure activities  Stress on relationships  Costs to society –  Loss of working skills of RA individuals  Loss of contributions to the home  The burden of economic cost for care
  • 63. Management  Pharmacological management  Analgesics –  Simple analgesics should be used in place of NSAIDs  Paracetamol, Codeine Or Compound Analgesics  DMARDs should be introduced to suppress disease activity.  Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) Inhibitors.
  • 64. Diet and complementary therapies  Inform people with RA that there is no strong evidence that their arthritis will benefit with diet.  However, they could be encouraged for the principles of a Mediterranean diet  Mediterranean Diet:  More Bread, Fruit, Vegetables & Fish  Less Meat & Replace Butter & Cheese With Products Based On Vegetable And Plant Oils.  Fasting has shown to be benefit in some patient.
  • 65. Diet and complementary therapies  Complementary therapies that although some may provide short-term symptomatic benefit, there is little or no evidence for their long-term efficacy.  If a person with RA decides to try complementary therapies, advise them:  These approaches should not replace conventional Rx  This should not prejudice the attitudes of members of the multidisciplinary team, or affect the care offered.
  • 66. Approach to PT Assessment  Note the time of day you make assessment; this could be very important for reassessment as many patients have variation in symptoms throughout the day.  For example, if you carried out your initial assessment early in the morning, then reassessed at midday, you could get very different responses because ........???  By noon her morning stiffness would have eased.
  • 68. Subjective Assessment  Demographic details & history of present condition  General health and past medical history  Present medication and drug history  Splints  Social history
  • 69. Objective Assessment  General observation  Joints involved  Extra-articular manifestations  Functional assessment
  • 70. How long does her morning stiffness last?  Does she have any systemic symptoms that might impact upon your ideas for management?  e.g. has the RA affected her heart or does she fatigue easily?  Has she had any physiotherapy before and how has she responded?
  • 71. Problem list  Pain in all joints affected especially hips & knees  Reduced range of movement in all affected joints  Reduced muscle strength  Reduced mobility both in bed & during locomotion (no longer able to get around with walking frame)  Reduced function.
  • 72. Aims of Physiotherapy Rx  To reduce pain & stiffness  To maintain or increase ROM in affected joints  To maintain or increase muscle strength in affected groups  To prevent deformities  To maximise function, independence and quality of life
  • 73. An Approach to Physiotherapy Rx  Despite pharmacological advances in Rx of RA many patients still present with functional deficits who need physiotherapy.  According to World Confederation of Physical Therapists (WCPT)  Physiotherapy is ‘concerned with identifying & maximizing movement potential, within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation’.
  • 74. WCPT components of physiotherapy interventions  Thermotherapy – hot/cold packs, paraffin/wax baths and infrared.  Ice application –  It provides cooling to skin temp which is raise by inflammation.  Cooling will diminish the rate of swelling & production of irritants.  It also helps in alleviate some of pain.  Ice can be applied regularly @ 2/day
  • 75. Heat application –  Acute conditions – Heat application to the inflamed joint is not recommended.  Chronic conditions – Thermotherapy, especially paraffin baths combined with ex, should included as an intervention to improve ROM & decrease pain & stiffness.
  • 76. Therapeutic ultrasound  Therapeutic US without additional therapeutic interventions is effective for reducing joint tenderness caused by RA.  Continuous US is more effective for patients with chronic RA.  Mechanical effect of both pulsed & continuous US increases skin permeability, thus decreasing inflammatory response, reducing pain & facilitating the soft tissue healing process.
  • 77. Both pulsed and continuous US reduce nerve conduction velocity of pain nerve fibres.  Continuous US, however, has thermal effects that reduce muscle spasms and pain.  The thermal effects also cause vasodilatation, which enhances the excretion of chronic inflammatory cells.
  • 78. Pulse electromagnetic energy  There is minimal literature of PEME in RA  But in some studies it has shown to be effective
  • 79. Interferential therapy  Helps in minimizing pain in RA  The electrodes needs to place carefully in pts with high dose steroid  Used of such modalities may addicted to the patient & when experiencing multiple joint pain it would be impractical.  Dosage –  90 – 100 Hz – reduce nerve accommodation  50 – 100 Hz – improve healing, blood supply & membrane permeability
  • 80. TENS  It has been proven to be effective in managing chronic pain.  Different dosage may be used with disease activity levels  Many patient tend to substitute medication with TENS.
  • 81. Hydrotherapy  Hydrotherapy produces physiological, functional and psychological benefits.  Long-term hydrotherapy reduces the rate of hospital admissions and does not increase joint destruction.  However, it is not suitable for all RA patients due to contra-indications and the cost of hydrotherapy reduces its widespread availability.
  • 82. Joint Protection & Provision of Walking & Disability Aids / Splinting  Provision of sticks or crutches  Reduce lower limb loading  Helps in pain relieve & improving mobility in RA.  However, redistribution of load to the small joints of the upper limbs requires especially designed walking aids, e.g. gutter frames  Splinting  It can reduce pain & improve function.  Splinting is usually applied by occupational therapists (OTs), but a trained Therapist may supply splints.
  • 83. Characteristics of an ideal splint  The splint should be –  Inexpensive  Easy & quick to make  Comfortable  Light & neat  Strong  Functionally accurate  Fitting optimal  Cosmetically accepted
  • 84. Advantage of splinting  Correct deformities  Provide support & rest  Easy application & removal  Prevent dynamic instability  Offer functional efficiency  Reduce the impact of unwanted force on body  Provide means of strengthening, re-educative & assistive aids.
  • 85. Disadvantage of splint  Possibility of muscular weakness & wasting  Loss of mobility  Tendency to fixed in one position of splint  Fabrication, trial & application are painful.
  • 86. Splint for swan neck deformity
  • 88. Exercise therapy  On land & Aquatic physiotherapy includes –  Aerobic activities,  Flexibility  Strengthening ex,  Core stability ex,  Balance rehabilitation,  Promotion of lifestyle physical activity.
  • 89. Manual therapy  Manual therapy– includes –  Mobilisation  Manipulation  Myofascial release  Trigger point therapy  Acupuncture and  Massage.
  • 90. Course & Prognosis of RA  The course of disease is variable & unpredictable  Prognosis in term of function is reasonably good:  25 % - Remains fit for all-round activities  40 % - Moderate impairment of function  25 % - Badly disable  10 % - Wheelchair dependent
  • 91. Prognosis is poor if –  RH-f is high  Erosion of the joint surface appear early  Nodules  Systemic manifestations
  • 92. Reducing the risk of RA  Health promotion  Smoking cessation
  • 93. Reference  PK Pispati. Manual of Rhrumatology  Michael L Snaith. ABC of rheumatology; London; BMJ publishing group; 1996  Hillary chappel et al. management of early rheumatoid arthritis. Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline; 2000; 13-14  Elaine Moore. Rheumatoid factor diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis and related disorders; Mar 19, 2006  Vinita Agrawal et al. Muscle involvement in rheumatoid arthritis: clinical & histological characteristics and review of literature, J Indian Rheumatol Assoc, 2003 : 11 : 98 - 103