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Normal & Abnormal
                Supervised by:

              Prof. Salah Roshdy,MD
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Qassim University
Presented by:
Abdulrahman Alsuhaibani
• Normal Puerperium
  – Reproductive organs
  – Systemic change

• Abnormal Puerperium
  –   Postpartum Hemorrhage
  –   Puerperal fever and sepsis
  –   Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
  –   Endocrine Disorders
  –   Psychiatric Disorders
  –   Uterine Subinvolution
Normal Puerperium
Period following delivery of baby & placenta
 to about 6 weeks post partum
By 6 weeks after delivery, most of the changes
 of pregnancy resolved and the body has
 regained the non-pregnant state.
A- Reproductive organs
1) Abdominal wall
Remains soft and poorly toned for many weeks.
The return to a prepregnant state depends greatly on exercise.

2) Perineum
Swelling & engorgement are completely gone within 1-2 weeks
The muscle tone may return to normal, depending on the
  extent of injury.
Cont. (Reproductive organs)
3) Uterus
- 1000g  100 – 200 g ( Uterine involution )
- The endometrial lining rapidly regenerates (16 days)
   - After delivery  at the level of the umbilicus
   - After 2 weeks  midway bw umbilicus & symphysis
   - After 4 weeks  the uterus become pelvic organ
Cont. (Reproductive organs)
4) Cervix
- Loses its elasticity & regain firmness
- Closed by the end of the 2nd week

5) Vagina
- By 3 weeks  increased vascularity and edema
- At the end of puerperium  Shrinks to a nonpregnant state
- by 6-10 weeks  The vaginal epithelium appears atrophic
  on smear and the normal epitheliaum will be restored
Who deliver vaginally  taught her to perform
  kegel exercises
Cont. (Reproductive organs)
6) Ovaries
- Ovulate as early as 27 days after delivery (not breastfeed).
- The suppression of ovulation is due to the elevation in
- Menstruation  returns by 6-8 weeks in women who do not
Cont. (Reproductive organs)

7) Breasts
- Lactogenesis is initially triggered by the delivery of the
  placenta drop of placenta H ( esp. estrogen ) &↑prolactin
- In non nursing women  The prolactin levels decrease and
  return to normal within 2-3 weeks

Colostrum secreted for 2 days  contain protein , fat , minerals , IgA and IgG
After 3-6 days  replaced by milk (protein , lactose , water and fat )
B- Systemic changes
1) Cardiovascular system
• Cardiac output ↑(immediately after delivery) → slowly
  declines→ reach normal 2-6 weeks.
• Blood volume returns to nonpregnant levels by the 10th day
  of puerperium

2) Hematologic changes :
• Hemoglobin & hematocrit ↑ after delivery
• Coagulation factors remain elevated in early puerperium 
  8-12 weeks return to non pregnant level

In First 24 hours:
         PBL F
•   Pain  uterine contraction
•   Breast  colostrum
•   Lochia
•   Fever  not exceed 38 C
                                               it originate from
  Lochia:- “vaginal
                                                body of uterus,
  discharge along
                                              cervix and vaginal.
  with decidua, clots
                                                it is fishy odor.
  and membrane
                                                   Reaction is
  after delivery of
                                               alkaline first and
  placenta during
                                               tends to acidic at

-Lochia discharge continues for 2 to 6 weeks
after delivery .
- Monitor for signs of infection “foul smelling “
 endometritis
Traits             Lochia rubra       Lochia serosa       Lochia alba
Colour             Red                Yellow or pale      Pale white
Composition        Mainly RBC,        Mainly mucus and    Mucus, serous
                   leucocytes,        serum, few RBC      exudates, epithelial
                   decidua, mucus.    and leucocytes.     cell, leucocytes.
Duration           1-4 days           5-9 days            10-15 days.

Abnormality with lochia:-
1.   persistent lochia rubra:- causes secondary PPH due to retained placental
     tissue and membrane.
2.   Offensive lochia:- puerperal sepsis due to E.coli.
3.   Scanty serous lochia:- severe streptococcal infection.
4.   Suppression of lochia:- obstruction at internal os by clots
Abnormal Puerperium
A-Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH)
B-Puerperal fever and sepsis
 -Endometritis                - Mastitis
 -Wound Infections            - UTIs
C-Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
D-Endocrine Disorders
 -Postpartum thyroiditis      - PP Graves disease
 -Sheehan syndrome            - Lymphocytic hypophysitis
E-Psychiatric Disorders
 -Postpartum blues         - Postpartum depression (PPD)
 -Postpartum psychosis
Sequence of events in abnormal
• At 2nd OR 3rd day  Endometritis

• At 4th day  Mastitis OR Wound infection

• At 7th day  Thrombophlebitis
Puerperal fever

A temperature rise above 38°C on any of the
 first 10 days after delivery .

Differential diagnosis:
 1.   Endometritis
 2.   Wound or chest Infections
 3.   Mastitis
 4.   UTIs
 5.   Thrombophlebitis
 6.   Any general cause of fever
1) Endometritis

Endometritis is the primary cause of postpartum
The causative agents are usually normal vaginal
 flora or enteric bacteria.
Cont. (Endometritis)
Risk factors                         4Ps 3Ms 1C
  1.   Cesarean delivery
  2.   Prolonged labor
  3.   Preexisting infection of the lower genital tract
  4.   Placement of an intrauterine catheter
  5.   Prolonged rupture of membranes
  6.   Multiple vaginal examinations
  7.   Multiple pregnancy (Twin delivery)
  8.   Manual removal of placenta
Cont. (Endometritis)
Diagnosis (After excluding other causes)
A. History of fever, chills, lower abdominal pain,
     malodorous lochia, increased vaginal bleeding, anorexia,
     and malaise.

B. Physical Examination showing a fever of
     38°C, tachycardia, and fundal tenderness.

C. Laboratory tests CBC, ESR , CRP , blood
     cultures , urinalysis and microscopic culture of discharge .
ROLE of F   (Endometritis)

First Exclude
Foul smelling lochia
oFFensive vaginal bleeding
Fever > 38 ᴼC
Fundal tenderness
Cont. (Endometritis)

IV antibiotics (Gentamicin & clindamycin have
  a cure rate of approximately 90%)
Parenteral antibiotics are usually stopped once
  the patient is afebrile for 24-48 hours,
  tolerating a regular diet, and ambulating
  without difficulty
2) Wound Infection
Include infections of the perineum developing
  at the site of an episiotomy or laceration, as
  well as abdominal incision after a cesarean
Diagnosis based on presence of erythema,
 induration, warmth, tenderness, and purulent
 drainage from the incision site (expolortion),
 with or without fever.
Cont. (Wound Infection)
Perineal infections are rare appears on the
third or fourth postpartum day.
• Risk factors include infected lochia, fecal
    contamination of the wound, and poor hygiene.

Abdominal wound infections
  S aureus, is isolated in 25% of these infections.
Treatment :
Abscesses must be drained, and broad-spectrum
 antibiotics may be initiated.
3) Mastitis
- It is an inflammation of the mammary gland
  (parenchyma) .
- Develops during the first 3 months.
- Milk stasis and cracked nipples, which
  contribute to the influx of skin flora, are the
  underlying factors associated with the
  development of mastitis.
- The most common causative organism is
• Risk factors  primiparity, incomplete emptying
 of the breast, and improper nursing technique.
Cont. (Mastitis)

A. History of fever, chills, and malaise.
B. Physical Examination
   - Should Focus on looking for other sources of infection.
   - Typical findings include an area of the breast that is
      swollen, warm, red, and tender.
   - When the exam reveals a tender, hard, possibly fluctuant
      mass with overlying erythema, an abscess should be
Cont. (Mastitis)
• Milk stasis can be treated with moist heat,
  massage, fluids, rest, proper positioning of the infant
  during lactation, manual expression of milk, and
• Penicillinase-resistant penicillins and
  cephalosporins, such as dicloxacillin or cephalexin,
  are the drugs of choice.
• Erythromycin, clindamycin, and vancomycin may be
  used for patients who are resistant to penicillin.
• Resolution usually occurs 48 hours after the onset of
  antimicrobial therapy.
4) UTIs
- The most common pathogen is E coli. In pregnancy
- Risk factors Cesarean delivery, forceps delivery, vacum
  delivery, induction of labor, maternal renal disease,
  preeclampsia, eclampsia, epidural anesthesia, bladder
  catheterization, length of hospital stay, and previous UTI
  during pregnancy.
History (frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria)
Physical examination (febrile patient, Suprapubic tenderness)
Laboratory tests (urinalysis, urine culture and CBC)
 Empirical  culture  selective (3-7 Days)
C) Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
- It is a venous inflammation with thrombus
  formation in association with fevers
  unresponsive to antibiotic therapy.
- Bacterial infection of the endometrium seeds
  organisms into the venous circulation, which
  damages the vascular endothelium and in
  turn results in thrombus formation.
- The thrombus acts as a suitable medium for
  proliferation of anaerobic bacteria.
Cont. (SPT)
A. History
  • It usually accompanies endometritis
  • Pts with OVT may describe lower abdominal pain, with or
    without radiation to the flank, groin, or upper abdomen.

B. Physical Examination
  - Should focus on looking for other sources of infection.
  - Fever, tachycardia
  - On abdominal examination, 50-70% of pts with ovarian
     vein thrombosis have a tender, palpable, ropelike mass.
C. CT and MRI are the studies of choice
Cont. (SPT)
 • IV heparin for 7-10 days.
 • Antibiotic therapy is most commonly with
  gentamicin and clindamycin
D) Endocrine Disorders
Clinical or laboratory dysfunction occurs in 5-10% of
  postpartum women

Caused by
A. Primary disorders of the thyroid, such as
  1)   Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT)
  2)   Graves disease,
B. Secondary disorders of the hypothalamic-
    pituitary axis, such as
  1) Sheehan syndrome
  2) Lymphocytic hypophysitis.
  (pituitary enlargement+Hypopitutarism  ↓TSH  HR)
PostPartum Thyroiditis (PPT)
- It is a transient autoimmune destructive
  lymphocytic thyroiditis.
- Can occur any time in the 1st postpartum year.
It has 2 phases
  1) 1-4 mo PP  thyrotoxicosis (↓TSH)
   If sever ß-blocker
  2) 4-8 mo PP  hypothyroidism (↑TSH)
   If sever Thyroxin
E) Psychiatric Disorders
1- Postpartum blues - 50-70%
 • Mild, self limited, arises during the first 2 weeks PP
 • TTT: Support & education

2- Postpartum depression (PPD) - 10-15%.
 • More prolonged (3-6 months)
 • TTT: Supportive care and reassurance, SSRI

3- Postpartum psychosis- 0.14-0.26%.
 • Generally lasts only 2-3 months. Need psychiatrist.
 • Better prognosis than nonpuerperal psychosis.
Any prolonged episodes of
 depression during or after
 pregnancy should receive
     urgent attention.
F) Uterine Subinvolution
It is a transient autoimmune destructive
   lymphocytic thyroiditis.
Causes: Endometritis, retained placental
  fragments, pelvic infection and uterine fibroids
Signs and Symptoms
 1) Prolonged lochial flow.
 2) Profuse vaginal bleeding.
 3) Large, flabby uterus.
Cont. (Uterine Subinvolution )
 1- Administration of oxytocic medication to
     improve uterine muscle tone, includes:
(a) Methergine - a drug of choice (PO)
(b) Pitocin.
(c) Ergotrate.
2- Dilation and curettage (D&C) to remove any
  placental fragments.
3- Antimicrobial therapy for endometritis

Repro. 7

General 2


Puerperal fever & sepsis   4

 Endocrine Disorders       4
Psychiatric Disorders.     4
Uterine Subinvolution
Any Question ?
Puerperium normal & abnormal prof.salah roshdy

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Puerperium normal & abnormal prof.salah roshdy

  • 1. Normal & Abnormal Puerperium Supervised by: Prof. Salah Roshdy,MD Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Qassim University Presented by: Abdulrahman Alsuhaibani
  • 2. Objectives • Normal Puerperium – Reproductive organs – Systemic change • Abnormal Puerperium – Postpartum Hemorrhage – Puerperal fever and sepsis – Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis – Endocrine Disorders – Psychiatric Disorders – Uterine Subinvolution
  • 4. Normal Puerperium Definition Period following delivery of baby & placenta to about 6 weeks post partum By 6 weeks after delivery, most of the changes of pregnancy resolved and the body has regained the non-pregnant state.
  • 5. A- Reproductive organs 1) Abdominal wall Remains soft and poorly toned for many weeks. The return to a prepregnant state depends greatly on exercise. 2) Perineum Swelling & engorgement are completely gone within 1-2 weeks The muscle tone may return to normal, depending on the extent of injury.
  • 6. Cont. (Reproductive organs) 3) Uterus - 1000g  100 – 200 g ( Uterine involution ) - The endometrial lining rapidly regenerates (16 days) - After delivery  at the level of the umbilicus - After 2 weeks  midway bw umbilicus & symphysis - After 4 weeks  the uterus become pelvic organ
  • 7.
  • 8. Cont. (Reproductive organs) 4) Cervix - Loses its elasticity & regain firmness - Closed by the end of the 2nd week 5) Vagina - By 3 weeks  increased vascularity and edema - At the end of puerperium  Shrinks to a nonpregnant state - by 6-10 weeks  The vaginal epithelium appears atrophic on smear and the normal epitheliaum will be restored Who deliver vaginally  taught her to perform kegel exercises
  • 9. Cont. (Reproductive organs) 6) Ovaries - Ovulate as early as 27 days after delivery (not breastfeed). - The suppression of ovulation is due to the elevation in prolactin - Menstruation  returns by 6-8 weeks in women who do not nurse
  • 10. Cont. (Reproductive organs) 7) Breasts - Lactogenesis is initially triggered by the delivery of the placenta drop of placenta H ( esp. estrogen ) &↑prolactin - In non nursing women  The prolactin levels decrease and return to normal within 2-3 weeks Colostrum secreted for 2 days  contain protein , fat , minerals , IgA and IgG After 3-6 days  replaced by milk (protein , lactose , water and fat )
  • 11. B- Systemic changes 1) Cardiovascular system • Cardiac output ↑(immediately after delivery) → slowly declines→ reach normal 2-6 weeks. • Blood volume returns to nonpregnant levels by the 10th day of puerperium 2) Hematologic changes : • Hemoglobin & hematocrit ↑ after delivery • Coagulation factors remain elevated in early puerperium  8-12 weeks return to non pregnant level
  • 12. Manifestations In First 24 hours: PBL F • Pain  uterine contraction • Breast  colostrum • Lochia • Fever  not exceed 38 C
  • 13. LOCHIA it originate from Lochia:- “vaginal body of uterus, discharge along cervix and vaginal. with decidua, clots it is fishy odor. and membrane Reaction is after delivery of alkaline first and placenta during tends to acidic at puerperium.” end. -Lochia discharge continues for 2 to 6 weeks after delivery . - Monitor for signs of infection “foul smelling “  endometritis
  • 14. Stages Traits Lochia rubra Lochia serosa Lochia alba Colour Red Yellow or pale Pale white brown Composition Mainly RBC, Mainly mucus and Mucus, serous leucocytes, serum, few RBC exudates, epithelial decidua, mucus. and leucocytes. cell, leucocytes. Duration 1-4 days 5-9 days 10-15 days. Abnormality with lochia:- 1. persistent lochia rubra:- causes secondary PPH due to retained placental tissue and membrane. 2. Offensive lochia:- puerperal sepsis due to E.coli. 3. Scanty serous lochia:- severe streptococcal infection. 4. Suppression of lochia:- obstruction at internal os by clots
  • 15.
  • 17. Abnormal Puerperium A-Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) B-Puerperal fever and sepsis -Endometritis - Mastitis -Wound Infections - UTIs C-Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis D-Endocrine Disorders -Postpartum thyroiditis - PP Graves disease -Sheehan syndrome - Lymphocytic hypophysitis E-Psychiatric Disorders -Postpartum blues - Postpartum depression (PPD) -Postpartum psychosis F- UTERINE SUBINVOLUTION
  • 18. Sequence of events in abnormal puerperium • At 2nd OR 3rd day  Endometritis • At 4th day  Mastitis OR Wound infection • At 7th day  Thrombophlebitis
  • 19. Puerperal fever A temperature rise above 38°C on any of the first 10 days after delivery . Differential diagnosis: 1. Endometritis 2. Wound or chest Infections 3. Mastitis 4. UTIs 5. Thrombophlebitis 6. Any general cause of fever
  • 20. 1) Endometritis Endometritis is the primary cause of postpartum infection. The causative agents are usually normal vaginal flora or enteric bacteria.
  • 21. Cont. (Endometritis) Risk factors 4Ps 3Ms 1C 1. Cesarean delivery 2. Prolonged labor 3. Preexisting infection of the lower genital tract 4. Placement of an intrauterine catheter 5. Prolonged rupture of membranes 6. Multiple vaginal examinations 7. Multiple pregnancy (Twin delivery) 8. Manual removal of placenta
  • 22. Cont. (Endometritis) Diagnosis (After excluding other causes) A. History of fever, chills, lower abdominal pain, malodorous lochia, increased vaginal bleeding, anorexia, and malaise. B. Physical Examination showing a fever of 38°C, tachycardia, and fundal tenderness. C. Laboratory tests CBC, ESR , CRP , blood cultures , urinalysis and microscopic culture of discharge .
  • 23. ROLE of F (Endometritis) First Exclude Foul smelling lochia oFFensive vaginal bleeding Fever > 38 ᴼC Fundal tenderness
  • 24. Cont. (Endometritis) Treatment IV antibiotics (Gentamicin & clindamycin have a cure rate of approximately 90%) Parenteral antibiotics are usually stopped once the patient is afebrile for 24-48 hours, tolerating a regular diet, and ambulating without difficulty
  • 25. 2) Wound Infection Include infections of the perineum developing at the site of an episiotomy or laceration, as well as abdominal incision after a cesarean birth. Diagnosis based on presence of erythema, induration, warmth, tenderness, and purulent drainage from the incision site (expolortion), with or without fever.
  • 26. Cont. (Wound Infection) Perineal infections are rare appears on the third or fourth postpartum day. • Risk factors include infected lochia, fecal contamination of the wound, and poor hygiene. Abdominal wound infections S aureus, is isolated in 25% of these infections. Treatment : Abscesses must be drained, and broad-spectrum antibiotics may be initiated.
  • 27. 3) Mastitis - It is an inflammation of the mammary gland (parenchyma) . - Develops during the first 3 months. - Milk stasis and cracked nipples, which contribute to the influx of skin flora, are the underlying factors associated with the development of mastitis. - The most common causative organism is S.aureus • Risk factors  primiparity, incomplete emptying of the breast, and improper nursing technique.
  • 28. Cont. (Mastitis) Diagnosis A. History of fever, chills, and malaise. B. Physical Examination - Should Focus on looking for other sources of infection. - Typical findings include an area of the breast that is swollen, warm, red, and tender. - When the exam reveals a tender, hard, possibly fluctuant mass with overlying erythema, an abscess should be considered.
  • 29. Cont. (Mastitis) Treatment • Milk stasis can be treated with moist heat, massage, fluids, rest, proper positioning of the infant during lactation, manual expression of milk, and analgesics. • Penicillinase-resistant penicillins and cephalosporins, such as dicloxacillin or cephalexin, are the drugs of choice. • Erythromycin, clindamycin, and vancomycin may be used for patients who are resistant to penicillin. • Resolution usually occurs 48 hours after the onset of antimicrobial therapy.
  • 30. 4) UTIs - The most common pathogen is E coli. In pregnancy - Risk factors Cesarean delivery, forceps delivery, vacum delivery, induction of labor, maternal renal disease, preeclampsia, eclampsia, epidural anesthesia, bladder catheterization, length of hospital stay, and previous UTI during pregnancy. Diagnosis History (frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria) Physical examination (febrile patient, Suprapubic tenderness) Laboratory tests (urinalysis, urine culture and CBC) Treatment Empirical  culture  selective (3-7 Days)
  • 31. C) Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis (SPT) - It is a venous inflammation with thrombus formation in association with fevers unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. - Bacterial infection of the endometrium seeds organisms into the venous circulation, which damages the vascular endothelium and in turn results in thrombus formation. - The thrombus acts as a suitable medium for proliferation of anaerobic bacteria.
  • 32. Cont. (SPT) Diagnosis A. History • It usually accompanies endometritis • Pts with OVT may describe lower abdominal pain, with or without radiation to the flank, groin, or upper abdomen. B. Physical Examination - Should focus on looking for other sources of infection. - Fever, tachycardia - On abdominal examination, 50-70% of pts with ovarian vein thrombosis have a tender, palpable, ropelike mass. C. CT and MRI are the studies of choice
  • 33.
  • 34. Cont. (SPT) Treatment • IV heparin for 7-10 days. • Antibiotic therapy is most commonly with gentamicin and clindamycin
  • 35. D) Endocrine Disorders Clinical or laboratory dysfunction occurs in 5-10% of postpartum women Caused by A. Primary disorders of the thyroid, such as 1) Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) 2) Graves disease, B. Secondary disorders of the hypothalamic- pituitary axis, such as 1) Sheehan syndrome 2) Lymphocytic hypophysitis. (pituitary enlargement+Hypopitutarism  ↓TSH  HR)
  • 36. PostPartum Thyroiditis (PPT) - It is a transient autoimmune destructive lymphocytic thyroiditis. - Can occur any time in the 1st postpartum year. It has 2 phases 1) 1-4 mo PP  thyrotoxicosis (↓TSH)  If sever ß-blocker 2) 4-8 mo PP  hypothyroidism (↑TSH)  If sever Thyroxin
  • 37. E) Psychiatric Disorders 1- Postpartum blues - 50-70% • Mild, self limited, arises during the first 2 weeks PP • TTT: Support & education 2- Postpartum depression (PPD) - 10-15%. • More prolonged (3-6 months) • TTT: Supportive care and reassurance, SSRI 3- Postpartum psychosis- 0.14-0.26%. • Generally lasts only 2-3 months. Need psychiatrist. • Better prognosis than nonpuerperal psychosis.
  • 38. Any prolonged episodes of depression during or after pregnancy should receive urgent attention.
  • 39. F) Uterine Subinvolution It is a transient autoimmune destructive lymphocytic thyroiditis. Causes: Endometritis, retained placental fragments, pelvic infection and uterine fibroids Signs and Symptoms 1) Prolonged lochial flow. 2) Profuse vaginal bleeding. 3) Large, flabby uterus.
  • 40. Cont. (Uterine Subinvolution ) Treatment: 1- Administration of oxytocic medication to improve uterine muscle tone, includes: (a) Methergine - a drug of choice (PO) (b) Pitocin. (c) Ergotrate. 2- Dilation and curettage (D&C) to remove any placental fragments. 3- Antimicrobial therapy for endometritis
  • 42. Summary PPH Puerperal fever & sepsis 4 SPT Endocrine Disorders 4 Psychiatric Disorders. 4 Uterine Subinvolution