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Data Structures
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
May 6, 2015
1 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
2 / 130
Definition of a stack
It is a linear list where:
One end is called top
Other end is called bottom
Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only.
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Definition of a stack
It is a linear list where:
One end is called top
Other end is called bottom
Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only.
3 / 130
Definition of a stack
It is a linear list where:
One end is called top
Other end is called bottom
Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only.
3 / 130
Definition of a stack
It is a linear list where:
One end is called top
Other end is called bottom
Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only.
3 / 130
What is a stack?
Stores a set of elements in a particular order.
Stack principle: LAST IN FIRST OUT = LIFO
It means: the last element inserted is the first one to be removed
4 / 130
What is a stack?
Stores a set of elements in a particular order.
Stack principle: LAST IN FIRST OUT = LIFO
It means: the last element inserted is the first one to be removed
4 / 130
What is a stack?
Stores a set of elements in a particular order.
Stack principle: LAST IN FIRST OUT = LIFO
It means: the last element inserted is the first one to be removed
4 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
5 / 130
Example in Real Life
Stack of Coins
6 / 130
Insert the following items into a stack
List = {A, B, C, D, E}
7 / 130
List = {A, B, C, D, E}
8 / 130
List = {A, B, C, D, E}, Push A
9 / 130
List = {B, C, D, E}
10 / 130
List = {B, C, D, E}, Push B
11 / 130
List = {C, D, E}
12 / 130
List = {C, D, E}, Push C
13 / 130
List = {D, E}
14 / 130
List = {D, E}, Push D
15 / 130
List = {E}
16 / 130
List = {E}, Push E
17 / 130
List = {E}, No space!!!Make Space
18 / 130
List = {E}, Push E
19 / 130
List = {}
20 / 130
List = {}, Pop
21 / 130
List = {E}, Pop
22 / 130
List = {E,D}, Pop
23 / 130
List = {E,D,C}, Pop
24 / 130
List = {E,D,C,B}, Pop
25 / 130
List = {E,D,C,B,A}
26 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
27 / 130
Stacks ADT
p u b l i c i n t e r f a c e Stack<Item>
p u b l i c boolean empty ( ) ;
p u b l i c Item peek ( ) ;
p u b l i c void push ( Item TheObject ) ;
p u b l i c Item pop ( ) ;
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Explanation of the ADT I
This method allows to look at the top of the stack without removing it!!!
For Example
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Explanation of the ADT I
This method allows to look at the top of the stack without removing it!!!
For Example
D peek()
29 / 130
Explanation of the ADT II
This method allows to pop stuff from the top of the stack!!!
For Example
30 / 130
Explanation of the ADT II
This method allows to pop stuff from the top of the stack!!!
For Example
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Explanation of the ADT III
This method allows to push stuff to the top of the stack!!!
For Example
31 / 130
Explanation of the ADT III
This method allows to push stuff to the top of the stack!!!
For Example
push( DD )
31 / 130
Explanation of the ADT III
This method allows to know if the stack is empty!!!
32 / 130
Stack Applications
Real life
Pile of books
Plate trays
More applications related to computer science
Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA)
Evaluating expressions
33 / 130
Stack Applications
Real life
Pile of books
Plate trays
More applications related to computer science
Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA)
Evaluating expressions
33 / 130
Stack Applications
Real life
Pile of books
Plate trays
More applications related to computer science
Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA)
Evaluating expressions
33 / 130
Stack Applications
Real life
Pile of books
Plate trays
More applications related to computer science
Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA)
Evaluating expressions
33 / 130
What do we do now?
Instead of going toward the implementations!!!
Why not examples?
1 Parentheses Matching
2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma
3 Switch Box Routing
4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java
5 Rat In A Maze
34 / 130
What do we do now?
Instead of going toward the implementations!!!
Why not examples?
1 Parentheses Matching
2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma
3 Switch Box Routing
4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java
5 Rat In A Maze
34 / 130
What do we do now?
Instead of going toward the implementations!!!
Why not examples?
1 Parentheses Matching
2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma
3 Switch Box Routing
4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java
5 Rat In A Maze
34 / 130
What do we do now?
Instead of going toward the implementations!!!
Why not examples?
1 Parentheses Matching
2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma
3 Switch Box Routing
4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java
5 Rat In A Maze
34 / 130
What do we do now?
Instead of going toward the implementations!!!
Why not examples?
1 Parentheses Matching
2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma
3 Switch Box Routing
4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java
5 Rat In A Maze
34 / 130
What do we do now?
Instead of going toward the implementations!!!
Why not examples?
1 Parentheses Matching
2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma
3 Switch Box Routing
4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java
5 Rat In A Maze
34 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
35 / 130
Parentheses Matching
Example - Input
( ( ( a + b ) ∗ c + d − e ) / ...
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
( f + g ) − ( h + j ) )
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched
with the right parenthesis at v.
(2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (0,26)
36 / 130
Parentheses Matching
Example - Input
( ( ( a + b ) ∗ c + d − e ) / ...
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
( f + g ) − ( h + j ) )
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched
with the right parenthesis at v.
(2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (0,26)
36 / 130
Parentheses Matching
Example - Input
( ( ( a + b ) ∗ c + d − e ) / ...
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
( f + g ) − ( h + j ) )
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched
with the right parenthesis at v.
(2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (0,26)
36 / 130
Wrong Matching
1 (0,4)
2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis
3 (8,12)
4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis
37 / 130
Wrong Matching
1 (0,4)
2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis
3 (8,12)
4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis
37 / 130
Wrong Matching
1 (0,4)
2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis
3 (8,12)
4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis
37 / 130
Wrong Matching
1 (0,4)
2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis
3 (8,12)
4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis
37 / 130
Wrong Matching
1 (0,4)
2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis
3 (8,12)
4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis
37 / 130
Wrong Matching
1 (0,4)
2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis
3 (8,12)
4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis
37 / 130
Developing a Recursive Solution I
What do we do? Ideas
Look at this
What if we have (a+b)?
38 / 130
Developing a Recursive Solution I
What do we do? Ideas
Look at this
What if we have (a+b)?
38 / 130
Initial Idea
boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List)
1 if (List.get(0)==’(’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
What else?
39 / 130
Initial Idea
boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List)
1 if (List.get(0)==’(’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
What else?
39 / 130
Initial Idea
boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List)
1 if (List.get(0)==’(’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
What else?
39 / 130
Initial Idea
boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List)
1 if (List.get(0)==’(’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
What else?
39 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Next Case
2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return Rec-Paren(List)
Last Step
3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’)
1 List.remove(0)
2 return true
3. else return false
40 / 130
Developing a Recursive Solution II
What if you have?
What if we have (a+b?
What about
What if we have a+b)?
41 / 130
Developing a Recursive Solution II
What if you have?
What if we have (a+b?
What about
What if we have a+b)?
41 / 130
This solution fails!!!
So, we need to send something down the recursion
What do we do? Ideas
42 / 130
What about...?
what if
We send down a flag!!
43 / 130
We need a flag to send down the recursion!!!
To tell the logic if we saw a left parenthesis
For simple problems fine!!! However...
44 / 130
We need a flag to send down the recursion!!!
To tell the logic if we saw a left parenthesis
For simple problems fine!!! However...
44 / 130
For problems like these ones
It does not work
45 / 130
For problems like these ones
It does not work
45 / 130
We need something more complex
A counter!!!
To see how many “(” we have seen down the recursion!!!
46 / 130
Recursive Solution - You assume a list of characters
p u b l i c s t a t i c boolean Balanced ( C h a i n L i n e a r L i s t L i s t ,
i n t Counter ){
i f ( L i s t . isEmpty ( ) ) { // Check empty
i f ( Counter == 0) // Check Counter
r e t u r n t r u e ;
e l s e
r e t u r n f a l s e ;}
i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ( ’ ) // Case (
L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ;
r e t u r n Balanced ( L i s t , Counter ) ;
} e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ [0 −9]|[+ −] ’ ) // Case Number or −+
L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ;
r e t u r n Balanced ( L i s t , Counter ) ;
} e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ) ’ ) // Case )
i f ( Counter > 0){
Counter −−;
L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ;
r e t u r n Balanced ( L i s t , Counter )
} e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e ;
} e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e
47 / 130
Can we simplify our code?
Using this memory container the STACK!!!
48 / 130
Before Anything Else
Did you notice something about my Chain during the recursion?
49 / 130
Removing Elements
+( )CB
firstNode NULL
50 / 130
Removing Elements
+ )CB
firstNode NULL
51 / 130
Removing Elements
+ )C
firstNode NULL
52 / 130
So, we can simulate the recursion using what?
First a way to...
A memory storage
A Stack
So somebody?
Can give a process for it?
53 / 130
So, we can simulate the recursion using what?
First a way to...
A memory storage
A Stack
So somebody?
Can give a process for it?
53 / 130
So, we can simulate the recursion using what?
First a way to...
A memory storage
A Stack
So somebody?
Can give a process for it?
53 / 130
Iterative Solution - You assume a list of characters
p u b l i c s t a t i c boolean Balanced ( C h a i n L i n e a r L i s t L i s t ){
Stack I t = new Stack ( ) ;
i f ( L i s t . isEmpty ( ) )
r e t u r n t r u e
w h i l e ( ! L i s t . isEmpty ( ) ) { // Use a loop
i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ( ’ )
I t . push ( L i s t . get ( 0 ) ) ;
L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ;
e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ [0 −9]|[+ −] ’ )
{ L i s t . remove (0) }
e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ) ’ )
i f ( ! I t . empty ( ) )
I t . pop ( ) ;
e l s e
r e t u r n f a l s e ;
L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ; // Yes remove the
// l a s t ")"
i f ( I t . empty ( ) )
r e t u r n t r u e ;
r e t u r n f a l s e
54 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
55 / 130
The Puzzle
The Leyend
There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which
contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by
64 golden disks.
Something Notable
Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy,
have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules
of the Brahma, since that time.
According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be
completed, the world will end.
56 / 130
The Puzzle
The Leyend
There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which
contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by
64 golden disks.
Something Notable
Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy,
have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules
of the Brahma, since that time.
According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be
completed, the world will end.
56 / 130
The Puzzle
The Leyend
There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which
contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by
64 golden disks.
Something Notable
Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy,
have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules
of the Brahma, since that time.
According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be
completed, the world will end.
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A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
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A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
58 / 130
A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
59 / 130
A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
60 / 130
A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
61 / 130
A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
62 / 130
A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
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A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
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The Rules
First One
Only one disk can be moved at a time.
Second One
Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and
placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the
uppermost disk on a stack.
Third One
No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.
65 / 130
The Rules
First One
Only one disk can be moved at a time.
Second One
Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and
placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the
uppermost disk on a stack.
Third One
No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.
65 / 130
The Rules
First One
Only one disk can be moved at a time.
Second One
Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and
placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the
uppermost disk on a stack.
Third One
No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.
65 / 130
With Three disk
You can solve it in seven moves
Thus, the minimum number of moves required for n disks
− 1 (1)
So how we solve the problem recursively?
66 / 130
With Three disk
You can solve it in seven moves
Thus, the minimum number of moves required for n disks
− 1 (1)
So how we solve the problem recursively?
66 / 130
With Three disk
You can solve it in seven moves
Thus, the minimum number of moves required for n disks
− 1 (1)
So how we solve the problem recursively?
66 / 130
Recursive Idea
Label the posts
67 / 130
The other things
Let n be the total number of discs.
Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest,
How we solve this problem?
We can use the technique of “Divide and Conquer”
68 / 130
The other things
Let n be the total number of discs.
Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest,
How we solve this problem?
We can use the technique of “Divide and Conquer”
68 / 130
The other things
Let n be the total number of discs.
Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest,
How we solve this problem?
We can use the technique of “Divide and Conquer”
68 / 130
Divide and Conquer
Divide and Conquer
It is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi-branched
This phase of the algorithm works by recursively breaking down a
problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type.
The Conquer I
Then these subproblems become simple enough to be solved directly.
69 / 130
Divide and Conquer
Divide and Conquer
It is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi-branched
This phase of the algorithm works by recursively breaking down a
problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type.
The Conquer I
Then these subproblems become simple enough to be solved directly.
69 / 130
Divide and Conquer
Divide and Conquer
It is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi-branched
This phase of the algorithm works by recursively breaking down a
problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type.
The Conquer I
Then these subproblems become simple enough to be solved directly.
69 / 130
Divide and Conquer
The Conquer II
The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a
solution to the original problem.
70 / 130
What is the clever thing to do?
71 / 130
A Simple Divide Phase
Move everything
The things that are in front of disk n.
In the previous case n = 3
How the recursion looks as simple logic steps?
72 / 130
A Simple Divide Phase
Move everything
The things that are in front of disk n.
In the previous case n = 3
How the recursion looks as simple logic steps?
72 / 130
The Initial Recursion
Logical Steps
To move n discs from tower A to tower C:
1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!!
2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C.
3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as
73 / 130
The Initial Recursion
Logical Steps
To move n discs from tower A to tower C:
1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!!
2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C.
3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as
73 / 130
The Initial Recursion
Logical Steps
To move n discs from tower A to tower C:
1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!!
2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C.
3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as
73 / 130
The Initial Recursion
Logical Steps
To move n discs from tower A to tower C:
1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!!
2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C.
3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as
73 / 130
Recursive Solution
// Assume the l i s t i n A i s i n d e c r e a s i n g order
p u b l i c s t a t i c S t r i n g TH( i n t n , Char Origin ,
Char Destination ,
Char Temp){
S t r i n g r e s u l t ;
i f ( n = = 1){
r e t u r n "Move␣ Disk ␣"+n+"␣from␣"+ Or ig in +
"␣ to ␣" + D e s t i n a t i o n + "n" ;
r e s u l t = TH(n−1, Origin , Temp , D e s t i n a t i o n ) ;
r e s u l t+= "Move␣ Disk ␣"+n+"␣from␣"+ O ri gi n +
"␣ to ␣" + D e s t i n a t i o n + "n" ;
r e s u l t+= TH(n−1,Temp , Destination , Or ig i n ) ;
r e t u r n r e s u l t s ;
74 / 130
What do we need for the iterative solution?
Storage for the disks
Use one stack per tower!!!
A while loop to simulate the recursion
Doing What?
75 / 130
What do we need for the iterative solution?
Storage for the disks
Use one stack per tower!!!
A while loop to simulate the recursion
Doing What?
75 / 130
Simple Logic to the Iterative Version
A simple solution for the toy puzzle:
1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece.
2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position
in the same direction.
3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to
the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction.
76 / 130
Simple Logic to the Iterative Version
A simple solution for the toy puzzle:
1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece.
2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position
in the same direction.
3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to
the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction.
76 / 130
Simple Logic to the Iterative Version
A simple solution for the toy puzzle:
1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece.
2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position
in the same direction.
3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to
the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction.
76 / 130
Simple Logic to the Iterative Version
A simple solution for the toy puzzle:
1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece.
2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position
in the same direction.
3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to
the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction.
76 / 130
A simple example with 3 disks
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod
77 / 130
We have two cases
When there are n disks
n is even
When there are n disk
n is odd
Then a really simple solution involving 2n−1
− 1 moves
You have three stacks: A, B, C.
78 / 130
We have two cases
When there are n disks
n is even
When there are n disk
n is odd
Then a really simple solution involving 2n−1
− 1 moves
You have three stacks: A, B, C.
78 / 130
We have two cases
When there are n disks
n is even
When there are n disk
n is odd
Then a really simple solution involving 2n−1
− 1 moves
You have three stacks: A, B, C.
78 / 130
We have for n even
Use Circular moves
A =⇒ B =⇒ C =⇒ A (2)
79 / 130
We have for n odd
Use Circular Moves
A =⇒ C =⇒ B =⇒ A (3)
80 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC
1 for i = 1 to 2n−1
1 If (n%2 == 0)
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for even order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
2 else
1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks
2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order
for odd order.
3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack
81 / 130
What about the Most Efficient Version?
You need a node state
1 Number of Disks
2 Origin Tower
3 Destination Tower
4 Temporary Tower
82 / 130
What about the Most Efficient Version?
You need a node state
1 Number of Disks
2 Origin Tower
3 Destination Tower
4 Temporary Tower
82 / 130
What about the Most Efficient Version?
You need a node state
1 Number of Disks
2 Origin Tower
3 Destination Tower
4 Temporary Tower
82 / 130
What about the Most Efficient Version?
You need a node state
1 Number of Disks
2 Origin Tower
3 Destination Tower
4 Temporary Tower
82 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
We have then the following logic procedure
1 let S be an stack
2 let Result be a empty string
3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result))
4 while S is not empty
5 v = S.pop()
6 if (v.n == 1)
7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n"
8 else
9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin))
10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp))
11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination))
83 / 130
What about the Legend?
To solve the towers of Hanoi for 64 disks
We need ≈ 1.8 ∗ 1019 moves
With a computer making 109
A computer would take about 570 years to complete.
At 1 disk move/min
The monks will take about 3.4 × 1013 years.
The sun will destroy the life on earth in 2.8 × 109.
84 / 130
What about the Legend?
To solve the towers of Hanoi for 64 disks
We need ≈ 1.8 ∗ 1019 moves
With a computer making 109
A computer would take about 570 years to complete.
At 1 disk move/min
The monks will take about 3.4 × 1013 years.
The sun will destroy the life on earth in 2.8 × 109.
84 / 130
What about the Legend?
To solve the towers of Hanoi for 64 disks
We need ≈ 1.8 ∗ 1019 moves
With a computer making 109
A computer would take about 570 years to complete.
At 1 disk move/min
The monks will take about 3.4 × 1013 years.
The sun will destroy the life on earth in 2.8 × 109.
84 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
85 / 130
As in the Tower of Hanoi
It is possible to devise a massive search solution based in the actual state
of the chess board.
State 0
86 / 130
As in the Tower of Hanoi
It is possible to devise a massive search solution based in the actual state
of the chess board.
State 0
86 / 130
Something Notable
If you put 1 penny for the first square, 2 for next, 4 for next, 8 for
next, and so on.
You have
$3.6 ∗ 1017 (federal budget ~ 2 ∗ 1012) .
87 / 130
Something Notable
If you put 1 penny for the first square, 2 for next, 4 for next, 8 for
next, and so on.
You have
$3.6 ∗ 1017 (federal budget ~ 2 ∗ 1012) .
87 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
88 / 130
Method Invocation And Return
We have stack in the memory system
89 / 130
Method Invocation And Return
We have stack in the memory system
90 / 130
Method Invocation And Return
We have stack in the memory system
91 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
92 / 130
1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack.
2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of
the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate).
3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the
preceding step.
4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the
matching catch block.
93 / 130
1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack.
2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of
the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate).
3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the
preceding step.
4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the
matching catch block.
93 / 130
1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack.
2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of
the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate).
3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the
preceding step.
4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the
matching catch block.
93 / 130
1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack.
2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of
the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate).
3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the
preceding step.
4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the
matching catch block.
93 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
94 / 130
Rat In A Maze
95 / 130
Rat In A Maze
Move order is: right, down, left, up
Block positions to avoid revisit.
96 / 130
Rat In A Maze
97 / 130
Rat In A Maze
Move backward until we reach a square from which a forward move is
98 / 130
Rat In A Maze
Move backward until we reach a square from which a forward move is
99 / 130
Rat In A Maze
100 / 130
Rat In A Maze
101 / 130
Rat In A Maze

102 / 130
Rat In A Maze

Move backward until we reach a square from which a forward move is
103 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
104 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
We can do the following
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
For any possible top
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1)
O(1) time
105 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
We can do the following
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
For any possible top
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1)
O(1) time
105 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
We can do the following
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
For any possible top
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1)
O(1) time
105 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
We can do the following
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
For any possible top
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1)
O(1) time
105 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
We can do the following
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
For any possible top
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1)
O(1) time
105 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is left end of linear list
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(size) time
106 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is left end of linear list
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(size) time
106 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is left end of linear list
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(size) time
106 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is left end of linear list
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(size) time
106 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is right end of linear list
For any possible top
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(1) time
107 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is right end of linear list
For any possible top
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(1) time
107 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is right end of linear list
For any possible top
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(1) time
107 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is right end of linear list
For any possible top
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(1) time
107 / 130
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
When top is right end of linear list
For any possible top
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(1) time
107 / 130
The Moral of the Story
You must use the right end of list as top of stack
That is way
108 / 130
The Moral of the Story
You must use the right end of list as top of stack
That is way
High Memory
Growing Directions
108 / 130
1 Introduction
2 Examples
Parentheses Matching
Towers of Hanoi
Method Invocation And Return
Method Invocation And Return
Rat In A Maze
3 Implementation
Derivation From ArrayLinearList
Derivation From Chain
4 Code Snippets
109 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
firstNode NULL
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
110 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
firstNode NULL
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
110 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list
firstNode NULL
empty() =⇒ isEmpty()
O(1) time
110 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(0)
O(1) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject)
O(1) time
pop() =⇒ remove(0)
O(1) time
111 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
Derivation from a Chain
When top is left end of linear list
firstNode NULL
peek() =⇒ get(size()-1)
O(size) time
push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject)
O(size) time
pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1)
O(size) time
112 / 130
The Moral of the Story
You must use the left end of list as top of stack
113 / 130
Derive From ArrayLinearList
package MyStack ;
import java . u t i l . ∗ ; // I t has stack e x c e p t i o n
p u b l i c c l a s s DerivedArrayStack extends
A r r a y L i n e a r L i s t <Item>
// c o n s t r u c t o r s come here
// Stack i n t e r f a c e methods come here
114 / 130
Derive From ArrayLinearList
/∗∗ c r e a t e a stack with the given i n i t i a l
∗ c a p a c i t y ∗/
p u b l i c DerivedArrayStack ( i n t i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y )
{ super ( i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ) ; }
/∗∗ c r e a t e a stack with i n i t i a l c a p a c i t y 10 ∗/
p u b l i c DerivedArrayStack ()
{ t h i s ( 1 0 ) ; }
115 / 130
empty() And peek()
p u b l i c boolean empty ()
{ r e t u r n isEmpty ( ) ; }
p u b l i c Object peek ()
i f ( empty ( ) )
throw new EmptyStackException ( ) ;
r e t u r n get ( s i z e () − 1 ) ;
116 / 130
push(theObject) And pop()
p u b l i c void push ( Object theElement )
{add ( s i z e ( ) , theElement ) ; }
p u b l i c Object pop ()
i f ( empty ( ) )
throw new EmptyStackException ( ) ;
r e t u r n remove ( s i z e () − 1 ) ;
117 / 130
The Pros
The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList
Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop.
Code is expected to require little debugging.
Code for other stack implementations such as a linked
implementation are easily obtained.
Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain.
For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of
the list as the stack top rather than the right end.
118 / 130
The Pros
The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList
Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop.
Code is expected to require little debugging.
Code for other stack implementations such as a linked
implementation are easily obtained.
Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain.
For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of
the list as the stack top rather than the right end.
118 / 130
The Pros
The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList
Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop.
Code is expected to require little debugging.
Code for other stack implementations such as a linked
implementation are easily obtained.
Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain.
For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of
the list as the stack top rather than the right end.
118 / 130
The Pros
The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList
Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop.
Code is expected to require little debugging.
Code for other stack implementations such as a linked
implementation are easily obtained.
Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain.
For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of
the list as the stack top rather than the right end.
118 / 130
The Pros
The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList
Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop.
Code is expected to require little debugging.
Code for other stack implementations such as a linked
implementation are easily obtained.
Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain.
For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of
the list as the stack top rather than the right end.
118 / 130
The Cons
All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the
stack structure:
get(0) . . . get bottom element
remove(5)... pop
add(3, x) ... push
So we do not have a true stack implementation.
We must override undesired methods.
119 / 130
The Cons
All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the
stack structure:
get(0) . . . get bottom element
remove(5)... pop
add(3, x) ... push
So we do not have a true stack implementation.
We must override undesired methods.
119 / 130
The Cons
All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the
stack structure:
get(0) . . . get bottom element
remove(5)... pop
add(3, x) ... push
So we do not have a true stack implementation.
We must override undesired methods.
119 / 130
The Cons
All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the
stack structure:
get(0) . . . get bottom element
remove(5)... pop
add(3, x) ... push
So we do not have a true stack implementation.
We must override undesired methods.
119 / 130
The Cons
All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the
stack structure:
get(0) . . . get bottom element
remove(5)... pop
add(3, x) ... push
So we do not have a true stack implementation.
We must override undesired methods.
119 / 130
The Cons
Unnecessary work is done by the code.
Example I
peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked.
The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed.
Example II
add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is
not entered.
Neither is needed.
120 / 130
The Cons
Unnecessary work is done by the code.
Example I
peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked.
The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed.
Example II
add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is
not entered.
Neither is needed.
120 / 130
The Cons
Unnecessary work is done by the code.
Example I
peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked.
The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed.
Example II
add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is
not entered.
Neither is needed.
120 / 130
The Cons
Unnecessary work is done by the code.
Example I
peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked.
The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed.
Example II
add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is
not entered.
Neither is needed.
120 / 130
The Cons
Unnecessary work is done by the code.
Example I
peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked.
The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed.
Example II
add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is
not entered.
Neither is needed.
120 / 130
So the derived code runs slower than necessary.
121 / 130
Moral of the Story
Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost)
to develop.
Tradeoff between software development cost and performance.
Tradeoff between time to market and performance.
It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve
122 / 130
Moral of the Story
Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost)
to develop.
Tradeoff between software development cost and performance.
Tradeoff between time to market and performance.
It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve
122 / 130
Moral of the Story
Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost)
to develop.
Tradeoff between software development cost and performance.
Tradeoff between time to market and performance.
It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve
122 / 130
Moral of the Story
Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost)
to develop.
Tradeoff between software development cost and performance.
Tradeoff between time to market and performance.
It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve
122 / 130
A slow pop
1 if (empty())
2 throw new EmptyStackException();
3 return remove(size() - 1);
Faster Code
1 try {return remove(size() - 1);}
2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
3 {throw new EmptyStackException();}
123 / 130
A slow pop
1 if (empty())
2 throw new EmptyStackException();
3 return remove(size() - 1);
Faster Code
1 try {return remove(size() - 1);}
2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
3 {throw new EmptyStackException();}
123 / 130
A slow pop
1 if (empty())
2 throw new EmptyStackException();
3 return remove(size() - 1);
Faster Code
1 try {return remove(size() - 1);}
2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
3 {throw new EmptyStackException();}
123 / 130
A slow pop
1 if (empty())
2 throw new EmptyStackException();
3 return remove(size() - 1);
Faster Code
1 try {return remove(size() - 1);}
2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
3 {throw new EmptyStackException();}
123 / 130
A slow pop
1 if (empty())
2 throw new EmptyStackException();
3 return remove(size() - 1);
Faster Code
1 try {return remove(size() - 1);}
2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
3 {throw new EmptyStackException();}
123 / 130
A slow pop
1 if (empty())
2 throw new EmptyStackException();
3 return remove(size() - 1);
Faster Code
1 try {return remove(size() - 1);}
2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
3 {throw new EmptyStackException();}
123 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item.
same as using array element in ArrayLinearList
Use an int variable top.
Stack elements are in stack[0:top].
Top element is in stack[top].
Bottom element is in stack[0].
Stack is empty iff top = -1.
Number of elements in stack is top+1.
124 / 130
Code From Scratch
Data Memember
package Stack ;
import java . u t i l . EmptyStackException ;
import u t i l i t i e s . ∗ ;
p u b l i c c l a s s ArrayStack<Item>
implements Stack<Item>
// data members
i n t top ; // c u r r e n t top of stack
Item [ ] stack ; // element a r r a y
// Etc
125 / 130
p u b l i c ArrayStack ( i n t i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y )
i f ( i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y < 1)
throw new I l l e g a l A r g u m e n t E x c e p t i o n
( " i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ␣must␣be␣>=␣1" ) ;
t h i s . stack = ( Item [ ] ) new Object [ i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ] ;
top = −1;
p u b l i c ArrayStack ()
{ t h i s ( 1 0 ) ; }
126 / 130
p u b l i c void push ( Object theElement )
// i n c r e a s e a r r a y s i z e i f n e c e s s a r y
i f ( top == stack . le ngth − 1)
stack = ChangeArrayLength . changeLength1D
( stack , 2 ∗ stack . l ength ) ;
// put theElement at the top of the stack
stack[++top ] = theElement ;
127 / 130
p u b l i c Item pop ()
i f ( empty ( ) )
throw new EmptyStackException ( ) ;
Object topElement = stack [ top ] ;
stack [ top −−] = n u l l ; // enable garbage c o l l e c t i o n
r e t u r n topElement ;
128 / 130
We have the following
It derives from java.util.Vector.
java.util.Vector is an array implementation of a linear list.
129 / 130
Performance of 500,000 pop, push, and peek operations
We have
Class 500,000
DerivedArrayStack 0.38 s
Scratch Array Stack 0.22 s
DerivedArrayStackWithCatch 0.33 s
DerivedLinkedStack 3.20 s
Scratch LinkedStack 2.96 s
130 / 130

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Neural Networks and Deep Learning Syllabus
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
Introduction to artificial_intelligence_syllabus
Introduction to artificial_intelligence_syllabusIntroduction to artificial_intelligence_syllabus
Introduction to artificial_intelligence_syllabus
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
Ideas 09 22_2018
Ideas 09 22_2018Ideas 09 22_2018
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Ideas about a Bachelor in Machine Learning/Data Sciences
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Ideas about a Bachelor in Machine Learning/Data Sciences
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
Analysis of Algorithms Syllabus
Analysis of Algorithms  SyllabusAnalysis of Algorithms  Syllabus
Analysis of Algorithms Syllabus
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
20 k-means, k-center, k-meoids and variations
20 k-means, k-center, k-meoids and variations20 k-means, k-center, k-meoids and variations
20 k-means, k-center, k-meoids and variations
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
18.1 combining models
18.1 combining models18.1 combining models
18.1 combining models
Andres Mendez-Vazquez
17 vapnik chervonenkis dimension
17 vapnik chervonenkis dimension17 vapnik chervonenkis dimension
17 vapnik chervonenkis dimension
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A basic introduction to learning
A basic introduction to learningA basic introduction to learning
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Andres Mendez-Vazquez

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2.03 bayesian estimation
2.03 bayesian estimation2.03 bayesian estimation
2.03 bayesian estimation
05 linear transformations
05 linear transformations05 linear transformations
05 linear transformations
01.04 orthonormal basis_eigen_vectors
01.04 orthonormal basis_eigen_vectors01.04 orthonormal basis_eigen_vectors
01.04 orthonormal basis_eigen_vectors
01.03 squared matrices_and_other_issues
01.03 squared matrices_and_other_issues01.03 squared matrices_and_other_issues
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01.02 linear equations
01.02 linear equations01.02 linear equations
01.02 linear equations
01.01 vector spaces
01.01 vector spaces01.01 vector spaces
01.01 vector spaces
06 recurrent neural_networks
06 recurrent neural_networks06 recurrent neural_networks
06 recurrent neural_networks
05 backpropagation automatic_differentiation
05 backpropagation automatic_differentiation05 backpropagation automatic_differentiation
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Zetta global
Zetta globalZetta global
Zetta global
01 Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
01 Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning01 Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
01 Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
25 introduction reinforcement_learning
25 introduction reinforcement_learning25 introduction reinforcement_learning
25 introduction reinforcement_learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning Syllabus
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Neural Networks and Deep Learning Syllabus
Introduction to artificial_intelligence_syllabus
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Ideas 09 22_2018
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Ideas about a Bachelor in Machine Learning/Data Sciences
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Analysis of Algorithms Syllabus
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20 k-means, k-center, k-meoids and variations
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20 k-means, k-center, k-meoids and variations
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18.1 combining models18.1 combining models
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17 vapnik chervonenkis dimension
A basic introduction to learning
A basic introduction to learningA basic introduction to learning
A basic introduction to learning

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Preparation Data Structures 07 stacks

  • 2. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 2 / 130
  • 3. Images/cinvestav- Introduction Definition of a stack It is a linear list where: One end is called top Other end is called bottom Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only. 3 / 130
  • 4. Images/cinvestav- Introduction Definition of a stack It is a linear list where: One end is called top Other end is called bottom Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only. 3 / 130
  • 5. Images/cinvestav- Introduction Definition of a stack It is a linear list where: One end is called top Other end is called bottom Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only. 3 / 130
  • 6. Images/cinvestav- Introduction Definition of a stack It is a linear list where: One end is called top Other end is called bottom Additionally, adds and removes are at the top end only. 3 / 130
  • 7. Images/cinvestav- What is a stack? First Stores a set of elements in a particular order. Second Stack principle: LAST IN FIRST OUT = LIFO Meaning It means: the last element inserted is the first one to be removed 4 / 130
  • 8. Images/cinvestav- What is a stack? First Stores a set of elements in a particular order. Second Stack principle: LAST IN FIRST OUT = LIFO Meaning It means: the last element inserted is the first one to be removed 4 / 130
  • 9. Images/cinvestav- What is a stack? First Stores a set of elements in a particular order. Second Stack principle: LAST IN FIRST OUT = LIFO Meaning It means: the last element inserted is the first one to be removed 4 / 130
  • 10. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 5 / 130
  • 11. Images/cinvestav- Example in Real Life Stack of Coins 6 / 130
  • 12. Images/cinvestav- Example Insert the following items into a stack List = {A, B, C, D, E} 7 / 130
  • 13. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {A, B, C, D, E} ABCDE 8 / 130
  • 14. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {A, B, C, D, E}, Push A ABCDE 9 / 130
  • 15. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {B, C, D, E} A BCDE 10 / 130
  • 16. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {B, C, D, E}, Push B A BCDE 11 / 130
  • 17. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {C, D, E} A B CDE 12 / 130
  • 18. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {C, D, E}, Push C A B CDE 13 / 130
  • 19. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {D, E} A B C DE 14 / 130
  • 20. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {D, E}, Push D A B C DE 15 / 130
  • 22. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {E}, Push E A B C D E 17 / 130
  • 23. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {E}, No space!!!Make Space A B C D E 18 / 130
  • 24. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {E}, Push E A B C D E 19 / 130
  • 26. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {}, Pop A B C D E 21 / 130
  • 27. Images/cinvestav- Example List = {E}, Pop A B C D E 22 / 130
  • 32. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 27 / 130
  • 33. Images/cinvestav- Stacks ADT Interface p u b l i c i n t e r f a c e Stack<Item> { p u b l i c boolean empty ( ) ; p u b l i c Item peek ( ) ; p u b l i c void push ( Item TheObject ) ; p u b l i c Item pop ( ) ; } 28 / 130
  • 34. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT I peek() This method allows to look at the top of the stack without removing it!!! For Example 29 / 130
  • 35. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT I peek() This method allows to look at the top of the stack without removing it!!! For Example A B C D peek() D 29 / 130
  • 36. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT II pop() This method allows to pop stuff from the top of the stack!!! For Example 30 / 130
  • 37. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT II pop() This method allows to pop stuff from the top of the stack!!! For Example A B C pop() D 30 / 130
  • 38. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT III push() This method allows to push stuff to the top of the stack!!! For Example 31 / 130
  • 39. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT III push() This method allows to push stuff to the top of the stack!!! For Example A B C push( DD ) 31 / 130
  • 40. Images/cinvestav- Explanation of the ADT III empty() This method allows to know if the stack is empty!!! 32 / 130
  • 41. Images/cinvestav- Stack Applications Real life Pile of books Plate trays More applications related to computer science Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA) Evaluating expressions 33 / 130
  • 42. Images/cinvestav- Stack Applications Real life Pile of books Plate trays More applications related to computer science Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA) Evaluating expressions 33 / 130
  • 43. Images/cinvestav- Stack Applications Real life Pile of books Plate trays More applications related to computer science Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA) Evaluating expressions 33 / 130
  • 44. Images/cinvestav- Stack Applications Real life Pile of books Plate trays More applications related to computer science Program execution stack (You will know about this in OS or CA) Evaluating expressions 33 / 130
  • 45. Images/cinvestav- What do we do now? First Instead of going toward the implementations!!! Why not examples? 1 Parentheses Matching 2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma 3 Switch Box Routing 4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java 5 Rat In A Maze 34 / 130
  • 46. Images/cinvestav- What do we do now? First Instead of going toward the implementations!!! Why not examples? 1 Parentheses Matching 2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma 3 Switch Box Routing 4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java 5 Rat In A Maze 34 / 130
  • 47. Images/cinvestav- What do we do now? First Instead of going toward the implementations!!! Why not examples? 1 Parentheses Matching 2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma 3 Switch Box Routing 4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java 5 Rat In A Maze 34 / 130
  • 48. Images/cinvestav- What do we do now? First Instead of going toward the implementations!!! Why not examples? 1 Parentheses Matching 2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma 3 Switch Box Routing 4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java 5 Rat In A Maze 34 / 130
  • 49. Images/cinvestav- What do we do now? First Instead of going toward the implementations!!! Why not examples? 1 Parentheses Matching 2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma 3 Switch Box Routing 4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java 5 Rat In A Maze 34 / 130
  • 50. Images/cinvestav- What do we do now? First Instead of going toward the implementations!!! Why not examples? 1 Parentheses Matching 2 Towers Of Hanoi/Brahma 3 Switch Box Routing 4 Try-Throw-Catch in Java 5 Rat In A Maze 34 / 130
  • 51. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 35 / 130
  • 52. Images/cinvestav- Parentheses Matching Example - Input (((a+b)*c+d-e)/(f+g)-(h+j)) ( ( ( a + b ) ∗ c + d − e ) / ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... ( f + g ) − ( h + j ) ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Output Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched with the right parenthesis at v. Or (2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (0,26) 36 / 130
  • 53. Images/cinvestav- Parentheses Matching Example - Input (((a+b)*c+d-e)/(f+g)-(h+j)) ( ( ( a + b ) ∗ c + d − e ) / ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... ( f + g ) − ( h + j ) ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Output Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched with the right parenthesis at v. Or (2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (0,26) 36 / 130
  • 54. Images/cinvestav- Parentheses Matching Example - Input (((a+b)*c+d-e)/(f+g)-(h+j)) ( ( ( a + b ) ∗ c + d − e ) / ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... ( f + g ) − ( h + j ) ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Output Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched with the right parenthesis at v. Or (2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (0,26) 36 / 130
  • 55. Images/cinvestav- Wrong Matching Input (a+b))*((c+d) Output 1 (0,4) 2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis 3 (8,12) 4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis 37 / 130
  • 56. Images/cinvestav- Wrong Matching Input (a+b))*((c+d) Output 1 (0,4) 2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis 3 (8,12) 4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis 37 / 130
  • 57. Images/cinvestav- Wrong Matching Input (a+b))*((c+d) Output 1 (0,4) 2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis 3 (8,12) 4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis 37 / 130
  • 58. Images/cinvestav- Wrong Matching Input (a+b))*((c+d) Output 1 (0,4) 2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis 3 (8,12) 4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis 37 / 130
  • 59. Images/cinvestav- Wrong Matching Input (a+b))*((c+d) Output 1 (0,4) 2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis 3 (8,12) 4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis 37 / 130
  • 60. Images/cinvestav- Wrong Matching Input (a+b))*((c+d) Output 1 (0,4) 2 WRONG!!! Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis 3 (8,12) 4 WRONG!!! Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis 37 / 130
  • 61. Images/cinvestav- Developing a Recursive Solution I First What do we do? Ideas Look at this What if we have (a+b)? 38 / 130
  • 62. Images/cinvestav- Developing a Recursive Solution I First What do we do? Ideas Look at this What if we have (a+b)? 38 / 130
  • 63. Images/cinvestav- Initial Idea boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List) 1 if (List.get(0)==’(’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) What else? 39 / 130
  • 64. Images/cinvestav- Initial Idea boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List) 1 if (List.get(0)==’(’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) What else? 39 / 130
  • 65. Images/cinvestav- Initial Idea boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List) 1 if (List.get(0)==’(’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) What else? 39 / 130
  • 66. Images/cinvestav- Initial Idea boolean Rec-Paren(Chain List) 1 if (List.get(0)==’(’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) What else? 39 / 130
  • 67. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 68. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 69. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 70. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 71. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 72. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 73. Images/cinvestav- Next Case Cont... 2. else if (List.get(0)==’[0-9]|[+-]’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return Rec-Paren(List) Last Step 3. else if (List.get(0)==’)’) 1 List.remove(0) 2 return true 3. else return false 40 / 130
  • 74. Images/cinvestav- Developing a Recursive Solution II What if you have? What if we have (a+b? What about What if we have a+b)? 41 / 130
  • 75. Images/cinvestav- Developing a Recursive Solution II What if you have? What if we have (a+b? What about What if we have a+b)? 41 / 130
  • 76. Images/cinvestav- This solution fails!!! So, we need to send something down the recursion What do we do? Ideas 42 / 130
  • 77. Images/cinvestav- What about...? what if We send down a flag!! 43 / 130
  • 78. Images/cinvestav- Thus We need a flag to send down the recursion!!! To tell the logic if we saw a left parenthesis Ok For simple problems fine!!! However... 44 / 130
  • 79. Images/cinvestav- Thus We need a flag to send down the recursion!!! To tell the logic if we saw a left parenthesis Ok For simple problems fine!!! However... 44 / 130
  • 80. Images/cinvestav- Then For problems like these ones ((a+b) Nope It does not work 45 / 130
  • 81. Images/cinvestav- Then For problems like these ones ((a+b) Nope It does not work 45 / 130
  • 82. Images/cinvestav- We need something more complex A counter!!! To see how many “(” we have seen down the recursion!!! 46 / 130
  • 83. Images/cinvestav- Recursive Solution - You assume a list of characters p u b l i c s t a t i c boolean Balanced ( C h a i n L i n e a r L i s t L i s t , i n t Counter ){ i f ( L i s t . isEmpty ( ) ) { // Check empty i f ( Counter == 0) // Check Counter r e t u r n t r u e ; e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e ;} i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ( ’ ) // Case ( { Counter++; L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ; r e t u r n Balanced ( L i s t , Counter ) ; } e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ [0 −9]|[+ −] ’ ) // Case Number or −+ { L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ; r e t u r n Balanced ( L i s t , Counter ) ; } e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ) ’ ) // Case ) { i f ( Counter > 0){ Counter −−; L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ; r e t u r n Balanced ( L i s t , Counter ) } e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e ; } e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e } 47 / 130
  • 84. Images/cinvestav- Can we simplify our code? Yes Using this memory container the STACK!!! 48 / 130
  • 85. Images/cinvestav- Before Anything Else Did you notice something about my Chain during the recursion? What? 49 / 130
  • 89. Images/cinvestav- So, we can simulate the recursion using what? First a way to... ITERATE A memory storage A Stack So somebody? Can give a process for it? 53 / 130
  • 90. Images/cinvestav- So, we can simulate the recursion using what? First a way to... ITERATE A memory storage A Stack So somebody? Can give a process for it? 53 / 130
  • 91. Images/cinvestav- So, we can simulate the recursion using what? First a way to... ITERATE A memory storage A Stack So somebody? Can give a process for it? 53 / 130
  • 92. Images/cinvestav- Iterative Solution - You assume a list of characters p u b l i c s t a t i c boolean Balanced ( C h a i n L i n e a r L i s t L i s t ){ Stack I t = new Stack ( ) ; i f ( L i s t . isEmpty ( ) ) r e t u r n t r u e w h i l e ( ! L i s t . isEmpty ( ) ) { // Use a loop i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ( ’ ) { I t . push ( L i s t . get ( 0 ) ) ; L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ; } e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ [0 −9]|[+ −] ’ ) { L i s t . remove (0) } e l s e i f ( L i s t . get (0)== ’ ) ’ ) { i f ( ! I t . empty ( ) ) I t . pop ( ) ; e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e ; L i s t . remove ( 0 ) ; // Yes remove the // l a s t ")" } i f ( I t . empty ( ) ) r e t u r n t r u e ; r e t u r n f a l s e } 54 / 130
  • 93. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 55 / 130
  • 94. Images/cinvestav- The Puzzle The Leyend There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Something Notable Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules of the Brahma, since that time. So According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. 56 / 130
  • 95. Images/cinvestav- The Puzzle The Leyend There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Something Notable Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules of the Brahma, since that time. So According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. 56 / 130
  • 96. Images/cinvestav- The Puzzle The Leyend There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Something Notable Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules of the Brahma, since that time. So According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. 56 / 130
  • 97. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 57 / 130
  • 98. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 58 / 130
  • 99. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 59 / 130
  • 100. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 60 / 130
  • 101. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 61 / 130
  • 102. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 62 / 130
  • 103. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 63 / 130
  • 104. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 64 / 130
  • 105. Images/cinvestav- The Rules First One Only one disk can be moved at a time. Second One Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. Third One No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. 65 / 130
  • 106. Images/cinvestav- The Rules First One Only one disk can be moved at a time. Second One Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. Third One No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. 65 / 130
  • 107. Images/cinvestav- The Rules First One Only one disk can be moved at a time. Second One Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. Third One No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. 65 / 130
  • 108. Images/cinvestav- Properties With Three disk You can solve it in seven moves Thus, the minimum number of moves required for n disks 2n − 1 (1) So how we solve the problem recursively? Ideas? 66 / 130
  • 109. Images/cinvestav- Properties With Three disk You can solve it in seven moves Thus, the minimum number of moves required for n disks 2n − 1 (1) So how we solve the problem recursively? Ideas? 66 / 130
  • 110. Images/cinvestav- Properties With Three disk You can solve it in seven moves Thus, the minimum number of moves required for n disks 2n − 1 (1) So how we solve the problem recursively? Ideas? 66 / 130
  • 112. Images/cinvestav- Next The other things Let n be the total number of discs. Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest, bottommost) How we solve this problem? We can use the technique of “Divide and Conquer” 68 / 130
  • 113. Images/cinvestav- Next The other things Let n be the total number of discs. Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest, bottommost) How we solve this problem? We can use the technique of “Divide and Conquer” 68 / 130
  • 114. Images/cinvestav- Next The other things Let n be the total number of discs. Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest, bottommost) How we solve this problem? We can use the technique of “Divide and Conquer” 68 / 130
  • 115. Images/cinvestav- Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer It is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi-branched recursion. Divide This phase of the algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type. The Conquer I Then these subproblems become simple enough to be solved directly. 69 / 130
  • 116. Images/cinvestav- Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer It is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi-branched recursion. Divide This phase of the algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type. The Conquer I Then these subproblems become simple enough to be solved directly. 69 / 130
  • 117. Images/cinvestav- Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer It is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi-branched recursion. Divide This phase of the algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type. The Conquer I Then these subproblems become simple enough to be solved directly. 69 / 130
  • 118. Images/cinvestav- Divide and Conquer The Conquer II The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a solution to the original problem. 70 / 130
  • 119. Images/cinvestav- Question!! First What is the clever thing to do? Example 71 / 130
  • 120. Images/cinvestav- A Simple Divide Phase Move everything The things that are in front of disk n. In the previous case n = 3 Ok How the recursion looks as simple logic steps? 72 / 130
  • 121. Images/cinvestav- A Simple Divide Phase Move everything The things that are in front of disk n. In the previous case n = 3 Ok How the recursion looks as simple logic steps? 72 / 130
  • 122. Images/cinvestav- The Initial Recursion Logical Steps To move n discs from tower A to tower C: 1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!! 2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C. 3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as temporary!!! 73 / 130
  • 123. Images/cinvestav- The Initial Recursion Logical Steps To move n discs from tower A to tower C: 1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!! 2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C. 3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as temporary!!! 73 / 130
  • 124. Images/cinvestav- The Initial Recursion Logical Steps To move n discs from tower A to tower C: 1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!! 2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C. 3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as temporary!!! 73 / 130
  • 125. Images/cinvestav- The Initial Recursion Logical Steps To move n discs from tower A to tower C: 1 Move n − 1 discs from A to B using C as a temporary!!! 2 This leaves disc n alone on tower A move disc n from A to C. 3 Move n − 1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n using A as temporary!!! 73 / 130
  • 126. Images/cinvestav- Recursive Solution Code // Assume the l i s t i n A i s i n d e c r e a s i n g order p u b l i c s t a t i c S t r i n g TH( i n t n , Char Origin , Char Destination , Char Temp){ S t r i n g r e s u l t ; i f ( n = = 1){ r e t u r n "Move␣ Disk ␣"+n+"␣from␣"+ Or ig in + "␣ to ␣" + D e s t i n a t i o n + "n" ; } r e s u l t = TH(n−1, Origin , Temp , D e s t i n a t i o n ) ; r e s u l t+= "Move␣ Disk ␣"+n+"␣from␣"+ O ri gi n + "␣ to ␣" + D e s t i n a t i o n + "n" ; r e s u l t+= TH(n−1,Temp , Destination , Or ig i n ) ; r e t u r n r e s u l t s ; } 74 / 130
  • 127. Images/cinvestav- What do we need for the iterative solution? Storage for the disks Use one stack per tower!!! A while loop to simulate the recursion Doing What? 75 / 130
  • 128. Images/cinvestav- What do we need for the iterative solution? Storage for the disks Use one stack per tower!!! A while loop to simulate the recursion Doing What? 75 / 130
  • 129. Images/cinvestav- Simple Logic to the Iterative Version Logic A simple solution for the toy puzzle: 1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece. 2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position in the same direction. 3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction. 76 / 130
  • 130. Images/cinvestav- Simple Logic to the Iterative Version Logic A simple solution for the toy puzzle: 1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece. 2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position in the same direction. 3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction. 76 / 130
  • 131. Images/cinvestav- Simple Logic to the Iterative Version Logic A simple solution for the toy puzzle: 1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece. 2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position in the same direction. 3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction. 76 / 130
  • 132. Images/cinvestav- Simple Logic to the Iterative Version Logic A simple solution for the toy puzzle: 1 Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece. 2 When moving the smallest piece, always move it to the next position in the same direction. 3 If there is no tower position in the chosen direction, move the piece to the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction. 76 / 130
  • 133. Images/cinvestav- A simple example with 3 disks The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the end rod 77 / 130
  • 134. Images/cinvestav- We have two cases When there are n disks n is even When there are n disk n is odd Then a really simple solution involving 2n−1 − 1 moves You have three stacks: A, B, C. 78 / 130
  • 135. Images/cinvestav- We have two cases When there are n disks n is even When there are n disk n is odd Then a really simple solution involving 2n−1 − 1 moves You have three stacks: A, B, C. 78 / 130
  • 136. Images/cinvestav- We have two cases When there are n disks n is even When there are n disk n is odd Then a really simple solution involving 2n−1 − 1 moves You have three stacks: A, B, C. 78 / 130
  • 137. Images/cinvestav- We have for n even Use Circular moves A =⇒ B =⇒ C =⇒ A (2) 79 / 130
  • 138. Images/cinvestav- We have for n odd Use Circular Moves A =⇒ C =⇒ B =⇒ A (3) 80 / 130
  • 139. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 140. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 141. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 142. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 143. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 144. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 145. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 146. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 147. Images/cinvestav- Process IterativeHT using three stacks : towerA, towerB, towerC 1 for i = 1 to 2n−1 1 If (n%2 == 0) 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for even order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 2 else 1 Select the smallest disk at the top of the stacks 2 Move the smallest disk one position in the direction of the cyclic order for odd order. 3 Move the next largest disk to the only possible stack 81 / 130
  • 148. Images/cinvestav- What about the Most Efficient Version? You need a node state 1 Number of Disks 2 Origin Tower 3 Destination Tower 4 Temporary Tower 82 / 130
  • 149. Images/cinvestav- What about the Most Efficient Version? You need a node state 1 Number of Disks 2 Origin Tower 3 Destination Tower 4 Temporary Tower 82 / 130
  • 150. Images/cinvestav- What about the Most Efficient Version? You need a node state 1 Number of Disks 2 Origin Tower 3 Destination Tower 4 Temporary Tower 82 / 130
  • 151. Images/cinvestav- What about the Most Efficient Version? You need a node state 1 Number of Disks 2 Origin Tower 3 Destination Tower 4 Temporary Tower 82 / 130
  • 152. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 153. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 154. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 155. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 156. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 157. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 158. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 159. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 160. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 161. Images/cinvestav- We have then the following logic procedure Iterative-Hanoi(n) 1 let S be an stack 2 let Result be a empty string 3 S.push(Node(n, A, C, B, Result)) 4 while S is not empty 5 v = S.pop() 6 if (v.n == 1) 7 print "Move one from v.Origin to v.Destination n" 8 else 9 S.push(Node(v.n-1, v.Temp, v.Destination, v.Origin)) 10 S.push(Node(1, v.Origin, v.Destination, v.Temp)) 11 S.push(Node(v.n-1,v.Origin, v.Temp, v.Destination)) 83 / 130
  • 162. Images/cinvestav- What about the Legend? To solve the towers of Hanoi for 64 disks We need ≈ 1.8 ∗ 1019 moves With a computer making 109 moves/second A computer would take about 570 years to complete. At 1 disk move/min The monks will take about 3.4 × 1013 years. The sun will destroy the life on earth in 2.8 × 109. 84 / 130
  • 163. Images/cinvestav- What about the Legend? To solve the towers of Hanoi for 64 disks We need ≈ 1.8 ∗ 1019 moves With a computer making 109 moves/second A computer would take about 570 years to complete. At 1 disk move/min The monks will take about 3.4 × 1013 years. The sun will destroy the life on earth in 2.8 × 109. 84 / 130
  • 164. Images/cinvestav- What about the Legend? To solve the towers of Hanoi for 64 disks We need ≈ 1.8 ∗ 1019 moves With a computer making 109 moves/second A computer would take about 570 years to complete. At 1 disk move/min The monks will take about 3.4 × 1013 years. The sun will destroy the life on earth in 2.8 × 109. 84 / 130
  • 165. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 85 / 130
  • 166. Images/cinvestav- Chess As in the Tower of Hanoi It is possible to devise a massive search solution based in the actual state of the chess board. State 0 86 / 130
  • 167. Images/cinvestav- Chess As in the Tower of Hanoi It is possible to devise a massive search solution based in the actual state of the chess board. State 0 86 / 130
  • 168. Images/cinvestav- Then Something Notable If you put 1 penny for the first square, 2 for next, 4 for next, 8 for next, and so on. You have $3.6 ∗ 1017 (federal budget ~ 2 ∗ 1012) . 87 / 130
  • 169. Images/cinvestav- Then Something Notable If you put 1 penny for the first square, 2 for next, 4 for next, 8 for next, and so on. You have $3.6 ∗ 1017 (federal budget ~ 2 ∗ 1012) . 87 / 130
  • 170. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 88 / 130
  • 171. Images/cinvestav- Method Invocation And Return We have stack in the memory system 89 / 130
  • 172. Images/cinvestav- Method Invocation And Return We have stack in the memory system 90 / 130
  • 173. Images/cinvestav- Method Invocation And Return We have stack in the memory system 91 / 130
  • 174. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 92 / 130
  • 175. Images/cinvestav- Try-Throw-Catch Thus 1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack. 2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate). 3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the preceding step. 4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the matching catch block. 93 / 130
  • 176. Images/cinvestav- Try-Throw-Catch Thus 1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack. 2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate). 3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the preceding step. 4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the matching catch block. 93 / 130
  • 177. Images/cinvestav- Try-Throw-Catch Thus 1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack. 2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate). 3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the preceding step. 4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the matching catch block. 93 / 130
  • 178. Images/cinvestav- Try-Throw-Catch Thus 1 When you enter a try block, push the address of this block on a stack. 2 When an exception is thrown, pop the try block that is at the top of the stack (if the stack is empty, terminate). 3 If the popped try block has no matching catch block, go back to the preceding step. 4 If the popped try block has a matching catch block, execute the matching catch block. 93 / 130
  • 179. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 94 / 130
  • 180. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example 95 / 130
  • 181. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example Move order is: right, down, left, up Block positions to avoid revisit. 96 / 130
  • 182. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example 97 / 130
  • 183. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example Move backward until we reach a square from which a forward move is possible. 98 / 130
  • 184. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example Move backward until we reach a square from which a forward move is possible. 99 / 130
  • 185. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example MOVE DOWN 100 / 130
  • 186. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example MOVE LEFT 101 / 130
  • 187. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example MOVE DOWN 102 / 130
  • 188. Images/cinvestav- Rat In A Maze Example Move backward until we reach a square from which a forward move is possible. 103 / 130
  • 189. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 104 / 130
  • 190. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList We can do the following Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list For any possible top empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1) O(1) time 105 / 130
  • 191. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList We can do the following Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list For any possible top empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1) O(1) time 105 / 130
  • 192. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList We can do the following Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list For any possible top empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1) O(1) time 105 / 130
  • 193. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList We can do the following Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list For any possible top empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1) O(1) time 105 / 130
  • 194. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList We can do the following Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list For any possible top empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time peek() =⇒ get(0) or get(size() - 1) O(1) time 105 / 130
  • 195. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is left end of linear list push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(size) time 106 / 130
  • 196. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is left end of linear list push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(size) time 106 / 130
  • 197. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is left end of linear list push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(size) time 106 / 130
  • 198. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is left end of linear list push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(size) time 106 / 130
  • 199. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is right end of linear list For any possible top push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(1) time 107 / 130
  • 200. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is right end of linear list For any possible top push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(1) time 107 / 130
  • 201. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is right end of linear list For any possible top push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(1) time 107 / 130
  • 202. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is right end of linear list For any possible top push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(1) time 107 / 130
  • 203. Images/cinvestav- Derivation From ArrayLinearList When top is right end of linear list For any possible top push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(1) time 107 / 130
  • 204. Images/cinvestav- Thus The Moral of the Story You must use the right end of list as top of stack That is way 108 / 130
  • 205. Images/cinvestav- Thus The Moral of the Story You must use the right end of list as top of stack That is way STACK DATA TEXT HEAP 0 High Memory Growing Directions 108 / 130
  • 206. Images/cinvestav- Outline 1 Introduction Example ADT 2 Examples Parentheses Matching Towers of Hanoi Chess Method Invocation And Return Method Invocation And Return Rat In A Maze 3 Implementation Derivation From ArrayLinearList Derivation From Chain 4 Code Snippets 109 / 130
  • 207. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time 110 / 130
  • 208. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time 110 / 130
  • 209. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain Stack top is either left end or right end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus empty() =⇒ isEmpty() O(1) time 110 / 130
  • 210. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 211. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 212. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 213. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 214. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 215. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 216. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(0) O(1) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(0, theObject) O(1) time pop() =⇒ remove(0) O(1) time 111 / 130
  • 217. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 218. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 219. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 220. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 221. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 222. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 223. Images/cinvestav- Derivation from a Chain When top is left end of linear list CA EDB firstNode NULL Thus peek() =⇒ get(size()-1) O(size) time push(theObject) =⇒ add(size(), theObject) O(size) time pop() =⇒ remove(size()-1) O(size) time 112 / 130
  • 224. Images/cinvestav- Thus The Moral of the Story You must use the left end of list as top of stack 113 / 130
  • 225. Images/cinvestav- Derive From ArrayLinearList Code package MyStack ; import java . u t i l . ∗ ; // I t has stack e x c e p t i o n p u b l i c c l a s s DerivedArrayStack extends A r r a y L i n e a r L i s t <Item> { // c o n s t r u c t o r s come here // Stack i n t e r f a c e methods come here } 114 / 130
  • 226. Images/cinvestav- Derive From ArrayLinearList Constructors /∗∗ c r e a t e a stack with the given i n i t i a l ∗ c a p a c i t y ∗/ p u b l i c DerivedArrayStack ( i n t i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ) { super ( i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ) ; } /∗∗ c r e a t e a stack with i n i t i a l c a p a c i t y 10 ∗/ p u b l i c DerivedArrayStack () { t h i s ( 1 0 ) ; } 115 / 130
  • 227. Images/cinvestav- empty() And peek() Code p u b l i c boolean empty () { r e t u r n isEmpty ( ) ; } p u b l i c Object peek () { i f ( empty ( ) ) throw new EmptyStackException ( ) ; r e t u r n get ( s i z e () − 1 ) ; } 116 / 130
  • 228. Images/cinvestav- push(theObject) And pop() Code p u b l i c void push ( Object theElement ) {add ( s i z e ( ) , theElement ) ; } p u b l i c Object pop () { i f ( empty ( ) ) throw new EmptyStackException ( ) ; r e t u r n remove ( s i z e () − 1 ) ; } 117 / 130
  • 229. Images/cinvestav- The Pros The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop. Code is expected to require little debugging. Code for other stack implementations such as a linked implementation are easily obtained. Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain. For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of the list as the stack top rather than the right end. 118 / 130
  • 230. Images/cinvestav- The Pros The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop. Code is expected to require little debugging. Code for other stack implementations such as a linked implementation are easily obtained. Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain. For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of the list as the stack top rather than the right end. 118 / 130
  • 231. Images/cinvestav- The Pros The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop. Code is expected to require little debugging. Code for other stack implementations such as a linked implementation are easily obtained. Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain. For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of the list as the stack top rather than the right end. 118 / 130
  • 232. Images/cinvestav- The Pros The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop. Code is expected to require little debugging. Code for other stack implementations such as a linked implementation are easily obtained. Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain. For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of the list as the stack top rather than the right end. 118 / 130
  • 233. Images/cinvestav- The Pros The merits of deriving from ArrayLinearList Code for derived class is quite simple and easy to develop. Code is expected to require little debugging. Code for other stack implementations such as a linked implementation are easily obtained. Just replace extends ArrayLinearList with extends Chain. For efficiency reasons we must also make changes to use the left end of the list as the stack top rather than the right end. 118 / 130
  • 234. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Then All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the stack structure: get(0) . . . get bottom element remove(5)... pop add(3, x) ... push So we do not have a true stack implementation. We must override undesired methods. 119 / 130
  • 235. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Then All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the stack structure: get(0) . . . get bottom element remove(5)... pop add(3, x) ... push So we do not have a true stack implementation. We must override undesired methods. 119 / 130
  • 236. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Then All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the stack structure: get(0) . . . get bottom element remove(5)... pop add(3, x) ... push So we do not have a true stack implementation. We must override undesired methods. 119 / 130
  • 237. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Then All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the stack structure: get(0) . . . get bottom element remove(5)... pop add(3, x) ... push So we do not have a true stack implementation. We must override undesired methods. 119 / 130
  • 238. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Then All public methods of ArrayLinearList are performed following the stack structure: get(0) . . . get bottom element remove(5)... pop add(3, x) ... push So we do not have a true stack implementation. We must override undesired methods. 119 / 130
  • 239. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Unnecessary work is done by the code. Examples Example I peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked. The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed. Example II add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is not entered. Neither is needed. 120 / 130
  • 240. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Unnecessary work is done by the code. Examples Example I peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked. The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed. Example II add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is not entered. Neither is needed. 120 / 130
  • 241. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Unnecessary work is done by the code. Examples Example I peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked. The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed. Example II add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is not entered. Neither is needed. 120 / 130
  • 242. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Unnecessary work is done by the code. Examples Example I peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked. The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed. Example II add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is not entered. Neither is needed. 120 / 130
  • 243. Images/cinvestav- The Cons Unnecessary work is done by the code. Examples Example I peek() verifies that the stack is not empty before get is invoked. The index check done by get is, therefore, not needed. Example II add(size(), theElement) does an index check and a for loop that is not entered. Neither is needed. 120 / 130
  • 244. Images/cinvestav- Then Thus So the derived code runs slower than necessary. 121 / 130
  • 245. Images/cinvestav- Moral of the Story First Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost) to develop. Second Tradeoff between software development cost and performance. Third Tradeoff between time to market and performance. Fourth It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve performance. 122 / 130
  • 246. Images/cinvestav- Moral of the Story First Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost) to develop. Second Tradeoff between software development cost and performance. Third Tradeoff between time to market and performance. Fourth It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve performance. 122 / 130
  • 247. Images/cinvestav- Moral of the Story First Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost) to develop. Second Tradeoff between software development cost and performance. Third Tradeoff between time to market and performance. Fourth It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve performance. 122 / 130
  • 248. Images/cinvestav- Moral of the Story First Code developed from scratch will run faster but will take more time (cost) to develop. Second Tradeoff between software development cost and performance. Third Tradeoff between time to market and performance. Fourth It could be easy to develop the code first and later refine it to improve performance. 122 / 130
  • 249. Images/cinvestav- Example A slow pop 1 if (empty()) 2 throw new EmptyStackException(); 3 return remove(size() - 1); Faster Code 1 try {return remove(size() - 1);} 2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) 3 {throw new EmptyStackException();} 123 / 130
  • 250. Images/cinvestav- Example A slow pop 1 if (empty()) 2 throw new EmptyStackException(); 3 return remove(size() - 1); Faster Code 1 try {return remove(size() - 1);} 2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) 3 {throw new EmptyStackException();} 123 / 130
  • 251. Images/cinvestav- Example A slow pop 1 if (empty()) 2 throw new EmptyStackException(); 3 return remove(size() - 1); Faster Code 1 try {return remove(size() - 1);} 2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) 3 {throw new EmptyStackException();} 123 / 130
  • 252. Images/cinvestav- Example A slow pop 1 if (empty()) 2 throw new EmptyStackException(); 3 return remove(size() - 1); Faster Code 1 try {return remove(size() - 1);} 2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) 3 {throw new EmptyStackException();} 123 / 130
  • 253. Images/cinvestav- Example A slow pop 1 if (empty()) 2 throw new EmptyStackException(); 3 return remove(size() - 1); Faster Code 1 try {return remove(size() - 1);} 2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) 3 {throw new EmptyStackException();} 123 / 130
  • 254. Images/cinvestav- Example A slow pop 1 if (empty()) 2 throw new EmptyStackException(); 3 return remove(size() - 1); Faster Code 1 try {return remove(size() - 1);} 2 catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) 3 {throw new EmptyStackException();} 123 / 130
  • 255. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 256. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 257. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 258. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 259. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 260. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 261. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 262. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch First Use a 1D array stack whose data type is Item. same as using array element in ArrayLinearList Second Use an int variable top. Stack elements are in stack[0:top]. Top element is in stack[top]. Bottom element is in stack[0]. Stack is empty iff top = -1. Number of elements in stack is top+1. 124 / 130
  • 263. Images/cinvestav- Code From Scratch Data Memember package Stack ; import java . u t i l . EmptyStackException ; import u t i l i t i e s . ∗ ; p u b l i c c l a s s ArrayStack<Item> implements Stack<Item> { // data members i n t top ; // c u r r e n t top of stack Item [ ] stack ; // element a r r a y // Etc } 125 / 130
  • 264. Images/cinvestav- Constructors Code p u b l i c ArrayStack ( i n t i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ) { i f ( i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y < 1) throw new I l l e g a l A r g u m e n t E x c e p t i o n ( " i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ␣must␣be␣>=␣1" ) ; t h i s . stack = ( Item [ ] ) new Object [ i n i t i a l C a p a c i t y ] ; top = −1; } p u b l i c ArrayStack () { t h i s ( 1 0 ) ; } 126 / 130
  • 265. Images/cinvestav- Push(...) Code p u b l i c void push ( Object theElement ) { // i n c r e a s e a r r a y s i z e i f n e c e s s a r y i f ( top == stack . le ngth − 1) stack = ChangeArrayLength . changeLength1D ( stack , 2 ∗ stack . l ength ) ; // put theElement at the top of the stack stack[++top ] = theElement ; } Thus 127 / 130
  • 266. Images/cinvestav- Pop() Code p u b l i c Item pop () { i f ( empty ( ) ) throw new EmptyStackException ( ) ; Object topElement = stack [ top ] ; stack [ top −−] = n u l l ; // enable garbage c o l l e c t i o n r e t u r n topElement ; } Thus 128 / 130
  • 267. Images/cinvestav- Actually We have the following java.util.Stack It derives from java.util.Vector. java.util.Vector is an array implementation of a linear list. 129 / 130
  • 268. Images/cinvestav- Performance of 500,000 pop, push, and peek operations We have Class 500,000 DerivedArrayStack 0.38 s Scratch Array Stack 0.22 s DerivedArrayStackWithCatch 0.33 s DerivedLinkedStack 3.20 s Scratch LinkedStack 2.96 s 130 / 130