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Apparatus/ Materials---------------------------------------------------------6




First, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our lecturer, Miss Pang Chia Yee
for her input and assistance in giving us suggestion, encouragement and guide us in completing
our project and report in a proper and formal way. We would also like to thank all the teammates,
Nicholas Yap, Chong Yih, Melvin Lim, Mak and Lily who help each other to in providing
suggestions, questions for the questionnaire and giving the best efforts to work on this research,
data analysis and conducting a report. Last but not least, we would like to thank all the
participants involved in this study for their time, understandings and support on us in completing
this project.

Selecting a mate was part of human being’s life. Selecting an ideal husband or wife was
their responsibility .Considering certain status and characteristic that can suits one’s life when
selecting a mate was important. So, this paper is to describe a study which attempt to find out
which factors that participants considered the most when selecting a mate. 100 participants were
picked randomly were given questionnaire with 9 different questions to answer. Participants
were required to finish on that time. According to researchers’ hypothesis, participants prefer
physical appearance more than other factors. However it was result that participants prefer kind
person more than a nice looking person. The results are discussed based on the characteristic of a
person and its perspective when selecting a mate.

Keywords: selecting a mate; considering status and characteristic of the mate; prefer psychical
appearance; perspective when selecting a mate.

This assignment is in a group of between 4 to 5 students. Students will be required to
conduct a social psychology research experiment and need to do a presentation. Group research
topics, hypothesis and research methods must be approved by the course instructor well in
advance. So our topic is talk about social psychology research experiment and we choose
selecting a mate as our topic.

Selecting a mate is a purpose in our lives. Every human will to choose a mate as their
future wife or husband. Mate selecting is an evolutionary process in which selection of a mate
depends on attractiveness of its traits. Humans are in a small minority in the important way for
over 95 percent of other mammals, family arrangements involving male care of offspring are
non-existent (Geary 2000). Across human societies, though, men and women bond together in
marriage (Broude 1994; United Nations 2000). Not all human mating occurs within such bonds;
within and across societies, polygamous arrangements are relatively common (Broude 1994). In
considering how and why people choose mates, therefore, two points are significant, there are
variations as well as universalities across cultures, and difference between selection of mates for
short-term relationships versus long-term relationships.

The discussion below begins with research and theories focused on immediate
psychological triggers of mate choice, and moves through progressively like relationship
exchange, cultural and historical factors, and evolutionary history. Like the single frames, scenes,
and overall plot of a movie, are complementary, and all are required to see the "big picture" of
mate selection.

In conclusion, there are different between male and female in selecting a mate therefore
in this assignment research will show the different and the compare between male and female in
the choice of their selecting a mate.

In this survey, researchers prepared questionnaires. Researchers went around Taylor’s
University Lakeside Campus and minorities were from other places, researchers asked students
from different ages and races to help in answering the questionnaire. Researchers decided to also
do a quantitative research as because the more data were collected, the more interesting and
accurate the results will be. There will be four sub-topics in this method, Design, Participants,
Material, and the Procedure.

(i) Design

In this survey, there are 3 types of variables: Independent variable, dependant variable and
extraneous variable. The independent variable for this survey is the relationship status. The
dependant variable is finding the characteristics of a person and its perspective when choosing
the correct partner. Lastly, for extraneous variable, it is the honesty of the participants.
Researchers made sure that they will watched over them while the participants are doing
questionnaire. Researchers also asked the participants to write their honest answers and explain
to them if they do not understand any of the questions.

(ii) Participants

Participants that were involved in this survey were mostly the teenagers, majorities were
Taylor’s University’s students and minorities were from other places. There were 100
participants participated in this survey.

(iii) Material

The materials that researchers used in this survey are papers for the questionnaire, some pens and


Last but not least, the procedures while conducting this survey. First is the researchers chose a
topic that the group is happy and satisfied with. Then, researchers form a hypothesis for this
survey. Followed by deciding on what type of research is suitable, quantitative or qualitative.
Researchers decide to use quantitative research. Next, researchers created questions for the
questionnaires. After that, researchers did a survey around the University by giving out the
questionnaire. Data were then collected after reaching the amount of 100 participants.
Researchers are then analysis those data by using certain mathematical calculations. Researchers
translated the data into graphs. Researchers finished it by writing a report of the collected data
and discussion about data based on researchers’ opinion and researches.

Figure 1

Mode of figure 1: A (84)











Figure 1 shows that the top three factors that participants think is important when
selecting a mate. The list below shows what the symbols’ represent.
A: Kindness
B: Intelligent
C: Physical Appearance
D: Highly Educated
E: Healthy
F: Wealthy
G: Religious Orientation
H: Family Background
Through the figure above, researchers found out that there are 84 responses for factor A
(Kindness). It was the highest amount of responses among all other factors. The second highest
response was factor B (Intelligent) and the amount of response was 56. The factor that receives
the lowest response was factor F (Wealthy) as in the amount of only 10 responses.
Figure 2

Acceptable Age difference


Mode of figure 2: 1 to 5 (57)


1 to 5

6 to 10

11 to 15

16 to 20

21 to 25

26 to 30

Non of

Figure 2 shows that what range of the age difference is acceptable for the participants
when choosing a mate.
Through the figure above, researchers found out that most of the participants accept the age
difference range of 1 to 5. There were 57 participants that chosen the 1 to 5 range of the
acceptable age difference. There were 0 participants that were able to accept 11 to 15 range of
the acceptable age difference. So it was the lowest amount of people in the figure above.

Figure 3

Distance Relationship



Figure 3 shows that the amount of participants that can accept long distance relationship.
Through the figure above, researchers found out that there were 57% of participants were able to
accept long distance relationship. However, there were 43% of participants who were not able to
accept long distance relationship.

Figure 4

Different Races



Figure 4 shows that would participants consider dating someone from a different race than
participants themselves.
Through the figure above, researchers found out that there were 56% of participants would
consider dating someone from a different race when selecting a mate. However, there were also
44% of participants wouldn’t consider dating someone from a different race when selecting a

Figure 5

Bad Family Background


Figure 5 shows that could participants accept bad family history background such as drug
Through the figure above, researchers found out that there were 27% of participants could accept
bad family history background when selecting a mate. However, there were 74% of participants
could not accept bad family history background when selecting a mate.

Figure 6

Online Dating


Figure 6 shows participants’ thought that will online dating works.
Figure 7

If agree, will you do?


Figure 7 was related with figure 6, it shows that will the participants who agree online
dating works use this method when selecting a mate.
Through figure 6, researchers found out that there were 21 participants think that online dating
works when selecting a mate. However, there were 79 participants who disagrees that online
dating works when selecting a mate.
According to figure 7, among the 21 participants think that online dating works when selecting a
mate, there were only 9 participants will use this method and there were 12 participants will not
use this method.

Figure 8

Speed Dating


Figure 8 shows participants’ thought that will speed dating works.
Figure 9

If agree, will you do?


Figure 9 was related with figure 8, it shows that will the participants who agree speed
dating works use this method when selecting a mate.

Through figure 8, researchers found out that there were 23 participants think that speed dating
works when selecting a mate. However, there were 77 participants who disagrees that speed
dating works when selecting a mate.
According to figure 9, among the 23 participants think that speed dating works when selecting a
mate, there were only 10 participants will use this method and there were 13 participants will not
use this method.

Figure 10

Blind Dating


Figure 10 shows participants’ thought that will blind dating works.
Figure 11

If agree, will you do?


Figure 10 was related with figure 11, it shows that will the participants who agree blind
dating works use this method when selecting a mate.
Through figure 10, researchers found out that there were 28 participants think that blind dating
works when selecting a mate. However, there were 72 participants who disagrees that blind
dating works when selecting a mate.
According to figure 11, among the 28 participants think that blind dating works when selecting a
mate, there were only 13 participants will use this method and there were 15 participants will not
use this method.

Based on the result, most people prefer their mate which is kind, intelligence and good
physical appearance, which is 28%, 18%, and 16%. Even though most of the people have the
similar opinion when comes to choosing mate, but there a slightly differ between male and
female. For women, a preference for a culturally successful marriage partner is not enough, in
and of itself, to constitute the most successful reproductive strategy for women. Culturally
successful men are often arrogant, self-serving, and better able to pursue their preferred
reproductive interest than are other men. These preferences often involve pursuing multiple
mating partners rather than investing in one women and her child. Characteristics are important
which can provide information on the ability and willingness of the man to be loyal towards the
wife and children. With the exception of age and physical attractiveness women are more
selective compare to men in their choice of mate. Buss (1989) found that women rated
prospective husband who was kind, understanding and intelligent more than a prospective
husband who was none of these but only had the potential to become culturally successful.
Majority of women prefer men with whom they can develop an intimate and emotionally
satisfying relationship. However this type of relationship is more common in middle-class and
upper-middle-middle class, this explains why women are more concern about personal behavior
compares to others traits. Besides, physical attractiveness and good body health is a part of
concert when come the choosing mate. Women prefer for an attractive mate makes biological
sense (Fink & Pention Voak, 2002; Gangestad, 1993; Gangsestad & Buss, 1993). Women are
more likely to choose an attractive mate because handsome husbands more likely to sire children
who are attractive and thus sought out as mating and marriage partners in adulthood, these men
and their children also seen to be physically healthier than other men and their children
Gengestad, Thornhill, & Yeo, 1994; Grammer & thornhill, 1994; Singh 1995a; Thornhill &
Gangestad, 1993, 1994). Women find attractive in men are also indicate man’s physical and
genetic health. For men who want a long-term marriage partner majority of them are prefer
intelligent marriage partners and partners with who a compatible and cooperative relationship
can be developed (Buss, 1989; Li et al, 2002). According to the result of the survey, men rated
the intelligence, kindness, healthy and physical appearance of a prospective mate is as important
attributes, and for many men these traits were more important than others traits. Other than
personal behavioral, men also concern physical attributes and fertility. Women and men prefer
sexually attractive partners, but this preference is consistently found to be more important a
necessity and not a luxury for men than for women (Buss, 1989; Feingold, 1990; Hatfield &
Sprecher, 1995; Li et al., 2002; Oda 2001). From evolutionary perspective, men’s ratings of
women’s attractiveness are related to the women’s fertility.
In the other hand, traits such as education level, wealth, religious orientation, and family
background are fewer amounts of people choose as consideration when comes to mate choosing
compare to the personal behavior or other traits. This is because nowadays people are more open
minded, thus they became easier to accept other religious, and different family background. The
economic independence of those people also makes them took wealthy not as serious
consideration, but they focus more on mental and emotional satisfying relationship.
The result shows that range of age difference that most people accept is about 1-5.
According to a classic study of human mating from 1989, David Buss surveyed 37 cultures
across 6 continents and found that in every culture in question, men preferred to marry younger
women (2.66 years younger on average ) and women preferred to marry older men (3.42 years
older on average). The study shows that the ‘ideal age gap’ in mate choosing is in between 1 to 5
and people nowadays also applied the ‘ideal age gap’ when choosing their mate. In fact, this
result also keeping with Parental Investment Theory. For men, they are attracted to women who
advertise signs of fertility – that is, youth. In contrast, women are drawn to older men since they
commonly have greater resources.
According to the result, in term of dating method such as online dating, speed dating, and
blind date there are many people think that it would not work and they also not willing to try.
This result is affect by some factors such as culture, and individual perception. Firstly due to our
research target is mostly local, there is a probability that those dating method are not common in
the country, so people are not familiar with thus they think that it could not work. Besides, in
term of individual perception they are probably though that it is a shame and also they will feel
awkward when dating with strangers which included Social Judgment theory. Moreover, people
are aware of the online criminals who cause them to limit themselves and scare of trying dating

1. Feingold, A. (1992). Gender differences in mate selection preferences: A test of the
parental investment model. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 125-139.
2. Feingold, A. (1992). Gender differences in mate selection preferences: A test of the
parental investment model. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 125-139.
3. Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypothesis
tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12, 1-49
4. Gangestad, S. W, & Simpson, J. A. (2000). The evolution of human mating: Trade-offs
and strategic pluralism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23, 573-644
5. Gangestad, S. W., & Buss, D. M. (1993). Pathogen prevalence and human mate
preferences. Ethology and Sociobiology, 14, 89-96.
6. Gangestad, S. W. (1993). Sexual selection and physical attractiveness. Human Nature, 4,
7. Mehta, V (2013). A recent study lends insight into age differences in romantic
relationships [website]. Retrieved from
8. Cosmides, L; Tooby J (13 January 1997). "Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer". Center
for Evolutionary Psychology. Retrieved 2008-02-16.
9. Buss et al. 1998
10. David C. G, Jacob. V & Jennifer B.C (2003). Evolution of Human Mate Choice. Personal
and behavioral attribution, 31, 23-67.

11. Larry A. N. Selecting a Mate [website]. Retrieved from
12. Kenrick, Douglast.; Ledlow, Susan; Ackerman, Josh (2003). International Encyclopedia of
Marrige and Family. Retrived from [website]



You have been invited to participate in a research project on mate selection, conducted by
by Nicolas Yap Wei Tyng, Teo Chong Yih, Melvin Lim, Lily and Mak Mun Chun under the
supervision of Ms. Chia Yee, Pang in the FNBE at Taylors University. This study is being
conducted to fulfill the requirements of Social Psychology course.
The researcher is interested in gathering information from participants to fill up the
questionnaire. The purpose of this study is to examine how human choosing their mate in term
psychology. In an initial meeting (approximately 5 minutes), you will be asked to fill out a
questionnaire about your mood and thoughts, as well as some demographic information about
yourself. Later, you will be asked to fill up a survey form which conducted some questions about
mate selection based on your thoughts. The researcher hopes to understand more about how
people choosing their mate.
Participation in this project will take approximately 15 minutes of your time, and your
participation in the research project will pose no harm. Your participation in this research project
is entirely voluntary. You may stop your participation in the research project at any time, without
penalty or prejudice. All information collected in the course of this project will remain
confidential and anonymous, and you will not be able to be identified from any of your responses.
Only the researchers and Ms. Pang Chia Yee
Yee, Pang (Supervisor) will have access to the data resulting from this research project. All data
resulting from the research project will be retained for a period of five years after the completion
of the project, after which time it will be destroyed. If you have any questions or concerns about
this research project, you may consult with Ms. Pang Chia Yee,
I understand that I can contact Ms. Pang Chia Yee, if I have any concerns about the ethical
conduct of this study.

(Signature of participant)

The purpose of this survey form is to gather the information and examine on how people choosing their
mate in term of psychology. Your participation in this research project is entirely voluntary. In order, for
the information you provide to be useful, it is important that you answer these questions fully and
candidly. To ensure confidentiality of you responses please return the questionnaire immediately
after completed these questions and please do not include your name on the questionnaire.

1. Are you in a relationship?



2. Based on your opinion choose 3 factors that you think is important when selecting a mate. (Please

Physical Appearance
Highly Educated
Religious Orientation
Family Background

3. What range of age difference is acceptable?
1-5 , 6-10 , 11-15 , 16-20 , 21-25 , 26-30 , None of the above

4. Could you accept long distance relationship?



5. Would you consider dating someone from a different race than yours?



6. Could you accept bad family history background such as drug addiction?



7. Do you think online dating works?



If yes, will you do?



8. Do you think speed dating works?



If yes, will you do?



9. Do you think blind date works?



If yes, will you do?




Thank you for the participation


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Psychology project

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENT Acknowledgement---------------------------------------------------------------------1 Abstract----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3-4 Method Design--------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Participants--------------------------------------------------------------------5 Apparatus/ Materials---------------------------------------------------------6 Procedure----------------------------------------------------------------------6 Result-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-17 Discussion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------18-20 References----------------------------------------------------------------------------21-22 Appendix------------------------------------------------------------------------------23-27
  • 3. AKNOWLEDGEMENT First, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our lecturer, Miss Pang Chia Yee for her input and assistance in giving us suggestion, encouragement and guide us in completing our project and report in a proper and formal way. We would also like to thank all the teammates, Nicholas Yap, Chong Yih, Melvin Lim, Mak and Lily who help each other to in providing suggestions, questions for the questionnaire and giving the best efforts to work on this research, data analysis and conducting a report. Last but not least, we would like to thank all the participants involved in this study for their time, understandings and support on us in completing this project. 1
  • 4. ABSTRACT Selecting a mate was part of human being’s life. Selecting an ideal husband or wife was their responsibility .Considering certain status and characteristic that can suits one’s life when selecting a mate was important. So, this paper is to describe a study which attempt to find out which factors that participants considered the most when selecting a mate. 100 participants were picked randomly were given questionnaire with 9 different questions to answer. Participants were required to finish on that time. According to researchers’ hypothesis, participants prefer physical appearance more than other factors. However it was result that participants prefer kind person more than a nice looking person. The results are discussed based on the characteristic of a person and its perspective when selecting a mate. Keywords: selecting a mate; considering status and characteristic of the mate; prefer psychical appearance; perspective when selecting a mate. 2
  • 5. INTROUDCTION This assignment is in a group of between 4 to 5 students. Students will be required to conduct a social psychology research experiment and need to do a presentation. Group research topics, hypothesis and research methods must be approved by the course instructor well in advance. So our topic is talk about social psychology research experiment and we choose selecting a mate as our topic. Selecting a mate is a purpose in our lives. Every human will to choose a mate as their future wife or husband. Mate selecting is an evolutionary process in which selection of a mate depends on attractiveness of its traits. Humans are in a small minority in the important way for over 95 percent of other mammals, family arrangements involving male care of offspring are non-existent (Geary 2000). Across human societies, though, men and women bond together in marriage (Broude 1994; United Nations 2000). Not all human mating occurs within such bonds; within and across societies, polygamous arrangements are relatively common (Broude 1994). In considering how and why people choose mates, therefore, two points are significant, there are variations as well as universalities across cultures, and difference between selection of mates for short-term relationships versus long-term relationships. The discussion below begins with research and theories focused on immediate psychological triggers of mate choice, and moves through progressively like relationship exchange, cultural and historical factors, and evolutionary history. Like the single frames, scenes, and overall plot of a movie, are complementary, and all are required to see the "big picture" of mate selection. 3
  • 6. In conclusion, there are different between male and female in selecting a mate therefore in this assignment research will show the different and the compare between male and female in the choice of their selecting a mate. 4
  • 7. METHOD In this survey, researchers prepared questionnaires. Researchers went around Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus and minorities were from other places, researchers asked students from different ages and races to help in answering the questionnaire. Researchers decided to also do a quantitative research as because the more data were collected, the more interesting and accurate the results will be. There will be four sub-topics in this method, Design, Participants, Material, and the Procedure. (i) Design In this survey, there are 3 types of variables: Independent variable, dependant variable and extraneous variable. The independent variable for this survey is the relationship status. The dependant variable is finding the characteristics of a person and its perspective when choosing the correct partner. Lastly, for extraneous variable, it is the honesty of the participants. Researchers made sure that they will watched over them while the participants are doing questionnaire. Researchers also asked the participants to write their honest answers and explain to them if they do not understand any of the questions. (ii) Participants Participants that were involved in this survey were mostly the teenagers, majorities were Taylor’s University’s students and minorities were from other places. There were 100 participants participated in this survey. 5
  • 8. (iii) Material The materials that researchers used in this survey are papers for the questionnaire, some pens and pencils. (iv)Procedure Last but not least, the procedures while conducting this survey. First is the researchers chose a topic that the group is happy and satisfied with. Then, researchers form a hypothesis for this survey. Followed by deciding on what type of research is suitable, quantitative or qualitative. Researchers decide to use quantitative research. Next, researchers created questions for the questionnaires. After that, researchers did a survey around the University by giving out the questionnaire. Data were then collected after reaching the amount of 100 participants. Researchers are then analysis those data by using certain mathematical calculations. Researchers translated the data into graphs. Researchers finished it by writing a report of the collected data and discussion about data based on researchers’ opinion and researches. 6
  • 9. RESULT Figure 1 90 80 70 60 Mode of figure 1: A (84) 50 40 30 20 10 0 A B C D E F G H Figure 1 shows that the top three factors that participants think is important when selecting a mate. The list below shows what the symbols’ represent. A: Kindness B: Intelligent C: Physical Appearance D: Highly Educated E: Healthy F: Wealthy G: Religious Orientation 7
  • 10. H: Family Background Through the figure above, researchers found out that there are 84 responses for factor A (Kindness). It was the highest amount of responses among all other factors. The second highest response was factor B (Intelligent) and the amount of response was 56. The factor that receives the lowest response was factor F (Wealthy) as in the amount of only 10 responses. Figure 2 Acceptable Age difference 60 50 Mode of figure 2: 1 to 5 (57) 40 30 20 10 0 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 Non of Above Figure 2 shows that what range of the age difference is acceptable for the participants when choosing a mate. Through the figure above, researchers found out that most of the participants accept the age difference range of 1 to 5. There were 57 participants that chosen the 1 to 5 range of the acceptable age difference. There were 0 participants that were able to accept 11 to 15 range of the acceptable age difference. So it was the lowest amount of people in the figure above. 8
  • 11. Figure 3 Distance Relationship 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No Figure 3 shows that the amount of participants that can accept long distance relationship. Through the figure above, researchers found out that there were 57% of participants were able to accept long distance relationship. However, there were 43% of participants who were not able to accept long distance relationship. 9
  • 12. Figure 4 Different Races 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Agree Disagree Figure 4 shows that would participants consider dating someone from a different race than participants themselves. Through the figure above, researchers found out that there were 56% of participants would consider dating someone from a different race when selecting a mate. However, there were also 44% of participants wouldn’t consider dating someone from a different race when selecting a mate. 10
  • 13. Figure 5 Bad Family Background 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Figure 5 shows that could participants accept bad family history background such as drug addiction Through the figure above, researchers found out that there were 27% of participants could accept bad family history background when selecting a mate. However, there were 74% of participants could not accept bad family history background when selecting a mate. 11
  • 14. Figure 6 Online Dating 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Disagree Figure 6 shows participants’ thought that will online dating works. Figure 7 If agree, will you do? 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No 12
  • 15. Figure 7 was related with figure 6, it shows that will the participants who agree online dating works use this method when selecting a mate. Through figure 6, researchers found out that there were 21 participants think that online dating works when selecting a mate. However, there were 79 participants who disagrees that online dating works when selecting a mate. According to figure 7, among the 21 participants think that online dating works when selecting a mate, there were only 9 participants will use this method and there were 12 participants will not use this method. 13
  • 16. Figure 8 Speed Dating 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Disagree Figure 8 shows participants’ thought that will speed dating works. Figure 9 If agree, will you do? 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No 14
  • 17. Figure 9 was related with figure 8, it shows that will the participants who agree speed dating works use this method when selecting a mate. Through figure 8, researchers found out that there were 23 participants think that speed dating works when selecting a mate. However, there were 77 participants who disagrees that speed dating works when selecting a mate. According to figure 9, among the 23 participants think that speed dating works when selecting a mate, there were only 10 participants will use this method and there were 13 participants will not use this method. 15
  • 18. Figure 10 Blind Dating 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Disagree Figure 10 shows participants’ thought that will blind dating works. Figure 11 If agree, will you do? 15.5 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 Yes No 16
  • 19. Figure 10 was related with figure 11, it shows that will the participants who agree blind dating works use this method when selecting a mate. Through figure 10, researchers found out that there were 28 participants think that blind dating works when selecting a mate. However, there were 72 participants who disagrees that blind dating works when selecting a mate. According to figure 11, among the 28 participants think that blind dating works when selecting a mate, there were only 13 participants will use this method and there were 15 participants will not use this method. 17
  • 20. DISCUSSION Based on the result, most people prefer their mate which is kind, intelligence and good physical appearance, which is 28%, 18%, and 16%. Even though most of the people have the similar opinion when comes to choosing mate, but there a slightly differ between male and female. For women, a preference for a culturally successful marriage partner is not enough, in and of itself, to constitute the most successful reproductive strategy for women. Culturally successful men are often arrogant, self-serving, and better able to pursue their preferred reproductive interest than are other men. These preferences often involve pursuing multiple mating partners rather than investing in one women and her child. Characteristics are important which can provide information on the ability and willingness of the man to be loyal towards the wife and children. With the exception of age and physical attractiveness women are more selective compare to men in their choice of mate. Buss (1989) found that women rated prospective husband who was kind, understanding and intelligent more than a prospective husband who was none of these but only had the potential to become culturally successful. Majority of women prefer men with whom they can develop an intimate and emotionally satisfying relationship. However this type of relationship is more common in middle-class and upper-middle-middle class, this explains why women are more concern about personal behavior compares to others traits. Besides, physical attractiveness and good body health is a part of concert when come the choosing mate. Women prefer for an attractive mate makes biological sense (Fink & Pention Voak, 2002; Gangestad, 1993; Gangsestad & Buss, 1993). Women are more likely to choose an attractive mate because handsome husbands more likely to sire children who are attractive and thus sought out as mating and marriage partners in adulthood, these men and their children also seen to be physically healthier than other men and their children 18
  • 21. Gengestad, Thornhill, & Yeo, 1994; Grammer & thornhill, 1994; Singh 1995a; Thornhill & Gangestad, 1993, 1994). Women find attractive in men are also indicate man’s physical and genetic health. For men who want a long-term marriage partner majority of them are prefer intelligent marriage partners and partners with who a compatible and cooperative relationship can be developed (Buss, 1989; Li et al, 2002). According to the result of the survey, men rated the intelligence, kindness, healthy and physical appearance of a prospective mate is as important attributes, and for many men these traits were more important than others traits. Other than personal behavioral, men also concern physical attributes and fertility. Women and men prefer sexually attractive partners, but this preference is consistently found to be more important a necessity and not a luxury for men than for women (Buss, 1989; Feingold, 1990; Hatfield & Sprecher, 1995; Li et al., 2002; Oda 2001). From evolutionary perspective, men’s ratings of women’s attractiveness are related to the women’s fertility. In the other hand, traits such as education level, wealth, religious orientation, and family background are fewer amounts of people choose as consideration when comes to mate choosing compare to the personal behavior or other traits. This is because nowadays people are more open minded, thus they became easier to accept other religious, and different family background. The economic independence of those people also makes them took wealthy not as serious consideration, but they focus more on mental and emotional satisfying relationship. The result shows that range of age difference that most people accept is about 1-5. According to a classic study of human mating from 1989, David Buss surveyed 37 cultures across 6 continents and found that in every culture in question, men preferred to marry younger women (2.66 years younger on average ) and women preferred to marry older men (3.42 years older on average). The study shows that the ‘ideal age gap’ in mate choosing is in between 1 to 5 19
  • 22. and people nowadays also applied the ‘ideal age gap’ when choosing their mate. In fact, this result also keeping with Parental Investment Theory. For men, they are attracted to women who advertise signs of fertility – that is, youth. In contrast, women are drawn to older men since they commonly have greater resources. According to the result, in term of dating method such as online dating, speed dating, and blind date there are many people think that it would not work and they also not willing to try. This result is affect by some factors such as culture, and individual perception. Firstly due to our research target is mostly local, there is a probability that those dating method are not common in the country, so people are not familiar with thus they think that it could not work. Besides, in term of individual perception they are probably though that it is a shame and also they will feel awkward when dating with strangers which included Social Judgment theory. Moreover, people are aware of the online criminals who cause them to limit themselves and scare of trying dating online. 20
  • 23. REFERENCES 1. Feingold, A. (1992). Gender differences in mate selection preferences: A test of the parental investment model. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 125-139. 2. Feingold, A. (1992). Gender differences in mate selection preferences: A test of the parental investment model. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 125-139. 3. Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypothesis tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12, 1-49 4. Gangestad, S. W, & Simpson, J. A. (2000). The evolution of human mating: Trade-offs and strategic pluralism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23, 573-644 5. Gangestad, S. W., & Buss, D. M. (1993). Pathogen prevalence and human mate preferences. Ethology and Sociobiology, 14, 89-96. 6. Gangestad, S. W. (1993). Sexual selection and physical attractiveness. Human Nature, 4, 205-235. 7. Mehta, V (2013). A recent study lends insight into age differences in romantic relationships [website]. Retrieved from 8. Cosmides, L; Tooby J (13 January 1997). "Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer". Center for Evolutionary Psychology. Retrieved 2008-02-16. 9. Buss et al. 1998 10. David C. G, Jacob. V & Jennifer B.C (2003). Evolution of Human Mate Choice. Personal and behavioral attribution, 31, 23-67. 21
  • 24. 11. Larry A. N. Selecting a Mate [website]. Retrieved from 12. Kenrick, Douglast.; Ledlow, Susan; Ackerman, Josh (2003). International Encyclopedia of Marrige and Family. Retrived from [website] 22
  • 26. PARTICIPANT INFORMATION LETTER You have been invited to participate in a research project on mate selection, conducted by by Nicolas Yap Wei Tyng, Teo Chong Yih, Melvin Lim, Lily and Mak Mun Chun under the supervision of Ms. Chia Yee, Pang in the FNBE at Taylors University. This study is being conducted to fulfill the requirements of Social Psychology course. The researcher is interested in gathering information from participants to fill up the questionnaire. The purpose of this study is to examine how human choosing their mate in term psychology. In an initial meeting (approximately 5 minutes), you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your mood and thoughts, as well as some demographic information about yourself. Later, you will be asked to fill up a survey form which conducted some questions about mate selection based on your thoughts. The researcher hopes to understand more about how people choosing their mate. Participation in this project will take approximately 15 minutes of your time, and your participation in the research project will pose no harm. Your participation in this research project is entirely voluntary. You may stop your participation in the research project at any time, without penalty or prejudice. All information collected in the course of this project will remain confidential and anonymous, and you will not be able to be identified from any of your responses. Only the researchers and Ms. Pang Chia Yee 24
  • 27. Yee, Pang (Supervisor) will have access to the data resulting from this research project. All data resulting from the research project will be retained for a period of five years after the completion of the project, after which time it will be destroyed. If you have any questions or concerns about this research project, you may consult with Ms. Pang Chia Yee, I understand that I can contact Ms. Pang Chia Yee, if I have any concerns about the ethical conduct of this study. __________________ (Signature of participant) 25
  • 28. The purpose of this survey form is to gather the information and examine on how people choosing their mate in term of psychology. Your participation in this research project is entirely voluntary. In order, for the information you provide to be useful, it is important that you answer these questions fully and candidly. To ensure confidentiality of you responses please return the questionnaire immediately after completed these questions and please do not include your name on the questionnaire. 1. Are you in a relationship? Yes / No 2. Based on your opinion choose 3 factors that you think is important when selecting a mate. (Please tick ) Factors Kindness Intelligence Physical Appearance Highly Educated Healthy Wealthy Religious Orientation Family Background 3. What range of age difference is acceptable? 1-5 , 6-10 , 11-15 , 16-20 , 21-25 , 26-30 , None of the above 4. Could you accept long distance relationship? Yes / No 26
  • 29. 5. Would you consider dating someone from a different race than yours? Yes / No 6. Could you accept bad family history background such as drug addiction? Yes / No 7. Do you think online dating works? Yes / No If yes, will you do? Yes / No 8. Do you think speed dating works? Yes / No If yes, will you do? Yes / No 9. Do you think blind date works? Yes / No If yes, will you do? Yes / No END Thank you for the participation 27