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Sonographic diagnosis of
• First sonographic
evidence: 24 days
postfertilization =
intrauterine gestational
sac (5th week gestation
sac visualized within
the uterine corpus as
an echogenic ring with
a hypoechoic interior)
The sac is measured inside the
hyperechoic rim, including only the echo-
free space.
• The GS is imaged first in
the longitudinal plane,
obtaining long axis and AP
perpendicular to each
other. Then, in the
transverse plane at the
level of the anteroposterior
measurement, the width
measurement is obtained.
• Measurements are
averaged to obtain the GS
mean diameter.
Development in the 1st trimester
• 6 to 8 weeks embryo appears as a
uniform echogenic structure within the
gestational sac.
• 8th week: A head and trunk can be
identified. (Head/Trunk ratio : 50%)
• The physiological umbilical hernia may
be seen in few cases.
• 9th week: Evidence of limbs.
• 11th week: Increased differentiation of
the skull, trunk, limbs and of the organ
systems established during the
embryonic period, with progressive
ossification the skull is recognized as
consisting of a frontal bone, orbits,
maxilla and mandible.
• by the 12th week, the fetal spine
• Accurate date
pregnancy between 7
and 13 weeks'
• Measurement of the
fetal length from the tip
of the cephalic pole to
the tip of the caudal
• The fetus should be at
rest and assuming its
natural curvature.
Technical factors can lead to
errors in CRL measurements.
• Limbs in the CRL measurement,
• Excessive curling or extension of
the fetus,
• Tangential incorporation of the
yolk sac .
Yolk Sac:
• Appears by the 6th or 7th
week as an echogenic sac
like structure located close to
the embryo within the
gestational sac.
• Its diameter increases from 3
mm in the 7th week to 6 mm
in the 11th.
Corpus Luteum of Pregnancy:
• Can be seen in the early
pregnancy as a smooth
bordered hypoechoic cystic
mass next to the uterus.
• It usually disappears by the
16th week.
Funneling & short cervix
Nuchal translucency
Abnormal nuchal translucency
3-4 weeks Implantation bleeding Perhaps some fluid in
endometrial cavity.
Gestational sac not visible at
this stage
5-20 weeks Missed abortion Visible embryo. No embryonic
activity. Perhaps
disorganization of gestational
sac and embryo
5-20 weeks Incomplete abortion Some retained products of
conception are nonspecific
disorganized material
10-20 weeks Early subchorionic
hematoma; placental
A fairly common occurrence.
Usually echo-poor crescentic
fluid collection beside
gestational sac. Embryo
usually alive
5-20 weeks Other Ectopic pregnancy
Hydatidiform mole
Cervical lesions (not usually
detected with ultrasound)
Poor Outcome gestational sac
• Abnormal gestational sac size .
• Distorted sac shape .
• Thin weakly echogenic decidual reaction .
• Low position in endometrial cavity .
Unhealthy GS
Unhealthy sac
Is the gestational sac normally located in the
endometrial cavity near the fundus•?
Blighted ovum
• A better term for blighted
ovum is anembryonic
gestation. The very early
embryo succumbs for
some reason (at 4-5
• Where the diagnosis is
not certain (the size of the
sac is at a borderline size
for identification of the
embryo), a repeat scan
should be performed in
approximately one week
Blighted ovum
Missed abortion
Gestational trophoblastic
disease (GTD)
• A spectrum of disorders that can develop in
subsequent pregnancy.
• Hydatidiform mole is the most common
manifestation, representing 85% of cases.
Hydatidiform mole is noninvasive and remains
confined to the endometrium.
• Choriadenoma destruens is a locally invasive
(myometrium) manifestation that represents
13% of cases of GTD.
• Two percent of cases are described as
choriocarcinoma, which is locally invasive
(myometrium and parametrium).
Choriocarcinoma is also highly malignant,
spreading hematogenously to the lungs, brain,
liver, kidneys, bones, and GI tract
Vesicular mole
• The uterus may appear
enlarged and filled with a
hyperechoic mass with
many cystic structures.
• The cysts measure 1 - 2
mm. and may not be seen
sonographically. During the
2nd trimester, the cysts
enlarge to approximately 2
cm. in diameter
Suspected Ectopic gestation
• Specific feature: living embryo in adnexa .
• Non specific (correlate with b-HCG) :
 Empty uterus .
 Pseudo-gestational sac of ectopic pregnancy .
 Particulate ascites .
 Adnexal mass .
 Ectopic tubal ring .
Empty uterus
Non disrupted ectopic
Ovarian ectopic
Retained products of conception
Subchorionic haematoma
Abdominal pregnancy
• In an ectopic pregnancy, the
fertilized egg may implant in:
– One of the fallopian tubes.
About 99% of ectopic
pregnancies occur in a
fallopian tube.2
– One of the ovaries (very
– The cervix (very rare).
• The abdomen. This occurs in
just over 1% of ectopic
pregnancies.2 Although
extremely rare, there are
reports of women developing
abdominal ectopic
pregnancies after having a
Rare types
Interstitial pregnancy Hetertropic pregnancy
• May arise from
fertilization of:
Two separate ova
(Dizygotic (DZ),
fraternal )
Single fertilized
dentical Twins)
• Assessment of viability.
• Chorionicity and amnionicity.
(DZ)>Dichorionic Diamniotic
(MZ)> depend on stage of division:
MC/DA > most common(70%).
MC/MA > incidence of conjoined
Chorionicity and amnionicity
Delta or lumda sign in
DCDA T sign in MCDA
Multiple gestation
• Transvaginal view of
an 8 week twin
• There is a normal
fetal pole in each sac,
and each sac has a
normal echogenic
trophoblastic rim.
Conjoined twins
Twin Gestation
• Incidence of congenital anomalies appears
to be twice as common than in singleton
• Major malformation 2.1% in twins, 1.05%
in single fetus.
• Increased rate of anomalies in
monozygotic twins .
Multiple pregnancy
From the 2nd
trimester on,
examination should
begin with a
longitudinal survey
scan for general
orientation before
proceeding to more
selective and
detailed views.
Symmetrical growth curve
Cranial structures to note
• Head shape.
• Bone density .
• Ventricular system size and appearance.
• Cavum septum pellucidum .
• Thalami
• Cerebellum and vermis
• Cysterna magna
• Nuchal fold .
12 weeks GA
anatomy • The transventricular view is used
for measurement of the
biparietal diameter (BPD), head
circumference (HC), and width of
the ventricles.
• The transcerebellar (or
suboccipitobregmatic) view allows
examination of the mid-brain and
posterior fossa; this view is used
for measurement of the
transverse cerebellar diameter
(TCD) and cisterna magna (CM).
Trans ventricular
• Measurement is obtained at the level of the
glomus of the choroid plexus, perpendicular to
the ventricular cavity with the calipers inside the
echoes generated by the lateral walls .
• The measurement is stable in the second and
early third trimesters, with a mean diameter of
6–8 mm and is considered normal when less
than 10 mm .. At mid gestation a value of 10.0
mm or greater should be considered suspicious
15 weeks GA
The depth of the cisterna
• measured between
the cerebellar vermis
and the internal side
of the occipital bone
is usually 2–10 mm
(Mahony, 1988). With
slightly larger than 10
mm may be
Acrania- Anencephaly-
• Incidence :1/1000
• Errors of dorsal
• Failure of closure of
neural tube at cranial
• Absence of brain and
vault : frog like
Meckel Gruber syndrome
Exencephaly :
• Amorphus mass
resembling brain
structures uncovered
by bone .
• Facial structures and
orbits are present
• Spinal and CNS
abnormalities .
• Polyhydramnious
Exencephaly 12 weeks
Exencephaly 20 weeks
• 1in 2000
• cranial defect with
varying degrees of
brain herniation.
• most cases occurring
in the occipital and
(less commonly)
frontal regions.
• The mass may be
purely cystic, or it can
contain echoes from
brain tissue.
Occipital encephalocele
• Holoprosencephaly is a complex abnormality of the
forebrain resulted from failure in the diverticulation of the
prosencephalon. It is classified in three major varieties:
• Alobar: single primitive ventricle; fused thalami; absence
of the third ventricle, neurohypophysis, olfatory bulbs
and the head is generally small;
• Semilobar: the two cerebral hemispheres are partially
• Lobar: the interhemispheric fissure is well developed
posteriorly and anteriorly, but there is still a variable
degree of fusion of the cyngulate gyrus and the lateral
ventricles and absence of the septum pellucidum.
• Chromosomal abnormality has been associated,
specially trisomy 13, but maternal infections and paternal
toxic exposures also can be implicated. All kinds of
holoprosencephaly can be diagnosed by ultrasound.
• Associated anomalies:
Holo-pros-encephaly, cephalocele,
disgenesis of corpus callosum, cerebellar
hypoplasia, atresia of third ven-tricle,
midline proboscis, hypoplastic tongue,
tracheoesophageal fis-tula, cardiac
anomalies, and adrenal hypoplasia.
F, 24 y, 0000, negative consanguinity, no general
disease, discovered at 27weeks GA
Fetal brain
Fetal brain 3D
Fetal face
Associated anomalies
F, 28Y, 0000, negative consanguinity ,No
general disease ,discovered to have poly
hydraminos at 36 weeks , 2D &4D US
MRI fetal brain
Differential diagnosis
• The most common diagnostic problem is
differentiation among :
• Hydranencephaly.
• Schizencephaly .
• Extreme hydrocephalus.
• Alobar holoprosencephaly
• Porencephaly.
• Some spared cortical mantle should still be
seen with porencephaly and alobar
• 1-2.5:10,000 births
• Absence of the cerebral hemispheres with an incomplete
or absent falx and a sac-like structure containing
cerebral spinal fluid surrounding the brainstem and basal
• Clefts in the cerebral
mantle (usually
bilateral), lined by pia-
ependyma, with
between the
ventricles and
subarachnoid space.
Choroid plexus cyst
• 0.4-3.6% , usually
isolated finding .
• Resolve by 22—26 GA.
• May be associated with
aneuploidy, trisomy
• Size 0.3– 2cm
• Unilateral bilateral
solitary or multiple
Arnold chiari
Vermian agenesis
use of three-dimensional (3D)
• Evaluation of the fetal face is well established. The
advantages over standard 2D ultrasound include the
visualization of scanning planes that are physically
impossible or very difficult to obtain, the
demonstration of the surface of the face, and the
possibility of having panoramic views.
• The limitations of the technique are the same as for
2D sonograms. If the fetal face is not accessible or
there is not a pocket of amniotic fluid separating the
face from the surrounding structures, 3D willbe of
little help
3D face US
Cleft lip
Skeleton mode to see palate
• Referred to as the Robin anomalad, which may be a
sporadic isolated finding (in about 40% of cases) or
may be associated with other anomalies or with
recognized genetic and non-genetic syndromes
including Treacher Collins, Robin and Robert
syndromes, Cornelia de Lange syndrome,
chromosomal abnormalities (mainly trisomy 18 and
triploidy) and teratogen exposure
• Suspected in the presence of
an abnormal skull shape
Failure to visualize the
sutures that are normally seen
as linear interruptions of the
echogenic calvarium
increases the index of
• Recent reports on 3D
ultrasound suggest that this
technique may be valuable in
the diagnosis of
• Fetal yawning and
smiling as a marker of
fetal neurobehavior or
Male sex
Fetal echocardiography
• The five axial views in the normal
cardiac examination.
• In the lower image the situs is
• The plane above is the 4-
chamber view (4CV).
• More cephalic is the left and right
outflow tract.
• The highest plane is the arches
at the 3-vessel and trachea (3VT)
view. (From Yagel S, Cohen SM,
Achiron R. Obstet Gynecol
Fetal Heart
Multi cystic dysplastic
Isolated ascites
Abdominal wall abnormalities
Abdominal wall abnormalities
The following are features of body
stalk anomaly
• The typical ultrasound features are
• major abdominal wall defect.
• severe kyphoscoliosis.
• neural tube defect.
• limb abnormalities.
• malformed umbilical cord
• Absence of umbilicus and unbilical cord and
adherence of the placenta to the herniated
viscera through large anterior wall defect and
reduced amniotic fluid render foetus immobile
Body stalk anomaly
• Limb buds are first seen by ultrasound
at about the 8th week of gestation; the
femur and humerus are seen from 9
weeks, the tibia/fibula and radius/ulna
from 10 weeks and the digits of the
hands and the feet from 11 weeks.
• Body movements (wiggling) are seen
at 9 weeks and, by 11 weeks, limbs
move about readily.
• . At the 18–23-week scan, the three
segments of each extremity should be
visualized, but it is only necessary to
measure the length of one femur.
Development of upper& lower
Skeletal abnormalities
• Asymmetry .
• Dysplasias .
• Contractures.
• Fractures.
• Duplications
• reductions
Malformation of fetal skeleton can
be classified into two major
Generalized type : multiple bones
are involved .
Focal type : a variable pattern both
in distribution and extent in
involvement.(Bowerman, 1995)
Nonlethal Dwarfism
1. Achondroplasia.
2. Asphyxiating thoracic
dysplasia (jeune syndrome).
3. Chondroectodermal dysplasia
(Ellis-van Creveld syndrome).
4. chondrodysplasia punctata.
5. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia.
6. Diastrophic dwarfism.
7. Metatrophic dwarfism.
8. Hypochondroplasia.
Lethal Bone Dysplasia
(in order of frequency)
1. Thanatophoric dysplasia
2. Osteogenesis imperfecta,
type II.
3. Achondrogenesis type I + II.
Jeune syndrome (may be
4. Hypophosphatasia,
congenital lethal
dysplasia (usually nonlethal).
5. Chondrodysplasia punctata,
rhizomelic type.
6. Camptomelic dysplasia.
7. Short rib
8. Homozygous achondroplasia.
• Routine conventional ultrasound is the main
prenatal screening method for skeletal
disorders, identifying abnormalities of fetal
bones (De Pellegrin et al., 2000).
• Detection of a shortended femur is the most
common indication that a skeletal dysplasia may
be present
• Examination of all extremities will confirm
generalized involvement and help establish a
differential diagnosis.
• The cranium and facies are evaluated
subjectively for facial dysmorphism. The limbs
are evaluated for rhizomelia, mesomelia and
acromelia, bowing and mineralization patterns.
Hands and feet are evaluated for relative size,
posturing and configuration of the phalanges.
The axial skeleton is inspected subjectively for
mineralization patterns, platyspondyly and rib
shape and length (Krakow et al., 2003).
Club foot
Thantophoric dysplasia
Pregnant female 18 weeks GA
Achondogenesis IA
Normal Sonographic Placental
• Sonographic pattern of the placenta changes
from a series of small white specules at around
8weeks gestation to a granular appearance by
10 weeks gestation.
• In the second trimester it becomes homogenous
with a non calcified texture.
• At about 20-24weeks, some echo free spaces
within the placental substance develop and
enlarge as pregnancy advances.
• After 36 weeks, the spaces becomes more
apparent and they are separated by wide
calcified areas of inter -cotyledons septa.
Placental grading
Grade I
Grade III
Grade II
Placental Abnormalities
 Abnormal Shape or Implantation
 Degenerative Placental Lesions
 Circulatory Disturbances
 Hypertropic Placental Abnormalities
 Placental Inflammation
 Tumors of the Placenta
Variant placental shapes
• include bilobed,
• succenturiate,
• Circumvallate
• placenta
Placental localization.
• US has become
indispensable in the
localization of the site of
the placenta and
determining its lower
edges, thus making a
diagnosis or an exclusion
of placenta previa.
• Other placental
abnormalities in
conditions such as
diabetes, fetal hydrops,
Rh isoimmunization and
severe intrauterine
growth retardation can
also be assessed.
What is the position of the
• At about 7-8 weeks the
chorion frondosum begins
to thicken and form a
recognizable placenta. It
covers a large area in the
uterus at this stage. For
this reason it is best to
not try to diagnose
placenta previa
before10-12 weeks.
Placenta accreta
There are multiple variants, defined by the depth of
their attachment to uterine wall:
• Placenta accreta (75%) :An invasion of the
myometrium which does not penetrate the entire
thickness of the muscle.
• Placenta increta (17%) : Occurs when the
placenta further extends into the myometrium,
penetrating the muscle.
• Placenta percreta 5-7%: The worst form , the
placenta penetrates the entire myometrium to the
uterine serosa (invades through entire uterine
wall). This variant can lead to the placenta
attaching to other organs such as the rectum or
bladder[David Miller ,2004].
Placenta accreta
Risk factors
• The condition affects around 10% of cases of placenta
• Increased in incidence by the presence of scar tissue
i.e. Asherman's syndrome usually from past uterine
surgery, especially from a past Dilation and curettage,[3]
(which is used for many indications including
miscarriage, termination, and postpartum hemorrhaging),
myomectomy,[4] or caesarean section.
• A thin decidua can also be a contributing factor to such
trophoblastic invasion. Some studies suggest that the
rate of incidence is higher when the fetus is female.[5]
PA is a clinical and diagnostic
• Ultrasonography (US) remains the
diagnostic standard, and routine US
examination at 18–20 weeks gestation
affords an ideal opportunity to screen for
the disorder. Placental lacunae and
abnormal color Doppler imaging patterns
are the most helpful US markers for PA
Normal placental interface
• a) Transverse transabdominal
US image shows the hyperechoic
placenta (*) surrounded by the
hypoechoic myometrium
• (b) Sagittal transabdominal US
image shows a thin, hypoechoic
line (arrowheads) at the inner
aspect of the myometrium
representing a subplacental clear
• (c) Sagittal transabdominal US
image shows a normal organized
pattern of subplacental blood flow
that parallels the myometrium.
US Findings in PA
• Placenta previa
• Placental lacunae with turbulent flow
• Irregular bladder wall with extensive
• vascularity
• Loss of retroplacental clear space
• Myometrial thickness <1 mm or loss of
• of the myometrium
• Gap in the retroplacental blood flow
Placental lacunae.
(a) Transverse transvaginal US image shows multiple
tortuous hypoechoic structures within the placenta.
(b) Transverse transabdominal Doppler US image helps
confirm that the hypoechoic spaces are vascular and
therefore represent placental lacunae.
Colour Doppler
Sagittal transabdominal US image shows a gap in
the myometrial blood flow in the lower
uterine segment.
Placenta Previa
Subchorionic haematoma
Amniotic fluid index
– The volume of the amniotic fluid is
evaluated by visually dividing the
mother's abdomen into 4
quadrants. The largest vertical
pocket of fluid is measured in
centimeters. The total volume is
calculated by multiplying this value
by 4.
– Polyhydramnios is usually defined
as an amniotic fluid index (AFI)
more than 24 cm or a single pocket
of fluid at least 8 cm in deep that
results in more than 2000 mL of
– Oligohydramnios is sonographically
defined as an AFI less than 7 cm or
the absence of a fluid pocket 2-3
cm in depth
Hydramnios and
• Excessive or decreased amount of liquor
(amniotic fluid) can be clearly depicted by
ultrasound. Both of these conditions can
have adverse effects on the fetus.
• In both these situations, careful
ultrasound examination should be made to
exclude intraulterine growth retardation
and congenital malformation in the fetus
such as intestinal atresia, hydrops fetalis
or renal dysplasia
Turbid liqour
• The normal colon is
visible in late pregnancy.
• Haustrations within the
colon can be seen from
about 30 weeks, and
peristalsis can be
frequently observed.
• Large bowel obstruction
should be suspected if its
internal diameter
measures 20 mm or
Lung maturity
Hypolpastic lung
Diagnosis of fetal malformation
• Many structural abnormalities in the fetus can be reliably
diagnosed by an ultrasound scan, and these can usually
be made before 20 weeks. Common examples include
hydrocephalus, anencephaly, myelomeningocoele,
achondroplasia and other dwarfism, spina bifida,
exomphalos, Gastroschisis, duodenal atresia and fetal
• With more recent equipment, conditions such as cleft
lips/ palate and congenital cardiac abnormalities are
more readily diagnosed and at an earlier gestational age.
• First trimester ultrasonic 'soft' markers for chromosomal
abnormalities such as the absence of fetal nasal bone,
an increased fetal nuchal translucency (the area at the
back of the neck) are now in common use to enable
detection of Down syndrome fetuses
Causes of hydrops fetalis
• Immune :RH factors
• Non immune :
• Cardiovascular
• Pulmonary :diaphragmatic hernia ,CAM
,chylothorax , pulmonary sequestration .
• Chromosomal :trisomy21 ,turner syndrome ,
triploidy .
• Hematologic : thalassemia
• Infections :Torch
• Neoplastic : neuroblastoma teratoma and
congenital leukemia
• Liver :hepatic fibrosis , haemangio-
endothelioma , hepatic vascular
• Metabolic : Gaucher , gangliosidosis
,hurler syndrome ,mucolipidosis .
• Skeletal
• Muscular ;e.g arthrogryposis multiplex
• Syndomes
• Materal :severe anemia , hypoproteinemia
Fetal hydrops
• Biophysical profile (BPP)
– Described by Manning (1980)
– The number of biophysical activities that could
be recorded increased with real time
• Fetal movement (FM)
• Fetal tone (FT)
• Fetal breathing movements (FB)
• Amniotic fluid volume (AFV)
• Biophysical profile (BPP) – variables
– NST: reactive – as described earlier.
– FBM: present - at least 1 episode of at least 30
seconds duration (within a 30 minute period).
– FM: present - at least 3 discrete episodes.
– FT: normal - at least 1 episode of extension of
extremities or spine with return to flexion.
– AFV: normal – largest pocket of fluid greater than 1
cm in vertical diameter.
• Biophysical profile (BPP)
– Each variable
• When normal: 2
• When abnormal: 0
– Highest Score: 10, Lowest Score: 0
– Accuracy improved by increasing the number
of variables assessed.
– Overall false negative rate: 0.6/1000
• REACTIVE Repeat test weekly
• EQUIVOCAL :Stimulate movements with
motion, sound, or glucose drink
• SUSPICIOUS Repeat : test within 24 hours
• NON-REACTIVE : Consider other tests of
fetal wellbeing and consider
gestation re delivery
(Score = 2)
(Score = 0)
Fetal breathing movements 1 or more episodes of >20 s within
30 min
Absent or no episode of >20 s
within 30 min
Gross body movements 2 or more discrete body/ limb
movements within 30 min
(episodes of active continuous
movement considered as a single
<2 episodes of body/limb
movements within 30 min
Fetal tone 1 or more episodes of active
extension with return to flexion of
fetal limb(s) or trunk (opening and
closing of hand considered normal
Slow extension with return to partial
flexion, movement of limb in full
extension, absent fetal movement,
or partially open fetal hand
Reactive FHR 2 or more episodes of acceleration
of >15 bmp* and of >15 s
associated with fetal movement
within 20 min
1 or more episodes of acceleration
of fetal heart rate or acceleration of
<15 bmp within 20 min
Qualitative AFV 1 or more pockets of fluid
measuring >2 cm in vertical axis
Either no pockets or largest pocket
<2 cm in vertical axis
Fetal Doppler
Fetal arterial Doppler
Umbilical arterial circulation
• The umbilical arterial circulation is normally a low
impedance circulation , with an increase in the amount
of end diastolic flow with advancing gestation .
• Umbilical arterial Doppler waveforms reflect the status
of the placental circulation, and the increase in end
diastolic flow that is seen with advancing gestation is a
direct result of an increase in the number of tertiary stem
villi that takes place with placental maturation.
• Diseases that obliterate small muscular arteries in
placental tertiary stem villi result in a progressive
decrease in end-diastolic flow in the umbilical arterial
Doppler waveforms until absent, and then reverse flow
during diastole is noted
:Normal umbilical cord
in long axis, the cord may be seen as a
series of parallel lines
short axis the arteries and
umbilical vein may be seen as
three separately circular lucencies
Color Doppler image will
demonstrate one color in vein
and another in the arteries
Umbilical Cord Abnormalities
 Single umbilical artery( SUA): Absence of an
umbilical artery is believed to be present in
1% of all live births. This condition is frequently
referred to as a two vessel cord.
 Origins include:
Primary agenesis of one of the arteries
Secondary atrophy of a previously present artery
Persistence of the original, single embryonic
 Is associated with other fetal anomalies 25 -50% of the time. For
this reason,prenatal discovery of an absent umbilical artery
should prompt a thorough survey of the fetal anatomy.
 Commonly associated abnormalities include:
Trisomies 13 and 18
GU anomalies
CNS anomalies
Cardiac anomalies
VATER anomalies (Vertebral, Anal atresia, Tracheo-
esophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Radial aplasia, Renal
Sonographic findings
Absence of an umbilical
Two vessel cord
Care should be taken to
obtain a true transverse
section through the
When present, a
thorough examination of
fetal anatomy should be
Umbilical cord cysts
Omphalo-mesenteric duct cyst: A cystic
lesion of the umbilical cord due to the
persistence and dilatation of the embryonic
omphalo-mesenteric duct. The cysts are
generally located close to the fetus and vary
greatly in size.
Allantoic cyst: Cystic dilatation of the
primitive embryonic allantois.Usually small
and located within the cord away from the fetal
Umbilical cord cyst
Sonographic findings:
Demonstration of an
umbilical cord cyst
Absence of blood flow
demonstrated by
Differentiation between
the two types is not
usually possible and is of
 no clinical significance
Cord loop around neck
Uterine artery
terEarly 2nd
Late 2nd & 3rd
Uterine artery at 24 weeks
Normal Abnormal
Umbilical artery
• Doppler waveforms of the
umbilical arteries can be
obtained from any
segment along the
umbilical cord.
• Waveforms obtained
from the placental end of
the cord show more end
diastolic flow than
waveforms obtained from
the abdominal cord
Fetal MCA
UA& MCA Doppler
Fibroid with pregnancy
Ov mass with pregnancy
The lower uterine segment
• Uterine dehiscence and rupture
• Pitfalls in assessing cervical length and
• Placental imaging in the lower uterine
segment : Placenta previa : Placenta
accreta, increta, and percreta
• Leiomyomas in the lower uterine segment
Ectopic pregnancy in the uterine scar
Uterine scar
Caesarian scar complications
Cervical leimyoma
Conditions Causing Acute Abdomen During
Prof Soha Talaat  Cairo university :obstetric US

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Prof Soha Talaat Cairo university :obstetric US

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Sonographic diagnosis of pregnancy • First sonographic evidence: 24 days postfertilization = intrauterine gestational sac (5th week gestation sac visualized within the uterine corpus as an echogenic ring with a hypoechoic interior)
  • 4. The sac is measured inside the hyperechoic rim, including only the echo- free space. • The GS is imaged first in the longitudinal plane, obtaining long axis and AP measurements perpendicular to each other. Then, in the transverse plane at the level of the anteroposterior measurement, the width measurement is obtained. • Measurements are averaged to obtain the GS mean diameter.
  • 5.
  • 6. Development in the 1st trimester Embryo: • 6 to 8 weeks embryo appears as a uniform echogenic structure within the gestational sac. • 8th week: A head and trunk can be identified. (Head/Trunk ratio : 50%) • The physiological umbilical hernia may be seen in few cases. • 9th week: Evidence of limbs. • 11th week: Increased differentiation of the skull, trunk, limbs and of the organ systems established during the embryonic period, with progressive ossification the skull is recognized as consisting of a frontal bone, orbits, maxilla and mandible. • by the 12th week, the fetal spine
  • 7. CROWN RUMP LENGTH(CRL) • Accurate date pregnancy between 7 and 13 weeks' gestation. • Measurement of the fetal length from the tip of the cephalic pole to the tip of the caudal pole. • The fetus should be at rest and assuming its natural curvature.
  • 8. Technical factors can lead to errors in CRL measurements. • Limbs in the CRL measurement, • Excessive curling or extension of the fetus, • Tangential incorporation of the yolk sac .
  • 9. CRL
  • 10. Yolk Sac: • Appears by the 6th or 7th week as an echogenic sac like structure located close to the embryo within the gestational sac. • Its diameter increases from 3 mm in the 7th week to 6 mm in the 11th. Corpus Luteum of Pregnancy: • Can be seen in the early pregnancy as a smooth bordered hypoechoic cystic mass next to the uterus. • It usually disappears by the 16th week.
  • 16.
  • 17. FIRST TRIMESTER BLEEDING 3-4 weeks Implantation bleeding Perhaps some fluid in endometrial cavity. Gestational sac not visible at this stage 5-20 weeks Missed abortion Visible embryo. No embryonic activity. Perhaps disorganization of gestational sac and embryo 5-20 weeks Incomplete abortion Some retained products of conception are nonspecific disorganized material 10-20 weeks Early subchorionic hematoma; placental abruption A fairly common occurrence. Usually echo-poor crescentic fluid collection beside gestational sac. Embryo usually alive 5-20 weeks Other Ectopic pregnancy Hydatidiform mole Cervical lesions (not usually detected with ultrasound)
  • 18. Poor Outcome gestational sac criteria • Abnormal gestational sac size . • Distorted sac shape . • Thin weakly echogenic decidual reaction . • Low position in endometrial cavity .
  • 21. Is the gestational sac normally located in the endometrial cavity near the fundus•?
  • 22. Blighted ovum • A better term for blighted ovum is anembryonic gestation. The very early embryo succumbs for some reason (at 4-5 weeks). • Where the diagnosis is not certain (the size of the sac is at a borderline size for identification of the embryo), a repeat scan should be performed in approximately one week
  • 25. Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) • A spectrum of disorders that can develop in subsequent pregnancy. • Hydatidiform mole is the most common manifestation, representing 85% of cases. Hydatidiform mole is noninvasive and remains confined to the endometrium. • Choriadenoma destruens is a locally invasive (myometrium) manifestation that represents 13% of cases of GTD. • Two percent of cases are described as choriocarcinoma, which is locally invasive (myometrium and parametrium). Choriocarcinoma is also highly malignant, spreading hematogenously to the lungs, brain, liver, kidneys, bones, and GI tract
  • 26. Vesicular mole • The uterus may appear enlarged and filled with a hyperechoic mass with many cystic structures. • The cysts measure 1 - 2 mm. and may not be seen sonographically. During the 2nd trimester, the cysts enlarge to approximately 2 cm. in diameter
  • 27. TVS
  • 28. Suspected Ectopic gestation • Specific feature: living embryo in adnexa . • Non specific (correlate with b-HCG) :  Empty uterus .  Pseudo-gestational sac of ectopic pregnancy .  Particulate ascites .  Adnexal mass .  Ectopic tubal ring .
  • 31.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Retained products of conception
  • 38. Abdominal pregnancy • In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg may implant in: – One of the fallopian tubes. About 99% of ectopic pregnancies occur in a fallopian tube.2 – One of the ovaries (very rare). – The cervix (very rare). • The abdomen. This occurs in just over 1% of ectopic pregnancies.2 Although extremely rare, there are reports of women developing abdominal ectopic pregnancies after having a hysterectomy.5
  • 39. Rare types Interstitial pregnancy Hetertropic pregnancy
  • 40. Twins • May arise from fertilization of: Two separate ova (Dizygotic (DZ), fraternal ) Single fertilized ovum (Monozygotic(MZ),i dentical Twins)
  • 41. Twins • Assessment of viability. • Chorionicity and amnionicity. (DZ)>Dichorionic Diamniotic (MZ)> depend on stage of division: DC/DA MC/DA > most common(70%). MC/MA > incidence of conjoined twins.
  • 42. Chorionicity and amnionicity Delta or lumda sign in DCDA T sign in MCDA
  • 43. Multiple gestation • Transvaginal view of an 8 week twin intrauterine pregnancy. • There is a normal fetal pole in each sac, and each sac has a normal echogenic trophoblastic rim.
  • 44.
  • 45. 2D US
  • 46.
  • 49. 3D US
  • 50.
  • 51. Twin Gestation • Incidence of congenital anomalies appears to be twice as common than in singleton pregnancy. • Major malformation 2.1% in twins, 1.05% in single fetus. • Increased rate of anomalies in monozygotic twins .
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. From the 2nd trimester on, routine examination should begin with a longitudinal survey scan for general orientation before proceeding to more selective and detailed views.
  • 56.
  • 58.
  • 59. Cranial structures to note • Head shape. • Bone density . • Ventricular system size and appearance. • Cavum septum pellucidum . • Thalami • Cerebellum and vermis • Cysterna magna • Nuchal fold .
  • 61. Brain anatomy • The transventricular view is used for measurement of the biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), and width of the ventricles. • The transcerebellar (or suboccipitobregmatic) view allows examination of the mid-brain and posterior fossa; this view is used for measurement of the transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) and cisterna magna (CM).
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. Ventriculomegaly • Measurement is obtained at the level of the glomus of the choroid plexus, perpendicular to the ventricular cavity with the calipers inside the echoes generated by the lateral walls . • The measurement is stable in the second and early third trimesters, with a mean diameter of 6–8 mm and is considered normal when less than 10 mm .. At mid gestation a value of 10.0 mm or greater should be considered suspicious
  • 69. The depth of the cisterna magna • measured between the cerebellar vermis and the internal side of the occipital bone is usually 2–10 mm (Mahony, 1988). With dolicocephaly, measurements slightly larger than 10 mm may be encountered
  • 70. Acrania- Anencephaly- exencephaly • Incidence :1/1000 • Errors of dorsal induction • Failure of closure of neural tube at cranial end. • Absence of brain and vault : frog like appearance
  • 72. Exencephaly : • Amorphus mass resembling brain structures uncovered by bone . • Facial structures and orbits are present • Spinal and CNS abnormalities . • Polyhydramnious
  • 75.
  • 76. Encepalocele • 1in 2000 • cranial defect with varying degrees of brain herniation. • most cases occurring in the occipital and (less commonly) frontal regions. • The mass may be purely cystic, or it can contain echoes from brain tissue.
  • 78. Holoprosencephaly • Holoprosencephaly is a complex abnormality of the forebrain resulted from failure in the diverticulation of the prosencephalon. It is classified in three major varieties: • Alobar: single primitive ventricle; fused thalami; absence of the third ventricle, neurohypophysis, olfatory bulbs and the head is generally small; • Semilobar: the two cerebral hemispheres are partially separated; • Lobar: the interhemispheric fissure is well developed posteriorly and anteriorly, but there is still a variable degree of fusion of the cyngulate gyrus and the lateral ventricles and absence of the septum pellucidum. • Chromosomal abnormality has been associated, specially trisomy 13, but maternal infections and paternal toxic exposures also can be implicated. All kinds of holoprosencephaly can be diagnosed by ultrasound.
  • 79. Holoprosencephaly • Associated anomalies: Holo-pros-encephaly, cephalocele, disgenesis of corpus callosum, cerebellar hypoplasia, atresia of third ven-tricle, midline proboscis, hypoplastic tongue, tracheoesophageal fis-tula, cardiac anomalies, and adrenal hypoplasia.
  • 80. F, 24 y, 0000, negative consanguinity, no general disease, discovered at 27weeks GA
  • 85. F, 28Y, 0000, negative consanguinity ,No general disease ,discovered to have poly hydraminos at 36 weeks , 2D &4D US
  • 86.
  • 88.
  • 89. Differential diagnosis • The most common diagnostic problem is differentiation among : • Hydranencephaly. • Schizencephaly . • Extreme hydrocephalus. • Alobar holoprosencephaly • Porencephaly. • Some spared cortical mantle should still be seen with porencephaly and alobar holoprosencephaly.
  • 92. Hydranencephaly. • 1-2.5:10,000 births • Absence of the cerebral hemispheres with an incomplete or absent falx and a sac-like structure containing cerebral spinal fluid surrounding the brainstem and basal ganglia.
  • 93. Schizencephaly • Clefts in the cerebral mantle (usually bilateral), lined by pia- ependyma, with communication between the ventricles and subarachnoid space.
  • 94. Choroid plexus cyst • 0.4-3.6% , usually isolated finding . • Resolve by 22—26 GA. • May be associated with aneuploidy, trisomy 18&21. • Size 0.3– 2cm • Unilateral bilateral solitary or multiple
  • 97.
  • 98.
  • 99. use of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound • Evaluation of the fetal face is well established. The advantages over standard 2D ultrasound include the visualization of scanning planes that are physically impossible or very difficult to obtain, the demonstration of the surface of the face, and the possibility of having panoramic views. • The limitations of the technique are the same as for 2D sonograms. If the fetal face is not accessible or there is not a pocket of amniotic fluid separating the face from the surrounding structures, 3D willbe of little help
  • 102. Skeleton mode to see palate
  • 103. Micrognathia • Referred to as the Robin anomalad, which may be a sporadic isolated finding (in about 40% of cases) or may be associated with other anomalies or with recognized genetic and non-genetic syndromes including Treacher Collins, Robin and Robert syndromes, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, chromosomal abnormalities (mainly trisomy 18 and triploidy) and teratogen exposure
  • 104. Craniosynostosis • Suspected in the presence of an abnormal skull shape Failure to visualize the sutures that are normally seen as linear interruptions of the echogenic calvarium increases the index of suspicion. • Recent reports on 3D ultrasound suggest that this technique may be valuable in the diagnosis of craniosynostosis.
  • 105. • Fetal yawning and smiling as a marker of fetal neurobehavior or biophysical assessment
  • 106. Spine
  • 109. Female
  • 110. Female
  • 112. Fetal echocardiography • The five axial views in the normal cardiac examination. • In the lower image the situs is determined. • The plane above is the 4- chamber view (4CV). • More cephalic is the left and right outflow tract. • The highest plane is the arches at the 3-vessel and trachea (3VT) view. (From Yagel S, Cohen SM, Achiron R. Obstet Gynecol 2001;368;
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 116.
  • 117. PKD
  • 118. PUV
  • 119. PUJ
  • 121.
  • 126.
  • 127. The following are features of body stalk anomaly • The typical ultrasound features are • major abdominal wall defect. • severe kyphoscoliosis. • neural tube defect. • limb abnormalities. • malformed umbilical cord • Absence of umbilicus and unbilical cord and adherence of the placenta to the herniated viscera through large anterior wall defect and reduced amniotic fluid render foetus immobile
  • 129.
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  • 132.
  • 133. SKELETON • Limb buds are first seen by ultrasound at about the 8th week of gestation; the femur and humerus are seen from 9 weeks, the tibia/fibula and radius/ulna from 10 weeks and the digits of the hands and the feet from 11 weeks. • Body movements (wiggling) are seen at 9 weeks and, by 11 weeks, limbs move about readily. • . At the 18–23-week scan, the three segments of each extremity should be visualized, but it is only necessary to measure the length of one femur.
  • 134. Development of upper& lower extremities
  • 135. Skeletal abnormalities • Asymmetry . • Dysplasias . • Contractures. • Fractures. • Duplications • reductions
  • 136. Malformation of fetal skeleton can be classified into two major categories: Generalized type : multiple bones are involved . Focal type : a variable pattern both in distribution and extent in involvement.(Bowerman, 1995)
  • 137. Nonlethal Dwarfism 1. Achondroplasia. 2. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (jeune syndrome). 3. Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld syndrome). 4. chondrodysplasia punctata. 5. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. 6. Diastrophic dwarfism. 7. Metatrophic dwarfism. 8. Hypochondroplasia. Lethal Bone Dysplasia (in order of frequency) 1. Thanatophoric dysplasia 2. Osteogenesis imperfecta, type II. 3. Achondrogenesis type I + II. Jeune syndrome (may be nonlethal). 4. Hypophosphatasia, congenital lethal form.Chondroectodermal dysplasia (usually nonlethal). 5. Chondrodysplasia punctata, rhizomelic type. 6. Camptomelic dysplasia. 7. Short rib polydactylysyndrome 8. Homozygous achondroplasia.
  • 138. • Routine conventional ultrasound is the main prenatal screening method for skeletal disorders, identifying abnormalities of fetal bones (De Pellegrin et al., 2000). • Detection of a shortended femur is the most common indication that a skeletal dysplasia may be present • Examination of all extremities will confirm generalized involvement and help establish a differential diagnosis.
  • 139. • The cranium and facies are evaluated subjectively for facial dysmorphism. The limbs are evaluated for rhizomelia, mesomelia and acromelia, bowing and mineralization patterns. Hands and feet are evaluated for relative size, posturing and configuration of the phalanges. The axial skeleton is inspected subjectively for mineralization patterns, platyspondyly and rib shape and length (Krakow et al., 2003).
  • 144. Pregnant female 18 weeks GA
  • 145.
  • 146. 3D
  • 147. 4D
  • 149.
  • 150. Normal Sonographic Placental Anatomy • Sonographic pattern of the placenta changes from a series of small white specules at around 8weeks gestation to a granular appearance by 10 weeks gestation. • In the second trimester it becomes homogenous with a non calcified texture. • At about 20-24weeks, some echo free spaces within the placental substance develop and enlarge as pregnancy advances. • After 36 weeks, the spaces becomes more apparent and they are separated by wide calcified areas of inter -cotyledons septa.
  • 155. Placental Abnormalities  Abnormal Shape or Implantation  Degenerative Placental Lesions  Circulatory Disturbances  Hypertropic Placental Abnormalities  Placental Inflammation  Tumors of the Placenta
  • 156.
  • 157. Variant placental shapes • include bilobed, • succenturiate, • Circumvallate • placenta membranacea
  • 158. Placental localization. • US has become indispensable in the localization of the site of the placenta and determining its lower edges, thus making a diagnosis or an exclusion of placenta previa. • Other placental abnormalities in conditions such as diabetes, fetal hydrops, Rh isoimmunization and severe intrauterine growth retardation can also be assessed.
  • 159. What is the position of the placenta? • At about 7-8 weeks the chorion frondosum begins to thicken and form a recognizable placenta. It covers a large area in the uterus at this stage. For this reason it is best to not try to diagnose placenta previa before10-12 weeks.
  • 160.
  • 161.
  • 162. Placenta accreta There are multiple variants, defined by the depth of their attachment to uterine wall: • Placenta accreta (75%) :An invasion of the myometrium which does not penetrate the entire thickness of the muscle. • Placenta increta (17%) : Occurs when the placenta further extends into the myometrium, penetrating the muscle. • Placenta percreta 5-7%: The worst form , the placenta penetrates the entire myometrium to the uterine serosa (invades through entire uterine wall). This variant can lead to the placenta attaching to other organs such as the rectum or bladder[David Miller ,2004].
  • 163. Placenta accreta Risk factors • The condition affects around 10% of cases of placenta praevia. • Increased in incidence by the presence of scar tissue i.e. Asherman's syndrome usually from past uterine surgery, especially from a past Dilation and curettage,[3] (which is used for many indications including miscarriage, termination, and postpartum hemorrhaging), myomectomy,[4] or caesarean section. • A thin decidua can also be a contributing factor to such trophoblastic invasion. Some studies suggest that the rate of incidence is higher when the fetus is female.[5]
  • 164. PA is a clinical and diagnostic challenge • Ultrasonography (US) remains the diagnostic standard, and routine US examination at 18–20 weeks gestation affords an ideal opportunity to screen for the disorder. Placental lacunae and abnormal color Doppler imaging patterns are the most helpful US markers for PA
  • 165. Normal placental interface • a) Transverse transabdominal US image shows the hyperechoic placenta (*) surrounded by the hypoechoic myometrium (arrowheads). • (b) Sagittal transabdominal US image shows a thin, hypoechoic line (arrowheads) at the inner aspect of the myometrium representing a subplacental clear space. • (c) Sagittal transabdominal US image shows a normal organized pattern of subplacental blood flow that parallels the myometrium.
  • 166. US Findings in PA • Placenta previa • Placental lacunae with turbulent flow • Irregular bladder wall with extensive associated • vascularity • Loss of retroplacental clear space • Myometrial thickness <1 mm or loss of visualization • of the myometrium • Gap in the retroplacental blood flow
  • 167. Placental lacunae. (a) Transverse transvaginal US image shows multiple tortuous hypoechoic structures within the placenta. (b) Transverse transabdominal Doppler US image helps confirm that the hypoechoic spaces are vascular and therefore represent placental lacunae.
  • 169. Colour Doppler Sagittal transabdominal US image shows a gap in the myometrial blood flow in the lower uterine segment.
  • 170.
  • 175. Amniotic fluid index – The volume of the amniotic fluid is evaluated by visually dividing the mother's abdomen into 4 quadrants. The largest vertical pocket of fluid is measured in centimeters. The total volume is calculated by multiplying this value by 4. – Polyhydramnios is usually defined as an amniotic fluid index (AFI) more than 24 cm or a single pocket of fluid at least 8 cm in deep that results in more than 2000 mL of fluid. – Oligohydramnios is sonographically defined as an AFI less than 7 cm or the absence of a fluid pocket 2-3 cm in depth
  • 176. Hydramnios and Oligohydramnios • Excessive or decreased amount of liquor (amniotic fluid) can be clearly depicted by ultrasound. Both of these conditions can have adverse effects on the fetus. • In both these situations, careful ultrasound examination should be made to exclude intraulterine growth retardation and congenital malformation in the fetus such as intestinal atresia, hydrops fetalis or renal dysplasia
  • 178.
  • 181. Bowel • The normal colon is visible in late pregnancy. • Haustrations within the colon can be seen from about 30 weeks, and peristalsis can be frequently observed. • Large bowel obstruction should be suspected if its internal diameter measures 20 mm or more
  • 184. Diagnosis of fetal malformation • Many structural abnormalities in the fetus can be reliably diagnosed by an ultrasound scan, and these can usually be made before 20 weeks. Common examples include hydrocephalus, anencephaly, myelomeningocoele, achondroplasia and other dwarfism, spina bifida, exomphalos, Gastroschisis, duodenal atresia and fetal hydrops. • With more recent equipment, conditions such as cleft lips/ palate and congenital cardiac abnormalities are more readily diagnosed and at an earlier gestational age. • First trimester ultrasonic 'soft' markers for chromosomal abnormalities such as the absence of fetal nasal bone, an increased fetal nuchal translucency (the area at the back of the neck) are now in common use to enable detection of Down syndrome fetuses
  • 185.
  • 186. Causes of hydrops fetalis • Immune :RH factors • Non immune : • Cardiovascular • Pulmonary :diaphragmatic hernia ,CAM ,chylothorax , pulmonary sequestration . • Chromosomal :trisomy21 ,turner syndrome , triploidy . • Hematologic : thalassemia • Infections :Torch • Neoplastic : neuroblastoma teratoma and congenital leukemia
  • 187. • Liver :hepatic fibrosis , haemangio- endothelioma , hepatic vascular • Metabolic : Gaucher , gangliosidosis ,hurler syndrome ,mucolipidosis . • Skeletal • Muscular ;e.g arthrogryposis multiplex • Syndomes • Materal :severe anemia , hypoproteinemia
  • 189. ANTEPARTUM FETAL MONITORING • Biophysical profile (BPP) – Described by Manning (1980) – The number of biophysical activities that could be recorded increased with real time ultrasound: • Fetal movement (FM) • Fetal tone (FT) • Fetal breathing movements (FB) • Amniotic fluid volume (AFV)
  • 190. ANTEPARTUM FETAL MONITORING • Biophysical profile (BPP) – variables – NST: reactive – as described earlier. – FBM: present - at least 1 episode of at least 30 seconds duration (within a 30 minute period). – FM: present - at least 3 discrete episodes. – FT: normal - at least 1 episode of extension of extremities or spine with return to flexion. – AFV: normal – largest pocket of fluid greater than 1 cm in vertical diameter.
  • 191. ANTEPARTUM FETAL MONITORING • Biophysical profile (BPP) – Each variable • When normal: 2 • When abnormal: 0 – Highest Score: 10, Lowest Score: 0 – Accuracy improved by increasing the number of variables assessed. – Overall false negative rate: 0.6/1000
  • 192. NON-STRESS TEST • REACTIVE Repeat test weekly • EQUIVOCAL :Stimulate movements with motion, sound, or glucose drink • SUSPICIOUS Repeat : test within 24 hours • NON-REACTIVE : Consider other tests of fetal wellbeing and consider gestation re delivery
  • 193. Biophysical Variable Normal (Score = 2) Abnormal (Score = 0) Fetal breathing movements 1 or more episodes of >20 s within 30 min Absent or no episode of >20 s within 30 min Gross body movements 2 or more discrete body/ limb movements within 30 min (episodes of active continuous movement considered as a single movement) <2 episodes of body/limb movements within 30 min Fetal tone 1 or more episodes of active extension with return to flexion of fetal limb(s) or trunk (opening and closing of hand considered normal tone) Slow extension with return to partial flexion, movement of limb in full extension, absent fetal movement, or partially open fetal hand Reactive FHR 2 or more episodes of acceleration of >15 bmp* and of >15 s associated with fetal movement within 20 min 1 or more episodes of acceleration of fetal heart rate or acceleration of <15 bmp within 20 min Qualitative AFV 1 or more pockets of fluid measuring >2 cm in vertical axis Either no pockets or largest pocket <2 cm in vertical axis
  • 195. Fetal arterial Doppler Umbilical arterial circulation • The umbilical arterial circulation is normally a low impedance circulation , with an increase in the amount of end diastolic flow with advancing gestation . • Umbilical arterial Doppler waveforms reflect the status of the placental circulation, and the increase in end diastolic flow that is seen with advancing gestation is a direct result of an increase in the number of tertiary stem villi that takes place with placental maturation. • Diseases that obliterate small muscular arteries in placental tertiary stem villi result in a progressive decrease in end-diastolic flow in the umbilical arterial Doppler waveforms until absent, and then reverse flow during diastole is noted
  • 196. :Normal umbilical cord in long axis, the cord may be seen as a series of parallel lines short axis the arteries and umbilical vein may be seen as three separately circular lucencies Color Doppler image will demonstrate one color in vein and another in the arteries
  • 197. Umbilical Cord Abnormalities  Single umbilical artery( SUA): Absence of an umbilical artery is believed to be present in 1% of all live births. This condition is frequently referred to as a two vessel cord.  Origins include: Primary agenesis of one of the arteries Secondary atrophy of a previously present artery Persistence of the original, single embryonic artery
  • 198. SUA  Is associated with other fetal anomalies 25 -50% of the time. For this reason,prenatal discovery of an absent umbilical artery should prompt a thorough survey of the fetal anatomy.  Commonly associated abnormalities include: Trisomies 13 and 18 GU anomalies CNS anomalies Cardiac anomalies Omphalocele Sirenomelia VATER anomalies (Vertebral, Anal atresia, Tracheo- esophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Radial aplasia, Renal anomalies)
  • 199. Sonographic findings Absence of an umbilical artery Two vessel cord Care should be taken to obtain a true transverse section through the cord. When present, a thorough examination of fetal anatomy should be performed.
  • 200. Umbilical cord cysts Omphalo-mesenteric duct cyst: A cystic lesion of the umbilical cord due to the persistence and dilatation of the embryonic omphalo-mesenteric duct. The cysts are generally located close to the fetus and vary greatly in size. Allantoic cyst: Cystic dilatation of the primitive embryonic allantois.Usually small and located within the cord away from the fetal abdomen.
  • 201. Umbilical cord cyst Sonographic findings: Demonstration of an umbilical cord cyst Absence of blood flow demonstrated by Doppler Differentiation between the two types is not usually possible and is of  no clinical significance
  • 203.
  • 205. Uterine artery at 24 weeks Normal Abnormal
  • 206. Umbilical artery • Doppler waveforms of the umbilical arteries can be obtained from any segment along the umbilical cord. • Waveforms obtained from the placental end of the cord show more end diastolic flow than waveforms obtained from the abdominal cord insertion
  • 207. IUGR
  • 209. MCA
  • 210. MCA
  • 211. IUGR
  • 215. Ov mass with pregnancy
  • 216. The lower uterine segment • Uterine dehiscence and rupture • Pitfalls in assessing cervical length and funneling • Placental imaging in the lower uterine segment : Placenta previa : Placenta accreta, increta, and percreta • Leiomyomas in the lower uterine segment Ectopic pregnancy in the uterine scar
  • 220. Conditions Causing Acute Abdomen During Pregnancy