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 Introduction
 Classification
 Endogenous
 Exogenous
 References
 Conclusion

 The word pigment is derived from latin
  word meaning “colour or colouring”
Normal skin pigmentation is influenced by:
 Degree of vascularity
 Amount & location of melanin
 Presence of carotene
 Thickness of the horny layer
Overproduction             Over

          Sun             Benign nevi, malignant
exposure,drugs,hormones        melanoma

    Diffuse & bilateral                                          Focal

                     Adult onset           Red-blue-purple Blue-grey                Brown

              Systemic        No              Blanching
             •Addisons                               •Amalgam                    •Melanotic
                              • Drug
              disease                     •Hemagioma Tattoo                      macule
             •Heavy            induced               •Foreign                    •Pigmented
                              • Post infl    Non     Body tattoo                 nevus
             •Kaposis         ammatory •blanching •Blue nevus                    •Melanoma
                              • Smokers                                          •Melano
              sarcoma                     •
                              melanosis Thrombus                                 acanthoma

Adel Kauzman, Marisa Pavone, Nick Blanas. Pigmented Lesions of the Oral Cavity: Review, Differential
Diagnosis, and Case Presentations. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association.
November 2004, Vol. 70, No. 10


                                 Varix, hemangioma, Kaposi sarcoma,
   Circulating erythrocytes
coursing through patent vessels. angiosarcoma, hereditary
                                 hemorrhagic telangiectasia
•consequence of blood
extravasation- trauma or a defect
                                    Ecchymosis, Petechia, Thrombosed
•generalized hemosiderin tissue       Varix, Hemorrhagic Mucocele,
deposition-Hemochromatosis                  Hemochromatosis

                                       Melanotic Macule, Nevus,
                                    Melanoma, Basilar Melanosis With
Exogenous Pigmentation of Oral Mucosa
Source           Color           Disease Process

Silver amalgam   Gray, black     Tattoo,iatrogenic
Graphite         Gray, black     Tattoo, trauma
Lead, mercury,   Gray            Ingestion of paint
bismuth                          or medicinals
Chromogenic      Black, brown,   Superficial
bacteria         green           colonization
 Childhood-hamartoma; adult-varicosity

 Etiology : congenital & traumatic

 colour-depth of vascular proliferation

 Tongue (intrinsic muscles), lip, buccal mucosa & palate
 Raised, nodular

 Benign vascular hamartomas-range from- flat reddish

  blue macule to a nodular blue tumefaction
 Congenital- strawberry nevus
 Port wine stain involves facial skin is flat &magenta I
 Skull radiograph: vessel wall calcification yield
  bilamellar radiopaque tracks
       “Tram line calcification”
 Bubbly or honeycomb trabeculated appearance
 Overlying cortex is expanded and thinned, but
  complete cortical disruption and invasion into soft
  tissue are not present

 Diascopy
 Intraluminal clots form- palpable and do not blanch
 Calcified nodules/phleboliths- radiographically

 85% of childhood-onset hemangiomas

  spontaneously regress after puberty
 Conventional surgery, laser surgery, cryosurgery

 Sclerosing agents - 1% sodium tetradecyl sulfate

  (intralesional injection)- .05 to 0.15 ml/cm3
 Cutaneous port-wine stains - subcutaneous

  tattooing or by argon laser
Differential diagnosis:
 Mucocele & Ranula: soft &fluctuant
 Aneurysm: pulse are detected

 Cavernous -large dilated vascular channels lined
  by endothelial cells without a muscular coat
 Cellular/capillary-endothelial proliferation,
  vascular lumina are very small
 Intramuscular –deep lesions
Sturge Weber syndrome

 Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis
 Port wine stain (nevus flammeus) –
  leptomeninges of cerebral cortex
 Mental retardation, hemiparesis, seizures
 Ocular lesions
 Calcification
 d/d- angioosteohypertrophy syndrome
Port wine stain + varices + hypertrophy of bone
Hemangioma              Vascular
Description      Ab endothelial cell     Ab blood vessel
                 proliferation           development
Elements         Inc no of capillaries   Mix of artery, vein,
                                         capillaries (AV shunt)

Growth           Rapid congenital,       Grows throughout
                 ceases puberty
Boundaries       Circumscribed;rarely    Poorly circumscribed
                 affects bone
Thrill & bruit   absent                  present
Involution       Spontaneous             Does not involute
Resection        Easy                    Difficult, surgical
Recurrence       Uncommon                Common
Blue rubber bleb nevus
 Bean’s syndrome
 Multiple small & large cavernous hemagioma
 Skin & GI tract + mouth
 Childhood/young adulthood
 Life threatening-blood loss->anemia & Fe

 Pathologic dilatations of veins or venules are
    varices or varicosities
   Site- ventral tongue- tortuous ,serpentine
    blue, red, and purple elevations
   Progressively prominent with age
   degenerative change in the adventitia of the
    venous wall-painless & non haemorrhagic
   interfere with mastication
 focal dilatation-varix
 Elders, lower lip, raised
 Blue/red/ purple; surface mucosa -lobulated
  or nodular
 Diff diagnosis-hemangioma
-etiology- lip or cheek biting
-growth potential
-same histology-thrombi-organization &
 Same t/t
 Malignant vascular neoplasm.

 Arise anywhere in body

 Colour: red ,blue or purple .

 Rapidly proliferative present as nodular tumor.

 can arise from blood or lymph vessel endothelial

  cells / pericytic cells of vasculature.
 Treated by radical excision
 Tumor of putative vascular origin

 HHV-8

 2 forms-elderly men ( oral mucosa & skin of

  lower extremities) , (2) children in equatorial
  africa ( lymph nodes)-aggressive & lethal
 Slow progressive, less metastasis

 Oral tumors - red, blue, and purple-hard
 Oral lesions - posterior hard palate
 Begin as flat red macules of variable size and
  irregular configuration
 Numerous isolated and coalescing plaques
 Eventually- increase in size ->nodular
  growths- entire palate, protruding below the
  plane of occlusion
 Facial gingiva
 D/d-pyogenic granuloma, giant cell granuloma

  Bacillary angiomatosis-bartonella henselae-rare in
  oral mucosa
 Early stage-no t/t; later-electrocautery/excision

 Intralesional 1% vinblastine sulfate-less post
  injection pain-multiple biweekly injections
 Proliferating spindle cells with mild pleomorphism
  + plump endothelial cells
 extravasation of erythrocytes + hemosidren
 Multiple round or oval purple papules

  measuring less than in 0.5cm in diameter.
 Genetically transmitted disease

 Site: vermilion &mucosal surfaces of lips as

  well as on the tongue &buccal mucosa.
 multiple microaneurysms, owing to a

  weakening defect in the adventitial coat of
 Same lesion in nasal mucosa-epistaxis
 differential diagnosis-petechial hemorrhages
  (platelet disorder)-macular, red/blue, not
 CREST syndrome

 Selective embolization
 electrocautery
(series of procedures)
 using local anesthesia
 Increase in melanin pigment synthesis by basal-layer
  melanocytes, without an increase in the number of
 Freckle

 Vermilion border of lips ( lower lip). Lesion is
  macular ranging from small to few cms
 Solar exposure

 M=f

 Adults, asymptomatic
Oral Melanotic Macule
 Intraoral counterpart

 Oval or irregular outline,

 Brown or black, gingiva, palate, buccal mucosa.

 Once they reach a certain size, they do not tend

  to enlarge further
 Differential diagnosis - nevus, early superficial

  spreading melanoma, amalgam tattoo, and
 Biopsy
 melanin-containing dendritic cells are seen to
  extend high into a thickened spinous layer.

 Surgery –no predisposition to melanoma
 Myxoma syndrome-soft tissue myxoma +
 Laugier –Hunziker syndrome/phenomenon-
  acquired disorder + lips,oral, finger+
  subungual melanocytic streaks
Nevocellular Nevus/nevomelanocytic
         nevus/pigmented nevus
 Benign proliferations of melanocytes
 Nevus cells - localized to basal layer- junction
   of epithelium and basement membrane+
                 connective tissue

             Minimal proliferation

     Macular, flat and brown, regular outline

                   Junctional nevi
Melanocytes form clusters at the epitheliomesenchymal

      proliferate down into the connective tissue

              Dome shaped appearance

                    Compound nevi
    Lose their continuity with surface epithelium+
   cells become localized - deeper connective tissues

                Intradermal nevi (skin)
                 Intramucosal (mouth)
    NEVI             NEVI

Blue nevus
 Melanocytic cells reside deep in the connective tissue

  and because the overlying vessels dampen the brown
  coloration of melanin, yielding a blue tint
 More spindle shaped + more pigment

 Macular or nodular; brown intraorally

 Palate, gingiva, buccal mucosa & lips
Malignant Melanoma
 Sun exposure->malar region
 Facial cutaneous melanomas –macular/ nodular
 Brown -black -blue, with zones of
 Jagged irregular margins-nevi(smooth outline)
 Elder, M>F
“Lentigo maligna melanoma” or “hutchinson’s

  Facial skin lesions – atypical melanocytic
        hyperplasia /melanoma in situ.

 Melanocytic tumor cells spread laterally and

            Radial growth phase

             Good prognosis
Nodular-deeper invasion-vertical growth-poor
 Breslow method, by which millimeter depths

  of invasion are measured (depth correlating
  with prognosis
 Oral mucosa -anterior labial gingiva, ant.

  Hard palate.
 They may be focal or diffuse and mosaic

  Stage 1-primary tumor only
  Level 1- melanoma in situ without evidence of
     invasion/microinvasion +nt
    Level 2-invasion upto lamina propria
    Level 3- deep skeletal tissue-muscles
    Stage 2- metastatic to regional lymph node
    Stage 3- distant node metastasis
Gondivkar et al. Primary malignant melanoma-case
report & review of literature.quitesscence int vol 7; jan
 Excision with wide margins
 CT & MRI-Rule our metastases-
  submandibular & cervical nodes
 Immunosuppressive drugs
Drug induced Melanosis
 Quinoline, hydroxy quinoline,amodiaquine
 Site :hard palate (large &localized) or multifocal,
  throughout the mouth.
 Oral contraceptives &pregnancy are associated
  with hyperpigmentation of facial skin-
  periorbital &perioral region -melasma or

 Flat lesions, nail bed & skin

 Asian ,black people, dark skinned Caucasians
 diffuse melanosis of facial gingiva
 lingual gingiva& tongue may exhibit multiple,
  diffuse & reticulated brown macule
 basilar melanosis, evolves in childhood
 Multifocal or diffuse pigmentation of recent
  onset – investigated-endocrinopathic
 Symmetric distribution
 No gender predliction, any age
 Does not alter normal architecture
 Degree of intraoral pigmentation –may not
  correspond cutaneous coloration
 No change in intensity
Café au Lait Pigmentation
 Color of coffee with cream
 Small ephelis-like macules to broad diffuse
 Late childhood and multiple
 Neurofibromatosis- nodular and diffuse
  pendulous neurofibromas - skin and (rarely) in
  the oral cavity
 Basilar melanosis without melanocyte
 McCune Albright syndrome
Smoker’s Melanosis

 Ant labial gingiva, Buccal mucosa, lateral tongue,

  palate, floor of mouth
 No cause-and-effect relationship

 Melanogenesis is stimulated by tobacco smoke

 Brown, flat, and irregular, geographic or

 basilar melanosis with melanin incontinence

 No premalignant potential

 Cosmetics
Pigmented Lichen Planus

 Erosive lichen planus + diffuse melanosis
 Increased production of melanin by the
 Accumulation of melanin laden macrophages
  in the superficial connective tissue
Endrocrinopathic Pigmentation
                  Addison’s disease

Granulomatous infection of cortex/ autoimmune cortical

             Adrenocortical insufficiency

             Steroid hormones decrease
              Feedback loop stimulated

              Excess secretion of ACTH
  Hypotension and hypoglycemia,stimulation of MSH
 Skin may appear tanned- bronzing of the skin

  and patchy melanosis
 Gingiva, palate, and buccal mucosa – blotchy

 Increased hormone-dependent

  melanogenesis-> accumulation of melanin
 Serum steroid & hormone investigation

 Disappear-therapy for endocrine disease
HIV oral Melanosis
 Hyper pigmentation of skin ,nails &mucous

 Buccal mucosa is frequently affected site

  gingiva,palate,tongue may also be involved.
 Etiology remains undetermined

 Diffuse multifocal macular brown

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
 hereditary intestinal polyposis syndrome
 Benign hamartomatous polyps in the
  gastrointestinal tract
 hyperpigmented macules on the lips and oral
 Rectal bleeding, abdominal pain
 Ecchymosis- large size-Traumatic-lips & face,
 uncommon buccal mucosa
 Traumatic event(fellatio,cheek bite,prostho app)

   Erythrocyte extravasation into the submucosa

 Bright red macule /swelling if a hematoma forms
         brown coloration within a few days

     Hemoglobin is degraded to hemosiderin
 Retrauma- observed for 2 weeks-resolution

 Hemorrhagic diathesis-ecchymosis as d/d

 Anticoagulant drugs -cheek or tongue

 Hereditary coagulopathic disorders & chronic

  liver failure-prothrombin time and partial
  thromboplastin time, clotting time-
 Pinpoint hemorrhage less than 2cm
 Autoimmune or idiopathic thrombocytopenic
 purpura (ITP), disorders of platelet aggregation,
 aspirin toxicity and myelosuppressive
 Oral –soft palate (10-30)-suction
 Does not blanch on compression
 Excessive suction of soft palate against the
  posterior tongue -self inflicted -pruritic palate
  at the
onset of a viral or an allergic pharyngitis
 “click” their palate
 t/t-stop activity-regression in 2 weeks
 Platelet studies

 bronze diabetes. tetrad of liver cirrhosis
 Male predliction
 tissue – iron - Prussian blue-elevated serum
 Medical referral
Amalgam Tattoo
 solitary or focal pigmentation
 macular
 bluish gray - even black
 buccal mucosa, gingiva, or palate
 vicinity of teeth- large amalgam restorations
 Accidental impregnation-metal flecks-
 extraction sockets- healing phase- connective
  tissue while re-epithelialization
 Radiographs
 fine brown granular stippling of reticulum
  fibers, particularly around vessel walls
 giant cell reaction-uncommon, infiltrate +nt
 No t/t required, biopsy when distant to tooth
Graphite Tattoo

 Palate
 Traumatic implantation from a lead pencil,
  school children
 Macular, focal, and gray or black
Hairy Tongue

 Unknown etiology
 dorsum ,particular middle &posterior one
 papillae are elongated- appearance of
 hyperplastic papillae (filiform) become
  pigmented by colonization of
  chromogenic bacteria-brown to green
  colour to black
 tea &coffee-diffuse discolouration
 t/t- brush the tongue and avoid tea and coffee
  for a few weeks
 Recurrence + nt
Pigmented Neuroectodermal
      tumor of infancy
 Benign neoplasm-neural crest cells
 Infants younger than 6 months
 Maxilla > mandible> skull
 Non ulcerated, dark pigmented mass
 Ill defined radiolucency with developing teeth
 Less metastasis
Heavy-Metal Ingestion
 Occupational hazard

 Ingested pigments tend to extravasate from

  vessels in foci of increased capillary permeability
  such as inflamed tissues.
 Free marginal gingiva-gingival cuff, resembling

  eyeliner-gray-black app
 Behavioral changes, neurologic disorders, and

 Lead poisoning-paints,glazes,cooking

  vessels,batteries,exhaust of automobile
 Oral manifestation: metallic taste, excessive

  salivation,dysphagia.Burtonian line is seen when
  exposure to lead is high &oral hygiene is poor at
  gingival margin.
 chelating agent such as edta or penicillamine.

 Pink disease, swift disease,acrodynia.

 Acute or chronic

 increase in saliva, itching sensation, metallic

  taste, salivary glands & lymph nodes are
  swollen. Tongue is enlarged
 Color: diffuse grayish pigmentation of
  alveolar mucosa, gums are deeper hue than
  normal, teeth may exfoliate due to marked
 Management: bed rest ,atropine to lessen
  saliva flow.
 Administration of BAL (British anti-lewisite)&
 Exposure to silver compound
 Cause: local &systemic absorption of silver
 Oral manifestation: Diffusely distributed
  through out gingival &mucosal tissue.
 Management: source of contact be
 Gold- Chrysiasis may be induced by
 parenteral administration of gold salts,
 usually for the treatment of rheumatoid
Nevus of Ota

 Congenital melanosis bulbi
 Blue hyperpigmentation of face
 Involves 1 & 2 branches of trigeminal nerve
 Melanocytes trapped in upper 1/3 of dermis

 = primary pigment producing brown coloration
 Tyrosine – tyrosinase –melanin- this occurs in the
  melanosomes of melanocytes
 Then the melanosomes are transferred from the
  melanocyte to a group of keratinocytes called
  the epidermal melanin unit
 Variations in skin color is related to the number
  of melanosomes, the degree of melanization,
  and the distribution of the epidermal melanin
Pigmentary Demarcation
   Can be divided into five categories:
   Group A- lines along the outer upper arms with
    variable extension across the chest
   Group B-lines along the posteromedial aspect of
    the lower limb
   Group C-Paired median or paramedian lines on
    the chest, with midline abdominal extension
   Group D-medial, over the spine
   Group E-bilaterally symmetrical, obliquely
    oriented, hypopigmented macules on the chest
Pigmentary           Demarcation
 More than 70% of blacks have one or more
 These are much less common in whites
 Type B lines often appear for the first time
  during pregnancy
Normal Pigmentation

 Normal skin pigmentation is influenced by:
  -the degree of vascularity
 -the amount & location of melanin
 -the presence of carotene
 -the thickness of the horny layer
Melanin Production

 The amount produced is dependent on:
-the amount and the wavelengths of ultraviolet
  light received
-the amount of melanocyte-stimulating
  hormone(MSH) secreted
- the effect of melanoccytestimulatingg chemicals
   like furocoumarins (psoralens)
 Pigmentation due to deposits of hemosiderin
  occurs in:
-hemorrhagic diseases
-stasis ulcers
** difficult to distinguish from postinflammatory
  dermal melanosis clinically
 Any inflammatory condition can cause either
  hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation
 Also may be a complication of chemical peels,
  dermabrasion, laser therapy, or liposuction
 Histologically, there is melanin in the upper
  dermis and around upper dermal vessels, located
  primarily in macrophages (melanophages)
                    Postinflammatory
                     following resolution
                     of lymphocytoma
                     cutis on the cheek of
                     a black child
 Occurs in coal miners, anthracene workers,
  pitch workers, etc
 Pigmentation of the face may occur from the
  incorporation in cosmetics of derivatives of
  coal tar, petrolatum, or picric acid, mercury,
  lead, bismuth, or furocoumarins (psoralens)
Systemic Diseases

 Syphilis, malaria, pellagra, and diabetes
 Addison’s disease- diffuse melanosis pronounced
  in the axillae and palmar creases, and nipples
  and genitals, and buccal mucosa
 Diabetes produces diffuse bronzing of the skin
 ** patients with virilizing adrenal tumors usually
  develop hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis
Systemic Diseases
 Nelson’s syndrome (a         Vitamin B12 deficiency
    pituitary MSH-producing
    tumor)                     Kwashiorkor
   Pheochromocytoma           Vitamin A deficiency
   Hemochromatosis            Primary biliary cirrhosis
   Amyloidosis                 (triad=
   Scurvy
   Pregnancy
                                pruritis, xanthomas)
   Menopause
   Porphyria cutanea tarda

 Characterized by:     Usually are present:
  Gray-brown           Cirrhoisis
   mucocutaneous        Hypogonadism
   hyperpigmentation    Liver cirrhosis
  Diabetes mellitus
  hepatomegaly
  Skin pigmentaion is          The actual pigmentation
   usually generalized             is caused by increased
  But, more pronounced            basal-layer melanin
   on face, extensor aspect       Mucous memebranes are
   of the forearms, backs of       pigmented in up to 20%
   the hands, and the              of patients
   geniocrural area               Koilonychia is present in
  Iron is deposited in the        50%
   skin                           Localized ichthyosis in
  Iron is present as              40%
   granules around blood          Alopecia is common
   vessels and sweat glands
   and within macrophages
 Dx:
                                  Elevated plasma iron and
 Occurs mostly in men in
    their sixties
                                  High serum ferritin
   Women who have                 without an obvious cause
    genetic                        should prompt
    hemochromatosis can            investigation for both
    have full phenotypic           hemochromatosis and
    expression                     PCT
   Extremely rare in the         Etiology is either an
    young                          inborn error of
   Neonatal                       metabolism or excessive
    hemochromatosis has            number of blood
    been associated with           transfusions
    intrauterine infections ie    AR gene for heredity
    cytomegalovirus                hemochromatosis is
   Adults with                    linked to the HLA-A locus
    hemochromatosis are            on chromosome 6p
    susceptible to Yersinia
 Phlebotomy until
  satisfactory iron levels are
 Extracorporeal chelation
  has also been used
 Associated DM requires
  medical tx
 Long-term complications
  are cirrhosis and then
 Brown patches, sharply         Tends to affect the darker-
  demarcated, typically on          complected
  the malar prominences and        It may also be found on the
  forehead                          forearms
 The three clinical patterns      Occurs at pregnancy and at
  are: centrofacial, malar,         menopause
  mandibular                       It may also be seen in
 Increased pigment may             ovarian disorders and other
  simultaneously occur              endocrine disorders
  around the nipples and
  external genitalia
                                   Most frequently 90% of
                                    the time seen in women,
                                    10% in men
 Tx- avoid sunlight, and a
Melasma                               complete sun block with
                                      broad-spectrum UVA
                                      coverage should be used
 Strong association with the        Kligman’s formula
  use of birth control pills or       (Triluma)
  dilantin                           > then 4% hydroquinone
 Discontinuing the                   may be needed
  contraceptives rarely clears       Side effects of this is
  the pigmentation, and it            ochronosis and satellite
  may last for years after            pigmentation
  discontinuing them.                Jessner’s solution,
 Melasma of pregnancy                glycolic acid peels,azelaic
  usually clears within a few         acid, kojic acid, and
  months of delivery                  cystamine and
                                      buthionine sulfoximine
                                      are other options
Acromelanosis Progressiva
 AKA acropigmentation             By age 4 or 5 the
 A progressive pigmentary          perineum, extremities,
  disorder first described in a     and areas of the head
  Japanese infant                   and neck were involved
 Characterized by diffuse
                                   Epileptiform seizures
  black pigmentation on the
  dorsum of all the fingers         occurred
  and toes                         History revealed
 Pigmentation became               consanguinity
  progressively more
  widespread and more
Pigmented Anomalies of the
 Acropigmentation of Dohi       Patients develop
 Found to affect individuals     progressive pigmented &
  from Europe, India,             depigmented macules
  Caribbean                      Often mixed in is a
 First described in Japan in     reticulate pattern
  12 patients
                                 Many believe this to be a
 AKA dyschromatosis
                                  variation of
  symmetrica hereditaria or
  symmetrical                     acropigmentation of
  dyschromatosis of the           Kitamura
Reticular Pigmented Anomaly
                 Clinically it looks smooth
of the Flexures  Pigmententation is
 A rare pigmentary adult-        reticular; at the
  onset disorder                  periphery, discrete,
 AKA Dowling-Degos               brownish black macules
  disease or dark dot disease     surround the partly
 Should be considered            confluent central
  whenever acanthosis             pigmented area
  nigricans is in the            Typically, axillae,
  differential & pt is not        inframmary folds, and
  obese and is known not to       intercrural folds are
  have any internal               involved
  malignancy                     There are frequently pits,
                                  sometimes pigmented ,
                                  about the mouth
Reticular Pigmented Anomaly
of the Flexures
 It begins age 20 to 30    Many authors believe it is a
                             spectrum of reticulate
  yrs and progresses         acropigmentation of
  gradually                  Kitamura
 Unknown etiology          Another manifestation of
                             this disorder is familial-
 AD with variable           rocacea-like dermatitis
  penetrance and             with warty keratotic
  expressivity, and          plaques on the trunk and
  delayed onset
                            There is no treatment

 Distinctive elongation,
  tufting, and deep
  hyperpigmentation of
  therete ridges, with
  protrusion of similar
  tufts even from the
  sides of the follicles
Reticulate Acropigmentation
of Kitamura
 AD                         One report of a pt with
                              bony abnormalities
 Characterized by linear
                              consisting of absence of
  palmar pits and             terminal phalanges of the
  pigmented macules 1-4       second, third, and fourth
  mm in diameter on the       toes
  volar and dorsal           Some tx success has been
  aspects of the hands        reported using axelaic acid
  and feet                    ointment
Dermatopathia Pigmentosa
 Consists of a triad of          An autosomal
  generalized reticulate
  hyperpigmentation,               dominant inheritance
  noncicatricial alopecia, and     pattern has been
  onychodystrophy                  reported.
 Other associations:
  hypohidrosis or
  hyperkeratosis, and
  nonscarring blisters on
  dorsa of hands and feet.
Dermatopathia Pigmentosa
Transient Neonatal Pustular
Melanosis       Histologically, there are
                 intracorneal or
 Infants develop 2-         subcorneal aggregates of
  3mm macules,               predominantly
  pustules, and ruptured     neutrophils, but
  pustules at birth,         eosinophils may also be
                            Dermal inflammation is
  involving the face
                             composed of an
 Pigmentation may last      admixture of neuts and
  for weeks or months        eos
  after the pustules are    Differential dx: ETN,
  healed                     neonatal acne, &
                             acropustulosis of infancy
Transient Pustular Neonatal
Transient Neonatal Pustular
Peutz-Jeghers                     Macules may also occur
                                   around the mouth, on
                                   the central face, backs of
                                   the hands, especially the
  Characterized by                fingers, and on the toes
   hyperpigmented macules          and tops of the feet.
   on the lips and oral           Associated polyposis
   mucosa and polyposis of
   the small intestine             involves the small
                                   intestine preferencely
  Dark brown or black
                                  But, hamartomatous
   macules appear typically
   on the lips, especially the     polyps of the stomach
   lower lip, in infancy or        and colon may occur
   childhood                      Symptoms of
  Similar lesions may             hamhartomas of the
   appear on buccal                small intestine may cause
   mucosa, tongue, gingiva,        repeated bouts of
   and genital mucosa              abdominal pain and
                                   vomiting, and
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
 Cosmetic tx of labial          Syndrome is inherited and
  macules has been                transmitted as a simple
  accomplished with the use       mendelian dominant trait
  of a 694-mm ruby laser         Sporadic noninherited
 incidence of malignancy         cases may occur
  within the polyps is 2-3%      The gene (STK11) has been
 Incidence of GI malignancy      localized to 19p13.3
  is low, but increased          19p13.3 is believed to be a
  incidence of other kinds of     tumor suppressor gene
  cancer-breast, and
  gynecologic malignancies
  in women
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
                                  A protein-losing
   Cronkhite-Canada
                                     enteropathy may
    syndrome should be
                                     develop and is associated
    considered in dx
                                     with the degree of
   Characterized by                 intestinal polyposis
    melanotic macules on            Onset is after age 30 yrs
    the fingers and
    gastrointestinal polyposis      Sporaically occurring,
   Also generalized ,               benign condition
    uniform darkening of the        Hypogeusia is the
    skin, extensive alopecia,        dominant initial
    and onychodystrophy              symptom
   The polys that occur are        Diarrhea and ectodermal
    usually benign adenomas          changes may follow
    and may involve the             75% of cases have been
    whole GI tract                   reported in Japan
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

                 Lip lentigenes in an
                  adolescent with
P-J syndrome
Reihl’s Melanosis

 Photosensitivity,             Characteristic feature is
  phototoxic dermatitis          spotty light to dark brown
 Begins with pruritis,
                                Most intense on the
  erythema, and
                                 forehead, malar regions,
  pigmentation, gradually        behind the ears, on the
  spreads, then becomes          sides of the neck, on other
  stationary                     sun-exposed areas
 Melanosis occurs mostly in    Also circumscribed
  women and develops over        telangiectasia and
  months                         temporary hyperemia

 Sun exposure following    Has been reported in
  perfume or cream           patients with AIDS and
 A photocontact             Sjogren’s syndrome
  dermatitis                No good treatments
 One report of a           The cause of the sensitivity
  positive patch test        needs to be determeined
  results to lemon oil,     Hyperkeratosis and
  geraniol, and              pigmentation disappear
  hydroxycitronellal         spontaneously
Tar Melanosis
 An occupational                Small, dark, lichenoid,
  dermatosis occurring            follicular papules become
  among tar handlers after        profuse on the extremities,
  years of exposure               namely the forearms
 Severe, widespread itching     Bullae are sometimes
  develops, followed by           observed
  reticular pigmentation,        Represents a
  telangiectases, and a shiny     photosensitivity or
  appearance of the skin          phototoxicity induced by
 There is a tendency for         tar
 AD inheritance
                                   Histologically- increase in
Familial                            melanin in the basal cell
Progressive patches
    Characterized by               layer, especially at the
                                    tips of the rete ridges
     of hyperpigmentation,
     present at birth,             Pigmented granules are
      increasing in size and        scattered diffusely
      number with age               throughout the
     Hyperpigmentation             epidermal layers
      appears in the               Differentiated from other
      conjunctivae and the          hyperpigmentations by
      buccal mucosa over time       presence of bizarre,
     Eventually large portions     sharply marginated
      of skin and mucous            patterns of
      membranes become              hyperpigmented skin
Universal Acquired
Melanosis(Carbon Baby)
 Ruiz-Maldonado          EM showed a negroid
  reported a case of a     pattern in the
  Mexican child, born      melanosomes of the
  white, who               epidermal melanocytes
  progressively became
  black                    and keratinocytes
 Developed               Melanocytes were not
  pigmentation of the      increased in number
  palms, soles, mucous
Zebralike Hyperpigmentation

 Alimurung et al reported    Hyperpigmenation was
  an unusual pattern of        linear and symmetrical,
  hyperpigmentation in a       involving the trunk and
  black male infant with       extremities
  congenital defects (ASD,    Increased number of
  dextrocardia, auricualr      melanocytes in the bands
                               of hyperpigmentation
  atresia, deafness. And
                              Pigmentary anomaly fades
  growth retardation)
                               with time spontaneously
                              May be a varient of
                               incontinentia pigmenti
1.) Familial periorbital      2.) Erythema
   melanosis (AD)                dyschromicum
 Usually involves all four
                                 perstans is a rare cause
   eyelids, may extend to     3.) Familial dark circles
                                 around the eyes,
   involve the eyebrows          frequently seen in
   and cheeks                    individuals of
Metallic Discolorations

 Pigmentation from deposition of fine metallic
  particles in the skin
 Metal may be carried to skin from the blood
  stream or may permeate into it from surface
                                    Local tx with a silver-
                                     containing product may
                                     produce argyria
                                    Examples: conjunctivae,
 Localized or widespread            from eye drops; a wound
    slate-colored pigmentation       from sulfadiazine cream,
   Due to silver in the skin        earlobes from silver
   Most noticeable in parts         earings; and from silver
    exposed to sunlight              acupuncture needles
                                    Can also occur from
   Tissue silver may stimulate
    melanocytes                      occupational exposure,
                                     usually siversmiths
   Initially discoloration is
                                    In localized exposures,
    hardly perceptible, having
    only a faint blue color, but     the appearance may be
    a slate-gray color develops      separated by many years
    with time                        from the exposure

 Systemic and localized argria have the same
 Normal appearing skin under low power
 Fine black granules in the basement zone of the
  sweat glands,blood vessel walls, d-e junction,
  and arrector pili muscles
 Unstained biopsy section by darkfield
  illumination demonstrates silver granules
  outlining basement membrane of the epidermis
  and the eccrine sweat glands

 Rarely associated with deposition of metallic
  particles in gums when used IM or orally
 Also known as the bismuth line
 Presence of stomatitis or peridontitis increased
  the risk
 Generalized cutaneous discoloration, in addition
  to oral mucous membrane and conjunctival
  pigmentation resembling argyria has occurred
  but has not be reported in the last 50 years

 Chronic lead poisoning can produce a “lead
  hue” with lividity and pallor
 Deposit of lead in the gums may occur and is
  known as the “lead line”

 In the past, soluble iron compounds were
  used in the treatment of allergic contact
 In eroded areas iron was sometimes
  deposited in the skin, like a tattoo
 Use of Monsel’s solution can produce similar
Gold    Chrysiasis may be induced by parenteral
           administration of gold salts, usually for the
           treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
          More commonly recognized in white patients
          A mauve, blue, or slate/gray pigmentation
           develops initially on the eyelids, spreading to the
           face, dorsal hands, and other areas
          Severity is related to the total dose received, rare
           < a dose of 20 mg/kg of elemental gold
          Pigment is accentuated in light-exposed areas,
           and sun protected areas do not demonstrate
          Localized chrysiasis has been induced by the Q-
           switched ruby laser tx in a patient on parental
           gold therapy

 Mercurial pigmentation in the skin is rare,
  especially since the use of mercurials has
  been strictly controlled
 Most common presentation is subcutaneous
  nodules that result from accidental
  implantation of elemental mercury from a
  thermometer into skin

 Orange-red pigment canthaxanthin is present in
  many plants ( notably algae and mushrooms)
  and in bacteria. Crustaceans, sea trout, and
 When ingested for the purpose of simulating a
  tan, its deposition in the panniculus imparts a
  golden orange hue to the skin
 Stools become brick red and the plasma orange,
  and golden deposits appear in the retina
Dye Discoloration

 Blue hands from accidental dyeing were
  reported by Albert in 1976
 A man’s hands were dyed as a result of
  warming them in his armpits while wearing a
  new blue flannel shirt
 The dye was insoluble in water, but soluble in

 A rosy coloration of the face occurring in
  young people with uncontrolled diabetes
 May be associated with xanthochromia to
  produce a “peaches and cream” complexion

   Usually begins in childhood or young adulthood
   50% of cases begin before age 20
   Prevalence ranges from 0.5% to 1%
   Females are disproportionately represented
    among patients seeking medical care, it is not
    known if it is actually more common in females
    or simply because they more often bring it to
    their physicians attention
Clinical Features
 An acquired pigmentary anomaly of the skin
 Manifested by depigmented white patches
    surrounded by a normal or a hyperpigmented
   There may be intermediate tan zones or lesions ,
    halfway between the normal skin color and
    depigmentaton-so-called trichrome vitiligo
   Hairs in vitiliginous areas usually become white
   Rarely, the patches may have a red,
    inflammatory border
   Patches are of various sizes and configurations

 Localized or focal(including segmental)
 Generalized
 Universal
 Acrofacial

 Generalized is the most common
 Involvement is symmetrical
 Most commonly involving the face, upper chest,
  dorsal aspects of the hands, axillae, and groin
 Tendency for skin around orifices to be affected
  (eyes,nose, mouth, ears, nipples, umbilicus,
  penis, vulva, anus)
 Lesions also favor areas of trauma (elbows and
Generalized Vitiligo

                 Involvement of
                  perineal and inguinal
                 Note the distinct
Acral Vitiligo
Symmetric, Acral Vitiligo

 Left: pre-PUVA treatment
 Right:same pt shows perifollicular pattern of
  repigmentation during PUVA therapy
Segmental Vitiligo

                  Rapidly progressing
                     segmental vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo

  Segmental vitiligo of
   the eyebrow and
Segmental Vitiligo

                 Segmental vitiligo on the
                  arm , neck, and chest
                 Note areas of
                  spontaneous follicular

                 Left upper back with
                  partial spontaneous
Universal Vitiligo

 Applies to cases where
  the entire body surface
  is depigmented
Focal Vitiligo
  May affect one
     nondermatomal site
    Or asymmetrically affect
     a single dermatome
    This form is treatment
     resistant, has an earlier
     onset, and is frequently
     associated with other
     autoimmune phenomena
    It represents 5% of adult
     vitiligo and 20% of
     childood vitiligo
    Trigeminal area is most
     commonly affected
Acrofacial Vitiligo

 Type affecting the
  distal fingers and the
  facial orifices
  Local loss of pigment may occur around nevi and
     melanomas, the so-called halo phenomenon
    Vitiligo-like leukoderma occurs in 1% of
     melanoma patients
    In those previously dx with melanoma, it
     suggests metastatic disease
    Paradoxically, patients who develop leukoderma
     have a better prognosis than patients without it
    Halo nevi are more common in patients with
    Lesions are hypersensitive to UV light and burn
     easily when exposed to the sun
 Ocular abnormalities are
  increased in patients with
  vitiligo                      Vitiligo occurs in 13% of
 Iritis and retinal             pts with the autoimmune
  pigmentary                     polyendocrinopathy-
  abnormalities                  candidiasis-ectodermal
 8% of pts with idiopathic      dystrophy (APECED)
  uveitis have vitiligo or      Familial aggregation is
  poliosis                       seen- up to 30% of
 Most frequent                  vitiligo pts have an
  associations are with          affected relative-it is not
  other “autoimmune”             inherited as AD or AR
  diseases((IDDM,                trait, but has a
  pernicious anemia,             multifactorial genetic
  Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,       basis
  Graves’ disease,
  Addison’s disease, and
Childhood Vitiligo

 Shows an increase in    Poor response to PUVA
  segmental                therapy
 More frequent
  autoimmune or
  endocrine anomalies
 High incidence of
  premature graying in

            Completely
             depigmented oval
             ivory white areas with

            Vitiligo with
             depigmentation of
             the lips
Henne Induced Vitiligo
Occupational Vitiligo

                              All the intermediates in
 Thiols, phenolic             the biosynthesis of
  compounds, catechol,         melanin are phenolic
  derivatives of catechol,     compounds, therefore
  mercaptoamines, and          postulated that
  several quinones produce     accumulation of these
  depigmentation               within the melanocyte
 Seen in pts who work in      may damage or kill the
  rubber garments or wear      cell.
  gloves containing an        Clinical pattern may be
  antioxidant, monobenzyl      similarto vitiligo, but
  ether of hydroquinone        lesions tend to be
                               concentrated in areas of
                               contact with the
                               incriminated substance
Occupational Vitiligo
 Many phenolic compounds can produce
    leukoderma, with or without antecedent
   Examples: paratertiary sulfhydryls; monobenzyl
    ether of hydroquinone
   One source is phenolic antiseptic detergents
    used in hospitals
   Adhesives and glues containing them may be
    found in shoes, wristbands, and adhesive tape,
    and rubber products used in brassieres, girdles,
    panties, or condoms may also be at fault
   Self-sticking bindis (the cosmetic used by many
    Indian woman on the forehead) has been
    reported to induce leukoderma from the
    adhesive material
Chemical Depigmentation

  Chemical
   depigmentation due
   to a germicidal
  Pts usually improve
   with discontinuation
   of the offending

 Three possible mechanisms have been
  proposed as inducing vitiligo are
  autoimmunity, neurohumoral factors, and
 No mechanism has been conclusively proven

  There is complete
   loss of melanocytes
  Usually there is no

 Morphea
 Lichen sclerosis
 Pityriasis alba
 Tinea versicolor tertiary pinta
Treatment                      Fair-skinned pts may
                                manage their disease
  Spontaneous                  with sunblock
   repigmentation occurs in    Sun protection is
   no more than 15% to 25%      mandatory in all pts with
   of cases                     vitiligo because of the
  Response is slow             loss of protection from
  PUVA may actually            UV radiation in the
   worsen the appearance        depigmented skin
   initially by pigmenting     Topical steroids may be
   surrounding skin             useful on focal or limited
  Cover-up                     lesions
   strategies(topical dyes,    Mid to super high-
   make-up, self-tanning        potency steroids are
   creams)                      often required on trunk
                                and acral lesions with the
                                strength tapered as the
                                lesions respond
 Systemic steroids lead to
    temporary                   Treatment
    repigmentation, this is
    usually lost as the
    steroidal agents are
    tapered                       Trioxsalen, at a dose of up
   PUVA therapy is the            to 20-40mg, is taken a few
    most common treatment          hours before natural sun
    for generalized vitiligo       exposure
   Topical application of 8-     Risk of phototoxicity is
    methoxypsoralen at a           low,so this can be done at
    concentration of 0.05%         home
    to 0.01%, followed by         Ocular protection must be
    UVA exposure                   worn from the ingestion of
   Topical PUVA is used for       the drug through the whole
    focal or limited lesions       tx day
   Inadverrtent burns with
    blistering are frequent
    during tx
 Most commonly, 8-             Two-three tx’s/week are
  methoxyporalen is used           done
 Initially tx is                 20% of pts total
  QOD(because of the               repigmentation
  delayed erythema of              occurs;30% to 40% have
  PUVA), increased to QD           partial response
  once dose is defined            Acral, periorificial, and
 1hr to 30 mins before            segmental lesions
  UVA exposure , 8-                respond less well
  methoxypsoralen                 Darker-skinned pts have
  0.5mg/kg is ingested
                                   a better response, since
 Initial UVA dose is 1 or 2       they tolerate higher UV
  J/cm squared, which is           doses
  gradually increased; 5-         Repigmentation may
  MOP has an aefficccacy
                                   begin after 15-25
  equal to that of 8-MOP
  and less risk of
                                   improvement may take
                                   100-300 tx’s
 If there is no follicular
  repigmentation after 3-6      Phenylalanine/UVA(PAU
  months or approx 50 tx’s       VA) is much less effective
  PUVA should be abated          than PUVA
 CI to PUVA:                   UVB tx alone with 311-
  photosensitivity,              nm irradiation is
  porphyria, liver disease,      associated with a higher
  SLE                            rate of acute
 Surgical tx’s can be           phototoxicity but may be
  applied to limited lesions     successful
  if all other tx modalities    UVA plus topical steroids
  have been exhausted            is superior to either agent
 Epidermal grafting,            alone, but is successful
  autologous minigrafts,         only 24-36% of the time
  and transplantation of         after 9 months
  cultured and noncultured
 If > 50% of the body surface area is affected by
    vitiligo, the pt can consider depigmentation
   This tx is permanent
   Monobenzone 20% is applied BID for 3-6 months
    to residual pigmented areas
   Up to 10 months may be required
   One in six pts will experience acute dermatitis,
    usually confined to the still-pigmented areas

            Partial
             repigmentation of
             lesions of vitiligo on
             the leg of a 14-year-
             old child at the end of
             the summer of sun

  Partial repigmenation
   of vitiligo following
   light (PUVA) therapy

            Permanent
            repigmentation after
            2 years of
            (tripsoralen followed
            by sunlight exposure)
 Characterized by bilateral uveitis, symmetrical
    vitiligo, alopecia, white scalp hair, eyelashes and
    brows(poliosis, and dysacousia(diminished
   Occurs in thirties
   Initial or meningoencephalitic phase occurs with
    prodromata of fever, malaise, headache, nausea,
    and vomiting
   Also may have psychosis, paraplegia,
    hemiparesis, aphagia, and nuchal rididity
   Recovery is usually complete

  Second phase(ophthalmic-auditory stage) is
   characterized by uveitis, dreased visual
   acuity, photopobia, and decreased
  The convalescent phase begins 3weeks to 3
   months after it begins to improve
Alezzandrini’s Syndrome

 Extremely rare syndrome characterized by a
  unilateral degenerative retinits
 This is followed several months later by
  ipsilateral vitiligo on the face and ipsilateral
 Deafness may also be present
Alezzandrini’s Syndrome

 Postinflammatory leukoderma may result from
  inflammatory dermatoses ie:
 Pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, herpes zoster,
  secondary syphilis, and morphea, sarcoidosis,
  tinea versicolor, mycosis fungoides,
  scleroderma, and pityriasis lichenoides chronica,
  and leprosy
 Other causes: burns, scars, postdermabrasion,
  and intralesioal steroid injections

              Postinflammatory
               hypopigmentation in
               a 4-month-old black
               child with atopic

  Postinflammatory
   following resolution
   of guttate psoriasis
Pityriasis alba

                   Ill-defined
                    hypopigmented oval
                    patches are generally seen
                    on the face, upper arms,
                    neck, and shoulders of
                    affected persons
                   It can be differentiated
                    from vitiligo by its fine
                    adherent scale, partial
                    hypopigmentation, and
Pityriasis alba

                   White, slightly scaly
                    patches with
                    indistinct borders on
                    a child’s cheek

 A partial or complete congential absence of
  pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes
  (oculocutaneous albinism), or the eyes alone
  (ocular albinism)
 Cutaneous phenotype of the various forms is
  broad, but the ocular phenotype is reasonably
  constant in most forms
 The ocular phenotype includes decreased visual
  acuity, nystagmus, pale irides that
  transilluminate, hypopigmented fundi,
  hypoplastic foveae, and lack of stereopsis

            This pt has light skin,
             yellowish white hair,
             and a lack of
             pigmentation in nevi
Oculocutaneous Albinism 1
   OCA 1 results from mutations in the tyrosinase
   Affected pts are homozygous for the mutant
    gene or are compound heterozygotes for
    different mutations in the tyrosinase gene
   AR
   Two forms: 1) OCA 1A & OCA 1B
    (indistinguishable at birth)
   OCA 1 is most severe with complete absence of
    tyrosinase activity and complete absence of
    melanin in the skin and eyes
   Visual acuity is decreased to 20/400
   OVA 1B tyrosinase activity is reduced but not
    absent. Pts may show increase in skin,hair, eye
    color with age and can tan

 OCA 1B was originally called “yellow mutant”
 Temperature sensitive OCA (OCA 1-TS) results
  from mutations in the tyrosinase gene that
  produce an enzyme with limited activity < 35
  degrees C and no activity below this temp. pts
  have white hair, skin, andeyes at birth, at
  puberty dark hair develops in cooler acral areas
 Top:albinism with white
  hair, pale skin, and
  translucent irides
 Bottom:ophthalmoscopi
  c view of a pt with
  albinism demonstrates a
  pale fundus, poor
  macular development,
  and prominent choroidal
Oculocutaneous Albinism 2
 Prevalence of 1:15,000
 Pts were named “tyrosinase-positive” albinos
 AR and mutations occur in the P gene
 P gene codes a membrane transport protein
  that is present in the melanosome membrane
 Cutaneous phenotype of OCA 2 pts is broad,
  ranging from nearly normal pigmentation to
  virtually no pigmentation
 Pigmentation increases with age, and visual
  acuity improves with age
 Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes are
  caused by deletions in the P gene; 1% of pts with
  these syndromes also have OCA 2
Oculocutaneous Albinism 3

 AR-caused by mutations in the tyrosine-related
  protein 1 (TRP-1), located on chromosome 9
 OCA 3 has been described only in black pts and is
  characterized by light brown hair, light brown
  skin, blue/brown irrides, nystagmus, and
  decreased visual activity
 Brown rather than black melanin is formed
Ocular Albinism

 There are multiple forms of ocular albinism
 OA 1 may be present with lighter than expected
   It is X-linked
   Female carriers have “mud-splattered” fundi
   Macromelanosomes are found in the skin, so skin
    bx may be a helpful tool
   Many cases of AR ocular albinism have been
    reclassified as OCA 1 or OCA 2
Syndromes Associated with
 Chediak-Higashsi Syndrome
 Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome
 Griscelli Syndrome(partial albinism with
 Elejalde Syndrome
 Cross-McKusick-Breen Syndrome
 Cuna Moon Children
Classification of
Oculocutaneous Albinism
Selenium Deficiency

 Selenium deficiency in the setting of total
  parental nutrition can lead to pseudoalbinism
 Skin and hair pigmentation return to normal
  with supplementation
Waardenburg’s Syndrome
 Four genotypic variants      Pts have features of
  exist:                        piebaldism, with white
 Types 1 & 3 are caused by     forelock,
  mutations in the PAX gene     hypopigmentation,
  on chromosome 2               premature graying,
 Type 2 is caused by           synophrys, congenital
                                deafness, a broad nasal
  mutations in the MITF         root, and ocular changes
  gene on chromosome 3,         including heterochromia
  and type 4 due to             irides
  mutations in the ENDRB
  gene on chromosome 13        Apparently, melanoblasts
                                fail to reach the target sites
                                during embryogenesis
 Rare, AD with variable
Piebaldism     phenotype, presenting at
              White forelock, patchy
               absence of skin
              Depigmented lesions are
               static and occur on the
               anterior and posteroir
               trunk, mid upper arm to
               wrist, mid-thigh to mid-
               calf, and shins
              A characteristic feature is
               the presence of
               hyperpigmented macules
               within the areas of lack of
               pigmentation and on
               normal skin

              Segmental white
               patch on the neck
               with a tuft of white
               hair present from

              White forelock and
               patch of
               unpigmented skin in
               a young girl with
 The white forelock arises from a triangular or
    diamond-shaped midline white macule on the
    frontal scalp or forehead
   The medial portions of the eyebrows, and
    eyelashes may be white
   Histologically, melanocytes are completely
    absent in the white macules
   Etiology is a mutation in the c-kit protooncogene
   Phenotypic differences seen in families is caused
    by different locations of mutations in the gene
   The white lesions may respond to surgical
Idiopathic Guttate
Hypomelanosis symmetrica progressiva
   AKA leukopathica
    Very common aquired disorder affecting women
     more frequently than men
    Usually occurs after age 40
    Lesions occur on the shins and forearms; are
     small (6 or 8mm), rarely become very numerous (
     a dozen or two at most), and never occur on the
     face or trunk
    Lesions are irregularly shaped and very sharply
     defined, like depigmented ephelides, and are
     only of cosmetic significance
Idiopathic Guttate

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Pigmented lesions

  • 1.
  • 2. CONTENTS  Introduction  Classification  Endogenous  Exogenous  References  Conclusion
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  The word pigment is derived from latin word meaning “colour or colouring” Normal skin pigmentation is influenced by:  Degree of vascularity  Amount & location of melanin  Presence of carotene  Thickness of the horny layer
  • 4.
  • 5. Overproduction Over population Sun Benign nevi, malignant exposure,drugs,hormones melanoma
  • 6. PIGMENTED LESIONS Diffuse & bilateral Focal Adult onset Red-blue-purple Blue-grey Brown Systemic No Blanching systemic •Addisons •Amalgam •Melanotic •Varix • Drug disease •Hemagioma Tattoo macule •Heavy induced •Foreign •Pigmented • Post infl Non Body tattoo nevus metal •Kaposis ammatory •blanching •Blue nevus •Melanoma • Smokers •Melano sarcoma • melanosis Thrombus acanthoma •Hematoma Adel Kauzman, Marisa Pavone, Nick Blanas. Pigmented Lesions of the Oral Cavity: Review, Differential Diagnosis, and Case Presentations. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. November 2004, Vol. 70, No. 10
  • 7. PIGMENTED LESIONS ENDOGENOUS Hemoglobin Varix, hemangioma, Kaposi sarcoma, Circulating erythrocytes coursing through patent vessels. angiosarcoma, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia •consequence of blood Hemosiderin extravasation- trauma or a defect Ecchymosis, Petechia, Thrombosed •generalized hemosiderin tissue Varix, Hemorrhagic Mucocele, deposition-Hemochromatosis Hemochromatosis PIGMENTED Melanotic Macule, Nevus, Melanoma, Basilar Melanosis With Incontinence
  • 8. Exogenous Pigmentation of Oral Mucosa Source Color Disease Process Silver amalgam Gray, black Tattoo,iatrogenic trauma Graphite Gray, black Tattoo, trauma Lead, mercury, Gray Ingestion of paint bismuth or medicinals Chromogenic Black, brown, Superficial bacteria green colonization
  • 9. HEMANGIOMA  Childhood-hamartoma; adult-varicosity  Etiology : congenital & traumatic  colour-depth of vascular proliferation  Tongue (intrinsic muscles), lip, buccal mucosa & palate (  Raised, nodular  Benign vascular hamartomas-range from- flat reddish blue macule to a nodular blue tumefaction  Congenital- strawberry nevus
  • 10.  Port wine stain involves facial skin is flat &magenta I colour.  Skull radiograph: vessel wall calcification yield bilamellar radiopaque tracks “Tram line calcification”  Bubbly or honeycomb trabeculated appearance  Overlying cortex is expanded and thinned, but complete cortical disruption and invasion into soft tissue are not present  Diascopy  Intraluminal clots form- palpable and do not blanch
  • 12.  Calcified nodules/phleboliths- radiographically evident  85% of childhood-onset hemangiomas spontaneously regress after puberty  Conventional surgery, laser surgery, cryosurgery  Sclerosing agents - 1% sodium tetradecyl sulfate (intralesional injection)- .05 to 0.15 ml/cm3  Cutaneous port-wine stains - subcutaneous tattooing or by argon laser
  • 13. Differential diagnosis:  Mucocele & Ranula: soft &fluctuant  Aneurysm: pulse are detected
  • 14. Histopathology  Cavernous -large dilated vascular channels lined by endothelial cells without a muscular coat  Cellular/capillary-endothelial proliferation, vascular lumina are very small  Intramuscular –deep lesions
  • 15. Sturge Weber syndrome  Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis  Port wine stain (nevus flammeus) – leptomeninges of cerebral cortex  Mental retardation, hemiparesis, seizures  Ocular lesions  Calcification  d/d- angioosteohypertrophy syndrome Port wine stain + varices + hypertrophy of bone
  • 16.
  • 17. Hemangioma Vascular malformation Description Ab endothelial cell Ab blood vessel proliferation development Elements Inc no of capillaries Mix of artery, vein, capillaries (AV shunt) Growth Rapid congenital, Grows throughout ceases puberty Boundaries Circumscribed;rarely Poorly circumscribed affects bone Thrill & bruit absent present Involution Spontaneous Does not involute Resection Easy Difficult, surgical haemorrhage Recurrence Uncommon Common
  • 18. Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome  Bean’s syndrome  Multiple small & large cavernous hemagioma  Skin & GI tract + mouth  Childhood/young adulthood  Life threatening-blood loss->anemia & Fe deficiency
  • 19. Varix  Pathologic dilatations of veins or venules are varices or varicosities  Site- ventral tongue- tortuous ,serpentine blue, red, and purple elevations  Progressively prominent with age  degenerative change in the adventitia of the venous wall-painless & non haemorrhagic  interfere with mastication
  • 20.  focal dilatation-varix  Elders, lower lip, raised  Blue/red/ purple; surface mucosa -lobulated or nodular  Diff diagnosis-hemangioma -age -etiology- lip or cheek biting -growth potential -same histology-thrombi-organization & canalization  Same t/t
  • 21. ANGIOSARCOMA  Malignant vascular neoplasm.  Arise anywhere in body  Colour: red ,blue or purple .  Rapidly proliferative present as nodular tumor.  can arise from blood or lymph vessel endothelial cells / pericytic cells of vasculature.  Treated by radical excision
  • 22. KAPOSI SARCOMA  Tumor of putative vascular origin  HHV-8  2 forms-elderly men ( oral mucosa & skin of lower extremities) , (2) children in equatorial africa ( lymph nodes)-aggressive & lethal  Slow progressive, less metastasis  Oral tumors - red, blue, and purple-hard
  • 23. KAPOSI SARCOMA + HIV  Oral lesions - posterior hard palate  Begin as flat red macules of variable size and irregular configuration  Numerous isolated and coalescing plaques  Eventually- increase in size ->nodular growths- entire palate, protruding below the plane of occlusion  Facial gingiva
  • 24.  D/d-pyogenic granuloma, giant cell granuloma Bacillary angiomatosis-bartonella henselae-rare in oral mucosa  Early stage-no t/t; later-electrocautery/excision  Intralesional 1% vinblastine sulfate-less post injection pain-multiple biweekly injections  Proliferating spindle cells with mild pleomorphism + plump endothelial cells  extravasation of erythrocytes + hemosidren granules
  • 25. HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC TELANGIECTASIA/Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome  Multiple round or oval purple papules measuring less than in 0.5cm in diameter.  Genetically transmitted disease  Site: vermilion &mucosal surfaces of lips as well as on the tongue &buccal mucosa.  multiple microaneurysms, owing to a weakening defect in the adventitial coat of
  • 26.  Same lesion in nasal mucosa-epistaxis  differential diagnosis-petechial hemorrhages (platelet disorder)-macular, red/blue, not genetic  CREST syndrome  Selective embolization  electrocautery (series of procedures) using local anesthesia
  • 27. Ephelis  Increase in melanin pigment synthesis by basal-layer melanocytes, without an increase in the number of melanocytes  Freckle  Vermilion border of lips ( lower lip). Lesion is macular ranging from small to few cms  Solar exposure  M=f  Adults, asymptomatic
  • 28. Oral Melanotic Macule  Intraoral counterpart  Oval or irregular outline,  Brown or black, gingiva, palate, buccal mucosa.  Once they reach a certain size, they do not tend to enlarge further  Differential diagnosis - nevus, early superficial spreading melanoma, amalgam tattoo, and
  • 29.  Biopsy  melanin-containing dendritic cells are seen to extend high into a thickened spinous layer. melanoacanthoma  Surgery –no predisposition to melanoma  Myxoma syndrome-soft tissue myxoma + endocrinopathy  Laugier –Hunziker syndrome/phenomenon- acquired disorder + lips,oral, finger+ subungual melanocytic streaks
  • 30. Nevocellular Nevus/nevomelanocytic nevus/pigmented nevus  Benign proliferations of melanocytes Nevus cells - localized to basal layer- junction of epithelium and basement membrane+ connective tissue Minimal proliferation Macular, flat and brown, regular outline Junctional nevi
  • 31. Melanocytes form clusters at the epitheliomesenchymal junction proliferate down into the connective tissue Dome shaped appearance Compound nevi Lose their continuity with surface epithelium+ cells become localized - deeper connective tissues Intradermal nevi (skin) Intramucosal (mouth)
  • 33. Blue nevus  Melanocytic cells reside deep in the connective tissue and because the overlying vessels dampen the brown coloration of melanin, yielding a blue tint  More spindle shaped + more pigment  Macular or nodular; brown intraorally  Palate, gingiva, buccal mucosa & lips
  • 34. Malignant Melanoma  Sun exposure->malar region  Facial cutaneous melanomas –macular/ nodular  Brown -black -blue, with zones of depigmentation.  Jagged irregular margins-nevi(smooth outline)  Elder, M>F
  • 35. “Lentigo maligna melanoma” or “hutchinson’s freckle” Facial skin lesions – atypical melanocytic hyperplasia /melanoma in situ. Melanocytic tumor cells spread laterally and superficially Radial growth phase Good prognosis Nodular-deeper invasion-vertical growth-poor
  • 36.  Breslow method, by which millimeter depths of invasion are measured (depth correlating with prognosis  Oral mucosa -anterior labial gingiva, ant. Hard palate.  They may be focal or diffuse and mosaic
  • 37. Staging  Stage 1-primary tumor only  Level 1- melanoma in situ without evidence of invasion/microinvasion +nt  Level 2-invasion upto lamina propria  Level 3- deep skeletal tissue-muscles  Stage 2- metastatic to regional lymph node  Stage 3- distant node metastasis Gondivkar et al. Primary malignant melanoma-case report & review of literature.quitesscence int vol 7; jan 2009
  • 38.  Excision with wide margins  CT & MRI-Rule our metastases- submandibular & cervical nodes  Immunosuppressive drugs
  • 39. Drug induced Melanosis  Quinoline, hydroxy quinoline,amodiaquine minocycline  Site :hard palate (large &localized) or multifocal, throughout the mouth.  Oral contraceptives &pregnancy are associated with hyperpigmentation of facial skin- periorbital &perioral region -melasma or chloasma.  Flat lesions, nail bed & skin
  • 40. Physiological pigmentation  Asian ,black people, dark skinned Caucasians  diffuse melanosis of facial gingiva  lingual gingiva& tongue may exhibit multiple, diffuse & reticulated brown macule  basilar melanosis, evolves in childhood  Multifocal or diffuse pigmentation of recent onset – investigated-endocrinopathic disease.
  • 41.  Symmetric distribution  No gender predliction, any age  Does not alter normal architecture  Degree of intraoral pigmentation –may not correspond cutaneous coloration  No change in intensity
  • 42. Café au Lait Pigmentation  Color of coffee with cream  Small ephelis-like macules to broad diffuse  Late childhood and multiple  Neurofibromatosis- nodular and diffuse pendulous neurofibromas - skin and (rarely) in the oral cavity  Basilar melanosis without melanocyte proliferation  McCune Albright syndrome
  • 43. Smoker’s Melanosis  Ant labial gingiva, Buccal mucosa, lateral tongue, palate, floor of mouth  No cause-and-effect relationship  Melanogenesis is stimulated by tobacco smoke products
  • 44.  Brown, flat, and irregular, geographic or maplike  basilar melanosis with melanin incontinence  No premalignant potential  Cosmetics
  • 45. Pigmented Lichen Planus  Erosive lichen planus + diffuse melanosis  Increased production of melanin by the melanocytes  Accumulation of melanin laden macrophages in the superficial connective tissue
  • 46. Endrocrinopathic Pigmentation Addison’s disease Granulomatous infection of cortex/ autoimmune cortical destruction Adrenocortical insufficiency Steroid hormones decrease Feedback loop stimulated Excess secretion of ACTH Hypotension and hypoglycemia,stimulation of MSH
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  • 49.  Skin may appear tanned- bronzing of the skin and patchy melanosis  Gingiva, palate, and buccal mucosa – blotchy  Increased hormone-dependent melanogenesis-> accumulation of melanin granules  Serum steroid & hormone investigation  Disappear-therapy for endocrine disease
  • 50. HIV oral Melanosis  Hyper pigmentation of skin ,nails &mucous membrane.  Buccal mucosa is frequently affected site gingiva,palate,tongue may also be involved.  Etiology remains undetermined  Diffuse multifocal macular brown pigmentations
  • 51. Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome  hereditary intestinal polyposis syndrome  Benign hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract  hyperpigmented macules on the lips and oral mucosa  Rectal bleeding, abdominal pain
  • 52. BROWN HEME-ASSOCIATED LESIONS  Ecchymosis- large size-Traumatic-lips & face, uncommon buccal mucosa Traumatic event(fellatio,cheek bite,prostho app) Erythrocyte extravasation into the submucosa Bright red macule /swelling if a hematoma forms brown coloration within a few days Hemoglobin is degraded to hemosiderin
  • 53.  Retrauma- observed for 2 weeks-resolution  Hemorrhagic diathesis-ecchymosis as d/d  Anticoagulant drugs -cheek or tongue  Hereditary coagulopathic disorders & chronic liver failure-prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time, clotting time- prolonged
  • 54. Petechia  Pinpoint hemorrhage less than 2cm  Autoimmune or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), disorders of platelet aggregation, aspirin toxicity and myelosuppressive chemotherapy
  • 55.  Oral –soft palate (10-30)-suction  Does not blanch on compression  Excessive suction of soft palate against the posterior tongue -self inflicted -pruritic palate at the onset of a viral or an allergic pharyngitis  “click” their palate  t/t-stop activity-regression in 2 weeks  Platelet studies
  • 56. Hemochromatosis  bronze diabetes. tetrad of liver cirrhosis  Male predliction
  • 57.  tissue – iron - Prussian blue-elevated serum level  Medical referral
  • 58. Amalgam Tattoo  solitary or focal pigmentation  macular  bluish gray - even black  buccal mucosa, gingiva, or palate  vicinity of teeth- large amalgam restorations  Accidental impregnation-metal flecks- mucosa  extraction sockets- healing phase- connective tissue while re-epithelialization
  • 59.  Radiographs  fine brown granular stippling of reticulum fibers, particularly around vessel walls  giant cell reaction-uncommon, infiltrate +nt  No t/t required, biopsy when distant to tooth
  • 60. Graphite Tattoo  Palate  Traumatic implantation from a lead pencil, school children  Macular, focal, and gray or black
  • 61. Hairy Tongue  Unknown etiology  dorsum ,particular middle &posterior one third.  papillae are elongated- appearance of hairs  hyperplastic papillae (filiform) become pigmented by colonization of chromogenic bacteria-brown to green colour to black
  • 62.  tea &coffee-diffuse discolouration  t/t- brush the tongue and avoid tea and coffee for a few weeks  Recurrence + nt
  • 63. Pigmented Neuroectodermal tumor of infancy  Benign neoplasm-neural crest cells  Infants younger than 6 months  Maxilla > mandible> skull  Non ulcerated, dark pigmented mass  Ill defined radiolucency with developing teeth  Less metastasis
  • 64. Heavy-Metal Ingestion  Occupational hazard  Ingested pigments tend to extravasate from vessels in foci of increased capillary permeability such as inflamed tissues.  Free marginal gingiva-gingival cuff, resembling eyeliner-gray-black app  Behavioral changes, neurologic disorders, and
  • 65. Plumbism  Lead poisoning-paints,glazes,cooking vessels,batteries,exhaust of automobile  Oral manifestation: metallic taste, excessive salivation,dysphagia.Burtonian line is seen when exposure to lead is high &oral hygiene is poor at gingival margin.  chelating agent such as edta or penicillamine.
  • 66. Mercurialism  Pink disease, swift disease,acrodynia.  Acute or chronic  increase in saliva, itching sensation, metallic taste, salivary glands & lymph nodes are swollen. Tongue is enlarged ,painful,ulcerated
  • 67.  Color: diffuse grayish pigmentation of alveolar mucosa, gums are deeper hue than normal, teeth may exfoliate due to marked periostitis.  Management: bed rest ,atropine to lessen saliva flow.  Administration of BAL (British anti-lewisite)& dimercaprol
  • 68. Argyria  Exposure to silver compound  Cause: local &systemic absorption of silver compound.  Oral manifestation: Diffusely distributed through out gingival &mucosal tissue.  Management: source of contact be eliminated.
  • 69.  Gold- Chrysiasis may be induced by parenteral administration of gold salts, usually for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
  • 70. Nevus of Ota  Congenital melanosis bulbi  Blue hyperpigmentation of face  Involves 1 & 2 branches of trigeminal nerve  Melanocytes trapped in upper 1/3 of dermis
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  • 88. Melanin = primary pigment producing brown coloration  Tyrosine – tyrosinase –melanin- this occurs in the melanosomes of melanocytes  Then the melanosomes are transferred from the melanocyte to a group of keratinocytes called the epidermal melanin unit  Variations in skin color is related to the number of melanosomes, the degree of melanization, and the distribution of the epidermal melanin unit
  • 89. Pigmentary Demarcation Lines  Can be divided into five categories:  Group A- lines along the outer upper arms with variable extension across the chest  Group B-lines along the posteromedial aspect of the lower limb  Group C-Paired median or paramedian lines on the chest, with midline abdominal extension  Group D-medial, over the spine  Group E-bilaterally symmetrical, obliquely oriented, hypopigmented macules on the chest
  • 90. Pigmentary Demarcation Lines  More than 70% of blacks have one or more lines  These are much less common in whites  Type B lines often appear for the first time during pregnancy
  • 91. Normal Pigmentation  Normal skin pigmentation is influenced by: -the degree of vascularity -the amount & location of melanin -the presence of carotene -the thickness of the horny layer
  • 92. Melanin Production  The amount produced is dependent on: -genetics -the amount and the wavelengths of ultraviolet light received -the amount of melanocyte-stimulating hormone(MSH) secreted - the effect of melanoccytestimulatingg chemicals like furocoumarins (psoralens)
  • 93. Hemosiderin Hyperpigmnetation  Pigmentation due to deposits of hemosiderin occurs in: -purpura -hemochromatosis -hemorrhagic diseases -stasis ulcers ** difficult to distinguish from postinflammatory dermal melanosis clinically
  • 94. Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation  Any inflammatory condition can cause either hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation  Also may be a complication of chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser therapy, or liposuction  Histologically, there is melanin in the upper dermis and around upper dermal vessels, located primarily in macrophages (melanophages)
  • 95. Postinflammatory hyperpigmenation  Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation following resolution of lymphocytoma cutis on the cheek of a black child
  • 96. Industrial Hyperpigmentation  Occurs in coal miners, anthracene workers, pitch workers, etc  Pigmentation of the face may occur from the incorporation in cosmetics of derivatives of coal tar, petrolatum, or picric acid, mercury, lead, bismuth, or furocoumarins (psoralens)
  • 97. Systemic Diseases  Syphilis, malaria, pellagra, and diabetes  Addison’s disease- diffuse melanosis pronounced in the axillae and palmar creases, and nipples and genitals, and buccal mucosa  Diabetes produces diffuse bronzing of the skin  ** patients with virilizing adrenal tumors usually develop hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis
  • 98. Systemic Diseases  Nelson’s syndrome (a  Vitamin B12 deficiency pituitary MSH-producing tumor)  Kwashiorkor  Pheochromocytoma  Vitamin A deficiency  Hemochromatosis  Primary biliary cirrhosis  Amyloidosis (triad=  Scurvy hyperpigmentation,  Pregnancy pruritis, xanthomas)  Menopause  Porphyria cutanea tarda
  • 99. Hemochromatosis Characterized by: Usually are present:  Gray-brown  Cirrhoisis mucocutaneous  Hypogonadism hyperpigmentation  Liver cirrhosis  Diabetes mellitus  hepatomegaly
  • 100. Hemochromatosis  Skin pigmentaion is  The actual pigmentation usually generalized is caused by increased  But, more pronounced basal-layer melanin on face, extensor aspect  Mucous memebranes are of the forearms, backs of pigmented in up to 20% the hands, and the of patients geniocrural area  Koilonychia is present in  Iron is deposited in the 50% skin  Localized ichthyosis in  Iron is present as 40% granules around blood  Alopecia is common vessels and sweat glands and within macrophages
  • 101.  Dx:  Elevated plasma iron and  Occurs mostly in men in IBP their sixties  High serum ferritin  Women who have without an obvious cause genetic should prompt hemochromatosis can investigation for both have full phenotypic hemochromatosis and expression PCT  Extremely rare in the  Etiology is either an young inborn error of  Neonatal metabolism or excessive hemochromatosis has number of blood been associated with transfusions intrauterine infections ie  AR gene for heredity cytomegalovirus hemochromatosis is  Adults with linked to the HLA-A locus hemochromatosis are on chromosome 6p susceptible to Yersinia
  • 102. Hemochromatosis-tx  Phlebotomy until satisfactory iron levels are found  Extracorporeal chelation has also been used successfully  Associated DM requires medical tx  Long-term complications are cirrhosis and then hepatomas
  • 103. Melasma  Brown patches, sharply  Tends to affect the darker- demarcated, typically on complected the malar prominences and  It may also be found on the forehead forearms  The three clinical patterns  Occurs at pregnancy and at are: centrofacial, malar, menopause mandibular  It may also be seen in  Increased pigment may ovarian disorders and other simultaneously occur endocrine disorders around the nipples and external genitalia  Most frequently 90% of the time seen in women, 10% in men
  • 104.  Tx- avoid sunlight, and a Melasma complete sun block with broad-spectrum UVA coverage should be used daily  Strong association with the  Kligman’s formula use of birth control pills or (Triluma) dilantin  > then 4% hydroquinone  Discontinuing the may be needed contraceptives rarely clears  Side effects of this is the pigmentation, and it ochronosis and satellite may last for years after pigmentation discontinuing them.  Jessner’s solution,  Melasma of pregnancy glycolic acid peels,azelaic usually clears within a few acid, kojic acid, and months of delivery cystamine and buthionine sulfoximine are other options
  • 108. Acromelanosis Progressiva  AKA acropigmentation  By age 4 or 5 the  A progressive pigmentary perineum, extremities, disorder first described in a and areas of the head Japanese infant and neck were involved  Characterized by diffuse  Epileptiform seizures black pigmentation on the dorsum of all the fingers occurred and toes  History revealed  Pigmentation became consanguinity progressively more widespread and more pigmented
  • 109. Pigmented Anomalies of the Extremities  Acropigmentation of Dohi  Patients develop  Found to affect individuals progressive pigmented & from Europe, India, depigmented macules Caribbean  Often mixed in is a  First described in Japan in reticulate pattern 12 patients  Many believe this to be a  AKA dyschromatosis variation of symmetrica hereditaria or symmetrical acropigmentation of dyschromatosis of the Kitamura extremities
  • 110. Reticular Pigmented Anomaly  Clinically it looks smooth of the Flexures  Pigmententation is  A rare pigmentary adult- reticular; at the onset disorder periphery, discrete,  AKA Dowling-Degos brownish black macules disease or dark dot disease surround the partly  Should be considered confluent central whenever acanthosis pigmented area nigricans is in the  Typically, axillae, differential & pt is not inframmary folds, and obese and is known not to intercrural folds are have any internal involved malignancy  There are frequently pits, sometimes pigmented , about the mouth
  • 111. Reticular Pigmented Anomaly of the Flexures  It begins age 20 to 30  Many authors believe it is a spectrum of reticulate yrs and progresses acropigmentation of gradually Kitamura  Unknown etiology  Another manifestation of this disorder is familial-  AD with variable rocacea-like dermatitis penetrance and with warty keratotic expressivity, and plaques on the trunk and limbs delayed onset  There is no treatment
  • 112. Histology  Distinctive elongation, tufting, and deep hyperpigmentation of therete ridges, with protrusion of similar tufts even from the sides of the follicles
  • 113. Reticulate Acropigmentation of Kitamura  AD  One report of a pt with bony abnormalities  Characterized by linear consisting of absence of palmar pits and terminal phalanges of the pigmented macules 1-4 second, third, and fourth mm in diameter on the toes volar and dorsal  Some tx success has been aspects of the hands reported using axelaic acid and feet ointment
  • 114. Dermatopathia Pigmentosa Reticularis  Consists of a triad of  An autosomal generalized reticulate hyperpigmentation, dominant inheritance noncicatricial alopecia, and pattern has been onychodystrophy reported.  Other associations: adermatoglyphia, hypohidrosis or hyperhidrosis, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, and nonscarring blisters on dorsa of hands and feet.
  • 116. Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis  Histologically, there are intracorneal or  Infants develop 2- subcorneal aggregates of 3mm macules, predominantly pustules, and ruptured neutrophils, but pustules at birth, eosinophils may also be found predominantly  Dermal inflammation is involving the face composed of an  Pigmentation may last admixture of neuts and for weeks or months eos after the pustules are  Differential dx: ETN, healed neonatal acne, & acropustulosis of infancy
  • 119. Peutz-Jeghers  Macules may also occur around the mouth, on the central face, backs of the hands, especially the  Characterized by fingers, and on the toes hyperpigmented macules and tops of the feet. on the lips and oral  Associated polyposis mucosa and polyposis of the small intestine involves the small intestine preferencely  Dark brown or black  But, hamartomatous macules appear typically on the lips, especially the polyps of the stomach lower lip, in infancy or and colon may occur childhood  Symptoms of  Similar lesions may hamhartomas of the appear on buccal small intestine may cause mucosa, tongue, gingiva, repeated bouts of and genital mucosa abdominal pain and vomiting, and intussusception
  • 120. Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome  Cosmetic tx of labial  Syndrome is inherited and macules has been transmitted as a simple accomplished with the use mendelian dominant trait of a 694-mm ruby laser  Sporadic noninherited  incidence of malignancy cases may occur within the polyps is 2-3%  The gene (STK11) has been  Incidence of GI malignancy localized to 19p13.3 is low, but increased  19p13.3 is believed to be a incidence of other kinds of tumor suppressor gene cancer-breast, and gynecologic malignancies in women
  • 121. Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome  A protein-losing  Cronkhite-Canada enteropathy may syndrome should be develop and is associated considered in dx with the degree of  Characterized by intestinal polyposis melanotic macules on  Onset is after age 30 yrs the fingers and gastrointestinal polyposis  Sporaically occurring,  Also generalized , benign condition uniform darkening of the  Hypogeusia is the skin, extensive alopecia, dominant initial and onychodystrophy symptom  The polys that occur are  Diarrhea and ectodermal usually benign adenomas changes may follow and may involve the  75% of cases have been whole GI tract reported in Japan
  • 122. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome  Lip lentigenes in an adolescent with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
  • 125. Reihl’s Melanosis  Photosensitivity,  Characteristic feature is phototoxic dermatitis spotty light to dark brown pigmentation  Begins with pruritis,  Most intense on the erythema, and forehead, malar regions, pigmentation, gradually behind the ears, on the spreads, then becomes sides of the neck, on other stationary sun-exposed areas  Melanosis occurs mostly in  Also circumscribed women and develops over telangiectasia and months temporary hyperemia
  • 126. pathogenesis  Sun exposure following  Has been reported in perfume or cream patients with AIDS and  A photocontact Sjogren’s syndrome dermatitis  No good treatments  One report of a  The cause of the sensitivity positive patch test needs to be determeined results to lemon oil,  Hyperkeratosis and geraniol, and pigmentation disappear hydroxycitronellal spontaneously
  • 127. Tar Melanosis  An occupational  Small, dark, lichenoid, dermatosis occurring follicular papules become among tar handlers after profuse on the extremities, years of exposure namely the forearms  Severe, widespread itching  Bullae are sometimes develops, followed by observed reticular pigmentation,  Represents a telangiectases, and a shiny photosensitivity or appearance of the skin phototoxicity induced by  There is a tendency for tar hyperhidrosis
  • 128.  AD inheritance  Histologically- increase in Familial melanin in the basal cell Progressive patches  Characterized by layer, especially at the tips of the rete ridges of hyperpigmentation, Hyperpigmentation present at birth,  Pigmented granules are increasing in size and scattered diffusely number with age throughout the  Hyperpigmentation epidermal layers appears in the  Differentiated from other conjunctivae and the hyperpigmentations by buccal mucosa over time presence of bizarre,  Eventually large portions sharply marginated of skin and mucous patterns of membranes become hyperpigmented skin involved
  • 129. Universal Acquired Melanosis(Carbon Baby)  Ruiz-Maldonado  EM showed a negroid reported a case of a pattern in the Mexican child, born melanosomes of the white, who epidermal melanocytes progressively became black and keratinocytes  Developed  Melanocytes were not pigmentation of the increased in number palms, soles, mucous membranes
  • 130. Zebralike Hyperpigmentation  Alimurung et al reported  Hyperpigmenation was an unusual pattern of linear and symmetrical, hyperpigmentation in a involving the trunk and black male infant with extremities congenital defects (ASD,  Increased number of dextrocardia, auricualr melanocytes in the bands of hyperpigmentation atresia, deafness. And  Pigmentary anomaly fades growth retardation) with time spontaneously  May be a varient of incontinentia pigmenti
  • 131. Periorbital Hyperpigmentation 1.) Familial periorbital 2.) Erythema melanosis (AD) dyschromicum  Usually involves all four perstans is a rare cause eyelids, may extend to 3.) Familial dark circles around the eyes, involve the eyebrows frequently seen in and cheeks individuals of Mediterranean ancestry
  • 132. Metallic Discolorations  Pigmentation from deposition of fine metallic particles in the skin  Metal may be carried to skin from the blood stream or may permeate into it from surface applications
  • 133. Argyria  Local tx with a silver- containing product may produce argyria  Examples: conjunctivae,  Localized or widespread from eye drops; a wound slate-colored pigmentation from sulfadiazine cream,  Due to silver in the skin earlobes from silver  Most noticeable in parts earings; and from silver exposed to sunlight acupuncture needles  Can also occur from  Tissue silver may stimulate melanocytes occupational exposure, usually siversmiths  Initially discoloration is  In localized exposures, hardly perceptible, having only a faint blue color, but the appearance may be a slate-gray color develops separated by many years with time from the exposure
  • 134. Histology  Systemic and localized argria have the same features  Normal appearing skin under low power  Fine black granules in the basement zone of the sweat glands,blood vessel walls, d-e junction, and arrector pili muscles  Unstained biopsy section by darkfield illumination demonstrates silver granules outlining basement membrane of the epidermis and the eccrine sweat glands
  • 135. Bismuth  Rarely associated with deposition of metallic particles in gums when used IM or orally  Also known as the bismuth line  Presence of stomatitis or peridontitis increased the risk  Generalized cutaneous discoloration, in addition to oral mucous membrane and conjunctival pigmentation resembling argyria has occurred but has not be reported in the last 50 years
  • 136. Lead  Chronic lead poisoning can produce a “lead hue” with lividity and pallor  Deposit of lead in the gums may occur and is known as the “lead line”
  • 137. Iron  In the past, soluble iron compounds were used in the treatment of allergic contact dermatitides  In eroded areas iron was sometimes deposited in the skin, like a tattoo  Use of Monsel’s solution can produce similar tattooing
  • 138. Gold  Chrysiasis may be induced by parenteral administration of gold salts, usually for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis  More commonly recognized in white patients  A mauve, blue, or slate/gray pigmentation develops initially on the eyelids, spreading to the face, dorsal hands, and other areas  Severity is related to the total dose received, rare < a dose of 20 mg/kg of elemental gold  Pigment is accentuated in light-exposed areas, and sun protected areas do not demonstrate gold  Localized chrysiasis has been induced by the Q- switched ruby laser tx in a patient on parental gold therapy
  • 139. Mercury  Mercurial pigmentation in the skin is rare, especially since the use of mercurials has been strictly controlled  Most common presentation is subcutaneous nodules that result from accidental implantation of elemental mercury from a thermometer into skin
  • 140. Canthaxanthin  Orange-red pigment canthaxanthin is present in many plants ( notably algae and mushrooms) and in bacteria. Crustaceans, sea trout, and feathers  When ingested for the purpose of simulating a tan, its deposition in the panniculus imparts a golden orange hue to the skin  Stools become brick red and the plasma orange, and golden deposits appear in the retina
  • 141. Dye Discoloration  Blue hands from accidental dyeing were reported by Albert in 1976  A man’s hands were dyed as a result of warming them in his armpits while wearing a new blue flannel shirt  The dye was insoluble in water, but soluble in sweat
  • 142. Rubeosis  A rosy coloration of the face occurring in young people with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus  May be associated with xanthochromia to produce a “peaches and cream” complexion
  • 143. Vitiligo  Usually begins in childhood or young adulthood  50% of cases begin before age 20  Prevalence ranges from 0.5% to 1%  Females are disproportionately represented among patients seeking medical care, it is not known if it is actually more common in females or simply because they more often bring it to their physicians attention
  • 144. Clinical Features  An acquired pigmentary anomaly of the skin  Manifested by depigmented white patches surrounded by a normal or a hyperpigmented border  There may be intermediate tan zones or lesions , halfway between the normal skin color and depigmentaton-so-called trichrome vitiligo  Hairs in vitiliginous areas usually become white also  Rarely, the patches may have a red, inflammatory border  Patches are of various sizes and configurations
  • 145. Types  Localized or focal(including segmental)  Generalized  Universal  Acrofacial
  • 146. Vitiligo  Generalized is the most common  Involvement is symmetrical  Most commonly involving the face, upper chest, dorsal aspects of the hands, axillae, and groin  Tendency for skin around orifices to be affected (eyes,nose, mouth, ears, nipples, umbilicus, penis, vulva, anus)  Lesions also favor areas of trauma (elbows and knees)
  • 147. Generalized Vitiligo  Involvement of perineal and inguinal skin  Note the distinct borders
  • 149. Symmetric, Acral Vitiligo  Left: pre-PUVA treatment  Right:same pt shows perifollicular pattern of repigmentation during PUVA therapy
  • 150. Segmental Vitiligo  Rapidly progressing segmental vitiligo
  • 151. Segmental Vitiligo  Segmental vitiligo of the eyebrow and eyelashes
  • 152. Segmental Vitiligo  Segmental vitiligo on the arm , neck, and chest  Note areas of spontaneous follicular repigmentation  Left upper back with partial spontaneous repigmentation
  • 153. Universal Vitiligo  Applies to cases where the entire body surface is depigmented
  • 154. Focal Vitiligo  May affect one nondermatomal site  Or asymmetrically affect a single dermatome  This form is treatment resistant, has an earlier onset, and is frequently associated with other autoimmune phenomena  It represents 5% of adult vitiligo and 20% of childood vitiligo  Trigeminal area is most commonly affected
  • 155. Acrofacial Vitiligo  Type affecting the distal fingers and the facial orifices
  • 156. Vitiligo  Local loss of pigment may occur around nevi and melanomas, the so-called halo phenomenon  Vitiligo-like leukoderma occurs in 1% of melanoma patients  In those previously dx with melanoma, it suggests metastatic disease  Paradoxically, patients who develop leukoderma have a better prognosis than patients without it  Halo nevi are more common in patients with vitiligo  Lesions are hypersensitive to UV light and burn easily when exposed to the sun
  • 157.  Ocular abnormalities are increased in patients with vitiligo  Vitiligo occurs in 13% of  Iritis and retinal pts with the autoimmune pigmentary polyendocrinopathy- abnormalities candidiasis-ectodermal  8% of pts with idiopathic dystrophy (APECED) uveitis have vitiligo or  Familial aggregation is poliosis seen- up to 30% of  Most frequent vitiligo pts have an associations are with affected relative-it is not other “autoimmune” inherited as AD or AR diseases((IDDM, trait, but has a pernicious anemia, multifactorial genetic Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, basis Graves’ disease, Addison’s disease, and AA)
  • 158. Childhood Vitiligo  Shows an increase in  Poor response to PUVA segmental therapy presentation  More frequent autoimmune or endocrine anomalies  High incidence of premature graying in females
  • 159. Vitiligo  Completely depigmented oval ivory white areas with convex hyperpigmentated borders
  • 160. Vitiligo  Vitiligo with depigmentation of the lips
  • 162. Occupational Vitiligo  All the intermediates in  Thiols, phenolic the biosynthesis of compounds, catechol, melanin are phenolic derivatives of catechol, compounds, therefore mercaptoamines, and postulated that several quinones produce accumulation of these depigmentation within the melanocyte  Seen in pts who work in may damage or kill the rubber garments or wear cell. gloves containing an  Clinical pattern may be antioxidant, monobenzyl similarto vitiligo, but ether of hydroquinone lesions tend to be concentrated in areas of contact with the incriminated substance
  • 163. Occupational Vitiligo  Many phenolic compounds can produce leukoderma, with or without antecedent dermatitis  Examples: paratertiary sulfhydryls; monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone  One source is phenolic antiseptic detergents used in hospitals  Adhesives and glues containing them may be found in shoes, wristbands, and adhesive tape, and rubber products used in brassieres, girdles, panties, or condoms may also be at fault  Self-sticking bindis (the cosmetic used by many Indian woman on the forehead) has been reported to induce leukoderma from the adhesive material
  • 164. Chemical Depigmentation  Chemical depigmentation due to a germicidal detergent  Pts usually improve with discontinuation of the offending agent
  • 165. Pathogenesis  Three possible mechanisms have been proposed as inducing vitiligo are autoimmunity, neurohumoral factors, and autocytotoxicity  No mechanism has been conclusively proven
  • 166. Histology  There is complete loss of melanocytes  Usually there is no inflammatory component
  • 167. Differential  Morphea  Lichen sclerosis  Pityriasis alba  Tinea versicolor tertiary pinta
  • 168. Treatment  Fair-skinned pts may manage their disease  Spontaneous with sunblock repigmentation occurs in  Sun protection is no more than 15% to 25% mandatory in all pts with of cases vitiligo because of the  Response is slow loss of protection from  PUVA may actually UV radiation in the worsen the appearance depigmented skin initially by pigmenting  Topical steroids may be surrounding skin useful on focal or limited  Cover-up lesions strategies(topical dyes,  Mid to super high- make-up, self-tanning potency steroids are creams) often required on trunk and acral lesions with the strength tapered as the lesions respond
  • 169.  Systemic steroids lead to temporary Treatment repigmentation, this is usually lost as the steroidal agents are tapered  Trioxsalen, at a dose of up  PUVA therapy is the to 20-40mg, is taken a few most common treatment hours before natural sun for generalized vitiligo exposure  Topical application of 8-  Risk of phototoxicity is methoxypsoralen at a low,so this can be done at concentration of 0.05% home to 0.01%, followed by  Ocular protection must be UVA exposure worn from the ingestion of  Topical PUVA is used for the drug through the whole focal or limited lesions tx day  Inadverrtent burns with blistering are frequent during tx
  • 170.  Most commonly, 8-  Two-three tx’s/week are methoxyporalen is used done  Initially tx is  20% of pts total QOD(because of the repigmentation delayed erythema of occurs;30% to 40% have PUVA), increased to QD partial response once dose is defined  Acral, periorificial, and  1hr to 30 mins before segmental lesions UVA exposure , 8- respond less well methoxypsoralen  Darker-skinned pts have 0.5mg/kg is ingested a better response, since  Initial UVA dose is 1 or 2 they tolerate higher UV J/cm squared, which is doses gradually increased; 5-  Repigmentation may MOP has an aefficccacy begin after 15-25 equal to that of 8-MOP tx’s;significant and less risk of improvement may take phototoxicity 100-300 tx’s
  • 171.  If there is no follicular repigmentation after 3-6  Phenylalanine/UVA(PAU months or approx 50 tx’s VA) is much less effective PUVA should be abated than PUVA  CI to PUVA:  UVB tx alone with 311- photosensitivity, nm irradiation is porphyria, liver disease, associated with a higher SLE rate of acute  Surgical tx’s can be phototoxicity but may be applied to limited lesions successful if all other tx modalities  UVA plus topical steroids have been exhausted is superior to either agent  Epidermal grafting, alone, but is successful autologous minigrafts, only 24-36% of the time and transplantation of after 9 months cultured and noncultured melanocytes
  • 172.  If > 50% of the body surface area is affected by vitiligo, the pt can consider depigmentation  This tx is permanent  Monobenzone 20% is applied BID for 3-6 months to residual pigmented areas  Up to 10 months may be required  One in six pts will experience acute dermatitis, usually confined to the still-pigmented areas
  • 173. Vitiligo  Partial repigmentation of lesions of vitiligo on the leg of a 14-year- old child at the end of the summer of sun exposure
  • 174. Vitiligo  Partial repigmenation of vitiligo following psorralen-ultraviolet light (PUVA) therapy
  • 175. Vitiligo  Permanent repigmentation after 2 years of photochemotherapy (tripsoralen followed by sunlight exposure)
  • 176. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome  Characterized by bilateral uveitis, symmetrical vitiligo, alopecia, white scalp hair, eyelashes and brows(poliosis, and dysacousia(diminished hearing)  Occurs in thirties  Initial or meningoencephalitic phase occurs with prodromata of fever, malaise, headache, nausea, and vomiting  Also may have psychosis, paraplegia, hemiparesis, aphagia, and nuchal rididity  Recovery is usually complete
  • 177. VKHS  Second phase(ophthalmic-auditory stage) is characterized by uveitis, dreased visual acuity, photopobia, and decreased hearing(50%)  The convalescent phase begins 3weeks to 3 months after it begins to improve
  • 178. Alezzandrini’s Syndrome  Extremely rare syndrome characterized by a unilateral degenerative retinits  This is followed several months later by ipsilateral vitiligo on the face and ipsilateral poliosis  Deafness may also be present
  • 180. Leukoderma  Postinflammatory leukoderma may result from inflammatory dermatoses ie:  Pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, herpes zoster, secondary syphilis, and morphea, sarcoidosis, tinea versicolor, mycosis fungoides, scleroderma, and pityriasis lichenoides chronica, and leprosy  Other causes: burns, scars, postdermabrasion, and intralesioal steroid injections
  • 181. Leukoderma  Postinflammatory hypopigmentation in a 4-month-old black child with atopic dermatitis
  • 182. Leukoderma  Postinflammatory hypopigmentation following resolution of guttate psoriasis
  • 183. Pityriasis alba  Ill-defined hypopigmented oval patches are generally seen on the face, upper arms, neck, and shoulders of affected persons  It can be differentiated from vitiligo by its fine adherent scale, partial hypopigmentation, and distribution
  • 184. Pityriasis alba  White, slightly scaly patches with indistinct borders on a child’s cheek
  • 186. Albinism  A partial or complete congential absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism), or the eyes alone (ocular albinism)  Cutaneous phenotype of the various forms is broad, but the ocular phenotype is reasonably constant in most forms  The ocular phenotype includes decreased visual acuity, nystagmus, pale irides that transilluminate, hypopigmented fundi, hypoplastic foveae, and lack of stereopsis
  • 187. Albinism  This pt has light skin, yellowish white hair, and a lack of pigmentation in nevi
  • 188. Oculocutaneous Albinism 1  OCA 1 results from mutations in the tyrosinase gene  Affected pts are homozygous for the mutant gene or are compound heterozygotes for different mutations in the tyrosinase gene  AR  Two forms: 1) OCA 1A & OCA 1B (indistinguishable at birth)  OCA 1 is most severe with complete absence of tyrosinase activity and complete absence of melanin in the skin and eyes  Visual acuity is decreased to 20/400  OVA 1B tyrosinase activity is reduced but not absent. Pts may show increase in skin,hair, eye color with age and can tan
  • 189. OCA 1  OCA 1B was originally called “yellow mutant” albinism  Temperature sensitive OCA (OCA 1-TS) results from mutations in the tyrosinase gene that produce an enzyme with limited activity < 35 degrees C and no activity below this temp. pts have white hair, skin, andeyes at birth, at puberty dark hair develops in cooler acral areas
  • 190.  Top:albinism with white hair, pale skin, and translucent irides  Bottom:ophthalmoscopi c view of a pt with albinism demonstrates a pale fundus, poor macular development, and prominent choroidal vasculature
  • 191. Oculocutaneous Albinism 2  Prevalence of 1:15,000  Pts were named “tyrosinase-positive” albinos  AR and mutations occur in the P gene  P gene codes a membrane transport protein that is present in the melanosome membrane  Cutaneous phenotype of OCA 2 pts is broad, ranging from nearly normal pigmentation to virtually no pigmentation  Pigmentation increases with age, and visual acuity improves with age  Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes are caused by deletions in the P gene; 1% of pts with these syndromes also have OCA 2
  • 192. Oculocutaneous Albinism 3  AR-caused by mutations in the tyrosine-related protein 1 (TRP-1), located on chromosome 9  OCA 3 has been described only in black pts and is characterized by light brown hair, light brown skin, blue/brown irrides, nystagmus, and decreased visual activity  Brown rather than black melanin is formed
  • 193. Ocular Albinism  There are multiple forms of ocular albinism  OA 1 may be present with lighter than expected skin  It is X-linked  Female carriers have “mud-splattered” fundi  Macromelanosomes are found in the skin, so skin bx may be a helpful tool  Many cases of AR ocular albinism have been reclassified as OCA 1 or OCA 2
  • 194. Syndromes Associated with Albinism  Chediak-Higashsi Syndrome  Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome  Griscelli Syndrome(partial albinism with immunodeficiency)  Elejalde Syndrome  Cross-McKusick-Breen Syndrome  Cuna Moon Children
  • 196. Selenium Deficiency  Selenium deficiency in the setting of total parental nutrition can lead to pseudoalbinism  Skin and hair pigmentation return to normal with supplementation
  • 197. Waardenburg’s Syndrome  Four genotypic variants  Pts have features of exist: piebaldism, with white  Types 1 & 3 are caused by forelock, mutations in the PAX gene hypopigmentation, on chromosome 2 premature graying,  Type 2 is caused by synophrys, congenital deafness, a broad nasal mutations in the MITF root, and ocular changes gene on chromosome 3, including heterochromia and type 4 due to irides mutations in the ENDRB gene on chromosome 13  Apparently, melanoblasts fail to reach the target sites during embryogenesis
  • 198.  Rare, AD with variable Piebaldism phenotype, presenting at birth  White forelock, patchy absence of skin pigmenation  Depigmented lesions are static and occur on the anterior and posteroir trunk, mid upper arm to wrist, mid-thigh to mid- calf, and shins  A characteristic feature is the presence of hyperpigmented macules within the areas of lack of pigmentation and on normal skin
  • 200. Piebaldism  Segmental white patch on the neck with a tuft of white hair present from birth
  • 201. Piebaldism  White forelock and patch of unpigmented skin in a young girl with piebaldism
  • 202. Piebladism  The white forelock arises from a triangular or diamond-shaped midline white macule on the frontal scalp or forehead  The medial portions of the eyebrows, and eyelashes may be white  Histologically, melanocytes are completely absent in the white macules  Etiology is a mutation in the c-kit protooncogene  Phenotypic differences seen in families is caused by different locations of mutations in the gene  The white lesions may respond to surgical excision
  • 203. Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis symmetrica progressiva  AKA leukopathica  Very common aquired disorder affecting women more frequently than men  Usually occurs after age 40  Lesions occur on the shins and forearms; are small (6 or 8mm), rarely become very numerous ( a dozen or two at most), and never occur on the face or trunk  Lesions are irregularly shaped and very sharply defined, like depigmented ephelides, and are only of cosmetic significance

Editor's Notes

  1. Find histology Lever
  2. Look for image of industrial hyperpigmentation
  3. Examples of bronze diabetes &amp; addison’s diseaes
  4. Histology image needed