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SCLE 5154
1Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
This course is one of the core courses for students of Master in Applied Linguistics programme.
The course provides an understanding of the principles and practices of teaching English as a
second or foreign language. The course will review the past trends as well as the current methods
of language teaching. It will examine and evaluate each approach and method in terms of its
theory of language and language learning, goals, syllabus, teacher and learner roles, materials,
teaching activities and techniques used in the classroom.
What is Reflective Journal?
Reflection is the “active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of
knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it
tends” (Dewey, 1933, p. 9). Reflective thinking begins with a state of doubt, hesitation, or
perplexity and moves through the act of searching to find material that will resolve, clarify, or
otherwise address the doubt. This material may consist of past experience or a fund of relevant
knowledge—neither of which necessarily leads to reflective thought: “To be genuinely
thoughtful, we must be willing to sustain and protract that state of doubt which is the stimulus to
thorough inquiry” (p. 16). Dewey believed that thinking was natural but that reflective habits of
mind needed to be taught. Attitudes play an important role in acquiring the reflective habit.
Attitudes that should be cultivated include (1) open-mindedness, “freedom from prejudice,
partisanship, and such other habits as close the mind” (p. 30); (2) whole-heartedness, “genuine
enthusiasm” (p. 32); and (3) responsibility, “to consider the consequences of a projected step
SCLE 5154
2Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
[and] to be willing to adopt these consequences when they follow reasonably from any position
already taken” (p. 32). The teacher’s role is to be knowledgeable about the traits and habits of
individual students and of the entire environment that affects students to select educative
experiences that nurture and sustain reflective thought. Dewey claimed that reflection benefits
individuals by giving them more control over experience and thereby increasing the value of
experience. Our assumption is that “more reflective teacher actions will lead to greater benefits
for the teacher and for all of his or her pupils” (Zeichner & Liston, 1987, p. 25).
We share the assumption of many teacher educators that reflective writing can promote
reflective thinking (King & Kitchener, 1994; Ross, 1990). Although Ducharme and Ducharme
(1996) question the value of reflective journals to prospective teachers, we believe that at least
the following benefits accrue to our students: (1) journals serve as a permanent record of
thoughts and experiences; (2) journals provide a means of establishing and maintaining
relationship with instructors; (3) journals serve as a safe outlet for personal concerns and
frustrations; and (4) journals are an aid to internal dialogue (Colton & Sparks-Langer, 1993).
Furthermore, as instructors we benefit because (1) journals serve as windows into our students’
thinking and learning; (2) journals provide a means of establishing and maintaining relationship
with students; and (3) journals serve as dialogical teaching tools. At the same time, we
acknowledge that not all students benefit from reflective journal writing (e.g., Bolin, 1990).
Studies of reflection in pre-service teachers’ journals have been mainly of two types:
those that focus on the content of reflective thinking in the journals and those that focus on the
processes that affect the content. Examples of the first type include McMahon (1997), who
SCLE 5154
3Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
analyzed documents, including journals, created by two student teachers to identify how each
addressed equity issues. Dieker and Monda-Amaya (1995) analyzed the journals of six special
education graduate students to define operational categories of reflective thought. Gipe and
Richards (1992) analyzed journals and observed teaching to determine the link between
reflection and growth in teaching.
Studies that examined the effects of specific interventions on the quality of reflective
thinking in journals include Stalhut and Hawkes (1997), who compared the effects of different
mediums (written journals, telecommunications, and personal conferences) on reflection. They
found that pre-service teachers tended to reflect on issues of personal self-worth and professional
performance and that they used each medium for different purposes (e.g., they used
telecommunications for urgent issues). Loughran (1997) investigated how his own modelling of
reflection through think aloud and journal sharing affected student teachers’ reflection. He found
that these strategies helped pre-service teachers better understand the process. Building on
Loughran’s work, Freese (1999) used a three-part framework, journals, and videotape analyses to
help prospective teachers reflect on their lessons. She found that “an organizing framework can
assist pre-service teachers in evaluating their experiences and making sense of their teaching” (p.
907). Galvez-Martin and Bowman (1998) used experimental and control groups to determine the
impact of training on reflection. They found that pre-service teachers who received training in
reflection were more reflective, but they did not achieve what the researchers defined as the
highest level of reflection.
SCLE 5154
4Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 1 - 6 September 2014
As the first session of the semester, I was little bit worried before entering the class because I did
not have any experiences in teaching. I felt that I will not survive in this course plus some of my
seniors said that this course is very challenging and the previous lecturer was also very strict.
But, once I entered the class my perception changed because of my lecturer, Madam Maznah
was very supportive towards me and she said to me don’t worry, it’s going to be alright.
She started the lesson with the topic “History of English Language Teaching”. In this
topic, I learned how English language teaching evolves throughout the history. It was started
from Classical method in the 17th until Communicative Language Teaching method. I was so
mesmerized by the evolution process that happened throughout the years hence I decided right at
that moment, I want to be a teacher, because I want to teach my fellow Malaysians to be as good
as my lecturer.
After finish the topic, my lecturer moved to another topic which is “Approaches, Method,
and Techniques”. In this topic, my lecturer was only gave brief explanation about all the
approaches and methods in teaching English because she asked all students to choose their own
methods and present it on the 3rd week. So, I volunteered to choose Problem-Based Learning
(PBL) method because I am quite familiar with the term. My lecturer was only explained to me
about the differences between approach, method and technique.
SCLE 5154
5Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 2 – 13 September 2014
Today’s class started little bit gloomy because my lecturer was telling us about her sad stories
related to her son illness and her husband was retrenched from his job. I felt sympathetic towards
her and started crying like a little baby. But after a while the situation became under control and
went back like usual.
Next, my lecturer was started giving us the hand-out about “Language, Learning, and
Teaching” and she asked us to read it individually. I didn’t read it because it was quite long notes
and at the same time also my lecturer always kept reminding us about next week presentation.
After that, I started searching about PBL method via Google scholars. I found many articles
about the method and could be my references to do the power point slides. According to the
article that I read, Problem-Based Learning is a student-centred pedagogy in which students learn
about a subject through the experience of problem solving. Students learn both thinking
strategies and domain knowledge.
Next, my lecturer started explained us about how to make a lesson plan? She gave us the
articles that guided us on how to make a good lesson plan because we need to prepare it for pair
work and individual teaching demonstration. In today’s class also we’ve been assigned to do
critical review on any articles that talk about method of teaching and it need to be submit on
Week 6. At the end of the class, Madam asked reminded us to get the course books at Pustaka
Union in Changlun.
SCLE 5154
6Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 3 – 20 September 2014
Today was the day that we need to present our methods. The first presenter was our “gorgeous”
classmate, Miss Hafizah Hajimiah. She presented on the topic “Grammar Translation Method”.
She did very well and easily understand by me. She also gave me the slides hand-out and I
noticed that the grammar translation method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived
from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin. In
grammar-translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by
translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Advanced students
may be required to translate whole texts word-for-word. The method has two main goals: to
enable students to read and translate literature written in the target language, and to further
students’ general intellectual development.
In this class also, I was the saviour of the rest of my classmates. It was because some of
them didn’t ready for the presentation and I willing to replace them even though my turn was on
the next week. I presented about Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method. I felt very confident to
present in front of my friends because I was well-prepared at that time. Madam also encouraged
me a lot and complimented me because of my heroic action. I felt very proud of myself and more
motivated to focus on this course. I started loving this course because of the generosity of my
lecturer. Today’s class only 4 students presented their methods and Madam seems unhappy and
frustrated because of that. At the end of the class, Madam asked me to start working on the
critical review on any teaching method in order to clarify the advantages and the weaknesses of
the method.
SCLE 5154
7Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 4 – 27 September 2014
Today, the presentation session was continued as many students were still not presented their
methods. Anwar was the first presenter and he presented about Suggestopedia method. I saw
Anwar’s presentation was very good and confident. According to his presentation,
Suggestopædiais a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi
Lozanov. It is used mostly to learn foreign languages. Suggestopedia has been called a
pseudoscience.It strongly depends on the trust that students develop towards the method by
simply believing that it works. The theory applied positive suggestion in teaching when it was
developed in the 1970s. However, as the method improved, it has focused more on “desuggestive
learning” and now is often called “desuggestopedia.” Suggestopedia is a portmanteau of the
words “suggestion” and “pedagogy". A common misconception is to link "suggestion" to
"hypnosis". However, Lozanov intended it in the sense of offering or proposing, emphasising
student choice.
Next presenter was Anwar’s wife, Shafiqa. She presented on the audio-lingual method
and delivered the theory precisely. She also gave us the copy of the notes. The audio-lingual
method, Army Method, or New Key, is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages. It
is based on behaviourist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this
case humans could be trained through a system of reinforcement—correct use of a trait would
receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. Also
there were many of my friends presented on the same day but unfortunately I did not focus well
on their presentation due to my sickness.
SCLE 5154
8Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 5- 4th October 2014
I came quite late to the class because I did not have enough sleep last night. I was struggling to
finish the critical review assignment with my best buddy, Kuughaan. We only slept at 6 am on
the morning then I woke up at 1.30 pm. I was really nervous and afraid because today’s class I
need to submit the analysis and present my findings. Luckily, Madam still gave me the chance to
enter her class. She was very kind lecturer that I never meet before. At that moment I saw my
friend, Nurfadzillah in the middle of presenting her findings. She talked about “The Role of
Teacher’s non-verbal Communication in ELT Classroom. Her findings were magnificent and
superb because she managed to find the weaknesses and advantages of the approach.
After Nurfadzillah finished her presentation, I raised up my hand to be the next presenter
because I was very eager to present my critiques on Problem-Based Learning method. But,
unfortunately Madam did not allow me at that time because Nuha was volunteered first. Nuha
talked about her critiques about Direct Methods. She was successfully proved that this method
have a lot of weaknesses especially towards L2 students. After she finished the presentation,
Madam was dismissed the class so that I don’t have chance to present on that day and I was
really frustrated. But, I submitted my written assignment on the same day. Today’s class was
only 7 students were able to present because of time constraint.
SCLE 5154
9Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 6 – 11th October 2014
This week, critical review presentation session continued. I was the first presenter on the day and
presented about “Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education Institutions
and Its Impacts on Student’s Learning”. This is the summary of my presentation, in introduction,
Johari Surif states that the implementations of Problem Based Learning in higher
institutions have brought many optimistic outcomes towards students’ learning process. They
provide data to support the idea that the implementation of PBL got the positive perceptions
from students. PBL encourages students to solve the problems within their own groups. When
defining the impacts, Johari Surif states that impacts are the reaction of the students towards
this alternative method. The findings conclude PBL brings positive impact in increasing
students’ motivation, self-learning and soft skills. However, there were complaints from some
students about the challenges they faced in solving problems and mastering the content. Time
constraint and multiple tasks that must be completed for each course created these issues. In
order to address this issue, the lecturer has an important role to motivate students and provide
effective guidance to them.
Next, Kuughaan continued the presentation session with the topic “Establishing English
Teaching Pattern Combining the Communicative Teaching Method and the Grammar-
Translation Method”. He provides managed to find advantages and weaknesses of the Grammar-
Translation Method. I saw Madame praised him so much because of his brilliant presentation. In
the end of the class, Madam asked us to get ready for one-hour lesson plan.
SCLE 5154
10Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 7 – 25 October 2014
Today’s class was also the same with last week because there were still students presented their
critical review. I felt really boring because some of them did not know how to present. They just
went in front and read their slides. I think there was only one student that attracted me which is
Hafizah Hajimia. She talked about “The Effect of Using Grammar-Translation Method on
Acquiring English as a Foreign Language.” The article that was chosen for this review is about
learning strategies used in order to acquire a second/foreign language. The title of the article is
“The Effect of Using Grammar-Translation Method on Acquiring English as a Foreign
Language” By Ishraq M. Aqel in Al-Mazar, Jordan, Government school. The respondents were
15 years old and their first language was Arabic. The problem that this study aims to address is
the low level of student’s results in grammar. They are in the process of identifying the best
method to teach English grammar in order for the students to succeed. This study attempts to
explore grammar translation method as a solution for the problem. Based on the study, the
researcher has concluded that the outcome of the study was a success. There was a positive effect
especially on the female students as they showed a vast progress in grammar result as well as an
increase in their self-confidence. I have chosen this article because; I used to use this method in
my classroom. I understand the pros and the cons behind it. Aside from that, in my opinion, Even
though, at surface it looks like Malaysia looks at English as a second language and for Jordan it
is a foreign language, but in reality in Malaysia English is also a foreign language. Accept that in
Malaysia we have many cultures and we adapt to changes easily, the process of acquiring
another language becomes easier compared to Jordan.
SCLE 5154
11Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 8 – 1st November 2014
The class ran like usual and still got some students presented their critical review. After all
students had presented their critiques, Madam informed to us about the week in-class quiz. She
said that please read all the methods and approach in the language teaching. I tried to ask her
specifically but I failed because she said “Don’t ask me specifically because this is test.” But
finally she informed us that there will be 3 methods to be asking in the quiz.
I felt quite annoying with Madam Maznah’s statement because at least she should gave us
some hints because there are too many methods to read.
Week 9 – 15 November 2014
Today we had only the quiz. I did not sleep for the whole night because I need to cover too many
methods and approaches. But, Alhamdulillah I managed to answer all the questions very well. I
gave my best shot during the quiz.
SCLE 5154
12Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Week 10 – 22 November 2014
In this week, I was alone presenting my group lesson plan because my pair, Izzati was absent on
the day. This was my lesson plan.
Subject : Small Group Communication
Date : 17th September 2014
Time : 8.30 a.m –9.30 a.m.
Class : E
Level : Intermediate
Skills : Speaking
Theme/ Topic : Problem Solving
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
i. Apply the concepts of problem solving
ii. Discuss about the problems and come up with a solution
Stage Activity and Content Rationale Impact
(5 minutes)
Whole class activity
1. Teacher greets the students.
 To recall students’
memory so that
SCLE 5154
13Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
2. Teacher asks few students to state
the steps to solve problems that
they have learnt in the previous
3. Teacher explains briefly based on
students’ answer.
they will be ready
for the activity.
Activity 1
1. Teacher asks students to form
2. Teacher gives out a piece of paper
containing a problem to each
3. Teacher asks students to discuss
the situation with their group
members and apply the steps they
have learnt to solve problems.
4. Teacher monitors each group and
listens to their discussion.
 To promote deeper
understanding of
the subject.
 To give hands on
experience for
students to practice
what they have
SCLE 5154
14Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
5 minutes)
1. Teacher recalls what have been
taught in today’s lesson.
 To conclude the
Again I got praised by Madam Maznah. She said that I was look like an experiences teacher. I
felt Alhamdulillah with the compliment. But, I wondering how came an unexperienced man in
teaching like me could do very well and got Madam Maznah’s attention. Perhaps, I already put
all my efforts towards this assignment. I felt very confident to teach in front of students and I
was ready to do teaching demonstration on the Week 13th. Madam Maznah was also encouraging
me to enhance my teaching ability.
Week 11- 29 November 2014
Today was the continuing of lesson plan presentation. Mr Deva and Kuughaan presented their
lesson plan in a very well manner. Below is their lesson plans:
Class : Year 4 HARMONI
Time : 9.45 a.m. - 10.05 a.m. (20 minutes)
No. of Pupils : 25
Level : Intermediate (Mixed-ability)
SCLE 5154
15Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Doing What Is Right (Yummy Cakes)
Content Standards : 2.2: By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
demonstrate understanding of variety
Of liner and non-liner text in the form of print and non-print
materials using a range of strategies to
Construct meaning
Learning Standards : 2.2.2: Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (a) linear
2.2.3: Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a)
sequencing with guidance
Integrated skills : Writing
Learning Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Sequence pictures showing the steps in cake-baking correctly
2. Read, understand and arrange sentence strips in the correct order.
3. Answer comprehension questions based on a text correctly
SCLE 5154
16Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200)
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learned about foods in previous lessons.
Language Focus : Vocabulary and sentences
Cross-curricular Element : Multiple Intelligence ( Task Based Language Teaching )
Instructional Materials : pictures, sentence strips, recipe and task sheet
Moral values (NV) : Don’t waste food.
Educational Emphases : Thinking Skills (CCTS): Making associations, classification, scanning,
transferring information, suggesting, Inferring, sequencing, deciding
Assessment : Formative (written) – To assess the pupil’s ability to read for
Based on my observation, I found that only Mr. Deva did a very good job during the presentation.
Kuughaan seems to be the passive partner or sleeping partner. He didn’t even explained about his
group lesson plan. In this class also, Madam gave us our quiz marks. Alhamdulillah I got 44 over 50
marks. Thanks Madam for her leniency on giving marks.
Week 12 – 6th December 2014
It was very tired day today because I did not sleep for more than 48 hours. But, I forced myself to
come just to give support to my friends’ presentations. I felt little bit dizzy so I cannot focus on their
presentation as well.

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Reflective Journal

  • 1. SCLE 5154 1Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Introduction This course is one of the core courses for students of Master in Applied Linguistics programme. The course provides an understanding of the principles and practices of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The course will review the past trends as well as the current methods of language teaching. It will examine and evaluate each approach and method in terms of its theory of language and language learning, goals, syllabus, teacher and learner roles, materials, teaching activities and techniques used in the classroom. What is Reflective Journal? Reflection is the “active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends” (Dewey, 1933, p. 9). Reflective thinking begins with a state of doubt, hesitation, or perplexity and moves through the act of searching to find material that will resolve, clarify, or otherwise address the doubt. This material may consist of past experience or a fund of relevant knowledge—neither of which necessarily leads to reflective thought: “To be genuinely thoughtful, we must be willing to sustain and protract that state of doubt which is the stimulus to thorough inquiry” (p. 16). Dewey believed that thinking was natural but that reflective habits of mind needed to be taught. Attitudes play an important role in acquiring the reflective habit. Attitudes that should be cultivated include (1) open-mindedness, “freedom from prejudice, partisanship, and such other habits as close the mind” (p. 30); (2) whole-heartedness, “genuine enthusiasm” (p. 32); and (3) responsibility, “to consider the consequences of a projected step
  • 2. SCLE 5154 2Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) [and] to be willing to adopt these consequences when they follow reasonably from any position already taken” (p. 32). The teacher’s role is to be knowledgeable about the traits and habits of individual students and of the entire environment that affects students to select educative experiences that nurture and sustain reflective thought. Dewey claimed that reflection benefits individuals by giving them more control over experience and thereby increasing the value of experience. Our assumption is that “more reflective teacher actions will lead to greater benefits for the teacher and for all of his or her pupils” (Zeichner & Liston, 1987, p. 25). We share the assumption of many teacher educators that reflective writing can promote reflective thinking (King & Kitchener, 1994; Ross, 1990). Although Ducharme and Ducharme (1996) question the value of reflective journals to prospective teachers, we believe that at least the following benefits accrue to our students: (1) journals serve as a permanent record of thoughts and experiences; (2) journals provide a means of establishing and maintaining relationship with instructors; (3) journals serve as a safe outlet for personal concerns and frustrations; and (4) journals are an aid to internal dialogue (Colton & Sparks-Langer, 1993). Furthermore, as instructors we benefit because (1) journals serve as windows into our students’ thinking and learning; (2) journals provide a means of establishing and maintaining relationship with students; and (3) journals serve as dialogical teaching tools. At the same time, we acknowledge that not all students benefit from reflective journal writing (e.g., Bolin, 1990). Studies of reflection in pre-service teachers’ journals have been mainly of two types: those that focus on the content of reflective thinking in the journals and those that focus on the processes that affect the content. Examples of the first type include McMahon (1997), who
  • 3. SCLE 5154 3Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) analyzed documents, including journals, created by two student teachers to identify how each addressed equity issues. Dieker and Monda-Amaya (1995) analyzed the journals of six special education graduate students to define operational categories of reflective thought. Gipe and Richards (1992) analyzed journals and observed teaching to determine the link between reflection and growth in teaching. Studies that examined the effects of specific interventions on the quality of reflective thinking in journals include Stalhut and Hawkes (1997), who compared the effects of different mediums (written journals, telecommunications, and personal conferences) on reflection. They found that pre-service teachers tended to reflect on issues of personal self-worth and professional performance and that they used each medium for different purposes (e.g., they used telecommunications for urgent issues). Loughran (1997) investigated how his own modelling of reflection through think aloud and journal sharing affected student teachers’ reflection. He found that these strategies helped pre-service teachers better understand the process. Building on Loughran’s work, Freese (1999) used a three-part framework, journals, and videotape analyses to help prospective teachers reflect on their lessons. She found that “an organizing framework can assist pre-service teachers in evaluating their experiences and making sense of their teaching” (p. 907). Galvez-Martin and Bowman (1998) used experimental and control groups to determine the impact of training on reflection. They found that pre-service teachers who received training in reflection were more reflective, but they did not achieve what the researchers defined as the highest level of reflection.
  • 4. SCLE 5154 4Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 1 - 6 September 2014 As the first session of the semester, I was little bit worried before entering the class because I did not have any experiences in teaching. I felt that I will not survive in this course plus some of my seniors said that this course is very challenging and the previous lecturer was also very strict. But, once I entered the class my perception changed because of my lecturer, Madam Maznah was very supportive towards me and she said to me don’t worry, it’s going to be alright. She started the lesson with the topic “History of English Language Teaching”. In this topic, I learned how English language teaching evolves throughout the history. It was started from Classical method in the 17th until Communicative Language Teaching method. I was so mesmerized by the evolution process that happened throughout the years hence I decided right at that moment, I want to be a teacher, because I want to teach my fellow Malaysians to be as good as my lecturer. After finish the topic, my lecturer moved to another topic which is “Approaches, Method, and Techniques”. In this topic, my lecturer was only gave brief explanation about all the approaches and methods in teaching English because she asked all students to choose their own methods and present it on the 3rd week. So, I volunteered to choose Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method because I am quite familiar with the term. My lecturer was only explained to me about the differences between approach, method and technique.
  • 5. SCLE 5154 5Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 2 – 13 September 2014 Today’s class started little bit gloomy because my lecturer was telling us about her sad stories related to her son illness and her husband was retrenched from his job. I felt sympathetic towards her and started crying like a little baby. But after a while the situation became under control and went back like usual. Next, my lecturer was started giving us the hand-out about “Language, Learning, and Teaching” and she asked us to read it individually. I didn’t read it because it was quite long notes and at the same time also my lecturer always kept reminding us about next week presentation. After that, I started searching about PBL method via Google scholars. I found many articles about the method and could be my references to do the power point slides. According to the article that I read, Problem-Based Learning is a student-centred pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. Students learn both thinking strategies and domain knowledge. Next, my lecturer started explained us about how to make a lesson plan? She gave us the articles that guided us on how to make a good lesson plan because we need to prepare it for pair work and individual teaching demonstration. In today’s class also we’ve been assigned to do critical review on any articles that talk about method of teaching and it need to be submit on Week 6. At the end of the class, Madam asked reminded us to get the course books at Pustaka Union in Changlun.
  • 6. SCLE 5154 6Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 3 – 20 September 2014 Today was the day that we need to present our methods. The first presenter was our “gorgeous” classmate, Miss Hafizah Hajimiah. She presented on the topic “Grammar Translation Method”. She did very well and easily understand by me. She also gave me the slides hand-out and I noticed that the grammar translation method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin. In grammar-translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Advanced students may be required to translate whole texts word-for-word. The method has two main goals: to enable students to read and translate literature written in the target language, and to further students’ general intellectual development. In this class also, I was the saviour of the rest of my classmates. It was because some of them didn’t ready for the presentation and I willing to replace them even though my turn was on the next week. I presented about Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method. I felt very confident to present in front of my friends because I was well-prepared at that time. Madam also encouraged me a lot and complimented me because of my heroic action. I felt very proud of myself and more motivated to focus on this course. I started loving this course because of the generosity of my lecturer. Today’s class only 4 students presented their methods and Madam seems unhappy and frustrated because of that. At the end of the class, Madam asked me to start working on the critical review on any teaching method in order to clarify the advantages and the weaknesses of the method.
  • 7. SCLE 5154 7Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 4 – 27 September 2014 Today, the presentation session was continued as many students were still not presented their methods. Anwar was the first presenter and he presented about Suggestopedia method. I saw Anwar’s presentation was very good and confident. According to his presentation, Suggestopædiais a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. It is used mostly to learn foreign languages. Suggestopedia has been called a pseudoscience.It strongly depends on the trust that students develop towards the method by simply believing that it works. The theory applied positive suggestion in teaching when it was developed in the 1970s. However, as the method improved, it has focused more on “desuggestive learning” and now is often called “desuggestopedia.” Suggestopedia is a portmanteau of the words “suggestion” and “pedagogy". A common misconception is to link "suggestion" to "hypnosis". However, Lozanov intended it in the sense of offering or proposing, emphasising student choice. Next presenter was Anwar’s wife, Shafiqa. She presented on the audio-lingual method and delivered the theory precisely. She also gave us the copy of the notes. The audio-lingual method, Army Method, or New Key, is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages. It is based on behaviourist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this case humans could be trained through a system of reinforcement—correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. Also there were many of my friends presented on the same day but unfortunately I did not focus well on their presentation due to my sickness.
  • 8. SCLE 5154 8Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 5- 4th October 2014 I came quite late to the class because I did not have enough sleep last night. I was struggling to finish the critical review assignment with my best buddy, Kuughaan. We only slept at 6 am on the morning then I woke up at 1.30 pm. I was really nervous and afraid because today’s class I need to submit the analysis and present my findings. Luckily, Madam still gave me the chance to enter her class. She was very kind lecturer that I never meet before. At that moment I saw my friend, Nurfadzillah in the middle of presenting her findings. She talked about “The Role of Teacher’s non-verbal Communication in ELT Classroom. Her findings were magnificent and superb because she managed to find the weaknesses and advantages of the approach. After Nurfadzillah finished her presentation, I raised up my hand to be the next presenter because I was very eager to present my critiques on Problem-Based Learning method. But, unfortunately Madam did not allow me at that time because Nuha was volunteered first. Nuha talked about her critiques about Direct Methods. She was successfully proved that this method have a lot of weaknesses especially towards L2 students. After she finished the presentation, Madam was dismissed the class so that I don’t have chance to present on that day and I was really frustrated. But, I submitted my written assignment on the same day. Today’s class was only 7 students were able to present because of time constraint.
  • 9. SCLE 5154 9Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 6 – 11th October 2014 This week, critical review presentation session continued. I was the first presenter on the day and presented about “Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education Institutions and Its Impacts on Student’s Learning”. This is the summary of my presentation, in introduction, Johari Surif states that the implementations of Problem Based Learning in higher institutions have brought many optimistic outcomes towards students’ learning process. They provide data to support the idea that the implementation of PBL got the positive perceptions from students. PBL encourages students to solve the problems within their own groups. When defining the impacts, Johari Surif states that impacts are the reaction of the students towards this alternative method. The findings conclude PBL brings positive impact in increasing students’ motivation, self-learning and soft skills. However, there were complaints from some students about the challenges they faced in solving problems and mastering the content. Time constraint and multiple tasks that must be completed for each course created these issues. In order to address this issue, the lecturer has an important role to motivate students and provide effective guidance to them. Next, Kuughaan continued the presentation session with the topic “Establishing English Teaching Pattern Combining the Communicative Teaching Method and the Grammar- Translation Method”. He provides managed to find advantages and weaknesses of the Grammar- Translation Method. I saw Madame praised him so much because of his brilliant presentation. In the end of the class, Madam asked us to get ready for one-hour lesson plan.
  • 10. SCLE 5154 10Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 7 – 25 October 2014 Today’s class was also the same with last week because there were still students presented their critical review. I felt really boring because some of them did not know how to present. They just went in front and read their slides. I think there was only one student that attracted me which is Hafizah Hajimia. She talked about “The Effect of Using Grammar-Translation Method on Acquiring English as a Foreign Language.” The article that was chosen for this review is about learning strategies used in order to acquire a second/foreign language. The title of the article is “The Effect of Using Grammar-Translation Method on Acquiring English as a Foreign Language” By Ishraq M. Aqel in Al-Mazar, Jordan, Government school. The respondents were 15 years old and their first language was Arabic. The problem that this study aims to address is the low level of student’s results in grammar. They are in the process of identifying the best method to teach English grammar in order for the students to succeed. This study attempts to explore grammar translation method as a solution for the problem. Based on the study, the researcher has concluded that the outcome of the study was a success. There was a positive effect especially on the female students as they showed a vast progress in grammar result as well as an increase in their self-confidence. I have chosen this article because; I used to use this method in my classroom. I understand the pros and the cons behind it. Aside from that, in my opinion, Even though, at surface it looks like Malaysia looks at English as a second language and for Jordan it is a foreign language, but in reality in Malaysia English is also a foreign language. Accept that in Malaysia we have many cultures and we adapt to changes easily, the process of acquiring another language becomes easier compared to Jordan.
  • 11. SCLE 5154 11Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 8 – 1st November 2014 The class ran like usual and still got some students presented their critical review. After all students had presented their critiques, Madam informed to us about the week in-class quiz. She said that please read all the methods and approach in the language teaching. I tried to ask her specifically but I failed because she said “Don’t ask me specifically because this is test.” But finally she informed us that there will be 3 methods to be asking in the quiz. I felt quite annoying with Madam Maznah’s statement because at least she should gave us some hints because there are too many methods to read. Week 9 – 15 November 2014 Today we had only the quiz. I did not sleep for the whole night because I need to cover too many methods and approaches. But, Alhamdulillah I managed to answer all the questions very well. I gave my best shot during the quiz.
  • 12. SCLE 5154 12Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Week 10 – 22 November 2014 In this week, I was alone presenting my group lesson plan because my pair, Izzati was absent on the day. This was my lesson plan. Subject : Small Group Communication Date : 17th September 2014 Time : 8.30 a.m –9.30 a.m. Class : E Level : Intermediate Skills : Speaking Theme/ Topic : Problem Solving Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to: i. Apply the concepts of problem solving ii. Discuss about the problems and come up with a solution Stage Activity and Content Rationale Impact Set Induction (5 minutes) Whole class activity 1. Teacher greets the students.  To recall students’ memory so that
  • 13. SCLE 5154 13Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) 2. Teacher asks few students to state the steps to solve problems that they have learnt in the previous class. 3. Teacher explains briefly based on students’ answer. they will be ready for the activity. Presentation (10 minutes) Activity 1 1. Teacher asks students to form groups. 2. Teacher gives out a piece of paper containing a problem to each group. 3. Teacher asks students to discuss the situation with their group members and apply the steps they have learnt to solve problems. 4. Teacher monitors each group and listens to their discussion.  To promote deeper understanding of the subject.  To give hands on experience for students to practice what they have learnt.
  • 14. SCLE 5154 14Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Closure 5 minutes) 1. Teacher recalls what have been taught in today’s lesson.  To conclude the lesson. Again I got praised by Madam Maznah. She said that I was look like an experiences teacher. I felt Alhamdulillah with the compliment. But, I wondering how came an unexperienced man in teaching like me could do very well and got Madam Maznah’s attention. Perhaps, I already put all my efforts towards this assignment. I felt very confident to teach in front of students and I was ready to do teaching demonstration on the Week 13th. Madam Maznah was also encouraging me to enhance my teaching ability. Week 11- 29 November 2014 Today was the continuing of lesson plan presentation. Mr Deva and Kuughaan presented their lesson plan in a very well manner. Below is their lesson plans: Class : Year 4 HARMONI Time : 9.45 a.m. - 10.05 a.m. (20 minutes) No. of Pupils : 25 Level : Intermediate (Mixed-ability)
  • 15. SCLE 5154 15Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Doing What Is Right (Yummy Cakes) Content Standards : 2.2: By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of variety Of liner and non-liner text in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to Construct meaning Learning Standards : 2.2.2: Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (a) linear texts 2.2.3: Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) sequencing with guidance Integrated skills : Writing Learning Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Sequence pictures showing the steps in cake-baking correctly 2. Read, understand and arrange sentence strips in the correct order. 3. Answer comprehension questions based on a text correctly
  • 16. SCLE 5154 16Muhammad Ikhwan Zulkafli (816200) Previous knowledge : Pupils have learned about foods in previous lessons. Language Focus : Vocabulary and sentences Cross-curricular Element : Multiple Intelligence ( Task Based Language Teaching ) Instructional Materials : pictures, sentence strips, recipe and task sheet Moral values (NV) : Don’t waste food. Educational Emphases : Thinking Skills (CCTS): Making associations, classification, scanning, transferring information, suggesting, Inferring, sequencing, deciding Assessment : Formative (written) – To assess the pupil’s ability to read for information. Based on my observation, I found that only Mr. Deva did a very good job during the presentation. Kuughaan seems to be the passive partner or sleeping partner. He didn’t even explained about his group lesson plan. In this class also, Madam gave us our quiz marks. Alhamdulillah I got 44 over 50 marks. Thanks Madam for her leniency on giving marks. Week 12 – 6th December 2014 It was very tired day today because I did not sleep for more than 48 hours. But, I forced myself to come just to give support to my friends’ presentations. I felt little bit dizzy so I cannot focus on their presentation as well.