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Re-engineering your intranet with user-
        friendly architecture

   Strategically Managing Intranet Developments
                  Sydney, Australia
                   3rd March 2009
“The customer is
                                                                     always right.
                                                                      Even when
                                                                    they’re wrong,
                                                                   they’re still right”
                                                                         Matt Moran, celebrity chef
                                                                             and restaurateur

Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 2             Gurtle Digital Solutions
 For your intranet, your customers are your users
 In terms of knowing what they want, need and do, the
  customer (or the user) is always right
 But you might need to translate between what is
  “right” and what they think is right
 And you have to ask the right questions, you can’t
  just ask them what they want
 Listening to your users is the recipe for user friendly
 Image credit

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 3   Gurtle Digital Solutions
A bit about Patrick Kennedy
 I’m a user experience architect
 Which means I design user experiences by
  understanding users, predominantly for websites
 I have a particular interest in user research
 My experience includes time at Step Two Designs,
  where I consulted clients on intranet needs analysis
  and redesign
 My background is in Computer Systems Engineering
  and web development

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 4   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Re-engineering your intranet…

                        Engineering is
 “the application of science and mathematics by which the
 properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are
                   made useful to people”

                                                  (source: Webster’s)

Requirements              Analysis                  Design               Implementation   Verification           Maintenance

       Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 5             Gurtle Digital Solutions
Re-engineering your intranet…
 Webster’s dictionary defines engineering as “the
  application of science and mathematics by which the
  properties of matter and the sources of energy in
  nature are made useful to people”
 Some of the words might be a bit odd but I think this
  sounds very familiar to anyone who has redesigned
  an intranet
 A typical engineering process involves:
  Requirements, Analysis, Design, Implementation,
  Verification and Maintenance
 Which should also sound familiar

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 6   Gurtle Digital Solutions
…with user-friendly architecture

 Learnable                   Efficient                  Memorable           Satisfying             Error-free


                         Streamlined                                       Personalised

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 7         Gurtle Digital Solutions
…with user-friendly architecture
 What is a user-friendly intranet architecture (UFIA)?
 In this context I’m talking about “Information Architecture”
 Usability consists of: []:
     Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the
      first time they encounter the design?
     Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly can
      they perform tasks?
     Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of
      not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?
     Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these
      errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors?
     Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design?
 Today I’m going to add “Relevant” and talk about how a
  relevant intranet is Streamlined and Personalised

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 8   Gurtle Digital Solutions
How do we do this?
   Identify needs
                                       Analysing                                Streamlining
                                         behaviour                                 processes

                                                                                                                    Testing it!


Requirements              Analysis                  Design               Implementation      Verification           Maintenance

       Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 9                Gurtle Digital Solutions
How do we do this?
 Overlaying the engineering process with a generic user centred
  design (UCD) process we see how they can fit together
 Research
      Understand the goals, attitudes and behaviours of our audience
      Assessing user psychology
      Identifying needs
      Analysing behaviours
 Design
    We translate this knowledge of our audience into a design solution
    Streamlining processes to simplify work flow and usability
    Personalising the intranet experience by creating user centred
 Validate
    We test our design solution to ensure it suits our audience

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 10   Gurtle Digital Solutions
When do we do this?
 Often UCD is a fixed component at the start (or end) of a project
 But is valuable throughout the development cycle
 As user advocates, we can assist with strategy and planning before
  thinking of a specific product
 Similarly, we can ensure design and build “stick to the plan”

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 11   Gurtle Digital Solutions
This is Galina, senior account manager
                                                                             Office based
                                                                             50 major clients
                                                                             18 mths at company
                                                                             Mostly phone/email
                                                                             And lots of offline
                                                                              and paper usage
                                                                             Little need for
                                                                             Rarely uses intranet
                                                                             “Time is money”

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 12          Gurtle Digital Solutions
This is Galina, senior account manager
 Galina…
    Based in HQ office, occasionally some travel
    Responsible for 50 medium and large customers
    Some sales and biz dev
    Been with the company 18 months
    She finds it hard to know who to talk to about specific things
    Easier to just pick up the phone, lots of tacit knowledge in her role
    In fact she uses email and her phone more than anything else
    Also uses a lot of hard-copy manuals, procedures, rate cards
    Quite autonomous, little need for collaboration
    Doesn’t use the intranet much, doesn’t offer her anything
    Uses it for ESS/HR stuff and some forms, every once in a way
    She is time poor and a bit of a control freak
    Wants information in her hands quickly, the long term is not important
 Image credit
    Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
     Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 13   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Identifying needs

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 14   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Identifying needs
 The first step is to work out what is needed
 And find out who your users are
 Assessing user psychology, if you will
 Questions we want to ask (perhaps not directly) are
    What do users need from the intranet?
    What are their goals and attitudes?
    How can we provide something useful for them?

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 15   Gurtle Digital Solutions
User research for identifying needs
 Many different ways to learn about your users
      Interviews, proxy interviews and contextual inquiry
      Diary studies and cultural probes
      Competitor analysis, expert review, heuristic review
      Surveys, focus groups and other market research techniques
      Card sorting (to discover terminology and info relationships)
 Ethnography is becoming more widely used
    Get into the field, live the life of your subjects and take their point
     of view during analysis and decision making
 Image credits
    (top) Workplace observation. Source: Step Two Designs
    (bottom left) Interview. Source: News Digital Media
    (bottom right) Focus group

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 16   Gurtle Digital Solutions
 One method in particular is the interview
 It is the “pack horse” of the intranet user researcher
 There are several different ways of doing interviews:
      One-on-one with users
      Proxy (speaking to someone who can tell you about your users)
      Contextual inquiry
      (as part of) Usability testing
      Paired interviews
          • Interview two participants at the same time
          • Eg people from different regions/departments doing similar jobs
          • Participants validate each others opinions and processes
    Convergent interviews
          • Conduct two separate interviews simultaneously then compare
            similarities and differences

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 17   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Further reading
 Visocky O'Grady, J. and Visocky O'Grady, K. (2006) A Designer's
  Research Manual: Succeed in Design by Knowing Your Clients and
  What They Really Need. Rockport Publishers.
 Gomol, K. and Church, E. and Bond, E. (2007) The Field Study
  Handbook: A common sense approach to discovering user needs.
  User Interface Engineering. Available online at:
 Mulder, S. with Yaar, Z. (2007). The User Is Always Right: A Practical
  Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web. New Riders.
 Kuniavsky, M. (2003). Observing the User Experience: A
  practitioner’s guide to user research. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
 Biller, G. and Scovel, K. (2008). Getting people to talk [video].
  Available online at:
 Kennedy, P. (2009) Intermediaries in user research. Available one at:

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 18   Gurtle Digital Solutions
This is Miguel, field service technician
                                                                             Works on the road
                                                                             Servicing equipment
                                                                             Needs access to tech
                                                                              knowledge base
                                                                             Needs to consult and
                                                                              collaborate with team
                                                                             Uses intranet in
                                                                              frequent short bursts
                                                                             8 years at company
                                                                             Has extensive network
                                                                             “Is this the latest info?”

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 19            Gurtle Digital Solutions
This is Miguel, field service technician
 Miguel…
    Works on the road, rarely in office
    Services equipment for all customers in his area
    Accessing lots of technical info, it’s part of his “intranet”
    Some email but lots of face-to-face and phone collaboration with other
     technicians (how do you fix this? What do you do to handle that?)
    Not a lot of hard-copy, everything online
    Can’t always access, so needs to connect and synch often
    Makes reference to info frequently but not for long
    Been with the company 8 years
    Knows everyone and has a big personal network, who who to contact
    Having accurate and up-to-date information is vital
    Hates wasting time chasing information about a particular machine and
     its history
 Image credit
    Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

     Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 20   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Analysing behaviour

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 21   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Analysing behaviour
 In addition to identifying and understanding our users
  needs we also need to analyse their behaviour
 How do they use the intranet?
 When? Why? Why not?
 Which features or content are used the most?

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 22   Gurtle Digital Solutions
User research for analysing behaviour
 Similar to identifying needs, and usually done at same time
 But particular methods for analysing behaviour include:
      Task analysis workshop
      Search analytics (search engine logs)
      Web analytics (including path analysis tools eg
      Tech support service logs
      Observation (including usability testing and eye tracking)
      CRM and sales data analysis
 Image credits
    (bottom left) Web analytics. Source: Google Analytics
    (top right) Contextual inquiry, also known as a “site visit”
    (top left) Eye-tracking.
    (bottom right) Workshop. Source:

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 23   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Further reading
 Everything listed on slide 18, plus…
 Unknown (2006) Task analysis methods. UsabilityNet. Available online at:
 Kennedy, P. (2007) Website analytics. Available online at:
 Diamond, F. (2003) Web traffic analytics and user experience. Boxes and
  Arrows. Available online at:
 Hackos, JoAnn & Redish, Janice C. (1998) User and Task Analysis for
  Interface Design. John Wiley & Sons.
 Rubin, J. (1994) Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and
  Conduct Effective Tests. Wiley.
 Penzo, M. (2005) Introduction to Eyetracking: Seeing Through Your Users’
  Eyes. UXmatters. Available online at:
 Godin, S. (2007) Eye-tracking rules. Available online at:

     Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 24   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Relevancy is the key to moving forward
 You’ve done research but how do you create your
  user-friendly intranet architecture?
 How do you move from research into design?
 The key is that extra attribute of intranet usability we
  introduced before: “relevant”
 You take what you have learnt from your research:
  identifying needs and analysing behaviour
 And you use this to determine what is relevant
 Two ways this often manifests are:
    Streamlining
    Personalisation

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 25   Gurtle Digital Solutions
 Streamlining processes to simplify work flow and
      Automating to remove choices/steps
      Simplifying
      Stick to usability conventions
      Use your users’ language
 The user interface should provide good translation
  between the system model and users’ mental model
 Two examples are:
    Employee self-service (ESS) leave form
    CMS user interface

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 26   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Streamlining by simplifying path to ESS

  NEED                                 In main nav
                                                                        In sub nav
                                                                                        I just want to
                                                                                           check my
   ESS                                 ESS login

                                     Click here to
 Login form
                                     Login to ESS

  ACTION                                                   Only thing
                                                              on page

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 27            Gurtle Digital Solutions
Streamlining by simplifying path to ESS
 Here is an example of the navigation path to the ESS (Employee Self
  Service) section of a large intranet
 Galina’s “need” is to check her holidays
 The necessary “action” is to use ESS
 But between the two are a lot of unnecessary steps
 ESS is often the most highly used part of a corporate intranet
 If nothing else is of value to staff, then why on earth would you make
  it this hard to get to it?
 Sure it’s a third-party web application, but integration could be better
  than this
 You could further stream line by including ESS in ‘single sign-on’ so
  the login form is also removed
 Image credit
     Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 28   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Streamlining by automation of CMS tasks

    NEED                                 Creates article asset

                                                                                 I just want to
                                                                                     put this
 Write article
                                                                                   article up!
                                        page asset

                                      Assign article
 Publish page
                                        to page

   ACTION                                   Publishes both assets

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 29   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Streamlining by automation of CMS tasks
 Here is an example of how a Content Management System (CMS) is
  in desperate need of some automation
 Miguel’s “need” is to publish a technical article on the intranet
 The necessary “action” is to publish the article using the CMS
 In between are unnecessary steps, requiring Miguel to understand
  and interact with the internal “asset model” of the CMS
 If articles are always on a page, then you can automate the creation
  of the page asset and linking of the two assets
 Image credit
    Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun
     Microsystems, Inc.

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 30   Gurtle Digital Solutions
An aside: why does this happen?
 Especially when it comes to a CMS interface…
      Developers don’t understand users, nor think like them
      Poor specifications/requirements fail to capture real context of use
      Team is too close to the technical details
      No usability testing
      Trying to be everything rather than a system to suit a specific purpose
      Edge cases and “what if” scenarios are not prioritised realistically
 Further reading
    Kennedy, P. (2009) 17 usability tips to make your CMS rock. Available
     online at:

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 31   Gurtle Digital Solutions
What are your examples?

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 32   Gurtle Digital Solutions
What are your examples?
 The best examples of streamlining processes and interfaces to make
  intranets more user-friendly are likely to be found right in this very
 Image credit

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 33   Gurtle Digital Solutions


  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 34   Gurtle Digital Solutions
 Personalising the intranet experience by creating
  user centred design
 This is a way of catering for vastly different users
 And seemingly contradictory behaviours/needs
 For example:
    Business unit centric home pages
    Location-based tools and content
 Image credits
    (left)
    (right)

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 35   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Personalised intranet home page

                                                                                       Just what I

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 36   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Personalised intranet home page

                                                                                          And just
                                                                                           what I

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 37   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Personalised intranet home page
 Tailor at least the home page to the specific staff groups that exist
  with your organisation
    Galina needs quick access to “local” details, and the occasional
      procedure and form
    Miguel and his team need collaboration tools and access to
      technical knowledge-base content
 Further reading
    Kennedy, P. (2007) Intranet redesign for Canon Australia.
      Available online at:
 Image credit
     Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 38   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Location-based personalisation

                      is a business
                                  directory similar to YellowPages

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 39   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Location-based personalisation
 Personalisation might also include tailoring content to the
  geographic location of the user
 For example, weather module and module
  give info relevant for the specific city/office the user is in
 Small but crucial elements that increase users’ perception of
  the intranet as a useful tool
 Further reading on personalisation
    Robertson, J. (2005) Search engine ‘best bets’. Step Two Designs. Available
     online at:
    Grenfell, C. (2007) Do staff make use of personalisation features?. Step Two
     Designs. Available online at:
 Image credit
    Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 40   Gurtle Digital Solutions
What are your examples?

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 41   Gurtle Digital Solutions
What are your examples?
 The best examples of personalisation to make intranets more user-
  friendly are likely to be found right in this very room!
 Image credit

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 42   Gurtle Digital Solutions
The importance of validation

  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 43   Gurtle Digital Solutions
The importance of validation
 You probably won’t get your UFIA right the first time, so it’s
  important to validate your design (ie usability testing)
 This usability testing comes in many forms
    It doesn’t have to be big, expensive testing in a lab
    The key is that users are involved in the validation
    And that realistic tasks are used for testing
 Further reading: see the last three references on slide 24
 Image credits
    (top right) Typical lab-based usability testing
    (bottom right) Paper prototyping for testing
    (left) Card Based Classificaton Evaluation
     Source: Step Two Designs

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 44   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Card Based Classification Evaluation
 A simple technique to test the usability of the IA
 Tests the raw site structure without page layout or content
     You map out your IA onto cards
     Then ask participants where they would “go”
   Evolved from closed card sorting
   Similar to another technique called “tree testing”
   From this you might move on to paper prototyping your design
   Further reading
     Maurer, D. (2003) Card-based classification evaluation. Boxes
      and Arrows. Available online at:

     Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 45   Gurtle Digital Solutions
In summary
 Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture first
  requires you to identify and understand your customers’ needs
 And then analyse their behaviour
 Because the user is always right, even when they’re not “right”
 You can then translate this into an intranet architecture that is,
  in addition to generic usability attributes, relevant
 And hence more user-friendly and more useful
 Among other things, making it relevant means the intranet
  should be streamlined and personalised
 There are a number of simple methods available to help us
  with each step of this re-engineering process, including
  validating that we have been successful

    Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 46   Gurtle Digital Solutions
Any questions?
 My contact details are:
  Patrick Kennedy

 I will place these slides on line at
 Feel free to email me any questions you have later

   Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 47   Gurtle Digital Solutions

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Re-engineering Your Intranet With User Friendly Architecture

  • 1. Re-engineering your intranet with user- friendly architecture Strategically Managing Intranet Developments Sydney, Australia 3rd March 2009
  • 2. “The customer is always right. Even when they’re wrong, they’re still right” Matt Moran, celebrity chef and restaurateur Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 2 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 3. Introduction  For your intranet, your customers are your users  In terms of knowing what they want, need and do, the customer (or the user) is always right  But you might need to translate between what is “right” and what they think is right  And you have to ask the right questions, you can’t just ask them what they want  Listening to your users is the recipe for user friendly intranets  Image credit  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 3 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 4. A bit about Patrick Kennedy  I’m a user experience architect  Which means I design user experiences by understanding users, predominantly for websites  I have a particular interest in user research  My experience includes time at Step Two Designs, where I consulted clients on intranet needs analysis and redesign  My background is in Computer Systems Engineering and web development Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 4 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 5. Re-engineering your intranet… Engineering is “the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people” (source: Webster’s) Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Verification Maintenance Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 5 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 6. Re-engineering your intranet…  Webster’s dictionary defines engineering as “the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people”  Some of the words might be a bit odd but I think this sounds very familiar to anyone who has redesigned an intranet  A typical engineering process involves: Requirements, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Verification and Maintenance  Which should also sound familiar Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 6 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 7. …with user-friendly architecture Learnable Efficient Memorable Satisfying Error-free Relevant Streamlined Personalised Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 7 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 8. …with user-friendly architecture  What is a user-friendly intranet architecture (UFIA)?  In this context I’m talking about “Information Architecture”  Usability consists of: []:  Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design?  Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks?  Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?  Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors?  Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design?  Today I’m going to add “Relevant” and talk about how a relevant intranet is Streamlined and Personalised Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 8 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 9. How do we do this? Identify needs Analysing Streamlining behaviour processes Personalising Research Testing it! Design Validate Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Verification Maintenance Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 9 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 10. How do we do this?  Overlaying the engineering process with a generic user centred design (UCD) process we see how they can fit together  Research  Understand the goals, attitudes and behaviours of our audience  Assessing user psychology  Identifying needs  Analysing behaviours  Design  We translate this knowledge of our audience into a design solution  Streamlining processes to simplify work flow and usability  Personalising the intranet experience by creating user centred design  Validate  We test our design solution to ensure it suits our audience Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 10 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 11. When do we do this?  Often UCD is a fixed component at the start (or end) of a project  But is valuable throughout the development cycle  As user advocates, we can assist with strategy and planning before thinking of a specific product  Similarly, we can ensure design and build “stick to the plan” Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 11 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 12. This is Galina, senior account manager  Office based  50 major clients  18 mths at company  Mostly phone/email  And lots of offline and paper usage  Little need for collaboration  Rarely uses intranet  “Time is money” Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 12 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 13. This is Galina, senior account manager  Galina…  Based in HQ office, occasionally some travel  Responsible for 50 medium and large customers  Some sales and biz dev  Been with the company 18 months  She finds it hard to know who to talk to about specific things  Easier to just pick up the phone, lots of tacit knowledge in her role  In fact she uses email and her phone more than anything else  Also uses a lot of hard-copy manuals, procedures, rate cards  Quite autonomous, little need for collaboration  Doesn’t use the intranet much, doesn’t offer her anything  Uses it for ESS/HR stuff and some forms, every once in a way  She is time poor and a bit of a control freak  Wants information in her hands quickly, the long term is not important  Image credit  Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 13 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 14. Identifying needs Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 14 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 15. Identifying needs  The first step is to work out what is needed  And find out who your users are  Assessing user psychology, if you will  Questions we want to ask (perhaps not directly) are  What do users need from the intranet?  What are their goals and attitudes?  How can we provide something useful for them? Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 15 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 16. User research for identifying needs  Many different ways to learn about your users  Interviews, proxy interviews and contextual inquiry  Diary studies and cultural probes  Competitor analysis, expert review, heuristic review  Surveys, focus groups and other market research techniques  Card sorting (to discover terminology and info relationships)  Ethnography is becoming more widely used  Get into the field, live the life of your subjects and take their point of view during analysis and decision making  Image credits  (top) Workplace observation. Source: Step Two Designs  (bottom left) Interview. Source: News Digital Media  (bottom right) Focus group Source: Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 16 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 17. Interviews  One method in particular is the interview  It is the “pack horse” of the intranet user researcher  There are several different ways of doing interviews:  One-on-one with users  Proxy (speaking to someone who can tell you about your users)  Contextual inquiry  (as part of) Usability testing  Paired interviews • Interview two participants at the same time • Eg people from different regions/departments doing similar jobs • Participants validate each others opinions and processes  Convergent interviews • Conduct two separate interviews simultaneously then compare similarities and differences Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 17 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 18. Further reading  Visocky O'Grady, J. and Visocky O'Grady, K. (2006) A Designer's Research Manual: Succeed in Design by Knowing Your Clients and What They Really Need. Rockport Publishers.  Gomol, K. and Church, E. and Bond, E. (2007) The Field Study Handbook: A common sense approach to discovering user needs. User Interface Engineering. Available online at:  Mulder, S. with Yaar, Z. (2007). The User Is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web. New Riders.  Kuniavsky, M. (2003). Observing the User Experience: A practitioner’s guide to user research. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.  Biller, G. and Scovel, K. (2008). Getting people to talk [video]. Available online at:  Kennedy, P. (2009) Intermediaries in user research. Available one at: Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 18 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 19. This is Miguel, field service technician  Works on the road  Servicing equipment  Needs access to tech knowledge base  Needs to consult and collaborate with team  Uses intranet in frequent short bursts  8 years at company  Has extensive network  “Is this the latest info?” Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 19 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 20. This is Miguel, field service technician  Miguel… Works on the road, rarely in office Services equipment for all customers in his area Accessing lots of technical info, it’s part of his “intranet” Some email but lots of face-to-face and phone collaboration with other technicians (how do you fix this? What do you do to handle that?)  Not a lot of hard-copy, everything online  Can’t always access, so needs to connect and synch often  Makes reference to info frequently but not for long  Been with the company 8 years  Knows everyone and has a big personal network, who who to contact  Having accurate and up-to-date information is vital  Hates wasting time chasing information about a particular machine and its history  Image credit  Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 20 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 21. Analysing behaviour Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 21 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 22. Analysing behaviour  In addition to identifying and understanding our users needs we also need to analyse their behaviour  How do they use the intranet?  When? Why? Why not?  Which features or content are used the most? Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 22 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 23. User research for analysing behaviour  Similar to identifying needs, and usually done at same time  But particular methods for analysing behaviour include:  Task analysis workshop  Search analytics (search engine logs)  Web analytics (including path analysis tools eg  Tech support service logs  Observation (including usability testing and eye tracking)  CRM and sales data analysis  Image credits  (bottom left) Web analytics. Source: Google Analytics  (top right) Contextual inquiry, also known as a “site visit” Source:  (top left) Eye-tracking. Source:  (bottom right) Workshop. Source: Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 23 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 24. Further reading  Everything listed on slide 18, plus…  Unknown (2006) Task analysis methods. UsabilityNet. Available online at:  Kennedy, P. (2007) Website analytics. Available online at:  Diamond, F. (2003) Web traffic analytics and user experience. Boxes and Arrows. Available online at:  Hackos, JoAnn & Redish, Janice C. (1998) User and Task Analysis for Interface Design. John Wiley & Sons.  Rubin, J. (1994) Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests. Wiley.  Penzo, M. (2005) Introduction to Eyetracking: Seeing Through Your Users’ Eyes. UXmatters. Available online at:  Godin, S. (2007) Eye-tracking rules. Available online at: Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 24 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 25. Relevancy is the key to moving forward  You’ve done research but how do you create your user-friendly intranet architecture?  How do you move from research into design?  The key is that extra attribute of intranet usability we introduced before: “relevant”  You take what you have learnt from your research: identifying needs and analysing behaviour  And you use this to determine what is relevant  Two ways this often manifests are:  Streamlining  Personalisation Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 25 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 26. Streamlining  Streamlining processes to simplify work flow and usability  Automating to remove choices/steps  Simplifying  Stick to usability conventions  Use your users’ language  The user interface should provide good translation between the system model and users’ mental model  Two examples are:  Employee self-service (ESS) leave form  CMS user interface Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 26 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 27. Streamlining by simplifying path to ESS NEED In main nav In sub nav I just want to check my ESS ESS login holidays! Click here to Login form Login to ESS ACTION Only thing on page Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 27 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 28. Streamlining by simplifying path to ESS  Here is an example of the navigation path to the ESS (Employee Self Service) section of a large intranet  Galina’s “need” is to check her holidays  The necessary “action” is to use ESS  But between the two are a lot of unnecessary steps  ESS is often the most highly used part of a corporate intranet  If nothing else is of value to staff, then why on earth would you make it this hard to get to it?  Sure it’s a third-party web application, but integration could be better than this  You could further stream line by including ESS in ‘single sign-on’ so the login form is also removed  Image credit  Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 28 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 29. Streamlining by automation of CMS tasks NEED Creates article asset I just want to put this Create Write article article up! page asset Assign article Publish page to page ACTION Publishes both assets Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 29 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 30. Streamlining by automation of CMS tasks  Here is an example of how a Content Management System (CMS) is in desperate need of some automation  Miguel’s “need” is to publish a technical article on the intranet  The necessary “action” is to publish the article using the CMS  In between are unnecessary steps, requiring Miguel to understand and interact with the internal “asset model” of the CMS  If articles are always on a page, then you can automate the creation of the page asset and linking of the two assets  Image credit  Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 30 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 31. An aside: why does this happen?  Especially when it comes to a CMS interface…  Developers don’t understand users, nor think like them  Poor specifications/requirements fail to capture real context of use  Team is too close to the technical details  No usability testing  Trying to be everything rather than a system to suit a specific purpose  Edge cases and “what if” scenarios are not prioritised realistically  Further reading  Kennedy, P. (2009) 17 usability tips to make your CMS rock. Available online at: Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 31 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 32. What are your examples? Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 32 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 33. What are your examples?  The best examples of streamlining processes and interfaces to make intranets more user-friendly are likely to be found right in this very room!  Image credit  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 33 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 34. Personalisation vs Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 34 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 35. Personalisation  Personalising the intranet experience by creating user centred design  This is a way of catering for vastly different users  And seemingly contradictory behaviours/needs  For example:  Business unit centric home pages  Location-based tools and content  Image credits  (left)  (right) Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 35 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 36. Personalised intranet home page Just what I need! Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 36 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 37. Personalised intranet home page And just what I need! Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 37 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 38. Personalised intranet home page  Tailor at least the home page to the specific staff groups that exist with your organisation  Galina needs quick access to “local” details, and the occasional procedure and form  Miguel and his team need collaboration tools and access to technical knowledge-base content  Further reading  Kennedy, P. (2007) Intranet redesign for Canon Australia. Available online at:  Image credit  Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 38 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 39. Location-based personalisation is a business directory similar to YellowPages Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 39 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 40. Location-based personalisation  Personalisation might also include tailoring content to the geographic location of the user  For example, weather module and module give info relevant for the specific city/office the user is in  Small but crucial elements that increase users’ perception of the intranet as a useful tool  Further reading on personalisation  Robertson, J. (2005) Search engine ‘best bets’. Step Two Designs. Available online at:  Grenfell, C. (2007) Do staff make use of personalisation features?. Step Two Designs. Available online at:  Image credit  Based on illustrations & concepts from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 40 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 41. What are your examples? Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 41 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 42. What are your examples?  The best examples of personalisation to make intranets more user- friendly are likely to be found right in this very room!  Image credit  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 42 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 43. The importance of validation Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 43 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 44. The importance of validation  You probably won’t get your UFIA right the first time, so it’s important to validate your design (ie usability testing)  This usability testing comes in many forms  It doesn’t have to be big, expensive testing in a lab  The key is that users are involved in the validation  And that realistic tasks are used for testing  Further reading: see the last three references on slide 24  Image credits  (top right) Typical lab-based usability testing Source:  (bottom right) Paper prototyping for testing  (left) Card Based Classificaton Evaluation Source: Step Two Designs Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 44 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 45. Card Based Classification Evaluation  A simple technique to test the usability of the IA  Tests the raw site structure without page layout or content distracting  You map out your IA onto cards  Then ask participants where they would “go”  Evolved from closed card sorting  Similar to another technique called “tree testing”  From this you might move on to paper prototyping your design  Further reading  Maurer, D. (2003) Card-based classification evaluation. Boxes and Arrows. Available online at: Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 45 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 46. In summary  Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture first requires you to identify and understand your customers’ needs  And then analyse their behaviour  Because the user is always right, even when they’re not “right”  You can then translate this into an intranet architecture that is, in addition to generic usability attributes, relevant  And hence more user-friendly and more useful  Among other things, making it relevant means the intranet should be streamlined and personalised  There are a number of simple methods available to help us with each step of this re-engineering process, including validating that we have been successful Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 46 Gurtle Digital Solutions
  • 47. Any questions?  My contact details are: Patrick Kennedy  I will place these slides on line at  Feel free to email me any questions you have later Re-engineering your intranet with user-friendly architecture — slide 47 Gurtle Digital Solutions