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Datos personales:
Alumno Residente: Bárbara Viñolo
Institución Educativa: ISG St George
Dirección: Santo Domingo 711- Centenario (Nqn)
Cantidad de alumnos:8
Edad: 6- 7 años
Unidad Temática: Food
Clase n°: 01
Fecha: 31 de Octubre 2018
Hora: 18.00 a 19.30 hs
Duración de la clase: 90 minutos
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 29/10/2018
Learning aims
 Revise vocabulary learned before
 To learn new vocabulary related to food items
 To practice listening and speaking skills through a song
 To develop visual skills
 To express students´ feelings about food items
 To show meaning through art
Learning focus
 Learn to express likes and dislikes: I like /I don´t like
 Revise food items learned and introduce new food items
Integration of skills
 Linguistic skills as children have to incorporate new vocabulary related to food items.
 Speaking skills by identifying food items and talking about which food items they like
and which ones they don´t.
 Interpersonal skills as children work in small groups and share their feelings about
food items they´ve learned.
 Creativity through artwork: students will make a chart grouping food items into two:
one side will say “I like” (with a happy face) and the other side will say “I don’t like”
(with a sad face).
Multiple intelligences
 Linguistic intelligence: children will express orally their feelings about food, using
stickers to be posted in a chart on the board.
 Body- kinaesthetic intelligence: children will sing and dance songs related to food.
 Visual/Spatial intelligence: children will share some flashcards on the board in order
to talk about which food items they like and which ones they don´t.
 Interpersonal intelligence: children will have to share flashcards material with their
peers and then the teacher will make questions related to children´s favourite food.
Possible contingences
 Children not getting involved in the activities
 Children getting bored during the activities
 Children not paying attention to the lesson or to the teacher
 Children getting distracted with their classmates
 Children talking and giving their opinions at the same time.
Classroom management strategies
 Apply short sentences in order to explain the activities effectively.
 Bring up understanding by asking children if they get what they are going to do in the
activities you have explained.
 Tell children that if they understand the activity, they may help their classmates.
 Use songs or any energizer method from time to time as to help them to release their
 Move around the tables in order to check if children need additional assistance during
the activities.
 Make questions (related to the lesson) from time to time as you are going through the
tables meanwhile students are doing the activities.
 Use a Mickey Mouse´s hand (a tool that comes with the interactive smart board there
is in the institute) oranother colourful tool to organize how children would share their
opinions in front of their classmates. Then, the child would give the tool to the
teacher and the teacher will choose other child to give him/her the opportunity to
 The teacher may look for a funny alarm noise when children are speaking out loud
without making the activities.
Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings
 Making questions about the topic seen during the activities.
 Observe children´s materials (books, notebook), activities development and their
engagement behaviour during the lesson
 Make commentaries about their doubts and queries
 Look for class support on games activities in order to quantify children´s
Materials and resources
 Flashcards related to food
 Mickey Mouse hand
 Smart board with internet connection
 Computer with internet connection
 Students’ books and activity books.
 Hello and clean- up songs:
Lesson stages
Purpose: Welcome the students and deliver the snack before the lesson starts. Share
students’ news. (This is much important because they are very young and they need to let
you know what had happened during the time they didn’t see you. So if we don’t have this
time for them to do so, the lesson will be interrupted so many times!)
Timing: 15 minutes
Then, let´s sing the “Hello song”:
Igo toschool
Imet new friends
And we all say
Hello! Hello!
How are you?
I`m good,
I`m great!
How about you?
(This part ofthe lyrics will be singtwice)
(This part ofthe lyrics will be sing twice)
Every day
Igo and play
Imeet new friends
And we all say
Hello! Hello!
What`s your name?
Nice tomeet you!
Doyou want toplay?
(This part ofthe lyrics will be sing twice)
Presentation of different songs(previous unit songs)during snack time (10 minutes). During
this time, the students have some tea or orange juice with some cookies and share what
they’ve done during the school day.
Then, the teacher will copy on the board the date and ask to the students what the weather is
like. As students answer about weather conditions, the teacher writes the answers on the
boardso then students can copy that in their notebooks. This will happen while playing
background music children have already listened to.
 Revision of the vocabulary seen related to food
 Introduction of the new vocabulary
 Use of grammar structures to express likes and dislikes: I like/ I don´t like
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech):
I will try to make a revision of the vocabulary learned by the children, in order to build
significant vocabulary knowledge by connecting the previous knowledge with the new one.
Tch: Well children... mmm... question do you remember what you learned with Miss Vanesa
last class?
(Students will answer yes/no to the question)
Tch: Ok! So, you have learned food items right?
Tch: For example, do you know what is it? is it a fish, a chicken, a cake, etc.?
(Meanwhile I make the question, I will show them some flashcards related to the food item I
want them to name)
Sts: (Multiple possible answers: manzana, banana, etc).
(Depending on how students name the food items- in Spanish or English language- the teacher
will try to joined what students say by saying the food items names in English).
Tch: Very Good! Now, do you remember that we have two ways of say when we like
something and when we don´t like something?
Sts: They can answer yes/no to the question
Tch: Well, when we want to say that something is delicious (yumi- making mimic with the
face- showing a happy face and the hands touching my stomach) we use “I like”. But when we
want to say that something is not delicious (yuk- making mime with the face (putting a
disgusting or dislike face) we use “I don´t like”.
Tch: Now, we are going to play with some flashcards! (The flashcards are related to the
vocabulary of the unit: Food).
Sts: Yeah!!
Tch: Now, Look at the board, this is a happy face and this is a sad face.
Tch: This says “I like” and this one says “I don´t like” (during the speech, I´m going tomime
Tch: Now, what do I have here? Flashcards with food pictures!
Sts: Yeah!!
Tch: I will give two different flashcards and we are going to play a game all together!
Sts: Yess!
(After the teacher delivers the flashcards to children, the teacher will continue saying):
Tch: I will start... “I like” milk (making mime)(making face mimic movement)..mmm... and
“I don´t like” banana(making mime) (making face mimic movement). (This sequence
presented is a way of explaining children how to play the game).
Tch: Now, it is your turn!... mmm... (I will say a student´s name) Do you like bananas (or
other food item)?
Sts: The student will answer yes/no to the question.
Tch: Now, paste the flashcard under happy/sad face (this will be depending on student´s
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
To start the revision of the topic: food, I will ask students questions like: What is it? Is it a
fish, chicken, cheese, cake, etc.?
Moreover, I´m going to use expressions like: well, ok, yes, for example, very good in order to
calls student´s attention. Also, I will make mime (by using my face and hands) as to have
student’s attention during the activities. Most of the time I will apply English language to
explain instructions/commands to students.
Scaffolding strategies:
 Ask questions to children
 Show to students some flashcards related to the vocabulary of the unit (food) they have
learned as a warm- up activity.
 Ask again as children can answer by themselves
 Show colourful images or flashcards to introduce new vocabulary related to food.
Development of the sequence of activities
Activity 1
 Revision of the vocabulary seen related to food
 Revision of colours
 Use of grammatical structures to express likes and dislikes: I like/ I don´t like
Timing: 15 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech):
Tch: Well children, we are going to play with some flashcards! Do you want to play?
Sts: Yes!
Tch: Great! Let´s see what we have here! (With surprise face) do you remember the name of
this food item?..mmm... is it a banana, an apple, chicken, etc.?) (pointing the image in the
Sts: No, it is not... it is a banana (as an example, this question will be made in order to show
all the food items seen)
Tch: Very Good! Now, Look to the board, this is a happy face and this is a sad face.
Tch: This says “I like” and this one says “I don´t like” (during the speech, I´m going to do
face mimic movements).
Tch: Now, what do I have here? Flashcards with food pictures!
Tch: Oki duke, now we are going to play a game all together!
Sts: Yeah!
Tch: I will start...mmm... “I like” bananas and “I don´t like” milk (making mime)(making
mimic movements with my face and hands) and then I will paste the flashcards under the
happy/sad faces (this is a way of showing children what the game is about).
Tch: Now, it is your I mention a student´s name and I will give him/her a flashcard,
and I will make him/her a question... Ok, Atenas do you like (a food item)?
Sts: She will answer yes/no to the question
(Depending on her answer, the teacher will help her to paste the food item under the correct
face picture)- (this procedure will be making with all the students just using one flashcard per
Then, as a second part of the activity, students will be developing their creativity by making a
chart with the food items they have learned grouping them into the food item they like and the
ones they don´t.
Tch: Great! Now, we are going to work individually with this chart (pointing to the image in
the paper) but how we are going to complete the chart?
Tch: For example, what is it?...mmm... is it an apple, a banana, a chicken, etc.?
Sts: They will answer “a banana” (depending on the flashcard I show them), what colour is it?
Sts: Yellow!
Tch: Great! What you have to do here (pointing the chart image) is to cut the different stickers
and paste them in the chart (depending on if you like the food or not).
(In this activity, I will help them if they have doubts on how to do it).
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
I will use phrases and expressions as to encourage students during the activities: We are going
to play a game!, we are going to play with some flashcards!, Let´s see what we have here!,
Now, what I have here?¿What colour is it?, Oki dokie. Moreover, some expressions to show
approval on student´s activity development: Very good!, Yeah!, Great!, Well done!.
For explaining children I will apply to the use of English language, also by using examples to
make theory more understandable for children.
Scaffolding strategies:
 Ask questions to children
 Explain food items and how to express likes or dislikes by using examples
 Show vocabulary related to food items by using colourful flashcards
 Ask question to students again as to answer themselves.
Activity 2
 Develop visual and kinaesthetic skills
 Develop interpersonal skills through a game activity
Timing:15 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech):
Tch: Now kids, we are going to play a game!
Sts: Yeah!
(The teacher will distribute some flashcards- two of each type- in order to play this game)
Tch: Do you want to know what we are going to play?
Sts: Yeah!
Tch: First, we are going to put all the flashcards in the middle of the desk with the food items
so you can see them, ok?
Tch: Now, I will turn them down so we have to find the flashcards which are equal
Tch: For example, I (turn a flashcard up) and I says “I(have)´ve got a chicken”, and I choose
another flashcard and I says “I (have)’ve got a cheese”, they are the same? (I will ask the
Sts: They will answer yes/no
Tch: Now is your turn! Let´s play!
When a student turns up the flashcards, I will help him/her making questions as:
Tch: Atenas, show me your flashcards please (she will point them out) so what food items did
you find?
St: a banana and an apple.
Tch: Well, repeat after me please, “I´ve got a banana” and “I´ve got an apple”.
(The student will repeat after me)
Tch: So, havethe flashcards the same picture?
(St will answer yes/no)
Tch: Well done! (if the student finds the same flashcards, I will tell him/her to take them) or
Oh! Let´s try again! (if the student don´t find the same flashcards).
(The sequence will be repeated as the all food items pairs were found).
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
Elicit questions and encouraging expressions: Now, we are going to play a game!; Do you
want to know what we are going to play? ; Ok; Now is your turn! Let´s play!; Well done!; Oh!
Let´s try again!.
To explain in a practicum way I use the phrase “for example”. Moreover, I apply English
language to explain instructions.
Scaffolding strategies
 Ask questions to children
 Develop speaking and social skills though memory game
 Revision of vocabulary though flashcards
 Explain the game instructions (through) by teacher´s examples
Activity 3
 Revise of the grammar structures to express likes and dislikes: I like/ I don´t like
 Develop listener and performance roles, as they not only listen attentively but also they
respond physically to the instructions/commands delivered by the teacher.
 Deepen student´s understanding of instructions while they develop social and body
motor skills
Timing:15 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech):
Tch: Well children, now we are going to play a game! (another game)
Sts: Yeah!
Tch: First, we are going to form two groups (4 members per group) and we are going to use
the flashcards!
Tch: We are going to play a game to say which food item (you like)likes you and which not(
making mime (the mimic) with my hands and face movements), ok? Are you ready?
Sts: Yeah!
(After we form the groups, I will deliver the flashcards to both groups and I will be around –
with the head teacher as support- if students need help).
Tch: Now, we have to put the flashcard with the food item covered. Then, you have to take
turns to play
Sts: Turns?
Tch: for example, Juan starts choosing a flashcard and then he shows put a disgusting face
(making mime (the mimic) with my face) saying yuk... or if he likes the food item he shows
puts a happy face (making the movement with my face) saying yum! Now it´s your turn! Let’s
(The teachers- the head teacher and me will be delivered into the two teams in order to keep
the classroom atmosphere in order and to help students during the activity. In this activity, the
teacher will ask the student: what is it? ¿ what colour is it?¿ do you like it or not?).
Tch: Well done! Do you like the game?
Sts: Yeah!
Tch: Oh! Look at the clock watch! (pointing the watch in the wall), it’s time to go home!.
Now let´s clean up and let´s put everything away!
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
Elicit questions and encouraging expressions: Well; now we are going to play a game!; First;
we are going to use the flashcards!; Are you ready?; Ok?; What is it?¿ what colour is it?; Do
you like it?; Well done!, yeah!; look at the watch! It´s time to go home! Now let´s clean up
and let´s put everything away!.
Also, I use examples to explain game dynamic. Moreover, I apply to English language to
explain game instructions.
Scaffolding strategies
 Ask questions to children
 Use colourful flashcards to revise food vocabulary
 Use examples to explain game instructions
 Ask questions to children more than once as to answer themselves
 To clean up all together
 To say goodbye
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct
Then, let´s sing the “Clean up” Song:
Clean up, clean up
Everybody, let´s clean up
Clean up, clean up
Put your things away
(Thispartofthelyricswillberepeated 3timesduringthesong)
Clean up! Clean up! Clean up!
Put your things away
Pickup your toys
Pickup your books
Pickup your shoes
Put your things away
Clean up, clean up
Everybody, let´s clean up
Clean up, clean up
Put your things away
(Thispartofthelyricswillberepeated onemoretime)
Taken from:
During clean- up song:
 Students will put their belongings (books, pencil cases, etc.) into their bags.
 Then, when it is time to go, the teacher will ask children to put their jackets on and
wait in the classroom (or making a line in the hall) for their parents to pick them up.
Resources used for making the activities
Images of fruit food to use as flashcards (I will paint them and print them bigger/smaller
depending on the activity):
Happy/ Sad faces:
Mickey Mouse`s Hand / Smartboard
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Visual organization x
Coherence and
Variety of resources x
Stages and activities x
Scaffoldingstrategies X
Languageaccuracy x
Observations Dear Bárbara
This lesson plan is better developed in terms of materials and activities. Still, I
observe that most of the activities are based on the flashcards. Because of the
length of the class and to maintain motivation, I strongly recommend you vary
resourcesandactivitiesinyournextplan.Forexample,includinga story, or video,
you might organize a simple class survey, among others. You may revisit your
materials from Didactics for inspiration. 😊
Have a great class!

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Lesson plan 1 revised

  • 1. I.F.D.C LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE I Datos personales: Alumno Residente: Bárbara Viñolo Institución Educativa: ISG St George Dirección: Santo Domingo 711- Centenario (Nqn) Cantidad de alumnos:8 Edad: 6- 7 años Unidad Temática: Food Clase n°: 01 Fecha: 31 de Octubre 2018 Hora: 18.00 a 19.30 hs Duración de la clase: 90 minutos Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 29/10/2018 Learning aims  Revise vocabulary learned before  To learn new vocabulary related to food items  To practice listening and speaking skills through a song  To develop visual skills  To express students´ feelings about food items  To show meaning through art Learning focus  Learn to express likes and dislikes: I like /I don´t like  Revise food items learned and introduce new food items Integration of skills  Linguistic skills as children have to incorporate new vocabulary related to food items.  Speaking skills by identifying food items and talking about which food items they like and which ones they don´t.
  • 2.  Interpersonal skills as children work in small groups and share their feelings about food items they´ve learned.  Creativity through artwork: students will make a chart grouping food items into two: one side will say “I like” (with a happy face) and the other side will say “I don’t like” (with a sad face). Multiple intelligences  Linguistic intelligence: children will express orally their feelings about food, using stickers to be posted in a chart on the board.  Body- kinaesthetic intelligence: children will sing and dance songs related to food.  Visual/Spatial intelligence: children will share some flashcards on the board in order to talk about which food items they like and which ones they don´t.  Interpersonal intelligence: children will have to share flashcards material with their peers and then the teacher will make questions related to children´s favourite food. Possible contingences  Children not getting involved in the activities  Children getting bored during the activities  Children not paying attention to the lesson or to the teacher  Children getting distracted with their classmates  Children talking and giving their opinions at the same time. Classroom management strategies  Apply short sentences in order to explain the activities effectively.  Bring up understanding by asking children if they get what they are going to do in the activities you have explained.  Tell children that if they understand the activity, they may help their classmates.  Use songs or any energizer method from time to time as to help them to release their energy.  Move around the tables in order to check if children need additional assistance during the activities.  Make questions (related to the lesson) from time to time as you are going through the tables meanwhile students are doing the activities.  Use a Mickey Mouse´s hand (a tool that comes with the interactive smart board there is in the institute) oranother colourful tool to organize how children would share their opinions in front of their classmates. Then, the child would give the tool to the teacher and the teacher will choose other child to give him/her the opportunity to share.
  • 3.  The teacher may look for a funny alarm noise when children are speaking out loud without making the activities. Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings  Making questions about the topic seen during the activities.  Observe children´s materials (books, notebook), activities development and their engagement behaviour during the lesson  Make commentaries about their doubts and queries  Look for class support on games activities in order to quantify children´s understanding. Materials and resources  Flashcards related to food  Mickey Mouse hand  Smart board with internet connection  Computer with internet connection  Students’ books and activity books.  Hello and clean- up songs: Lesson stages Routine Purpose: Welcome the students and deliver the snack before the lesson starts. Share students’ news. (This is much important because they are very young and they need to let you know what had happened during the time they didn’t see you. So if we don’t have this time for them to do so, the lesson will be interrupted so many times!) Timing: 15 minutes Then, let´s sing the “Hello song”: Everyday Igo toschool Imet new friends And we all say
  • 4. Hello! Hello! How are you? I`m good, I`m great! How about you? (This part ofthe lyrics will be singtwice) Nananananananana…! Hey! (This part ofthe lyrics will be sing twice) Every day Igo and play Imeet new friends And we all say Hello! Hello! What`s your name? Nice tomeet you! Doyou want toplay? Nananananananana…! Hey! (This part ofthe lyrics will be sing twice) Presentation of different songs(previous unit songs)during snack time (10 minutes). During this time, the students have some tea or orange juice with some cookies and share what they’ve done during the school day.
  • 5. Then, the teacher will copy on the board the date and ask to the students what the weather is like. As students answer about weather conditions, the teacher writes the answers on the boardso then students can copy that in their notebooks. This will happen while playing background music children have already listened to. Lead-in Purpose:  Revision of the vocabulary seen related to food  Introduction of the new vocabulary  Use of grammar structures to express likes and dislikes: I like/ I don´t like Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech): I will try to make a revision of the vocabulary learned by the children, in order to build significant vocabulary knowledge by connecting the previous knowledge with the new one. Tch: Well children... mmm... question do you remember what you learned with Miss Vanesa last class? (Students will answer yes/no to the question) Tch: Ok! So, you have learned food items right? Tch: For example, do you know what is it? is it a fish, a chicken, a cake, etc.? (Meanwhile I make the question, I will show them some flashcards related to the food item I want them to name) Sts: (Multiple possible answers: manzana, banana, etc). (Depending on how students name the food items- in Spanish or English language- the teacher will try to joined what students say by saying the food items names in English). Tch: Very Good! Now, do you remember that we have two ways of say when we like something and when we don´t like something?
  • 6. Sts: They can answer yes/no to the question Tch: Well, when we want to say that something is delicious (yumi- making mimic with the face- showing a happy face and the hands touching my stomach) we use “I like”. But when we want to say that something is not delicious (yuk- making mime with the face (putting a disgusting or dislike face) we use “I don´t like”. Tch: Now, we are going to play with some flashcards! (The flashcards are related to the vocabulary of the unit: Food). Sts: Yeah!! Tch: Now, Look at the board, this is a happy face and this is a sad face. Tch: This says “I like” and this one says “I don´t like” (during the speech, I´m going tomime ). Tch: Now, what do I have here? Flashcards with food pictures! Sts: Yeah!! Tch: I will give two different flashcards and we are going to play a game all together! Sts: Yess! (After the teacher delivers the flashcards to children, the teacher will continue saying): Tch: I will start... “I like” milk (making mime)(making face mimic movement)..mmm... and “I don´t like” banana(making mime) (making face mimic movement). (This sequence presented is a way of explaining children how to play the game). Tch: Now, it is your turn!... mmm... (I will say a student´s name) Do you like bananas (or other food item)? Sts: The student will answer yes/no to the question. Tch: Now, paste the flashcard under happy/sad face (this will be depending on student´s answer). Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: To start the revision of the topic: food, I will ask students questions like: What is it? Is it a fish, chicken, cheese, cake, etc.?
  • 7. Moreover, I´m going to use expressions like: well, ok, yes, for example, very good in order to calls student´s attention. Also, I will make mime (by using my face and hands) as to have student’s attention during the activities. Most of the time I will apply English language to explain instructions/commands to students. Scaffolding strategies:  Ask questions to children  Show to students some flashcards related to the vocabulary of the unit (food) they have learned as a warm- up activity.  Ask again as children can answer by themselves  Show colourful images or flashcards to introduce new vocabulary related to food. Development of the sequence of activities Activity 1 Purpose:  Revision of the vocabulary seen related to food  Revision of colours  Use of grammatical structures to express likes and dislikes: I like/ I don´t like Timing: 15 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech): Tch: Well children, we are going to play with some flashcards! Do you want to play? Sts: Yes! Tch: Great! Let´s see what we have here! (With surprise face) do you remember the name of this food item?..mmm... is it a banana, an apple, chicken, etc.?) (pointing the image in the flashcard) Sts: No, it is not... it is a banana (as an example, this question will be made in order to show all the food items seen) Tch: Very Good! Now, Look to the board, this is a happy face and this is a sad face.
  • 8. Tch: This says “I like” and this one says “I don´t like” (during the speech, I´m going to do face mimic movements). Tch: Now, what do I have here? Flashcards with food pictures! Tch: Oki duke, now we are going to play a game all together! Sts: Yeah! Tch: I will start...mmm... “I like” bananas and “I don´t like” milk (making mime)(making mimic movements with my face and hands) and then I will paste the flashcards under the happy/sad faces (this is a way of showing children what the game is about). Tch: Now, it is your I mention a student´s name and I will give him/her a flashcard, and I will make him/her a question... Ok, Atenas do you like (a food item)? Sts: She will answer yes/no to the question (Depending on her answer, the teacher will help her to paste the food item under the correct face picture)- (this procedure will be making with all the students just using one flashcard per student). Then, as a second part of the activity, students will be developing their creativity by making a chart with the food items they have learned grouping them into the food item they like and the ones they don´t. Tch: Great! Now, we are going to work individually with this chart (pointing to the image in the paper) but how we are going to complete the chart? Tch: For example, what is it?...mmm... is it an apple, a banana, a chicken, etc.? Sts: They will answer “a banana” (depending on the flashcard I show them), what colour is it? Sts: Yellow! Tch: Great! What you have to do here (pointing the chart image) is to cut the different stickers and paste them in the chart (depending on if you like the food or not). (In this activity, I will help them if they have doubts on how to do it). Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
  • 9. I will use phrases and expressions as to encourage students during the activities: We are going to play a game!, we are going to play with some flashcards!, Let´s see what we have here!, Now, what I have here?¿What colour is it?, Oki dokie. Moreover, some expressions to show approval on student´s activity development: Very good!, Yeah!, Great!, Well done!. For explaining children I will apply to the use of English language, also by using examples to make theory more understandable for children. Scaffolding strategies:  Ask questions to children  Explain food items and how to express likes or dislikes by using examples  Show vocabulary related to food items by using colourful flashcards  Ask question to students again as to answer themselves. Activity 2 Purpose:  Develop visual and kinaesthetic skills  Develop interpersonal skills through a game activity Timing:15 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech): Tch: Now kids, we are going to play a game! Sts: Yeah! (The teacher will distribute some flashcards- two of each type- in order to play this game) Tch: Do you want to know what we are going to play? Sts: Yeah! Tch: First, we are going to put all the flashcards in the middle of the desk with the food items so you can see them, ok? Tch: Now, I will turn them down so we have to find the flashcards which are equal
  • 10. Tch: For example, I (turn a flashcard up) and I says “I(have)´ve got a chicken”, and I choose another flashcard and I says “I (have)’ve got a cheese”, they are the same? (I will ask the students). Sts: They will answer yes/no Tch: Now is your turn! Let´s play! When a student turns up the flashcards, I will help him/her making questions as: Tch: Atenas, show me your flashcards please (she will point them out) so what food items did you find? St: a banana and an apple. Tch: Well, repeat after me please, “I´ve got a banana” and “I´ve got an apple”. (The student will repeat after me) Tch: So, havethe flashcards the same picture? (St will answer yes/no) Tch: Well done! (if the student finds the same flashcards, I will tell him/her to take them) or Oh! Let´s try again! (if the student don´t find the same flashcards). (The sequence will be repeated as the all food items pairs were found). Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one Elicit questions and encouraging expressions: Now, we are going to play a game!; Do you want to know what we are going to play? ; Ok; Now is your turn! Let´s play!; Well done!; Oh! Let´s try again!. To explain in a practicum way I use the phrase “for example”. Moreover, I apply English language to explain instructions. Scaffolding strategies  Ask questions to children  Develop speaking and social skills though memory game  Revision of vocabulary though flashcards
  • 11.  Explain the game instructions (through) by teacher´s examples Activity 3 Purpose:  Revise of the grammar structures to express likes and dislikes: I like/ I don´t like  Develop listener and performance roles, as they not only listen attentively but also they respond physically to the instructions/commands delivered by the teacher.  Deepen student´s understanding of instructions while they develop social and body motor skills Timing:15 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech): Tch: Well children, now we are going to play a game! (another game) Sts: Yeah! Tch: First, we are going to form two groups (4 members per group) and we are going to use the flashcards! Tch: We are going to play a game to say which food item (you like)likes you and which not( making mime (the mimic) with my hands and face movements), ok? Are you ready? Sts: Yeah! (After we form the groups, I will deliver the flashcards to both groups and I will be around – with the head teacher as support- if students need help). Tch: Now, we have to put the flashcard with the food item covered. Then, you have to take turns to play Sts: Turns? Tch: for example, Juan starts choosing a flashcard and then he shows put a disgusting face (making mime (the mimic) with my face) saying yuk... or if he likes the food item he shows puts a happy face (making the movement with my face) saying yum! Now it´s your turn! Let’s play!
  • 12. (The teachers- the head teacher and me will be delivered into the two teams in order to keep the classroom atmosphere in order and to help students during the activity. In this activity, the teacher will ask the student: what is it? ¿ what colour is it?¿ do you like it or not?). Tch: Well done! Do you like the game? Sts: Yeah! Tch: Oh! Look at the clock watch! (pointing the watch in the wall), it’s time to go home!. Now let´s clean up and let´s put everything away! Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one Elicit questions and encouraging expressions: Well; now we are going to play a game!; First; we are going to use the flashcards!; Are you ready?; Ok?; What is it?¿ what colour is it?; Do you like it?; Well done!, yeah!; look at the watch! It´s time to go home! Now let´s clean up and let´s put everything away!. Also, I use examples to explain game dynamic. Moreover, I apply to English language to explain game instructions. Scaffolding strategies  Ask questions to children  Use colourful flashcards to revise food vocabulary  Use examples to explain game instructions  Ask questions to children more than once as to answer themselves Closure Purpose:  To clean up all together  To say goodbye Timing: 5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech) Then, let´s sing the “Clean up” Song:
  • 13. Clean up, clean up Everybody, let´s clean up Clean up, clean up Put your things away (Thispartofthelyricswillberepeated 3timesduringthesong) Clean up! Clean up! Clean up! Put your things away Pickup your toys Pickup your books Pickup your shoes Put your things away Clean up, clean up Everybody, let´s clean up Clean up, clean up Put your things away (Thispartofthelyricswillberepeated onemoretime) Taken from: During clean- up song:  Students will put their belongings (books, pencil cases, etc.) into their bags.  Then, when it is time to go, the teacher will ask children to put their jackets on and wait in the classroom (or making a line in the hall) for their parents to pick them up. Resources used for making the activities Images of fruit food to use as flashcards (I will paint them and print them bigger/smaller depending on the activity):
  • 14. Happy/ Sad faces: Mickey Mouse`s Hand / Smartboard Chart:
  • 15. To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needsimprovement 1
  • 16. Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities x Scaffoldingstrategies X Languageaccuracy x Observations Dear Bárbara This lesson plan is better developed in terms of materials and activities. Still, I observe that most of the activities are based on the flashcards. Because of the length of the class and to maintain motivation, I strongly recommend you vary resourcesandactivitiesinyournextplan.Forexample,includinga story, or video, you might organize a simple class survey, among others. You may revisit your materials from Didactics for inspiration. 😊 Have a great class! Ceci