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Prometheus on NKS 가이드 문서
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Helm v3.10.3 설치
1.helm binary 설치 확인 (헬름 설치가 안되 있는 경우 설치를 우선 진행)
root@k8s-console:~# helm version
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is
insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is
insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.9"}
❗만약 insecure 메시지를 보고 싶지 않다면...
root@k8s-console:~# chmod 700 ~/.kube/config
root@k8s-console:~# helm version --short
헬름을 통한 Prometheus 배포를 위한 사전 작업
1.프로메테우스 설치를 위한 헬름 레포를 추가
root@k8s-console:~# helm repo add prometheus-community
"prometheus-community" has been added to your repositories
2.레포에서 최신 내용을 받아 업데이트
root@k8s-console:~# helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "prometheus-community" chart
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
3.사전 구성된 스토리지클래스 확인
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get storageclass
nks-block-storage (default) Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 17d
nks-nas-csi Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 17d
Prometheus 배포
1.헬름을 통해서 NKS에 프로메테우스 배포
root@k8s-console:~# helm install prometheus
--set server.service.type="LoadBalancer" 
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is
insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is
insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
NAME: prometheus
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 17 17:03:41 2022
NAMESPACE: monitoring
STATUS: deployed
The Prometheus server can be accessed via port 80 on the following DNS
name from within your cluster:
Get the Prometheus server URL by running these commands in the same
NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be
You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get svc
--namespace monitoring -w prometheus-server'
export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace monitoring
prometheus-server -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
echo http://$SERVICE_IP:80
The Prometheus alertmanager can be accessed via port on the following
DNS name from within your cluster:
Get the Alertmanager URL by running these commands in the same shell:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l
"app=prometheus,component=" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 9093
###### WARNING: Pod Security Policy has been disabled by default since
###### it deprecated after k8s 1.25+. use
###### (index .Values "prometheus-node-exporter" "rbac"
###### . "pspEnabled") with (index .Values
###### "prometheus-node-exporter" "rbac" "pspAnnotations")
###### in case you still need it.
The Prometheus PushGateway can be accessed via port 9091 on the
following DNS name from within your cluster:
Get the PushGateway URL by running these commands in the same shell:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l
"app=prometheus-pushgateway,component=pushgateway" -o
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 9091
For more information on running Prometheus, visit:
❗만약 storageclass를 nks-block-storage가 아닌 다른 스토리지를 쓰고 싶다면 다음을
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus 
--set alertmanager.persistentVolume.storageClass="nks-block-storage" 
--set server.persistentVolume.storageClass="nks-block-storage" 
--set server.service.type="LoadBalancer" 
2.배포된 pods와 services 확인
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc -n monitoring
pod/prometheus-alertmanager-0 1/1 Running 0 3m37s
pod/prometheus-kube-state-metrics-7cdcf7cc98-rsgcr 1/1 Running 0 3m37s
pod/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter-5qpn4 1/1 Running 0 3m37s
pod/prometheus-prometheus-pushgateway-959d84d7f-8ztlm 1/1 Running 0 3m37s
pod/prometheus-server-54956c9cfb-wlvms 2/2 Running 0 3m37s
service/prometheus-alertmanager ClusterIP <none>
9093/TCP 3m38s
service/prometheus-alertmanager-headless ClusterIP None <none>
9093/TCP 3m38s
service/prometheus-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none>
8080/TCP 3m37s
service/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none>
9100/TCP 3m37s
service/prometheus-prometheus-pushgateway ClusterIP <none>
9091/TCP 3m37s
service/prometheus-server LoadBalancer 80:32534/TCP 3m38s
3.배포된 프로메테우스 확인
4.조회된 메트릭 데이터 확인
5.배포된 프로메테우스 조회 및 삭제
root@k8s-console:~# helm list -n monitoring
prometheus monitoring 1 2022-12-17 17:03:41.29034263
+0900 KST deployed prometheus-19.0.2 v2.40.5
root@k8s-console:~# helm uninstall prometheus -n monitoring
release "prometheus" uninstalled
6.삭제된 프로메테우스 리소스 확인
root@k8s-console:~# helm list -n monitoring
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc -n monitoring
No resources found in monitoring namespace.
Kube Prometheus Stack (이하 프로메테우스 스택) 배포
1.헬름을 통해서 NKS에 프로메테우스 스택 배포
root@k8s-console:~# helm install kube-prometheus-stack
--set prometheus.service.type=LoadBalancer 
--set grafana.service.type=LoadBalancer 
NAME: kube-prometheus-stack
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 17 17:14:15 2022
NAMESPACE: monitoring
STATUS: deployed
kube-prometheus-stack has been installed. Check its status by running:
kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l
Visit for
instructions on how to create & configure Alertmanager and Prometheus
instances using the Operator.
2.배포된 pods와 services 확인
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc -n monitoring
pod/alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 1 (104s ago) 105s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-77fd7cc8ff-57tp5 3/3 Running 0 114s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-kube-state-metrics-579bf68b5-rj5ff 1/1 Running 0 114s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-operator-64bc8bd9fd-2ggrs 1/1 Running 0 114s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter-rv8b5 1/1 Running 0 115s
pod/prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 0 105s
service/alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none>
9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 105s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager ClusterIP <none>
9093/TCP 115s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana LoadBalancer 80:31512/TCP
service/kube-prometheus-stack-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none>
8080/TCP 115s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-operator ClusterIP <none>
443/TCP 115s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus LoadBalancer 9090:32176/TCP
service/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none>
9100/TCP 115s
service/prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none>
9090/TCP 105s
❗현재 프로메테우스 스택의 큰 문제점 ?
프로메테우스 배포에는 다음과 같이 default로 storageclass(nks-block-storage)를 통해서
pv와 pvc가 생성됩니다.
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get pv -n monitoring
pvc-0d5a8305acee499e8a0d57245a 10Gi RWO Delete Bound
monitoring/storage-prometheus-alertmanager-0 nks-block-storage 9m42s
pvc-6ae9e2442da2475295da9b1050 10Gi RWO Delete Bound
monitoring/prometheus-server nks-block-storage 9m44s
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get pvc -n monitoring
prometheus-server Bound pvc-6ae9e2442da2475295da9b1050 10Gi
RWO nks-block-storage 10m
storage-prometheus-alertmanager-0 Bound pvc-0d5a8305acee499e8a0d57245a 10Gi
RWO nks-block-storage 10m
그러나 프로메테우스 스택에서 storageclass를 지정해 주지 않으면 다음과 같이 pv,pvc를
이용하는 것이 아니라 emptyDir를 이용해서 임시로만 사용하도록 배포 됩니다.
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get pv,pvc -n monitoring | grep
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po -n monitoring
prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-0 -o yaml | grep volumes
- name: config
defaultMode: 420
secretName: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus
- name: tls-assets
defaultMode: 420
- secret:
name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-tls-assets-0
- emptyDir: {}
name: config-out
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-rulefiles-0
name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-rulefiles-0
- name: web-config
defaultMode: 420
secretName: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-web-config
- emptyDir: {}
name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-db
- name: kube-api-access-g8rvd
defaultMode: 420
- serviceAccountToken:
expirationSeconds: 3607
path: token
- configMap:
따라서 현업 관점에서는 storageclass가 사용되도록 설정을 해줘야 하며, 이는
value.yaml을 통해서 추가 설정 배포 되어야 합니다. (또는 차트를 fork하고 새로 고쳐야함)
이는 다음의 링크를 참조하시기 바랍니다.
만약 정말하고 싶다면….부록1을 참고하세요
3.배포된 프로메테우스 확인
❗scapeInterval 시간을 배포 후에 변경하기를 원한다면
$ kubectl get prometheus -n monitoring -o yaml | nl | grep scrap
57 scrapeInterval: 30s
$ kubectl edit prometheus -n monitoring edited
$ kubectl get prometheus -n monitoring -o yaml | nl | grep scrap
57 scrapeInterval: 2m
4.배포된 그라파나 확인 및 로그인
ID: admin
Password: prom-operator
5.미리 설정된 데이터 소스가 프로메테우스인지 확인
6. 미리 만들어진 대시보드를 불러오기 위해 13770을 import 메뉴에
7.Data Source를 프로메테우스로 선택하고 import 누름
8.import 된 13770을 감상 및 N/A와 No data 수정
9.(필요시) 배포된 프로메테우스 스택 조회 및 삭제
root@k8s-console:~# helm list -n monitoring
kube-prometheus-stack monitoring 1 2022-12-17 17:14:15.264607955
+0900 KST deployed kube-prometheus-stack-43.1.1 0.61.1
root@k8s-console:~# helm uninstall -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack
release "kube-prometheus-stack" uninstalled
1.helm inspect로 values 파일 생성
$ helm inspect values prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
--version 43.1.1 > kube-prometheus-stack-43.1.1.values
2. 생성된 values 파일에 필요 내용 추가 및 수정
라인 번호는 실행 시점 및 수정 순서에 따라 다소 차이가 있을 수도 있습니다.
참고로 라인 번호는 vi 실행 이후에 :set nu로 표시할 수 있습니다.
542 ## Storage is the definition of how storage will be used by the
Alertmanager instances.
543 ## ref:
544 ##
545 storage:
546 volumeClaimTemplate:
547 spec:
548 storageClassName: nks-block-storage
549 accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
550 resources:
551 requests:
552 storage: 50Gi
553 # selector: {}
697 ## Using default values from
698 ##
699 grafana:
700 enabled: true
701 namespaceOverride: ""
703 # override configuration by hoon
704 persistence:
705 enabled: true
706 type: pvc
707 storageClassName: nks-block-storage
708 accessModes:
709 - ReadWriteOnce
710 size: 100Gi
711 finalizers:
712 -
726 ## Timezone for the default dashboards
727 ## Other options are: browser or a specific timezone, i.e.
728 ##
729 defaultDashboardsTimezone: utc
731 adminPassword: admin
2580 ## Prometheus StorageSpec for persistent data
2581 ## ref:
2582 ##
2583 storageSpec:
2584 ## Using PersistentVolumeClaim
2585 ##
2586 volumeClaimTemplate:
2587 spec:
2588 storageClassName: nks-block-storage
2589 accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
2590 resources:
2591 requests:
2592 storage: 50Gi
2593 # selector: {}
3.helm install 실행
root@k8s-console:~# helm install
--set prometheus.service.type=LoadBalancer 
--set grafana.service.type=LoadBalancer 
--namespace monitoring 
--values kube-prometheus-stack-43.1.1.values
NAME: kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 17 17:56:49 2022
NAMESPACE: monitoring
STATUS: deployed
kube-prometheus-stack has been installed. Check its status by running:
kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l
Visit for
instructions on how to create & configure Alertmanager and Prometheus
instances using the Operator.
4.변경된 값이 있는 values를 통해서 생성된 프로메테우스 스택 확인
root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc,pv,pvc -n monitoring
pod/alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 1 (24s ago) 36s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-operator-696ddf996d-2tbft 1/1 Running 0 37s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-grafana-75cf5cff79-hrs59 3/3 Running 0 37s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-kube-state-metrics-7b44cdrf8q9 1/1 Running 0 37s
pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-prometheus-node-exporter-npmpk 1/1 Running 0 37s
pod/prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 0 35s
service/alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none>
9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 36s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertmanager ClusterIP <none>
9093/TCP 37s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-operator ClusterIP <none>
443/TCP 37s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus LoadBalancer 9090:30008/TCP 37s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-grafana LoadBalancer <pending>
80:31398/TCP 37s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none>
8080/TCP 37s
service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none>
9100/TCP 37s
service/prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none>
9090/TCP 35s
persistentvolume/pvc-7c195a1da23d4755b21b6ed2db 50Gi RWO Delete Bound
nks-block-storage 33s
persistentvolume/pvc-8c1c8c896efb40b6af8fe82a42 50Gi RWO Delete Bound
nager-0 nks-block-storage 34s
persistentvolume/pvc-c4ba41508e4d4914a1f255f0ae 100Gi RWO Delete Bound
nks-block-storage 36s
671-alertmanager-0 Bound pvc-8c1c8c896efb40b6af8fe82a42 50Gi RWO nks-block-storage 36s
Bound pvc-c4ba41508e4d4914a1f255f0ae 100Gi RWO nks-block-storage 38s
ometheus-0 Bound pvc-7c195a1da23d4755b21b6ed2db 50Gi RWO nks-block-storage 35s

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UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 5
UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 5UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 5
UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 5

Prometheus on NKS

  • 1. Prometheus on NKS 가이드 문서 📌QA test Region on (KR / 한국)
  • 2. Helm v3.10.3 설치 1.helm binary 설치 확인 (헬름 설치가 안되 있는 경우 설치를 우선 진행) root@k8s-console:~# helm version WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.10.3", GitCommit:"835b7334cfe2e5e27870ab3ed4135f136eecc704", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.9"} ❗만약 insecure 메시지를 보고 싶지 않다면... root@k8s-console:~# chmod 700 ~/.kube/config root@k8s-console:~# helm version --short v3.10.3+g835b733 헬름을 통한 Prometheus 배포를 위한 사전 작업 1.프로메테우스 설치를 위한 헬름 레포를 추가 root@k8s-console:~# helm repo add prometheus-community "prometheus-community" has been added to your repositories 2.레포에서 최신 내용을 받아 업데이트 root@k8s-console:~# helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "prometheus-community" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈ 3.사전 구성된 스토리지클래스 확인 root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get storageclass NAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY VOLUMEBINDINGMODE ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION AGE nks-block-storage (default) Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 17d nks-nas-csi Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 17d
  • 3. Prometheus 배포 1.헬름을 통해서 NKS에 프로메테우스 배포 root@k8s-console:~# helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --set server.service.type="LoadBalancer" --namespace=monitoring --create-namespace WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config NAME: prometheus LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 17 17:03:41 2022 NAMESPACE: monitoring STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: The Prometheus server can be accessed via port 80 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: prometheus-server.monitoring.svc.cluster.local Get the Prometheus server URL by running these commands in the same shell: NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get svc --namespace monitoring -w prometheus-server' export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace monitoring prometheus-server -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') echo http://$SERVICE_IP:80 The Prometheus alertmanager can be accessed via port on the following DNS name from within your cluster: prometheus-%!s(<nil>).monitoring.svc.cluster.local Get the Alertmanager URL by running these commands in the same shell: export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=prometheus,component=" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  • 4. kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 9093 ######################################################################## ######### ###### WARNING: Pod Security Policy has been disabled by default since ##### ###### it deprecated after k8s 1.25+. use ##### ###### (index .Values "prometheus-node-exporter" "rbac" ##### ###### . "pspEnabled") with (index .Values ##### ###### "prometheus-node-exporter" "rbac" "pspAnnotations") ##### ###### in case you still need it. ##### ######################################################################## ######### The Prometheus PushGateway can be accessed via port 9091 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: prometheus-prometheus-pushgateway.monitoring.svc.cluster.local Get the PushGateway URL by running these commands in the same shell: export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=prometheus-pushgateway,component=pushgateway" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 9091 For more information on running Prometheus, visit: ❗만약 storageclass를 nks-block-storage가 아닌 다른 스토리지를 쓰고 싶다면 다음을 참조하세요 helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --set alertmanager.persistentVolume.storageClass="nks-block-storage" --set server.persistentVolume.storageClass="nks-block-storage" --set server.service.type="LoadBalancer" --namespace=monitoring --create-namespace
  • 5. 2.배포된 pods와 services 확인 root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc -n monitoring NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/prometheus-alertmanager-0 1/1 Running 0 3m37s pod/prometheus-kube-state-metrics-7cdcf7cc98-rsgcr 1/1 Running 0 3m37s pod/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter-5qpn4 1/1 Running 0 3m37s pod/prometheus-prometheus-pushgateway-959d84d7f-8ztlm 1/1 Running 0 3m37s pod/prometheus-server-54956c9cfb-wlvms 2/2 Running 0 3m37s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/prometheus-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP 3m38s service/prometheus-alertmanager-headless ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP 3m38s service/prometheus-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 3m37s service/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9100/TCP 3m37s service/prometheus-prometheus-pushgateway ClusterIP <none> 9091/TCP 3m37s service/prometheus-server LoadBalancer 80:32534/TCP 3m38s 3.배포된 프로메테우스 확인
  • 6. 4.조회된 메트릭 데이터 확인 5.배포된 프로메테우스 조회 및 삭제 root@k8s-console:~# helm list -n monitoring NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION prometheus monitoring 1 2022-12-17 17:03:41.29034263 +0900 KST deployed prometheus-19.0.2 v2.40.5 root@k8s-console:~# helm uninstall prometheus -n monitoring release "prometheus" uninstalled 6.삭제된 프로메테우스 리소스 확인 root@k8s-console:~# helm list -n monitoring NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION root@k8s-console:~# root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc -n monitoring No resources found in monitoring namespace.
  • 7. Kube Prometheus Stack (이하 프로메테우스 스택) 배포 1.헬름을 통해서 NKS에 프로메테우스 스택 배포 root@k8s-console:~# helm install kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --set prometheus.service.type=LoadBalancer --set grafana.service.type=LoadBalancer --namespace=monitoring --create-namespace NAME: kube-prometheus-stack LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 17 17:14:15 2022 NAMESPACE: monitoring STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: kube-prometheus-stack has been installed. Check its status by running: kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=kube-prometheus-stack" Visit for instructions on how to create & configure Alertmanager and Prometheus instances using the Operator. 2.배포된 pods와 services 확인 root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc -n monitoring NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 1 (104s ago) 105s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-77fd7cc8ff-57tp5 3/3 Running 0 114s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-kube-state-metrics-579bf68b5-rj5ff 1/1 Running 0 114s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-operator-64bc8bd9fd-2ggrs 1/1 Running 0 114s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter-rv8b5 1/1 Running 0 115s pod/prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 0 105s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 105s service/kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP 115s service/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana LoadBalancer 80:31512/TCP 115s service/kube-prometheus-stack-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 115s service/kube-prometheus-stack-operator ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 115s service/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus LoadBalancer 9090:32176/TCP
  • 8. 115s service/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9100/TCP 115s service/prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9090/TCP 105s ❗현재 프로메테우스 스택의 큰 문제점 ? 프로메테우스 배포에는 다음과 같이 default로 storageclass(nks-block-storage)를 통해서 pv와 pvc가 생성됩니다. root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get pv -n monitoring CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-0d5a8305acee499e8a0d57245a 10Gi RWO Delete Bound monitoring/storage-prometheus-alertmanager-0 nks-block-storage 9m42s pvc-6ae9e2442da2475295da9b1050 10Gi RWO Delete Bound monitoring/prometheus-server nks-block-storage 9m44s root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get pvc -n monitoring NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE prometheus-server Bound pvc-6ae9e2442da2475295da9b1050 10Gi RWO nks-block-storage 10m storage-prometheus-alertmanager-0 Bound pvc-0d5a8305acee499e8a0d57245a 10Gi RWO nks-block-storage 10m 그러나 프로메테우스 스택에서 storageclass를 지정해 주지 않으면 다음과 같이 pv,pvc를 이용하는 것이 아니라 emptyDir를 이용해서 임시로만 사용하도록 배포 됩니다. root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get pv,pvc -n monitoring | grep prometheus-server root@k8s-console:~# root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po -n monitoring prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-0 -o yaml | grep volumes -A30 volumes: - name: config secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus - name: tls-assets projected:
  • 9. defaultMode: 420 sources: - secret: name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-tls-assets-0 - emptyDir: {} name: config-out - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-rulefiles-0 name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-rulefiles-0 - name: web-config secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-web-config - emptyDir: {} name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-db - name: kube-api-access-g8rvd projected: defaultMode: 420 sources: - serviceAccountToken: expirationSeconds: 3607 path: token - configMap: <snipped> 따라서 현업 관점에서는 storageclass가 사용되도록 설정을 해줘야 하며, 이는 value.yaml을 통해서 추가 설정 배포 되어야 합니다. (또는 차트를 fork하고 새로 고쳐야함) 이는 다음의 링크를 참조하시기 바랍니다. 프로메테우스: 그라파나: 헬름value관련: 만약 정말하고 싶다면….부록1을 참고하세요
  • 10. 3.배포된 프로메테우스 확인 ❗scapeInterval 시간을 배포 후에 변경하기를 원한다면 $ kubectl get prometheus -n monitoring -o yaml | nl | grep scrap 57 scrapeInterval: 30s $ kubectl edit prometheus -n monitoring edited $ kubectl get prometheus -n monitoring -o yaml | nl | grep scrap 57 scrapeInterval: 2m
  • 11. 4.배포된 그라파나 확인 및 로그인 ID: admin Password: prom-operator 5.미리 설정된 데이터 소스가 프로메테우스인지 확인
  • 12. 6. 미리 만들어진 대시보드를 불러오기 위해 13770을 import 메뉴에 입력 7.Data Source를 프로메테우스로 선택하고 import 누름
  • 13. 8.import 된 13770을 감상 및 N/A와 No data 수정 9.(필요시) 배포된 프로메테우스 스택 조회 및 삭제 root@k8s-console:~# helm list -n monitoring NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION kube-prometheus-stack monitoring 1 2022-12-17 17:14:15.264607955 +0900 KST deployed kube-prometheus-stack-43.1.1 0.61.1 root@k8s-console:~# helm uninstall -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack release "kube-prometheus-stack" uninstalled
  • 14. 부록1 1.helm inspect로 values 파일 생성 $ helm inspect values prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 43.1.1 > kube-prometheus-stack-43.1.1.values 2. 생성된 values 파일에 필요 내용 추가 및 수정 라인 번호는 실행 시점 및 수정 순서에 따라 다소 차이가 있을 수도 있습니다. 참고로 라인 번호는 vi 실행 이후에 :set nu로 표시할 수 있습니다. 수정 542 ## Storage is the definition of how storage will be used by the Alertmanager instances. 543 ## ref: umentation/user-guides/ 544 ## 545 storage: 546 volumeClaimTemplate: 547 spec: 548 storageClassName: nks-block-storage 549 accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] 550 resources: 551 requests: 552 storage: 50Gi 553 # selector: {} 추가 697 ## Using default values from aml 698 ## 699 grafana: 700 enabled: true 701 namespaceOverride: "" 702 703 # override configuration by hoon 704 persistence: 705 enabled: true 706 type: pvc
  • 15. 707 storageClassName: nks-block-storage 708 accessModes: 709 - ReadWriteOnce 710 size: 100Gi 711 finalizers: 712 - 수정 726 ## Timezone for the default dashboards 727 ## Other options are: browser or a specific timezone, i.e. Europe/Luxembourg 728 ## 729 defaultDashboardsTimezone: utc 730 731 adminPassword: admin 732 수정 2580 ## Prometheus StorageSpec for persistent data 2581 ## ref: umentation/user-guides/ 2582 ## 2583 storageSpec: 2584 ## Using PersistentVolumeClaim 2585 ## 2586 volumeClaimTemplate: 2587 spec: 2588 storageClassName: nks-block-storage 2589 accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] 2590 resources: 2591 requests: 2592 storage: 50Gi 2593 # selector: {} 3.helm install 실행 root@k8s-console:~# helm install prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
  • 16. --set prometheus.service.type=LoadBalancer --set grafana.service.type=LoadBalancer --create-namespace --namespace monitoring --generate-name --values kube-prometheus-stack-43.1.1.values NAME: kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408 LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 17 17:56:49 2022 NAMESPACE: monitoring STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: kube-prometheus-stack has been installed. Check its status by running: kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408" Visit for instructions on how to create & configure Alertmanager and Prometheus instances using the Operator. 4.변경된 값이 있는 values를 통해서 생성된 프로메테우스 스택 확인 root@k8s-console:~# kubectl get po,svc,pv,pvc -n monitoring NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 1 (24s ago) 36s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-operator-696ddf996d-2tbft 1/1 Running 0 37s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-grafana-75cf5cff79-hrs59 3/3 Running 0 37s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-kube-state-metrics-7b44cdrf8q9 1/1 Running 0 37s pod/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-prometheus-node-exporter-npmpk 1/1 Running 0 37s pod/prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 0 35s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 36s service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP 37s service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-operator ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 37s service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus LoadBalancer 9090:30008/TCP 37s service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-grafana LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31398/TCP 37s service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 37s service/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9100/TCP 37s service/prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9090/TCP 35s NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE persistentvolume/pvc-7c195a1da23d4755b21b6ed2db 50Gi RWO Delete Bound monitoring/prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus-0 nks-block-storage 33s persistentvolume/pvc-8c1c8c896efb40b6af8fe82a42 50Gi RWO Delete Bound monitoring/alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertmanager-db-alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertma
  • 17. nager-0 nks-block-storage 34s persistentvolume/pvc-c4ba41508e4d4914a1f255f0ae 100Gi RWO Delete Bound monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-grafana nks-block-storage 36s NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE persistentvolumeclaim/alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-alertmanager-db-alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-1 671-alertmanager-0 Bound pvc-8c1c8c896efb40b6af8fe82a42 50Gi RWO nks-block-storage 36s persistentvolumeclaim/kube-prometheus-stack-1671267408-grafana Bound pvc-c4ba41508e4d4914a1f255f0ae 100Gi RWO nks-block-storage 38s persistentvolumeclaim/prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-1671-pr ometheus-0 Bound pvc-7c195a1da23d4755b21b6ed2db 50Gi RWO nks-block-storage 35s 레퍼런스: 9%9C%EC%84%B1%ED%99%94