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Chapter 13
Economic and financial mechanisms
for risk reduction
13.1 Economic mechanisms
Economics is a central issue in disaster reduction because poverty can make
people vulnerable to many different hazards, and certain patterns of socioeconomic development can expose people to greater risks. It follows that
appropriate economic development and the reduction of poverty are essential elements of any risk reduction strategy.

13.1.1 Livelihood diversification
Economic diversification is central to poor people’s strategies for reducing
their vulnerability to external shocks. They seek to do this primarily by
increasing their sources of income, building up a strong and diversified asset
base, managing their money well and maintaining access to multiple sources
of credit. This increases income overall and reduces dependency on individual sources: such dependency is a major contributor to vulnerability.1



Possession of wealth and assets gives households a wider range of options in
times of crisis, and speeds their recovery from disasters (see Case Study
13.1). Many disaster mitigation programmes pay no attention to this, considering it a task for development agencies. The mitigation programmes implemented by members of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network in the
Philippines are an exception. They address a wide range of livelihoods issues,
focusing on food security and nutrition and including: crop and livelihood
diversification, propagation of disaster-resistant crops, supporting seed
banks and plant nurseries, improving post-harvest facilities, encouraging
better land-use management and sustainable agricultural practices, training
community health workers, establishing village pharmacies and medicinal
herb gardens, holding literacy classes and improving paths and footbridges.2

and financial

Many coping strategies are based on this principle. Multi-cropping improves
farmers’ chances of being able to produce some food for consumption and
sale should the rains fail. Male migration from the countryside to towns to
seek labouring work during droughts provides an alternative source of
income to compensate for falling crop production.
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Case Study 13.1
Poverty and disaster: a cyclone in India
A wealthy and a poor family live 100
metres apart near the coast of
Andhra Pradesh in south-east India.
The wealthy family has six members,
a brick house, six cattle and three
acres of land. The head of the
household owns a small grain
business and a truck. The poor
family – husband, wife and two
children – has a thatch-and-pole
house, an ox and calf, half an acre of
poor land, and sharecropping rights
to another quarter of an acre.
When the cyclone strikes, the
wealthy farmer has received a
warning on his radio and leaves the
area with his family and valuables in
the truck. The storm surge (flood)
brought by the cyclone partly
destroys his house and the roof is
taken off by the wind. Three of his
cattle are drowned and his fields are
flooded, destroying the crops. The
youngest child of the poor family is

drowned. The family’s house is
destroyed. Both animals are
drowned. The fields are flooded and
the crops ruined.
The wealthy family uses its savings to
rebuild the house within a week. The
lost cattle are replaced, and the fields
ploughed and replanted. The poor
family does not have savings and has
to borrow money for essential shelter
from a local money-lender, at
exorbitant rates of interest. It manages to buy a calf, but has to hire
bullocks to plough the field – which is
done late, since many others are in
the same position and draught animals are in short supply. As a result, the
poor family goes through a hungry
period eight months after the cyclone.
P. Blaikie, T. Cannon, I. Davis and B.
Wisner, At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s
Vulnerability and Disasters (London:
Routledge, 1995), p. 47.

13.1.2 Protecting assets
‘Pro-poor’ development is not necessarily synonymous with vulnerability
reduction, and greater wealth may not by itself reduce risk.
The Kobe earthquake in 1995 is a good illustration of this point. Although
Japan is a prosperous, technologically advanced country, which has invested
heavily in mitigation and preparedness, there was a degree of complacency in
government and society about the level of preparedness and safety, and
disaster planning and management systems were inadequate. Many of the

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5,500 deaths and much of the more than $100bn in economic losses could
have been avoided.3
Assets do not protect themselves against hazards: they have to be protected.
Any project seeking to build up vulnerable people’s livelihoods must take the
hazard context into account.
When poor people borrow money to buy livestock, tools or raw materials that
can be used for income-generating activities, they are increasing their livelihood assets, which, in the long run, will help them to become more resilient to
many external shocks. But drought, floods or other hazards can wipe out these
assets before they have been able to generate much return on the initial investment. In such cases, those concerned actually become worse off: not only are
they without assets, as before, but they also have a loan to pay back.
Similar scenarios can be drawn for other development interventions – investment in a new house or workshop where there is a risk from severe flooding,
for example, or construction of concrete irrigation channels across an
unstable hillside. In some cases, poor and vulnerable people may make a
conscious decision not to invest too heavily in particular items, choosing
those that can be replaced cheaply and easily. This is an important factor in
technology choice (see Chapter 10).
Economic development and poverty alleviation programmes need to take the
hazard context into account if they are to have a meaningful impact on
vulnerability reduction in the long run.

13.2.1 Insurance
Insurance is a standard and effective method of sharing risk, especially in
developed countries, where it has been in use for over 300 years.

Nature and benefits of insurance
In theory, everyone benefits from insurance. Individuals and organisations
buy it so that they can be compensated when hazards lead to death, injury or
ill-health, and loss of property or income. Claims are paid quickly and without



Two kinds of financial instrument will be discussed in this section: insurance
and other forms of micro-finance (especially micro-credit).

and financial

13.2 Financial mechanisms
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conditions attached. This gives policy-holders the promise of some financial
stability, and hence the confidence to invest (e.g. in home improvement) or
expand (e.g. a business enterprise). Insurance companies protect themselves
against major catastrophes by basing insurance premiums on sophisticated
calculations, spreading their own exposure across many different areas and
types of risk, and buying their own insurance cover (reinsurance).
Although the industry operates in a volatile environment, has suffered severe
blows in developed countries – most famously from Hurricane Andrew in
Florida in 1992, which forced several US insurers out of business – and is
becoming very concerned about the likely impact of climate change, it has
until now proved fairly robust, even when faced with major crises. Insurance
funds transferred rapidly to the US following the terrorist attacks of 11
September 2001 helped to reduce the country’s balance of payments deficit
and gave the economy some stability when it was urgently needed.4
Insurance is predominantly commercial. Decisions about whether to buy and
sell insurance, what kinds of cover to provide and what premiums to set, are
determined by market forces. Governments sometimes intervene, either
through state schemes (to protect farmers against crop losses, for example)
or by making some kinds of insurance cover compulsory (such as employers’
liability or motor insurance). Other institutions can also force people to take
out insurance: companies making loans to people to buy houses usually
insist that they are insured.
Insurance can stimulate other risk reduction measures. Insurers may only
provide cover in high-risk areas if governments ensure adequate mitigation
measures and emergency management systems. State crop insurance
schemes may allow farmers to take the risk of planting different crops,
leading to greater diversification and security against individual hazards. In
the US, the National Flood Insurance Program is a partnership between
public and private sectors that links the premiums paid to the level of protection: once government emergency management specialists have certified
that communities and households have put particular mitigation measures in
place, they are eligible for lower rates from the commercial insurers involved
in the scheme.5 In Fiji, houses must be certified by a structural engineer that
they have features making them cyclone-resistant before they can secure
cyclone insurance cover and mortgages.6
Because of the size of the global insurance industry and its obvious value in
reducing risk through risk-sharing and stimulating mitigation, disaster
agencies have become interested in its potential for protecting the most

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vulnerable. However, because the industry is market-driven, its success is
based on confining its coverage to places where the risks can be calculated
with some accuracy and certain minimum standards such as building codes
can be enforced, and to people who can afford to pay. In effect, this means
that coverage is limited to developed countries and to wealthy people and
larger businesses in developing countries. Commercial insurance is unavailable to the people who arguably need it most: the poorest and most vulnerable in developing countries. Insurance companies have shown hardly any
interest in extending their coverage to such groups.
The market impact of major disasters has driven companies to raise
premiums substantially, or even withdraw cover in high-risk areas such as the
hurricane-prone Caribbean and south-east US. State insurance is available in
many developing countries, but premiums tend to be high and policies are
aimed at the professional classes in urban areas.

Insuring the poor against disasters
There has been little attempt to develop wholly commercial insurance
programmes targeted at poor and vulnerable people. Experience so far is not
encouraging (e.g. Case Study 13.2). Some experts question if it is even
possible to provide insurance cover to the poor on a commercial basis.
Where insurance schemes for poor groups and individuals have been
successful, they have generally originated in development programmes that



Initiatives to develop more flexible insurance tools to support poor and
middle-income countries are at an early stage; many work at national rather
than local levels, and they do not necessarily encourage greater emphasis on
measures to reduce the impact of future disasters.

and financial

Even in wealthy societies, many people may not take out insurance. Only 3%
of homeowners in the areas hit by the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan had
insurance cover: 147,000 affected homes were uninsured.7 In such circumstances, the burden of financing recovery is passed on to governments. Many
people eligible for reduced premiums through the US National Flood
Insurance Program do not take out insurance cover, believing that in the
event of a disaster the national government will be obliged to compensate
them for their losses anyway.8 All insurance schemes have to face the
problem of ‘moral hazard’, where the sense of security and confidence that
insurance cover provides leads to people failing to take steps to reduce risk,
or even to take greater risks.
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Case Study 13.2
Developing disaster insurance in Cambodia
In 2000, Cambodia experienced its
worst floods for 70 years. More than
three million people were affected,
mostly poor farmers; half a million
were displaced and nearly 400 killed.
Direct costs were estimated at
$160m – equivalent to half the
government’s recurrent budget for
that year.
In consultation with the government,
international agencies, the private
sector and communities, a World
Bank team drew up a proposal for a
project to investigate how private
insurance might be used to provide
relief to poor farmers. The project
documented current and historic
flood data, climatic conditions and
rice yields, and looked at ways of
collecting and managing premiums,
assessing claims and giving out
payments. Surveys were also carried
out to determine the impact of past
floods on the poor, how farmers had
coped, their capacity to save and
how they used savings. Farmers
were prepared to save, albeit only
very small amounts, and
communities welcomed the idea of
However, commercial reinsurers
were unwilling to take on the risk of
insuring poor communities likely to
be affected by floods every two or


three years. It was found that
damage assessments would be
costly and time-consuming, which
would delay compensation
payments. There was a risk of
farmers having no incentive to take
measures to protect themselves
because they would expect the
government or insurers to cover
their losses anyway. To make
premiums affordable and spread
the risk would have required
widespread participation by
farmers, and it was felt that this
might not be possible without some
The project therefore looked at
alternative ways of spreading the
risk. These included governmentsupported insurance pools, local
catastrophe funds, and building on
local savings and credit schemes or
informal mechanisms for selfinsurance.
World Bank, Cambodia Disaster Insurance
(Project 1071): First Interim Progress
Report, 21 September, 2000; Cambodia
Disaster Insurance (Project 1071): Second
Interim Progress Report, 16 February,
2001; Working to Develop Disaster
Insurance in Cambodia, 2001–2002,
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have aimed at financial sustainability rather than profit. Although there is still
a lot to learn about how to make such schemes work effectively, and many of
them are fairly new, recent research on the subject has documented some of
these experiences in detail and provides valuable lessons.9
Such schemes are run mainly by micro-finance institutions but also by NGOs,
cooperatives, governments and even companies. Business involvement is
often in partnership with non-profit organisations, where the business –
usually an insurance company – typically provides technical expertise (e.g.
actuarial calculations regarding risks and their likely costs), assistance with
marketing, or underwriting. Some schemes have an outreach of a few
hundred families, but they can reach large numbers of people – millions, in a
few cases. Terms and conditions vary widely, as do the administrative and
financial structures used, but life insurance, which is the main form of insurance on offer, tends to be compulsory: people who wish to borrow money or
open a savings account with the organisation concerned have to buy an
insurance policy. The other main kinds of coverage are health and, to a lesser
extent, property insurance.

As this is still a new field, lessons are being learnt all the time. Schemes may
have to be amended repeatedly to achieve the right balance between effec-



The insurers have to put considerable effort into marketing their schemes to
people who are poor and unfamiliar with the concept and workings of insurance. One health insurance programme in Colombia claimed to have enrolled
16,000 members in seven months, but others have encountered considerable
resistance.10 Local-level approaches involving community meetings and
regular discussions with field workers appear to be most successful. Once
households understand insurance, interest seems to be strong. Where there
is already a relationship of trust between the insurer and the community –
notably where the insurer is an established micro-finance institution or NGO –
a base of policy-holders can be built up quickly.

and financial

The evidence available indicates that insurance programmes for poor people,
especially life insurance, can be financially viable, though the impact of major
disasters on programmes has yet to be studied. In any case, insurance is a
risky business. To maintain financial stability, life policies generally exclude
high-risk groups such as the elderly, and certain causes of death such as
epidemics. Health insurance may exclude health care costs for AIDS-related
treatment or injuries arising from involvement in riots or other civil unrest.
All-risk coverage for property has largely been abandoned after unsuccessful
attempts in the 1970s and 1980s to provide all-risk crop insurance to farmers.
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tive coverage of poor and vulnerable people on the one hand, and financial
sustainability on the other. This is particularly true of health insurance
services, whose financial performance is much lower than that of life insurance. It may be advisable to take a long-term approach to sustainability.
A major challenge is to find commercial partners who are willing to work with
low-income people. This is a particular problem in reinsurance (as in Case
Study 13.2 above), although a few non-profit agencies have been able to
obtain it. The availability of reinsurance is the main factor affecting market
growth throughout the insurance industry.
Another problem is delays in settling claims. This is partly the result of
bureaucratic slowness, but partly inevitable where claimants live in remote
villages or communications break down because of technical failures, environmental hazards or civil unrest.
There are examples of successful mutual benefit societies, where insurance
funds are set up by groups to provide cover for their members. For example,
in Mexico there are 200 mutual insurance funds (fondos) for farmers, with
nearly 70,000 members. Each member pays an annual premium, which
provides cover against crop failure due to drought, flooding, pests, disease or
other emergencies. Surplus funds at the end of the year are used to provide
services to members. The government provides technical support and
subsidises the premiums, but the fondos have performed well financially and
the intention is to raise private finance in due course. However, admission to
membership of a fondo depends on its perception of a farmer’s capacity, and
the scheme has been criticised for excluding poorer, more vulnerable
Micro-insurance can be used to stimulate mitigation activities. Health insurance is often linked to preventive and primary health care programmes run by
the insurer concerned (if an NGO) or a partner organisation, and policyholders may be expected to use such services. A scheme in Colombia offered
regular group meetings for policy-holders to teach them how to protect their
property against common hazards.12 SEWA (see Case Study 13.3) provides
fruit and vegetable vendors with umbrellas, having concluded from its life
insurance data that spending long hours sitting in the sun might be
increasing the risk of illness.13
As well as running insurance schemes, NGOs provide technical support to
schemes run by other agencies. Médecins sans Frontières, for example, has
provided a doctor as part of a rural health insurance scheme in Cambodia.14

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Case Study 13.3
Insuring the vulnerable

An annual premium of Rs75–360
provides different levels of life
insurance and coverage for the costs
of health care and property losses

The two insurance company partners
provide the coverage for life, health
and asset insurance (life insurance is
partly subsidised by the
government). Maternity benefits and
administrative costs are paid out of a
fund established by GTZ. Another
GTZ grant supports the programme’s
training and educational work.
By 2002, the insurance scheme had
paid out claims totalling over Rs14m
to more than 10,000 women.
S. Sinha, Strength in Solidarity: Insurance
for Women Workers in the Informal
Economy (Ahmedabad: Self Employed
Women’s Association, 2002).

Non-profit and community organisations could also play a part in lobbying
governments and others to establish non-profit insurance schemes or to
create the conditions that will encourage the spread of commercial insurance
cover – if not for the poor, then at least for lifeline facilities such as hospitals,
schools, power plants and bridges.
Informal insurance and social security systems are widespread among the
poor in disaster-prone societies, though mostly in rural areas. Borrowing and


and financial

SEWA’s integrated security insurance
scheme, which began in 1992, covers
70,000 members. It is run in
collaboration with two national
insurance companies and the
German government’s aid agency
GTZ, and is administered by SEWA
Bank, which manages the
Association’s extensive savings and
credit programme.

arising from floods, fires and
communal riots. A small maternity
benefit is also available. An alternative
payment is by fixed deposit, the
annual interest from the deposit being
credited as the annual premium.


In western India, the Self Employed
Women’s Association (SEWA), with a
membership of over 220,000 poor
women, provides a range of services
including organising members into
trade organisations and
cooperatives, providing loans,
training and technical assistance,
legal aid, child care and education.
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sharing are part of the social fabric in good times and bad. They comprise an
important coping strategy during crises, when those who are suffering can
call on neighbours or kinsfolk for food, materials or other support. Exchanges
of food form an important part of famine mitigation strategies in SubSaharan Africa. Funeral or burial societies are found throughout the world,
their members pooling funds to cover expenses related to the death of
another member.
Custom on some of the chars (silt islands) in the Jamuna River in Bangladesh
allows people who have lost their homes to erosion by the river to rebuild on
anyone’s land. It is understood that the favour will one day be returned: at
some stage during their lifetime, most if not all of the islands’ inhabitants will
be forced to move as the river changes course.15 In Uganda, self-help groups
known as Munno Mukabi (Friend in Need Associations) save money that can
be lent to members whenever a crisis strikes. Members also promise to make
their labour available to others during a crisis or for a celebration.16

13.2.2 Micro-credit and other forms of micro-finance
Micro-finance programmes are numerous and widespread in many developing countries, with a massive outreach numbering millions of people. Many
NGOs run savings and credit schemes, which often form an important
element in their development programmes. Such organisations are also
developing a wider range of financial services for poor people. Although
there are debates on the extent to which micro-finance contributes to poverty
reduction and its influence compared to other factors, it is generally acknowledged to play a significant role.
Micro-finance is also important in reducing vulnerability before disasters and
supporting post-disaster recovery. Its considerable strategic potential in
these areas is only now becoming understood and utilised. Organisations
that manage savings and credit programmes for the poor – usually referred to
as micro-finance institutions (MFIs) – should be more fully integrated in risk
reduction initiatives.
Research shows that loans, which are primarily invested in productive enterprises that generate income, are also often used to cope with present or
potential crises that threaten livelihoods – by laying in stocks of food, making
improvements to farmland, repairing houses, buying tools or other productive equipment, digging wells and irrigation systems, acquiring new skills, or
making gifts to family and friends so that reciprocal favours can be asked
later. After a disaster, credit is used by victims to speed recovery by replacing

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lost assets and helping them get back to work. Loans are often taken out to
deal with household crises – especially those caused by sickness or death in
the family (which has both emotional and economic consequences), but also
by such shocks as food shortages, sudden price increases, loss of employment or theft.
Until recently, MFIs did not pay much attention to hazards and disasters. This
position altered rapidly in 1998, when flooding in Bangladesh and Hurricane
Mitch in Central America caused widespread death, injury and loss among
members of savings and credit programmes – and, as a result, damaged the
programmes themselves. In Bangladesh, more than 30% of MFI clients lost
their houses or moved to safe places; 65% suffered losses or damage to
business assets; and over 90% had to suspend income-generating activities
for more than three weeks. Loan recovery rates fell from 92% to 43%; MFI
staff could not locate borrowers or mobilise them for group meetings.17

Some post-disaster loans are made to replace or repair physical assets:
equipment for income-generating activities such as cooking utensils or
sewing machines; and rebuilding business premises. The objective of such



Some MFIs provide emergency loan facilities to their clients to meet immediate
needs for food, clean water or medicine. These too are made at lower interest
rates or even without interest, although it seems that many clients prefer to
borrow informally in such circumstances – from friends or relatives if they can,
and from money-lenders if they cannot. Even where savings and credit
programmes are available, informal borrowing remains important in poor
communities, especially if it is to be spent on consumption, rather than invested
in productive activity (at times of crisis, families go to great lengths not to use up
their savings or sell off their other livelihood assets). They are more likely to take
up emergency loans from MFIs if these can be made rapidly and come with few
or no restrictions on the purpose for which they can be used.

and financial

Since then, MFIs have begun looking at how to protect themselves and their
clients against risk. A number of studies and good practice guidelines are
now available.18 Most interest to date has been in dealing with the consequences of disasters. MFIs use a variety of methods to help those who are
affected. Rescheduling loans has become a common practice. Writing off
loans is undesirable, because it undermines long-term commitment by clients
to repay as well as being a loss to the microfinance scheme itself. The terms
of rescheduling have to be varied according to a number of factors including
the nature and timing of the disaster, the community’s cash flow patterns and
the MFI’s own financial situation.
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loans is to help households reconstruct their businesses and livelihoods. They
tend to be relatively large amounts and are usually made once the relief period
is over, at normal interest rates and with a longer repayment period. Only large
MFIs can afford to make a large number of asset replacement and housing
loans, and there is some evidence of higher than usual failures to repay. For
this reason, few MFIs are prepared to make such loans. Some feel that the
standard short-term working capital loan is best suited for disaster recovery.
MFIs need to react quickly in a disaster, in assessing the situation and
planning their response. This is not always easy, for communications may
break down. During the 1998 floods in Bangladesh, many local branches of
MFIs were inaccessible and it was not until the water receded that disaster
victims could withdraw savings, take out new loans or renegotiate old ones.
Branch staff need training to manage in such circumstances, crisis management plans should be drawn up, and clear guidance is needed on lending
policy and practice. MFIs should be linked to early-warning systems, and
ensure that their clients are informed about potential disasters.
In the absence of other relief agencies, MFIs often undertake short-term relief
work, especially if they are part of NGOs normally involved in other development and humanitarian activities. This can cause problems for staff who are
not trained as aid workers. MFIs engaged in relief also need to communicate
clearly to their clients that their efforts are temporary and one-off, and do not
influence their primary role as providers of finance.
MFIs can prepare for disasters in many ways. In Bangladesh, it is common
practice for MFIs to put a percentage of clients’ ‘compulsory savings’ into an
emergencies fund, which can be made available quickly to disaster-affected
borrowers in the form of emergency loans (compulsory savings are regular
deposits made by borrowers to build up collateral against their loans: normally
they cannot be withdrawn while loan repayments are still outstanding). The
Grameen Bank reported that 95% of its compulsory savings were withdrawn
during the 1998 flood, while two-thirds of the clients of another large lending
NGO withdrew more than half their compulsory savings. Such rapid, large-scale
withdrawals caused problems for smaller Bangladeshi MFIs which had reinvested compulsory savings in their standard loan programmes: some could
only release 25–50% of clients’ savings.19 The stricter the conditions attached
to the use of compulsory savings, the more likely it is that poor people will turn
to other sources of loans, including money-lenders.
MFIs may introduce preparedness and mitigation initiatives for their clients.
This is more likely where the micro-finance programme or institution is part of

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a larger NGO’s portfolio. Some MFIs in Bangladesh have made subsidised
loans for emergency preparedness purchases such as food, fuel, water purification tablets and rehydration tablets. Housing loans may be provided in
normal times to help clients build in safer locations.
MFIs can encourage their clients to form insurance funds. In India, a federation of self-help groups called Vaigai Vattara Kalangiyam, encouraged by an
MFI called PRADHAN, operates its own welfare/disaster insurance fund
linked to the insurance scheme operated by the state insurance company and
similar to the SEWA scheme described in Case Study 13.3. In Mali and
Burkina Faso, MFIs have arranged for their clients to rent space in seed and
grain banks to store cereals as a reserve during droughts and famine. Some
MFIs insist that their members develop a contingency plan to deal with disasters. In Burkina Faso, this is reported to have been effective in reducing
arrears in loan repayment during drought in 1995.20

Like insurers, MFIs can spread their risk, by making sure that they serve poor
clients in areas less likely to be affected by hazards, or by lending to people
involved in more than one sector of the economy. For this, they need to
undertake their own risk assessments. But even well-prepared MFIs are
unlikely to be able to cope with disasters on the scale of those that
hit Bangladesh and Central America in 1998. For such events, additional
support is needed, which is why MFIs and international donors have begun to
experiment with donor-backed reserves that can be released quickly in an



One important lesson from the 1998 Bangladesh floods was the need to
protect the MFIs themselves, which soon found themselves critically short of
funds as their disaster-affected borrowers failed to make repayments. The
practice of putting money aside into emergency reserves is becoming more
widespread in areas with regular disasters such as monsoon floods, but this
means that less money is available to lend to the poor on a regular basis, and
it is harder to justify in places where disasters are less frequent. An alternative is to make savings and credit groups pay a percentage of their own loans
into an emergency fund. In both cases, questions arise over ownership, rights
of access, decision-making, and terms and conditions.

and financial

Evidence of MFI-stimulated disaster mitigation activity is patchy. It seems
that such initiatives have not been widely replicated. The potential appears to
be considerable, however, which highlights the need for more dialogue
between MFIs and other development and disaster management agencies
about collaborative efforts to reduce risk.
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Case Study 13.4
Adapting micro-finance to disasters
Ashrai (the name means ‘shelter’ in
English) was set up in 1991 to
improve the social and economic
conditions of tribal people in the
Barind Tract in north-west
Bangladesh. It works with some
1,200 village societies representing
25,000 families. The main activity is
establishing and supporting savings
and credit groups, mostly women’s
groups. It also has its own revolving
loan fund, from which established
societies can borrow in equal
proportion to their savings.
From late 1997, a series of
emergencies led Ashrai to establish
and build up emergency loan funds.
The first was set up in January 1998
to help 5,773 families affected by a
severe cold spell to buy clothes and
blankets. The Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation (SDC)
made a grant to establish the fund.
Loans were to be repaid within 18
months, at an interest rate of 6% per
However, many of the families were
subsequently hit by the exceptional
floods later that year. The previous
emergency loans had to be
rescheduled, and 2,794 new

emergency loans were made to
repair houses and buy seeds, tools
and fertilisers. To do this, a second
emergency loan fund was
established with a second grant from
SDC, again at 6% interest per annum
but this time with a two-year
repayment period that reflected the
severity of the disaster. As in the
preceding winter, the local Ashrai
savings and credit societies and their
umbrella organisations helped to
identify the most needy.
In 1999, Ashrai and SDC decided to
merge the two emergency loan funds
into a single permanent fund for
future major events.
Because of the impact of the
disasters, people’s capacity to repay
the emergency loans was limited. By
December 2000, the emergency fund
had recovered 91% of the amount
disbursed because of extreme cold,
and 67% of its loans to flood victims.

Micro-finance in Disasters (London:
British Red Cross Society (London: NGO
Initiatives in Risk Reduction, Case Study
17, 2001),

There is also potential for using non-financial credit – loans of seeds, tools or
materials – to help reduce risk. This does not appear to have been explored

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chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction

widely, other than in the case of grain and seed banks (see Case Study 15.3,
page 264).

13.3 Chapter summary
• Economic development and poverty reduction are essential elements in
any risk reduction strategy.
• Livelihood diversification is central to poor people’s coping strategies, but
is generally overlooked in disaster mitigation programmes.
• Greater wealth reduces risk by giving households more options at times
of crisis and speeding their recovery from disasters. But livelihood assets
do not protect themselves: they must be protected against hazards.
• Insurance is a standard and effective method of spreading risk, but
commercial insurance is confined to richer countries and people, and
insurers are reluctant to cover poor, high-risk groups.
• Insurance schemes for the poor run by micro-finance institutions and
NGOs can be financially viable, but this is a new area of work and there is
still much to learn about how to make such schemes effective.
• Micro-finance has the potential to play a significant part in reducing
vulnerability before disaster, and supporting recovery.
• Most interest among micro-finance institutions has been in dealing with
the consequences of disasters (e.g. through rescheduling loans or making
emergency loans), although some work has been done to stimulate predisaster measures (e.g. creation of emergency funds, lending for specific
disaster preparedness activities).



J. Sebstad and M. Cohen, Microfinance, Risk Management, and Poverty (Washington DC:
Management Systems International (AIMS Project), 2000), pp. 48–75,
A. Heijmans and L. P. Victoria, Citizenry-Based & Development-Oriented Disaster Response:
Experiences and Practices in Disaster Management of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network
in the Philippines (Quezon City: Center for Disaster Preparedness, 2001), pp. 57–63.
World Disasters Report 1996 (Oxford: Oxford University Press/IFRC, 1996), pp: 65–75.
E. Adamsdale, Transferring Risk: Potential Partnerships between the Insurance Industry and
the Humanitarian Sector (London: British Red Cross Society, 2002).
See the NFIP website:
C. Benson, The Economic Impact of Natural Disasters in Fiji (London: ODI (Working Paper 97),
1997), p. 70.
J. R. Heywood, ‘Natural Hazards as Problems for Insurers’, in Preventing ‘Natural’ Disasters –
The Role of Risk Control and Insurance (London: UK National Coordination Committee for the
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, 1995), p. 16.




and financial

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8 D. R. Godschalk et al., Natural Hazard Mitigation: Recasting Disaster Policy and Planning
(Washington, DC: Island Press, 1999), pp. 68-9.
9 W. Brown and C. F. Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part I: A Primer
on Insurance Principles and Products (Washington DC: Development Alternatives
(Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 1999),; W. Brown
and C. F. Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part II: Initial Lessons
from Micro-Insurance Experiments for the Poor (Washington DC: Development Alternatives
(Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 2000),; Adamsdale,
Transferring Risk.
10 Brown and Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part II, p. 49.
11 Adamsdale, Transferring Risk.
12 Brown and Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part II, pp. 66, 70.
13 Ibid., p. 89.
14 Adamsdale, Transferring Risk.
15 H. Schmuck, Living with the Floods: Survival Strategies of Char-Dwellers in Bangladesh (Berlin:
ASA-Programm of the Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft, 1996), pp. 70–71.
16 Sebstad and Cohen, Microfinance, Risk Management, and Poverty, p. 58.
17 Rapid-Onset Natural Disaster Technical Briefs, Brief 1 (Washington DC: Development
Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), undated),
18 Ibid., Briefs 1–8; G. Nagarajan, Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters: Challenges and
Opportunities (Washington DC: Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices
Project), 1998),; J. Parker and G. Nagarajan, Can
Microfinance Meet the Poor’s Financial Needs in Times of Natural Disaster? (Washington DC:
Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 2000),; Sebstad and Cohen, Microfinance, Risk Management, and
19 Rapid-Onset Natural Disaster Technical Briefs, Brief 3.
20 Nagarajan, Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters, pp. 22, 27.

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Chapter 14
Managing urban risk
14.1 Hazards, risk and vulnerability in urban areas
Half the world’s population lives in towns and cities. Within 30 years, this proportion may rise to two-thirds. The rate of urbanisation is greatest in the
South. About two-thirds of the world’s current urban population – 1.9bn people – live in low- and middle-income nations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and
the Caribbean. At least 600m of these are so poor that their income and other
assets are not enough to provide their essential needs.
The causes of urban growth are varied and complex, but among the main ones
are economic and environmental pressures driving poor people from the
countryside to seek a living in the towns. Poverty and poor urban management mean that many cities in the South are expanding rapidly and in an
uncontrolled way. This has led to severe social, economic and environmental
problems. It is also putting ever-greater numbers of people at risk from natural and technological hazards.
The themes discussed in this book apply just as much to urban as to other settings. At the same time, managing urban risks presents several distinct challenges. These arise from the specific features of urban hazards and vulnerability, and from the socio-economic and institutional environment in towns
and cities, which has a profound influence on the capacity of communities and
municipal authorities to address risk effectively.
The following discussion draws heavily on the work of the International
Institute for Environment and Development’s Human Settlements Programme
on urban environmental problems.1

• Biological hazards: diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation.
• Chemical hazards: polluted water, indoor and outdoor air pollution from
fires, chemicals, industrial processes and vehicles, dumped garbage and
hazardous wastes.



Environmental hazards are the main cause of ill-health, injury and premature
death in urban areas of the South. People living in towns and cities in developing countries face a large number of environmental hazards. They include:

urban risk

14.1.1 Urban hazards
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• Physical hazards: fire, floods, housing on slopes at risk of landslides,
earthquakes, cyclones, extreme temperatures, accidents due to inadequate infrastructure or facilities (e.g. open drains, missing manhole
covers, lack of pavements and places to cross roads).
Many of these hazards are also present in rural locations, but they become
particularly threatening in densely-populated urban areas. There is a strong
likelihood of major urban disasters in future, especially in mega-cities, many
of which are sited in earthquake zones or along coastlines struck by cyclones.
Earthquakes in major urban centres were responsible for some of the
greatest disasters in the 20th century – Tokyo in 1923, with 143,000 killed,
and Tangshan in China in 1976, where the death toll was probably 250,000.
The economic effects even of far less severe earthquakes can be colossal:
damages resulting from the 1995 Kobe earthquake amounted to over $100
Man-made and technological hazards such as fires, pollution, industrial and
road accidents assume much greater importance in towns and cities, where
there are also particularly acute public health problems arising from pollution
and inadequate sanitation in high-density settlements.
Air pollution presents particular problems for the elderly and children. This is
a largely urban hazard (apart from indoor cooking fires, which are a hazard
anywhere). Large numbers of people and vehicles and concentrations of
industrial activities produce considerable volumes of air pollutants. Where
these become trapped in the atmosphere, their concentration increases and
people are exposed to them for longer. This is a particular problem in highaltitude cities: Mexico City is notorious for its air pollution; in Kathmandu the
problem is growing rapidly. Air pollution is normally treated as a public health
issue rather than a problem for disaster managers, but its consequences can
be severe. An estimated 130,000 premature deaths and 50–70m incidents of
respiratory illness occur each year due to episodes of urban air pollution in
developing countries.2 In Santiago, Chile, a $911m, 15-year programme to
reduce severe air pollution from particulates, carbon monoxide and groundlevel ozone was launched in 1998. It aims to prevent 11,000 premature deaths
and 65m medical visits resulting from smogs in the city.3
Cities also tend to be much warmer than the surrounding countryside, and
night-time cooling is lower than in rural areas. This ‘heat island’ effect is caused
by the concentration of large heat-retaining structures, asphalt and concrete
landscapes, physical obstruction of cooling breezes by buildings, and heat
produced by industrial and domestic activities. In Mexico City, for instance,

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temperatures can be 10°C higher than in surrounding areas.4 Many cities are
not well designed to deal with this problem. Ventilation and heat management
are rarely considered seriously in urban planning, or taken into account in
emergency planning, even in developed countries (see Case Study 14.1).

Case Study 14.1
Impact of an urban heat wave


S. A. Changnon et al., ‘Impacts and
Responses to the 1995 Heat Wave: A Call
to Action’, Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, vol. 77, no. 7,
1996, pp. 1497–1506.

urban risk

Energy use for air conditioning and
other cooling increased rapidly,
leading to a power failure affecting
over 40,000 people. Highways and
railways were damaged by heaving
and buckling of joints and rails.
Many companies indicated that work
efficiency was greatly reduced.

The municipal authorities did not
respond well. Officials did not declare
a heat emergency – which would have
activated the city’s heat emergency
plan – until four days into the heat
wave. This was a major factor in the
high death count. Without advance
warning, few inhabitants used
Chicago’s five ‘cooling centers’: places
with air conditioning and other
facilities for people to relax and rest.
Thousands of heat-afflicted people
had to be taken to hospital during the
heat wave, but there were not enough
ambulances available and fire engines
had to be used. Hospitals could not
handle the high number of
admissions. In response to sharp
public criticism, the city’s mayor was
forced to appoint a commission to
discover what had gone wrong and
what should be done in future. This
led to a new, more comprehensive,
warning and emergency plan for
dealing with heat waves.


Heat waves claim an estimated 1,000
lives each year on average in the US.
A severe five-day heat wave in July
1995 caused 525 deaths in Chicago.
In this as in other heat waves, older
people were the prime victims: 73%
of those who died were people aged
65 or more. African-Americans were
nearly twice as likely to die from the
heat as whites. Most deaths were in
the inner city, where temperatures
did not fall off much at night, and in
homes without air conditioning or
where residents did not operate air
conditioning or fans because they
could not afford to. There were
suggestions that older people
without air conditioning were afraid
to leave doors and windows open at
night to cool their homes down
because of the perceived threat of
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Urban food security presents a potentially serious risk, especially in megacities. The level of urban populations’ dependence on food brought in from
outside and purchased in markets is very high and will remain so, especially
in the largest cities. Serious problems can arise where food supplies are cut
or prices rise beyond the reach of the poor, and this may happen suddenly as
the result of political and socio-economic factors or natural hazards such as
droughts and floods.
Little attention has been paid to this risk in disaster management circles,
despite the obvious social and political consequences of food insecurity, the
difficulty of identifying vulnerable groups in this context and the considerable
operational challenge in obtaining large amounts of food and distributing it
to the most needy.5

14.1.2 Urban vulnerability
Poverty, gender, class, caste and ethnicity are powerful influences on urban
vulnerability, as they are in rural areas; but urban life adds new dimensions.
Poor and marginalised people are likely to live in poor-quality housing, in
neighbourhoods without clean water, drains and paved roads, where sanitation systems, garbage collection and public health services are inadequate.
This makes them vulnerable to a variety of environmental hazards.
Poverty forces people to live in the most polluted and dangerous areas: river
valleys, flood plains, hillsides, next to roads, waste dumps and hazardous
industries. Where they lack legal title to their property – as in many urban
settlements – and live in fear of eviction they have little incentive to invest in
private or communal mitigation measures, and in any case have little money
for doing so. Landlords are often unwilling to invest in their properties, and
may raise the rents of those improved by their tenants. Local governments
may refuse to provide services to informal settlements on the grounds that
this will imply recognition of the inhabitants’ right to the land where they
have settled.
High housing and population densities magnify the effects of pollution and
disease. Domestic fires, which are a significant risk in houses made of
materials that burn easily, such as wood, thatch and cardboard, can,
where homes are packed tightly together, easily get out of control.
Industrial accidents can be devastating. According to official figures, the
explosion at a chemical factory in the Indian city of Bhopal in 1984 resulted
in nearly 3,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries; more than 200,000 people
had to be evacuated.6

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Case Study 14.2
Overcoming a food crisis in a mega-city

The Indonesian government’s
programme to provide food at
subsidised prices to those in need

The alternative supported by one
international donor was to use
existing commercial channels.
Indonesian firms ground imported
wheat into flour and used it to
produce noodles, which are an
important part of the urban diet.
These were sold through normal
outlets – retailers and pavement
stalls and restaurants frequented by
the poor – with prices fixed at levels
that were affordable but
nevertheless commercially viable.
Although it took time to get the
project going, it was able to reach
approximately a million people per
month over a period of eight months.
C. Kelly, Acute Food Insecurity in MegaCities: Issues and Assistance Options
(London: Benfield Hazard Research
Centre (Working Paper 7), 2003),

Uncontrolled urban development damages the environment and increases risk.
Deforestation, land clearance and subsequent construction may expose hillsides, making them more vulnerable to landslides. Natural drainage is impeded


urban risk

However, the Indonesian economy
began to break down from mid-1998,
largely as a result of rapid political
change and insecurity. This put large
numbers of people out of work,
pushed up food and other prices and
made it difficult for the government
to obtain foreign credit to finance
food imports. In the capital, Jakarta,
levels of malnutrition increased, and
it became clear that a large
proportion of the population was
suffering from food insecurity.

was put under considerable
pressure. NGO-managed food
distribution was not a realistic
alternative, because of the scale of
the operation and the fact that the
NGOs with relevant experience were
working in rural areas.


Indonesia’s food security structures
came under great pressure during
the 1997–98 El Niño event, when
drought reduced rice production and
additional imports were needed. The
government had sufficient
operational capacity and access to
financing to ensure that food was
purchased and distributed, while
donor agencies also embarked on
food assistance programmes in rural
areas, and large-scale severe food
insecurity was largely avoided.
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when flood plains are built
upon. Unregulated construction leads to unsafe buildings, and here the middle
classes are also likely to be
vulnerable: many of the fatalities in earthquakes have
been in badly-built apartment blocks.

Urban life has a profound
impact on livelihoods and
coping strategies. Towndwellers rely on cash income
from their labour to a much
Urban vulnerability: a hillside urban slum
greater extent than those
in Lima, Peru
who live in the countryside.
Livelihood strategies are
therefore heavily based on finding paid work. Moreover, the poor are more
likely to undertake dangerous work.
Social capital in the form of community organisations and support networks may
be weak in new, relatively unstable urban communities, especially those that
comprise many different social groups. Newcomers are likely to lack experience
and understanding of specifically urban hazards and avoidance strategies.
Dependence on public support systems and structures (power, water
supplies, public transport infrastructure and emergency services) and
external food supplies is much greater in urban areas. Politicians and officials
have to be lobbied to make improvements to services, but the poor tend to
have the least political influence. City and municipal authorities often lack the
resources and political will to control pollution, provide adequate infrastructure and services, make suitable land available to poor people and implement large-scale mitigation measures.

14.2 Urban risk reduction: constraints and opportunities
14.2.1 Local-level mitigation
The preceding discussion suggests that options for reducing urban risk
through local-level initiatives are limited. It is true that only action by municipal authorities can reduce pollution and other sources of risk on a significant

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Box 14.1
Physical vulnerability to natural hazards in urban areas





Older residential buildings in
densely-populated areas, which
have been poorly maintained,
altered or extended, or are
Buildings erected before
adequate standards and controls
were designed, or that have been
built without observing
standards and regulations.
Unplanned, ‘informal’
settlements in marginal, hazardprone areas, where houses do
not incorporate safety features.
Modern buildings of poor design
or construction quality.
Communication and control
centres concentrated in one area.
Hospital facilities that are
insufficient for treating large
numbers of casualties or which
may not be accessible in a
Schools and other community
buildings that have been built to
low construction standards or
which cannot be used as





emergency shelters.
Poorly designed or badly built
roads, railways, bridges and
viaducts, embankments and
culverts, whose collapse could
prevent access by the emergency
services, movement of relief
supplies and evacuation of
Narrow streets that become
blocked with debris and stalled
traffic, also impeding emergency
Water mains that are liable to
rupture, resulting in pollution
and disease.
Sewers that flood, spreading
Electrical supply lines and
systems, which are liable to
Gas mains that rupture, with the
risk of fires.
Industrial facilities that are
damaged, leading to leakage of
hazardous chemicals or to fires
and explosions.

Institution of Civil Engineers, Megacities:
Reducing Vulnerability to Natural
Disasters (London: Thomas Telford, 1995),
pp. 17–18.

scale, ensure the resilience of public infrastructure, manage mass evacuations and maintain emergency services, and – with additional support from
national governments – reduce the pressure from the many underlying socio-


urban risk




Buildings and physical infrastructure
which may be vulnerable to the effects
of natural hazard events include:
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economic forces that make urban dwellers vulnerable. Nevertheless, it is
possible to make a difference at local level, and even relatively small-scale
interventions can have a meaningful impact. The kinds of improvement that
can be made at this level include the following.

Better water and sanitation
Reliable supplies of clean water and adequate sanitation and sewerage
systems are essential to reduce water-related infections. Low-cost technologies for putting up stand-pipes and building latrines and drains have long
been available and, with full community participation, extensive water and
sanitation systems can be installed (see Case Study 14.3).
The importance of making such facilities disaster-resistant is sometimes
overlooked, but this too is relatively simple in technical terms. For example,
in areas regularly visited by floods, water pipes and pumps can be raised
above anticipated water levels, latrines can be sited where they are less likely
to be flooded, drains and sewers can be designed to cope with large volumes
of water, and regularly-spaced manholes can give easy access to drains and
sewers if they need to be unblocked.

Improved storm and surface water drainage
This reduces flooding and the risk of water-borne diseases, and eliminates
breeding sites for mosquitoes and other disease vectors. Blockage of drains
by plastic bags and other rubbish is a major cause of urban flooding, but can
easily be resolved through community action.
Technical improvements should be planned with careful thought to their
consequences. For example, slum dwellers in Indore, India, interviewed in
1994, reported that flood drainage had worsened since the replacement of
open drains with closed ones. The open drains were larger and less easily
blocked, and rubbish and excreta left on the streets were washed into them
to be taken away. Some of the new – blocked – drains ‘backed up’, depositing
water and sewage in people’s homes.7

Management of solid waste
The main element of this is removal of garbage to reduce the risk of disease
and prevent blocked drains. Some activities, such as sorting household
waste, can be managed relatively easily at community level.

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Case Study 14.3
Community-based sanitation
The Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) in the
city of Karachi, Pakistan, is wellknown internationally as an example
of a large-scale, long-term initiative
based on the skills and resources of
the urban poor. Established in the
1980s in Orangi, one of Karachi’s
poorest districts, the OPP’s
programme of building low-cost
underground sewers had, by 2001,
benefited over 92,000 families
(almost 90% of the settlement) and
the community had invested over
82m rupees (approximately
£924,000) in the system. With the
elimination of the old open sewers,
infant mortality rates fell greatly
(from 130 per 1,000 live births in
1982 to 37 per 1,000 in 1991),
mobility was easier and the cleaner
open spaces in front of houses
created safer play areas for children
and space for social contact and

OPP’s achievements have attracted
considerable interest from aid
agencies and led to many attempts
to replicate the approach elsewhere,
with varying degrees of success. OPP
has provided training and advice to
municipal government and other
projects. It has also achieved some
striking successes in lobbying
against proposals for donor-funded
sewerage schemes and presenting
lower-cost alternatives.

A. Zaidi, From the Lane to the City: The
Impact of the Orangi Pilot Project’s Low
Cost Sanitation Model (London:
WaterAid, 2001),


urban risk

Although Orangi’s sloping terrain
helped drainage and hence made
construction of the sewerage
system easier and cheaper than it
would have been on flatter ground,
the main reason for the initiative’s
success has been OPP’s firm

insistence on making community
organisations the primary players
and refusing external funding, which
it believes would make communities
dependent on outsiders and make
projects less cost-effective. Although
OPP provides technical advice and
encouragement, community
organisations direct the projects,
which use local labour and materials.
The communities are responsible for
raising the funds to pay for the work.

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Flood and landslide defences
A number of appropriate-technology measures can be implemented at local
level. For example, many urban households and communities implement smallscale structural improvements, temporary or permanent, to protect against
flood water and the pollutants it carries: houses are put on raised plinths, or
where this is too costly doorsteps and house fronts are raised; concrete slabs or
rubble and other landfill materials are used to create paths through standing
water; inside houses, there are shelves and raised platforms to store goods
safely, and electricity connections are put at head height.
Flooding can also be curbed by planting trees and other vegetation to absorb
rainwater; the creation of open spaces assists this. Landslides have been controlled by building retaining walls out of old car tyres (see Chapter 10.2.2,
page 147).

Creating safer living environments
This can take many forms. Within the home, use of alternative household fuels
can reduce the risk of indoor air pollution and fires. Better-quality housing provides greater resilience to certain types of hazard. Less crowded settlements
minimise risks to large groups of people and provide escape routes and safe
places, but this can be difficult to manage where pressure on land is great.

Relocation, and avoiding hazardous areas
These measures are often suggested as a solution to disaster risk, but there
are serious problems associated with them. Relocation to less hazardous
areas is highly effective in reducing physical risks, but overlooks the centrality of livelihood security to vulnerable people and the intensity of the socioeconomic pressures that drive them to occupy hazardous land.
People settle in hazardous locations for a variety of reasons, but the main
ones are livelihood-related:
• rents are cheaper;
• they are closer to places of employment and job opportunities;
• there is access to markets (for buying and selling), health services,
schools, electricity and water; and
• in central locations, they are more visible to the public, which means that
there is a better chance of receiving funds for improvements.

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Relocation schemes, on the other hand, tend to involve sites on the edges of
cities. Land may be more readily available and affordable here, but jobs and
many other facilities are not. For this reason, relocation is often resisted by
vulnerable groups, although pressure can be brought to bear on them to
move. In some cases, there are suspicions that relocation of communities is a
pretext for land to be cleared for more commercial development.8 Handled
sensitively, and with full community participation, relocation can bring benefits, but it is a complex process (see Case Study 14.4).

Better working environments
Improved health and safety practices reduce the risk of disease and injury
from unsafe working conditions and exposure to hazardous materials.

Lobbying for better environmental management
This includes calling for improved water and sanitation, health and safety at
work, and curbs on polluting industries and practices. It means targeting private-sector polluters as well as public authorities. This is a necessary task but
a difficult one, as the private sector is powerful and resistant to pressure,
while public authorities may be unable or unwilling to support community
groups to challenge industrial practices that create risk.
There are instances of community organisations fighting successfully against
pollution and commercial developments that threaten them, but there are
many more examples of failure. For example, one-third of industrial enterprises surveyed in the city of Lahore, Pakistan, had received complaints about
pollution from local groups and people, but none had made any significant
efforts to improve their practices.9

Urban agriculture


They are also well placed to exploit the potential of urban agriculture, which
is surprisingly extensive, especially in Africa and on the edges of towns and
cities, and has grown significantly since the late 1970s in response to need.
Globally, about 200m urban dwellers are also urban farmers, providing food
and income to an estimated 700m people. Evidence from cities across the

urban risk

Towns and cities largely depend on actions at national and even international
levels to ensure adequate and affordable supplies of food; NGOs do not have the
capacity to manage acute, large-scale urban food crises (see Case Study 14.2).
However, local-level agencies can play a role in food monitoring and distribution.

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Case Study 14.4
Community participation in relocation
The city of Santo André, with 62,500
inhabitants, is part of the
metropolitan region of São Paulo,
one of Brazil’s largest industrial
centres. About 15% of the population
lives in slums located in flood- and
landslide-prone areas.
In 1997, under its slum upgrading
programme, the municipality
identified the Sacadura Cabral
settlement, where 780 families lived,
as a priority area. The settlement
was prone to flooding every year and
was very densely populated (853
people/hectare). To achieve
upgrading and reduce flood risk, it
was necessary to level the area with
earth and relocate some 200 families
to nearby areas.
The initial top-down, random-selection
method for identifying families to be
moved was strongly resisted by local
people, so it was dropped and
replaced with a series of meetings
with communities and their leaders. A
new proposal was then developed
jointly, which comprised:

construction of 200 apartments
in a housing complex one



kilometre from Sacadura Cabral,
and the relocation of 200
families to live in them (at the
end of 1998);
subsidised credit for the families
that acquired the apartments;
demolition of the relocated
families’ homes and levelling of
the land, followed by a process
of internal relocation within the
settlement and levelling of the
rest of the flood-prone area;
reconstruction of homes by the
people concerned, with technical
assistance from the local

Selection of the families to be
moved was undertaken in
consultation with the community, on
the basis of agreed criteria
including income levels and family
size. Several planning meetings
were held throughout the
M. G. G. Oliveira and R. Denaldi,
‘Community Participation in Relocation
Programmes: The Case of the Slum
Sacadura Cabral in Santo André – Brazil’,
Open House International, vol. 24, no. 3,
1999, pp. 24–32.

South has shown that urban agriculture can have a considerable impact on
local food production and consumption, as well as livelihoods. There is

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probably much that can be done to promote and develop it. At the same time,
urban agriculture can bring its own hazards, such as creating breeding sites
for mosquitoes through irrigation, exposure to pesticides, contamination of
crops from the presence of lead and other heavy metals in the soil, and
contamination from the use of human excrement as fertiliser.10 The potential
gains and risks of urban agriculture projects should be considered carefully
by organisations working at local level.

14.2.2 Community-based approaches
Formal and informal social organisations exist in every part of a town or city
where people live and work. But the notion of a ‘community’ may be quite
different from rural areas, because in an urban district there is often a
complex mix of very different social groups within a small area. The locus of
organisation for people may be their neighbourhood – the district where they
live – rather than a social community.11 This presents problems to NGOs and
other agencies trying to establish locally-based mitigation initiatives. The
mutual suspicion that often exists between officials and people living in
informal settlements adds to the difficulty.

It is useful to distinguish between ‘private’ and ‘public’ space when implementing community-level risk reduction measures in urban areas. Most



Participatory initiatives (see Chapters 7.4 and 8) can help to break down
barriers between social groups as well as identifying opportunities for locallevel action. Community vulnerability analysis and action plans can be used
in advocacy, and other stakeholders – city government departments, NGOs,
academic institutions – can be brought into urban action planning
processes.13 There are indications that such approaches have galvanised
community action in risk reduction, and stimulated greater cooperation with
officials (see Case Study 14.5), but more thorough documentation and
analysis are needed to understand how this process works in different

urban risk

Nevertheless, many communities are willing to undertake risk-reducing
measures collectively where they are able to do so. For example, a survey of
households in the Albouystown district of Georgetown, Guyana, found that,
even though relatively few people were members of community-based organisations, 63% of those interviewed cleaned drains with their neighbours, and
53% cleaned streets with their neighbours.12 The Orangi Pilot Project (Case
Study 14.3) and other schemes inspired by it in Pakistan demonstrate that
community-based action is possible on a relatively large scale.
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Case Study 14.5
Building bridges in Lima
The Caqueta district in Peru’s capital,
Lima, grew rapidly in the late 1980s,
and by 1999 was estimated to be
housing 15,500 people living in
buildings ranging from wooden
shacks to constructions of adobe
and concrete. A 30-foot-deep ravine
formed by the Rimac river crosses
the district. Landslides at its edge
are frequent, damaging and
destroying squatter housing.
Several initiatives have been
discussed to solve the problem of the
ravine. They include covering it with a
lightweight structure on which
industrial enterprises could be built,
and relocating residents and removing
all buildings and infrastructure. But
none of these essentially large-scale,
technological approaches has been
implemented, owing to their
complexity and cost, lack of political
will and administrative coordination,
and failure to consult with local
people, who do not want to move
away from their places of work.
A different approach was attempted
by a local NGO, Instituto Para la
Democracia Local (IPADEL), with
support from external consultants.
The project team carried out an
evaluation of local hazards,
vulnerabilities (physical and social)


and capacities, based on surveys,
questionnaires and participatory
workshops with market and housing
association representatives.
The evaluation’s findings fed into a
three-day planning workshop
attended by representatives of
municipalities, traders’ and residents’
associations, local NGOs and the fire
services. Several ideas for reducing
risk were put forward. Two were
accomplished by the project. The first
was to improve the pedestrian bridge
across the ravine by installing
protective sides high enough to
prevent children from falling off.
The second initiative was to reduce
fire risk in the local markets. Several
planning and training workshops were
held involving traders and firemen.
One consequence of the work was an
improvement in relations between the
two groups. Fire-fighters had
previously been seen as part of the
municipal authority and, given a
tradition of tensions between the
authority and market traders, as
hostile to the traders.
D. Sanderson, ‘Implementing Action
Planning to Reduce Urban Risk’, Open
House International, vol. 24, no. 3, 1999,
pp. 33–39.
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people will take steps to protect their own homes, as far as they are able, but
the extent of their responsibility for protecting public space may be less clear.
Urban residents are likely to feel that it is the municipal authorities’ responsibility to take care of streets, drains and other communal facilities. Yet the
boundary between private and public space may be drawn differently in
different areas. In one community, keeping lanes clear of refuse and debris
may be seen as a community responsibility; in another, it may be seen as the
authorities’ task. A community’s willingness to take on responsibility for
managing environmental risks also depends on how far it feels government
should, and can, do so.

14.2.3 Partnership
Local-level activity must be linked to town- or city-wide measures to improve
services and mitigate the impact of hazards. Without this, local initiatives will
always be threatened by external pressures. Towns and cities are affected by
pressures coming from beyond their boundaries, but local organisations can
only address these through advocacy. This makes it particularly important to
develop risk management partnerships between communities, grass-roots
organisations, NGOs, municipal authorities and others (see Case Study 14.6).
The introduction of Local Agenda 21s – programmes for addressing environmental problems, mandated by the Agenda 21 programme agreed at the
Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 – has created space for better partnerships by
moving environmental planning into the public arena, providing for more
extensive public consultation and partnerships. Local authorities are being
encouraged to think less about doing everything themselves, and instead to
put greater effort into creating ‘enabling frameworks’ that facilitate partnerships between groups. Within its comprehensive environmental coverage,
Agenda 21 includes problems of human settlement planning and management in disaster-prone areas.14



Much of the attention being given to disaster risk in urban areas has concentrated on the problems of cities. Here, the scale of the problems makes
involvement of municipal and even central governments particularly important. But most of the urban population in developing countries does not live
in cities but in smaller market towns and administrative centres. It is in such
places that most urban growth is taking place. Here, it can be easier to create
the partnerships needed to tackle problems at local level – and it is arguably

urban risk

A number of other international initiatives address aspects of urban risk
reduction, focusing particularly on municipal authorities (see Box 14.2).
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Case Study 14.6
Collaborative action planning for earthquakes
The Kathmandu Valley Earthquake
Risk Management Project (KVERMP)
is one of a number of initiatives in
South and South-East Asia under the
Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation
Programme (see Box 14.2). The
Kathmandu Valley, with a population
of over a million people, is
vulnerable to earthquakes. It has not
suffered a major earthquake since
1934, but many experts believe that
another is long overdue.
KVERMP has addressed several
aspects of risk reduction by
developing a scenario and action plan,
making schools safer by retrofitting,
raising public awareness and building
the capacity of local institutions.
The first step was to assess the
valley’s earthquake risk. The project
did not attempt to develop a new,
improved assessment of this risk,
which would have been a complex,
costly exercise. Instead, it chose to
present what was already known
about that risk in a form that was
understandable to officials and the
public. This made it easier to involve
a range of groups in the subsequent
action planning. About 80 different
organisations, mostly from
government but also including NGOs,
academic institutions, businesses
and donors, were involved in


creating the action plan. Many
different risk reduction measures
were proposed, and project staff
visited participating organisations to
discuss these, and the feasibility of
including them in the plan. A draft
plan was then distributed to all the
stakeholders for comment.
The final draft was presented at a
two-day workshop attended by 85
representatives of all the
organisations involved, who
discussed its approach and contents
and helped to set priorities. The
agreed action plan was printed and
launched by the Prime Minister at an
event to mark the country’s annual
Earthquake Safety Day, and
distributed widely. It is used
regularly in training and orientation
programmes, and has generated
considerable debate and feedback
among local inhabitants, policymakers, administrators and scientific
and technical specialists.
A. M. Dixit et al., ‘Mitigation Planning and
Implementation: Experiences of KVERMP’,
in Proceedings: Regional Workshop on
Best Practices in Disaster Mitigation.
Lessons learned from the Asian Urban
Disaster Mitigation Program and Other
Initiatives, 24–26 September 2002, Bali,
Indonesia (Bangkok: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center, 2002), pp. 181–87.
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Box 14.2
International initiatives in urban risk reduction


In 1998–99, the UN ISDR’s Risk
Assessment Tools for Diagnosis of
Urban Areas against Seismic
Disasters (RADIUS) project worked in
nine cities to develop risk
assessment methods, raise public
awareness and produce action plans.
Post-project evaluations have
provided examples of the action
plans being used for emergency
training, urban development
planning and updating official
disaster management structures. The
assessment tools are also being
adopted by other towns and cities.17
Local Authorities Confronting
Disasters and Emergencies (LACDE)
is a worldwide network of local
authorities and other organisations
seeking to increase local
government’s understanding and
capacity to deal with disasters of all
kinds. Its main activities are wellattended annual conferences and a

urban risk

The Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation
Programme (AUDMP), managed by
the Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center in Bangkok, is a six-year
initiative covering eight countries in
South and South-East Asia. It aims to
establish sustainable public and
private sector mechanisms for

disaster mitigation, and to promote
the replication and adaptation of
successful approaches. Its activities
comprise demonstration projects in
each country to assess, design and
implement measures to mitigate a
number of natural and technological
hazards, information-sharing and
networking, and training.16


The Healthy Cities Programme, run by
the World Health Organisation (WHO),
attempts to improve public health
through better control of
environmental and other hazards. It
seeks to put health higher on
decision-makers’ agendas, build up a
lobby for better public health and
develop popular, participatory
approaches to dealing with health
problems. At town/city level, it is
implemented by local teams drawn
from government, NGOs, communities
and other organisations, with
technical back-up from WHO offices.
Several hundred towns and cities have
received the ‘Healthy City’ designation
– i.e. they are undertaking or planning
new initiatives involving collaboration
between government and community
organisations. These have included
upgrading poor people’s housing,
improving sanitation in informal
settlements, improving drainage to
prevent flooding, better waste
management, and more integrated
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more vital to do so, in view of the relative neglect of this issue in such towns
and the often limited capacity and resources of local government for
managing disaster risk.
Environmental deprivation is increasingly being recognised as an important
dimension of urban poverty, which means that poverty reduction
programmes are considering environmental issues, including hazards. Local
Agenda 21s have furthered this process. Opportunities to bring the poverty,
environmental and risk management agendas closer together are probably
better here than in other contexts.

14.3 Chapter summary
• Rapid and uncontrolled urbanisation is putting ever-greater numbers of
people at risk from natural and technological hazards.
• Environmental hazards are the main cause of ill-health, injury and premature death in urban areas in developing countries and there is a significant risk of major urban disasters in future.
• Man-made and technological hazards are particularly important in towns
and cities.
• Poor and marginalised people are more likely to live in unsafe areas and
housing, and in densely populated districts where the impact of hazards
and disease is magnified.
• Urban vulnerability is distinctive in terms of the composition of livelihood
and coping strategies, the nature of social capital and the level of dependence on public support systems and structures.
• Only action by municipal authorities can reduce risk on a significant scale,
but it is possible to make a difference at local level in, for example,
improving water, sanitation and drainage systems, constructing flood and
landslide defences and creating safer living environments.
• Avoidance of hazardous areas and relocation to safer ones are often
suggested as a solution, but are rarely feasible given the intensity of the
socio-economic pressures that force people to live in dangerous locations.
• There are many opportunities for partnerships between communities and
other groups.


IIED, Briefing Paper Series on Urban Environmental Improvement and Poverty Reduction
(London: International Institute for Environment and Development, 2001),

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urban risk

2 A. J. McMichael, ‘The Urban Environment and Health in a World of Increasing Globalization:
Issues for Developing Countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 78, no. 9,
2000, p. 1,121.
3 Cities of the Future: Dream or Nightmare? (London: Panos (Briefing 34), 1999),
4 Ibid.
5 C. Kelly, Acute Food Insecurity in Mega-Cities: Issues and Assistance Options (London: Benfield
Hazard Research Centre (Working Paper 7), 2003),
6 Cities of the Future.
7 C. Stephens, R. Patnaik and S. Lewin, ‘This Is My Beautiful Home’: Risk Perceptions Towards
Flooding and Environment in Low-Income Urban Communities. A Case Study in Indore, India
(London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1995), pp. 36–37.
8 See for example J. Twigg (ed.), Living with Disaster (Rugby: ITDG), pp. 11–14; World Disasters
Report 2002: Focus on Reducing Risk (Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, 2002), pp. 54–55.
9 R. Hameed and J. Raemaekers, ‘Putting Over the Message: A Programme in Pakistan To Build
Capacity among Industrialists for Pollution Abatement’, in C. Gandelsonas (ed.),
Communicating for Development: Experience from the Urban Environment (London: ITDG
Publishing, 2002), pp. 187–97.
10 L. Mougeot, ‘Overview – Urban Food Self-Reliance: Significance and Prospects’, IDRC Reports,
vol. 21, no. 3, 1997,; A. J. McMichael, ‘The
Urban Environment and Health in a World of Increasing Globalization: Issues for Developing
Countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 78, no. 9, 2000, p. 1121.
11 B. Wisner, ‘Social Planning and Activism for Earthquake Risk Reduction’, in C. Rodrigue and E.
Rovai (eds), Earthquakes (London: Routledge, in press).
12 M. Pelling, The Vulnerability of Cities: Natural Disasters and Social Resilience (London:
Earthscan, 2003), pp. 131–37.
13 M. Bhatt, M. Gupta, A. Sharma, ‘Action Planning – From Theory to Practice’, Open House
International, vol. 24, no. 3, 1999, pp. 16-23.
14 Agenda 21, UN Division for Sustainable Development,
15 WHO Healthy Cities: A Programme Framework (Geneva: World Health Organisation, 1995),; Building a Healthy City: A
Practitioners’ Guide (Geneva: WHO, 1995),
16 The AUDMP’s website is:
17 RADIUS’ website is
18 LACDE’s website is:

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Chapter 15
Slow-onset disasters
15.1 Introduction
Writing on disasters usually distinguishes between rapid-onset events and
slow-onset events. The critical factor here is said to be the nature of the
hazard concerned.
Hazards that arise suddenly, or whose occurrence cannot be predicted far in
advance, trigger rapid-onset disasters. Earthquakes, cyclones and other
windstorms, landslides and avalanches, wildfires, floods and volcanic eruptions are usually categorised as rapid-onset events. The warning time ranges
from seconds or at best a few minutes in the case of earthquakes and many
landslides, to several days in the case of most storms and floods. Some
volcanic eruptions may be preceded by weeks or months of activity, but
predicting volcanoes’ behaviour remains very difficult and the warning time
for the eruption itself may be only days or hours. Most disasters are rapidonset events.
Most discussion of slow-onset disasters concentrates on one hazard: drought.
It can take months or sometimes years for the results of drought to become
disastrous, in the form of severe water and food shortages and, ultimately,
famine. Drought is not the only relevant hazard, though. Pollution of the environment can also be considered a slow-onset disaster, particularly in cases of
growing concentrations of toxic wastes, which may build up over years. Human
activities that degrade the environment and damage ecosystems – deforestation for instance – also contribute to disasters. Their cumulative impact may not
be felt for decades, although the hazards that they make more likely, such as
flash-floods and landslides, may be sudden-onset events.
To some extent, the distinction between slow- and rapid-onset disasters is
artificial. Hazards certainly can be categorised in this way. Disasters, on the
other hand, are the product of hazards and human vulnerability to them. The
socio-economic forces that make people vulnerable may act quickly or slowly,
but in most disasters it is likely that long-term trends will be more influential.
When viewed in this light, it could be argued that all disasters are slow-onset.
This Good Practice Review argues for a long-term, holistic approach towards
managing risk that also breaks down the distinction between slow- and rapidonset disasters.

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chapter 15 slow-onset disasters

Why then have a separate chapter on slow-onset disasters? There are two
related reasons. First, because real-life disaster management often does
distinguish between rapid- and slow-onset events. The approaches that have
been developed for dealing with slow-onset hazards such as drought may
differ from those used against other hazards. The documentation of such
work is generally much better here than in other disasters, and there is a
greater volume of high-quality research and analysis.
The second reason is that, in the management of drought and food security,
and in environmental renewal initiatives, development agencies play a much
more significant role than they do in sudden-onset disasters. This may offer
lessons about how to get the development community more involved in
disaster management generally. Mitigation of drought and food security is
more advanced than mitigation of many other types of disaster in integrating
livelihood issues with disaster management, adopting participatory and
community-level approaches, and building upon indigenous knowledge,
coping strategies and appropriate technologies.

15.2 Environmental degradation and pollution
15.2.1 Environmental degradation
There is a strong link between environmental degradation and increased risk
from natural hazards. Bad management of natural resources and destruction of
the eco-system make disasters more likely. For example, the removal of trees,
bushes and other vegetation in the course of building, farming or other
commercial activities can create hazardous conditions. In agricultural areas it
accelerates the loss of fertile topsoil to wind and water erosion. Water is no
longer held in the soil by vegetation and so runs away rapidly, which increases
vulnerability to drought. On hillsides, rapid water run-off can cause flash-floods
and landslides. In coastal zones, the destruction of mangrove forests removes a
natural barrier to the winds and sea surges created by tropical cyclones.
In all these cases, environmental protection or renewal is technically feasible.
Natural resources can be managed and replenished through such measures as
reforestation and other planting, waste management, environmentally sustainable farming and grazing practices, terracing, and building protective stone and
earthworks to prevent rapid water run-off. Countless projects of this kind have
been undertaken. Complementary activities include environmental education.
Attempts to protect the environment often challenge powerful interests that
stand to gain from its destruction: timber companies from logging; ranchers





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from stripping land of woods, hedges and bushes; shrimp farms and hotels
from tearing up mangroves. The example of the Afro-Honduran Garifuna
communities in Chapter 12 illustrates how difficult and even dangerous it can
be to make such challenges. More generally, economic and demographic
pressures on poor countries, coupled with entrenched political and cultural
attitudes, inhibit an effective response to recognised environmental crises.
The failure of the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet Central Asian republics to
deal with the drying up of the Aral Sea is a good example of this.1

15.2.2 Pollution
Major industrial disasters are often rapid-onset: the result of industrial or
transport accidents causing explosions and fires of flammable material or the
release of oil, chemicals or radioactive material. The chemical leak at Bhopal
in India in 1984 and the accident at the Chernobyl reactor in Ukraine in 1986
are the best known recent examples. Although the number of such industrial
disasters remains low and there are still relatively few casualties compared to
those from natural hazards, their numbers are rising with the spread of industrialisation in developing countries.2 However, the impact of pollution may
not be felt for decades as volumes of waste accumulate and growing
numbers of people are exposed.
Although local-level management of some forms of waste and pollution is
feasible, significant reductions in pollution and improvements in waste
management require the involvement of the state in setting and enforcing
standards and providing adequate public facilities. Communities and their
organisations can encourage this through vigorous advocacy (see Chapter
12). In many instances, specialist scientific and engineering expertise will be
required, especially in the case of extremely toxic wastes.
Community organisations, NGOs, researchers, governments and other
agencies should work together to tackle major problems of this kind collectively – the ‘partnership’ approach to disaster management set out in Chapter
5. The difficulty of creating successful partnerships should not be underestimated, especially in the case of industrial pollution where the demand for
better protection may conflict with business aims. Case Study 15.1 shows
how agencies have responded to a major crisis resulting from groundwater
The connections between climate change and hydro-meteorological hazards
such as droughts and cyclones are becoming apparent, backed up by a
growing body of scientific evidence.3 Although climate change specialists and


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chapter 15 slow-onset disasters

Case Study 15.1
Arsenic pollution in Bangladesh
In the early 1990s, high
concentrations of arsenic were
reported in groundwater in western
Bangladesh. Arsenic is a cumulative
and potentially fatal poison, and
many of the more advanced
symptoms of poisoning are
incurable. About 25m people have
been exposed through drinking
water from tube wells, and over
7,000 cases of arsenic poisoning
have been confirmed. Fifty-nine of
the country’s 64 districts have some
arsenic-contaminated groundwater.
There has been considerable debate
about the source and release
mechanisms. It is now widely
accepted that the arsenic is of
natural, geological, origin, although
it is less certain how it gets from
sediments into groundwater.
In response to a potentially massive
disaster, international agencies, the
government of Bangladesh, scientists
and local NGOs have put considerable
effort into researching the problem
and identifying and implementing
solutions. The costs of this work run
into millions of dollars. Activities
undertaken to date have included:







testing water supplies (using
specially developed field test
kits) and monitoring cases of
arsenic poisoning;
data collection and analysis
based on geochemical surveys
and further research on the
mechanisms by which arsenic is
promoting methods of removing
arsenic from water (e.g. filters)
and researching new methods;
finding arsenic-free sources of
water (e.g. digging deep tube
wells that go beneath the
arsenic-bearing sediments,
rainwater harvesting);
training doctors and health
workers to identify and treat
arsenic poisoning, and
developing patient treatment
public education; and
information dissemination and
networking among professionals.

E. Jones, Arsenic 2000: An Overview of
the Arsenic Issue in Bangladesh (Dhaka:
WaterAid Bangladesh, 2000),

disaster managers have begun talking to each other, the way forward in
coping with the threat remains far from clear.



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At a global level, advocacy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is essential,
and there is already a substantial alliance of scientists, environmentalists
and some businesses (notably insurers) engaged in this. At local levels,
disaster managers are unsure what they can do about climate change beyond
what they are already doing to minimise risk. How can they calculate the
increased risk due to this problem? How far should their existing disaster
planning be stepped up to counter the threat from climate change? As yet,
there are no answers to these questions, but they are needed urgently.

15.3 Drought, food security and famine

©ITDG/Annie Bungeroth

More than 70m people died in famines during the twentieth century.4 There
have been many major, high-profile food crises over the past 30 years. Most
have been in Africa. Many have been triggered by drought, but other hazards
including floods, harsh winter weather and diseases that affect crops and
livestock can also act as triggers.

Sudan: harvesting aubergines grown in holes
to collect water, reduce evaporation and
provide shade

Natural hazards are only one factor in food
crises. Political, economic and social factors,
including conflict, can be powerful contributors. The macro-economic policies of
governments and international agencies
have played a considerable role in creating
food insecurity and famine (see Case Study
2.2, page 18). In some countries, food aid
has become a regular, even continuous,
component of government development
plans and programmes: Ethiopia and Iraq
are prominent examples, though for
different reasons. The food crisis in
Southern Africa in 2002 revealed the influence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on food
insecurity. Research on the likely consequences of global warming indicates that
areas already prone to drought are likely to
suffer even more severely in future.
These are massive challenges to overcoming famine and food insecurity. Many
argue that the challenges are growing and
becoming more complex. However, understanding of the causes of food insecurity

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Part5 disaster-management-risk-mitigation

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Part5 disaster-management-risk-mitigation

  • 1. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 213 Chapter 13 Economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction 13.1 Economic mechanisms Economics is a central issue in disaster reduction because poverty can make people vulnerable to many different hazards, and certain patterns of socioeconomic development can expose people to greater risks. It follows that appropriate economic development and the reduction of poverty are essential elements of any risk reduction strategy. 13.1.1 Livelihood diversification Economic diversification is central to poor people’s strategies for reducing their vulnerability to external shocks. They seek to do this primarily by increasing their sources of income, building up a strong and diversified asset base, managing their money well and maintaining access to multiple sources of credit. This increases income overall and reduces dependency on individual sources: such dependency is a major contributor to vulnerability.1 213 13 Possession of wealth and assets gives households a wider range of options in times of crisis, and speeds their recovery from disasters (see Case Study 13.1). Many disaster mitigation programmes pay no attention to this, considering it a task for development agencies. The mitigation programmes implemented by members of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network in the Philippines are an exception. They address a wide range of livelihoods issues, focusing on food security and nutrition and including: crop and livelihood diversification, propagation of disaster-resistant crops, supporting seed banks and plant nurseries, improving post-harvest facilities, encouraging better land-use management and sustainable agricultural practices, training community health workers, establishing village pharmacies and medicinal herb gardens, holding literacy classes and improving paths and footbridges.2 economic and financial mechanisms Many coping strategies are based on this principle. Multi-cropping improves farmers’ chances of being able to produce some food for consumption and sale should the rains fail. Male migration from the countryside to towns to seek labouring work during droughts provides an alternative source of income to compensate for falling crop production.
  • 2. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 214 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Case Study 13.1 Poverty and disaster: a cyclone in India A wealthy and a poor family live 100 metres apart near the coast of Andhra Pradesh in south-east India. The wealthy family has six members, a brick house, six cattle and three acres of land. The head of the household owns a small grain business and a truck. The poor family – husband, wife and two children – has a thatch-and-pole house, an ox and calf, half an acre of poor land, and sharecropping rights to another quarter of an acre. When the cyclone strikes, the wealthy farmer has received a warning on his radio and leaves the area with his family and valuables in the truck. The storm surge (flood) brought by the cyclone partly destroys his house and the roof is taken off by the wind. Three of his cattle are drowned and his fields are flooded, destroying the crops. The youngest child of the poor family is drowned. The family’s house is destroyed. Both animals are drowned. The fields are flooded and the crops ruined. The wealthy family uses its savings to rebuild the house within a week. The lost cattle are replaced, and the fields ploughed and replanted. The poor family does not have savings and has to borrow money for essential shelter from a local money-lender, at exorbitant rates of interest. It manages to buy a calf, but has to hire bullocks to plough the field – which is done late, since many others are in the same position and draught animals are in short supply. As a result, the poor family goes through a hungry period eight months after the cyclone. P. Blaikie, T. Cannon, I. Davis and B. Wisner, At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disasters (London: Routledge, 1995), p. 47. 13.1.2 Protecting assets ‘Pro-poor’ development is not necessarily synonymous with vulnerability reduction, and greater wealth may not by itself reduce risk. The Kobe earthquake in 1995 is a good illustration of this point. Although Japan is a prosperous, technologically advanced country, which has invested heavily in mitigation and preparedness, there was a degree of complacency in government and society about the level of preparedness and safety, and disaster planning and management systems were inadequate. Many of the 214
  • 3. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 215 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction 5,500 deaths and much of the more than $100bn in economic losses could have been avoided.3 Assets do not protect themselves against hazards: they have to be protected. Any project seeking to build up vulnerable people’s livelihoods must take the hazard context into account. When poor people borrow money to buy livestock, tools or raw materials that can be used for income-generating activities, they are increasing their livelihood assets, which, in the long run, will help them to become more resilient to many external shocks. But drought, floods or other hazards can wipe out these assets before they have been able to generate much return on the initial investment. In such cases, those concerned actually become worse off: not only are they without assets, as before, but they also have a loan to pay back. Similar scenarios can be drawn for other development interventions – investment in a new house or workshop where there is a risk from severe flooding, for example, or construction of concrete irrigation channels across an unstable hillside. In some cases, poor and vulnerable people may make a conscious decision not to invest too heavily in particular items, choosing those that can be replaced cheaply and easily. This is an important factor in technology choice (see Chapter 10). Economic development and poverty alleviation programmes need to take the hazard context into account if they are to have a meaningful impact on vulnerability reduction in the long run. 13.2.1 Insurance Insurance is a standard and effective method of sharing risk, especially in developed countries, where it has been in use for over 300 years. Nature and benefits of insurance In theory, everyone benefits from insurance. Individuals and organisations buy it so that they can be compensated when hazards lead to death, injury or ill-health, and loss of property or income. Claims are paid quickly and without 215 13 Two kinds of financial instrument will be discussed in this section: insurance and other forms of micro-finance (especially micro-credit). economic and financial mechanisms 13.2 Financial mechanisms
  • 4. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 216 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness conditions attached. This gives policy-holders the promise of some financial stability, and hence the confidence to invest (e.g. in home improvement) or expand (e.g. a business enterprise). Insurance companies protect themselves against major catastrophes by basing insurance premiums on sophisticated calculations, spreading their own exposure across many different areas and types of risk, and buying their own insurance cover (reinsurance). Although the industry operates in a volatile environment, has suffered severe blows in developed countries – most famously from Hurricane Andrew in Florida in 1992, which forced several US insurers out of business – and is becoming very concerned about the likely impact of climate change, it has until now proved fairly robust, even when faced with major crises. Insurance funds transferred rapidly to the US following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 helped to reduce the country’s balance of payments deficit and gave the economy some stability when it was urgently needed.4 Insurance is predominantly commercial. Decisions about whether to buy and sell insurance, what kinds of cover to provide and what premiums to set, are determined by market forces. Governments sometimes intervene, either through state schemes (to protect farmers against crop losses, for example) or by making some kinds of insurance cover compulsory (such as employers’ liability or motor insurance). Other institutions can also force people to take out insurance: companies making loans to people to buy houses usually insist that they are insured. Insurance can stimulate other risk reduction measures. Insurers may only provide cover in high-risk areas if governments ensure adequate mitigation measures and emergency management systems. State crop insurance schemes may allow farmers to take the risk of planting different crops, leading to greater diversification and security against individual hazards. In the US, the National Flood Insurance Program is a partnership between public and private sectors that links the premiums paid to the level of protection: once government emergency management specialists have certified that communities and households have put particular mitigation measures in place, they are eligible for lower rates from the commercial insurers involved in the scheme.5 In Fiji, houses must be certified by a structural engineer that they have features making them cyclone-resistant before they can secure cyclone insurance cover and mortgages.6 Because of the size of the global insurance industry and its obvious value in reducing risk through risk-sharing and stimulating mitigation, disaster agencies have become interested in its potential for protecting the most 216
  • 5. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 217 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction vulnerable. However, because the industry is market-driven, its success is based on confining its coverage to places where the risks can be calculated with some accuracy and certain minimum standards such as building codes can be enforced, and to people who can afford to pay. In effect, this means that coverage is limited to developed countries and to wealthy people and larger businesses in developing countries. Commercial insurance is unavailable to the people who arguably need it most: the poorest and most vulnerable in developing countries. Insurance companies have shown hardly any interest in extending their coverage to such groups. The market impact of major disasters has driven companies to raise premiums substantially, or even withdraw cover in high-risk areas such as the hurricane-prone Caribbean and south-east US. State insurance is available in many developing countries, but premiums tend to be high and policies are aimed at the professional classes in urban areas. Insuring the poor against disasters There has been little attempt to develop wholly commercial insurance programmes targeted at poor and vulnerable people. Experience so far is not encouraging (e.g. Case Study 13.2). Some experts question if it is even possible to provide insurance cover to the poor on a commercial basis. Where insurance schemes for poor groups and individuals have been successful, they have generally originated in development programmes that 217 13 Initiatives to develop more flexible insurance tools to support poor and middle-income countries are at an early stage; many work at national rather than local levels, and they do not necessarily encourage greater emphasis on measures to reduce the impact of future disasters. economic and financial mechanisms Even in wealthy societies, many people may not take out insurance. Only 3% of homeowners in the areas hit by the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan had insurance cover: 147,000 affected homes were uninsured.7 In such circumstances, the burden of financing recovery is passed on to governments. Many people eligible for reduced premiums through the US National Flood Insurance Program do not take out insurance cover, believing that in the event of a disaster the national government will be obliged to compensate them for their losses anyway.8 All insurance schemes have to face the problem of ‘moral hazard’, where the sense of security and confidence that insurance cover provides leads to people failing to take steps to reduce risk, or even to take greater risks.
  • 6. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 218 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Case Study 13.2 Developing disaster insurance in Cambodia In 2000, Cambodia experienced its worst floods for 70 years. More than three million people were affected, mostly poor farmers; half a million were displaced and nearly 400 killed. Direct costs were estimated at $160m – equivalent to half the government’s recurrent budget for that year. In consultation with the government, international agencies, the private sector and communities, a World Bank team drew up a proposal for a project to investigate how private insurance might be used to provide relief to poor farmers. The project documented current and historic flood data, climatic conditions and rice yields, and looked at ways of collecting and managing premiums, assessing claims and giving out payments. Surveys were also carried out to determine the impact of past floods on the poor, how farmers had coped, their capacity to save and how they used savings. Farmers were prepared to save, albeit only very small amounts, and communities welcomed the idea of insurance. However, commercial reinsurers were unwilling to take on the risk of insuring poor communities likely to be affected by floods every two or 218 three years. It was found that damage assessments would be costly and time-consuming, which would delay compensation payments. There was a risk of farmers having no incentive to take measures to protect themselves because they would expect the government or insurers to cover their losses anyway. To make premiums affordable and spread the risk would have required widespread participation by farmers, and it was felt that this might not be possible without some compulsion. The project therefore looked at alternative ways of spreading the risk. These included governmentsupported insurance pools, local catastrophe funds, and building on local savings and credit schemes or informal mechanisms for selfinsurance. World Bank, Cambodia Disaster Insurance (Project 1071): First Interim Progress Report, 21 September, 2000; Cambodia Disaster Insurance (Project 1071): Second Interim Progress Report, 16 February, 2001; Working to Develop Disaster Insurance in Cambodia, 2001–2002, 1071.html, developmentnews/stories/html/ 010802a.htm.
  • 7. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 219 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction have aimed at financial sustainability rather than profit. Although there is still a lot to learn about how to make such schemes work effectively, and many of them are fairly new, recent research on the subject has documented some of these experiences in detail and provides valuable lessons.9 Such schemes are run mainly by micro-finance institutions but also by NGOs, cooperatives, governments and even companies. Business involvement is often in partnership with non-profit organisations, where the business – usually an insurance company – typically provides technical expertise (e.g. actuarial calculations regarding risks and their likely costs), assistance with marketing, or underwriting. Some schemes have an outreach of a few hundred families, but they can reach large numbers of people – millions, in a few cases. Terms and conditions vary widely, as do the administrative and financial structures used, but life insurance, which is the main form of insurance on offer, tends to be compulsory: people who wish to borrow money or open a savings account with the organisation concerned have to buy an insurance policy. The other main kinds of coverage are health and, to a lesser extent, property insurance. As this is still a new field, lessons are being learnt all the time. Schemes may have to be amended repeatedly to achieve the right balance between effec- 219 13 The insurers have to put considerable effort into marketing their schemes to people who are poor and unfamiliar with the concept and workings of insurance. One health insurance programme in Colombia claimed to have enrolled 16,000 members in seven months, but others have encountered considerable resistance.10 Local-level approaches involving community meetings and regular discussions with field workers appear to be most successful. Once households understand insurance, interest seems to be strong. Where there is already a relationship of trust between the insurer and the community – notably where the insurer is an established micro-finance institution or NGO – a base of policy-holders can be built up quickly. economic and financial mechanisms The evidence available indicates that insurance programmes for poor people, especially life insurance, can be financially viable, though the impact of major disasters on programmes has yet to be studied. In any case, insurance is a risky business. To maintain financial stability, life policies generally exclude high-risk groups such as the elderly, and certain causes of death such as epidemics. Health insurance may exclude health care costs for AIDS-related treatment or injuries arising from involvement in riots or other civil unrest. All-risk coverage for property has largely been abandoned after unsuccessful attempts in the 1970s and 1980s to provide all-risk crop insurance to farmers.
  • 8. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 220 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness tive coverage of poor and vulnerable people on the one hand, and financial sustainability on the other. This is particularly true of health insurance services, whose financial performance is much lower than that of life insurance. It may be advisable to take a long-term approach to sustainability. A major challenge is to find commercial partners who are willing to work with low-income people. This is a particular problem in reinsurance (as in Case Study 13.2 above), although a few non-profit agencies have been able to obtain it. The availability of reinsurance is the main factor affecting market growth throughout the insurance industry. Another problem is delays in settling claims. This is partly the result of bureaucratic slowness, but partly inevitable where claimants live in remote villages or communications break down because of technical failures, environmental hazards or civil unrest. There are examples of successful mutual benefit societies, where insurance funds are set up by groups to provide cover for their members. For example, in Mexico there are 200 mutual insurance funds (fondos) for farmers, with nearly 70,000 members. Each member pays an annual premium, which provides cover against crop failure due to drought, flooding, pests, disease or other emergencies. Surplus funds at the end of the year are used to provide services to members. The government provides technical support and subsidises the premiums, but the fondos have performed well financially and the intention is to raise private finance in due course. However, admission to membership of a fondo depends on its perception of a farmer’s capacity, and the scheme has been criticised for excluding poorer, more vulnerable farmers.11 Micro-insurance can be used to stimulate mitigation activities. Health insurance is often linked to preventive and primary health care programmes run by the insurer concerned (if an NGO) or a partner organisation, and policyholders may be expected to use such services. A scheme in Colombia offered regular group meetings for policy-holders to teach them how to protect their property against common hazards.12 SEWA (see Case Study 13.3) provides fruit and vegetable vendors with umbrellas, having concluded from its life insurance data that spending long hours sitting in the sun might be increasing the risk of illness.13 As well as running insurance schemes, NGOs provide technical support to schemes run by other agencies. Médecins sans Frontières, for example, has provided a doctor as part of a rural health insurance scheme in Cambodia.14 220
  • 9. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 221 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction Case Study 13.3 Insuring the vulnerable An annual premium of Rs75–360 provides different levels of life insurance and coverage for the costs of health care and property losses The two insurance company partners provide the coverage for life, health and asset insurance (life insurance is partly subsidised by the government). Maternity benefits and administrative costs are paid out of a fund established by GTZ. Another GTZ grant supports the programme’s training and educational work. By 2002, the insurance scheme had paid out claims totalling over Rs14m to more than 10,000 women. S. Sinha, Strength in Solidarity: Insurance for Women Workers in the Informal Economy (Ahmedabad: Self Employed Women’s Association, 2002). Non-profit and community organisations could also play a part in lobbying governments and others to establish non-profit insurance schemes or to create the conditions that will encourage the spread of commercial insurance cover – if not for the poor, then at least for lifeline facilities such as hospitals, schools, power plants and bridges. Informal insurance and social security systems are widespread among the poor in disaster-prone societies, though mostly in rural areas. Borrowing and 221 economic and financial mechanisms SEWA’s integrated security insurance scheme, which began in 1992, covers 70,000 members. It is run in collaboration with two national insurance companies and the German government’s aid agency GTZ, and is administered by SEWA Bank, which manages the Association’s extensive savings and credit programme. arising from floods, fires and communal riots. A small maternity benefit is also available. An alternative payment is by fixed deposit, the annual interest from the deposit being credited as the annual premium. 13 In western India, the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), with a membership of over 220,000 poor women, provides a range of services including organising members into trade organisations and cooperatives, providing loans, training and technical assistance, legal aid, child care and education.
  • 10. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 222 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness sharing are part of the social fabric in good times and bad. They comprise an important coping strategy during crises, when those who are suffering can call on neighbours or kinsfolk for food, materials or other support. Exchanges of food form an important part of famine mitigation strategies in SubSaharan Africa. Funeral or burial societies are found throughout the world, their members pooling funds to cover expenses related to the death of another member. Custom on some of the chars (silt islands) in the Jamuna River in Bangladesh allows people who have lost their homes to erosion by the river to rebuild on anyone’s land. It is understood that the favour will one day be returned: at some stage during their lifetime, most if not all of the islands’ inhabitants will be forced to move as the river changes course.15 In Uganda, self-help groups known as Munno Mukabi (Friend in Need Associations) save money that can be lent to members whenever a crisis strikes. Members also promise to make their labour available to others during a crisis or for a celebration.16 13.2.2 Micro-credit and other forms of micro-finance Micro-finance programmes are numerous and widespread in many developing countries, with a massive outreach numbering millions of people. Many NGOs run savings and credit schemes, which often form an important element in their development programmes. Such organisations are also developing a wider range of financial services for poor people. Although there are debates on the extent to which micro-finance contributes to poverty reduction and its influence compared to other factors, it is generally acknowledged to play a significant role. Micro-finance is also important in reducing vulnerability before disasters and supporting post-disaster recovery. Its considerable strategic potential in these areas is only now becoming understood and utilised. Organisations that manage savings and credit programmes for the poor – usually referred to as micro-finance institutions (MFIs) – should be more fully integrated in risk reduction initiatives. Research shows that loans, which are primarily invested in productive enterprises that generate income, are also often used to cope with present or potential crises that threaten livelihoods – by laying in stocks of food, making improvements to farmland, repairing houses, buying tools or other productive equipment, digging wells and irrigation systems, acquiring new skills, or making gifts to family and friends so that reciprocal favours can be asked later. After a disaster, credit is used by victims to speed recovery by replacing 222
  • 11. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 223 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction lost assets and helping them get back to work. Loans are often taken out to deal with household crises – especially those caused by sickness or death in the family (which has both emotional and economic consequences), but also by such shocks as food shortages, sudden price increases, loss of employment or theft. Until recently, MFIs did not pay much attention to hazards and disasters. This position altered rapidly in 1998, when flooding in Bangladesh and Hurricane Mitch in Central America caused widespread death, injury and loss among members of savings and credit programmes – and, as a result, damaged the programmes themselves. In Bangladesh, more than 30% of MFI clients lost their houses or moved to safe places; 65% suffered losses or damage to business assets; and over 90% had to suspend income-generating activities for more than three weeks. Loan recovery rates fell from 92% to 43%; MFI staff could not locate borrowers or mobilise them for group meetings.17 Some post-disaster loans are made to replace or repair physical assets: equipment for income-generating activities such as cooking utensils or sewing machines; and rebuilding business premises. The objective of such 223 13 Some MFIs provide emergency loan facilities to their clients to meet immediate needs for food, clean water or medicine. These too are made at lower interest rates or even without interest, although it seems that many clients prefer to borrow informally in such circumstances – from friends or relatives if they can, and from money-lenders if they cannot. Even where savings and credit programmes are available, informal borrowing remains important in poor communities, especially if it is to be spent on consumption, rather than invested in productive activity (at times of crisis, families go to great lengths not to use up their savings or sell off their other livelihood assets). They are more likely to take up emergency loans from MFIs if these can be made rapidly and come with few or no restrictions on the purpose for which they can be used. economic and financial mechanisms Since then, MFIs have begun looking at how to protect themselves and their clients against risk. A number of studies and good practice guidelines are now available.18 Most interest to date has been in dealing with the consequences of disasters. MFIs use a variety of methods to help those who are affected. Rescheduling loans has become a common practice. Writing off loans is undesirable, because it undermines long-term commitment by clients to repay as well as being a loss to the microfinance scheme itself. The terms of rescheduling have to be varied according to a number of factors including the nature and timing of the disaster, the community’s cash flow patterns and the MFI’s own financial situation.
  • 12. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 224 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness loans is to help households reconstruct their businesses and livelihoods. They tend to be relatively large amounts and are usually made once the relief period is over, at normal interest rates and with a longer repayment period. Only large MFIs can afford to make a large number of asset replacement and housing loans, and there is some evidence of higher than usual failures to repay. For this reason, few MFIs are prepared to make such loans. Some feel that the standard short-term working capital loan is best suited for disaster recovery. MFIs need to react quickly in a disaster, in assessing the situation and planning their response. This is not always easy, for communications may break down. During the 1998 floods in Bangladesh, many local branches of MFIs were inaccessible and it was not until the water receded that disaster victims could withdraw savings, take out new loans or renegotiate old ones. Branch staff need training to manage in such circumstances, crisis management plans should be drawn up, and clear guidance is needed on lending policy and practice. MFIs should be linked to early-warning systems, and ensure that their clients are informed about potential disasters. In the absence of other relief agencies, MFIs often undertake short-term relief work, especially if they are part of NGOs normally involved in other development and humanitarian activities. This can cause problems for staff who are not trained as aid workers. MFIs engaged in relief also need to communicate clearly to their clients that their efforts are temporary and one-off, and do not influence their primary role as providers of finance. MFIs can prepare for disasters in many ways. In Bangladesh, it is common practice for MFIs to put a percentage of clients’ ‘compulsory savings’ into an emergencies fund, which can be made available quickly to disaster-affected borrowers in the form of emergency loans (compulsory savings are regular deposits made by borrowers to build up collateral against their loans: normally they cannot be withdrawn while loan repayments are still outstanding). The Grameen Bank reported that 95% of its compulsory savings were withdrawn during the 1998 flood, while two-thirds of the clients of another large lending NGO withdrew more than half their compulsory savings. Such rapid, large-scale withdrawals caused problems for smaller Bangladeshi MFIs which had reinvested compulsory savings in their standard loan programmes: some could only release 25–50% of clients’ savings.19 The stricter the conditions attached to the use of compulsory savings, the more likely it is that poor people will turn to other sources of loans, including money-lenders. MFIs may introduce preparedness and mitigation initiatives for their clients. This is more likely where the micro-finance programme or institution is part of 224
  • 13. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 225 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction a larger NGO’s portfolio. Some MFIs in Bangladesh have made subsidised loans for emergency preparedness purchases such as food, fuel, water purification tablets and rehydration tablets. Housing loans may be provided in normal times to help clients build in safer locations. MFIs can encourage their clients to form insurance funds. In India, a federation of self-help groups called Vaigai Vattara Kalangiyam, encouraged by an MFI called PRADHAN, operates its own welfare/disaster insurance fund linked to the insurance scheme operated by the state insurance company and similar to the SEWA scheme described in Case Study 13.3. In Mali and Burkina Faso, MFIs have arranged for their clients to rent space in seed and grain banks to store cereals as a reserve during droughts and famine. Some MFIs insist that their members develop a contingency plan to deal with disasters. In Burkina Faso, this is reported to have been effective in reducing arrears in loan repayment during drought in 1995.20 Like insurers, MFIs can spread their risk, by making sure that they serve poor clients in areas less likely to be affected by hazards, or by lending to people involved in more than one sector of the economy. For this, they need to undertake their own risk assessments. But even well-prepared MFIs are unlikely to be able to cope with disasters on the scale of those that hit Bangladesh and Central America in 1998. For such events, additional support is needed, which is why MFIs and international donors have begun to experiment with donor-backed reserves that can be released quickly in an emergency. 225 13 One important lesson from the 1998 Bangladesh floods was the need to protect the MFIs themselves, which soon found themselves critically short of funds as their disaster-affected borrowers failed to make repayments. The practice of putting money aside into emergency reserves is becoming more widespread in areas with regular disasters such as monsoon floods, but this means that less money is available to lend to the poor on a regular basis, and it is harder to justify in places where disasters are less frequent. An alternative is to make savings and credit groups pay a percentage of their own loans into an emergency fund. In both cases, questions arise over ownership, rights of access, decision-making, and terms and conditions. economic and financial mechanisms Evidence of MFI-stimulated disaster mitigation activity is patchy. It seems that such initiatives have not been widely replicated. The potential appears to be considerable, however, which highlights the need for more dialogue between MFIs and other development and disaster management agencies about collaborative efforts to reduce risk.
  • 14. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 226 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Case Study 13.4 Adapting micro-finance to disasters Ashrai (the name means ‘shelter’ in English) was set up in 1991 to improve the social and economic conditions of tribal people in the Barind Tract in north-west Bangladesh. It works with some 1,200 village societies representing 25,000 families. The main activity is establishing and supporting savings and credit groups, mostly women’s groups. It also has its own revolving loan fund, from which established societies can borrow in equal proportion to their savings. From late 1997, a series of emergencies led Ashrai to establish and build up emergency loan funds. The first was set up in January 1998 to help 5,773 families affected by a severe cold spell to buy clothes and blankets. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) made a grant to establish the fund. Loans were to be repaid within 18 months, at an interest rate of 6% per annum. However, many of the families were subsequently hit by the exceptional floods later that year. The previous emergency loans had to be rescheduled, and 2,794 new emergency loans were made to repair houses and buy seeds, tools and fertilisers. To do this, a second emergency loan fund was established with a second grant from SDC, again at 6% interest per annum but this time with a two-year repayment period that reflected the severity of the disaster. As in the preceding winter, the local Ashrai savings and credit societies and their umbrella organisations helped to identify the most needy. In 1999, Ashrai and SDC decided to merge the two emergency loan funds into a single permanent fund for future major events. Because of the impact of the disasters, people’s capacity to repay the emergency loans was limited. By December 2000, the emergency fund had recovered 91% of the amount disbursed because of extreme cold, and 67% of its loans to flood victims. Micro-finance in Disasters (London: British Red Cross Society (London: NGO Initiatives in Risk Reduction, Case Study 17, 2001), There is also potential for using non-financial credit – loans of seeds, tools or materials – to help reduce risk. This does not appear to have been explored 226
  • 15. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 227 chapter 13 economic and financial mechanisms for risk reduction widely, other than in the case of grain and seed banks (see Case Study 15.3, page 264). 13.3 Chapter summary • Economic development and poverty reduction are essential elements in any risk reduction strategy. • Livelihood diversification is central to poor people’s coping strategies, but is generally overlooked in disaster mitigation programmes. • Greater wealth reduces risk by giving households more options at times of crisis and speeding their recovery from disasters. But livelihood assets do not protect themselves: they must be protected against hazards. • Insurance is a standard and effective method of spreading risk, but commercial insurance is confined to richer countries and people, and insurers are reluctant to cover poor, high-risk groups. • Insurance schemes for the poor run by micro-finance institutions and NGOs can be financially viable, but this is a new area of work and there is still much to learn about how to make such schemes effective. • Micro-finance has the potential to play a significant part in reducing vulnerability before disaster, and supporting recovery. • Most interest among micro-finance institutions has been in dealing with the consequences of disasters (e.g. through rescheduling loans or making emergency loans), although some work has been done to stimulate predisaster measures (e.g. creation of emergency funds, lending for specific disaster preparedness activities). 2 3 4 5 6 7 J. Sebstad and M. Cohen, Microfinance, Risk Management, and Poverty (Washington DC: Management Systems International (AIMS Project), 2000), pp. 48–75, A. Heijmans and L. P. Victoria, Citizenry-Based & Development-Oriented Disaster Response: Experiences and Practices in Disaster Management of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network in the Philippines (Quezon City: Center for Disaster Preparedness, 2001), pp. 57–63. World Disasters Report 1996 (Oxford: Oxford University Press/IFRC, 1996), pp: 65–75. E. Adamsdale, Transferring Risk: Potential Partnerships between the Insurance Industry and the Humanitarian Sector (London: British Red Cross Society, 2002). See the NFIP website: C. Benson, The Economic Impact of Natural Disasters in Fiji (London: ODI (Working Paper 97), 1997), p. 70. J. R. Heywood, ‘Natural Hazards as Problems for Insurers’, in Preventing ‘Natural’ Disasters – The Role of Risk Control and Insurance (London: UK National Coordination Committee for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, 1995), p. 16. 227 13 1 economic and financial mechanisms Notes
  • 16. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 228 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness 8 D. R. Godschalk et al., Natural Hazard Mitigation: Recasting Disaster Policy and Planning (Washington, DC: Island Press, 1999), pp. 68-9. 9 W. Brown and C. F. Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part I: A Primer on Insurance Principles and Products (Washington DC: Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 1999),; W. Brown and C. F. Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part II: Initial Lessons from Micro-Insurance Experiments for the Poor (Washington DC: Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 2000),; Adamsdale, Transferring Risk. 10 Brown and Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part II, p. 49. 11 Adamsdale, Transferring Risk. 12 Brown and Churchill, Insurance Provision in Low-Income Communities, Part II, pp. 66, 70. 13 Ibid., p. 89. 14 Adamsdale, Transferring Risk. 15 H. Schmuck, Living with the Floods: Survival Strategies of Char-Dwellers in Bangladesh (Berlin: ASA-Programm of the Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft, 1996), pp. 70–71. 16 Sebstad and Cohen, Microfinance, Risk Management, and Poverty, p. 58. 17 Rapid-Onset Natural Disaster Technical Briefs, Brief 1 (Washington DC: Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), undated), 18 Ibid., Briefs 1–8; G. Nagarajan, Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters: Challenges and Opportunities (Washington DC: Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 1998),; J. Parker and G. Nagarajan, Can Microfinance Meet the Poor’s Financial Needs in Times of Natural Disaster? (Washington DC: Development Alternatives (Microenterprise Best Practices Project), 2000),; Sebstad and Cohen, Microfinance, Risk Management, and Poverty. 19 Rapid-Onset Natural Disaster Technical Briefs, Brief 3. 20 Nagarajan, Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters, pp. 22, 27. 228
  • 17. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 229 Chapter 14 Managing urban risk 14.1 Hazards, risk and vulnerability in urban areas Half the world’s population lives in towns and cities. Within 30 years, this proportion may rise to two-thirds. The rate of urbanisation is greatest in the South. About two-thirds of the world’s current urban population – 1.9bn people – live in low- and middle-income nations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. At least 600m of these are so poor that their income and other assets are not enough to provide their essential needs. The causes of urban growth are varied and complex, but among the main ones are economic and environmental pressures driving poor people from the countryside to seek a living in the towns. Poverty and poor urban management mean that many cities in the South are expanding rapidly and in an uncontrolled way. This has led to severe social, economic and environmental problems. It is also putting ever-greater numbers of people at risk from natural and technological hazards. The themes discussed in this book apply just as much to urban as to other settings. At the same time, managing urban risks presents several distinct challenges. These arise from the specific features of urban hazards and vulnerability, and from the socio-economic and institutional environment in towns and cities, which has a profound influence on the capacity of communities and municipal authorities to address risk effectively. The following discussion draws heavily on the work of the International Institute for Environment and Development’s Human Settlements Programme on urban environmental problems.1 • Biological hazards: diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. • Chemical hazards: polluted water, indoor and outdoor air pollution from fires, chemicals, industrial processes and vehicles, dumped garbage and hazardous wastes. 229 14 Environmental hazards are the main cause of ill-health, injury and premature death in urban areas of the South. People living in towns and cities in developing countries face a large number of environmental hazards. They include: managing urban risk 14.1.1 Urban hazards
  • 18. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 230 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness • Physical hazards: fire, floods, housing on slopes at risk of landslides, earthquakes, cyclones, extreme temperatures, accidents due to inadequate infrastructure or facilities (e.g. open drains, missing manhole covers, lack of pavements and places to cross roads). Many of these hazards are also present in rural locations, but they become particularly threatening in densely-populated urban areas. There is a strong likelihood of major urban disasters in future, especially in mega-cities, many of which are sited in earthquake zones or along coastlines struck by cyclones. Earthquakes in major urban centres were responsible for some of the greatest disasters in the 20th century – Tokyo in 1923, with 143,000 killed, and Tangshan in China in 1976, where the death toll was probably 250,000. The economic effects even of far less severe earthquakes can be colossal: damages resulting from the 1995 Kobe earthquake amounted to over $100 billion. Man-made and technological hazards such as fires, pollution, industrial and road accidents assume much greater importance in towns and cities, where there are also particularly acute public health problems arising from pollution and inadequate sanitation in high-density settlements. Air pollution presents particular problems for the elderly and children. This is a largely urban hazard (apart from indoor cooking fires, which are a hazard anywhere). Large numbers of people and vehicles and concentrations of industrial activities produce considerable volumes of air pollutants. Where these become trapped in the atmosphere, their concentration increases and people are exposed to them for longer. This is a particular problem in highaltitude cities: Mexico City is notorious for its air pollution; in Kathmandu the problem is growing rapidly. Air pollution is normally treated as a public health issue rather than a problem for disaster managers, but its consequences can be severe. An estimated 130,000 premature deaths and 50–70m incidents of respiratory illness occur each year due to episodes of urban air pollution in developing countries.2 In Santiago, Chile, a $911m, 15-year programme to reduce severe air pollution from particulates, carbon monoxide and groundlevel ozone was launched in 1998. It aims to prevent 11,000 premature deaths and 65m medical visits resulting from smogs in the city.3 Cities also tend to be much warmer than the surrounding countryside, and night-time cooling is lower than in rural areas. This ‘heat island’ effect is caused by the concentration of large heat-retaining structures, asphalt and concrete landscapes, physical obstruction of cooling breezes by buildings, and heat produced by industrial and domestic activities. In Mexico City, for instance, 230
  • 19. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 231 chapter 14 managing urban risk temperatures can be 10°C higher than in surrounding areas.4 Many cities are not well designed to deal with this problem. Ventilation and heat management are rarely considered seriously in urban planning, or taken into account in emergency planning, even in developed countries (see Case Study 14.1). Case Study 14.1 Impact of an urban heat wave 231 S. A. Changnon et al., ‘Impacts and Responses to the 1995 Heat Wave: A Call to Action’, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 77, no. 7, 1996, pp. 1497–1506. managing urban risk Energy use for air conditioning and other cooling increased rapidly, leading to a power failure affecting over 40,000 people. Highways and railways were damaged by heaving and buckling of joints and rails. Many companies indicated that work efficiency was greatly reduced. The municipal authorities did not respond well. Officials did not declare a heat emergency – which would have activated the city’s heat emergency plan – until four days into the heat wave. This was a major factor in the high death count. Without advance warning, few inhabitants used Chicago’s five ‘cooling centers’: places with air conditioning and other facilities for people to relax and rest. Thousands of heat-afflicted people had to be taken to hospital during the heat wave, but there were not enough ambulances available and fire engines had to be used. Hospitals could not handle the high number of admissions. In response to sharp public criticism, the city’s mayor was forced to appoint a commission to discover what had gone wrong and what should be done in future. This led to a new, more comprehensive, warning and emergency plan for dealing with heat waves. 14 Heat waves claim an estimated 1,000 lives each year on average in the US. A severe five-day heat wave in July 1995 caused 525 deaths in Chicago. In this as in other heat waves, older people were the prime victims: 73% of those who died were people aged 65 or more. African-Americans were nearly twice as likely to die from the heat as whites. Most deaths were in the inner city, where temperatures did not fall off much at night, and in homes without air conditioning or where residents did not operate air conditioning or fans because they could not afford to. There were suggestions that older people without air conditioning were afraid to leave doors and windows open at night to cool their homes down because of the perceived threat of crime.
  • 20. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 232 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Urban food security presents a potentially serious risk, especially in megacities. The level of urban populations’ dependence on food brought in from outside and purchased in markets is very high and will remain so, especially in the largest cities. Serious problems can arise where food supplies are cut or prices rise beyond the reach of the poor, and this may happen suddenly as the result of political and socio-economic factors or natural hazards such as droughts and floods. Little attention has been paid to this risk in disaster management circles, despite the obvious social and political consequences of food insecurity, the difficulty of identifying vulnerable groups in this context and the considerable operational challenge in obtaining large amounts of food and distributing it to the most needy.5 14.1.2 Urban vulnerability Poverty, gender, class, caste and ethnicity are powerful influences on urban vulnerability, as they are in rural areas; but urban life adds new dimensions. Poor and marginalised people are likely to live in poor-quality housing, in neighbourhoods without clean water, drains and paved roads, where sanitation systems, garbage collection and public health services are inadequate. This makes them vulnerable to a variety of environmental hazards. Poverty forces people to live in the most polluted and dangerous areas: river valleys, flood plains, hillsides, next to roads, waste dumps and hazardous industries. Where they lack legal title to their property – as in many urban settlements – and live in fear of eviction they have little incentive to invest in private or communal mitigation measures, and in any case have little money for doing so. Landlords are often unwilling to invest in their properties, and may raise the rents of those improved by their tenants. Local governments may refuse to provide services to informal settlements on the grounds that this will imply recognition of the inhabitants’ right to the land where they have settled. High housing and population densities magnify the effects of pollution and disease. Domestic fires, which are a significant risk in houses made of materials that burn easily, such as wood, thatch and cardboard, can, where homes are packed tightly together, easily get out of control. Industrial accidents can be devastating. According to official figures, the explosion at a chemical factory in the Indian city of Bhopal in 1984 resulted in nearly 3,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries; more than 200,000 people had to be evacuated.6 232
  • 21. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 233 chapter 14 managing urban risk Case Study 14.2 Overcoming a food crisis in a mega-city The Indonesian government’s programme to provide food at subsidised prices to those in need The alternative supported by one international donor was to use existing commercial channels. Indonesian firms ground imported wheat into flour and used it to produce noodles, which are an important part of the urban diet. These were sold through normal outlets – retailers and pavement stalls and restaurants frequented by the poor – with prices fixed at levels that were affordable but nevertheless commercially viable. Although it took time to get the project going, it was able to reach approximately a million people per month over a period of eight months. C. Kelly, Acute Food Insecurity in MegaCities: Issues and Assistance Options (London: Benfield Hazard Research Centre (Working Paper 7), 2003), Uncontrolled urban development damages the environment and increases risk. Deforestation, land clearance and subsequent construction may expose hillsides, making them more vulnerable to landslides. Natural drainage is impeded 233 managing urban risk However, the Indonesian economy began to break down from mid-1998, largely as a result of rapid political change and insecurity. This put large numbers of people out of work, pushed up food and other prices and made it difficult for the government to obtain foreign credit to finance food imports. In the capital, Jakarta, levels of malnutrition increased, and it became clear that a large proportion of the population was suffering from food insecurity. was put under considerable pressure. NGO-managed food distribution was not a realistic alternative, because of the scale of the operation and the fact that the NGOs with relevant experience were working in rural areas. 14 Indonesia’s food security structures came under great pressure during the 1997–98 El Niño event, when drought reduced rice production and additional imports were needed. The government had sufficient operational capacity and access to financing to ensure that food was purchased and distributed, while donor agencies also embarked on food assistance programmes in rural areas, and large-scale severe food insecurity was largely avoided.
  • 22. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 234 ©Intermediate Technology/Colin Palmer disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness when flood plains are built upon. Unregulated construction leads to unsafe buildings, and here the middle classes are also likely to be vulnerable: many of the fatalities in earthquakes have been in badly-built apartment blocks. Urban life has a profound impact on livelihoods and coping strategies. Towndwellers rely on cash income from their labour to a much Urban vulnerability: a hillside urban slum greater extent than those in Lima, Peru who live in the countryside. Livelihood strategies are therefore heavily based on finding paid work. Moreover, the poor are more likely to undertake dangerous work. Social capital in the form of community organisations and support networks may be weak in new, relatively unstable urban communities, especially those that comprise many different social groups. Newcomers are likely to lack experience and understanding of specifically urban hazards and avoidance strategies. Dependence on public support systems and structures (power, water supplies, public transport infrastructure and emergency services) and external food supplies is much greater in urban areas. Politicians and officials have to be lobbied to make improvements to services, but the poor tend to have the least political influence. City and municipal authorities often lack the resources and political will to control pollution, provide adequate infrastructure and services, make suitable land available to poor people and implement large-scale mitigation measures. 14.2 Urban risk reduction: constraints and opportunities 14.2.1 Local-level mitigation The preceding discussion suggests that options for reducing urban risk through local-level initiatives are limited. It is true that only action by municipal authorities can reduce pollution and other sources of risk on a significant 234
  • 23. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 235 chapter 14 managing urban risk Box 14.1 Physical vulnerability to natural hazards in urban areas • • • • • • Older residential buildings in densely-populated areas, which have been poorly maintained, altered or extended, or are overcrowded. Buildings erected before adequate standards and controls were designed, or that have been built without observing standards and regulations. Unplanned, ‘informal’ settlements in marginal, hazardprone areas, where houses do not incorporate safety features. Modern buildings of poor design or construction quality. Communication and control centres concentrated in one area. Hospital facilities that are insufficient for treating large numbers of casualties or which may not be accessible in a disaster. Schools and other community buildings that have been built to low construction standards or which cannot be used as • • • • • • emergency shelters. Poorly designed or badly built roads, railways, bridges and viaducts, embankments and culverts, whose collapse could prevent access by the emergency services, movement of relief supplies and evacuation of casualties. Narrow streets that become blocked with debris and stalled traffic, also impeding emergency assistance. Water mains that are liable to rupture, resulting in pollution and disease. Sewers that flood, spreading disease. Electrical supply lines and systems, which are liable to failure. Gas mains that rupture, with the risk of fires. Industrial facilities that are damaged, leading to leakage of hazardous chemicals or to fires and explosions. Institution of Civil Engineers, Megacities: Reducing Vulnerability to Natural Disasters (London: Thomas Telford, 1995), pp. 17–18. scale, ensure the resilience of public infrastructure, manage mass evacuations and maintain emergency services, and – with additional support from national governments – reduce the pressure from the many underlying socio- 235 managing urban risk • • 14 Buildings and physical infrastructure which may be vulnerable to the effects of natural hazard events include:
  • 24. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 236 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness economic forces that make urban dwellers vulnerable. Nevertheless, it is possible to make a difference at local level, and even relatively small-scale interventions can have a meaningful impact. The kinds of improvement that can be made at this level include the following. Better water and sanitation Reliable supplies of clean water and adequate sanitation and sewerage systems are essential to reduce water-related infections. Low-cost technologies for putting up stand-pipes and building latrines and drains have long been available and, with full community participation, extensive water and sanitation systems can be installed (see Case Study 14.3). The importance of making such facilities disaster-resistant is sometimes overlooked, but this too is relatively simple in technical terms. For example, in areas regularly visited by floods, water pipes and pumps can be raised above anticipated water levels, latrines can be sited where they are less likely to be flooded, drains and sewers can be designed to cope with large volumes of water, and regularly-spaced manholes can give easy access to drains and sewers if they need to be unblocked. Improved storm and surface water drainage This reduces flooding and the risk of water-borne diseases, and eliminates breeding sites for mosquitoes and other disease vectors. Blockage of drains by plastic bags and other rubbish is a major cause of urban flooding, but can easily be resolved through community action. Technical improvements should be planned with careful thought to their consequences. For example, slum dwellers in Indore, India, interviewed in 1994, reported that flood drainage had worsened since the replacement of open drains with closed ones. The open drains were larger and less easily blocked, and rubbish and excreta left on the streets were washed into them to be taken away. Some of the new – blocked – drains ‘backed up’, depositing water and sewage in people’s homes.7 Management of solid waste The main element of this is removal of garbage to reduce the risk of disease and prevent blocked drains. Some activities, such as sorting household waste, can be managed relatively easily at community level. 236
  • 25. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 237 chapter 14 managing urban risk Case Study 14.3 Community-based sanitation The Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) in the city of Karachi, Pakistan, is wellknown internationally as an example of a large-scale, long-term initiative based on the skills and resources of the urban poor. Established in the 1980s in Orangi, one of Karachi’s poorest districts, the OPP’s programme of building low-cost underground sewers had, by 2001, benefited over 92,000 families (almost 90% of the settlement) and the community had invested over 82m rupees (approximately £924,000) in the system. With the elimination of the old open sewers, infant mortality rates fell greatly (from 130 per 1,000 live births in 1982 to 37 per 1,000 in 1991), mobility was easier and the cleaner open spaces in front of houses created safer play areas for children and space for social contact and recreation. OPP’s achievements have attracted considerable interest from aid agencies and led to many attempts to replicate the approach elsewhere, with varying degrees of success. OPP has provided training and advice to municipal government and other projects. It has also achieved some striking successes in lobbying against proposals for donor-funded sewerage schemes and presenting lower-cost alternatives. A. Zaidi, From the Lane to the City: The Impact of the Orangi Pilot Project’s Low Cost Sanitation Model (London: WaterAid, 2001), site/in_depth/in_depth_publications. 14 managing urban risk Although Orangi’s sloping terrain helped drainage and hence made construction of the sewerage system easier and cheaper than it would have been on flatter ground, the main reason for the initiative’s success has been OPP’s firm insistence on making community organisations the primary players and refusing external funding, which it believes would make communities dependent on outsiders and make projects less cost-effective. Although OPP provides technical advice and encouragement, community organisations direct the projects, which use local labour and materials. The communities are responsible for raising the funds to pay for the work. 237
  • 26. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 238 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Flood and landslide defences A number of appropriate-technology measures can be implemented at local level. For example, many urban households and communities implement smallscale structural improvements, temporary or permanent, to protect against flood water and the pollutants it carries: houses are put on raised plinths, or where this is too costly doorsteps and house fronts are raised; concrete slabs or rubble and other landfill materials are used to create paths through standing water; inside houses, there are shelves and raised platforms to store goods safely, and electricity connections are put at head height. Flooding can also be curbed by planting trees and other vegetation to absorb rainwater; the creation of open spaces assists this. Landslides have been controlled by building retaining walls out of old car tyres (see Chapter 10.2.2, page 147). Creating safer living environments This can take many forms. Within the home, use of alternative household fuels can reduce the risk of indoor air pollution and fires. Better-quality housing provides greater resilience to certain types of hazard. Less crowded settlements minimise risks to large groups of people and provide escape routes and safe places, but this can be difficult to manage where pressure on land is great. Relocation, and avoiding hazardous areas These measures are often suggested as a solution to disaster risk, but there are serious problems associated with them. Relocation to less hazardous areas is highly effective in reducing physical risks, but overlooks the centrality of livelihood security to vulnerable people and the intensity of the socioeconomic pressures that drive them to occupy hazardous land. People settle in hazardous locations for a variety of reasons, but the main ones are livelihood-related: • rents are cheaper; • they are closer to places of employment and job opportunities; • there is access to markets (for buying and selling), health services, schools, electricity and water; and • in central locations, they are more visible to the public, which means that there is a better chance of receiving funds for improvements. 238
  • 27. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 239 chapter 14 managing urban risk Relocation schemes, on the other hand, tend to involve sites on the edges of cities. Land may be more readily available and affordable here, but jobs and many other facilities are not. For this reason, relocation is often resisted by vulnerable groups, although pressure can be brought to bear on them to move. In some cases, there are suspicions that relocation of communities is a pretext for land to be cleared for more commercial development.8 Handled sensitively, and with full community participation, relocation can bring benefits, but it is a complex process (see Case Study 14.4). Better working environments Improved health and safety practices reduce the risk of disease and injury from unsafe working conditions and exposure to hazardous materials. Lobbying for better environmental management This includes calling for improved water and sanitation, health and safety at work, and curbs on polluting industries and practices. It means targeting private-sector polluters as well as public authorities. This is a necessary task but a difficult one, as the private sector is powerful and resistant to pressure, while public authorities may be unable or unwilling to support community groups to challenge industrial practices that create risk. There are instances of community organisations fighting successfully against pollution and commercial developments that threaten them, but there are many more examples of failure. For example, one-third of industrial enterprises surveyed in the city of Lahore, Pakistan, had received complaints about pollution from local groups and people, but none had made any significant efforts to improve their practices.9 Urban agriculture 14 They are also well placed to exploit the potential of urban agriculture, which is surprisingly extensive, especially in Africa and on the edges of towns and cities, and has grown significantly since the late 1970s in response to need. Globally, about 200m urban dwellers are also urban farmers, providing food and income to an estimated 700m people. Evidence from cities across the managing urban risk Towns and cities largely depend on actions at national and even international levels to ensure adequate and affordable supplies of food; NGOs do not have the capacity to manage acute, large-scale urban food crises (see Case Study 14.2). However, local-level agencies can play a role in food monitoring and distribution. 239
  • 28. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 240 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Case Study 14.4 Community participation in relocation The city of Santo André, with 62,500 inhabitants, is part of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, one of Brazil’s largest industrial centres. About 15% of the population lives in slums located in flood- and landslide-prone areas. In 1997, under its slum upgrading programme, the municipality identified the Sacadura Cabral settlement, where 780 families lived, as a priority area. The settlement was prone to flooding every year and was very densely populated (853 people/hectare). To achieve upgrading and reduce flood risk, it was necessary to level the area with earth and relocate some 200 families to nearby areas. The initial top-down, random-selection method for identifying families to be moved was strongly resisted by local people, so it was dropped and replaced with a series of meetings with communities and their leaders. A new proposal was then developed jointly, which comprised: • construction of 200 apartments in a housing complex one • • • kilometre from Sacadura Cabral, and the relocation of 200 families to live in them (at the end of 1998); subsidised credit for the families that acquired the apartments; demolition of the relocated families’ homes and levelling of the land, followed by a process of internal relocation within the settlement and levelling of the rest of the flood-prone area; reconstruction of homes by the people concerned, with technical assistance from the local government. Selection of the families to be moved was undertaken in consultation with the community, on the basis of agreed criteria including income levels and family size. Several planning meetings were held throughout the settlement. M. G. G. Oliveira and R. Denaldi, ‘Community Participation in Relocation Programmes: The Case of the Slum Sacadura Cabral in Santo André – Brazil’, Open House International, vol. 24, no. 3, 1999, pp. 24–32. South has shown that urban agriculture can have a considerable impact on local food production and consumption, as well as livelihoods. There is 240
  • 29. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 241 chapter 14 managing urban risk probably much that can be done to promote and develop it. At the same time, urban agriculture can bring its own hazards, such as creating breeding sites for mosquitoes through irrigation, exposure to pesticides, contamination of crops from the presence of lead and other heavy metals in the soil, and contamination from the use of human excrement as fertiliser.10 The potential gains and risks of urban agriculture projects should be considered carefully by organisations working at local level. 14.2.2 Community-based approaches Formal and informal social organisations exist in every part of a town or city where people live and work. But the notion of a ‘community’ may be quite different from rural areas, because in an urban district there is often a complex mix of very different social groups within a small area. The locus of organisation for people may be their neighbourhood – the district where they live – rather than a social community.11 This presents problems to NGOs and other agencies trying to establish locally-based mitigation initiatives. The mutual suspicion that often exists between officials and people living in informal settlements adds to the difficulty. It is useful to distinguish between ‘private’ and ‘public’ space when implementing community-level risk reduction measures in urban areas. Most 241 14 Participatory initiatives (see Chapters 7.4 and 8) can help to break down barriers between social groups as well as identifying opportunities for locallevel action. Community vulnerability analysis and action plans can be used in advocacy, and other stakeholders – city government departments, NGOs, academic institutions – can be brought into urban action planning processes.13 There are indications that such approaches have galvanised community action in risk reduction, and stimulated greater cooperation with officials (see Case Study 14.5), but more thorough documentation and analysis are needed to understand how this process works in different contexts. managing urban risk Nevertheless, many communities are willing to undertake risk-reducing measures collectively where they are able to do so. For example, a survey of households in the Albouystown district of Georgetown, Guyana, found that, even though relatively few people were members of community-based organisations, 63% of those interviewed cleaned drains with their neighbours, and 53% cleaned streets with their neighbours.12 The Orangi Pilot Project (Case Study 14.3) and other schemes inspired by it in Pakistan demonstrate that community-based action is possible on a relatively large scale.
  • 30. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 242 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Case Study 14.5 Building bridges in Lima The Caqueta district in Peru’s capital, Lima, grew rapidly in the late 1980s, and by 1999 was estimated to be housing 15,500 people living in buildings ranging from wooden shacks to constructions of adobe and concrete. A 30-foot-deep ravine formed by the Rimac river crosses the district. Landslides at its edge are frequent, damaging and destroying squatter housing. Several initiatives have been discussed to solve the problem of the ravine. They include covering it with a lightweight structure on which industrial enterprises could be built, and relocating residents and removing all buildings and infrastructure. But none of these essentially large-scale, technological approaches has been implemented, owing to their complexity and cost, lack of political will and administrative coordination, and failure to consult with local people, who do not want to move away from their places of work. A different approach was attempted by a local NGO, Instituto Para la Democracia Local (IPADEL), with support from external consultants. The project team carried out an evaluation of local hazards, vulnerabilities (physical and social) 242 and capacities, based on surveys, questionnaires and participatory workshops with market and housing association representatives. The evaluation’s findings fed into a three-day planning workshop attended by representatives of municipalities, traders’ and residents’ associations, local NGOs and the fire services. Several ideas for reducing risk were put forward. Two were accomplished by the project. The first was to improve the pedestrian bridge across the ravine by installing protective sides high enough to prevent children from falling off. The second initiative was to reduce fire risk in the local markets. Several planning and training workshops were held involving traders and firemen. One consequence of the work was an improvement in relations between the two groups. Fire-fighters had previously been seen as part of the municipal authority and, given a tradition of tensions between the authority and market traders, as hostile to the traders. D. Sanderson, ‘Implementing Action Planning to Reduce Urban Risk’, Open House International, vol. 24, no. 3, 1999, pp. 33–39.
  • 31. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 243 chapter 14 managing urban risk people will take steps to protect their own homes, as far as they are able, but the extent of their responsibility for protecting public space may be less clear. Urban residents are likely to feel that it is the municipal authorities’ responsibility to take care of streets, drains and other communal facilities. Yet the boundary between private and public space may be drawn differently in different areas. In one community, keeping lanes clear of refuse and debris may be seen as a community responsibility; in another, it may be seen as the authorities’ task. A community’s willingness to take on responsibility for managing environmental risks also depends on how far it feels government should, and can, do so. 14.2.3 Partnership Local-level activity must be linked to town- or city-wide measures to improve services and mitigate the impact of hazards. Without this, local initiatives will always be threatened by external pressures. Towns and cities are affected by pressures coming from beyond their boundaries, but local organisations can only address these through advocacy. This makes it particularly important to develop risk management partnerships between communities, grass-roots organisations, NGOs, municipal authorities and others (see Case Study 14.6). The introduction of Local Agenda 21s – programmes for addressing environmental problems, mandated by the Agenda 21 programme agreed at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 – has created space for better partnerships by moving environmental planning into the public arena, providing for more extensive public consultation and partnerships. Local authorities are being encouraged to think less about doing everything themselves, and instead to put greater effort into creating ‘enabling frameworks’ that facilitate partnerships between groups. Within its comprehensive environmental coverage, Agenda 21 includes problems of human settlement planning and management in disaster-prone areas.14 243 14 Much of the attention being given to disaster risk in urban areas has concentrated on the problems of cities. Here, the scale of the problems makes involvement of municipal and even central governments particularly important. But most of the urban population in developing countries does not live in cities but in smaller market towns and administrative centres. It is in such places that most urban growth is taking place. Here, it can be easier to create the partnerships needed to tackle problems at local level – and it is arguably managing urban risk A number of other international initiatives address aspects of urban risk reduction, focusing particularly on municipal authorities (see Box 14.2).
  • 32. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 244 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness Case Study 14.6 Collaborative action planning for earthquakes The Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Project (KVERMP) is one of a number of initiatives in South and South-East Asia under the Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Programme (see Box 14.2). The Kathmandu Valley, with a population of over a million people, is vulnerable to earthquakes. It has not suffered a major earthquake since 1934, but many experts believe that another is long overdue. KVERMP has addressed several aspects of risk reduction by developing a scenario and action plan, making schools safer by retrofitting, raising public awareness and building the capacity of local institutions. The first step was to assess the valley’s earthquake risk. The project did not attempt to develop a new, improved assessment of this risk, which would have been a complex, costly exercise. Instead, it chose to present what was already known about that risk in a form that was understandable to officials and the public. This made it easier to involve a range of groups in the subsequent action planning. About 80 different organisations, mostly from government but also including NGOs, academic institutions, businesses and donors, were involved in 244 creating the action plan. Many different risk reduction measures were proposed, and project staff visited participating organisations to discuss these, and the feasibility of including them in the plan. A draft plan was then distributed to all the stakeholders for comment. The final draft was presented at a two-day workshop attended by 85 representatives of all the organisations involved, who discussed its approach and contents and helped to set priorities. The agreed action plan was printed and launched by the Prime Minister at an event to mark the country’s annual Earthquake Safety Day, and distributed widely. It is used regularly in training and orientation programmes, and has generated considerable debate and feedback among local inhabitants, policymakers, administrators and scientific and technical specialists. A. M. Dixit et al., ‘Mitigation Planning and Implementation: Experiences of KVERMP’, in Proceedings: Regional Workshop on Best Practices in Disaster Mitigation. Lessons learned from the Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program and Other Initiatives, 24–26 September 2002, Bali, Indonesia (Bangkok: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, 2002), pp. 181–87.
  • 33. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 245 chapter 14 managing urban risk Box 14.2 International initiatives in urban risk reduction 245 In 1998–99, the UN ISDR’s Risk Assessment Tools for Diagnosis of Urban Areas against Seismic Disasters (RADIUS) project worked in nine cities to develop risk assessment methods, raise public awareness and produce action plans. Post-project evaluations have provided examples of the action plans being used for emergency training, urban development planning and updating official disaster management structures. The assessment tools are also being adopted by other towns and cities.17 Local Authorities Confronting Disasters and Emergencies (LACDE) is a worldwide network of local authorities and other organisations seeking to increase local government’s understanding and capacity to deal with disasters of all kinds. Its main activities are wellattended annual conferences and a newsletter.18 managing urban risk The Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Programme (AUDMP), managed by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in Bangkok, is a six-year initiative covering eight countries in South and South-East Asia. It aims to establish sustainable public and private sector mechanisms for disaster mitigation, and to promote the replication and adaptation of successful approaches. Its activities comprise demonstration projects in each country to assess, design and implement measures to mitigate a number of natural and technological hazards, information-sharing and networking, and training.16 14 The Healthy Cities Programme, run by the World Health Organisation (WHO), attempts to improve public health through better control of environmental and other hazards. It seeks to put health higher on decision-makers’ agendas, build up a lobby for better public health and develop popular, participatory approaches to dealing with health problems. At town/city level, it is implemented by local teams drawn from government, NGOs, communities and other organisations, with technical back-up from WHO offices. Several hundred towns and cities have received the ‘Healthy City’ designation – i.e. they are undertaking or planning new initiatives involving collaboration between government and community organisations. These have included upgrading poor people’s housing, improving sanitation in informal settlements, improving drainage to prevent flooding, better waste management, and more integrated planning.15
  • 34. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 246 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness more vital to do so, in view of the relative neglect of this issue in such towns and the often limited capacity and resources of local government for managing disaster risk. Environmental deprivation is increasingly being recognised as an important dimension of urban poverty, which means that poverty reduction programmes are considering environmental issues, including hazards. Local Agenda 21s have furthered this process. Opportunities to bring the poverty, environmental and risk management agendas closer together are probably better here than in other contexts. 14.3 Chapter summary • Rapid and uncontrolled urbanisation is putting ever-greater numbers of people at risk from natural and technological hazards. • Environmental hazards are the main cause of ill-health, injury and premature death in urban areas in developing countries and there is a significant risk of major urban disasters in future. • Man-made and technological hazards are particularly important in towns and cities. • Poor and marginalised people are more likely to live in unsafe areas and housing, and in densely populated districts where the impact of hazards and disease is magnified. • Urban vulnerability is distinctive in terms of the composition of livelihood and coping strategies, the nature of social capital and the level of dependence on public support systems and structures. • Only action by municipal authorities can reduce risk on a significant scale, but it is possible to make a difference at local level in, for example, improving water, sanitation and drainage systems, constructing flood and landslide defences and creating safer living environments. • Avoidance of hazardous areas and relocation to safer ones are often suggested as a solution, but are rarely feasible given the intensity of the socio-economic pressures that force people to live in dangerous locations. • There are many opportunities for partnerships between communities and other groups. Notes 1 IIED, Briefing Paper Series on Urban Environmental Improvement and Poverty Reduction (London: International Institute for Environment and Development, 2001), 246
  • 35. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 247 chapter 14 managing urban risk 14 managing urban risk 2 A. J. McMichael, ‘The Urban Environment and Health in a World of Increasing Globalization: Issues for Developing Countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 78, no. 9, 2000, p. 1,121. 3 Cities of the Future: Dream or Nightmare? (London: Panos (Briefing 34), 1999), 4 Ibid. 5 C. Kelly, Acute Food Insecurity in Mega-Cities: Issues and Assistance Options (London: Benfield Hazard Research Centre (Working Paper 7), 2003), 6 Cities of the Future. 7 C. Stephens, R. Patnaik and S. Lewin, ‘This Is My Beautiful Home’: Risk Perceptions Towards Flooding and Environment in Low-Income Urban Communities. A Case Study in Indore, India (London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1995), pp. 36–37. 8 See for example J. Twigg (ed.), Living with Disaster (Rugby: ITDG), pp. 11–14; World Disasters Report 2002: Focus on Reducing Risk (Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2002), pp. 54–55. 9 R. Hameed and J. Raemaekers, ‘Putting Over the Message: A Programme in Pakistan To Build Capacity among Industrialists for Pollution Abatement’, in C. Gandelsonas (ed.), Communicating for Development: Experience from the Urban Environment (London: ITDG Publishing, 2002), pp. 187–97. 10 L. Mougeot, ‘Overview – Urban Food Self-Reliance: Significance and Prospects’, IDRC Reports, vol. 21, no. 3, 1997,; A. J. McMichael, ‘The Urban Environment and Health in a World of Increasing Globalization: Issues for Developing Countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 78, no. 9, 2000, p. 1121. 11 B. Wisner, ‘Social Planning and Activism for Earthquake Risk Reduction’, in C. Rodrigue and E. Rovai (eds), Earthquakes (London: Routledge, in press). 12 M. Pelling, The Vulnerability of Cities: Natural Disasters and Social Resilience (London: Earthscan, 2003), pp. 131–37. 13 M. Bhatt, M. Gupta, A. Sharma, ‘Action Planning – From Theory to Practice’, Open House International, vol. 24, no. 3, 1999, pp. 16-23. 14 Agenda 21, UN Division for Sustainable Development, 15 WHO Healthy Cities: A Programme Framework (Geneva: World Health Organisation, 1995),; Building a Healthy City: A Practitioners’ Guide (Geneva: WHO, 1995), 16 The AUDMP’s website is: 17 RADIUS’ website is 18 LACDE’s website is: 247
  • 36. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 248 Chapter 15 Slow-onset disasters 15.1 Introduction Writing on disasters usually distinguishes between rapid-onset events and slow-onset events. The critical factor here is said to be the nature of the hazard concerned. Hazards that arise suddenly, or whose occurrence cannot be predicted far in advance, trigger rapid-onset disasters. Earthquakes, cyclones and other windstorms, landslides and avalanches, wildfires, floods and volcanic eruptions are usually categorised as rapid-onset events. The warning time ranges from seconds or at best a few minutes in the case of earthquakes and many landslides, to several days in the case of most storms and floods. Some volcanic eruptions may be preceded by weeks or months of activity, but predicting volcanoes’ behaviour remains very difficult and the warning time for the eruption itself may be only days or hours. Most disasters are rapidonset events. Most discussion of slow-onset disasters concentrates on one hazard: drought. It can take months or sometimes years for the results of drought to become disastrous, in the form of severe water and food shortages and, ultimately, famine. Drought is not the only relevant hazard, though. Pollution of the environment can also be considered a slow-onset disaster, particularly in cases of growing concentrations of toxic wastes, which may build up over years. Human activities that degrade the environment and damage ecosystems – deforestation for instance – also contribute to disasters. Their cumulative impact may not be felt for decades, although the hazards that they make more likely, such as flash-floods and landslides, may be sudden-onset events. To some extent, the distinction between slow- and rapid-onset disasters is artificial. Hazards certainly can be categorised in this way. Disasters, on the other hand, are the product of hazards and human vulnerability to them. The socio-economic forces that make people vulnerable may act quickly or slowly, but in most disasters it is likely that long-term trends will be more influential. When viewed in this light, it could be argued that all disasters are slow-onset. This Good Practice Review argues for a long-term, holistic approach towards managing risk that also breaks down the distinction between slow- and rapidonset disasters. 248
  • 37. 2:44 pm Page 249 chapter 15 slow-onset disasters Why then have a separate chapter on slow-onset disasters? There are two related reasons. First, because real-life disaster management often does distinguish between rapid- and slow-onset events. The approaches that have been developed for dealing with slow-onset hazards such as drought may differ from those used against other hazards. The documentation of such work is generally much better here than in other disasters, and there is a greater volume of high-quality research and analysis. The second reason is that, in the management of drought and food security, and in environmental renewal initiatives, development agencies play a much more significant role than they do in sudden-onset disasters. This may offer lessons about how to get the development community more involved in disaster management generally. Mitigation of drought and food security is more advanced than mitigation of many other types of disaster in integrating livelihood issues with disaster management, adopting participatory and community-level approaches, and building upon indigenous knowledge, coping strategies and appropriate technologies. 15.2 Environmental degradation and pollution 15.2.1 Environmental degradation There is a strong link between environmental degradation and increased risk from natural hazards. Bad management of natural resources and destruction of the eco-system make disasters more likely. For example, the removal of trees, bushes and other vegetation in the course of building, farming or other commercial activities can create hazardous conditions. In agricultural areas it accelerates the loss of fertile topsoil to wind and water erosion. Water is no longer held in the soil by vegetation and so runs away rapidly, which increases vulnerability to drought. On hillsides, rapid water run-off can cause flash-floods and landslides. In coastal zones, the destruction of mangrove forests removes a natural barrier to the winds and sea surges created by tropical cyclones. In all these cases, environmental protection or renewal is technically feasible. Natural resources can be managed and replenished through such measures as reforestation and other planting, waste management, environmentally sustainable farming and grazing practices, terracing, and building protective stone and earthworks to prevent rapid water run-off. Countless projects of this kind have been undertaken. Complementary activities include environmental education. Attempts to protect the environment often challenge powerful interests that stand to gain from its destruction: timber companies from logging; ranchers 249 slow-onset disasters 8/3/04 15 Good Practice 4th
  • 38. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 250 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness from stripping land of woods, hedges and bushes; shrimp farms and hotels from tearing up mangroves. The example of the Afro-Honduran Garifuna communities in Chapter 12 illustrates how difficult and even dangerous it can be to make such challenges. More generally, economic and demographic pressures on poor countries, coupled with entrenched political and cultural attitudes, inhibit an effective response to recognised environmental crises. The failure of the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet Central Asian republics to deal with the drying up of the Aral Sea is a good example of this.1 15.2.2 Pollution Major industrial disasters are often rapid-onset: the result of industrial or transport accidents causing explosions and fires of flammable material or the release of oil, chemicals or radioactive material. The chemical leak at Bhopal in India in 1984 and the accident at the Chernobyl reactor in Ukraine in 1986 are the best known recent examples. Although the number of such industrial disasters remains low and there are still relatively few casualties compared to those from natural hazards, their numbers are rising with the spread of industrialisation in developing countries.2 However, the impact of pollution may not be felt for decades as volumes of waste accumulate and growing numbers of people are exposed. Although local-level management of some forms of waste and pollution is feasible, significant reductions in pollution and improvements in waste management require the involvement of the state in setting and enforcing standards and providing adequate public facilities. Communities and their organisations can encourage this through vigorous advocacy (see Chapter 12). In many instances, specialist scientific and engineering expertise will be required, especially in the case of extremely toxic wastes. Community organisations, NGOs, researchers, governments and other agencies should work together to tackle major problems of this kind collectively – the ‘partnership’ approach to disaster management set out in Chapter 5. The difficulty of creating successful partnerships should not be underestimated, especially in the case of industrial pollution where the demand for better protection may conflict with business aims. Case Study 15.1 shows how agencies have responded to a major crisis resulting from groundwater pollution. The connections between climate change and hydro-meteorological hazards such as droughts and cyclones are becoming apparent, backed up by a growing body of scientific evidence.3 Although climate change specialists and 250
  • 39. 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 251 15 chapter 15 slow-onset disasters Case Study 15.1 Arsenic pollution in Bangladesh In the early 1990s, high concentrations of arsenic were reported in groundwater in western Bangladesh. Arsenic is a cumulative and potentially fatal poison, and many of the more advanced symptoms of poisoning are incurable. About 25m people have been exposed through drinking water from tube wells, and over 7,000 cases of arsenic poisoning have been confirmed. Fifty-nine of the country’s 64 districts have some arsenic-contaminated groundwater. There has been considerable debate about the source and release mechanisms. It is now widely accepted that the arsenic is of natural, geological, origin, although it is less certain how it gets from sediments into groundwater. In response to a potentially massive disaster, international agencies, the government of Bangladesh, scientists and local NGOs have put considerable effort into researching the problem and identifying and implementing solutions. The costs of this work run into millions of dollars. Activities undertaken to date have included: • • • • • • • testing water supplies (using specially developed field test kits) and monitoring cases of arsenic poisoning; data collection and analysis based on geochemical surveys and further research on the mechanisms by which arsenic is released; promoting methods of removing arsenic from water (e.g. filters) and researching new methods; finding arsenic-free sources of water (e.g. digging deep tube wells that go beneath the arsenic-bearing sediments, rainwater harvesting); training doctors and health workers to identify and treat arsenic poisoning, and developing patient treatment protocols; public education; and information dissemination and networking among professionals. E. Jones, Arsenic 2000: An Overview of the Arsenic Issue in Bangladesh (Dhaka: WaterAid Bangladesh, 2000), research_centre/groundwater/183.asp. disaster managers have begun talking to each other, the way forward in coping with the threat remains far from clear. 251 slow-onset disasters Good Practice 4th
  • 40. Good Practice 4th 8/3/04 2:44 pm Page 252 disaster risk reduction: mitigation and preparedness At a global level, advocacy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is essential, and there is already a substantial alliance of scientists, environmentalists and some businesses (notably insurers) engaged in this. At local levels, disaster managers are unsure what they can do about climate change beyond what they are already doing to minimise risk. How can they calculate the increased risk due to this problem? How far should their existing disaster planning be stepped up to counter the threat from climate change? As yet, there are no answers to these questions, but they are needed urgently. 15.3 Drought, food security and famine ©ITDG/Annie Bungeroth More than 70m people died in famines during the twentieth century.4 There have been many major, high-profile food crises over the past 30 years. Most have been in Africa. Many have been triggered by drought, but other hazards including floods, harsh winter weather and diseases that affect crops and livestock can also act as triggers. Sudan: harvesting aubergines grown in holes to collect water, reduce evaporation and provide shade Natural hazards are only one factor in food crises. Political, economic and social factors, including conflict, can be powerful contributors. The macro-economic policies of governments and international agencies have played a considerable role in creating food insecurity and famine (see Case Study 2.2, page 18). In some countries, food aid has become a regular, even continuous, component of government development plans and programmes: Ethiopia and Iraq are prominent examples, though for different reasons. The food crisis in Southern Africa in 2002 revealed the influence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on food insecurity. Research on the likely consequences of global warming indicates that areas already prone to drought are likely to suffer even more severely in future. These are massive challenges to overcoming famine and food insecurity. Many argue that the challenges are growing and becoming more complex. However, understanding of the causes of food insecurity 252