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Purple View
The recent trend of using Attack and Defense
Not OUR idea - backed by many
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Quick who are we
Haydn Johnson
Offensive/Attack Interest
Enjoys presenting
MSc Computer Science
Interested in both sides of security
Loooooves presenting
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
1. Basic Term Definition
2. Introduction to Red, Blue and Purple
3. Run through of an Attack
○ Gaining Access
○ Lateral Movement
○ Domain Admin
○ Maintaining Access
○ Data Exfiltration
4. For each attack:
○ Attacking View
○ Defenders View
○ Possible Purple Team exercises
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Exploit - The thing used to gain unauthorized access to a system
Payload - What is done after the access is gained (shell, command)
Metasploit - An open source exploit framework, modular
Meterpreter - an advanced, extensible payload that uses in-memory DLL injection
Shell - Gaining Terminal/CMD access remotely
Red Team - Penetration | Offensive
● Scans
● Exploits
● Logic abuse
● Access to things they shouldn’t
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Blue Team - Block, Prevent, Detect | Defensive
● Logs
● Emails
● Events
● Triggers
● Networking
● More Logs
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Red Team - Goals
● Model recent threats and trends
● Longer term
● Highlight Gaps in Security Controls, detection etc
● Escape and Evade for Persistence
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Blue Team - Goals
● Detect Attack
● Respond and Recover
● Produce Actionable Intelligence
● Identify Gaps and investment needs
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Offensive & Defensive
Working together to achieve the ultimate goal of making the organization more
● Exposes blue team to different threats & attacker mindset
● Test incident detection and response
● Allows red team to sharpen skills
● Policy and procedures tested
● Tuning of controls
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Offensive & Defensive
Different types of Purple Teaming
● Read Team Sitting with Network Defense team
● Adversary Simulation
● Traffic Generation
● Wargaming
Requires total picture involving all areas of the organization
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - The difference
● Using Security Posture and Weaknesses to find what is most valuable
● Goal Oriented
● Review attack
● Test how teams use services and how they are managed
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - The difference
● Time to Domain Admin
● Time to Data/Objective
● Time to Respond
● Time to Recover
● Identify where there needs to be more investment
● Measure Impact
Done right, the blue team should come out with better monitoring and response
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - The difference
● Set up a fake scenario - Assume Breach
● How will the attacker gain access?
● Why have they attacked, what do they want?
● How did they move through the network?
● If they exfiltrated data, how?
Do not turn off servers, block IP addresses, make it realistic
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Exercise
“In the beginning, it’s easy to challenge and exercise a network defense team. You
will find that many network defenders do not have a lot of experience (actively)
dealing with a sophisticated adversary.”
- Raphael Mudge
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - DEMO (step by step)
Our exercise
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Demo Architecture
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Tools Used
Red Team:
● Kali Linux
● Metasploit
● Meterpreter
● PowerSploit
● Twittor
Blue Team:
● Wireshark
● Windows Event Logs
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Setting up Windows GP
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Gaining Access
Hacking Team Flash Exploit
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Flash Exploits
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
● Flash plugins are vulnerable
○ You can embed a javascript/binary within a Flash file
○ ActionScript to define events to redirect to landing page
● Most exploit kit landing pages redirect to pages containing Flash exploits
○ Angler
○ Nuclear
○ Fiesta
● Installed by default on browser
● New vulnerabilities are identified on almost a weekly basis
Gaining Access
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Flash Exploit from SecurityFocus
Hacking Team Flash Exploit:
A: Start Flash Exploit from Kali
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Start Flash Exploit from Kali
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Client1 User navigates to malicious site which redirects to the exploit
A: Redirect Victim
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Client1 is exploited
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: A session is now established with Client1
We can now run Meterpreter
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Wireshark: Landing Page and Redirect
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Wireshark: Shell
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: What can you take away
Security Onion, implement it, free
Has snort rules for Flash exploits (need to install)
Confirm if flash is needed for business reasons
Keep flash updated
2811962 - ETPRO TROJAN APT HTTPBrowser dropped by CVE-2015-5119 SSL
Cert (trojan.rules)
2811963 - ETPRO TROJAN APT HTTPBrowser dropped by CVE-2015-5119
CnC Beacon (trojan.rules)
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Exercise
● Blue team understands how attackers can gain initial access
● Flash exploits - ongoing issue
● Helps blue team to identify suspicious traffic and what is happening from the
attacker perspective
● Red team sees how attacks are visible by blue team and think of ways to
make it more stealthy
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Privilege Escalation
Not Shown
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Privilege Escalation
● We are skipping privilege escalation from Domain User to Local Admin
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Lateral Movement
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: PowerSploit
Available on Github
Open Source
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: PowerSploit
More than 1 script!
PowerShell Modules
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Part of PowerShell Empire
Very advanced
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Lateral Movement
The same local Administrator account passwords on multiple computers.
by Sean Metcalf
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Same Passwords for All Local Admins
A: Lateral Movement
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Lateral Movement
Remote Powershell
Using Invoke--Shellcode.ps1
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Base64 Encoding Payload
Remove issues with whitespace
The Hacker Playbook 1 (now 2)
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Hosting Powersploit Invoke--Shellcode.ps1
PowerSploit code hosted on local Kali machine
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Invoke-WmiMethod
Use powershell to connect remotely, create a new process and launch the IEX
Calls Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) methods.
The Win32_Process WMI class allows creation of a process.
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Execute Remote command
Execute command from Client1 to tell Client2 to download and execute shellcode
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Client1 gives same password
Same password across multiple clients
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Receive Shell
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: WireShark traffic
TCP Hand Shake
Bind Requests
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Client1 requests remote instance on Client2
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Client2 eventually asks where is Kali
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Client2 downloads Invoke--Shellcode.ps1
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Client1 logs into Client2
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: PowerShell Process Created
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: PowerShell connects to Kali
Client2 reaches out to Kali on port 80
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: What can you take away
Event Correlation - based on event ID, source and destination for remote
Implement alerting based on Security Events together
SIEM can/SHOULD do this
Use Log MD - really great logging tool, especially for powershell
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Benefits
● Identify ways to move around the network
● Identify and confirm Defensive Controls in Place
● Identify what worked, what did not
● Implement changes
● Justification for resources
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Privilege Escalation
Local Admin to Domain Admin
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Local Admin to Domain Admin
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
● Why escalate privileges from Local Admin to Domain Admin?
● Domain admin - control over active directory!
● Access IT resources
● Create accounts
● Propagate malware
A: Local Admin to Domain Admin
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Local Admin to Domain Admin
From Client1, map the admin$ share on Client2 and copy over sekurlsa.dll
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Local Admin to Domain Admin
Use psexec to run mimikatz.exe on Client2
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Local Admin to Domain Admin
Use sekurlsa::logonpasswords to dump the Domain Admin logon credentials from
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Wireshark:
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Event Logs
Client1 logs into Client2 local admin
B: Event Logs
Client1 runs mimikatz
on Client2
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Event Logs
Sensitive privilege use from Client1
to Client2
B: What can you take away
● Prevention:
○ Access control for shared drive
○ Limit access to psexec and monitor use
○ Active Directory best practices
● Detection:
○ IDS signatures
○ SIEM use case - Event correlation between system logs and network proxy logs
○ For lateral movement: enable file level auditing
○ Canary accounts
Purple Team - Benefits
● Blue team observes vulnerabilities/threats which may not have been
○ Learns how attacker could escalate privileges from local admin to domain admin
● Red team observes the footprint left behind from this attack and possibly how
to minimize it
○ Can identify potential weaknesses in blue team monitoring/response processes
○ Provide more thorough recommendations
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Backdoor using Twitter
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Twittor
● Easy to install
● Easy to Use
● Easy to add
Shellcode @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Twittor - insides
Simple Subprocess execution
Stored as base64 encoded message
A: Pyinstaller
On Github
Turn Python file into EXE
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Pyinstaller
Python File becomes Executable
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Twittor: Backdoor Using Twitter
A: Twittor
Python file used as C2 Server Python file used as backdoor
EXE - Pyinstaller
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Twittor - Retrieving command
Send Command to execute
Retrieve command
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Twittor - Network Traffic
Reaching out to API
Normal User Traffic??
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Twittor - Client system
Backdoor as Python Executable compiled with --no-console flag to hide output
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Traffic from Client
Reaches out to twitter
Src and Destination are internal IPs, sends to API
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: What can you take away
Check if there are any remote connections after hours, is it against policy?
Again, Correlate logs with known C2 addresses
See if AV picks it up
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Benefits
Test if a C2 can reach out to twitter.
Social Media may be blocked via the browser, but some sites can still be
accessed via API etc.
If it is not blocked, why not, can your blue team help to stop this and others.
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Data Exfiltration
Clear Text FTP
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Data Exfiltration Through Clear Text FTP
A: FTP Extraction
Finding Data to extract
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Finding data
Important data identified
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Downloading data
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Data Transferred
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Meterpreter connection
DLL injection
Lots of chatter
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: FTP connection
Clear Text
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: Successful Transfer
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
B: What can you take away?
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Disable FTP - should not have a business need for it really
If there is a business need whitelist those IP addresses | Create a group of users
specifically for FTP
Purple Team - Exercise
Clear Text
Will any alarms trigger?
Understand potential holes in alerting
Measure time to detect and respond
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Teaming is Good
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Purple Team - Reiteration
Provides more value than a Penetration Test
Should be implemented into a regular schedule
Helps train security personnel
Helps make sure your boxes are tuned
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Limitations and Future Work
● So far we have limited detection tools to Windows Server event logs and
Wireshark, (and a bit of Snort)
● Could be extended for enterprise security tools such as SIEM/IDS
● Powershell/WMI for blue team
● More advanced attacks, persistence using Powershell Empire
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Obligatory Cute Kat Picture
References are in following slides
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Microsoft - 8 minute Video
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
Seeing Purple: Hybrid Security Teams for the
Enterprise - BSides Jackson 2013
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
A: Downloads PowerShell file
Client2 reaches out to Kali machine
@raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson

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Purple View

  • 1. Purple View The recent trend of using Attack and Defense Together Not OUR idea - backed by many @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 2. Quick who are we Haydn Johnson @haydnjohnson OSCP Offensive/Attack Interest Enjoys presenting Laura @raffertylaura MSc Computer Science (Security/Privacy) Interested in both sides of security Loooooves presenting @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 3. Contents 1. Basic Term Definition 2. Introduction to Red, Blue and Purple 3. Run through of an Attack ○ Gaining Access ○ Lateral Movement ○ Domain Admin ○ Maintaining Access ○ Data Exfiltration 4. For each attack: ○ Attacking View ○ Defenders View ○ Possible Purple Team exercises @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 4. Definitions Exploit - The thing used to gain unauthorized access to a system Payload - What is done after the access is gained (shell, command) Metasploit - An open source exploit framework, modular Meterpreter - an advanced, extensible payload that uses in-memory DLL injection Shell - Gaining Terminal/CMD access remotely
  • 5. Red Team - Penetration | Offensive ● Scans ● Exploits ● Logic abuse ● Access to things they shouldn’t @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 6. Blue Team - Block, Prevent, Detect | Defensive ● Logs ● Emails ● Events ● Triggers ● Networking ● More Logs @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 7. Red Team - Goals ● Model recent threats and trends ● Longer term ● Highlight Gaps in Security Controls, detection etc ● Escape and Evade for Persistence @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 8. Blue Team - Goals ● Detect Attack ● Respond and Recover ● Produce Actionable Intelligence ● Identify Gaps and investment needs @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 9. Purple Team - Offensive & Defensive Working together to achieve the ultimate goal of making the organization more secure ● Exposes blue team to different threats & attacker mindset ● Test incident detection and response ● Allows red team to sharpen skills ● Policy and procedures tested ● Tuning of controls @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 10. Purple Team - Offensive & Defensive Different types of Purple Teaming ● Read Team Sitting with Network Defense team ● Adversary Simulation ● Traffic Generation ● ● Wargaming Requires total picture involving all areas of the organization @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 11. Purple Team - The difference ● Using Security Posture and Weaknesses to find what is most valuable ● Goal Oriented ● Review attack ● Test how teams use services and how they are managed @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 12. Purple Team - The difference ● Time to Domain Admin ● Time to Data/Objective ● Time to Respond ● Time to Recover ● Identify where there needs to be more investment ● Measure Impact Done right, the blue team should come out with better monitoring and response plans. @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 13. Purple Team - The difference ● Set up a fake scenario - Assume Breach ● How will the attacker gain access? ● Why have they attacked, what do they want? ● How did they move through the network? ● If they exfiltrated data, how? Do not turn off servers, block IP addresses, make it realistic @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 14. Purple Team - Exercise “In the beginning, it’s easy to challenge and exercise a network defense team. You will find that many network defenders do not have a lot of experience (actively) dealing with a sophisticated adversary.” - Raphael Mudge @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 15. Purple Team - DEMO (step by step) Our exercise @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 16. Purple Team - Demo Architecture @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson Domain:
  • 17. Tools Used Red Team: ● Kali Linux ● Metasploit ● Meterpreter ● PowerSploit ● Twittor Blue Team: ● Wireshark ● Windows Event Logs @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 18. Setting up Windows GP @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 19. Gaining Access Hacking Team Flash Exploit @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 20. Flash Exploits @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson ● Flash plugins are vulnerable ○ You can embed a javascript/binary within a Flash file ○ ActionScript to define events to redirect to landing page ● Most exploit kit landing pages redirect to pages containing Flash exploits ○ Angler ○ Nuclear ○ Fiesta ● Installed by default on browser ● New vulnerabilities are identified on almost a weekly basis
  • 21. Gaining Access @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson Flash
  • 22. A: Flash Exploit from SecurityFocus Hacking Team Flash Exploit:
  • 23. A: Start Flash Exploit from Kali @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 24. A: Start Flash Exploit from Kali @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 25. Client1 User navigates to malicious site which redirects to the exploit A: Redirect Victim @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 26. A: Client1 is exploited @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 27. A: A session is now established with Client1 We can now run Meterpreter @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 28. B: Wireshark: Landing Page and Redirect @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 30. B: What can you take away Security Onion, implement it, free Has snort rules for Flash exploits (need to install) Confirm if flash is needed for business reasons Keep flash updated 2811962 - ETPRO TROJAN APT HTTPBrowser dropped by CVE-2015-5119 SSL Cert (trojan.rules) 2811963 - ETPRO TROJAN APT HTTPBrowser dropped by CVE-2015-5119 CnC Beacon (trojan.rules) @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 31. Purple Team - Exercise ● Blue team understands how attackers can gain initial access ● Flash exploits - ongoing issue ● Helps blue team to identify suspicious traffic and what is happening from the attacker perspective ● Red team sees how attacks are visible by blue team and think of ways to make it more stealthy @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 33. Privilege Escalation ● We are skipping privilege escalation from Domain User to Local Admin @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 35. A: PowerSploit Available on Github Open Source @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 36. A: PowerSploit More than 1 script! PowerShell Modules @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 37. PowerView Part of PowerShell Empire Very advanced @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 38. A: Lateral Movement The same local Administrator account passwords on multiple computers. by Sean Metcalf @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 39. Same Passwords for All Local Admins
  • 41. A: Lateral Movement Powersploit Remote Powershell Using Invoke--Shellcode.ps1 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 42. A: Base64 Encoding Payload Remove issues with whitespace The Hacker Playbook 1 (now 2) @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 43. A: Hosting Powersploit Invoke--Shellcode.ps1 PowerSploit code hosted on local Kali machine @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 44. A: Invoke-WmiMethod Use powershell to connect remotely, create a new process and launch the IEX cradle. Calls Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) methods. The Win32_Process WMI class allows creation of a process. @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 45. A: Execute Remote command Execute command from Client1 to tell Client2 to download and execute shellcode @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 46. A: Client1 gives same password Same password across multiple clients @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 48. B: WireShark traffic TCP Hand Shake Bind Requests @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 49. B: Client1 requests remote instance on Client2 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 50. B: Client2 eventually asks where is Kali @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 51. B: Client2 downloads Invoke--Shellcode.ps1 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 52. B: Client1 logs into Client2 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 53. B: PowerShell Process Created @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 54. B: PowerShell connects to Kali Client2 reaches out to Kali on port 80 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 55. B: What can you take away Event Correlation - based on event ID, source and destination for remote connections Implement alerting based on Security Events together SIEM can/SHOULD do this Use Log MD - really great logging tool, especially for powershell @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson through-the-junk
  • 56. Purple Team - Benefits ● Identify ways to move around the network ● Identify and confirm Defensive Controls in Place ● Identify what worked, what did not ● Implement changes ● Justification for resources @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 57. Privilege Escalation Local Admin to Domain Admin @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 58. A: Local Admin to Domain Admin @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson ● Why escalate privileges from Local Admin to Domain Admin? ● Domain admin - control over active directory! ● Access IT resources ● Create accounts ● Propagate malware
  • 59. A: Local Admin to Domain Admin @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 60. A: Local Admin to Domain Admin From Client1, map the admin$ share on Client2 and copy over sekurlsa.dll @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 61. A: Local Admin to Domain Admin Use psexec to run mimikatz.exe on Client2 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 62. A: Local Admin to Domain Admin Use sekurlsa::logonpasswords to dump the Domain Admin logon credentials from Client2! @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 64. B: Event Logs Client1 logs into Client2 local admin
  • 65. B: Event Logs Client1 runs mimikatz on Client2 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 66. B: Event Logs Sensitive privilege use from Client1 to Client2
  • 67. B: What can you take away ● Prevention: ○ Access control for shared drive ○ Limit access to psexec and monitor use ○ Active Directory best practices ● Detection: ○ IDS signatures ○ SIEM use case - Event correlation between system logs and network proxy logs ○ For lateral movement: enable file level auditing ○ Canary accounts
  • 68. Purple Team - Benefits ● Blue team observes vulnerabilities/threats which may not have been considered ○ Learns how attacker could escalate privileges from local admin to domain admin ● Red team observes the footprint left behind from this attack and possibly how to minimize it ○ Can identify potential weaknesses in blue team monitoring/response processes ○ Provide more thorough recommendations @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 70. A: Twittor ● Easy to install ● Easy to Use ● Easy to add Shellcode @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 71. A: Twittor - insides Simple Subprocess execution Stored as base64 encoded message
  • 72. A: Pyinstaller On Github Turn Python file into EXE @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 73. A: Pyinstaller Python File becomes Executable @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 74. @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson Twittor: Backdoor Using Twitter
  • 75. A: Twittor Python file used as C2 Server Python file used as backdoor EXE - Pyinstaller @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 76. A: Twittor - Retrieving command Send Command to execute Retrieve command @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 77. B: Twittor - Network Traffic Reaching out to API Normal User Traffic?? @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 78. B: Twittor - Client system Backdoor as Python Executable compiled with --no-console flag to hide output @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 79. B: Traffic from Client Reaches out to twitter Src and Destination are internal IPs, sends to API @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 80. B: What can you take away Check if there are any remote connections after hours, is it against policy? Again, Correlate logs with known C2 addresses See if AV picks it up @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 81. Purple Team - Benefits Test if a C2 can reach out to twitter. Social Media may be blocked via the browser, but some sites can still be accessed via API etc. If it is not blocked, why not, can your blue team help to stop this and others. @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 82. Data Exfiltration Clear Text FTP @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 83. @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson A: Data Exfiltration Through Clear Text FTP
  • 84. A: FTP Extraction Finding Data to extract @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 85. A: Finding data Important data identified @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 88. B: Meterpreter connection DLL injection Lots of chatter @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 89. B: FTP connection Clear Text @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 91. B: What can you take away? @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson Disable FTP - should not have a business need for it really If there is a business need whitelist those IP addresses | Create a group of users specifically for FTP
  • 92. Purple Team - Exercise Clear Text Will any alarms trigger? Understand potential holes in alerting Measure time to detect and respond @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 93. Conclusion Purple Teaming is Good @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 94. Purple Team - Reiteration Provides more value than a Penetration Test Should be implemented into a regular schedule Helps train security personnel Helps make sure your boxes are tuned @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 95. Limitations and Future Work ● So far we have limited detection tools to Windows Server event logs and Wireshark, (and a bit of Snort) ● Could be extended for enterprise security tools such as SIEM/IDS ● Powershell/WMI for blue team ● More advanced attacks, persistence using Powershell Empire @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 97. References are in following slides @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 98. Microsoft - 8 minute Video @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 99. Seeing Purple: Hybrid Security Teams for the Enterprise - BSides Jackson 2013 @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson
  • 100. A: Downloads PowerShell file Client2 reaches out to Kali machine @raffertylaura | @haydnjohnson