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- NETosis
• Periodontal diseases -- infectious diseases resulting from the interactions
of oral bacteria residing in dental plaque and the host
• Neutrophils form the first line of defence of the human innate immune
system. (Bender et al., 2006)
Can kill pathogens extracellularly
Links innate and adaptive arms of the immune response
Help to endorse the inflammatory resolution and tissue
• Since neutrophils are not concerned with their own survival, they are free to use delivery modes which
can be suicidal.
• Neutrophils deliver antimicrobial substances by different mechanisms
1. Adherence — When stimulated, the neutrophil interacts with, and sticks to, substrate (endothelial
cells) via specific molecules on the neutrophil and the endothelial cell.
2. Chemotaxis- Neutrophils migrate to sites of bacterial ingress or tissue damage through the process
of chemotaxis.
3. Opsonization & Phagocytosis-
- The neutrophil recognizes specific molecules on the bacterial surface called opsonins (IgG, C3b) and
engulfs the bacteria.
- Phagocytosis is the engulfment of particles within a membrane-bound structure called the
- Fusion between the cytoplasmic granules (lysosomes) and the phagosome form the "phagolysosome,"
and represent a specialized form of secretion.
4. Bacterial Killing – The neutrophil is responsible for bacterial killing by 2 pathways for controlling
microorganisms- oxygen dependent and independent mechanisms
• Neutropenia– mild, moderate, severe
• Kostmann Syndrome (OMIM- Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Man 610738)
• Felty’s Syndrome
• Lazy leukocyte syndrome
• Neutrophilia
• Herman sky–Pudlak syndrome
• Shwachman–Diamond syndrome.
Defects in Adhesion
Defects in Chemotaxis &
Defects of killing
& degradation
• Leukocyte
• Papillion Lefevre
• Down’s Syndrome
• Lazy Leukocyte
• Hyper IgE Syndrome
• Diabetes mellitus
• Chediak Higashi
• Myeloperoxidase
• Specific Granule
• Chronic Granulomatous
Quantitative Disorders:
1. Chronic benign neutropenia
2. Cyclic Neutropenia
3. Congenital Neutropenia
4. Agranulocytosis
5. Felty’s Syndrome
• A relative deficiency in neutrophil no. can dramatically increase susceptibility to
infectious diseases.
• Neutropenia is considered clinically significant when the ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHIL
COUNT falls <1000 cells/ml (normal adult range: 1500-8000 cells/ml)
 When the absolute neutrophil count is <500 cells/ml, control of endogenous factors
is often impaired & the risk for serious infection increases.
 An absolute neutrophil count <200 cells/ml corresponds with an inability to mount
an inflammatory response.
• Defects in any of these functions or a marked decrease in the no. of neutrophils capable
of responding to the site of infection may result in varying degrees of susceptibility to
• These qualitative & quantitative defects may be:
1. Inherited
2. Acquired
Quantitative disorders include:
• Neutropenia can be an
• Inherited Disorder or
• Congenital Disorder or
• Acquired Secondary to
Infection or
Malignancy or
Certain Medications or
Autoimmune Disease or
Nutritional Deficiencies or
Hematopoietic Disease
The Pathophysiology of Neutropenia may
be classified as
• Abnormalities of Bone Marrow Stem
Cell Development
• Impaired Release of Neutrophils from
the Bone Marrow
• Abnormalities in Distribution of
Neutrophils b/w the Circulating &
Marginating Pool in the Blood
• Decreased Survival of Neutrophils in
the Blood
Diagnosis of Neutropenia is based on Clinical Signs & Symptoms as well as Absolute Neutrophil Counts
The Risk of Infection due to Neutropenia is Typically Inversely Proportional to the Absolute Neutrophil
Absolute Neutrophil Count Effect
<1000 cells/ml Risk of Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Cellulitis
<500 cells/ml Pneumonias, Peri-Rectal Abscesses, Sepsis etc.
• Low Absolute Neutrophil Count for >6 months.
While any episode can predispose a patient to recurring infections, the following neutropenic conditions have been
specifically identified in the dental literature as having oral complications:
• Chronic benign neutropenia
• Cyclic neutropenia
• Congenital neutropenia/Kostmann Syndrome
• Agranulocytosis
• Felty’s Syndrome
Chronic Benign Neutropenia:
• Characterized by a prolonged neutropenia as the sole abnormality, with no underlying
disease to which the neutropenia can be attributed
• It is the most common form of neutropenia of infants & children <4 years old, with 90%
of the cases presenting <14 months of age
• The incidence of chronic benign neutropenia is 3.9/100,000 births
• Chronic benign neutropenia is usually not inherited; however, the familial form follows
an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance
• Glanssen, 1941
• Bousser et al., 1947
• The clinical presentation can be quite variable, from a benign condition discovered
incidentally to an early life-threatening infection, but most patients with chronic benign
neutropenia will live a normal lifespan
• Individuals may suffer from increased incidences of
 Recurrent oral ulcerations
 Furuncles
 Otitis media
 Cellulitis
 Lymphadenopathy
 Pneumonia
 Sepsis
As a result of the limited neutrophil response to infection
• Fortunately, as these individuals get older, the risk of infection appears to decrease
•Oral complications:
• Include
 Hyperplastic, oedematous, & fiery-red gingiva
 Areas of desquamation
• Reichart et al (1978) reported on a 7 year old boy with chronic gingivitis,
periodontitis with 8 mm PPD, severe horizontal bone loss, & extreme
mobility of the deciduous teeth with chronic benign neutropenia
• Deasy (1980) described a 14 year old boy with chronic benign
neutropenia who was referred due to severe gingival inflammation,
hyperplastic papillae, isolated areas of gingival recession, & a molar
furcal lesion
• Persistent absolute neutrophil count <500 cells/ml with a normal TLC due to
elevated no. of lymphocytes & monocytes
• A possible causative agent for this condition is anti-neutrophil Ab, typically IgG
Cyclic Neutropenia:
• RARE blood disease characterized by:
• Periodic recurring symptoms of fever, malaise, mucosal ulcers.
• Life-threatening infections related to the regular cyclical fluctuations in the no. Of neutrophils.
• Autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.
• Incidence: 0.5-1 case/1000000.
• Cyclic neutropenia is caused by the periodic oscillations in both bone marrow production &
release of mature neutrophils, probably associated with the oscillation of other blood cells,
such as monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, & platelets.
• Bone marrow progenitor cells are present in high conc.; However, these precursor cells seem
periodically unable to respond to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
(OLVERA et al., 2015)
Oral complications:
• Case reports by Okada et al. (2001) of a 2 year old that presented with
 Recurrent gingivitis & aphthous lesions.
 Clinically, no recession was noted & PPD were within normal limits.
 Analysis of the microbial flora found P. intermedia, C. rectus, Capnocytophaga gingivalis, &
Capnocytophaga sputigena
 In spite of treatment, the child continued to experience gingivitis during 2 years of follow-up.
• Numerous other case reports have documented patients with a history of marked gingival inflammation,
fever, oral ulcerations, otitis media, & URTIs associated with cyclic neutropenia.
• CBC count twice a week for 6 weeks in order to observe the fluctuation in neutrophil counts.
• For the majority of these patients, there is a 21 day cycle with severe neutropenia persisting for 3-10 days
• Rh-granulocyte colony-stimulating factor given 3x/week has been found successful in increasing the
neutrophil levels (Mannon, 2009)
• γ-globulin infusions have also been given to effect a short-lived increase in neutrophils in an URGENT
SITUATION (Guo, 2018)
Congenital Neutropenia/Kostmann Syndrome:
• Inherited hematologic disorder manifesting in the 1st year of life
• Characterized by the severe bacterial infections
• The estimated frequency of congenital neutropenia is 1-2 cases/1000000
population with no sex predilection
• Autosomal recessive trait
• Diagnosis:
The significant lab finding absolute neutrophil count of <2,000/ml & an arrest of neutrophil
hematopoiesis at the promyelocyte/myelocyte stage
• Virtually universal in congenital neutropenia.
• Carlsson & Fasth (2001)-- all of the patients that survived
infancy were affected by gingivitis, & most were noted to
have periodontitis with alveolar bone loss.
• Another case report by Defraaia & Marinelli (2001)
demonstrated generalized severe periodontitis in an
adolescent patient with congenital neutropenia.
• Even with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment,
most of these patients have persistent gingivitis, which tends
to wax & wane depending on their absolute neutrophil
• In 1987, physicians began to treat congenital neutropenias with granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor, which is effective at increasing the absolute neutrophil count
>1,000/ml in most patients.
• Even though granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment results in an overall
improvement in symptoms, the therapy is not curative & most patients experience
cyclic improvements followed by relapses in neutrophil levels
• In most cases of congenital neutropenia, the underlying mechanism of the syndrome is
• While most of the originally reported cases died in infancy only, aggressive treatment with
antibiotics has more recently prolonged the lifespan of children suffering from this disease
• Aggressive periodontitis ↔ congenital deficiencies in neutrophil numbers or
function (Hajishengallis et al., 2015)
• Inflammatory destruction of the periodontium -- collateral damage by hyperactive
neutrophils or neutrophils present in excessive numbers (Ryder, 2010)
• Local counts of neutrophils in the periodontal tissues correlate positively with
periodontal disease severity (Landzberg et al., 2014)
• Neutrophils can contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontitis, not only by
overexuberant activity but also by failing to perform regulatory functions.
(Moutsopoulos et al, 2014)
• Agranulocytosis is a blood dyscrasia characterized by a decrease in or even the
disappearance of granulocytes (including neutrophils) in conjunction with peripheral
• The decreased no. of granulocytes can result from either a decreased production or an
increased peripheral destruction of cells.
• Decreased production of granulocytes is usually due to
 Bone marrow hypoplasia
 Drugs e.g., antithyroid (carbimazole, methimazole), anti-inflammatory medications
(sulfasalazine, dipyrone) and NSAIDs, antipsychotics (Clozapine)
 Ionizing radiation
 Infection
 Vitamin deficiencies
 Bone marrow tumors
• Clinically, patients with agranulocytosis do not always present with the usual signs &
symptoms of infection.
• Patients often are febrile & may exhibit necrotizing, gangrenous lesions of mucous
membranes, to include oral, gastrointestinal, & vaginal membranes, but without
• Oral complications:
• Include generalized, painful stomatitis, spontaneous bleeding & necrotic tissue.
• Radiographs generally reveal a progressive pattern of bone loss at an early age.
• Depending on the cause & duration of the agranulocytosis, severe periodontitis & tooth
loss can be expected
Felty’s Syndrome:
• Uncommon complication of rheumatoid arthritis, in which splenomegaly & leukopenia are the
major additional features.
• In addition to the distinguishing triad (complication of rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly,
leukopenia) of symptoms, various case reports have listed other recurring symptoms including
 Weight loss
 Progressive weakness
 Hyperpigmentation of the skin
 Generalized lymphadenopathy
 Hepatomegaly
 Increased susceptibility to infection
 A variety of abnormalities in WBC count & function (YAZICI, 2014; NEWSON, 2015; KAY, 2019)
• Incidence of Felty’s syndrome is in about 1% of all rheumatoid arthritis cases.
• The leukopenia noted in Felty’s syndrome is primarily due to lack of circulating neutrophils
• Coakley et al. & Kumakara et al. listed the possible causes as
 Anti-Neutrophil Ab
 Serum Inhibitory Factors directed against Neutrophil Precursors
 Suppressor Action by Cytotoxic T-cells
 Phagocytosis of Neutrophils within the Bone Marrow
• Several Mechanisms have been suggested to explain this phenomenon, including
 Insufficient Formation of Neutrophils
 Reduced Release of Neutrophils from the Bone Marrow
 Shortened Neutrophil Life Span
 Excessive Neutrophil Margination
- Not all Felty’s Syndrome patients have the Extreme Neutropenia that predisposes them to infections
- For those who do, SPLENECTOMY has been successful at Increasing the Neutrophil Count & Relieving
Symptoms in up to 80% of patients.
- Drug Therapy has included
Li2CO3 (Mant, 1986)
γ-globulin (Breedveld, 1985; Kay, 2019)
Corticosteroids (Liatsos, 2018) – Prednisone 1 mg/kg I.V.
Cyclophosphamide (Wiesner, 1977; Kay, 2019)
• Successful outcomes have been noted with the use of Rh-Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor, although
significant side effects have been noted in some Felty’s syndrome patients. (SJ Stanworth, 1998)
• While Oral Ulceration & Stomatitis are frequently mentioned in reports of Felty’s syndrome,
Periodontitis has only rarely been implied.
• Even though, it can be assumed that with the Dramatic Deficiency in Circulating Neutrophils, the
Incidence of Periodontitis is as at least as great in Felty’s Syndrome patients as in others with
Severe Neutropenias.
The Neutrophil’s employment of specialized features enabling their Destruction of Invading
Organisms can be divided into 6 Stages or Functions:
• Rolling along Vascular Endothelium
• Adherence to the Endothelial Lining
• Migration (Chemotaxis) towards the Site of the Infection
• Adherence to Microorganisms
• Engulfment of Bacteria (Phagocytosis)
• Intracellular Killing
- Qualitative disorders of neutrophil function also increase the host’s susceptibility to infection.
- Classification of neutrophil disorders corresponds with the major neutrophil processes:
• Margination (rolling & adhesion)
• Chemotaxis & migration
• Phagocytosis, degranulation & killing
Defects in the process of margination can occur at 2 levels.
1. Defect in rolling:
• The 1st is a defect in a specific neutrophil ligand -- Sialy-Lewis x protein (cd15s)”. A defect in this glycoprotein
will result in the loss of the neutrophil’s ability to roll along the endothelial surface
• Alterations in the selectin-mediated rolling function prevent the neutrophil’s egress from the vessels
• This defect is detected through flow cytometry using a commercially available monoclonal Ab directed against
the membrane surface Ag associated with cd15s. The disease associated with this deficit is LAD-II
• Defects in neutrophil surface integrins CD18/cd11a, CD18/cd11b, & CD18/cd11c prevent the neutrophil from
adhering to the endothelium. Inability to adhere to endothelial cells prevents the migration of neutrophils to
the site of infection.
• In addition, since these integrins are also responsible for neutrophil adhesion to opsonized bacteria, the
neutrophil’s ability to phagocytize bacteria is also compromised.
• Defects on cd18 & cd11 peptides are also identified by flow cytometry
• Deficiency of these integrins is seen in LAD-I
LAD (Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency)
• 1979 -- Neutrophil Motility Defect.
• Anderson & Springer, 1986  “Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency”
• Leukocytes adhere to endothelium surface, other leukocytes, & to complement via cell
surface integrins
• These integrins are protein complexes that are stored within neutrophil granules & when
activated, are found on the surface of the neutrophil cell membrane
• The Initial studies on LAD patients found a Defect in the Neutrophil Integrins CD11 & CD18
• Subsequent investigations into this disorder have identified 2 types of LAD i.e. LAD-I and
• Deficiency in 3 Membrane Integrins.
• CD18/C11a (LFA-1) binds to leukocytes & to endothelium via Intercellular Adhesion Molecules
• CD18/CD11b (Mac-1) binds to ICAM & complement & facilitates complement-mediated
• The function of the 3rd Integrin, CD18/Cd11c is not well understood
• The deficiency of these integrins prevents the neutrophil from adhering to the vessel wall at the
site of an infection.
• Therefore, neutrophils are unable to migrate into the affected tissues.
• Clinical appearance:
• Ulceration & necrosis of tissue
• No signs of purulence
[HAJISHENGALLIS et al., 2015]
• Waldrop TC et al.(1987) described the Oral
Conditions in a Family of 6 that suffered from LAD-I.
 The Father & 2 Children were Homozygous for
the Condition
 The Children presented with Acute Gingival
Inflammation of both Primary & Permanent
Dentitions, as well as Gingival Proliferations,
Recession, Tooth Mobility, & Pathologic
 The Primary Teeth were Lost by age 4 & Either
Partial or Total Loss of the Permanent Teeth
occurred by age 13
 Bone Loss was evident by age 3, & reached
60% by age 8
 Histology of the Gingival Tissue showed a
Dense Plasma Cell Infiltrate & the Marked
Absence of Extravascular Neutrophils
• Etziomi et al., 1992
• Individuals with LAD-II are characterized by
• Short Stature
• Mental Retardation
• Craniofacial Abnormalities
• Recurrent Infections
• The Neutrophil Defect in LAD-II is of the Sialy-Lewis x Glycoprotein (CD15s), which allows
neutrophils to attach to selectins (CD62E) on the endothelial surface
• The end result is similar to LAD-I, & neutrophils are unable to migrate extravascularly
• While the oral condition of these patients has not been reported, it can be assumed that the
neutrophil defect is such that severe periodontal disease & tooth loss is likely
• Deficits in neutrophil chemotaxis can be either “inherited, or secondary to a no. of other
neutrophil defects caused by a variety of diseases or medications”
 Any alteration in the neutrophil cytoskeleton or its ability to sense or respond to a
chemotactic gradient will interfere with the cell’s ability to reach the site of infection
• Neutrophil chemotactic deficits are diagnosed in-vivo through the use of the “Rebuck skin
window” or in the laboratory using a “Boyden chamber” or the “Agarose tech”
• Impairment of phagocytic function is usually caused by deficiencies in certain
immunoglobulin isotypes & other opsonization factors rather than intrinsic defects in the
• Assays of phagocytosis utilize either inert particles (stained oil-droplets, fluorescent
microspheres, latex beads) or radiolabeled microorganisms (bacteria, yeast) that are
detectable within the cell after phagocytosis
• Following incubation, the ingested particles are quantified to determine if phagocytosis is
• Diffuse Palmoplantar Keratosis associated with Aggressive
Periodontitis of both Primary & Permanent Dentitions
• Papillon & Lefévre, 1924
• RARE Autosomal Recessive Disorder
• Prevalence: of 1-3 cases/1000000
• No Gender & Racial Predilection
• PLS is caused by mutations in the Cathepsin C gene, located on
chromosome 11
• The 2 essential features of Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome are
 Hyperkeratosis of the palms & soles (either diffuse or
 Generalized rapid destruction of the periodontal attachment
apparatus resulting in premature loss of both primary &
permanent teeth
• “Palmoplantar keratoedema”
• Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is the only one associated with
aggressive periodontitis
• Haim-Munk syndrome-- particular form of Papillon-Lefévre
 While also characterized by palmoplantar keratosis & severe
early onset periodontitis, the Haim-Munk syndrome additionally
presents with digital abnormalities.
 These include osteolysis of the distal phalanges, abnormal
length & slenderness of the fingers & toes, & a claw-like
hypertrophic deformity of the nails
• Other findings:
 Ectopic calcifications of the falx cerebri & choroid plexus
 Increased susceptibility to infection
 Mental retardation
 Endocrine disorders
• Van dyke et al. described neutrophil chemotaxis defects in 2 patients with Papillon-Lefévre
syndrome & noted decrease in both random migration & directed migration toward a
chemotactic factor.
• This alteration of neutrophil function has not been observed in all cases. Both Lyberg &
Schroeder et al. reported normal neutrophil function including margination, chemotaxis,
phagocytosis, degranulation of lysosomes & intracellular destruction in several children
with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome who did not exhibit an increased susceptibility to
• It is possible that both the greater vulnerability to infection & neutrophil defects noted in
some patients may be a condition clinically distinct from Papillon-Lefévre syndrome, or
possibly secondary to an infection with a specific bacteria such as A.a.
• Preus has hypothesized that the hereditary defect in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is located
in the epithelial barrier, which in the gingival sulcus may lead to a reduced host defense
against periodonto-pathogenic bacteria.
Down’s Syndrome:
• Down’s syndrome is one of the most common
causes of mental retardation in children
• The distinct similarities in the features &
conditions of the disease led early researchers
to suspect a chromosomal aberration, & in the
late 1950s Down’s syndrome was specifically
linked to trisomy of chromosome 21 (Down,
• Among the C/F of down’s syndrome there is the
high prevalence of periodontitis
• Cohen et al.( Periodontal Diseases in Mongolism, 1961) reported in their investigation of
100 young patients with Down’s Syndrome & found that virtually all had some degree of
periodontal disease, ranging from severe gingivitis in the youngest patients to periodontitis
with pocket formation & alveolar bone loss in the older patients.
• Among the endogenous factors that may exacerbate the periodontitis in Down’s syndrome
are defects in neutrophils
• The 1st cellular anomaly:
Tendency of the nucleus in neutrophils of Down’s syndrome patients to be consistently less
segmented than in other patient groups.
While the absolute no. of neutrophils in Down’s syndrome patients are not significantly
different from healthy controls, some authors have reported a preponderance of younger
cell forms that is independent of both the TLC & the relative no. of neutrophils. (Noble,
1985; Izumi, 1989)
Others have suggested that this phenomenon is due to a tendency for the shortening of
the ½ -life of circulating neutrophils in patients with Down’s syndrome (Amano, 2008)
Finally, in addition to the well-studied Neutrophil Deficiencies in Down’s Syndrome
patients, still another line of research has investigated the Relationship b/w Neutrophil
Derived Cytokines & the Periodontitis Lesions of Down’s Syndrome patients.
• HALINEN ET AL.(1996) found Increased Levels of Neutrophil Collagenase (MMP-8) in the
Saliva & GCF of Down’s Syndrome patients
These findings suggest that the Active MMP-8 derived from triggered Neutrophils &/or
Cytokine Induced Periodontal Fibroblasts may reflect the Periodontal Destruction seen in
patients with Down’s Syndrome
Lazy-Leukocyte Syndrome:
• Extremely RARE disorder that manifests in both quantitative & qualitative neutrophil defects.
• Lazy-leukocyte syndrome is characterized by
• Recurrent infections due to both a deficiency in neutrophil chemotaxis & a systemic
neutropenia, while the phagocytic function of the neutrophil remains intact
• Neutrophils within the bone marrow – normal quantity + morphology.
• Peripheral neutrophils-- severe neutropenia, functional defects of neutrophils (chemotaxis &
random migration)
• Directional locomotion -- dependent on microtubule assembly within the neutrophil
 The abnormal function of these cytoskeletal components leads to a defect in cell
deformability, & this hinders the release of newly formed neutrophils from the bone
 Impaired random & directional motility leads to a diminished migration of neutrophils
into the tissue & to sites of inflammation
Oral complications:
• Constantopoulous et al.(1975) described a 5 month old boy that presented with a high fever, cough,
pneumonia, oral stomatitis & purulent skin abscesses.
 Laboratory tests revealed a peripheral neutropenia, & impairment of both neutrophil chemotaxis &
random motility
• A similar case report is that of a 4 year old diagnosed with lazy-leukocyte syndrome & followed over 7
years. (Rossi, 2012)
 The boy suffered from painful stomatitis, gingivitis & recurrent ulcerations of the buccal mucosa &
 Periodontitis progressed to the point of advanced bone loss & tooth loss by the age of 7
Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome/Job Syndrome
• Multisystem Disorder
• Inherited as an Autosomal Dominant Trait
• Affects Dentition, Skeleton, Connective
Tissues, & Immune System
• Classically, it has been characterized by a
TRIAD of Symptoms:
 Skin Abscesses
 Pneumonia
 Elevated Serum IgE Levels
• Eosinophilia, Candidiasis, Arthritis,
Chronic Eczematoid Dermatitis & Other
Recurrent Infections are also common.
Coarse facial skin with prominent pores
Facial asymmetry
Prominent forehead
Deep-set eyes
Broad nasal bridge
Mild prognathism
High incidence of long bone fractures.
Oral complications:
1. Ulceration & gingivitis
2. Increased susceptibility to
severe periodontitis.
3. Early loss of primary teeth
Recurrent Infection is one of the chief features of Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome.
• While patients may go years b/w Infections, a series of cases reviewed by the National
Institute of Health (2015) observed that Local Infections requiring Oral Antibiotics occurred on
Avg. Every 3.6 months & a Major Infection occurred Once/year.
• Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome is a Defect in Neutrophil Chemotaxis
• 3 Hypotheses exist for the Chemotactic Defect in the Neutrophils:
 A Specific IgE against an Infecting Bacterium (S. aureus) causes the Release of Histamine
that may Inhibit Neutrophil Chemotaxis
 Bacterial Ag cause Monocytes to Secrete Chemotaxis Inhibiting Mediators or IgG
 Mononuclear Cells may create a Specific Factor which Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis
• Treatment OF HYPERIMMUNOGLOBULIN-E SYNDROME is dependent upon Antibiotics, Local
Debridement, & Surgical I&D .
 Improvement following T/t with Cimetidine or Ranitidine alone or in combination with
H1-Receptor Antagonists has also been reported (Shemer et al., 2001)
Diabetes Mellitus:
• In DM patients, alterations in host immuno-inflammatory response to the bacterial challenge
has been identified as a possible explanation for the increased prevalence & severity of
periodontitis often seen in the diabetics.
• The PMNs plays a major role in maintaining a healthy periodontium in the face of
periodontopathic microorganisms.
• In DM, numerous studies have shown a reduction in PMN function, including
 Chemotaxis
 Adherence
 Phagocytosis (Van dyke, 1985)
• Defects affecting PMNs, the 1st line of defense against subgingival microbial agents, may
result in significantly increased tissue destruction
• Chemotaxis may be improved in those with better glycemic control (Leeper et al., 1985)
Diabetes Mellitus:
PMN function has been demonstrated to be normal in many individuals with DM
• Oliver et al. (1993) suggested hyper-responsiveness or increased no. of PMN within the
gingival crevice of poorly controlled diabetics, as indicated by elevated levels of the PMN-
derived enzyme β-glucuronidase.
• In addition to the PMN, another critical cell line in the periodontal immuno-inflammatory
response to pathogens is the monocyte/Mφ line.
• Studies suggest that many diabetic patients possess a “hyper-responsive
monocyte/macrophage phenotype” in which stimulation by bacterial Ag (LPS) results in
dramatically increased pro-inflammatory cytokine, PGE2, MMP production.
(Offenbacher et al., 1997 )
• Salvi et al.(1997) have demonstrated Significantly Increased Production of Pro-
inflammatory Cytokines such as TNF-α by Monocytes derived from patients with DM.
• When challenged with LPS from P. gingivalis, Diabetic Monocytes showed a 24-32 fold
Increased Production of TNF-α compared to Non-diabetic Monocytes.
• In DM patients with Periodontitis, the GCF Levels of PGE2 & IL-1β were Significantly
Higher than in Non-DM Subjects with a similar Degree of Periodontal Destruction.
• AGE formation plays an imp. Role in up-regulation of the monocyte/macrophage cell line.
• Accumulation of AGEs in the periodontium stimulates migration of
monocytes/macrophage to the site.
• Once in the tissue, AGEs interact with RAGE on the cell surfaces of
• This AGE-RAGE interaction results in
 “Immobilization of monocytes/macrophage at the local site”
 “Induces a change in monocyte/macrophage phenotype, upregulating the pro-
inflammatory cytokine & PGE2 production”
• This provides another explanation for increased GCF levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, PGE2 noted in
diabetic patients with periodontitis (Salvi et al.; Schmidt et al., 1997)
• This interaction also increases the oxidative stress within the tissues, resulting in tissue
A) Defect in oxidative mech.:
• The neutrophil’s oxidative killing mech. involves
 defects in the 5 components of the complex enzyme NADPH oxidase.
 NADPH oxidase catalyzes the respiratory burst with the production of microbicidal
superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide & hydroxyl radical
• Without this oxidative reaction, bacterial killing is greatly impaired. This neutrophil defect is
responsible for the life-threatening recurrent infections found in chronic granulomatous
• Degranulation of Neutrophils occurs in Non-oxidative Mechanism.
• There are 2 main conditions with Defects in Degranulation
 Specific Granule Deficiency
 Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
• Specific granule deficiency
 Absence of or defective secondary or specific granules
 In this disease, there is decreased availability of specific enzymes & adhesion
molecules normally present in secondary granules
 Diagnosis of specific granule deficiency is through the use of Wright stain confirming
the absence of secondary granules
 Assays for constituent proteins of these granules should also demonstrate a reduction
or absence compared to normally functioning neutrophils
Chediak Higashi Syndrome:
• Rare Autosomal Recessive Disorder
• Primarily affects the Neutrophils
• It manifests Early in the Life in the form of
• Partial Oculo-cutaneous Albinism
• Photophobia
• Frequent Pyogenic Infections
• Lymphadenopathy
• Oral Findings
• Severe Gingivitis
• Ulcerations of the Tongue & Buccal Mucosa
• Early Onset Periodontitis leading to Premature
Loss of both Deciduous & Permanent Dentitions
Clinically, the syndrome may present as
- Abnormalities of Pigmentation
- Recurrent Infections
- Bleeding Tendencies
- Oculo-cutaneous albinism
- Nystagmus, photophobia, reduced
visual acuity
 The few individuals that do survive beyond the 1st Decade Often Progress to a “Lymphoma-like Disease” k/a
 This phase can include
 Fever
 Jaundice
 Hepatosplenomegaly
 Pancytopenia that leads to an Even Greater Susceptibility to Infection
• One of the Hallmarks of the Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome is Presence of Large Intracellular Azurophilic Inclusions
in the Cytoplasm of Neutrophils
 These large inclusions impair neutrophil migration, possibly by inhibiting cell deformability, & render
neutrophils unable to metabolize & digest microbes
• As a result, patients with Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome are prone to recurrent infections in early childhood
• Animal Research has led to the determination that a mutation in the “LYST” (Lysosome Trafficking Regulation)
Gene, the only known Chédiak-Higashi syndrome causing gene, may be responsible for this phenomenon
Oral Complications:
Delcourt-Debruyne et al (2000) reported a
14-yr old Chédiak-Higashi syndrome patient
• Severe Mobility of the Teeth
• Suppuration
• Severe Bone Loss
• Gen. recession with deep PPD
• Lab reports confirmed the Presence
of Large Granules within the
 Shibutani et al (2000) presented a 12year
follow up of a 21yr old Woman with Chédiak-
Higashi syndrome.
 Age 9 --presented complaining of Gingival
Swelling & Mobility of Teeth
 Age 12, Severe Bone Loss was present
throughout both arches
 DNA-probe Analysis of the Bacteria within
the Periodontal Pockets revealed a
pathogenic flora consisting of A.a., P.
gingivalis & P. intermedia.
 In spite of Ongoing T/t, she experienced
Multiple Abscesses & Extractions of
Hopeless Teeth over the next 12yrs.
Chronic Granulomatous Disease:
• Extremely RARE Clinical Syndrome
• characterized by
• Life-Threatening Staphylococcus, Proteus or Pseudomonas spp. Infections
• Hypergammaglobulinemia
• Widespread Chronic Granulomatous Infiltrations
• Varied Incidences: 1 in 200000 to 1 in 1000000 births- Usually presents in the 1st year of life with recurrent bacterial & fungal infections including
 Pneumonia
 Lymphadenitis
 Liver abscess
 Osteomyelitis
 Septicemia
 Otitis media
The most common pathogens encountered are S. aureus, Aspergillus spp., enteric G- ve
Oral manifestations:
• Charon et al.(1985) reported on 9 patients from the national institute of allergy & infectious
diseases who were diagnosed with chronic granulomatous disease.
• Patients with chronic granulomatous disease had a significantly greater occurrence of
oral ulcerations & gingival inflammation compared to controls
• Budonelli et al.(2001) reported the case of a 5-year old Caucasian male diagnosed with
chronic granulomatous disease from the lab findings of “hypergammaglobulinemia” & a
low neutrophil burst test.
• Severe gingival inflammation & marginal erythema were noted, along with extensive
LOA & gingival recession that resulted in significant mobility & furcation involvement.
Centers on control of infections:
• COTRIMOXAZOLE has a Broad Spectrum of Activity Against many of the causative
organisms & a Minimal Affect on the GI Flora.
• Antifungal Prophylaxis can be achieved with ITRACONAZOLE
• IF-γ has been shown to Partially Restore Oxidase Activity in Neutrophils & Monocytes
of some patients with X-linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease, & to Reduce
Infection Rates
• CORTICOSTEROIDS are Avoided in most instances, but they can be useful in Low
Doses to manage Symptomatic Complications of Granuloma Formation such as Colitis
& Hollow Organ Obstruction
• BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION, effective in treating some cases of Chronic
Granulomatous Disease, has become a More Predictable T/t during the past decade..
Treatment of Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
• Inflammatory bowel disease comprises 2 chronic clinical entities:
• Crohn’s disease
• Ulcerative colitis
• No gender predilection
• Inflammatory bowel disease is due to a complex combination of
 Genetic
 Environmental
 Bacterial triggering events
that activate both immune & non-immune systems within the intestine.
• Cell-mediated immune response induces effector t-cells & activates macrophages, neutrophils, &
eosinophils, while humoral response stimulates the production of Ab.
• Through secretion of soluble mediators & expression of cell adhesion molecules, immune &
non-immune cells exchange signals resulting in a further amplification of Ab, cytokines, growth
factors, PG, leukotrienes, reactive oxidative metabolites, nitric oxide, & proteolytic enzymes
that culminate in chronic inflammation & tissue damage
- Similar etiopathogenesis to periodontitis.
- Both involve
 Excessive exposure to Ag from the indigenous microflora
 Persistent stimulation of protective immune systems
 Modifying influence of environmental factors (smoking)
- Flemmig et al.(2005) performed I/O examinations on 107 inflammatory bowel disease
patients seeking T/t at a medical school clinic.
- although the prevalence of periodontal disease was slightly higher in patients with
inflammatory bowel disease, the severity of periodontal disease was less than the
general population.
- Concluded that severe periodontal disease & inflammatory bowel disease are 2
unrelated disease entities that can occur in the same individual.
Some studies have suggested a Depressed Neutrophil Chemotaxis.
• Van Dyke et al. (1986) performed both Microbiological Studies of Periodontal Pockets &
Laboratory Studies of Neutrophil Function in 20 Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients.
• The authors speculated that Neutrophil Chemotaxis Defects identified in some of the
Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients could be attributed in part to the Antigenic load of
Periodonto-pathogens known to Inhibit Neutrophil Chemotaxis.
• In 1978, Lamster et al. reported Enhanced Phagocytic Ability of Neutrophils from a patient
with Crohn’s Disease & Severe Periodontitis.
This seems to represent the most current line of research in Inflammatory Bowel Disease,
where interest in Neutrophil Function now seems to centre around the Neutrophil’s Role in
Amplifying the Inflammatory Response.
SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
• SLE is a Chronic Autoimmune Disease that affects the
connective tissue & Multiple Organ Systems.
• More Common in Women (likely due to a Combination of
Genetic Factors & Environmental Triggering Events).
• SLE ranges in Severity from a Mild Disease, with Rash &
Arthritis, to a Serious Illness characterized by Renal Failure &
Significant Neurological Disturbances.
• The prevalence of SLE in North America & Northern Europe has
been estimated at about 40 cases/100,000 population
Oral and facial manifestations include
- Malar rash (buttefly-shaped)
- oral ulceration
- honeycomb plaque
- raised keratotic plaque
- nonspecific erythema, purpura, petechiae
- Cheilitis
Patients with SLE can exhibit
 Diminished neutrophil formation
 Anti-neutrophil Ab & enhanced
neutrophil apoptosis
• Infection is among the most cited reasons for hospital admission in SLE patient
• Among the Hematologic Disorders that may explain this Increased Incidence of Infection are
• Specific Neutrophil Defects have also been reported. Some reports suggest Neutrophil
Chemotaxis Defect, Most of the evidence suggests that Impaired Neutrophil Phagocytosis is
present in SLE patients
• In spite of the numerous reports of oral lesions, & the increased overall susceptibility to
infection, there is little information on the Periodontal Status of SLE patients.
• Mutlu et al.(1993) found that in a comparison of the Periodontal Status of SLE patients with
Age & Sex-matched Controls, the SLE patients had significantly shallower PPD than the
control group.
Myeloperoxidase Deficiency:
• Hemeprotein
• located in the azurophilic granules of neutrophils & monocytes
• Functional significance: ability to oxidize Cl-, which in the presence of H2O2 leads to the
production of the microbicidal HOCl
• Myeloperoxidase- H2O2-Cl System most efficient component of the oxygen-dependent
antimicrobial system of neutrophils
- Frequency: 1 in 4000 person
- It can be
- Congenital
- Acquired (due to Hematological Neoplasms, Fe Deficiency, Pb Intoxication, Renal
Transplants, Severe Infectious Diseases, DM)
- No Increased Risk for Infection or other C/F
- Alternative oxidative pathways exist that overcome the myeloperoxidase-dependent
mechanism-- less effective in eliminating certain fungi such as Candida or Aspergillus
- Rate of severe infections in myeloperoxide deficiency <5% - reports of severe visceral
candidal infections in people with myeloperoxidase deficiency & DM) (Klebanoff, 2013;
Petersen, 2016)
Oral Manifestations:
• There are limited case reports on the oral manifestations of Myeloperoxidase Deficiency
• Okuda et al.(1991) reported Deep Mucocutaneous Candidiasis with Oral Lesions in a 32 year
old Female with Myeloperoxidase Deficiency
• The only report of Periodontitis & Myeloperoxidase Deficiency was made by D’Angelo et
al.(1992) who described a case of AgP in a 3 year old girl with Myeloperoxidase deficiency &
Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome.
• This child, who had a H/O of recurrent infections, was also noted to have Defective Neutrophil
• Based on these reports, especially considering that Myeloperoxidase Deficiency is not a rare
finding, it is not possible to establish a conclusive link b/w Myeloperoxidase Deficiency &
Periodontal Disease
Glycogen Storage Disease Type- 1B
• The Glycogen Storage Diseases comprise a group of at least 18 Inherited Disorders
caused by Abnormalities of Enzymes Regulating the Synthesis & Degradation of Glycogen
• Autosomal Recessive Mode of Inheritance
• Most often diagnosed in Infancy or Early Childhood
• Defect in the Glucose-6-Phosphate Transporter Protein:
• As a result Glucose-6-Phosphate cannot be Transported across the ER of Hepatocytes,
Preventing the Glycogen from being Metabolized into Glucose.
• Glycogen is then Deposited in the Liver with a Uniform Distension of Hepatocytes
Among the Prominent C/F are :
 “Doll-like” Facial Appearance
 Stunted Growth
 Hypoglycemia
 Ketosis
 Lactic Acidosis
 Hyperlipidemia
 Gout
 Bleeding Episodes (brought on by
Impaired Platelet Function
Secondary to Metabolic
• Additional distinguishing features of Glycogen Storage Disease-
Type1b are
 Neutropenia
 Neutrophil Dysfunction
 Increased Susceptibility to Infection
• The Neutropenia, either Constant or Cyclic, is suspected to be a
Consequence of Altered Myeloid Maturation
• Neutrophil Abnormalities identified in this disease patients
include Defects in both Random & Directed PMN Migration
• Koven et al. studied laboratory findings on several patients with
Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b, & found Defects in
 Neutrophil Motility, Chemotaxis, Nitroblue Tetrazolium Test
Reduction, & Bactericidal Activity.
 The authors speculated that these results, similar to findings
in other studies, suggest a Generalized Metabolic
Neutrophil Defect in Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b
• Reports of Oral Disease in Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b patients are common, & include
Oral Ulceration, Candidiasis, Gingivitis, & Periodontitis.
• Visser et al. noted “Peri-Oral Infections” in the records of 37 of 57 Glycogen Storage Disease-
Type1b patients reviewed, all of whom had Neutropenia & Defective Neutrophil Function.
Based on the available information, it can be determined that the Neutropenia & Neutrophil
Dysfunction noted in some patients with Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b leave them at Risk for
Developing Periodontitis.
- It is possible that a Block in the Transport of Glucose-6 Phosphate into the ER of Neutrophils, may
Interrupt the Metabolic Pathways Necessary for Neutrophil Function.
- The Range of Susceptibility to Infection in these patients could then be explained by whether
the Defect in the Glucose-6-Phosphate System is either Partial or Complete
• RARE Autosomal Recessive Disorder
• Most of the cases have been reported from JAPAN
• Patients with Acatalasia have a Deficiency of Erythrocyte Catalase.
• If this enzyme is Deficient, H2O2 Accumulate in Cells & predispose for Tissue Damage.
• In mammals, High Catalase Levels are found in the Liver, Kidney, & Erythrocytes.
• In Erythrocytes, Most Catalase is Normally found in the Cytosol, with a Small Fraction
Incorporated into the Erythrocyte Membrane.
• Acatalasia patients are not generally prone to infections, approx. 25-50% suffer an Oral
Condition c/a Takahara’s Disease, characterized by Painful Ulcerations of the Gingiva &
Tonsillar Lacunae.
• Interestingly, only one report of this condition exists in the Dental Literature. In 1979,
Delgado & Calderon described the Oral Condition of 2 Peruvian Siblings with Acatalasia to
consist of NUP-like Lesions with Ulcerations of the Papillary Gingiva & Advanced Bone
 A predominance of Catalase-Negative Pneumococci (known to produce H2O2) cultured
from Necrotic Gingival Tissue led the authors to speculate on a possible role for
Increased Levels of H2O2 in causing the Tissue Damage
• Brinkmann et al., 2004.
• Extracellular web like fingers; generated by activated neutrophils and largely composed of nuclear constituents.
• Bind to both Gram(+)ve and Gram(-)ve organisms, immobilize them and thus prevent further colonization of new host
• Process of release of NET : NETosis or Neutrophilic extracellular trap-osis.
• Release of NET: 1. Suicidal NETosis : rupture of plasma membrane.
2. Vital NETosis: release of mitochondrial DNA; no cell death.
• STRUCTURE: Co-localization of granular proteins/enzymes/histones with DNA.
• Antimicrobial action: 1. Trapping & immobilizing of pathogens to prevent tissue and systemic spread.
2. Pathogen killing by neutrophil extracellular trap-- embedded cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides.
or Periodontitis
• Reduced prevalence/effectiveness of NETs in diseased periodontal tissue
• Hypoactive NET production or periodontal bacteria rendering the NETs ineffective.
• Increased bacterial infiltration in periodontal tissues
• Widespread inflammatory response culminating in neutrophil mediated tissue destruction e.g. ROS and protease
• DNase digestion of NETs may result in liberation of NET associated antimicrobial peptides, resulting in more
widespread tissue destruction.
• Conversely, it is conceivable that periodontal disease may be associated with an excessive production of NETs.
• In either scenario, the implication is that both the neutrophils and their associated degradative enzymes are
concentrated within the abundant NETs for an extended duration.
Role of NETs in pathogenesis of periodontal disease
Therefore, the factors determining whether one individual
develops inflammatory periodontitis whilst another doesn’t,
1. Type of bacteria inhabiting gingival crevice.
2. Whether these bacteria possess virulence factors for NET
3. The individual’s innate ability for NET production.
• Although rare in occurrence, an association b/w various systemic conditions characterized by neutrophil
dysfunction & periodontal disease does exist.
• While this association is clearly defined in most of the systemic disorders listed so far, but for some of them
the definitive evidence is lacking.
• The periodontal treatment for patients with periodontitis related to neutrophil disorders has been
empirical & without consistent success.
• Local debridement, local & systemic antibiotics, antimicrobial rinses, sub-gingival irrigation, selective
extraction & frequent periodontal maintenance have all been attempted.
• Unfortunately, for those systemic conditions most associated with neutrophil disorders & periodontitis, the
end result is usually tooth loss.
• CARRANZA’S Clinical Periodontology 13th Edition
• RYDER, M.I., 2010. Comparison of neutrophil functions in aggressive
and chronic periodontitis. Periodontology 2000.
J.D., 2015. Neutrophil homeostasis and inflammation: novel
paradigms from studying periodontitis. Journal of leukocyte biology.
• HERRMANN, J.M. and MEYLE, J., 2015. Neutrophil activation and
periodontal tissue injury. Periodontology 2000.

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  • 4. INTRODUCTION • Periodontal diseases -- infectious diseases resulting from the interactions of oral bacteria residing in dental plaque and the host • Neutrophils form the first line of defence of the human innate immune system. (Bender et al., 2006) Myeloid-derived Antimicrobial Phagocytes Can kill pathogens extracellularly Links innate and adaptive arms of the immune response Help to endorse the inflammatory resolution and tissue
  • 5. ROLE OF NEUTROPHILS • Since neutrophils are not concerned with their own survival, they are free to use delivery modes which can be suicidal. • Neutrophils deliver antimicrobial substances by different mechanisms 1. Adherence — When stimulated, the neutrophil interacts with, and sticks to, substrate (endothelial cells) via specific molecules on the neutrophil and the endothelial cell. 2. Chemotaxis- Neutrophils migrate to sites of bacterial ingress or tissue damage through the process of chemotaxis. 3. Opsonization & Phagocytosis- - The neutrophil recognizes specific molecules on the bacterial surface called opsonins (IgG, C3b) and engulfs the bacteria. - Phagocytosis is the engulfment of particles within a membrane-bound structure called the "phagosome." - Fusion between the cytoplasmic granules (lysosomes) and the phagosome form the "phagolysosome," and represent a specialized form of secretion. 4. Bacterial Killing – The neutrophil is responsible for bacterial killing by 2 pathways for controlling microorganisms- oxygen dependent and independent mechanisms
  • 6. NEUTROPHIL DISORDERS QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE • Neutropenia– mild, moderate, severe • Kostmann Syndrome (OMIM- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 610738) • Felty’s Syndrome • Lazy leukocyte syndrome • Neutrophilia • Herman sky–Pudlak syndrome • Shwachman–Diamond syndrome. Defects in Adhesion Defects in Chemotaxis & Phagocytosis Defects of killing & degradation • Leukocyte adhesion deficiency • LAD I • LAD II • Papillion Lefevre Syndrome • Down’s Syndrome • Lazy Leukocyte Syndrome • Hyper IgE Syndrome • Diabetes mellitus • Chediak Higashi Syndrome • Myeloperoxidase Deficiency • Specific Granule Deficiency • Chronic Granulomatous Disease
  • 7. Quantitative Disorders: 1. Chronic benign neutropenia 2. Cyclic Neutropenia 3. Congenital Neutropenia 4. Agranulocytosis 5. Felty’s Syndrome
  • 8. • A relative deficiency in neutrophil no. can dramatically increase susceptibility to infectious diseases. • Neutropenia is considered clinically significant when the ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHIL COUNT falls <1000 cells/ml (normal adult range: 1500-8000 cells/ml)  When the absolute neutrophil count is <500 cells/ml, control of endogenous factors is often impaired & the risk for serious infection increases.  An absolute neutrophil count <200 cells/ml corresponds with an inability to mount an inflammatory response. • Defects in any of these functions or a marked decrease in the no. of neutrophils capable of responding to the site of infection may result in varying degrees of susceptibility to infection. • These qualitative & quantitative defects may be: 1. Inherited 2. Acquired
  • 9. Quantitative disorders include: • Neutropenia can be an • Inherited Disorder or • Congenital Disorder or • Acquired Secondary to Infection or Malignancy or Certain Medications or Autoimmune Disease or Nutritional Deficiencies or Hematopoietic Disease The Pathophysiology of Neutropenia may be classified as • Abnormalities of Bone Marrow Stem Cell Development • Impaired Release of Neutrophils from the Bone Marrow • Abnormalities in Distribution of Neutrophils b/w the Circulating & Marginating Pool in the Blood • Decreased Survival of Neutrophils in the Blood Diagnosis of Neutropenia is based on Clinical Signs & Symptoms as well as Absolute Neutrophil Counts
  • 10. CHRONIC NEUTROPENIAS: The Risk of Infection due to Neutropenia is Typically Inversely Proportional to the Absolute Neutrophil Count Absolute Neutrophil Count Effect <1000 cells/ml Risk of Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Cellulitis <500 cells/ml Pneumonias, Peri-Rectal Abscesses, Sepsis etc. • Low Absolute Neutrophil Count for >6 months. While any episode can predispose a patient to recurring infections, the following neutropenic conditions have been specifically identified in the dental literature as having oral complications: • Chronic benign neutropenia • Cyclic neutropenia • Congenital neutropenia/Kostmann Syndrome • Agranulocytosis • Felty’s Syndrome
  • 11. Chronic Benign Neutropenia: • Characterized by a prolonged neutropenia as the sole abnormality, with no underlying disease to which the neutropenia can be attributed • It is the most common form of neutropenia of infants & children <4 years old, with 90% of the cases presenting <14 months of age • The incidence of chronic benign neutropenia is 3.9/100,000 births • Chronic benign neutropenia is usually not inherited; however, the familial form follows an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance
  • 12. • Glanssen, 1941 • Bousser et al., 1947 • The clinical presentation can be quite variable, from a benign condition discovered incidentally to an early life-threatening infection, but most patients with chronic benign neutropenia will live a normal lifespan • Individuals may suffer from increased incidences of  Recurrent oral ulcerations  Furuncles  URTIs  Otitis media  Cellulitis  Lymphadenopathy  Pneumonia  Sepsis As a result of the limited neutrophil response to infection • Fortunately, as these individuals get older, the risk of infection appears to decrease
  • 13. •Oral complications: • Include  Hyperplastic, oedematous, & fiery-red gingiva  Areas of desquamation • Reichart et al (1978) reported on a 7 year old boy with chronic gingivitis, periodontitis with 8 mm PPD, severe horizontal bone loss, & extreme mobility of the deciduous teeth with chronic benign neutropenia • Deasy (1980) described a 14 year old boy with chronic benign neutropenia who was referred due to severe gingival inflammation, hyperplastic papillae, isolated areas of gingival recession, & a molar furcal lesion Diagnosis: • Persistent absolute neutrophil count <500 cells/ml with a normal TLC due to elevated no. of lymphocytes & monocytes • A possible causative agent for this condition is anti-neutrophil Ab, typically IgG
  • 14. Cyclic Neutropenia: • RARE blood disease characterized by: • Periodic recurring symptoms of fever, malaise, mucosal ulcers. • Life-threatening infections related to the regular cyclical fluctuations in the no. Of neutrophils. • Autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. • Incidence: 0.5-1 case/1000000. • Cyclic neutropenia is caused by the periodic oscillations in both bone marrow production & release of mature neutrophils, probably associated with the oscillation of other blood cells, such as monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, & platelets. • Bone marrow progenitor cells are present in high conc.; However, these precursor cells seem periodically unable to respond to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. (OLVERA et al., 2015)
  • 15. Oral complications: • Case reports by Okada et al. (2001) of a 2 year old that presented with  Recurrent gingivitis & aphthous lesions.  Clinically, no recession was noted & PPD were within normal limits.  Analysis of the microbial flora found P. intermedia, C. rectus, Capnocytophaga gingivalis, & Capnocytophaga sputigena  In spite of treatment, the child continued to experience gingivitis during 2 years of follow-up. • Numerous other case reports have documented patients with a history of marked gingival inflammation, fever, oral ulcerations, otitis media, & URTIs associated with cyclic neutropenia. Diagnosis: • CBC count twice a week for 6 weeks in order to observe the fluctuation in neutrophil counts. • For the majority of these patients, there is a 21 day cycle with severe neutropenia persisting for 3-10 days Treatment: • Rh-granulocyte colony-stimulating factor given 3x/week has been found successful in increasing the neutrophil levels (Mannon, 2009) • γ-globulin infusions have also been given to effect a short-lived increase in neutrophils in an URGENT SITUATION (Guo, 2018)
  • 16. Congenital Neutropenia/Kostmann Syndrome: • Inherited hematologic disorder manifesting in the 1st year of life • Characterized by the severe bacterial infections • The estimated frequency of congenital neutropenia is 1-2 cases/1000000 population with no sex predilection • Autosomal recessive trait • Diagnosis: The significant lab finding absolute neutrophil count of <2,000/ml & an arrest of neutrophil hematopoiesis at the promyelocyte/myelocyte stage
  • 17. ORAL COMPLICATIONS: • Virtually universal in congenital neutropenia. • Carlsson & Fasth (2001)-- all of the patients that survived infancy were affected by gingivitis, & most were noted to have periodontitis with alveolar bone loss. • Another case report by Defraaia & Marinelli (2001) demonstrated generalized severe periodontitis in an adolescent patient with congenital neutropenia. • Even with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment, most of these patients have persistent gingivitis, which tends to wax & wane depending on their absolute neutrophil counts
  • 18. • In 1987, physicians began to treat congenital neutropenias with granulocyte colony- stimulating factor, which is effective at increasing the absolute neutrophil count >1,000/ml in most patients. • Even though granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment results in an overall improvement in symptoms, the therapy is not curative & most patients experience cyclic improvements followed by relapses in neutrophil levels • In most cases of congenital neutropenia, the underlying mechanism of the syndrome is unknown. • While most of the originally reported cases died in infancy only, aggressive treatment with antibiotics has more recently prolonged the lifespan of children suffering from this disease
  • 19. NEUTROPHIL COUNTS AND PERIODONTITIS • Aggressive periodontitis ↔ congenital deficiencies in neutrophil numbers or function (Hajishengallis et al., 2015) • Inflammatory destruction of the periodontium -- collateral damage by hyperactive neutrophils or neutrophils present in excessive numbers (Ryder, 2010) • Local counts of neutrophils in the periodontal tissues correlate positively with periodontal disease severity (Landzberg et al., 2014) • Neutrophils can contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontitis, not only by overexuberant activity but also by failing to perform regulatory functions. (Moutsopoulos et al, 2014)
  • 20. Agranulocytosis: • Agranulocytosis is a blood dyscrasia characterized by a decrease in or even the disappearance of granulocytes (including neutrophils) in conjunction with peripheral leukopenia. • The decreased no. of granulocytes can result from either a decreased production or an increased peripheral destruction of cells. • Decreased production of granulocytes is usually due to  Bone marrow hypoplasia  Drugs e.g., antithyroid (carbimazole, methimazole), anti-inflammatory medications (sulfasalazine, dipyrone) and NSAIDs, antipsychotics (Clozapine)  Ionizing radiation  Infection  Vitamin deficiencies  Bone marrow tumors
  • 21. • Clinically, patients with agranulocytosis do not always present with the usual signs & symptoms of infection. • Patients often are febrile & may exhibit necrotizing, gangrenous lesions of mucous membranes, to include oral, gastrointestinal, & vaginal membranes, but without purulence. • Oral complications: • Include generalized, painful stomatitis, spontaneous bleeding & necrotic tissue. • Radiographs generally reveal a progressive pattern of bone loss at an early age. • Depending on the cause & duration of the agranulocytosis, severe periodontitis & tooth loss can be expected
  • 22. Felty’s Syndrome: • Uncommon complication of rheumatoid arthritis, in which splenomegaly & leukopenia are the major additional features. • In addition to the distinguishing triad (complication of rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly, leukopenia) of symptoms, various case reports have listed other recurring symptoms including  Weight loss  Progressive weakness  Hyperpigmentation of the skin  Generalized lymphadenopathy  Hepatomegaly  Increased susceptibility to infection  A variety of abnormalities in WBC count & function (YAZICI, 2014; NEWSON, 2015; KAY, 2019) • Incidence of Felty’s syndrome is in about 1% of all rheumatoid arthritis cases.
  • 23. • The leukopenia noted in Felty’s syndrome is primarily due to lack of circulating neutrophils (<1000cells/µl) • Coakley et al. & Kumakara et al. listed the possible causes as  Anti-Neutrophil Ab  Serum Inhibitory Factors directed against Neutrophil Precursors  Suppressor Action by Cytotoxic T-cells  Phagocytosis of Neutrophils within the Bone Marrow • Several Mechanisms have been suggested to explain this phenomenon, including  Insufficient Formation of Neutrophils  Reduced Release of Neutrophils from the Bone Marrow  Shortened Neutrophil Life Span  Excessive Neutrophil Margination
  • 24. - Not all Felty’s Syndrome patients have the Extreme Neutropenia that predisposes them to infections - For those who do, SPLENECTOMY has been successful at Increasing the Neutrophil Count & Relieving Symptoms in up to 80% of patients. - Drug Therapy has included Li2CO3 (Mant, 1986) γ-globulin (Breedveld, 1985; Kay, 2019) Corticosteroids (Liatsos, 2018) – Prednisone 1 mg/kg I.V. Cyclophosphamide (Wiesner, 1977; Kay, 2019) • Successful outcomes have been noted with the use of Rh-Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor, although significant side effects have been noted in some Felty’s syndrome patients. (SJ Stanworth, 1998) •ORAL COMPLICATIONS: • While Oral Ulceration & Stomatitis are frequently mentioned in reports of Felty’s syndrome, Periodontitis has only rarely been implied. • Even though, it can be assumed that with the Dramatic Deficiency in Circulating Neutrophils, the Incidence of Periodontitis is as at least as great in Felty’s Syndrome patients as in others with Severe Neutropenias. TREATMENT OF THE NEUTROPENIA ASSOCIATED WITH FELTY’S SYNDROME:
  • 26. NEUTROPHIL DYSFUNCTION The Neutrophil’s employment of specialized features enabling their Destruction of Invading Organisms can be divided into 6 Stages or Functions: • Rolling along Vascular Endothelium • Adherence to the Endothelial Lining • Migration (Chemotaxis) towards the Site of the Infection • Adherence to Microorganisms • Engulfment of Bacteria (Phagocytosis) • Intracellular Killing
  • 27. - Qualitative disorders of neutrophil function also increase the host’s susceptibility to infection. - Classification of neutrophil disorders corresponds with the major neutrophil processes: • Margination (rolling & adhesion) • Chemotaxis & migration • Phagocytosis, degranulation & killing Defects in the process of margination can occur at 2 levels. 1. Defect in rolling: • The 1st is a defect in a specific neutrophil ligand -- Sialy-Lewis x protein (cd15s)”. A defect in this glycoprotein will result in the loss of the neutrophil’s ability to roll along the endothelial surface • Alterations in the selectin-mediated rolling function prevent the neutrophil’s egress from the vessels • This defect is detected through flow cytometry using a commercially available monoclonal Ab directed against the membrane surface Ag associated with cd15s. The disease associated with this deficit is LAD-II
  • 28. 2. DEFECT IN ADHESION: • Defects in neutrophil surface integrins CD18/cd11a, CD18/cd11b, & CD18/cd11c prevent the neutrophil from adhering to the endothelium. Inability to adhere to endothelial cells prevents the migration of neutrophils to the site of infection. • In addition, since these integrins are also responsible for neutrophil adhesion to opsonized bacteria, the neutrophil’s ability to phagocytize bacteria is also compromised. • Defects on cd18 & cd11 peptides are also identified by flow cytometry • Deficiency of these integrins is seen in LAD-I
  • 29. LAD (Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency) • 1979 -- Neutrophil Motility Defect. • Anderson & Springer, 1986  “Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency” • Leukocytes adhere to endothelium surface, other leukocytes, & to complement via cell surface integrins • These integrins are protein complexes that are stored within neutrophil granules & when activated, are found on the surface of the neutrophil cell membrane • The Initial studies on LAD patients found a Defect in the Neutrophil Integrins CD11 & CD18 • Subsequent investigations into this disorder have identified 2 types of LAD i.e. LAD-I and LAD-II
  • 30. LAD-I • Deficiency in 3 Membrane Integrins. • CD18/C11a (LFA-1) binds to leukocytes & to endothelium via Intercellular Adhesion Molecules (ICAM) • CD18/CD11b (Mac-1) binds to ICAM & complement & facilitates complement-mediated phagocytosis • The function of the 3rd Integrin, CD18/Cd11c is not well understood • The deficiency of these integrins prevents the neutrophil from adhering to the vessel wall at the site of an infection. • Therefore, neutrophils are unable to migrate into the affected tissues. • Clinical appearance: • Ulceration & necrosis of tissue • No signs of purulence
  • 32. ORAL COMPLICATIONS: • Waldrop TC et al.(1987) described the Oral Conditions in a Family of 6 that suffered from LAD-I.  The Father & 2 Children were Homozygous for the Condition  The Children presented with Acute Gingival Inflammation of both Primary & Permanent Dentitions, as well as Gingival Proliferations, Recession, Tooth Mobility, & Pathologic Migration  The Primary Teeth were Lost by age 4 & Either Partial or Total Loss of the Permanent Teeth occurred by age 13  Bone Loss was evident by age 3, & reached 60% by age 8  Histology of the Gingival Tissue showed a Dense Plasma Cell Infiltrate & the Marked Absence of Extravascular Neutrophils
  • 33. LAD-II • Etziomi et al., 1992 • Individuals with LAD-II are characterized by • Short Stature • Mental Retardation • Craniofacial Abnormalities • Recurrent Infections • The Neutrophil Defect in LAD-II is of the Sialy-Lewis x Glycoprotein (CD15s), which allows neutrophils to attach to selectins (CD62E) on the endothelial surface • The end result is similar to LAD-I, & neutrophils are unable to migrate extravascularly • While the oral condition of these patients has not been reported, it can be assumed that the neutrophil defect is such that severe periodontal disease & tooth loss is likely
  • 34. • Deficits in neutrophil chemotaxis can be either “inherited, or secondary to a no. of other neutrophil defects caused by a variety of diseases or medications”  Any alteration in the neutrophil cytoskeleton or its ability to sense or respond to a chemotactic gradient will interfere with the cell’s ability to reach the site of infection • Neutrophil chemotactic deficits are diagnosed in-vivo through the use of the “Rebuck skin window” or in the laboratory using a “Boyden chamber” or the “Agarose tech” 3. DEFECT IN CHEMOTAXIS:
  • 35. • Impairment of phagocytic function is usually caused by deficiencies in certain immunoglobulin isotypes & other opsonization factors rather than intrinsic defects in the neutrophil. • Assays of phagocytosis utilize either inert particles (stained oil-droplets, fluorescent microspheres, latex beads) or radiolabeled microorganisms (bacteria, yeast) that are detectable within the cell after phagocytosis • Following incubation, the ingested particles are quantified to determine if phagocytosis is impaired. 4. DEFECT IN PHAGOCYTOSIS :
  • 36. PAPILLON-LEFEVRE SYNDROME: • Diffuse Palmoplantar Keratosis associated with Aggressive Periodontitis of both Primary & Permanent Dentitions • Papillon & Lefévre, 1924 • RARE Autosomal Recessive Disorder • Prevalence: of 1-3 cases/1000000 • No Gender & Racial Predilection • PLS is caused by mutations in the Cathepsin C gene, located on chromosome 11 • The 2 essential features of Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome are  Hyperkeratosis of the palms & soles (either diffuse or localized)  Generalized rapid destruction of the periodontal attachment apparatus resulting in premature loss of both primary & permanent teeth • “Palmoplantar keratoedema” • Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is the only one associated with aggressive periodontitis • Haim-Munk syndrome-- particular form of Papillon-Lefévre  While also characterized by palmoplantar keratosis & severe early onset periodontitis, the Haim-Munk syndrome additionally presents with digital abnormalities.  These include osteolysis of the distal phalanges, abnormal length & slenderness of the fingers & toes, & a claw-like hypertrophic deformity of the nails • Other findings:  Ectopic calcifications of the falx cerebri & choroid plexus  Increased susceptibility to infection  Mental retardation  Endocrine disorders
  • 37. • Van dyke et al. described neutrophil chemotaxis defects in 2 patients with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome & noted decrease in both random migration & directed migration toward a chemotactic factor. • This alteration of neutrophil function has not been observed in all cases. Both Lyberg & Schroeder et al. reported normal neutrophil function including margination, chemotaxis, phagocytosis, degranulation of lysosomes & intracellular destruction in several children with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome who did not exhibit an increased susceptibility to infection. • It is possible that both the greater vulnerability to infection & neutrophil defects noted in some patients may be a condition clinically distinct from Papillon-Lefévre syndrome, or possibly secondary to an infection with a specific bacteria such as A.a. • Preus has hypothesized that the hereditary defect in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is located in the epithelial barrier, which in the gingival sulcus may lead to a reduced host defense against periodonto-pathogenic bacteria.
  • 38. Down’s Syndrome: • Down’s syndrome is one of the most common causes of mental retardation in children • The distinct similarities in the features & conditions of the disease led early researchers to suspect a chromosomal aberration, & in the late 1950s Down’s syndrome was specifically linked to trisomy of chromosome 21 (Down, 1866) • Among the C/F of down’s syndrome there is the high prevalence of periodontitis • Cohen et al.( Periodontal Diseases in Mongolism, 1961) reported in their investigation of 100 young patients with Down’s Syndrome & found that virtually all had some degree of periodontal disease, ranging from severe gingivitis in the youngest patients to periodontitis with pocket formation & alveolar bone loss in the older patients.
  • 39. • Among the endogenous factors that may exacerbate the periodontitis in Down’s syndrome are defects in neutrophils • The 1st cellular anomaly: Tendency of the nucleus in neutrophils of Down’s syndrome patients to be consistently less segmented than in other patient groups. While the absolute no. of neutrophils in Down’s syndrome patients are not significantly different from healthy controls, some authors have reported a preponderance of younger cell forms that is independent of both the TLC & the relative no. of neutrophils. (Noble, 1985; Izumi, 1989) Others have suggested that this phenomenon is due to a tendency for the shortening of the ½ -life of circulating neutrophils in patients with Down’s syndrome (Amano, 2008)
  • 40. Finally, in addition to the well-studied Neutrophil Deficiencies in Down’s Syndrome patients, still another line of research has investigated the Relationship b/w Neutrophil Derived Cytokines & the Periodontitis Lesions of Down’s Syndrome patients. • HALINEN ET AL.(1996) found Increased Levels of Neutrophil Collagenase (MMP-8) in the Saliva & GCF of Down’s Syndrome patients These findings suggest that the Active MMP-8 derived from triggered Neutrophils &/or Cytokine Induced Periodontal Fibroblasts may reflect the Periodontal Destruction seen in patients with Down’s Syndrome
  • 41. Lazy-Leukocyte Syndrome: • Extremely RARE disorder that manifests in both quantitative & qualitative neutrophil defects. • Lazy-leukocyte syndrome is characterized by • Recurrent infections due to both a deficiency in neutrophil chemotaxis & a systemic neutropenia, while the phagocytic function of the neutrophil remains intact • Neutrophils within the bone marrow – normal quantity + morphology. • Peripheral neutrophils-- severe neutropenia, functional defects of neutrophils (chemotaxis & random migration) • Directional locomotion -- dependent on microtubule assembly within the neutrophil  The abnormal function of these cytoskeletal components leads to a defect in cell deformability, & this hinders the release of newly formed neutrophils from the bone marrow  Impaired random & directional motility leads to a diminished migration of neutrophils into the tissue & to sites of inflammation Oral complications: • Constantopoulous et al.(1975) described a 5 month old boy that presented with a high fever, cough, pneumonia, oral stomatitis & purulent skin abscesses.  Laboratory tests revealed a peripheral neutropenia, & impairment of both neutrophil chemotaxis & random motility • A similar case report is that of a 4 year old diagnosed with lazy-leukocyte syndrome & followed over 7 years. (Rossi, 2012)  The boy suffered from painful stomatitis, gingivitis & recurrent ulcerations of the buccal mucosa & tongue  Periodontitis progressed to the point of advanced bone loss & tooth loss by the age of 7
  • 42. Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome/Job Syndrome • Multisystem Disorder • Inherited as an Autosomal Dominant Trait • Affects Dentition, Skeleton, Connective Tissues, & Immune System • Classically, it has been characterized by a TRIAD of Symptoms:  Skin Abscesses  Pneumonia  Elevated Serum IgE Levels • Eosinophilia, Candidiasis, Arthritis, Chronic Eczematoid Dermatitis & Other Recurrent Infections are also common. Coarse facial skin with prominent pores Facial asymmetry Prominent forehead Deep-set eyes Broad nasal bridge Mild prognathism High incidence of long bone fractures. Oral complications: 1. Ulceration & gingivitis 2. Increased susceptibility to severe periodontitis. 3. Early loss of primary teeth
  • 43. Recurrent Infection is one of the chief features of Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome. • While patients may go years b/w Infections, a series of cases reviewed by the National Institute of Health (2015) observed that Local Infections requiring Oral Antibiotics occurred on Avg. Every 3.6 months & a Major Infection occurred Once/year. • Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome is a Defect in Neutrophil Chemotaxis • 3 Hypotheses exist for the Chemotactic Defect in the Neutrophils:  A Specific IgE against an Infecting Bacterium (S. aureus) causes the Release of Histamine that may Inhibit Neutrophil Chemotaxis  Bacterial Ag cause Monocytes to Secrete Chemotaxis Inhibiting Mediators or IgG  Mononuclear Cells may create a Specific Factor which Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis • Treatment OF HYPERIMMUNOGLOBULIN-E SYNDROME is dependent upon Antibiotics, Local Debridement, & Surgical I&D .  Improvement following T/t with Cimetidine or Ranitidine alone or in combination with H1-Receptor Antagonists has also been reported (Shemer et al., 2001)
  • 44. Diabetes Mellitus: • In DM patients, alterations in host immuno-inflammatory response to the bacterial challenge has been identified as a possible explanation for the increased prevalence & severity of periodontitis often seen in the diabetics. • The PMNs plays a major role in maintaining a healthy periodontium in the face of periodontopathic microorganisms. • In DM, numerous studies have shown a reduction in PMN function, including  Chemotaxis  Adherence  Phagocytosis (Van dyke, 1985) • Defects affecting PMNs, the 1st line of defense against subgingival microbial agents, may result in significantly increased tissue destruction • Chemotaxis may be improved in those with better glycemic control (Leeper et al., 1985)
  • 45. Diabetes Mellitus: PMN function has been demonstrated to be normal in many individuals with DM • Oliver et al. (1993) suggested hyper-responsiveness or increased no. of PMN within the gingival crevice of poorly controlled diabetics, as indicated by elevated levels of the PMN- derived enzyme β-glucuronidase. • In addition to the PMN, another critical cell line in the periodontal immuno-inflammatory response to pathogens is the monocyte/Mφ line. • Studies suggest that many diabetic patients possess a “hyper-responsive monocyte/macrophage phenotype” in which stimulation by bacterial Ag (LPS) results in dramatically increased pro-inflammatory cytokine, PGE2, MMP production. (Offenbacher et al., 1997 ) • Salvi et al.(1997) have demonstrated Significantly Increased Production of Pro- inflammatory Cytokines such as TNF-α by Monocytes derived from patients with DM. • When challenged with LPS from P. gingivalis, Diabetic Monocytes showed a 24-32 fold Increased Production of TNF-α compared to Non-diabetic Monocytes. • In DM patients with Periodontitis, the GCF Levels of PGE2 & IL-1β were Significantly Higher than in Non-DM Subjects with a similar Degree of Periodontal Destruction.
  • 46. • AGE formation plays an imp. Role in up-regulation of the monocyte/macrophage cell line. • Accumulation of AGEs in the periodontium stimulates migration of monocytes/macrophage to the site. • Once in the tissue, AGEs interact with RAGE on the cell surfaces of monocytes/macrophage • This AGE-RAGE interaction results in  “Immobilization of monocytes/macrophage at the local site”  “Induces a change in monocyte/macrophage phenotype, upregulating the pro- inflammatory cytokine & PGE2 production” • This provides another explanation for increased GCF levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, PGE2 noted in diabetic patients with periodontitis (Salvi et al.; Schmidt et al., 1997) • This interaction also increases the oxidative stress within the tissues, resulting in tissue destruction
  • 47. 5. DEFECT IN INTRACELLULAR KILLING: A) Defect in oxidative mech.: • The neutrophil’s oxidative killing mech. involves  defects in the 5 components of the complex enzyme NADPH oxidase.  NADPH oxidase catalyzes the respiratory burst with the production of microbicidal superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide & hydroxyl radical • Without this oxidative reaction, bacterial killing is greatly impaired. This neutrophil defect is responsible for the life-threatening recurrent infections found in chronic granulomatous diseases. OXIDATIVE MECH. NON- OXIDATIVE MECH.
  • 48. B) DEFECT IN NON-OXIDATIVE MECHANISM: • Degranulation of Neutrophils occurs in Non-oxidative Mechanism. • There are 2 main conditions with Defects in Degranulation  Specific Granule Deficiency  Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome • Specific granule deficiency  Absence of or defective secondary or specific granules  In this disease, there is decreased availability of specific enzymes & adhesion molecules normally present in secondary granules  Diagnosis of specific granule deficiency is through the use of Wright stain confirming the absence of secondary granules  Assays for constituent proteins of these granules should also demonstrate a reduction or absence compared to normally functioning neutrophils
  • 49. Chediak Higashi Syndrome: • Rare Autosomal Recessive Disorder • Primarily affects the Neutrophils • It manifests Early in the Life in the form of • Partial Oculo-cutaneous Albinism • Photophobia • Frequent Pyogenic Infections • Lymphadenopathy • Oral Findings • Severe Gingivitis • Ulcerations of the Tongue & Buccal Mucosa • Early Onset Periodontitis leading to Premature Loss of both Deciduous & Permanent Dentitions Clinically, the syndrome may present as - Abnormalities of Pigmentation - Recurrent Infections - Bleeding Tendencies - Oculo-cutaneous albinism - Nystagmus, photophobia, reduced visual acuity
  • 50.  The few individuals that do survive beyond the 1st Decade Often Progress to a “Lymphoma-like Disease” k/a “ACCELERATED PHASE”  This phase can include  Fever  Jaundice  Hepatosplenomegaly  Pancytopenia that leads to an Even Greater Susceptibility to Infection • One of the Hallmarks of the Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome is Presence of Large Intracellular Azurophilic Inclusions in the Cytoplasm of Neutrophils  These large inclusions impair neutrophil migration, possibly by inhibiting cell deformability, & render neutrophils unable to metabolize & digest microbes • As a result, patients with Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome are prone to recurrent infections in early childhood • Animal Research has led to the determination that a mutation in the “LYST” (Lysosome Trafficking Regulation) Gene, the only known Chédiak-Higashi syndrome causing gene, may be responsible for this phenomenon Oral Complications: Delcourt-Debruyne et al (2000) reported a 14-yr old Chédiak-Higashi syndrome patient with: • Severe Mobility of the Teeth • Suppuration • Severe Bone Loss • Gen. recession with deep PPD • Lab reports confirmed the Presence of Large Granules within the Neutrophils.  Shibutani et al (2000) presented a 12year follow up of a 21yr old Woman with Chédiak- Higashi syndrome.  Age 9 --presented complaining of Gingival Swelling & Mobility of Teeth  Age 12, Severe Bone Loss was present throughout both arches  DNA-probe Analysis of the Bacteria within the Periodontal Pockets revealed a pathogenic flora consisting of A.a., P. gingivalis & P. intermedia.  In spite of Ongoing T/t, she experienced Multiple Abscesses & Extractions of Hopeless Teeth over the next 12yrs.
  • 51. Chronic Granulomatous Disease: • Extremely RARE Clinical Syndrome • characterized by • Life-Threatening Staphylococcus, Proteus or Pseudomonas spp. Infections • Hypergammaglobulinemia • Widespread Chronic Granulomatous Infiltrations • Varied Incidences: 1 in 200000 to 1 in 1000000 births- Usually presents in the 1st year of life with recurrent bacterial & fungal infections including  Pneumonia  Lymphadenitis  Liver abscess  Osteomyelitis  Septicemia  Otitis media The most common pathogens encountered are S. aureus, Aspergillus spp., enteric G- ve bacteriae
  • 52. Oral manifestations: • Charon et al.(1985) reported on 9 patients from the national institute of allergy & infectious diseases who were diagnosed with chronic granulomatous disease. • Patients with chronic granulomatous disease had a significantly greater occurrence of oral ulcerations & gingival inflammation compared to controls • Budonelli et al.(2001) reported the case of a 5-year old Caucasian male diagnosed with chronic granulomatous disease from the lab findings of “hypergammaglobulinemia” & a low neutrophil burst test. • Severe gingival inflammation & marginal erythema were noted, along with extensive LOA & gingival recession that resulted in significant mobility & furcation involvement.
  • 53. Centers on control of infections: • COTRIMOXAZOLE has a Broad Spectrum of Activity Against many of the causative organisms & a Minimal Affect on the GI Flora. • Antifungal Prophylaxis can be achieved with ITRACONAZOLE • IF-γ has been shown to Partially Restore Oxidase Activity in Neutrophils & Monocytes of some patients with X-linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease, & to Reduce Infection Rates • CORTICOSTEROIDS are Avoided in most instances, but they can be useful in Low Doses to manage Symptomatic Complications of Granuloma Formation such as Colitis & Hollow Organ Obstruction • BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION, effective in treating some cases of Chronic Granulomatous Disease, has become a More Predictable T/t during the past decade.. Treatment of Chronic Granulomatous Disease
  • 54. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: • Inflammatory bowel disease comprises 2 chronic clinical entities: • Crohn’s disease • Ulcerative colitis • No gender predilection • Inflammatory bowel disease is due to a complex combination of  Genetic  Environmental  Bacterial triggering events that activate both immune & non-immune systems within the intestine. • Cell-mediated immune response induces effector t-cells & activates macrophages, neutrophils, & eosinophils, while humoral response stimulates the production of Ab. • Through secretion of soluble mediators & expression of cell adhesion molecules, immune & non-immune cells exchange signals resulting in a further amplification of Ab, cytokines, growth factors, PG, leukotrienes, reactive oxidative metabolites, nitric oxide, & proteolytic enzymes that culminate in chronic inflammation & tissue damage - Similar etiopathogenesis to periodontitis. - Both involve  Excessive exposure to Ag from the indigenous microflora  Persistent stimulation of protective immune systems  Modifying influence of environmental factors (smoking) - Flemmig et al.(2005) performed I/O examinations on 107 inflammatory bowel disease patients seeking T/t at a medical school clinic. - although the prevalence of periodontal disease was slightly higher in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the severity of periodontal disease was less than the general population. - Concluded that severe periodontal disease & inflammatory bowel disease are 2 unrelated disease entities that can occur in the same individual.
  • 55. Some studies have suggested a Depressed Neutrophil Chemotaxis. • Van Dyke et al. (1986) performed both Microbiological Studies of Periodontal Pockets & Laboratory Studies of Neutrophil Function in 20 Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients. • The authors speculated that Neutrophil Chemotaxis Defects identified in some of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients could be attributed in part to the Antigenic load of Periodonto-pathogens known to Inhibit Neutrophil Chemotaxis. • In 1978, Lamster et al. reported Enhanced Phagocytic Ability of Neutrophils from a patient with Crohn’s Disease & Severe Periodontitis. This seems to represent the most current line of research in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, where interest in Neutrophil Function now seems to centre around the Neutrophil’s Role in Amplifying the Inflammatory Response.
  • 56. SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) • SLE is a Chronic Autoimmune Disease that affects the connective tissue & Multiple Organ Systems. • More Common in Women (likely due to a Combination of Genetic Factors & Environmental Triggering Events). • SLE ranges in Severity from a Mild Disease, with Rash & Arthritis, to a Serious Illness characterized by Renal Failure & Significant Neurological Disturbances. • The prevalence of SLE in North America & Northern Europe has been estimated at about 40 cases/100,000 population Oral and facial manifestations include - Malar rash (buttefly-shaped) - oral ulceration - honeycomb plaque - raised keratotic plaque - nonspecific erythema, purpura, petechiae - Cheilitis Patients with SLE can exhibit  Diminished neutrophil formation  Anti-neutrophil Ab & enhanced neutrophil apoptosis
  • 57. • Infection is among the most cited reasons for hospital admission in SLE patient • Among the Hematologic Disorders that may explain this Increased Incidence of Infection are a tendency to NEUTROPENIA AND VARIOUS NEUTROPHIL ABNORMALITIES. • Specific Neutrophil Defects have also been reported. Some reports suggest Neutrophil Chemotaxis Defect, Most of the evidence suggests that Impaired Neutrophil Phagocytosis is present in SLE patients • In spite of the numerous reports of oral lesions, & the increased overall susceptibility to infection, there is little information on the Periodontal Status of SLE patients. • Mutlu et al.(1993) found that in a comparison of the Periodontal Status of SLE patients with Age & Sex-matched Controls, the SLE patients had significantly shallower PPD than the control group.
  • 58. Myeloperoxidase Deficiency: • Hemeprotein • located in the azurophilic granules of neutrophils & monocytes • Functional significance: ability to oxidize Cl-, which in the presence of H2O2 leads to the production of the microbicidal HOCl • Myeloperoxidase- H2O2-Cl System most efficient component of the oxygen-dependent antimicrobial system of neutrophils - Frequency: 1 in 4000 person - It can be - Congenital - Acquired (due to Hematological Neoplasms, Fe Deficiency, Pb Intoxication, Renal Transplants, Severe Infectious Diseases, DM) - No Increased Risk for Infection or other C/F - Alternative oxidative pathways exist that overcome the myeloperoxidase-dependent mechanism-- less effective in eliminating certain fungi such as Candida or Aspergillus spp. - Rate of severe infections in myeloperoxide deficiency <5% - reports of severe visceral candidal infections in people with myeloperoxidase deficiency & DM) (Klebanoff, 2013; Petersen, 2016)
  • 59. Oral Manifestations: • There are limited case reports on the oral manifestations of Myeloperoxidase Deficiency • Okuda et al.(1991) reported Deep Mucocutaneous Candidiasis with Oral Lesions in a 32 year old Female with Myeloperoxidase Deficiency • The only report of Periodontitis & Myeloperoxidase Deficiency was made by D’Angelo et al.(1992) who described a case of AgP in a 3 year old girl with Myeloperoxidase deficiency & Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome. • This child, who had a H/O of recurrent infections, was also noted to have Defective Neutrophil Chemotaxis. • Based on these reports, especially considering that Myeloperoxidase Deficiency is not a rare finding, it is not possible to establish a conclusive link b/w Myeloperoxidase Deficiency & Periodontal Disease
  • 60. Glycogen Storage Disease Type- 1B • The Glycogen Storage Diseases comprise a group of at least 18 Inherited Disorders caused by Abnormalities of Enzymes Regulating the Synthesis & Degradation of Glycogen • Autosomal Recessive Mode of Inheritance • Most often diagnosed in Infancy or Early Childhood • Defect in the Glucose-6-Phosphate Transporter Protein: • As a result Glucose-6-Phosphate cannot be Transported across the ER of Hepatocytes, Preventing the Glycogen from being Metabolized into Glucose. • Glycogen is then Deposited in the Liver with a Uniform Distension of Hepatocytes Among the Prominent C/F are :  “Doll-like” Facial Appearance  Stunted Growth  Hypoglycemia  Ketosis  Lactic Acidosis  Hyperlipidemia  Gout  Bleeding Episodes (brought on by Impaired Platelet Function Secondary to Metabolic Disorders) • Additional distinguishing features of Glycogen Storage Disease- Type1b are  Neutropenia  Neutrophil Dysfunction  Increased Susceptibility to Infection • The Neutropenia, either Constant or Cyclic, is suspected to be a Consequence of Altered Myeloid Maturation • Neutrophil Abnormalities identified in this disease patients include Defects in both Random & Directed PMN Migration • Koven et al. studied laboratory findings on several patients with Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b, & found Defects in  Neutrophil Motility, Chemotaxis, Nitroblue Tetrazolium Test Reduction, & Bactericidal Activity.  The authors speculated that these results, similar to findings in other studies, suggest a Generalized Metabolic Neutrophil Defect in Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b patients
  • 61. ORAL COMPLICATIONS: • Reports of Oral Disease in Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b patients are common, & include Oral Ulceration, Candidiasis, Gingivitis, & Periodontitis. • Visser et al. noted “Peri-Oral Infections” in the records of 37 of 57 Glycogen Storage Disease- Type1b patients reviewed, all of whom had Neutropenia & Defective Neutrophil Function. Based on the available information, it can be determined that the Neutropenia & Neutrophil Dysfunction noted in some patients with Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b leave them at Risk for Developing Periodontitis. - It is possible that a Block in the Transport of Glucose-6 Phosphate into the ER of Neutrophils, may Interrupt the Metabolic Pathways Necessary for Neutrophil Function. - The Range of Susceptibility to Infection in these patients could then be explained by whether the Defect in the Glucose-6-Phosphate System is either Partial or Complete
  • 62. Acatalasia: • RARE Autosomal Recessive Disorder • Most of the cases have been reported from JAPAN • Patients with Acatalasia have a Deficiency of Erythrocyte Catalase. • If this enzyme is Deficient, H2O2 Accumulate in Cells & predispose for Tissue Damage. • In mammals, High Catalase Levels are found in the Liver, Kidney, & Erythrocytes. • In Erythrocytes, Most Catalase is Normally found in the Cytosol, with a Small Fraction Incorporated into the Erythrocyte Membrane.
  • 63. ORAL COMPLICATIONS: • Acatalasia patients are not generally prone to infections, approx. 25-50% suffer an Oral Condition c/a Takahara’s Disease, characterized by Painful Ulcerations of the Gingiva & Tonsillar Lacunae. • Interestingly, only one report of this condition exists in the Dental Literature. In 1979, Delgado & Calderon described the Oral Condition of 2 Peruvian Siblings with Acatalasia to consist of NUP-like Lesions with Ulcerations of the Papillary Gingiva & Advanced Bone Loss.  A predominance of Catalase-Negative Pneumococci (known to produce H2O2) cultured from Necrotic Gingival Tissue led the authors to speculate on a possible role for Increased Levels of H2O2 in causing the Tissue Damage
  • 64. NEUTROPHIL EXTRACELLULAR TRAPS (NETs) • Brinkmann et al., 2004. • Extracellular web like fingers; generated by activated neutrophils and largely composed of nuclear constituents. • Bind to both Gram(+)ve and Gram(-)ve organisms, immobilize them and thus prevent further colonization of new host surfaces. • Process of release of NET : NETosis or Neutrophilic extracellular trap-osis. • Release of NET: 1. Suicidal NETosis : rupture of plasma membrane. 2. Vital NETosis: release of mitochondrial DNA; no cell death. • STRUCTURE: Co-localization of granular proteins/enzymes/histones with DNA. • Antimicrobial action: 1. Trapping & immobilizing of pathogens to prevent tissue and systemic spread. 2. Pathogen killing by neutrophil extracellular trap-- embedded cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides.
  • 66. • Reduced prevalence/effectiveness of NETs in diseased periodontal tissue • Hypoactive NET production or periodontal bacteria rendering the NETs ineffective. • Increased bacterial infiltration in periodontal tissues • Widespread inflammatory response culminating in neutrophil mediated tissue destruction e.g. ROS and protease damage. • DNase digestion of NETs may result in liberation of NET associated antimicrobial peptides, resulting in more widespread tissue destruction. • Conversely, it is conceivable that periodontal disease may be associated with an excessive production of NETs. • In either scenario, the implication is that both the neutrophils and their associated degradative enzymes are concentrated within the abundant NETs for an extended duration. Role of NETs in pathogenesis of periodontal disease Therefore, the factors determining whether one individual develops inflammatory periodontitis whilst another doesn’t, are: 1. Type of bacteria inhabiting gingival crevice. 2. Whether these bacteria possess virulence factors for NET production. 3. The individual’s innate ability for NET production.
  • 67. • Although rare in occurrence, an association b/w various systemic conditions characterized by neutrophil dysfunction & periodontal disease does exist. • While this association is clearly defined in most of the systemic disorders listed so far, but for some of them the definitive evidence is lacking. • The periodontal treatment for patients with periodontitis related to neutrophil disorders has been empirical & without consistent success. • Local debridement, local & systemic antibiotics, antimicrobial rinses, sub-gingival irrigation, selective extraction & frequent periodontal maintenance have all been attempted. • Unfortunately, for those systemic conditions most associated with neutrophil disorders & periodontitis, the end result is usually tooth loss. CONCLUSION
  • 68. REFERENCES • CARRANZA’S Clinical Periodontology 13th Edition • RYDER, M.I., 2010. Comparison of neutrophil functions in aggressive and chronic periodontitis. Periodontology 2000. • HAJISHENGALLIS, G., CHAVAKIS, T., HAJISHENGALLIS, E. and LAMBRIS, J.D., 2015. Neutrophil homeostasis and inflammation: novel paradigms from studying periodontitis. Journal of leukocyte biology. • HERRMANN, J.M. and MEYLE, J., 2015. Neutrophil activation and periodontal tissue injury. Periodontology 2000.

Editor's Notes

  1. individuals with defects in neutrophil function or biochemistry often show severe forms of periodontal disease and, similarly, individuals with early onset or rapidly progressing forms of periodontal disease often exhibit neutrophil defects evidence Investigators have demonstrated defective neutrophil function in a number of patients with LJP who otherwise appear healthy. The process is controlled by granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G‑CSF)165, which is produced in response to interleukin‑17A (IL‑17A) synthesized by T cells that regulate neutrophils (γδ and natural killer T cells). Release of IL‑17A is in turn under the control of IL‑23 originating from tissue-resident macrophages and dendritic cells. During inflammation the number of neutrophils in tissues increases, and with time the cells die apoptotically and are removed by macrophages and dendritic cells. This process results in downregulation of IL‑23 synthesis by those cells and thus reduces G‑CSF release The process of neutrophil maturation is under the control of transcription factors (mainly PU.1 and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP)α–ζ). During maturation, the neutrophil goes through several stages, namely myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band cell and, finally, polymorphonuclear (segmented) cell. Neutrophil granules are formed sequentially during maturation from the promyelocyte stage. release of reactive oxygen species; antimicrobial peptides, such as a-defensins and cathelicidin; proteases, such as elastase, cathepsin G, or matrix metalloproteinases; and neutrophil extracellular traps), neutrophils display a remarkable, de novo biosynthetic capacity for C-X-C and C-C chemokines, cytokines with proinflammatory, anti-inflammatory, or immunoregulatory properties as well as angiogenic and fibrogenic factors
  2. The term chemotaxis was introduced in 1884 by Pfeffer, who described it as directional migration of leukocytes along a chemical gradient [6].
  3. Being the most important phagocytic cell in the defence of the host against acute bacterial infection, disorders of neutrophil function are suggested by recurrent cutaneous, periodontal, respiratory, or soft-tissue infections. Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative bacilli, and, less commonly, Candida albicans are the causative organisms. 610738- phenotype MIM no. allotted to SCN3 or severe congenital neutropenia type 3.
  4. Familial Chronic Benign Neutropenia was 1st reported by Glansslen (1941) & then by Bousser et al. (1947) Upper resp tract infection
  5. Fig: gingival recession+furcation involvement in molars - A possible causative agent for this condition is anti-neutrophil Ab, typically IgG which have been found in 80-100% of the patient tested
  6. Named after Swedish Pediatrician who 1st described the condition- Kostmann R.
  7. The development of aggressive periodontitis associated with congenital deficiencies in neutrophil numbers or function directly supports the importance of neutrophils for maintaining a healthy periodontium; however, the presence of neutrophils is not necessarily protective. Indeed, there is adequate evidence that a significant portion of the inflammatory destruction of the periodontium occurs as a result of collateral damage by hyperactive neutrophils or neutrophils present in excessive numbers [25, 34, 38–44]. In a related context, the local counts of neutrophils in the periodontal tissues correlate positively with periodontal disease severity [45]. As the expanding roles of neutrophils also include regulatory activities [1, 46, 47], it is possible that neutrophils can contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontitis, not only by overexuberant activity but also by failing to perform regulatory functions.
  8. Specifically, it is defined in current medicine as a morbid general state resulting from the presence of abnormal material in the blood, usually applied to diseases affecting blood cells or platelets.
  9. The Pathogenesis of Neutropenia in Felty’s Syndrome patients appears to be the subject of debate.
  10. Li2CO3 Lithium carbonate increases granulocyte counts in hematologically normal individuals, attenuates the neutropenia caused by pathology, and occasionally increases granulocyte counts in patients with other neutropenic disorders. Gammagb(high dose) several clinical trials have been conducted and published by….. All of which have exhibited no side effects but also no comparable improvement in neutrophil count coming to the conclusion that response to IV-IgG makes no signif diff CORTICOSTEROIDS In severe cases of pancytopenia with subsequent infections due to long‐term untreated Felty's syndrome, the initiation of immunosuppressive treatment with sole prednisone (1 mg/kg iv) should be considered, despite that, the low neutrocytes count would make one physician hesitant. A full resolution of whole blood count within 3 weeks and a 30% reduction in spleens sized was noted in this case in a 73-y.o. female w RA. CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE a 55 yo man and 72 yo woman w RA were subjected and post t/t were observed at stable ANC >2400/mm3, thereby providing evidence for its use. The best way of treating Felty syndrome (FS) is to control the underlying rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Immunosuppressive therapy for RA often improves granulocytopenia and splenomegaly; this finding reflects the immune-mediated nature of FS. Most of the traditional medications used to treat RA have been used in the treatment of FS. No well-conducted, randomized, controlled trials support the use of any single agent. Most reports on treatment regimens involve small numbers of patients. Surgical treatment (ie, splenectomy) may be warranted in certain cases.
  11. In 1979, a group of patients with similar symptoms of delayed umbilical cord separation & persistent bacterial infections in the absence of pus formation were found to share a common Neutrophil Motility Defect. The name Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency was given to this condition by Anderson & Springer in 1986
  12. LAD-I is an Inherited Disorder that follows an Autosomal Recessive Pattern There have been just over 600 cases described, each identified shortly after birth. More than 75% of children will die before the age of 5 if they do not receive a Bone Marrow Transplant The Severity of the Disease is based on the Relative Expression of CD18 <1% of Normal is described as Severe, while 2.5-10% of Normal is considered Mild-Moderate
  13. Del-1[Developmental endothelial locus-1 (DEL-1) is a secreted multifunctional protein that interacts with integrins] antagonizes LFA-1[Lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) is an integrin found on lymphocytes and other leukocytes. LFA-1 plays a key role in emigration] and regulates neutrophil extravasation. The neutrophil extravasation process is a cascade of low- and high-affinity adhesive interactions between the neutrophils and the vascular endothelium and involves distinct steps, including capturing, rolling, slow rolling, firm adhesion of activated neutrophils, and transmigration. Del-1 binds the LFA-1 integrin and antagonizes its interaction with ICAM-1[ICAM-1 (Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) also known as CD54 (Cluster of Differentiation 54) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ICAM1 gene. This gene encodes a cell surface glycoprotein which is typically expressed on endothelial cells and cells of the immune system] thereby blocking LFA-1-dependent leukocyte adhesion onto the vascular endothelium. As firm neutrophil adhesion to the endothelium is essential to subsequent transmigration, Del-1 restrains the migration of neutrophils from the circulation to peripheral tissues Disruption of the neutrostat in LAD-I causes IL-17-dependent inflammatory bone loss. In LAD-I, b2 integrin-deficient neutrophils fail to extravasate, thereby disrupting the neutrostat circuit. The absence of recruited neutrophils to the periodontal tissue of LAD-I patients leads to unrestrained local production of IL-23 and hence, IL-17 and G-CSF i.e., Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor. Whereas increased G-CSF leads to excessive granulopoiesis and blood neutrophilia, elevated IL-17 leads to inflammatory bone loss
  14. Fig.1 Clinical and radiographic features of the male sibling at age 12 (Jul 1988). A- Acute inflammation including gingival proliferation, mobility, and pathological migration of dentition. B- Characteristic fiery red marginal and papillary tissues and assocd plaque and calculus C- generalized severe bone loss of permanent dentition D- lateral cephalogam at age 14, post extraction of remaining dentition, depicting severe resorption of both maxilla and mandible
  15. LAD-II was 1st described in 1992 by Etziomi et al. Only 4 cases have been documented to this point.
  16. This syndrome is described as a Diffuse Palmoplantar Keratosis associated with Aggressive PDitis of both Primary & Permanent Dentitions The syndrome is named for the two authors (Papillon & Lefévre) who 1st introduced this condition to the literature in 1924 Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome is one of the 19 different forms of Palmoplantar Keratoedema
  17. The association of Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome with aggressive periodontitis, & in some cases recurrent infections, led investigators to study neutrophil functions in these patients Several authors have reported a decrease in the chemotactic activity of neutrophils, as well as decreased phagocytosis & intracellular killing of bacteria in these patients Other authors have reported Alterations in Cementum Imbalance of Collagenolytic Activity in the PDL Increased Osteoclastic Activity in some Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome patients Taken together, these findings could explain the Early Onset Aggressive Periodontitis seen in Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome patients even in the Absence of Significant Neutrophil Abnormalities
  18. Johnson & young used clinical examination, I/O photography, & radiographic survey to assess periodontal disease in 169 mentally retarded children both with & without down’s syndrome. They reported that the extent of the periodontal destruction was much greater in the down’s syndrome children In an extensive review of periodontal disease in down’s syndrome, roland-bousma & van dijk examined both endogenous conditions & exogenous factors that may predispose affected patients to aggressive periodontitis. They divided the exogenous factors into local factors, related mostly to oral hygiene, & secondary factors, such as tongue thrust, malocclusion, & lack of lip seal, which are common features of down’s syndrome. In that review the authors concluded that exogenous factors are not commensurate with the severity of the periodontitis noted in down’s syndrome patients.
  19. Neutrophil Chemotaxis Defects: also been identified in the patients with Down’s Syndrome The Random Migration of Neutrophils remain Intact but a Significant Reduction in Directed Migration of Neutrophils (Chemotaxis) was found in many reports. Phagocytic Defects: Reports on the Phagocytic Ability of Neutrophils in Down’s Syndrome are Mixed While Rosner et al. noted a Diminished Ability of Neutrophil Phagocytosis of Candida albicans in Down’s Syndrome Children, other authors found Normal Neutrophil Phagocytosis in similar study groups Intracellular Killing Defects: Reduced Bactericidal Capacity has been reported for a number of organisms, including S. aureus, E. coli, & C. albicans In contrast was the report by Kretschmer et al. that found the Intracellular Killing of S. pyogenes in Down’s Syndrome Neutrophils to be Normal Results of Nitroblue Tetrazolium Reduction Testing in Neutrophils of Down’s Syndrome patients has also been mixed, with Lower than expected values found by Tan et al. & Kretschmer et al. & Normal Values noted by Seger & Barkin. Taken together, these studies suggest a Great Variation in the Oxidative Metabolic Potential of Neutrophils in Down’s Syndrome patients.
  20. Within the bone marrow, the quantity & morphology of the neutrophils are normal. Peripherally, however, there exists not only a severe neutropenia but also functional defects of neutrophils with regard to chemotaxis & random migration Directional locomotion is thought to be dependent on microtubule assembly within the neutrophil, while the random movement relies on actin/myosin-like microfilaments associated with the cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane. Very few cases of Lazy-Leukocyte Syndrome have been reported, but each has had Oral Manifestations.
  21. - Typically, patients with Hyperimmunoglobulin-E Syndrome have Coarse Facial Skin with Prominent Pores - Other common findings include A Decrease in Bone Density is common, leading to a High Incidence of Long Bone fractures.
  22. Advanced glycation end products (AGE) and its cell-bound receptor called receptor for AGE (RAGE) are implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases. Soluble receptor for AGE (sRAGE) counteracts the adverse effects of AGE-RAGE interaction by competing with RAGE for binding with AGE.
  23. AGEs are proteins/lipids that become glycated as a result of exposure to sugars. Lipoproteins, cholesterol, ffa, triglyceride
  24. Can be divided into: Disorders affecting Oxidative Mechanism.– respiratory burst Disorders affecting Non-Oxidative Mechanism. – lytic/Proteolytic enzyme mechanism NADPH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
  25. The Syndrome was 1st described by Beguez-Cesar (1943), but acquired its name 10 yrs later from separate reports by Chédiak (1952) & Higashi (1954), which described the same condition OCULO-CUTANEOUS ALBINISM can affect the Skin, Eyes, & Hair Hair Color is characteristically Metallic Silver; Skin Color is White-Gray due to Defective Melanosomes Eyes are affected by Reduced Pigmentation of the Retina & Iris Other Ocular Abnormalities can include Nystagmus, Photophobia & Reduced Visual Acuity. Bleeding problems arise because of Organelle Abnormalities within Platelets that Inhibit Normal Clot Formation
  26. The Avg. Lifespan for Children with Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome is only 6 years In Cellular Level, Organelle Abnormalities, Specifically of Lysosomes, are present in Cells Throughout the Body Unfortunately, the outcome of this case is rather typical, & the Final Fate for Most patients with Chediak-Higashi syndrome is Tooth Extraction Bone Marrow Transplantation appears to be the Most Effective Treatment for correcting these Neutrophil Abnormalities.
  27. Chronic Granulomatous Disease is caused by Congenital Defects in the Enzyme NADPH Oxidase. The Defect prevents Free Oxygen Radicals from being produced, & the Neutrophil’s Inability to Kill Intracellular Organisms predisposes patients to RECURRENT BACTERIAL & FUNGAL INFECTIONS. In about 2/3 of the cases, Chronic Granulomatous Disease occurs as an X-linked Recessive Disease, while the remaining 1/3 of cases are Inherited in an Autosomal Recessive Fashion…. The Classic Granulomas that give this condition its name are caused by a Chronic, Ineffective Inflammatory Response to these Pathogens The Most Common presenting Feature is Lymphadenitis, followed by Skin Abscesses & Pneumonia
  28. The similarities b/w the aetiopathogenesis of periodontal disease & inflammatory bowel disease are evident. Whether or not patients with inflammatory bowel disease are at increased risk for periodontitis, & whether any increased incidence is related to defects in neutrophil function, is a subject of debate. A no. Of reports of periodontal disease in inflammatory bowel disease patients have been published, but few have looked at large no. Of patients. In an effort to determine the prevalence & severity of periodontitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Flemmig et al.(2005) Performed I/O examinations on 107 inflammatory bowel disease patients seeking T/t at a medical school clinic. Using a variety of clinical parameters (pi, gi, bop, ppd, loa & calculus index), the authors determined that although the prevalence of periodontal disease was slightly higher in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the severity of periodontal disease was less than the general population.
  29. They found Neutrophil Chemotaxis Consistently Suppressed in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients with Periodontitis & Ulcerative Colitis, but not in patients without Periodontitis, or those with Periodontitis & Crohn’s disease. Bacterial Studies determined that the Predominant Organism from the Periodontal Flora of all Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients was a Small Motile Rod identified as a Campylobacter spp. Other reports have identified Increases in both LT-B4 production & overall Metabolic Activity in Neutrophils from Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients.
  30. Increased Incidence of Infections in SLE Patients has been reported Approx. 50% patients of SLE will suffer from Infection during the course of their Disease
  31. Myeloperoxidase is a hemeprotein located in the azurophilic granules of neutrophils & monocytes Myeloperoxidase functional significance is its ability to oxidize chloride ions, which in the presence of H2O2 leads to the production of the microbicidal HOCl The Myeloperoxidase- H2O2-Cl System represents the most efficient component of the oxygen-dependent antimicrobial system of neutrophils, with effects against a wide range of Bacteria, Fungi, & Viruses In spite of the central role of Myeloperoxidase in the Oxidative Killing Process within Phagocytic Cells (PMNs), Most of the Individuals with Myeloperoxidase Deficiency have No Increased Risk for Infection or other C/F It has been speculated that Alternative Oxidative Pathways exist that overcome the Myeloperoxidase-dependent Mechanism; however, these Alternative Pathways may be Less Effective in Eliminating certain Fungi such as Candida or Aspergillus spp.
  32. Dougherty & Gataletto described a case of GAP in a child with Glycogen Storage Disease-Type1b.
  33. Effects of Catalase Deficiency have also been reported for Neutrophils. An Impaired Respiratory Burst has been noted when Neutrophils from some Acatalasia patients are Pre-exposed to a Hydrogen Peroxide Generating System, leading to speculation that the Inability to Fully Metabolize Hydrogen Peroxide may lead to Impaired Neutrophil Function.
  34. Fig- A scanning electron microscope image of NETs engulfing fungal cells (Candida albicans) 
  35. LPS lipopolysacchs endotoxins. TLR toll like receptors. ROS reactive o2 species
  36. The prevalence/effectiveness of NETs in diseased periodontal tissue may be reduced. This could be the result of hypoactive NET production or periodontal bacteria rendering the NETs ineffective. This would result in increased bacterial infiltration in periodontal tissues leading to widespread inflammatory response culminating in neutrophil mediated tissue destruction e.g. ROS and protease damage. As NETs are thought to function to maintain a high local concentration of antimicrobial peptides, DNase digestion of NETs may result in liberation of NET associated antimicrobial peptides, resulting in more widespread tissue destruction. Conversely, it is conceivable that periodontal disease may be associated with an excessive production of NETs.
  37. Empiric therapy or empirical therapy is medical treatment or therapy based on experience and, more specifically, therapy begun on the basis of a clinical "educated guess" in the absence of complete or perfect information The literature discussed above indicates that distinct forms of periodontitis are associated with defects in the recruitment or proper activation of neutrophils, in turn, highlighting the notion that neutrophil homeostasis is a sine qua non for periodontal health. Moreover, it should be noted that neutrophils can contribute to periodontitis also when affected by systemic conditions, such as diabetes mellitus Although representing diametrically opposed conditions, excessive and impaired neutrophil recruitment can lead to periodontal inflammation. Although Del-1 is still at the preclinical level, complement- and IL-17-targeted therapies were shown to be safe in human clinical trials and are currently considered for the treatment of other inflammatory diseases on which further studies are as of yet to be published.