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Bananas have been considered one of the
healthiest options for fruit consumption for many
years due to their impressive nutritional content,
which includes vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin
B6, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, and
niacin, as well as trace amounts of other
vitamins. In terms of minerals, bananas deliver a
significant amount of potassium, manganese,
magnesium, and copper. Bananas are also
good sources of dietary fiber and protein.
Origin of Name
The origin of the word banana seems to be
from West Africa, possibly from the Wolof
word “banana,” later passed down to the
English Language by either Portuguese or
Bananas are excellent
source of vitamins and
fiber Who knows if the
banana contains many
vitamins than apples.
Bananas contain
carbohydrates two
times, and five times
vitamin A than apples.
With this content, we
know that bananas
have great beneficial for
Banana Helps in treating Piles:
Piles is characterized by having
difficulty in passing stools that may
also lead to bleeding. It is believed
that bananas help in treatingpiles.
Some people also consider
bananas to cause negative effects
on the bowels during piles as it
adds a lot of bulk, giving additional
pressure on the bowels. However,
the primary problem with piles is
excretion, and bananas definitely
stimulate that process. Bananas
also have anti-inflammatory
properties, which can help treat
piles by reducing the inflammation
and associated pain that often
leads to itching and a worsening of
the condition.
Banana Are Radioactive in Nature
Technically, bananas
are radioactive in
nature because they
contain high amounts
of potassium-40,
which is a radioactive
Banana to Treat Ulcer
Treat Ulcer Other
bananas health
benefits are for curing
ulcer. If ulcer attack,
lets immediate
consume bananas,
this fruit have a
prophylactic agent of
stomach acid, so it is
great for the ulcer
Banana treats Acne
Treating Acne Acne is a
skin health problems
that impact on your
beauty. So, when acne
attacks you, overcome it
with natural herbal
ingredients. One of
them is banana. Mash
the banana until a
paste, then apply in
pimpled face evenly.
Lets done routinely
Banana improve Mood Health
Improve mood Health
benefits banana also
good for mood. If you
often with stress you
can try to prevent by
eating bananas. Its can
change the mood and
make you calm and
excited, and active in
the day-to-day
Banana for Constipation:
Bananas contain significant
amounts of dietary fiber and
therefore help in smooth bowel
movements. Bananas are said to
push out stubborn stools and
relieve a person from constipation.
They also help in treating other
intestinal disorders. Fiber is able to
bulk up stool and help to stimulate
the body’s peristaltic motion, which
helps to move bowel movements
through the intestinal tract. This can
help to reduce unhealthy digestive
conditions, as well as
colorectal cancer
Banana for Smooth Skin
Smooth the skin Dull
and rough skin is
often a problem for a
part of people,
especially for who pay
attention to beauty.
Rough skin can be
overcome by using a
banana that mixed
with honey
Bananas and Dopamine
While dopamine is an
neurotransmitter that
aids in the transmission
of messages in the
brain, dopamine in
bananas serves a
different function by
improving mood and
acting as a powerful
Banana Source of energy
Furthermore, Banana
is a fruit contains
carbohydrates that
are useful to increase
stamina and energy.
When tired, you try to
cope with bananas,
God willing, will soon
be re-powered
Banana Healing Burns
We know that
bananas contain
much water, and it is
cool. So, bananas
health benefits are
very helpful to heal
burns. Just use
banana and smear on
the wound.
Banana Transference oxygen to
the brain
The content of
potassium in bananas
gives tremendous
bananas health
benefits, which sends
oxygen to the brain to
the maximum. It will
keep you away from a
stroke, and high blood
Banana Eases Digestion Health
Constipation is one of
digestive health
problems. However, you
do not need to worry,
because constipation
can be overcome with a
banana. Consumption
of bananas regularly
can expedite
metabolism and
prevents constipation
Banana improves Blood
Also, health benefits
of banana juice good
for blood flow.
Banana contain much
potassium that
exquisite in regulating
blood pressure. It
shall reduce the
symptoms of stroke
and heart problem
Banana Helps in Maintaining eye
Banana juice benefits
for eye health is due to
vitamin A. Banana has
many vitamin A that
excellent for protecting
the eyes. Consume
much vitamin A will
reduce the risk of
blindness due to
decreased function of
Banana Reduces menstrual pain
For women who feel
pain during
bananas can be a
solution to their
problem. Eat bananas
during the period will
suppress pain and
Banana Helps pregnant women
Pregnant women need
many nutrients for herself
and the fetus. Pregnant
women also need folic acid
to prevent birth defects in
baby. Approximately 85-100
calories save in a banana,
and these elements are
essential for the formation
of new cells in the fetus.
Not only that, but also
bananas can reduce
morning sickness that often
occurs in pregnant women
Banana Reduces bleeding during
menstrual periods
Menstruation often give
pain for women. Among
the problem is PMS and
excessive bleeding.
Well, to solve this
problem, you can
consume a cup of
cooked banana flower.
This cuisine can
increase the
progesterone hormone
in the body and reduce
Banana Rich In Many vitamins and
Its contain many
vitamins such as
vitamin A, C and E.
They also contain
potassium and fiber
which is good for
Banana Reduces Anxiety
Improve mood and
reduce anxiety Do not
too quick to consume
anti-depressants. If you
feel the bad mood or
stress, try to consume
banana flower as a
replacement for an anti-
depressant. The flower
can be useful as an
naturally without side
Banana Helps in breastfeeding
Banana Flowers benefit for
breastfeeding mothers is
enermous. For new
mothers, they often
encounter an issue while
nursing her baby. One of
the problems faced by
nursing mothers is the lack
of breastfeeding. So,
consumption banana flower
cuisine beneficial for
increasing breastfeeding.
O .
Banana can Lose weight
Consuming a banana
stems can lose weight.
The reason is that
bananas contain a lot of
fiber rod that will bind fats
and remove them through
the dirt. To lose weight,
you can consume as
much as 25 grams of a
banana tree every day.
But if you want more
quickly, you can increase
the portion to 40 grams
per day
Banana Strengthening the heart
Consuming a banana
stems is also useful to
strengthen the heart
muscle. This is thanks
to the amount of
potassium in a banana.
Not only that, the
benefit of the banana
stems for health also
plays a role in
enhancing immunity so
that the disease can be
Banana Helps Reduce Cholesterol
Aside from being a
cure for diabetes,
banana stems are
also good for lowering
bad cholesterol in the
body naturally
Banana Cleans the toxins in the
The next health
benefits of banana
stems is as
detoxification food.
Consuming the
banana stems
regularly able to flush
all the toxins in the
Banana is Treating dry cough
For those of you who
have a dry cough, a
banana tree is one
important solution for
you. Create banana
stem juice and drink
Banana is Treating kidney stones
Furthermore, the
health benefit of
banana stems is to
treat kidney. Banana
stem juice regularly
consumption can
prevent the formation
of kidney stones
Banana For Digestion
Because a lot of fiber
in a banana tree, then
the food is potent as a
repellent constipation
Banana Reliefs From heartburn
Gastric acidity that
often you are
suffering can be
overcome by
consuming a banana
tree. In addition, it is
also great for curing
the heartburn.
Banana is Effective Cure for
Iron and B6 in a
banana tree can
increase the
hemoglobin in the
blood. This greatly
helps those who
suffer from anemia.
Banana and Detoxification
Rich in pectin, bananas are an
all-natural detox. The gelatin-
like fiber that sticks to toxic
compounds in the blood and
flushes them out of the body
through the urine. In fact, citrus
pectin increased mercury
excretion in the urine by 150
percent within 24 hours of
supplementation, according to
one study. As a rapid weight
loss bonus, research shows
pectin can limit the amount of
fat your cells can absorb!
Banana helps in Blood gets
Strengthen your blood and
relieve anemia with the
added iron from bananas.
“Iron is important for energy
levels since it transfers
oxygen to your cells,” says
Bjork. “Iron deficiency can
halt weight loss because
when levels are low, the
body attempts to conserve
energy, which means a
slowed metabolism and
stalled loss, and even
weight gain.”
Banana Battles Cancer
Delphinidin is an antioxidant
found in bananas that has
anti-tumor properties. A
study in Food and Chemical
Toxicology found that
applying concentrations of
delphinidin to stomach
cancer cells inhibited their
growth and proliferation.
Controlling your weight also
reduces the risk of cancer.
If you’re struggling, don’t
miss these 50 Ways to Lose
10 Pounds—
Banana Build Lean Muscles
If after a workout, you’ve felt like your
muscles are sore—or not growing fast
enough—you might not be getting
enough magnesium in your diet. A good
source of magnesium, bananas can help
with muscle contraction and relaxation
as well as protein synthesis — which, in
turn, increases lean muscle mass. An
added bonus: magnesium intake helps
boost lipolysis, a process by which your
body releases fat from its stores. One
fun way to get your magnesium: Make
banana tea. Just boil some water, cut off
both ends of a banana (still in its peel)
and boil for 7-10 minutes. Then drain
and drink before bed. We at Eat This,
Not That! love tea so much, we made it
part of our bestselling new diet plan
Banana effective in Burning Fat
Bananas have 12 mg of choline, a fat-
blasting B vitamin that acts directly on
the genes that cause fat storage in the
abdomen. (One reason heavy drinkers
have bloated bellies is that alcohol
depletes choline, causing weight gain
around the liver.) You can also find it in
lean meats, seafood and collard greens.
Foods high in choline are an essential
part of Zero Belly Diet—one Zero Belly
recipe (a breakfast hash with sweet
potatoes and fresh farm eggs) became
test panelist Morgan Minor’s go-to
breakfast, and after just 3 weeks on the
program, the female firefighter lost 11
pounds and 4 inches from her waist! For
150+ recipes that flatten your belly fast—
including an amazing banana bread
oatmeal—don’t miss the brand new Zero
Belly Cookbook!
Banana Stabilizes Blood Sugar
Bananas are a great source of
nutrition for a lot of reasons!”
says Bjork. “I encourage
consuming protein and healthy
fat with the banana to slow
down the absorption of the
sugar from the banana into
your bloodstream. This is the
most effective strategy for
keeping blood sugar levels
stable, which means consistent
energy levels and weight loss
(since stable blood sugar
levels allow the pancreas to
secrete glucagon, the fat-
burning hormone!)”
Banana Sets the blood pressure
Another health benefit
of a banana stems is
to regulate blood
pressure. If you
frequently suffer from
high blood pressure
symptoms, then the
banana trunk may be
an option for you.
Banana Feel Fuller
Prior to ripening, bananas are rich
in something called resistant
starch, which, as the name
suggests, literally resists the
digestion process. This feeds
healthy gut bacteria, which
suppresses the appetite and leads
to more efficient fat oxidation. In
fact, one study found that replacing
just 5 percent of the day’s
carbohydrates with a source of
resistant starch can boost post-
meal fat burn by up to 30 percent!
Since underripe bananas are a bit
bitter, we suggest adding them
into weight loss smoothies with
other fruits and veggies to mask
the taste.
Banana Regulate Sleep Better
This is also because of
the “trytptophan,” says
Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of
Healthy Simple Life. “It’s
a precursor for
melatonin, which
promotes relaxation and
helps to regulate sleep.”
Peel one before bed.
Banana and Less Cravings
This is another benefit
of keeping your blood
sugar stable, one of our
classic Eat This, Not
That! weight loss tips.
Eating a banana
between meals means
less binging, and no
more monkeying
around in the snack
Banana Look Less Bloated
Belly bloat makes even the most
toned six-packer look like they just
downed a six-pack of Coors. Fight
back against the gas and water
retention with bananas. One recent
study found that women who ate a
banana twice daily as a pre-meal
snack for 60 days reduced their
belly-bloat by 50 percent! Why?
The fruit increases bloat-fighting
bacteria in the stomach, and it’s
also a legendarily good source
of potassium, which can help
diminish retention of fluids
Banana in Overcoming urinary
tract infections
Who would have
thought that banana
stem was good to
overcome the serious
problems of your health.
Banana stem juice you
drink 2 to 3 times a
week to treat a urinary
tract infection and
prevent irritation of
Banana Feels Growth stronger
Although bananas don’t
contain a high amount of
calcium—less that 1% of your
daily recommended intake—
they can help promote calcium
uptake with the help of those
fructooligosaccharides. As
fructooligosaccharides ferment
in the digestive tract, they
enhance the body's ability to
absorb calcium according to a
study in The American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition.
Banana as Feel Less Stress and
Besides the mood-boosting B9, bananas
also have tryptophan, “a precursor for
serotonin,” says Bjork, “and serotonin
may be the most important brain
chemical because is a natural anti-
depressant and can treat, anxiety and
insomnia, as well as other mood issues
such as fatigue, irritability, agitation,
anger, and aggression. Bananas also
have norepinephrine, which regulates
our “‘fight or flight response,’ which helps
to regulate stress. They’re an optimal,
natural, real-food way to promote
positive moods and help to prevent
depression,” she continues. “Good thing
we don’t need a prescription!” (Try
mashing on into a detox water and drink
your way calm
Banana gives Feel , Happier and
Bananas don’t just look like smiles;
they promote them, because they
contain vitamin b9, aka folate, a
nutrient that may fight depression
by boosting a substrate that has
antidepressant properties. (In other
words, it helps serotonin, the feel-
good chemical, enter the brain
faster.) Studies have shown an
elevated incidence of folate
deficiency in 50% of patients with
depression, and some doctors
recommend increasing folate intake
if you’re taking anti-depressants, to
boost their effects.
Banana Protects against muscle
Protect against
muscle cramps during
workouts and night
time leg cramps by
eating a banana.
Banana Unripe May Improve
Insulin Sensitivity
Insulin resistance is a
major risk factor for many
of the world’s most serious
diseases, including type 2
Several studies have
shown that 15–30 grams
of resistant starch per day
may improve insulin
sensitivity by 33–50%, in
as little as 4 weeks
Bananas May Have Benefits for
Bananas are often
referred to as the perfect
food for athletes, largely
due to their mineral
content and easily
digested carbs.
Eating bananas may help
reduce exercise-related
muscle cramps and
soreness, which affect up
to 95% of the general
Banana High in Fiber Content
Banana is loaded
with fiber, both soluble and
insoluble. The soluble
fiber has the tendency to
slow down digestion and
keep you feeling full for a
longer time. Which is why
bananas are often
included in a breakfast
meal so that you can start
about your day without
having to worry about the
next meal
Banana as Powerhouse of
Banana is a heavyweight
when it comes to nutrition.
It is loaded with
essential vitamins and
minerals such as
potassium, calcium,
manganese, magnesium,
iron, folate, niacin,
riboflavin, and B6. These
all contribute to the proper
functioning of the body
and keeping you healthy.
Outstanding health benefits of banana fruit  A series of Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar

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46. Energy Sources ( Jatropha cultivation) A Series of Presentation to Class ...46. Energy Sources ( Jatropha cultivation) A Series of Presentation to Class ...
46. Energy Sources ( Jatropha cultivation) A Series of Presentation to Class ...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
44. Energy Sources ( Advantages of bio - gas) A Series of Presentation to Cla...
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44. Energy Sources ( Advantages of bio - gas) A Series of Presentation to Cla...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
42. Energy Sources ( Energy potential in pakistan) A Series of Presentation ...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
38. Energy Sources ( Introduction of hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentati...
38. Energy Sources ( Introduction of hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentati...38. Energy Sources ( Introduction of hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentati...
38. Energy Sources ( Introduction of hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentati...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
37. Energy sources ( Hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By ...
37. Energy sources (  Hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By ...37. Energy sources (  Hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By ...
37. Energy sources ( Hydrogen energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By ...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
36. Energy sources (Nuclear energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr...
36. Energy sources (Nuclear energy  ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr...36. Energy sources (Nuclear energy  ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr...
36. Energy sources (Nuclear energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
34. Energy sources ( Natural gas ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr....
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
32. Energy Sources ( Energy sources the fuel) A Series of Presentation to ...
32. Energy Sources  ( Energy sources the   fuel) A Series of Presentation to ...32. Energy Sources  ( Energy sources the   fuel) A Series of Presentation to ...
32. Energy Sources ( Energy sources the fuel) A Series of Presentation to ...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
27. Energy resources ( Biofuels ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr....
27. Energy resources (  Biofuels   ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr....27. Energy resources (  Biofuels   ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr....
27. Energy resources ( Biofuels ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr....
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
26. Energy Sources (Biodiesel from Algae )A Series of Presentation to Class...
26. Energy  Sources (Biodiesel from Algae  )A Series of Presentation to Class...26. Energy  Sources (Biodiesel from Algae  )A Series of Presentation to Class...
26. Energy Sources (Biodiesel from Algae )A Series of Presentation to Class...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
24. Energy sources ( Renewable energy sources) A Series of Presentation to ...
24. Energy  sources ( Renewable energy sources) A  Series of Presentation to ...24. Energy  sources ( Renewable energy sources) A  Series of Presentation to ...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
21. Energy sources ( Clean coal non renewable energy ) A Series of Prese...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
20. Energy sources ( Biomass) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr. All...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
19. Energy sources ( Wind energy under water windmill) A Series of Presentat...
19. Energy sources ( Wind energy under water windmill) A  Series of Presentat...19. Energy sources ( Wind energy under water windmill) A  Series of Presentat...
19. Energy sources ( Wind energy under water windmill) A Series of Presentat...
Mr.Allah Dad Khan
18. Energy sources ( Wind energy ) A Series of Presentation to Class By Mr...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
17. Energy sources ( Tidal energy waves facts) A Series of Presentation to ...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
15. Energy sources ( Fourteen main advantages and disadvantages of tidal en...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan
14 . Energies sources ( Tidal energy renewable energy ) A Series of Presen...
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Mr.Allah Dad Khan

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Outstanding health benefits of banana fruit A series of Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Banana Bananas have been considered one of the healthiest options for fruit consumption for many years due to their impressive nutritional content, which includes vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, and niacin, as well as trace amounts of other vitamins. In terms of minerals, bananas deliver a significant amount of potassium, manganese, magnesium, and copper. Bananas are also good sources of dietary fiber and protein.
  • 4.
  • 5. Origin of Name The origin of the word banana seems to be from West Africa, possibly from the Wolof word “banana,” later passed down to the English Language by either Portuguese or Spanish.
  • 6.
  • 7. Bananas Bananas are excellent source of vitamins and fiber Who knows if the banana contains many vitamins than apples. Bananas contain carbohydrates two times, and five times vitamin A than apples. With this content, we know that bananas have great beneficial for health.
  • 8.
  • 9. Banana Helps in treating Piles: Piles is characterized by having difficulty in passing stools that may also lead to bleeding. It is believed that bananas help in treatingpiles. Some people also consider bananas to cause negative effects on the bowels during piles as it adds a lot of bulk, giving additional pressure on the bowels. However, the primary problem with piles is excretion, and bananas definitely stimulate that process. Bananas also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help treat piles by reducing the inflammation and associated pain that often leads to itching and a worsening of the condition.
  • 10. Banana Are Radioactive in Nature Technically, bananas are radioactive in nature because they contain high amounts of potassium-40, which is a radioactive isotope.
  • 11. Banana to Treat Ulcer Treat Ulcer Other bananas health benefits are for curing ulcer. If ulcer attack, lets immediate consume bananas, this fruit have a prophylactic agent of stomach acid, so it is great for the ulcer
  • 12. Banana treats Acne Treating Acne Acne is a skin health problems that impact on your beauty. So, when acne attacks you, overcome it with natural herbal ingredients. One of them is banana. Mash the banana until a paste, then apply in pimpled face evenly. Lets done routinely
  • 13. Banana improve Mood Health Improve mood Health benefits banana also good for mood. If you often with stress you can try to prevent by eating bananas. Its can change the mood and make you calm and excited, and active in the day-to-day
  • 14. Banana for Constipation: Bananas contain significant amounts of dietary fiber and therefore help in smooth bowel movements. Bananas are said to push out stubborn stools and relieve a person from constipation. They also help in treating other intestinal disorders. Fiber is able to bulk up stool and help to stimulate the body’s peristaltic motion, which helps to move bowel movements through the intestinal tract. This can help to reduce unhealthy digestive conditions, as well as colorectal cancer
  • 15. Banana for Smooth Skin Smooth the skin Dull and rough skin is often a problem for a part of people, especially for who pay attention to beauty. Rough skin can be overcome by using a banana that mixed with honey
  • 16. Bananas and Dopamine While dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that aids in the transmission of messages in the brain, dopamine in bananas serves a different function by improving mood and acting as a powerful antioxidant
  • 17. Banana Source of energy Furthermore, Banana is a fruit contains carbohydrates that are useful to increase stamina and energy. When tired, you try to cope with bananas, God willing, will soon be re-powered
  • 18. Banana Healing Burns We know that bananas contain much water, and it is cool. So, bananas health benefits are very helpful to heal burns. Just use banana and smear on the wound.
  • 19. Banana Transference oxygen to the brain The content of potassium in bananas gives tremendous bananas health benefits, which sends oxygen to the brain to the maximum. It will keep you away from a stroke, and high blood pressure.
  • 20. Banana Eases Digestion Health Constipation is one of digestive health problems. However, you do not need to worry, because constipation can be overcome with a banana. Consumption of bananas regularly can expedite metabolism and prevents constipation
  • 21. Banana improves Blood circulation Also, health benefits of banana juice good for blood flow. Banana contain much potassium that exquisite in regulating blood pressure. It shall reduce the symptoms of stroke and heart problem
  • 22. Banana Helps in Maintaining eye health Banana juice benefits for eye health is due to vitamin A. Banana has many vitamin A that excellent for protecting the eyes. Consume much vitamin A will reduce the risk of blindness due to decreased function of corneas.
  • 23. Banana Reduces menstrual pain For women who feel pain during menstruation, bananas can be a solution to their problem. Eat bananas during the period will suppress pain and tenderness.
  • 24. Banana Helps pregnant women Pregnant women need many nutrients for herself and the fetus. Pregnant women also need folic acid to prevent birth defects in baby. Approximately 85-100 calories save in a banana, and these elements are essential for the formation of new cells in the fetus. Not only that, but also bananas can reduce morning sickness that often occurs in pregnant women
  • 25. Banana Reduces bleeding during menstrual periods Menstruation often give pain for women. Among the problem is PMS and excessive bleeding. Well, to solve this problem, you can consume a cup of cooked banana flower. This cuisine can increase the progesterone hormone in the body and reduce bleeding.
  • 26. Banana Rich In Many vitamins and minerals Its contain many vitamins such as vitamin A, C and E. They also contain potassium and fiber which is good for digestion.
  • 27. Banana Reduces Anxiety Improve mood and reduce anxiety Do not too quick to consume anti-depressants. If you feel the bad mood or stress, try to consume banana flower as a replacement for an anti- depressant. The flower can be useful as an anti-depression naturally without side effects.
  • 28. Banana Helps in breastfeeding Banana Flowers benefit for breastfeeding mothers is enermous. For new mothers, they often encounter an issue while nursing her baby. One of the problems faced by nursing mothers is the lack of breastfeeding. So, consumption banana flower cuisine beneficial for increasing breastfeeding. O .
  • 29. Banana can Lose weight Consuming a banana stems can lose weight. The reason is that bananas contain a lot of fiber rod that will bind fats and remove them through the dirt. To lose weight, you can consume as much as 25 grams of a banana tree every day. But if you want more quickly, you can increase the portion to 40 grams per day
  • 30. Banana Strengthening the heart muscle Consuming a banana stems is also useful to strengthen the heart muscle. This is thanks to the amount of potassium in a banana. Not only that, the benefit of the banana stems for health also plays a role in enhancing immunity so that the disease can be avoided
  • 31. Banana Helps Reduce Cholesterol Aside from being a cure for diabetes, banana stems are also good for lowering bad cholesterol in the body naturally
  • 32. Banana Cleans the toxins in the body The next health benefits of banana stems is as detoxification food. Consuming the banana stems regularly able to flush all the toxins in the body
  • 33. Banana is Treating dry cough For those of you who have a dry cough, a banana tree is one important solution for you. Create banana stem juice and drink regularly.
  • 34. Banana is Treating kidney stones Furthermore, the health benefit of banana stems is to treat kidney. Banana stem juice regularly consumption can prevent the formation of kidney stones gradually.
  • 35. Banana For Digestion Because a lot of fiber in a banana tree, then the food is potent as a repellent constipation
  • 36. Banana Reliefs From heartburn Gastric acidity that often you are suffering can be overcome by consuming a banana tree. In addition, it is also great for curing the heartburn.
  • 37. Banana is Effective Cure for Anemia Iron and B6 in a banana tree can increase the hemoglobin in the blood. This greatly helps those who suffer from anemia.
  • 38. Banana and Detoxification Rich in pectin, bananas are an all-natural detox. The gelatin- like fiber that sticks to toxic compounds in the blood and flushes them out of the body through the urine. In fact, citrus pectin increased mercury excretion in the urine by 150 percent within 24 hours of supplementation, according to one study. As a rapid weight loss bonus, research shows pectin can limit the amount of fat your cells can absorb!
  • 39. Banana helps in Blood gets Stronger Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas. “Iron is important for energy levels since it transfers oxygen to your cells,” says Bjork. “Iron deficiency can halt weight loss because when levels are low, the body attempts to conserve energy, which means a slowed metabolism and stalled loss, and even weight gain.”
  • 40. Banana Battles Cancer Delphinidin is an antioxidant found in bananas that has anti-tumor properties. A study in Food and Chemical Toxicology found that applying concentrations of delphinidin to stomach cancer cells inhibited their growth and proliferation. Controlling your weight also reduces the risk of cancer. If you’re struggling, don’t miss these 50 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds—
  • 41. Banana Build Lean Muscles If after a workout, you’ve felt like your muscles are sore—or not growing fast enough—you might not be getting enough magnesium in your diet. A good source of magnesium, bananas can help with muscle contraction and relaxation as well as protein synthesis — which, in turn, increases lean muscle mass. An added bonus: magnesium intake helps boost lipolysis, a process by which your body releases fat from its stores. One fun way to get your magnesium: Make banana tea. Just boil some water, cut off both ends of a banana (still in its peel) and boil for 7-10 minutes. Then drain and drink before bed. We at Eat This, Not That! love tea so much, we made it part of our bestselling new diet plan
  • 42. Banana effective in Burning Fat Bananas have 12 mg of choline, a fat- blasting B vitamin that acts directly on the genes that cause fat storage in the abdomen. (One reason heavy drinkers have bloated bellies is that alcohol depletes choline, causing weight gain around the liver.) You can also find it in lean meats, seafood and collard greens. Foods high in choline are an essential part of Zero Belly Diet—one Zero Belly recipe (a breakfast hash with sweet potatoes and fresh farm eggs) became test panelist Morgan Minor’s go-to breakfast, and after just 3 weeks on the program, the female firefighter lost 11 pounds and 4 inches from her waist! For 150+ recipes that flatten your belly fast— including an amazing banana bread oatmeal—don’t miss the brand new Zero Belly Cookbook!
  • 43. Banana Stabilizes Blood Sugar Bananas are a great source of nutrition for a lot of reasons!” says Bjork. “I encourage consuming protein and healthy fat with the banana to slow down the absorption of the sugar from the banana into your bloodstream. This is the most effective strategy for keeping blood sugar levels stable, which means consistent energy levels and weight loss (since stable blood sugar levels allow the pancreas to secrete glucagon, the fat- burning hormone!)”
  • 44. Banana Sets the blood pressure Another health benefit of a banana stems is to regulate blood pressure. If you frequently suffer from high blood pressure symptoms, then the banana trunk may be an option for you.
  • 45. Banana Feel Fuller Prior to ripening, bananas are rich in something called resistant starch, which, as the name suggests, literally resists the digestion process. This feeds healthy gut bacteria, which suppresses the appetite and leads to more efficient fat oxidation. In fact, one study found that replacing just 5 percent of the day’s carbohydrates with a source of resistant starch can boost post- meal fat burn by up to 30 percent! Since underripe bananas are a bit bitter, we suggest adding them into weight loss smoothies with other fruits and veggies to mask the taste.
  • 46. Banana Regulate Sleep Better This is also because of the “trytptophan,” says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of Healthy Simple Life. “It’s a precursor for melatonin, which promotes relaxation and helps to regulate sleep.” Peel one before bed.
  • 47. Banana and Less Cravings This is another benefit of keeping your blood sugar stable, one of our classic Eat This, Not That! weight loss tips. Eating a banana between meals means less binging, and no more monkeying around in the snack drawer.
  • 48. Banana Look Less Bloated Belly bloat makes even the most toned six-packer look like they just downed a six-pack of Coors. Fight back against the gas and water retention with bananas. One recent study found that women who ate a banana twice daily as a pre-meal snack for 60 days reduced their belly-bloat by 50 percent! Why? The fruit increases bloat-fighting bacteria in the stomach, and it’s also a legendarily good source of potassium, which can help diminish retention of fluids
  • 49. Banana in Overcoming urinary tract infections Who would have thought that banana stem was good to overcome the serious problems of your health. Banana stem juice you drink 2 to 3 times a week to treat a urinary tract infection and prevent irritation of urine.
  • 50. Banana Feels Growth stronger Although bananas don’t contain a high amount of calcium—less that 1% of your daily recommended intake— they can help promote calcium uptake with the help of those prebiotic fructooligosaccharides. As fructooligosaccharides ferment in the digestive tract, they enhance the body's ability to absorb calcium according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  • 51. Banana as Feel Less Stress and Anxiety Besides the mood-boosting B9, bananas also have tryptophan, “a precursor for serotonin,” says Bjork, “and serotonin may be the most important brain chemical because is a natural anti- depressant and can treat, anxiety and insomnia, as well as other mood issues such as fatigue, irritability, agitation, anger, and aggression. Bananas also have norepinephrine, which regulates our “‘fight or flight response,’ which helps to regulate stress. They’re an optimal, natural, real-food way to promote positive moods and help to prevent depression,” she continues. “Good thing we don’t need a prescription!” (Try mashing on into a detox water and drink your way calm
  • 52. Banana gives Feel , Happier and Faster Bananas don’t just look like smiles; they promote them, because they contain vitamin b9, aka folate, a nutrient that may fight depression by boosting a substrate that has antidepressant properties. (In other words, it helps serotonin, the feel- good chemical, enter the brain faster.) Studies have shown an elevated incidence of folate deficiency in 50% of patients with depression, and some doctors recommend increasing folate intake if you’re taking anti-depressants, to boost their effects.
  • 53. Banana Protects against muscle cramps Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and night time leg cramps by eating a banana.
  • 54. Banana Unripe May Improve Insulin Sensitivity Insulin resistance is a major risk factor for many of the world’s most serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Several studies have shown that 15–30 grams of resistant starch per day may improve insulin sensitivity by 33–50%, in as little as 4 weeks
  • 55. Bananas May Have Benefits for Exercise Bananas are often referred to as the perfect food for athletes, largely due to their mineral content and easily digested carbs. Eating bananas may help reduce exercise-related muscle cramps and soreness, which affect up to 95% of the general population
  • 56. Banana High in Fiber Content Banana is loaded with fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber has the tendency to slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for a longer time. Which is why bananas are often included in a breakfast meal so that you can start about your day without having to worry about the next meal
  • 57. Banana as Powerhouse of Nutrients Banana is a heavyweight when it comes to nutrition. It is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These all contribute to the proper functioning of the body and keeping you healthy.