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Alumno residente: Keila Belén Medina
Institución Educativa: Instituto Primo Capraro
Dirección: Gallardo 40, Bariloche
Cantidad de alumnos: 19
Edad: 5 y 6 años
Unidad Temática: Food
Clase Nº: 1
Fecha: 19/10/2017
Hora: 14:00
Duración de la clase: 45 minutos
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 17/10/2017
Learning aims:
During this lesson, learners will be able to use language related to food while
playing, developing listening skills, speaking skills, cognitive skills.
Learning focus:
Revision of fruits names and learning more vegetable names as onion, pepper,
carrots, tomato, mushroom, olives.
Children will also develop their creativity and they will make meaning of those
vegetables through making pizza (which they all like).
Integration of skills:
New game which allows children to exploit their creativity. Problem solving skills.
Activities to do individually and all together. Music related to vegetables and
fruits included as background as children play and an activity related to the topic
to let them use gestures with the food names. Personal work about likes and
dislikes of food. Use of photocopies and the blackboard. Use of a visual support
with the song (a video).
Multiple intelligences:
Trough the sequence of activities we can spot different MI:
Musical-rhythmic (as for the music included on the sequence), verbal-linguistic
(for the use of new language and known language related to the topic), logical-
mathematical (as for the problem solving related to food -odd one out-), Bodily-
kinaesthetic (while making their own pizzas with creativity) , interpersonal (when
working on group, deciding the best option all together), intrapersonal (as for the
introspection with likes and dislikes) and naturalistic (the topic in general which is
food, more specifically, fruits and vegetables).
Materials and resources:
For the start of the lesson: Routine song “Hello, Hello”
For the activity of one odd out: drawings on the blackboard.
For the pizza faces: photocopies of the ingredients made by myself (already cut).
Resource of the activity (adapted from) “Very Young Learners, Vanesa Reilly and
Sheila M. Ward” on “Resource Books for Teachers, Oxford University Press”,
1997, p. 82).
For the activity of likes and dislikes: photocopies of a chart which includes
drawings of food to be completed by the students with faces / (I like/ I don’t
Songs excerpted from Youtube:
(To be used as background music while children are creating their pizzas)
(To be used as background music and to show the video with the song as the last
Possible contingencies:
The timing
This is a common problem as it usually happens all the lessons that children take
too long to make an activity. In other words: time will be a contingency.
Regarding this aspect, I will take the whole sequence of activities in order to
cover the 45 minutes, but if they take longer than expected to do an activity I will
have to leave an activity undone as the teacher will guide the rest of the lesson
(and we have already make an agreement about the timing). For instance, I will
also try to respect the timing for each activity, but I bear in mind that I cannot
push them to hurry up as they are learning, and they are very young.
Arguments about the blackboard
Some kids may want to help to circle the “odd one out”, but they are 19 children.
Even if they are not all present, they are too many. In this case, I must avoid
making them circle the correspondent odd one out because they will end up
angry as some of them helped and some others did not. I will ask them to help
me all together, from the circle they usually form seated on their chairs. Some
children will also want to use choke but I cannot let them use it, because then
everybody will want to use one and draw something (they tend to do this while
using the blackboard for an activity).
The Pizza activity
For this activity, as children will design their own pizza’s faces, I must take as
many photocopies of the ingredients as possible. If not, it is very possible that
they want to use all the same topping and there isn’t more. Another possible way
to solve this problem, if they run off of toppings, is asking them to draw the rest
of the ingredients.
Besides, when they need to colour the ingredients of the pizza, they must all
have the colours available. If they find out that they do not have the colour they
want (as other children may be using it), I will be monitoring them, so I can tell
them to wait for another student to finish using that pencil/marker/crayon and
ask him/her to borrow that colour. I can also search for the colour, as they sit all
in different tables while working on activities like this.
The Music
Some children are very curious about the songs and want to see the videos of
them when you play it as the background while they are making another activity.
It is great that they feel curiosity about it, but I would ask them (kindly) to sit
down and finish the activity so later we can hear the songs and see the videos all
Classroom management strategies:
Transitions: I will introduce the activities, so they can feel that they are all
related, and not very unsimmilar. The first one (saying hello) is very different
from the rest of the sequence of activities, but in this case, I will present the
activity of the odd one out first, so that they can relate the topics we have seen
the previous lessons with the new language. Revising language is essential as this
is how they get to construct knowledge from concepts they already know (in this
case, food), and so they make meaning of new words with known words.
Asking for silence: I can try singing a short song asking for silence or I can also ask
them to pay attention because I really need their help to solve a problem. For
example, as an introduction, I can tell them that I need them to help me finding
the thing that is not related to the rest of the drawings because they mixed all
when I was walking to the classroom(using imagination).
Call their attention: I can use the puppets they already know, and make them ask
children to help me with the activities. As a reward, they can play with them
(with the puppets) at the end of the lesson or (if the weather helps) they can play
Invite them to sit down: I can sing a short chant “Shh quiet, please sit down,
please sit down” some times asking them to join the circle.
Put away things: For this, they are used to sing “Put everything away, put
everything away” as they do so.
Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings
In order to assess children, I will monitor them when they are working and write
down at the end of the class how did they behave, how interested on the
activities they were, paying attention to their weaknesses and strengths. This will
be necessary while planning the next lesson, and I should also take into account
the timing, so I can revise where is the problem (if they enjoy more some
activities than others or if they find them difficult to do them, etc.). In general
terms, they take too long to make activities they enjoy. Anyway, I cannot make
assumptions about this if I don’t assess themon my own lessons.
The activities can be photographed (when they hand in the pizzas and the
likes/dislikes). This would be useful as an extra support for me. They have a book
where they put all their activities (as drawings for example), so they can see their
progress at the end of the year.
As I will be teaching them three more lessons, I can make a follow-up activity
about this topic for the next class (apart from the rest of the activities, as a
Lesson stages :
The routine will consist on the song “Hello, Hello. Can you clap your hands?” that
they sing every English workshop lesson. They also sing a song about the
weather, so they can decide if it is sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, etc.
Lead -in
I will introduce the lesson’s topic asking them:
Do you remember what we did last week? (Let them answer)
Yes, that’s right. We worked with fruits and food. Can you name some of them?
Do you remember the new ones? (let them answer and revise with them the
After this revision, I will say: Today, we are going to learn about vegetables.
To present the topic, I would ask: do you like vegetables? (Let them answer
briefly). Then, I will put some examples: We can find vegetables on pizza (draw a
pizza in the blackboard), soup (draw a soup), etc. Ask them if they know more
examples, as this will be useful for the lesson. Once they have said some
examples, I will move on to the first activity.
To make them use English, I will ask them if they know how to say (e.g. if they say
“sopa”) in English. If they don’t know, I will explain: You call it soup (and make a
Development of the sequence of activities
Activity 1: Odd One Out
Purpose: The main purpose for this activity is to make children differ the objects,
saying which one does not correspond to the topic. This requires logic and
interpersonal work.
Timing: 10 minutes.
First, I will draw some fruits (e.g.: banana, strawberry, pear) and a sun (the odd
one out).
Then, I will ask children: -What can you see here? (Let them answer)
I will revise with them: -Yes, we can see a banana, a strawberry, a pear and a sun.
What happens with the sun? Is the sun a fruit? (let them answer)
-That’s right! The sun is not a fruit. (I circle the sun)
-This is what we have to do. I will draw other fruits and vegetables, and you will
help me to find the object that is not food. Pay attention because we will learn
new words! Are you ready? (let them answer)
Then, I will draw another fruits (e.g.: pineapple, watermelon, apple) and a pencil.
Now, I will ask children again: -Do you remember these fruits? We learnt them
last class. (Encourage them to say the names, one by one pointing with one finger
the fruit).
-This is a pine… (let them remember and complete the word if they do not
remember). A pineapple. Do you remember? Repeat after me: this is a pineapple.
This is a pineapple.
-And this one? (point with the finger to the watermelon). A water… (let them
remember, and do the same as with the pineapple if they do not remember).
Repeat after me: this is a watermelon, this is a watermelon.
-What is this? (point to the apple and let them answer). Very well! It is an apple.
And what about this? (point to the pencil) Is this food? (Let them answer) No, this
is not food, well done. This is a pencil. (Circle the pencil).
This time, I will draw vegetables (e.g.: onion, carrots, tomato) and a tree.
-Well, this is new! Please, pay attention. What is this? Can you figure out? (point
to the onion and let them answer in Spanish to verify if they know what I drew).
Excellent, it is an onion. Repeat after me: onion, onion, onion. (I can write ONION
in the blackboard).
-What is this? (point to the tree and let them answer). Good, it is a tree. And
what about this? (point to the carrots and let them answer). Yes, they are called
carrots. Remember: these are carrots, these are carrots. And this one? (point to
the tomato and let them answer). Well done, it is a tomato. This is a tomato.
-Which of them is not food? The onion? (let them answer), The carrot? (let them
answer), the tomato? (let them answer). Excellent, and the tree? (let them
answer). Great! The tree is not food (circle it).
Scaffolding strategies:
Showing the students what they are expected to do, guiding them and eliciting
them to say not only the words but also encouraging them to decide what is the
object that does not correspond to the topic. In the case of the new words as the
vegetables, repeating the words for them is necessary because they will
remember them progressively though more activities. Relating the previous
topics (fruits) with the new one (vegetables) is useful for them, as they can make
meaning from the base they have gained while working with other type of food.
It wouldn’t be possible if they didn’t have any insight to other food (the work to
be done should be different in this case).
Letting them participate and try is a good way to engage them with the new
vocabulary (and with the revision of known language). Taking turns to talk and
letting them be active on their learning process is positive. Using the drawings on
the blackboard is another way to scaffold children, as it would be very difficult for
them to remember the names of the food without any visual support. They may
remember some of them, but they won’t have any way to relate the word we
want to elicit if they cannot make meaning through a picture, drawing or video.
Asking questions is also a way to revise if they are understanding the activity, or if
it is too difficult, too easy, and how to modify the drawings (for example) or their
-Well, now we are going to do something new! Do you like pizza? What do you
like about pizza? (Let them talk as I search the materials).
Activity 2: Pizza Faces
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to let children use their imagination and
creativity making their own pizzas with the toppings they like, and then colour
them revising the colour of the vegetables and ingredients of the food. They will
be also able to identify parts of the face, but the main point is the food.
Timing: 20 minutes.
We will learn some vegetables before we start the activity.
-Do you know what this is? (show a carrot/onion/tomato picture and ask children
to say the names). I can help you. This is a ca… (let them say the word), and this is
an on… (again, let them say the name). And this is a to… (same procedure).
Great! Now, look at this.
(Stick some ingredients drawings/pictures in the blackboard)
-These are new. Do you recognize these ingredients?
Proceed to name them (pepper, mushroom, olives…). Write the names with
capital letters and repeat the names again.
Then, children will be asked to select a place to sit down and work with the pizza
-I will go around the circle (making a gesture to show them what I mean) and give
you one by one the base of the pizza. You take one and sit down to work. Alright?
(Give children the base of the pizza).
When they all have their pizza’s base, I will pass for every table to leave
ingredients drawings (previously cut) and glue on a recipient. While I do so, I will
-You have to make a face on the pizza with these ingredients. I will show you an
example. (Take an example, previously made). This is mine, now it is your turn!
You can make a face or whatever you want.
Let children start working and search for the colours. Colours won’t be handed in
until some of them finish the face. Monitor the work, walking around the room
and asking them how they are doing, or making good commentaries about the
pizzas. E.g.: “Nice! I like it!”, “Wow! Well done”, “Do you need help?”.
When someone finishes the face, hand in the colours. Explain in general that
when they finish the face, they can paint the ingredients.
Keep monitoring children and walking around the room to revise all their works.
Revise if they need help, or if someone does not know what to do, or does not
find a colour. When they finish their work, ask them to write their names on the
back of the pizza.
Scaffolding strategies:
As this is a creative activity, children will work more freely. Even like that, they
will be guided, and the procedures will be indicated, so they are not alone. While
they are working, it is essential to revise the process and help them whenever
they need.
New words must be mentioned through all the activity, and correct them if they
use Spanish. For example, they are most likely to say “El queso” or “tomate”. In
that case, the correction will be “Yes, it is cheese” or “Alright, it is tomato. Do you
The pictures of the ingredients will be still in the blackboard, because this is how
they will revise the colours, the shape (if they want to draw ingredients), and it is
how they relate the objects with the meanings.
As it was mentioned before, children will be observed to identify their
weaknesses and strengths. Encouraging them to keep working their strengths is a
good reinforcement but weaknesses are also part of the learning process, so we
need to spot them and work it later on another activity with this purpose.
When children finish their pizzas, I will collect their collages and leave them
aside, so I can take a picture and take a look to the final version.
-Great job! You like pizza! Do you like another vegetable or ingredients? (let them
answer briefly).
-Ok. Now, I want you to let me know what you like to eat. If you help me with
this, I can bring something for you another class.
Activity 3: I like/I don’t like- Food
Purpose: To let children express themselves, making them relate the topic with
personal likes or dislikes.
Timing: 10 minutes.
Give each child a chart with food drawings of food they already know in English
(E.g.: ice cream, oranges, apples, chicken, sweets, bananas, chocolate) and a
space to draw a happy face or a sad face.
Proceed to explain:
-Can you see the happy face and sad face? (Let them answer) Ok, I want you to
draw a happy face if you like that food (make a gesture with happy face and a
thumb up) or a sad face if you don’t like it (make a gesture with a sad face and a
thumb down). Are you ready? (Let them answer or express their doubts).
As they work, look at their charts and verify if they are doing it alright. Make
commentaries as walking around the room, monitoring them.
When they are finishing, ask them to hand in the charts and write the names in
every paper.
Scaffolding strategies
This is a good activity as children can express their own likes and dislikes. It is a
simple work, they can do it without help but they are not alone as they are being
observed. Any doubts can be clarified, but in general terms this is an easy activity
for them.
-Amazing job! Thank you for helping me knowing what you like and what you
don’t like. Next class I may bring something for you. Would you like to hear a new
song now? (let them answer) It will be fun!
Activity 4: Vegetable song
Purpose: To let children enjoy a song about vegetables. Some of them are new
words for them and some others are not. The main idea for this activity is to let
them make gestures and dance if they want.
Timing: 5 minutes.
Children will be asked to come back to the circle, but on the floor.
-Come on children, sit down please. Let’s sit on the floor to see a video with the
Organize them so everyone can see the computer screen. Once they are all quiet,
put the video (if they are not quiet, sing a short chant to make them stop talking).
Make gestures with the video and song (for example, the song mentions three
vegetables and then chops them, so the gesture could be use one hand as a knife
and the other as the vegetables). Encourage children to copy the gesture.
When the song finishes, ask them if they liked it. If they liked it, tell them that
next class we will hear it again and learn about other vegetables mentioned on
the song.
-Do you like this song? (let them answer)
-Next week, we can sing it again. Great job, children!
Scaffolding strategies:
Using mime and gestures with the song, encourages children to learn more
English language. As this is a new song, they will be hearing the rhythm for the
first time, and as the video has suitable visual support for children of their age, it
is a good material to be used again with the purpose of making children learn
more food vocabulary.
Finding out if they liked it is necessary, as if they did not like it, the song must be
changed. Children work better when the material is from their interest. This is
the reason why asking questions to figure out their likes and dislikes must be
As children will be still working with the teacher, now they will have their recess.
The closure of the sequence of the activities will be the preparation for the free
Each activity must be described in terms of the following components:
▪ Purpose
▪ Timing
▪ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech)
▪ Scaffolding strategies
▪ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Language accuracy
Dear Keila A very good start fora first lesson. Youhave explained
every stage and strategy in detail, which helps us see that you have
carefully thought every activity, purpose and timing.
Pictures, flashcards and worksheets must be included in the lesson
plan, so I am going to ask you to do so, and resubmit it.
As forthe learning focus and the learning aims, they are incomplete
since you will be teaching much more than foodvocabulary. Please,
complete that section as well.
What about the use of a story for next class?
Congratulations on your very good work!!!
Have a great class!

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Practica docente I- lesson plan 1 corrected- Medina Keila Belen

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE I Alumno residente: Keila Belén Medina Institución Educativa: Instituto Primo Capraro Dirección: Gallardo 40, Bariloche Cantidad de alumnos: 19 Edad: 5 y 6 años Unidad Temática: Food Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 19/10/2017 Hora: 14:00 Duración de la clase: 45 minutos Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 17/10/2017 Learning aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to use language related to food while playing, developing listening skills, speaking skills, cognitive skills. Learning focus: Revision of fruits names and learning more vegetable names as onion, pepper, carrots, tomato, mushroom, olives. Children will also develop their creativity and they will make meaning of those vegetables through making pizza (which they all like). Integration of skills: New game which allows children to exploit their creativity. Problem solving skills. Activities to do individually and all together. Music related to vegetables and fruits included as background as children play and an activity related to the topic to let them use gestures with the food names. Personal work about likes and dislikes of food. Use of photocopies and the blackboard. Use of a visual support with the song (a video). Multiple intelligences: Trough the sequence of activities we can spot different MI:
  • 2. Musical-rhythmic (as for the music included on the sequence), verbal-linguistic (for the use of new language and known language related to the topic), logical- mathematical (as for the problem solving related to food -odd one out-), Bodily- kinaesthetic (while making their own pizzas with creativity) , interpersonal (when working on group, deciding the best option all together), intrapersonal (as for the introspection with likes and dislikes) and naturalistic (the topic in general which is food, more specifically, fruits and vegetables). Materials and resources: For the start of the lesson: Routine song “Hello, Hello” For the activity of one odd out: drawings on the blackboard. For the pizza faces: photocopies of the ingredients made by myself (already cut). Resource of the activity (adapted from) “Very Young Learners, Vanesa Reilly and Sheila M. Ward” on “Resource Books for Teachers, Oxford University Press”, 1997, p. 82). For the activity of likes and dislikes: photocopies of a chart which includes drawings of food to be completed by the students with faces / (I like/ I don’t like). Songs excerpted from Youtube: (To be used as background music while children are creating their pizzas) (To be used as background music and to show the video with the song as the last activity) Possible contingencies: The timing This is a common problem as it usually happens all the lessons that children take too long to make an activity. In other words: time will be a contingency. Regarding this aspect, I will take the whole sequence of activities in order to cover the 45 minutes, but if they take longer than expected to do an activity I will have to leave an activity undone as the teacher will guide the rest of the lesson (and we have already make an agreement about the timing). For instance, I will also try to respect the timing for each activity, but I bear in mind that I cannot push them to hurry up as they are learning, and they are very young. Arguments about the blackboard Some kids may want to help to circle the “odd one out”, but they are 19 children. Even if they are not all present, they are too many. In this case, I must avoid making them circle the correspondent odd one out because they will end up angry as some of them helped and some others did not. I will ask them to help
  • 3. me all together, from the circle they usually form seated on their chairs. Some children will also want to use choke but I cannot let them use it, because then everybody will want to use one and draw something (they tend to do this while using the blackboard for an activity). The Pizza activity For this activity, as children will design their own pizza’s faces, I must take as many photocopies of the ingredients as possible. If not, it is very possible that they want to use all the same topping and there isn’t more. Another possible way to solve this problem, if they run off of toppings, is asking them to draw the rest of the ingredients. Besides, when they need to colour the ingredients of the pizza, they must all have the colours available. If they find out that they do not have the colour they want (as other children may be using it), I will be monitoring them, so I can tell them to wait for another student to finish using that pencil/marker/crayon and ask him/her to borrow that colour. I can also search for the colour, as they sit all in different tables while working on activities like this. The Music Some children are very curious about the songs and want to see the videos of them when you play it as the background while they are making another activity. It is great that they feel curiosity about it, but I would ask them (kindly) to sit down and finish the activity so later we can hear the songs and see the videos all together. Classroom management strategies: Transitions: I will introduce the activities, so they can feel that they are all related, and not very unsimmilar. The first one (saying hello) is very different from the rest of the sequence of activities, but in this case, I will present the activity of the odd one out first, so that they can relate the topics we have seen the previous lessons with the new language. Revising language is essential as this is how they get to construct knowledge from concepts they already know (in this case, food), and so they make meaning of new words with known words. Asking for silence: I can try singing a short song asking for silence or I can also ask them to pay attention because I really need their help to solve a problem. For example, as an introduction, I can tell them that I need them to help me finding the thing that is not related to the rest of the drawings because they mixed all when I was walking to the classroom(using imagination).
  • 4. Call their attention: I can use the puppets they already know, and make them ask children to help me with the activities. As a reward, they can play with them (with the puppets) at the end of the lesson or (if the weather helps) they can play outside. Invite them to sit down: I can sing a short chant “Shh quiet, please sit down, please sit down” some times asking them to join the circle. Put away things: For this, they are used to sing “Put everything away, put everything away” as they do so. Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings In order to assess children, I will monitor them when they are working and write down at the end of the class how did they behave, how interested on the activities they were, paying attention to their weaknesses and strengths. This will be necessary while planning the next lesson, and I should also take into account the timing, so I can revise where is the problem (if they enjoy more some activities than others or if they find them difficult to do them, etc.). In general terms, they take too long to make activities they enjoy. Anyway, I cannot make assumptions about this if I don’t assess themon my own lessons. The activities can be photographed (when they hand in the pizzas and the likes/dislikes). This would be useful as an extra support for me. They have a book where they put all their activities (as drawings for example), so they can see their progress at the end of the year. As I will be teaching them three more lessons, I can make a follow-up activity about this topic for the next class (apart from the rest of the activities, as a revision). Lesson stages : Routine The routine will consist on the song “Hello, Hello. Can you clap your hands?” that they sing every English workshop lesson. They also sing a song about the weather, so they can decide if it is sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, etc. Lead -in I will introduce the lesson’s topic asking them: Do you remember what we did last week? (Let them answer)
  • 5. Yes, that’s right. We worked with fruits and food. Can you name some of them? Do you remember the new ones? (let them answer and revise with them the names). After this revision, I will say: Today, we are going to learn about vegetables. Presentation To present the topic, I would ask: do you like vegetables? (Let them answer briefly). Then, I will put some examples: We can find vegetables on pizza (draw a pizza in the blackboard), soup (draw a soup), etc. Ask them if they know more examples, as this will be useful for the lesson. Once they have said some examples, I will move on to the first activity. To make them use English, I will ask them if they know how to say (e.g. if they say “sopa”) in English. If they don’t know, I will explain: You call it soup (and make a gesture). Development of the sequence of activities Activity 1: Odd One Out Purpose: The main purpose for this activity is to make children differ the objects, saying which one does not correspond to the topic. This requires logic and interpersonal work. Timing: 10 minutes. Description: First, I will draw some fruits (e.g.: banana, strawberry, pear) and a sun (the odd one out). Then, I will ask children: -What can you see here? (Let them answer) I will revise with them: -Yes, we can see a banana, a strawberry, a pear and a sun. What happens with the sun? Is the sun a fruit? (let them answer) -That’s right! The sun is not a fruit. (I circle the sun) -This is what we have to do. I will draw other fruits and vegetables, and you will help me to find the object that is not food. Pay attention because we will learn new words! Are you ready? (let them answer) Then, I will draw another fruits (e.g.: pineapple, watermelon, apple) and a pencil. Now, I will ask children again: -Do you remember these fruits? We learnt them last class. (Encourage them to say the names, one by one pointing with one finger the fruit). -This is a pine… (let them remember and complete the word if they do not remember). A pineapple. Do you remember? Repeat after me: this is a pineapple. This is a pineapple.
  • 6. -And this one? (point with the finger to the watermelon). A water… (let them remember, and do the same as with the pineapple if they do not remember). Repeat after me: this is a watermelon, this is a watermelon. -What is this? (point to the apple and let them answer). Very well! It is an apple. And what about this? (point to the pencil) Is this food? (Let them answer) No, this is not food, well done. This is a pencil. (Circle the pencil). This time, I will draw vegetables (e.g.: onion, carrots, tomato) and a tree. -Well, this is new! Please, pay attention. What is this? Can you figure out? (point to the onion and let them answer in Spanish to verify if they know what I drew). Excellent, it is an onion. Repeat after me: onion, onion, onion. (I can write ONION in the blackboard). -What is this? (point to the tree and let them answer). Good, it is a tree. And what about this? (point to the carrots and let them answer). Yes, they are called carrots. Remember: these are carrots, these are carrots. And this one? (point to the tomato and let them answer). Well done, it is a tomato. This is a tomato. -Which of them is not food? The onion? (let them answer), The carrot? (let them answer), the tomato? (let them answer). Excellent, and the tree? (let them answer). Great! The tree is not food (circle it). Scaffolding strategies: Showing the students what they are expected to do, guiding them and eliciting them to say not only the words but also encouraging them to decide what is the object that does not correspond to the topic. In the case of the new words as the vegetables, repeating the words for them is necessary because they will remember them progressively though more activities. Relating the previous topics (fruits) with the new one (vegetables) is useful for them, as they can make meaning from the base they have gained while working with other type of food. It wouldn’t be possible if they didn’t have any insight to other food (the work to be done should be different in this case). Letting them participate and try is a good way to engage them with the new vocabulary (and with the revision of known language). Taking turns to talk and letting them be active on their learning process is positive. Using the drawings on the blackboard is another way to scaffold children, as it would be very difficult for them to remember the names of the food without any visual support. They may remember some of them, but they won’t have any way to relate the word we want to elicit if they cannot make meaning through a picture, drawing or video. Asking questions is also a way to revise if they are understanding the activity, or if it is too difficult, too easy, and how to modify the drawings (for example) or their order. Transition
  • 7. -Well, now we are going to do something new! Do you like pizza? What do you like about pizza? (Let them talk as I search the materials). Activity 2: Pizza Faces Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to let children use their imagination and creativity making their own pizzas with the toppings they like, and then colour them revising the colour of the vegetables and ingredients of the food. They will be also able to identify parts of the face, but the main point is the food. Timing: 20 minutes. Description: We will learn some vegetables before we start the activity. -Do you know what this is? (show a carrot/onion/tomato picture and ask children to say the names). I can help you. This is a ca… (let them say the word), and this is an on… (again, let them say the name). And this is a to… (same procedure). Great! Now, look at this. (Stick some ingredients drawings/pictures in the blackboard) -These are new. Do you recognize these ingredients? Proceed to name them (pepper, mushroom, olives…). Write the names with capital letters and repeat the names again.
  • 8. Then, children will be asked to select a place to sit down and work with the pizza face. -I will go around the circle (making a gesture to show them what I mean) and give you one by one the base of the pizza. You take one and sit down to work. Alright? (Give children the base of the pizza). When they all have their pizza’s base, I will pass for every table to leave ingredients drawings (previously cut) and glue on a recipient. While I do so, I will explain: -You have to make a face on the pizza with these ingredients. I will show you an example. (Take an example, previously made). This is mine, now it is your turn! You can make a face or whatever you want. Let children start working and search for the colours. Colours won’t be handed in until some of them finish the face. Monitor the work, walking around the room and asking them how they are doing, or making good commentaries about the pizzas. E.g.: “Nice! I like it!”, “Wow! Well done”, “Do you need help?”. When someone finishes the face, hand in the colours. Explain in general that when they finish the face, they can paint the ingredients. Keep monitoring children and walking around the room to revise all their works. Revise if they need help, or if someone does not know what to do, or does not find a colour. When they finish their work, ask them to write their names on the back of the pizza. Scaffolding strategies: As this is a creative activity, children will work more freely. Even like that, they will be guided, and the procedures will be indicated, so they are not alone. While
  • 9. they are working, it is essential to revise the process and help them whenever they need. New words must be mentioned through all the activity, and correct them if they use Spanish. For example, they are most likely to say “El queso” or “tomate”. In that case, the correction will be “Yes, it is cheese” or “Alright, it is tomato. Do you remember?”. The pictures of the ingredients will be still in the blackboard, because this is how they will revise the colours, the shape (if they want to draw ingredients), and it is how they relate the objects with the meanings. As it was mentioned before, children will be observed to identify their weaknesses and strengths. Encouraging them to keep working their strengths is a good reinforcement but weaknesses are also part of the learning process, so we need to spot them and work it later on another activity with this purpose. When children finish their pizzas, I will collect their collages and leave them aside, so I can take a picture and take a look to the final version. Transition -Great job! You like pizza! Do you like another vegetable or ingredients? (let them answer briefly). -Ok. Now, I want you to let me know what you like to eat. If you help me with this, I can bring something for you another class. Activity 3: I like/I don’t like- Food Purpose: To let children express themselves, making them relate the topic with personal likes or dislikes. Timing: 10 minutes. Description Give each child a chart with food drawings of food they already know in English (E.g.: ice cream, oranges, apples, chicken, sweets, bananas, chocolate) and a space to draw a happy face or a sad face.
  • 10. Proceed to explain: -Can you see the happy face and sad face? (Let them answer) Ok, I want you to draw a happy face if you like that food (make a gesture with happy face and a thumb up) or a sad face if you don’t like it (make a gesture with a sad face and a thumb down). Are you ready? (Let them answer or express their doubts). As they work, look at their charts and verify if they are doing it alright. Make commentaries as walking around the room, monitoring them. When they are finishing, ask them to hand in the charts and write the names in every paper. Scaffolding strategies This is a good activity as children can express their own likes and dislikes. It is a simple work, they can do it without help but they are not alone as they are being observed. Any doubts can be clarified, but in general terms this is an easy activity for them. Transition -Amazing job! Thank you for helping me knowing what you like and what you don’t like. Next class I may bring something for you. Would you like to hear a new song now? (let them answer) It will be fun! Activity 4: Vegetable song
  • 11. Purpose: To let children enjoy a song about vegetables. Some of them are new words for them and some others are not. The main idea for this activity is to let them make gestures and dance if they want. Timing: 5 minutes. Description: Children will be asked to come back to the circle, but on the floor. -Come on children, sit down please. Let’s sit on the floor to see a video with the song. Organize them so everyone can see the computer screen. Once they are all quiet, put the video (if they are not quiet, sing a short chant to make them stop talking). Make gestures with the video and song (for example, the song mentions three vegetables and then chops them, so the gesture could be use one hand as a knife and the other as the vegetables). Encourage children to copy the gesture. When the song finishes, ask them if they liked it. If they liked it, tell them that next class we will hear it again and learn about other vegetables mentioned on the song. -Do you like this song? (let them answer) -Next week, we can sing it again. Great job, children! Scaffolding strategies: Using mime and gestures with the song, encourages children to learn more English language. As this is a new song, they will be hearing the rhythm for the first time, and as the video has suitable visual support for children of their age, it is a good material to be used again with the purpose of making children learn more food vocabulary. Finding out if they liked it is necessary, as if they did not like it, the song must be changed. Children work better when the material is from their interest. This is the reason why asking questions to figure out their likes and dislikes must be normal. Closure As children will be still working with the teacher, now they will have their recess. The closure of the sequence of the activities will be the preparation for the free time. Each activity must be described in terms of the following components:
  • 12. ▪ Purpose ▪ Timing ▪ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech) ▪ Scaffolding strategies ▪ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization Coherence and sequencing Variety of resources Stages and x x x x activities Scaffolding strategies Language accuracy Observations x x
  • 13. Dear Keila A very good start fora first lesson. Youhave explained every stage and strategy in detail, which helps us see that you have carefully thought every activity, purpose and timing. Pictures, flashcards and worksheets must be included in the lesson plan, so I am going to ask you to do so, and resubmit it. As forthe learning focus and the learning aims, they are incomplete since you will be teaching much more than foodvocabulary. Please, complete that section as well. What about the use of a story for next class? Congratulations on your very good work!!! Have a great class! Ceci