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EQUIPMENT- I'm not too sure whether I will be taking
photographs or I will just be creating graphics. If I do decide to take
my own photographs I will use a college camera, I will take along an
extra memory card, if for some reason the camera goes wrong I
could always use my phone. If I do interview people face to face I will
use of a voice recorder, I will also keep the original recording just in
case someone turns round and says that isn't what they said.
POWER- If the computer
crashes or the power cuts out. I
have decided on two solutions, I
will try to remember to save my
work regularly, if there is a power
cut or the computer crashes I
wont loose much work and even
if I don’t save till I started I would
only loose a days work. My other
solution is when waiting for the
computer to unfreeze I can write
my articles or create a mind map
or a list on what I could improve.
BACKING UP- Throughout my FMP I don't want to
loose any work during this project, to prevent this
happening I will regularly save my work.
After ever day at college I will back my work onto another
memory stick under a folder under the date. If I ever loose
a work I can retain it from my other memory stick.
college it is the older version of
Adobe where as on my laptop it
is the newest version. Before on
other projects I have struggled
with using my laptop and then
not being able to access it on the
college laptops. To fix this
problem I will save my work
differently when using my own
laptop, or what I can do is bring
my laptop into college.
SOFTWARE- At college I use the Adobe
software, most of my product will be created in
InDesign or Photoshop. If the software doesn't
work I will try reload it if this doesn't work I will
move to a different computer.
STORAGE- On my memory stick I have
two years worth of work, this means I
barely have any storage on my memory
stick. If worse comes to worse and I run
out of storage I can use my emails and
desktop to store work until I can buy a
new memory stick.
I don’t want to loose any work during any project,
especially not this project! If my computer decides to
crash or my file has become corrupted (which has
happened before) it can be a right burden to restart
your work all over again. The last time this happened
it took me days to get my work back to the state it
was in before. When I produce my work I try to make
it into a detailed product, if I lost my work at the
production stage I wouldn't have enough time to
complete the project which I want to show to
everyone. To prevent this from happening every day
I will try save a copy of my work under a folder of
the date on the work I did. This means if something
did go I could revert back to this and I wouldn't have
to start all over again. I will also save my work
regular. If I did end up loosing my work I think the
end effect on my product would be disastrous. I feel
as though I would have to work really hard to try
catch myself up and even then it might not even
work and I will still end up with a messy unorganised
Over the two years I have come across some
problems which have hindered my production work.
Last year I found this problem between my laptop
and working at college. The software which I have on
my laptop is more up to date than the software at
college. When I am working at home and I save my
work on my memory stick, it wont let me open the
document on college computers and wont let me
convert the file to the older version. In the space of a
year I have found out how I can fix this problem. The
best thing to do is save the file as ‘CS4 or later’
format. This has meant that I can access the
document on the college computers. If I decide to
do work at home and forget about saving it in this
particular way then I wouldn't be able to do the work
which I had planned to do on this day. If this was the
case I could bring my laptop into college and use my
laptop instead of wasting a day doing something
which I hadn't planned on doing. If I ended up
wasting a day because of not saving my work
properly I would be very annoyed as it might make
my production time rushed, the end result would
At college there is a large option of software, the
software which I use is Adobe. Most of my product
will be created in InDesign and Photoshop, one
software which I want to be able to use is Illustrator
this is something which I will learn at the end of the
week. I hope the software works throughout the
production time, but if it doesn't I will try to reload it
and if that still doesn't work I will move onto a
different computer and see if that works. If this does
work I will have most likely have lost the work which
I have completed in the lesson. This wont impact my
work a lot but it will leave me a little bit behind.
This is a problem which hasn't occurred to me before
but it could be an unforeseen problem which I didn't
know how to solve it. I would rather think of all the
contingencies which might happen. This could be
anything to the computer crashing to there being a
power cut. My main solution would be to save it
every hour or every 20 minutes, if something does
happen I wont be far behind because of saving it
regularly. If the computer does crash which is quite
normal, I will have saved my work and hopefully I
wont have lost any. Even if this does happen, I wont
want to waste time as I feel like if I wasted time it will
have a negative impact on my production. Instead of
wasting time if I could do anything by hand I could,
this could be anything from a draft of an article or a
list of things to do.
INTERVIEWS- In my product the main thing subject is
based on peoples role models, for this I will need to
conduct interviews to find people role models. I have
conducted interviews in the past and it has been quite
difficult to conduct and get responses. Maybe this time I
will do fact to fact interviews instead?
WEATHER/ LOCATION- When I start with
my project, I want to make sure it looks aesthetic
and professional. This will rely on whether I will
be taking my own images. If I do go out and take
images it relies on whether the weather is good, if
the weather is bad it will make the location look
very depressing, this might effect my project.
FINANCE- I want this project
to be very professional, to do
this I will have to pay for things
out of my own pocket. I have
decided that every week ill try
save some money up over the
next few weeks so I can afford to
travel to see my interviewees as
well as get my work
professionally printed. I want to
make this the best project which
I have created, hence why I am
adding extras into it.
my FMP deadline it is very
important that I stick to the
deadlines, I want to have as
much production time as I can,
this is why when it comes to the
week before my production I
want to make sure all my work is
completed so I don’t have to do
anything in my production time.
PROFESSIONAL PRINTING- As I have stated in my finance, I want to get my
fanzine professionally printed, I think this will make it look more nicer and more
appealing when I try get my product out, if I get it printed then if I decide to enter it
into any festivals it will look better than just printing it on paper. I will print off the
copy at college and re read it and edit it then finally send it off to be printed. I want
to make sure there are no mistakes so I want to print it a few time to make sure it is
In the past, I have struggled with conducting my
interviews and getting responses within the time I
have to produce my work. For my fanzine I emailed a
feminist society and they seemed very keen to be
involved in my feminist fanzine, they never replied
which meant I had to find more people to interview.
I think I wouldn't experience this problem if I
conducted the interviews face to face. This could
also mean I could take an image of them to show
the reader who I have interviewed, this might be
difficult if I want to get people all around the world
as it wont be physically possible for me to go over to
their country, to get around this I could
facetime/skype them and record the whole
conversation with a camera so I have a back up just
in case. I think this is very possible but I will have to
see what the people are like when I approach them.
For this project I have seven weeks to finish my
product, I think for the style of fanzine I want to
create and the amount of pages which I want to
achieve, I hope to get loads of pages and articles
done within this time. If I don’t complete in my
production time, I have a gap of 1 week before the
invigilator comes in, if I really need to use this time I
will come in every day to try get my work finished.
This would be very unforeseen circumstances as I
have always got my work in before the deadline, this
is also a longer production time so I think there will
not be a problem with production time. I think the
worst impact on running out of production time
would not be making the product the best product I
can make.
At the end of this project I want to try and get my
work out there, once it is finished I want to add it on
issu as well as trying to add it into fanzine
competitions. This is why I want to see if I can get it
professionally printed. This is not cheap and as you
can see I have researched the different printing
options. I think this will also help with my portfolio
as I will have a professional looking fanzine which
will hopefully attract. I think by the fact I am paying
out of my own pocket I will try my absolute best
with making sure everything is perfect as I will only
be able to afford to print my fanzine of once. It will
also motivate me to make a fanzine which is unique
and what people will enjoy reading. It wouldn’t be
the end of the world if I couldn’t afford to get it
printed but I think it would have a large impact on
my fanzine as I will feel proud of my work.
To make this project the best I can I wanted to add
as much in as I can. This means that I will have to use
my own money to supply things. I hope to keep
saving money throughout the months to have
enough money to send my work off to print. If I
conduct interviews face to face, I am asking someone
to take their time to be involved in my interview. As I
am asking someone to stop whatever they are doing,
I will most likely meet them at a coffee shop and pay
for their drink to say thank you. Another cost which I
will have to think of is transport, if I need to travel to
the person to interview them I will have to get a train
there or drive there. This will depend on whether the
interviewee is based. I think if I interview by email I
will end up chasing people up to answer the
interviews, I also feel like I will be able to get more
out of the them if I interview them face to face.
It has been said that using a graphics tablet might be easier to use when I am creating my illustrations
rather than just using my mouse. This is something which I was really interested in looking at. I have never
used a graphics tablet, this was very obvious when I plugged it into the computer and had the tablet the
wrong way round, after I corrected this mistake I started creating an illustration of Obama. I got an image
of Gloria Steinem and tried to recreate her face, this was quite tricky as it was difficult to not wobble when
creating the lines. This is obvious with the right hand side of her hair. I think the good thing about this
experiment is the wrinkles, I created a new layer and turned the opacity to 5% to create the effect. I think I
need to work more on the hair as well as trying not to be very wobbly.
I want to try use the graphics tablet when
creating my headings as I think it brings a
aesthetic look onto the double page spread. I
think it also adds a little more detail into my
fanzine. Initially I had a very hard time trying to
get accurate lines as I was still trying to learn
how to use the graphics tablet. After I while I
started to get the hang of it. The experiments
on this slide were the best ones which I
created. My favourite fonts are the ‘Michelle
Obama’ and the ‘Emma Watson’ text. I think
the ‘Michelle Obama’ text is very aesthetic and
detailed. It is very delicate which I like. I think
the other two fonts are very messy. When I am
in my production weeks I will take this into
consideration and decide which font would
look more attractive on the page.
• From my production research, I research how I would make images look like illustrations. With the results from this
research and some of my knowledge of the software I have found my happy medium of doing this experiment. I
used an image which I had taken against a plain background and then added different filters on the top of the
image. I think this worked really well as I got a mixture of results from this product. At this point I don’t know
whether I want to have my whole fanzine in an illustration format or whether I should have some images. If I decide
half way through my production that I want to have some images in my product I would like to use this type of
• From my production research, I researched how to take a good portrait photograph using two YouTube videos.
Using the four tips which I researched I started to experiment with the camera and a model. I wanted a relaxed
atmosphere for these photos as well as making the model look flattering. The main thing which I was
experimenting with was the different angles, I wanted to see what an eye level angle would look like as well as a
high level angle. I captured 50 images and only 3 of them I liked, this is something which I need to take into
consideration when I take a portrait image for the interviewee.
• At the end of the shoot I wanted to try the different settings on the
camera, I decided to use the portrait setting, this is the 3 images above. I
think if I used the setting more I could have got to grips with it but I
liked the other images.
To ensure that I get the best images
when I take my images of the
interviewee I will make sure I have
similar settings to the three images
which I liked. To find out the settings of
the images I opened them in Photoshop,
then went file and file info. This brings
up all the information on the photo, this
includes the ISO, exposure and the lens
which I used. The image to the right is
one of the photos which is the look
which I wanted to achieve, I wanted a
relaxed atmosphere and a natural look
on the model. The screenshot next to
the image is the settings of the camera
when this image was taken. This will be
helpful when I take the photograph of
my interviewee I can quickly adjust the
settings and shoot.
Compared to
the other image
on the side
above the ISO
has changed, in
the image on
the slide before
the ISO was 640
and on this
image it is 800.
This means that
the exposure is
higher in this
image then the
other one. The
lens is still the
This image is the
same ISO which
is featured in
the slide above.
Throughout all
of the images
the pattern
metering is all
the same.
Using the same title as the fanzine which I have previously made I
created a front cover. This was a very basic front cover as it seemed as
though that’s what my audience wanted from my survey which I
conducted. I used the two illustration experiments which I had already
conducted. This was a very quick experiment, now when I look back I
would like to make a more detailed front cover and see which one my
audience likes the most. I think what would be very interesting would
be if I added a cover line linking the illustrations to the topic of the
fanzine. The top of the front cover looks very plain so when I am in my
production week I will make my front cover more interesting with a few
cover lines.
This was the first illustration experiment which I
completed was this style of illustration. I really like the
end product but all the steps through the experiment
was very agonising. This experiment took me over an
hour to complete with all the little details. As you can see
from the slide above I started with the lips, this is a very
defined lip as I wanted it to standout against her pale
skin colour. I used a ligher pink to define the lip colour
even more. I then outlined the fae and neck, I added the
hair in which was surprisingly very easy and then the
black shoulder. When doing the eyes I found it very
difficult to create the eyelashes as I wanted them to look
exagerated but not too extravagent. The eyebrows were
very easy to do. I then started to shade in the different
colours, I found this quite complicated as I wanted to
have different skin tones at different light points. As you
can see from the screenshots on this slide you can see
the process of all the different colours. But I really liked
the final experiment. When it comes to my production
period I will decide which style I would like to create.
This illustration felt very easy to do compared to Emma Watson
drawing. I didn’t want to add a lot of skin colour onto this
drawing as it took too long on my first experiment with Emma
I started off with the hair, in all my illustrations I struggle with
doing any set of hair, I find it hard to draw and over complicated,
I looked at various images of Oprah Winfrey and reached an
overall judgement on how to do her hair. With the hair coming
round the face and in front of the shoulders it helped with
creating the face shape. I then started with the facial features.
After trying to make realistic facial features I started with the
colour of the skin tone, as I have previously said I didn’t want
to mess around with the colour as I had already
experimented with doing that for my first experiment, I
used Oprah’s actual skin colour from the images which I
looked at, I then used a lighter skin colour for part of the
forehead. I think the only thing which I was unsure of is
the red/orange blotches on the face, this was meant to
bring some definition into her face but looking back at it
now I think it looks silly. The shoulders and neck was quite
easy to do apart from when I was doing the right hand
shoulder the black top looked weird next to the raised
My project is focused on interviewing people so I thought what would be better than experimenting with
conducting an interview. I interviewed sim who was in my class, seen as though it was an experiment I
decided to use a Tascam recorder after learning more about it in my research. I felt as though the
interview went well, seen as though Sim doesn’t know much about feminism I decided to make her into
an singer songwriter as I feel that is an easier way of interviewing someone. I created 10 questions which
asked Sim about her singing career, these were just guidelines as I think it is always good to go off on
tangents when interviewing someone. I kept following up with little comments which she made which
ended up with a good interview. Before I started the interview I tested the recorder, seen as though we
were in a busy café I wanted to see how it would work seen as though this is what I will be doing when I
go out to interview people, surprisingly the sound levels worked really well and I was happy with the end
result. This experiment makes me very excited to when I get into production. I think the only thing which I
would like to improve when I go out and interview is work really hard when it comes to the interview
questions, they are only a back up and a subject starter but I felt like they could have been more detailed.
04/03/2019 When I started my planning I had no
idea what content I wanted to include in
my fanzine. I felt this was because I
didn't do enough research and I didn't
notice what contents were breaking up
the articles.
Go back and look at different fanzines.
See what contents they used to break it
up. Add this details into my research
PowerPoint and how this has impacted
my planning.
13/03/2019 When I was creating my flat plans I
wanted to create the type of text which
will be at the top of one of my articles.
When I started up on Photoshop my text
seemed very shaky and not very smooth.
After asking Dave what I can do he
suggested to try illustrator, after you use
the pencil tool it automatically smooths
the lines out. This was good to know as
it will help when I am in my production
week and I can create the text on
illustrator so it looks more professional.
• As I have previously said in the slide above how Photoshop makes my
lines when using a graphics tablet very shaky and not smooth. This
image to the left is an example of what it looked like after drawing one
word of my title. At the bottom of this slide is the text which I created
using illustrator, straight away you can see the difference. I didn't want
my work to look messy and unprofessional as I wanted all my titles to be
neat and precise. I'm glad that Dave taught me how to use illustrator
and how I can get my titles to perfection. When in illustrator I also
messed around with the different brushes and fonts which I could create.
After messing around I created this text in the blue colour, this was a
different font to my earlier experiment but I think it looks more
professional and it was more of the look I was going for my first double
page spread. Considering that I haven't used illustrator before it was
very easy to navigate around and create a bit of text which I might add
into my actual fanzine.

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Problem solving 2

  • 2. PRACTICAL AND TECHNICAL PROBLEMS EQUIPMENT- I'm not too sure whether I will be taking photographs or I will just be creating graphics. If I do decide to take my own photographs I will use a college camera, I will take along an extra memory card, if for some reason the camera goes wrong I could always use my phone. If I do interview people face to face I will use of a voice recorder, I will also keep the original recording just in case someone turns round and says that isn't what they said. POWER- If the computer crashes or the power cuts out. I have decided on two solutions, I will try to remember to save my work regularly, if there is a power cut or the computer crashes I wont loose much work and even if I don’t save till I started I would only loose a days work. My other solution is when waiting for the computer to unfreeze I can write my articles or create a mind map or a list on what I could improve. BACKING UP- Throughout my FMP I don't want to loose any work during this project, to prevent this happening I will regularly save my work. After ever day at college I will back my work onto another memory stick under a folder under the date. If I ever loose a work I can retain it from my other memory stick. WORKING AT HOME- At college it is the older version of Adobe where as on my laptop it is the newest version. Before on other projects I have struggled with using my laptop and then not being able to access it on the college laptops. To fix this problem I will save my work differently when using my own laptop, or what I can do is bring my laptop into college. SOFTWARE- At college I use the Adobe software, most of my product will be created in InDesign or Photoshop. If the software doesn't work I will try reload it if this doesn't work I will move to a different computer. STORAGE- On my memory stick I have two years worth of work, this means I barely have any storage on my memory stick. If worse comes to worse and I run out of storage I can use my emails and desktop to store work until I can buy a new memory stick.
  • 3. I don’t want to loose any work during any project, especially not this project! If my computer decides to crash or my file has become corrupted (which has happened before) it can be a right burden to restart your work all over again. The last time this happened it took me days to get my work back to the state it was in before. When I produce my work I try to make it into a detailed product, if I lost my work at the production stage I wouldn't have enough time to complete the project which I want to show to everyone. To prevent this from happening every day I will try save a copy of my work under a folder of the date on the work I did. This means if something did go I could revert back to this and I wouldn't have to start all over again. I will also save my work regular. If I did end up loosing my work I think the end effect on my product would be disastrous. I feel as though I would have to work really hard to try catch myself up and even then it might not even work and I will still end up with a messy unorganised BACKING UPWORKING AT HOME Over the two years I have come across some problems which have hindered my production work. Last year I found this problem between my laptop and working at college. The software which I have on my laptop is more up to date than the software at college. When I am working at home and I save my work on my memory stick, it wont let me open the document on college computers and wont let me convert the file to the older version. In the space of a year I have found out how I can fix this problem. The best thing to do is save the file as ‘CS4 or later’ format. This has meant that I can access the document on the college computers. If I decide to do work at home and forget about saving it in this particular way then I wouldn't be able to do the work which I had planned to do on this day. If this was the case I could bring my laptop into college and use my laptop instead of wasting a day doing something which I hadn't planned on doing. If I ended up wasting a day because of not saving my work properly I would be very annoyed as it might make my production time rushed, the end result would
  • 4. At college there is a large option of software, the software which I use is Adobe. Most of my product will be created in InDesign and Photoshop, one software which I want to be able to use is Illustrator this is something which I will learn at the end of the week. I hope the software works throughout the production time, but if it doesn't I will try to reload it and if that still doesn't work I will move onto a different computer and see if that works. If this does work I will have most likely have lost the work which I have completed in the lesson. This wont impact my work a lot but it will leave me a little bit behind. SOFTWAREPOWER This is a problem which hasn't occurred to me before but it could be an unforeseen problem which I didn't know how to solve it. I would rather think of all the contingencies which might happen. This could be anything to the computer crashing to there being a power cut. My main solution would be to save it every hour or every 20 minutes, if something does happen I wont be far behind because of saving it regularly. If the computer does crash which is quite normal, I will have saved my work and hopefully I wont have lost any. Even if this does happen, I wont want to waste time as I feel like if I wasted time it will have a negative impact on my production. Instead of wasting time if I could do anything by hand I could, this could be anything from a draft of an article or a list of things to do.
  • 5. THEORETICAL PROBLEMS INTERVIEWS- In my product the main thing subject is based on peoples role models, for this I will need to conduct interviews to find people role models. I have conducted interviews in the past and it has been quite difficult to conduct and get responses. Maybe this time I will do fact to fact interviews instead? WEATHER/ LOCATION- When I start with my project, I want to make sure it looks aesthetic and professional. This will rely on whether I will be taking my own images. If I do go out and take images it relies on whether the weather is good, if the weather is bad it will make the location look very depressing, this might effect my project. FINANCE- I want this project to be very professional, to do this I will have to pay for things out of my own pocket. I have decided that every week ill try save some money up over the next few weeks so I can afford to travel to see my interviewees as well as get my work professionally printed. I want to make this the best project which I have created, hence why I am adding extras into it. PRODUCTION TIME- With my FMP deadline it is very important that I stick to the deadlines, I want to have as much production time as I can, this is why when it comes to the week before my production I want to make sure all my work is completed so I don’t have to do anything in my production time. PROFESSIONAL PRINTING- As I have stated in my finance, I want to get my fanzine professionally printed, I think this will make it look more nicer and more appealing when I try get my product out, if I get it printed then if I decide to enter it into any festivals it will look better than just printing it on paper. I will print off the copy at college and re read it and edit it then finally send it off to be printed. I want to make sure there are no mistakes so I want to print it a few time to make sure it is perfect.
  • 6. In the past, I have struggled with conducting my interviews and getting responses within the time I have to produce my work. For my fanzine I emailed a feminist society and they seemed very keen to be involved in my feminist fanzine, they never replied which meant I had to find more people to interview. I think I wouldn't experience this problem if I conducted the interviews face to face. This could also mean I could take an image of them to show the reader who I have interviewed, this might be difficult if I want to get people all around the world as it wont be physically possible for me to go over to their country, to get around this I could facetime/skype them and record the whole conversation with a camera so I have a back up just in case. I think this is very possible but I will have to see what the people are like when I approach them. INTERVIEWSPRODUCTION TIME For this project I have seven weeks to finish my product, I think for the style of fanzine I want to create and the amount of pages which I want to achieve, I hope to get loads of pages and articles done within this time. If I don’t complete in my production time, I have a gap of 1 week before the invigilator comes in, if I really need to use this time I will come in every day to try get my work finished. This would be very unforeseen circumstances as I have always got my work in before the deadline, this is also a longer production time so I think there will not be a problem with production time. I think the worst impact on running out of production time would not be making the product the best product I can make.
  • 7. At the end of this project I want to try and get my work out there, once it is finished I want to add it on issu as well as trying to add it into fanzine competitions. This is why I want to see if I can get it professionally printed. This is not cheap and as you can see I have researched the different printing options. I think this will also help with my portfolio as I will have a professional looking fanzine which will hopefully attract. I think by the fact I am paying out of my own pocket I will try my absolute best with making sure everything is perfect as I will only be able to afford to print my fanzine of once. It will also motivate me to make a fanzine which is unique and what people will enjoy reading. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I couldn’t afford to get it printed but I think it would have a large impact on my fanzine as I will feel proud of my work. PROFESSINAL PRINTING FINANCE To make this project the best I can I wanted to add as much in as I can. This means that I will have to use my own money to supply things. I hope to keep saving money throughout the months to have enough money to send my work off to print. If I conduct interviews face to face, I am asking someone to take their time to be involved in my interview. As I am asking someone to stop whatever they are doing, I will most likely meet them at a coffee shop and pay for their drink to say thank you. Another cost which I will have to think of is transport, if I need to travel to the person to interview them I will have to get a train there or drive there. This will depend on whether the interviewee is based. I think if I interview by email I will end up chasing people up to answer the interviews, I also feel like I will be able to get more out of the them if I interview them face to face.
  • 12. EXPERIMENTING WITH THE GRAPHICS TABLET It has been said that using a graphics tablet might be easier to use when I am creating my illustrations rather than just using my mouse. This is something which I was really interested in looking at. I have never used a graphics tablet, this was very obvious when I plugged it into the computer and had the tablet the wrong way round, after I corrected this mistake I started creating an illustration of Obama. I got an image of Gloria Steinem and tried to recreate her face, this was quite tricky as it was difficult to not wobble when creating the lines. This is obvious with the right hand side of her hair. I think the good thing about this experiment is the wrinkles, I created a new layer and turned the opacity to 5% to create the effect. I think I need to work more on the hair as well as trying not to be very wobbly.
  • 13. EXPERIMENTING WITH THE GRAPHICS TABLET I want to try use the graphics tablet when creating my headings as I think it brings a aesthetic look onto the double page spread. I think it also adds a little more detail into my fanzine. Initially I had a very hard time trying to get accurate lines as I was still trying to learn how to use the graphics tablet. After I while I started to get the hang of it. The experiments on this slide were the best ones which I created. My favourite fonts are the ‘Michelle Obama’ and the ‘Emma Watson’ text. I think the ‘Michelle Obama’ text is very aesthetic and detailed. It is very delicate which I like. I think the other two fonts are very messy. When I am in my production weeks I will take this into consideration and decide which font would look more attractive on the page.
  • 14. MAKING IMAGES LOOK LIKE ILLUSTRATIONS • From my production research, I research how I would make images look like illustrations. With the results from this research and some of my knowledge of the software I have found my happy medium of doing this experiment. I used an image which I had taken against a plain background and then added different filters on the top of the image. I think this worked really well as I got a mixture of results from this product. At this point I don’t know whether I want to have my whole fanzine in an illustration format or whether I should have some images. If I decide half way through my production that I want to have some images in my product I would like to use this type of Original Stained Glass filter Grain filter Fresco filter Cut-out filter Poster edges filter Water colou r Filter Stamp filter
  • 15. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS • From my production research, I researched how to take a good portrait photograph using two YouTube videos. Using the four tips which I researched I started to experiment with the camera and a model. I wanted a relaxed atmosphere for these photos as well as making the model look flattering. The main thing which I was experimenting with was the different angles, I wanted to see what an eye level angle would look like as well as a high level angle. I captured 50 images and only 3 of them I liked, this is something which I need to take into consideration when I take a portrait image for the interviewee.
  • 16. • At the end of the shoot I wanted to try the different settings on the camera, I decided to use the portrait setting, this is the 3 images above. I think if I used the setting more I could have got to grips with it but I liked the other images. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS
  • 17. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS To ensure that I get the best images when I take my images of the interviewee I will make sure I have similar settings to the three images which I liked. To find out the settings of the images I opened them in Photoshop, then went file and file info. This brings up all the information on the photo, this includes the ISO, exposure and the lens which I used. The image to the right is one of the photos which is the look which I wanted to achieve, I wanted a relaxed atmosphere and a natural look on the model. The screenshot next to the image is the settings of the camera when this image was taken. This will be helpful when I take the photograph of my interviewee I can quickly adjust the settings and shoot.
  • 18. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS Compared to the other image on the side above the ISO has changed, in the image on the slide before the ISO was 640 and on this image it is 800. This means that the exposure is higher in this image then the other one. The lens is still the same.
  • 19. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS This image is the same ISO which is featured in the slide above. Throughout all of the images the pattern metering is all the same.
  • 20. FRONT COVER EXPERIMENT … Using the same title as the fanzine which I have previously made I created a front cover. This was a very basic front cover as it seemed as though that’s what my audience wanted from my survey which I conducted. I used the two illustration experiments which I had already conducted. This was a very quick experiment, now when I look back I would like to make a more detailed front cover and see which one my audience likes the most. I think what would be very interesting would be if I added a cover line linking the illustrations to the topic of the fanzine. The top of the front cover looks very plain so when I am in my production week I will make my front cover more interesting with a few cover lines.
  • 22. ILLUSTRATION EXPERIMENT This was the first illustration experiment which I completed was this style of illustration. I really like the end product but all the steps through the experiment was very agonising. This experiment took me over an hour to complete with all the little details. As you can see from the slide above I started with the lips, this is a very defined lip as I wanted it to standout against her pale skin colour. I used a ligher pink to define the lip colour even more. I then outlined the fae and neck, I added the hair in which was surprisingly very easy and then the black shoulder. When doing the eyes I found it very difficult to create the eyelashes as I wanted them to look exagerated but not too extravagent. The eyebrows were very easy to do. I then started to shade in the different colours, I found this quite complicated as I wanted to have different skin tones at different light points. As you can see from the screenshots on this slide you can see the process of all the different colours. But I really liked the final experiment. When it comes to my production period I will decide which style I would like to create.
  • 23. … ILLUSTRATION EXPERIMENT This illustration felt very easy to do compared to Emma Watson drawing. I didn’t want to add a lot of skin colour onto this drawing as it took too long on my first experiment with Emma Watson. I started off with the hair, in all my illustrations I struggle with doing any set of hair, I find it hard to draw and over complicated, I looked at various images of Oprah Winfrey and reached an overall judgement on how to do her hair. With the hair coming round the face and in front of the shoulders it helped with creating the face shape. I then started with the facial features. After trying to make realistic facial features I started with the colour of the skin tone, as I have previously said I didn’t want to mess around with the colour as I had already experimented with doing that for my first experiment, I used Oprah’s actual skin colour from the images which I looked at, I then used a lighter skin colour for part of the forehead. I think the only thing which I was unsure of is the red/orange blotches on the face, this was meant to bring some definition into her face but looking back at it now I think it looks silly. The shoulders and neck was quite easy to do apart from when I was doing the right hand shoulder the black top looked weird next to the raised shoulder.
  • 24. INTERVIEW EXPERIMENT My project is focused on interviewing people so I thought what would be better than experimenting with conducting an interview. I interviewed sim who was in my class, seen as though it was an experiment I decided to use a Tascam recorder after learning more about it in my research. I felt as though the interview went well, seen as though Sim doesn’t know much about feminism I decided to make her into an singer songwriter as I feel that is an easier way of interviewing someone. I created 10 questions which asked Sim about her singing career, these were just guidelines as I think it is always good to go off on tangents when interviewing someone. I kept following up with little comments which she made which ended up with a good interview. Before I started the interview I tested the recorder, seen as though we were in a busy café I wanted to see how it would work seen as though this is what I will be doing when I go out to interview people, surprisingly the sound levels worked really well and I was happy with the end result. This experiment makes me very excited to when I get into production. I think the only thing which I would like to improve when I go out and interview is work really hard when it comes to the interview questions, they are only a back up and a subject starter but I felt like they could have been more detailed.
  • 26. DATE PROBLEM SOLUTION 04/03/2019 When I started my planning I had no idea what content I wanted to include in my fanzine. I felt this was because I didn't do enough research and I didn't notice what contents were breaking up the articles. Go back and look at different fanzines. See what contents they used to break it up. Add this details into my research PowerPoint and how this has impacted my planning. 13/03/2019 When I was creating my flat plans I wanted to create the type of text which will be at the top of one of my articles. When I started up on Photoshop my text seemed very shaky and not very smooth. After asking Dave what I can do he suggested to try illustrator, after you use the pencil tool it automatically smooths the lines out. This was good to know as it will help when I am in my production week and I can create the text on illustrator so it looks more professional.
  • 27. USING ILLUSTRATOR INSTEAD OF PHOTOSHOP • As I have previously said in the slide above how Photoshop makes my lines when using a graphics tablet very shaky and not smooth. This image to the left is an example of what it looked like after drawing one word of my title. At the bottom of this slide is the text which I created using illustrator, straight away you can see the difference. I didn't want my work to look messy and unprofessional as I wanted all my titles to be neat and precise. I'm glad that Dave taught me how to use illustrator and how I can get my titles to perfection. When in illustrator I also messed around with the different brushes and fonts which I could create. After messing around I created this text in the blue colour, this was a different font to my earlier experiment but I think it looks more professional and it was more of the look I was going for my first double page spread. Considering that I haven't used illustrator before it was very easy to navigate around and create a bit of text which I might add into my actual fanzine.