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Digital Analytics Training
Program Strategy
Describe how would you develop a training curriculum for a
GACP Agency to teach Digital Analytics strategy, GA
implementation, reporting process and analysis best
practices to clients with various levels of expertise?
Please share details and your approach.
Company GACP.
Target Audience
- Analytics Consultants
- Various (Junior, Mid, experienced)
- Implementation
- Reporting
- Analysis
• Market Research
– Prices (Discount for Bulk purchases)
– Product (KPIs, GA 101, GA 201, GA 301, GTM,
DataStudio, BigQuery)
– Place (inperson, online only, both)
– Promotion (Adwords, refer a friend, partnership
with conferences, GA blog)
• USPs (expert teacher, free for GA premium users, free
tag scanning voucher)
Competitor research &
Landing page Reviews
Note about
Better to peoples faces...
Better Examples...
• Training Location & transport is Important
• State the price on the landing page
• Mention Discounts
• Add Badges in footer
• Add Testimonials
• Add course structure
• Add PDF how to sell this to your boss
• Mention Target audiecne
• Add video explaining course to landing page. this
video should be from the teacher.
SWOT• Strength
– Existing Client Base
– Cross-sell training to tag inspector users
• Weaknesses
– Time for teacher to learn slides
– Time to create and prepare slides
– Distance to travel
– Partnerships reduce margin
• Opportunities
– Partnerships with Universities
– Partnerships with DAA
– Partnerships with Chambers of commerce
– Partnerships with Conferences & WAW
– Partnerships with Vendors (Google, Telium)
– Affiliates and comparison sites
• Threats
– Google Academy, Google Squared, Google Garage.
– Content Changes frequently
– Lynda, Udemy, MeasureSchool, MarketMotive online competition
– Publishing portals moving into onsite training (e.g. eConsultancy, SmartInsight)
3rd party Credentials
• GACP approved
• GTM certified
• GA individual certified
• Toastmaster
• Training the Trainer by SerialTrainer7
• Presentation Skills by SerialTrainer7
• DAA certified
"Most Certified Agency" - All
employees certified
Web Analytics
750 GA
questions answered
Trainer Certifications
Phil Pearce
Senior Analytics Consultant
100+ endorsements
for Analytics
... I have author-ed a book
on Amazon
Video Explaining Course Examples
Another Video Explaining Course
Another Video Explaining Course
Lead Gen Strategy
Training Directory
Note on partner portal page...
• Change
• Add 5
Case Studies
1. Search Star:
– Go Local
2. Cardinal Path:
– Train the Trainer
3. MeasureSchool:
– Videotize & Free Taster Course
4. JeffAnalytics
– Podcast
75 programs per year
Avg 5 attendees
$499 pp
= $18,7125 per year (exc travel, room &
Note: 6.25 programs per month
Carl Sadecki
Ex-Training Manager for JellyFish
Penelope Bellegarde
GA consultant & Ex-Graduate Trainer at PWC/Logan Todd
Alasdair Wightman
GA consultant & trainer
Nikki Rae
GA & SEO consultant & trainer
Damion Brown
Ex-econsultancy trainer and GACP in Australia
Mike King
Ex-Training Manager for SearchStar
Courtney Hiles
Ex-Cardinal Path organiser of Train the Trainer
Jeff Sauer
Digital Marketing Speaker, Teacher & Consultant.
Julian Junemann
Feedback from Outreach
1. Pitch & adjust the content level - by
prequalifying users skill levels using
anonymous form (as users will general over-
estimate their skills level).
2. Twitter marketing on local training
competitors is very effective for lead gen.
3. Try to find users who have had a bad training
experience with a competitor.
Importance of training
Reviews & recommendations
Phil is a Google Tag Manager guru. I worked with him on a complex
implementation project for over 10 months and continued to be
impressed by his GTM & GA skills.
He provides creative solutions and is not shy about making
recommendations or improvements that he believes will add value.
Phil's expertise in Analytics and Google Tag Manager definitely make
him a great resource to work with.
Deeplaxmi Adke
Director, Digital Analytics at National Geographic Society
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016
From: Marcela Leon
To: Phil
Hi Phil,
I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you for all the work you did in setting ACRP up with GTM and Ecommerce tracking. Tracking has
been amazing and I love seeing the data come through clean!
As I mentioned to you in our early conversations, we’re undergoing a website redesign that’s scheduled for end of Sept - early Oct. During this
time, eweb (ecommerce) has also been getting a facelift and going back to baseline. I wanted to bring these two projects back up to you in
hopes that I can have some of your time as we get closer to launch to ensure GTM is still working appropriately and since our new website will
be reactive to ensure we have mobile GA implemented, if needed.
Another project, down the line, that I’m hoping to work with you on is to ensure all our platforms (external) can track ecommerce as well. I
want to ensure we get a full picture of where our revenue is coming from.
Thanks again and take care
P.S. I also referred you to a colleague of mine, I’ve spoken highly of you and he was interested in your information.
Marcela León
Manager, Digital & Web Content
Association of Clinical Research Professionals
I wanted to thank you for all the work you did in setting ACRP up
with GTM and Ecommerce tracking. Tracking has been amazing and
I love seeing the data come through clean!
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014
From: Neil Dickson
To: 'Phil'
You too! Happy New Year!
Neil Dickson | SEO Manager
LinkedIn: londonseoconsultant
Twitter: NeilDicksonDM
From: Phil
Sent: 31 December 2014
To: Neil Dickson
Hi Neil,
Ok, that makes sense!
* Yes, I have done alot of tiding-up in the GA and GTM account & I am very keen for it to stay "well maintained".
* I agree governance is needed for checking of Custom HTML and ensuring good processes when publishing to live.
* The project is "all done" but... I made some refinement having checked the processed GA data, hence the GTM changes.
Have a great new year :)
I hired Phil in December 2014 to audit Marie Curie's Google Analytics
& Google Tag Manager implementations. He did everything in the
brief and more' in an incredibly quick time with very short notice. He
also provided pro bono support after project closure. I wouldn't
hesitate to recommend Phil for GTM & GA implementations.
100+ endorsements
for Analytics
How to Create an
Effective Training Program
1. Perform a Training Needs Assessment.
2. Keep Adult Learning Principles in Mind.
3. Develop Learning Objectives.
4. Design Training Materials.
5. Develop Your Training Materials.
6. Implement the Training.
7. Evaluate the Training
8. Rinse, Repeat & Refine
Planning a Training Session
Planning Objectives
• By the end of this session, you will:
– Understand how to plan a training session
– Know what elements should be included in a
training plan
– Know the difference between a learning objective
& learning outcome
– Build measurement into your training plan
Building a Training Program
• Assess
• Design
• Develop
• Implement
• Evaluate
• What do you need to know?
– Who are you training?
– The existing knowledge of training participants
– Identify the gaps in what they know and what
they need to know
– How the training will help them accomplish their
– The type of training or job-related training they
have already experienced
Pre-assessment methods
• Needs assessment analysis
– E.g. Pre-assessment questionnaire
Discuss in pairs, 3 minutes – what other ways could
you collect data?
Training Program - Design
• Primary questions
– What do I want learners to be able to do as a
result of this training program?
• Learning Objectives / Outcomes
– What methods will I use to assist them to reach
this level of performance and knowledge?
• E.g. activities
– What resources will be used to deliver this
training program?
– How will this training be structured overall?
Training Session - Structure
• Starter
– Normally 1-3 minutes
– Introduction
• Learning Objectives / Outcomes
• Main Activity
• Plenary
– Assessment for Learning (Measurement)
Learning Outcomes
• Learning outcomes are the framework of a
training plan
• Identify what students will be able to do as a
result of participating in the training programme
– For example: ‘Students in this workshop will be able
to:..and demonstrate the following behaviours…’
• Explicit, concise, precise defined statements
• Clearly identify the expected behaviour
Guidelines for Developing LOs
• Learning outcomes should include the following components:
– Results/outcome oriented
– Measurable
– Focused on only major job-related tasks
– Behavioral statements (e.g., not just knowing or understanding
something but demonstrating that they know it and understand it)
– Specific and precise about what they are to be able to do
– Clearly stated, no clutter
“As a result of participating in this workshop, learners
will be able to explain to students in a clear
manner how to use the
Harvard Referencing Standard to cite journal references”
Types of Learning Outcomes
• Three major domains of learning:
– Attitudinal Learning: Outcomes that aim to change or
enhance a learner’s attitude or motivation about a
subject. Changing a learner’s attitude about the
quality of information found in Wikipedia
– Cognitive Learning: Outcomes that aim to contribute
to a learner’s body of knowledge about a topic.
Providing statistics that show an increase in the
targeted use of HINARI
– Skill Learning: Outcomes that aim to help a learner
perform a job-related, behavioral task. Training a
learner to talk easily about the similarities and
differences between databases
Group Activity: SMART Objectives
• In pairs, review a lesson plan that you have
already delivered (10 minutes)
– Are they SMART objectives
• Specific
• Measurable
• Achievable
• Realistic
• Time-bound
– How could you make them SMARTer?
Selecting Learning Experiences
• Determine what learning activities (strategies)
are most effective and practical in the training
• Consider activities that cover a range of learning
– Interactive Lecturette:
– Class Discussion:
– Small Group Exercises: 4-6 people
– Two & Three-person Exercises
– Case Studies
Example Learning Experiences
– Interactive Lecturette:
– Class Discussion:
– Small Group Exercises: 4-6 people
– Two & Three-person Exercises
– Case Studies
– Role-playing
– Simulations
– Games
– Surveys
– Quizzes
– Short Writing Exercises
– Observations
– Hands-on Work in Field
Selecting Training Resources
• Several kinds of training resources need to be
– Content Experts: Available/willing to assist in
development of training?
– Trainer(s): Available? Relevant experience? Cost?
– Materials: Books, pens, manuals, equipment, name
cards, food, etc.
– Time: How long? Training delivered across several
months or concentrated in a few days?
– Multi-part training? When are learners available?
Developing training materials
• Developing Materials
• Training materials should be:
– Easy to understand
– Economically produced
– Relevant to one or more learning outcomes.
– Contribute as a secondary source of information
and not act as the primary source
– Complement the learning experiences in which
learners are engaging
Developing training materials
– Include as much practical, direct job-based
information as possible.
– Describe process-oriented tasks in a step-by step
format, free of extraneous detail.
– Include illustrative examples that support text-
based information
– Minimal - students will use them primarily as a
• Primary questions to answer when delivering
– Is the trainer prepared to facilitate the learning
experiences in an engaging manner?
– Have the appropriate training materials been
– Have questions been developed to challenge
learners and debrief the learning experience?
Engaging Learners
• Ten Steps to being positively engaging:
– Ask learners what they want to learn from the
training, and then list them.
– Probe learners with questions frequently;
interactivity should be an primary characteristic of
the training.
– Encourage application of material by providing
examples, posing job-based problems, and asking
learners to consider how they might apply what
they are learning.
Engaging Learners (2)
– Quiz and give feedback in a nonthreatening way.
– Start with questions instead of with providing
information (talking ‘at’ students)
– Pose alternative, thought-provoking questions and
scenarios to get students to critique and question
and get beyond the obvious.
– Start with what learners know to empower them
and identify what to build on.
– Use both visual and aural (hearing) modes of
Engaging Learner (3)
– Use organizing techniques (e.g., ‘Okay, we’ve just that let’s move to...)that help
learners keep track of where they are and what
they’ve learned.
– Use humor and stories to enhance content and
maintain learner motivation.
Deming, B., Ten Steps to being Positively Engaging, Training and Development,
January 2001, pp. 18-19.
• Questions compel students to consider the
information they are learning. They serve several
learning purposes
– Explaining: Asks students to explain their responses or
poses a question that asks for elaboration.
– Problem solving: Poses problems for students to
– Debriefing: After a class exercise or field study event,
allows students to consider what they have
Questioning (2)
• Predicting: Presents job-related, realistic
hypothetical situations for students to
Hyman, R., ‘Discussing Strategies and Tactics,’ Questions, Questioning Techniques,
and Effective Teaching (ed. W. Wilen), 1987, Washington, DC: national Education Association
pp. 138-139
• Provide feedback on the learning experiences
in which you just participated.
– Was the learning experience engaging?
– Was it appropriately interactive?
– Was there a balance of instructor and student
provided information?
– Were questions posed that challenged students?
– Did it help students meet the stated outcome?
– Was it completed in a timely manner?
• Primary questions to answer when evaluating
– How can you assess if the learning outcomes are being
addressed adequately during the development and
delivery of training?
– How can you evaluate the effectiveness of a training
program immediately after the delivery of training?
– How can you evaluate whether the learning from the
training is being applied in a work setting after
students complete a training program?
When to evaluate?
• Evaluation of training can be separated into
two primary categories:
– Formative: Occurs while the training is being
designed, developed, and delivered.
– Summative: Usually completed immediately after
training is conducted to evaluate the extent to
which learners enjoyed and believed they received
valuable learning. Can also be conducted over the
course of weeks or months after training.
Evaluation Methods: Formative
• There are several ways to evaluate the
effectiveness of training during design,
development, and delivery.
– Needs Assessment Analysis
– Content Expert Evaluation
– Beta Test of Training / Pilot Testing
– Pre and Post Training Questionnaire
– Trainer Assessment
– Student Questionnaire
– Class Interview
Evaluation Methods: Summative
• There are several ways to evaluate the
effectiveness of training after a training has
been conducted.
– In-class Questionnaires
– Post Training Questionnaires
– Post Training Debrief
– Interviews
– Journals
– Observations
Questions to Consider
• When considering formative and summative
evaluation methods for your own training
– What kinds of evaluation are likely to be easiest to
implement? Most difficult?
– What kind of evaluation are learners most likely to
respond to? Least likely?
– What logistical issues do the various forms of
evaluation pose for trainers and learners?
Developing a Lesson Plan
• A session or lesson plan is a map that outlines
the design of your training programme
• In your group, identify the elements of a
lesson plan, (20 mins)
– What components of a lesson plan MUST be
– Brainstorm and present your lesson plan template
to the group
Planning Exercise – 20 minutes
• Begin to develop a lesson plan for the
presentation assignment
– Write a statement for this learning outcome
– Consider timings
– Measurement techniques (AfL)
– What is missing?
– How could it be improved?
Have a question? Phone: +44 (0)20 3199 8473
Digital training
from the
Econsultancy training: Spring 2016
Get up to speed on the digital fundamentals. These
popular courses cover all the essentials to help you
succeed in the digital space.
• Fast Track DigitalMarketing
• Fast Track Digital forCreatives
• Digital ContentStrategy
• Fast Track SocialMedia
• OnlineCopywriting
100+ Practical content marketing Tips: A how-to
guide for editors, writers and content creators
Kick off your traininghere
To find out more
From defining your strategy to ensuring the rest of your
team is on board, these courses will help you build your
brand and your customer base.
• Digital ContentStrategy
• Editorial Planning and ContentCalendars
• Content Marketing for Web, Mobile and Social Media
• OnlineCopywriting
• Online Copywriting –Advanced
• Video MarketingStrategy
Implementing content Strategy: Digital Best Practice
Inspire, inform and
To find out more visit:
Meet Tim Fidgeon
Trainer for content, online copywriting and
mobile marketing courses
Tell us about your career so far.
I’m fascinated by how people think. In the 90s, digital emerged
and clearly had the potential to change everything –
marketing, commerce and inter-personal communications. So,
I studied Human-Computer Interaction (MSc) and joined the
fun. Overan exciting career, I have worked both client-side and
agency-side. My goal is to keep learning about the
relationships between audiences, technologies and business.
Do you have any unspoken rules you work to when
dealing with digital content?
I always imagine that I’m trying to explain something to mymum!
Do you have any work mistakes you’ve made that make
you cringe?
I once argued for ‘my idea’ in a meeting and was told that
we were looking for the ‘best idea’ and that holding onto
my ego was a mistake. They were right.
What do you think makes for a great training experience
for your trainingdelegates?
Interactive exercises. Practical guidelines. Real-world
research. Discussion of personal examples. Developing an
Action Plan that delegates can take back to the office.
What’s the biggest mistake someone can make with
their online copy?
The biggest mistake is to think that you know everything and to
stop listening and experimenting.
Why is digital content and great online copy so important?
Content is the salesman, it closes the deal – everything else
just gets you into theroom.
Tim Fidgeon
Online copywriting and content
Tim Fidgeon has been helping
companies develop market-leading
digital strategies,
experiences and content since the late 90s.
He is now a freelance trainer and consultant
with many brands including Coca-Cola, Sony,
Vodafone and GeneralMotors.
Connect with your customers and develop profitable, long-
term relationships. From email to social media, these courses
will help makeyour communications count.
Voice of the customer: Listen, measure, Act report
Build your customer
• Social Media & OnlinePR
• Social Media & Online PR–B2B
• Fast Track SocialMedia
• Online CommunityManagement
• Email Marketing
• Email Marketing –Advanced
• eCRM
• Intensive: Mastering eCRM
• NEW Social Media
Customer Service
• NEW Intensive: MasteringSocial
To find out more visit:
Video Marketing Strategy
People are no longer simply consuming video, they’re using it to
communicate with each other. So says Digby Lewis, Buzzfeed’s director of
brand strategy for Europe. And shareability forms part of the measure for
Econsultancy’s Video Marketing Strategy training course outlines the finely
tuned balance between strategy, content and technology that all play a role
in ensuring the maximum return onvideo.
Over the course of the day, you’ll be immersed in the world of video, hearing
from a seasoned expert and having an opportunity to ask plenty of
You’ll benefit from practical, best practice advice around creating an online
video strategy, producing a video brief, optimising your content and
developing your own creative.
Explore YouTube and other platforms, understand media buying and get to
grips with blogger outreach. You’ll also gain a solid understanding of testing
and measurement. This course will arm you with the techniques you need to
make video a central part of your marketing and content activity.
How to go Viral report
To find out more visit:
From understanding the technicalities to taking inspiration
from the way digital teams are run, these courses will set
you up to achieve great things.
• Coding for DigitalProfessionals
• Fast Track WebTechnology
• NEW Agile Marketing
• NEW Digital Trends and their Business
A marketer’s Guide to the Internet of Things
Understand digital,
Mike Baxter
Coding and web
Mike was a Professor of Design and
Communication before setting up his
own consultancy, applying his in-
depth knowledge of web
technologies and working with
technology teams to manage the
delivery of marketing and business
objectives. Mike’s client list includes
Argos, Google, Avis and Skype.
To find out more
Meet Michelle Goodall
• Tell us a bit about your
background and career so
• I started off in digital 17
years ago and the agency
I worked in did SEO,
linkbuilding and PR
campaign executions. We
did a lot of digital ‘firsts’ –
the first webchats in the
UK, the first live
• internet TV broadcast
How do you like to run your training courses? And what
do you think helps delegates to get the most out of
I run them in a consultative way, bringing out as much talent
and knowledge as I can in the room, so delegates get the
opportunity to learn not just from me, but from others. I like to
have fun, but I promise no cheesy ice-breakers or
mime/puppet- led exercises…
Do you have a ‘golden rule’ when it comes to social
media? And if so, what is it?
My advice if you are annoyed or angered by a social media
post, is walk awayfrom your laptop or phone….never respond
in anger orimmediately.
So many things are missed in social posts – there’s limited room
for humour and non-verbal signals such as a raised cheeky
eyebrow. Much can be lost in translation. Above all, be nice. Be
thoughtful. Be careful.
Formerly Digital Director at Top 20 PR
Agency Lexis PR, Michelle has over 14
years strategy communications
consultancy and implementation
experience. She was onthe
London 2012 PR contingency committee
and has been listed on Freshnetwork’s Top
20 social media speakers andexperts.
Ensure your brand is seen by customers searching for
the products or services you offer. These courses are
run by industry experts and will help put your brand in
front of the right people.
Search Engine optimisation: A Best Practice Guide
A whole new world
(of customers)
• SEOMarketing
• SEO, PPC and
International Strategy
• SEO:Applied On-
Page Optimisation
• SEO:Building BacklinksWorkshop
• Digital MediaPlanning
• Social Media PaidAdvertising
• NEW Programmatic
Kelvin Newman
SEO Building BacklinksWorkshop
Highly regarded in his field, Kelvin
created iTunes’ most popular podcast
(over a million downloads),
collaborating with Seth Godin and
Jakob Nielson.
He runs the hugely
oversubscribed BrightonSEO
conference and has written a
free book on link-building –
Becoming a Clockwork Pirate.
To find out more visit:
Join up the customer journey and bring internal teams
together. Technology and data have allowed marketers to
measure and frame the customer experience like never
The Real-Time customer Experience Report
Put customer experiencefirst
• Mobile Usability andUX
• Mobile Marketing
• Intensive: Mastering Customer
• Usability andUser Experience
• Personalisation: Enhancing
the CustomerExperience
• Creating Superior
Customer Experiences
• Usability and Persuasion
in Ecommerce
• Multichannel Marketing andthe
Customer Journey
• PersuasiveDesign
Usability and User
ExperienceChris is the Founder and Managing
Director for User Vision, a leading
user experience consultancy,
where he has worked with
organisations including BBC, Ikea
and Nokia. Chris is a recognised
leader in the user experience
community in the UK,and has
worked in usability, accessibility,
human computer interaction and
ergonomics forover 20 years.
To find out more
Enhancing the
Customer Experience
• Technology and data are
allowing marketers to create
beautifully contextualised
experiences for their
customers. And those
personalised experiences are
resulting in an increase in
customer lifetime value. Happy
customers = happy profit
Website Personalisation Buyer’s Guide
Make everything betterFrom incremental improvements to major changes, testing,
measurement and optimisation is key. These courses are ideal
for those who want to ensure their site is delivering growth.
conversion Rate optimizationreport
• Google Analytics: Optimising
your Site – Advanced
• Ecommerce and OnlineRetailing
– Two Day Workshop
• Online Merchandising –
Selling in theDigital
• Usability and Persuasionin
• PersuasiveDesign
• Usability andUser Experience
• Conversion Optimisation –
How to Deliver Digital
Usability and Conversion
Paul is regarded as one of the top
experts on conversion
optimisation and usability. He
started PRWD, a specialist CRO
and UX agency 10 years ago
after spending 7 years working in
usability and customer
experience at the UK’s largest
home shopping business, Shop
Direct Group.
To find out more visit:
Increased complexity in paths to purchase and an
embarrassment of riches when it comes to data, it’s no
surprise marketers find getting meaningful insights a
challenge. These courses will help you unravel the numbers
and apply your findings effectively.
The Promise of First-Party Data report
Understand and
• Intensive: Mastering Analytics
• Web Measurement andAnalytics
• GoogleAnalytics
• Google Analytics: Optimising
Your Site – Advanced
• NEW [Big] Data-Driven
Marketing: How to Get it Right
To find out more
Meet Andrew HoodTell us a bit about your background and career so far.
I had a fairly heady introduction to the world of digitalduring
the dot com boom/bust in the late 1990s when everyone
was making it up as they went along. I ended up running
the technology behind what became the largest global
hotel booking website at the time, and from that got into
building analytics tools. I spun out one of those tools into a
startup business (Lynchpin), evolved that to a consultancy
and have been running that for the past 10 years. I’ve
been an Econsultancy trainer for 8 years now.
Any cringey mistakes you’ve made at work that you’d
care to share with us? What did you learn from them?
My first business ended up competing directly against Google
with an analytics product we’d developed, and Google started
giving it away for free! That wasn’t a lot of fun, but I learned a
lot about sales, marketing, product development under
pressure and I think what is now affectionately known as
“pivoting” (i.e. rebuilding the business from scratch as a
Do you have one fundamental piece of advice you would
give to anyone involved in measurement and analysis?
If so, what isit?
Asking the right question is often much, much harder than
pulling some data out or doing some sophisticated analysis,
but ultimately that starting point makes or breaks theanalytics
process. So focus on having clear objectives, asking the
right questions, being clear on the outcome you’re looking
for and don’t just dive in.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a trainer?
Finding out that it has had a long term positive impact on a
delegate’s role and/or career. It’s nice to get good feedback on
the day, but much better to bump into someone andfind out it’s
been helpful when they got back to the office.
There’s a lot of talk about data-driven marketing. What’s
your take on the relationship between data and
It’s the fundamental relationship underpinning a decent test
and learn approach: you need the data to prove if it works, and
the creativity to come up with ideas to test in the first place.The
challenge is staying robust with quantifying success while
being experimental with trying new ideas.
Intensive: Mastering
Andrew Hood cut his internet teeth in
1999, heading up technical
operations for the largest global hotel
website of the
dotcom boom, He is
currently Managing Director of Lynchpin,
helping clients including HSBC, Cartoon
Network, Tesco Bank, Dyson, and the
Government DigitalService.
Find out more information visit:
Subscribing to EconsultancyEconsultancy is the only business of its kind that bridges the gap between strategy
and action through a mix of research, training and events.
And an Econsultancy subscription provides access to an unrivalled raft of resources
that will enable you and your team to excel at digital.
Research reports
Browse our library of over 500 reports including best
practice guides, trend and innovation reports, digital
marketing templates, market data and survey reports.
Join regular webinar sessions that distil the mostimportant
developments, trends and innovations indigital.
Opportunities to discuss your most pressing concerns and
share ideas amongst cross-industry peers (always
Chatham House rules).
Explore hundreds of case studies from brands using
best practice to achieve great results.
Online, interactive learning modules covering fundamental
digital marketing knowledge, designed to let you learn at
your own pace.
To find out more: / / +44 (0)20 7269
Digital TransformationWe can guide you through the challenging
field of digital transformation, addressing
the big questions around structure and
staff, without forgetting the day-to-day best
practice that will fuel your success.
Whether you need to re-engineer every process and skillset,
or simply move to a new technology platform, we’ll work
closely with you to develop acompletely bespoke
programme, addressing:
- Strategy
- People
- Processes
- Technology
From limited tactical engagements to holistic, strategic
transformation, there’s a cost-effective digital
transformation programme perfect foryou.
To find out more about digital transformation, visit:
Training Course ListingAdvertising
•Digital Media Planning
•nEW Programmatic
•Social Media
Paid Advertising
•Content Marketing forWeb,
Mobile and Social Media
•Digital Content Strategy
•Editorial Planning and
Content Calendars
•Online Copywriting
•Online Copywriting –
•Video Marketing Strategy
•Creating Superior Customer
•Intensive: Mastering
Customer Experiences
•Mobile Usability and UX
•Multichannel Marketing and
the Customer Journey
•Personalisation – Enhancing
the Customer Experience
•Persuasive Design
•Usability and Persuasionin
•Usability and
User Experience
Data &Analytics
•Google Analytics
•Google Analytics:
Optimising Your Site–
Advanced Workshop
•Web Measurement and
•nEW [Big] Data-Driven
Marketing: How to Getit Right
•Conversion Optimisation –
How to Deliver DigitalGrowth
•Ecommerce and Online
Retailing – Two DayWorkshop
•Online Merchandising –
Selling in the Digital Age
•Usability and Persuasionin
Email &eCRM
•Email Marketing
•Email Marketing – Advanced
•Intensive: Mastering eCRM
•nEW MobileMarketing
•Mobile Usability and UX
Search Marketing
•Search Engine Optimisation
(SEO) Marketing
•SEO, PPC and Conversion:
International Strategy
•SEO: Applied On-Page
•SEO: Building Backlinks
•Fast Track Social Media
•nEW Intensive:Mastering
Social Media
•Social Media and OnlinePR
•Social Media and Online PR –
•nEW SocialMedia Customer
•Social Media
Paid Advertising
Strategy andOperations
•nEW AgileMarketing
•Coding for
•nEW Digital Trends and their
Business Applications
•Fast Track Digitalfor
•Fast Track Digital Marketing
•Fast Track Web Technology
•Mastering Digital Project
•Web Project Management –
Avoiding Disasters
How to
book a
courseYou can book
online by visiting:
/ knowhow
or if you have a
question, get in touch –
we’re happy tohelp.
• Call us:
+44 (0)20 3199 8473
• Email us:
• Book online:
Econsultancy has been at
the forefront of marketing and
ecommerce skills and insight longer
than anyone. Many of theworld’s most
successful companies turn to Econsultancy
resources – from our leading guides on
digital marketing best practice to our hugely
popular events, respected training programme
and for our capability assessments and digital
transformation programmes.
With a global network of experts in
marketing and ecommerce, Econsultancy
can help you accelerate towards digital
excellence, wherever you are on
your journey.
Google Tag
One day training
courseClassroom Courses
Book onto one of our classroom courses and we’ll teach you
the practical skills and tips you will be able to use every day.
Our training days are informal, engaging and involve a mix of
teaching, individual exercises, group exercises and Q&A
sessions. "The course was well
delivered and I got a lot
out of it which I can go
back and implement"
Since launching in 2012 Google Tag Manager
(GTM) has gained users faster than any other
tag management solution in history. And here’s
why. GTM is well-designed, offers powerful
functionality, ease of use and it’s free.
So it’s been a no-brainer for many
companies to make the transition.
Plus, the addition of an SLA for Tag
Manager 360 customers means
this is now a safe option, even for
the largest enterprise websites.
Book today by calling 0844 488
or email
If you’ve heard about GTM but don’t
know where to start, or if you’re
already using the tool but want to
learn more about its power and
potential for your business, then
this course will give you a
detailed overview of what you
need to know.
One day
Book today by calling 0844 488
or email
This course will help you
translate and dissect each part
of the GTMtool, including the
more advanced features
and functionality. Each trainer has
vast experience in the
implementation, management
and auditing of a number of GTM
accounts. So if you don’t already
have an account we will run
through the set up process.
Having basic knowledge of HTML
would be an advantage, but it’s
Atthe end of the day, you’ll come
away feeling confident in using
GTMand understand the
business benefits it brings in
regards to creating efficiency.
What we’ll
on› Introduction to a tag
manager. How itworks
› What you can implement and
how it affects to your current
marketing strategy and
› Tags, rules and variables in
› User interface
› User management
Google Analytics &Google Tag
Manager› Google Analytics tags (page
views, events, social
› Cross domain tracking
› Ecommerce
tracking for
Auto event
listeners› Clicks, link clicks andform
submit listeners
› Auto event listeners
› Auto event variables (element
class, element ID, element
URL and element text)
› Deploying the GTMauto event
› The GTMdata layer
configurations› Floodlight integration with
› Floodlight approval
processfor displaytags
› AdWords tags and
› Custom HTML tags to
implementany other script or
trackingDebugging andpublishing
› Manage versions in GTM
› Preview the implementation.
Debug possible errors or
› Push in live. Review to
guarantee accuratedata
Looking for a
private training
We offer totally flexible training
courses for any class size, on any
date, at any location and with the
content of your choice.
Surrey &
As well as providing
complimentary food and drink all
day, we also believe that what you
eat and drink when you learn is
important too. Our menus are well
known to improve brain capacity
concentration. But if chocolate
helps you learn, then we have that
too. Ourtrainers
Manyof our trainers are practitioners within
Jellyfish and work on real client accounts. We’ve
taken this approach as it ensures thatyour
teacher is current, knows their stuff and are
teaching you the things thatmade us successful.
Wehave comfortable and modern
facilities with the latest tech to
ensure the optimum learning
experience. Wealso run our courses
in our offices, so expect to get a
taste of real agency life while you’re
Book today by calling 0844 488
or email
Aswe're on the 22ndfloor in The Shard
then there maybe a photo opportunityortwo:-)
What to expect
We take our training
courses seriously and
understand how
important it is for you
to get the most out
of your day.
entire team. Many clients also find
purchasing credits in advance can be
an effective way to allocate training
budget for the year ahead.
three training venues (London,
Brighton or Reigate) and are valid
for any staff member to redeem, any
time within a twelve month period
Book today by calling 0844 488
or email
The more you buy, the more you
Our Corporate training
packages offer the perfect
flexible training solution for
businesses looking to train
larger numbers of employees
or developing
skills across multiple disciplines. £499PP £375PP
A flexible way to train your team
It’s a great way to provide flexible training at Credits can be redeemed against
any ofour
a time and location that works best for your scheduled courses running at
any ofour
TheShardThis is our prestigious
flagship training facility in
the iconic Shard right next
to London Bridge Station
and BoroughMarket.
Street London,SE1
ReigateGeta taste of agency life at
our Reigate office, just a
five minute walk from
Reigate station and close
toa NCP car park.
House 31
BrightonOur Brighton office is
conveniently located in the
popular area of the city,
within walking distanceof
the train station and NCP
Book today by calling 0844 488
or email

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Plan a Digital Analytics Training Strategy for an Analytics Agency

  • 1. Digital Analytics Training Program Strategy Describe how would you develop a training curriculum for a GACP Agency to teach Digital Analytics strategy, GA implementation, reporting process and analysis best practices to clients with various levels of expertise? Please share details and your approach.
  • 2. Background Company GACP. Target Audience - Analytics Consultants Levels - Various (Junior, Mid, experienced) Topics - Implementation - Reporting - Analysis
  • 4. • Market Research – Prices (Discount for Bulk purchases) – Product (KPIs, GA 101, GA 201, GA 301, GTM, DataStudio, BigQuery) – Place (inperson, online only, both) – Promotion (Adwords, refer a friend, partnership with conferences, GA blog) • USPs (expert teacher, free for GA premium users, free tag scanning voucher)
  • 5. Competitor research & Landing page Reviews
  • 8. Notes • Training Location & transport is Important • State the price on the landing page • Mention Discounts • Add Badges in footer • Add Testimonials • Add course structure • Add PDF how to sell this to your boss • Mention Target audiecne • Add video explaining course to landing page. this video should be from the teacher.
  • 9. SWOT• Strength – Existing Client Base – Cross-sell training to tag inspector users • Weaknesses – Time for teacher to learn slides – Time to create and prepare slides – Distance to travel – Partnerships reduce margin • Opportunities – Partnerships with Universities – Partnerships with DAA – Partnerships with Chambers of commerce – Partnerships with Conferences & WAW – Partnerships with Vendors (Google, Telium) – Affiliates and comparison sites • Threats – Google Academy, Google Squared, Google Garage. – Content Changes frequently – Lynda, Udemy, MeasureSchool, MarketMotive online competition – Publishing portals moving into onsite training (e.g. eConsultancy, SmartInsight)
  • 10. 3rd party Credentials • GACP approved • GTM certified • GA individual certified • Toastmaster • Training the Trainer by SerialTrainer7 • Presentation Skills by SerialTrainer7 • DAA certified
  • 11. Tactic: "Most Certified Agency" - All employees certified
  • 12. Web Analytics Exchange mentor 750 GA questions answered Tracking protection group Trainer Certifications Phil Pearce Senior Analytics Consultant
  • 14. ... I have author-ed a book on Amazon
  • 15. Video Explaining Course Examples
  • 16. Another Video Explaining Course
  • 17. Another Video Explaining Course
  • 20. Note on partner portal page... • Change image • Add 5 reviews
  • 21. Case Studies 1. Search Star: – Go Local 2. Cardinal Path: – Train the Trainer 3. MeasureSchool: – Videotize & Free Taster Course 4. JeffAnalytics – Podcast
  • 22. ROI 75 programs per year Avg 5 attendees $499 pp = $18,7125 per year (exc travel, room & trainer) Note: 6.25 programs per month
  • 25. Outreach Carl Sadecki Ex-Training Manager for JellyFish Penelope Bellegarde GA consultant & Ex-Graduate Trainer at PWC/Logan Todd Alasdair Wightman GA consultant & trainer Nikki Rae GA & SEO consultant & trainer Damion Brown Ex-econsultancy trainer and GACP in Australia Mike King Ex-Training Manager for SearchStar Courtney Hiles Ex-Cardinal Path organiser of Train the Trainer Jeff Sauer Digital Marketing Speaker, Teacher & Consultant. Julian Junemann oQy4xDw5mA
  • 26. Feedback from Outreach 1. Pitch & adjust the content level - by prequalifying users skill levels using anonymous form (as users will general over- estimate their skills level). 2. Twitter marketing on local training competitors is very effective for lead gen. 3. Try to find users who have had a bad training experience with a competitor.
  • 27. Importance of training Reviews & recommendations
  • 28. Phil is a Google Tag Manager guru. I worked with him on a complex implementation project for over 10 months and continued to be impressed by his GTM & GA skills. He provides creative solutions and is not shy about making recommendations or improvements that he believes will add value. Phil's expertise in Analytics and Google Tag Manager definitely make him a great resource to work with. Deeplaxmi Adke Director, Digital Analytics at National Geographic Society
  • 29. Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 From: Marcela Leon To: Phil Hi Phil, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you for all the work you did in setting ACRP up with GTM and Ecommerce tracking. Tracking has been amazing and I love seeing the data come through clean! As I mentioned to you in our early conversations, we’re undergoing a website redesign that’s scheduled for end of Sept - early Oct. During this time, eweb (ecommerce) has also been getting a facelift and going back to baseline. I wanted to bring these two projects back up to you in hopes that I can have some of your time as we get closer to launch to ensure GTM is still working appropriately and since our new website will be reactive to ensure we have mobile GA implemented, if needed. Another project, down the line, that I’m hoping to work with you on is to ensure all our platforms (external) can track ecommerce as well. I want to ensure we get a full picture of where our revenue is coming from. Thanks again and take care Marcela P.S. I also referred you to a colleague of mine, I’ve spoken highly of you and he was interested in your information. Marcela León Manager, Digital & Web Content Association of Clinical Research Professionals I wanted to thank you for all the work you did in setting ACRP up with GTM and Ecommerce tracking. Tracking has been amazing and I love seeing the data come through clean!
  • 30. Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 From: Neil Dickson To: 'Phil' You too! Happy New Year! Neil Dickson | SEO Manager LinkedIn: londonseoconsultant Twitter: NeilDicksonDM From: Phil Sent: 31 December 2014 To: Neil Dickson Hi Neil, Ok, that makes sense! * Yes, I have done alot of tiding-up in the GA and GTM account & I am very keen for it to stay "well maintained". * I agree governance is needed for checking of Custom HTML and ensuring good processes when publishing to live. * The project is "all done" but... I made some refinement having checked the processed GA data, hence the GTM changes. Have a great new year :) Thanks Phil. I hired Phil in December 2014 to audit Marie Curie's Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager implementations. He did everything in the brief and more' in an incredibly quick time with very short notice. He also provided pro bono support after project closure. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Phil for GTM & GA implementations.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 36. How to Create an Effective Training Program 1. Perform a Training Needs Assessment. 2. Keep Adult Learning Principles in Mind. 3. Develop Learning Objectives. 4. Design Training Materials. 5. Develop Your Training Materials. 6. Implement the Training. 7. Evaluate the Training 8. Rinse, Repeat & Refine
  • 37. Planning a Training Session Workshop
  • 38. Planning Objectives • By the end of this session, you will: – Understand how to plan a training session – Know what elements should be included in a training plan – Know the difference between a learning objective & learning outcome – Build measurement into your training plan
  • 39. Building a Training Program • Assess • Design • Develop • Implement • Evaluate
  • 40. Pre-Assessment • What do you need to know? – Who are you training? – The existing knowledge of training participants – Identify the gaps in what they know and what they need to know – How the training will help them accomplish their work – The type of training or job-related training they have already experienced
  • 41. Pre-assessment methods • Needs assessment analysis – E.g. Pre-assessment questionnaire Discuss in pairs, 3 minutes – what other ways could you collect data?
  • 42. Training Program - Design • Primary questions – What do I want learners to be able to do as a result of this training program? • Learning Objectives / Outcomes – What methods will I use to assist them to reach this level of performance and knowledge? • E.g. activities – What resources will be used to deliver this training program? – How will this training be structured overall?
  • 43. Training Session - Structure • Starter – Normally 1-3 minutes – Introduction • Learning Objectives / Outcomes • Main Activity • Plenary – Assessment for Learning (Measurement)
  • 44. Learning Outcomes • Learning outcomes are the framework of a training plan • Identify what students will be able to do as a result of participating in the training programme – For example: ‘Students in this workshop will be able to:..and demonstrate the following behaviours…’ • Explicit, concise, precise defined statements • Clearly identify the expected behaviour outcome(s)
  • 45. Guidelines for Developing LOs • Learning outcomes should include the following components: – Results/outcome oriented – Measurable – Focused on only major job-related tasks – Behavioral statements (e.g., not just knowing or understanding something but demonstrating that they know it and understand it) – Specific and precise about what they are to be able to do – Clearly stated, no clutter “As a result of participating in this workshop, learners will be able to explain to students in a clear manner how to use the Harvard Referencing Standard to cite journal references”
  • 46. Types of Learning Outcomes • Three major domains of learning: – Attitudinal Learning: Outcomes that aim to change or enhance a learner’s attitude or motivation about a subject. Changing a learner’s attitude about the quality of information found in Wikipedia – Cognitive Learning: Outcomes that aim to contribute to a learner’s body of knowledge about a topic. Providing statistics that show an increase in the targeted use of HINARI – Skill Learning: Outcomes that aim to help a learner perform a job-related, behavioral task. Training a learner to talk easily about the similarities and differences between databases
  • 47. Group Activity: SMART Objectives • In pairs, review a lesson plan that you have already delivered (10 minutes) – Are they SMART objectives • Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Realistic • Time-bound – How could you make them SMARTer?
  • 48. Selecting Learning Experiences • Determine what learning activities (strategies) are most effective and practical in the training context • Consider activities that cover a range of learning styles – Interactive Lecturette: – Class Discussion: – Small Group Exercises: 4-6 people – Two & Three-person Exercises – Case Studies
  • 49. Example Learning Experiences – Interactive Lecturette: – Class Discussion: – Small Group Exercises: 4-6 people – Two & Three-person Exercises – Case Studies – Role-playing – Simulations – Games – Surveys – Quizzes – Short Writing Exercises – Observations – Hands-on Work in Field
  • 50. Selecting Training Resources • Several kinds of training resources need to be identified: – Content Experts: Available/willing to assist in development of training? – Trainer(s): Available? Relevant experience? Cost? – Materials: Books, pens, manuals, equipment, name cards, food, etc. – Time: How long? Training delivered across several months or concentrated in a few days? – Multi-part training? When are learners available?
  • 51. Developing training materials • Developing Materials • Training materials should be: – Easy to understand – Economically produced – Relevant to one or more learning outcomes. – Contribute as a secondary source of information and not act as the primary source – Complement the learning experiences in which learners are engaging
  • 52. Developing training materials – Include as much practical, direct job-based information as possible. – Describe process-oriented tasks in a step-by step format, free of extraneous detail. – Include illustrative examples that support text- based information – Minimal - students will use them primarily as a reference.
  • 53. Implement • Primary questions to answer when delivering training: – Is the trainer prepared to facilitate the learning experiences in an engaging manner? – Have the appropriate training materials been developed? – Have questions been developed to challenge learners and debrief the learning experience?
  • 54. Engaging Learners • Ten Steps to being positively engaging: – Ask learners what they want to learn from the training, and then list them. – Probe learners with questions frequently; interactivity should be an primary characteristic of the training. – Encourage application of material by providing examples, posing job-based problems, and asking learners to consider how they might apply what they are learning.
  • 55. Engaging Learners (2) – Quiz and give feedback in a nonthreatening way. – Start with questions instead of with providing information (talking ‘at’ students) – Pose alternative, thought-provoking questions and scenarios to get students to critique and question and get beyond the obvious. – Start with what learners know to empower them and identify what to build on. – Use both visual and aural (hearing) modes of learning.
  • 56. Engaging Learner (3) – Use organizing techniques (e.g., ‘Okay, we’ve just that let’s move to...)that help learners keep track of where they are and what they’ve learned. – Use humor and stories to enhance content and maintain learner motivation. Deming, B., Ten Steps to being Positively Engaging, Training and Development, January 2001, pp. 18-19.
  • 57. Questioning • Questions compel students to consider the information they are learning. They serve several learning purposes – Explaining: Asks students to explain their responses or poses a question that asks for elaboration. – Problem solving: Poses problems for students to answer. – Debriefing: After a class exercise or field study event, allows students to consider what they have experienced.
  • 58. Questioning (2) • Predicting: Presents job-related, realistic hypothetical situations for students to consider. Hyman, R., ‘Discussing Strategies and Tactics,’ Questions, Questioning Techniques, and Effective Teaching (ed. W. Wilen), 1987, Washington, DC: national Education Association pp. 138-139
  • 59. Feedback • Provide feedback on the learning experiences in which you just participated. – Was the learning experience engaging? – Was it appropriately interactive? – Was there a balance of instructor and student provided information? – Were questions posed that challenged students? – Did it help students meet the stated outcome? – Was it completed in a timely manner?
  • 60. Evaluation • Primary questions to answer when evaluating training: – How can you assess if the learning outcomes are being addressed adequately during the development and delivery of training? – How can you evaluate the effectiveness of a training program immediately after the delivery of training? – How can you evaluate whether the learning from the training is being applied in a work setting after students complete a training program?
  • 61. When to evaluate? • Evaluation of training can be separated into two primary categories: – Formative: Occurs while the training is being designed, developed, and delivered. – Summative: Usually completed immediately after training is conducted to evaluate the extent to which learners enjoyed and believed they received valuable learning. Can also be conducted over the course of weeks or months after training.
  • 62. Evaluation Methods: Formative • There are several ways to evaluate the effectiveness of training during design, development, and delivery. – Needs Assessment Analysis – Content Expert Evaluation – Beta Test of Training / Pilot Testing – Pre and Post Training Questionnaire – Trainer Assessment – Student Questionnaire – Class Interview
  • 63. Evaluation Methods: Summative • There are several ways to evaluate the effectiveness of training after a training has been conducted. – In-class Questionnaires – Post Training Questionnaires – Post Training Debrief – Interviews – Journals – Observations
  • 64. Questions to Consider • When considering formative and summative evaluation methods for your own training program: – What kinds of evaluation are likely to be easiest to implement? Most difficult? – What kind of evaluation are learners most likely to respond to? Least likely? – What logistical issues do the various forms of evaluation pose for trainers and learners?
  • 65. Developing a Lesson Plan • A session or lesson plan is a map that outlines the design of your training programme • In your group, identify the elements of a lesson plan, (20 mins) – What components of a lesson plan MUST be present? – Brainstorm and present your lesson plan template to the group
  • 66. Planning Exercise – 20 minutes • Begin to develop a lesson plan for the presentation assignment – Write a statement for this learning outcome – Consider timings – Measurement techniques (AfL) – What is missing? – How could it be improved?
  • 67. Have a question? Phone: +44 (0)20 3199 8473 Digital training from the experts Econsultancy training: Spring 2016
  • 68. Get up to speed on the digital fundamentals. These popular courses cover all the essentials to help you succeed in the digital space. • Fast Track DigitalMarketing • Fast Track Digital forCreatives • Digital ContentStrategy • Fast Track SocialMedia • OnlineCopywriting REcommEnDED READInG: 100+ Practical content marketing Tips: A how-to guide for editors, writers and content creators Kick off your traininghere To find out more training
  • 69. From defining your strategy to ensuring the rest of your team is on board, these courses will help you build your brand and your customer base. • Digital ContentStrategy • Editorial Planning and ContentCalendars • Content Marketing for Web, Mobile and Social Media • OnlineCopywriting • Online Copywriting –Advanced • Video MarketingStrategy REcommEnDED READInG: Implementing content Strategy: Digital Best Practice Guide Inspire, inform and entertain To find out more visit:
  • 70. Meet Tim Fidgeon Trainer for content, online copywriting and mobile marketing courses Tell us about your career so far. I’m fascinated by how people think. In the 90s, digital emerged and clearly had the potential to change everything – marketing, commerce and inter-personal communications. So, I studied Human-Computer Interaction (MSc) and joined the fun. Overan exciting career, I have worked both client-side and agency-side. My goal is to keep learning about the relationships between audiences, technologies and business. Do you have any unspoken rules you work to when dealing with digital content? I always imagine that I’m trying to explain something to mymum! Do you have any work mistakes you’ve made that make you cringe? I once argued for ‘my idea’ in a meeting and was told that we were looking for the ‘best idea’ and that holding onto my ego was a mistake. They were right. What do you think makes for a great training experience for your trainingdelegates? Interactive exercises. Practical guidelines. Real-world research. Discussion of personal examples. Developing an Action Plan that delegates can take back to the office. What’s the biggest mistake someone can make with their online copy? The biggest mistake is to think that you know everything and to stop listening and experimenting. Why is digital content and great online copy so important? Content is the salesman, it closes the deal – everything else just gets you into theroom. Tim Fidgeon Online copywriting and content marketing Tim Fidgeon has been helping companies develop market-leading digital strategies, experiences and content since the late 90s. He is now a freelance trainer and consultant working with many brands including Coca-Cola, Sony, Vodafone and GeneralMotors.
  • 71. Connect with your customers and develop profitable, long- term relationships. From email to social media, these courses will help makeyour communications count. REcommEnDED READInG: Voice of the customer: Listen, measure, Act report Build your customer base • Social Media & OnlinePR • Social Media & Online PR–B2B • Fast Track SocialMedia • Online CommunityManagement • Email Marketing • Email Marketing –Advanced • eCRM • Intensive: Mastering eCRM • NEW Social Media Customer Service • NEW Intensive: MasteringSocial Media To find out more visit:
  • 72. HighlightedCourse Video Marketing Strategy People are no longer simply consuming video, they’re using it to communicate with each other. So says Digby Lewis, Buzzfeed’s director of brand strategy for Europe. And shareability forms part of the measure for success. Econsultancy’s Video Marketing Strategy training course outlines the finely tuned balance between strategy, content and technology that all play a role in ensuring the maximum return onvideo. Over the course of the day, you’ll be immersed in the world of video, hearing from a seasoned expert and having an opportunity to ask plenty of questions. You’ll benefit from practical, best practice advice around creating an online video strategy, producing a video brief, optimising your content and developing your own creative. Explore YouTube and other platforms, understand media buying and get to grips with blogger outreach. You’ll also gain a solid understanding of testing and measurement. This course will arm you with the techniques you need to make video a central part of your marketing and content activity. REcommEnDED READInG: How to go Viral report To find out more visit:
  • 73. From understanding the technicalities to taking inspiration from the way digital teams are run, these courses will set you up to achieve great things. • Coding for DigitalProfessionals • Fast Track WebTechnology • NEW Agile Marketing • NEW Digital Trends and their Business Applications REcommEnDED READInG: A marketer’s Guide to the Internet of Things Understand digital, inside-out Mike Baxter Coding and web technology Mike was a Professor of Design and Communication before setting up his own consultancy, applying his in- depth knowledge of web technologies and working with technology teams to manage the delivery of marketing and business objectives. Mike’s client list includes Argos, Google, Avis and Skype. To find out more
  • 74. Meet Michelle Goodall • Tell us a bit about your background and career so far. • I started off in digital 17 years ago and the agency I worked in did SEO, linkbuilding and PR campaign executions. We did a lot of digital ‘firsts’ – the first webchats in the UK, the first live • internet TV broadcast How do you like to run your training courses? And what do you think helps delegates to get the most out of them? I run them in a consultative way, bringing out as much talent and knowledge as I can in the room, so delegates get the opportunity to learn not just from me, but from others. I like to have fun, but I promise no cheesy ice-breakers or mime/puppet- led exercises… Do you have a ‘golden rule’ when it comes to social media? And if so, what is it? My advice if you are annoyed or angered by a social media post, is walk awayfrom your laptop or phone….never respond in anger orimmediately. So many things are missed in social posts – there’s limited room for humour and non-verbal signals such as a raised cheeky eyebrow. Much can be lost in translation. Above all, be nice. Be thoughtful. Be careful. Michelle Goodall Socialmedia Formerly Digital Director at Top 20 PR Agency Lexis PR, Michelle has over 14 years strategy communications consultancy and implementation experience. She was onthe London 2012 PR contingency committee and has been listed on Freshnetwork’s Top 20 social media speakers andexperts.
  • 75. Ensure your brand is seen by customers searching for the products or services you offer. These courses are run by industry experts and will help put your brand in front of the right people. REcommEnDED READInG: Search Engine optimisation: A Best Practice Guide A whole new world (of customers) • SEOMarketing • SEO, PPC and Conversion: International Strategy • SEO:Applied On- Page Optimisation • SEO:Building BacklinksWorkshop • PPC • Digital MediaPlanning • Social Media PaidAdvertising • NEW Programmatic Kelvin Newman SEO Building BacklinksWorkshop Highly regarded in his field, Kelvin created iTunes’ most popular podcast (over a million downloads), collaborating with Seth Godin and Jakob Nielson. He runs the hugely oversubscribed BrightonSEO conference and has written a free book on link-building – Becoming a Clockwork Pirate. To find out more visit:
  • 76. Join up the customer journey and bring internal teams together. Technology and data have allowed marketers to measure and frame the customer experience like never before. REcommEnDED READInG: The Real-Time customer Experience Report Put customer experiencefirst • Mobile Usability andUX • Mobile Marketing • Intensive: Mastering Customer Experiences • Usability andUser Experience • Personalisation: Enhancing the CustomerExperience • Creating Superior Customer Experiences • Usability and Persuasion in Ecommerce • Multichannel Marketing andthe Customer Journey • PersuasiveDesign Chris Rourke Usability and User ExperienceChris is the Founder and Managing Director for User Vision, a leading user experience consultancy, where he has worked with organisations including BBC, Ikea and Nokia. Chris is a recognised leader in the user experience community in the UK,and has worked in usability, accessibility, human computer interaction and ergonomics forover 20 years. To find out more cx
  • 77. HighlightedCourse experience Personalisation: Enhancing the Customer Experience • Technology and data are allowing marketers to create beautifully contextualised experiences for their customers. And those personalised experiences are resulting in an increase in customer lifetime value. Happy customers = happy profit margins. REcommEnDED READInG: Website Personalisation Buyer’s Guide
  • 78. Make everything betterFrom incremental improvements to major changes, testing, measurement and optimisation is key. These courses are ideal for those who want to ensure their site is delivering growth. REcommEnDED READInG: conversion Rate optimizationreport • Google Analytics: Optimising your Site – Advanced Workshop • Ecommerce and OnlineRetailing – Two Day Workshop • Online Merchandising – Selling in theDigital Age • Usability and Persuasionin Ecommerce • PersuasiveDesign • Usability andUser Experience • Conversion Optimisation – How to Deliver Digital Growth PaulRouke Usability and Conversion Optimisation Paul is regarded as one of the top experts on conversion optimisation and usability. He started PRWD, a specialist CRO and UX agency 10 years ago after spending 7 years working in usability and customer experience at the UK’s largest home shopping business, Shop Direct Group. r To find out more visit:
  • 79. Increased complexity in paths to purchase and an embarrassment of riches when it comes to data, it’s no surprise marketers find getting meaningful insights a challenge. These courses will help you unravel the numbers and apply your findings effectively. REcommEnDED READInG: The Promise of First-Party Data report Understand and improve • Intensive: Mastering Analytics • Web Measurement andAnalytics • GoogleAnalytics • Google Analytics: Optimising Your Site – Advanced Workshop • NEW [Big] Data-Driven Marketing: How to Get it Right To find out more analyse
  • 80. Meet Andrew HoodTell us a bit about your background and career so far. I had a fairly heady introduction to the world of digitalduring the dot com boom/bust in the late 1990s when everyone was making it up as they went along. I ended up running the technology behind what became the largest global hotel booking website at the time, and from that got into building analytics tools. I spun out one of those tools into a startup business (Lynchpin), evolved that to a consultancy and have been running that for the past 10 years. I’ve been an Econsultancy trainer for 8 years now. Any cringey mistakes you’ve made at work that you’d care to share with us? What did you learn from them? My first business ended up competing directly against Google with an analytics product we’d developed, and Google started giving it away for free! That wasn’t a lot of fun, but I learned a lot about sales, marketing, product development under pressure and I think what is now affectionately known as “pivoting” (i.e. rebuilding the business from scratch as a consultancy!). Do you have one fundamental piece of advice you would give to anyone involved in measurement and analysis? If so, what isit? Asking the right question is often much, much harder than pulling some data out or doing some sophisticated analysis, but ultimately that starting point makes or breaks theanalytics process. So focus on having clear objectives, asking the right questions, being clear on the outcome you’re looking for and don’t just dive in. What’s the most rewarding thing about being a trainer? Finding out that it has had a long term positive impact on a delegate’s role and/or career. It’s nice to get good feedback on the day, but much better to bump into someone andfind out it’s been helpful when they got back to the office. There’s a lot of talk about data-driven marketing. What’s your take on the relationship between data and creativity? It’s the fundamental relationship underpinning a decent test and learn approach: you need the data to prove if it works, and the creativity to come up with ideas to test in the first place.The challenge is staying robust with quantifying success while being experimental with trying new ideas. AndrewHood Intensive: Mastering Analytics Andrew Hood cut his internet teeth in 1999, heading up technical operations for the largest global hotel website of the dotcom boom, He is currently Managing Director of Lynchpin, helping clients including HSBC, Cartoon Network, Tesco Bank, Dyson, and the Government DigitalService.
  • 81. Find out more information visit: Subscribing to EconsultancyEconsultancy is the only business of its kind that bridges the gap between strategy and action through a mix of research, training and events. And an Econsultancy subscription provides access to an unrivalled raft of resources that will enable you and your team to excel at digital. Research reports Browse our library of over 500 reports including best practice guides, trend and innovation reports, digital marketing templates, market data and survey reports. Webinars Join regular webinar sessions that distil the mostimportant developments, trends and innovations indigital. Roundtables Opportunities to discuss your most pressing concerns and share ideas amongst cross-industry peers (always Chatham House rules). Casestudies Explore hundreds of case studies from brands using best practice to achieve great results. Elearning Online, interactive learning modules covering fundamental digital marketing knowledge, designed to let you learn at your own pace. To find out more: / / +44 (0)20 7269 1450
  • 82. Digital TransformationWe can guide you through the challenging field of digital transformation, addressing the big questions around structure and staff, without forgetting the day-to-day best practice that will fuel your success. Whether you need to re-engineer every process and skillset, or simply move to a new technology platform, we’ll work closely with you to develop acompletely bespoke programme, addressing: - Strategy - People - Processes - Technology From limited tactical engagements to holistic, strategic transformation, there’s a cost-effective digital transformation programme perfect foryou. To find out more about digital transformation, visit:
  • 83. Training Course ListingAdvertising •Digital Media Planning •nEW Programmatic •Social Media Paid Advertising Content •Content Marketing forWeb, Mobile and Social Media •Digital Content Strategy •Editorial Planning and Content Calendars •Online Copywriting •Online Copywriting – Advanced •Video Marketing Strategy CustomerExperience •Creating Superior Customer Experiences •Intensive: Mastering Customer Experiences •Mobile Usability and UX •Multichannel Marketing and the Customer Journey •Personalisation – Enhancing the Customer Experience •Persuasive Design •Usability and Persuasionin Ecommerce •Usability and User Experience Data &Analytics •Google Analytics •Google Analytics: Optimising Your Site– Advanced Workshop •Intensive: Mastering Analytics •Web Measurement and Analytics •nEW [Big] Data-Driven Marketing: How to Getit Right Ecommerce •Conversion Optimisation – How to Deliver DigitalGrowth •Ecommerce and Online Retailing – Two DayWorkshop •Online Merchandising – Selling in the Digital Age •Usability and Persuasionin Ecommerce Email &eCRM •eCRM •Email Marketing •Email Marketing – Advanced •Intensive: Mastering eCRM Mobile •nEW MobileMarketing •Mobile Usability and UX Search Marketing •PPC •Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Marketing •SEO, PPC and Conversion: International Strategy •SEO: Applied On-Page Optimisation •SEO: Building Backlinks Workshop Social •Fast Track Social Media •nEW Intensive:Mastering Social Media •Online Community Management •Social Media and OnlinePR •Social Media and Online PR – B2B •nEW SocialMedia Customer Service •Social Media Paid Advertising Strategy andOperations •nEW AgileMarketing •Coding for Digital Professionals •nEW Digital Trends and their Business Applications •Fast Track Digitalfor Creatives •Fast Track Digital Marketing •Fast Track Web Technology •Mastering Digital Project Management •Web Project Management – Avoiding Disasters
  • 84. How to book a courseYou can book online by visiting: / knowhow or if you have a question, get in touch – we’re happy tohelp. • Call us: +44 (0)20 3199 8473 • Email us: m • Book online: m Econsultancy has been at the forefront of marketing and ecommerce skills and insight longer than anyone. Many of theworld’s most successful companies turn to Econsultancy resources – from our leading guides on digital marketing best practice to our hugely popular events, respected training programme and for our capability assessments and digital transformation programmes. With a global network of experts in marketing and ecommerce, Econsultancy can help you accelerate towards digital excellence, wherever you are on your journey.
  • 85. Google Tag Manager One day training courseClassroom Courses
  • 86. Book onto one of our classroom courses and we’ll teach you the practical skills and tips you will be able to use every day. Our training days are informal, engaging and involve a mix of teaching, individual exercises, group exercises and Q&A sessions. "The course was well delivered and I got a lot out of it which I can go back and implement" Since launching in 2012 Google Tag Manager (GTM) has gained users faster than any other tag management solution in history. And here’s why. GTM is well-designed, offers powerful functionality, ease of use and it’s free. So it’s been a no-brainer for many companies to make the transition. Plus, the addition of an SLA for Tag Manager 360 customers means this is now a safe option, even for the largest enterprise websites. Introduction Book today by calling 0844 488 3775 or email
  • 87. If you’ve heard about GTM but don’t know where to start, or if you’re already using the tool but want to learn more about its power and potential for your business, then this course will give you a detailed overview of what you need to know. Google Tag Manager One day course Onedaycourse Book today by calling 0844 488 3775 or email The course This course will help you translate and dissect each part of the GTMtool, including the more advanced features and functionality. Each trainer has vast experience in the implementation, management and auditing of a number of GTM accounts. So if you don’t already have an account we will run through the set up process. Having basic knowledge of HTML would be an advantage, but it’s notmandatory. Atthe end of the day, you’ll come away feeling confident in using GTMand understand the business benefits it brings in regards to creating efficiency. What we’ll cover Introducti on› Introduction to a tag manager. How itworks › What you can implement and how it affects to your current marketing strategy and implementation › Tags, rules and variables in GTM › User interface › User management Google Analytics &Google Tag Manager› Google Analytics tags (page views, events, social tracking) › Cross domain tracking › Ecommerce tracking for GoogleAnalytics Auto event listeners› Clicks, link clicks andform submit listeners › Auto event listeners › Auto event variables (element class, element ID, element URL and element text) › Deploying the GTMauto event listeners › The GTMdata layer Additional configurations› Floodlight integration with GTM › Floodlight approval processfor displaytags › AdWords tags and implementation › Custom HTML tags to implementany other script or trackingDebugging andpublishing › Manage versions in GTM › Preview the implementation. Debug possible errors or issues › Push in live. Review to guarantee accuratedata Looking for a private training course? We offer totally flexible training courses for any class size, on any date, at any location and with the content of your choice. £499+ VAT 1Day Classroom Course London, Surrey & Sussex
  • 88. Brainfood As well as providing complimentary food and drink all day, we also believe that what you eat and drink when you learn is important too. Our menus are well known to improve brain capacity and concentration. But if chocolate helps you learn, then we have that too. Ourtrainers Manyof our trainers are practitioners within Jellyfish and work on real client accounts. We’ve taken this approach as it ensures thatyour teacher is current, knows their stuff and are teaching you the things thatmade us successful. Ourfacilities Wehave comfortable and modern facilities with the latest tech to ensure the optimum learning experience. Wealso run our courses in our offices, so expect to get a taste of real agency life while you’re withus! 10:00 Session 1 11:30 Break 11:45 Session 2 13:0 0 Lunc h 13:45 Session 3 15:30 Break 15:45 Session 4 17:0 0 Finis h A M P M Your itinerary YourDay Book today by calling 0844 488 3775 or email Aswe're on the 22ndfloor in The Shard then there maybe a photo opportunityortwo:-) What to expect We take our training courses seriously and understand how important it is for you to get the most out of your day.
  • 89. CorporateCreditsPackage CorporateCredits entire team. Many clients also find purchasing credits in advance can be an effective way to allocate training budget for the year ahead. three training venues (London, Brighton or Reigate) and are valid for any staff member to redeem, any time within a twelve month period frompurchase. £350 PP SAVE 30% £250 PP SAVE 50% 1 FULL DAY COURSE 10 COURSE CREDITS Book today by calling 0844 488 3775 or email The more you buy, the more you save Our Corporate training packages offer the perfect flexible training solution for businesses looking to train larger numbers of employees or developing skills across multiple disciplines. £499PP £375PP SAVE25% A flexible way to train your team 20COURSE 100COURSE It’s a great way to provide flexible training at Credits can be redeemed against any ofour CREDITS CREDITS a time and location that works best for your scheduled courses running at any ofour
  • 90. ThreeGreatLocations! Londo n TheShardThis is our prestigious flagship training facility in the iconic Shard right next to London Bridge Station and BoroughMarket. 22nd Floor The Shard 32LondonBridge Street London,SE1 9SG Surre y ReigateGeta taste of agency life at our Reigate office, just a five minute walk from Reigate station and close toa NCP car park. Jellyfish House 31 LondonRoad Reigate Surrey,RH2 9SS Susse x BrightonOur Brighton office is conveniently located in the popular area of the city, within walking distanceof the train station and NCP parking. Sovereign House Church Street Brighton EastSussex,BN1 1UJ Book today by calling 0844 488 3775 or email