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Mohammed Farhan
CMR University SOET
November 2020
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Mohammed Farhan
Name of the faculty: Prof. venkatesh (Teaching
Student Name: Mohammed farhan
Section / Branch: IT (CT /IS)
Registration number: 19BBTIT051
Approved By
Dr. Sarvana Kumar
CMR University SOET
November 2020
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Mohammed Farhan
This is to certify that the project entitled Cloud Computing embodies
the original work done by Mohammed Farhan under my supervision.
Date: 29th
November 2020
Prof. Sarvana Kumar
Place: Bangalore
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Mohammed Farhan
I am greatly indebted to my guide Prof. Sarvana Kumar and the entire computer
science department for their invaluable guidance during the course of report. They
always gave me useful suggestions and I am extremely grateful to the college
library for providing me books for my research.
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Mohammed Farhan
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments 03
Abstract 06
1. Introduction 07
2. Cloud Computing Basics 08
2.1 Types of Cloud 08
2.2 Cloud Stakeholders 09
2.3 Advantages of Using Cloud 09
3. Cloud Architecture 10
3.1 Comparison between Grid and Cloud Computing 12
3.2 Types of Utility Cloud Models 13
4. Cloud Computing Application in Indian Context 14
4.1 E-Governance 14
4.2 Rural Development 15
5. Conclusions 16
6. References 16
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Mohammed Farhan
List of Illustrations
o Figure 1 Interconnection between Stakeholders 09
o Figure 2 Basic Cloud Computing Architecture 11
o Figure 3 Virtualization Basic 11
o Table 1 Comparison between Grid and Cloud Computing
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Mohammed Farhan
The term “cloud computing” is a recent buzzword in the IT world. Behind this
fancy poetic phrase there lies a true picture of the future of computing for both in
technical perspective and social perspective. Though the term “Cloud Computing”
is recent but the idea of centralizing computation and storage in distributed data
centres maintained by third party companies is not new but it came in way back in
1990s along with distributed computing approaches like grid computing. Cloud
computing is aimed at providing IT as a service to the cloud users on-demand basis
with greater flexibility, availability, reliability and scalability with utility
computing model. This new paradigm of computing has an immense potential in it
to be used in the field of e-governance and in rural development perspective in
developing countries like India.
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Mohammed Farhan
1. Introduction: -
Cloud computing is a recently developing paradigm of distributed computing. Though it
is not a new idea that emerged just recently. In 1969 L. Kleinrock anticipated, “As of
now, computer networks are still in their infancy. But as they grow up and become more
sophisticated, we will probably see the spread of ’computer utilities’ which, like present
electric and telephone utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the
country.” His vision was the true indication of today’s utility-based computing
paradigm. One of the giant steps towards this world was taken in mid 1990s when grid
computing was first coined to allow consumers to obtain computing power on demand.
The origin of cloud computing can be seen as an evolution of grid computing
technologies. The term Cloud computing was given prominence first by Google’s CEO
Eric Schmidt in late 2006 (maybe he coined the term). So, the birth of cloud computing
is very recent phenomena although its root belongs to some old ideas with new
business, technical and social perspectives. From the architectural point of view cloud is
naturally build on an existing grid-based architecture and uses the grid services and adds
some technologies like virtualization and some business models.
In brief cloud is essentially a bunch of commodity computers networked together in
same or different geographical locations, operating together to serve a number of
customers with different need and workload on demand basis with the help of
virtualization. Cloud services are provided to the cloud users as utility services like
water, electricity, telephone using pay-as-you-use business model. These utility services
are generally described as XaaS (X as a Service) where X can be Software or Platform
or Infrastructure etc. Cloud users use these services provided by the cloud providers and
build their applications in the internet and thus deliver them to their end users. So, the
cloud users don’t have to worry about installing, maintaining hardware and software
needed. And they also can afford these services as they have to pay as much, they use.
So, the cloud users can reduce their expenditure and effort in the field of IT using cloud
services instead of establishing IT infrastructure themselves.
Cloud is essentially provided by large distributed data centres. These data centres are
often organized as grid and the cloud is built on top of the grid services. Cloud users are
provided with virtual images of the physical machines in the data centres. This
virtualization is one of the key concepts of cloud computing as it essentially builds the
abstraction over the physical system. Many cloud applications are gaining popularity
day by day for their availability, reliability, scalability and utility model.
Cloud computing is growing now-a-days in the interest of technical and business
organizations but this can also be beneficial for solving social issues. In the recent time
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Mohammed Farhan
E-Governance is being implemented in developing countries to improve efficiency and
effectiveness of governance. This approach can be improved much by using cloud
computing instead of traditional ICT. In India, economy is agriculture based and most
of the citizens live in rural areas. The standard of living, agricultural productivity etc
can be enhanced by utilizing cloud computing in a proper way. Both of these
applications of cloud computing have technological as well as social challenges to
2. Cloud Computing Basics: -
Cloud computing is a paradigm of distributed computing to provide the customers on-
demand, utility-based computing services. Cloud users can provide more reliable,
available and updated services to their clients in turn. Cloud itself consists of physical
machines in the data centres of cloud providers. Virtualization is provided on top of
these physical machines. These virtual machines are provided to the cloud users.
Different cloud provider provides cloud services of different abstraction level. E.g.
Amazon EC2 enables the users to handle very low-level details where Google App-
Engine provides a development platform for the developers to develop their
applications. So, the cloud services are divided into many types like Software as a
Service, Platform as a Service or Infrastructure as a Service. These services are
available over the Internet in the whole world where the cloud acts as the single point of
access for serving all customers. Cloud computing architecture addresses difficulties of
large-scale data processing.
2.1. Types of Cloud: -
There are three types of cloud.
1. Private Cloud – This type of cloud is maintained within an organization and used
solely for their internal purpose. So, the utility model is not a big term in this
scenario. Many companies are moving towards this setting and experts consider
this is the 1st step for an organization to move into cloud. Security, network
bandwidth are not critical issues for private cloud.
2. Public Cloud – In this type an organization rents cloud services from cloud
providers on-demand basis. Services provided to the users using utility computing
3. Hybrid Cloud – This type of cloud is composed of multiple internal or external
cloud. This is the scenario when an organization moves to public cloud computing
domain from its internal private cloud.
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Mohammed Farhan
2.2. Cloud Stakeholders: -
To know why cloud computing is used let’s first concentrate on who use it. And then we
would discuss what advantages they get using cloud. There are three types of
stakeholder’s cloud providers, cloud users and the end users [Figure 1]. Cloud providers
provide cloud services to the cloud users. These cloud services are of the form of utility
computing i.e. the cloud users use these services pay-as-you-go model. The cloud users
develop their product using these services and deliver the product to the end users.
2.3 Advantages of using Cloud: -
The advantages for using cloud services can be of technical, architectural, business etc.
1. Cloud Providers’ point of view
a) Most of the data centres today are underutilized. They are mostly 15%
utilized. These data centres need spare capacity just to cope with the huge
spikes that sometimes get in the server usage. Large companies having
those data centres can easily rent those computing power to other
organizations and get profit out of it and also make the resources needed for
running data centre (like power) utilized properly.
Figure 1 Interconnection between Stakeholders
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Mohammed Farhan
b) Companies having large data centres have already deployed the resources
and to provide cloud services they would need very little investment and
the cost would be incremental.
2. Cloud Users’ point of view
a) Cloud users need not to take care about the hardware and software they use
and also, they don’t have to be worried about maintenance. The users are no
longer tied to some traditional system.
b) Virtualization technology gives the illusion to the users that they are having
all the resources available.
c) Cloud users can use the resources on demand basis and pay as much as they
use. So, the users can plan well for reducing their usage to minimize their
d) Scalability is one of the major advantages to cloud users. Scalability is
provided dynamically to the users. Users get as much resources as they
need. Thus, this model perfectly fits in the management of rare spikes in the
3. Cloud Architecture: -
The cloud providers actually have the physical data centres to provide virtualized
services to their users through Internet. The cloud providers often provide separation
between application and data. This scenario is shown in the Figure 2. The underlying
physical machines are generally organized in grids and they are usually geographically
distributed. Virtualization plays an important role in the cloud scenario. The data centre
hosts provide the physical hardware on which virtual machines resides. User potentially
can use any OS supported by the virtual machines used.
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Mohammed Farhan
The underlying platform in virtualization is generally referred to as host and the
software that runs in the VM environment is called as the guest. The Figure 3 shows
very basics of virtualization. Here the virtualization layer covers the physical
hardware. Operating System accesses physical hardware through virtualization
layer. Applications can issue instruction by using OS interface as well as directly
using virtualizing layer interface. This design enables the users to use applications
not compatible with the operating system.
Virtualization enables the migration of the virtual image from one physical machine
to another and this feature is useful for cloud as by data locality lots of optimization
is possible and also this feature is helpful for taking back up in different locations.
This feature also enables the provider to shut down some of the data centre physical
machines to reduce power consumption.
Figure 2 Basic cloud Computing Architecture
Figure 3 Virtualization Basic
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Mohammed Farhan
3.1 Comparison between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing: -
Most of the cloud architectures are built on Grid architecture and utilizes its service.
Grid is also a form of distributed computing architecture where organizations owning
data centres collaborate with each other to have mutual benefit. Although if
apparently seen it seems that cloud computing is no different from its originator in
the first look but there are substantial difference between them in spite of so many
similarities. The relation between Grid and cloud computing is discussed in Table 1.
Table 1 Comparison between cloud computing and grid computing
Characteristics Grid Computing Cloud Computing
Business Model Adopts project-oriented
business model. The
participating parties agree
to share a certain amount
of resource with others and
gain the opportunity of
using all other grids’
Uses pay as you go model
Virtualization No virtualization, as the
data centres are handled by
the individual
organizations of their own.
So they generally manage
those usually physically
but not by virtualization.
Although there are some
efforts being given by
some companies like
Nimbus for virtualization
to make dynamic
deployment and
abstraction available.
For cloud computing one
of the essential
components is
virtualization. This is for
providing abstraction and
encapsulation to the users
of the cloud.
Application Model Executing tasks may be
small or large, loosely
coupled or tightly coupled,
Supports only loosely
coupled and transaction
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Mohammed Farhan
compute intensive or data
oriented, mostly
interactive jobs.
Security Grids build on the
assumption that resources
are heterogeneous and
dynamic. Thus, security is
engineered in fundamental
grid infrastructure.
Cloud security is now in
its infancy.
3.2 Types of utility cloud models: -
1. SaaS (Software as a service) – Delivers a single application through the web
browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. On the
customer side, it means no upfront investment in servers or software licensing;
on the provider side, with just one application to maintain, cost is low
compared to conventional hosting. Under SaaS, the software publisher (seller)
runs and maintains all necessary hardware and software. The customer of SaaS
accesses the applications through Internet. For example, with
yearly revenues of over $300M, offers on-demand Customer Relationship
Management software solutions. E.g. - Google Apps, Zoho Office.
2. PaaS (Platform as a service) – Delivers development environment as a
service. One can build his/her own applications that run on the provider’s
infrastructure that support transactions, uniform authentication, robust
scalability and availability. The applications built using PaaS are offered as
SaaS and consumed directly from the end users’ web browsers. This gives the
ability to integrate or consume third-party web-services from other service
platforms. E.g. - Google App Engine.
3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) – IaaS service provides the users of the
cloud greater flexibility to lower level than other services. It gives even CPU
clocks with OS level control to the developers. E.g. - Amazon EC2 and S3.
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Mohammed Farhan
4. Cloud Computing Application in Indian Context: -
Today most of the studies in cloud computing is related to commercial benefits.
But this idea can also be successfully applied to non-profit organizations and to
the social benefit. In the developing countries like India Cloud computing can
bring about a revolution in the field of low-cost computing with greater efficiency,
availability and reliability. Recently in these countries e-governance has started to
flourish. Experts envisioned that utility-based computing has a great future in e-
governance. Cloud computing can also be applied to the development of rural life
in India by building information hubs to help the concerned people with greater
access to required information and enable them to share their experiences to build
new knowledge bases.
4.1. E-Governance: -
E-Governance is an interface between Government and public or this can be an
interface between two governments or between government and business
organizations. Objectives are generally to improve efficiency and effectiveness to
serve public demand and to save costs for online services. This requires
Government to have the will to decentralize the responsibilities and processes and
start to have faith on electronic and internet systems. E-government is a form of e-
business in governance and refers to the processes and structures needed to
deliver electronic services to the public (citizens and businesses), collaborate with
business partners and to conduct electronic transactions within an organizational
entity. This E-Governance can be greatly improved by utility computing.
Impact of Technology in E-governance-
1. 24/7 Service Model – Systems and services require high availability.
Get the citizens feel that Government is always at their service.
2. Need for Content – Web contents should be regularly updated and the
information provided to the public should be sufficient. Respective
departments should be responsible for providing the information.
3. Human Resource – Building these IT skilled resources would need
properly trained personals. This would make government to compete
with other private organizations.
4. Security – Sensitive Government data is to be highly secured. Policies
are to be taken seriously maintained and designed.
5. Privacy – Personal data should be given sufficient privacy. It can be a
difficult issue if data is stored across different departments and
computer systems.
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Mohammed Farhan
4.2. Rural Development: -
In the context of rural development cloud computing can also be used to success for its
centralized storage and computing facility and utility-based pay model. As per 72.2%
of total Indian population resides in rural areas. According to the survey conducted by
“Hole in the Wall project” computer literacy among boys and girls of age group 8-14
in rural area varies across the regions of India. It is 4050% in most of the regions. So,
the computer literacy is not a concern in rural India and also in it shown that learning
rate is pretty high for computer literacy. Agriculture is India’s biggest employment
source, accounting for 52% employment in India. And agricultural sector contributes
to 20% of country’s total GDP. So, it is very important to make a serious attempt to
develop rural India.
By using cloud computing model some improvement of the current system is possible to
bring about social and as well as economic prospect in rural India.
a) Share knowledge and build knowledge base – Most of the agriculture related
issues are generally local and they can’t be solved by general expertise. So, it
happens many times that the so-called experts are not the right person to answer
the problems but instead the local farmers are better in understanding.
b) Health and medical services – In the developing countries like India one of the
concerns of rural health care is in spite of best intention from both the medical
professionals and patients a practical challenge is faced for difficulties of
communications among interested parties. This issue can be solved using cloud
computing in an appropriate way. Consultation among doctors around the world
make sharing of knowledge possible and takes telemedicine to the next level,
creating a network that goes beyond the one-to-one, patient to-patient, patient-to-
doctor or doctor-to-doctor interactions.
c) Government decision making – Looking at the common knowledge base the
Government can have a fair knowledge of the local situation and take adoptive
d) Access to Information hub – Government can provide relevant information such
as land revenue data, weather data, soil information etc. through these cloud
services to the people concerned.
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Mohammed Farhan
5. Conclusions: -
Cloud computing is a newly developing paradigm of distributed computing.
Virtualization in combination with utility computing model can make a difference in the
IT industry and as well as in social perspective. Though cloud computing is still in its
infancy but it’s clearly gaining momentum. Organizations like Google, Yahoo, and
Amazon are already providing cloud services. The products like Google App-Engine,
Amazon EC2, and Windows Azure are capturing the market with their ease of use,
availability aspects and utility computing model. Users don’t have to be worried about
the hinges of distributed programming as they are taken care of by the cloud providers.
They can devote more on their own domain work rather than these administrative
works. Business organizations are also showing increasing interest to indulge
themselves into using cloud services.
In developing counties like India cloud computing can be applied in the e-governance
and rural development with great success. Although as we have seen there are some
crucial issues to be solved to successfully deploy cloud computing for these social
purposes. But they can be addressed by detailed study in the subject.
6. References:
1. Cloud computing for e-governance. White paper, IIIT-Hyderabad, January 2010.
2. Economy of India., April 2010.
3. F.M. Aymerich, G. Fenu, and S. Surcis. An approach to a cloud computing network.
Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2008. ICADIWT 2008.
Pages 113 –118, August 2008.
4. Ritu Dangwal. Public Computing, Computer Literacy and Educational Outcome:
Children and Computers in Rural India, pages 59–66. IOS Press, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 2005.
5. Leonard Kleinrock. An internet vision: the invisible global infrastructure. Ad Hoc
Networks, 1(1):3 – 11, 2003.
6. Persistent Systems. Google app engine.
newpspl/pdf/CMS_1741820566_Google%20Apps%20Engine_WP_010909.pdf, 20

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Report on cloud computing

  • 1. Page 0 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) CLOUD COMPUTING Report CMR University SOET November 2020
  • 2. Page 1 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) Name of the faculty: Prof. venkatesh (Teaching Associate) Student Name: Mohammed farhan Section / Branch: IT (CT /IS) Registration number: 19BBTIT051 Approved By Dr. Sarvana Kumar CMR University SOET November 2020
  • 3. Page 2 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) Certificate This is to certify that the project entitled Cloud Computing embodies the original work done by Mohammed Farhan under my supervision. Date: 29th November 2020 Prof. Sarvana Kumar Place: Bangalore
  • 4. Page 3 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) Acknowledgments I am greatly indebted to my guide Prof. Sarvana Kumar and the entire computer science department for their invaluable guidance during the course of report. They always gave me useful suggestions and I am extremely grateful to the college library for providing me books for my research.
  • 5. Page 4 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) Table of Contents Acknowledgments 03 Abstract 06 1. Introduction 07 2. Cloud Computing Basics 08 2.1 Types of Cloud 08 2.2 Cloud Stakeholders 09 2.3 Advantages of Using Cloud 09 3. Cloud Architecture 10 3.1 Comparison between Grid and Cloud Computing 12 3.2 Types of Utility Cloud Models 13 4. Cloud Computing Application in Indian Context 14 4.1 E-Governance 14 4.2 Rural Development 15 5. Conclusions 16 6. References 16
  • 6. Page 5 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) List of Illustrations o Figure 1 Interconnection between Stakeholders 09 o Figure 2 Basic Cloud Computing Architecture 11 o Figure 3 Virtualization Basic 11 o Table 1 Comparison between Grid and Cloud Computing 12
  • 7. Page 6 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) Abstract The term “cloud computing” is a recent buzzword in the IT world. Behind this fancy poetic phrase there lies a true picture of the future of computing for both in technical perspective and social perspective. Though the term “Cloud Computing” is recent but the idea of centralizing computation and storage in distributed data centres maintained by third party companies is not new but it came in way back in 1990s along with distributed computing approaches like grid computing. Cloud computing is aimed at providing IT as a service to the cloud users on-demand basis with greater flexibility, availability, reliability and scalability with utility computing model. This new paradigm of computing has an immense potential in it to be used in the field of e-governance and in rural development perspective in developing countries like India.
  • 8. Page 7 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) 1. Introduction: - Cloud computing is a recently developing paradigm of distributed computing. Though it is not a new idea that emerged just recently. In 1969 L. Kleinrock anticipated, “As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy. But as they grow up and become more sophisticated, we will probably see the spread of ’computer utilities’ which, like present electric and telephone utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country.” His vision was the true indication of today’s utility-based computing paradigm. One of the giant steps towards this world was taken in mid 1990s when grid computing was first coined to allow consumers to obtain computing power on demand. The origin of cloud computing can be seen as an evolution of grid computing technologies. The term Cloud computing was given prominence first by Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt in late 2006 (maybe he coined the term). So, the birth of cloud computing is very recent phenomena although its root belongs to some old ideas with new business, technical and social perspectives. From the architectural point of view cloud is naturally build on an existing grid-based architecture and uses the grid services and adds some technologies like virtualization and some business models. In brief cloud is essentially a bunch of commodity computers networked together in same or different geographical locations, operating together to serve a number of customers with different need and workload on demand basis with the help of virtualization. Cloud services are provided to the cloud users as utility services like water, electricity, telephone using pay-as-you-use business model. These utility services are generally described as XaaS (X as a Service) where X can be Software or Platform or Infrastructure etc. Cloud users use these services provided by the cloud providers and build their applications in the internet and thus deliver them to their end users. So, the cloud users don’t have to worry about installing, maintaining hardware and software needed. And they also can afford these services as they have to pay as much, they use. So, the cloud users can reduce their expenditure and effort in the field of IT using cloud services instead of establishing IT infrastructure themselves. Cloud is essentially provided by large distributed data centres. These data centres are often organized as grid and the cloud is built on top of the grid services. Cloud users are provided with virtual images of the physical machines in the data centres. This virtualization is one of the key concepts of cloud computing as it essentially builds the abstraction over the physical system. Many cloud applications are gaining popularity day by day for their availability, reliability, scalability and utility model. Cloud computing is growing now-a-days in the interest of technical and business organizations but this can also be beneficial for solving social issues. In the recent time
  • 9. Page 8 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) E-Governance is being implemented in developing countries to improve efficiency and effectiveness of governance. This approach can be improved much by using cloud computing instead of traditional ICT. In India, economy is agriculture based and most of the citizens live in rural areas. The standard of living, agricultural productivity etc can be enhanced by utilizing cloud computing in a proper way. Both of these applications of cloud computing have technological as well as social challenges to overcome. 2. Cloud Computing Basics: - Cloud computing is a paradigm of distributed computing to provide the customers on- demand, utility-based computing services. Cloud users can provide more reliable, available and updated services to their clients in turn. Cloud itself consists of physical machines in the data centres of cloud providers. Virtualization is provided on top of these physical machines. These virtual machines are provided to the cloud users. Different cloud provider provides cloud services of different abstraction level. E.g. Amazon EC2 enables the users to handle very low-level details where Google App- Engine provides a development platform for the developers to develop their applications. So, the cloud services are divided into many types like Software as a Service, Platform as a Service or Infrastructure as a Service. These services are available over the Internet in the whole world where the cloud acts as the single point of access for serving all customers. Cloud computing architecture addresses difficulties of large-scale data processing. 2.1. Types of Cloud: - There are three types of cloud. 1. Private Cloud – This type of cloud is maintained within an organization and used solely for their internal purpose. So, the utility model is not a big term in this scenario. Many companies are moving towards this setting and experts consider this is the 1st step for an organization to move into cloud. Security, network bandwidth are not critical issues for private cloud. 2. Public Cloud – In this type an organization rents cloud services from cloud providers on-demand basis. Services provided to the users using utility computing model. 3. Hybrid Cloud – This type of cloud is composed of multiple internal or external cloud. This is the scenario when an organization moves to public cloud computing domain from its internal private cloud.
  • 10. Page 9 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) 2.2. Cloud Stakeholders: - To know why cloud computing is used let’s first concentrate on who use it. And then we would discuss what advantages they get using cloud. There are three types of stakeholder’s cloud providers, cloud users and the end users [Figure 1]. Cloud providers provide cloud services to the cloud users. These cloud services are of the form of utility computing i.e. the cloud users use these services pay-as-you-go model. The cloud users develop their product using these services and deliver the product to the end users. 2.3 Advantages of using Cloud: - The advantages for using cloud services can be of technical, architectural, business etc. 1. Cloud Providers’ point of view a) Most of the data centres today are underutilized. They are mostly 15% utilized. These data centres need spare capacity just to cope with the huge spikes that sometimes get in the server usage. Large companies having those data centres can easily rent those computing power to other organizations and get profit out of it and also make the resources needed for running data centre (like power) utilized properly. Figure 1 Interconnection between Stakeholders
  • 11. Page 10 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) b) Companies having large data centres have already deployed the resources and to provide cloud services they would need very little investment and the cost would be incremental. 2. Cloud Users’ point of view a) Cloud users need not to take care about the hardware and software they use and also, they don’t have to be worried about maintenance. The users are no longer tied to some traditional system. b) Virtualization technology gives the illusion to the users that they are having all the resources available. c) Cloud users can use the resources on demand basis and pay as much as they use. So, the users can plan well for reducing their usage to minimize their expenditure. d) Scalability is one of the major advantages to cloud users. Scalability is provided dynamically to the users. Users get as much resources as they need. Thus, this model perfectly fits in the management of rare spikes in the demand. 3. Cloud Architecture: - The cloud providers actually have the physical data centres to provide virtualized services to their users through Internet. The cloud providers often provide separation between application and data. This scenario is shown in the Figure 2. The underlying physical machines are generally organized in grids and they are usually geographically distributed. Virtualization plays an important role in the cloud scenario. The data centre hosts provide the physical hardware on which virtual machines resides. User potentially can use any OS supported by the virtual machines used.
  • 12. Page 11 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) The underlying platform in virtualization is generally referred to as host and the software that runs in the VM environment is called as the guest. The Figure 3 shows very basics of virtualization. Here the virtualization layer covers the physical hardware. Operating System accesses physical hardware through virtualization layer. Applications can issue instruction by using OS interface as well as directly using virtualizing layer interface. This design enables the users to use applications not compatible with the operating system. Virtualization enables the migration of the virtual image from one physical machine to another and this feature is useful for cloud as by data locality lots of optimization is possible and also this feature is helpful for taking back up in different locations. This feature also enables the provider to shut down some of the data centre physical machines to reduce power consumption. Figure 2 Basic cloud Computing Architecture Figure 3 Virtualization Basic
  • 13. Page 12 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) 3.1 Comparison between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing: - Most of the cloud architectures are built on Grid architecture and utilizes its service. Grid is also a form of distributed computing architecture where organizations owning data centres collaborate with each other to have mutual benefit. Although if apparently seen it seems that cloud computing is no different from its originator in the first look but there are substantial difference between them in spite of so many similarities. The relation between Grid and cloud computing is discussed in Table 1. Table 1 Comparison between cloud computing and grid computing Characteristics Grid Computing Cloud Computing Business Model Adopts project-oriented business model. The participating parties agree to share a certain amount of resource with others and gain the opportunity of using all other grids’ resources. Uses pay as you go model Virtualization No virtualization, as the data centres are handled by the individual organizations of their own. So they generally manage those usually physically but not by virtualization. Although there are some efforts being given by some companies like Nimbus for virtualization to make dynamic deployment and abstraction available. For cloud computing one of the essential components is virtualization. This is for providing abstraction and encapsulation to the users of the cloud. Application Model Executing tasks may be small or large, loosely coupled or tightly coupled, Supports only loosely coupled and transaction
  • 14. Page 13 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) compute intensive or data intensive. oriented, mostly interactive jobs. Security Grids build on the assumption that resources are heterogeneous and dynamic. Thus, security is engineered in fundamental grid infrastructure. Cloud security is now in its infancy. 3.2 Types of utility cloud models: - 1. SaaS (Software as a service) – Delivers a single application through the web browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. On the customer side, it means no upfront investment in servers or software licensing; on the provider side, with just one application to maintain, cost is low compared to conventional hosting. Under SaaS, the software publisher (seller) runs and maintains all necessary hardware and software. The customer of SaaS accesses the applications through Internet. For example, with yearly revenues of over $300M, offers on-demand Customer Relationship Management software solutions. E.g. - Google Apps, Zoho Office. 2. PaaS (Platform as a service) – Delivers development environment as a service. One can build his/her own applications that run on the provider’s infrastructure that support transactions, uniform authentication, robust scalability and availability. The applications built using PaaS are offered as SaaS and consumed directly from the end users’ web browsers. This gives the ability to integrate or consume third-party web-services from other service platforms. E.g. - Google App Engine. 3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) – IaaS service provides the users of the cloud greater flexibility to lower level than other services. It gives even CPU clocks with OS level control to the developers. E.g. - Amazon EC2 and S3.
  • 15. Page 14 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) 4. Cloud Computing Application in Indian Context: - Today most of the studies in cloud computing is related to commercial benefits. But this idea can also be successfully applied to non-profit organizations and to the social benefit. In the developing countries like India Cloud computing can bring about a revolution in the field of low-cost computing with greater efficiency, availability and reliability. Recently in these countries e-governance has started to flourish. Experts envisioned that utility-based computing has a great future in e- governance. Cloud computing can also be applied to the development of rural life in India by building information hubs to help the concerned people with greater access to required information and enable them to share their experiences to build new knowledge bases. 4.1. E-Governance: - E-Governance is an interface between Government and public or this can be an interface between two governments or between government and business organizations. Objectives are generally to improve efficiency and effectiveness to serve public demand and to save costs for online services. This requires Government to have the will to decentralize the responsibilities and processes and start to have faith on electronic and internet systems. E-government is a form of e- business in governance and refers to the processes and structures needed to deliver electronic services to the public (citizens and businesses), collaborate with business partners and to conduct electronic transactions within an organizational entity. This E-Governance can be greatly improved by utility computing. Impact of Technology in E-governance- 1. 24/7 Service Model – Systems and services require high availability. Get the citizens feel that Government is always at their service. 2. Need for Content – Web contents should be regularly updated and the information provided to the public should be sufficient. Respective departments should be responsible for providing the information. 3. Human Resource – Building these IT skilled resources would need properly trained personals. This would make government to compete with other private organizations. 4. Security – Sensitive Government data is to be highly secured. Policies are to be taken seriously maintained and designed. 5. Privacy – Personal data should be given sufficient privacy. It can be a difficult issue if data is stored across different departments and computer systems.
  • 16. Page 15 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) 4.2. Rural Development: - In the context of rural development cloud computing can also be used to success for its centralized storage and computing facility and utility-based pay model. As per 72.2% of total Indian population resides in rural areas. According to the survey conducted by “Hole in the Wall project” computer literacy among boys and girls of age group 8-14 in rural area varies across the regions of India. It is 4050% in most of the regions. So, the computer literacy is not a concern in rural India and also in it shown that learning rate is pretty high for computer literacy. Agriculture is India’s biggest employment source, accounting for 52% employment in India. And agricultural sector contributes to 20% of country’s total GDP. So, it is very important to make a serious attempt to develop rural India. By using cloud computing model some improvement of the current system is possible to bring about social and as well as economic prospect in rural India. a) Share knowledge and build knowledge base – Most of the agriculture related issues are generally local and they can’t be solved by general expertise. So, it happens many times that the so-called experts are not the right person to answer the problems but instead the local farmers are better in understanding. b) Health and medical services – In the developing countries like India one of the concerns of rural health care is in spite of best intention from both the medical professionals and patients a practical challenge is faced for difficulties of communications among interested parties. This issue can be solved using cloud computing in an appropriate way. Consultation among doctors around the world make sharing of knowledge possible and takes telemedicine to the next level, creating a network that goes beyond the one-to-one, patient to-patient, patient-to- doctor or doctor-to-doctor interactions. c) Government decision making – Looking at the common knowledge base the Government can have a fair knowledge of the local situation and take adoptive steps. d) Access to Information hub – Government can provide relevant information such as land revenue data, weather data, soil information etc. through these cloud services to the people concerned.
  • 17. Page 16 of 16 Mohammed Farhan 19BBTIT051 IT (CT/ IS) 5. Conclusions: - Cloud computing is a newly developing paradigm of distributed computing. Virtualization in combination with utility computing model can make a difference in the IT industry and as well as in social perspective. Though cloud computing is still in its infancy but it’s clearly gaining momentum. Organizations like Google, Yahoo, and Amazon are already providing cloud services. The products like Google App-Engine, Amazon EC2, and Windows Azure are capturing the market with their ease of use, availability aspects and utility computing model. Users don’t have to be worried about the hinges of distributed programming as they are taken care of by the cloud providers. They can devote more on their own domain work rather than these administrative works. Business organizations are also showing increasing interest to indulge themselves into using cloud services. In developing counties like India cloud computing can be applied in the e-governance and rural development with great success. Although as we have seen there are some crucial issues to be solved to successfully deploy cloud computing for these social purposes. But they can be addressed by detailed study in the subject. 6. References: 1. Cloud computing for e-governance. White paper, IIIT-Hyderabad, January 2010. 2. Economy of India., April 2010. 3. F.M. Aymerich, G. Fenu, and S. Surcis. An approach to a cloud computing network. Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2008. ICADIWT 2008. Pages 113 –118, August 2008. 4. Ritu Dangwal. Public Computing, Computer Literacy and Educational Outcome: Children and Computers in Rural India, pages 59–66. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2005. 5. Leonard Kleinrock. An internet vision: the invisible global infrastructure. Ad Hoc Networks, 1(1):3 – 11, 2003. 6. Persistent Systems. Google app engine. newpspl/pdf/CMS_1741820566_Google%20Apps%20Engine_WP_010909.pdf, 20