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    Professional Ethics:
    Facing some new challenges
    April 5, 2012

    Presented by:
    Gary R. Schoener, M.Eq., Licensed Psychologist
    Director of Consultation & Training
Ethical Framework
• Beneficence– doing good; helping
• Non-maleficence –avoiding harm
• Autonomy – client’s input and role
• Fidelity– consistent with what promised
• Justice-- welfare of client vs. others (e.g.
  duty to warn); equitable use of resources –
  having a basis to proportion them
Ethical Decision-Making
• It is often not what is ethical vs.
  unethical, but the comparative ethicality
  of the options
• This involves weighing which principles
  are best dealt with through one option or
• What are the likely positive vs. negative
  outcomes of choosing a given course of
Decision table or chart
  Positive Outcomes   Negative Outcomes

  Option A ______________ _________________
           ______________ _________________
           ______________ _________________

  Option B ______________ _________________
     ______________ _________________
     ______________ _________________
Electronic records
• As of 23 January 2012 US major healthcare information
  privacy breaches are 19 million records in 385 major
  HIPAA - reported incidents (each affecting 500 or more)
  since Sept. 2009 (2 ¼ years)
• Minn. Attorney General Lori Swanson has announced a
  lawsuit against Accretive Health Inc., a debt collection
  agency, or its role in a breach impacting 20,000 patients
  at North Memorial Health Care & Fairview Health
  Services. Data was on an un-encrypted laptop stolen
  from a parked rental car.
• It is recommended that all devices be encrypted, even
  those which are not supposed to be used to transport
  data, since people get careless
Challenges of private knowledge
• CASE 1: You have a case with severe
  abuse. You visit your sister and notice the
  family lives next door, and her kids are
  going over to play in the abuse house.
  What actions do you take if any?
• CASE 2: Your brother brags to you how he
  fooled child protection into closing a
  case, by threatening his wife and kids to
  deny the complaint. What action options
  are there? What if any should you take?
Traditional Boundaries with
regard to Information Access

• Clienthas access to information about the
  professional based on published biography
  or revelations, news items

• Professional only has access to
  information about client from disclosures
  or access granted through signed releases
Variability between staff in
community programs
• Role – staff who are in the community
  with client or who spend more time with
• Client expectations depending on role
• Do you transport the client?
• Recovery groups
• Where do you live?
• Other areas of social activity, politics
Realities of a small community

• You and client belong to same church, same
  social club, same athletic club
• Client lives in same building as a friend of
  yours – what are the issues?
• Client interacts with a member of your
  family, possibly without knowing the
• Former client interacts with you or a friend or
Traditional Concepts of
• Communication by traditional mail (now
  called “snail mail”);
• Communication by phone during limited
  business hours;
• Leave messages on answering machinesfor
  later response;
• Phone calls private, although a message left
  might be saved;
• Quick response not expected or promised
Communication in today’s world
• Expectation of being able to connect at all
  hours, even when professional is away
  from office, via cell phones, texting, etc.
• Same is true for emails;
• Emails and text messages create a record;
• Emails can be misdirected or examined by
  others– need to warn people about
  employer access to work computers
Challenges of Cell Phones
&Hand-Held Devices
• Do you have separate personal &
  professional phones/blackberry’s, etc? it’s
  a challenge to have two, but a growing
  number of programs are providing them
• Do you accept or receive calls? Is your
  number blocked? Will your call be
  accepted if you are trying to contact
  client? Can client get your home #?
Text Messaging
• A growing number of people do texting
  instead of (or in addition to) emailing;
• This is an abbreviated type of message
  with less information;
• This the only way to quickly reach people;
• Unlike a phone call, it is silent, so people
  can receive and view a text without the
  ring of a phone
Text Messaging (continued)
• Veterans Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 or text
  to 838255
• Crisis Connection has a program for
  texting in 7 counties in northeast Minn. –
  they are receiving more texts from young
  people in a day than they previously
  received as phone calls in a month.
Smartphones & Tablets & Apps
• The Therapist May See You
  Anytime, Anywhere (NY Times, 2/13/12)
• Cognitive bias modification (CBM)using
  an app for social anxiety which directs
  attention away from hostile faces
• Nader Amirat San Diego State – 30”/week
  for anxiety disorder
• Daniel Pine at NIMH – 40 children with
  chronic anxiety
Smartphones & Tablets & Apps
• European psychologistshave tried a BMP
  aimed at heavy drinking – people pushed
  away images of alcoholic drinks & zoom in
  on non-alcoholic ones – aids therapy
• How to decide an recommending an app
• How and when to ask client to use an app
• Implications of doing this with an app that
  the therapist designed or invented or sells
New Hazards
• Client messaging about things during
  session/activity – distracted? In group is
  there a breach of confidentiality?
• Cell phones can film sessions – Staff
  privacy rights?
• 63% under 30 drove while using hand-held
  phone; 30% texted
• 5,500 people in US were killed in
  distracted driving accidents in 2009
Social Networking Sites
• Facebook -- >500 million users
• 92% of SNS users are on Facebook;
• 50% log in on any given day;
• Facebook – “friend” vs. “deferred”?
• Posts from you, friend, relative, kid
• 29% use MySpace; 18% Linkedin;
• 50 million Twitter – 13% of SNS
Personal Exposure
• CASE 3:Professional has gone through a
  divorce – something his/her clients don’t
  know – they presume he/she is married
• Some clients are working on issues of
  relationship fidelity, etc.
• Professional wants to sign up for a social
  dating site, but is worried that a client will
  be asked about dating them
• What options are there?
More visibility issues
• If you use a family photograph on
  Facebook, even with the highest privacy
  settings people see that photo;
• Even if you don’t show your family to the
  world, friends or family may show your
  photo or a family activity;
• 90% of US physicians are on Facebook or
  Linked in or some social media.
Hazards Never Imagined (for staff
or even clients)
• Happy slapping– assaulting someone while
  others film it (usually on cell phone)
• Sexting – sending racy photos of yourself or
  someone else
• Filming and/or broadcasting a party, or other
• Live broadcast using cell phone or camera
  (privacy invasion case – Tyler Clementi suicide
  at Rutgers – Dharun Ravi, age 19, convicted in
  Feb. 2012. Awaiting sentencing)
Hazards Never Imagined (cont.)
• Fake profiles
• Internet harassment – which can lead to
  great distress the same as any type of
  bullying (1/3 to 1/2 of adolescents?);
• Fake emails & chat screen names– so one
  can harass secretly;
• Massive Defriending– being shut-out by
  groups of friends or classmates on a social
  networking site such as Facebook
Undressing your Friends (or

•, billed
  as “adult image editing
  software” allows you to
  paste someone’s face
  onto a nude body
• “Easily make any
  picture a nude picture
  in minutes”
Cases to lose sleep over
• Draker v. Schreiber(2006, 2008) two
  students created My Space site with fake
  photos trashing Asst. Principal – Anna
  Drakersued them and their parents
  without success;
• Megan Meier, driven to suicide by “Josh,”
  created by the mother of a girl she was
  having a dispute with;
Cases (cont.)
• Ryan Hallingan, middle school student
  with a learning disorder was the focus of
  bullying & suggestions he was gay. He
  hanged himself after a girl who claimed to
  be his friend told him publicly he was a
  “loser” and that she had been pretending
  to be just like him so she could post their
  conversations on line and humiliate him.
Cases (cont.)
• GhyslainRaza, the “Star Wars Kid,” a
  Canadian adolescent made a video in 2002
  pretending to fight with a light saber as a
  school project. Another student posted
  it, adding music, and 900 million saw it on the
  web. Raza was taunted repeatedly and
  dropped out of school. After treatment for
  depression he got support, some from the
  internet, graduated law school, and heads a
  foundation for preservation.
Cases (cont.)
• Jesse Logan, Ohio teenager, sent nude
  pictures of herself to her boyfriend. After
  they broke up he sent them to other girls
  who circulated them on line. She was
  called a slut & ridiculed and started
  skipping school. Jesse went public with
  her story via a TV interview in May
  2008, but two months later hanged
  herself. A classic example of the dangers
  of sexting.
Cases (cont.)
• 4/21/11 Buffalo, NY.Police invade home
  with assault rifles; throw man on floor;
  call him a “pervert” and “pedophile” and
  confiscate all computers and cell phones in
  the house including those of his wife and
  daughter. He did not have a passcode on
  his wireless router and it was utilized by
  someone nearby to download
  pornography. This can be done by
  neighbor, or from a car.
Other networking issues
• Caring Bridge– sites related to illness:
  therapist’s illness?; posting on client’s
• Blogs -- posting responses;
• Sites focused on special interests:
   • Client alerts you to site
   • You encounter client on a site
   • Former client alerts you to site
Google & Net Research
• Should you “Google” a client?
 • Emergency Situation – identity issue;
 • Client denies suicide history but has prior
 • Reality check on claims by client;
 • Checking on criminal justice history;
 • Screening for sex offenders
Google & Net Research (cont.)
• What if the client googles you?
 • Intern entering therapy googles her
   therapist and then wonders if she’s “blown
   it” by doing this.
 • What if they tell you? What if you suspect?
 • Sites that evaluate professionals – YELP has
   >25 million hits a month
Google & Net Research (cont.)
• What about hiring or credentialing process
  – do you google candidates?
• What about interns or candidates for
• Do you disclose this practice?
• If you stumble on information?
• By 2010, 78% of US companies do internet
  searches on applicants; 86% say it
  influences hiring decisions
Google & Net Research (cont.)
• Clients may interact with each
  other, adding complex dynamics to service
• An angry client may create a website
  attacking the counselor, or counseling, or
  the program or therapeutic approach;
• “Googlegangers” – people with same
  name – people can be mistaken about
• Anything on the internet could be false
Google & Net Research (cont.)
• Facebook refuses to shut rape page run by
  schoolboy (Sunday Telegraph,10/17/11)
• Compromise of psychological tests:
 • (Dr. Dobson)
 • Wikipedia entry on the Rorschach which
   shows 10 blots and reveals common
More Internet Research Issues
• Clients & others may research
  medications, treatment methods, etc. on
  the internet. The impact varies with the
  accuracy of what they find.
• Research has shown that searches about
  medications produce different results in
  the US vs. Canada – Canadians are sent to
  Wikipedia & drug company sites first
Professional Ethics: Uncharted
• In certain circumstances there may be a
  good reason to do a search of a client. Steve
  Behnke, APA Monitor, V ol. 41, #7, July 2010
• Googling a patient is not necessarily
  unethical – the key is that if you do it your
  actions should be in the patient’s best
  interest. Psychiatric News, Vol. 44, # 9, May
• Ethical analysis: Examine beneficence, non-
  maleficence, autonomy, fidelity, & justice
  issues before doing it
AMA Policy: Professionalism in
the use of social media
• Refrain from posting patient information
• Privacy settings; monitor internet presence
• Appropriate boundaries with patient
  interactions on internet
• Separate personal & professional content on
• Confront or report unprofessional conduct
  on line
• Can undermine reputation & public trust
Some thoughts
• The internet creates a “small town”or
  ethnic subgroup for all of us;
• With some areas of work such as criminal
  justice, there may be greater challenges –
  clientele, role of security;
• Health care rating sitesare likely to grow
  and include more therapists –,
The Battleground
• Section 230 of the Communications
  Decency Act: internet service providers
  have no accountability for anon. posts;
• This area of law is evolving – some suggest
  having contract with client;
• Firms and approaches are evolving for self-
• Integrity Defendersworks at burying
  negative information w/ positive info.
The Battle Over Criticism
on the Web
• Second year law student Rockstar05
  founded blog Thomas M. Cooley Law
  School Scam
• School sought identity of Rockstar05 to
  sue for defamation – issue is privacy rights
  of internet commentators vs. plaintiffs
• This case was complicated because
  company that hosts blog slipped up and
  revealed his email address
Self protection
• Be aware of your web-presence
 • “Google” yourself
 • If there is false information, contact site
   administrator to get things changed
• Should you control on-line presence by
  expanding it? Should you post your own
• Collegial discussion – develop standards
On line reviews
• It’s hard to know what they mean – they
  are not systematic;
• The data about your work or practice may
  be in error or outdates;
• Many times there are only a few who do a
  review so there can be a heavy influence
  of just a few ratings
• Consumers focus on manner –
  civility, perceived warmth, etc.
Accountability vs. Defamation
• David McKee, Duluth, MN, neurologist
  sued the son of a former patient for
  defamation for statements made on
  websites alleging bad bedside manner in
  the treatment of his father.
• Dr. McKee was called a “real tool” and
  alleged a callous attitude. This is not the
  only such case. It was dismissed although
  the Minnesota Supreme Court is currently
  hearing it.
Consent and Disclosure
• What ground rules will you have for a
  given unit, program, or practice as far as
• If you do “Google” someone, will you
  disclose this to them?
• What rules if any will you ask clients to
  follow as regards the internet?
• Will you ask them to maintain any privacy
  or respect any boundaries?
Communications & Social
Media Policy
• Email: Email only to arrange or modify
  appointments. Do not email content or
  important things we should discuss face to
• Rating or review sites: Info. on them is
  questionable; I cannot respond to them
  and do not need positive ratings; ask me
  about any concerns you have about my
Communications & Social
Media Policy (continued)
• Text messaging: please do not use to contact
  me – leave phone message for time
  changes, etc.; email not as good but at ….
• Internet interaction: do not use wall
  postings or other means of communication
  on the internet – none are private
• Blog or Twitter: I do not follow you on either
  – if there are things you want to share, bring
  them to a session
Communications & Social
Media Policy (continued)
• Friending: It is my practice to not accept
  contact or “friend” requests from clients
  on social networking sites such as
  Facebook or Linkedin. They can
  compromise privacy and also complicate
  our helping relationship.
• Website or Facebook Page: If you have
  questions, bring them in a session. Please
  don’t interact on the internet.
Communications & Social
Media Policy (continued)
• Search Engines:I do not research my
  clients on Google or other search engines.
  There may be occasions where you will
  direct me to look up something related to
  your life or experience, and if so we can
  discuss it at a future meeting. If you
  choose to check me out on the web I
  would note that not all information is
  accurate, and would suggest that we
  discuss anything which you find troubling.
Communications & Social
Media Policy (continued)
• Recording:Unless we have specifically
  discussed it, there will be no recording of
  our meetings or any phone conversation.
  All of our discussions are private.
• Records: I will maintain the records of our
  work together as confidential although
  some billing-related information may be
  communicated securely. Please remember
  that any notes you make can compromise
  your privacy if not carefully protected.
Challenges for Licensure Boards
• Internet services -- How will these new
  areas of knowledge and skills be assessed
  for licensing purposes?
• Will Boards in any way regulate the
  creation of internet – based services?
• In New Zealand there is an elaborate
  website to combat depression in young
Helping Clients or Staff who are
Victims of Cyber bullying
• Clarify what victim wants/needs
• Reinforce that they are not at fault
• Avoid victim-blaming by saying things like
  “you just need to be assertive”
• Assist them in taking any action
• Help with any underlying problems
• Assist in improving healthy relationships

Gary R. Schoener, Licensed Psychologist, M.Eq.
Director of Consultation and Training

2421 Chicago Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

(612) 870-0565 Ext. 107

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Professional Ethics: Facing New Challenges

  • 1. CONSULTATION & TRAINING INSTITUTE Professional Ethics: Facing some new challenges April 5, 2012 Presented by: Gary R. Schoener, M.Eq., Licensed Psychologist Director of Consultation & Training
  • 2. Ethical Framework • Beneficence– doing good; helping • Non-maleficence –avoiding harm • Autonomy – client’s input and role • Fidelity– consistent with what promised • Justice-- welfare of client vs. others (e.g. duty to warn); equitable use of resources – having a basis to proportion them
  • 3. Ethical Decision-Making • It is often not what is ethical vs. unethical, but the comparative ethicality of the options • This involves weighing which principles are best dealt with through one option or another • What are the likely positive vs. negative outcomes of choosing a given course of action?
  • 4. Decision table or chart Positive Outcomes Negative Outcomes Option A ______________ _________________ ______________ _________________ ______________ _________________ Option B ______________ _________________ ______________ _________________ ______________ _________________
  • 5. Electronic records • As of 23 January 2012 US major healthcare information privacy breaches are 19 million records in 385 major HIPAA - reported incidents (each affecting 500 or more) since Sept. 2009 (2 ¼ years) • Minn. Attorney General Lori Swanson has announced a lawsuit against Accretive Health Inc., a debt collection agency, or its role in a breach impacting 20,000 patients at North Memorial Health Care & Fairview Health Services. Data was on an un-encrypted laptop stolen from a parked rental car. • It is recommended that all devices be encrypted, even those which are not supposed to be used to transport data, since people get careless
  • 6. Challenges of private knowledge • CASE 1: You have a case with severe abuse. You visit your sister and notice the family lives next door, and her kids are going over to play in the abuse house. What actions do you take if any? • CASE 2: Your brother brags to you how he fooled child protection into closing a case, by threatening his wife and kids to deny the complaint. What action options are there? What if any should you take?
  • 7. Traditional Boundaries with regard to Information Access • Clienthas access to information about the professional based on published biography or revelations, news items • Professional only has access to information about client from disclosures or access granted through signed releases
  • 8. Variability between staff in community programs • Role – staff who are in the community with client or who spend more time with client • Client expectations depending on role • Do you transport the client? • Recovery groups • Where do you live? • Other areas of social activity, politics
  • 9. Realities of a small community • You and client belong to same church, same social club, same athletic club • Client lives in same building as a friend of yours – what are the issues? • Client interacts with a member of your family, possibly without knowing the connection; • Former client interacts with you or a friend or family
  • 10. Traditional Concepts of Communication • Communication by traditional mail (now called “snail mail”); • Communication by phone during limited business hours; • Leave messages on answering machinesfor later response; • Phone calls private, although a message left might be saved; • Quick response not expected or promised
  • 11. Communication in today’s world • Expectation of being able to connect at all hours, even when professional is away from office, via cell phones, texting, etc. • Same is true for emails; • Emails and text messages create a record; • Emails can be misdirected or examined by others– need to warn people about employer access to work computers
  • 12. Challenges of Cell Phones &Hand-Held Devices • Do you have separate personal & professional phones/blackberry’s, etc? it’s a challenge to have two, but a growing number of programs are providing them • Do you accept or receive calls? Is your number blocked? Will your call be accepted if you are trying to contact client? Can client get your home #?
  • 13. Text Messaging • A growing number of people do texting instead of (or in addition to) emailing; • This is an abbreviated type of message with less information; • This the only way to quickly reach people; • Unlike a phone call, it is silent, so people can receive and view a text without the ring of a phone
  • 14. Text Messaging (continued) • Veterans Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 or text to 838255 • Crisis Connection has a program for texting in 7 counties in northeast Minn. – they are receiving more texts from young people in a day than they previously received as phone calls in a month.
  • 15. Smartphones & Tablets & Apps • The Therapist May See You Anytime, Anywhere (NY Times, 2/13/12) • Cognitive bias modification (CBM)using an app for social anxiety which directs attention away from hostile faces • Nader Amirat San Diego State – 30”/week for anxiety disorder • Daniel Pine at NIMH – 40 children with chronic anxiety
  • 16. Smartphones & Tablets & Apps • European psychologistshave tried a BMP aimed at heavy drinking – people pushed away images of alcoholic drinks & zoom in on non-alcoholic ones – aids therapy • How to decide an recommending an app • How and when to ask client to use an app • Implications of doing this with an app that the therapist designed or invented or sells
  • 17. New Hazards • Client messaging about things during session/activity – distracted? In group is there a breach of confidentiality? • Cell phones can film sessions – Staff privacy rights? • 63% under 30 drove while using hand-held phone; 30% texted • 5,500 people in US were killed in distracted driving accidents in 2009
  • 18. Social Networking Sites • Facebook -- >500 million users • 92% of SNS users are on Facebook; • 50% log in on any given day; • Facebook – “friend” vs. “deferred”? • Posts from you, friend, relative, kid • 29% use MySpace; 18% Linkedin; • 50 million Twitter – 13% of SNS
  • 19. Personal Exposure • CASE 3:Professional has gone through a divorce – something his/her clients don’t know – they presume he/she is married • Some clients are working on issues of relationship fidelity, etc. • Professional wants to sign up for a social dating site, but is worried that a client will be asked about dating them • What options are there?
  • 20. More visibility issues • If you use a family photograph on Facebook, even with the highest privacy settings people see that photo; • Even if you don’t show your family to the world, friends or family may show your photo or a family activity; • 90% of US physicians are on Facebook or Linked in or some social media.
  • 21. Hazards Never Imagined (for staff or even clients) • Happy slapping– assaulting someone while others film it (usually on cell phone) • Sexting – sending racy photos of yourself or someone else • Filming and/or broadcasting a party, or other event • Live broadcast using cell phone or camera (privacy invasion case – Tyler Clementi suicide at Rutgers – Dharun Ravi, age 19, convicted in Feb. 2012. Awaiting sentencing)
  • 22. Hazards Never Imagined (cont.) • Fake profiles • Internet harassment – which can lead to great distress the same as any type of bullying (1/3 to 1/2 of adolescents?); • Fake emails & chat screen names– so one can harass secretly; • Massive Defriending– being shut-out by groups of friends or classmates on a social networking site such as Facebook
  • 23. Undressing your Friends (or enemies) •, billed as “adult image editing software” allows you to paste someone’s face onto a nude body • “Easily make any picture a nude picture in minutes”
  • 24. Cases to lose sleep over • Draker v. Schreiber(2006, 2008) two students created My Space site with fake photos trashing Asst. Principal – Anna Drakersued them and their parents without success; • Megan Meier, driven to suicide by “Josh,” created by the mother of a girl she was having a dispute with;
  • 25. Cases (cont.) • Ryan Hallingan, middle school student with a learning disorder was the focus of bullying & suggestions he was gay. He hanged himself after a girl who claimed to be his friend told him publicly he was a “loser” and that she had been pretending to be just like him so she could post their conversations on line and humiliate him.
  • 26. Cases (cont.) • GhyslainRaza, the “Star Wars Kid,” a Canadian adolescent made a video in 2002 pretending to fight with a light saber as a school project. Another student posted it, adding music, and 900 million saw it on the web. Raza was taunted repeatedly and dropped out of school. After treatment for depression he got support, some from the internet, graduated law school, and heads a foundation for preservation.
  • 27. Cases (cont.) • Jesse Logan, Ohio teenager, sent nude pictures of herself to her boyfriend. After they broke up he sent them to other girls who circulated them on line. She was called a slut & ridiculed and started skipping school. Jesse went public with her story via a TV interview in May 2008, but two months later hanged herself. A classic example of the dangers of sexting.
  • 28. Cases (cont.) • 4/21/11 Buffalo, NY.Police invade home with assault rifles; throw man on floor; call him a “pervert” and “pedophile” and confiscate all computers and cell phones in the house including those of his wife and daughter. He did not have a passcode on his wireless router and it was utilized by someone nearby to download pornography. This can be done by neighbor, or from a car.
  • 29. Other networking issues • Caring Bridge– sites related to illness: therapist’s illness?; posting on client’s bridge?; • Blogs -- posting responses; • Sites focused on special interests: • Client alerts you to site • You encounter client on a site • Former client alerts you to site
  • 30. Google & Net Research • Should you “Google” a client? • Emergency Situation – identity issue; • Client denies suicide history but has prior attempts; • Reality check on claims by client; • Checking on criminal justice history; • Screening for sex offenders
  • 31. Google & Net Research (cont.) • What if the client googles you? • Intern entering therapy googles her therapist and then wonders if she’s “blown it” by doing this. • What if they tell you? What if you suspect? • Sites that evaluate professionals – YELP has >25 million hits a month
  • 32. Google & Net Research (cont.) • What about hiring or credentialing process – do you google candidates? • What about interns or candidates for supervision? • Do you disclose this practice? • If you stumble on information? • By 2010, 78% of US companies do internet searches on applicants; 86% say it influences hiring decisions
  • 33. Google & Net Research (cont.) • Clients may interact with each other, adding complex dynamics to service delivery; • An angry client may create a website attacking the counselor, or counseling, or the program or therapeutic approach; • “Googlegangers” – people with same name – people can be mistaken about identity; • Anything on the internet could be false
  • 34. Google & Net Research (cont.) • Facebook refuses to shut rape page run by schoolboy (Sunday Telegraph,10/17/11) • Compromise of psychological tests: • online • (Dr. Dobson) • Wikipedia entry on the Rorschach which shows 10 blots and reveals common responses
  • 35. More Internet Research Issues • Clients & others may research medications, treatment methods, etc. on the internet. The impact varies with the accuracy of what they find. • Research has shown that searches about medications produce different results in the US vs. Canada – Canadians are sent to Wikipedia & drug company sites first
  • 36. Professional Ethics: Uncharted Territory • In certain circumstances there may be a good reason to do a search of a client. Steve Behnke, APA Monitor, V ol. 41, #7, July 2010 • Googling a patient is not necessarily unethical – the key is that if you do it your actions should be in the patient’s best interest. Psychiatric News, Vol. 44, # 9, May 2009 • Ethical analysis: Examine beneficence, non- maleficence, autonomy, fidelity, & justice issues before doing it
  • 37. AMA Policy: Professionalism in the use of social media • Refrain from posting patient information • Privacy settings; monitor internet presence • Appropriate boundaries with patient interactions on internet • Separate personal & professional content on line; • Confront or report unprofessional conduct on line • Can undermine reputation & public trust
  • 38. Some thoughts • The internet creates a “small town”or ethnic subgroup for all of us; • With some areas of work such as criminal justice, there may be greater challenges – clientele, role of security; • Health care rating sitesare likely to grow and include more therapists –,
  • 39. The Battleground • Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: internet service providers have no accountability for anon. posts; • This area of law is evolving – some suggest having contract with client; • Firms and approaches are evolving for self- defense • Integrity Defendersworks at burying negative information w/ positive info.
  • 40. The Battle Over Criticism on the Web • Second year law student Rockstar05 founded blog Thomas M. Cooley Law School Scam • School sought identity of Rockstar05 to sue for defamation – issue is privacy rights of internet commentators vs. plaintiffs • This case was complicated because company that hosts blog slipped up and revealed his email address
  • 41. Self protection • Be aware of your web-presence • “Google” yourself • If there is false information, contact site administrator to get things changed • Should you control on-line presence by expanding it? Should you post your own • Collegial discussion – develop standards
  • 42. On line reviews • It’s hard to know what they mean – they are not systematic; • The data about your work or practice may be in error or outdates; • Many times there are only a few who do a review so there can be a heavy influence of just a few ratings • Consumers focus on manner – civility, perceived warmth, etc.
  • 43. Accountability vs. Defamation • David McKee, Duluth, MN, neurologist sued the son of a former patient for defamation for statements made on websites alleging bad bedside manner in the treatment of his father. • Dr. McKee was called a “real tool” and alleged a callous attitude. This is not the only such case. It was dismissed although the Minnesota Supreme Court is currently hearing it.
  • 44. Consent and Disclosure • What ground rules will you have for a given unit, program, or practice as far as googling? • If you do “Google” someone, will you disclose this to them? • What rules if any will you ask clients to follow as regards the internet? • Will you ask them to maintain any privacy or respect any boundaries?
  • 45. Communications & Social Media Policy • Email: Email only to arrange or modify appointments. Do not email content or important things we should discuss face to face….. • Rating or review sites: Info. on them is questionable; I cannot respond to them and do not need positive ratings; ask me about any concerns you have about my services.
  • 46. Communications & Social Media Policy (continued) • Text messaging: please do not use to contact me – leave phone message for time changes, etc.; email not as good but at …. • Internet interaction: do not use wall postings or other means of communication on the internet – none are private • Blog or Twitter: I do not follow you on either – if there are things you want to share, bring them to a session
  • 47. Communications & Social Media Policy (continued) • Friending: It is my practice to not accept contact or “friend” requests from clients on social networking sites such as Facebook or Linkedin. They can compromise privacy and also complicate our helping relationship. • Website or Facebook Page: If you have questions, bring them in a session. Please don’t interact on the internet.
  • 48. Communications & Social Media Policy (continued) • Search Engines:I do not research my clients on Google or other search engines. There may be occasions where you will direct me to look up something related to your life or experience, and if so we can discuss it at a future meeting. If you choose to check me out on the web I would note that not all information is accurate, and would suggest that we discuss anything which you find troubling.
  • 49. Communications & Social Media Policy (continued) • Recording:Unless we have specifically discussed it, there will be no recording of our meetings or any phone conversation. All of our discussions are private. • Records: I will maintain the records of our work together as confidential although some billing-related information may be communicated securely. Please remember that any notes you make can compromise your privacy if not carefully protected.
  • 50. Challenges for Licensure Boards • Internet services -- How will these new areas of knowledge and skills be assessed for licensing purposes? • Will Boards in any way regulate the creation of internet – based services? • In New Zealand there is an elaborate website to combat depression in young people:
  • 51. Helping Clients or Staff who are Victims of Cyber bullying • Clarify what victim wants/needs • Reinforce that they are not at fault • Avoid victim-blaming by saying things like “you just need to be assertive” • Assist them in taking any action • Help with any underlying problems • Assist in improving healthy relationships
  • 52.
  • 53. CONSULTATION & TRAINING INSTITUTE Gary R. Schoener, Licensed Psychologist, M.Eq. Director of Consultation and Training 2421 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 870-0565 Ext. 107