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Sept 2021
1. Which of the following best develops fine motor skills of pre-school
a. Fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles
b. Daily coloring book activities
c. Repeated writing drills
d. Right eating habit activities
Gross motor skills pertain to skills
involving large muscle movements, such
as independent sitting, crawling, walking,
or running. Fine motor skills involve use
of smaller muscles, such as grasping,
object manipulation, or drawing.
2. The concept of Kindergarten school is drawn from a ____________ root
word which means "children's garden."
a. Italian
b. German
c. French
d. English
The German educator Friedrich Froebel
is significant for developing an Idealist
philosophy of early childhood education
and establishing the kindergarten, a
school for four-and five-year-old children
that is found worldwide.
3. Which teacher's personal trait is demonstrated by being gender
sensitive and inclusive towards learners?
a. Motivation
b. Fairness
c. Efficiency
d. Passion
Every child has the right to quality education
and learning. Inclusive education means all
children in the same classrooms, in the same
schools. It means real learning opportunities
for groups who have traditionally been
excluded – not only children with disabilities,
but speakers of minority languages too.
4. After the 1987 Constitution, what is the first legal basis that makes
teaching a profession and considers teachers as professionals?
a. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
b. R.A. 7836
c. P.D. 1006
d. R.A. 7640
Republic Act (R.A.) 7836 (The Philippine
Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994)
mandates the conduct of the Licensure
Examination for Teachers (LET). It was
enacted in recognition of the role of teachers
in nation-building and development through
a responsible and literate citizenry.
5. Which of the following is the best relationship for the school and
a. Community rule
b. School supervision
c. Partnership
d. Teacher-led projects
Family-school-community partnerships are a
shared responsibility and reciprocal process
whereby schools and other community
agencies and organizations engage families in
meaningful and culturally appropriate ways,
and families take initiative to actively support
their children's development and learning.
6. What is the appropriate teaching-learning strategy to respond to
cultural diversity among learners?
a. Variety of teaching and assessment methods
b. Use of comparative assessment tools
c. Group entire class homogenously
d. One set of teaching-learning methods
Cultural diversity is about appreciating
that society is made up of many different
groups with different interests, skills,
talents and needs. It also means that you
recognize that people in society can have
differing religious beliefs and sexual
orientations to you.
7. Which of the following exemplifies differentiated instruction directed
at heterogeneous groups in a class?
a. Different tasks, appropriate for each group
b. Same task for all groups
c. Divide class, same tasks
d. Three different teachers to assess groups
Differentiation means tailoring
instruction to meet individual needs.
Whether teachers differentiate content,
process, products, or the learning
environment, the use of ongoing
assessment and flexible grouping makes
this a successful approach to instruction.
8. What level of education is primarily aimed at by the UN's "Education
for all?"
a. Secondary
b. Tertiary
c. Basic
d. Lifelong learning
The K to 12 Program covers 13 years of basic
education with the following key stages:
Kindergarten to Grade 3
Grades 4 to 6
Grades 7 to 10 (Junior High School)
Grades 11 and 12 (Senior High School)
9. Which of the following shows a total physical environment that
supports learning?
a. Safe and secure building and classroom structures
b. Bulletin boards in every building
c. Tall three-storied building
d. Classrooms with furniture
A conducive learning environment is
more than just a classroom—it's a
space in which students feel safe and
supported in their pursuit of
knowledge, as well as inspired by
their surroundings.
10. What kind of displays should be placed on bulletin boards of
a. Instructional-interactive
b. Newsworthy-informational
c. Motivational-affective
d. Decorative-colorful
Interactive displays support active
learning through student engagement
opportunities and creating a more
efficient classroom for teachers and
11. By being sensitive and responsive in class above gender, racial,
economic differences or class Teacher Mina has shown __________ to her
a. passion
b. motivation
c. efficiency
d. fairness
Fairness refers to the consideration of
learner’s needs and characteristics, and
any reasonable adjustments that need to
be applied to take account of them.
12. How will you characterize the use of PowerPoint presentation to
deliver a lesson?
a. Technology
b. Culture
c. Academics
d. Machinery
Where teachers lack content or pedagogical
knowledge, technology can support
structured lesson plans or text-based nudges
to build this capacity. Teachers' use of
technology will empower them to leverage
an array of resources to provide more
focused, personalized learning to students.
13. What kind of teaching-learning approach is adopted in teaching the
same major subjects (English, Math, Science) in the K-to-12 curriculum?
a. Spiral teaching-learning
b. Redundant teaching-learning
c. Differentiated teaching-learning
d. Higher order thinking teaching-learning
In a spiral curriculum, learning is spread
out over time rather than being
concentrated in shorter periods. In a
spiral curriculum, material is revisited
repeatedly over months and across
14. Why are routines helpful for class management?
a. To ensure order
b. To eliminate stress
c. To punish offenders
d. To reward performers
Teaching students what to do during daily routines
will help them be successful and can minimize
disruptions in the classroom. The beginning of class,
in between lessons, and the end of the school day are
all critical times when having clear routines can help
maximize instruction time. Teaching classroom
routines as early in the school year as possible will
allow students to learn expectations and the flow of
the classroom.
15. Among communication indicators, which can ensure effective
communication between teacher and learners?
a. Technology-based
b. Fun learning
c. Group dynamics
d. Two-way
Two-way communication involves feedback
from the receiver to the sender. This allows the
sender to know the message was received
accurately by the receiver. Communication is
also negotiated which means that the sender
and receiver listen to each other, the messages
then gathers information to respond.
16. Which of the following ensures a safe and secure environment for
learners in school?
a. Having security guards
b. Keeping the ID system
c. Caring and protective teachers
d. Installing CCTV cameras
The goal of child protection is to promote,
protect and fulfil children’s rights to
protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation
and violence as expressed in the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
17. Which of the following exemplifies making lesson relevant to the life
of students along the 3 domains of cognitive, affective, and psycho-
motor skills?
a. Lesson with real-person, real-events connection
b. Lesson with clear logical idea connections
c. Lesson with pre-test and post test
d. Lesson taught with teacher peers
In education, authentic learning is an
instructional approach that allows students
to explore, discuss, and meaningfully
construct concepts and relationships in
contexts that involve real-world problems
and projects that are relevant to the learner.
18. What is the major aim in essentialist education along traditional
learning of school subjects?
a. Applied knowledge
b. Experiential learning
c. Thorough learning
d. Rote memorization
Essentialism is the educational philosophy of teaching basic
skills. This philosophy advocates training the mind.
Essentialist educators focus on transmitting a series of
progressively difficult topics and promotion of students to
the next level or grade. This philosophy stresses core
knowledge in reading, writing, math, science, history,
foreign language, and technology. The tools include
lecturing, memorization, repetition, practice, and
assessment. William C. Bagley (1874–1946) was one of the
most influential advocates of essentialism.
19. On classroom activities, the
following are appropriate for learners
who have good spatial skills, but NOT
to include:
a. community projects
b. concept maps
c. visual presentation
d. preparing graphs
Spatial intelligence, or visuo-spatial ability, has
been defined “the ability to generate, retain,
retrieve, and transform well-structured visual
images” (Lohman 1996). It's what we do when
we visualize shapes in our “mind's eye.” It's the
mental feat that architects and engineers
perform when they design buildings.
20. What is being asked of students in a
task to determine elements and explain
them in relation to other parts or the
a. analysis
b. assessing
c. recall
d. understanding
Analysis means a detailed examination of
anything complex in order to understand its
nature or to determine its essential features,
a thorough study doing a careful analysis of
the problem, a statement of such an
examination and separation of a whole into
its component parts.
21. On principles of teaching-and-
learning, what do Cognitive theorists
see as the way to develop learners?
a. learning by modelling of skills
b. learning by thinking
c. learning by perceiving the environment
d. learning by imitation of ideas
Cognitivism is a learning theory that focusses
on how information is received, organized,
stored and retrieved by the mind. It uses the
mind as an information processer, like a
computer. Therefore, cognitivism looks
beyond observable behavior, viewing
learning as internal mental processes.
22. In the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum, science is formally taught
a. Grade 4 to Grade 12
b. Grade 1 to Grade 10
c. K to Grade 12
d. Grade 3 to Grade 12
23. You want to know who a good
teacher is. In the Philippines which
would you consult?
a. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
b. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards
c. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
d. Professional Code of Ethics
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
defines teacher quality in the Philippines. The
standards describe the expectations of teachers’
increasing levels of knowledge, practice and
professional engagement. At the same time, the
standards allow for teachers’ growing understanding,
applied with increasing sophistication across a
broader and more complex range of
teaching/learning situations.
24. If I apply Vygotsky’s theory of
learning, which will I do?
a. allow the child to choose his learning activity
b. establish classroom disciplining from the very start
c. assist the child where he needs assistance until he can be on his own
d. follow a logical arrangement of topics
Vygotsky scaffolding is a theory that focuses
on a student's ability to learn information
through the help of a more informed
individual. When used effectively, scaffolding
can help a student learn content they
wouldn't have been able to process on their
25. Due to the advent of COVID 19,
which initiative is required for
curriculum change?
a. curriculum implementation
b. curriculum evaluation
c. curriculum design
d. curriculum modification
Curricular accommodations or modifications
are alterations to the curriculum to better suit
the needs of students who have some level of
disadvantage. It can help children take full
advantage of the learning activities, routines and
materials in your classroom, or in any learning
environment. These modifications can be helpful
to any child who is struggling to participate.
26. In a lesson, when do teachers make
ideas universally applicable to other
ideas or situations?
a. summarization
b. generalization
c. comparison
d. abstraction
Comparison involves looking at two or more
things or ideas and considering their
similarities and differences. In many
classrooms, teachers use Venn diagrams to
help students organize their thoughts when
making simple comparisons.
27. What is the philosophical basis for
education in recent years of General
Education subjects in career studies in
College level?
a. utilitarianism
b. traditionalism
b. essentialism
c. perennialism
Essentialism is an educational philosophy that
strives to ensure that students acquire a
common core of knowledge in a systematic,
disciplined way. In contrast, perennialism is an
educational philosophy that states one should
teach the things that are of everlasting
importance to all individuals everywhere.
28. As a teacher, how will you best
understand the need to nourish the
child along the axiom “Man does not
live by bread alone”?
a. need to enforce discipline
b. need to teach human values
c. need to follow the syllabi
d. need to teach the 3Rs
The proverb man does not live by bread
alone means that human beings need more
than the simple necessities to keep them
biologically alive, they need things that feed
them mentally, spiritually, aesthetically, and
they need things that give their lives
29. What does “grading on the
curve” mean?
a. grading compared with achievement
b. normal scale of grades of students
c. achievement more important than grades
d. grading more important than achievement
Grading on a curve means adjusting student
scores after an assignment. The idea of "the
curve" goes back to a bell curve. In a typical
class, teachers can expect a majority of
grades to fall near the class average, with a
smaller number of A grades and failing
30. Which is the best class
performance on a 100-item test?
a. mean is 80 and SD is 2
b. mean is 82 and SD is 10
c. mean is 90 and SD is 2
d. mean is 80 and SD is 12
The formula for calculating a z-score is is z =
(x-μ)/σ, where x is the raw score, μ is the
population mean, and σ is the population
standard deviation. As the formula shows,
the z-score is simply the raw score minus the
population mean, divided by the population
standard deviation.
31. Among varied tasks, how can the
virtual learning management system
help instruction?
a. through face-to-face learning
b. through ending instructional tasks
c. through digital game activities
d. through posting assignments
A virtual learning management system delivers
online learning materials to students and allows
both teachers and students to develop, upload,
and share content, as well as plan courses and
lessons. Most of it also offer real-time data
tracking and communication between students
and professors.
32. Which of the following exemplifies
differentiated instruction directed at
heterogenous groups in a class?
a. different tasks, appropriate for each groups
b. divide class, same tasks
c. three different teachers to assess groups
d. same task for all groups
Differentiation means tailoring instruction to
meet individual needs. Whether teachers
differentiate content, process, products, or
the learning environment, the use of ongoing
assessment and flexible grouping makes this
a successful approach to instruction.
33. Vygotsky says that learning occurs
in a social context. Which learning
activity is most appropriate?
a. research
b. peer discussion
c. individual PowerPoint presentation
d. journal entry
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory asserts
that learning is an essentially social
process in which the support of parents,
caregivers, peers and the wider society
and culture plays a crucial role in the
development of higher psychological
34. Which is most likely the behavior if
students whose minds are solely guided
by the ID?
a. students would discuss and ask questions a lot
b. students would be very considerate and understanding
with one another
c. students would find it difficult to wait patiently for their
turn at the canteen when hungry
d. students would do more independent work
According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory,
the id is the primitive and instinctual part of
the mind that contains sexual and aggressive
drives and hidden memories, the super-ego
operates as a moral conscience, and the ego
is the realistic part that mediates between
the desires of the id and the super-ego.
35. What level of the cognitive process is required in writing an essay on
the personality of a fellow classmate?
a. Creating
b. Recalling
c. Analyzing
d. Applying
36. Why is a daily lecture NOT pragmatic as a lesson methodology?
a. It is no longer used in modern teaching
b. It is always not liked by students
c. It may not apply to specific lessons
d. It is a dull methodology
Pragmatism is an educational philosophy
that says that education should be about life
and growth. That is, teachers should be
teaching students things that are practical for
life and encourage them to grow into better
people. Many famous educators, including
John Dewey, were pragmatists.
37. Which of the following ideas exemplify stereotyping that is unfair to
a. All students require quality instruction
b. All students from peasant communities are dull
c. All students have rights to be respected
d. All students can best learn at their own pace
In social psychology, a stereotype is a
fixed, over generalized belief about a
particular group or class of people. By
stereotyping we infer that a person has a
whole range of characteristics and
abilities that we assume all members of
that group have.
38. Teacher Sonny finds that student Elisa is emotionally insecure.
Which of the following is the best way to assist Elisa?
a. Give her extra assignments
b. Give her more physical and less mental work
c. Exempt her in some subjects
d. Align activities to her needs
Alignment between activities and assessments
helps minimize wasted time as students are able
to focus on skills geared towards the learning
39. Which of the following is practiced in a brainstorming situation?
a. Suggestions must have merit
b. Only good ideas are allowed
c. No objections to ideas
d. Opinions must meet counter opinions
Brainstorming is a method of generating
ideas and sharing knowledge to solve a
particular commercial or technical problem,
in which participants are encouraged to think
without interruption. Brainstorming is a
group activity where each participant shares
their ideas as soon as they come to mind.
40. Which materials will you use for instructional planning of course
content and strategies?
a. instructional materials
b. Seating arrangement
c. Syllabus
d. exhibits
Curriculum contains all the subjects
and outlines how they will be
studied during the course while
syllabus is more detailed version for
each subject under the course.
41. Which is regarded by scholars as the faculty of intelligence linked to
creative thinking among learners?
a. Analytical thinking
b. Imagination
c. Judgment
d. Logical thinking
Imagination aids in the development of
social, emotional, creative, physical, lingual,
and problem-solving skills in children. These
are important skills to develop in early
childhood, as they can be good markers for
understanding a child's overall development.
But mostly, playing pretend is fun for kids.
42. What is required in order to go up the next grade level for a student
who did not meet expectations in TWO learning areas?
a. Pass remedial classes
b. Take remedial classes even without passing them
c. Repeat the whole grade level
d. Reduction to lower level
Classroom assessment is an integral part of
curriculum implementation. It allows the
teachers to track and measure learners’
progress and to adjust instruction
accordingly. Classroom assessment informs
the learners, as well as their parents and
guardians, of their progress.
43. How will you characterize present efforts to use concrete situations
in teaching Math concepts and formula?
a. Symbolic mathematics
b. Applied mathematics
c. Theoretical mathematics
d. Abstract mathematics
Applied mathematics involves the
application of mathematics to problems
which arise in various areas, e.g.,
science, engineering or other diverse
areas, and/or the development of new
or improved methods to meet the
challenges of new problems.
44. What is shown by results in a pre-test?
a. Present psycho-motor skills
b. Current moral values
c. Past experiences
d. Previous knowledge
Pre-tests are a non-graded assessment tool
used to determine pre-existing subject
knowledge. Typically, pre-tests are
administered prior to a course to
determine knowledge baseline, but here
they are used to test students prior to
topical material coverage throughout the
45. Of the following, most important for classroom management is
ensuring that ____________.
a. latecomers are duly noted
b. the classroom is conducive to learning
c. instructional tools are used
d. the students are quiet in class
A conducive environment for learning,
such as one with comfortable classroom
set-ups, relevant use of teaching
materials and interesting classroom
activities, will further motivate the
students to learn.
46. According to progressivist educators like Carl Rogers, what is the
essence of creativity among school learners?
a. Conformity
b. Convention
c. Industry
d. Novelty
Rogers' theory of personality development was
based on humanistic psychology. According to
his approach, everyone exists in a world full of
experiences. These experiences shape our
reactions that include external objects and
people. Also, internal thoughts and emotions.
This is known as their phenomenal field.
47. What kind of mistaken goal among students is hurting others to
make up for being hurt. rejected, unloved thus becoming cruel, hostile or
violent towards others?
a. Power-seeking
b. Attention-getting
c. Withdrawal
d. Revenge-seeking
48. How is periodic reporting of student grades useful?
a. As feedback
b. As an obligation
c. As way to please parents
d. As way to win support for the school
Feedback is information given to the learner
about the learner's performance relative to
learning goals or outcomes. It should aim to
(and be capable of producing) improvement in
students' learning. Feedback redirects or
refocuses the learner's actions to achieve a
goal, by aligning effort and activity with an
49. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 90 as level of
a. Outstanding
b. Satisfactory
c. Fairly Satisfactory
d. Very Poor
50. What numerical grade corresponds to the descriptor "Did not meet
a. Below 75%
b. 80%
c. 85%
d. 90%
51. What is demonstrated by DepEd's emphasis on learning and
assessment for percentage contribution to the grade of students in
Grades 1-to-10?
a. More importance for performance tasks
b. More stress on student discipline
c. More value for written work
d. More stress on leadership
52. What approach to motivating students is used by making
encouraging remarks, such as "I know you can do it; keep trying; that's
the boy/girl?"
a. Assertive approach
b. Success approach
c. Behavioral modification approach
d. Acceptance approach
53. Among thinking skills, Complex-Cognitive means ability
a. to maintain distinctions
b. to break down varied information
c. to integrate varied information
d. to identify and place ideas into categories
There are seven comprehension skills that learners can develop,
one is the analysis this is the ability to break down complex
information into component parts, second focusing or scanning
the ability to select relevant or important information without
being distracted, third the comparative analysis the ability to
select a correct time from among several alternatives and to
compare information, fourth narrowing the ability to identify and
place new information into categories, fifth complex cognitive,
sixth sharpening to maintain distinction between cognitive
structures including old and new information, last was the
tolerance it is to monitor and modify thinking, the ability to deal
without frustration.
54. Which item page in newspapers demonstrates critical thinking
worthwhile for use in instruction on current issues and events?
a. News page
b. Entertainment page
c. Opinion page
d. Society page
Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined
process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing,
applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or
evaluating information gathered from, or
generated by, observation, experience,
reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a
guide to belief and action.
55. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 80 as level of
a. Satisfactory
b. Very Satisfactory
c. Outstanding
d. Advanced
56. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools that seek to
promote democratic opportunities for all and humanistic education
through lifelong learning?
a. Classical education
b. Progressivism
c. Perennialism
d. Positivism
The progressivist classroom is about exploration
and experience. Teachers act as facilitators in a
classroom where students explore physical,
mental, moral, and social growth. Common
sights in a progressivist classroom might include
small groups debating, custom-made activities,
and learning stations.
57. What is asked by the teacher in making students do a deduction or
inference on the lesson presented to the class?
a. Summary
b. Assumption
c. Conclusion
d. Hypothesis
The conclusion paragraph should restate
your thesis, summarize the key supporting
ideas you discussed throughout the work,
and offer your final impression on the central
idea. This final summation should also
contain the moral of your story or a
revelation of a deeper truth.
58. What is the descriptor for a
numerical grade of 80 as level of
a. satisfactory
b. advanced
c. very satisfactory
d. outstanding
59. When is it best for teacher Anna to
set up classroom routines, e.g., passing
of paper, seeking permission in class,
a. at the end of the year
b. in the middle of the year
c. at start of every class
d. at the start of the year
Routines create structure and
promote mental, physical and
emotional health. The absence of a
routine can often led to stress and
feelings of unmanageability.
60. Which is true of a constructivist teaching
learning process?
I. based on students’ questions and interests
II. interactive
III. dialogue
IV. group work
a. II and III
b. I and IV
c. I and II
d. I, II, III and IV
Examples of constructivist
classroom activities:
1. Reciprocal teaching/learning
2. Inquiry-based learning (IBL)
3. Problem-based learning (PBL)
4. Cooperative learning.
61. When will parents find reporting of
grades of their children meaningful?
a. by distributing grade report cards
b. by comparing grades of individual students
c. by telling parents the limitations of their children
d. by explaining grades and performance of students
Grading is used to evaluate and provide feedback on student
work. In this way, instructors communicate to students how
they are performing in the course and where they need
more help to achieve the course’s goals. For instructors,
grades help to assess what information, concepts, and skills
students have successfully understood and which ones they
have not. This kind of information helps you know what you
may need to reiterate in class and what may require
reworking in the course design. Grades also provide a
standardized way of communicating student performance to
third parties, including the departments in which students
are enrolled, and students themselves.
62. At what level of Kohlberg’s stages of
moral development is taxi driver Ed
returning the wallet of a passenger who left
it in his cab?
a. preconventional for the reward money
b. preconventional for fear of punishment
c. conventional for social approval of what other people will say
d. post-conventional for the common good
63. What cognitive process is required
in writing a personality profile of a
fellow classmate?
a. creating
b. applying
c. recalling
d. analyzing
64. What is meant by action research
following a cyclical process?
a. problems occur again and again like a cycle
b. teachers form a circle during meetings
c. the circle of participants change from time to time
d. effort is continuing until problem is resolved
Action research aims to identify problems
and then produce an iterative plan of
action with strategies to strive for best
practice. There are four basic stages in the
cyclical action research process: reflect,
plan, act, observe, and then reflect to
continue through the cycle (Dickens &
65. What is the aim in interpreting grades against standards?
a. Understanding of performance
b. Rating of performance
c. Assessment of behavior
d. Ranking of students in a class
Norm-referenced tests make
comparisons between individuals, and
criterion-referenced tests measure a test
taker's performance compared to a
specific set of standards or criteria.
66. Or the following, which will you implement as the most effective
strategy for influencing human emotion for retention and discovery of
a. Applying drills to augment retention
b. Using of inspirational tool (book, film, art, etc.)
c. Using the Internet by surfing for information
d. Being humorous and light in teaching
Social-emotional learning (SEL)
is the process of developing the
self-awareness, self-control, and
interpersonal skills that are vital
for school, work, and life success.
67. How will you judge a student who gives unjustified reasons for what
he or she knows was a wrong decision or action, e.g., not coming to
class because it's already late?
a. Justifying
b. Rationalizing
c. Reasoning
d. Clarifying
Rationalization is a defense
mechanism (ego defense) in which
apparent logical reasons are given to
justify behavior that is motivated by
unconscious instinctual impulses. It is
an attempt to find reasons for
behaviors, especially ones own.
68. Which of the following exemplifies a class dialogue?
a. Demonstration
b. Lecture
c. Exhibit
d. Discussion
Discussion is an extended
communication (often interactive)
dealing with some particular or an
exchange of views on some topic. While
lecture is teaching by giving a discourse
on some subject (typically to a class).
69. These are rights given the Child in indigenous minorities, but NOT to
include _____________.
a. to profess his/her religion
b. to enjoy his/her culture
c. to use his/her own language
d. to be exempted from formal education
Indigenous education is born from the
territory and the ancestors. It is unique to
each indigenous people, since it is rooted
in the life and the culture of each
indigenous people in their territory.
Indigenous education is key to keeping
indigenous children and youth grounded in
their unique cultures.
70. Which best indicates a two-way communication between teacher and
a. Ready to talk
b. Defense for ideas
c. Open to listen
d. Ability to explain
Open listening is letting go of
conventional means of listening. It
means listening to and valuing the
telling of stories and letting pauses in
conversation extend into silence rather
than jumping into dispute, agree,
question or move on.
71. Which philosophy supports universal values in education, as these
are important in molding young minds towards broad ideals such as
democracy, freedom, human rights?
a. Essentialism
b. Pragmatism
c. Existentialism
d. Empiricism
Existentialism is the philosophical belief
we are each responsible for creating
purpose or meaning in our own lives.
Our individual purpose and meaning is
not given to us by Gods, governments,
teachers or other authorities.
72. Among thinking strategies, Comprehension Monitoring is the ability
a. to make appropriate choices
b. to check progress
c. to be relaxed yet alert
d. to synthesize new information
Comprehension monitoring is a
method used in education that is aimed
at teaching students to monitor their
understanding of the text, even if it
means rereading or asking questions
about the text in order to fully
understand the meaning of the text.
73. Which research finding regarding use of the
mother tongue as language of instruction is
TRUE? The use of mother tongue _____ the
learning of the second language.
a. enhance
b. delays
c. does not affect
d. hampers
Mother tongue makes it easier for
children to pick up and learn other
languages. Mother tongue develops a
child's personal, social and cultural
identity. Using mother tongue helps a
child develop their critical thinking and
literacy skills.
74. What is the main objective of action
research in instruction and school
a. it aims at strengthening authority of principals
b. it seeks to solve instructional and school problems
c. it aims at increasing the work of teachers
d. it seeks to make students loyal to the school
Action research generates knowledge
around inquiry in practical educational
contexts. Action research allows educators
to learn through their actions with the
purpose of developing personally or
professionally. Due to its participatory
nature, the process of action research is
also distinct in educational research.
75. Which of the following shows the
teacher’s respect for human dignity?
a. joining professional associations
b. using social media
c. working with people of different views
d. practicing diligence and industry
Human dignity is the recognition
that human beings possess a special
value intrinsic to their humanity and
as such are worthy of respect simply
because they are human beings.
76. Which of the following will most likely
help students internalizing classroom rules?
a. teacher explaining the rules to students to follow
b. student participation in setting rules
c. students following teacher’s rules
d. teacher formulation the rules
Internalization means taking social
norms, roles, and values into one's
own mind. Society was seen as the
primary factor responsible for how
individuals learned to think and
77. On classroom activities, the
following are appropriate for learners
who have good logical-mathematical
skills, but NOT to include
a. storytelling
b. number games
c. experiments
d. calculations
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the
ability to analyze situations or problems
logically, identify solutions, conduct
scientific research, and easily solve
logical/mathematical operations. It is one
of the eight multiple intelligence types
proposed by Howard Gardner.
78. In addition to showing grades of
students to their parents, which can be
shown to demonstrate performance?
a. teacher’s syllabus
b. memorandum of the principal
c. copy of curriculum
d. written work
Written Works shall be administered to
assess essential knowledge and
understanding through quizzes and
long/unit tests. Items should be distributed
across the Cognitive Process Dimension
using a combination of selected-response
and constructed-response so that all are
adequately covered.
79. On the reasoning process, which is
used for pure philosophy that is a
deductive, rather than an inductive
a. it starts from prior ideas in the mind
b. it starts with the real outside the mind
c. it relates external reality to mental reality
d. it starts from the real to the mental
Inductive reasoning is a bottom-up
approach, while deductive reasoning is
top-down. Inductive reasoning takes
you from the specific to the general,
while in deductive reasoning, you make
inferences by going from general
premises to specific conclusions.
80. What is the most preferable ratio of students for peer tutoring?
a. 2:2 students ratio
b. 2: 1 students-student ratio
c. 1:1 student-student ratio
d. 1:10 student-students ratio
Peer tutoring is an instructional
strategy that consists of student
partnerships, linking high achieving
students with lower achieving students
or those with comparable achievement,
for structured reading and math study
81. Which level of teacher planning establishes general content and
often prepared by a committee of experts?
a. weekly planning
b. Unit planning
c. Term planning
d. Course mapping
Course maps are useful visual tools when
designing or redesigning your course.
Paralleling the backward design process, a
course map is essentially a representation
of how you intend to approach and assess
each of the student learning outcomes you
identified for your course.
82. Which of the following demonstrates the teacher's integrity?
a. Moral courage
b. Innovation
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Decisive thinking
Moral courage involves the
willingness to speak out and do that
which is right in the face of forces
that would lead a person to act in
some other way.
83. Which of the following shows the teacher's respect for human
a. Using social media
b. Practicing diligence and industry
c. Working with people of different views
d. Joining professional associations
Human dignity is the recognition
that human beings possess a special
value intrinsic to their humanity and
as such are worthy of respect simply
because they are human beings.
84. Among facets of the "hidden curriculum" that transmit right moral
values, the most powerful by way of personal influence are
a. teachers' peer efforts
b. teacher's authority over learners
c. teacher's attitudes and behavior
d. teacher's innovation
Hidden curriculum refers to the
unwritten, unofficial, and often
unintended lessons, values, and
perspectives that students learn in
85. The most basic principle in Mastery Instruction is high rate of
learning that ___________________.
a. corrects instruction e.g. alternative instructional material
b. enriches instruction, e.g. independent study
c. adapts to the learner rather than the learner to instruction
d. assesses instruction, e.g. use rubrics
Mastery learning is the transformational education
innovation of our time. At its core, mastery learning
enables students to move forward at their own pace
as they master knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
Effective implementation at scale will completely
change how students learn, how teachers teach, and
how schools work. It will revolutionize state testing,
education research, and the labor market. It will
transform how curricula are developed, how
learning is measured, and how teachers are trained.
86. The way for values clarification by examination of situations
involving values is ______________.
a. action learning
b. analysis of issues
c. valuing
d. inculcation
Values clarification is a psychotherapy
technique that can often help an individual
increased awareness of any values that
may have a bearing on lifestyle decisions
and actions. This technique can provide an
opportunity for a person to reflect on
personal moral dilemmas and allow for
values to be analyzed and clarified.
87. Which correlative concepts will you NOT include as pairs to the
positive-negative characteristics of teachers?
a. original :: conventional
b. Amiable :: hostile
c. cautious :: Outspoken
d. Bubbly :: resourceful
Analogy is a comparison of two otherwise
unlike things based on resemblance of a
particular aspect, resemblance in some
particulars between things otherwise
unlike, similarity, and inference that if two
or more things agree with one another in
some respects they will probably agree in
88. It is reasonable to say that high moral character is demonstrated by
following thoughts, attitudes and deeds, but REMOTELY to include
a. nurturing at home and school
b. positive philosophy of life
c. technology Innovations
d. human behavior during stages of growth
Moral character can be conceptualized
as an individual's disposition to think,
feel, and behave in an ethical versus
unethical manner, or as the subset of
individual differences relevant to
89. When the industrial age introduced empirical research, what became
valuable as basis for objective truth?
a. Observable and measurable evidence
b. Customs and traditions
c. Church doctrine and morals
d. Authoritative rules and norms
Empiricism is the theory that human
knowledge comes predominantly from
experiences gathered through the five
senses. In empiricism, concepts are
spoken of as a posteriori or “from the
latter” meaning from the experiences.
90. On transferring learning. how will you classify a demonstration on
applying first aid for accidental wounds, as done by an invited
professional nurse resource person?
a. Concept-related
b. Inquiry-related
c. Utilization-related
d. Learner-related
Utilitarianism is a theory of morality,
which advocates actions that foster
happiness and oppose actions that
cause unhappiness. Utilitarianism
promotes "the greatest amount of good
for the greatest number of people."
91. Among major schools of learning theories, which consider how the
individual perceives the learning environment or situation?
a. Cognitive theories
b. Field and Gestalt
c. Behavioral theories
d. Social theories
Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole
of anything is greater than its parts. That is,
the attributes of the whole are not
deducible from analysis of the parts in
isolation. The word Gestalt is used in
modern German to mean the way a thing
has been “placed,” or “put together.”
92. From contemporary cognitive psychology, learning is proposed to be
task-oriented, purposive and efficient which is same as being
a. appropriate
b. meaningful
c. situational
d. goal-directed
Purposive behaviorism a cognitive
theory of learning postulating that
behavioral acts have a goal or
purpose that selects and guides the
behavioral sequence until the goal or
purpose is attained.
93. What characteristics show that a teacher has empathy towards
learners/ students?
a. Caring and love
b. Loyalty and affinity
c. Discipline and fortitude
d. Strength and conviction
Sympathy involves understanding
from your own perspective.
Empathy involves putting yourself in
the other person's shoes and
understanding why they may have
these feelings.
94. How do you judge the teaching style of a teacher who is fussy,
teaches things over and over, and is concerned with functional order and
a. Entertainer type
b. Compulsive type
c. Quiet one type
d. Secular type
95. Which of the following is simulation to abstract the real world in
a. Chess
b. Role playing
c. Monopoly
d. Scrabble
Monopoly is a multi-player economics-themed
board game. In the game, players roll two dice
to move around the game board, buying and
trading properties, and developing them with
houses and hotels. Players collect rent from
their opponents, with the goal being to drive
them into bankruptcy. Money can also be
gained or lost through Chance and Community
Chest cards, and tax squares.
96. What is an encouraging teacher nonverbal behavior that can be used
in class?
a. Facial expression that is condescending
b. Slouching on chair
c. Avoiding eye contact
d. Patting student on the back
While getting a pat on the back is a
common gesture signaling, “Well
done”, patting someone's shoulder
often conveys the same meaning.
97. These are the ways successful learners can add new information
with old knowledge in a meaningful way but NOT to include __________.
a. modify old knowledge
b. reorganize new knowledge or values
c. add and integrate new information
d. store new information and values
98. Which of the following situations can show that a teacher is "chill" in
a tense situation?
a. Not excited, but calm
b. Not passive, but active
c. Not alone, but with peers
d. Not revengeful, but forgiving
Chill means calm, relaxed, easygoing.
99. In the beginning the learning goals and learning may be short-term
but these can be refined by the following initiatives but NOT to include
a. filling learning gaps
b. deepening understanding of the subject matter
c. scheming through lesson topics
d. resolving inconsistencies in the topics
Skimming and scanning are reading
techniques that use rapid eye movement
and keywords to move quickly through text
for slightly different purposes. Skimming is
reading rapidly in order to get a general
overview of the material. Scanning is
reading rapidly in order to find specific
100. Modern universities abroad has Yoga and Meditation relaxation and
wellness classes in their curriculum. Which values are integrated in this
program of studies?
a. Moral values
b. Vital values
c. Sacred values
d. Social values
101. What question is asked for reflecting on issues or problems in a
a. What
b. Why
c. Where
d. When
Reflection is a critical process for
supporting your growth and development
as a professional. At the end of each
lesson, you should reflect on the
experience and analyze its effectiveness.
This part of the process consists of two
parts: the reflection and the analysis.
102. What is Teacher Ryan doing when he probes students by asking a
sequence of questions on a subject matter to arrive at a satisfactory
a. Clarifying
b. Conversing
c. Analyzing
d. Prompting
Prompting is a technique to move on to
another student in order to maintain
interest. Prompting questions use hints
and clues to aid students in answering
questions or to assist them in correcting
an initial original question with clues or
hints included.
103. Experts refer to these helpful abilities for self-expression by
learners but NOT to include _____________.
a. imagining
b. speculating
c. building
d. developing insights
Speculating means to guess possible
answers to a question when you do
not have enough information to be
104. Which of the following demonstrates that a teacher is competent in
content knowledge and pedagogy?
a. Research-based teaching
b. Teacher-centered teaching
c. Concept-based teaching
d. Rote and drill-teaching
105. How is action research Important to instruction and school
a. It seeks to solve instructional and school problems
b. It seeks to make students loyal to the school
c. It aims at increasing the work of teachers
d. It aims at strengthening authority of principals
Action research may also be called a cycle of action or cycle of inquiry, since it typically
follows a predefined process that is repeated over time. A simple illustrative example:
1. Identify a problem to be studied
2. Collect data on the problem
3. Organize, analyze, and interpret the data
4. Develop a plan to address the problem
5. Implement the plan
6. Evaluate the results of the actions taken
7. Identify a new problem
8. Repeat the process
106. When a student gathers data or information and arrives at a
conclusion, what process of research is followed?
a. Deduction
b. Induction
c. Experiment
d. Implication
Both deduction and induction are a type
of inference, which means reaching a
conclusion based on evidence and
reasoning. Deduction moves from idea to
observation, while induction moves from
observation to idea.
107. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory, what is displayed by the child
trying out new ways of doing things?
a. Self-reliance
b. Initiative
c. Autonomy
d. Independence
108. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory what is displayed by the child
in saying "I do things without worrying about them?"
a. Discipline
b. Endurance
c. Obedience
d. Autonomy
109. How is reflection recorded in action research?
a. Through a report journal
b. Through a syllabus
c. Through the curriculum
d. Through a lesson plan
Action research may also be called a cycle of action or cycle of inquiry, since it typically
follows a predefined process that is repeated over time. A simple illustrative example:
1. Identify a problem to be studied
2. Collect data on the problem
3. Organize, analyze, and interpret the data
4. Develop a plan to address the problem
5. Implement the plan
6. Evaluate the results of the actions taken
7. Identify a new problem
8. Repeat the process
110. In Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory of development the following
contribute to the learners’ social environment with ___________ opening
the door for learners to acquire knowledge.
a. activities
b. language
c. lessons
d. classroom
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of human
learning describes learning as a social
process and the origination of human
intelligence in society or culture. The major
theme of Vygotsky's theoretical framework is
that social interaction plays a fundamental
role in the development of cognition.
111. During the COVID virtual learning, what is missed by learners?
a. Face-to-face teaching-learning
b. Virtual interaction
c. On-line instruction
d. Cyber interchange
Face-to-face learning is an instructional
method where course content and
learning material are taught in person to
a group of students. This allows for a live
interaction between a learner and an
instructor. It is the most traditional type
of learning instruction.
112. At what level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development is taxi
driver Rod returning the wallet of a passenger who left it in his cab?
a. Preconventional for the reward money
b. Post-conventional for the common good
c. Conventional for social approval of what other people will say
d. Preconventional for fear of punishment
113. What will you see as an application of Pavlov's idea of
a. Engaging students in collaborative learning
b. Giving way for peer tutoring
c. Mentoring low achievers in class
d. Allowing students to choose electives
Discrimination. For example, if a bell tone
were the conditioned stimulus,
discrimination would involve being able to
tell the difference between the bell tone and
other similar sounds. Because the subject is
able to distinguish between these stimuli,
they will only respond when the conditioned
stimulus is presented.
114. When do you think Thorndike's Law of Readiness applies best
a. When a teacher prepares well for presentation
b. When a teacher pairs the quick and slow learners
c. When a teacher gives enough time for students to answer questions
d. When a teacher's requires quick answers to questions
115. What situation will you depict as conformed to Pavlov's behaviorist
classical conditioning in learning by way of stimulus and response?
a. Bringing student in field study
b. Giving rewards to student achievers
d. Engaging students in open discussion
c. Using PowerPoint presentation
Discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan
Pavlov, classical conditioning is a type of
unconscious or automatic learning. This
learning process creates a conditioned
response through associations between
an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral
116. Researchers on the brain tell that the brain is more "plastic" in
younger children and potentially more malleable for re-routing
neural circuits. What is an implication on reading disabilities?
I. Early identification of reading disabilities is very important.
II. Remediation for reading disabilities must be given as early as
III. Reading disabilities in late childhood are beyond remediation.
a. I and II
b. l only
c. I only
d. Ill only
117. Constructivist Teacher Karie asked her students to present ideas
on what should characterize modem political heroes in today's millennial
society. What kind of presentation does she expect from her students?
a. Narrative
b. Schema
c. Advance organizer
d. Script
Ausubel's idea of an “advance organizer”
is to relate what a student already knows
to the new content to be learned and
thus increase retention. Advance
organizers should be at a higher level of
abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness
than the content to be presented.
118 Constructivist Teacher Ed asked his students to present the
episodes EDSA people power revolution. What does he expect from his
a. Advance organizers
b. Schema
c. Script
d. Paradigm
Ausubel's idea of an “advance organizer”
is to relate what a student already knows
to the new content to be learned and
thus increase retention. Advance
organizers should be at a higher level of
abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness
than the content to be presented.
119. Arrange chronologically the following instructional events for
designing instruction and media following Gagne's conditions of
I. Eliciting performance
II. Providing feedback
III. Gaining attention
IV. Informing learners of expectancy
V. Presenting stimulus
a. I, III, II, IV and V
b. V, IV, III, ll and I
c. I. II. III, IV and V
d. III, IV, V, I and II
120. Advance organizers use _____________ to make connections among
various pieces of information for efficient recall.
a. Visual imagery
b. Rehearsal
c. Organization
d. Elaboration
121. These can serve as components of a Graphic Organizer but NOT
a. Concept patterns
b. Narrative
c. Pictographs
d. Descriptive patterns
122. There are varied aspects to professionalism among teachers, but
which aspect is their inner ideals, commitment and dedication as
a. Cultural aspect
b. Social aspect
c. Work aspect
d. Ethical aspect
Ethics is connected to cultural meaning and
social power to provide the philosophical
base for justice, proper use of power and
authority, and right relationships. As a whole,
decisions and their rightness, consequences
and context are all ethically very important in
the development of sustainable society.
123. Which of the following is the equivalent of self-awareness which is
basic to social emotional growth among learners?
a. integrity
b. ego-esteem
c. altruism
d. trust
Self-esteem is your overall opinion of
yourself — how you feel about your abilities
and limitations. When you have healthy self-
esteem, you feel good about yourself and see
yourself as deserving the respect of others.
When you have low self-esteem, you put
little value on your opinions and ideas.
124. What activity of human intelligence attaches value or quantitative
description to measuring results of learning and school activities?
a. Understanding
b. Critical thinking
c. Analysis
d. Assessment
In education, the term assessment refers
to the wide variety of methods or tools
that educators use to evaluate, measure,
and document the academic readiness,
learning progress, skill acquisition, or
educational needs of students.
125. Which of the following will NOT be acceptable to Max Scheler's
hierarchy of spiritual values?
a. Goodness
b. Beauty
c. Sin
d. Truth
126. How will you characterize contemporary progressive education?
a. Traditional
b. Science-based
c. Virtue-driven
d. Classic knowledge
Science – based essentially means
that some decision that is made is
done in a way that takes scientific
methods and results into account.
127. In Matching Type questions, what are "distractors" that ensures
only one correct response among choices or alternatives?
a. Test focus
b. Item additions
c. Items economy
d. Incorrect choices
Distractors are the incorrect answers
in a multiple-choice question.
128. Which of the following belongs to authentic assessment?
a. Indirect evidence
b. Simple recall
c. Contrived incident
d. Performing a task
Authentic assessment is "a form of
assessment in which students are
asked to perform real-world tasks
that demonstrate meaningful
application of essential knowledge
and skills" (J. Mueller).
129. What kind of multiple question is: "For an agricultural country like
the Philippines, which should the country advance for its economic
development: (a) agriculture production (b) industrial development
(C) tourism (d) finance and banking"?
a. Simple knowledge
b. Application of a formula
c. Assessment of a problem
d. Application of a concept
Concepts can be based on real
phenomena and are a generalized idea
of something of meaning. Examples of
concepts include common demographic
measures: Income, Age, Education
Level, Number of Siblings.
130. What does “teaching to the test” mean?
a. Use of tests to assess learning
b. Teaching students to perform well on meaningful tasks
d. Begin and end class with a test
c. Focus on content that will be tested
Teaching to the test means that
teachers focus on specific items in
order to ensure that their students
achieve higher scores during
standardized tests.
131. Which is TRUE of the Philippine educational system?
a. Free education in public elementary and secondary schools
d. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private schools
in the basic level
c. Free education in the government schools in all levels
b. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private schools in
all levels
Enhanced Basic Education Program. — The
enhanced basic education program
encompasses at least one (1) year of
kindergarten education, six (6) years of
elementary education, and six (6) years of
secondary education, in that sequence.
Secondary education includes four (4) years of
junior high school and two (2) years of senior
high school education.
132. How does a behaviorist explain the observation of a child enjoying
a. He is rewarded for his good performance
b. He feels he belongs
c. He taught life skills
d. Learning is highly personalized
Behaviorism is a theory of learning
based on the idea that all behaviors are
acquired through conditioning, and
conditioning occurs through interaction
with the environment. Behaviorists
believe that our actions are shaped by
environmental stimuli.
133. What does a difficulty index of .10 mean? The test item is
a. easy
b. difficult
c. not reliable
d. not valid
134. Complete the analogy: School heads : National Competency-Based
Standards for School Heads Teachers : ______________
a. Professional Philippine Standards for Teachers
d. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
c. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
b. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
The PPST is a public statement of what
teachers need to know, value, and be
able to do in their practice. It has four
career stages: Beginning, Proficient,
Highly Proficient, and Distinguished. It
is built on the National Competency-
based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).
135. For effective teaching-learning, there is no such thing as "one-size-
fits-all". What does this imply?
a. Allow students to use their cellphones in class.
d. Consider multiple intelligences in teaching.
c. Use performance tests since they are more reliable.
b. Always end up with a lesson summary.
Education has traditionally been
approached using a “one size fits all”
model, wherein students are subjected
to the same teaching styles and
evaluation methods irrespective of their
ability or interest.
136. What needs to be written by teachers for day-to-day teaching
aligned with curriculum requirements?
a. A lesson plan
b. A self-reflection
c. A weekly journal
d. A portfolio
A lesson plan is a teacher's daily guide
for what students need to learn, how it
will be taught, and how learning will be
measured. Lesson plans help teachers
be more effective in the classroom by
providing a detailed outline to follow
each class period.
137. You want to know who a good teacher is. In The Philippines which
would you consult?
a. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards
d. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
c. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
b. Professional Code of Ethics
The PPST is a public statement of what
teachers need to know, value, and be
able to do in their practice. It has four
career stages: Beginning, Proficient,
Highly Proficient, and Distinguished. It
is built on the National Competency-
based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).
138. Which of the following set of exceptional learners have superior
intelligence rather than disabilities for learning?
a. Gifted learners
b. Mentally retarded learners
c. Sensory impaired learners
d. Autistic learners
Gifted learners are those whose potential
is distinctly above average in one or more
of the following domains: intellectual,
creative, social and physical. They need
services and activities not ordinarily
provided by the school in order to fully
develop their potential.
139. What factor should Teacher Julie be careful about when she is
teaching in a school for children in a poverty-stricken slum area?
a. Children's socio-economic status
b. Children's beliefs
c. Children's ethnicity
d. Children's race
Socio-economic background takes
account of social and economic factors
including parents' educational
qualifications, parents' occupations,
household income, the level of reliance
on government income support and the
level of household overcrowding.
140. If you apply the cognitive theories of learning with which do you
a. Learning is an active process of organizing and integrating
d. Learning is automatically responding to a stimulus.
c. Learning involves a mind that is totally blank
b. Learning is strengthening the connection between stimulus and
Cognitivism is a learning theory that
focuses on how information is received,
organized, stored and retrieved by the
mind. It uses the mind as an information
processer, like a computer. Therefore,
cognitivism looks beyond observable
behavior, viewing learning as internal
mental processes.
141. Which is an effective way of developing a sense of ownership?
a. Abide totally by the students' suggestions.
d. Involve students in all decision-making that involve the class.
c. Make students participate in the formulation of class rules.
b. Let students formulate the class rules.
Sense of ownership means not waiting for
others to act and caring about the outcome as
much as an owner of the company would. It is
being accountable for the results of your
actions – that they are of the highest quality
and delivered in a timely manner. Taking
ownership shows others that they can trust you
to do the right thing.
142. Which statements is/are TRUE?
I. In the cognitivist classroom, student's minds are "tabula rasa"
II. Rote memorization and drill are features of behaviorist
III. In the cognitivist classroom teacher builds on what students
IV. In the constructivist classroom, students build their own
knowledge based on personal meaning.
a. II, III and IV
b. I, III and IV
c. II and IV
d. I, II and IV
Philosophically speaking, behaviorism
has its origins in the associationism of
the philosopher John Locke (1632–
1704). Locke believed that the human
being was born as a tabula rasa — that,
mentally, a human infant was a blank
slate, with no prior knowledge or ideas.
143. Vygotsky says that learning occurs in a social context. Which
leaning activity is most appropriate ?
a. Individual PowerPoint
b. Journal entry
c. Research
d. Peer discussion
A peer discussion is an activity that
encourages you to engage with others
in reflection on learning and practice.
Research shows that having another
person's view can help you to reflect on
your practice and can reduce the
potential for professional isolation.
144. What is characteristic of the Lesson Plan that integrates its
outcomes, methods and assessment components?
a. Their alignment
b. Their sequencing
c. Their independence
d. Their differentiation
Curriculum alignment is a process
aimed at ensuring coherence and
consistency between the intended
outcomes as specified in the formal
curriculum and teaching methods,
assessment tasks, and learning
activities in the classroom.
145. In introducing a new lesson, what should Teacher Lanie trying to
determine when she relates a past lesson to a new lesson?
a. Learners' knowledge
b. Learners’ motivation to
know more
c. Learners' curiosity to
know a new lesson
d. Learners’ style in
Knowledge based learning is learning that
revolves around both the knowledge that the
student already has, and the understanding
that they are going to achieve by doing work.
When learning is based around knowledge that
students already have, and knowledge they are
going to be achieving, the learning is better
connected to real life.
146. Which of the following characteristics among learners can indicate
that their parents have been authoritarian?
a. Fearful-inhibited
b. Strong- Outgoing
c. Open- friendly
d. Responsive- active
147. At what instance is the teacher a writer of the curriculum?
a. Preparing lesson plans
b. Presenting class
c. Assessing lesson
d. Checking lesson
Teacher as a Curricularist
1. Plans the curriculum.
2. Writes the curriculum.
3. Initiates the curriculum.
4. Implements the curriculum.
5. Evaluates the curriculum.
6. Innovates the curriculum.
7. Knows the curriculum.
148. Can a licensed teacher go back to teaching even if she has not
taught for the past five years?
a. Yes, because he has a
b. No. unless he completes
additional 6 units of
Professional Education and 6
units of specialization in school
recognized by the government.
c. Yes, the past five years of experience
outside teaching can supplant five years
of teaching experience.
d. No, unless she earns
45 CPD units.
RA 9293: Professional teachers who have not
practiced their profession for the past five (5) years
shall take at least twelve (12) units of education
courses, consisting of a least six (6) units of pedagogy
and six (6) units of context courses or the equivalent
training and number 1 hours to be chosen from a list
of courses to be provided by the Board and the
Department of Education, before they can be allowed
to practice their profession in the country.
149. On learning deficiencies, what is known as a learning disability in
a. Dyslexia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dyspepsia
Dyslexia is a learning disability
that impairs reading ability.
Dysgraphia impacts handwriting
and fine motor skills. Dyscalculia
makes math difficult.
150. If a test item has a discrimination index of -. 30, what should you
a. Re-use it.
b. Discard it.
c. Improve on it.
d. Return it to the data
bank of test items
Professional Education Sept 2021 LET Questions

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Professional Education Sept 2021 LET Questions

  • 2. 1. Which of the following best develops fine motor skills of pre-school learners? a. Fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles b. Daily coloring book activities c. Repeated writing drills d. Right eating habit activities
  • 3. Gross motor skills pertain to skills involving large muscle movements, such as independent sitting, crawling, walking, or running. Fine motor skills involve use of smaller muscles, such as grasping, object manipulation, or drawing.
  • 4. 2. The concept of Kindergarten school is drawn from a ____________ root word which means "children's garden." a. Italian b. German c. French d. English
  • 5. The German educator Friedrich Froebel is significant for developing an Idealist philosophy of early childhood education and establishing the kindergarten, a school for four-and five-year-old children that is found worldwide.
  • 6. 3. Which teacher's personal trait is demonstrated by being gender sensitive and inclusive towards learners? a. Motivation b. Fairness c. Efficiency d. Passion
  • 7. Every child has the right to quality education and learning. Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the same schools. It means real learning opportunities for groups who have traditionally been excluded – not only children with disabilities, but speakers of minority languages too.
  • 8. 4. After the 1987 Constitution, what is the first legal basis that makes teaching a profession and considers teachers as professionals? a. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers b. R.A. 7836 c. P.D. 1006 d. R.A. 7640
  • 9. Republic Act (R.A.) 7836 (The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994) mandates the conduct of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). It was enacted in recognition of the role of teachers in nation-building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry.
  • 10. 5. Which of the following is the best relationship for the school and community? a. Community rule b. School supervision c. Partnership d. Teacher-led projects
  • 11. Family-school-community partnerships are a shared responsibility and reciprocal process whereby schools and other community agencies and organizations engage families in meaningful and culturally appropriate ways, and families take initiative to actively support their children's development and learning.
  • 12. 6. What is the appropriate teaching-learning strategy to respond to cultural diversity among learners? a. Variety of teaching and assessment methods b. Use of comparative assessment tools c. Group entire class homogenously d. One set of teaching-learning methods
  • 13. Cultural diversity is about appreciating that society is made up of many different groups with different interests, skills, talents and needs. It also means that you recognize that people in society can have differing religious beliefs and sexual orientations to you.
  • 14. 7. Which of the following exemplifies differentiated instruction directed at heterogeneous groups in a class? a. Different tasks, appropriate for each group b. Same task for all groups c. Divide class, same tasks d. Three different teachers to assess groups
  • 15. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.
  • 16. 8. What level of education is primarily aimed at by the UN's "Education for all?" a. Secondary b. Tertiary c. Basic d. Lifelong learning
  • 17. The K to 12 Program covers 13 years of basic education with the following key stages: Kindergarten to Grade 3 Grades 4 to 6 Grades 7 to 10 (Junior High School) Grades 11 and 12 (Senior High School)
  • 18. 9. Which of the following shows a total physical environment that supports learning? a. Safe and secure building and classroom structures b. Bulletin boards in every building c. Tall three-storied building d. Classrooms with furniture
  • 19. A conducive learning environment is more than just a classroom—it's a space in which students feel safe and supported in their pursuit of knowledge, as well as inspired by their surroundings.
  • 20. 10. What kind of displays should be placed on bulletin boards of schools? a. Instructional-interactive b. Newsworthy-informational c. Motivational-affective d. Decorative-colorful
  • 21. Interactive displays support active learning through student engagement opportunities and creating a more efficient classroom for teachers and administrators.
  • 22. 11. By being sensitive and responsive in class above gender, racial, economic differences or class Teacher Mina has shown __________ to her students. a. passion b. motivation c. efficiency d. fairness
  • 23. Fairness refers to the consideration of learner’s needs and characteristics, and any reasonable adjustments that need to be applied to take account of them.
  • 24. 12. How will you characterize the use of PowerPoint presentation to deliver a lesson? a. Technology b. Culture c. Academics d. Machinery
  • 25. Where teachers lack content or pedagogical knowledge, technology can support structured lesson plans or text-based nudges to build this capacity. Teachers' use of technology will empower them to leverage an array of resources to provide more focused, personalized learning to students.
  • 26. 13. What kind of teaching-learning approach is adopted in teaching the same major subjects (English, Math, Science) in the K-to-12 curriculum? a. Spiral teaching-learning b. Redundant teaching-learning c. Differentiated teaching-learning d. Higher order thinking teaching-learning
  • 27. In a spiral curriculum, learning is spread out over time rather than being concentrated in shorter periods. In a spiral curriculum, material is revisited repeatedly over months and across grades.
  • 28. 14. Why are routines helpful for class management? a. To ensure order b. To eliminate stress c. To punish offenders d. To reward performers
  • 29. Teaching students what to do during daily routines will help them be successful and can minimize disruptions in the classroom. The beginning of class, in between lessons, and the end of the school day are all critical times when having clear routines can help maximize instruction time. Teaching classroom routines as early in the school year as possible will allow students to learn expectations and the flow of the classroom.
  • 30. 15. Among communication indicators, which can ensure effective communication between teacher and learners? a. Technology-based b. Fun learning c. Group dynamics d. Two-way
  • 31. Two-way communication involves feedback from the receiver to the sender. This allows the sender to know the message was received accurately by the receiver. Communication is also negotiated which means that the sender and receiver listen to each other, the messages then gathers information to respond.
  • 32. 16. Which of the following ensures a safe and secure environment for learners in school? a. Having security guards b. Keeping the ID system c. Caring and protective teachers d. Installing CCTV cameras
  • 33. The goal of child protection is to promote, protect and fulfil children’s rights to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • 34. 17. Which of the following exemplifies making lesson relevant to the life of students along the 3 domains of cognitive, affective, and psycho- motor skills? a. Lesson with real-person, real-events connection b. Lesson with clear logical idea connections c. Lesson with pre-test and post test d. Lesson taught with teacher peers
  • 35. In education, authentic learning is an instructional approach that allows students to explore, discuss, and meaningfully construct concepts and relationships in contexts that involve real-world problems and projects that are relevant to the learner.
  • 36. 18. What is the major aim in essentialist education along traditional learning of school subjects? a. Applied knowledge b. Experiential learning c. Thorough learning d. Rote memorization
  • 37. Essentialism is the educational philosophy of teaching basic skills. This philosophy advocates training the mind. Essentialist educators focus on transmitting a series of progressively difficult topics and promotion of students to the next level or grade. This philosophy stresses core knowledge in reading, writing, math, science, history, foreign language, and technology. The tools include lecturing, memorization, repetition, practice, and assessment. William C. Bagley (1874–1946) was one of the most influential advocates of essentialism.
  • 38. 19. On classroom activities, the following are appropriate for learners who have good spatial skills, but NOT to include: a. community projects b. concept maps c. visual presentation d. preparing graphs
  • 39. Spatial intelligence, or visuo-spatial ability, has been defined “the ability to generate, retain, retrieve, and transform well-structured visual images” (Lohman 1996). It's what we do when we visualize shapes in our “mind's eye.” It's the mental feat that architects and engineers perform when they design buildings.
  • 40. 20. What is being asked of students in a task to determine elements and explain them in relation to other parts or the whole? a. analysis b. assessing c. recall d. understanding
  • 41. Analysis means a detailed examination of anything complex in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features, a thorough study doing a careful analysis of the problem, a statement of such an examination and separation of a whole into its component parts.
  • 42. 21. On principles of teaching-and- learning, what do Cognitive theorists see as the way to develop learners? a. learning by modelling of skills b. learning by thinking c. learning by perceiving the environment d. learning by imitation of ideas
  • 43. Cognitivism is a learning theory that focusses on how information is received, organized, stored and retrieved by the mind. It uses the mind as an information processer, like a computer. Therefore, cognitivism looks beyond observable behavior, viewing learning as internal mental processes.
  • 44. 22. In the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, science is formally taught from: a. Grade 4 to Grade 12 b. Grade 1 to Grade 10 c. K to Grade 12 d. Grade 3 to Grade 12
  • 45.
  • 46. 23. You want to know who a good teacher is. In the Philippines which would you consult? a. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers b. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards c. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards d. Professional Code of Ethics
  • 47. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers defines teacher quality in the Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers’ increasing levels of knowledge, practice and professional engagement. At the same time, the standards allow for teachers’ growing understanding, applied with increasing sophistication across a broader and more complex range of teaching/learning situations.
  • 48. 24. If I apply Vygotsky’s theory of learning, which will I do? a. allow the child to choose his learning activity b. establish classroom disciplining from the very start c. assist the child where he needs assistance until he can be on his own d. follow a logical arrangement of topics
  • 49. Vygotsky scaffolding is a theory that focuses on a student's ability to learn information through the help of a more informed individual. When used effectively, scaffolding can help a student learn content they wouldn't have been able to process on their own.
  • 50. 25. Due to the advent of COVID 19, which initiative is required for curriculum change? a. curriculum implementation b. curriculum evaluation c. curriculum design d. curriculum modification
  • 51. Curricular accommodations or modifications are alterations to the curriculum to better suit the needs of students who have some level of disadvantage. It can help children take full advantage of the learning activities, routines and materials in your classroom, or in any learning environment. These modifications can be helpful to any child who is struggling to participate.
  • 52. 26. In a lesson, when do teachers make ideas universally applicable to other ideas or situations? a. summarization b. generalization c. comparison d. abstraction
  • 53. Comparison involves looking at two or more things or ideas and considering their similarities and differences. In many classrooms, teachers use Venn diagrams to help students organize their thoughts when making simple comparisons.
  • 54. 27. What is the philosophical basis for education in recent years of General Education subjects in career studies in College level? a. utilitarianism b. traditionalism b. essentialism c. perennialism
  • 55. Essentialism is an educational philosophy that strives to ensure that students acquire a common core of knowledge in a systematic, disciplined way. In contrast, perennialism is an educational philosophy that states one should teach the things that are of everlasting importance to all individuals everywhere.
  • 56. 28. As a teacher, how will you best understand the need to nourish the child along the axiom “Man does not live by bread alone”? a. need to enforce discipline b. need to teach human values c. need to follow the syllabi d. need to teach the 3Rs
  • 57. The proverb man does not live by bread alone means that human beings need more than the simple necessities to keep them biologically alive, they need things that feed them mentally, spiritually, aesthetically, and they need things that give their lives meaning.
  • 58. 29. What does “grading on the curve” mean? a. grading compared with achievement b. normal scale of grades of students c. achievement more important than grades d. grading more important than achievement
  • 59. Grading on a curve means adjusting student scores after an assignment. The idea of "the curve" goes back to a bell curve. In a typical class, teachers can expect a majority of grades to fall near the class average, with a smaller number of A grades and failing grades.
  • 60. 30. Which is the best class performance on a 100-item test? a. mean is 80 and SD is 2 b. mean is 82 and SD is 10 c. mean is 90 and SD is 2 d. mean is 80 and SD is 12
  • 61. The formula for calculating a z-score is is z = (x-μ)/σ, where x is the raw score, μ is the population mean, and σ is the population standard deviation. As the formula shows, the z-score is simply the raw score minus the population mean, divided by the population standard deviation.
  • 62. 31. Among varied tasks, how can the virtual learning management system help instruction? a. through face-to-face learning b. through ending instructional tasks c. through digital game activities d. through posting assignments
  • 63. A virtual learning management system delivers online learning materials to students and allows both teachers and students to develop, upload, and share content, as well as plan courses and lessons. Most of it also offer real-time data tracking and communication between students and professors.
  • 64. 32. Which of the following exemplifies differentiated instruction directed at heterogenous groups in a class? a. different tasks, appropriate for each groups b. divide class, same tasks c. three different teachers to assess groups d. same task for all groups
  • 65. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.
  • 66. 33. Vygotsky says that learning occurs in a social context. Which learning activity is most appropriate? a. research b. peer discussion c. individual PowerPoint presentation d. journal entry
  • 67. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory asserts that learning is an essentially social process in which the support of parents, caregivers, peers and the wider society and culture plays a crucial role in the development of higher psychological functions.
  • 68. 34. Which is most likely the behavior if students whose minds are solely guided by the ID? a. students would discuss and ask questions a lot b. students would be very considerate and understanding with one another c. students would find it difficult to wait patiently for their turn at the canteen when hungry d. students would do more independent work
  • 69. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.
  • 70. 35. What level of the cognitive process is required in writing an essay on the personality of a fellow classmate? a. Creating b. Recalling c. Analyzing d. Applying
  • 71.
  • 72. 36. Why is a daily lecture NOT pragmatic as a lesson methodology? a. It is no longer used in modern teaching b. It is always not liked by students c. It may not apply to specific lessons d. It is a dull methodology
  • 73. Pragmatism is an educational philosophy that says that education should be about life and growth. That is, teachers should be teaching students things that are practical for life and encourage them to grow into better people. Many famous educators, including John Dewey, were pragmatists.
  • 74. 37. Which of the following ideas exemplify stereotyping that is unfair to student-learners? a. All students require quality instruction b. All students from peasant communities are dull c. All students have rights to be respected d. All students can best learn at their own pace
  • 75. In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have.
  • 76. 38. Teacher Sonny finds that student Elisa is emotionally insecure. Which of the following is the best way to assist Elisa? a. Give her extra assignments b. Give her more physical and less mental work c. Exempt her in some subjects d. Align activities to her needs
  • 77. Alignment between activities and assessments helps minimize wasted time as students are able to focus on skills geared towards the learning objectives.
  • 78. 39. Which of the following is practiced in a brainstorming situation? a. Suggestions must have merit b. Only good ideas are allowed c. No objections to ideas d. Opinions must meet counter opinions
  • 79. Brainstorming is a method of generating ideas and sharing knowledge to solve a particular commercial or technical problem, in which participants are encouraged to think without interruption. Brainstorming is a group activity where each participant shares their ideas as soon as they come to mind.
  • 80. 40. Which materials will you use for instructional planning of course content and strategies? a. instructional materials b. Seating arrangement c. Syllabus d. exhibits
  • 81. Curriculum contains all the subjects and outlines how they will be studied during the course while syllabus is more detailed version for each subject under the course.
  • 82. 41. Which is regarded by scholars as the faculty of intelligence linked to creative thinking among learners? a. Analytical thinking b. Imagination c. Judgment d. Logical thinking
  • 83. Imagination aids in the development of social, emotional, creative, physical, lingual, and problem-solving skills in children. These are important skills to develop in early childhood, as they can be good markers for understanding a child's overall development. But mostly, playing pretend is fun for kids.
  • 84. 42. What is required in order to go up the next grade level for a student who did not meet expectations in TWO learning areas? a. Pass remedial classes b. Take remedial classes even without passing them c. Repeat the whole grade level d. Reduction to lower level
  • 85. Classroom assessment is an integral part of curriculum implementation. It allows the teachers to track and measure learners’ progress and to adjust instruction accordingly. Classroom assessment informs the learners, as well as their parents and guardians, of their progress.
  • 86. 43. How will you characterize present efforts to use concrete situations in teaching Math concepts and formula? a. Symbolic mathematics b. Applied mathematics c. Theoretical mathematics d. Abstract mathematics
  • 87. Applied mathematics involves the application of mathematics to problems which arise in various areas, e.g., science, engineering or other diverse areas, and/or the development of new or improved methods to meet the challenges of new problems.
  • 88. 44. What is shown by results in a pre-test? a. Present psycho-motor skills b. Current moral values c. Past experiences d. Previous knowledge
  • 89. Pre-tests are a non-graded assessment tool used to determine pre-existing subject knowledge. Typically, pre-tests are administered prior to a course to determine knowledge baseline, but here they are used to test students prior to topical material coverage throughout the course.
  • 90. 45. Of the following, most important for classroom management is ensuring that ____________. a. latecomers are duly noted b. the classroom is conducive to learning c. instructional tools are used d. the students are quiet in class
  • 91. A conducive environment for learning, such as one with comfortable classroom set-ups, relevant use of teaching materials and interesting classroom activities, will further motivate the students to learn.
  • 92. 46. According to progressivist educators like Carl Rogers, what is the essence of creativity among school learners? a. Conformity b. Convention c. Industry d. Novelty
  • 93. Rogers' theory of personality development was based on humanistic psychology. According to his approach, everyone exists in a world full of experiences. These experiences shape our reactions that include external objects and people. Also, internal thoughts and emotions. This is known as their phenomenal field.
  • 94. 47. What kind of mistaken goal among students is hurting others to make up for being hurt. rejected, unloved thus becoming cruel, hostile or violent towards others? a. Power-seeking b. Attention-getting c. Withdrawal d. Revenge-seeking
  • 95.
  • 96. 48. How is periodic reporting of student grades useful? a. As feedback b. As an obligation c. As way to please parents d. As way to win support for the school
  • 97. Feedback is information given to the learner about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim to (and be capable of producing) improvement in students' learning. Feedback redirects or refocuses the learner's actions to achieve a goal, by aligning effort and activity with an outcome.
  • 98. 49. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 90 as level of proficiency? a. Outstanding b. Satisfactory c. Fairly Satisfactory d. Very Poor
  • 99.
  • 100. 50. What numerical grade corresponds to the descriptor "Did not meet expectations?” a. Below 75% b. 80% c. 85% d. 90%
  • 101.
  • 102. 51. What is demonstrated by DepEd's emphasis on learning and assessment for percentage contribution to the grade of students in Grades 1-to-10? a. More importance for performance tasks b. More stress on student discipline c. More value for written work d. More stress on leadership
  • 103.
  • 104. 52. What approach to motivating students is used by making encouraging remarks, such as "I know you can do it; keep trying; that's the boy/girl?" a. Assertive approach b. Success approach c. Behavioral modification approach d. Acceptance approach
  • 105.
  • 106. 53. Among thinking skills, Complex-Cognitive means ability _____________. a. to maintain distinctions b. to break down varied information c. to integrate varied information d. to identify and place ideas into categories
  • 107. There are seven comprehension skills that learners can develop, one is the analysis this is the ability to break down complex information into component parts, second focusing or scanning the ability to select relevant or important information without being distracted, third the comparative analysis the ability to select a correct time from among several alternatives and to compare information, fourth narrowing the ability to identify and place new information into categories, fifth complex cognitive, sixth sharpening to maintain distinction between cognitive structures including old and new information, last was the tolerance it is to monitor and modify thinking, the ability to deal without frustration.
  • 108. 54. Which item page in newspapers demonstrates critical thinking worthwhile for use in instruction on current issues and events? a. News page b. Entertainment page c. Opinion page d. Society page
  • 109. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.
  • 110. 55. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 80 as level of proficiency? a. Satisfactory b. Very Satisfactory c. Outstanding d. Advanced
  • 111.
  • 112. 56. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools that seek to promote democratic opportunities for all and humanistic education through lifelong learning? a. Classical education b. Progressivism c. Perennialism d. Positivism
  • 113. The progressivist classroom is about exploration and experience. Teachers act as facilitators in a classroom where students explore physical, mental, moral, and social growth. Common sights in a progressivist classroom might include small groups debating, custom-made activities, and learning stations.
  • 114. 57. What is asked by the teacher in making students do a deduction or inference on the lesson presented to the class? a. Summary b. Assumption c. Conclusion d. Hypothesis
  • 115. The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis, summarize the key supporting ideas you discussed throughout the work, and offer your final impression on the central idea. This final summation should also contain the moral of your story or a revelation of a deeper truth.
  • 116. 58. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 80 as level of proficiency? a. satisfactory b. advanced c. very satisfactory d. outstanding
  • 117.
  • 118. 59. When is it best for teacher Anna to set up classroom routines, e.g., passing of paper, seeking permission in class, etc.? a. at the end of the year b. in the middle of the year c. at start of every class d. at the start of the year
  • 119. Routines create structure and promote mental, physical and emotional health. The absence of a routine can often led to stress and feelings of unmanageability.
  • 120. 60. Which is true of a constructivist teaching learning process? I. based on students’ questions and interests II. interactive III. dialogue IV. group work a. II and III b. I and IV c. I and II d. I, II, III and IV
  • 121. Examples of constructivist classroom activities: 1. Reciprocal teaching/learning 2. Inquiry-based learning (IBL) 3. Problem-based learning (PBL) 4. Cooperative learning.
  • 122. 61. When will parents find reporting of grades of their children meaningful? a. by distributing grade report cards b. by comparing grades of individual students c. by telling parents the limitations of their children d. by explaining grades and performance of students
  • 123. Grading is used to evaluate and provide feedback on student work. In this way, instructors communicate to students how they are performing in the course and where they need more help to achieve the course’s goals. For instructors, grades help to assess what information, concepts, and skills students have successfully understood and which ones they have not. This kind of information helps you know what you may need to reiterate in class and what may require reworking in the course design. Grades also provide a standardized way of communicating student performance to third parties, including the departments in which students are enrolled, and students themselves.
  • 124. 62. At what level of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development is taxi driver Ed returning the wallet of a passenger who left it in his cab? a. preconventional for the reward money b. preconventional for fear of punishment c. conventional for social approval of what other people will say d. post-conventional for the common good
  • 125.
  • 126. 63. What cognitive process is required in writing a personality profile of a fellow classmate? a. creating b. applying c. recalling d. analyzing
  • 127.
  • 128. 64. What is meant by action research following a cyclical process? a. problems occur again and again like a cycle b. teachers form a circle during meetings c. the circle of participants change from time to time d. effort is continuing until problem is resolved
  • 129. Action research aims to identify problems and then produce an iterative plan of action with strategies to strive for best practice. There are four basic stages in the cyclical action research process: reflect, plan, act, observe, and then reflect to continue through the cycle (Dickens & Watkins,1999).
  • 130. 65. What is the aim in interpreting grades against standards? a. Understanding of performance b. Rating of performance c. Assessment of behavior d. Ranking of students in a class
  • 131. Norm-referenced tests make comparisons between individuals, and criterion-referenced tests measure a test taker's performance compared to a specific set of standards or criteria.
  • 132. 66. Or the following, which will you implement as the most effective strategy for influencing human emotion for retention and discovery of learning? a. Applying drills to augment retention b. Using of inspirational tool (book, film, art, etc.) c. Using the Internet by surfing for information d. Being humorous and light in teaching
  • 133. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.
  • 134. 67. How will you judge a student who gives unjustified reasons for what he or she knows was a wrong decision or action, e.g., not coming to class because it's already late? a. Justifying b. Rationalizing c. Reasoning d. Clarifying
  • 135. Rationalization is a defense mechanism (ego defense) in which apparent logical reasons are given to justify behavior that is motivated by unconscious instinctual impulses. It is an attempt to find reasons for behaviors, especially ones own.
  • 136. 68. Which of the following exemplifies a class dialogue? a. Demonstration b. Lecture c. Exhibit d. Discussion
  • 137. Discussion is an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular or an exchange of views on some topic. While lecture is teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class).
  • 138. 69. These are rights given the Child in indigenous minorities, but NOT to include _____________. a. to profess his/her religion b. to enjoy his/her culture c. to use his/her own language d. to be exempted from formal education
  • 139. Indigenous education is born from the territory and the ancestors. It is unique to each indigenous people, since it is rooted in the life and the culture of each indigenous people in their territory. Indigenous education is key to keeping indigenous children and youth grounded in their unique cultures.
  • 140. 70. Which best indicates a two-way communication between teacher and students? a. Ready to talk b. Defense for ideas c. Open to listen d. Ability to explain
  • 141. Open listening is letting go of conventional means of listening. It means listening to and valuing the telling of stories and letting pauses in conversation extend into silence rather than jumping into dispute, agree, question or move on.
  • 142. 71. Which philosophy supports universal values in education, as these are important in molding young minds towards broad ideals such as democracy, freedom, human rights? a. Essentialism b. Pragmatism c. Existentialism d. Empiricism
  • 143. Existentialism is the philosophical belief we are each responsible for creating purpose or meaning in our own lives. Our individual purpose and meaning is not given to us by Gods, governments, teachers or other authorities.
  • 144. 72. Among thinking strategies, Comprehension Monitoring is the ability _______________________. a. to make appropriate choices b. to check progress c. to be relaxed yet alert d. to synthesize new information
  • 145. Comprehension monitoring is a method used in education that is aimed at teaching students to monitor their understanding of the text, even if it means rereading or asking questions about the text in order to fully understand the meaning of the text.
  • 146. 73. Which research finding regarding use of the mother tongue as language of instruction is TRUE? The use of mother tongue _____ the learning of the second language. a. enhance b. delays c. does not affect d. hampers
  • 147. Mother tongue makes it easier for children to pick up and learn other languages. Mother tongue develops a child's personal, social and cultural identity. Using mother tongue helps a child develop their critical thinking and literacy skills.
  • 148. 74. What is the main objective of action research in instruction and school management? a. it aims at strengthening authority of principals b. it seeks to solve instructional and school problems c. it aims at increasing the work of teachers d. it seeks to make students loyal to the school
  • 149. Action research generates knowledge around inquiry in practical educational contexts. Action research allows educators to learn through their actions with the purpose of developing personally or professionally. Due to its participatory nature, the process of action research is also distinct in educational research.
  • 150. 75. Which of the following shows the teacher’s respect for human dignity? a. joining professional associations b. using social media c. working with people of different views d. practicing diligence and industry
  • 151. Human dignity is the recognition that human beings possess a special value intrinsic to their humanity and as such are worthy of respect simply because they are human beings.
  • 152. 76. Which of the following will most likely help students internalizing classroom rules? a. teacher explaining the rules to students to follow b. student participation in setting rules c. students following teacher’s rules d. teacher formulation the rules
  • 153. Internalization means taking social norms, roles, and values into one's own mind. Society was seen as the primary factor responsible for how individuals learned to think and behave.
  • 154. 77. On classroom activities, the following are appropriate for learners who have good logical-mathematical skills, but NOT to include a. storytelling b. number games c. experiments d. calculations
  • 155. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the ability to analyze situations or problems logically, identify solutions, conduct scientific research, and easily solve logical/mathematical operations. It is one of the eight multiple intelligence types proposed by Howard Gardner.
  • 156. 78. In addition to showing grades of students to their parents, which can be shown to demonstrate performance? a. teacher’s syllabus b. memorandum of the principal c. copy of curriculum d. written work
  • 157. Written Works shall be administered to assess essential knowledge and understanding through quizzes and long/unit tests. Items should be distributed across the Cognitive Process Dimension using a combination of selected-response and constructed-response so that all are adequately covered.
  • 158. 79. On the reasoning process, which is used for pure philosophy that is a deductive, rather than an inductive science? a. it starts from prior ideas in the mind b. it starts with the real outside the mind c. it relates external reality to mental reality d. it starts from the real to the mental
  • 159. Inductive reasoning is a bottom-up approach, while deductive reasoning is top-down. Inductive reasoning takes you from the specific to the general, while in deductive reasoning, you make inferences by going from general premises to specific conclusions.
  • 160. 80. What is the most preferable ratio of students for peer tutoring? a. 2:2 students ratio b. 2: 1 students-student ratio c. 1:1 student-student ratio d. 1:10 student-students ratio
  • 161. Peer tutoring is an instructional strategy that consists of student partnerships, linking high achieving students with lower achieving students or those with comparable achievement, for structured reading and math study sessions.
  • 162. 81. Which level of teacher planning establishes general content and often prepared by a committee of experts? a. weekly planning b. Unit planning c. Term planning d. Course mapping
  • 163. Course maps are useful visual tools when designing or redesigning your course. Paralleling the backward design process, a course map is essentially a representation of how you intend to approach and assess each of the student learning outcomes you identified for your course.
  • 164. 82. Which of the following demonstrates the teacher's integrity? a. Moral courage b. Innovation c. Entrepreneurship d. Decisive thinking
  • 165. Moral courage involves the willingness to speak out and do that which is right in the face of forces that would lead a person to act in some other way.
  • 166. 83. Which of the following shows the teacher's respect for human dignity? a. Using social media b. Practicing diligence and industry c. Working with people of different views d. Joining professional associations
  • 167. Human dignity is the recognition that human beings possess a special value intrinsic to their humanity and as such are worthy of respect simply because they are human beings.
  • 168. 84. Among facets of the "hidden curriculum" that transmit right moral values, the most powerful by way of personal influence are _______________. a. teachers' peer efforts b. teacher's authority over learners c. teacher's attitudes and behavior d. teacher's innovation
  • 169. Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school.
  • 170. 85. The most basic principle in Mastery Instruction is high rate of learning that ___________________. a. corrects instruction e.g. alternative instructional material b. enriches instruction, e.g. independent study c. adapts to the learner rather than the learner to instruction d. assesses instruction, e.g. use rubrics
  • 171. Mastery learning is the transformational education innovation of our time. At its core, mastery learning enables students to move forward at their own pace as they master knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Effective implementation at scale will completely change how students learn, how teachers teach, and how schools work. It will revolutionize state testing, education research, and the labor market. It will transform how curricula are developed, how learning is measured, and how teachers are trained.
  • 172. 86. The way for values clarification by examination of situations involving values is ______________. a. action learning b. analysis of issues c. valuing d. inculcation
  • 173. Values clarification is a psychotherapy technique that can often help an individual increased awareness of any values that may have a bearing on lifestyle decisions and actions. This technique can provide an opportunity for a person to reflect on personal moral dilemmas and allow for values to be analyzed and clarified.
  • 174. 87. Which correlative concepts will you NOT include as pairs to the positive-negative characteristics of teachers? a. original :: conventional b. Amiable :: hostile c. cautious :: Outspoken d. Bubbly :: resourceful
  • 175. Analogy is a comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect, resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike, similarity, and inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others.
  • 176. 88. It is reasonable to say that high moral character is demonstrated by following thoughts, attitudes and deeds, but REMOTELY to include _________________. a. nurturing at home and school b. positive philosophy of life c. technology Innovations d. human behavior during stages of growth
  • 177. Moral character can be conceptualized as an individual's disposition to think, feel, and behave in an ethical versus unethical manner, or as the subset of individual differences relevant to morality.
  • 178. 89. When the industrial age introduced empirical research, what became valuable as basis for objective truth? a. Observable and measurable evidence b. Customs and traditions c. Church doctrine and morals d. Authoritative rules and norms
  • 179. Empiricism is the theory that human knowledge comes predominantly from experiences gathered through the five senses. In empiricism, concepts are spoken of as a posteriori or “from the latter” meaning from the experiences.
  • 180. 90. On transferring learning. how will you classify a demonstration on applying first aid for accidental wounds, as done by an invited professional nurse resource person? a. Concept-related b. Inquiry-related c. Utilization-related d. Learner-related
  • 181. Utilitarianism is a theory of morality, which advocates actions that foster happiness and oppose actions that cause unhappiness. Utilitarianism promotes "the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people."
  • 182. 91. Among major schools of learning theories, which consider how the individual perceives the learning environment or situation? a. Cognitive theories b. Field and Gestalt theories c. Behavioral theories d. Social theories
  • 183. Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts. That is, the attributes of the whole are not deducible from analysis of the parts in isolation. The word Gestalt is used in modern German to mean the way a thing has been “placed,” or “put together.”
  • 184. 92. From contemporary cognitive psychology, learning is proposed to be task-oriented, purposive and efficient which is same as being _________________. a. appropriate b. meaningful c. situational d. goal-directed
  • 185. Purposive behaviorism a cognitive theory of learning postulating that behavioral acts have a goal or purpose that selects and guides the behavioral sequence until the goal or purpose is attained.
  • 186. 93. What characteristics show that a teacher has empathy towards learners/ students? a. Caring and love b. Loyalty and affinity c. Discipline and fortitude d. Strength and conviction
  • 187. Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective. Empathy involves putting yourself in the other person's shoes and understanding why they may have these feelings.
  • 188. 94. How do you judge the teaching style of a teacher who is fussy, teaches things over and over, and is concerned with functional order and structure? a. Entertainer type b. Compulsive type c. Quiet one type d. Secular type
  • 189.
  • 190. 95. Which of the following is simulation to abstract the real world in learning? a. Chess b. Role playing c. Monopoly d. Scrabble
  • 191. Monopoly is a multi-player economics-themed board game. In the game, players roll two dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them with houses and hotels. Players collect rent from their opponents, with the goal being to drive them into bankruptcy. Money can also be gained or lost through Chance and Community Chest cards, and tax squares.
  • 192. 96. What is an encouraging teacher nonverbal behavior that can be used in class? a. Facial expression that is condescending b. Slouching on chair c. Avoiding eye contact d. Patting student on the back
  • 193. While getting a pat on the back is a common gesture signaling, “Well done”, patting someone's shoulder often conveys the same meaning.
  • 194. 97. These are the ways successful learners can add new information with old knowledge in a meaningful way but NOT to include __________. a. modify old knowledge b. reorganize new knowledge or values c. add and integrate new information d. store new information and values
  • 195.
  • 196. 98. Which of the following situations can show that a teacher is "chill" in a tense situation? a. Not excited, but calm b. Not passive, but active c. Not alone, but with peers d. Not revengeful, but forgiving
  • 197. Chill means calm, relaxed, easygoing.
  • 198. 99. In the beginning the learning goals and learning may be short-term but these can be refined by the following initiatives but NOT to include ____________. a. filling learning gaps b. deepening understanding of the subject matter c. scheming through lesson topics d. resolving inconsistencies in the topics
  • 199. Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts.
  • 200. 100. Modern universities abroad has Yoga and Meditation relaxation and wellness classes in their curriculum. Which values are integrated in this program of studies? a. Moral values b. Vital values c. Sacred values d. Social values
  • 201.
  • 202. 101. What question is asked for reflecting on issues or problems in a lesson? a. What b. Why c. Where d. When
  • 203. Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a professional. At the end of each lesson, you should reflect on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. This part of the process consists of two parts: the reflection and the analysis.
  • 204. 102. What is Teacher Ryan doing when he probes students by asking a sequence of questions on a subject matter to arrive at a satisfactory answer? a. Clarifying b. Conversing c. Analyzing d. Prompting
  • 205. Prompting is a technique to move on to another student in order to maintain interest. Prompting questions use hints and clues to aid students in answering questions or to assist them in correcting an initial original question with clues or hints included.
  • 206. 103. Experts refer to these helpful abilities for self-expression by learners but NOT to include _____________. a. imagining b. speculating c. building d. developing insights
  • 207. Speculating means to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain
  • 208. 104. Which of the following demonstrates that a teacher is competent in content knowledge and pedagogy? a. Research-based teaching b. Teacher-centered teaching c. Concept-based teaching d. Rote and drill-teaching
  • 209.
  • 210. 105. How is action research Important to instruction and school management? a. It seeks to solve instructional and school problems b. It seeks to make students loyal to the school c. It aims at increasing the work of teachers d. It aims at strengthening authority of principals
  • 211. Action research may also be called a cycle of action or cycle of inquiry, since it typically follows a predefined process that is repeated over time. A simple illustrative example: 1. Identify a problem to be studied 2. Collect data on the problem 3. Organize, analyze, and interpret the data 4. Develop a plan to address the problem 5. Implement the plan 6. Evaluate the results of the actions taken 7. Identify a new problem 8. Repeat the process
  • 212. 106. When a student gathers data or information and arrives at a conclusion, what process of research is followed? a. Deduction b. Induction c. Experiment d. Implication
  • 213. Both deduction and induction are a type of inference, which means reaching a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning. Deduction moves from idea to observation, while induction moves from observation to idea.
  • 214. 107. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory, what is displayed by the child trying out new ways of doing things? a. Self-reliance b. Initiative c. Autonomy d. Independence
  • 215.
  • 216. 108. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory what is displayed by the child in saying "I do things without worrying about them?" a. Discipline b. Endurance c. Obedience d. Autonomy
  • 217.
  • 218. 109. How is reflection recorded in action research? a. Through a report journal b. Through a syllabus c. Through the curriculum d. Through a lesson plan
  • 219. Action research may also be called a cycle of action or cycle of inquiry, since it typically follows a predefined process that is repeated over time. A simple illustrative example: 1. Identify a problem to be studied 2. Collect data on the problem 3. Organize, analyze, and interpret the data 4. Develop a plan to address the problem 5. Implement the plan 6. Evaluate the results of the actions taken 7. Identify a new problem 8. Repeat the process
  • 220. 110. In Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory of development the following contribute to the learners’ social environment with ___________ opening the door for learners to acquire knowledge. a. activities b. language c. lessons d. classroom
  • 221. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of human learning describes learning as a social process and the origination of human intelligence in society or culture. The major theme of Vygotsky's theoretical framework is that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition.
  • 222. 111. During the COVID virtual learning, what is missed by learners? a. Face-to-face teaching-learning b. Virtual interaction c. On-line instruction d. Cyber interchange
  • 223. Face-to-face learning is an instructional method where course content and learning material are taught in person to a group of students. This allows for a live interaction between a learner and an instructor. It is the most traditional type of learning instruction.
  • 224. 112. At what level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development is taxi driver Rod returning the wallet of a passenger who left it in his cab? a. Preconventional for the reward money b. Post-conventional for the common good c. Conventional for social approval of what other people will say d. Preconventional for fear of punishment
  • 225.
  • 226. 113. What will you see as an application of Pavlov's idea of discrimination? a. Engaging students in collaborative learning b. Giving way for peer tutoring c. Mentoring low achievers in class d. Allowing students to choose electives
  • 227. Discrimination. For example, if a bell tone were the conditioned stimulus, discrimination would involve being able to tell the difference between the bell tone and other similar sounds. Because the subject is able to distinguish between these stimuli, they will only respond when the conditioned stimulus is presented.
  • 228. 114. When do you think Thorndike's Law of Readiness applies best applies? a. When a teacher prepares well for presentation b. When a teacher pairs the quick and slow learners c. When a teacher gives enough time for students to answer questions d. When a teacher's requires quick answers to questions
  • 229.
  • 230. 115. What situation will you depict as conformed to Pavlov's behaviorist classical conditioning in learning by way of stimulus and response? a. Bringing student in field study b. Giving rewards to student achievers d. Engaging students in open discussion c. Using PowerPoint presentation
  • 231. Discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a type of unconscious or automatic learning. This learning process creates a conditioned response through associations between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus.
  • 232. 116. Researchers on the brain tell that the brain is more "plastic" in younger children and potentially more malleable for re-routing neural circuits. What is an implication on reading disabilities? I. Early identification of reading disabilities is very important. II. Remediation for reading disabilities must be given as early as possible. III. Reading disabilities in late childhood are beyond remediation. a. I and II b. l only c. I only d. Ill only
  • 233.
  • 234. 117. Constructivist Teacher Karie asked her students to present ideas on what should characterize modem political heroes in today's millennial society. What kind of presentation does she expect from her students? a. Narrative b. Schema c. Advance organizer d. Script
  • 235. Ausubel's idea of an “advance organizer” is to relate what a student already knows to the new content to be learned and thus increase retention. Advance organizers should be at a higher level of abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness than the content to be presented.
  • 236. 118 Constructivist Teacher Ed asked his students to present the episodes EDSA people power revolution. What does he expect from his students? a. Advance organizers b. Schema c. Script d. Paradigm
  • 237. Ausubel's idea of an “advance organizer” is to relate what a student already knows to the new content to be learned and thus increase retention. Advance organizers should be at a higher level of abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness than the content to be presented.
  • 238. 119. Arrange chronologically the following instructional events for designing instruction and media following Gagne's conditions of learning. I. Eliciting performance II. Providing feedback III. Gaining attention IV. Informing learners of expectancy V. Presenting stimulus a. I, III, II, IV and V b. V, IV, III, ll and I c. I. II. III, IV and V d. III, IV, V, I and II
  • 239.
  • 240. 120. Advance organizers use _____________ to make connections among various pieces of information for efficient recall. a. Visual imagery b. Rehearsal c. Organization d. Elaboration
  • 241.
  • 242. 121. These can serve as components of a Graphic Organizer but NOT ______________________. a. Concept patterns b. Narrative c. Pictographs d. Descriptive patterns
  • 243.
  • 244. 122. There are varied aspects to professionalism among teachers, but which aspect is their inner ideals, commitment and dedication as teachers? a. Cultural aspect b. Social aspect c. Work aspect d. Ethical aspect
  • 245. Ethics is connected to cultural meaning and social power to provide the philosophical base for justice, proper use of power and authority, and right relationships. As a whole, decisions and their rightness, consequences and context are all ethically very important in the development of sustainable society.
  • 246. 123. Which of the following is the equivalent of self-awareness which is basic to social emotional growth among learners? a. integrity b. ego-esteem c. altruism d. trust
  • 247. Self-esteem is your overall opinion of yourself — how you feel about your abilities and limitations. When you have healthy self- esteem, you feel good about yourself and see yourself as deserving the respect of others. When you have low self-esteem, you put little value on your opinions and ideas.
  • 248. 124. What activity of human intelligence attaches value or quantitative description to measuring results of learning and school activities? a. Understanding b. Critical thinking c. Analysis d. Assessment
  • 249. In education, the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.
  • 250. 125. Which of the following will NOT be acceptable to Max Scheler's hierarchy of spiritual values? a. Goodness b. Beauty c. Sin d. Truth
  • 251.
  • 252. 126. How will you characterize contemporary progressive education? a. Traditional b. Science-based c. Virtue-driven d. Classic knowledge
  • 253. Science – based essentially means that some decision that is made is done in a way that takes scientific methods and results into account.
  • 254. 127. In Matching Type questions, what are "distractors" that ensures only one correct response among choices or alternatives? a. Test focus b. Item additions c. Items economy d. Incorrect choices
  • 255. Distractors are the incorrect answers in a multiple-choice question.
  • 256. 128. Which of the following belongs to authentic assessment? a. Indirect evidence b. Simple recall c. Contrived incident d. Performing a task
  • 257. Authentic assessment is "a form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills" (J. Mueller).
  • 258. 129. What kind of multiple question is: "For an agricultural country like the Philippines, which should the country advance for its economic development: (a) agriculture production (b) industrial development (C) tourism (d) finance and banking"? a. Simple knowledge b. Application of a formula c. Assessment of a problem d. Application of a concept
  • 259. Concepts can be based on real phenomena and are a generalized idea of something of meaning. Examples of concepts include common demographic measures: Income, Age, Education Level, Number of Siblings.
  • 260. 130. What does “teaching to the test” mean? a. Use of tests to assess learning b. Teaching students to perform well on meaningful tasks d. Begin and end class with a test c. Focus on content that will be tested
  • 261. Teaching to the test means that teachers focus on specific items in order to ensure that their students achieve higher scores during standardized tests.
  • 262. 131. Which is TRUE of the Philippine educational system? a. Free education in public elementary and secondary schools d. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private schools in the basic level c. Free education in the government schools in all levels b. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private schools in all levels
  • 263. Enhanced Basic Education Program. — The enhanced basic education program encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence. Secondary education includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school education.
  • 264. 132. How does a behaviorist explain the observation of a child enjoying school? a. He is rewarded for his good performance b. He feels he belongs c. He taught life skills d. Learning is highly personalized
  • 265. Behaviorism is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning, and conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our actions are shaped by environmental stimuli.
  • 266. 133. What does a difficulty index of .10 mean? The test item is ____________. a. easy b. difficult c. not reliable d. not valid
  • 267.
  • 268. 134. Complete the analogy: School heads : National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads Teachers : ______________ a. Professional Philippine Standards for Teachers d. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards c. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers b. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
  • 269. The PPST is a public statement of what teachers need to know, value, and be able to do in their practice. It has four career stages: Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient, and Distinguished. It is built on the National Competency- based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).
  • 270. 135. For effective teaching-learning, there is no such thing as "one-size- fits-all". What does this imply? a. Allow students to use their cellphones in class. d. Consider multiple intelligences in teaching. c. Use performance tests since they are more reliable. b. Always end up with a lesson summary.
  • 271. Education has traditionally been approached using a “one size fits all” model, wherein students are subjected to the same teaching styles and evaluation methods irrespective of their ability or interest.
  • 272. 136. What needs to be written by teachers for day-to-day teaching aligned with curriculum requirements? a. A lesson plan b. A self-reflection c. A weekly journal d. A portfolio
  • 273. A lesson plan is a teacher's daily guide for what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be measured. Lesson plans help teachers be more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow each class period.
  • 274. 137. You want to know who a good teacher is. In The Philippines which would you consult? a. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards d. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards c. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers b. Professional Code of Ethics
  • 275. The PPST is a public statement of what teachers need to know, value, and be able to do in their practice. It has four career stages: Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient, and Distinguished. It is built on the National Competency- based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).
  • 276. 138. Which of the following set of exceptional learners have superior intelligence rather than disabilities for learning? a. Gifted learners b. Mentally retarded learners c. Sensory impaired learners d. Autistic learners
  • 277. Gifted learners are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following domains: intellectual, creative, social and physical. They need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop their potential.
  • 278. 139. What factor should Teacher Julie be careful about when she is teaching in a school for children in a poverty-stricken slum area? a. Children's socio-economic status b. Children's beliefs c. Children's ethnicity d. Children's race
  • 279. Socio-economic background takes account of social and economic factors including parents' educational qualifications, parents' occupations, household income, the level of reliance on government income support and the level of household overcrowding.
  • 280. 140. If you apply the cognitive theories of learning with which do you agree? a. Learning is an active process of organizing and integrating information d. Learning is automatically responding to a stimulus. c. Learning involves a mind that is totally blank b. Learning is strengthening the connection between stimulus and response
  • 281. Cognitivism is a learning theory that focuses on how information is received, organized, stored and retrieved by the mind. It uses the mind as an information processer, like a computer. Therefore, cognitivism looks beyond observable behavior, viewing learning as internal mental processes.
  • 282. 141. Which is an effective way of developing a sense of ownership? a. Abide totally by the students' suggestions. d. Involve students in all decision-making that involve the class. c. Make students participate in the formulation of class rules. b. Let students formulate the class rules.
  • 283. Sense of ownership means not waiting for others to act and caring about the outcome as much as an owner of the company would. It is being accountable for the results of your actions – that they are of the highest quality and delivered in a timely manner. Taking ownership shows others that they can trust you to do the right thing.
  • 284. 142. Which statements is/are TRUE? I. In the cognitivist classroom, student's minds are "tabula rasa" II. Rote memorization and drill are features of behaviorist classroom III. In the cognitivist classroom teacher builds on what students know IV. In the constructivist classroom, students build their own knowledge based on personal meaning. a. II, III and IV b. I, III and IV c. II and IV d. I, II and IV
  • 285. Philosophically speaking, behaviorism has its origins in the associationism of the philosopher John Locke (1632– 1704). Locke believed that the human being was born as a tabula rasa — that, mentally, a human infant was a blank slate, with no prior knowledge or ideas.
  • 286. 143. Vygotsky says that learning occurs in a social context. Which leaning activity is most appropriate ? a. Individual PowerPoint presentation b. Journal entry c. Research d. Peer discussion
  • 287. A peer discussion is an activity that encourages you to engage with others in reflection on learning and practice. Research shows that having another person's view can help you to reflect on your practice and can reduce the potential for professional isolation.
  • 288. 144. What is characteristic of the Lesson Plan that integrates its outcomes, methods and assessment components? a. Their alignment b. Their sequencing c. Their independence d. Their differentiation
  • 289. Curriculum alignment is a process aimed at ensuring coherence and consistency between the intended outcomes as specified in the formal curriculum and teaching methods, assessment tasks, and learning activities in the classroom.
  • 290. 145. In introducing a new lesson, what should Teacher Lanie trying to determine when she relates a past lesson to a new lesson? a. Learners' knowledge base b. Learners’ motivation to know more c. Learners' curiosity to know a new lesson d. Learners’ style in knowing
  • 291. Knowledge based learning is learning that revolves around both the knowledge that the student already has, and the understanding that they are going to achieve by doing work. When learning is based around knowledge that students already have, and knowledge they are going to be achieving, the learning is better connected to real life.
  • 292. 146. Which of the following characteristics among learners can indicate that their parents have been authoritarian? a. Fearful-inhibited b. Strong- Outgoing c. Open- friendly d. Responsive- active
  • 293.
  • 294. 147. At what instance is the teacher a writer of the curriculum? a. Preparing lesson plans b. Presenting class lessons c. Assessing lesson outcomes d. Checking lesson exams
  • 295. Teacher as a Curricularist 1. Plans the curriculum. 2. Writes the curriculum. 3. Initiates the curriculum. 4. Implements the curriculum. 5. Evaluates the curriculum. 6. Innovates the curriculum. 7. Knows the curriculum.
  • 296. 148. Can a licensed teacher go back to teaching even if she has not taught for the past five years? a. Yes, because he has a license. b. No. unless he completes additional 6 units of Professional Education and 6 units of specialization in school recognized by the government. c. Yes, the past five years of experience outside teaching can supplant five years of teaching experience. d. No, unless she earns 45 CPD units.
  • 297. RA 9293: Professional teachers who have not practiced their profession for the past five (5) years shall take at least twelve (12) units of education courses, consisting of a least six (6) units of pedagogy and six (6) units of context courses or the equivalent training and number 1 hours to be chosen from a list of courses to be provided by the Board and the Department of Education, before they can be allowed to practice their profession in the country.
  • 298. 149. On learning deficiencies, what is known as a learning disability in reading? a. Dyslexia b. Dyscalculia c. Dysgraphia d. Dyspepsia
  • 299. Dyslexia is a learning disability that impairs reading ability. Dysgraphia impacts handwriting and fine motor skills. Dyscalculia makes math difficult.
  • 300. 150. If a test item has a discrimination index of -. 30, what should you do? a. Re-use it. b. Discard it. c. Improve on it. d. Return it to the data bank of test items