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Jahan B Ghasemi
Drug Design in Silico Lab.
Chem Faculty, K N Toosi Univ of Tech
Tehran, Iran
May 1 2014
Knowledge is antidote to fear –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Knowledge is power – Hakim Abolghasem Ferdoosi
Slide 1 of 101
Slide 2 of 101
• Example :
• Familiar conformation of the Butane
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Dihedral angle
Slide 3 of 101
A PES is the relationship – mathematical or graphical – between
the energy of a molecule (or a collection of molecules) and its geometry.
The Born–Oppenheimer approximation says that in a molecule the nuclei
are essentially stationary compared to the electrons.
It makes:
1- The concept of molecular shape (geometry) meaningful,
2- Makes possible the concept of a PES, and
3- Simplifies the application of the Schrödinger equation to molecules by
allowing us to focus on the electronic energy and add in the nuclear
repulsion energy later
Slide 4 of 101
The graph of potential energy against bond length is
an example of a potential energy surface. A line is a
one-dimensional “surface”.
The potential energy surface for a
diatomic molecule. The potential energy
increases if the bond length q is stretched
or compressed away from its equilibrium
value qe. The potential energy at qe (zero
distortion of the bond length) has been
chosen here as the zero of energy.
Slide 5 of 101
1.They vibrate incessantly(continuously) about the equilibrium bond
length, so that they always possess kinetic energy (T) and/or
potential energy (V): as the bond length passes through the
equilibrium length, V = 0, while at the limit of the vibrational
amplitude, T = 0; at all other positions both T and V are nonzero.
The fact that a molecule is never actually stationary with zero
kinetic energy (it always has zero point energy) is usually shown
on potential energy/bond length diagrams by drawing a series of
lines above the bottom of the curve to indicate the possible
amounts of vibrational energy the molecule can have (the
vibrational levels it can occupy
Real molecules behave similarly to, but differ from our macroscopic model in two
relevant ways:
Slide 6 of 101
Actual molecules do not sit still at the bottom of the potential energy
curve, but instead occupy vibrational levels. Also, only near qe, the
equilibrium bond length, does the quadratic curve approximate the true
potential energy curve
A molecule never sits at the bottom of
the curve, but rather occupies one of
the vibrational levels, and in a
collection of molecules the levels are
populated according to their spacing
and the temperature. We will usually
ignore the vibrational levels and
consider molecules to rest on the actual
potential energy curves or (see below)
Slide 7 of 101
2- Near the equilibrium bond length qe the potential
energy/bond length curve for a macroscopic balls-and-
spring model or a real molecule is described fairly well
by a quadratic equation, that of the simple harmonic
oscillator E=(½)K(q-qe)2, where k is the force constant
of the spring).
However, the potential energy deviates from the
quadratic (q2) curve as we move away from qe.
Slide 8 of 101
A two dimensional PES (a normal surface is a 2-D object) in the three-dimensional graph; we could make
an actual 3-D model of this drawing of a 3-D graph of E versus q1 and q2.
The H2O potential energy surface. The point Pmin corresponds to the minimum-energy geometry for the three atoms, i.e.
to the equilibrium geometry of the water molecule
Slide 9 of 101
The HOF PES is a 3-D
“surface” of more than two
dimensions in 4-D space:
- It is a hypersurface, and
potential energy surfaces
are sometimes called
potential energy
- -We can define the
equation E = f(q1, q2, q3)
as the potential energy
surface for HOF, where f is
the function that describes
how E varies with the q’s,
and treat the hypersurface
To plot energy against three geometric parameters in a
Cartesian coordinate system we would need four
mutually perpendicular axes. Such a coordinate system
cannot be actually constructed in our three-dimensional
space. However, we can work with such coordinate
systems, and the potential energy surfaces in them,
Slide 10 of 101
Minimum Potential Energy Geometry at PES
- AB is the point at which dE/dq = 0.
- H2O PES the point Pm, at this point dE/dq1 =
dE/dq2 = 0.
- For hypersurfaces cannot be faithfully
rendered pictorially, a computational chemist
use slice of a multidimensional diagram:
Slide 11 of 101
The slice could be made
holding one or the other
of the two geometric
parameters constant, or
it could involve both of
them, giving a diagram
in which the geometry
axis is a composite of
more than one
geometric parameter.
Slide 12 of 101
A 3-D slice of the hypersurface
for HOF or even a more complex
molecule E versus q1, q2 diagram
to represent the PES.
A 2-D diagram, with q
representing: one, two or all of
the geometric
2D and particularly 3D graphs
preserve qualitative and even
quantitative features of the
mathematically rigorous but
unvisualizable E = f(q1, q2, . . .
qn) n-dimensional hypersurface.
1- The angle HOF is constant not optimized Unrelaxed or rigid
2- The angle HOF is fully optimized this would be a relaxed PESSlide 13 of 101
Stationary Points
Among the main tasks of computational chemistry are to determine the
structure and energy of molecules and of the transition states involved in
chemical reactions: our “structures of interest” are molecules and the
transition states linking them.
Consider the reaction
Slide 14 of 101
E (calculated by the AM1) plotted against:
1- The bond length (assume the two O–O bonds are equivalent)
2- The O–O–O bond angle.
A slice through the reaction coordinate
gives a 1D “surface” in a 2D diagram.Slide 15 of 101
The slice goes(the curve itself not IRC axis) along the lowest-energy path
connecting ozone, isoozone and the transition state, that is, along the reaction
The horizontal axis (the reaction coordinate) of the 2D diagram is a composite of
O–O bond length and O–O–O angle.
In most discussions this horizontal axis represents the progress of the reaction.
Slide 16 of 101
Ozone, isoozone, and the transition state are called stationary points.
The Specification of SP:
- A stationary point on a PES is a point at which the surface is flat, i.e.
parallel to the horizontal line corresponding to the one geometric parameter
(or to the plane corresponding to two geometric parameters, or to the
hyperplane corresponding to more than two geometric parameters).
- A marble placed on a stationary point will remain balanced, i.e. stationary
(in principle; for a transition state the balancing would have to be exquisite
At any other point on a potential surface the marble will roll toward a
region of lower potential energy.
Slide 17 of 101
Mathematically, a stationary point is one at which the first derivative of
the potential energy with respect to each geometric parameter is zero:
Slide 18 of 101
Local Minima, Global Minima:
Stationary points that correspond to actual molecules
with a finite lifetime (in contrast to transition states,
which exist only for an instant), like ozone or isoozone,
are minima, or energy minima:
Each occupies the lowest-energy point in its region of the
PES, and any small change in the geometry increases the
energy, as indicated in Fig.
Ozone is a global minimum, since it is the lowest-energy
minimum on the whole PES,
Isoozone is a relative minimum, a minimum compared
only to nearby points on the surface.
Slide 19 of 101
The lowest-energy pathway
linking the two minima is the
path that would be followed by
a molecule in going from one
minimum to another.
It should acquire just enough
energy to overcome the
activation barrier, pass through
the transition state, and reach
the other minimum.
Slide 20 of 101
The transition state linking the two
minima represents a maximum along
the direction of the IRC, but along all
other directions it is a minimum.
This a saddle-shaped surface, and the
transition state is called a saddle point.
(Just like a Saddle while is minimum in one direction, Horse main axis, is
maximum in the other direction, orthogonal to the main Horse axis)
The saddle point lies at the “center” of
the saddle-shaped region and is, like a
minimum, a stationary point, 
The PES at that point is parallel to the
plane defined by the geometry parameter
axes: we can see that a marble placed
(precisely) there will balance.
Slide 21 of 101
Mathematically, minima and
saddle points differ in that
although both are stationary
points but:
1- a minimum is a minimum
in all directions,
2- a saddle point is a
maximum along the reaction
coordinate and a minimum
in all other directions.
Slide 22 of 101
Recalling that minima and maxima can be distinguished by their second
derivatives, we can write:
Slide 23 of 101
Coordinates for Potential Energy Surfaces
In the absence of fields, a molecule’s potential energy
doesn’t change if it is translated or rotated in space. Thus
the potential energy only depends on a molecule’s internal
There are 3N total coordinates for a molecule (x, y, z for
each atom), minus three translations and three rotations
which don’t matter (only two rotations for linear
The internal coordinates: Stretch, Bend, Torsion
coordinates, or Symmetry-adapted(according to sym.
Elements) Linear Combinations, or Redundant
Coordinates, or Normal Modes Coordinates, etc.
grid on
title('The contour map for z=x^3+y^3+3x^2-3y^2-8.')
Slide 24 of 101
Characterizing Potential Energy Surfaces
The most interesting points on PES’s are
the stationary points, where the gradients
with respect to all internal coordinates are
1. Minima: correspond to stable or quasi-
stable species; i.e., reactants, products,
2. Transition states: saddle points which
are minima in all dimensions but one; a
maximum in that dimension.
3. Higher-order saddle points: a minimum
in all dimensions but n, where n > 1;
maximum in the other n dimensions. Slide 25 of 101
A transition state and A transition structure
A transition state is a thermodynamic concept, the species an ensemble
of which are in a kind of equilibrium with the reactants in Eyring’s
transition-state theory.
Since equilibrium constants are determined by free energy differences,
the transition structure, within the strict use of the term, is a free energy
maximum along the reaction coordinate (in so far as a single species can
be considered representative of the ensemble).
This species is also often also called an activated complex. A transition
structure, in strict usage, is the saddle point on a theoretically (Not
realistic) calculated PES. Slide 26 of 101
A transition state and A transition structure
Normally PES is drawn through a set of points each of which represents
the enthalpy of a molecular species at a certain geometry; recall that
free energy differs from enthalpy by temperature times entropy.
The transition structure is thus a saddle point on an enthalpy surface(then
this is the difference between T-State and T-Structure.
However, the energy of each of the calculated points does not normally
include the vibrational energy, and even at 0 K a molecule has such
energy, ZPE. Slide 27 of 101
The usual calculated PES is thus a hypothetical, physically unrealistic
surface in that it neglects vibrational energy, but it should qualitatively,
and even semiquantitatively, resemble the vibrationally-corrected one
since in considering relative enthalpies ZPEs at least roughly cancel.
A transition state and A transition structure
In accurate work ZPEs are calculated for stationary points and added to
the “frozen-nuclei” energy of the species at the bottom of the reaction
coordinate curve in an attempt to give improved relative energies which
represent enthalpy differences at 0 K (and thus, at this temperature where
entropy is zero, free energy differences also; Next Slide).
Slide 28 of 101
A transition state and A transition structure
It is also possible to calculate enthalpy and entropy differences,
and thus free energy differences, at, say, room temperature.
Many chemists do not routinely distinguish between the two
terms, and in this course the commoner term, transition state, is
Unless indicated otherwise, it will mean a calculated geometry,
the saddle point on a hypothetical vibrational-energy-free PES.
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Slide 31 of 101
The propane PES, provides examples of
a minimum, a transition state and a
hilltop – a second-order saddle point in
this case.
The propane PES as the two HCCC
dihedrals are varied (AM1 calculated).
Bond lengths and angles were not
optimized as the dihedrals were varied,
so this is not a relaxed PES; however,
changes in bond lengths and angles
from one propane conformation to
another are small, and the relaxed PES
should be very similar to this one Slide 32 of 101
Three stationary points:
The “doubly-eclipsed” conformation (a
in Figure) in which there is eclipsing as
viewed along the C1–C2 and the C3–C2
bonds (the dihedral angles are 0o viewed
along these bonds) is a second order
saddle point because single bonds do
not like to eclipse single bonds and
rotation about the C1–C2 and the C3–
C2 bonds will remove this eclipsing:
There are two possible directions along
the PES which lead, without a barrier, to
lower-energy regions, i.e. changing the
H–C1/C2–C3 dihedral and changing the
H–C3/C2–C1 dihedral. Slide 33 of 101
PES Scan
The geometry of propane depends on more than just two
dihedral angles, of course; there are several bond lengths
and bond angles and the potential energy will vary with
changes in all of them. In PES Scan we have to change all
of them simultaneously.
Slide 34 of 101
Is Geometry of a Molecules Meaningful with or without BOA?
Yes and No respectively.
Chemistry is essentially the study of the stationary points on
potential energy surfaces: in studying more or less stable
molecules we focus on minima, and in investigating chemical
reactions we study the passage of a molecule from a minimum
through a transition state to another minimum.
Slide 35 of 101
Is Geometry of a Molecules Meaningful with or without BOA? No and Yes
There are four known forces in nature: 1-the gravitational force, 2- the
strong and 3- the weak nuclear forces, and 4- the electromagnetic
Celestial mechanics studies the motion of stars and planets under the
influence of the gravitational force and nuclear physics studies the
behaviour of subatomic particles subject to the nuclear forces.
Slide 36 of 101
Is Geometry of a Molecules Meaningful with or without BOA? Yes
and No respectively.
Chemistry is concerned with aggregates of nuclei and electrons (with
molecules) held together by the electromagnetic force, and with the
shuffling of nuclei, followed by their obedient retinue of electrons,
around a potential energy surface under the influence of this force
(with chemical reactions).
The potential energy surface for a chemical reaction has just been
presented as a saddle-shaped region holding a transition state which
connects wells containing reactant(s) and products(s) (which species
we call the reactant and which the product is inconsequential here).Slide 37 of 101
Slide 38 of 101
The Born–Oppenheimer Approximation
A PES is a plot of the energy of a collection of nuclei and electrons against the
geometric coordinates of the nuclei.
Essentially a plot of molecular energy versus molecular geometry (or it may be
regarded as the mathematical equation that gives the energy as a function of the
nuclear coordinates).
The nature (minimum, saddle point or neither) of each point was discussed in terms
of the response of the energy (first and second derivatives) to changes in nuclear
But if a molecule is a collection of nuclei and electrons why plot energy versus
nuclear coordinates – why not against electron coordinates? In other words, why are
nuclear coordinates the parameters that define molecular geometry?
The answer to this question lies in the Born–Oppenheimer
Slide 39 of 101
Born and Oppenheimer showed in 1927 that to a very good approximation the
nuclei in a molecule are stationary with respect to the electrons.
One consequence of this is that all (!) we have to do to calculate the energy of a
molecule is to solve the electronic Schrödinger equation and then add the electronic
energy to the internuclear repulsion (this latter quantity is trivial to calculate) to get
the total internal energy.
Mathematically, the approximation states that the Schrödinger equation for a
molecule may be separated into an electronic and a nuclear equation.
Slide 40 of 101
The nuclei see the electrons as a cloud of negative charge which binds them in
fixed relative positions and which defines the surface of the molecule.
Because of the rapid motion of the electrons compared to the nuclei the
“permanent” geometric parameters of the molecule are the nuclear coordinates.
The energy (and the other properties) of a molecule is a function of the electron
coordinates (E= Ψ(x, y, z of each electron), but depends only parametrically on
the nuclear coordinates, i.e. for each geometry 1, 2, . . . there is a particular
energy: E1= Ψ1(x, y, z. . .), E1= Ψ2(x, y, z. . .); cf. xn, which is a function of x but
depends only parametrically on the particular n. Slide 41 of 101
The nuclei in a molecule see a time-averaged electron cloud.
The nuclei vibrate about equilibrium points which define the molecular geometry;
as the nuclear Cartesian coordinates, or as bond lengths and angles r and a here) and
dihedrals, i.e. as internal coordinates.
The experimentally determined van der Waals surface encloses about 98% of the
electron density of a molecule Slide 42 of 101
Geometry Optimization
The characterization (the “location” or “locating”) of a stationary
point(minimum, a transition state or a higher order saddle point) on a PES,
that is, demonstrating that the point in question exists and calculating its
geometry and energy, is a geometry optimization.
Locating a minimum is often called an energy minimization or
simply a minimization, and locating a transition state is often
referred to specifically as a transition state optimization.
Slide 43 of 101
Geometry optimizations are done by starting with an input structure that is
believed to resemble (the closer the better) the desired stationary point
and submitting this plausible structure to a computer algorithm that
systematically changes the geometry until it has found a stationary point.
The curvature of the PES at the stationary point, i.e. the second
derivatives of energy with respect to the geometric parameters may
then be determined to characterize the structure as a minimum or as
some kind of saddle point.
Geometry Optimization
Slide 44 of 101
Acetone ionized then neutralization of the
radical cation, then were frozen in an inert
matrix and studied by IR spectroscopy.
The spectrum of the mixture suggested the
presence of the enol isomer of propanone, 1-
Slide 45 of 101
To confirm (or refute) this
the IR spectrum of the enol
might be calculated. But
which conformer should one
choose for the calculation?
Rotation about the C–O and
C–C bonds creates six
plausible stationary points
and a PES scan indicated
that there are indeed 6 such
The arrows represent one-step (rotation about one bond)
conversion of one species into another Slide 46 of 101
The plausible stationary points
on the propenol potential energy
surface. From PES scan:
1 is the global minimum
4 is a relative minimum,
2 and 3 are transition states
5 and 6 are hilltops.
AM1 gave relative energies:
1, 2, 3 and 4 of 0, 0.6, 14 and 6.5
kJ mol-1,
(5 and 6 were not optimized).
Left part is the Inset of the
right part to show details of
the 1 and 2 as GM and TS Slide 47 of 101
Slide 48 of 101
Examination of this PES shows that the global minimum is
structure 1 and that there is a relative minimum
corresponding to structure 4.
Geometry optimization starting from an input structure
resembling 1 gave a minimum corresponding to 1,
while optimization starting from a structure
resembling 4 gave another, higher energy minimum,
resembling 4.
Transition-state optimizations starting from
appropriate structures yielded the transition states 2
and 3. These stationary points were all characterized as
minima or transition states by second-derivative
calculations (the species 5 and 6 were not located).
The calculated IR spectrum of 1 (using the ab initio HF/6–
31G* method was in excellent agreement with the observed
spectrum of the putative propenol.
This illustrates a general principle: the optimized structure one
obtains is that closest in geometry on the PES to the input structure.
To be sure we have found a global minimum
we must search a potential energy surface
There are algorithms that will do
this and locate the various minima:
Geometry optimization to
a minimum gives the
minimum closest to the
input structure.
The input structure A’ is
moved toward the
minimum A, and B’ toward
To locate a transition
state a special algorithm
is usually used: this moves
the initial structure A’
toward the transition state
Optimization to each of
the stationary points
would probably actually
require several steps
Slide 49 of 101
Optimization to each of
the stationary points
would probably actually
require several steps:
An efficient
algorithm knows:
1- In Which
Direction to Move
2- How far to step,
in an attempt to
reach the optimized
Slide 50 of 101
On the one-
dimensional PES of a
diatomic molecule:
optimization requires
a simple algorithm
On any other surface,
efficient geometry
optimization requires
a sophisticated
Slide 51 of 101
Slide 52 of 101
1- It is not possible, in
general, to go from
the input structure to
the proximate
minimum in just one
2- Modern geometry
algorithms commonly
reach the minimum
within about ten
steps, given a
reasonable input
3- The most widely-
used algorithms for
optimization use the
first and second
derivatives of the
energy with respect to
the geometric
parameters. To
• The input structure at point Pi(Ei, qi)
• The proximate minimum at the point Po(Eo, qo).Example
Slide 53 of 101
1- Before the optimization has been carried out the values of Eo and qo are of
course unknown.
2- If we assume that near a minimum the potential energy is a quadratic function
of q, which is a fairly good approximation, then:
Initial qi is a vector and of the geometry of the
molecules at starting point and qo is new geometry
of the molecule. This is Newton-Raphson Slide 54 of 101
Equation shows that if we
(dE/dq)i, the slope or
gradient of the PES at the
point of the initial
(d2E/dq2), the curvature of
the PES (which for a
quadratic curve E(q) is
independent of q).
qi, the initial geometry, we
can calculate qo, the
optimized geometry:
Very Useful
The second derivative of potential energy with respect to geometric displacement
is the force constant for motion along that geometric coordinate; this is an
important concept in connection with calculating vibrational spectra.
Slide 55 of 101
Slide 56 of 101
In the illustration of an optimization algorithm using a diatomic
molecule, Equation:
Referred to the calculation of first
and second derivatives with
respect to bond length, which
latter is an internal coordinate
(inside the molecule).
But optimizations are actually
commonly done using Cartesian
coordinates x, y, z. Amazing
Slide 57 of 101
Optimization HOF in
a Cartesian
coordinate system.
Each of the three
atoms has an x, y and
z coordinate.
Nine geometric
parameters, q1, q2, .
. . , q9.
The PES would be a
hypersurface on a
10D graph.
We need the first
and second
derivatives of E with
respect to each of
the nine q’s,
Derivatives are
manipulated as
The first-derivative matrix, the gradient
matrix, for the input structure can be
written as a column matrix:
The second-derivative
matrix, the force constant
matrix, is:
The force constant matrix
is Called the Hessian.
Slide 58 of 101
More About Hessian
The Hessian is
particularly important:
For geometry
optimization, For the
characterization of
stationary points
For the
calculation of
IR spectra.
In the
∂2E/∂q1q2 =
∂2E/∂q2q1, as is true
All well-
But this systematic
notation is preferable
The first subscript refers to
the row and the second to the
Slide 59 of 101
The geometry coordinate matrices for the
initial and optimized structures are:
Slide 60 of 101
For n atoms we
have 3n
qo, qi and gi
are 3n×1
column matrices
H is a 3n×3n
square matrix
Multiplication by the
H-1 rather than
division by H is used
because matrix
division is not defined.
For an efficient geometry
optimization we need:
An initial structure
(for qi)
From a model-
building program
followed by
Initial gradients (for gi)
analytically (from the
derivatives of the
orbitals and the
derivatives of certain
Second derivatives (for H).
An approximate
initial Hessian is
often calculated
from molecular
Slide 61 of 101
Optimization is not a Single Step Process. Why?
Since the PES is not really
exactly quadratic
The first step does not take us all the way
to the optimized geometry, qo.
Rather, we arrive at q1, the first
calculated geometry.
Using q1 a g1 and a new H1 are calculated (g1calculated
analytically and H1updated using the changes in g1).
Using q1 g1 and H1 matrices a new
approximate geometry matrix q2 is calculated.
The process is continued until the geometry
and/or the gradients (or with some
programs possibly the energy) have ceased
to change appreciably.
Slide 62 of 101
Stationary Points and Normal-Mode Vibrations
Once a stationary point has been found by geometry optimization, it is
usually desirable to check whether it is a minimum, a transition state, or a
This is done by calculating the vibrational frequencies. Such a calculation
involves finding the normal-mode frequencies; these are the simplest
vibrations of the molecule, which, in combination, can be considered to
result in the actual, complex vibrations that a real molecule undergoes.
Slide 63 of 101
Consider a diatomic molecule A–B; the normal-mode frequency (there is
only one for a diatomic, of course) is given by:
The symbols have their ordinary meanings.
The force constant k of a vibrational mode is a measure of the “stiffness”
of the molecule toward that vibrational mode – the harder it is to stretch
or bend the molecule in the manner of that mode, the bigger is that force
Frequency of a vibrational mode is related to the force constant for the
Suggests that it might be possible to calculate the normal-mode
frequencies of a molecule, that is, the directions and frequencies of the
atomic motions, from its force constant matrix (its Hessian).
Slide 64 of 101
This is indeed possible: matrix diagonalization of the Hessian gives the
directional characteristics (eigenvectors, which way the atoms are
moving), and the force constants themselves(eigenvalues), for the
Matrix diagonalization : MATLAB Command:
A=[1 2 3; 3 2 1; 2 1 3] [P lambda]=eig(A); D=inv(P)*A*P
Square matrix A decomposed to 3 square matrices:
6 0 0
0 −1.4142 0
0 0 1.4142
P, D and P-1:
D is a diagonal matrix as with k in following eq all its off-diagonal
elements are zero. P is eigenvectors and P-1 is inverse of P. Slide 65 of 101
When matrix algebra is applied to
physical problems, the diagonal row
elements of D are the magnitudes of
some physical quantity, and each
column of P is a set of coordinates
which give a direction associated
with that physical quantity.
* These ideas are made more
concrete in the discussion
accompanying Eq. which shows the
diagonalization of the Hessian
matrix for a triatomic molecule, e.g.
Slide 66 of 101
Equation is of the form A = PDP-1.
The 9 ×9 Hessian for a triatomic molecule:
Is decomposed by diagonalization into a P matrix:
-whose columns are “direction vectors” for the vibrations
-whose force constants are given by the k matrix.
Actually, columns 1, 2 and 3 of P and the corresponding k1, k2 and k3 of
k refer to translational motion of the molecule; these three “force
constants” are nearly zero.
Columns 4, 5 and 6 of P and the corresponding k4, k5 and k6 of k refer to
rotational motion about the three principal axes of rotation and are also
nearly zero.
Columns 7, 8 and 9 of P and corresponding k7, k8 and k9 of k(diagonal
matrix) are the direction vectors and force constants respectively. Slide 67 of 101
For the normal-mode vibrations: k7, k8 and k9 refer to vibrational modes
1, 2 and 3, while the 7th, 8th, and 9th columns of P are composed of the
x, y and z components of vectors for motion of the three atoms in
mode 1 (column 7), mode 2 (column 8), and mode 3 (column 9).
Slide 68 of 101
The Basic Principles of Molecular Mechanics
Developing a Forcefield
Slide 69 of 101
The potential energy of a
molecule can be written
Slide 70 of 101
Forcefield and are
energy contributions
around single
between atoms or
groups which are
nonbonded (not
directly bonded
The sums are
over all the
bonds, all the
angles defined
by three atoms
All the
by four
All pairs of
The mathematical form of
these terms and the parameters
in them constitute a particular
Slide 71 of 101
The Bond Stretching Term:
The increase in the energy of a spring when it is stretched is
approximately proportional to the square of the extension:
Changes in bond lengths or in bond
angles result in changes in the energy of
a molecule. Such changes are handled
by the Estretch and Ebend terms in the
molecular mechanics forcefield.
kstretch = the proportionality constant the bigger kstretch, the
stiffer the bond/spring – the more it resists being stretched.
l = length of the bond when stretched.
leq = equilibrium length of the bond, its “natural” length.
Slide 72 of 101
If we take the energy corresponding to the equilibrium length leq as the
zero of energy, we can replace DEstretch by Estretch:
Slide 73 of 101
The Angle Bending Term:
kbend = a proportionality constant
a = size of the angle when distorted
aeq = equilibrium size of the angle, its “natural” value.
Slide 74 of 101
The Torsional Term:
Dihedral angles (torsional angles) affect molecular geometries and energies. The
energy is a periodic function (cosine or combination of cosines) of dihedral angle.
Slide 75 of 101
The Nonbonded Interactions Term:
This represents the change in potential energy with distance apart of
atoms A and B that are not directly bonded:
1- these atoms, separated by at least two atoms (A–X–Y–B) or even
2- in different molecules, are said to be nonbonded (with respect to
each other).
Slide 76 of 101
The Nonbonded Interactions Term:
A-B case is accounted for by the bond stretching term Estretch,
A–X–B term by the angle bending term Ebend,
nonbonded term Enonbond is, for the A–X–Y–B case, superimposed upon
the torsional term Etorsion:
we can think of Etorsion as representing some factor inherent to resistance
to rotation about a (usually single) bond X–Y, while for certain atoms
attached to X and Y there may also be nonbonded interactions.
Slide 77 of 101
The potential energy curve for two
nonpolar nonbonded atoms has the
general form:
Variation of the energy of a molecule with
separation of nonbonded atoms or groups.
Atoms/ groups A and B may be in the same
molecule (as indicated here) or the interaction
may be intermolecular.
The minimum energy occurs at van der Waals
contact. For small nonpolar atoms or groups the
minimum energy point represents a drop of a
few kJ mol-1 (Emin=-1.2 kJ mol-1 for CH4/CH4),
but short distances can make nonbonded
interactions destabilize a molecule by many kJ
mol-1 Slide 78 of 101
A simple way to approximate this is by the so-called Lennard-Jones 12–6
r = the distance between the centers of the nonbonded atoms or groups.
The function reproduces
1-The small attractive dip in the curve (represented by the negative term)
as the atoms or groups approach one another, then
2-The very steep rise in potential energy (represented by the positive,
repulsive term raised to a large power) as they are pushed together closer
than their van der Waals radii. Slide 79 of 101
Setting dE/dr = 0:
the energy minimum in the curve the corresponding value of:
r is rmin = 21/6s and s=2-1/6rmin
Slide 80 of 101
If we assume that this minimum corresponds to van der Waals contact of
the nonbonded groups, then:
rmin = (RA + RB),
the sum of the van der Waals radii of the groups A and B.
21/6s = RA + RB
and so s =2-1/6(RA + RB)= 0.89 (RA + RB)
Thus s can be calculated from rmin or estimated from the van der Waals radii.
Slide 81 of 101
Setting E = 0, we find that for this point on the
curve r = s:
s= r(E=0)
If we set r = rmin=21/6 s we find:
knb = -4E(r=rmin) So knb can be calculated from the depth of
the energy minimum. Slide 82 of 101
Parameterizing a Forcefield
We can now consider putting actual numbers, kstretch, leq, kbend, etc., into
corresponding Eqs. to give expressions that we can actually use.
The process of finding these numbers is called parameterizing (or
parametrizing) the forcefield.
Training Set
The set of molecules used for parameterization, perhaps 100 for a good
forcefield, is called the training set. Slide 83 of 101
Parameterizing the Bond Stretching Term
A forcefield can be parameterized by reference to:
1- experiment (empirical parameterization) or by
2- getting the numbers from high-level ab initio or density functional
calculations, or by
3- a combination of both approaches.
For the bond stretching term of Eq. we need kstretch and leq.
Experimentally, kstretch could be obtained from IR spectra, as the
stretching frequency of a bond depends on the force constant.
leq could be derived from X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, or
microwave spectroscopy Slide 84 of 101
Lets find kstretch for the C/C bond of ethane by ab initio calculations.
Normally high-level ab initio calculations would be used to parameterize
a forcefield.
But for illustrative purposes we can use the low-level but fast STO-3G
Eq shows that a plot of Estretch against (l–leq)2 should be linear with a
slope of kstretch.
Slide 85 of 101
Change in energy as the C–C bond in
CH3–CH3 is stretched away from its
equilibrium length. The calculations
are ab initio (STO-3G). Bond lengths
are in Å
Energy vs. the square of the
extension of the C–C bond in
CH3–CH3. The data in the left
Table were used Slide 86 of 101
The equilibrium bond length has been taken as the STO-3G length:
Similarly, the CH bond of methane was stretched using ab initio STO-3G
calculations; the results are:
Slide 87 of 101
Parameterizing the Angle Bending Term
From Eq., a plot of Ebend against (a–aeq)2 should be linear with a slope of
From STO-3G calculations on bending the H–C–C angle in ethane we
Calculations on staggered butane gave for the C–C–C angle
Slide 88 of 101
Parameterizing the Torsional Term
For the ethane case, the equation for energy
as a function of dihedral angle can be
deduced fairly simply by adjusting the
basic equation:
E=cos q
to give:
E= ½ Emax [1 + cos3(q +60)]
Slide 89 of 101
Variation of the energy of butane with
dihedral angle. The curve can be
represented by a sum of cosine functions
For butane, using Eq. and
experimenting with a curve-fitting
program shows that a reasonably
accurate torsional potential energy
function can be created with five
parameters, k0 and k1–k4: See the
next slide(a kind of FT to find
cosine basis functions).
Slide 90 of 101
Slide 91 of 101
Parameterizing the Nonbonded Interactions Term
To parameterize Eq. we might perform ab initio calculations in which
the separation of two atoms or groups in different molecules (to avoid
the complication of concomitant changes in bond lengths and angles)
is varied, and fit Eq. to the energy vs. distance results.
For nonpolar groups this would require quite high-level calculations, as
van der Waals or dispersion forces are involved. We shall approximate
the nonbonded interactions of methyl groups by the interactions of
methane molecules, using experimental values of knb and s, derived
from studies of the viscosity or the compressibility of methane:
Slide 92 of 101
Slide 93 of 101
Summary of the Parameterization of the Forcefield Terms The four terms
of Eq. were parameterized to give:
A Calculation Using Our Forcefield
Let us apply the naive forcefield developed here to comparing the energies of two
2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane ((CH3)3CC(CH3)3, i.e. t-Bu-Bu-t) geometries.
We compare the energy of structure 1 with all the bond lengths and angles at our
“natural” or standard values (i.e. at the STO-3G values we took as the equilibrium
bond lengths and angles) with that of structure 2, where the central C-C bond has
been stretched from 1.538Å to 1.600Å , but all other bond lengths, as well as the
bond angles and dihedral angles, are unchanged Left Figure shows the nonbonded
distances we need, which would
be calculated by the program
from bond lengths, angles and
dihedrals. Using Eq.:
Slide 94 of 101
Slide 95 of 101
Actually, nonbonding interactions are already included in the torsional
term (as gauche–butane interactions); we might have used an ethane-type
torsional function and accounted for CH3/CH3 interactions entirely with
nonbonded terms. However, in comparing calculated relative energies the
torsional term will cancel out.
Slide 96 of 101
For structure 2
Slide 97 of 101
The stretching and bending terms for structure 2 are the same as for
structure 1, except for the contribution of the central C-C bond;
strictly speaking, the torsional term should be smaller, since the opposing
C(CH3) groups have been moved apart.
Slide 98 of 101
This crude method predicts that stretching the central C/C bond of
2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane from the approximately normal sp3–C–sp3–C
length of 1.583 Å (structure 1) to the quite “unnatural” length of 1.600 Å
(structure 2) will lower the potential energy by 67 kJ mol1, and indicates
that the drop in energy is due very largely to the relief of nonbonded
Slide 99 of 101

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Potential Energy Surface Molecular Mechanics ForceField

  • 1. Rev-01 Jahan B Ghasemi Drug Design in Silico Lab. Chem Faculty, K N Toosi Univ of Tech Tehran, Iran May 1 2014 Knowledge is antidote to fear –Ralph Waldo Emerson Knowledge is power – Hakim Abolghasem Ferdoosi Slide 1 of 101
  • 2. Slide 2 of 101 • Example : • Familiar conformation of the Butane 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.10 0.1 0.05 0 C B D E F Potentialenergy Dihedral angle Probability
  • 4. A PES is the relationship – mathematical or graphical – between the energy of a molecule (or a collection of molecules) and its geometry. The Born–Oppenheimer approximation says that in a molecule the nuclei are essentially stationary compared to the electrons. It makes: 1- The concept of molecular shape (geometry) meaningful, 2- Makes possible the concept of a PES, and 3- Simplifies the application of the Schrödinger equation to molecules by allowing us to focus on the electronic energy and add in the nuclear repulsion energy later Slide 4 of 101
  • 5. The graph of potential energy against bond length is an example of a potential energy surface. A line is a one-dimensional “surface”. The potential energy surface for a diatomic molecule. The potential energy increases if the bond length q is stretched or compressed away from its equilibrium value qe. The potential energy at qe (zero distortion of the bond length) has been chosen here as the zero of energy. Slide 5 of 101
  • 6. 1.They vibrate incessantly(continuously) about the equilibrium bond length, so that they always possess kinetic energy (T) and/or potential energy (V): as the bond length passes through the equilibrium length, V = 0, while at the limit of the vibrational amplitude, T = 0; at all other positions both T and V are nonzero. The fact that a molecule is never actually stationary with zero kinetic energy (it always has zero point energy) is usually shown on potential energy/bond length diagrams by drawing a series of lines above the bottom of the curve to indicate the possible amounts of vibrational energy the molecule can have (the vibrational levels it can occupy Real molecules behave similarly to, but differ from our macroscopic model in two relevant ways: Slide 6 of 101
  • 7. Actual molecules do not sit still at the bottom of the potential energy curve, but instead occupy vibrational levels. Also, only near qe, the equilibrium bond length, does the quadratic curve approximate the true potential energy curve A molecule never sits at the bottom of the curve, but rather occupies one of the vibrational levels, and in a collection of molecules the levels are populated according to their spacing and the temperature. We will usually ignore the vibrational levels and consider molecules to rest on the actual potential energy curves or (see below) surfaces. Slide 7 of 101
  • 8. 2- Near the equilibrium bond length qe the potential energy/bond length curve for a macroscopic balls-and- spring model or a real molecule is described fairly well by a quadratic equation, that of the simple harmonic oscillator E=(½)K(q-qe)2, where k is the force constant of the spring). However, the potential energy deviates from the quadratic (q2) curve as we move away from qe. Slide 8 of 101
  • 9. A two dimensional PES (a normal surface is a 2-D object) in the three-dimensional graph; we could make an actual 3-D model of this drawing of a 3-D graph of E versus q1 and q2. The H2O potential energy surface. The point Pmin corresponds to the minimum-energy geometry for the three atoms, i.e. to the equilibrium geometry of the water molecule Slide 9 of 101
  • 10. The HOF PES is a 3-D “surface” of more than two dimensions in 4-D space: - It is a hypersurface, and potential energy surfaces are sometimes called potential energy hypersurfaces. - -We can define the equation E = f(q1, q2, q3) as the potential energy surface for HOF, where f is the function that describes how E varies with the q’s, and treat the hypersurface mathematically. To plot energy against three geometric parameters in a Cartesian coordinate system we would need four mutually perpendicular axes. Such a coordinate system cannot be actually constructed in our three-dimensional space. However, we can work with such coordinate systems, and the potential energy surfaces in them, mathematically. Slide 10 of 101
  • 11. Minimum Potential Energy Geometry at PES landscape: - AB is the point at which dE/dq = 0. - H2O PES the point Pm, at this point dE/dq1 = dE/dq2 = 0. - For hypersurfaces cannot be faithfully rendered pictorially, a computational chemist use slice of a multidimensional diagram: Slide 11 of 101
  • 12. The slice could be made holding one or the other of the two geometric parameters constant, or it could involve both of them, giving a diagram in which the geometry axis is a composite of more than one geometric parameter. Slide 12 of 101
  • 13. A 3-D slice of the hypersurface for HOF or even a more complex molecule E versus q1, q2 diagram to represent the PES. A 2-D diagram, with q representing: one, two or all of the geometric parameters(composite). 2D and particularly 3D graphs preserve qualitative and even quantitative features of the mathematically rigorous but unvisualizable E = f(q1, q2, . . . qn) n-dimensional hypersurface. 1- The angle HOF is constant not optimized Unrelaxed or rigid PES. 2- The angle HOF is fully optimized this would be a relaxed PESSlide 13 of 101
  • 14. Stationary Points Among the main tasks of computational chemistry are to determine the structure and energy of molecules and of the transition states involved in chemical reactions: our “structures of interest” are molecules and the transition states linking them. Consider the reaction Slide 14 of 101
  • 15. E (calculated by the AM1) plotted against: 1- The bond length (assume the two O–O bonds are equivalent) 2- The O–O–O bond angle. A slice through the reaction coordinate gives a 1D “surface” in a 2D diagram.Slide 15 of 101
  • 16. The slice goes(the curve itself not IRC axis) along the lowest-energy path connecting ozone, isoozone and the transition state, that is, along the reaction coordinate. The horizontal axis (the reaction coordinate) of the 2D diagram is a composite of O–O bond length and O–O–O angle. In most discussions this horizontal axis represents the progress of the reaction. Slide 16 of 101
  • 17. Ozone, isoozone, and the transition state are called stationary points. The Specification of SP: - A stationary point on a PES is a point at which the surface is flat, i.e. parallel to the horizontal line corresponding to the one geometric parameter (or to the plane corresponding to two geometric parameters, or to the hyperplane corresponding to more than two geometric parameters). - A marble placed on a stationary point will remain balanced, i.e. stationary (in principle; for a transition state the balancing would have to be exquisite indeed). At any other point on a potential surface the marble will roll toward a region of lower potential energy. Slide 17 of 101
  • 18. Mathematically, a stationary point is one at which the first derivative of the potential energy with respect to each geometric parameter is zero: Slide 18 of 101
  • 19. Local Minima, Global Minima: Stationary points that correspond to actual molecules with a finite lifetime (in contrast to transition states, which exist only for an instant), like ozone or isoozone, are minima, or energy minima: Each occupies the lowest-energy point in its region of the PES, and any small change in the geometry increases the energy, as indicated in Fig. Ozone is a global minimum, since it is the lowest-energy minimum on the whole PES, Isoozone is a relative minimum, a minimum compared only to nearby points on the surface. Slide 19 of 101
  • 20. The lowest-energy pathway linking the two minima is the path that would be followed by a molecule in going from one minimum to another. It should acquire just enough energy to overcome the activation barrier, pass through the transition state, and reach the other minimum. Slide 20 of 101
  • 21. The transition state linking the two minima represents a maximum along the direction of the IRC, but along all other directions it is a minimum. This a saddle-shaped surface, and the transition state is called a saddle point. (Just like a Saddle while is minimum in one direction, Horse main axis, is maximum in the other direction, orthogonal to the main Horse axis) The saddle point lies at the “center” of the saddle-shaped region and is, like a minimum, a stationary point,  The PES at that point is parallel to the plane defined by the geometry parameter axes: we can see that a marble placed (precisely) there will balance. Slide 21 of 101
  • 22. Mathematically, minima and saddle points differ in that although both are stationary points but: 1- a minimum is a minimum in all directions, 2- a saddle point is a maximum along the reaction coordinate and a minimum in all other directions. Slide 22 of 101
  • 23. Recalling that minima and maxima can be distinguished by their second derivatives, we can write: Slide 23 of 101
  • 24. Coordinates for Potential Energy Surfaces In the absence of fields, a molecule’s potential energy doesn’t change if it is translated or rotated in space. Thus the potential energy only depends on a molecule’s internal coordinates. There are 3N total coordinates for a molecule (x, y, z for each atom), minus three translations and three rotations which don’t matter (only two rotations for linear molecules). The internal coordinates: Stretch, Bend, Torsion coordinates, or Symmetry-adapted(according to sym. Elements) Linear Combinations, or Redundant Coordinates, or Normal Modes Coordinates, etc. [x,y]=meshgrid(linspace(-4,2,50),linspace(-2,4,50)); z=x.^2+y.^2+3*x.^2-3*y.^2-8; z=3*x-x.^3-3*x.*y.^2; surf(x,y,z) [x,y]=meshgrid(linspace(-4,2,50),linspace(-2,4,50)); z=x.^3+y.^3+3*x.^2-3*y.^2-8; surf(x,y,z) [c,h]=contour(x,y,z,-14:4); clabel(c,h) grid on xlabel('x-axis') ylabel('y-axis') title('The contour map for z=x^3+y^3+3x^2-3y^2-8.') Slide 24 of 101
  • 25. Characterizing Potential Energy Surfaces The most interesting points on PES’s are the stationary points, where the gradients with respect to all internal coordinates are zero. 1. Minima: correspond to stable or quasi- stable species; i.e., reactants, products, intermediates. 2. Transition states: saddle points which are minima in all dimensions but one; a maximum in that dimension. 3. Higher-order saddle points: a minimum in all dimensions but n, where n > 1; maximum in the other n dimensions. Slide 25 of 101
  • 26. A transition state and A transition structure A transition state is a thermodynamic concept, the species an ensemble of which are in a kind of equilibrium with the reactants in Eyring’s transition-state theory. Since equilibrium constants are determined by free energy differences, the transition structure, within the strict use of the term, is a free energy maximum along the reaction coordinate (in so far as a single species can be considered representative of the ensemble). This species is also often also called an activated complex. A transition structure, in strict usage, is the saddle point on a theoretically (Not realistic) calculated PES. Slide 26 of 101
  • 27. A transition state and A transition structure Normally PES is drawn through a set of points each of which represents the enthalpy of a molecular species at a certain geometry; recall that free energy differs from enthalpy by temperature times entropy. The transition structure is thus a saddle point on an enthalpy surface(then this is the difference between T-State and T-Structure. However, the energy of each of the calculated points does not normally include the vibrational energy, and even at 0 K a molecule has such energy, ZPE. Slide 27 of 101
  • 28. The usual calculated PES is thus a hypothetical, physically unrealistic surface in that it neglects vibrational energy, but it should qualitatively, and even semiquantitatively, resemble the vibrationally-corrected one since in considering relative enthalpies ZPEs at least roughly cancel. A transition state and A transition structure In accurate work ZPEs are calculated for stationary points and added to the “frozen-nuclei” energy of the species at the bottom of the reaction coordinate curve in an attempt to give improved relative energies which represent enthalpy differences at 0 K (and thus, at this temperature where entropy is zero, free energy differences also; Next Slide). Slide 28 of 101
  • 29. A transition state and A transition structure It is also possible to calculate enthalpy and entropy differences, and thus free energy differences, at, say, room temperature. Many chemists do not routinely distinguish between the two terms, and in this course the commoner term, transition state, is used. Unless indicated otherwise, it will mean a calculated geometry, the saddle point on a hypothetical vibrational-energy-free PES. Slide 29 of 101
  • 30. Slide 30 of 101
  • 31. Slide 31 of 101
  • 32. The propane PES, provides examples of a minimum, a transition state and a hilltop – a second-order saddle point in this case. The propane PES as the two HCCC dihedrals are varied (AM1 calculated). Bond lengths and angles were not optimized as the dihedrals were varied, so this is not a relaxed PES; however, changes in bond lengths and angles from one propane conformation to another are small, and the relaxed PES should be very similar to this one Slide 32 of 101
  • 33. Three stationary points: The “doubly-eclipsed” conformation (a in Figure) in which there is eclipsing as viewed along the C1–C2 and the C3–C2 bonds (the dihedral angles are 0o viewed along these bonds) is a second order saddle point because single bonds do not like to eclipse single bonds and rotation about the C1–C2 and the C3– C2 bonds will remove this eclipsing: There are two possible directions along the PES which lead, without a barrier, to lower-energy regions, i.e. changing the H–C1/C2–C3 dihedral and changing the H–C3/C2–C1 dihedral. Slide 33 of 101
  • 34. PES Scan The geometry of propane depends on more than just two dihedral angles, of course; there are several bond lengths and bond angles and the potential energy will vary with changes in all of them. In PES Scan we have to change all of them simultaneously. Slide 34 of 101
  • 35. Is Geometry of a Molecules Meaningful with or without BOA? Yes and No respectively. Chemistry is essentially the study of the stationary points on potential energy surfaces: in studying more or less stable molecules we focus on minima, and in investigating chemical reactions we study the passage of a molecule from a minimum through a transition state to another minimum. Slide 35 of 101
  • 36. Is Geometry of a Molecules Meaningful with or without BOA? No and Yes respectively. There are four known forces in nature: 1-the gravitational force, 2- the strong and 3- the weak nuclear forces, and 4- the electromagnetic force. Celestial mechanics studies the motion of stars and planets under the influence of the gravitational force and nuclear physics studies the behaviour of subatomic particles subject to the nuclear forces. Slide 36 of 101
  • 37. Is Geometry of a Molecules Meaningful with or without BOA? Yes and No respectively. Chemistry is concerned with aggregates of nuclei and electrons (with molecules) held together by the electromagnetic force, and with the shuffling of nuclei, followed by their obedient retinue of electrons, around a potential energy surface under the influence of this force (with chemical reactions). The potential energy surface for a chemical reaction has just been presented as a saddle-shaped region holding a transition state which connects wells containing reactant(s) and products(s) (which species we call the reactant and which the product is inconsequential here).Slide 37 of 101
  • 38. Slide 38 of 101
  • 39. The Born–Oppenheimer Approximation A PES is a plot of the energy of a collection of nuclei and electrons against the geometric coordinates of the nuclei. Essentially a plot of molecular energy versus molecular geometry (or it may be regarded as the mathematical equation that gives the energy as a function of the nuclear coordinates). The nature (minimum, saddle point or neither) of each point was discussed in terms of the response of the energy (first and second derivatives) to changes in nuclear coordinates. But if a molecule is a collection of nuclei and electrons why plot energy versus nuclear coordinates – why not against electron coordinates? In other words, why are nuclear coordinates the parameters that define molecular geometry? The answer to this question lies in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. Slide 39 of 101
  • 40. Born and Oppenheimer showed in 1927 that to a very good approximation the nuclei in a molecule are stationary with respect to the electrons. One consequence of this is that all (!) we have to do to calculate the energy of a molecule is to solve the electronic Schrödinger equation and then add the electronic energy to the internuclear repulsion (this latter quantity is trivial to calculate) to get the total internal energy. Mathematically, the approximation states that the Schrödinger equation for a molecule may be separated into an electronic and a nuclear equation. Slide 40 of 101
  • 41. The nuclei see the electrons as a cloud of negative charge which binds them in fixed relative positions and which defines the surface of the molecule. Because of the rapid motion of the electrons compared to the nuclei the “permanent” geometric parameters of the molecule are the nuclear coordinates. The energy (and the other properties) of a molecule is a function of the electron coordinates (E= Ψ(x, y, z of each electron), but depends only parametrically on the nuclear coordinates, i.e. for each geometry 1, 2, . . . there is a particular energy: E1= Ψ1(x, y, z. . .), E1= Ψ2(x, y, z. . .); cf. xn, which is a function of x but depends only parametrically on the particular n. Slide 41 of 101
  • 42. The nuclei in a molecule see a time-averaged electron cloud. The nuclei vibrate about equilibrium points which define the molecular geometry; as the nuclear Cartesian coordinates, or as bond lengths and angles r and a here) and dihedrals, i.e. as internal coordinates. The experimentally determined van der Waals surface encloses about 98% of the electron density of a molecule Slide 42 of 101
  • 43. Geometry Optimization The characterization (the “location” or “locating”) of a stationary point(minimum, a transition state or a higher order saddle point) on a PES, that is, demonstrating that the point in question exists and calculating its geometry and energy, is a geometry optimization. Locating a minimum is often called an energy minimization or simply a minimization, and locating a transition state is often referred to specifically as a transition state optimization. Slide 43 of 101
  • 44. Geometry optimizations are done by starting with an input structure that is believed to resemble (the closer the better) the desired stationary point and submitting this plausible structure to a computer algorithm that systematically changes the geometry until it has found a stationary point. The curvature of the PES at the stationary point, i.e. the second derivatives of energy with respect to the geometric parameters may then be determined to characterize the structure as a minimum or as some kind of saddle point. Geometry Optimization Slide 44 of 101
  • 45. Acetone ionized then neutralization of the radical cation, then were frozen in an inert matrix and studied by IR spectroscopy. The spectrum of the mixture suggested the presence of the enol isomer of propanone, 1- propen-2-ol: Slide 45 of 101
  • 46. To confirm (or refute) this the IR spectrum of the enol might be calculated. But which conformer should one choose for the calculation? Rotation about the C–O and C–C bonds creates six plausible stationary points and a PES scan indicated that there are indeed 6 such species: The arrows represent one-step (rotation about one bond) conversion of one species into another Slide 46 of 101
  • 47. The plausible stationary points on the propenol potential energy surface. From PES scan: 1 is the global minimum 4 is a relative minimum, 2 and 3 are transition states 5 and 6 are hilltops. AM1 gave relative energies: 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 0, 0.6, 14 and 6.5 kJ mol-1, (5 and 6 were not optimized). Left part is the Inset of the right part to show details of the 1 and 2 as GM and TS Slide 47 of 101
  • 48. Slide 48 of 101 Examination of this PES shows that the global minimum is structure 1 and that there is a relative minimum corresponding to structure 4. Geometry optimization starting from an input structure resembling 1 gave a minimum corresponding to 1, while optimization starting from a structure resembling 4 gave another, higher energy minimum, resembling 4. Transition-state optimizations starting from appropriate structures yielded the transition states 2 and 3. These stationary points were all characterized as minima or transition states by second-derivative calculations (the species 5 and 6 were not located). The calculated IR spectrum of 1 (using the ab initio HF/6– 31G* method was in excellent agreement with the observed spectrum of the putative propenol.
  • 49. This illustrates a general principle: the optimized structure one obtains is that closest in geometry on the PES to the input structure. To be sure we have found a global minimum we must search a potential energy surface There are algorithms that will do this and locate the various minima: Geometry optimization to a minimum gives the minimum closest to the input structure. The input structure A’ is moved toward the minimum A, and B’ toward B. To locate a transition state a special algorithm is usually used: this moves the initial structure A’ toward the transition state TS. Optimization to each of the stationary points would probably actually require several steps Slide 49 of 101
  • 50. Optimization to each of the stationary points would probably actually require several steps: An efficient optimization algorithm knows: 1- In Which Direction to Move 2- How far to step, in an attempt to reach the optimized structure Slide 50 of 101
  • 51. On the one- dimensional PES of a diatomic molecule: geometry optimization requires a simple algorithm On any other surface, efficient geometry optimization requires a sophisticated algorithm Slide 51 of 101
  • 52. Slide 52 of 101 Geometry Optimization Algorithm 1- It is not possible, in general, to go from the input structure to the proximate minimum in just one step. 2- Modern geometry optimization algorithms commonly reach the minimum within about ten steps, given a reasonable input geometry. 3- The most widely- used algorithms for geometry optimization use the first and second derivatives of the energy with respect to the geometric parameters. To
  • 53. • The input structure at point Pi(Ei, qi) • The proximate minimum at the point Po(Eo, qo).Example Slide 53 of 101
  • 54. 1- Before the optimization has been carried out the values of Eo and qo are of course unknown. 2- If we assume that near a minimum the potential energy is a quadratic function of q, which is a fairly good approximation, then: Initial qi is a vector and of the geometry of the molecules at starting point and qo is new geometry of the molecule. This is Newton-Raphson Slide 54 of 101
  • 55. Equation shows that if we know: (dE/dq)i, the slope or gradient of the PES at the point of the initial structure. (d2E/dq2), the curvature of the PES (which for a quadratic curve E(q) is independent of q). qi, the initial geometry, we can calculate qo, the optimized geometry: Very Useful Hint: The second derivative of potential energy with respect to geometric displacement is the force constant for motion along that geometric coordinate; this is an important concept in connection with calculating vibrational spectra. Slide 55 of 101
  • 56. Slide 56 of 101 In the illustration of an optimization algorithm using a diatomic molecule, Equation: Referred to the calculation of first and second derivatives with respect to bond length, which latter is an internal coordinate (inside the molecule). But optimizations are actually commonly done using Cartesian coordinates x, y, z. Amazing Point!
  • 57. Slide 57 of 101 Optimization HOF in a Cartesian coordinate system. Each of the three atoms has an x, y and z coordinate. Nine geometric parameters, q1, q2, . . . , q9. The PES would be a nine-dimensional hypersurface on a 10D graph. We need the first and second derivatives of E with respect to each of the nine q’s, Derivatives are manipulated as matrices.
  • 58. The first-derivative matrix, the gradient matrix, for the input structure can be written as a column matrix: The second-derivative matrix, the force constant matrix, is: The force constant matrix is Called the Hessian. Slide 58 of 101
  • 59. More About Hessian Matrix: The Hessian is particularly important: For geometry optimization, For the characterization of stationary points as: Minima Transition states Hilltops For the calculation of IR spectra. In the Hessian: ∂2E/∂q1q2 = ∂2E/∂q2q1, as is true for: All well- behaved functions, But this systematic notation is preferable The first subscript refers to the row and the second to the column. Slide 59 of 101
  • 60. The geometry coordinate matrices for the initial and optimized structures are: Slide 60 of 101 For n atoms we have 3n Cartesians; qo, qi and gi are 3n×1 column matrices H is a 3n×3n square matrix Hint: Multiplication by the H-1 rather than division by H is used because matrix division is not defined.
  • 61. For an efficient geometry optimization we need: An initial structure (for qi) From a model- building program followed by molecular mechanics Initial gradients (for gi) Calculated analytically (from the derivatives of the molecular orbitals and the derivatives of certain integrals Second derivatives (for H). An approximate initial Hessian is often calculated from molecular mechanics Slide 61 of 101
  • 62. Optimization is not a Single Step Process. Why? Since the PES is not really exactly quadratic The first step does not take us all the way to the optimized geometry, qo. Rather, we arrive at q1, the first calculated geometry. Using q1 a g1 and a new H1 are calculated (g1calculated analytically and H1updated using the changes in g1). Using q1 g1 and H1 matrices a new approximate geometry matrix q2 is calculated. The process is continued until the geometry and/or the gradients (or with some programs possibly the energy) have ceased to change appreciably. Slide 62 of 101
  • 63. Stationary Points and Normal-Mode Vibrations Once a stationary point has been found by geometry optimization, it is usually desirable to check whether it is a minimum, a transition state, or a hilltop. This is done by calculating the vibrational frequencies. Such a calculation involves finding the normal-mode frequencies; these are the simplest vibrations of the molecule, which, in combination, can be considered to result in the actual, complex vibrations that a real molecule undergoes. Slide 63 of 101
  • 64. Consider a diatomic molecule A–B; the normal-mode frequency (there is only one for a diatomic, of course) is given by: The symbols have their ordinary meanings. The force constant k of a vibrational mode is a measure of the “stiffness” of the molecule toward that vibrational mode – the harder it is to stretch or bend the molecule in the manner of that mode, the bigger is that force constant. Frequency of a vibrational mode is related to the force constant for the mode: Suggests that it might be possible to calculate the normal-mode frequencies of a molecule, that is, the directions and frequencies of the atomic motions, from its force constant matrix (its Hessian). Slide 64 of 101
  • 65. This is indeed possible: matrix diagonalization of the Hessian gives the directional characteristics (eigenvectors, which way the atoms are moving), and the force constants themselves(eigenvalues), for the vibrations. Matrix diagonalization : MATLAB Command: A=[1 2 3; 3 2 1; 2 1 3] [P lambda]=eig(A); D=inv(P)*A*P Square matrix A decomposed to 3 square matrices: D= 6 0 0 0 −1.4142 0 0 0 1.4142 P, D and P-1: A=PDP-1 D is a diagonal matrix as with k in following eq all its off-diagonal elements are zero. P is eigenvectors and P-1 is inverse of P. Slide 65 of 101
  • 66. When matrix algebra is applied to physical problems, the diagonal row elements of D are the magnitudes of some physical quantity, and each column of P is a set of coordinates which give a direction associated with that physical quantity. * These ideas are made more concrete in the discussion accompanying Eq. which shows the diagonalization of the Hessian matrix for a triatomic molecule, e.g. H2O: Slide 66 of 101
  • 67. Equation is of the form A = PDP-1. The 9 ×9 Hessian for a triatomic molecule: Is decomposed by diagonalization into a P matrix: -whose columns are “direction vectors” for the vibrations -whose force constants are given by the k matrix. Actually, columns 1, 2 and 3 of P and the corresponding k1, k2 and k3 of k refer to translational motion of the molecule; these three “force constants” are nearly zero. Columns 4, 5 and 6 of P and the corresponding k4, k5 and k6 of k refer to rotational motion about the three principal axes of rotation and are also nearly zero. Columns 7, 8 and 9 of P and corresponding k7, k8 and k9 of k(diagonal matrix) are the direction vectors and force constants respectively. Slide 67 of 101
  • 68. For the normal-mode vibrations: k7, k8 and k9 refer to vibrational modes 1, 2 and 3, while the 7th, 8th, and 9th columns of P are composed of the x, y and z components of vectors for motion of the three atoms in mode 1 (column 7), mode 2 (column 8), and mode 3 (column 9). Slide 68 of 101
  • 69. The Basic Principles of Molecular Mechanics Developing a Forcefield k=1500 r0=1.1 r=.7:0.01:1.5 E=(k/2).*(r-r0).^2 Plot(E) Slide 69 of 101
  • 70. The potential energy of a molecule can be written Slide 70 of 101
  • 71. Forcefield and are energy contributions from: Bond stretching Angle bending Torsional motion (rotation) around single bonds Interactions between atoms or groups which are nonbonded (not directly bonded together). The sums are over all the bonds, all the angles defined by three atoms A–B–C, All the dihedral angles defined by four atoms A–B–C– D All pairs of significant nonbonded interactions. The mathematical form of these terms and the parameters in them constitute a particular forcefield. Slide 71 of 101
  • 72. The Bond Stretching Term: The increase in the energy of a spring when it is stretched is approximately proportional to the square of the extension: Changes in bond lengths or in bond angles result in changes in the energy of a molecule. Such changes are handled by the Estretch and Ebend terms in the molecular mechanics forcefield. kstretch = the proportionality constant the bigger kstretch, the stiffer the bond/spring – the more it resists being stretched. l = length of the bond when stretched. leq = equilibrium length of the bond, its “natural” length. Slide 72 of 101
  • 73. If we take the energy corresponding to the equilibrium length leq as the zero of energy, we can replace DEstretch by Estretch: Slide 73 of 101
  • 74. The Angle Bending Term: kbend = a proportionality constant a = size of the angle when distorted aeq = equilibrium size of the angle, its “natural” value. Slide 74 of 101
  • 75. The Torsional Term: Dihedral angles (torsional angles) affect molecular geometries and energies. The energy is a periodic function (cosine or combination of cosines) of dihedral angle. Slide 75 of 101
  • 76. The Nonbonded Interactions Term: This represents the change in potential energy with distance apart of atoms A and B that are not directly bonded: 1- these atoms, separated by at least two atoms (A–X–Y–B) or even 2- in different molecules, are said to be nonbonded (with respect to each other). Slide 76 of 101
  • 77. The Nonbonded Interactions Term: Note: A-B case is accounted for by the bond stretching term Estretch, A–X–B term by the angle bending term Ebend, nonbonded term Enonbond is, for the A–X–Y–B case, superimposed upon the torsional term Etorsion: we can think of Etorsion as representing some factor inherent to resistance to rotation about a (usually single) bond X–Y, while for certain atoms attached to X and Y there may also be nonbonded interactions. Slide 77 of 101
  • 78. The potential energy curve for two nonpolar nonbonded atoms has the general form: Variation of the energy of a molecule with separation of nonbonded atoms or groups. Atoms/ groups A and B may be in the same molecule (as indicated here) or the interaction may be intermolecular. The minimum energy occurs at van der Waals contact. For small nonpolar atoms or groups the minimum energy point represents a drop of a few kJ mol-1 (Emin=-1.2 kJ mol-1 for CH4/CH4), but short distances can make nonbonded interactions destabilize a molecule by many kJ mol-1 Slide 78 of 101
  • 79. A simple way to approximate this is by the so-called Lennard-Jones 12–6 potential: r = the distance between the centers of the nonbonded atoms or groups. The function reproduces 1-The small attractive dip in the curve (represented by the negative term) as the atoms or groups approach one another, then 2-The very steep rise in potential energy (represented by the positive, repulsive term raised to a large power) as they are pushed together closer than their van der Waals radii. Slide 79 of 101
  • 80. Setting dE/dr = 0: the energy minimum in the curve the corresponding value of: r is rmin = 21/6s and s=2-1/6rmin Slide 80 of 101
  • 81. If we assume that this minimum corresponds to van der Waals contact of the nonbonded groups, then: rmin = (RA + RB), the sum of the van der Waals radii of the groups A and B. So: 21/6s = RA + RB and so s =2-1/6(RA + RB)= 0.89 (RA + RB) Thus s can be calculated from rmin or estimated from the van der Waals radii. Slide 81 of 101
  • 82. Setting E = 0, we find that for this point on the curve r = s: s= r(E=0) If we set r = rmin=21/6 s we find: i.e. knb = -4E(r=rmin) So knb can be calculated from the depth of the energy minimum. Slide 82 of 101
  • 83. Parameterizing a Forcefield We can now consider putting actual numbers, kstretch, leq, kbend, etc., into corresponding Eqs. to give expressions that we can actually use. The process of finding these numbers is called parameterizing (or parametrizing) the forcefield. Training Set The set of molecules used for parameterization, perhaps 100 for a good forcefield, is called the training set. Slide 83 of 101
  • 84. Parameterizing the Bond Stretching Term A forcefield can be parameterized by reference to: 1- experiment (empirical parameterization) or by 2- getting the numbers from high-level ab initio or density functional calculations, or by 3- a combination of both approaches. For the bond stretching term of Eq. we need kstretch and leq. Experimentally, kstretch could be obtained from IR spectra, as the stretching frequency of a bond depends on the force constant. leq could be derived from X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, or microwave spectroscopy Slide 84 of 101
  • 85. Lets find kstretch for the C/C bond of ethane by ab initio calculations. Normally high-level ab initio calculations would be used to parameterize a forcefield. But for illustrative purposes we can use the low-level but fast STO-3G method. Eq shows that a plot of Estretch against (l–leq)2 should be linear with a slope of kstretch. Slide 85 of 101
  • 86. Change in energy as the C–C bond in CH3–CH3 is stretched away from its equilibrium length. The calculations are ab initio (STO-3G). Bond lengths are in Å Energy vs. the square of the extension of the C–C bond in CH3–CH3. The data in the left Table were used Slide 86 of 101
  • 87. The equilibrium bond length has been taken as the STO-3G length: Similarly, the CH bond of methane was stretched using ab initio STO-3G calculations; the results are: Slide 87 of 101
  • 88. Parameterizing the Angle Bending Term From Eq., a plot of Ebend against (a–aeq)2 should be linear with a slope of kbend. From STO-3G calculations on bending the H–C–C angle in ethane we get: Calculations on staggered butane gave for the C–C–C angle Slide 88 of 101
  • 89. Parameterizing the Torsional Term For the ethane case, the equation for energy as a function of dihedral angle can be deduced fairly simply by adjusting the basic equation: E=cos q to give: E= ½ Emax [1 + cos3(q +60)] Slide 89 of 101
  • 90. Variation of the energy of butane with dihedral angle. The curve can be represented by a sum of cosine functions For butane, using Eq. and experimenting with a curve-fitting program shows that a reasonably accurate torsional potential energy function can be created with five parameters, k0 and k1–k4: See the next slide(a kind of FT to find cosine basis functions). Slide 90 of 101
  • 91. Slide 91 of 101
  • 92. Parameterizing the Nonbonded Interactions Term To parameterize Eq. we might perform ab initio calculations in which the separation of two atoms or groups in different molecules (to avoid the complication of concomitant changes in bond lengths and angles) is varied, and fit Eq. to the energy vs. distance results. For nonpolar groups this would require quite high-level calculations, as van der Waals or dispersion forces are involved. We shall approximate the nonbonded interactions of methyl groups by the interactions of methane molecules, using experimental values of knb and s, derived from studies of the viscosity or the compressibility of methane: Slide 92 of 101
  • 93. Slide 93 of 101 Summary of the Parameterization of the Forcefield Terms The four terms of Eq. were parameterized to give:
  • 94. A Calculation Using Our Forcefield Let us apply the naive forcefield developed here to comparing the energies of two 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane ((CH3)3CC(CH3)3, i.e. t-Bu-Bu-t) geometries. We compare the energy of structure 1 with all the bond lengths and angles at our “natural” or standard values (i.e. at the STO-3G values we took as the equilibrium bond lengths and angles) with that of structure 2, where the central C-C bond has been stretched from 1.538Å to 1.600Å , but all other bond lengths, as well as the bond angles and dihedral angles, are unchanged Left Figure shows the nonbonded distances we need, which would be calculated by the program from bond lengths, angles and dihedrals. Using Eq.: Slide 94 of 101
  • 95. Slide 95 of 101
  • 96. Actually, nonbonding interactions are already included in the torsional term (as gauche–butane interactions); we might have used an ethane-type torsional function and accounted for CH3/CH3 interactions entirely with nonbonded terms. However, in comparing calculated relative energies the torsional term will cancel out. Slide 96 of 101
  • 98. The stretching and bending terms for structure 2 are the same as for structure 1, except for the contribution of the central C-C bond; strictly speaking, the torsional term should be smaller, since the opposing C(CH3) groups have been moved apart. Slide 98 of 101
  • 99. This crude method predicts that stretching the central C/C bond of 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane from the approximately normal sp3–C–sp3–C length of 1.583 Å (structure 1) to the quite “unnatural” length of 1.600 Å (structure 2) will lower the potential energy by 67 kJ mol1, and indicates that the drop in energy is due very largely to the relief of nonbonded interactions. Slide 99 of 101