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Overfishing In Alaska
Though overfishing and lack of proper fisheries management has left much of the world in a critical
situation, that's not the case everywhere. Alaska's fisheries are some of the most environmentally
friendly and economically booming businesses in the world. Every year fishermen harvest hundreds
of millions of dollars' worth of fish and shellfish from their waters. Fishery managers have created a
system that successfully creates abundant annual fishing seasons that practically eliminates
overfishing and environmental destruction. Under Alaska's sustainable–fishing rules, which are
some of the strictest in the world, these rules help prevent the overfishing that has brought ocean's
elsewhere to near catastrophe. Permit systems and reserves helped
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Informative Essay On Fishless Oceans
Melanie Chen
Professor Polster
English 1B
14 March 2016
Fishless Oceans Have you ever wondered about what lives deep within the ocean? With the earth
composed of 71% of ocean, there live many different species of marine life such as salmon, tuna,
sharks, and other aquatic animals. Because of the healthy proteins and fats such as omega–3 fatty
acids fish provide, fish consumption has greatly increased over the past few decades. With fish as an
alternative to red meats such as cows, pigs, and chicken, it has provided many benefits for our
health such as regulate blood clotting, and provide significant amounts of iron, and "good" omega
fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. Fishing has been used to meet consumer
demand and ... Show more content on ...
For example, one commercial fishing method that has significantly increased the amount of bycatch
and destruction of marine ecosystems is known as bottom trawling. This popular commercial fishing
technique was first introduced in New Zealand when fishers began searching for shrimp and other
deep sea species. Trawling is now being used to catch a range of species, such as shrimp, hoki, ling,
hake, squid, and halibut. Bottom trawling "involves one or two fishing vessels to tow a large net."
As these large nets drag through the bottom seafloor, nets can be towed for at least two hours at a
speed of a high of four knots. With these weighted nets dragging along the seafloor, everything in its
path is either disturbed, damaged, or completely destroyed. Although bottom trawling may be a
more labor–saving method to catching large loads of shrimp and other deep sea life, there have been
occurrences in which the amount of bycatch discarded exceeds the amount of target fish caught. For
instance, in 2007, Belize only landed "19 metric tons of shrimp and likely discarded about 76 to 190
metric tons of other marine life." From the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Kelleher stated that bottom trawling has been "one of the most destructive ways to catch
fish, and is responsible for up to half of all discarded fish and marine life worldwide." Not only has
bottom trawling led to overfishing but it also has disrupted coral reefs, and many other seafloor
habitats. As habitat destruction from these fishing techniques worsen, fish populations continue to
be threatened and
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Overfishing Research Paper
No overfishing or no fishing. Overfishing is an enormous issue that needs to be corrected or there
will be no more fish to catch in the future. The true definition of overfishing is as defined by the
national fisheries act from 1996 overfishing is "a rate or level of fishing mortality that jeopardizes a
fishery's capacity to produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY) on a continuing basis(kennedy,
2016)." Some of the facts of overfishing are so shocking they would blow you out of the water, as
well as some of the effects overfishing can have on the fisheries. The solutions to overfishing are
extremely simple and completely within our power to do. Overfishing is defined in many different
ways but they all mean roughly the same thing. The National ... Show more content on ...
One solution is to set strict limits to how much fish commercial fishermen can take from the oceans.
The limits would be determined by yearly evaluations, and studies of the population of harvestable
fish(Koster, 2016). There are already many limits on the amount of fish that can be harvested by
fishermen but they are not well enforced or punished. Another solution would be to crack down of
fishing boats, and check how much of each fish they have caught. If the fishermen have exceeded
their limit the punishment would be much greater than it is now to scare them into not taking more
fish than they are aloud(Koster,
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Persuasive Speech On Overfishing
Today I will be talking about over fishing, Over–Fishing is the over exploitation of fish to below
acceptable levels. This can occur in most bodies of water, such as the oceans, rivers, lakes and even
ponds. In over fishing we are going to be talking about shark finning, Shark finning is the practice
of slicing off the shark's fins while the shark is still alive and throwing the rest of its body back into
the ocean where it can take days to die what must be an agonizing death. Shark finning is very
common in Asia as it is a delicacy and a prime ingredient in shark fin soup.
Overfishing is very bad problem that is occurring more and more in the world today. The core of
overfishing comes from commercial fishing. Commercial fishing is the activity of catching fish and
other seafood for commercial profit. The reasons for overfishing vary, but the main reason for
overfishing is that the more fish equals the more profit. Over fishing is also very bad for the
environment, it has allot of bad affects, one of these bad affects are the destruction of the
environment. Ecosystem destruction ... Show more content on ...
When the fisherman put the big net out to caught fish they sometimes catch dolphin tangle up in the
net and sharks too. Overfishing causes abundance growth to marine animals at the bottom of the
food chain like algae. When algae multiply it can endanger the life of our coral reef and coral reef
are so paramount to the environment because many species of fish dwell in the coral reef. Coastal
inhabitants all around the globe live on fish as their primary source of protein. Overfishing threatens
the food security in developing countries. There are still people out there that deny the problem of
overfishing because it will affect there live hood if they admit there is a problem. Most of the people
who deny that overfishing is a problem are big commercial fisheries and
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What Is The Primary Cause Of Environmental Changes To The...
Causes of Environmental Changes to the Pacific Ocean in Oregon The Pacific Ocean is a famous
and important ocean in Oregon. People can enjoy the beautiful and spectacular scenery of the
Pacific Ocean if they live in Oregon; however, the ocean environment has been changing for the
past twenty years or more in Oregon. There are two major causes of environmental changes to the
Pacific Ocean in Oregon, overfishing and global warming. First,the primary cause of
environmental changes to the Pacific Ocean in Oregon Is overfishing. With the booming
development of commercial fishing, a lot of commercial fishing boats caught too many fish for their
profits. As a consequence, some kinds of fish were endangered and this created a species
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Impact Of The Oil Spill From The Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig...
Article being reviewed: Cisneros–Montemayor, A., Sumaila, R., Dyck, A., Huang, L., Jacquet, J.,
Kleisner, K, & et al. (2012). Impact of the Deepwater Horizon well blowout on the Economics of
U.S. Gulf fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69(3), 499–510.
doi:10.1139/f2011–171 retrieved form ResearchGate
Article Summary
The article studied the effects of the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig operated by British
Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010. The spill released 4.9 million barrels of oil into
the Gulf of Mexico. The spill impacted hundreds of miles of marine ecosystem along the Louisiana,
Alabama, and Florida coastlines. (Cisneros–Montemayor, Sumaila, Dyck, Huang, Jacquet, Kleisner,
& et al, 2012, p.499) The impacts on the marine ecosystem trickled down to impact economic
functions of commercial fishing, mariculture, tourism, energy markets, and recreation. (Cisneros–
Montemayor, Sumaila, Dyck, Huang, Jacquet, Kleisner, & et al, 2012, p.500) Considering the
geographical located of the oil spill, the tropical system of the Gulf of Mexico played a key role
during the oil spill. Tropical systems make a great habitat for mangroves and marshes, but these
types of plants tend to suck up the oil and can retain it for long periods of time. (Cisneros–
Montemayor, Sumaila, Dyck, Huang, Jacquet, Kleisner, & et al, 2012, p.501)
In determining the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the economy the study us the
spatial catch
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Oceana Research Paper
The ocean covers 71% of the earth's surface, is a home to hundreds of different species of animals
but also provides food to millions of families all over the world. Recently is has been reported that
the amount of fish being caught has been decreasing due to overfishing and illegal fishing practices
and trawling by commercial fishing boats. In my opinion, our Ocean has the potential to provide
food to millions more people if start to make making changes now. I believe Oceana is leading the
pack regarding ocean conservation on a global scale. Oceana was established in 2001, and is the
largest nonprofit organization in the world solely concentrated on ocean conservation. What makes
Oceana stand out from other nonprofits like Take 3, 5 Gyres, Reef Check,, is that
they focus on placing policies into effect into countries with little to no ocean conservation laws all
over the world. Oceana in my opinion really takes it to the next level with their dedication and
persistence, which has helped them win over 100 victories since the company was founded. One of
my favorite projects of 2016 was a proposed rule released by The Obama administration to make it
mandatory for Shrimping nets to have Turtle Excluder Devices(TEDs). The device is composed of
metal grates that are inserted into the nets to allow sea turtles and ... Show more content on ...
Oceana has really made a difference in the legal aspect of ocean conservation, which is not always
an easy task to get change into place in many bureaucracies. The ocean has the potential to feed
millions of people if we put more proper fishing guidelines into place, and help restore fish
populations. The world population is expected to increase to 9.6 billion by 2050. If we continue this
path without any change the effects will be catastrophic for the ocean and for the human
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Environmental Impacts Of The Marine Environment
Problem Statement / Definition of Research Area
This research will look into the problems caused by fishing. Human impact has proved to threaten
the bio diversity of the marine environment. The environmental impact of fishing can be divided
into issues that involve the availability of fish to be caught, such as overfishing, sustainable
fisheries, and fisheries management; and issues that involve the impact of fishing on other elements
of the environment, such as by–catch. This research is connected to sustainability, and will look into
the living and non–living things that menace the fish in the sea, along with the care resolution that
will foster the marine environments feasible future.
The indicated matter was selected for the sake of the marine environment and its beautiful
importance. A great deal of leisure time is devoted to fishing both on land and sea. I love the bio
diversity of the ocean and regard it as something that needs to be safeguarded.
This topic is also significant for my local community. The oceans species are all unique and many
people fish illegally and without caution, therefore we have an environmental responsibility in
maintaining sustainable practices. Thus, significantly exploring the living and nonliving factors
alarming the ocean including the current policies enforced toward safeguarding the ocean is
Research Questions
1) What is overfishing?
2) What are the causes of overfishing?
3) How effective have the
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College Essay On Commercial Fishing
Commercial fishing has shaped me as a person and instilled some of the character traits that will
always stick with me. Two of my family members, JJ Wilbur and Doug Wilbur, were the pioneers of
commercial crabbing within the Swinomish tribe. I started commercial crabbing when I was 12
years old and little did I know that it would become one of my biggest passions. This job shaped my
work ethic and mindset. If you're working for JJ and not moving or helping something go smoothly,
you're practically in his way and will get yelled at. Don't get me wrong, he is a nice person, but he
wants you to work hard until the moment we get back to the dock. One time when we were going
out to catch prawns, I was sitting there on my phone and got an ear full from him. ... Show more
content on ...
So I started filling up bags with the bait, which is sardines and pellets covered in fish oil. Later on in
the day it started getting rough on the water and he told me to go up on the engine hatch to throw
pots off. The rail only when up to my knees so I was kind of scared to step up there and throw them,
but it had to be done. Remembering that my grandpa told me to "Not to fear the water, be confident,
but always respect it" because the weather can turn in an instant. So I grabbed the buoy then tossed
it over, grabbed the fifty pound anchor and as JJ says "let it fly" so I did just that. After this I've
never feared the water and have been determined to take situations head on, even if they're
intimidating. It taught me to be brave, even if hesitant at first, just go for it and be confident in
myself. Since all of the pots are on one rope, we had to move fast and precisely, making sure we did
it right on the first try. My brother was handing me the pots so that I could toss them into the water.
After we threw the second anchor and the rope was going out, I noticed my brother had stepped
between the rail and the
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Overfishing Is A Serious Problem
Overfishing is a serious problem that often gets overlooked. In the article by Udy Bell, called
"Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Biology," Bell talks about how only 1 percent of the world's
oceans are marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs not only help protect oceans by allowing habitats
to recover from damage caused by overfishing but also allow fish to safely reproduce. Due to
fishing fish faster then they can reproduce, many species of fish are going endangered or already
endangered of being extinct. Species like whales, dungongs, sea cows, codfish, jewfish, sharks, and
other marine vertebrates are examples of fish that are being overfished. Overfishing was addressed
at the World Summit in Johannesburg, Africa in 2002 (Bell 17). At the World Summit, many experts
in the field of overfishing agreed that the most effective way to battle overfishing is by creating and
establishing more MPAs around the world. Although overfishing is a serious problem, there are
ways to solve the problem like creating Marine Protected Areas. Gutierrez 2
Humans are the ones responsible for the damage caused to our oceans by overfishing. MPAs are
essential to preserve and protect the biological diversity of the oceans (Kechington, Ward, Hegerl 7).
In "The Benefits of Marine Protected Areas," by Richard Kenchington, Trevor Ward, and Eddie
Hegerl, talk about why MPAs are crucial to the prevention of overfishing. In a Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) study, over 70% of fish
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Over Fishing Research Paper
Commercial fishing has a great affect on the marine life for many reasons. Those reasons include
species of marine life going extinct, or over population. Some marine life are going extinct from
overfishing because as scientists said fish are able to produce only a limited quantity of fish over
time this problem cannot only affect the fish but it can affect the entire ecosystem in the ocean.
Some species of fish are also going extinct from bycatch. Bycatch is when other species of fish or
marine life is captured in the nets with the target fish that is supposed to be caught. It is estimated by
scientists that 25 percent of the commercial fishing industries around the world harvest is discarded
bycatch. Some species of marine life cannot only go extinct but it can also overpopulate. Certain
types of marine life can go extinct because their predators are going also going extinct. This issue
arose in the early 1900s when commercial fishing industries expanded their fishing fleets. ... Show
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As the population increases the fishing industry must meet the demand for more fish. While
catching the fish they use nets that are 260 feet in length which catch about 100 tons of fish daily.
The size of the net makes it greater to overfish because this net is as long as a football field which
catches tons of fish. Another cause of overfishing is bycatch, because these unwanted fish are being
caught in the nets with the type of fish that is being targeted.
Overfishing and bycatch can lead to many problems and one of the main problems of overfishing
and bycatch is the species of fish or marine life going extinct. The consequences of this problem is
some of fish and marine life going extinct. When it happens it can affect many things such as not
providing certain animals food. It can also lead to overpopulation in some species because there
predator might not be alive anymore so without certain species predators will
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The Decline Of Tuggerah Lakes
Tuggerah Lakes have been a popular commercial and recreational fishing venue for more than a
century. Not only have they been one of the most important producers of estuarine fish in NSW, but
have attract many tourists to the area each year.
Recreational fishermen have reported a decline in fish stocks over the last 20 to 30 years.
Commercial fishermen on the other hand, have mixed feelings, some agreeing that there has been a
decline but that it has probably been a coast wide effect rather than just Tuggerah Lakes. Some
believe the fluctuations are part of a long term natural cycle.
Some of the earliest historical records of Tuggerah Lakes include descriptions of an abundance of
fish. In 1842, John Mann observed a large canoe–full of fish
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Persuasive Essay On Overfishing
Our great oceans whose biodiversity in unmatched, makes up over three fourths of our planet's
surface. The ocean is home to more than 20,000 different species of fish and over 2 million other
animal and plant species found in our oceans. Overfishing can be defined in a number of ways.
However, everything comes down to one simple point: Catching too much fish for the system to
support leads to an overall degradation to the system. Overfishing is a non–sustainable use of the
oceans. The earliest overfishing occurred in the early 1800s when humans, seeking blubber for lamp
oil, decimated the whale population. Some fish that we eat, including Atlantic cod and herring and
California's sardines, were also harvested to the brink of extinction by the ... Show more content on ...
A damaged system is struggling and shifting, but can still be active. If we want to we can reverse
most of the destruction. In some situations it might only take a decade, in other situations it might
take many centuries. Yet in the end we can have productive and healthy oceans again as is shown in
many examples around the world. We do however need to act on it now, before we cross the point of
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Understanding And Managing Recreational Fisheries Within A...
Fishing is often seen as a recreational escape from work or daily routines, as it also meets the basic
human needs of nutrition. In the report, Illustrating the critical role of human dimensions research
for understanding and managing recreational fisheries within a social–ecological system framework,
by Hunt et al., we look more closely at the management of recreational fisheries in relation to the
fishers themselves, and how it may influence the outcomes of the fisheries ecological systems. In
turn we see critical connections between the ecological and social systems, which give us great
feedback on a recreational fisher's actions and how we can better manage those actions. In the report
they focus on the coupling of fisher's behaviors ... Show more content on ...
These give the researchers better information in regards to the connections and feedback between
the natural and human components of the recreational fisheries system management. In terms of
recreational fishing, using human dimensions research provides information about a fisher's
preference, behavior, attitude and wellbeing when it comes to the support of fisheries management.
Taking an in depth study of the fisher's views and opinions on policy and management issues can
better illustrate how fishers make choices for pursuing fishing among sites that may differ greatly in
their regulations and many other attributes. Being able to understand a fisher's evaluations on a wide
scale will better help human dimensions researchers interpret and predict their future behaviors,
which has become an important area of enquiry. Before, human dimensions researchers studied a
small scale of fishers and did not account for diversity; the new studies being conducted do the
exact opposite. L.M. Hunt et al. look at the fisher's evaluations in a much broader aspect. By taking
a deeper study into understanding fishers and what prompts their actions will better allow human
dimension researchers and biologists to make connections between the fishers and fish, whereas
they would otherwise solely focus on the fisheries biology. The
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Taxonomy Of Cobia (Rachycentron Candum)
Cobia (Rachycentron candum) goes by many English variant common names, such as, black
kingfish, black salmon, cabio, crabeater, cubby yew, kingfish, lemonfish, ling, prodigal son, runner
and sergeant fish (NOAA, 2014; Bester, n.d.). The initial taxonomy of cobia was labeled as
Gasterosteus canadus by Linnaeus in 1766 and then later changed to the current name Rachycentron
candum (as cited in Bester, n.d.). Often the cobia is misidentified as a shark or a remora (family
Echeneidae) which is the closest living relative to the cobia. Incidentally, the cobia is the only
member of the family Rachycentridae. The historical range of the species is within tropical,
subtropical and warm–temperate waters worldwide with the exception of ... Show more content on ...
Cobia can achieve lengths of six feet and weigh as high as 135 pounds (Bester, n.d.; Williams, 2001;
NOAA, 2014). The common length of a cobia is between 25 and 47 inches with weights up to 50
pounds. Cobia males are known to live up to 9 years old while the females can live to 11 years
(Bester, n.d.; Williams, 2001; NOAA, 2014). Males reaches sexual maturity in as little as 2 years
and females in 3 years. During reproduction cobia form in large groups during the daytime between
the months of June and August within the Atlantic fishery. The Gulf of Mexico reproduction occurs
between the months of April through September. Cobia spawns several times in a season, as many
as 15–20, releasing between 375,000 and a million eggs (NOAA, 2014; Bester, n.d). The spawn
frequency of cobia using both oocytes undergoing final oocyte maturation (FOMs) and
postovulatory follicles (POFs) estimated the spawn every 4 to 5 days in the North Central Gulf of
Mexico, while those from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast spawn every 5.2 days (SEDAR,
2013) The larval is typically released within 24–36 hour and within 5 days the larval has developed
eyes and mouth for feeding. The juvenile begins to take on the appearance of the adults by day 30
with the two bands running from head to
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Alaskan Salmon Lead The Most Interesting Life From Life
Alaskan salmon lead the most interesting life from birth to death, spending time in both fresh and
salt water. Eggs are laid by a female fish in a stream. She actually buries up to thousands of eggs, or
ova, in a nest called a Redd. The male fertilizes these eggs, once placed. The eggs develop in the
winter and hatch in the spring. Once the eggs hatch, now called Alevin, they stay in the nest for
approximately one month feeding on the yolk sac of the egg. Once the baby salmon leave the Redd,
known as Fry, they are on their own for survival, like finding food and mastering the challenges of
the downhill journey downstream. A Parr is a young salmon approximately six inches in length that
is growing as it continues downstream. If the young ... Show more content on ...
According to the Department of Alaska fish and game, Alaska has over 15,000 salmon streams.
According to the Marine Stewardship Council, the world's top seafood "ecolabel" authority, states
that Alaska, by weight, provides over 2/3 of the world's seafood
content/uploads/2010/061359_MCA_Report_for_download1.pdf). However, the Alaskan
environment, wildlife and stocks of fish remain abundant year after year. Alaska's beauty and
fisheries are frequent topics of the Nature Channel programs, and Alaska remains a top tourist
attraction for nature enthusiasts. Why, with all the commercial and sport fishing, haven't fishing
stocks depleted? Groundfish, scientists say, are abundant in the North Pacific, salmon returns have
grown in the last 30 years, and shellfish production is also successful. Even the sea lion population
has steadily grown (–
content/uploads/2010/061359_MCA_Report_for_download1.pdf p.5). This amazing nature preserve
and economic way of life are sustainable due to fishing managers following scientific guidelines
very conservatively, making rules and regulations based on scientific research: research that is open
to the public, and discussed with the public on a regular basis.
Alaska became a state in 1959 under President Eisenhower, after Alaskans and the
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Human Consumption And Commercial Fishing Essay
Human Consumption and Commercial Fishing have led to a depletion of Cod stocks, specifically,
the Atlantic Cod in the North Atlantic Region. The ecological, social and economic implications this
has on society is not only evident today, but poses long–term consequences as well. Wicked
problems are characterized by social complexity. (stakeholders, incomplete contradiction
knowledge, opinions etc.) (Kolko, 2012) this issue may be considered a wicked problem because the
Atlantic cod remain a demand in human consumption and the commercial exploitation remains a
factor in the depletion of their stocks. The Interrelationship between consumers and fisheries is a
very complex issue. Overfishing and exploitation of Cod remain one of the major
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Marlin Fishing
In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago goes fishing and catches a marlin.
Marlins, which are large swordfish, are more popular for their use in sport rather than commercial
revenue. They have been abused and now are an endangered species which now possibly may be
removed from the planet due to overfishing. Marlin fishing should be stopped because it is causing
their population to drop, its demand cannot be sustained, and it has a lot of mercury which can be
potentially harmful. Marlins are fishes which swim around in the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and
Indian oceans. However, most of them are often captured and put into areas where they can be
fished for entertainment and for competition. Taking them from their natural
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Artificial Reefs Used as Fisheries
The main objective of our study is to determine if artificial reefs can be used as a fisheries
enhancement or conservation tool in Narragansett Bay. Using a variety of research techniques, we
will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) do artificial reefs increase the abundance (and
biomass) of important species of demersal sport fish? Or (2) do reefs attract existing numbers of fish
to the reef and increase the rate of exploitation, thus potentially decreasing localized populations (or
communities)? By building a carefully replicated network of artificial reefs, we will advance
research on the impact of artificial reefs. In–order to address our study questions, we propose the
construction of 0.25 acre artificial reefs (0.5 acre area) using pre–fabricated reef modules in three
locations of Narragansett Bay. The creation of small–scale experimental reefs will not only provide
long–term research stations but will also improve benthic habitat conditions in an area of soft
The performance of artificial reefs varies considerably, depending on materials used as well as
location of deployment and intended results. Breakup, movement, and burial have been reported to
occur in reef programs. The location and design of reef complexes must be carefully chosen to
balance the goals and objectives of a project with environmental and social constraints (Table 1).
We used geospatial and fisheries data to ensure that our reef locations are placed in the most suitable
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Argumentative Essay On Declining Fish
Over fishing our waters is causing a great deal of concern amongst environmentalist and
commercial fishermen. According to the Declining Fish Stock video, the average commercial
fishermen's catch is about 20,000 pounds. This has been estimated to equal a couple hundred fish
per day per vessel (Declining Fish, 2007). Some studies indicate that commercial fishing fleets have
stripped the ocean waters of at least 90 percent of its big fish (Declining Fish, 2007). This has begun
to cause heavy competition between commercial fishermen who are left competing for the other 10
percent of the remaining fish population (Declining Fish, 2007).
Studies indicate that our oceans are not as resilient as we had once believed (Declining Fish, 2007).
According to Dr. Jeremy Jackson of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, we will never again be
able to fish our waters at the level that we have been over the last half century (Declining Fish,
2007). Dr. Jackson also states that over fishing is more destructive to the ocean waters than toxic
pollution or degrading water quality (Declining Fish, 2007). This is a frightening thought and seems
to have environmentalists and commercial fishermen at each other's throats.
When asked if the damage to the fish population is at a level of completion, Dr. Jackson said that the
damage was near completion but that the damage could be reversed if we take much needed drastic
measures to ensure that these fish have a chance to repopulate (Declining Fish,
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Newfoundland Fishing Industry
The closing of the cod fisheries marked one of the most devastating moments in history for the
province of Newfoundland. However, Sue Bailey wrote an article discussing the return, the
comeback of the Newfoundland fishing industry once again. Bailey refers to a federal report stating
cod stocks are still in a parlous state, although a union of fishermen wish to expand the cod fishery.
While the cod fishery was thought to be gone, the recovery rate of the species are remarkable;
" biomass was up seven percent from 2015 to 2016," there is still much recovery to be done.
Ocean biologists hypothesize the lifting of inshore and offshore cod fishery ban in the next three
years. Another reference to the federal report; there is an estimate of about ... Show more content on ...
Obviously mismanagement is a factor overfishing itself, and is the result of the limit for cod placed
by the federal government. As well, the the advancement in geotechnology, like radars, sonars and
satellite navigation systems helped find large fish bodies, all rapidly collected with trawlers. Another
undiscussed matter, is climate change; over the years it has played a significant change in driving
away fish populations because of dropping temperatures and changing of salinity. One idea
discussed by the article is the monitoring of cod numbers, as well as monitoring the seal population.
The article states to limit seal population to keep the fish alive; the textbook states "They contend
that the greater number of seals ate larger quantities of caplin, a small fish that is a major food
source of groundfish," (pg 285). I find that bringing back the sealing industry could help maintain
cod numbers, functioning as a way to bring back 2 banned commercial
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Fishing for Trouble Essay
In 1999 near the Galapagos Islands, Rob Stewart, 22, an underwater photographer and filmmaker,
was driving when he discovered something that changed his life forever. It was a long line fishing
rig hung with hundreds of dead sharks on a single fishing line that Stewart explained had the
potential to reach from Earth to space. This fishing line is known by conservationists as a "curtain of
death" (Kielburger). Overfishing is the fishing of a species at levels too high for the species to
reproduce. This can greatly reduce fish population and drive species toward extinction. Fishing has
provided the world with food and jobs that have remodeled Earth's cultures and lifestyles. Fishing is
practiced by local fishermen, commercial fishing rigs, ... Show more content on ...
When fish populations are low in one area, fishing boats will need to move to another area where
fish are more abundant. This renders oceans and their sea life helpless and severely damaged until
all of the fish in the oceans are completely gone. That is why governments need laws establishing
the length of time a person could spend at sea fishing, in order to reduce overfishing and increase
recovery of fish populations. One example of a fish population suffering from overfishing is the
Pacific bluefin tuna. "Overfishing has left the world with less than five percent of its Pacific Bluefin
tuna, says the Pew Environment Group" (Kowalski). This statement explains to the world how
overfishing can drastically decrease a species' population in an extraordinarily short time period.
The Pacific bluefin tuna and other fish are very much stressed by overfishing, and suffer severe
losses of population every day. Moreover, overfishing will soon lead to the extinction of fish species
like the Pacific bluefin tuna. The European Commission even admits that the "EU's [European
Union] stocks are 88% overfished" ("An Icelandic Success"). This reveals Europe's failure to
prevent overfishing from spreading throughout the continent and beyond its borders. The majority
of Europe's fish supply undergoes the harmful effects that overfishing brings. Additionally, the fish
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Loggerhead Research Paper
Loggerhead turtles might be seeing their last day on earth. Humans are killing the loggerhead turtles
each year by commercial fishing and trawls, marine debris, and Artificial lighting on the beaches.
We should make a difference to these loggerhead turtles and help them survive and be close to
living a full live. Humans should not be careless to the innocent creatures. We need to act now,
loggerheads are dying of our cruel actions.
Commercial fishing is a reason so many turtles are dying each year and making them become
endangered. Duke University found that shrimp trawls and commercial fishing nets have killed over
250,000 loggerheads in the human's lifetime. Lots of the turtles are dying to the actions we make.
When you are fishing you ... Show more content on ...
The lighting causes many turtles to die by leading them away from the moon which can cause
dehydration, getting run over, Etc. There are turtles being born each year and 100–300 turtles are
dying each year due to the lighting on beaches. If the turtles are being affected by lighting on the
beaches many things could happen. A few examples are that the turtles will soon be extinct and we
soon will not be able to see their beauty. The other animal rates could go down also because some of
the animals need to eat the turtles to survive. People should stop putting the lights near the beach
now. It kills the loggerhead turtles each year and soon they will become extinct.
Finally we should make a difference to the loggerhead turtles. We should be careful and think
whenever we are going to the beach. A few things that hurt these turtles are commercial fishing and
fish trawls that capture the turtles and drown them. Another thing we should not do is marine
pollution because the turtles eat things they are not supposed to and most times will die. That last of
the 3 reasons is lighting on the beaches that affect the baby turtles of where they're going and kill
them. We should make the world a better place, let's make a difference
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Ecological Footprint Of Sea Food Consumption
Lagos is surrounded by water, Lagos Island is practically on the ocean and the availability of water
has contributed to the growth of Lagos in ways like Tourism, Holidaying, Transportation and food.
The Atlantic coastline of Lagos is estimated to be 180km long this is an addition to the estuaries,
lagoons, creeks and tributaries of major rivers that constitute the resource base for the thriving
fisheries industry that are four in number. The total metric tonne of fish landed by 1980 was not
available, information indicated a high preference for shellfish harvesting (shrimp, crab and lobster)
by private investor. This was due to high demand on the international market for these products.
Without reliable fishery data and statistics of what is currently being caught, it is obviously difficult
to predict future trends. Also a series of catch and effort statistics, if continued over a period of years
provides the best measure of changes in a stock of fish and the impact on fishing on it.
Late in December 2013, the Federal Government replaced the import ban decision with a new
policy to cut fish imports into the country by 25 per cent per year by introducing import quotas
starting in January 2014.
Industry players contacted confirmed the quota's introduction, but they indicate there are still
uncertainties over how much fish will actually be allowed in under this newly–introduced system.
Prices for fish in the domestic market
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Overfishing And Its Effects On The Ocean
Overfishing Leads to a Worldwide Oceanic Ecological Collapse People often take the ocean for
granted due to its vastness since it makes up over seventy percent of the Earth, however the integrity
of the ocean is deteriorating. One of the major, worldwide threats to the wellbeing of the ocean and
its inhabitants is overfishing. Overfishing affects not only the ocean, but also the land dwellers.
Many countries around the world depend on fish as their main source of food. Tons of fish are
caught out of the sea daily, however, the rate that fish are being hauled is far too high where fish
stocks are incapable of naturally recovering. There is a decline in population size of affected fish
and some species have even faced extinction. Overfishing is the leading cause of ecological
extinction, foregoing any other human disruptions to marine ecosystems, such as pollution, water
degradation, and climate change (Jackson, et al). Overfishing causes an overwhelming devastation
upon the oceans because it depletes food resources, disrupts the food web, and destroys habitats of
aquatic organisms, due to this, overfishing causes an oceanic ecological collapse worldwide.
Overfishing is not a problem that has recently arise, but a problem that started since the early 1800s.
Overfishing first began when people sought for blubber for lamp oil, which lead to a decline in
whale population. By the mid–1900s, some fish were almost wiped out, such as the Atlantic cod,
herring, and sardines
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Overfishing the World Big Fish Population
Over Fishing the World Big Fish Population
Insert your Name Here
Axia College of University of Phoenix
The overfishing of our world's oceans is causing a depletion of some prize fish, such as tuna and
swordfish, to the point that some scientists believe that 90% of these big fish populations have been
fished out. Jeremy Jackson of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography published a study in 2001 in
which he asserts that overfishing is more destructive than toxic pollution or degrading water quality
(University of Phoenix, 2007). Dr. Daniel Pauly, Professor and Director of the University of British
Columbia's Fisheries Centre, describes it as follow on The (2007) website: "The big
fish, the bill ... Show more content on ...
By putting this plan into practice, we will also resolve the other problems created by over fishing, as
it effects not only the depleted fish population, but also the animals for which those fish are food of
choice. Whales are turning to sea otters for food, rather than the sea lions and seals on which they
normally feed, as those populations also decline. Over fishing has also caused the use, as stated
earlier, of smaller mesh nets, increasing the amount of by catch that is caught in the nets. By catch is
the seabirds, dolphins, sea turtles, and even whales that are also caught in the net as they drag it in,
and are usually dumped back into the ocean, dead or dying. A drastic reduction in the amount of by
catch will subsequently occur with the reinstating of the larger mesh nets.
The management plan may cause fishermen to have to look into a second source of income for the
first five to ten years, as the most severe restrictions are put into place, giving the fish populations
can breed and repopulate, and a reassessment to be done by the scientific community charged with
monitoring the big fish groups. Governments might be forced to subsidize the industry for this
initial period, to help prevent illegal poaching by some fishermen who saw poaching as their only
economic alternative. Consumers would have to reduce their use of fish, and would have to pay
more for the fish they did purchase at the market during this period of
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The 's Dolphin Threat Management Plan
People and dolphins have shared New Zealand's coastal waters for centuries. In recent years there
has been increasing awareness of marine mammals and the threats they face within our coastal
environments (Department of Conservation1, n.d.). The Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal
Sanctuary was implemented in 1988 as a result of conflict between local and commercial fisherman,
and the endangered Hector's dolphin. Due to increasing concern despite the sanctuary's set up, the
Hector's and Maui's Dolphin Threat Management Plan was drafted in 2007 to place further
restrictions on fishing practices within the area. The formation of the sanctuary has created a safer
habitat for the local dolphin population, but in the process has negatively affected the livelihoods of
many local fishermen within the region.
The Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary 1988
The Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) is one of the world's smallest species of marine
dolphin. These dolphins are only found within the inshore waters off the coast of New Zealand.
There are currently four distinct populations found off the west coast of the North Island, and the
west, east, and south coasts of the South Island (Department of Conservation2, n.d.; World Wildlife
Fund, n.d.). There are two sub–species of Hector's dolphin in existence; the South Island Hector's
dolphin which is found off the coast of the South Island, and the Maui's dolphin which is found off
the west coast of the North Island
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Velddrift Case Study
2. Different marine living resources are harvested in and around velddrift. These resources include
Sardines (Harvested at saldahna bay), anchovies and tuna species which are the resources for the big
fishing industries in and around velddrift and they are captured by using purse seine vessels and
trawler vessels. Another living resource includes Mullets which are the resources among the locals
owning small businesses and they are captures by gill nets, beach seine nets, ring nets and traps.
Fence or maze traps, built at right–angles from shore–lines, are used to guide spawning migrations
of mullets into large retaining areas in the berg river estuary. Some other resource includes Galjoens,
west coast Steen bras, Elf and Snoek fish; these are ... Show more content on ...
Different legislations have been applied to manage this Mullets resource at velddrift. These
legislations include; Marine living resource act, 18/98, and Environment Conservation Act, 73/89.
The Marine living resource act aims to provide for the conservation of the marine ecosystem, which
includes long term sustainable utilisation of resources and orderly access to exploitation, utilization
protection of certain living resources. This act is being used at the Berg river estuary where Mullets
is the main living resource harvested by communities. The purpose of the act is to provide control
over this resource in a rational and unbiased manner to the benefit of all communities of velddrift.
The act aims to achieve the best use and ecological sustainable development of Mullets species at
the Berg Estuary (, 2016). This legislation also states that no person has the authority
to engage in commercial fishing or any other type of fishing, or participate in Mari–culture and to
operate a fish processing establishment of fishing, no person is allowed to abolish any fauna and
flora rather than to partake in fishing Mullets species. For a person to undertake or engage to operate
a fish process establishment or to undertake in any sort of commercial or subsistence fishing, one
must be granted a right to do so by DAFF (Anon,
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Arguments Against Fishing Regulation
Luke Combs Mrs. Daugherty English 9 March 20, 2017 Are Fishing Regulations Strict Enough?
Fishing has been around for thousands and thousands of years. It has been a crucial part to our
survival and well being as a human race. Nowadays fishing is not only done for food, it has also
become a recreational activity. With the large affect fishing has on our society isn't it important we
regulate what we do with the fish? Fishing regulations are used to protect what we do with the fish
and the limits we have. Commercial fishing regulations need to be stricter or fishing may not be
around forever. Fish populations are declining much faster than scientists ever thought. In fact the
population of fish has declined by nearly fifty percent since the ... Show more content on ...
Anyways it's not like fast food fish sandwiches are required for us to survive. Also fish is wasted
very frequently, it expires or is not eaten, so that is just harming our resources for no reason. People
need to realize that fish is important, but could be used in a much smarter way. Many are reasonable
and try not to be wasteful, but too many people are. Undoubtedly, if we continue this pattern of
wastefulness with our ocean's resources there will be consequences. Many statistics and facts back
this up. The rules and regulations we are putting on commercial fishing simply aren't getting the job
done. Our ocean's fish population has declined so much in forty five years and the overfishing by
commercial boats hasn't gotten better, just worse. Remember the fate of the ocean's resources is in
our very own hands. Works Cited "The Threats of Overfishing: Consequences at the Commercial
Level." DUJS Online. N.p., 29 May 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. Campbell, Andy. "Crucial Marine
Populations Cut In Half Since The 1970s: Report." The Huffington Post.,
16 Sept. 2015. Web. 23 Mar.
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North Carolina Fishing
In 2015, commercial fisheries harvested in North Carolina caught more than four times the
recreational coastal fish harvest, yet commercial fishermen ask for less stringency on commercial
fishing ("Portal"). Within North Carolina waters the most effective way of catching fish can be
noticed without looking very far. Over the past few decades, many more commercial fishermen have
been popping up creating a lack of abundance in some channels and creeks that once were pristine.
The methods used by many commercial fishermen can harm them by catch and nontarget species of
the estuaries and nurseries. With the harming of these species we also begin to harm the keystone
species of most coastal regions. There may have been an abundance of fish at one ... Show more
content on ...
When gill nets are used there is no escape for manatees or sea turtles until someone comes to cut
them out of the floating walls of the mesh entrap them until they are taken by death or released. But
when North Carolinians see a manatee which may be rare to see why would they wish to see one
entangled in a net. These poor animals are already endangered why does it have to be made worse
by commercial fishermen. Manatees are aquatic mammals kind of like whales they are the gentle
giants of the Intracoastal waterway. Manatees are like the whales of inshore but unlike whales
manatees are more inept to being harmed by humans and the fishing. Sea turtles use both inshore
and offshore waters so they are always in danger from the fisheries from being run over by a boat or
being entrapped in a net. Sea turtles are endangered already but when they come into inshore waters
they endanger their lives unknowingly they risk death. But thankfully they resist coming into these
waters unless they must lay eggs. In order to protect sea turtles many people must take a stand for
these beautiful
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Essay On Fishing Pond
Agritourism Activity – Fishing Pond
The idea of agritourism urges guests to experience agricultural life at first hand. Agritourism is
gathering strong backing from little groups as rural people have realised the advantages of
sustainable development achieved by similar types of nature travel. Visitors have the chance to work
in the fields alongside real farmers and wade knee–somewhere down in the ocean with fisherman
pulling in their nets. Agritourism incorporates a wide assortment of activities, including including
buying produce direct from a farm stand, staying on a farm, fishing pond etc. A fish lake, or
fishpond, is a controlled lake, artificial lake, or reservoir that is stocked with fish and is utilized in
aquaculture for fish farming, or is utilized for recreational fishing or for ornamental purposes. ...
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A Fish Pond is a small pond containing fish, often one in which edible fish are raised for
commercial purposes, as for stocking lakes and streams or wholesaling. It is a controlled lake,
artificial lake, or reservoir that is stocked with fish and is utilized in aquaculture for fish farming, or
is utilized for recreational fishing or for ornamental purposes.
History and Origin of Fishing Pond
During the winter, supplying fresh food for a castle garrison was a constant struggle. Though meat
would be available from deer parks, this couldn't supply the necessities of the entire family. A fish
pond gave an elegant solution. As long as there was a natural flow of water into the pond, fish
required no feeding and were accessible available all year round. There would usually be a series of
ponds, with fish being moved between them as they grew.
How to Conduct this Activity (Fishing Pond)?
Set up a space. Assign a certain part of your yard for it. This area should be large enough so that the
fish can roam.
See if the dirt is suitable by making a small hole and pouring some water in
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Alaska Fish Trap Essay
The use of fish traps in the 1950s almost completely depleted salmon runs in some areas of Alaska.
A fish trap is a big, fixed wooden structure, placed at the mouth of a stream to funnel to tons of fish
into a massive net. Fish traps were also adapted to float so they could be a little bit easier to transfer
in the winter. Fish traps needed little labor to keep them running, and they also kept the fish live
which was important to the seller, which made them a good economic investment. The extensive use
of the fish traps, and other fixed fishing gear heavily impacted the region and the Native people of
Alaska. Fish traps were a very controversial topic throughout Alaska in the 50's and 60's. These
fixed fish traps were extremely efficient, catching almost 600,000 fish annually and, they had a very
low escape rate. Fish traps caught so many salmon that areas were completely depleted, and left
Native villages without one of their main sources of food. The result of the residents of Alaska
unhappiness with fish traps made the White Act of 1924 come into play. This act required an
escapement rate of 50% off all salmon, this means if you catch 100 fish you have to let 50 back into
the water. The White Act also included that the Secretary of Commerce can manage all of Alaska's
fishing except for the access to the fishery. ... Show more content on ...
Native Alaskans used weirs, in–stream methods, and some tribes, like the Tlingit built a dam in the
river to trap salmon, and used spears to kill them. Native Alaskans depended on salmon for over half
their diet, and the actual sport of catching salmon was considered a leisure activity, within their
society. Commercial fishing, on the other hand, used purse seines, gill nets, and fish traps. Unlike,
the Native Alaskans, commercial fishing mobile gear often required much effort, for not that much
payout, compared to the Native
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Sci275 Water Resource Plan Essay
Action Items(in the correct order) | Action Steps | Timeline | Identify the fish species being affected |
Consult the studies conducted by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and identify the big fish that
are in danger | Month 1 | Develop a "Reduced Catch" plan and implementation procedures | Create a
plan to limit the amount of fish that commercial fisherman can bring in on a single catch. Create
enforcement regulations to ensure the plan is followed. Set roll out date. | Month 2–4 | Schedule
presentation for commercial fishing industry | Develop a presentation to outline the new plan to the
members of the commercial fishing industry.Schedule presentation date.Give presentation
nationwide and inform the commercial fishing ... Show more content on ...
These nets are illegal but still used quite often. A drift net is towed behind the boat and captures
anything that swims or floats into it. This often results in by–catch, which is the unintentional
capture of certain species, such as bottlenose dolphins (Dolphin p. 2). Another damaging technique
used is long line fishing. "Hundreds...of baited hooks can hang on one line. Bait can be squid, fish...
The lines can be set with anchors or left drifting with the current for 12 to 24 hours" (Long Line
para. 1). These long lines are harmful to many different animals. Birds are often found on the lines,
having drowned while trying to eat the bait. Loggerhead turtles, which are endangered, are found
also. Sharks are the most common casualty of long lining. (Long Line para. 2). These are just a few
of the consequences of common fishing techniques. This "Reduced Catch" plan should have the
ability to strike a balance between the environmentalists and fisherman. Commercial fisherman will
be able to keep fishing but will have to reduce the size of their catches. Surely, they will not agree
with the reduction in their catch size but they cannot argue the necessity of replenishing the fish
populations. It is summed up best by marine biologist Sylvia Earle: "...what is not realized is that
when the fish have gone, the way of life will come to an end anyway. What's happening is not
sustainable" (National para. 9). In the long run the commercial fisherman
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Alaska Ranger Research Paper
The fishing industry can be a very exciting and fulfilling world to work in. You're always working,
traveling to new places, dealing with challenges, and experiencing new things. This is what draws
many people to the trade, but it is a dangerous job. In a report from the National Transportation
Safety Board found that, in 2007 that the commercial fishing had the highest fatality rate in the
country with 111.8 deaths for every 100,000 workers. (NTSB). There are many reasons why it's so
dangerous and on March 23, 2008 the crew of the fishing vessel Alaska Ranger experienced some of
the dangers that life at sea can bring when their ship sunk in the cold icy waters off Alaska. There
were many factors why the vessel perished, but the main reason ... Show more content on ...
Emergency equipment included bilge pumps, alarms for fire and bilge levels, three life rafts, fifty
five immersion suits, and EPIRB. The Ranger was a twin screw ship with two 3,500 HP motors with
2 spade type rudders behind 2 variable–pitch props. To sum it up the Alaska Ranger was a standard
fishing vessel that had been sailing since 1973. The ship met all the minimum Coast Guard required
regulations in terms of safety and equipment but was not completely watertight which would be the
ships undoing. The Alaska Ranger operated in the Bering Sea which is one of the most dangerous
seaways to traverse. High winds, large swells, ice, and unpredictable weather can make it extremely
treacherous especially in the winter months. The vessel had 47 crew members with 2 deck officers
and 3 engine officers. Before the accident the Ranger had been docked in Dutch Harbor, AK and
was given orders to travel 500 miles to the west to the fertile fishing grounds of Petrel Bank to
escape the ice that was in Bering Sea at the time. The total time for the voyage was to be 2 ½
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Environmental Impacts Of Marine Biodiversity Essay
The state of Florida is known for its beautiful waters and diverse marine ecosystems. Millions of
people visit the state each year to vacation and enjoy Florida's many tourist attractions. One of
Florida largest attractions is its fishing. People come from all over the world to experience Florida's
exciting and productive fisheries. Florida is even called the fishing capital of the world. The state
not only has the largest number of recreational fisherman in the country it also has the second
largest commercial fishing industry. Commercial fishing in Florida has deep historical roots dating
all the way back to the 1800s. In some parts of Florida whole towns and economies are centered
around the commercial fishing industry. This has led to depleted populations of several fish species
in many of these areas. "The commercial extraction of large numbers of individuals from targeted
marine populations and the inadvertent by–catch and habitat damage that results from that
extraction have been identified as among the "most critical" factors currently affecting marine
biodiversity ( Brailovskaya 1236) Due to its environmental impacts, there should be more regulation
on commercial fishing including stricter size limits, and bag limits on fish. Implementation of
bycatch reduction technologies should be required of all commercial fisherman and no fishing zones
should be established.
State regulations and limits of different species have become very controversial and many people
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Commercial Fishing In New England
Commercial fishing in New England is not sustainable. Commercial fishing is the catching of fish
for profit and, as with other profit making activities, there are trade–offs between a pure capitalistic
market and the damage it does to resources. For commercial fishing, this trade–off is that the more
fish the fishermen catch, the more damage it does to the fish population. To make commercial
fishing sustainable, large regulations need to be in place, as Jack said. However, large regulations of
a free market are usually not accepted in America and would not be put in place in time to save the
fish and sustain commercial fishing.
The population of many fish species have decreased drastically through the years and, even with
current regulations, ... Show more content on ...
The definition of Capitalism according to Merriam–Webster is an economic system characterized by
private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private
decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by
competition in a Free Market. This means that the free market, or in this case commercial fishing, is
not controlled by the government because that is the definition of capitalism. Having big restrictions
on fishing would be seen as a restriction of the free market. Although regulations are put on the free
market, the size of regulations needed to sustain fish population and save commercial fishing would
not be tolerated by many political parties. The regulations would never be put in place. Unless
America changes its capitalist view, the large regulations needed to sustain commercial fishing will
not happen.
The changes needed for sustainable fishing are too big and do not fit with America's view of the
economic system. Unfortunately, without these changes, the fish population will continue to decline.
So, you can see that sustainable fishing in new England is not possible. Although New England and
the US cannot have sustainable fishing because of their capitalistic values, as shown throughout
history their values may
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Why And How Should We Regulate Coastal Fisheries
Why and how should we regulate coastal fisheries
Coastal fisheries of the UK offer a vast amount of importance to us for things like food and
medications, but after decades of over fishing and destructive fishing methods our fish stocks have
been left severly depleted. Across the UK there has been a lot of initiatives towards managing our
coastal fisheries to meet both environmental and economic goals. The need for regulating coastal
fisheries is not a new idea, it has been used for several hundred years. Currently there is 207
protected marine protected areas implemented by the British government, one of the main ways we
can regulate coastal fisheries is by creating more marine conservation zones, these zones create a
safe place for ... Show more content on ...
Across the UK there has been a lot of initiatives towards managing our coastal fisheries to meet
both environmental and economic goals. However, even though numerous pieces of legislation
targeted at improving the state of our marine environments, governments and businesses are giving
far too little priority to . There is now a large and growing gap between what is immediately needed
and the rate of progress that is being pursued. We are overfishing in our oceans. The commercial
fish stocks of our coastal waters are fully exploited or overexploited. The over–exploitation and
mismanagement of fisheries leads to collapses in the fish stocks, for example the failure of the cod
fishery off Newfoundland, Canada, in 1992, leading to the loss of some 40,000 jobs in the industry.
History of regulations within coastal fisheries
The need for regulating coastal fisheries is not a new idea, it has been used for several hundred
years. Residents of New Zealand had regulations in place that meant fisherman could only catch and
take back what could be
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Commercial Fishing Is Bad
Commercial Fishing has always been a means of making a lucrative living. So much so, that is one
of the reasons that concerns have risen today. With the increase in the number of commercial
fisherman within the U.S., it requires more fish to be fished from the seas. Over the years, changes
in the fish stock population has become a serious concern. Commercial Fishing is also destroying
our sea beds and marine life that lives on the sea floor of the oceans. Many times, the threats to
marine life due to commercial fishing are not detected until the marine life has suffered a significant
decline in numbers. Unless other practices are put in place, the impacts of regular fishing spots,
bottom trawling and pollution will have a catastrophic ... Show more content on ...
They are also a food source for mammals on land, such as otters, birds, and bears. The food chain
starts with plant life and then continues up. Some animals are never considered ocean prey, so they
are referred to as being at the top of the food chain. Animals that are a part of this food chain depend
on each other to survive.
Another tremendous impact on aquatic life is water pollution from fishing boats. Oil spills from
vessels and trawlers can affect the water greatly. An oil spill can affect the entire surrounding
environment. When an oil spill occurs, oil gets trapped in the sediment on the ocean floor. This oil
can maintain on the ocean floor for longer periods of time than within the waters. Anything that
feeds within the sediment would then be affected by the
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Overfishing In Alaska

  • 1. Overfishing In Alaska Though overfishing and lack of proper fisheries management has left much of the world in a critical situation, that's not the case everywhere. Alaska's fisheries are some of the most environmentally friendly and economically booming businesses in the world. Every year fishermen harvest hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of fish and shellfish from their waters. Fishery managers have created a system that successfully creates abundant annual fishing seasons that practically eliminates overfishing and environmental destruction. Under Alaska's sustainable–fishing rules, which are some of the strictest in the world, these rules help prevent the overfishing that has brought ocean's elsewhere to near catastrophe. Permit systems and reserves helped ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Informative Essay On Fishless Oceans Melanie Chen Professor Polster English 1B 14 March 2016 Fishless Oceans Have you ever wondered about what lives deep within the ocean? With the earth composed of 71% of ocean, there live many different species of marine life such as salmon, tuna, sharks, and other aquatic animals. Because of the healthy proteins and fats such as omega–3 fatty acids fish provide, fish consumption has greatly increased over the past few decades. With fish as an alternative to red meats such as cows, pigs, and chicken, it has provided many benefits for our health such as regulate blood clotting, and provide significant amounts of iron, and "good" omega fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. Fishing has been used to meet consumer demand and ... Show more content on ... For example, one commercial fishing method that has significantly increased the amount of bycatch and destruction of marine ecosystems is known as bottom trawling. This popular commercial fishing technique was first introduced in New Zealand when fishers began searching for shrimp and other deep sea species. Trawling is now being used to catch a range of species, such as shrimp, hoki, ling, hake, squid, and halibut. Bottom trawling "involves one or two fishing vessels to tow a large net." As these large nets drag through the bottom seafloor, nets can be towed for at least two hours at a speed of a high of four knots. With these weighted nets dragging along the seafloor, everything in its path is either disturbed, damaged, or completely destroyed. Although bottom trawling may be a more labor–saving method to catching large loads of shrimp and other deep sea life, there have been occurrences in which the amount of bycatch discarded exceeds the amount of target fish caught. For instance, in 2007, Belize only landed "19 metric tons of shrimp and likely discarded about 76 to 190 metric tons of other marine life." From the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Kelleher stated that bottom trawling has been "one of the most destructive ways to catch fish, and is responsible for up to half of all discarded fish and marine life worldwide." Not only has bottom trawling led to overfishing but it also has disrupted coral reefs, and many other seafloor habitats. As habitat destruction from these fishing techniques worsen, fish populations continue to be threatened and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Overfishing Research Paper No overfishing or no fishing. Overfishing is an enormous issue that needs to be corrected or there will be no more fish to catch in the future. The true definition of overfishing is as defined by the national fisheries act from 1996 overfishing is "a rate or level of fishing mortality that jeopardizes a fishery's capacity to produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY) on a continuing basis(kennedy, 2016)." Some of the facts of overfishing are so shocking they would blow you out of the water, as well as some of the effects overfishing can have on the fisheries. The solutions to overfishing are extremely simple and completely within our power to do. Overfishing is defined in many different ways but they all mean roughly the same thing. The National ... Show more content on ... One solution is to set strict limits to how much fish commercial fishermen can take from the oceans. The limits would be determined by yearly evaluations, and studies of the population of harvestable fish(Koster, 2016). There are already many limits on the amount of fish that can be harvested by fishermen but they are not well enforced or punished. Another solution would be to crack down of fishing boats, and check how much of each fish they have caught. If the fishermen have exceeded their limit the punishment would be much greater than it is now to scare them into not taking more fish than they are aloud(Koster, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Persuasive Speech On Overfishing Today I will be talking about over fishing, Over–Fishing is the over exploitation of fish to below acceptable levels. This can occur in most bodies of water, such as the oceans, rivers, lakes and even ponds. In over fishing we are going to be talking about shark finning, Shark finning is the practice of slicing off the shark's fins while the shark is still alive and throwing the rest of its body back into the ocean where it can take days to die what must be an agonizing death. Shark finning is very common in Asia as it is a delicacy and a prime ingredient in shark fin soup. Overfishing is very bad problem that is occurring more and more in the world today. The core of overfishing comes from commercial fishing. Commercial fishing is the activity of catching fish and other seafood for commercial profit. The reasons for overfishing vary, but the main reason for overfishing is that the more fish equals the more profit. Over fishing is also very bad for the environment, it has allot of bad affects, one of these bad affects are the destruction of the environment. Ecosystem destruction ... Show more content on ... When the fisherman put the big net out to caught fish they sometimes catch dolphin tangle up in the net and sharks too. Overfishing causes abundance growth to marine animals at the bottom of the food chain like algae. When algae multiply it can endanger the life of our coral reef and coral reef are so paramount to the environment because many species of fish dwell in the coral reef. Coastal inhabitants all around the globe live on fish as their primary source of protein. Overfishing threatens the food security in developing countries. There are still people out there that deny the problem of overfishing because it will affect there live hood if they admit there is a problem. Most of the people who deny that overfishing is a problem are big commercial fisheries and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Is The Primary Cause Of Environmental Changes To The... Causes of Environmental Changes to the Pacific Ocean in Oregon The Pacific Ocean is a famous and important ocean in Oregon. People can enjoy the beautiful and spectacular scenery of the Pacific Ocean if they live in Oregon; however, the ocean environment has been changing for the past twenty years or more in Oregon. There are two major causes of environmental changes to the Pacific Ocean in Oregon, overfishing and global warming. First,the primary cause of environmental changes to the Pacific Ocean in Oregon Is overfishing. With the booming development of commercial fishing, a lot of commercial fishing boats caught too many fish for their profits. As a consequence, some kinds of fish were endangered and this created a species ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Impact Of The Oil Spill From The Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig... Article being reviewed: Cisneros–Montemayor, A., Sumaila, R., Dyck, A., Huang, L., Jacquet, J., Kleisner, K, & et al. (2012). Impact of the Deepwater Horizon well blowout on the Economics of U.S. Gulf fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69(3), 499–510. doi:10.1139/f2011–171 retrieved form ResearchGate Article Summary The article studied the effects of the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig operated by British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010. The spill released 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill impacted hundreds of miles of marine ecosystem along the Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida coastlines. (Cisneros–Montemayor, Sumaila, Dyck, Huang, Jacquet, Kleisner, & et al, 2012, p.499) The impacts on the marine ecosystem trickled down to impact economic functions of commercial fishing, mariculture, tourism, energy markets, and recreation. (Cisneros– Montemayor, Sumaila, Dyck, Huang, Jacquet, Kleisner, & et al, 2012, p.500) Considering the geographical located of the oil spill, the tropical system of the Gulf of Mexico played a key role during the oil spill. Tropical systems make a great habitat for mangroves and marshes, but these types of plants tend to suck up the oil and can retain it for long periods of time. (Cisneros– Montemayor, Sumaila, Dyck, Huang, Jacquet, Kleisner, & et al, 2012, p.501) In determining the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the economy the study us the spatial catch ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Oceana Research Paper The ocean covers 71% of the earth's surface, is a home to hundreds of different species of animals but also provides food to millions of families all over the world. Recently is has been reported that the amount of fish being caught has been decreasing due to overfishing and illegal fishing practices and trawling by commercial fishing boats. In my opinion, our Ocean has the potential to provide food to millions more people if start to make making changes now. I believe Oceana is leading the pack regarding ocean conservation on a global scale. Oceana was established in 2001, and is the largest nonprofit organization in the world solely concentrated on ocean conservation. What makes Oceana stand out from other nonprofits like Take 3, 5 Gyres, Reef Check,, is that they focus on placing policies into effect into countries with little to no ocean conservation laws all over the world. Oceana in my opinion really takes it to the next level with their dedication and persistence, which has helped them win over 100 victories since the company was founded. One of my favorite projects of 2016 was a proposed rule released by The Obama administration to make it mandatory for Shrimping nets to have Turtle Excluder Devices(TEDs). The device is composed of metal grates that are inserted into the nets to allow sea turtles and ... Show more content on ... Oceana has really made a difference in the legal aspect of ocean conservation, which is not always an easy task to get change into place in many bureaucracies. The ocean has the potential to feed millions of people if we put more proper fishing guidelines into place, and help restore fish populations. The world population is expected to increase to 9.6 billion by 2050. If we continue this path without any change the effects will be catastrophic for the ocean and for the human ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Environmental Impacts Of The Marine Environment Introduction Problem Statement / Definition of Research Area This research will look into the problems caused by fishing. Human impact has proved to threaten the bio diversity of the marine environment. The environmental impact of fishing can be divided into issues that involve the availability of fish to be caught, such as overfishing, sustainable fisheries, and fisheries management; and issues that involve the impact of fishing on other elements of the environment, such as by–catch. This research is connected to sustainability, and will look into the living and non–living things that menace the fish in the sea, along with the care resolution that will foster the marine environments feasible future. Rationale The indicated matter was selected for the sake of the marine environment and its beautiful importance. A great deal of leisure time is devoted to fishing both on land and sea. I love the bio diversity of the ocean and regard it as something that needs to be safeguarded. This topic is also significant for my local community. The oceans species are all unique and many people fish illegally and without caution, therefore we have an environmental responsibility in maintaining sustainable practices. Thus, significantly exploring the living and nonliving factors alarming the ocean including the current policies enforced toward safeguarding the ocean is important. Research Questions 1) What is overfishing? 2) What are the causes of overfishing? 3) How effective have the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. College Essay On Commercial Fishing Commercial fishing has shaped me as a person and instilled some of the character traits that will always stick with me. Two of my family members, JJ Wilbur and Doug Wilbur, were the pioneers of commercial crabbing within the Swinomish tribe. I started commercial crabbing when I was 12 years old and little did I know that it would become one of my biggest passions. This job shaped my work ethic and mindset. If you're working for JJ and not moving or helping something go smoothly, you're practically in his way and will get yelled at. Don't get me wrong, he is a nice person, but he wants you to work hard until the moment we get back to the dock. One time when we were going out to catch prawns, I was sitting there on my phone and got an ear full from him. ... Show more content on ... So I started filling up bags with the bait, which is sardines and pellets covered in fish oil. Later on in the day it started getting rough on the water and he told me to go up on the engine hatch to throw pots off. The rail only when up to my knees so I was kind of scared to step up there and throw them, but it had to be done. Remembering that my grandpa told me to "Not to fear the water, be confident, but always respect it" because the weather can turn in an instant. So I grabbed the buoy then tossed it over, grabbed the fifty pound anchor and as JJ says "let it fly" so I did just that. After this I've never feared the water and have been determined to take situations head on, even if they're intimidating. It taught me to be brave, even if hesitant at first, just go for it and be confident in myself. Since all of the pots are on one rope, we had to move fast and precisely, making sure we did it right on the first try. My brother was handing me the pots so that I could toss them into the water. After we threw the second anchor and the rope was going out, I noticed my brother had stepped between the rail and the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Overfishing Is A Serious Problem Overfishing is a serious problem that often gets overlooked. In the article by Udy Bell, called "Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Biology," Bell talks about how only 1 percent of the world's oceans are marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs not only help protect oceans by allowing habitats to recover from damage caused by overfishing but also allow fish to safely reproduce. Due to fishing fish faster then they can reproduce, many species of fish are going endangered or already endangered of being extinct. Species like whales, dungongs, sea cows, codfish, jewfish, sharks, and other marine vertebrates are examples of fish that are being overfished. Overfishing was addressed at the World Summit in Johannesburg, Africa in 2002 (Bell 17). At the World Summit, many experts in the field of overfishing agreed that the most effective way to battle overfishing is by creating and establishing more MPAs around the world. Although overfishing is a serious problem, there are ways to solve the problem like creating Marine Protected Areas. Gutierrez 2 Humans are the ones responsible for the damage caused to our oceans by overfishing. MPAs are essential to preserve and protect the biological diversity of the oceans (Kechington, Ward, Hegerl 7). In "The Benefits of Marine Protected Areas," by Richard Kenchington, Trevor Ward, and Eddie Hegerl, talk about why MPAs are crucial to the prevention of overfishing. In a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) study, over 70% of fish ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Over Fishing Research Paper Commercial fishing has a great affect on the marine life for many reasons. Those reasons include species of marine life going extinct, or over population. Some marine life are going extinct from overfishing because as scientists said fish are able to produce only a limited quantity of fish over time this problem cannot only affect the fish but it can affect the entire ecosystem in the ocean. Some species of fish are also going extinct from bycatch. Bycatch is when other species of fish or marine life is captured in the nets with the target fish that is supposed to be caught. It is estimated by scientists that 25 percent of the commercial fishing industries around the world harvest is discarded bycatch. Some species of marine life cannot only go extinct but it can also overpopulate. Certain types of marine life can go extinct because their predators are going also going extinct. This issue arose in the early 1900s when commercial fishing industries expanded their fishing fleets. ... Show more content on ... As the population increases the fishing industry must meet the demand for more fish. While catching the fish they use nets that are 260 feet in length which catch about 100 tons of fish daily. The size of the net makes it greater to overfish because this net is as long as a football field which catches tons of fish. Another cause of overfishing is bycatch, because these unwanted fish are being caught in the nets with the type of fish that is being targeted. Overfishing and bycatch can lead to many problems and one of the main problems of overfishing and bycatch is the species of fish or marine life going extinct. The consequences of this problem is some of fish and marine life going extinct. When it happens it can affect many things such as not providing certain animals food. It can also lead to overpopulation in some species because there predator might not be alive anymore so without certain species predators will ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Decline Of Tuggerah Lakes Tuggerah Lakes have been a popular commercial and recreational fishing venue for more than a century. Not only have they been one of the most important producers of estuarine fish in NSW, but have attract many tourists to the area each year. Recreational fishermen have reported a decline in fish stocks over the last 20 to 30 years. Commercial fishermen on the other hand, have mixed feelings, some agreeing that there has been a decline but that it has probably been a coast wide effect rather than just Tuggerah Lakes. Some believe the fluctuations are part of a long term natural cycle. Some of the earliest historical records of Tuggerah Lakes include descriptions of an abundance of fish. In 1842, John Mann observed a large canoe–full of fish ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Overfishing Our great oceans whose biodiversity in unmatched, makes up over three fourths of our planet's surface. The ocean is home to more than 20,000 different species of fish and over 2 million other animal and plant species found in our oceans. Overfishing can be defined in a number of ways. However, everything comes down to one simple point: Catching too much fish for the system to support leads to an overall degradation to the system. Overfishing is a non–sustainable use of the oceans. The earliest overfishing occurred in the early 1800s when humans, seeking blubber for lamp oil, decimated the whale population. Some fish that we eat, including Atlantic cod and herring and California's sardines, were also harvested to the brink of extinction by the ... Show more content on ... A damaged system is struggling and shifting, but can still be active. If we want to we can reverse most of the destruction. In some situations it might only take a decade, in other situations it might take many centuries. Yet in the end we can have productive and healthy oceans again as is shown in many examples around the world. We do however need to act on it now, before we cross the point of no ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Understanding And Managing Recreational Fisheries Within A... Fishing is often seen as a recreational escape from work or daily routines, as it also meets the basic human needs of nutrition. In the report, Illustrating the critical role of human dimensions research for understanding and managing recreational fisheries within a social–ecological system framework, by Hunt et al., we look more closely at the management of recreational fisheries in relation to the fishers themselves, and how it may influence the outcomes of the fisheries ecological systems. In turn we see critical connections between the ecological and social systems, which give us great feedback on a recreational fisher's actions and how we can better manage those actions. In the report they focus on the coupling of fisher's behaviors ... Show more content on ... These give the researchers better information in regards to the connections and feedback between the natural and human components of the recreational fisheries system management. In terms of recreational fishing, using human dimensions research provides information about a fisher's preference, behavior, attitude and wellbeing when it comes to the support of fisheries management. Taking an in depth study of the fisher's views and opinions on policy and management issues can better illustrate how fishers make choices for pursuing fishing among sites that may differ greatly in their regulations and many other attributes. Being able to understand a fisher's evaluations on a wide scale will better help human dimensions researchers interpret and predict their future behaviors, which has become an important area of enquiry. Before, human dimensions researchers studied a small scale of fishers and did not account for diversity; the new studies being conducted do the exact opposite. L.M. Hunt et al. look at the fisher's evaluations in a much broader aspect. By taking a deeper study into understanding fishers and what prompts their actions will better allow human dimension researchers and biologists to make connections between the fishers and fish, whereas they would otherwise solely focus on the fisheries biology. The ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Taxonomy Of Cobia (Rachycentron Candum) Introduction Cobia (Rachycentron candum) goes by many English variant common names, such as, black kingfish, black salmon, cabio, crabeater, cubby yew, kingfish, lemonfish, ling, prodigal son, runner and sergeant fish (NOAA, 2014; Bester, n.d.). The initial taxonomy of cobia was labeled as Gasterosteus canadus by Linnaeus in 1766 and then later changed to the current name Rachycentron candum (as cited in Bester, n.d.). Often the cobia is misidentified as a shark or a remora (family Echeneidae) which is the closest living relative to the cobia. Incidentally, the cobia is the only member of the family Rachycentridae. The historical range of the species is within tropical, subtropical and warm–temperate waters worldwide with the exception of ... Show more content on ... Cobia can achieve lengths of six feet and weigh as high as 135 pounds (Bester, n.d.; Williams, 2001; NOAA, 2014). The common length of a cobia is between 25 and 47 inches with weights up to 50 pounds. Cobia males are known to live up to 9 years old while the females can live to 11 years (Bester, n.d.; Williams, 2001; NOAA, 2014). Males reaches sexual maturity in as little as 2 years and females in 3 years. During reproduction cobia form in large groups during the daytime between the months of June and August within the Atlantic fishery. The Gulf of Mexico reproduction occurs between the months of April through September. Cobia spawns several times in a season, as many as 15–20, releasing between 375,000 and a million eggs (NOAA, 2014; Bester, n.d). The spawn frequency of cobia using both oocytes undergoing final oocyte maturation (FOMs) and postovulatory follicles (POFs) estimated the spawn every 4 to 5 days in the North Central Gulf of Mexico, while those from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast spawn every 5.2 days (SEDAR, 2013) The larval is typically released within 24–36 hour and within 5 days the larval has developed eyes and mouth for feeding. The juvenile begins to take on the appearance of the adults by day 30 with the two bands running from head to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Alaskan Salmon Lead The Most Interesting Life From Life Alaskan salmon lead the most interesting life from birth to death, spending time in both fresh and salt water. Eggs are laid by a female fish in a stream. She actually buries up to thousands of eggs, or ova, in a nest called a Redd. The male fertilizes these eggs, once placed. The eggs develop in the winter and hatch in the spring. Once the eggs hatch, now called Alevin, they stay in the nest for approximately one month feeding on the yolk sac of the egg. Once the baby salmon leave the Redd, known as Fry, they are on their own for survival, like finding food and mastering the challenges of the downhill journey downstream. A Parr is a young salmon approximately six inches in length that is growing as it continues downstream. If the young ... Show more content on ... According to the Department of Alaska fish and game, Alaska has over 15,000 salmon streams. According to the Marine Stewardship Council, the world's top seafood "ecolabel" authority, states that Alaska, by weight, provides over 2/3 of the world's seafood (– content/uploads/2010/061359_MCA_Report_for_download1.pdf). However, the Alaskan environment, wildlife and stocks of fish remain abundant year after year. Alaska's beauty and fisheries are frequent topics of the Nature Channel programs, and Alaska remains a top tourist attraction for nature enthusiasts. Why, with all the commercial and sport fishing, haven't fishing stocks depleted? Groundfish, scientists say, are abundant in the North Pacific, salmon returns have grown in the last 30 years, and shellfish production is also successful. Even the sea lion population has steadily grown (– content/uploads/2010/061359_MCA_Report_for_download1.pdf p.5). This amazing nature preserve and economic way of life are sustainable due to fishing managers following scientific guidelines very conservatively, making rules and regulations based on scientific research: research that is open to the public, and discussed with the public on a regular basis. Alaska became a state in 1959 under President Eisenhower, after Alaskans and the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Human Consumption And Commercial Fishing Essay Human Consumption and Commercial Fishing have led to a depletion of Cod stocks, specifically, the Atlantic Cod in the North Atlantic Region. The ecological, social and economic implications this has on society is not only evident today, but poses long–term consequences as well. Wicked problems are characterized by social complexity. (stakeholders, incomplete contradiction knowledge, opinions etc.) (Kolko, 2012) this issue may be considered a wicked problem because the Atlantic cod remain a demand in human consumption and the commercial exploitation remains a factor in the depletion of their stocks. The Interrelationship between consumers and fisheries is a very complex issue. Overfishing and exploitation of Cod remain one of the major ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Marlin Fishing In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago goes fishing and catches a marlin. Marlins, which are large swordfish, are more popular for their use in sport rather than commercial revenue. They have been abused and now are an endangered species which now possibly may be removed from the planet due to overfishing. Marlin fishing should be stopped because it is causing their population to drop, its demand cannot be sustained, and it has a lot of mercury which can be potentially harmful. Marlins are fishes which swim around in the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. However, most of them are often captured and put into areas where they can be fished for entertainment and for competition. Taking them from their natural ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Artificial Reefs Used as Fisheries The main objective of our study is to determine if artificial reefs can be used as a fisheries enhancement or conservation tool in Narragansett Bay. Using a variety of research techniques, we will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) do artificial reefs increase the abundance (and biomass) of important species of demersal sport fish? Or (2) do reefs attract existing numbers of fish to the reef and increase the rate of exploitation, thus potentially decreasing localized populations (or communities)? By building a carefully replicated network of artificial reefs, we will advance research on the impact of artificial reefs. In–order to address our study questions, we propose the construction of 0.25 acre artificial reefs (0.5 acre area) using pre–fabricated reef modules in three locations of Narragansett Bay. The creation of small–scale experimental reefs will not only provide long–term research stations but will also improve benthic habitat conditions in an area of soft sediments. The performance of artificial reefs varies considerably, depending on materials used as well as location of deployment and intended results. Breakup, movement, and burial have been reported to occur in reef programs. The location and design of reef complexes must be carefully chosen to balance the goals and objectives of a project with environmental and social constraints (Table 1). We used geospatial and fisheries data to ensure that our reef locations are placed in the most suitable ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Argumentative Essay On Declining Fish Over fishing our waters is causing a great deal of concern amongst environmentalist and commercial fishermen. According to the Declining Fish Stock video, the average commercial fishermen's catch is about 20,000 pounds. This has been estimated to equal a couple hundred fish per day per vessel (Declining Fish, 2007). Some studies indicate that commercial fishing fleets have stripped the ocean waters of at least 90 percent of its big fish (Declining Fish, 2007). This has begun to cause heavy competition between commercial fishermen who are left competing for the other 10 percent of the remaining fish population (Declining Fish, 2007). Studies indicate that our oceans are not as resilient as we had once believed (Declining Fish, 2007). According to Dr. Jeremy Jackson of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, we will never again be able to fish our waters at the level that we have been over the last half century (Declining Fish, 2007). Dr. Jackson also states that over fishing is more destructive to the ocean waters than toxic pollution or degrading water quality (Declining Fish, 2007). This is a frightening thought and seems to have environmentalists and commercial fishermen at each other's throats. When asked if the damage to the fish population is at a level of completion, Dr. Jackson said that the damage was near completion but that the damage could be reversed if we take much needed drastic measures to ensure that these fish have a chance to repopulate (Declining Fish, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Newfoundland Fishing Industry The closing of the cod fisheries marked one of the most devastating moments in history for the province of Newfoundland. However, Sue Bailey wrote an article discussing the return, the comeback of the Newfoundland fishing industry once again. Bailey refers to a federal report stating cod stocks are still in a parlous state, although a union of fishermen wish to expand the cod fishery. While the cod fishery was thought to be gone, the recovery rate of the species are remarkable; " biomass was up seven percent from 2015 to 2016," there is still much recovery to be done. Ocean biologists hypothesize the lifting of inshore and offshore cod fishery ban in the next three years. Another reference to the federal report; there is an estimate of about ... Show more content on ... Obviously mismanagement is a factor overfishing itself, and is the result of the limit for cod placed by the federal government. As well, the the advancement in geotechnology, like radars, sonars and satellite navigation systems helped find large fish bodies, all rapidly collected with trawlers. Another undiscussed matter, is climate change; over the years it has played a significant change in driving away fish populations because of dropping temperatures and changing of salinity. One idea discussed by the article is the monitoring of cod numbers, as well as monitoring the seal population. The article states to limit seal population to keep the fish alive; the textbook states "They contend that the greater number of seals ate larger quantities of caplin, a small fish that is a major food source of groundfish," (pg 285). I find that bringing back the sealing industry could help maintain cod numbers, functioning as a way to bring back 2 banned commercial ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Fishing for Trouble Essay In 1999 near the Galapagos Islands, Rob Stewart, 22, an underwater photographer and filmmaker, was driving when he discovered something that changed his life forever. It was a long line fishing rig hung with hundreds of dead sharks on a single fishing line that Stewart explained had the potential to reach from Earth to space. This fishing line is known by conservationists as a "curtain of death" (Kielburger). Overfishing is the fishing of a species at levels too high for the species to reproduce. This can greatly reduce fish population and drive species toward extinction. Fishing has provided the world with food and jobs that have remodeled Earth's cultures and lifestyles. Fishing is practiced by local fishermen, commercial fishing rigs, ... Show more content on ... When fish populations are low in one area, fishing boats will need to move to another area where fish are more abundant. This renders oceans and their sea life helpless and severely damaged until all of the fish in the oceans are completely gone. That is why governments need laws establishing the length of time a person could spend at sea fishing, in order to reduce overfishing and increase recovery of fish populations. One example of a fish population suffering from overfishing is the Pacific bluefin tuna. "Overfishing has left the world with less than five percent of its Pacific Bluefin tuna, says the Pew Environment Group" (Kowalski). This statement explains to the world how overfishing can drastically decrease a species' population in an extraordinarily short time period. The Pacific bluefin tuna and other fish are very much stressed by overfishing, and suffer severe losses of population every day. Moreover, overfishing will soon lead to the extinction of fish species like the Pacific bluefin tuna. The European Commission even admits that the "EU's [European Union] stocks are 88% overfished" ("An Icelandic Success"). This reveals Europe's failure to prevent overfishing from spreading throughout the continent and beyond its borders. The majority of Europe's fish supply undergoes the harmful effects that overfishing brings. Additionally, the fish ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Loggerhead Research Paper Loggerhead turtles might be seeing their last day on earth. Humans are killing the loggerhead turtles each year by commercial fishing and trawls, marine debris, and Artificial lighting on the beaches. We should make a difference to these loggerhead turtles and help them survive and be close to living a full live. Humans should not be careless to the innocent creatures. We need to act now, loggerheads are dying of our cruel actions. Commercial fishing is a reason so many turtles are dying each year and making them become endangered. Duke University found that shrimp trawls and commercial fishing nets have killed over 250,000 loggerheads in the human's lifetime. Lots of the turtles are dying to the actions we make. When you are fishing you ... Show more content on ... The lighting causes many turtles to die by leading them away from the moon which can cause dehydration, getting run over, Etc. There are turtles being born each year and 100–300 turtles are dying each year due to the lighting on beaches. If the turtles are being affected by lighting on the beaches many things could happen. A few examples are that the turtles will soon be extinct and we soon will not be able to see their beauty. The other animal rates could go down also because some of the animals need to eat the turtles to survive. People should stop putting the lights near the beach now. It kills the loggerhead turtles each year and soon they will become extinct. Finally we should make a difference to the loggerhead turtles. We should be careful and think whenever we are going to the beach. A few things that hurt these turtles are commercial fishing and fish trawls that capture the turtles and drown them. Another thing we should not do is marine pollution because the turtles eat things they are not supposed to and most times will die. That last of the 3 reasons is lighting on the beaches that affect the baby turtles of where they're going and kill them. We should make the world a better place, let's make a difference ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Ecological Footprint Of Sea Food Consumption ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT OF SEA FOOD CONSUMPTION IN LAGOS Lagos is surrounded by water, Lagos Island is practically on the ocean and the availability of water has contributed to the growth of Lagos in ways like Tourism, Holidaying, Transportation and food. The Atlantic coastline of Lagos is estimated to be 180km long this is an addition to the estuaries, lagoons, creeks and tributaries of major rivers that constitute the resource base for the thriving fisheries industry that are four in number. The total metric tonne of fish landed by 1980 was not available, information indicated a high preference for shellfish harvesting (shrimp, crab and lobster) by private investor. This was due to high demand on the international market for these products. Without reliable fishery data and statistics of what is currently being caught, it is obviously difficult to predict future trends. Also a series of catch and effort statistics, if continued over a period of years provides the best measure of changes in a stock of fish and the impact on fishing on it. Late in December 2013, the Federal Government replaced the import ban decision with a new policy to cut fish imports into the country by 25 per cent per year by introducing import quotas starting in January 2014. Industry players contacted confirmed the quota's introduction, but they indicate there are still uncertainties over how much fish will actually be allowed in under this newly–introduced system. Prices for fish in the domestic market ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Overfishing And Its Effects On The Ocean Overfishing Leads to a Worldwide Oceanic Ecological Collapse People often take the ocean for granted due to its vastness since it makes up over seventy percent of the Earth, however the integrity of the ocean is deteriorating. One of the major, worldwide threats to the wellbeing of the ocean and its inhabitants is overfishing. Overfishing affects not only the ocean, but also the land dwellers. Many countries around the world depend on fish as their main source of food. Tons of fish are caught out of the sea daily, however, the rate that fish are being hauled is far too high where fish stocks are incapable of naturally recovering. There is a decline in population size of affected fish and some species have even faced extinction. Overfishing is the leading cause of ecological extinction, foregoing any other human disruptions to marine ecosystems, such as pollution, water degradation, and climate change (Jackson, et al). Overfishing causes an overwhelming devastation upon the oceans because it depletes food resources, disrupts the food web, and destroys habitats of aquatic organisms, due to this, overfishing causes an oceanic ecological collapse worldwide. Overfishing is not a problem that has recently arise, but a problem that started since the early 1800s. Overfishing first began when people sought for blubber for lamp oil, which lead to a decline in whale population. By the mid–1900s, some fish were almost wiped out, such as the Atlantic cod, herring, and sardines ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Overfishing the World Big Fish Population Over Fishing the World Big Fish Population Insert your Name Here SCI275 Axia College of University of Phoenix The overfishing of our world's oceans is causing a depletion of some prize fish, such as tuna and swordfish, to the point that some scientists believe that 90% of these big fish populations have been fished out. Jeremy Jackson of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography published a study in 2001 in which he asserts that overfishing is more destructive than toxic pollution or degrading water quality (University of Phoenix, 2007). Dr. Daniel Pauly, Professor and Director of the University of British Columbia's Fisheries Centre, describes it as follow on The (2007) website: "The big fish, the bill ... Show more content on ... By putting this plan into practice, we will also resolve the other problems created by over fishing, as it effects not only the depleted fish population, but also the animals for which those fish are food of choice. Whales are turning to sea otters for food, rather than the sea lions and seals on which they normally feed, as those populations also decline. Over fishing has also caused the use, as stated earlier, of smaller mesh nets, increasing the amount of by catch that is caught in the nets. By catch is the seabirds, dolphins, sea turtles, and even whales that are also caught in the net as they drag it in, and are usually dumped back into the ocean, dead or dying. A drastic reduction in the amount of by catch will subsequently occur with the reinstating of the larger mesh nets. The management plan may cause fishermen to have to look into a second source of income for the first five to ten years, as the most severe restrictions are put into place, giving the fish populations can breed and repopulate, and a reassessment to be done by the scientific community charged with monitoring the big fish groups. Governments might be forced to subsidize the industry for this initial period, to help prevent illegal poaching by some fishermen who saw poaching as their only economic alternative. Consumers would have to reduce their use of fish, and would have to pay more for the fish they did purchase at the market during this period of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The 's Dolphin Threat Management Plan Introduction People and dolphins have shared New Zealand's coastal waters for centuries. In recent years there has been increasing awareness of marine mammals and the threats they face within our coastal environments (Department of Conservation1, n.d.). The Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary was implemented in 1988 as a result of conflict between local and commercial fisherman, and the endangered Hector's dolphin. Due to increasing concern despite the sanctuary's set up, the Hector's and Maui's Dolphin Threat Management Plan was drafted in 2007 to place further restrictions on fishing practices within the area. The formation of the sanctuary has created a safer habitat for the local dolphin population, but in the process has negatively affected the livelihoods of many local fishermen within the region. The Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary 1988 The Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) is one of the world's smallest species of marine dolphin. These dolphins are only found within the inshore waters off the coast of New Zealand. There are currently four distinct populations found off the west coast of the North Island, and the west, east, and south coasts of the South Island (Department of Conservation2, n.d.; World Wildlife Fund, n.d.). There are two sub–species of Hector's dolphin in existence; the South Island Hector's dolphin which is found off the coast of the South Island, and the Maui's dolphin which is found off the west coast of the North Island ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Velddrift Case Study 2. Different marine living resources are harvested in and around velddrift. These resources include Sardines (Harvested at saldahna bay), anchovies and tuna species which are the resources for the big fishing industries in and around velddrift and they are captured by using purse seine vessels and trawler vessels. Another living resource includes Mullets which are the resources among the locals owning small businesses and they are captures by gill nets, beach seine nets, ring nets and traps. Fence or maze traps, built at right–angles from shore–lines, are used to guide spawning migrations of mullets into large retaining areas in the berg river estuary. Some other resource includes Galjoens, west coast Steen bras, Elf and Snoek fish; these are ... Show more content on ... Different legislations have been applied to manage this Mullets resource at velddrift. These legislations include; Marine living resource act, 18/98, and Environment Conservation Act, 73/89. The Marine living resource act aims to provide for the conservation of the marine ecosystem, which includes long term sustainable utilisation of resources and orderly access to exploitation, utilization protection of certain living resources. This act is being used at the Berg river estuary where Mullets is the main living resource harvested by communities. The purpose of the act is to provide control over this resource in a rational and unbiased manner to the benefit of all communities of velddrift. The act aims to achieve the best use and ecological sustainable development of Mullets species at the Berg Estuary (, 2016). This legislation also states that no person has the authority to engage in commercial fishing or any other type of fishing, or participate in Mari–culture and to operate a fish processing establishment of fishing, no person is allowed to abolish any fauna and flora rather than to partake in fishing Mullets species. For a person to undertake or engage to operate a fish process establishment or to undertake in any sort of commercial or subsistence fishing, one must be granted a right to do so by DAFF (Anon, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Arguments Against Fishing Regulation Luke Combs Mrs. Daugherty English 9 March 20, 2017 Are Fishing Regulations Strict Enough? Fishing has been around for thousands and thousands of years. It has been a crucial part to our survival and well being as a human race. Nowadays fishing is not only done for food, it has also become a recreational activity. With the large affect fishing has on our society isn't it important we regulate what we do with the fish? Fishing regulations are used to protect what we do with the fish and the limits we have. Commercial fishing regulations need to be stricter or fishing may not be around forever. Fish populations are declining much faster than scientists ever thought. In fact the population of fish has declined by nearly fifty percent since the ... Show more content on ... Anyways it's not like fast food fish sandwiches are required for us to survive. Also fish is wasted very frequently, it expires or is not eaten, so that is just harming our resources for no reason. People need to realize that fish is important, but could be used in a much smarter way. Many are reasonable and try not to be wasteful, but too many people are. Undoubtedly, if we continue this pattern of wastefulness with our ocean's resources there will be consequences. Many statistics and facts back this up. The rules and regulations we are putting on commercial fishing simply aren't getting the job done. Our ocean's fish population has declined so much in forty five years and the overfishing by commercial boats hasn't gotten better, just worse. Remember the fate of the ocean's resources is in our very own hands. Works Cited "The Threats of Overfishing: Consequences at the Commercial Level." DUJS Online. N.p., 29 May 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. Campbell, Andy. "Crucial Marine Populations Cut In Half Since The 1970s: Report." The Huffington Post., 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 23 Mar. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. North Carolina Fishing In 2015, commercial fisheries harvested in North Carolina caught more than four times the recreational coastal fish harvest, yet commercial fishermen ask for less stringency on commercial fishing ("Portal"). Within North Carolina waters the most effective way of catching fish can be noticed without looking very far. Over the past few decades, many more commercial fishermen have been popping up creating a lack of abundance in some channels and creeks that once were pristine. The methods used by many commercial fishermen can harm them by catch and nontarget species of the estuaries and nurseries. With the harming of these species we also begin to harm the keystone species of most coastal regions. There may have been an abundance of fish at one ... Show more content on ... When gill nets are used there is no escape for manatees or sea turtles until someone comes to cut them out of the floating walls of the mesh entrap them until they are taken by death or released. But when North Carolinians see a manatee which may be rare to see why would they wish to see one entangled in a net. These poor animals are already endangered why does it have to be made worse by commercial fishermen. Manatees are aquatic mammals kind of like whales they are the gentle giants of the Intracoastal waterway. Manatees are like the whales of inshore but unlike whales manatees are more inept to being harmed by humans and the fishing. Sea turtles use both inshore and offshore waters so they are always in danger from the fisheries from being run over by a boat or being entrapped in a net. Sea turtles are endangered already but when they come into inshore waters they endanger their lives unknowingly they risk death. But thankfully they resist coming into these waters unless they must lay eggs. In order to protect sea turtles many people must take a stand for these beautiful ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Essay On Fishing Pond Agritourism Activity – Fishing Pond Introduction The idea of agritourism urges guests to experience agricultural life at first hand. Agritourism is gathering strong backing from little groups as rural people have realised the advantages of sustainable development achieved by similar types of nature travel. Visitors have the chance to work in the fields alongside real farmers and wade knee–somewhere down in the ocean with fisherman pulling in their nets. Agritourism incorporates a wide assortment of activities, including including buying produce direct from a farm stand, staying on a farm, fishing pond etc. A fish lake, or fishpond, is a controlled lake, artificial lake, or reservoir that is stocked with fish and is utilized in aquaculture for fish farming, or is utilized for recreational fishing or for ornamental purposes. ... Show more content on ... A Fish Pond is a small pond containing fish, often one in which edible fish are raised for commercial purposes, as for stocking lakes and streams or wholesaling. It is a controlled lake, artificial lake, or reservoir that is stocked with fish and is utilized in aquaculture for fish farming, or is utilized for recreational fishing or for ornamental purposes. History and Origin of Fishing Pond During the winter, supplying fresh food for a castle garrison was a constant struggle. Though meat would be available from deer parks, this couldn't supply the necessities of the entire family. A fish pond gave an elegant solution. As long as there was a natural flow of water into the pond, fish required no feeding and were accessible available all year round. There would usually be a series of ponds, with fish being moved between them as they grew. How to Conduct this Activity (Fishing Pond)? Set up a space. Assign a certain part of your yard for it. This area should be large enough so that the fish can roam. See if the dirt is suitable by making a small hole and pouring some water in ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Alaska Fish Trap Essay The use of fish traps in the 1950s almost completely depleted salmon runs in some areas of Alaska. A fish trap is a big, fixed wooden structure, placed at the mouth of a stream to funnel to tons of fish into a massive net. Fish traps were also adapted to float so they could be a little bit easier to transfer in the winter. Fish traps needed little labor to keep them running, and they also kept the fish live which was important to the seller, which made them a good economic investment. The extensive use of the fish traps, and other fixed fishing gear heavily impacted the region and the Native people of Alaska. Fish traps were a very controversial topic throughout Alaska in the 50's and 60's. These fixed fish traps were extremely efficient, catching almost 600,000 fish annually and, they had a very low escape rate. Fish traps caught so many salmon that areas were completely depleted, and left Native villages without one of their main sources of food. The result of the residents of Alaska unhappiness with fish traps made the White Act of 1924 come into play. This act required an escapement rate of 50% off all salmon, this means if you catch 100 fish you have to let 50 back into the water. The White Act also included that the Secretary of Commerce can manage all of Alaska's fishing except for the access to the fishery. ... Show more content on ... Native Alaskans used weirs, in–stream methods, and some tribes, like the Tlingit built a dam in the river to trap salmon, and used spears to kill them. Native Alaskans depended on salmon for over half their diet, and the actual sport of catching salmon was considered a leisure activity, within their society. Commercial fishing, on the other hand, used purse seines, gill nets, and fish traps. Unlike, the Native Alaskans, commercial fishing mobile gear often required much effort, for not that much payout, compared to the Native ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sci275 Water Resource Plan Essay Action Items(in the correct order) | Action Steps | Timeline | Identify the fish species being affected | Consult the studies conducted by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and identify the big fish that are in danger | Month 1 | Develop a "Reduced Catch" plan and implementation procedures | Create a plan to limit the amount of fish that commercial fisherman can bring in on a single catch. Create enforcement regulations to ensure the plan is followed. Set roll out date. | Month 2–4 | Schedule presentation for commercial fishing industry | Develop a presentation to outline the new plan to the members of the commercial fishing industry.Schedule presentation date.Give presentation nationwide and inform the commercial fishing ... Show more content on ... These nets are illegal but still used quite often. A drift net is towed behind the boat and captures anything that swims or floats into it. This often results in by–catch, which is the unintentional capture of certain species, such as bottlenose dolphins (Dolphin p. 2). Another damaging technique used is long line fishing. "Hundreds...of baited hooks can hang on one line. Bait can be squid, fish... The lines can be set with anchors or left drifting with the current for 12 to 24 hours" (Long Line para. 1). These long lines are harmful to many different animals. Birds are often found on the lines, having drowned while trying to eat the bait. Loggerhead turtles, which are endangered, are found also. Sharks are the most common casualty of long lining. (Long Line para. 2). These are just a few of the consequences of common fishing techniques. This "Reduced Catch" plan should have the ability to strike a balance between the environmentalists and fisherman. Commercial fisherman will be able to keep fishing but will have to reduce the size of their catches. Surely, they will not agree with the reduction in their catch size but they cannot argue the necessity of replenishing the fish populations. It is summed up best by marine biologist Sylvia Earle: "...what is not realized is that when the fish have gone, the way of life will come to an end anyway. What's happening is not sustainable" (National para. 9). In the long run the commercial fisherman ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Alaska Ranger Research Paper The fishing industry can be a very exciting and fulfilling world to work in. You're always working, traveling to new places, dealing with challenges, and experiencing new things. This is what draws many people to the trade, but it is a dangerous job. In a report from the National Transportation Safety Board found that, in 2007 that the commercial fishing had the highest fatality rate in the country with 111.8 deaths for every 100,000 workers. (NTSB). There are many reasons why it's so dangerous and on March 23, 2008 the crew of the fishing vessel Alaska Ranger experienced some of the dangers that life at sea can bring when their ship sunk in the cold icy waters off Alaska. There were many factors why the vessel perished, but the main reason ... Show more content on ... Emergency equipment included bilge pumps, alarms for fire and bilge levels, three life rafts, fifty five immersion suits, and EPIRB. The Ranger was a twin screw ship with two 3,500 HP motors with 2 spade type rudders behind 2 variable–pitch props. To sum it up the Alaska Ranger was a standard fishing vessel that had been sailing since 1973. The ship met all the minimum Coast Guard required regulations in terms of safety and equipment but was not completely watertight which would be the ships undoing. The Alaska Ranger operated in the Bering Sea which is one of the most dangerous seaways to traverse. High winds, large swells, ice, and unpredictable weather can make it extremely treacherous especially in the winter months. The vessel had 47 crew members with 2 deck officers and 3 engine officers. Before the accident the Ranger had been docked in Dutch Harbor, AK and was given orders to travel 500 miles to the west to the fertile fishing grounds of Petrel Bank to escape the ice that was in Bering Sea at the time. The total time for the voyage was to be 2 ½ ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Environmental Impacts Of Marine Biodiversity Essay The state of Florida is known for its beautiful waters and diverse marine ecosystems. Millions of people visit the state each year to vacation and enjoy Florida's many tourist attractions. One of Florida largest attractions is its fishing. People come from all over the world to experience Florida's exciting and productive fisheries. Florida is even called the fishing capital of the world. The state not only has the largest number of recreational fisherman in the country it also has the second largest commercial fishing industry. Commercial fishing in Florida has deep historical roots dating all the way back to the 1800s. In some parts of Florida whole towns and economies are centered around the commercial fishing industry. This has led to depleted populations of several fish species in many of these areas. "The commercial extraction of large numbers of individuals from targeted marine populations and the inadvertent by–catch and habitat damage that results from that extraction have been identified as among the "most critical" factors currently affecting marine biodiversity ( Brailovskaya 1236) Due to its environmental impacts, there should be more regulation on commercial fishing including stricter size limits, and bag limits on fish. Implementation of bycatch reduction technologies should be required of all commercial fisherman and no fishing zones should be established. State regulations and limits of different species have become very controversial and many people ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Commercial Fishing In New England Commercial fishing in New England is not sustainable. Commercial fishing is the catching of fish for profit and, as with other profit making activities, there are trade–offs between a pure capitalistic market and the damage it does to resources. For commercial fishing, this trade–off is that the more fish the fishermen catch, the more damage it does to the fish population. To make commercial fishing sustainable, large regulations need to be in place, as Jack said. However, large regulations of a free market are usually not accepted in America and would not be put in place in time to save the fish and sustain commercial fishing. The population of many fish species have decreased drastically through the years and, even with current regulations, ... Show more content on ... The definition of Capitalism according to Merriam–Webster is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a Free Market. This means that the free market, or in this case commercial fishing, is not controlled by the government because that is the definition of capitalism. Having big restrictions on fishing would be seen as a restriction of the free market. Although regulations are put on the free market, the size of regulations needed to sustain fish population and save commercial fishing would not be tolerated by many political parties. The regulations would never be put in place. Unless America changes its capitalist view, the large regulations needed to sustain commercial fishing will not happen. The changes needed for sustainable fishing are too big and do not fit with America's view of the economic system. Unfortunately, without these changes, the fish population will continue to decline. So, you can see that sustainable fishing in new England is not possible. Although New England and the US cannot have sustainable fishing because of their capitalistic values, as shown throughout history their values may ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Why And How Should We Regulate Coastal Fisheries Why and how should we regulate coastal fisheries Coastal fisheries of the UK offer a vast amount of importance to us for things like food and medications, but after decades of over fishing and destructive fishing methods our fish stocks have been left severly depleted. Across the UK there has been a lot of initiatives towards managing our coastal fisheries to meet both environmental and economic goals. The need for regulating coastal fisheries is not a new idea, it has been used for several hundred years. Currently there is 207 protected marine protected areas implemented by the British government, one of the main ways we can regulate coastal fisheries is by creating more marine conservation zones, these zones create a safe place for ... Show more content on ... Across the UK there has been a lot of initiatives towards managing our coastal fisheries to meet both environmental and economic goals. However, even though numerous pieces of legislation targeted at improving the state of our marine environments, governments and businesses are giving far too little priority to . There is now a large and growing gap between what is immediately needed and the rate of progress that is being pursued. We are overfishing in our oceans. The commercial fish stocks of our coastal waters are fully exploited or overexploited. The over–exploitation and mismanagement of fisheries leads to collapses in the fish stocks, for example the failure of the cod fishery off Newfoundland, Canada, in 1992, leading to the loss of some 40,000 jobs in the industry. History of regulations within coastal fisheries The need for regulating coastal fisheries is not a new idea, it has been used for several hundred years. Residents of New Zealand had regulations in place that meant fisherman could only catch and take back what could be ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Commercial Fishing Is Bad Commercial Fishing has always been a means of making a lucrative living. So much so, that is one of the reasons that concerns have risen today. With the increase in the number of commercial fisherman within the U.S., it requires more fish to be fished from the seas. Over the years, changes in the fish stock population has become a serious concern. Commercial Fishing is also destroying our sea beds and marine life that lives on the sea floor of the oceans. Many times, the threats to marine life due to commercial fishing are not detected until the marine life has suffered a significant decline in numbers. Unless other practices are put in place, the impacts of regular fishing spots, bottom trawling and pollution will have a catastrophic ... Show more content on ... They are also a food source for mammals on land, such as otters, birds, and bears. The food chain starts with plant life and then continues up. Some animals are never considered ocean prey, so they are referred to as being at the top of the food chain. Animals that are a part of this food chain depend on each other to survive. Another tremendous impact on aquatic life is water pollution from fishing boats. Oil spills from vessels and trawlers can affect the water greatly. An oil spill can affect the entire surrounding environment. When an oil spill occurs, oil gets trapped in the sediment on the ocean floor. This oil can maintain on the ocean floor for longer periods of time than within the waters. Anything that feeds within the sediment would then be affected by the ... Get more on ...