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- a review of the malady
Dr.D.Raj Kiran (SR) & Dr.Saritha (PG)
Dept. of Psychiatry
• Definition
• Facts & Fictions about ragging
• Historical perspective
• Burden of ragging
• Ways of ragging
• Psychological perspective
– Psychology of raggers
– Psychology of victims
– Short term & long term effects
• Legal perspective
– Definition of Honorable Supreme Court
– Raghavan committee
– Recommendations
• Suggestions
• Ragging according to dictionary is to-
– Scold
– Tease
– Cause annoyance
– Harass with persistent criticism.
• Deaths due to ragging-
– 2005- Kamlesh sarkar, Sridhar, Abraham, Amit sahai
– 2006- Azad nair, SP Manoj
– 2007- Chetan raj, Manjot singh, Durgesh shukla upto 7 cases
– 2008- Laltiha, 3 more incidents reported
– 2009- Aman Kachroo
– 2010- Ajub ajith, Premalatha, Nagendra, 3 more reported…
– In last 6 weeks- already 3 cases from Telangana reported
• Hundreds get seriously injured/ disabled...Countless of innocent
youths suffer extreme forms of physical and sexual abuses for
• Despite ban in almost all colleges, it has not been very
effective, as seen by the number of ragging cases still
reported by the media.
• This has expanded its tentacles so wide that we started
getting shocking news every now & then in the form of loss
of precious human life…
• Recent death of an engineering student is another example
which depicts the limitless boundaries of this social problem.
• It still sends chills down the spine whenever the topic of
ragging comes up…
• Fictional works like novels, films, dramas also depict ragging in
various ways according to their whims & fancies.
• At times lighter & at times very serious.
• Movies like 3 Idiots & Munna Bhai MBBS have depicted
ragging in a very light hearted way.
• In other films forms of ragging like eve teasing, insulting and
mocking the teachers are often glorified.
Historical perspective
• Earliest traces date back to 7th or 8th century of Greek culture,
where new entrants to the sports community were subjected to all
kinds of humiliations to inculcate a endurance & fortitude in them.
• Hazing, Fagging, Bullying, Sledging- these are nothing but the
different phrases of ragging signifying the practice of welcoming the
fresher in a barbaric manner.
• Gradually subjected to further modifications it was adopted by the
military forces.
• From here it finally entered the realms of academic institutions.
• Officially 1st incident of ragging took place in USA back in 1657 in
University of Harvard.
• Before 70s it was hardly seen in India. But later it spread like
a wildfire as one of the legacies of British colonialism.
• At first it was limited to verbal abuse, but then it spread to
involve physical & sexual abuse.
• First official step in India was taken by TN Govt. in 1997 by a
legislation against ragging.
• Later different states followed the suit & banned the ragging.
• In 2006, Honorable Supreme Court constituted Raghavan
committee to give suggestions on the means of preventing
Burden of ragging
Year Cases Deaths
2007- 08 89 11
2008- 09 88 12
2009- 10 164 19
• Number of ragging cases (June 2009- June 2013) in
different states-
o 398- UP
o 233- WB
o 193- Odisha
o 163- MP
o 98- Maharashtra
o & the list continues
• Cases of injury- 56
• Cases of sexual abuse- 36
• Cases of group violence- 24
• Cases of abuse, casteism/ regionalism- 19
• Victims- Boys > Girls.
• The number of cases soar around August, when admissions to
engineering and medical colleges are over.
• Associated Fear, Mystery & Secrecy makes it difficult to analyse the
menace in the country.
• Most of the available statistics are from media & NGOs.
• No specific section as “deaths due to ragging” is present in National
Crime Records Bureau.
Ways of ragging
• Dress code ragging- Often an awkward & uncomfortable dress
code is imposed.
• Formal introduction- Introduce themselves in pure local language.
• Verbal torture- indulging in loose talks
• Playing the fool- asked to enact scenes, do silly things.
• Hostel ragging- asked to do odd things
• Drug abuse & Sexual abuse- severest form
Why ragging occurs ?
• Seniors’ right, as they were ragged by their seniors’. In Indian
perspective it is similar to Saas-Bhau relationship.
• Sense of superiority. The crueler the senior is, more terrified the
• As a way of familiarizing with the seniors.
• Lack of supervision & implementation of serious anti-ragging
measures by authorities.
• Alcohol  both precipitates & perpetuates ragging. Under its
influence people sway away from emotions & hidden machismo
comes out.
Psychology of raggers
1. Gives a sense of Authority  boosts morale of a person  puts
him/her on high.
2. An attitude of “I give back, what I got before”
3. As a means of cathersis- to vent ones unconscious frustrations.
4. Gratification of Sadistic tendencies- a good opportunity to satiate
ones sadistic demands.
5. Makes a Fashion statement- many think that ragging will put them
on a different pedestal in their college.
6. Peer pressure
Psychology of victims
• Fresher's  Nervous and full of apprehension on the first few
days of college or hostel life.
• Their nightmares become a reality when they find themselves
being abused by a group of seniors, who take full advantage of
their vulnerability.
• Depending upon a person’s upbringing, temperament, and
attitudes, and ultimate his/ her personality, reactions to the very
same circumstances would vary.
• An individual who is used to singing songs on a stage may not
feel as embarrassed as others in his group.
• While some people can put up with any behaviour and then
forget about it and move on with their lives,
• Some sensitive ones may find all this too difficult to handle.
• They could land up with a nervous breakdown, go into a state
of shock, sink into severe depression, discontinue their
studies or even commit suicide.
• There are documented cases of suffering from post-traumatic
stress disorder following episodes of ragging where they
were subjected to physical or mental torture.
Effects on victim
• Ragging or even the very thought about it- provokes Stress.
• Stress is a mind and body response or reaction to a real or
imagined threat, event or change.
• Effects seen are-
– Psychological problems
– Cognitive changes
– Behavioral problems
– Physical problems
– Other reactions to stressful events
• Psychological problems-
– Anxiety (most common)
– Negative self image, reduced self esteem & loss of faith
– Anger, Irritability, Nightmares
• Cognitive changes-
– Lack of concentration & attention
– Reduced productivity
– Forgetfulness, Errors of judgment
• Behavioral problems-
– Alcohol & Drug addiction, Increased smoking
– Compulsive behaviour, Itinerant lifestyle
– Aggressive behaviour & Criminal activities
• Physical problems-
– Nausea, headache, hypertension
– Sleeping disorders
– Elevated BP, Increased HR
– Skin disorders
– Asthma, RA
• Other reactions to stressful events-
– Minimizes abilities of effective functioning
– Stronger psychological reaction
– Inter Personal relationships
Long term consequences
• The victim retracts into a shell, forcing himself into ignominy
and alienation from the rest of the world.
• It demoralizes the victim who joins college, with many hopes
and expectations.
• Who succumb  may drop out thereby hampering their career
• Who protest  very likely to face ostracism from their seniors
in the future.
• Some times  suicides have also been reported.
Other impacts
• Effects are not restricted to victim alone, involves family members
& other students as well.
• The parents of the victim will be under constant apprehension
about the future safety of their child.
• Besides incurring medical & other incidental expenses to
rehabilitate, they have to bear with the trauma of hampered
careers of their children.
• Friends of the victim, will be under constant apprehension of
being a next victim.
• This is certainly going to hamper the fame of institution as well.
Legal perspective of ragging
• Honorable Supreme court of India defines ragging as
– “Ragging is any disorderly conduct, whether by words
spoken or written, or by an act which has the effect of
teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any student,
indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which cause
or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship or
psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension
thereof in a fresher or a junior student and which has the
effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or
embarrassment so as to adversely affect the psyche of a
fresher or a junior student”
Essence of definition…
• It is an act of aggression.
• Committed by an individual/ group of individuals over another
individual/ group of individuals.
• 1st group by virtue of being senior to 2nd group, somehow get
the authority & audacity.
• 2nd group by virtue of being new to institution, spontaneously
become victims.
• Any interaction which is aggressive & asymmetric (not in equal
footing) is ragging.
Raghavan Committee
• Problem of ragging was questioned by Vishwa Jagriti Missions,
leading the Honorable Supreme Court to give directions to curb
• But the problem was not abated & horrifying cases were still
being reported.
• This compelled the Honorable Supreme Court to form a
committee to look into this matter.
• Raghavan committee was appointed by Union Human Resource
Development ministry under Supreme Court directive.
• Committee was chaired by former CBI chairman MK Raghavan.
• The committee’s duty was to-
– Study various aspects of ragging.
– Suggest means & methods of prevention of ragging.
– Suggest possible action to be taken against persons
indulging in ragging.
– Suggest possible action to be taken against college/
authorities in the event of ragging.
• Committee was formed in Dec 2006 & submitted its report in
April 2007.
Key recommendations
• Inclusion of ragging for accreditation by Central regulatory bodies
for educational institutions.
• Recommended anti-ragging cells at the central, state and college
• Psychological counselling on anti-ragging and human rights at the
senior secondary school level.
• Chapter on ragging in NCERT, SCERT school books.
• Establishing of a stringent anti-ragging law.
• Toll free helpline for ragging victims (1800-180-5522).
Recommended actions to be taken by the authorities
• Appropriate committee to actively monitor, promote & regulate
healthy interaction between fresher's & seniors.
• Committee to include- course in charge, student advisor, warden
& some senior students.
• Involve students in matters of institution, may make students feel
that they are responsible partners.
• Organization of fresher’s welcome parties-
– For proper introduction
– Bring out talents without element of indecency
– Presence of faculty- prevent crossing limits of decency.
• Quantum of punishment depends upon the nature & gravity
of the offence as established by the disciplinary committee/
Court of law
• Include-
1. Cancellation of admission
2. Suspension from attending classes
3. Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship &
other benefits
4. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or
other evaluation process
5. Withholding results
6. Suspension/ Expulsion from hostels
7. Debarring from representing the institution in any
national/ international meet/ tournament/ youth
8. Rustication from the institution for periods varying from
1 to 4 semesters
9. Expulsion from the institution & consequent debarring
from admission to any other institution.
10.Fine upto INR 25,000/=
11.Rigorous imprisonment upto 3 years.
• First 10 types of punishments can be awarded by the
appropriate authority of the institution itself, the last
punishment can be awarded only by a court of law.
Incentives/ Rewards
• Given to those who help in curbing the menace of ragging-
– Wardens & Other functionaries, given adequate
weightage while promoting to higher posts/ perks.
– Marks/ Grades for students who actively helped in
curbing ragging.
– “Good conduct” & “Not found ragging in any form of
ragging”- during semester must also be one of the
elements for sessional evaluation.
AP Prohibition Of Ragging Act, 97
• Purpose- To prohibit ragging in educational institutions.
• Institutional mechanism/ Official- Head/ Manager in case of
prima facie.
• Penalty-
– Offender- Imprisonment from 6 months to 10 years/ fine of
INR from 1,000 to 50,000/ both.
– Institution- Same as for offender for Head/ Manager in case of
• Nature of offence- teasing, embarrassing, humiliation, assault,
criminal force, wrongful confinement, restraint, grievous hurt,
kidnapping, abduction, rape, death, abetting suicide.
• CURE- Coalition to Uproot Ragging from Education, since July 2001.
Website- & Blog-
• SPACE- Society for People’s Action, Change & Enforcement, since
May 2004. Website- &
• SAVE- Society Against Violence in Education. Website-
1. New students must be addressed about the ban on ragging.
2. Seniors should be sensitized about the ill effects of ragging.
3. “Disciplinary committee” to instill the value of discipline in
the minds of students.
4. Individual interest groups, like research/ sports group to
channelize the talents of students in a useful manner.
5. Posters of Anti-ragging committee, consisting of members &
contact numbers should be displayed at prominent places.
6. Contact numbers of the Anti-Ragging committee should made
freely available to the newcomers.
7. Compliant boxes should be placed at the dean’s office, library,
canteen, wherein juniors can drop their complaint letter.
8. “Best senior” award should be given, to be voted by the
9. Provision of appointing one of the senior students as “Floor
manager” on each floor of hostel for prompt reporting of
ragging incidents.
10. A better interface with the NGOs in planning preventive
Anti-Ragging @ KIMS
• Anti-Ragging KIMS helpline no- 08682-272344
• Anti-Ragging committee consisting of-
– Chairman- Principal
– District Police Administration (SI of Narketpally),
– NGO involved in Youth Activities,
– Representative of District Civil Administration, Local Media,
Faculty Members, Parents, Non-teaching Staff and Students
(Seniors and Freshers) is formed and meet every week.
• The Anti-Ragging Squad- consist of HODs, Faculty Members and
Senior Students residing in the campus.
• Squad makes surprise visits to Hostels & other spots of potential
Recent judgment

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  • 1. Ragging - a review of the malady Dr.D.Raj Kiran (SR) & Dr.Saritha (PG) Dept. of Psychiatry KIMS
  • 2. Roadmap • Definition • Facts & Fictions about ragging • Historical perspective • Burden of ragging • Ways of ragging • Psychological perspective – Psychology of raggers – Psychology of victims – Short term & long term effects • Legal perspective – Definition of Honorable Supreme Court – Raghavan committee – Recommendations • Suggestions
  • 3. Definition • Ragging according to dictionary is to- – Scold – Tease – Cause annoyance – Harass with persistent criticism.
  • 4.
  • 5. Facts • Deaths due to ragging- – 2005- Kamlesh sarkar, Sridhar, Abraham, Amit sahai – 2006- Azad nair, SP Manoj – 2007- Chetan raj, Manjot singh, Durgesh shukla upto 7 cases reported… – 2008- Laltiha, 3 more incidents reported – 2009- Aman Kachroo – 2010- Ajub ajith, Premalatha, Nagendra, 3 more reported… – In last 6 weeks- already 3 cases from Telangana reported • Hundreds get seriously injured/ disabled...Countless of innocent youths suffer extreme forms of physical and sexual abuses for months..
  • 6. • Despite ban in almost all colleges, it has not been very effective, as seen by the number of ragging cases still reported by the media. • This has expanded its tentacles so wide that we started getting shocking news every now & then in the form of loss of precious human life… • Recent death of an engineering student is another example which depicts the limitless boundaries of this social problem. • It still sends chills down the spine whenever the topic of ragging comes up…
  • 7. Fiction • Fictional works like novels, films, dramas also depict ragging in various ways according to their whims & fancies. • At times lighter & at times very serious. • Movies like 3 Idiots & Munna Bhai MBBS have depicted ragging in a very light hearted way. • In other films forms of ragging like eve teasing, insulting and mocking the teachers are often glorified.
  • 8. Historical perspective • Earliest traces date back to 7th or 8th century of Greek culture, where new entrants to the sports community were subjected to all kinds of humiliations to inculcate a endurance & fortitude in them. • Hazing, Fagging, Bullying, Sledging- these are nothing but the different phrases of ragging signifying the practice of welcoming the fresher in a barbaric manner. • Gradually subjected to further modifications it was adopted by the military forces. • From here it finally entered the realms of academic institutions. • Officially 1st incident of ragging took place in USA back in 1657 in University of Harvard.
  • 9. • Before 70s it was hardly seen in India. But later it spread like a wildfire as one of the legacies of British colonialism. • At first it was limited to verbal abuse, but then it spread to involve physical & sexual abuse. • First official step in India was taken by TN Govt. in 1997 by a legislation against ragging. • Later different states followed the suit & banned the ragging. • In 2006, Honorable Supreme Court constituted Raghavan committee to give suggestions on the means of preventing ragging.
  • 10. Burden of ragging Year Cases Deaths 2007- 08 89 11 2008- 09 88 12 2009- 10 164 19 • Number of ragging cases (June 2009- June 2013) in different states- o 398- UP o 233- WB o 193- Odisha o 163- MP o 98- Maharashtra o & the list continues
  • 11. • Cases of injury- 56 • Cases of sexual abuse- 36 • Cases of group violence- 24 • Cases of abuse, casteism/ regionalism- 19 • Victims- Boys > Girls. • The number of cases soar around August, when admissions to engineering and medical colleges are over. • Associated Fear, Mystery & Secrecy makes it difficult to analyse the menace in the country. • Most of the available statistics are from media & NGOs. • No specific section as “deaths due to ragging” is present in National Crime Records Bureau.
  • 12. Ways of ragging • Dress code ragging- Often an awkward & uncomfortable dress code is imposed. • Formal introduction- Introduce themselves in pure local language. • Verbal torture- indulging in loose talks • Playing the fool- asked to enact scenes, do silly things. • Hostel ragging- asked to do odd things • Drug abuse & Sexual abuse- severest form
  • 13. Why ragging occurs ? • Seniors’ right, as they were ragged by their seniors’. In Indian perspective it is similar to Saas-Bhau relationship. • Sense of superiority. The crueler the senior is, more terrified the juniors. • As a way of familiarizing with the seniors. • Lack of supervision & implementation of serious anti-ragging measures by authorities. • Alcohol  both precipitates & perpetuates ragging. Under its influence people sway away from emotions & hidden machismo comes out.
  • 14. Psychology of raggers 1. Gives a sense of Authority  boosts morale of a person  puts him/her on high. 2. An attitude of “I give back, what I got before” 3. As a means of cathersis- to vent ones unconscious frustrations. 4. Gratification of Sadistic tendencies- a good opportunity to satiate ones sadistic demands. 5. Makes a Fashion statement- many think that ragging will put them on a different pedestal in their college. 6. Peer pressure
  • 15. Psychology of victims • Fresher's  Nervous and full of apprehension on the first few days of college or hostel life. • Their nightmares become a reality when they find themselves being abused by a group of seniors, who take full advantage of their vulnerability. • Depending upon a person’s upbringing, temperament, and attitudes, and ultimate his/ her personality, reactions to the very same circumstances would vary. • An individual who is used to singing songs on a stage may not feel as embarrassed as others in his group.
  • 16. • While some people can put up with any behaviour and then forget about it and move on with their lives, • Some sensitive ones may find all this too difficult to handle. • They could land up with a nervous breakdown, go into a state of shock, sink into severe depression, discontinue their studies or even commit suicide. • There are documented cases of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder following episodes of ragging where they were subjected to physical or mental torture.
  • 17. Effects on victim • Ragging or even the very thought about it- provokes Stress. • Stress is a mind and body response or reaction to a real or imagined threat, event or change. • Effects seen are- – Psychological problems – Cognitive changes – Behavioral problems – Physical problems – Other reactions to stressful events
  • 18. • Psychological problems- – Anxiety (most common) – Negative self image, reduced self esteem & loss of faith – Anger, Irritability, Nightmares • Cognitive changes- – Lack of concentration & attention – Reduced productivity – Forgetfulness, Errors of judgment • Behavioral problems- – Alcohol & Drug addiction, Increased smoking – Compulsive behaviour, Itinerant lifestyle – Aggressive behaviour & Criminal activities
  • 19. • Physical problems- – Nausea, headache, hypertension – Sleeping disorders – Elevated BP, Increased HR – Skin disorders – Asthma, RA • Other reactions to stressful events- – Minimizes abilities of effective functioning – Stronger psychological reaction – PTSD – Inter Personal relationships
  • 20. Long term consequences • The victim retracts into a shell, forcing himself into ignominy and alienation from the rest of the world. • It demoralizes the victim who joins college, with many hopes and expectations. • Who succumb  may drop out thereby hampering their career prospects • Who protest  very likely to face ostracism from their seniors in the future. • Some times  suicides have also been reported.
  • 21. Other impacts • Effects are not restricted to victim alone, involves family members & other students as well. • The parents of the victim will be under constant apprehension about the future safety of their child. • Besides incurring medical & other incidental expenses to rehabilitate, they have to bear with the trauma of hampered careers of their children. • Friends of the victim, will be under constant apprehension of being a next victim. • This is certainly going to hamper the fame of institution as well.
  • 22. Legal perspective of ragging • Honorable Supreme court of India defines ragging as under- – “Ragging is any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written, or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which cause or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the psyche of a fresher or a junior student”
  • 23. Essence of definition… • It is an act of aggression. • Committed by an individual/ group of individuals over another individual/ group of individuals. • 1st group by virtue of being senior to 2nd group, somehow get the authority & audacity. • 2nd group by virtue of being new to institution, spontaneously become victims. • Any interaction which is aggressive & asymmetric (not in equal footing) is ragging.
  • 24. Raghavan Committee • Problem of ragging was questioned by Vishwa Jagriti Missions, leading the Honorable Supreme Court to give directions to curb ragging. • But the problem was not abated & horrifying cases were still being reported. • This compelled the Honorable Supreme Court to form a committee to look into this matter. • Raghavan committee was appointed by Union Human Resource Development ministry under Supreme Court directive. • Committee was chaired by former CBI chairman MK Raghavan.
  • 25. • The committee’s duty was to- – Study various aspects of ragging. – Suggest means & methods of prevention of ragging. – Suggest possible action to be taken against persons indulging in ragging. – Suggest possible action to be taken against college/ authorities in the event of ragging. • Committee was formed in Dec 2006 & submitted its report in April 2007.
  • 26. Key recommendations • Inclusion of ragging for accreditation by Central regulatory bodies for educational institutions. • Recommended anti-ragging cells at the central, state and college level. • Psychological counselling on anti-ragging and human rights at the senior secondary school level. • Chapter on ragging in NCERT, SCERT school books. • Establishing of a stringent anti-ragging law. • Toll free helpline for ragging victims (1800-180-5522).
  • 27. Recommended actions to be taken by the authorities • Appropriate committee to actively monitor, promote & regulate healthy interaction between fresher's & seniors. • Committee to include- course in charge, student advisor, warden & some senior students. • Involve students in matters of institution, may make students feel that they are responsible partners. • Organization of fresher’s welcome parties- – For proper introduction – Bring out talents without element of indecency – Presence of faculty- prevent crossing limits of decency.
  • 28. Punishments • Quantum of punishment depends upon the nature & gravity of the offence as established by the disciplinary committee/ Court of law • Include- 1. Cancellation of admission 2. Suspension from attending classes 3. Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship & other benefits 4. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process 5. Withholding results
  • 29. 6. Suspension/ Expulsion from hostels 7. Debarring from representing the institution in any national/ international meet/ tournament/ youth festival 8. Rustication from the institution for periods varying from 1 to 4 semesters 9. Expulsion from the institution & consequent debarring from admission to any other institution. 10.Fine upto INR 25,000/= 11.Rigorous imprisonment upto 3 years. • First 10 types of punishments can be awarded by the appropriate authority of the institution itself, the last punishment can be awarded only by a court of law.
  • 30. Incentives/ Rewards • Given to those who help in curbing the menace of ragging- – Wardens & Other functionaries, given adequate weightage while promoting to higher posts/ perks. – Marks/ Grades for students who actively helped in curbing ragging. – “Good conduct” & “Not found ragging in any form of ragging”- during semester must also be one of the elements for sessional evaluation.
  • 31. AP Prohibition Of Ragging Act, 97 • Purpose- To prohibit ragging in educational institutions. • Institutional mechanism/ Official- Head/ Manager in case of prima facie. • Penalty- – Offender- Imprisonment from 6 months to 10 years/ fine of INR from 1,000 to 50,000/ both. – Institution- Same as for offender for Head/ Manager in case of default. • Nature of offence- teasing, embarrassing, humiliation, assault, criminal force, wrongful confinement, restraint, grievous hurt, kidnapping, abduction, rape, death, abetting suicide.
  • 32. NGOs • CURE- Coalition to Uproot Ragging from Education, since July 2001. Website- & Blog- • SPACE- Society for People’s Action, Change & Enforcement, since May 2004. Website- & • SAVE- Society Against Violence in Education. Website-
  • 33. Suggestions 1. New students must be addressed about the ban on ragging. 2. Seniors should be sensitized about the ill effects of ragging. 3. “Disciplinary committee” to instill the value of discipline in the minds of students. 4. Individual interest groups, like research/ sports group to channelize the talents of students in a useful manner. 5. Posters of Anti-ragging committee, consisting of members & contact numbers should be displayed at prominent places.
  • 34. 6. Contact numbers of the Anti-Ragging committee should made freely available to the newcomers. 7. Compliant boxes should be placed at the dean’s office, library, canteen, wherein juniors can drop their complaint letter. 8. “Best senior” award should be given, to be voted by the newcomers. 9. Provision of appointing one of the senior students as “Floor manager” on each floor of hostel for prompt reporting of ragging incidents. 10. A better interface with the NGOs in planning preventive activities.
  • 35. Anti-Ragging @ KIMS • Anti-Ragging KIMS helpline no- 08682-272344 • Anti-Ragging committee consisting of- – Chairman- Principal – District Police Administration (SI of Narketpally), – NGO involved in Youth Activities, – Representative of District Civil Administration, Local Media, Faculty Members, Parents, Non-teaching Staff and Students (Seniors and Freshers) is formed and meet every week. • The Anti-Ragging Squad- consist of HODs, Faculty Members and Senior Students residing in the campus. • Squad makes surprise visits to Hostels & other spots of potential ragging.