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O u r S a v i o u r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h • G re e n B a y, W i s c o n s i n

What is the Secret
 Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Vol. 6, Issue 6)                                                        June 2009

                                                               hungry. I am content whether I have more than

of Contentment?
                                                               enough or not enough.”

                                                                   What is his secret? We want to learn it!

                                   Pastor Dave Hatch               Part of our human nature is to be greedy, territorial,
                                                               and possessive, to gather and save, and to accumulate. I
   Is it possible to really be content?                        believe it’s our insecurity at work. What do you think?

     Ask someone who is a “collector” if they can be                We will get to Paul’s secret in a minute, but let’s
content – most want “just one more… (Whatever they             detour back to a Bible story – When the Children of
collect)” There is a snack company that tells us we            Israel were given Manna from Heaven while on the
cannot be content, that it is impossible to stop –             wilderness walk, they got just enough for a day. If
“Nobody can eat just one”. Advertising is constantly           they tried to hoard it, it would smell bad and become
telling us that our lives are not complete unless we get       maggot-infested. Yikes! See Exodus 16:20. Similarly,
this or that.                                                  when we accumulate too much stuff, we cannot keep
                                                               up with it! It begins to own us or it falls into ruin
   Saint Paul says, “I have learned to be content no           because we cannot take care of it all!
matter what happens to me.” Philippians 4:11b. How
cool is that?                                                      Then, how can we be content, what is the secret?

    The original word for “content” in Greek is                    Paul gives the secret in the next verse, “I can do
pronounced, “ow-tar-kace”, It only appears once in             everything by the power of Christ. He gives me
the whole of Scripture. When translated, “ow-tar-              strength.” - Philippians 4:11. It’s that simple? Yes!
kace” means:
    • Sufficient for one’s self                                    If Paul, back 2000 years ago, could be content
    • Strong enough or processing enough to need no            without all the stuff we have, he must be onto
      aid or support                                           something! Not only that, here is a guy who faced
    • Independent of external circumstances                    trouble on his walk…
    • Contented with one’s lot, with one’s means,
      though the slenderest                                        “From the Jews five times I received forty stripes
                                                               minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods; once I
    In verse twelve of the same chapter he says, “I            was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; a night
know what it’s like not to have what I need. I also            and a day I have been in the deep; in journeys often,
know what it’s like to have more than I need. I have           in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of my
learned the secret of being content no matter what             own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in
happens. I am content whether I am well fed or                 the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea
                                                                                                    Continued on page 2

Continued from page 1                      Pastor Dave
                                              in perils among false brethren; in         low, we give Him
                                              weariness and toil, in sleeplessness       thanks for family
                                              often, in hunger and thirst, in            and friends who may

                                              fastings often, in cold and                see us through. When
                                              nakedness – besides the other              relationships are strained, thank

Their Crown                                   things, what comes upon me
                                              daily: My deep concern for all the
                                                                                         Him for His forgiveness to us,
                                                                                         that we are able to forgive others.
                                              churches.” – 2 Corinthians 11:24-          When the scale is off the mark,
                                              28 (New King James Version)                thank Him for being well fed.
Luella Manteufel

                                                                                         When the doctor gives
January 5, 1936 ~ May 1, 2009

                                                   He faced all that, and still was      unwelcome message, give Him
Funeral service held at Proko-Wall

                                              content! Wowsers! We might ask             thanks that Heaven in your home.
Funeral Home on May 4, 2009

                                              ourselves, “What makes me                  When someone steals, thank Him

                                              discontent?” Some say that the             that your riches are in Heaven.
                                              news stations actually sell                Giving thanks goes a long way
Changes                                       discontent by telling us everything
                                              that is wrong in this world. Others
                                                                                         toward contentment, as Saint Paul
                                                                                         says – “Give thanks in all
                                              say that advertisers do the same,          circumstances, for this is God’s
                                              telling us we will really be happy         will for you in Christ Jesus.” –

                                              when we purchase their item. And           1 Thessalonians 5:18.
                                              discontentment is just in our nature.
Weddings                                          But God can daily transform
                                                                                             Let’s find something we are
                                                                                         discontent about and give thanks
                                              us and give us contentment no              for it!              Pastor Dave
                                              matter what! Is there more to

                                              Paul’s secret? Tell me more!

Baptisms                                          Another one of Paul’s secrets
                                              to contentment is giving thanks,
                                              no matter what. When the toast
                                              burns, thank the Lord the house
Hannah Grace Jensky

                                              did not burn down, it was only the
Born: February 10, 2009
Baptized: May 10, 2009
                                              bread. When the traffic light is
Daughter of Mark & Jennifer Jensky

                                              long, thank the Lord for a time to
                                              be still. When you are running
Cameron Delton Bongel

                                              late, thank Him for teaching you
Born: April 2, 2009

                                              humility. When the finances are
Baptized: May 10, 2009
Son of Delton and Molly Bongel

Our Saviour Lutheran Church • Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod • 120 S. Henry St., Green Bay, WI
Vol. 6, No. 6, June 2009 The Voice                 Senior Pastor David H. Hatch         Christina Scholz, Preschool Director
                                C o nne ct ion s

(permit No. 59) is published                       (920) 465-8118 •   (920) 468-4065 •
monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran                    Associate Pastor Greg Hovland        Our Saviour web site –
Church. All rights reserved. No                    (920) 609-0917 •    Trinity School –
portion of this publication may be                 Michelle Burhite, Church office      Murphy Baumann, Trinity
reproduced without permission.                     (920) 468-4065 •    (920) 655-4673

I Am the True Vine, and My
Father                              Vinedresser
                                                                                 Pastor Greg
          is the
– John 15:1 ESV
     Let me tell you about an old        that there is no purpose to your        because we desperately need what
German legend. It begins with a          problems other than to cause some       only the Father can and does give.
farming community that had been          sort of unexplainable annoyance? If     We need everything. The Father
hit, year after year, by drought and     that is the case, I encourage you to    does the giving!
disaster. Rather than undergo this       consider these two things: First,
pruning, for which they could see        learn from the German village.              By Holy Baptism, God is our
no possible good, the townspeople        Although we humans think we             Father, and He only gives truly good
came together and had a talk with        know what is best for us, our vision    gifts. All our needs of body, life and
God. They said, “Lord, our crops         into the future is extremely limited.   soul are met by God alone. He sent
have been scanty, skimpy, and            We, with our nearsighted                His Son to teach us to ask for
small. If You have no major              boundaries, are not able to see how     everything we need: forgiveness,
objection, and we hope You don’t,        all things can work together for        salvation, life, peace, and joy - from
we’d like to run the show.”              good to those who are called to the     God the Father!
                                         Lord’s purpose. (Romans 8:28)

                                                                                  Thank You!
    Now, as the story goes, God
who knows best and is always                 Second, learn from our Savior.
caring, usually doesn’t give in to       As He knelt in the Garden of
those kinds of requests. But this        Gethsemane, as He carried our sins,      “A very large Thank You - from
time, for reasons of His own, He         as He looked to the Cross, Jesus         a deeply appreciative heart,
said, “Okay, I’ll let you take control   asked if it were possible for His cup    thanks so very much to each
- for one year.” And that’s just what    of suffering to be taken away. Jesus     and every one of you at Our
happened. If the villagers wanted        had no great desire to go through the
                                                                                  Saviour for the celebration of
rain, they got rain. If they wanted      intense agony that awaited Him.
sun, they got sun. That year the crop    Nevertheless, He was willing to          my twenty years of ministry in
grew bigger and thicker than it had      place His life into the Father’s         this special congregation! Oh
ever grown before. But there was no      hands. That is what we, who have         my, what a great day that was,
harvest that year! NONE AT ALL!          been saved, need to do - ask the         and for your generous gift,
                                         Father to use our lives according to     know you touched me. Over
    Once again, the people               His Will, for the greater good!          and over you have confirmed in
complained. And God said, “You                                                    my soul that coming here in
got what you asked for. But you              “Give me, give me, give me.”         1989 was God’s Calling in my
didn’t ask for what you needed! My       So goes the continuous chant of          life and that of my family. You
children, along with the sun and the     children to their parents. “Give me      are each a friend indeed!”
rain, you also need the hard winds       dessert. Give me my allowance.
that come out of the north. Without      Give me the car keys.” Even an           Sincerely,
those winds, the plants do not           infant’s wordless cries say, “Give
                                                                                  Pastor Dave and Therese
pollinate and you get no crop.”          me. Give me a clean diaper. Give
                                         me food. Give me time. Give me
     Imagine, if you will, you were      comfort.” One might expect our
speaking to God like that German         Lord Jesus to discourage such
village. What would you ask the          constant begging and pleading, but
Lord to remove from your life? Are       instead He teaches us that prayer is
you plagued by some sadness,             this: God’s children asking the
suffering, or struggle? Does it seem     Father. We are to keep asking

Play Ball!                         It’s Time to G.O.O.T.H!
Hey, come on. Think about it.          Should you struggle with            • Walk through Barkhausen
What’s the BEST way to end the     discouragement and bouts of the           Waterfowl Preserve
weekend and get geared up to       melancholy flu caused by the            • Dust off your bicycle and
start work on Monday?              worries of this world? A remedy           ride down the block and back
                                   toward resolve is to G.O.O.T.H.
How about watching a thrilling                                             • Forget your age, walk to the
softball game played by the Our       It stands for…                         candy store again
Saviour team? Cheerleaders are        “Get Out Of The House”
                                                           .               • Get out your sneakers and
always welcome. Bring a chair, a                                             walk somewhere, anywhere
snack and your voice and cheer         We had an excuse for “Cabin         • Get off the electronics and
us on to victory!                  Fever” during this past long              tie your walking shoes
                                   winter, but the excuse has
SOFTBALL SCHEDULE                  expired. To quote the late Steve        • Take a trip to the library
The following games are at John    Wadzinski, “If you cannot travel        • Walk around the block and
Muir Park on Sunday evenings       around the world, walk around the         pick up litter
at 6:45 pm:                        block.” It’s also been said, “What
                                                                           • Read a book on your front
                                   we need the most we resist the
May 17     vs. 1st United                                                    steps
                                   most.” If you are fighting the
           Methodist;              blues, staying home all the time        • Go buy a plant and plant it –
           Top Diamond             until the dark days pass may make         then check on it often
                                   the dark days park a shadow right       • Take a walk around the
May 31     vs. Spring Lake 1;      over your roof.                           outside of the house and
           Bottom Diamond                                                    look for plants coming up
                                       There are things we can do
June 7     vs. Calvary 1;          that are free and good-mood             • Shake a rug outside – Take
           Top Diamond             energizing. Here are just a few…          your time, you may not
                                                                             want to go back in the
June 14    vs. Bethany United         • Walk a small section the             house!
           Methodist;                   Fox River Trail
           Bottom Diamond             • Go to the NEW Zoo
June 21    vs. Cornerstone 1;         • Walk the Wildlife Sanctuary
           Bottom Diamond             • Park your car at a boat
                                        launch and watch the boaters
June 28    vs. Calvary 2;
                                      • Mail your bills at the main
           Bottom Diamond
                                        post office and go to the DQ
                                        on the way home
July 5     Bye Week
                                      • Get out a deck of cards and
July 12    vs. Trinity Lutheran;        play a game on a little table
           Top Diamond                  on the driveway
                                      • Go buy a kite and go to a           Memorize the term,
Playoffs are scheduled for July         park to fly it                  G.O.O.T.H., and when you are
19 and July 26 (times TBD) with                                         blue, remember it!
the finals on August 2.               • Bake something and hand
                                        deliver it to a neighbor or a       Know that God made creation
All teams are guaranteed two            friend                          for us to enjoy – Get out of the
playoff games.                        • Go to the mall and walk         house!

Thoughts and                                                                     Adeline Grieser
     Chuckles                           Adeline Grieser
                                                                      GOT NEWS? – Adeline, your Roving
                                                                 Reporter is on the hunt for the latest scoop!
                                                                 Call: 468-2061, E-mail:

Listen to the Children – Take a moment to listen today          Determination – Once upon a time, Johnny dreamed
to what your children are trying to say. Listen today,          of playing pro-football. After no pro-team drafted him,
whatever you do, or they won’t be around to listen to           he wrote to team after team asking for a chance. At last
you. Listen to their problems; listen to their needs.           … a try-out! He gave his best but was turned away,
Praise their triumphs; praise their deeds. Tolerate their       coaches telling him he was not good enough for pro-
chatter; join in their laughter. Find out what’s the            football. Johnny was not a quitter. He wrote letters. He
matter; check out what they’re after. Tell them you             knocked on doors. He talked to every person involved
love them every day and night; and though you scold             in football he could contact. Then, another invitation
them, hold them very tight. Listen today, whatever you          came! Again, he struck out. Most people would have
do; then in the future, they’ll listen to you. Take a           given up … but not Johnny. He returned to writing,
moment today to listen to what your children say.               calling, contacting. Finally, he got another try-out and
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children, that they            made third string! He practiced. He did every drill
may not lose heart.” – Colossians 3:21                          again and again. He worked day and night perfecting
                                                                his quarterback skills and eventually made starter. He
Have Patience! – A man’s car stalled in heavy Friday            was in! Who was this dreamer who wouldn’t quit? One
evening traffic just as the stop light turned from red to       of the greatest quarterbacks ever to play in the NFL …
green. All his efforts to restart failed. A chorus of           Johnny Unitas! Never stop! Are you facing what
clacking horns rose from the cars behind him.                   appears to be a losing battle? We may not become
Frustrated he turned the key again. Nothing. Nothing            professional quarterbacks, but we can have an
but the blasting of car horns! Finally, he got out of his       unstoppable hope in living …“Now if we are afflicted,
car, walked back to the first honking driver. Holding           it is for your consolation and salvation, which is
out the keys, he said, “I’m sorry but it won’t start for        effective for enduring the same sufferings which we
me. If you’ll go and give it a try, I’ll stay back here         also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your
and honk!” How we need to pray for patience! “Be                consolation and salvation. And our hope for you is
still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for       steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers
him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who                   of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the
prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop                consolation.” – 2 Corinthians 1:6-7
being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your
temper…it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be            Watch that Hammer! – When someone loses their
destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess         temper it is said he “flew off the handle.” This refers to
the land.” – Psalm 37:7-9                                       the head of a hammer coming loose when the carpenter
                                                                swings it. Several things happen as a result:
Crime Cure – A famous psychologist was talking                     • First, the hammer becomes useless–no longer
to a female client. She asked him, “How early                        good for work–and the angry person loses his
should I begin the education of my child in the                      effectiveness.
ways of the world?”                                                • Second, the hammerhead flying through the air is
   Freud replied with a question of his own. “When                   likely to damage anything in its path and
will your child be born?”                                            physically hurt someone. Anger hurts both the
   “Born?” She replied, “he’s two years old.”                        giver and the receiver.
   “My goodness,” the professional cried, “Don’t sit               • Third, the repair of the hammer takes time and
here asking stupid questions! Hurry home to your                     effort. Wasted time, wasted effort.
child! You’ve already wasted two years!”                        Keep your temper today. Nobody else wants it!
“Train a child in the way he should go … he will not            “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!
depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6                                Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” – Psalm 37:8

Missing          Members
    Members sometimes cannot be found by the                ‘inactive’ for the next 12
church due to a change in address, phone number,            months. If you know any of these people and
etc. Our Saviour has no current record of the mailing       where they can be reached (mailing address,
address, email address or phone number for the              phone number and/or email address), please contact
members listed below. We would like to reach them           Michelle in the church office with that information.
to find out their wishes regarding membership with          With the information provided, we will again attempt
Our Saviour.                                                to reach them regarding their membership. If, after 12
                                                            months, they cannot be located, their names will be
   We have lost contact with the following members.         removed from the membership roll.
The office will keep the files of these members                        Thank you for your assistance. ~ The Elders

   • Beerntsen, Sara (children Brandon, Benjamin,              •   Matthews, Charlotte
     Brianne)                                                  •   Matthews, Gary
   • Briggs, Vera                                              •   Matthews, Robert and Elizabeth
   • Busch, Kelley (children Gavin VanderSteen and             •   Menger, Barbara (children Ryan, Stephanie,
     Aiden Busch-Tessmann)                                         Richard)
   • Cardinal, Lynn                                            •   Milinski, Eric
   • Ciha, Nicole                                              •   Paulson, Ervin and Barbara
   • Christiansen, Chad (child, Damon)                         •   Prevost, Shane
   • Dedow, Russell                                            •   Przybelski, Karen
   • Delaney, Patrick and Alice                                •   Reckelberg, Cathy
   • Dorn, Brenda (children Amanda and Kristina                •   Rouleau, Nina (child Stephanie)
     Browning)                                                 •   Schoenike, Char
   • Doubeck, Robbie (children Keegan and Ashton)              •   Sconzert, Karin
   • Dorn, Tim                                                 •   Sikowski, Christine
   • Drake, Michelle                                           •   Solcz, Kim
   • Fluegge, Lisa                                             •   Splitgerber, Dennis and Judy
   • Hansen, Christine                                         •   Splitgerber, James
   • Heikkila, Sherry                                          •   Splitgerber, Todd
   • Hrdlick, Beth                                             •   Stascak, Mary (children Katie and Sean)
   • Hvizdak, Chris                                            •   Stichmann, Paula
   • Johnson, Patricia                                         •   Stichmann, Scott
   • Knight, Steve and Lynn (children Justin and               •   Stuppia, James
     Steven)                                                   •   Tompkins, Richard and Andrea (children Collin
   • Krueger, Carla (child Justyce Blahnik)                        and Wyatt)
   • Kuske, Melissa                                            •   VandenBranden, Joshua and Tara
   • Kustka, Cynthia (child Brandon)                           •   Vieau, Yvonne
   • Lechner, Louella                                          •   Wians, Jessica
   • Lewis, Mike                                               •   Wichmann, Kristal and Jeff
   • Limberg, Kevin                                            •   Williams, Tim and Kim (child Aric)

Kids, Christ and   OSLC – Got
       Camp Luther  Talent?
    Whenever kids get together          local lakes/land, condos down south,   OSLC is in search of talent.
with Christ at camp it’s a great        in-kind services, etc.
time! It’s a time for kids to have
fun, meet new friends, and most             You can also make an
                                                                               Praise Band Drummer
importantly, to help them build a       investment in kids by helping us         •   Convenient hours!
stronger foundation of faith in Jesus   send 275 kids to camp next               •   Great benefits!
Christ. That’s the bottom line.         summer (2010). You can become a          •   Starting date: June 3
                                        New Partner in Ministry by               •   Some musical experience
    The North Wisconsin District -      donating $100 or more. If you                required
LCMS wants every kid to be able         haven’t donated to Camp Luther in
to attend a week of summer camp         the last five years, and we get 600
at Camp Luther before they reach        people to invest, Thrivent will give
the 9th grade. Why 9th grade?           Camp Luther $35,000. What a
Because what you know about             boost in ministry that will be!
Jesus Christ as an adult was
learned by 9th grade. We need to            Please let me know if you are
reach kids with the Good News of        able to help out in any way. I need
Jesus before they reach high            the auction items by August 12,
school age. It’s that important!        2009. Send donations to:
Cost should not keep any kid from
going to camp. And, we will let            Camp Luther
them go to camp for free!                  1889 Koubenic Road
                                           Three Lakes, WI 54562
                                                                               Praise Band Musicians
    The “Every Kid to Camp”                                                    and Male Vocalist
ministry is going to hold an                Please note “Every Kid to          We have full-time or part-time
auction on Saturday, September          Camp” on your check. If you are a      openings in the Praise Band for:
12, 2009, in Wausau, to help send       Thrivent member, Thrivent will
kids (for those 3rd - 8th graders       give Camp Luther $1 for every $2         • DRUMMER
who have not been to a week of          donated up to $300. Well send you        • ELECTRIC / ACOUSTIC
summer camp before) to camp for         a form.                                    GUITARIST
free. I need your help to make this                                              • MALE VOCALIST
happen in a couple of ways. First,          Thank you very much. Be
you are invited to attend. We need      looking for the invitation. Get a        • Convenient hours!
people there. Your congregation         group together for an evening of         • Great benefits!
will receive an invitation in           food, fun and fellowship to help         • Some musical
August. I hope to see you there.        kids build a stronger foundation of        experience required
                                        faith in Jesus Christ.
     You can also help by donating                                             Please contact Kathy
a silent auction item (worth $50 or     Lee Belmas                             West for either interest,
more) and/or a live auction item         Assistant to the President, North     at 465-0704 to learn
that has a higher value. Items can      Wisconsin District LCMS Director,      how to join our
be homemade, artwork, signed art,        “Every Kid to Camp” Ministry,         exciting music
signed Green Bay Packer items,                        worship team!
cars, boats, canoes, kayaks, hunting    800-333-2421, ext. 16 or
and/or fishing guide packages on        845-8241, ext. 16.

Giggles                                  Our Saviour Youth News
                                             Wondering what to do now         Bike Sale Fundraiser:
DID NOAH FISH?                           that the school year is over and          Pastor Dave likes fixing up
A Sunday school teacher asked,           summer is starting? The youth        old bikes almost as much as he
“Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot     have a lot of fun on the calendar    likes ham radios. It turns out that
of fishing when he was on the Ark?”      in the coming months with more       we have youth who like learning
                                         being planned! Make sure to          about and fixing up old bikes too!
“No.” replied Johnny. “How could         mark your calendars right away,           Thanks to the donations that
he, with just two worms.”                so you do not miss anything.         have been coming in, we have had
                                                                              lots of opportunities to use and
                                         Summer         June 24,              learn about all of the cool specialty
                                         Stretch:       July 1, 15 & 29       tools that go into working on
Nine-year-old Joey was asked by
                                                                              bikes. We will be selling the bikes
his mother what he had learned in        Car Wash       June 28, July 26,     at Incompetition Sports during
Sunday school.                           Sundays:       Aug 30                their summer tent sale with the
                                         Bike Sale      July 11               money going toward next year’s
“Well, Mom, our teacher told us
                                         Fundraiser                           national youth gathering. We are
how God sent Moses behind enemy
                                                                              still accepting donations of used
lines on a rescue mission to lead the    Disc Golf:     July 15 & 29,         bikes as we have fixed up enough
Israelites out of Egypt. When he got                    Aug 12 & 26           that we are starting to run low on
to the Red Sea, he had his army
                                                                              bikes to repair and restore.
build a pontoon bridge and all the
                                         Summer Stretch:                           Check out the youth’s hard
people walked across safely. Then,
                                             Once again this year, we will    work in bike restoration on July 11
he radioed headquarters for
                                         be participating in Summer Stretch   from 9am-2pm at Incompetition
reinforcements. They sent bombers
                                         with other area congregations.       Sports. In addition to the used
to blow up the bridge and all the
                                         For those who do not know,           bikes for sale, the youth will also
Israelites were saved.”
                                         Summer Stretch is a full day of      be manning a concession stand.
                                         activities with morning servant      Any youth wishing to work the
“Now, Joey, is that really what your
                                         events, lunch and devotion time      event and have money go toward
teacher taught you?” his mother asked.
                                         and an afternoon of fellowship       their youth accounts must sign up
                                         with other Christian youth. It is    in advance. The sign up sheet is
“Well, no, Mom. But if I told it the
                                         open to all students entering        located at the welcome center.
way the teacher did, you’d never
                                         grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 next fall.
believe it!”
                                         Friends are welcome as long as       Disc Golf:
                                         they are signed up and have a             This summer, we will be
UNANSWERED PRAYER?                       medical consent form as well.        having four disc golfing events.
The preacher’s 5 year-old daughter       Registration forms are available     We will meet at Baird’s Creek on
noticed that her father always           for anyone who is interested.        July 15 & 29 as well as August
paused and bowed his head for a          Adults who are willing to drive      12 & 26. The event will begin at
moment, before starting his sermon.      are also needed.                     6pm, and we will plan to finish
One day, she asked him why.                                                   by 7:30pm. In order to avoid
                                         Car Wash Sundays:                    mishaps on the hills, please wear
“Well, honey,” he began, proud that          This summer, on the last         tie shoes. We do have some discs
his daughter was so observant of his     Sunday of the month, the youth       available for those youth who do
messages, “I’m asking the Lord to        will be providing car washes.        not have their own. (These are
help me preach a good sermon.”           There will be a sign up sheet at     different from regular frisbees.) If
                                         the welcome center for those         you have your own equipment,
“How come He doesn’t do it?” she         youth who plan to participate.       please plan to bring it.

JUNE 2009

    Youth Calendar                             If you are unable to acolyte as scheduled, it is your responsibility
                                               to find a replacement. Please call the church office at 468-4065
                                               or email with any changes to this schedule.

                          1    2    3                 4                          5                   6
                                                      7:00pm     Kody

7                         8    9    10                11                         12                  13
7:45am Ryan Vlies                                     7:00pm     Tiana
9:15am Grace Endries                                             Bredael
10:45am Tyler Bitters

14                        15   16   17                18       Ascension         19                  20
7:45am  Mariah                                        7:00pm     Marcus
        Alexander                                                LaMarche
9:15am Sophia Endries
10:45am Justin Groth-

21    Father’s Day        22   23   24                25                         26                  27
7:45am  Alexander Lee               SUMMER STRETCH    7:00pm     Nicole
9:15am  Michaela                                                 Mosbrucker
10:45am Sara Merryfield

28 Brat Fry/Car Wash      29   30

                                     Bible Trivia                  Question:
7:45am Amanda Peters
9:15am Logan Pomasl
10:45am Hunter Ponkratz

                                                                                Who was Mordechai?

JUNE 2009

    Church Calendar
                                 1                 2                     3                    4                         5               6
                                 5:30pm Youth      7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag
                                        Board      9:00am Bible Study 7:00pm P&F                 Worship,
                                                                             Meeting             Parlor
                                                                                         12:45pm Staff Meeting
                                                                                         7:00pm Traditional

7                                8                 9                     10                   11                        12              13
7:45am    Trad Worship                             7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag
8:45am    Revelation Study                         9:00am Bible Study                            Worship,
9:15am    Praise Worship                           7:00pm Council                                Parlor
9:35am    Pilgrims Progress                               Meeting                        12:45pm Staff Meeting
10:30am   Youth Bible Study
10:35am   Pilgrims Progress
                                                                                         7:00pm Traditional
10:45am   Trad Worship                                                                           Worship
6:45pm    Softball – John Muir                                                           7:55pm Evangelism
          Park (top)                                                                             Meeting

14 Communion                     15                16                    17                   18                        19              20
7:45am    Trad Worship         6:30pm Board of Ed 7:00am Bible Study     6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag
8:45am    Revelation Study                         9:00am Bible Study                               Worship,
9:15am    Praise Worship                                                                            Parlor
9:35am    Coffee Talk w/PG                                                                  12:45pm Staff Meeting
10:30am   Youth Bible Study
10:35am   Coffee Talk w/PG
                                                                                            7:00pm Traditional
10:45am   Trad Worship                                                                              Worship
6:45pm    Softball – John Muir
          Park (bottom)        District Convention District Convention

21   Father’s Day                22                23                    24                   25                        26              27
7:45am    Trad Worship
8:45am    Revelation Study     7:30pm Trinity      7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag
9:15am    Praise Worship              School       9:00am Bible Study                            Worship,
9:35am    Pilgrims Progress           Board,                                                     Parlor
10:30am   Youth Bible Study           Conference                                         12:45pm Staff Meeting
10:35am   Pilgrims Progress           Room                                               7:00pm Traditional
10:45am   Trad Worship with                                                                      Worship
          Sieber Baptism
6:45pm    Softball – John Muir
                                                                                         8:00pm Fellowship
          Park (bottom)                                                                          Hall Rental

28 CommunionWash
   Brat Fry/Car                  29                30                    SPECIAL NOTES:
7:45am  Trad Worship with 9:00am VBS           7:00am Bible Study        June 22-28: Pastor Greg will be on vacation.
        Zielinski Baptism   5:00pm Stewardship 9:00am Bible Study
8:45am Revelation Study            Meeting     9:00am VBS
9:15am Praise Worship                                                    June 28: The first Brat Fry/Car Wash of the year. Leave your car dirty and your
10:30am Youth Bible Study                                                stomach empty; fix both at church on Sunday!
10:45am Trad Worship with
        Lee Baptism                                                      June 29 – July 2: Vacation Bible School with Camp Luther from 9am to noon.
6:45pm Softball – John Muir
        Park (bottom)

July 2009 Usher Schedule
Thur.       Jul 2nd        7:00 pm             J. Boettcher           Don Schultz; †UN; †UN
Day:        Date:          Service:            Lead:                  Usher Team:

Sun.        Jul 5th        7:45 am             A. Knaus               Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg;
                                                                      Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.        Jul 5th        9:15 am             D. Bitters             Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz;
                                                                      Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.        Jul 5th        10:45 am            R. Bruhn               Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; †UN
Thur.       Jul 9th        7:00 pm HC          C. Arthur              Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.        Jul 12th       7:45 am HC          J. Kielpikowski        Chad Kielpikowski; †UN; †UN
Sun.        Jul 12th       9:15 am HC          W. Chamberlain         Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain;
                                                                      Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman
Sun.        Jul 12th       10:45 am            G. Buechner            Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg
Thur.       Jul 16th       7:00 pm             P. Kuehl               Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.        Jul 19th       7:45 am             M. Dalebroux           Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.        Jul 19th       9:15 am             D. Wians               Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth;
                                                                      Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.        Jul 19th       10:45 am            M. Charles             Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN
Thur.       Jul 23rd       7:00 pm HC          J. Boettcher           Don Schultz; †UN; †UN
Sun.        Jul 26th       7:45 am HC          M. Morgan              Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.        Jul 26th       9:15 am HC          R. Vande Hei           Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff;
                                                                      Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.        Jul 26th       10:45 am            R. Bruhn               Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; †UN
Thur.       Jul 30th       7:00 pm             C. Arthur              Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
†UN = Usher Needed
If you’d like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you’d like to join, or contact
Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or email

Our Saviour Business Directory
Advertisements in the business directory
help Our Saviour defray the cost of printing
and mailing The Voice each month.

For more information on advertising in
the business directory, please contact
Michelle Burhite at (920) 468-4065 or by

Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                                                                        Non-Profit Organization
120 S. Henry St.                                                                           U.S. Postage Paid
Green Bay, WI 54302                                                                           Permit #59
(920) 468-4065                                                                              Green Bay, WI


Imagine if God’s People                                                        the organ. A shiver coils down our
                                                                               spines and feelings of sick

Did Not Step Forward to Serve.                                                 apprehension choke us.
                                                                                    Lights are on but they seem
    There are many folks serving       around, asking for an explanation –     dimmer and further away. The
the Saviour (servant-volunteers)       then walk silently into church. Oh,     lump in our stomachs grow and we
that we assume will always be          this is just fine!                      find our hands clenched together.
there. And there is room for more!          A bit upset we head in but         Is this a joke? Did we miss
What if they did not serve? Oh my!     there’s no usher smiling, handing us    something last week? Was there an
    Imagine that it’s Sunday           a bulletin. We notice there are piles   announcement in The Voice we
morning. As you walk into church       of unfolded announcement sheets         didn’t bother reading?”
you notice the Welcome Desk is         and bulletins on a table with a sign,        We are so grateful this is NOT
empty. We shrug and think they’re      “Help yourself”. Irritated because      the way it is… God’s joyful
late again. Climbing the steps we      things are not what we expect, we       servants (OSLC volunteers) have
head immediately for the coffee pot    walk down to our usual pew. No          stepped forward, but there is room
– but no one is there. We sigh.        candles flickering on the Altar. The    and a need for more!
     Where are those people? How       Praise Band Stand bare – drums and           Please consider becoming a
can we have cookies if there isn’t     music stands gone.                      reader, a cookie maker, a coffee
any coffee? Well, well! We turn to          Strange. We look over our          server or an usher. To volunteer call
the cookie bar. No cookies? No         shoulder to the Choir Loft,             the church office, 468-4065.
bars? What is this? Baffled, we note   expecting to see something lurking      “The greatest among you will be
other members are just milling         in the dim and misty shadows by         your servant.” Matthew 23:11

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Oslc June 2009 Voice 12pg Final

  • 1. O u r S a v i o u r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h • G re e n B a y, W i s c o n s i n What is the Secret Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Vol. 6, Issue 6) June 2009 hungry. I am content whether I have more than of Contentment? enough or not enough.” What is his secret? We want to learn it! Pastor Dave Hatch Part of our human nature is to be greedy, territorial, and possessive, to gather and save, and to accumulate. I Is it possible to really be content? believe it’s our insecurity at work. What do you think? Ask someone who is a “collector” if they can be We will get to Paul’s secret in a minute, but let’s content – most want “just one more… (Whatever they detour back to a Bible story – When the Children of collect)” There is a snack company that tells us we Israel were given Manna from Heaven while on the cannot be content, that it is impossible to stop – wilderness walk, they got just enough for a day. If “Nobody can eat just one”. Advertising is constantly they tried to hoard it, it would smell bad and become telling us that our lives are not complete unless we get maggot-infested. Yikes! See Exodus 16:20. Similarly, this or that. when we accumulate too much stuff, we cannot keep up with it! It begins to own us or it falls into ruin Saint Paul says, “I have learned to be content no because we cannot take care of it all! matter what happens to me.” Philippians 4:11b. How cool is that? Then, how can we be content, what is the secret? The original word for “content” in Greek is Paul gives the secret in the next verse, “I can do pronounced, “ow-tar-kace”, It only appears once in everything by the power of Christ. He gives me the whole of Scripture. When translated, “ow-tar- strength.” - Philippians 4:11. It’s that simple? Yes! kace” means: • Sufficient for one’s self If Paul, back 2000 years ago, could be content • Strong enough or processing enough to need no without all the stuff we have, he must be onto aid or support something! Not only that, here is a guy who faced • Independent of external circumstances trouble on his walk… • Contented with one’s lot, with one’s means, though the slenderest “From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods; once I In verse twelve of the same chapter he says, “I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; a night know what it’s like not to have what I need. I also and a day I have been in the deep; in journeys often, know what it’s like to have more than I need. I have in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of my learned the secret of being content no matter what own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in happens. I am content whether I am well fed or the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea Continued on page 2 1
  • 2. Continued from page 1 Pastor Dave in perils among false brethren; in low, we give Him weariness and toil, in sleeplessness thanks for family often, in hunger and thirst, in and friends who may Received fastings often, in cold and see us through. When nakedness – besides the other relationships are strained, thank Their Crown things, what comes upon me daily: My deep concern for all the Him for His forgiveness to us, that we are able to forgive others. churches.” – 2 Corinthians 11:24- When the scale is off the mark, 28 (New King James Version) thank Him for being well fed. Luella Manteufel When the doctor gives January 5, 1936 ~ May 1, 2009 He faced all that, and still was unwelcome message, give Him Funeral service held at Proko-Wall content! Wowsers! We might ask thanks that Heaven in your home. Funeral Home on May 4, 2009 ourselves, “What makes me When someone steals, thank Him Membership discontent?” Some say that the that your riches are in Heaven. news stations actually sell Giving thanks goes a long way Changes discontent by telling us everything that is wrong in this world. Others toward contentment, as Saint Paul says – “Give thanks in all say that advertisers do the same, circumstances, for this is God’s telling us we will really be happy will for you in Christ Jesus.” – None when we purchase their item. And 1 Thessalonians 5:18. discontentment is just in our nature. Weddings But God can daily transform Let’s find something we are discontent about and give thanks us and give us contentment no for it! Pastor Dave matter what! Is there more to None Paul’s secret? Tell me more! Baptisms Another one of Paul’s secrets to contentment is giving thanks, no matter what. When the toast burns, thank the Lord the house Hannah Grace Jensky did not burn down, it was only the Born: February 10, 2009 Baptized: May 10, 2009 bread. When the traffic light is Daughter of Mark & Jennifer Jensky long, thank the Lord for a time to be still. When you are running Cameron Delton Bongel late, thank Him for teaching you Born: April 2, 2009 humility. When the finances are Baptized: May 10, 2009 Son of Delton and Molly Bongel Our Saviour Lutheran Church • Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod • 120 S. Henry St., Green Bay, WI Vol. 6, No. 6, June 2009 The Voice Senior Pastor David H. Hatch Christina Scholz, Preschool Director C o nne ct ion s (permit No. 59) is published (920) 465-8118 • (920) 468-4065 • monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Associate Pastor Greg Hovland Our Saviour web site – Church. All rights reserved. No (920) 609-0917 • Trinity School – portion of this publication may be Michelle Burhite, Church office Murphy Baumann, Trinity reproduced without permission. (920) 468-4065 • (920) 655-4673 2
  • 3. I Am the True Vine, and My Father Vinedresser Pastor Greg is the – John 15:1 ESV Let me tell you about an old that there is no purpose to your because we desperately need what German legend. It begins with a problems other than to cause some only the Father can and does give. farming community that had been sort of unexplainable annoyance? If We need everything. The Father hit, year after year, by drought and that is the case, I encourage you to does the giving! disaster. Rather than undergo this consider these two things: First, pruning, for which they could see learn from the German village. By Holy Baptism, God is our no possible good, the townspeople Although we humans think we Father, and He only gives truly good came together and had a talk with know what is best for us, our vision gifts. All our needs of body, life and God. They said, “Lord, our crops into the future is extremely limited. soul are met by God alone. He sent have been scanty, skimpy, and We, with our nearsighted His Son to teach us to ask for small. If You have no major boundaries, are not able to see how everything we need: forgiveness, objection, and we hope You don’t, all things can work together for salvation, life, peace, and joy - from we’d like to run the show.” good to those who are called to the God the Father! Lord’s purpose. (Romans 8:28) Thank You! Now, as the story goes, God who knows best and is always Second, learn from our Savior. caring, usually doesn’t give in to As He knelt in the Garden of those kinds of requests. But this Gethsemane, as He carried our sins, “A very large Thank You - from time, for reasons of His own, He as He looked to the Cross, Jesus a deeply appreciative heart, said, “Okay, I’ll let you take control asked if it were possible for His cup thanks so very much to each - for one year.” And that’s just what of suffering to be taken away. Jesus and every one of you at Our happened. If the villagers wanted had no great desire to go through the Saviour for the celebration of rain, they got rain. If they wanted intense agony that awaited Him. sun, they got sun. That year the crop Nevertheless, He was willing to my twenty years of ministry in grew bigger and thicker than it had place His life into the Father’s this special congregation! Oh ever grown before. But there was no hands. That is what we, who have my, what a great day that was, harvest that year! NONE AT ALL! been saved, need to do - ask the and for your generous gift, Father to use our lives according to know you touched me. Over Once again, the people His Will, for the greater good! and over you have confirmed in complained. And God said, “You my soul that coming here in got what you asked for. But you “Give me, give me, give me.” 1989 was God’s Calling in my didn’t ask for what you needed! My So goes the continuous chant of life and that of my family. You children, along with the sun and the children to their parents. “Give me are each a friend indeed!” rain, you also need the hard winds dessert. Give me my allowance. that come out of the north. Without Give me the car keys.” Even an Sincerely, those winds, the plants do not infant’s wordless cries say, “Give Pastor Dave and Therese pollinate and you get no crop.” me. Give me a clean diaper. Give me food. Give me time. Give me Imagine, if you will, you were comfort.” One might expect our speaking to God like that German Lord Jesus to discourage such village. What would you ask the constant begging and pleading, but Lord to remove from your life? Are instead He teaches us that prayer is you plagued by some sadness, this: God’s children asking the suffering, or struggle? Does it seem Father. We are to keep asking 3
  • 4. Play Ball! It’s Time to G.O.O.T.H! Hey, come on. Think about it. Should you struggle with • Walk through Barkhausen What’s the BEST way to end the discouragement and bouts of the Waterfowl Preserve weekend and get geared up to melancholy flu caused by the • Dust off your bicycle and start work on Monday? worries of this world? A remedy ride down the block and back toward resolve is to G.O.O.T.H. How about watching a thrilling • Forget your age, walk to the softball game played by the Our It stands for… candy store again Saviour team? Cheerleaders are “Get Out Of The House” . • Get out your sneakers and always welcome. Bring a chair, a walk somewhere, anywhere snack and your voice and cheer We had an excuse for “Cabin • Get off the electronics and us on to victory! Fever” during this past long tie your walking shoes winter, but the excuse has SOFTBALL SCHEDULE expired. To quote the late Steve • Take a trip to the library The following games are at John Wadzinski, “If you cannot travel • Walk around the block and Muir Park on Sunday evenings around the world, walk around the pick up litter at 6:45 pm: block.” It’s also been said, “What • Read a book on your front we need the most we resist the May 17 vs. 1st United steps most.” If you are fighting the Methodist; blues, staying home all the time • Go buy a plant and plant it – Top Diamond until the dark days pass may make then check on it often the dark days park a shadow right • Take a walk around the May 31 vs. Spring Lake 1; over your roof. outside of the house and Bottom Diamond look for plants coming up There are things we can do June 7 vs. Calvary 1; that are free and good-mood • Shake a rug outside – Take Top Diamond energizing. Here are just a few… your time, you may not want to go back in the June 14 vs. Bethany United • Walk a small section the house! Methodist; Fox River Trail Bottom Diamond • Go to the NEW Zoo June 21 vs. Cornerstone 1; • Walk the Wildlife Sanctuary Bottom Diamond • Park your car at a boat launch and watch the boaters June 28 vs. Calvary 2; • Mail your bills at the main Bottom Diamond post office and go to the DQ on the way home July 5 Bye Week • Get out a deck of cards and July 12 vs. Trinity Lutheran; play a game on a little table Top Diamond on the driveway • Go buy a kite and go to a Memorize the term, Playoffs are scheduled for July park to fly it G.O.O.T.H., and when you are 19 and July 26 (times TBD) with blue, remember it! the finals on August 2. • Bake something and hand deliver it to a neighbor or a Know that God made creation All teams are guaranteed two friend for us to enjoy – Get out of the playoff games. • Go to the mall and walk house! 4
  • 5. Thoughts and Adeline Grieser Chuckles Adeline Grieser GOT NEWS? – Adeline, your Roving Reporter is on the hunt for the latest scoop! Call: 468-2061, E-mail: Listen to the Children – Take a moment to listen today Determination – Once upon a time, Johnny dreamed to what your children are trying to say. Listen today, of playing pro-football. After no pro-team drafted him, whatever you do, or they won’t be around to listen to he wrote to team after team asking for a chance. At last you. Listen to their problems; listen to their needs. … a try-out! He gave his best but was turned away, Praise their triumphs; praise their deeds. Tolerate their coaches telling him he was not good enough for pro- chatter; join in their laughter. Find out what’s the football. Johnny was not a quitter. He wrote letters. He matter; check out what they’re after. Tell them you knocked on doors. He talked to every person involved love them every day and night; and though you scold in football he could contact. Then, another invitation them, hold them very tight. Listen today, whatever you came! Again, he struck out. Most people would have do; then in the future, they’ll listen to you. Take a given up … but not Johnny. He returned to writing, moment today to listen to what your children say. calling, contacting. Finally, he got another try-out and “Fathers, do not exasperate your children, that they made third string! He practiced. He did every drill may not lose heart.” – Colossians 3:21 again and again. He worked day and night perfecting his quarterback skills and eventually made starter. He Have Patience! – A man’s car stalled in heavy Friday was in! Who was this dreamer who wouldn’t quit? One evening traffic just as the stop light turned from red to of the greatest quarterbacks ever to play in the NFL … green. All his efforts to restart failed. A chorus of Johnny Unitas! Never stop! Are you facing what clacking horns rose from the cars behind him. appears to be a losing battle? We may not become Frustrated he turned the key again. Nothing. Nothing professional quarterbacks, but we can have an but the blasting of car horns! Finally, he got out of his unstoppable hope in living …“Now if we are afflicted, car, walked back to the first honking driver. Holding it is for your consolation and salvation, which is out the keys, he said, “I’m sorry but it won’t start for effective for enduring the same sufferings which we me. If you’ll go and give it a try, I’ll stay back here also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your and honk!” How we need to pray for patience! “Be consolation and salvation. And our hope for you is still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop consolation.” – 2 Corinthians 1:6-7 being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper…it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be Watch that Hammer! – When someone loses their destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess temper it is said he “flew off the handle.” This refers to the land.” – Psalm 37:7-9 the head of a hammer coming loose when the carpenter swings it. Several things happen as a result: Crime Cure – A famous psychologist was talking • First, the hammer becomes useless–no longer to a female client. She asked him, “How early good for work–and the angry person loses his should I begin the education of my child in the effectiveness. ways of the world?” • Second, the hammerhead flying through the air is Freud replied with a question of his own. “When likely to damage anything in its path and will your child be born?” physically hurt someone. Anger hurts both the “Born?” She replied, “he’s two years old.” giver and the receiver. “My goodness,” the professional cried, “Don’t sit • Third, the repair of the hammer takes time and here asking stupid questions! Hurry home to your effort. Wasted time, wasted effort. child! You’ve already wasted two years!” Keep your temper today. Nobody else wants it! “Train a child in the way he should go … he will not “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” – Psalm 37:8 5
  • 6. Missing Members Members sometimes cannot be found by the ‘inactive’ for the next 12 church due to a change in address, phone number, months. If you know any of these people and etc. Our Saviour has no current record of the mailing where they can be reached (mailing address, address, email address or phone number for the phone number and/or email address), please contact members listed below. We would like to reach them Michelle in the church office with that information. to find out their wishes regarding membership with With the information provided, we will again attempt Our Saviour. to reach them regarding their membership. If, after 12 months, they cannot be located, their names will be We have lost contact with the following members. removed from the membership roll. The office will keep the files of these members Thank you for your assistance. ~ The Elders • Beerntsen, Sara (children Brandon, Benjamin, • Matthews, Charlotte Brianne) • Matthews, Gary • Briggs, Vera • Matthews, Robert and Elizabeth • Busch, Kelley (children Gavin VanderSteen and • Menger, Barbara (children Ryan, Stephanie, Aiden Busch-Tessmann) Richard) • Cardinal, Lynn • Milinski, Eric • Ciha, Nicole • Paulson, Ervin and Barbara • Christiansen, Chad (child, Damon) • Prevost, Shane • Dedow, Russell • Przybelski, Karen • Delaney, Patrick and Alice • Reckelberg, Cathy • Dorn, Brenda (children Amanda and Kristina • Rouleau, Nina (child Stephanie) Browning) • Schoenike, Char • Doubeck, Robbie (children Keegan and Ashton) • Sconzert, Karin • Dorn, Tim • Sikowski, Christine • Drake, Michelle • Solcz, Kim • Fluegge, Lisa • Splitgerber, Dennis and Judy • Hansen, Christine • Splitgerber, James • Heikkila, Sherry • Splitgerber, Todd • Hrdlick, Beth • Stascak, Mary (children Katie and Sean) • Hvizdak, Chris • Stichmann, Paula • Johnson, Patricia • Stichmann, Scott • Knight, Steve and Lynn (children Justin and • Stuppia, James Steven) • Tompkins, Richard and Andrea (children Collin • Krueger, Carla (child Justyce Blahnik) and Wyatt) • Kuske, Melissa • VandenBranden, Joshua and Tara • Kustka, Cynthia (child Brandon) • Vieau, Yvonne • Lechner, Louella • Wians, Jessica • Lewis, Mike • Wichmann, Kristal and Jeff • Limberg, Kevin • Williams, Tim and Kim (child Aric) 6
  • 7. Kids, Christ and OSLC – Got Camp Luther Talent? Whenever kids get together local lakes/land, condos down south, OSLC is in search of talent. with Christ at camp it’s a great in-kind services, etc. time! It’s a time for kids to have fun, meet new friends, and most You can also make an Praise Band Drummer importantly, to help them build a investment in kids by helping us • Convenient hours! stronger foundation of faith in Jesus send 275 kids to camp next • Great benefits! Christ. That’s the bottom line. summer (2010). You can become a • Starting date: June 3 New Partner in Ministry by • Some musical experience The North Wisconsin District - donating $100 or more. If you required LCMS wants every kid to be able haven’t donated to Camp Luther in to attend a week of summer camp the last five years, and we get 600 at Camp Luther before they reach people to invest, Thrivent will give the 9th grade. Why 9th grade? Camp Luther $35,000. What a Because what you know about boost in ministry that will be! Jesus Christ as an adult was learned by 9th grade. We need to Please let me know if you are reach kids with the Good News of able to help out in any way. I need Jesus before they reach high the auction items by August 12, school age. It’s that important! 2009. Send donations to: Cost should not keep any kid from going to camp. And, we will let Camp Luther them go to camp for free! 1889 Koubenic Road Three Lakes, WI 54562 Praise Band Musicians The “Every Kid to Camp” and Male Vocalist ministry is going to hold an Please note “Every Kid to We have full-time or part-time auction on Saturday, September Camp” on your check. If you are a openings in the Praise Band for: 12, 2009, in Wausau, to help send Thrivent member, Thrivent will kids (for those 3rd - 8th graders give Camp Luther $1 for every $2 • DRUMMER who have not been to a week of donated up to $300. Well send you • ELECTRIC / ACOUSTIC summer camp before) to camp for a form. GUITARIST free. I need your help to make this • MALE VOCALIST happen in a couple of ways. First, Thank you very much. Be you are invited to attend. We need looking for the invitation. Get a • Convenient hours! people there. Your congregation group together for an evening of • Great benefits! will receive an invitation in food, fun and fellowship to help • Some musical August. I hope to see you there. kids build a stronger foundation of experience required faith in Jesus Christ. You can also help by donating Please contact Kathy a silent auction item (worth $50 or Lee Belmas West for either interest, more) and/or a live auction item Assistant to the President, North at 465-0704 to learn that has a higher value. Items can Wisconsin District LCMS Director, how to join our be homemade, artwork, signed art, “Every Kid to Camp” Ministry, exciting music signed Green Bay Packer items, worship team! cars, boats, canoes, kayaks, hunting 800-333-2421, ext. 16 or and/or fishing guide packages on 845-8241, ext. 16. 7
  • 8. Giggles Our Saviour Youth News Wondering what to do now Bike Sale Fundraiser: DID NOAH FISH? that the school year is over and Pastor Dave likes fixing up A Sunday school teacher asked, summer is starting? The youth old bikes almost as much as he “Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot have a lot of fun on the calendar likes ham radios. It turns out that of fishing when he was on the Ark?” in the coming months with more we have youth who like learning being planned! Make sure to about and fixing up old bikes too! “No.” replied Johnny. “How could mark your calendars right away, Thanks to the donations that he, with just two worms.” so you do not miss anything. have been coming in, we have had lots of opportunities to use and Summer June 24, learn about all of the cool specialty MOSES AND THE RED SEA Stretch: July 1, 15 & 29 tools that go into working on Nine-year-old Joey was asked by bikes. We will be selling the bikes his mother what he had learned in Car Wash June 28, July 26, at Incompetition Sports during Sunday school. Sundays: Aug 30 their summer tent sale with the Bike Sale July 11 money going toward next year’s “Well, Mom, our teacher told us Fundraiser national youth gathering. We are how God sent Moses behind enemy still accepting donations of used lines on a rescue mission to lead the Disc Golf: July 15 & 29, bikes as we have fixed up enough Israelites out of Egypt. When he got Aug 12 & 26 that we are starting to run low on to the Red Sea, he had his army bikes to repair and restore. build a pontoon bridge and all the Summer Stretch: Check out the youth’s hard people walked across safely. Then, Once again this year, we will work in bike restoration on July 11 he radioed headquarters for be participating in Summer Stretch from 9am-2pm at Incompetition reinforcements. They sent bombers with other area congregations. Sports. In addition to the used to blow up the bridge and all the For those who do not know, bikes for sale, the youth will also Israelites were saved.” Summer Stretch is a full day of be manning a concession stand. activities with morning servant Any youth wishing to work the “Now, Joey, is that really what your events, lunch and devotion time event and have money go toward teacher taught you?” his mother asked. and an afternoon of fellowship their youth accounts must sign up with other Christian youth. It is in advance. The sign up sheet is “Well, no, Mom. But if I told it the open to all students entering located at the welcome center. way the teacher did, you’d never grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 next fall. believe it!” Friends are welcome as long as Disc Golf: they are signed up and have a This summer, we will be UNANSWERED PRAYER? medical consent form as well. having four disc golfing events. The preacher’s 5 year-old daughter Registration forms are available We will meet at Baird’s Creek on noticed that her father always for anyone who is interested. July 15 & 29 as well as August paused and bowed his head for a Adults who are willing to drive 12 & 26. The event will begin at moment, before starting his sermon. are also needed. 6pm, and we will plan to finish One day, she asked him why. by 7:30pm. In order to avoid Car Wash Sundays: mishaps on the hills, please wear “Well, honey,” he began, proud that This summer, on the last tie shoes. We do have some discs his daughter was so observant of his Sunday of the month, the youth available for those youth who do messages, “I’m asking the Lord to will be providing car washes. not have their own. (These are help me preach a good sermon.” There will be a sign up sheet at different from regular frisbees.) If the welcome center for those you have your own equipment, “How come He doesn’t do it?” she youth who plan to participate. please plan to bring it. asked. 8
  • 9. JUNE 2009 Youth Calendar If you are unable to acolyte as scheduled, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Please call the church office at 468-4065 or email with any changes to this schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7:00pm Kody VanSistine 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7:45am Ryan Vlies 7:00pm Tiana 9:15am Grace Endries Bredael 10:45am Tyler Bitters 14 15 16 17 18 Ascension 19 20 7:45am Mariah 7:00pm Marcus Alexander LaMarche 9:15am Sophia Endries 10:45am Justin Groth- Rose 21 Father’s Day 22 23 24 25 26 27 7:45am Alexander Lee SUMMER STRETCH 7:00pm Nicole 9:15am Michaela Mosbrucker McLeod 10:45am Sara Merryfield 28 Brat Fry/Car Wash 29 30 Bible Trivia Question: 7:45am Amanda Peters 9:15am Logan Pomasl 10:45am Hunter Ponkratz Who was Mordechai? 9
  • 10. JUNE 2009 Church Calendar 1 2 3 4 5 6 5:30pm Youth 7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag Board 9:00am Bible Study 7:00pm P&F Worship, Meeting Parlor 12:45pm Staff Meeting 7:00pm Traditional Worship 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7:45am Trad Worship 7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag 8:45am Revelation Study 9:00am Bible Study Worship, 9:15am Praise Worship 7:00pm Council Parlor 9:35am Pilgrims Progress Meeting 12:45pm Staff Meeting 10:30am Youth Bible Study 10:35am Pilgrims Progress 7:00pm Traditional 10:45am Trad Worship Worship 6:45pm Softball – John Muir 7:55pm Evangelism Park (top) Meeting 14 Communion 15 16 17 18 19 20 7:45am Trad Worship 6:30pm Board of Ed 7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag 8:45am Revelation Study 9:00am Bible Study Worship, 9:15am Praise Worship Parlor 9:35am Coffee Talk w/PG 12:45pm Staff Meeting 10:30am Youth Bible Study 10:35am Coffee Talk w/PG 7:00pm Traditional 10:45am Trad Worship Worship 6:45pm Softball – John Muir Park (bottom) District Convention District Convention 21 Father’s Day 22 23 24 25 26 27 7:45am Trad Worship 8:45am Revelation Study 7:30pm Trinity 7:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band 12:15pm Brown Bag 9:15am Praise Worship School 9:00am Bible Study Worship, 9:35am Pilgrims Progress Board, Parlor 10:30am Youth Bible Study Conference 12:45pm Staff Meeting 10:35am Pilgrims Progress Room 7:00pm Traditional 10:45am Trad Worship with Worship Sieber Baptism 6:45pm Softball – John Muir 8:00pm Fellowship Park (bottom) Hall Rental 28 CommunionWash Brat Fry/Car 29 30 SPECIAL NOTES: 7:45am Trad Worship with 9:00am VBS 7:00am Bible Study June 22-28: Pastor Greg will be on vacation. Zielinski Baptism 5:00pm Stewardship 9:00am Bible Study 8:45am Revelation Study Meeting 9:00am VBS 9:15am Praise Worship June 28: The first Brat Fry/Car Wash of the year. Leave your car dirty and your 10:30am Youth Bible Study stomach empty; fix both at church on Sunday! 10:45am Trad Worship with Lee Baptism June 29 – July 2: Vacation Bible School with Camp Luther from 9am to noon. 6:45pm Softball – John Muir Park (bottom) 10
  • 11. July 2009 Usher Schedule Thur. Jul 2nd 7:00 pm J. Boettcher Don Schultz; †UN; †UN Day: Date: Service: Lead: Usher Team: Sun. Jul 5th 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. Jul 5th 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. Jul 5th 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; †UN Thur. Jul 9th 7:00 pm HC C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. Jul 12th 7:45 am HC J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; †UN; †UN Sun. Jul 12th 9:15 am HC W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman Sun. Jul 12th 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg Thur. Jul 16th 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. Jul 19th 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. Jul 19th 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. Jul 19th 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN Thur. Jul 23rd 7:00 pm HC J. Boettcher Don Schultz; †UN; †UN Sun. Jul 26th 7:45 am HC M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. Jul 26th 9:15 am HC R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. Jul 26th 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; †UN Thur. Jul 30th 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick †UN = Usher Needed If you’d like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you’d like to join, or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or email Our Saviour Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month. For more information on advertising in the business directory, please contact Michelle Burhite at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail: 11
  • 12. Our Saviour Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 120 S. Henry St. U.S. Postage Paid Green Bay, WI 54302 Permit #59 (920) 468-4065 Green Bay, WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Imagine if God’s People the organ. A shiver coils down our spines and feelings of sick Did Not Step Forward to Serve. apprehension choke us. Lights are on but they seem There are many folks serving around, asking for an explanation – dimmer and further away. The the Saviour (servant-volunteers) then walk silently into church. Oh, lump in our stomachs grow and we that we assume will always be this is just fine! find our hands clenched together. there. And there is room for more! A bit upset we head in but Is this a joke? Did we miss What if they did not serve? Oh my! there’s no usher smiling, handing us something last week? Was there an Imagine that it’s Sunday a bulletin. We notice there are piles announcement in The Voice we morning. As you walk into church of unfolded announcement sheets didn’t bother reading?” you notice the Welcome Desk is and bulletins on a table with a sign, We are so grateful this is NOT empty. We shrug and think they’re “Help yourself”. Irritated because the way it is… God’s joyful late again. Climbing the steps we things are not what we expect, we servants (OSLC volunteers) have head immediately for the coffee pot walk down to our usual pew. No stepped forward, but there is room – but no one is there. We sigh. candles flickering on the Altar. The and a need for more! Where are those people? How Praise Band Stand bare – drums and Please consider becoming a can we have cookies if there isn’t music stands gone. reader, a cookie maker, a coffee any coffee? Well, well! We turn to Strange. We look over our server or an usher. To volunteer call the cookie bar. No cookies? No shoulder to the Choir Loft, the church office, 468-4065. bars? What is this? Baffled, we note expecting to see something lurking “The greatest among you will be other members are just milling in the dim and misty shadows by your servant.” Matthew 23:11