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Associate Clinical Prof. Dr. Aisha M. El-Bareg, MD, PhD .
Senior Consultant in (Obs & Gyn)/ Reproductive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Misurata .LIBYA
Puerperium for 4th year med.students
Normal Puerperium
Puerperium : Is a period during which the
anatomical and physiological changes of
pregnancy returns to pre-pregnancy state.
Time: approximately 6 weeks (± 42 days) after
The post partumof PuerperiumStages
period has been divided into:
o The immediate Puerperium, the first 24
hours after parturition; when acute post
anesthetic or post delivery complications
may occur.
o The early Puerperium, which extends until
the first week post partum.
o The remote Puerperium, which includes the
period of time required for involution of the
genital organs through the sixth weeks
When the endocrine influences of the placenta
removed, the physiological changes of pregnancy
is reversed.
Systemic changesA.
Immediately after labor, the woman is in a state
of physical fatigue in many cases, slight shivering,
muscular tremors and chattering of teeth occur
for about 10 – 15 minutes.
1. Temperature
Slight reactionary rise in the first 24 hrs (<38⁰C)
for <24hrs.
Slight rise may occur in the 3rd day-breast
2. Pulse: Normal but tachycardia if infection or
3. Cardiovascular:
Blood volume returns to non-pregnant levels by
the tenth days of Puerperium.
Cardiac output ↑(immediately after delivery) →
slowly declines→ reach late pregnancy levels 2
days postpartum→ normal 2-6 weeks.
4. Urinary tract
Polyuria in the first few days- excrete fluid
retained during pregnancy
Retention may occur in the first few days due
Lax abdominal wall
Painful episiotomy or laceration
Atony of the bladder & urethral compression
by oedema or hematoma
4. Urinary tract
Dilatation of UT resolves in 12 weeks.
Renal function return to normal by 6th weeks.
Lactosuria may appear.
SUI may follow difficult labour.
5. GIT
Atony of intestinal muscle
lax abdominal wall
Decrease fluid and food intake
Painful episiotomy- reflex constipation
6. blood changes
All changes become gradually reversed
RBC & Hb become normal
Increased risk of TE in the first few days
7. Skin changes
Increased sweating- eliminate excess fluids
Decreased pigmentation
8. Body wt
Decreased during labour- expulsion of contents
Decreased during puerperium- loss of fluid
9. Joints
Laxity gradually decreased
10. Breasts
Larger, firmer, heavier
Lactogenesis is initially triggered by the
delivery of the placenta (E↓P↓and prolactin).
Colostrum appears for first 3 days
Milk appear later, 3rd or 4 day
Breast become engorged, painful & tender
Suckling relieves this discomfort
colostrum milk
Proteins 6% 1%
Fat 2.5% 3.5%
CHO 3% 7%
10. Breasts
11. Abdominal wall
Gradually return of tone- exercise
Striae- become white- albicans
12. After pain
Painful uterine contraction
In first few days-control blood loss
↑during suckling due to release of oxytocin
13. Menstruation
Resumption of ovulation influenced by lactation
Variable in lactating women
Starts within 6-8 weeks in non-lactating women
local changesB.
1. Uterus
 Weight:
From 1000 gm just after delivery to 50-100
gm by the end of 6th weeks (involution)
 Levels:
Immediately after delivery- at umbilicus
After 1 wk- between umbilicus & SP
After 2 wk- at SP
Then gradually ↓to pre-pregnancy size.
Structural changes
Uterine Muscle
 Autolysis of excess muscle
 ↓ in muscle size
Uterine Blood vessels
 Obliteration, thrombosis
 Absorbed & replaced by elastic fibers
 Decidua
 Shedding as a result of ischemia
 Endometrial regeneration from the basal
layer of the decidua by the 10th day.
 Placental site takes 6 wks.
 Lochia: vaginal discharge after labour
1st wk- lochia rubra
2nd wk- lochia serosa
3rd wk- lochia alba
2. Cervix
Closed in 1 wk- return to its original form and
consistency- become slit shaped EO
Failure to close- retained POC
3. Vulva, vagina
↓ laxity of vaginal wall, pelvic floor by the end
of 6 wks.
Vaginal rugea reappear in 3rd wk.
Persistent weakness predisposes to genital
Management of perineum
Goals in the Puerperium
Prevention of infection
Careful nursing & observation of the newborn
Initiation of breast feeding
Exercise to prevent prolapse
Giving mother support and sympathy
Routine postpartum care
 Monitor for:
Vital signs, PV bleeding, contraction of
uterus, appearance of lochia, perineal
inspection, signs of infection, urinary and
bowel function, examination of legs, breast.
Encourage mobilization and eat regular high
fiber diet.
Continue with multivitamins.
Pain relief- analgesics, sedatives.
Care of vulva & perineum.
Care of the breasts.
Hemorrhoids- symptomatic relief during
immediate postpartum period, using
creams, local anesthetics.
Cesarean delivery
Pain and discomfort from abdominal incision-
ice and pain relief medication.
Heparinization until mobilization
HB, hematocrit
baby’s blood type in Rh –ve women and
administration of anti D.
Patient education
Care of the baby-feeding, diapering, bathing,
what you expect from the baby in terms of
sleep, urination, bowel, eating.
Support and guidance to breastfeeding-
encourage breast feeding immediately and
every 2-3 hrs.
If not breastfeeding-prevent breast
Postpartum pelvic floor and abdominal wall
Resuming normal physical and sexual
Advise for pregnancy spacing- Birth control
Follow up visit at 6 weeks after delivery.
Abnormal Puerperium
• PP pyrexia
• Painful perineum
• Varicose veins, DVT
• Endocrine disorders
• Psychological disorders
PPH & Management
Excessive blood loss during or after third
stage of labour. The average is 500 ml at
vaginal delivery and 1000 ml at C.S.
10% reduction in the hematocrit level or the
need for transfusion.
PPH complicate 4-6 % of all deliveries
)hemorrhage (PPHPostpartum.1
Control of bleeding after delivery
Contraction and retraction
of middle uterine muscle
Closure of the sinuses at
the placental site
Clotting mechanism
Early PPH:
Occurring within the first 24 hrs after delivery
Uterine atony, lower genital tract laceration,
retained POC, uterine rupture, uterine
inversion, placenta accreta, coagulopathy.
1. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)
Late PPH
Frequently occurs 1-2 weeks after delivery
but may up to 6 weeks postpartum.
Retained POC, sub -involution of placental
site, infection, hormonal contraception,
coagulopathy, choriocarcinoma.
US, examination under GA and evacuation
of ROC
Management of PPH
History and examination: antepartum and
intrapartum identification of risk factors for PPH.
All women should be closely monitored within 2
hrs of delivery.
Shout for help- urgently mobilize all available
Rapid assessment, general look, response, vital
Management of PPH
Message the uterus to expel blood and blood
Start an IV infusion, send blood for Hb, Hct, x-
matching and keep at least 4 units of blood
infuse IV fluids until the blood is ready.
Urinary catheter
Identify the cause treat accordingly
. Puerperal pyrexia2
Rise of temperature of 38 ⁰C or more on 2
occasions at 24 hrs apart (not first 24hrs)
within first 10 days following delivery.
Puerperal Infection
Causes of P. pyrexia
Puerperal sepsis (most dangerous)
Breast engorgement (most common)
Breast infection
Urinary tract infection
Surgical wound
Thrombophlebitis or Deep venous thrombosis
Respiratory infection
General diseases- typhoid, malaria
Puerperal sepsis
Puerperal pyrexia due to genital infection
Mode of infection
Endogenous - vaginal flora
Exogenous- attendants, instruments
Autogenous- Blood born- tonsils
Site of infection
1ry site
Placental site
Uterus- remnants of POC
2ry site-spread from 1ry sites
Peritonitis, pelvic abscess
Causative organisms
Usually mixed gram +ve and –ve
Anaerobic strept
Group A hemolytic strep.-severe
Staph- suppuration & pus formation
E coli, Cl welchii, tetani
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia.
Predisposing factors
Improper asepsis
Maternal disease- ↓ immunity
Prolonged or instrumental delivery
Retained placental tissue
Antepartum+ postpartum hemorrhage
Suprpubic or pelvic pain
Generalized abdominal pain-peritonitis
Pain in lower limb-DVT
Excessive offensive lochia
Bleeding- 2ry PPH
Fever, malaise, headache
Vomiting- generalized peritonitis
Diarrhea, rectal tenderness-pelvic
A. General examination
Fever, tachycardia
B. Abdominal and vaginal examination
Infected laceration
The wound is red, hot, tender, swollen
Greenish yellow discharge
Puerperal endometritis
Suprapubic or generalized tenderness
Uterus is subinvoluted
Lochia is excessive and offensive
Indurated tender mass lateral to the uterus
Parametric abscess-softening of the mass
Bilateral tenderness
Pain on moving the cervix
Deep seated pelvic tenderness
If extended to the femoral vein - Pain
and tenderness along the course of the
Limb is swollen, cyanosed, hot.
o Swabs taken from vagina and cervix
o Urine analysis, C/S
o Blood culture at peak of fever
o USS for retained product of conception
o Doppler USS for DVT
o Chest x-ray, blood film for malaria
o Widal test for typhoid
• IV fluids
• Analgesics, antipyretics
Evacuation of infected placenta
Promotion of abscess drainage
Anticoagulants for DVT
Breast infection
 Engorgement:
 Occurs on day 2-4 pp
 Vascular and lymphatic stasis
 Both breasts are heavy, painful, warm, firm
and tender
 Conservative: encourage breastfeeding, ice
packs, high-fitting bras, analgesia.
 ?Cabergoline for non-breastfeeding
 Mastitis
 Defined as inflammation of the mammary
 Associated with
 milk stasis and cracked nipples
 Primiparity, incomplete emptying of the
breast, improper nursing technique
 Causes: Staphylococcus aureus, staph.
Epidermitis, s saprophyticus,
streptococcus viridans, and E coli.
S & S: fever, myalgia, erythema, warmth,
swelling, and breast tenderness
Encourage breast feeding with proper
positioning of the infant, support breasts with
a binder or brassiere, apply cold compress
Analgesia, Antibiotic therapy
Drain if abscess
Wound infection
infection of the perineal wound-episiotomy or
laceration-associated with infected lochia,
fecal contamination, and poor hygiene,
Caused by vaginal flora.
Infection of the abdominal incision- after CS-
contamination with vaginal flora. Also, s.
aureus, mycoplasma species.
Risk factors:
diabetes, PET, obesity, anemia,
Chorioamnionitis, prolonged labour,
prolonged ROM, prolonged operation time,
excessive blood loss.
Perineal infection: symptomatic relief-
NSAID, local anesthetic spray, sits path,
drain of abscess and antibiotics
CS wound- drainage and inspection of
underlying fascia, antibiotics
Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
Venous inflammation with thrombus formation
in association with fever that unresponsive to
antibiotic therapy.
Preceded by endometritis
Risk factors: low socioeconomic status,
cesarean birth, prolonged rupture of
membranes, and excessive blood loss.
DD: pyelonephritis, appendicitis, broad ligament
hematoma, adnexal torsion, pelvic abscess,
drug fever, collagen vascular disease, and
pelvic abscess.
Urinalysis, C/S, CBC with differentials
Imaging: CT scan and MRI- ovarian and
iliofemoral involvements
Treatment with antibiotics and/or
Other causes of fever in Puerperium
Pneumonia, malaria, typhoid, hepatitis
Endocrine disorders.3
Postpartum thyroiditis:
transient destructive lymphocytic thyroiditis
occurring within the first year after delivery.
Thyrotoxicosis phase: 1-4 months pp, self-
Hypothyroidism phase: 4-8 months pp
Self-limiting, no tt unless sever.
Postpartum Thyroiditis
Sheehan syndrome
Ischemia, congestion, and infarction of
pituitary gland resulting in panhypopituitrism
caused by severe PPH at the time of delivery.
Abnormal lactation, amenorrhea, signs of
cortisol and thyroid hormone deficiency
Hormonal assays
Hormonal replacement.
4. Psychiatric disorders
Postpartum blue (50-70%)
A transient disorder arise in the first 2 weeks
pp and the lasts hours to weeks.
characterized by bouts of crying and
sadness, restlessness, mood lability,
 Resolve by day 10, provide support and
4. Psychiatric disorders
Postpartum depression (PPD)- 10-15%
Develop 2-3 months pp and resolve slowly
over the following 6-12 months.
Insomnia, lethargy, loss of libido, negative
feeling toward the infant, suicidal or homicidal
Risk factors: history of depression or PPD,
Supportive care and reassurance.
Drugs: antipsychotics
4. Psychiatric disorders
Postpartum psychosis - 0.14-0.26 %
Refers to a group of severe and varied
disorders that elicit psychotic symptoms.
Schizophrenia or manic depression.
Risk factors: young age, primiparity, personal
or family history of mental illness.
Symptoms start 10-14 days pp.
Involve hospitalization and psychiatric
Drugs and/or electroconvulsant therapy
Recurrence: 25-30%
. Psychiatric disorders
Symphysis pubis diastasis
Separation of SP
Spontaneous or surgical
Symphyseal pain, waddling gait, pubic
tenderness, a palpable infrapubic gap
Best rest, anti-inflammatory agents,
physiotherapy, pelvic corset to provide
support and stability.
Symphysis pubis diastasis
Avoid prolonged standing and prolonged sitting.
Apply well-fitted below knee support stocking
before ambulating in the morning.
Ask mother to elevate her leg on pillow while
taking supine lying position.
Intermittent compression, Bandaging.
Not to sit with leg crossed or knee flexed.
Management of varicose vain
Management of varicose vain
Puerperium lecture by Associate Prof.Dr. Aisha Elbareg

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Puerperium lecture by Associate Prof.Dr. Aisha Elbareg

  • 1. Associate Clinical Prof. Dr. Aisha M. El-Bareg, MD, PhD . Senior Consultant in (Obs & Gyn)/ Reproductive Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Misurata .LIBYA Puerperium for 4th year med.students
  • 2. Normal Puerperium Puerperium : Is a period during which the anatomical and physiological changes of pregnancy returns to pre-pregnancy state. Time: approximately 6 weeks (± 42 days) after delivery
  • 3. The post partumof PuerperiumStages period has been divided into: o The immediate Puerperium, the first 24 hours after parturition; when acute post anesthetic or post delivery complications may occur. o The early Puerperium, which extends until the first week post partum. o The remote Puerperium, which includes the period of time required for involution of the genital organs through the sixth weeks postpartum.
  • 4. PuerperiumNormal When the endocrine influences of the placenta removed, the physiological changes of pregnancy is reversed.
  • 6. Immediately after labor, the woman is in a state of physical fatigue in many cases, slight shivering, muscular tremors and chattering of teeth occur for about 10 – 15 minutes. 1. Temperature Slight reactionary rise in the first 24 hrs (<38⁰C) for <24hrs. Slight rise may occur in the 3rd day-breast engorgement.
  • 7. 2. Pulse: Normal but tachycardia if infection or hemorrhage. 3. Cardiovascular: Blood volume returns to non-pregnant levels by the tenth days of Puerperium. Cardiac output ↑(immediately after delivery) → slowly declines→ reach late pregnancy levels 2 days postpartum→ normal 2-6 weeks.
  • 8. 4. Urinary tract Polyuria in the first few days- excrete fluid retained during pregnancy Retention may occur in the first few days due to: Lax abdominal wall Painful episiotomy or laceration Atony of the bladder & urethral compression by oedema or hematoma
  • 9. 4. Urinary tract Dilatation of UT resolves in 12 weeks. Renal function return to normal by 6th weeks. Lactosuria may appear. SUI may follow difficult labour.
  • 10. 5. GIT Constipation: Atony of intestinal muscle lax abdominal wall Decrease fluid and food intake Painful episiotomy- reflex constipation
  • 11. 6. blood changes All changes become gradually reversed RBC & Hb become normal Increased risk of TE in the first few days 7. Skin changes Increased sweating- eliminate excess fluids Decreased pigmentation
  • 12. 8. Body wt Decreased during labour- expulsion of contents Decreased during puerperium- loss of fluid 9. Joints Laxity gradually decreased
  • 13. 10. Breasts Larger, firmer, heavier Lactogenesis is initially triggered by the delivery of the placenta (E↓P↓and prolactin). Colostrum appears for first 3 days Milk appear later, 3rd or 4 day Breast become engorged, painful & tender Suckling relieves this discomfort
  • 14. colostrum milk Proteins 6% 1% Fat 2.5% 3.5% CHO 3% 7% 10. Breasts
  • 15. 11. Abdominal wall Gradually return of tone- exercise Striae- become white- albicans 12. After pain Painful uterine contraction In first few days-control blood loss ↑during suckling due to release of oxytocin
  • 16. 13. Menstruation Resumption of ovulation influenced by lactation Variable in lactating women Starts within 6-8 weeks in non-lactating women
  • 18.
  • 19. 1. Uterus  Weight: From 1000 gm just after delivery to 50-100 gm by the end of 6th weeks (involution)  Levels: Immediately after delivery- at umbilicus After 1 wk- between umbilicus & SP After 2 wk- at SP Then gradually ↓to pre-pregnancy size.
  • 20. Structural changes Uterine Muscle  Autolysis of excess muscle  ↓ in muscle size Uterine Blood vessels  Obliteration, thrombosis  Absorbed & replaced by elastic fibers
  • 21.  Decidua  Shedding as a result of ischemia  Endometrial regeneration from the basal layer of the decidua by the 10th day.  Placental site takes 6 wks.  Lochia: vaginal discharge after labour 1st wk- lochia rubra 2nd wk- lochia serosa 3rd wk- lochia alba
  • 22. 2. Cervix Closed in 1 wk- return to its original form and consistency- become slit shaped EO Failure to close- retained POC 3. Vulva, vagina ↓ laxity of vaginal wall, pelvic floor by the end of 6 wks. Vaginal rugea reappear in 3rd wk. Persistent weakness predisposes to genital prolapse
  • 23.
  • 24. Management of perineum Goals in the Puerperium Prevention of infection Careful nursing & observation of the newborn Initiation of breast feeding Exercise to prevent prolapse Giving mother support and sympathy
  • 25. Routine postpartum care  Monitor for: Vital signs, PV bleeding, contraction of uterus, appearance of lochia, perineal inspection, signs of infection, urinary and bowel function, examination of legs, breast. Encourage mobilization and eat regular high fiber diet. Continue with multivitamins.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Pain relief- analgesics, sedatives. Care of vulva & perineum. Care of the breasts. Hemorrhoids- symptomatic relief during immediate postpartum period, using creams, local anesthetics.
  • 29. Cesarean delivery Pain and discomfort from abdominal incision- ice and pain relief medication. Heparinization until mobilization Investigations HB, hematocrit baby’s blood type in Rh –ve women and administration of anti D.
  • 30. Patient education Care of the baby-feeding, diapering, bathing, what you expect from the baby in terms of sleep, urination, bowel, eating. Support and guidance to breastfeeding- encourage breast feeding immediately and every 2-3 hrs. If not breastfeeding-prevent breast engorgement
  • 31. Postpartum pelvic floor and abdominal wall exercise. Resuming normal physical and sexual activity. Advise for pregnancy spacing- Birth control Follow up visit at 6 weeks after delivery.
  • 32. Abnormal Puerperium • PPH • PP pyrexia • Painful perineum • Varicose veins, DVT • Endocrine disorders • Psychological disorders
  • 34. Excessive blood loss during or after third stage of labour. The average is 500 ml at vaginal delivery and 1000 ml at C.S. 10% reduction in the hematocrit level or the need for transfusion. PPH complicate 4-6 % of all deliveries )hemorrhage (PPHPostpartum.1
  • 35. Control of bleeding after delivery Contraction and retraction of middle uterine muscle Closure of the sinuses at the placental site Clotting mechanism
  • 36. Early PPH: Occurring within the first 24 hrs after delivery Uterine atony, lower genital tract laceration, retained POC, uterine rupture, uterine inversion, placenta accreta, coagulopathy. 1. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)
  • 37. Late PPH Frequently occurs 1-2 weeks after delivery but may up to 6 weeks postpartum. Retained POC, sub -involution of placental site, infection, hormonal contraception, coagulopathy, choriocarcinoma. US, examination under GA and evacuation of ROC Antibiotics
  • 38. Management of PPH History and examination: antepartum and intrapartum identification of risk factors for PPH. All women should be closely monitored within 2 hrs of delivery. Shout for help- urgently mobilize all available personnel. Rapid assessment, general look, response, vital sings
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. Management of PPH Message the uterus to expel blood and blood clots Start an IV infusion, send blood for Hb, Hct, x- matching and keep at least 4 units of blood infuse IV fluids until the blood is ready. Urinary catheter Identify the cause treat accordingly
  • 42. . Puerperal pyrexia2 Rise of temperature of 38 ⁰C or more on 2 occasions at 24 hrs apart (not first 24hrs) within first 10 days following delivery.
  • 44. Causes of P. pyrexia Puerperal sepsis (most dangerous) Breast engorgement (most common) Breast infection Urinary tract infection Surgical wound Thrombophlebitis or Deep venous thrombosis Respiratory infection General diseases- typhoid, malaria
  • 45. Puerperal sepsis Puerperal pyrexia due to genital infection Mode of infection Endogenous - vaginal flora Exogenous- attendants, instruments Autogenous- Blood born- tonsils
  • 46. Site of infection 1ry site Placental site Laceration Uterus- remnants of POC 2ry site-spread from 1ry sites Parametritis Salpingoopheritis Peritonitis, pelvic abscess thrombophlebitis
  • 47. Causative organisms Usually mixed gram +ve and –ve Anaerobic strept Group A hemolytic strep.-severe Staph- suppuration & pus formation E coli, Cl welchii, tetani Gonorrhea, Chlamydia.
  • 48. Predisposing factors Improper asepsis Maternal disease- ↓ immunity Prolonged or instrumental delivery PROM Retained placental tissue Antepartum+ postpartum hemorrhage
  • 49. Diagnosis History Suprpubic or pelvic pain Generalized abdominal pain-peritonitis Pain in lower limb-DVT Excessive offensive lochia Bleeding- 2ry PPH Fever, malaise, headache
  • 50. Vomiting- generalized peritonitis Diarrhea, rectal tenderness-pelvic abscess Examination A. General examination Fever, tachycardia Dehydration Septicemia-
  • 51. B. Abdominal and vaginal examination Infected laceration The wound is red, hot, tender, swollen Greenish yellow discharge Puerperal endometritis Suprapubic or generalized tenderness Uterus is subinvoluted Lochia is excessive and offensive
  • 52. Parametritis Indurated tender mass lateral to the uterus Parametric abscess-softening of the mass Salpingo-ophoritis Bilateral tenderness Pain on moving the cervix
  • 53. Thrombophlebitis Deep seated pelvic tenderness If extended to the femoral vein - Pain and tenderness along the course of the vessels Limb is swollen, cyanosed, hot.
  • 54. Investigation o Swabs taken from vagina and cervix o Urine analysis, C/S o Blood culture at peak of fever o USS for retained product of conception o Doppler USS for DVT o Chest x-ray, blood film for malaria o Widal test for typhoid
  • 55. Treatment Supportive • IV fluids • Analgesics, antipyretics Antibiotics Evacuation of infected placenta Promotion of abscess drainage Anticoagulants for DVT
  • 56. DVT
  • 57. Breast infection  Engorgement:  Occurs on day 2-4 pp  Vascular and lymphatic stasis  Both breasts are heavy, painful, warm, firm and tender  Conservative: encourage breastfeeding, ice packs, high-fitting bras, analgesia.  ?Cabergoline for non-breastfeeding
  • 58.  Mastitis  Defined as inflammation of the mammary gland  Associated with  milk stasis and cracked nipples  Primiparity, incomplete emptying of the breast, improper nursing technique  Causes: Staphylococcus aureus, staph. Epidermitis, s saprophyticus, streptococcus viridans, and E coli.
  • 59. S & S: fever, myalgia, erythema, warmth, swelling, and breast tenderness treatment: Encourage breast feeding with proper positioning of the infant, support breasts with a binder or brassiere, apply cold compress Analgesia, Antibiotic therapy Drain if abscess
  • 61. Wound infection infection of the perineal wound-episiotomy or laceration-associated with infected lochia, fecal contamination, and poor hygiene, Caused by vaginal flora. Infection of the abdominal incision- after CS- contamination with vaginal flora. Also, s. aureus, mycoplasma species.
  • 63. Risk factors: diabetes, PET, obesity, anemia, Chorioamnionitis, prolonged labour, prolonged ROM, prolonged operation time, excessive blood loss. Treatment: Perineal infection: symptomatic relief- NSAID, local anesthetic spray, sits path, drain of abscess and antibiotics CS wound- drainage and inspection of underlying fascia, antibiotics
  • 64. Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis Venous inflammation with thrombus formation in association with fever that unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. Preceded by endometritis Risk factors: low socioeconomic status, cesarean birth, prolonged rupture of membranes, and excessive blood loss.
  • 65. DD: pyelonephritis, appendicitis, broad ligament hematoma, adnexal torsion, pelvic abscess, drug fever, collagen vascular disease, and pelvic abscess. Management Urinalysis, C/S, CBC with differentials Imaging: CT scan and MRI- ovarian and iliofemoral involvements Treatment with antibiotics and/or anticoagulants
  • 66. Other causes of fever in Puerperium Pneumonia, malaria, typhoid, hepatitis
  • 67. Endocrine disorders.3 Postpartum thyroiditis: transient destructive lymphocytic thyroiditis occurring within the first year after delivery. Thyrotoxicosis phase: 1-4 months pp, self- limited Hypothyroidism phase: 4-8 months pp Self-limiting, no tt unless sever.
  • 69. Sheehan syndrome Ischemia, congestion, and infarction of pituitary gland resulting in panhypopituitrism caused by severe PPH at the time of delivery. Abnormal lactation, amenorrhea, signs of cortisol and thyroid hormone deficiency Hormonal assays Hormonal replacement.
  • 71. 4. Psychiatric disorders Postpartum blue (50-70%) A transient disorder arise in the first 2 weeks pp and the lasts hours to weeks. characterized by bouts of crying and sadness, restlessness, mood lability, insomnia.  Resolve by day 10, provide support and education
  • 72. 4. Psychiatric disorders Postpartum depression (PPD)- 10-15% Develop 2-3 months pp and resolve slowly over the following 6-12 months. Insomnia, lethargy, loss of libido, negative feeling toward the infant, suicidal or homicidal ideas..etc..
  • 73. Risk factors: history of depression or PPD, Supportive care and reassurance. Drugs: antipsychotics
  • 74. 4. Psychiatric disorders Postpartum psychosis - 0.14-0.26 % Refers to a group of severe and varied disorders that elicit psychotic symptoms. Schizophrenia or manic depression. Risk factors: young age, primiparity, personal or family history of mental illness.
  • 75. Symptoms start 10-14 days pp. Treatment Involve hospitalization and psychiatric consultation Drugs and/or electroconvulsant therapy (ECT) Recurrence: 25-30%
  • 77. Symphysis pubis diastasis Separation of SP Spontaneous or surgical Symphyseal pain, waddling gait, pubic tenderness, a palpable infrapubic gap Best rest, anti-inflammatory agents, physiotherapy, pelvic corset to provide support and stability.
  • 79. Avoid prolonged standing and prolonged sitting. Apply well-fitted below knee support stocking before ambulating in the morning. Ask mother to elevate her leg on pillow while taking supine lying position. Intermittent compression, Bandaging. Not to sit with leg crossed or knee flexed. Management of varicose vain