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Pharmacy Application Essay
Crafting a Pharmacy Application Essay is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance
between showcasing your personal experiences, academic achievements, and passion for the
field. The difficulty lies in articulating your unique qualities and aspirations while adhering to
the specific guidelines provided by the application. You need to effectively communicate your
motivation for pursuing a career in pharmacy, detailing your relevant experiences, skills, and
future goals.
Moreover, you must navigate the fine line between self-promotion and humility, demonstrating
your strengths without sounding overly boastful. Conveying your enthusiasm for the
pharmaceutical field in a way that resonates with the admissions committee is no small feat.
Additionally, addressing any potential weaknesses or gaps in your academic or professional
history requires careful consideration and strategic communication.
The process involves significant self-reflection to identify the key moments and experiences that
have shaped your desire to pursue pharmacy as a career. It necessitates the ability to articulate
these insights in a compelling and coherent narrative that captivates the reader's attention.
Furthermore, you must tailor your essay to align with the values and expectations of the specific
pharmacy program you are applying to, making the task even more intricate.
In conclusion, writing a Pharmacy Application Essay demands a high level of self-awareness,
writing proficiency, and an understanding of the program's requirements. It requires meticulous
planning, thoughtful reflection, and the ability to effectively communicate your unique qualities.
While challenging, successfully navigating this process can significantly enhance your chances
of securing a spot in the pharmacy program of your choice.
If you find yourself needing assistance in crafting a compelling essay or similar writing tasks,
various resources are available to provide support. Platforms like offer services
to help you with your writing needs, ensuring that your essays meet the standards expected by
academic institutions.
Pharmacy Application EssayPharmacy Application Essay
The Portrayal Of Female Characters In Lysistrata By...
Given just the plot of Lysistrata, one might think that Lysistrata by Aristophanes is a
highly progressive comedy in which women are empowered and are given meaning
beyond the household. Unfortunately, as one starts to delve deeper into the story,
there are many things that point the over way, mainly the portrayal of secondary
female characters, the women s overall willingness to discount their non physical
features and the peace making scene around the end of the story.
The events in the play encourage the notion that the best thing young women have
going for them is their bodies. In the beginning of the play, it is pointed out that the
women present during the pact all have very nice bodies. As each women arrives this
is the first thing Lysistrata and Kleonike notice; they make it abundantly clear in the
conversation as well. (Aristophanes, 356) While Lysistrata is telling her about her
plan, Kleonike even says Wisdom for women? There is nothing cosmic about
cosmetics and glamor is our only talent. All we can do is sit, primped and painted,
made up and dressed up. (Aristophanes, 353)
Even though, the women gain power in the play by withholding sex from the men,
they also withhold sex from themselves. Their struggles with coping with the
temporary abstinence is demonstrated by frequent complaining among the women
and, later, the averted endangerment of the movement as a result of some women
trying to ditch the effort. The women that tried to leave gave lame
A Formal Written Food Defense Plan
3.001A formal written Food Defense Plan has been developed and implemented
(includes vulnerability assessment and broad and focused mitigations as
appropriate based on risk; vulnerability assessment clearly covers key activity types
such as bulk receiving/storage, mixing, and secondary ingredient handling etc.).
Observation: The current approved Food Defense Plan is approved by Quality and
this process does not include Site Director signoff at this time. The current approved
plan does not cover key activity types/vulnerabilities with matched mitigation
strategies. The site has a drafted Food Defense Plan using the FDA Plan Builder,
currently unapproved. 3.002Areas indicated in the Food Defense Plan as actionable
process steps have... Show more content on ...
Observation: Assessment of process steps to identify actionable process steps or
critical control areas and associated strategies is incomplete, draft. 3.006Bi annual
reviews of the Food Defense Plan are conducted and documented. 3.007The Food
Defense Team conducts monthly audits of the facility (includes review to ensure
regular monitoring has been occurring). Observation: Food Defense monthly audits
are not occurring. 3.008Emergency contact information for local, state and federal
Homeland Security agencies are included in the plan. The list is current. Check and
note date in comments column. Observation: FBI is included Homeland Security is
not included. 3.009A current list of analytical laboratories is included in the plan.
Observation: Current list of analytical laboratories is not included in current plan(s).
3.010Procedures for responding to threats of product tampering are included in the
plan. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.011Procedures
for responding to actual incidents of product tampering are included in the plan.
Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.012Procedures are
included for notifying government and enforcement agencies of threats or tampering
issues. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.013A product
Hold system is established to ensure that adulterated
The Major Causes Of The Recession And The Great
The major causes of the Recession and the Great Depression were the actions of the
federal government. Before the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve kept interest
rates low in the 1920s and raised interest rates in the early 1930 s. President Hoover
s regulations damaged trade and American exports throughout the 1930s. Finally, the
President signed a large tax increase into law in 1932, which hurt businesses and
affected everyone. The suicide rate was increased after the Great Depressionbegan
and a similar increase was seen in the years after the Recession. The rate
homelessness was increased after the Recession because a lot of people lost their
jobs and couldn t afford rent. Similarly, during the Depression, people lost their
homes or often moved into small apartments that they shared with other families.
During the Depression, people went on bread lines and to soup kitchens, took turns
eating for the day, survived by eating very small meals. After the Recession, more
people filed for unemployment applied for food stamps and seek out other
government programs like WIC, which gives federal grants to feed and take care of
low income children. During the years of Depression, birth rates dropped and
children suffered from malnutrition.
In many ways, President Hoover s policies let the Depression happen. Previous
Presidents like Roosevelt and Obama responded similarly to the crises; talked
about balancing the federal budget, but instead resorted to massive spending by
introducing new programs. One major difference between the Recession and the
Depression was that the government was not very quick to help the public but
government stepped in very quickly to stop damage during the Recession. Today,
the government is expected to step in when the crisis of this sort happens but in
the 1930 s there were very different expectations because people blamed the
unemployed men and women when it was very clear that the government had to
have played a role to play in the making of the crisis as well. FDR s New Deal is
traditionally described as Relief, Recovery, and Reform. The Banking Act was a
statute enacted by the United States Congress that established the Federal Deposit
Feminism In Bram Stoker s Dracula
The novel Dracula by Bram Stoker is seen to be a part of feminist literature. Stoker s
story tells the tale of multiple characters, through Jonathan and his ordeal at
Transylvania where he first encounters Dracula. He meets Dracula to buy him a new
estate in England. However, when he stays at the castle, he realizes something wrong
with Dracula. Stoker laters shifts the novel to Mina and Lucy s perspective, writing
to each other about light hearted things. However, it takes a turn for the worst as he
infects Lucy and transforms her into a vampire with a voluptuous body. The men
must kill her, even as it is Arthur s wife, he does it himself to put her to peace.
However, Mina also gets infected but provides more use to the men as they use her...
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In the Victorian era, there was a movement of feminism and the women who were
for it were called New women as they had new ideas and ambitions for women s
rights during the Victorian era. I believe we should have shocked the New Woman
with our appetites (Stoker 77) Stoker never emphasizes completely on the idea and
mentions it a few times but never explicitly conveys he is uncomfortable with new
women. He however shows qualities of the new women through Lucy as she
shows a playful mood when she says Why can t they let a girl marry three men, or
as many as want her, and save all this trouble? (Stoker 48), never made her evil in
the novel until Dracula infects her. At first she seems like a Victorian woman,
following basic ideologies during the time such as we women are such cowards
that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him (Stoker, 48)
However, Carl A. Senf emphasizes how Stoker illustrates that Lucy reveals a
covert desire to escape these constraints (Senf 42) like in a letter wanting to not
hurt the men and marry all three. Senf also explains how this connects to her
desire to be rebellious like the New Women but torn by the other side to match
social standards as she knows But this is heresy, and I must not say it. (Stoker 48).
Because of her qualities of a seemingly ambitious and outgoing woman, even as she
tries to suppress it, Stoker makes her Dracula s first target. It can also be seen in her
sleepwalking where it shows her restlessness for change when she sleeps but tries to
suppress it during the day making it makes sense why Dracula struck at night. Stoker
uses this as a symbol of passivity and submissiveness, as the male, Dracula, dominates
the female Lucy. Also, when Lucy turns into a vampiric form, she expresses her
unusual latent desires. Stephanie Demetrakopoulos explains that the vampire women
are interested only
The Characteristics Of The Baroque Era
Around the 17th century, the Baroque era contributed a new style than the previous
Renaissance era. The Baroque era thrived in all of Italy and eventually the remainder
of Europe. The Baroque era had new characteristics than music from before. Some
characteristics that could be heard in the music during this period include a more
definite and regular rhythm as compared to the floating rhythms of the Renaissance
era, a systematic meter due to the first use of bar lines, and clearer beats emphasized
by instruments. The change of rhythm and meters in the Baroque era created a mood
of deep emotion and seriousness. The texture of musicalso developed during this time.
The basso continuo enhanced both of the homophonic and polyphonic textures of the
Baroque music. Basso continuo, otherwise known as a continuous bass, used low
voices or instruments such as cellos or bassoons to advance the music of the time.
Initially, the basso continuo was the lowest part of the polyphony that was
strengthened by the chords, however, the basso continuo eventually was created
along with the chords and the higher polyphony was modified to complement it.
Chords during this era also became standardized and created tonality or a feeling of
a central part among a home pitch. The chords of the music from this era were
developed in a more logical fashion and they led to functional harmony. This music
also used different dynamics, called terraced dynamics, that were not used formerly.
Terraced dynamic
Heartbreak Descriptive Writing
Sweat peaks out of my forehead, it trickles down the back of my neck. The sun beat
down, its warmth filling the field. It was as if no one was there, the stillness of the
air was so calming. Air flows through my nose and out through my mouth. My mind
traveled back, the countless hours of drills, hard work, and dedication replayed in my
mind. The National Anthem echoes throughout the stadium, and my nerves die down
because in my heart I knew that no team was better prepared than our team was.
My whole life had been about a small yellow ball, but as I saw that first pitch hit the
catcher s glove, and the game began, I knew this was different. My eyes drift toward
the state championship banner, and I think about all the years
The, Siddhartha, By Herman Hesse
Set in ancient India, Siddhartha, written by Herman Hesse, narrates a soul s quest in
pursuit of the answers to humanity s role in this realm. Centered around a Brahmin s
son, Siddhartha, Hesse illustrates how powerful society is to both promote and hinder
Siddhartha s pilgrimage towards spiritual enlightenment. It is through sin, lust, and
profound despair that Siddhartha learned to not resist but to love all as is. Through
this mindset of accepting everything, Siddhartha attains Nirvana.
Siddhartha had one single goal to become empty, to become empty of thirst, desire,
dreams, and sorrow to let the self die (11). As a young Indian, Siddhartha suffered
thirst, he thirsted for knowledge. This philosophy leads him on the path of ... Show
more content on ...
Before, he saw the world as an illusive veil , which he disregarded and ostracized
from his thoughts; he saw his Self as Atman, the eternal nature of everything. Now
awakened, Siddhartha listened only to the voice within his Self, He would only
strive after whatever the inward voice commanded him, not tarry anywhere but
where the voice advised him (39), and this voice led him to the town of Kamala
and Kamaswami. This town, or society, was very monumental to the development
of Siddhartha. It was necessary to isolate himself in this society. Though he was
isolated, he felt separated and superior to the people, He saw people living in such
childish or animal like way (57), which he laughed at; this was because he had
been a Samana, where he had despised money, small pleasures, and trivial honors.
Siddhartha viewed the people s lives as a game, which he derived amusement
from. While his physical body resided in the town, his real self wandered
elsewhere, invisibly; he had remained a Samana at heart. But, over the years he
became enveloped in comfortable living. He hardly noticed the years passing as he
had become rich, possessed both a house and servants. His glorious awakening and
the prominent voice within him slowly became a memory, had passed. His ascetic
philosophy slowly died as well. Siddhartha became accustomed to fine living; He had
learned to wear fine clothes, to
Francis Bellamy Analysis
This brief article is about the origins of the pledge of allegiance and how it has
changed over time. The pledge of allegiance actually wasn t written until more than
a century after the United States became a country. It started with Francis Bellamy,
who was asked to write a salute to the flag to mark the 400th anniversary of
Christopher Columbus s arrival in the Americas. He came to believe that if children
said the Pledge every day, it would instill an almost unconscious patriotism in them.
Many were worried about an influx of Catholic and Jewish immigrants from Southern
and Eastern Europe. Beginning in 1919, states started making recital of the Pledge
mandatory in public schools. The Jehovah s Witnesses objected to reciting it, leading
... Show more content on ...
I am unsure of the occasion of this work, I m assuming this article was written on or
around the Fourth of July since the 4th of July is America s national holiday of
independence. Finding the occasion is probably the hardest thing for me when it
comes to rhetorical analyzation. The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of
the history of the pledge of allegiance and its origins, It started with Francis Bellamy,
who worked for a magazine called Youth s Companion in Boston, Massachusetts
(Brown, 2017). This statement is the beginning of the pledge s timeline, which is
consistent through the article. No other topics are introduced. The intended audience
of this article is the American population, the writer is trying to appeal to Americans.
For many Americans, saying it is as natural as breathing. You might even think the
Pledge was part of the very foundation of America, like the Declaration of
Independence or the Constitution (Brown, 2017). Using the words you might,
implies that the reader is American, and it implies that Americans think the Pledge
was a part of the very foundation of
Reoccurring Symbols In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston
In the short story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston a reoccurring symbol is the snake.
Its apparition is a dominating force throughout the plot. The main character Delia s
husband, Sykes uses the snake as a method of tormenting. It first appears to the
readers in the form of a whip. Then it manifests into a genuine rattlesnake that Sykes
brings home one day. Sykes, the story s antagonist, becomes a symbolic adaption of
the snakeas the plot evolves. The emblematic meaning embedded into to the snake is
oppression and evil. In the story Sweat , symbolism is used in the form of a snake to
represent oppression and multiple platforms of injustice.
A major symbol of the story is the presence of a snake but is sublimely interjected
into the whip and ... Show more content on ...
Christians are viewed as inhibitors of progress by the liberal minded. In association
with the story, Sykes symbolizes the people of the liberal mentality. He constantly
beats and harms Delia, but she contends with his abuse. In correlation to today,
Christians endure persecution rather than standing up for their faith. Delia is a
symbol of Christianity and religion. Countless times in the story, Sykes criticizes
Delia for her faith as others unceasingly criticize followers of Christ. Sykes is a
depiction of the world in his adulterous and gambling ways. The media is portrayed
by the snake. An ever presences, that is away lurking in the background. A
contradiction between the story and reality is that the media will not save Christians
from their oppression, but aid to it. Instead, Christians must look to Christ who is the
true savior of the
How Did Baroque Music Differ From The Visual Arts Of
1.Visual arts of the Classical Era consist of symmetry, harmony, balance within the
limits, rules and authority domain, strong geometry and horizontal lines, and
The Classical Era comes after the Baroque Era in 1750. Music has a phrase structure
with a question and an answer. A phrase can be repeated many times with minor
changes. The texture is often homophonic, with tune and accompaniment, may move
to polyphonic. It has a regular rhythm with pauses with th variation from long note
values to short. Gradual dynamic change which is more contrasting compare to
Baroque music. The melody is symmetrical; also, pedaling is used.
2.Visual arts of the Baroque Era contain a variety, asymmetry, subjects beyond the
borders, dynamic, chaotic,
Meaning Of Medieval Feudals
Medieval Vassals
Medieval Vassals (Intro)
During the medieval period, kings ruled large areas of land. In order to protect these
lands from invasion, the king would give portions of their lands to the local lords
which were called the Vassals. They governed the lands granted to them by the king
and promised to defend it against conquerors.
Medieval Vassals Definition
Medieval vassals was believed to have been derived from the Latin word vassallus
and the Roman word vassus, which means servant. However, it was also said to have
originated from the Celtic and Welsh term gwas which means a young male feudal
In the feudal system, Medieval Vassals by definition were people granted the use of
a King s land in return for their services, ... Show more content on ...
The term vassal originally emerged during the medieval era of the middle ages as
the feudal system was established in England in 1066 after the rest of the country
was claimed by William, The Conqueror.
Medieval Vassals History
The first vassals during the medieval period came from England and were appointed
right after the Norman Conquest. When William the Conqueror invaded the country,
all estates that belonged to England were declared as his property. And to give honor
to the Normal soldiers who fought with him during the conquest, he awarded majority
of the lands to them.
After William gained control, the Norman soldier who became and were declared
Lords of these lands began to rule with him. Noble men became Lords and lower
military officers became vassals. The idea of awarding the lands to the Lords
basically was to assist the new ruler in protecting the kingdom from invasion as each
Lord was in charged of protecting his own land.
The Medieval Vassals Land
The medieval vassal lands varied in size. The average size of these land, known as
fief, were as small as 1200 acres and as big as 1800 acres. Most of the feudal lands
consisted of farm and cultural lands. Meanwhile, the vassals either lived in castles of
the lords or they owned their own
Judge Genie
Judge Genie (Isaac): Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth?
Jafar/Aladdin: Yes, your honour.
Judge Genie (Isaac): Okay, let s start from the beginning, Wafer, present your case.
Jafar (Ashlynn): Well your honor, I wanted to buy a carpet for my living room, but
my pay wage is terrible at the palace. I asked Aladdin to help out. However, he was
in jail for stealing bread, fruit, and money from the merchants. I asked him to come
with me to the Cave of Wonders to get the lamp, so I could ask the Genie for
money. Of course, Aladdin had to mess something up by filling the whole cave with
lava. I almost got the lamp, but Aladdin s monkey just had to steal the lamp and I
didn t get my carpet!
Judge Genie ... Show more content on ...
Jafar (Ashlynn): Well I m not that good at magic, so it may have bit out control but
nothing that major. I was trying to create a sword wall between Aladdin and
myself, my magic got a bit out of control and set the swords on fire. To explain the
hypnotizing, I swear I was trying to give the sultan a funnier hat. Which I did think
was kinda hilarious. But now lets not forget all of the horrible things Aladdin has
Judge Genie (Isaac): I don t understand. Why do you think that doing magic was
funny! You committed assault against two people. Aliddon you have also stolen a
few things and there will be consequences for. Wefar you are going to our C.D.C
(Crippling Depression Center ) for 20 years. Addition you are sentenced to a total of
30 years without bail for stealing stuff. Case closed even if you say objection nobody
will care.
Jafar (Ashlynn): No! I m not going back to jail! I just wanted a new carpet! (Run
Judge Genie (Isaac): I said NO objections. Two years in prison! Guards get her out of
Jasmine (Alison) No! Aladdin , this isn t
The Pizza Ovens And Fryers Make It Extremely Hot At Sam
The pizza ovens and fryers make it extremely hot at Sam s Pizza. All three pizza
ovens are set to 550 degrees and, and all three fryers are set to 400 degrees. In the
summer the temperature can reach over 100 degrees in the pizza shop. Working an 8
hour shift in these temperatures can be a grueling experience. The heatin the shop
matched with the buffet and non stop pizzaorder phone calls make it even worse. I
remember the first time working a long shift when I started working at Sam s. It
was harder than I would have ever imagined. The heat really affected my ability to
work efficiently. After a few hours I could tell I wasn t working as hard as I was at
the beginning of my shift. Working tired and hungry in that heat really drained a lot
of my energy. It made it hard to communicate effectively and be nice while talking to
I m not the only one who has had bad long shift experiences. A new 16 year old
employee who started working at Sam s pizza in August didn t have the best
experience on his first day at the job. The employee worked a six hour shift and
about five hours in he passed out while he was rolling pizza dough. He was
completely fine after about five minutes. We gave him water, and he was back to
work right away. He told us the reason he passed out was because he had an anxiety
attack. It was extremely hot that day, and I think the heat played a big role in making
him pass out.
I ve been working at Sam s pizza for 2 years, and know how extremely hot
The Power of T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land Essay
The Power of T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land
T. S. Eliot, perhaps one of the most controversial poets of modern
times, wrote what many critics consider the most controversial poem of all,
The Waste Land. The Waste Land was written using a fragmented style. This
is a style that is evident in all of Eliot s writings. There are several
reasons for his using this approach, from a feeling of being isolated, to a
problem articulating thoughts (Bergonzi 18, Cuddy 13, Mack 1745, Martin
What influenced Eliot the most in writing poetry was a book he read
written by the English critic, Arthur Symon, titled The Symbolist Movement
in Literature. This book is about French symbolist ... Show more content on ...
When Eliot began to compose The WasteLand, he used all the
different themes, techniques, and style s he had been developing to this
point. The Waste Land is developed entirely using fragments and quotations.
This is symbolic of his despair in succeeding in ever fully articulating
meaning. Although it is fragmented, it also reveals moments of continuity
and wholeness quantified with recurrent themes of time, alienation,
isolation, and articulation. Because Eliot used fragmentation as his style
when writing this poem, it survived being cut in half by the editing of
Ezra Pound. Many author s argue that Ezra Pound could have edited many
more parts out, without effecting the meaning Eliot was trying to convey
(Bergonzi 11, Mack 1743, Martin 20 22, 110, Ricks 9, Unger 18).
T. S. Eliot s use of estrangement in poems is his way of expressing
feelings between himself and the world. His inability to give himself to,
or to possess others is an example of the greater problem of isolation.
The isolation theme is prevalent throughout the Waste Land, with many of
his characters entwined. This is probably related to his problem of
articulating. Whatever his reason for using isolation it caused him to
turn towards god for answers. In 1927 he was accepted as a member of the
Church of England.
Summary Of The Tale By O Connor 38
The Plot
A family that consists of a grandmother, father, mother, and three grandchildren
from Atlanta plans to go to Florida for a family vacation. The grandmother is
refusing to go to Florida because she has her connection in east Tennessee (O
Connor 38). She points out from an article that the Misfit is on the loose and is
headed toward Florida and that the children had been to Florida before (O Connor
38). Nevertheless, the grandmother gets up early than everyone else, and prepares
for the trip. The next morning She is dressed up in her Sunday best just in case of
an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she
was a lady (O Connor 38). The grandmother secretly brings along her cat because
she does not want the cat to accidentally asphyxiate himself (O Connor 38) if he was
to be left alone. The grandmother is too particular with the trip, that she takes the
mileage before they drive off and her son what speed limit to drive so that she does
not want the patrolmen to ticket Bailey and ruin their vacation.
During the trip, the grandmother keeps talking about how beautiful the scenery is in
Georgia, but John Wesley thinks otherwise. The grandmother tells John Wesley to
respect his native state. As they pass a large cotton field, the grandmother points out
that there are graves that belonged to the plantation, but the plantation has Gone with
the Wind. Later on, the grandmother tells the children a story about Mr. Edgar Atkins
Outline Of A Study On A Research Study
E. Conclusion
The final chapter of this dissertation is to reflect on the theories applied in the study,
to give managerial insights, and to highlight the findings in answering the research
questions. The implications for further research are also emphasised.
5.1 Academic Implications
The present research both provides confirmation of and adds aspects to the
theoretical, methodological and empirical position. First, the findings contribute to
Baudrillard s symbolic consumption (1993, 1994, 1988), consumers want a symbolic
exchange value to represent themselves and reflect their social class. His sign system
is useful to describe how marketing elements attach symbolic meaning to brands.
Apart from social status, the results also identify ... Show more content on ...
Consequntly, further research can use these considerations as a foundation to
understand consumers purchasing behaviour and symbolic consumption.
Specifically, the study suggests that most respondents feel the need to develop their
self identities to be more mature. While, the netnographic findings also shows that
social values have a strong impact on the individual s consumption.
Fourth, although many recent studies have applied Aaker s brand personality scale
(BPS), the big five (2002), to measure brand personality, the study suggests that the
BPS may not be practical to apply to fashion brands since personalities can overlap.
For example, it is not as simple only putting women on a sophistication scale and
men on a ruggedness scale. The findings show that the individual s personality is
important, not only gender. A male respondent like Jo is more fascinated by fashion
brands than a female respondent like Pin.
Fifth, the research confirms the findings of Holbrook Schindler (1989), Leslie,
Sparling Owen (2001) and Grant Waite (2003), families and friends are strong factors
which influence the consumption patterns of young adults. Interestingly the results
from both interviews and Netnography indicate that primary groups like family and
close friends are dominant influences. Moreover, celebrity endorsements on social
media have become popular among young Thai adults
Beethoven and Tchaikovsky
Beethoven and Tchaikovsky
While Ludwig van Beethoven and Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky have much in common,
they also have many differences. Both men are famous for their orchestral
compositions and their future influence on other composers. They experienced a
blend of horrible failures and great successes. Although they were from different
musical time periods, they both made huge contributions to the world of music.
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany 1770; the second half of the
classical period. After the death of his grandfather, who was also named Ludwig van
Beethoven, the family was on a downward slope financially. As far as physical
appearances are concerned, young Beethoven looked much like his grandfather.
Beethoven was ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps I shall get better, perhaps not; I am ready.
1819 is the year in which his hearing was thoroughly depleted. He could no longer
play the piano virtuously and had to communicate by text. As a result, he spent a
majority of his time composing. Beethoven would sketch out his compositions in a
book. These books have been maintained and it is evident that he would work on
several pieces at once. During this time, his compositions ranged from simple
melodies to more elaborate and edited works. In 1804 Beethoven completed his
Third Symphony. This piece was originally a tribute to Napoleon Bonaparte, but
when Beethoven found that Napoleon was proclaimed an emperor he deleted the
dedication. At this point in his life, Beethoven seriously considered marriage. His
first love was for a woman named Giulietta Guicciardi. When this relationship
eventually broke, he sought the hand of Giulietta s cousin, Josephine. The bond
between them broke and the engagement was ended. Beethoven s final attempt
with a woman was with his doctor s daughter, Therese Malfatti. As is expected, this
relationship also failed and Beethoven reached the final part of his life as a
bachelor. The rate and quality of his compositions slowed and he became more and
more isolated. Another depressing and negative event in Beethoven s life took place
in 1815. His brother died. Caspar Anton Carl left behind a son and a widow and
Analysis Of The 1992 Los Angeles Riots
The state of California has a rich history of events, that on a social level, have played
major parts in change and perception among the populations as a whole, and in
individual communities. History has shown, and will continue to do so in the future,
that changes within communities, towns, cities, states, and countries is generally
motivated by civil injustice. In researching defining moments , I have chosen the
1992 Los AngelesRiots. The riots of 1992 mark a pivotal point in time for
California in regard to social issues and injustices in matters of race and
socioeconomics. Following, I will describe the defining event , the 1992 Los Angeles
riots, and why I believe what was important that was learned, and how it has
impacted California 25 years later. I was in school, ninth grade, and it was early
afternoon. The whole class was tense and quiet. It seemed like that old, round clock
had stopped ticking. The whole school had the Rodney Kingverdict on our minds.
We knew it was coming today and we all knew they weren t going to punish those
officers for beating Rodney King like he was a dog. I couldn t wait to get home. I
wanted to be safe at home. My home girls are stressing and passing notes joking
about running home while the teacher is reading a magazine. The intercom buzzer
rings and the Mrs. Parks voice starts talking. Students, we are now going to release
everyone from school early and we want all of you to go home immediately and wait
for your
Advantages And Benefits Of The Bharat Bill Payment
Bharat Bill Payment System eases the payment of bills and improves the security
speed of payments through the central unit (BBPCU) operating units (BBPOUs).
The Bharat Bill Payment System has recently been launched by the Reserve Bank of
India as a mandatory system, for easing the payments of bills across geographies.
The BBPS offers integrated and interoperable bill payment service with security,
certainty and reliability of transactions.
The service is available in multiple payment modes, online and through a network of
agents. An instant confirmation is generated for the bill payments. The BBPS will
transform the society from cash to electronic payment system, making it less
dependent on cash.
Objectives of BBPS
The system is accessible anytime from anywhere, making it convenient for the
The system increases the trust of the customers by providing reliable services.
The multiple numbers of payment modes is an added advantage.
The system provides on the spot payment confirmation making it easily verifiable.
Benefits of BBPS
The benefits of the Bharat Bill Payment System can be divided into two categories,
namely customer benefits and participant benefits.
Customer Benefits
The ... Show more content on ...
The BBPS services will be provided 24X7, so the participants must maintain their
connectivity accordingly. The billers will be provided with an online and offline
mode of connection. The transactions will be sent across through authorised network
connecting all the participants of the system with the BBPCU. Proper care will be
taken for protecting the customers data, and strict security measures will be set for
the same. The settlement of ON US and OFF US transactions will be monitored
appropriated as per the Settlement Guarantee Fund mechanism. The transaction and
settlement reports should be retrieved on a daily basis from BBPCU for ensuring
accounts are
This I Believe Summary
While reading This I Believe I was able to connect and relate with few of the
entries founded in the book. The first journal I felt a relation with, was A Shared
Moment of Trust . In this entry, the author begins talking about driving down a road
at night and taking a glance at a passing car s driver. Then, he goes in depth to talk
about the level of trust that him and the drivershared within that short time frame. He
also discusses another event in which he had to once again put his trust in the hands
of a stranger during a hostage negotiation with Algerian terrorist. The message he
tries to get across in this entry is that everyone depends on someone. I had an
experience similar to the author s example, that involve a car accident. It... Show
more content on ...
The author started off with discussing life living with her father in hotels. Then,
she went on to tell about how her childhood friend s parents came in and take care
of her as if she was their own. She explains that they cared for her the same way
they cared for their blood daughter. Even though the Beaches wasn t her blood
family, she considered them her only family. My story is a little similar to that of
Cecile because I have two families, one is blood and the other is non related. As I
had discussed in the earlier paragraph about religion, I have been looking to gain
some independence from my dad s religion. I have a family that isn t blood related
to me at all, I spend more time at their house than my family s house. They are
former members of the church I attend occasionally; I have known them for over a
decade. They have been there for me through thick and thin and has been an extra
support system for me. When I m going through things at home, they have been
always there for me. They have given me money to help me out with school and go
out their way for me, when needed. Without them, I don t know how my life would
be. From reading this text, I found that I related to few authors stories that are similar
to my
Average Student Research Paper
Average student. That is who I was throughout my high school years. I wasn t a
bad student, but I was not the best. I could blame my part time job on the average
grades I got, but I still have that same job while in college and I have outstanding
grades. Senior year was hard for me. I had to make some decisions that were going
to impact the rest of my life. My brother (A student) had gotten kicked out of high
schoolso my family was counting on me to do better, I felt a lot of pressure. I decided
to look at colleges but because of my grades they weren t interested in me. By that
time I had gotten close to a group of girls at my job. My work friends were talking
about what collegethey were going to and for some reason I felt left out, they
Serial Killer Sociology
The idea of serial killers has intrigued us all. today s society profits off them with new
television series and biographies of our most infamous killers. Psychologists and
sociologists alike want answers as to what makes a serial killer kill. Scientists may
explore serial killing through a sociological lens to see if there have been any
findings to predispositions of serial killersdue to social circumstances. This way, they
may have an advantage to preventing serial killers from developing. While exploring
this, it will be necessary to determine the issues with defining serial killing and
exploring different models that pertain to the research. In the end, the goal is to
clarify findings, compart test results, and determine if a sociological... Show more
content on ...
The first lens a sociologist will look through is the mass media and its relations to
society. A growing population with unlimited access to meeting strangers become
the norm. After the industrial revolution there was less of a need for farm workers
and more of a need for factory workers. As society began to urbanized, people were
forced to create and live in a population where one did not know the name of the
person living next to them. Kevin Haggerty And Ariane Ellerbrok believed that this
rushed movement of strangers ...proved to be a key precondition for the emergence
of serial murder, given that a defining attribute of serial killers is that they prey on
strangers... ( Haggerty,Ellerbrok 1). As time went on and technology began to
develop into more complex networks, the Internet paved the way in enabling you
to meet strangers through chat rooms and social media. The Internet became a
tool of serial killers as a way of meeting victims and having a disguise. The World
Wide Web also made serial killing a famous act. T.V shows, books, and movies all
get money by glorifying serial killers. Actresses like charlize theron, who played
wuornos in the movie monster, earn ( Keya, M.A., 25) and popular movies and
books such as Silence Of The Lambs, Kiss The Girl, and Taking Lives (Krueger 3)
have dramatically over idolized serial killers and their actions. Dexter Morgan, a
charming yet twisted young character from a T.V. series has been admired for being
a vigilante killer... who (is), taking out the trash of society ( Keya, M.A., 9). Killers
such as Jeffrey Dahmer, who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of
seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991, and Jack The Ripper, who killed
and mutilated prostitutes in East London in 1888 , have become common household
names. That is the next lens they look through, the household. We will often look to a
killer s childhood to
Growing Up In Peter Pan By J. M Barrie
Growing Up
Parents can only give good advice, but the final forming of a person s character
lies in their own hands. Anne Frank. In the book Peter Pan, by J.M Barrie, the
character Wendy Darling grows up. Her time on the island Neverland shows her that
she can stay young forever, but three forces shape her life changing decision. Both
her family and realization help her choose what she wanted to do. Because of age,
she grows up, which is another force that changed Wendy and her character. In the
book, Peter Pan, age, family, and realization both changed and impacted the character
Wendy Darling.
One major force that majorly changed Wendy was age. As the story advances, she
grows older, as all children do. At the beginning, she is a young girl and very
innocent and pure. It is evident that Wendy truly ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the first part of the book, Wendy is fine with being at Neverlandand
away from home. But slowly, she started to see something in her brothers. What
did disturb her at times was that John remembered his parents vaguely only, while
Michael was quite willing to believe that she was really his mother. (72; ch 7). The
story goes on to explain how Wendy was a little scared by this, but she makes tests
to refresh her brother s memory. Later, Wendy is telling a story to her children
about coming home to their mother and everything is is happy and good. But
Peter Pan is in the room listening and he tells his side of the story. Long ago, he
said, I thought like you that my mother would always keep the window open for
me; so I stayed away for moons and moons, and then flew back; but the window
was barred, for mother had forgotten all about me, and there was another little boy
sleeping in my bed. (106; ch 11). At that moment Wendy felt that their mother would
forget them if they stayed as long as Peter had. This changed her because she
realized that she needed to go home to her family and grow
Awakenings Movie Psychology
Awakenings was directed by Penny Marshall and It was written by Oliver Sacks
and Steven Zaillan. The main Character was Robin Williams as Dr.Malcolm Sayer.In
the movie awakenings, Dr.Malcolm Sayer discover a positive effects of the drug L
dopa to the catatonic patients who survived the disease called Encephalitis lethargica,
According to (NORD 07) Encephalitis lethargica is a disease characterized by high
fever, headache, double vision, delayed physical and mental response, and lethargy.
In acute cases, patients may enter coma. Patients may also experience abnormal eye
movements, upper body weakness, muscular pains, tremors, neck rigidity, and
behavioral changes including psychosis. The cause of encephalitis lethargica is
unknown. Between 1917 to 1928, an epidemic of encephalitis lethargica spread
throughout the world, but no recurrence of the epidemic has since been reported.
Postencephalitic Parkinson s disease may develop after a bout of encephalitis
sometimes as long as a year after the ... Show more content on ...
Dr.Sayer go to an conference about the drug called L Dopa . He believed that the
drug L Dopa has an effect on the patients. The L Dopa drug is intended to use on
the people who have Parkinson s disease but Dr.Sayer believe that there is a
positive effect on his patients. Dr. Sayer was right and made the patients wake up
but as time goes by there are negative side effects. The hospital council was not sure
about his idea about testing it to the patients but Dr. Sayer was just so curious
about the drug so he pursued and tested it to one of his patients this patient is
Leonard. The families of the patients are so confused and mad about the
experiment of Dr. Sayer. But they cant blame Dr. Sayer because in the first place
they are the one who grant the offer of Dr. Sayer to them. In the end of the day Dr.
Sayer never gave up on looking and researching about the cure for his
Advantages Of Refrigeration
Refrigeration may be defined as the process of achieving and maintaining a
temperature below that of the surrounding, the aim being to freeze to ice, cool some
product, or space to the required temperature. The basis of modern refrigeration is
the ability of liquids to absorb enormous quantities of heat as they boil and evaporate.
One of the most important applications of refrigeration air conditioning is to produce
ice for commercial applications with minimum energy consumption. Ice plant is
used for producing refrigeration effect which uses the vapor compression cycle and
by using this cycle we are doing performance and analysis of ice plant test rig using
R404A Eco friendly Refrigerant. ... Show more content on ...
Compressor , Condenser, Filter Drier , Expansion Valve , Evaporator coil , Chilling
Tank and various measuring equipments like Digital Temperature indicator ,
Voltmeter , Ammeter, PressureGauge , Energy Meter , HP/LP Cut out etc.
Figure 1. Setup of Ice plant test rig
In this Ice Plant we use the reciprocating compressor. The compressor in which the
vapour refrigerant is compressed by reciprocating motion of piston is known as
reciprocating compressor. The purpose of compressor in the vapour compression
cycle is to compress the low pressure dry gas from the evaporator and raise its
pressure to that of condenser. There are two types of reciprocating compressor,
Positive Displacement and Dynamic. In this plant we are using positive displacement
hermetic compressor. Since the compression of the refrigerant requires some work to
be done on it, therefore a compressor must be driven by some prime mover. The
prime mover is an electric motor which converts input electrical energy to useful
mechanical work. This work is transmitted as torque to the compressor through
common shaft and coupling
Table 2. Compressor Specification
Analysis Of Jaap Schekkerman, The Founder Of Ifead s
Background Jaap Schekkerman, the founder of IFEAD s, developed the Extended
Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF) in the early 2000 s. The E2AF is a
communication framework that is a blended framework which takes standards from
IEEE 1471, describes views and viewpoints of an architecture from a software
intensive system and elements of FEAF and TOGAF and a matrix structure similar to
Zachman. E2AF is an architecture program that describes subjects and relations with
all key stakeholders. It helps address the topics and process steps needed to reach an
organizations overall goals and objectives (Schekkerman, 2006). The rules and
principles of E2AF are the fundamental elements when utilizing IFEAD s
architectural philosophy. The visualization translated by the principles and rules help
express the style of architecture. In addition, the principles and rules are related to
both the context of the architecture, the methods and approaches. In turn, the
approaches help define and describe the process roadmap for an architecture.
Schekkerman designed the framework to address the elements of construction,
function and style (Schekkerman, 2006). In particular, the enterprise deals with the
function and construction and the culture (including values and norms) deals with
the style. Major Architectural Issues Blended Framework Business Strategy Business
and IT alignment Maturity Model Blended Framework The E2AF approach
combines IEEE 1471, TOGAF, FEAF and Zachman to
Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Mayan Writing System, And The
Many people are curious about the past and rely on writing in order to discover the
truths of the world when it was young, but there are still some limitations. The
importance of literature and writing throughout the years becomes noticeable after
discussing The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Mayan writing system, and the Indus River
Valley. The significance of writingis the solid evidence it provides to the major
stories and beliefs during history, the history of ancestors and it provides information
how inventions have evolved from the past.
Before we could decipher the writing used in history, historians could only make
theories of what life was like at the beginning of human existence. The discovery of
writing provides solid evidence for historians to describe what life was like before
our time. The writing discovered by historians show the major stories that occurred
and what was important to them. For example, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the story
shows that gods were a huge part of their beliefs. Gilgamesh constantly ... Show more
content on ...
In the video, Cracking the Mayan Code, it shares a story about finding writing in the
tomb of a mummy. After deciphering the Mayan language, historians could discover
that the writing was the mummy s life story. This one example of a life story tells a
lot about history and describes what the people centered their lives upon. After
cracking the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, people could understand the meaning of
the objects that were lying next to the mummies in their tombs. Most of the writing
on the objects would help create a connection to the real meaning of the object s use.
Before our understandings of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, historians did not have
enough evidence to conclude what the importance of the object was. Clearly, writing
helps connect the mysteries to history and develop a reliable
A Raisin The Sun And Willy Loman Compare And Contrast
The striving for being rich and have a wealthy life has always been present in the
American society. Often living in a capitalistic society leads people to become
greedy, and as a result many become too materialistic. This may happen because of
the challenge to pursue the American dream where most of Americans are trying to
fulfill it. Unfortunately, for most of people it is very difficult to acquire this high
status and to secure a spot in the upper class society. Arthur Miller s, Death of a
Salesman, and Lorraine Hansberry s, A Raisin the Sun, are two plays that reveal two
main characters: Willy Loman and Walter Lee Young, characters that reflect typical
features of the people who struggles to achieve the American Dream. Although they
may have common characteristics and share similarities, they also have numerous
issues and are very different, setting them apart from other families and even each
other. Therefore, the main focus of this paper will be to compare and put in contrast
these two great characters. In both plays, A Raisin the Sun and Death of a Salesman,
the father (Walter and Willy) is the main individual that holds his attention throughout
the plays. Because of their roles are often changing in the plays, Walter and Willy can
be the protagonistand the antagonist. That being said, they both have goals to
possess their own business and to be their own boss. They both strive to live
wealthy. As Walter says No...It was always money, Mama. We just didn t know about
it (Hansberry). This reveals that Walter is more materialistic instead of considering
the feeling of his family.
Willy and Walter are very similar in many ways. For instance, they both are trying
to be good fathers. Walter s goal to get rich is influenced by his restless desire to
offer to his family a better life: You tired, ain t you? Tired of everything. Me, the
boy, the way we live this beat up hole everything. Ain t you? (Discovering
Literature, 1295). Meanwhile, the love that Willy has for his sons is undeniable.
Very often he would slip into the past before he drifted apart from his sons:
Remarkable. Remember those days? The way Biff used to simonize that car? The
dealer refused to believe there was eighty thousand miles on
Catholic Social Teaching
Social doctrine of the church as a social instrument of the new evangelization
Three terms are present in the title of this issue: two explicit (social doctrine of the
church and new evangelization) and an implicit (evangelization). We can t talk about
the new evangelization without connecting it with the evangelization itself; the
relationship between the church s social doctrine and the new evangelization comes
through the evangelization.
The first thing it s the evangelization, the most original, and that goes back to the
origins of the church.
The church s social doctrine, born in the 19th century as an attempt to answer of faith
to the great problems which occurred with modernity, as new ideologies that give the
body and the ... Show more content on ...
The necessity of evangelization continues but it losses all of it personal character to
become massive. Also, the conversion was result of imposition and no for conviction.
This massive evangelization supposed the incorporation of many people to the
Christian faith. Reaching the point that the christianism was all over the occidental
culture. The power of the empire strengthened the authority of the church. The heresy
was pursuit by the civil courts. The laws were inspired by the Christian principles.
The evangelization of America
America s evangelization was made from Spain and Portugal. It takes place at the
same time that the conquest of territories and was supported by the political power.
Since the first moments the pope intervened, especially when Spain and Portugal had
conflicts and he conceded to the Spain Kings the discovered territories to practice
there their Christian mission. Initially they use the requirement system, in which they
invited the Indian to take the Christian faith or to lose their freedom and territories.
After this they use the parcel system in which the Indians were submitted to the
conquerors and they assumed the responsibility of their education.
America s evangelization wouldn t be possible without the missioners that take care
of the indoctrination of the Indians. And that s the way that the Christians imposed
another type of evangelization: the exterior missions. This enormous effort extended
to territories like Asia
Appreciation of Poem
Poetry is the most compressed form of literature, which should be read slowly and
savored attentively. Poets employ different poetic techniques to convey their ideas,
opinions, and express their feelings. Some poems can be understood easily while
others seam vague. But whatever they are, they all contain some common elements of
poetrysuch as theme, figurative language, and tone, etc. ВЎВ§Constantly risking
absurdity and deathВЎВЁ and ВЎВ§betting on the museВЎВЁ are two poems which
are written by two different poets. By comparing and contrasting these two poems,
the full beauty of the poems can be greatly appreciated and their theme can be deeply
ВЎВ§Constantly risking absurdity and deathВЎВЁ by Lawrence Ferlinghetti talks
about what a ... Show more content on ...
Then, in the last stanza of the poem, the author uses repetition again and metaphor to
depict how wonderful to be a poet. ВЎВ§you can keep your hustle going until the
last minute of the last day. you can keep getting better instead of worse, you can still
keep hitting them over the wall.ВЎВЁ The authorВЎВ¦s consummate writing skill
enables him to convey his opinion clearly and vividly to the readers.
In comparison with the first poem, the tone of this poem is light and amusing as well
as reflective. By using terse yet light languages to describe the changes of the things
around the athletes, the author delineates the cruel reality that the athletes have to
face after their brilliant victory. ВЎВ§the crowd has other heroes. the crowd never
dies, never grow old, but the crowd often forgets. now the telephone doesnВЎВ¦t ring,
the young girls are gone, the party is over.ВЎВЁ These simple and light words are
the truest portrayal of the reality. The tone is also reflective because the poem leaves
people the space of reflection. The brilliance of an athleteВЎВ¦s victory is relatively
short, but the achievement (works of literature) of a great poet is everlasting.
Both of the poems deal with the same subject ВЎV poet. However, they have quiet
different themes. Both of the poets use figurative language to portray vivid images
The Negative Impacts Of Violent Video Games
The negative impacts that are associated with violent gaming are a growing list.
These many negative effects could build up into a more serious situation, with all of
the possible outcomes of these side effects mixing together it could quite possibly
take a turn for the worse. The use of violent video games could cause players to
participate in criminal violence, because of the increased levels of aggressionand
rage. NBC News reported of a gory incident in January of 2013, which involved
Nehemiah Griego and his murderous actions toward his parents and three of his
siblings in his home. The fifteen year old boy killed his family because he had
been angry with his mother in the days before the murders. When questioned about
his family, the boy was emotionless, but immediately after the investigators asked
what his interests were, his face lit up and he immediately began reminiscing
about his favorite video games, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and Grand Theft
Auto (2013). Common sense media explains the game, Call of Duty: Modern
Warfare 3, with a vivid description; a bloody military shooting game with disturbing
cinematic moments (n.d.). Could Griego s avid gaming schedule, and love for the
bloody first person shooting game be slightly related to his urge to kill (2013b)?
His decision to kill all the occupants of his house did not solely result from one
night of gaming, for it was an accumulation of risk factors. It is likely that his love
for gaming could have had an
Weapons Of Mass Destruction Of Nuclear Weapons
The fear and controversy over weapons of mass destruction of nuclear weapons is
still an uprising fear and subject in the heart of the American people, our allies, our
enemies, and to the rest of the world who simply just knows of the presence. Soviet
Russia started that fear in the 1960s, becoming the first large source of nuclear
power and weapons (Cowley, 1996). Nuclear weapons undoubtedly brought
change on the overview of maritime warfare. The fear of this destructive source of
weapon brought political views on a new course of perspectives and tension. It
created an arms race out of fear and changed the ideas of naval presence and
nuclear readiness. Nuclear weapons not only changed conventional warfare but it
also stopped it for a brief period of time. In that time new tactics and strategies
regarding nuclear defense and offense arose. Nuclear warfare changed the conduct of
maritime warfare in politics, strategies and tactics, and in foreign relations and
conduct. The Political world after World War II was filled with tension. With the dual
detonation of nuclear bombs, American leaders clashed heads and ideas of what
needed to be done in the United States. America continued to make these weapons. At
first American leaders had no interest of the integration of nuclear weapons in Unites
States naval power. This was up until August 29th, 1949 when communist Soviet
Russia detonated their first successful nuclear warhead at a test field (Jay, 2013).
Fashion In The Fashion Industry
The fashion industry has transformed from human necessities into a world of
competing international lead by strong and influential designers.
Fashion has evolved over the years .Their are many different trendy styles .Everyone
loves a new look! Many new different styles come out each day . Would you like to
be the next trendsetter?
The Majority of fashion is based around young adults.Fashion is put as subtitles on
a website, such as YouTube it increases the flow of traffic being used by many
different teens and young adults. Expensive bags are one of the most popular genres
in the body of fashion.It is also one of the most influential genre in a positive
way.Some studies have shown to prove that fashion tends to have different manner.
Teens tend to have an addiction and buy more clothes ,bags and shoes than
usual.Fashion has an effect on teenagers because they see different celebrities such
as rappers and singers.They like what they wear and try to find where they can buy it
from so they can have the same trend.
Fashion are very popular whenever you are and although it plays a very important
role in socialization. Fashion can set a different example than what many people
expect.To be cool they buy many different trends. Fashion are very influential and can
set the pathway for the different trends in person s life.
Women can wear many different types of clothes.They wear shorts.shirts tank tops
,skirts,shoes and heels. Men wear pants with shirts or
Anthrax and Bioterrorism Essay
According to Willey, Sherwood, and Woolverton, anthrax is a highly infectious
animal disease, caused by the bacterium B. antrhacis, that can be transmitted to
humans by direct contact with infected animals, such as cattle, goats, sheep, etc., or
their products, especially hides, and its spores can remain viable in soil and animal
products for decades. Therefore, it is more likely to be transmitted to those humans
continuously in contact with such animals or areas in which infected animals have
had contact, even if it was years ago. It can also be transmitted to other animals that
may be feeding or living with infected animals or in the infected areas. There are
three main types of infections caused by the spores of this bacterium:... Show more
content on ...
The bacterium binds EF and LF and is engulfed by the plasma membrane and carried
to an endosome, which is pierced, allowing EF and LF to enter the cytoplasm. Toxin
activity then results in fluid release, which causes an edema. As these macrophages
continue to die, they release their lysosomal contents, leading to fever, internal
bleeding, septic shock, and rapid death (Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton, p 485).
Common preventions and control of anthrax is to receive a vaccination, which was
originally thought of by Pasteur, or to vaccinate the animals likely to obtain the
Moreover, when one thinks of terrorist attacks, the first things he/she may think of
are crashing planes, nuclear missiles, and bombs. He/she may not, however, think of
using microorganisms, such as anthrax, to start a biological warfare. In the United
States the incidence of naturally acquired anthrax is extremely rare i.e, 1 to 2 cases
of cutaneous disease per year. In the year 2001 intentional contamination lead to 22
cases of anthrax (11 cutaneous, 11 inhalational) in the United States. Therefore, the
spores of Bacillus anthracis are found to be a chosen weapon of bioterrorism
(Saraswathi, Padmavathy, Mamatha, et al, p 2044). B. anthracis was placed in postal
letters, where they would be released
Mericans And Two Kinds Analysis
In the story Mericans and Two Kinds depicts characters who lived between two
worlds: their family s world and The American Dream . Both characters wanted to
enjoy the new things, which is the American world, yet are pulled back by their
heritage. Both stories narrated the term The American Dream by giving us insight of
young characters being caught in their own world and acquiring taste what being a
true American is like. According to Tan s mother, America is the Land of
Opportunity . With high hopes of her daughter possessing the ability of being a
prodigy, she molds her daughter into people she is not, such as comparing her to
Shirley Temple, expecting her daughter to recite the Bible in one night, and taking
her to a beauty training
Waste In The Victorian Era
Sewage would only worsen the issues of the Victorian Era making it terribly
inferior to many citizens of London. Hospitals were not the only problem because
the disposal of waste might have been just as evenly bad. How to dispose of the
accumulated waste was a problem that preoccupied the minds of countless reformers,
engineers, scientists, and amateur sanitarians, but the problem acquired a particular
urgency because the retention of waste in the city was associated with disease and
even death... (Cleansing the City p. 9 10). Many places in Londonhad terrible sewage
issues and it became evident that the sewage was so bad because no one knew
how to dispose of the waste. The waste was very dangerous and many people did
not want to deal with it due to the many diseases and bad liabilities carried with it.
The nineteenth century needed a sanitary reform right away because in many places
like London were being taken over and run by sanitation issues. Together the two
passages reveal the heightened symbolism of filth in the period and, more
specifically, the way filth embodied the challenges of the urban condition. Indeed,
sanitary discourse became an important vehicle for expressing concerns about the
disorder associated with the Victorian city (Cleansing the City p. 14). The following
two passages the author is referring to are from Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens,
an influential writer of the Victorian Era. London was literally demanding change
because the sanitary reform
Understanding the Background of Meeting at an Airport
It is possible to understand certain pieces of literature outside its historical context;
however, it is more beneficial if the reader has background knowledge. Taha
Muhammad Ali was a Palestinian poet that was born in 1931. He grew up in
Saffuriya, Galilee which is located in the Middle East. Ali was self taught through his
readings of classical Arabic literature, American fiction, and English poetry. Ali then
began to write poems in the 1970s. He wrote a poem entitled Meeting at an Airport
which is based on his personal experiences. Without knowing his background
information and history, it is unclear about what exactly is meant by this poem. This
piece of literature elicits the sense of reconnection and the exact same feelings for
each other just like the first time they met. In the poem, Meeting at an Airport written
by Taha Muhammad Ali, historical context is needed to understand this piece because
it emphasizes the theme, the purpose of the poem, and establishes credibility ( Poetry
Foundation ). When a reader grasps a theme throughout any piece of literature, he or
she never clearly understands the intent without knowing where the theme came
from. The theme that is portrayed in the poem is, often times reconnecting with a
loved one cannot only bring happiness, but it can also bring sorrow. This theme was
emphasized throughout the poem and without knowing the historical context of the
poem, one could not necessarily understand where it came from. In the text it
St. Lucian Research Paper
I would like to state that my St. Lucian culture St. Lucian be identified with the
Multi active cultural models explained by Richard Lewis. Why? As described by
Lewis, I find St. Lucians to be confrontational and always allow their emotions to
take over. They are people orientated and is known for their friendly, hospitable
culture. Nonetheless, the put feelings before facts, they are lots of talks and no
action, they tend to take on multiple projects, with no end in sight for completion.
Also, they are very flexible with the truth most of the times. There is a saying in St.
Lucia where you never repeat street talk in St. Lucia unless you can confirm the
authenticity. However, they can be very people orientated and the relationship
seeking type.... Show more content on ...
While I am somewhat in agreement with the assessment, I find it funny that in the
Lewis model multi active culture seen to point the St. Lucian culture as more relating
to Sub Saharan Africa and South American culture. However, the experience will
establish that we referred more to the French British culture although we are of an
African slave and indentured servants (Indian) heritage with European
William Hazlitt, a British writer during the early 1800 s once said, Prejudice is the
child of ignorance. During the eighteenth century, the time period in which Gotthold
Ephraim Lessing wrote his play, Nathan the Wise, there was much religious prejudice
displayed throughout Europe, specifically against the Jewish and Muslim
populations. For instance, Ronald Schechter notes, eighteenth century writers
typically portrayed Jews as greedy moneylenders, [and] depicted Muslims as violent
despots and servants of the despots (4). Many people perceived Christianityas the only
true religion; however, Lessing challenges these notions of Christian superiority
throughout his play. One way he does this is by not portraying the Christian... Show
more content on ...
Throughout the play, the Templar is depicted as being very reserved, often
walking back and forth under the palms that shade the grave of the Resurrected
One (27). It is here that the Templar turns down many pleas from Daja to come see
Recha, the one he rescued from a fire, and to accept rewards offered by Nathan. He
also turns down a request from the Patriarch to escort a group of men in the killing
of Saladin. The Templar says in response to the Patriarch s request, I owe my life to
Saladin, and I should rob him of his? (41). Another line from the play that portrays
the Templar of being compassionate is in Act V, Scene 5, he offers to convert to
Islam if it is the only way he is able to marry Recha (109). The author uses the
Templar to demonstrate that although there can be unethical followers of
Christianity, there are also ethical followers; thus, portraying Christianity not utterly
negative. The friar is also depicted modestly, specifically in Act IV, Scene 7 in
which he turns down the gifts Nathan offers to him and says, I d be stealing from
the poor. I won t take any (95). This statement suggests modesty because the friar
belongs to a mendicant order (37), but here the Friar is calling Nathan, a man who
has many riches, poor. In addition, the Friar is compassionate towards other religions,
specifically Judaism, as illustrated in Act IV, Scene 7, And isn t all of Christianity
built on Judaism? It s often
Yakuza Crimes
Organized crime is a dilemma on an international scale that has many adverse effects
on society, including human safety, risking peace, and the economic, social, cultural,
political and civil development of the countries operates within. It would be naГЇve to
believe that we can could completely get rid of organized crime. Many believe that
organized crimewill never end. It may be combated, it may decrease over time, but it
will always exist. The solutions to preventing organized crime will come through
finding ways to track down those involved and charging them with their crimes. In
this paper I will discuss on how the United Statesgovernment can decrease the
power of the Yakuza. Organized crime in Japan goes back at least 300 years
beginning with the following groups: Yamagichi Gumi, Kazou Taoka, Hideomi Oda
and Yakuza. The first criminals operating under these groups were displaced samurai
needing a new mode of survival after... Show more content on ...
imposes sanctions on Japan s Yakuza crime syndicate). By eroding market integrity,
quality, and competitiveness and using financial systems to move, conceal, and
increase illicit funds, transnational criminals exploit and undermine not only the
interests of the United States but also those of all countries promoting the rule of law,
the anonymous executive told the Law Enforcement Examiner(U.S. imposes
sanctions on Japan s Yakuza crime syndicate). The United States can decrease the
power of the Yakuza by working with international partners to deter or sever crime
state alliances, raise awareness to alert businesses that may be unwitting facilitators
for criminal enterprises, and continue to develop appropriate safeguards to protect the
legitimate flow of trade and investment (U.S. imposes sanctions on Japan s Yakuza
How Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Essay
How the Garcia girls lost their accents by Julia Alvarez talks about the four girls
fleeing to the united states after their father s attempt to overthrow dictator is
undiscovered. They arrived in Brooklyn, New York to a life totally different from
the one back home where their name inspired respect and had dozens of maids
serving them fine foods in silverware, but had to live in fear of uncles disappearing
by the hand of the secret police. In the new world their parents try to hold onto their
old traditions, but the girls have a different idea and instead try to find new lives for
themselves but find themselves caught between the old and the new world. The novel
tells their struggle to fit in and to express/communicate themselves. The story is all
about one of the many aspects of the immigrant experience; language barrier and the
power of word/being able to express oneself. The book is extremely popular among
Hispanic immigrants for its relatableness. Although an unpopular opinion, I wouldn t
recommend Millennials to read the novel because its complex storyline, poor
transitions between stories, characters difficult to... Show more content on ...
They keep getting younger throughout the book so that at the end they were kids
back in their homeland, the Dominican Republic. The author did this to make the
reader experience the book as an immigrant; always going back to their homeland,
however it can make it difficult to follow through. There are also some poor
transitions between stories, Such as in Trespass , Carla was sexually harassed by a
pervert in a lime green car on her way home from school and her struggle to tell the
police what happened while the next chapter is a two page story about the first time
Yolanda saw snow and her thinking the snowflakes were
A Writer And Social Critic
k: Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
A famous English writer and social critic, Charles Dickens, once said Try not to
associate bodily defect with mental, my good friend, except for a solid reason.
According to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, the federal
laws refers to a person with a disability as Any person who has a physical or mental
impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of
such impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.
Over the years, perceptions towards disability have been significantly changing as
result of the long pathway the disable community has taken fighting for Civil Rights,
inclusion and against discrimination. Unfortunately, this last one has not been totally
accomplished yet. Barriers to social integration still exist in the society. Perhaps the
greatest barrier is not the disability itself; is the attitude of people.
Generalized idea or attitudes toward certain individuals and groups are called
stereotypes. Laurie Block from The Disability History Museum states that the word
stereotypes suggests that the image perceived or the attitude is unconsidered,
naive, the by product of ignorance or unfamiliarity. Going back in history we see
famous cases of disabled people and the stories of how they dealt with their
condition and social stigma. One of them was Roy Lee Dennis, an American boy
diagnosed with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, a rare, sclerotic bone disorder. His story
Rhetorical Analysis In The Film Thank You For Smoking
John Dadson
Nov 16, 2017
Dixon, Ph.D.
ENGL1123P44 1810 14488
Thank you for Smoking (Rhetorical and arguments analysis)
The film Thank you for Smoking is a dark comedy where the primary protagonist,
Nick Naylor is a lobbyist. He talks for the cigarette industry and will not extra the
American Authorities or even the press. At the in advance, the film prominently
tackles all these topics but deep down it also portrays the partnership between a dad
and a son.
Rhetorical and arguments analysis
In a single conversation between a father and a son, Naylor coaches his son Joey by
telling him the beauty of argument: if you argue correctly, you re never wrong . This
depicts a framework of Nick s personality and probably explains the reason why as to
the reasons he will not lose quarrels. It is because he reframes the discussion till he
wins. Also the film shows a significant critique posed by the culture. They are the
capabilities which run the federal government and the industry and are engrossed in
doing offers rather than bothering about the stakes. In the chat show, Nick wins the
debate by announcing the release of the $50 million marketing campaign to dissuade
teens from smoking. However, the Captain when hearing concerning this advertising
campaign remarks I wish the marketing campaign is not too effective! The Captain
just hopes that the campaign will not effectively stop teenagers from being conscious
of cigarettes rather than even start
Brief Interventions
Brief interventions (BIs) are aimed at preventing the onset of more serious and
detrimental health behaviours. Brief alcohol interventions, in particular, have shown
to be a valuable tool within the public health sector to assist in screening for alcohol
problems and reducing levels of alcohol consumption (Walton, Goldstein, Chermack,
McCammon, Cunningham, Barry, Blow, 2008; Saitz, 2010). Online interventions
have been developed to address harmful substance use and have been shown to be
efficacious in meta analytic studies (Portnoy, Scott Sheldon, Johnson, Carey, 2008;
Riper, Spek, Boon, Conijn, Kramer, Martin Abello et al., 2011; White, Kavanagh,
Stallman, Klein, Kay Lambkin, Proudfoot et al., 2010). The most effective online
health promotion
Harriet Tubman On The 20 Dollar Bill
The big question is should Harriet tubman be on the 20 dollar bill. There are many
different opinions on the news about harriet tubman s picture taking over the 20
dollar bill. Many people believe it s the right thing to do. While others have other
thoughts and opinion towards this.
Some people believe we should just keep the person on that s already on the 20
dollar bill .The person that s on the bill now is Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson is a
white man known for his war heroics, and being the 17th president of the united states
. He was also the first common man to be put on a dollar bill. Although all these
things may sound good, he actually represented more of a dark side to this country.
Andrew Jackson had many negative qualities to him, as well. For one he was a
slave owner. Anyone who owned slaves should not be able to represent our country.
Another reason was because in 1830, Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act. This
act allowed him to negotiate removal treaties with Native American tribes. Jackson
believed that the Native Americans were inferior to white settlers and wanted to
force them west of the Mississippi. He broke treaties ... Show more content on ...
Harriet Tubman was an African American women who was born a slave in
Maryland, in 1820. If she were to be on the 20 dollar bill she would become the
first African American and first black woman whose picture appears on U.S.
currency. Tubman helped bring dozens of slaves to freedom in her lifetime
through a network of abolitionists and safe houses known as the Underground
Railroad. She also escaped when she was in her 20s, but instead of just enjoying her
freedom she decided to selflessly, returned to secretly help her family members and
dozens of other slaves escape to freedom as well. Also later on in life she actually
worked for the Union Army as a spy who disguised herself as a
Corporate Loyalty Essay
a Mini Research
Presented to the
Decision Sciences Department
De La Salle University
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Course Requirements
Dr. Alfredo Dimaano
ABADILLA, Raina Crysta M.
SANTOS, Catherine Erika P.
TEJADA, Jan Patrizia S.
16 December 2013
The authors would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following people for
their help and support, and have helped the authors in making this study successful:
Dr. Alfredo Dimaano, for his support, suggestions, and guidance, which benefited the
authors in the completion of the study. Also, the authors are beyond grateful to him
for providing the ... Show more content on ...
A business may possess inferior employees but the huge amount of loyalty would
have can send a very insignificant business to amazing heights. Likewise, those
employees with unsubstantial amount of loyalty may cause tremendous business to
DuPont being one of the largest chemical company in the world, it is a necessity for
them to continue to work as effective and efficient as possible. To help them with
such we have conducted a study on employee loyalty. With this study, we aim to
come with an output that will be able to assist DuPont to design different programs
to help improve the employee organizational loyalty. Through this we as well want to
prove that the amount of loyalty of the employees of a business plays a significant
role in the success of the corporations.
Theoretical Framework
John Meyer and Natalie Allen proposed the Three Components of Commitment
model, which explains how organizational commitment is a psychological related
idea. They suggested three factors that affect how an employee sees his/her
organization. With this knowledge and better understanding, one can increase not
only the engagement of the employees, but their well being and job satisfaction as
well. By using these components together with various appropriate approaches, a
manager now has the ability to effectively motivate and work with his/her team.
The first type is the Affective
Sammus Research Paper
Sammus (Enongo Lumumba Kasongo) is a rap artist and producer currently
signed to Don Giovanni records from Ithaca, New York (BIO PRESS). She has a
double BA in sociology and Science and Technology studies from Cornell
University. After undergraduate studies, she taught for Teach for America in
Houston, Texas from 2008 to 2010. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Sound
studies within the Department of Science Technology Studies at Cornell University.
Topics that she studies include sound and gaming and the identity politics of
community studios (BIO PRESS). Her songs Mighty Morphing, Spell it out, and A
woman can be analyzed with the frameworks of Black feminist thought, Hip Hop
feminism, and Intersectionality theory. Rapper Sammus is a Black female rapper.
Her mc name is adapted from the video game character Samus Aran who first
appeared in the Nintendo game Metroid (1986). The character wears a power suit
which protects her from most dangers and is equipped with an arm cannon that fires
various energy beams and missiles. In an interview, she spoke... Show more content
on ...
The AAPF, founded in 1996, connects academics, activists, and policy makers to
promote efforts to dismantle structural inequality. The campaign acknowledges the
silence of fatal police shooting which effect Black women. While Black men are in
the spotlight, Black women are unremembered due to intersectional invisibility.
#Sayhername broadens the framework of who is affected by state violence and
brings the names of Black women who have been killed to the surface. While
White women make up 64% of women in the US, [they] are 44% of fatal police
shootings of women and Black women and girls, who are only 13% of the women in
the US, account for a third of all women shot to death by the police (US Census
Bureau and The Washington Post in #Sayhername,
`` The First Full Length Novel `` By Henry Fielding
Joseph Andrews, the first full length novel which was made by the English author
Henry Fielding. And considered from the first English novels, this novel was called
by Henry Fielding s comic epic poem in prose. This novel is a parody version of the
novel Pamela . it is the story of a good natured footman s adventures on the road home
from London with his friend and mentor, the stargazing parson Abraham Adams. The
novelspeaks to the meeting up of the two contending feel of eighteenth century
writing: the false chivalrous and neoclassical (and, by augmentation, privileged)
methodology of Augustans, for example, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift; and
the famous, household exposition fiction of authors, for example, Daniel Defoe and
Samuel Richardson. At this paper I will discuss points of view themes, characters,
language, and significance
for ten or eleven years, Joseph Andrews was in the administration of Sir Thomas
Booby, the uncle of Squire Booby, who was hitched to the prudent Pamela, Joseph s
sister. At the point when Lord Booby passes on, Joseph from the beginning stays in
the utilize of Lady Booby as her footman. This woman, much more seasoned than
her twenty one year old servant and evidently minimal irritated by her spouse s
demise, is pulled in to the charming mannered, attractive young person. Joseph, be
that as it may, is as prudent as his renowned sister, and when Lady Booby s advances
ended up such that even his honesty can no more disregard their
Health, Security And Major Factors Of Food Security
.Sebastian palmer. Discovery degree prepared public speaking pioneer,royal center.
Food security
Food security is defined as access by all people at all times to enough nutritionally
adequate and safe food {quality,quantity,and variety}.
Food security is affected by a number of factors, including primarily the food supply
and access to jobs and such basic services as education ,health
facilities,sanitation,clean water,safe housing. poverty , social inequality, and lack of
education are primary causes of hunger and malnutrition and are major obstacles to
obtaining food security.Food security cannot be ensured by producing more food .
if, for example, people cannot afford the food that is available , if their diets don t
have any essential vitamins and minerals , or if poor handling during processing and
distribution makes their food unsafe to eat . they will not have food security.
To achieve national security a country must be able to produce or import the food it
needs and be able to store it distribute it, and ensure equitable access to it . Given
population growth and rising incomes, it is estimated that the demand for food will
rise by 70 to 100 percent by 2050. To meet this need, the United Nations estimates that
production in developing countries will need to almost double.
USDA supports global food security through in country capacity building, basic and
applied research, and support for
Great Society Success
This investigation will analyze until what extent was Lyndon Johnson the Great
Society a success or a failure. The Great Society was a set of domestic programs
created by democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and 1965, the
intention of The Great Society programs was to eliminate poverty and racial
injustice. After John F. Kennedy s assassination, Johnson was left with the duty to
finish Kennedy s job on creating a new frontier for americans. Issues addressed in
The Great Society program were education, poverty, urban planning, medical care
and transportation. Many of The Great Society proposals were similar to John F.
Kennedy s New Frontier and were aimed to complete Franklin Roosevelt s New Deal
agenda. The Great Society was first... Show more content on ...
It had its achievements, such as the Civil Rights Acts or, as mentioned before, the
Medicaid or Medicare programs. But it it is impossible to classify it as a success.
Maybe, if Johnson wouldn t have invested his money in Vietnam and would ve
focused on domestic programs more, the it might still be going, but eliminating social
problems such as poverty and racial equality, is something that takes time, money and
support. By supporting the Vietnam war, he lost supporters when they realized that
he wasn t helping at all in domestic problems, and eventually, the lack of supporters
was what caused his own
Senior Supply Management Specialist Of A Manufacturing...
As the senior supply management specialist of a manufacturing company, I have
been charged with coming up with the questions and answers for position at the
company. The position is for a new junior buyer, and the questions and answers are
tailored to assess a potential candidate s vocabulary and knowledge of supply
management. I must provide answers to the questions that the candidates of the
position should know to be a new junior buyer. These answers will let the Vice
President of Purchasing know if the candidate if fully qualified for the position or
not. The first question asks to give at least three different job titles within supply
management and explain how they can contribute to the success of an organization.
One job title of... Show more content on ...
Starbuck s strategic partnerships include; Barnes and Noble, Pepsico, United Airlines,
Kraft foods, and the NAACP.
According to Rebecca Larson, assistant Professor of Business at Liberty University,
Starbucks partnered with Barnes and Nobles bookstores in 1993 to provide in house
coffee shops, benefiting both retailers (Czaja, 2011). This would not only bring
more consumers in Barnes and Noble stores to buy books, but to also allow them
to enjoy their favorite coffee drink while they read their favorite story. This one
two punch, allowed both retailers to gain a significant amount of popularity for
years. In 1996, Starbucks also entered a partnership with Pepsico so they would be
able to bottle, distribute and sell their famous coffee drink, Frappacino. (Czaja,
2011). Starbucks aligning themselves with United Airlines, resulted in them being
able to share their coffee on airline flights with the company s famous logo on the
cups. Partnering with Kraft foods made their brand sellable in local grocery stores.
To push their goals for social and economic justice, Starbucks also partnered with the
NAACP in 2006.
One interview question asks a potential candidate to explain the role that supply
management plays in achieving sustainability goals in an organization. Sustainability
is defined as avoidance of the depletion of natural resources to maintain an

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  • 1. Pharmacy Application Essay Crafting a Pharmacy Application Essay is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance between showcasing your personal experiences, academic achievements, and passion for the field. The difficulty lies in articulating your unique qualities and aspirations while adhering to the specific guidelines provided by the application. You need to effectively communicate your motivation for pursuing a career in pharmacy, detailing your relevant experiences, skills, and future goals. Moreover, you must navigate the fine line between self-promotion and humility, demonstrating your strengths without sounding overly boastful. Conveying your enthusiasm for the pharmaceutical field in a way that resonates with the admissions committee is no small feat. Additionally, addressing any potential weaknesses or gaps in your academic or professional history requires careful consideration and strategic communication. The process involves significant self-reflection to identify the key moments and experiences that have shaped your desire to pursue pharmacy as a career. It necessitates the ability to articulate these insights in a compelling and coherent narrative that captivates the reader's attention. Furthermore, you must tailor your essay to align with the values and expectations of the specific pharmacy program you are applying to, making the task even more intricate. In conclusion, writing a Pharmacy Application Essay demands a high level of self-awareness, writing proficiency, and an understanding of the program's requirements. It requires meticulous planning, thoughtful reflection, and the ability to effectively communicate your unique qualities. While challenging, successfully navigating this process can significantly enhance your chances of securing a spot in the pharmacy program of your choice. If you find yourself needing assistance in crafting a compelling essay or similar writing tasks, various resources are available to provide support. Platforms like offer services to help you with your writing needs, ensuring that your essays meet the standards expected by academic institutions. Pharmacy Application EssayPharmacy Application Essay
  • 2. The Portrayal Of Female Characters In Lysistrata By... Given just the plot of Lysistrata, one might think that Lysistrata by Aristophanes is a highly progressive comedy in which women are empowered and are given meaning beyond the household. Unfortunately, as one starts to delve deeper into the story, there are many things that point the over way, mainly the portrayal of secondary female characters, the women s overall willingness to discount their non physical features and the peace making scene around the end of the story. The events in the play encourage the notion that the best thing young women have going for them is their bodies. In the beginning of the play, it is pointed out that the women present during the pact all have very nice bodies. As each women arrives this is the first thing Lysistrata and Kleonike notice; they make it abundantly clear in the conversation as well. (Aristophanes, 356) While Lysistrata is telling her about her plan, Kleonike even says Wisdom for women? There is nothing cosmic about cosmetics and glamor is our only talent. All we can do is sit, primped and painted, made up and dressed up. (Aristophanes, 353) Even though, the women gain power in the play by withholding sex from the men, they also withhold sex from themselves. Their struggles with coping with the temporary abstinence is demonstrated by frequent complaining among the women and, later, the averted endangerment of the movement as a result of some women trying to ditch the effort. The women that tried to leave gave lame
  • 3. A Formal Written Food Defense Plan 3.001A formal written Food Defense Plan has been developed and implemented (includes vulnerability assessment and broad and focused mitigations as appropriate based on risk; vulnerability assessment clearly covers key activity types such as bulk receiving/storage, mixing, and secondary ingredient handling etc.). Observation: The current approved Food Defense Plan is approved by Quality and this process does not include Site Director signoff at this time. The current approved plan does not cover key activity types/vulnerabilities with matched mitigation strategies. The site has a drafted Food Defense Plan using the FDA Plan Builder, currently unapproved. 3.002Areas indicated in the Food Defense Plan as actionable process steps have... Show more content on ... Observation: Assessment of process steps to identify actionable process steps or critical control areas and associated strategies is incomplete, draft. 3.006Bi annual reviews of the Food Defense Plan are conducted and documented. 3.007The Food Defense Team conducts monthly audits of the facility (includes review to ensure regular monitoring has been occurring). Observation: Food Defense monthly audits are not occurring. 3.008Emergency contact information for local, state and federal Homeland Security agencies are included in the plan. The list is current. Check and note date in comments column. Observation: FBI is included Homeland Security is not included. 3.009A current list of analytical laboratories is included in the plan. Observation: Current list of analytical laboratories is not included in current plan(s). 3.010Procedures for responding to threats of product tampering are included in the plan. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.011Procedures for responding to actual incidents of product tampering are included in the plan. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.012Procedures are included for notifying government and enforcement agencies of threats or tampering issues. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.013A product Hold system is established to ensure that adulterated
  • 4. The Major Causes Of The Recession And The Great Depression The major causes of the Recession and the Great Depression were the actions of the federal government. Before the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve kept interest rates low in the 1920s and raised interest rates in the early 1930 s. President Hoover s regulations damaged trade and American exports throughout the 1930s. Finally, the President signed a large tax increase into law in 1932, which hurt businesses and affected everyone. The suicide rate was increased after the Great Depressionbegan and a similar increase was seen in the years after the Recession. The rate homelessness was increased after the Recession because a lot of people lost their jobs and couldn t afford rent. Similarly, during the Depression, people lost their homes or often moved into small apartments that they shared with other families. During the Depression, people went on bread lines and to soup kitchens, took turns eating for the day, survived by eating very small meals. After the Recession, more people filed for unemployment applied for food stamps and seek out other government programs like WIC, which gives federal grants to feed and take care of low income children. During the years of Depression, birth rates dropped and children suffered from malnutrition. In many ways, President Hoover s policies let the Depression happen. Previous Presidents like Roosevelt and Obama responded similarly to the crises; talked about balancing the federal budget, but instead resorted to massive spending by introducing new programs. One major difference between the Recession and the Depression was that the government was not very quick to help the public but government stepped in very quickly to stop damage during the Recession. Today, the government is expected to step in when the crisis of this sort happens but in the 1930 s there were very different expectations because people blamed the unemployed men and women when it was very clear that the government had to have played a role to play in the making of the crisis as well. FDR s New Deal is traditionally described as Relief, Recovery, and Reform. The Banking Act was a statute enacted by the United States Congress that established the Federal Deposit Insurance
  • 5. Feminism In Bram Stoker s Dracula The novel Dracula by Bram Stoker is seen to be a part of feminist literature. Stoker s story tells the tale of multiple characters, through Jonathan and his ordeal at Transylvania where he first encounters Dracula. He meets Dracula to buy him a new estate in England. However, when he stays at the castle, he realizes something wrong with Dracula. Stoker laters shifts the novel to Mina and Lucy s perspective, writing to each other about light hearted things. However, it takes a turn for the worst as he infects Lucy and transforms her into a vampire with a voluptuous body. The men must kill her, even as it is Arthur s wife, he does it himself to put her to peace. However, Mina also gets infected but provides more use to the men as they use her... Show more content on ... In the Victorian era, there was a movement of feminism and the women who were for it were called New women as they had new ideas and ambitions for women s rights during the Victorian era. I believe we should have shocked the New Woman with our appetites (Stoker 77) Stoker never emphasizes completely on the idea and mentions it a few times but never explicitly conveys he is uncomfortable with new women. He however shows qualities of the new women through Lucy as she shows a playful mood when she says Why can t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? (Stoker 48), never made her evil in the novel until Dracula infects her. At first she seems like a Victorian woman, following basic ideologies during the time such as we women are such cowards that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him (Stoker, 48) However, Carl A. Senf emphasizes how Stoker illustrates that Lucy reveals a covert desire to escape these constraints (Senf 42) like in a letter wanting to not hurt the men and marry all three. Senf also explains how this connects to her desire to be rebellious like the New Women but torn by the other side to match social standards as she knows But this is heresy, and I must not say it. (Stoker 48). Because of her qualities of a seemingly ambitious and outgoing woman, even as she tries to suppress it, Stoker makes her Dracula s first target. It can also be seen in her sleepwalking where it shows her restlessness for change when she sleeps but tries to suppress it during the day making it makes sense why Dracula struck at night. Stoker uses this as a symbol of passivity and submissiveness, as the male, Dracula, dominates the female Lucy. Also, when Lucy turns into a vampiric form, she expresses her unusual latent desires. Stephanie Demetrakopoulos explains that the vampire women are interested only
  • 6. The Characteristics Of The Baroque Era Around the 17th century, the Baroque era contributed a new style than the previous Renaissance era. The Baroque era thrived in all of Italy and eventually the remainder of Europe. The Baroque era had new characteristics than music from before. Some characteristics that could be heard in the music during this period include a more definite and regular rhythm as compared to the floating rhythms of the Renaissance era, a systematic meter due to the first use of bar lines, and clearer beats emphasized by instruments. The change of rhythm and meters in the Baroque era created a mood of deep emotion and seriousness. The texture of musicalso developed during this time. The basso continuo enhanced both of the homophonic and polyphonic textures of the Baroque music. Basso continuo, otherwise known as a continuous bass, used low voices or instruments such as cellos or bassoons to advance the music of the time. Initially, the basso continuo was the lowest part of the polyphony that was strengthened by the chords, however, the basso continuo eventually was created along with the chords and the higher polyphony was modified to complement it. Chords during this era also became standardized and created tonality or a feeling of a central part among a home pitch. The chords of the music from this era were developed in a more logical fashion and they led to functional harmony. This music also used different dynamics, called terraced dynamics, that were not used formerly. Terraced dynamic
  • 7. Heartbreak Descriptive Writing Heartbreak Sweat peaks out of my forehead, it trickles down the back of my neck. The sun beat down, its warmth filling the field. It was as if no one was there, the stillness of the air was so calming. Air flows through my nose and out through my mouth. My mind traveled back, the countless hours of drills, hard work, and dedication replayed in my mind. The National Anthem echoes throughout the stadium, and my nerves die down because in my heart I knew that no team was better prepared than our team was. My whole life had been about a small yellow ball, but as I saw that first pitch hit the catcher s glove, and the game began, I knew this was different. My eyes drift toward the state championship banner, and I think about all the years
  • 8. The, Siddhartha, By Herman Hesse Set in ancient India, Siddhartha, written by Herman Hesse, narrates a soul s quest in pursuit of the answers to humanity s role in this realm. Centered around a Brahmin s son, Siddhartha, Hesse illustrates how powerful society is to both promote and hinder Siddhartha s pilgrimage towards spiritual enlightenment. It is through sin, lust, and profound despair that Siddhartha learned to not resist but to love all as is. Through this mindset of accepting everything, Siddhartha attains Nirvana. Siddhartha had one single goal to become empty, to become empty of thirst, desire, dreams, and sorrow to let the self die (11). As a young Indian, Siddhartha suffered thirst, he thirsted for knowledge. This philosophy leads him on the path of ... Show more content on ... Before, he saw the world as an illusive veil , which he disregarded and ostracized from his thoughts; he saw his Self as Atman, the eternal nature of everything. Now awakened, Siddhartha listened only to the voice within his Self, He would only strive after whatever the inward voice commanded him, not tarry anywhere but where the voice advised him (39), and this voice led him to the town of Kamala and Kamaswami. This town, or society, was very monumental to the development of Siddhartha. It was necessary to isolate himself in this society. Though he was isolated, he felt separated and superior to the people, He saw people living in such childish or animal like way (57), which he laughed at; this was because he had been a Samana, where he had despised money, small pleasures, and trivial honors. Siddhartha viewed the people s lives as a game, which he derived amusement from. While his physical body resided in the town, his real self wandered elsewhere, invisibly; he had remained a Samana at heart. But, over the years he became enveloped in comfortable living. He hardly noticed the years passing as he had become rich, possessed both a house and servants. His glorious awakening and the prominent voice within him slowly became a memory, had passed. His ascetic philosophy slowly died as well. Siddhartha became accustomed to fine living; He had learned to wear fine clothes, to
  • 9. Francis Bellamy Analysis This brief article is about the origins of the pledge of allegiance and how it has changed over time. The pledge of allegiance actually wasn t written until more than a century after the United States became a country. It started with Francis Bellamy, who was asked to write a salute to the flag to mark the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus s arrival in the Americas. He came to believe that if children said the Pledge every day, it would instill an almost unconscious patriotism in them. Many were worried about an influx of Catholic and Jewish immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. Beginning in 1919, states started making recital of the Pledge mandatory in public schools. The Jehovah s Witnesses objected to reciting it, leading ... Show more content on ... I am unsure of the occasion of this work, I m assuming this article was written on or around the Fourth of July since the 4th of July is America s national holiday of independence. Finding the occasion is probably the hardest thing for me when it comes to rhetorical analyzation. The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of the history of the pledge of allegiance and its origins, It started with Francis Bellamy, who worked for a magazine called Youth s Companion in Boston, Massachusetts (Brown, 2017). This statement is the beginning of the pledge s timeline, which is consistent through the article. No other topics are introduced. The intended audience of this article is the American population, the writer is trying to appeal to Americans. For many Americans, saying it is as natural as breathing. You might even think the Pledge was part of the very foundation of America, like the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution (Brown, 2017). Using the words you might, implies that the reader is American, and it implies that Americans think the Pledge was a part of the very foundation of
  • 10. Reoccurring Symbols In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston In the short story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston a reoccurring symbol is the snake. Its apparition is a dominating force throughout the plot. The main character Delia s husband, Sykes uses the snake as a method of tormenting. It first appears to the readers in the form of a whip. Then it manifests into a genuine rattlesnake that Sykes brings home one day. Sykes, the story s antagonist, becomes a symbolic adaption of the snakeas the plot evolves. The emblematic meaning embedded into to the snake is oppression and evil. In the story Sweat , symbolism is used in the form of a snake to represent oppression and multiple platforms of injustice. A major symbol of the story is the presence of a snake but is sublimely interjected into the whip and ... Show more content on ... Christians are viewed as inhibitors of progress by the liberal minded. In association with the story, Sykes symbolizes the people of the liberal mentality. He constantly beats and harms Delia, but she contends with his abuse. In correlation to today, Christians endure persecution rather than standing up for their faith. Delia is a symbol of Christianity and religion. Countless times in the story, Sykes criticizes Delia for her faith as others unceasingly criticize followers of Christ. Sykes is a depiction of the world in his adulterous and gambling ways. The media is portrayed by the snake. An ever presences, that is away lurking in the background. A contradiction between the story and reality is that the media will not save Christians from their oppression, but aid to it. Instead, Christians must look to Christ who is the true savior of the
  • 11. How Did Baroque Music Differ From The Visual Arts Of The... 1.Visual arts of the Classical Era consist of symmetry, harmony, balance within the limits, rules and authority domain, strong geometry and horizontal lines, and calmness. The Classical Era comes after the Baroque Era in 1750. Music has a phrase structure with a question and an answer. A phrase can be repeated many times with minor changes. The texture is often homophonic, with tune and accompaniment, may move to polyphonic. It has a regular rhythm with pauses with th variation from long note values to short. Gradual dynamic change which is more contrasting compare to Baroque music. The melody is symmetrical; also, pedaling is used. 2.Visual arts of the Baroque Era contain a variety, asymmetry, subjects beyond the borders, dynamic, chaotic,
  • 12. Meaning Of Medieval Feudals Medieval Vassals Medieval Vassals (Intro) During the medieval period, kings ruled large areas of land. In order to protect these lands from invasion, the king would give portions of their lands to the local lords which were called the Vassals. They governed the lands granted to them by the king and promised to defend it against conquerors. Medieval Vassals Definition Medieval vassals was believed to have been derived from the Latin word vassallus and the Roman word vassus, which means servant. However, it was also said to have originated from the Celtic and Welsh term gwas which means a young male feudal tenant. In the feudal system, Medieval Vassals by definition were people granted the use of a King s land in return for their services, ... Show more content on ... The term vassal originally emerged during the medieval era of the middle ages as the feudal system was established in England in 1066 after the rest of the country was claimed by William, The Conqueror. Medieval Vassals History The first vassals during the medieval period came from England and were appointed right after the Norman Conquest. When William the Conqueror invaded the country, all estates that belonged to England were declared as his property. And to give honor to the Normal soldiers who fought with him during the conquest, he awarded majority of the lands to them. After William gained control, the Norman soldier who became and were declared Lords of these lands began to rule with him. Noble men became Lords and lower military officers became vassals. The idea of awarding the lands to the Lords basically was to assist the new ruler in protecting the kingdom from invasion as each Lord was in charged of protecting his own land. The Medieval Vassals Land The medieval vassal lands varied in size. The average size of these land, known as fief, were as small as 1200 acres and as big as 1800 acres. Most of the feudal lands consisted of farm and cultural lands. Meanwhile, the vassals either lived in castles of the lords or they owned their own
  • 13. Judge Genie Judge Genie (Isaac): Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Jafar/Aladdin: Yes, your honour. Judge Genie (Isaac): Okay, let s start from the beginning, Wafer, present your case. Jafar (Ashlynn): Well your honor, I wanted to buy a carpet for my living room, but my pay wage is terrible at the palace. I asked Aladdin to help out. However, he was in jail for stealing bread, fruit, and money from the merchants. I asked him to come with me to the Cave of Wonders to get the lamp, so I could ask the Genie for money. Of course, Aladdin had to mess something up by filling the whole cave with lava. I almost got the lamp, but Aladdin s monkey just had to steal the lamp and I didn t get my carpet! Judge Genie ... Show more content on ... Jafar (Ashlynn): Well I m not that good at magic, so it may have bit out control but nothing that major. I was trying to create a sword wall between Aladdin and myself, my magic got a bit out of control and set the swords on fire. To explain the hypnotizing, I swear I was trying to give the sultan a funnier hat. Which I did think was kinda hilarious. But now lets not forget all of the horrible things Aladdin has done! Judge Genie (Isaac): I don t understand. Why do you think that doing magic was funny! You committed assault against two people. Aliddon you have also stolen a few things and there will be consequences for. Wefar you are going to our C.D.C (Crippling Depression Center ) for 20 years. Addition you are sentenced to a total of 30 years without bail for stealing stuff. Case closed even if you say objection nobody will care. Jafar (Ashlynn): No! I m not going back to jail! I just wanted a new carpet! (Run offstage) Judge Genie (Isaac): I said NO objections. Two years in prison! Guards get her out of here. Jasmine (Alison) No! Aladdin , this isn t
  • 14. The Pizza Ovens And Fryers Make It Extremely Hot At Sam s... The pizza ovens and fryers make it extremely hot at Sam s Pizza. All three pizza ovens are set to 550 degrees and, and all three fryers are set to 400 degrees. In the summer the temperature can reach over 100 degrees in the pizza shop. Working an 8 hour shift in these temperatures can be a grueling experience. The heatin the shop matched with the buffet and non stop pizzaorder phone calls make it even worse. I remember the first time working a long shift when I started working at Sam s. It was harder than I would have ever imagined. The heat really affected my ability to work efficiently. After a few hours I could tell I wasn t working as hard as I was at the beginning of my shift. Working tired and hungry in that heat really drained a lot of my energy. It made it hard to communicate effectively and be nice while talking to costumers. I m not the only one who has had bad long shift experiences. A new 16 year old employee who started working at Sam s pizza in August didn t have the best experience on his first day at the job. The employee worked a six hour shift and about five hours in he passed out while he was rolling pizza dough. He was completely fine after about five minutes. We gave him water, and he was back to work right away. He told us the reason he passed out was because he had an anxiety attack. It was extremely hot that day, and I think the heat played a big role in making him pass out. I ve been working at Sam s pizza for 2 years, and know how extremely hot
  • 15. The Power of T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land Essay The Power of T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land T. S. Eliot, perhaps one of the most controversial poets of modern times, wrote what many critics consider the most controversial poem of all, The Waste Land. The Waste Land was written using a fragmented style. This is a style that is evident in all of Eliot s writings. There are several reasons for his using this approach, from a feeling of being isolated, to a problem articulating thoughts (Bergonzi 18, Cuddy 13, Mack 1745, Martin 102). What influenced Eliot the most in writing poetry was a book he read written by the English critic, Arthur Symon, titled The Symbolist Movement in Literature. This book is about French symbolist ... Show more content on ... When Eliot began to compose The WasteLand, he used all the different themes, techniques, and style s he had been developing to this point. The Waste Land is developed entirely using fragments and quotations. This is symbolic of his despair in succeeding in ever fully articulating meaning. Although it is fragmented, it also reveals moments of continuity and wholeness quantified with recurrent themes of time, alienation, isolation, and articulation. Because Eliot used fragmentation as his style when writing this poem, it survived being cut in half by the editing of Ezra Pound. Many author s argue that Ezra Pound could have edited many more parts out, without effecting the meaning Eliot was trying to convey (Bergonzi 11, Mack 1743, Martin 20 22, 110, Ricks 9, Unger 18).
  • 16. T. S. Eliot s use of estrangement in poems is his way of expressing feelings between himself and the world. His inability to give himself to, or to possess others is an example of the greater problem of isolation. The isolation theme is prevalent throughout the Waste Land, with many of his characters entwined. This is probably related to his problem of articulating. Whatever his reason for using isolation it caused him to turn towards god for answers. In 1927 he was accepted as a member of the Church of England.
  • 17. Summary Of The Tale By O Connor 38 The Plot A family that consists of a grandmother, father, mother, and three grandchildren from Atlanta plans to go to Florida for a family vacation. The grandmother is refusing to go to Florida because she has her connection in east Tennessee (O Connor 38). She points out from an article that the Misfit is on the loose and is headed toward Florida and that the children had been to Florida before (O Connor 38). Nevertheless, the grandmother gets up early than everyone else, and prepares for the trip. The next morning She is dressed up in her Sunday best just in case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady (O Connor 38). The grandmother secretly brings along her cat because she does not want the cat to accidentally asphyxiate himself (O Connor 38) if he was to be left alone. The grandmother is too particular with the trip, that she takes the mileage before they drive off and her son what speed limit to drive so that she does not want the patrolmen to ticket Bailey and ruin their vacation. During the trip, the grandmother keeps talking about how beautiful the scenery is in Georgia, but John Wesley thinks otherwise. The grandmother tells John Wesley to respect his native state. As they pass a large cotton field, the grandmother points out that there are graves that belonged to the plantation, but the plantation has Gone with the Wind. Later on, the grandmother tells the children a story about Mr. Edgar Atkins
  • 18. Outline Of A Study On A Research Study E. Conclusion The final chapter of this dissertation is to reflect on the theories applied in the study, to give managerial insights, and to highlight the findings in answering the research questions. The implications for further research are also emphasised. 5.1 Academic Implications The present research both provides confirmation of and adds aspects to the theoretical, methodological and empirical position. First, the findings contribute to Baudrillard s symbolic consumption (1993, 1994, 1988), consumers want a symbolic exchange value to represent themselves and reflect their social class. His sign system is useful to describe how marketing elements attach symbolic meaning to brands. Apart from social status, the results also identify ... Show more content on ... Consequntly, further research can use these considerations as a foundation to understand consumers purchasing behaviour and symbolic consumption. Specifically, the study suggests that most respondents feel the need to develop their self identities to be more mature. While, the netnographic findings also shows that social values have a strong impact on the individual s consumption. Fourth, although many recent studies have applied Aaker s brand personality scale (BPS), the big five (2002), to measure brand personality, the study suggests that the BPS may not be practical to apply to fashion brands since personalities can overlap. For example, it is not as simple only putting women on a sophistication scale and men on a ruggedness scale. The findings show that the individual s personality is important, not only gender. A male respondent like Jo is more fascinated by fashion brands than a female respondent like Pin. Fifth, the research confirms the findings of Holbrook Schindler (1989), Leslie, Sparling Owen (2001) and Grant Waite (2003), families and friends are strong factors which influence the consumption patterns of young adults. Interestingly the results from both interviews and Netnography indicate that primary groups like family and close friends are dominant influences. Moreover, celebrity endorsements on social media have become popular among young Thai adults
  • 19. Beethoven and Tchaikovsky Beethoven and Tchaikovsky While Ludwig van Beethoven and Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky have much in common, they also have many differences. Both men are famous for their orchestral compositions and their future influence on other composers. They experienced a blend of horrible failures and great successes. Although they were from different musical time periods, they both made huge contributions to the world of music. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany 1770; the second half of the classical period. After the death of his grandfather, who was also named Ludwig van Beethoven, the family was on a downward slope financially. As far as physical appearances are concerned, young Beethoven looked much like his grandfather. Beethoven was ... Show more content on ... Perhaps I shall get better, perhaps not; I am ready. 1819 is the year in which his hearing was thoroughly depleted. He could no longer play the piano virtuously and had to communicate by text. As a result, he spent a majority of his time composing. Beethoven would sketch out his compositions in a book. These books have been maintained and it is evident that he would work on several pieces at once. During this time, his compositions ranged from simple melodies to more elaborate and edited works. In 1804 Beethoven completed his Third Symphony. This piece was originally a tribute to Napoleon Bonaparte, but when Beethoven found that Napoleon was proclaimed an emperor he deleted the dedication. At this point in his life, Beethoven seriously considered marriage. His first love was for a woman named Giulietta Guicciardi. When this relationship eventually broke, he sought the hand of Giulietta s cousin, Josephine. The bond between them broke and the engagement was ended. Beethoven s final attempt with a woman was with his doctor s daughter, Therese Malfatti. As is expected, this relationship also failed and Beethoven reached the final part of his life as a bachelor. The rate and quality of his compositions slowed and he became more and more isolated. Another depressing and negative event in Beethoven s life took place in 1815. His brother died. Caspar Anton Carl left behind a son and a widow and instructed
  • 20. Analysis Of The 1992 Los Angeles Riots The state of California has a rich history of events, that on a social level, have played major parts in change and perception among the populations as a whole, and in individual communities. History has shown, and will continue to do so in the future, that changes within communities, towns, cities, states, and countries is generally motivated by civil injustice. In researching defining moments , I have chosen the 1992 Los AngelesRiots. The riots of 1992 mark a pivotal point in time for California in regard to social issues and injustices in matters of race and socioeconomics. Following, I will describe the defining event , the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and why I believe what was important that was learned, and how it has impacted California 25 years later. I was in school, ninth grade, and it was early afternoon. The whole class was tense and quiet. It seemed like that old, round clock had stopped ticking. The whole school had the Rodney Kingverdict on our minds. We knew it was coming today and we all knew they weren t going to punish those officers for beating Rodney King like he was a dog. I couldn t wait to get home. I wanted to be safe at home. My home girls are stressing and passing notes joking about running home while the teacher is reading a magazine. The intercom buzzer rings and the Mrs. Parks voice starts talking. Students, we are now going to release everyone from school early and we want all of you to go home immediately and wait for your
  • 21. Advantages And Benefits Of The Bharat Bill Payment System Bharat Bill Payment System eases the payment of bills and improves the security speed of payments through the central unit (BBPCU) operating units (BBPOUs). The Bharat Bill Payment System has recently been launched by the Reserve Bank of India as a mandatory system, for easing the payments of bills across geographies. The BBPS offers integrated and interoperable bill payment service with security, certainty and reliability of transactions. The service is available in multiple payment modes, online and through a network of agents. An instant confirmation is generated for the bill payments. The BBPS will transform the society from cash to electronic payment system, making it less dependent on cash. Objectives of BBPS The system is accessible anytime from anywhere, making it convenient for the customers. The system increases the trust of the customers by providing reliable services. The multiple numbers of payment modes is an added advantage. The system provides on the spot payment confirmation making it easily verifiable. Benefits of BBPS The benefits of the Bharat Bill Payment System can be divided into two categories, namely customer benefits and participant benefits. Customer Benefits The ... Show more content on ... The BBPS services will be provided 24X7, so the participants must maintain their connectivity accordingly. The billers will be provided with an online and offline mode of connection. The transactions will be sent across through authorised network connecting all the participants of the system with the BBPCU. Proper care will be taken for protecting the customers data, and strict security measures will be set for the same. The settlement of ON US and OFF US transactions will be monitored appropriated as per the Settlement Guarantee Fund mechanism. The transaction and settlement reports should be retrieved on a daily basis from BBPCU for ensuring accounts are
  • 22. This I Believe Summary While reading This I Believe I was able to connect and relate with few of the entries founded in the book. The first journal I felt a relation with, was A Shared Moment of Trust . In this entry, the author begins talking about driving down a road at night and taking a glance at a passing car s driver. Then, he goes in depth to talk about the level of trust that him and the drivershared within that short time frame. He also discusses another event in which he had to once again put his trust in the hands of a stranger during a hostage negotiation with Algerian terrorist. The message he tries to get across in this entry is that everyone depends on someone. I had an experience similar to the author s example, that involve a car accident. It... Show more content on ... The author started off with discussing life living with her father in hotels. Then, she went on to tell about how her childhood friend s parents came in and take care of her as if she was their own. She explains that they cared for her the same way they cared for their blood daughter. Even though the Beaches wasn t her blood family, she considered them her only family. My story is a little similar to that of Cecile because I have two families, one is blood and the other is non related. As I had discussed in the earlier paragraph about religion, I have been looking to gain some independence from my dad s religion. I have a family that isn t blood related to me at all, I spend more time at their house than my family s house. They are former members of the church I attend occasionally; I have known them for over a decade. They have been there for me through thick and thin and has been an extra support system for me. When I m going through things at home, they have been always there for me. They have given me money to help me out with school and go out their way for me, when needed. Without them, I don t know how my life would be. From reading this text, I found that I related to few authors stories that are similar to my
  • 23. Average Student Research Paper Average student. That is who I was throughout my high school years. I wasn t a bad student, but I was not the best. I could blame my part time job on the average grades I got, but I still have that same job while in college and I have outstanding grades. Senior year was hard for me. I had to make some decisions that were going to impact the rest of my life. My brother (A student) had gotten kicked out of high schoolso my family was counting on me to do better, I felt a lot of pressure. I decided to look at colleges but because of my grades they weren t interested in me. By that time I had gotten close to a group of girls at my job. My work friends were talking about what collegethey were going to and for some reason I felt left out, they
  • 24. Serial Killer Sociology The idea of serial killers has intrigued us all. today s society profits off them with new television series and biographies of our most infamous killers. Psychologists and sociologists alike want answers as to what makes a serial killer kill. Scientists may explore serial killing through a sociological lens to see if there have been any findings to predispositions of serial killersdue to social circumstances. This way, they may have an advantage to preventing serial killers from developing. While exploring this, it will be necessary to determine the issues with defining serial killing and exploring different models that pertain to the research. In the end, the goal is to clarify findings, compart test results, and determine if a sociological... Show more content on ... The first lens a sociologist will look through is the mass media and its relations to society. A growing population with unlimited access to meeting strangers become the norm. After the industrial revolution there was less of a need for farm workers and more of a need for factory workers. As society began to urbanized, people were forced to create and live in a population where one did not know the name of the person living next to them. Kevin Haggerty And Ariane Ellerbrok believed that this rushed movement of strangers ...proved to be a key precondition for the emergence of serial murder, given that a defining attribute of serial killers is that they prey on strangers... ( Haggerty,Ellerbrok 1). As time went on and technology began to develop into more complex networks, the Internet paved the way in enabling you to meet strangers through chat rooms and social media. The Internet became a tool of serial killers as a way of meeting victims and having a disguise. The World Wide Web also made serial killing a famous act. T.V shows, books, and movies all get money by glorifying serial killers. Actresses like charlize theron, who played wuornos in the movie monster, earn ( Keya, M.A., 25) and popular movies and books such as Silence Of The Lambs, Kiss The Girl, and Taking Lives (Krueger 3) have dramatically over idolized serial killers and their actions. Dexter Morgan, a charming yet twisted young character from a T.V. series has been admired for being a vigilante killer... who (is), taking out the trash of society ( Keya, M.A., 9). Killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991, and Jack The Ripper, who killed and mutilated prostitutes in East London in 1888 , have become common household names. That is the next lens they look through, the household. We will often look to a killer s childhood to
  • 25. Growing Up In Peter Pan By J. M Barrie Growing Up Parents can only give good advice, but the final forming of a person s character lies in their own hands. Anne Frank. In the book Peter Pan, by J.M Barrie, the character Wendy Darling grows up. Her time on the island Neverland shows her that she can stay young forever, but three forces shape her life changing decision. Both her family and realization help her choose what she wanted to do. Because of age, she grows up, which is another force that changed Wendy and her character. In the book, Peter Pan, age, family, and realization both changed and impacted the character Wendy Darling. One major force that majorly changed Wendy was age. As the story advances, she grows older, as all children do. At the beginning, she is a young girl and very innocent and pure. It is evident that Wendy truly ... Show more content on ... Throughout the first part of the book, Wendy is fine with being at Neverlandand away from home. But slowly, she started to see something in her brothers. What did disturb her at times was that John remembered his parents vaguely only, while Michael was quite willing to believe that she was really his mother. (72; ch 7). The story goes on to explain how Wendy was a little scared by this, but she makes tests to refresh her brother s memory. Later, Wendy is telling a story to her children about coming home to their mother and everything is is happy and good. But Peter Pan is in the room listening and he tells his side of the story. Long ago, he said, I thought like you that my mother would always keep the window open for me; so I stayed away for moons and moons, and then flew back; but the window was barred, for mother had forgotten all about me, and there was another little boy sleeping in my bed. (106; ch 11). At that moment Wendy felt that their mother would forget them if they stayed as long as Peter had. This changed her because she realized that she needed to go home to her family and grow
  • 26. Awakenings Movie Psychology I.Introduction Awakenings was directed by Penny Marshall and It was written by Oliver Sacks and Steven Zaillan. The main Character was Robin Williams as Dr.Malcolm Sayer.In the movie awakenings, Dr.Malcolm Sayer discover a positive effects of the drug L dopa to the catatonic patients who survived the disease called Encephalitis lethargica, According to (NORD 07) Encephalitis lethargica is a disease characterized by high fever, headache, double vision, delayed physical and mental response, and lethargy. In acute cases, patients may enter coma. Patients may also experience abnormal eye movements, upper body weakness, muscular pains, tremors, neck rigidity, and behavioral changes including psychosis. The cause of encephalitis lethargica is unknown. Between 1917 to 1928, an epidemic of encephalitis lethargica spread throughout the world, but no recurrence of the epidemic has since been reported. Postencephalitic Parkinson s disease may develop after a bout of encephalitis sometimes as long as a year after the ... Show more content on ... Dr.Sayer go to an conference about the drug called L Dopa . He believed that the drug L Dopa has an effect on the patients. The L Dopa drug is intended to use on the people who have Parkinson s disease but Dr.Sayer believe that there is a positive effect on his patients. Dr. Sayer was right and made the patients wake up but as time goes by there are negative side effects. The hospital council was not sure about his idea about testing it to the patients but Dr. Sayer was just so curious about the drug so he pursued and tested it to one of his patients this patient is Leonard. The families of the patients are so confused and mad about the experiment of Dr. Sayer. But they cant blame Dr. Sayer because in the first place they are the one who grant the offer of Dr. Sayer to them. In the end of the day Dr. Sayer never gave up on looking and researching about the cure for his
  • 27. Advantages Of Refrigeration FABRICATION AND TESTING OF ICE PLANT TEST RIG ABSTRACT Refrigeration may be defined as the process of achieving and maintaining a temperature below that of the surrounding, the aim being to freeze to ice, cool some product, or space to the required temperature. The basis of modern refrigeration is the ability of liquids to absorb enormous quantities of heat as they boil and evaporate. One of the most important applications of refrigeration air conditioning is to produce ice for commercial applications with minimum energy consumption. Ice plant is used for producing refrigeration effect which uses the vapor compression cycle and by using this cycle we are doing performance and analysis of ice plant test rig using R404A Eco friendly Refrigerant. ... Show more content on ... Compressor , Condenser, Filter Drier , Expansion Valve , Evaporator coil , Chilling Tank and various measuring equipments like Digital Temperature indicator , Voltmeter , Ammeter, PressureGauge , Energy Meter , HP/LP Cut out etc. Figure 1. Setup of Ice plant test rig COMPRESSOR In this Ice Plant we use the reciprocating compressor. The compressor in which the vapour refrigerant is compressed by reciprocating motion of piston is known as reciprocating compressor. The purpose of compressor in the vapour compression cycle is to compress the low pressure dry gas from the evaporator and raise its pressure to that of condenser. There are two types of reciprocating compressor, Positive Displacement and Dynamic. In this plant we are using positive displacement hermetic compressor. Since the compression of the refrigerant requires some work to be done on it, therefore a compressor must be driven by some prime mover. The prime mover is an electric motor which converts input electrical energy to useful mechanical work. This work is transmitted as torque to the compressor through common shaft and coupling Table 2. Compressor Specification
  • 28. Analysis Of Jaap Schekkerman, The Founder Of Ifead s And... Background Jaap Schekkerman, the founder of IFEAD s, developed the Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF) in the early 2000 s. The E2AF is a communication framework that is a blended framework which takes standards from IEEE 1471, describes views and viewpoints of an architecture from a software intensive system and elements of FEAF and TOGAF and a matrix structure similar to Zachman. E2AF is an architecture program that describes subjects and relations with all key stakeholders. It helps address the topics and process steps needed to reach an organizations overall goals and objectives (Schekkerman, 2006). The rules and principles of E2AF are the fundamental elements when utilizing IFEAD s architectural philosophy. The visualization translated by the principles and rules help express the style of architecture. In addition, the principles and rules are related to both the context of the architecture, the methods and approaches. In turn, the approaches help define and describe the process roadmap for an architecture. Schekkerman designed the framework to address the elements of construction, function and style (Schekkerman, 2006). In particular, the enterprise deals with the function and construction and the culture (including values and norms) deals with the style. Major Architectural Issues Blended Framework Business Strategy Business and IT alignment Maturity Model Blended Framework The E2AF approach combines IEEE 1471, TOGAF, FEAF and Zachman to
  • 29. Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Mayan Writing System, And The Indus... Many people are curious about the past and rely on writing in order to discover the truths of the world when it was young, but there are still some limitations. The importance of literature and writing throughout the years becomes noticeable after discussing The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Mayan writing system, and the Indus River Valley. The significance of writingis the solid evidence it provides to the major stories and beliefs during history, the history of ancestors and it provides information how inventions have evolved from the past. Before we could decipher the writing used in history, historians could only make theories of what life was like at the beginning of human existence. The discovery of writing provides solid evidence for historians to describe what life was like before our time. The writing discovered by historians show the major stories that occurred and what was important to them. For example, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the story shows that gods were a huge part of their beliefs. Gilgamesh constantly ... Show more content on ... In the video, Cracking the Mayan Code, it shares a story about finding writing in the tomb of a mummy. After deciphering the Mayan language, historians could discover that the writing was the mummy s life story. This one example of a life story tells a lot about history and describes what the people centered their lives upon. After cracking the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, people could understand the meaning of the objects that were lying next to the mummies in their tombs. Most of the writing on the objects would help create a connection to the real meaning of the object s use. Before our understandings of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, historians did not have enough evidence to conclude what the importance of the object was. Clearly, writing helps connect the mysteries to history and develop a reliable
  • 30. A Raisin The Sun And Willy Loman Compare And Contrast Essay The striving for being rich and have a wealthy life has always been present in the American society. Often living in a capitalistic society leads people to become greedy, and as a result many become too materialistic. This may happen because of the challenge to pursue the American dream where most of Americans are trying to fulfill it. Unfortunately, for most of people it is very difficult to acquire this high status and to secure a spot in the upper class society. Arthur Miller s, Death of a Salesman, and Lorraine Hansberry s, A Raisin the Sun, are two plays that reveal two main characters: Willy Loman and Walter Lee Young, characters that reflect typical features of the people who struggles to achieve the American Dream. Although they may have common characteristics and share similarities, they also have numerous issues and are very different, setting them apart from other families and even each other. Therefore, the main focus of this paper will be to compare and put in contrast these two great characters. In both plays, A Raisin the Sun and Death of a Salesman, the father (Walter and Willy) is the main individual that holds his attention throughout the plays. Because of their roles are often changing in the plays, Walter and Willy can be the protagonistand the antagonist. That being said, they both have goals to possess their own business and to be their own boss. They both strive to live wealthy. As Walter says No...It was always money, Mama. We just didn t know about it (Hansberry). This reveals that Walter is more materialistic instead of considering the feeling of his family. Willy and Walter are very similar in many ways. For instance, they both are trying to be good fathers. Walter s goal to get rich is influenced by his restless desire to offer to his family a better life: You tired, ain t you? Tired of everything. Me, the boy, the way we live this beat up hole everything. Ain t you? (Discovering Literature, 1295). Meanwhile, the love that Willy has for his sons is undeniable. Very often he would slip into the past before he drifted apart from his sons: Remarkable. Remember those days? The way Biff used to simonize that car? The dealer refused to believe there was eighty thousand miles on
  • 31. Catholic Social Teaching Social doctrine of the church as a social instrument of the new evangelization Three terms are present in the title of this issue: two explicit (social doctrine of the church and new evangelization) and an implicit (evangelization). We can t talk about the new evangelization without connecting it with the evangelization itself; the relationship between the church s social doctrine and the new evangelization comes through the evangelization. The first thing it s the evangelization, the most original, and that goes back to the origins of the church. The church s social doctrine, born in the 19th century as an attempt to answer of faith to the great problems which occurred with modernity, as new ideologies that give the body and the ... Show more content on ... The necessity of evangelization continues but it losses all of it personal character to become massive. Also, the conversion was result of imposition and no for conviction. This massive evangelization supposed the incorporation of many people to the Christian faith. Reaching the point that the christianism was all over the occidental culture. The power of the empire strengthened the authority of the church. The heresy was pursuit by the civil courts. The laws were inspired by the Christian principles. The evangelization of America America s evangelization was made from Spain and Portugal. It takes place at the same time that the conquest of territories and was supported by the political power. Since the first moments the pope intervened, especially when Spain and Portugal had conflicts and he conceded to the Spain Kings the discovered territories to practice there their Christian mission. Initially they use the requirement system, in which they invited the Indian to take the Christian faith or to lose their freedom and territories. After this they use the parcel system in which the Indians were submitted to the conquerors and they assumed the responsibility of their education. America s evangelization wouldn t be possible without the missioners that take care of the indoctrination of the Indians. And that s the way that the Christians imposed another type of evangelization: the exterior missions. This enormous effort extended to territories like Asia
  • 32. Appreciation of Poem Poetry is the most compressed form of literature, which should be read slowly and savored attentively. Poets employ different poetic techniques to convey their ideas, opinions, and express their feelings. Some poems can be understood easily while others seam vague. But whatever they are, they all contain some common elements of poetrysuch as theme, figurative language, and tone, etc. ВЎВ§Constantly risking absurdity and deathВЎВЁ and ВЎВ§betting on the museВЎВЁ are two poems which are written by two different poets. By comparing and contrasting these two poems, the full beauty of the poems can be greatly appreciated and their theme can be deeply explored. ВЎВ§Constantly risking absurdity and deathВЎВЁ by Lawrence Ferlinghetti talks about what a ... Show more content on ... Then, in the last stanza of the poem, the author uses repetition again and metaphor to depict how wonderful to be a poet. ВЎВ§you can keep your hustle going until the last minute of the last day. you can keep getting better instead of worse, you can still keep hitting them over the wall.ВЎВЁ The authorВЎВ¦s consummate writing skill enables him to convey his opinion clearly and vividly to the readers. In comparison with the first poem, the tone of this poem is light and amusing as well as reflective. By using terse yet light languages to describe the changes of the things around the athletes, the author delineates the cruel reality that the athletes have to face after their brilliant victory. ВЎВ§the crowd has other heroes. the crowd never dies, never grow old, but the crowd often forgets. now the telephone doesnВЎВ¦t ring, the young girls are gone, the party is over.ВЎВЁ These simple and light words are the truest portrayal of the reality. The tone is also reflective because the poem leaves people the space of reflection. The brilliance of an athleteВЎВ¦s victory is relatively short, but the achievement (works of literature) of a great poet is everlasting. Both of the poems deal with the same subject ВЎV poet. However, they have quiet different themes. Both of the poets use figurative language to portray vivid images
  • 33. The Negative Impacts Of Violent Video Games The negative impacts that are associated with violent gaming are a growing list. These many negative effects could build up into a more serious situation, with all of the possible outcomes of these side effects mixing together it could quite possibly take a turn for the worse. The use of violent video games could cause players to participate in criminal violence, because of the increased levels of aggressionand rage. NBC News reported of a gory incident in January of 2013, which involved Nehemiah Griego and his murderous actions toward his parents and three of his siblings in his home. The fifteen year old boy killed his family because he had been angry with his mother in the days before the murders. When questioned about his family, the boy was emotionless, but immediately after the investigators asked what his interests were, his face lit up and he immediately began reminiscing about his favorite video games, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and Grand Theft Auto (2013). Common sense media explains the game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, with a vivid description; a bloody military shooting game with disturbing cinematic moments (n.d.). Could Griego s avid gaming schedule, and love for the bloody first person shooting game be slightly related to his urge to kill (2013b)? His decision to kill all the occupants of his house did not solely result from one night of gaming, for it was an accumulation of risk factors. It is likely that his love for gaming could have had an
  • 34. Weapons Of Mass Destruction Of Nuclear Weapons The fear and controversy over weapons of mass destruction of nuclear weapons is still an uprising fear and subject in the heart of the American people, our allies, our enemies, and to the rest of the world who simply just knows of the presence. Soviet Russia started that fear in the 1960s, becoming the first large source of nuclear power and weapons (Cowley, 1996). Nuclear weapons undoubtedly brought change on the overview of maritime warfare. The fear of this destructive source of weapon brought political views on a new course of perspectives and tension. It created an arms race out of fear and changed the ideas of naval presence and nuclear readiness. Nuclear weapons not only changed conventional warfare but it also stopped it for a brief period of time. In that time new tactics and strategies regarding nuclear defense and offense arose. Nuclear warfare changed the conduct of maritime warfare in politics, strategies and tactics, and in foreign relations and conduct. The Political world after World War II was filled with tension. With the dual detonation of nuclear bombs, American leaders clashed heads and ideas of what needed to be done in the United States. America continued to make these weapons. At first American leaders had no interest of the integration of nuclear weapons in Unites States naval power. This was up until August 29th, 1949 when communist Soviet Russia detonated their first successful nuclear warhead at a test field (Jay, 2013). American
  • 35. Fashion In The Fashion Industry The fashion industry has transformed from human necessities into a world of competing international lead by strong and influential designers. Fashion has evolved over the years .Their are many different trendy styles .Everyone loves a new look! Many new different styles come out each day . Would you like to be the next trendsetter? The Majority of fashion is based around young adults.Fashion is put as subtitles on a website, such as YouTube it increases the flow of traffic being used by many different teens and young adults. Expensive bags are one of the most popular genres in the body of fashion.It is also one of the most influential genre in a positive way.Some studies have shown to prove that fashion tends to have different manner. Teens tend to have an addiction and buy more clothes ,bags and shoes than usual.Fashion has an effect on teenagers because they see different celebrities such as rappers and singers.They like what they wear and try to find where they can buy it from so they can have the same trend. Fashion are very popular whenever you are and although it plays a very important role in socialization. Fashion can set a different example than what many people expect.To be cool they buy many different trends. Fashion are very influential and can set the pathway for the different trends in person s life. Women can wear many different types of clothes.They wear shorts.shirts tank tops ,skirts,shoes and heels. Men wear pants with shirts or
  • 36. Anthrax and Bioterrorism Essay According to Willey, Sherwood, and Woolverton, anthrax is a highly infectious animal disease, caused by the bacterium B. antrhacis, that can be transmitted to humans by direct contact with infected animals, such as cattle, goats, sheep, etc., or their products, especially hides, and its spores can remain viable in soil and animal products for decades. Therefore, it is more likely to be transmitted to those humans continuously in contact with such animals or areas in which infected animals have had contact, even if it was years ago. It can also be transmitted to other animals that may be feeding or living with infected animals or in the infected areas. There are three main types of infections caused by the spores of this bacterium:... Show more content on ... The bacterium binds EF and LF and is engulfed by the plasma membrane and carried to an endosome, which is pierced, allowing EF and LF to enter the cytoplasm. Toxin activity then results in fluid release, which causes an edema. As these macrophages continue to die, they release their lysosomal contents, leading to fever, internal bleeding, septic shock, and rapid death (Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton, p 485). Common preventions and control of anthrax is to receive a vaccination, which was originally thought of by Pasteur, or to vaccinate the animals likely to obtain the disease. Moreover, when one thinks of terrorist attacks, the first things he/she may think of are crashing planes, nuclear missiles, and bombs. He/she may not, however, think of using microorganisms, such as anthrax, to start a biological warfare. In the United States the incidence of naturally acquired anthrax is extremely rare i.e, 1 to 2 cases of cutaneous disease per year. In the year 2001 intentional contamination lead to 22 cases of anthrax (11 cutaneous, 11 inhalational) in the United States. Therefore, the spores of Bacillus anthracis are found to be a chosen weapon of bioterrorism (Saraswathi, Padmavathy, Mamatha, et al, p 2044). B. anthracis was placed in postal letters, where they would be released
  • 37. Mericans And Two Kinds Analysis In the story Mericans and Two Kinds depicts characters who lived between two worlds: their family s world and The American Dream . Both characters wanted to enjoy the new things, which is the American world, yet are pulled back by their heritage. Both stories narrated the term The American Dream by giving us insight of young characters being caught in their own world and acquiring taste what being a true American is like. According to Tan s mother, America is the Land of Opportunity . With high hopes of her daughter possessing the ability of being a prodigy, she molds her daughter into people she is not, such as comparing her to Shirley Temple, expecting her daughter to recite the Bible in one night, and taking her to a beauty training
  • 38. Waste In The Victorian Era Sewage would only worsen the issues of the Victorian Era making it terribly inferior to many citizens of London. Hospitals were not the only problem because the disposal of waste might have been just as evenly bad. How to dispose of the accumulated waste was a problem that preoccupied the minds of countless reformers, engineers, scientists, and amateur sanitarians, but the problem acquired a particular urgency because the retention of waste in the city was associated with disease and even death... (Cleansing the City p. 9 10). Many places in Londonhad terrible sewage issues and it became evident that the sewage was so bad because no one knew how to dispose of the waste. The waste was very dangerous and many people did not want to deal with it due to the many diseases and bad liabilities carried with it. The nineteenth century needed a sanitary reform right away because in many places like London were being taken over and run by sanitation issues. Together the two passages reveal the heightened symbolism of filth in the period and, more specifically, the way filth embodied the challenges of the urban condition. Indeed, sanitary discourse became an important vehicle for expressing concerns about the disorder associated with the Victorian city (Cleansing the City p. 14). The following two passages the author is referring to are from Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens, an influential writer of the Victorian Era. London was literally demanding change because the sanitary reform
  • 39. Understanding the Background of Meeting at an Airport by... It is possible to understand certain pieces of literature outside its historical context; however, it is more beneficial if the reader has background knowledge. Taha Muhammad Ali was a Palestinian poet that was born in 1931. He grew up in Saffuriya, Galilee which is located in the Middle East. Ali was self taught through his readings of classical Arabic literature, American fiction, and English poetry. Ali then began to write poems in the 1970s. He wrote a poem entitled Meeting at an Airport which is based on his personal experiences. Without knowing his background information and history, it is unclear about what exactly is meant by this poem. This piece of literature elicits the sense of reconnection and the exact same feelings for each other just like the first time they met. In the poem, Meeting at an Airport written by Taha Muhammad Ali, historical context is needed to understand this piece because it emphasizes the theme, the purpose of the poem, and establishes credibility ( Poetry Foundation ). When a reader grasps a theme throughout any piece of literature, he or she never clearly understands the intent without knowing where the theme came from. The theme that is portrayed in the poem is, often times reconnecting with a loved one cannot only bring happiness, but it can also bring sorrow. This theme was emphasized throughout the poem and without knowing the historical context of the poem, one could not necessarily understand where it came from. In the text it
  • 40. St. Lucian Research Paper I would like to state that my St. Lucian culture St. Lucian be identified with the Multi active cultural models explained by Richard Lewis. Why? As described by Lewis, I find St. Lucians to be confrontational and always allow their emotions to take over. They are people orientated and is known for their friendly, hospitable culture. Nonetheless, the put feelings before facts, they are lots of talks and no action, they tend to take on multiple projects, with no end in sight for completion. Also, they are very flexible with the truth most of the times. There is a saying in St. Lucia where you never repeat street talk in St. Lucia unless you can confirm the authenticity. However, they can be very people orientated and the relationship seeking type.... Show more content on ... While I am somewhat in agreement with the assessment, I find it funny that in the Lewis model multi active culture seen to point the St. Lucian culture as more relating to Sub Saharan Africa and South American culture. However, the experience will establish that we referred more to the French British culture although we are of an African slave and indentured servants (Indian) heritage with European
  • 41. Religion William Hazlitt, a British writer during the early 1800 s once said, Prejudice is the child of ignorance. During the eighteenth century, the time period in which Gotthold Ephraim Lessing wrote his play, Nathan the Wise, there was much religious prejudice displayed throughout Europe, specifically against the Jewish and Muslim populations. For instance, Ronald Schechter notes, eighteenth century writers typically portrayed Jews as greedy moneylenders, [and] depicted Muslims as violent despots and servants of the despots (4). Many people perceived Christianityas the only true religion; however, Lessing challenges these notions of Christian superiority throughout his play. One way he does this is by not portraying the Christian... Show more content on ... Throughout the play, the Templar is depicted as being very reserved, often walking back and forth under the palms that shade the grave of the Resurrected One (27). It is here that the Templar turns down many pleas from Daja to come see Recha, the one he rescued from a fire, and to accept rewards offered by Nathan. He also turns down a request from the Patriarch to escort a group of men in the killing of Saladin. The Templar says in response to the Patriarch s request, I owe my life to Saladin, and I should rob him of his? (41). Another line from the play that portrays the Templar of being compassionate is in Act V, Scene 5, he offers to convert to Islam if it is the only way he is able to marry Recha (109). The author uses the Templar to demonstrate that although there can be unethical followers of Christianity, there are also ethical followers; thus, portraying Christianity not utterly negative. The friar is also depicted modestly, specifically in Act IV, Scene 7 in which he turns down the gifts Nathan offers to him and says, I d be stealing from the poor. I won t take any (95). This statement suggests modesty because the friar belongs to a mendicant order (37), but here the Friar is calling Nathan, a man who has many riches, poor. In addition, the Friar is compassionate towards other religions, specifically Judaism, as illustrated in Act IV, Scene 7, And isn t all of Christianity built on Judaism? It s often
  • 42. Yakuza Crimes Organized crime is a dilemma on an international scale that has many adverse effects on society, including human safety, risking peace, and the economic, social, cultural, political and civil development of the countries operates within. It would be naГЇve to believe that we can could completely get rid of organized crime. Many believe that organized crimewill never end. It may be combated, it may decrease over time, but it will always exist. The solutions to preventing organized crime will come through finding ways to track down those involved and charging them with their crimes. In this paper I will discuss on how the United Statesgovernment can decrease the power of the Yakuza. Organized crime in Japan goes back at least 300 years beginning with the following groups: Yamagichi Gumi, Kazou Taoka, Hideomi Oda and Yakuza. The first criminals operating under these groups were displaced samurai needing a new mode of survival after... Show more content on ... imposes sanctions on Japan s Yakuza crime syndicate). By eroding market integrity, quality, and competitiveness and using financial systems to move, conceal, and increase illicit funds, transnational criminals exploit and undermine not only the interests of the United States but also those of all countries promoting the rule of law, the anonymous executive told the Law Enforcement Examiner(U.S. imposes sanctions on Japan s Yakuza crime syndicate). The United States can decrease the power of the Yakuza by working with international partners to deter or sever crime state alliances, raise awareness to alert businesses that may be unwitting facilitators for criminal enterprises, and continue to develop appropriate safeguards to protect the legitimate flow of trade and investment (U.S. imposes sanctions on Japan s Yakuza crime
  • 43. How Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Essay How the Garcia girls lost their accents by Julia Alvarez talks about the four girls fleeing to the united states after their father s attempt to overthrow dictator is undiscovered. They arrived in Brooklyn, New York to a life totally different from the one back home where their name inspired respect and had dozens of maids serving them fine foods in silverware, but had to live in fear of uncles disappearing by the hand of the secret police. In the new world their parents try to hold onto their old traditions, but the girls have a different idea and instead try to find new lives for themselves but find themselves caught between the old and the new world. The novel tells their struggle to fit in and to express/communicate themselves. The story is all about one of the many aspects of the immigrant experience; language barrier and the power of word/being able to express oneself. The book is extremely popular among Hispanic immigrants for its relatableness. Although an unpopular opinion, I wouldn t recommend Millennials to read the novel because its complex storyline, poor transitions between stories, characters difficult to... Show more content on ... They keep getting younger throughout the book so that at the end they were kids back in their homeland, the Dominican Republic. The author did this to make the reader experience the book as an immigrant; always going back to their homeland, however it can make it difficult to follow through. There are also some poor transitions between stories, Such as in Trespass , Carla was sexually harassed by a pervert in a lime green car on her way home from school and her struggle to tell the police what happened while the next chapter is a two page story about the first time Yolanda saw snow and her thinking the snowflakes were
  • 44. A Writer And Social Critic k: Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia A famous English writer and social critic, Charles Dickens, once said Try not to associate bodily defect with mental, my good friend, except for a solid reason. According to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, the federal laws refers to a person with a disability as Any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment. Over the years, perceptions towards disability have been significantly changing as result of the long pathway the disable community has taken fighting for Civil Rights, inclusion and against discrimination. Unfortunately, this last one has not been totally accomplished yet. Barriers to social integration still exist in the society. Perhaps the greatest barrier is not the disability itself; is the attitude of people. Generalized idea or attitudes toward certain individuals and groups are called stereotypes. Laurie Block from The Disability History Museum states that the word stereotypes suggests that the image perceived or the attitude is unconsidered, naive, the by product of ignorance or unfamiliarity. Going back in history we see famous cases of disabled people and the stories of how they dealt with their condition and social stigma. One of them was Roy Lee Dennis, an American boy diagnosed with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, a rare, sclerotic bone disorder. His story
  • 45. Rhetorical Analysis In The Film Thank You For Smoking John Dadson Nov 16, 2017 Dixon, Ph.D. ENGL1123P44 1810 14488 Thank you for Smoking (Rhetorical and arguments analysis) Introduction The film Thank you for Smoking is a dark comedy where the primary protagonist, Nick Naylor is a lobbyist. He talks for the cigarette industry and will not extra the American Authorities or even the press. At the in advance, the film prominently tackles all these topics but deep down it also portrays the partnership between a dad and a son. Rhetorical and arguments analysis In a single conversation between a father and a son, Naylor coaches his son Joey by telling him the beauty of argument: if you argue correctly, you re never wrong . This depicts a framework of Nick s personality and probably explains the reason why as to the reasons he will not lose quarrels. It is because he reframes the discussion till he wins. Also the film shows a significant critique posed by the culture. They are the capabilities which run the federal government and the industry and are engrossed in doing offers rather than bothering about the stakes. In the chat show, Nick wins the debate by announcing the release of the $50 million marketing campaign to dissuade teens from smoking. However, the Captain when hearing concerning this advertising campaign remarks I wish the marketing campaign is not too effective! The Captain just hopes that the campaign will not effectively stop teenagers from being conscious of cigarettes rather than even start
  • 46. Brief Interventions Brief interventions (BIs) are aimed at preventing the onset of more serious and detrimental health behaviours. Brief alcohol interventions, in particular, have shown to be a valuable tool within the public health sector to assist in screening for alcohol problems and reducing levels of alcohol consumption (Walton, Goldstein, Chermack, McCammon, Cunningham, Barry, Blow, 2008; Saitz, 2010). Online interventions have been developed to address harmful substance use and have been shown to be efficacious in meta analytic studies (Portnoy, Scott Sheldon, Johnson, Carey, 2008; Riper, Spek, Boon, Conijn, Kramer, Martin Abello et al., 2011; White, Kavanagh, Stallman, Klein, Kay Lambkin, Proudfoot et al., 2010). The most effective online health promotion
  • 47. Harriet Tubman On The 20 Dollar Bill The big question is should Harriet tubman be on the 20 dollar bill. There are many different opinions on the news about harriet tubman s picture taking over the 20 dollar bill. Many people believe it s the right thing to do. While others have other thoughts and opinion towards this. Some people believe we should just keep the person on that s already on the 20 dollar bill .The person that s on the bill now is Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson is a white man known for his war heroics, and being the 17th president of the united states . He was also the first common man to be put on a dollar bill. Although all these things may sound good, he actually represented more of a dark side to this country. Andrew Jackson had many negative qualities to him, as well. For one he was a slave owner. Anyone who owned slaves should not be able to represent our country. Another reason was because in 1830, Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act. This act allowed him to negotiate removal treaties with Native American tribes. Jackson believed that the Native Americans were inferior to white settlers and wanted to force them west of the Mississippi. He broke treaties ... Show more content on ... Harriet Tubman was an African American women who was born a slave in Maryland, in 1820. If she were to be on the 20 dollar bill she would become the first African American and first black woman whose picture appears on U.S. currency. Tubman helped bring dozens of slaves to freedom in her lifetime through a network of abolitionists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. She also escaped when she was in her 20s, but instead of just enjoying her freedom she decided to selflessly, returned to secretly help her family members and dozens of other slaves escape to freedom as well. Also later on in life she actually worked for the Union Army as a spy who disguised herself as a
  • 48. Corporate Loyalty Essay EMPLOYEES MONTHLY SALARY AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT a Mini Research Presented to the Decision Sciences Department De La Salle University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Course Requirements In DECSCI2 K34 SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Alfredo Dimaano SUBMITTED BY: ABADILLA, Raina Crysta M. SANTOS, Catherine Erika P. TEJADA, Jan Patrizia S. 16 December 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following people for their help and support, and have helped the authors in making this study successful: Dr. Alfredo Dimaano, for his support, suggestions, and guidance, which benefited the authors in the completion of the study. Also, the authors are beyond grateful to him for providing the ... Show more content on ... A business may possess inferior employees but the huge amount of loyalty would have can send a very insignificant business to amazing heights. Likewise, those employees with unsubstantial amount of loyalty may cause tremendous business to collapse. DuPont being one of the largest chemical company in the world, it is a necessity for them to continue to work as effective and efficient as possible. To help them with such we have conducted a study on employee loyalty. With this study, we aim to come with an output that will be able to assist DuPont to design different programs to help improve the employee organizational loyalty. Through this we as well want to prove that the amount of loyalty of the employees of a business plays a significant role in the success of the corporations. Theoretical Framework John Meyer and Natalie Allen proposed the Three Components of Commitment model, which explains how organizational commitment is a psychological related idea. They suggested three factors that affect how an employee sees his/her organization. With this knowledge and better understanding, one can increase not only the engagement of the employees, but their well being and job satisfaction as
  • 49. well. By using these components together with various appropriate approaches, a manager now has the ability to effectively motivate and work with his/her team. The first type is the Affective
  • 50. Sammus Research Paper Sammus (Enongo Lumumba Kasongo) is a rap artist and producer currently signed to Don Giovanni records from Ithaca, New York (BIO PRESS). She has a double BA in sociology and Science and Technology studies from Cornell University. After undergraduate studies, she taught for Teach for America in Houston, Texas from 2008 to 2010. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Sound studies within the Department of Science Technology Studies at Cornell University. Topics that she studies include sound and gaming and the identity politics of community studios (BIO PRESS). Her songs Mighty Morphing, Spell it out, and A woman can be analyzed with the frameworks of Black feminist thought, Hip Hop feminism, and Intersectionality theory. Rapper Sammus is a Black female rapper. Her mc name is adapted from the video game character Samus Aran who first appeared in the Nintendo game Metroid (1986). The character wears a power suit which protects her from most dangers and is equipped with an arm cannon that fires various energy beams and missiles. In an interview, she spoke... Show more content on ... The AAPF, founded in 1996, connects academics, activists, and policy makers to promote efforts to dismantle structural inequality. The campaign acknowledges the silence of fatal police shooting which effect Black women. While Black men are in the spotlight, Black women are unremembered due to intersectional invisibility. #Sayhername broadens the framework of who is affected by state violence and brings the names of Black women who have been killed to the surface. While White women make up 64% of women in the US, [they] are 44% of fatal police shootings of women and Black women and girls, who are only 13% of the women in the US, account for a third of all women shot to death by the police (US Census Bureau and The Washington Post in #Sayhername,
  • 51. `` The First Full Length Novel `` By Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews, the first full length novel which was made by the English author Henry Fielding. And considered from the first English novels, this novel was called by Henry Fielding s comic epic poem in prose. This novel is a parody version of the novel Pamela . it is the story of a good natured footman s adventures on the road home from London with his friend and mentor, the stargazing parson Abraham Adams. The novelspeaks to the meeting up of the two contending feel of eighteenth century writing: the false chivalrous and neoclassical (and, by augmentation, privileged) methodology of Augustans, for example, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift; and the famous, household exposition fiction of authors, for example, Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson. At this paper I will discuss points of view themes, characters, language, and significance for ten or eleven years, Joseph Andrews was in the administration of Sir Thomas Booby, the uncle of Squire Booby, who was hitched to the prudent Pamela, Joseph s sister. At the point when Lord Booby passes on, Joseph from the beginning stays in the utilize of Lady Booby as her footman. This woman, much more seasoned than her twenty one year old servant and evidently minimal irritated by her spouse s demise, is pulled in to the charming mannered, attractive young person. Joseph, be that as it may, is as prudent as his renowned sister, and when Lady Booby s advances ended up such that even his honesty can no more disregard their
  • 52. Health, Security And Major Factors Of Food Security .Sebastian palmer. Discovery degree prepared public speaking pioneer,royal center. Food security Food security is defined as access by all people at all times to enough nutritionally adequate and safe food {quality,quantity,and variety}. Food security is affected by a number of factors, including primarily the food supply and access to jobs and such basic services as education ,health facilities,sanitation,clean water,safe housing. poverty , social inequality, and lack of education are primary causes of hunger and malnutrition and are major obstacles to obtaining food security.Food security cannot be ensured by producing more food . if, for example, people cannot afford the food that is available , if their diets don t have any essential vitamins and minerals , or if poor handling during processing and distribution makes their food unsafe to eat . they will not have food security. To achieve national security a country must be able to produce or import the food it needs and be able to store it distribute it, and ensure equitable access to it . Given population growth and rising incomes, it is estimated that the demand for food will rise by 70 to 100 percent by 2050. To meet this need, the United Nations estimates that production in developing countries will need to almost double. USDA supports global food security through in country capacity building, basic and applied research, and support for
  • 53. Great Society Success This investigation will analyze until what extent was Lyndon Johnson the Great Society a success or a failure. The Great Society was a set of domestic programs created by democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and 1965, the intention of The Great Society programs was to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. After John F. Kennedy s assassination, Johnson was left with the duty to finish Kennedy s job on creating a new frontier for americans. Issues addressed in The Great Society program were education, poverty, urban planning, medical care and transportation. Many of The Great Society proposals were similar to John F. Kennedy s New Frontier and were aimed to complete Franklin Roosevelt s New Deal agenda. The Great Society was first... Show more content on ... It had its achievements, such as the Civil Rights Acts or, as mentioned before, the Medicaid or Medicare programs. But it it is impossible to classify it as a success. Maybe, if Johnson wouldn t have invested his money in Vietnam and would ve focused on domestic programs more, the it might still be going, but eliminating social problems such as poverty and racial equality, is something that takes time, money and support. By supporting the Vietnam war, he lost supporters when they realized that he wasn t helping at all in domestic problems, and eventually, the lack of supporters was what caused his own
  • 54. Senior Supply Management Specialist Of A Manufacturing... As the senior supply management specialist of a manufacturing company, I have been charged with coming up with the questions and answers for position at the company. The position is for a new junior buyer, and the questions and answers are tailored to assess a potential candidate s vocabulary and knowledge of supply management. I must provide answers to the questions that the candidates of the position should know to be a new junior buyer. These answers will let the Vice President of Purchasing know if the candidate if fully qualified for the position or not. The first question asks to give at least three different job titles within supply management and explain how they can contribute to the success of an organization. One job title of... Show more content on ... Starbuck s strategic partnerships include; Barnes and Noble, Pepsico, United Airlines, Kraft foods, and the NAACP. According to Rebecca Larson, assistant Professor of Business at Liberty University, Starbucks partnered with Barnes and Nobles bookstores in 1993 to provide in house coffee shops, benefiting both retailers (Czaja, 2011). This would not only bring more consumers in Barnes and Noble stores to buy books, but to also allow them to enjoy their favorite coffee drink while they read their favorite story. This one two punch, allowed both retailers to gain a significant amount of popularity for years. In 1996, Starbucks also entered a partnership with Pepsico so they would be able to bottle, distribute and sell their famous coffee drink, Frappacino. (Czaja, 2011). Starbucks aligning themselves with United Airlines, resulted in them being able to share their coffee on airline flights with the company s famous logo on the cups. Partnering with Kraft foods made their brand sellable in local grocery stores. To push their goals for social and economic justice, Starbucks also partnered with the NAACP in 2006. One interview question asks a potential candidate to explain the role that supply management plays in achieving sustainability goals in an organization. Sustainability is defined as avoidance of the depletion of natural resources to maintain an