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Grand Conversations, Thoughtful
Responses with Indigenous Texts
PITA	Spring	conference	
Faye	Brownlie	
April	27,	2018	
There is great success in engaging
students with text and conversation
using literature circles
Literature Circles
Within these groupings,
are never
read at
their own
engage in
keep journals
about readings
and conversations
are taught
Day 1: Introduction of book conversations	
•	Model	and	practice	with	poems	
or	short	texts	
•	Ask	the	students:	
“What comes to mind when you
read this?
Telford and Brookes
A.E. Perry Elementary, Kamloops
•  Self-assessment	rubric
Small Group Discussion: Fishbowl
•  Model	‘say	something’	with	the	whole	class	
•  Select	a	diverse	group	of	student	volunteers	to	volunteer	to	
‘say	something’	to	another	piece	of	text	
•  Remaining	students	observe	and	record	‘what	works’	in	the	
•  Collect	the	observaNons	
•  Group	for	criteria	for	a	group	discussion	
•  Givens:	
–  All	voices	are	included	
–  The	conversaNon	change,	deepens,	extends	my	thinking	
•  Students	reflect:	what	you	should	have	noNced	about	my	
parNcipaNon	today
Criteria for an effective group discussion:
•all voices must be included
•everyone must feel included
•everyone’s ideas are respected
•the discussion moves us to new understandings
Building Background Knowledge:
•  Present	an	image	to	the	class	
•  See-think-wonder	
•  In	groups,	students	examine	different	images	and	
apply	the	same	strategy:		see-think-wonder	
•  Students	can	provide	a	capNon	for	their	image.	
•  Share	images	and	capNons.	
•  Students	write	‘the	story	behind	the	pictures’
Building Background Knowledge:
turn and talk
•  Present	an	image	or	a	quote	or	a	few	frames	from	
a	graphic	novel	to	the	class	
•  Turn	and	talk	
•  In	partners,	students	examine	different	images	or	
frames	and	apply	the	same	strategy:		turn	and	
•  Link	the	images	or	the	frames	
•  Students	write	‘the	story	behind	the	pictures’
Day 2: Start with the books	
•	choose	5	or	6	books	with	
multiple	copies	
•	choose	books	that	cover	a	wide	
range	of	reader	interest	and	level	
of	difficulty	
•	choose	books	that	lead	to	
further	reading	(series,	author)
Day 2: Introduce the books	
•	read	an	excerpt	
•	describe	the	kind	of	reader	who	might	
enjoy	this	
•	Describe	the	font,	text	features	etc.	
including	“notice	that’s”	
Start Reading!!!
Students choose 2 texts each.
(One as a back up)
Day 3: Meet with the groups	
•	meet	with	a	group	who	are	reading	the	
same	book,	while	the	other	students	
continue	reading	
•	students	come	to	the	meeting	with	a	brief	
passage	prepared	to	read	aloud	
•	After	a	student	has	read,	others	respond	
about what they thought.
Response Writing
•  Building	background	knowledge	with	picture	
•  WriNng	in	front	of	students	
•  Double-sided	journal:	Quote	and	response	
•  Building	criteria	
•  Start	with	everyone	wriNng	at	the	same	Nme	and	
having	mini	wriNng	conferences	while	they	are	
•  Move	to	personally	choosing	when	to	respond	–	
perhaps	2	responses	/week
Teaching Response Writing
•  Model	the	wriNng	from	a	picture	book	or	a	previously	read	class	
•  Choose	your	quote	or	event.	
•  Write	this	and	your	thinking,	talking	aloud	about	the	decisions	you	
are	making	as	a	writer	and	thinker.	
•  Have	the	students	analyze	your	wriNng.		“What	worked	well?”	
•  Create	a	‘messy’	list	of	the	criteria	(what	worked	well).	
•  Students	write	their	response,	using	the	criteria.	
•  Circulate	as	the	students	are	wriNng,	giving	feedback	
–  What’s	working?	
–  What’s	not?	
–  What’s	next?	
–  Conference	with	ALL	students	and	use	this	Nme	to	acknowledge	what	
is	working	and	to	extend	thinking.
Aboriginal Leader Project, as
culmination to a literature circle
unit on residential schools
Catherine Feniak and Shelley
Steer, gr. 6/7, Lord Kitchener,
•  Goals:			
– use	Indigenous	novels	to	build	students’	
understanding	of	the	impact	of	residenNal	schools	
on	Canada’s	First	People	
– Increase	student	understanding	of	the	history	of	
First	Peoples	in	BriNsh	Columbia	
– Build	student	empathy	and	understanding	of	
Vancouver’s	First	People	
– Increase	inclusion	of	all	students	by	introducing	
visual	journals	and	small	group	discussions
•  Students	were	taught	how	to	keep	visual	
journals	in	response	to	Shin	Shin’s	Canoe	and	
Shi	Shi	Etco.		
•  Visual	journals	were	kept	as	response	to	class-
read	picture	books,	speakers,	field	trips,	and	
the	individual	novels	the	students	read.
•  Shi-shi-etko	–	Nicola	Campbell,	illustrator	–	
Kim	LaFave	–	read	and	wonder	
•  Recorded	individually	and	as	a	group,	with	
words	or	pictures	
•  Repeated	with	Sin-chi’s	Canoe	–	Nicola	
Campbell,	Illustrator	–	Kim	LaFave
Building Background Knowledge:
visual images and writing in role
•  Read	a	poem	to	the	students	
•  Invite	them	to	sketch	as	you	read	
•  Ager	reading	aloud	twice,	give	each	student	a	
copy	of	the	poem	to	reread	personally	
•  Gallery	walk	the	images	
•  Students	write	in	role	in	response	to	the	poem	
or	its	connecNon	to	the	theme	or	big	idea	of	
your	unit
TESTIMONY	Going	to	the	Dorm	–	
Shirley	M	Flowers	
My	mother	sits	by	the	window	crying	
Her	heart	is	breaking	
It’s	the	same	memory	every	fall	
The	plane	has	taken	her	children	away	
They	are	gone	for	all	winter	
It’s	<me	for	them	to	go	to	school	
School	is	ninety	miles	away	
We	will	not	see	them	again	for	ten	months	
In	the	spring	my	brothers	and	sisters	return	
The	plane	flies	overhead	
My	mother	is	running	and	crying	
She’s	crippled	but	she	can	run	today
I	hide	behind	my	mother’s	dress	
I’m	shy	
My	brothers	and	sisters	
are	strangers	
Soon	it	will	be	my	turn	to	go	
When	I	turn	twelve	or	thirteen	
I	have	to	leave	too	
I’m	scared	and	excited	at	the	same	<me	
I’m	venturing	out	into	a	new	world	
I’m	living	in	a	room	full	of	strangers	
Some	are	kind,	some	are	cruel	
I’m	constantly	homesick	and	I	cry	all	the	<me	
My	heart	is	breaking	
I	want	to	be	home
I	see	someone	who	might	help	me	
I	walk	up	to	his	car	and	say	
“Can	you	send	me	home	please	
I’m	lonesome	and	it’s	making	me	sick”		
That	person	doesn’t	answer	
He	just	looks	at	me	and	drives	away	
leaving	me	crying,	standing	in	a	cloud	of	dust	
Next	thing	I	know	I’m	being	told	I’m	a	trouble	maker	
The	principal	of	our	school	
Has	been	advised	that	I	want	to	go	home	
I’m	told	that	what	I’m	saying	and	feeling	
is	upseHng	others	
And	causing	problems	for	the	people	
who	run	the	place	
And	there’s	no	way	I	can	go	home	
All	hope	is	lost	
I	just	have	to	make	it	through	this	year
My	God,	how	can	people	do	this?	
How	can	they	own	my	life?	
I	feel	like	I	must	be	in	a	prison	
I	can’t	get	away	
I	can’t	see	my	parents	
My	heart	is	breaking	
I	hate	it	here	
Some<mes	we	have	to	fight	for	food	
We	have	to	work	hard	to	look	aMer	the	place	
I	can’t	wait	to	get	out	of	here	
Spring	comes,	I	can	go	home	soon	
I	will	never	come	back	
I	do	though,	one	more	<me	
This	<me	I	run	away	
No	one	can	make	me	stay	here	
Now	when	I	look	at	my	teenage	daughter	
I	realize	some	of	what	I	lost	
How	do	I	be	a	mother	to	her	
I	wasn’t	with	my	mother	when	I	was	her	age	
My	heart	breaks	
But	this	<me	all	is	not	lost	
No	one	owns	my	life	
I	am	free	
And	this	freedom	I	will	share	with	her.
•  Lehers	wrihen	in	the	voice	of	a	child	in	
residenNal	school	ager	listening	to,	reading	
and	visual	journaling	around	the	poem	
‘TesNmony	–	Going	to	the	Dorm’	by	Shirley	M.	
•  Red	Wolf	–	Jennifer	Dance	
•  My	Name	Is	Seepeetza	–	S	hirley	SNrling	
•  The	Heart	of	a	Chief	–	Joseph	Bruchac	
•  Fahy	Legs	–	Christy	Jordan	Fenton	&	Margaret	
Pokiak	Fenton	
•  Stranger	at	Home	–	Fenton	&	Pokiak	Fenton		
•  When	I	Was	Eight	–	Fenton	&	Pokiak	Fenton
•  Book	Talk	
•  Assigned	kids	who	needed	support	to	Fa#y	
•  Groups	decided	how	much	to	read	and	could	
read	to	the	end	
•  Read	many	books	–	individuals	could	change	
Additional Reading
•  It’s	All	about	Thinking	–	in	English,	Social	Studies,	
and	HumaniNes	(Brownlie	&	Schnellert)	
–  Ch	9	Lit	Circles,	Gr	6/7,	EssenNal	QuesNon:		What	is	
Ancient	China’s	greatest	legacy?	
–  Ch	10	Lit	Circles,	Gr	5/6	FI	and	En	collaboraNon	
–  Ch	12	On-line	Lit	Circles	
•  Student	Diversity,	3rd	ed	–	Brownlie,	Feniak,	
–  Ch	7,	Gr	5/6,	Slavery
•  Grand	ConversaNons,	Thoughpul	Responses	
-	A	short	text	on	lit	circles	with	no	roles,	no	limits	on	reading,	
student	choice	within	a	text	set	
•  It’s	All	about	Thinking	–	Middle	Years	(Schnellert,	
Watson,	Widdess)		
–  Ch	6		Inquiry	Text	Set	for	PersecuNon	and	CommunicaNon,	
Literature	Circle	QuesNongram	
–  Ch	8		Self-regulaNon,	Building	Criteria,	strategies	
–  Ch	9		Theme	is	displacement,	First	NaNons	Community-
Generated	Texts,	Graphic	Novels,	Cyberbullying	unit
! Webcast:	
! Literature	Circles	in	the	Middle	Years	
! Webcast,	part	2
Picture Books
•When	We	Were	Alone	–	David	A	Robertson	
•Pisim	Finds	Her	Miskanow	–	William	Dumas	
•Secret	of	the	Dance	–	Andrea	Spalding	
•Northwest	NaNve	Arts,	Basic	Forms	–	
•I	Am	Not	a	Number	–	Jenny	Dupuis	
	•Shi-Shi-Etko	–	Nicola	Campbell	
•Shin-Chi’s	Canoe	–	Nicola	Campbell	
•When	I	Was	Eight	–	Christy	Jordan-Fenton	
•Not	My	Girl	–	Christy	Jordan-Fenton	
•Kookum’s	Red	Shoes	–	Peter	Eyvindson	
•Stolen	Words	–	Melanie	Florence
Books - Primary
•  The	Seven	Teachings	Stories	Series	
•  Strong	Readers	–	MéNs	Series	
•  Strong	Readers	–	Northern	Series
Books - Intermediate
•  He	Who	Dreams	–	Melanie	Florence	
•  Abnormal	(Billy	Buckhorn	trilogy)	–	Gary	Robinson	
•  Diamond	Willow	–	Helen	Frost	(not	AB	author)	
•  Red	Wolf	–	Jennifer	Dance	(not	AB	author)	
•  The	Girl	with	a	Baby	–	Sylvia	Olsen	
•  Dogsong	–	Gary	Paulson	
•  Sweetgrass	–	Jan	Hudson	
•  Honour	the	Sun	–	Ruby	Supperjack	
•  Wenjack	–	Joseph	Boyden	
•  The	Secret	Path	–	Gord	Downie	(and	video)	
•  Tales	from	Big	Spirit	–	8	graphic	novels
pita lit circles
pita lit circles

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