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- One practice problem of which has occurred in the past is that I run out of time on specific programs in college. These are those like
Photoshop and also Microsoft office. For Microsoft office I can do it at home on Google docs and slides. This allows me to do my work at
home and lets me keep on top of deadlines. Unfortunately I do not have Photoshop at home, this then gives me limited time especially
when we don’t have that much time In college. This would be catastrophic for my fmp. This would be because this is obviously my
biggest project to date and it would not look very good if it is unfinished and looks messy. For my production I plan on sticking to my plan
and then doing other elements of which I may of thought of later on. These may be things like extra designs I have thought of or maybe
adding more colors to my existing design. This will make sure that I get everything done that needs doing. Another thing I can do of
which will stop me getting behind is to focus. To do this I will have to not with un relevant YouTube videos. I will have to also listen to
playlists. This is because it will waist time and I want the most as possible for this project.
- Another practical problem is that the computer may crash. This has happened in the past and I wouldn't’t say its frequent however
when I tend to work quickly in adobe Photoshop it has crashed and did last project a few times. After the first time I began to save my
work more. If this happens it would really effect my work and could make me become behind the schedule. This could ultimately effect
the end products. This could ruin the chance of myself getting a merit as I would have to do all the work again. To stop this from
happening I would have to save every 10-15 minutes. This will ensure that I don’t have much work to do if any if Photoshop was say to
- A hypothetical problem is something that may happen in the future however it is not certainly going to happen. This is something such
as the memory stick breaking. This would be a disaster as I would have lost all my work. This would mean I have to complete all my
work and also 4 weeks or so much production. This would mean I would probably fail or get a pass. This would be because I would have
to rush the entire project in a very limited time scale. Even if I forgot my memory stick one day this could be a bad thing. This is because
I may of saved my work from the day before on the memory stick and not on the computer. I would then have to get on with something
else. This would ruin my schedule and would throw me off track. To stop this from happening I will have to make sure I copy it and save
it on the same computer as well as the memory stick. This will allow me to access it every time I'm at college.
- Another problem which may hypothetically happen could be that the camera could brake when using it or it ay run out of charge. This
would effect me. This is because I would be wanting to take photos in that specific slot. This will have been schedule for this time. If
this happens I will have to go back to the classroom and will have to try and do something else. This will be a problem if I have
already made my clothing and done most of my look book. If I need photos to get on I will most likely be stuck until later. This will
mean that I am wasting time. This could effect my grade because I might have to rush the photos. These could end up being blurry or
not as sharp. To ensure that this does not happen I will have to check the camera before going in the studio. I will also have to be
extra careful with the camera so that I do not brake It. This would be done by myself using the hand strap and going steady with it.
- The mouse or keyboard may not be working one day. This would also be a problem as I could not physically do the work. This would
delay my production. This is because to use Photoshop I have to use my mouse and keyboard. This is to add text and also to
obviously add elements such as colors and filters. If this does happen I will be getting behind however this problem should not take
long to fix if this does happen. This is because I would just inform the tutor and they would hopefully sort it so that it quickly. I then
could get on.
For my model I plan on using my friend also peers. This will be defiantly Louis however I will also try and get other people in the class
who I think represent the demographic I am aiming for. The demographic is 16-30 who are interested in street wear and the culture
behind it. If so I will get my good friend Kian to pose in my work. This will then be demonstrated within my work when I go and make
my look book. This will be pictures of them in pieces of my clothing. This will show o my photography skills as well as my Photoshop
skills as I am going to edit the clothing they are wearing. This will be by7 myself using the patch tool or something similar to hide the
logo. The models could cause problems. This could be because they may not be in for the day I have planned to take photos. If both
of the 2 models are off this will very rare but will also effect my production schedule. This is because I only have 4 weeks in order to
make something that looks very good and if I am wasting one day of production I will be stuck. I will set a contingency plan together
so that I have a solution to this problem. One solution may be that I have other work to get on with. Another problem I may have with
the models is that they are not wearing suitable clothing. This will be a very rare thing however It could happen. They could both be
wearing something of which I was not planning on including. I plan on including t-shirts, hoodies, bottoms, shoes and hats. If they
was wearing say a patterned t-shirt which had a brand all over it, this may be harder to make my own in Photoshop. This would be a
problem however not the worst thing that could happen. If the model say was wearing a vest or something. This would not suit the
aesthetic of my products.
The location could cause problems. For my locations I only plan on being in the studio. This could however cause problems . This is
because the studio may not be in use. This could be because of something technical such as maybe the backdrop and lights have
broken. The likely hood of this is really low however this could happen. If this does happen I will again just have it complete other
work and make sure I have other things to do if this happens. I could work on my designs. Another problem could be that I forgot to
book the studio and it is fully booked for 2 weeks. This is something that could happen quite easily. This is because they're are lots
of other media students who are also doing there final major project. If this does happen I will be without photos for 2 weeks .this will
mean that I will have to leave a large part of my project to the end , this means my work will be rushed and not look good. This would
probably rule out a merit for my final grade and instead would be get a pass or a fail. This would be because my work would not look
good aesthetically- and technically. So this doesn't happen I will have to book the studio in advance and if say I did not and forgot I
would have to use someone else's time for 20 minutes. That would be if possible.
The software I am going to use is Microsoft office and Photoshop as well as adobe illustrator and also InDesign. Photoshop will be a
big part of my project. Photoshop has been the core of the majority of my projects. From doing his am now vary confident with using
this program however there are still things to leaner. I have used techniques in other projects of which I can easily transfer into this
one. I have learnt skills in Photoshop in my factual project as well as other projects of which are easily transferable. These are
elements such as using the ruler tool. This is done by using cmd and the letter r. this activates the rulers on the page so that you can
align everything. This has been used by me because it makes your work look a lot more tidy. This then makes it look more
professional as this is a convention for print based and digital products. I have also used Photoshop to use many skills some of which
are not relevant at all for this topic. These are those such as masking, filters and also inverting. One skill of which will be very
important in this project will be the magic wand tool or the quick select tool. These both do the same thing near enough. These tools
will be very important for my topic as it will be able to cut out the designs of which I will use. Another important technique within
Photoshop will be embossing text. This will be important as I want my designs to look good and also to look like they actually belong
on that t-shirt. By this I mean that I want the designs to look like they are attached to the t-shirt not just an overlay. I plan on using
other software in my production. One being in design. I would use this in my production in order to layout the pages. This would be
mainly in my look book. This would be laid out just like a magazine would be. I have used this a few times in previous projects one
being the most recent one which was the factual one. I used this to organize my magazine pages. I also used this in last years fmp.
This was gain to organize thing. I would use this program over Photoshop this is because in design creates borders around the
pages, you can then edit these so that they are bigger or even smaller. In design also allows you to add columns. This is something I
may use in my look book however there will not be much text. Using the columns aligns the text and makes it look tidy. This is a lot
easier to do than in Photoshop. I am fairly experienced with InDesign now and feel confident with it. The final software I will use will
be adobe illustrator this is because its good for digital graphics and designs. I am not the most confident with using this as I have not
used this as much at the other 2 programs. In illustrator though you can make designs a lot better than you can in Photoshop. In this
you can make smoother drawings and also can make better text. By this I mean that you can make text that stands out more in the
sense that the colors are sharper.
PHOTOS For the first experiment I firstly gathered
some images. These were taken by
myself on my phone. For these images I
chose my friend Louis and we went down
near the art gallery in the college. This is
because the studio was booked and this
is where there was a clear whitish wall. I
tried using various modes on my phone t
take these photos. One being portrait,
normal and also studio lighting. All these
options offer something different. The
portrait mode focuses on the model and
makes the model stand out more. The
studio lighting mode makes the image
look like it was taken in a studio. This
mode in hindsight would have been more
suitable in a studio. This is because it
made the pictures look darker. I then
used stage lighting. This then darkened
everything but the object and makes it
look as if you was on the stage and the
light was on you. Overall from this I feel
like the photos I took were very good and
were very usable for my experiments.
Also overall I feel that my favourite mode
was the natural light mode in portrait. This
is because I feel like the images looked
the best/. This was due ti the colours,
saturation and explore looking better.
For my experiments I wanted to firstly edit the pictures I took and then practise my designs. This is a similar process to what I have
used before when editing photos however this was more in depth. By this I mean that I have changed more such as the exposure,
vibrance, contrance and even colour balance slightly. I think these pictures look quite a lot different and for the better. I will be using this
process in my actual production. This is because I feel that it worked well and was incredibly easy to do.
For my second experiment I basically did the same thing so there is not much to comment on. I did however use some different tools.
One being the plaster looking tool. This is similar to the patch tool. This tool basically covers anything with the colours around it. This
is a very effective way to get rid of things that are not meant to be there such as spots, moles and pimples. This is most likely used in
the profesional industry. This is because you rarely see models with spots and they usually have perfect skin. I also used the same
techniques as before to change the image. This did work as you can see that the image is lot more exposed and a lot brighter than
the other one. This makes the image stand out more and draws your eyes to the image more than before. This is because of the
brightness and the vibrance. I could have edited the image more to make It look even better however I did not think about that at this
time. This is my opinion looking back at this.
For this experiment I practised a design. This was
just a random design that popped I my head. I
would plan designs in my planning for my
production. This design is not really fully visible. I
did this because the model is on an angle and I
thought that this was the best way to get the design
on the model without it looking like its not supposed
to be there. In hindsight I shall take pictures of the
model straight on however this is not a bad attempt
and would look better say if there was a main image
of the tshirt near this image. This would look like
something in the supreme lookbook. For the design
I firstly imported an un splashed image. This was
because it was non copyrighted. This was an image
of the golden gate bridge. I changed this to black
and white via the setting on edit. This was because I
thought it would clearly stand out on the white
jumper. After that I then added the name of the
experimental brand. This was EDWAR. This was
because its similar to my name and I thought that
this sounded better than edwards for a clothing
brand. I also quickly chose this name as I knew that
I would be able to quickly get on and the name
didn’t really matter as this was an experiment. I
used font which was noticeable however looking at
these pictures you can't really see it unless you
zoom in. this would look different in person and
would show that this is a branded piece. To make
this stand out I located the image and brand name
on the left part of the chest and rubbed out the
excess so that this looked like it was on the
sweatshirt and behind the coat.
After that I then made a badge this
badge. this was becuase i have seen
it on north face coats. these are if not
This design didn’t take too long however I
wanted to do this mainly because I had
seen similar designs from brands like
supreme. To do this logo I really just
experimented with the warp tool. This was
playing with it making the logo even at
each side until it looks good. I think that I
did do that well and now I have the
experience of using the warp tool I can
transfer that into my production. I did 2
designs of this both are similar. The
second one include a rectangle around the
logo. This was because many brands have
their logo in a rectangle and one very
iconic streetwear piece is the supreme box
logo. This was just done by include a
rectangle and making it very faint. This
was because I wanted it to look like it was
on the T-shirt. I do not messacery think
this looks like it’s on the top however I
could mess around with the opacity and
the brightness to make it look like that. I
personally like these designs and think
they do look like pieces you would see.
These could however be improved. One
way being making it look more like it’s on
the model. The last thing I included was a
design on the trousers and a faint design
on the coat. This was because I wanted to
cover all items of clothing. I also thought
that this would link into other pieces of the
collection I will include. The trousers
included the words edw, this was short for
edwar which was the brand name I was off
for. If you could see the whole legs I would
have included the whole name. I then
lowered the opacity and put it in a
noticeable font so that it looks like it’s on
the model. After that I added a small
badge on the coat this again stated the
brand name. I did this because it was a
similar design I used in my other design. I
was also messing around with embossing
and trying to make it look like it was
patched on the coat.
DESIGN 3 This design is arguable my favourite design I did.
This is because I feel that this one looked the best
on the T-shirt’s. this was because the logo stood
out, was unique and also looked like it was on the
top, especially in the second one. In this design I
really just played with the arc tool. This was making
my logo look bent. I did this because I have a T-
shirt from the brand supreme which has an arched
logo. Many other brands have done this such as
palace and carhartt. The logo was made by myself
writing the brand name EDWAR. I then used the
brush tool and joined it together. I thought that this
look food SNS was different to the previous logos I
did. I tried this is adobe premier however I found
that quite complicated especially for text however I
do think that the drawing would have been doable
and would of made the design perhaps look better.
In the first design I included 3 logos. This was
because I was wearing my pink champion jumper
at the time of making this and this had 3 logos on. I
aspired to that. These designs were not
complicated really as I had all the knowledge from
doing topics where I had to use photoshop. This
meant that I could do most of the things I wanted to
try. I chose the red colour as the logo. This was
because I try ought it linked with the red coat and
created a colour schemes which was white and
For this design I wanted to try make a shoe design. In
hindsight I should of made this is adobe illustrator. This is
because that is made for drawing, this would of made my
shoe design look better. I used photoshop to create this
design and looked at many custom shoes already out there.
I saw a dripping design and Aspired to it. I think my design
looks good however I don’t think that this looks like an
actual design, this could be changed by lowering the opacity
and the brightness/contrast of the drawing. I quite like this
design. I was going to do a design on the socks however I
didn’t know what to include there and then when I included
a design it looked out of place. The photo was all in focus
and made the shoes stand out. This was helpful when doing
this because I didn’t have to edit it. One problem I came
across was the fact that I did the drawing on a different
layer to the actual picture I stole. I stole a dripping picture
and colour overplayed it. This was because it was easier
and quicker. I then changed some on the drips by rubbing
them out
For my final design I looked at many YouTube videos. I found one
which did look similar to this and I adapted it to my design. I chose
London as this is the capital of London and a place that I find
fascinating. This was slightly more technical than the other designs.
This is because I had to mask one layer. Luckily this was something I
had done before so I could easily do it. After that I i then added some
tape on the corner. This was because I thought it looked cool. After that
I added the brand name and London. This was because the image was
London and I also wanted to convey the message that this is a uk
One problem of which I have come across through most of my project
is that I have found it hard to make the design look like it’s on the
model. I feel that in some designs it looks better than others but I know
how to make it look better. This is done by lowering the opacity and
changing features like the contrast, brightness and saturation. This is
done until it looks like it’s on the person.

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Problem solving 1 2

  • 2. HYPOTHETICAL PROBLEMS - One practice problem of which has occurred in the past is that I run out of time on specific programs in college. These are those like Photoshop and also Microsoft office. For Microsoft office I can do it at home on Google docs and slides. This allows me to do my work at home and lets me keep on top of deadlines. Unfortunately I do not have Photoshop at home, this then gives me limited time especially when we don’t have that much time In college. This would be catastrophic for my fmp. This would be because this is obviously my biggest project to date and it would not look very good if it is unfinished and looks messy. For my production I plan on sticking to my plan and then doing other elements of which I may of thought of later on. These may be things like extra designs I have thought of or maybe adding more colors to my existing design. This will make sure that I get everything done that needs doing. Another thing I can do of which will stop me getting behind is to focus. To do this I will have to not with un relevant YouTube videos. I will have to also listen to playlists. This is because it will waist time and I want the most as possible for this project. - Another practical problem is that the computer may crash. This has happened in the past and I wouldn't’t say its frequent however when I tend to work quickly in adobe Photoshop it has crashed and did last project a few times. After the first time I began to save my work more. If this happens it would really effect my work and could make me become behind the schedule. This could ultimately effect the end products. This could ruin the chance of myself getting a merit as I would have to do all the work again. To stop this from happening I would have to save every 10-15 minutes. This will ensure that I don’t have much work to do if any if Photoshop was say to crash. - A hypothetical problem is something that may happen in the future however it is not certainly going to happen. This is something such as the memory stick breaking. This would be a disaster as I would have lost all my work. This would mean I have to complete all my work and also 4 weeks or so much production. This would mean I would probably fail or get a pass. This would be because I would have to rush the entire project in a very limited time scale. Even if I forgot my memory stick one day this could be a bad thing. This is because I may of saved my work from the day before on the memory stick and not on the computer. I would then have to get on with something else. This would ruin my schedule and would throw me off track. To stop this from happening I will have to make sure I copy it and save it on the same computer as well as the memory stick. This will allow me to access it every time I'm at college. - Another problem which may hypothetically happen could be that the camera could brake when using it or it ay run out of charge. This would effect me. This is because I would be wanting to take photos in that specific slot. This will have been schedule for this time. If this happens I will have to go back to the classroom and will have to try and do something else. This will be a problem if I have already made my clothing and done most of my look book. If I need photos to get on I will most likely be stuck until later. This will mean that I am wasting time. This could effect my grade because I might have to rush the photos. These could end up being blurry or not as sharp. To ensure that this does not happen I will have to check the camera before going in the studio. I will also have to be extra careful with the camera so that I do not brake It. This would be done by myself using the hand strap and going steady with it. - The mouse or keyboard may not be working one day. This would also be a problem as I could not physically do the work. This would delay my production. This is because to use Photoshop I have to use my mouse and keyboard. This is to add text and also to obviously add elements such as colors and filters. If this does happen I will be getting behind however this problem should not take long to fix if this does happen. This is because I would just inform the tutor and they would hopefully sort it so that it quickly. I then could get on.
  • 3. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS MODEL For my model I plan on using my friend also peers. This will be defiantly Louis however I will also try and get other people in the class who I think represent the demographic I am aiming for. The demographic is 16-30 who are interested in street wear and the culture behind it. If so I will get my good friend Kian to pose in my work. This will then be demonstrated within my work when I go and make my look book. This will be pictures of them in pieces of my clothing. This will show o my photography skills as well as my Photoshop skills as I am going to edit the clothing they are wearing. This will be by7 myself using the patch tool or something similar to hide the logo. The models could cause problems. This could be because they may not be in for the day I have planned to take photos. If both of the 2 models are off this will very rare but will also effect my production schedule. This is because I only have 4 weeks in order to make something that looks very good and if I am wasting one day of production I will be stuck. I will set a contingency plan together so that I have a solution to this problem. One solution may be that I have other work to get on with. Another problem I may have with the models is that they are not wearing suitable clothing. This will be a very rare thing however It could happen. They could both be wearing something of which I was not planning on including. I plan on including t-shirts, hoodies, bottoms, shoes and hats. If they was wearing say a patterned t-shirt which had a brand all over it, this may be harder to make my own in Photoshop. This would be a problem however not the worst thing that could happen. If the model say was wearing a vest or something. This would not suit the aesthetic of my products. LOCATION The location could cause problems. For my locations I only plan on being in the studio. This could however cause problems . This is because the studio may not be in use. This could be because of something technical such as maybe the backdrop and lights have broken. The likely hood of this is really low however this could happen. If this does happen I will again just have it complete other work and make sure I have other things to do if this happens. I could work on my designs. Another problem could be that I forgot to book the studio and it is fully booked for 2 weeks. This is something that could happen quite easily. This is because they're are lots of other media students who are also doing there final major project. If this does happen I will be without photos for 2 weeks .this will mean that I will have to leave a large part of my project to the end , this means my work will be rushed and not look good. This would probably rule out a merit for my final grade and instead would be get a pass or a fail. This would be because my work would not look good aesthetically- and technically. So this doesn't happen I will have to book the studio in advance and if say I did not and forgot I would have to use someone else's time for 20 minutes. That would be if possible.
  • 4. WHAT SOFTWARE AM I GOING TO USE The software I am going to use is Microsoft office and Photoshop as well as adobe illustrator and also InDesign. Photoshop will be a big part of my project. Photoshop has been the core of the majority of my projects. From doing his am now vary confident with using this program however there are still things to leaner. I have used techniques in other projects of which I can easily transfer into this one. I have learnt skills in Photoshop in my factual project as well as other projects of which are easily transferable. These are elements such as using the ruler tool. This is done by using cmd and the letter r. this activates the rulers on the page so that you can align everything. This has been used by me because it makes your work look a lot more tidy. This then makes it look more professional as this is a convention for print based and digital products. I have also used Photoshop to use many skills some of which are not relevant at all for this topic. These are those such as masking, filters and also inverting. One skill of which will be very important in this project will be the magic wand tool or the quick select tool. These both do the same thing near enough. These tools will be very important for my topic as it will be able to cut out the designs of which I will use. Another important technique within Photoshop will be embossing text. This will be important as I want my designs to look good and also to look like they actually belong on that t-shirt. By this I mean that I want the designs to look like they are attached to the t-shirt not just an overlay. I plan on using other software in my production. One being in design. I would use this in my production in order to layout the pages. This would be mainly in my look book. This would be laid out just like a magazine would be. I have used this a few times in previous projects one being the most recent one which was the factual one. I used this to organize my magazine pages. I also used this in last years fmp. This was gain to organize thing. I would use this program over Photoshop this is because in design creates borders around the pages, you can then edit these so that they are bigger or even smaller. In design also allows you to add columns. This is something I may use in my look book however there will not be much text. Using the columns aligns the text and makes it look tidy. This is a lot easier to do than in Photoshop. I am fairly experienced with InDesign now and feel confident with it. The final software I will use will be adobe illustrator this is because its good for digital graphics and designs. I am not the most confident with using this as I have not used this as much at the other 2 programs. In illustrator though you can make designs a lot better than you can in Photoshop. In this you can make smoother drawings and also can make better text. By this I mean that you can make text that stands out more in the sense that the colors are sharper.
  • 5. EXPERIMENT (1) PHOTOS For the first experiment I firstly gathered some images. These were taken by myself on my phone. For these images I chose my friend Louis and we went down near the art gallery in the college. This is because the studio was booked and this is where there was a clear whitish wall. I tried using various modes on my phone t take these photos. One being portrait, normal and also studio lighting. All these options offer something different. The portrait mode focuses on the model and makes the model stand out more. The studio lighting mode makes the image look like it was taken in a studio. This mode in hindsight would have been more suitable in a studio. This is because it made the pictures look darker. I then used stage lighting. This then darkened everything but the object and makes it look as if you was on the stage and the light was on you. Overall from this I feel like the photos I took were very good and were very usable for my experiments. Also overall I feel that my favourite mode was the natural light mode in portrait. This is because I feel like the images looked the best/. This was due ti the colours, saturation and explore looking better.
  • 6. EXPERIMENT 1 (EDITING PHOTOS) For my experiments I wanted to firstly edit the pictures I took and then practise my designs. This is a similar process to what I have used before when editing photos however this was more in depth. By this I mean that I have changed more such as the exposure, vibrance, contrance and even colour balance slightly. I think these pictures look quite a lot different and for the better. I will be using this process in my actual production. This is because I feel that it worked well and was incredibly easy to do.
  • 7. EXPERIMENTS 1 EDITING PHOTOS For my second experiment I basically did the same thing so there is not much to comment on. I did however use some different tools. One being the plaster looking tool. This is similar to the patch tool. This tool basically covers anything with the colours around it. This is a very effective way to get rid of things that are not meant to be there such as spots, moles and pimples. This is most likely used in the profesional industry. This is because you rarely see models with spots and they usually have perfect skin. I also used the same techniques as before to change the image. This did work as you can see that the image is lot more exposed and a lot brighter than the other one. This makes the image stand out more and draws your eyes to the image more than before. This is because of the brightness and the vibrance. I could have edited the image more to make It look even better however I did not think about that at this time. This is my opinion looking back at this.
  • 8. DESIGN EXPERIMENT 1 For this experiment I practised a design. This was just a random design that popped I my head. I would plan designs in my planning for my production. This design is not really fully visible. I did this because the model is on an angle and I thought that this was the best way to get the design on the model without it looking like its not supposed to be there. In hindsight I shall take pictures of the model straight on however this is not a bad attempt and would look better say if there was a main image of the tshirt near this image. This would look like something in the supreme lookbook. For the design I firstly imported an un splashed image. This was because it was non copyrighted. This was an image of the golden gate bridge. I changed this to black and white via the setting on edit. This was because I thought it would clearly stand out on the white jumper. After that I then added the name of the experimental brand. This was EDWAR. This was because its similar to my name and I thought that this sounded better than edwards for a clothing brand. I also quickly chose this name as I knew that I would be able to quickly get on and the name didn’t really matter as this was an experiment. I used font which was noticeable however looking at these pictures you can't really see it unless you zoom in. this would look different in person and would show that this is a branded piece. To make this stand out I located the image and brand name on the left part of the chest and rubbed out the excess so that this looked like it was on the sweatshirt and behind the coat. After that I then made a badge this badge. this was becuase i have seen it on north face coats. these are if not
  • 9. DESIGN 2 This design didn’t take too long however I wanted to do this mainly because I had seen similar designs from brands like supreme. To do this logo I really just experimented with the warp tool. This was playing with it making the logo even at each side until it looks good. I think that I did do that well and now I have the experience of using the warp tool I can transfer that into my production. I did 2 designs of this both are similar. The second one include a rectangle around the logo. This was because many brands have their logo in a rectangle and one very iconic streetwear piece is the supreme box logo. This was just done by include a rectangle and making it very faint. This was because I wanted it to look like it was on the T-shirt. I do not messacery think this looks like it’s on the top however I could mess around with the opacity and the brightness to make it look like that. I personally like these designs and think they do look like pieces you would see. These could however be improved. One way being making it look more like it’s on the model. The last thing I included was a design on the trousers and a faint design on the coat. This was because I wanted to cover all items of clothing. I also thought that this would link into other pieces of the collection I will include. The trousers included the words edw, this was short for edwar which was the brand name I was off for. If you could see the whole legs I would have included the whole name. I then lowered the opacity and put it in a noticeable font so that it looks like it’s on the model. After that I added a small badge on the coat this again stated the brand name. I did this because it was a similar design I used in my other design. I was also messing around with embossing and trying to make it look like it was patched on the coat.
  • 10. DESIGN 3 This design is arguable my favourite design I did. This is because I feel that this one looked the best on the T-shirt’s. this was because the logo stood out, was unique and also looked like it was on the top, especially in the second one. In this design I really just played with the arc tool. This was making my logo look bent. I did this because I have a T- shirt from the brand supreme which has an arched logo. Many other brands have done this such as palace and carhartt. The logo was made by myself writing the brand name EDWAR. I then used the brush tool and joined it together. I thought that this look food SNS was different to the previous logos I did. I tried this is adobe premier however I found that quite complicated especially for text however I do think that the drawing would have been doable and would of made the design perhaps look better. In the first design I included 3 logos. This was because I was wearing my pink champion jumper at the time of making this and this had 3 logos on. I aspired to that. These designs were not complicated really as I had all the knowledge from doing topics where I had to use photoshop. This meant that I could do most of the things I wanted to try. I chose the red colour as the logo. This was because I try ought it linked with the red coat and created a colour schemes which was white and red.
  • 11. For this design I wanted to try make a shoe design. In hindsight I should of made this is adobe illustrator. This is because that is made for drawing, this would of made my shoe design look better. I used photoshop to create this design and looked at many custom shoes already out there. I saw a dripping design and Aspired to it. I think my design looks good however I don’t think that this looks like an actual design, this could be changed by lowering the opacity and the brightness/contrast of the drawing. I quite like this design. I was going to do a design on the socks however I didn’t know what to include there and then when I included a design it looked out of place. The photo was all in focus and made the shoes stand out. This was helpful when doing this because I didn’t have to edit it. One problem I came across was the fact that I did the drawing on a different layer to the actual picture I stole. I stole a dripping picture and colour overplayed it. This was because it was easier and quicker. I then changed some on the drips by rubbing them out
  • 12. DESIGN For my final design I looked at many YouTube videos. I found one which did look similar to this and I adapted it to my design. I chose London as this is the capital of London and a place that I find fascinating. This was slightly more technical than the other designs. This is because I had to mask one layer. Luckily this was something I had done before so I could easily do it. After that I i then added some tape on the corner. This was because I thought it looked cool. After that I added the brand name and London. This was because the image was London and I also wanted to convey the message that this is a uk brand. One problem of which I have come across through most of my project is that I have found it hard to make the design look like it’s on the model. I feel that in some designs it looks better than others but I know how to make it look better. This is done by lowering the opacity and changing features like the contrast, brightness and saturation. This is done until it looks like it’s on the person.