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O u r S a v i o u r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h • G re e n B a y, W i s c o n s i n

Seeing Farther than 1/2 Mile in each Direction
  Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Vol. 1, Issue 13)                                                      January 2010

                                                  Pastor David H. Hatch
   Back in my hometown, we had to cross a set of                  the whole tracks were only a mile long, I never
railroad tracks on the way to Roosevelt Elementary                considered they actually “went anywhere”.
School. They were the half-way point on the then-long
two and one-half block walk to school. Those tracks were             On the other side of those tracks at Roosevelt
important to us. We would gather unclaimed cucumbers              Elementary School, we learned about math and science,
from the grassy edges of the tracks in the summer. We’d           geography and history. We learned about the Battle of
leave pennies on the rail and wait for the train to squish        Gettysburg; Promontory Point, Utah (where the east and
them into a shiny new distortion.                                                 west lines of the railroad connected). We
                                                                                  learned about a new state called Alaska;
    The tracks running north would curve                                          about Paul Revere’s famous Boston ride;
off into the distance, out of sight and that                                      we learned about the Boston Tea Party
is as far as we thought they went. To the                                         and the Teapot Dome Scandal; we learned
south, they slid under a car-bridge and                                           about the Oregon Trail and the Erie
curved out of sight toward Main Street. A                                         Canal. We will come back to these in a
few years later I would discover them                                             moment.
again on my way to high school, “Wow,
they go to this part of town, too?”                                                   On December 14th, last month, we had
                                                                                   our OSLC staff Christmas party at
   “The Chicago Northwestern Railroad”,                                            Titletown Brewery, the old railroad
that’s what they said on the cars. When                                            station on the west side of the Fox River.
the rail cars would go by, always slowly,                                          On the wall behind my seat was a very
we’d sit and watch. Some cars were                                                 old map of the United States, showing all
wooden like little barns on wheels, other                                          the railroad lines with the name of every
cars were steel, with ridges, like the inside                                      stop. It is an amazing map. There are
of cardboard. Every car had a number and                                           more than one of them on the walls there.
a date telling when it was built.                                                  With a little searching I found
                                                                                   Promontory Point. My imagination went
    The little Putt Putt was my favorite; that                                     back to the golden spike that those steam
little two-man machine that would make rare appearances           pioneers drove in to tie the nation together. Wow! And
on those tracks…it sure looked like fun. A decade later, my       there was Los Angeles, Denver, Portland, New York,
then sister in-law would tell me how she was enticed by her       Atlanta and all those other far away places!
cousins to hitch a ride on those trains and ride them down
the tracks, jumping off as the train began to pickup speed           When I looked at my hometown on the map I could see
near where her cousins lived close to that car bridge. She        that very railroad track from my childhood. There it was!
never said the tracks went farther, either.                       That’s where we found those little cucumbers! And (of
                                                                  course I knew this as an adult, but the map made it so real)
   To me, the tracks only went from as far north as I
could see to as far south as I could see – so in my mind,                                               Continued on page 2

Official                Acts                                                     Pastor Dave
                                     Continued from page 1

                                     the tracks went a lot farther than ½
                                     mile north and south of where we
                                     squished those pennies! It went so far
Baptisms                             and connected to every other track in
                                                                                 Life is an adventurous gift from God,
                                     the nation – Wowsers!
                                                                                 inviting us to do more, go farther,
Mason GRD Simpson
                                                                                 reach beyond the limits and connect us
                                         Had my teachers at Roosevelt
Born: July 6, 2009

                                                                                 to people and places.
Baptized: November 15, 2009
                                     School, back then, walked
Son of Dennis Pelt and Georgette

                                     us students over to those tracks and
                                                                                     How about lost relationships?
                                     said, “These rails connect, without
                                                                                 Long-lost aunts, uncles, cousins and
Gabriel Lance Scholz
                                     interruption, to Gettysburg, Alaska,
                                                                                 friends don’t have to be far away and
Born: October 28, 2009
                                     Boston, the Erie Canal and even to
Baptized: November 22, 2009
                                                                                 in the past. They may be a phone call
                                     Promontory Point!” - Had I known that
Son of Nathan & Christina Scholz
                                                                                 away, or merely the amount of time it
                                     then, and touched my finger to those
                                                                                 takes to fire off an email.
Lauren Violet Daul
                                     rails with that big picture in my mind, I
Born: October 27, 2009
                                     believe the whole world would have
Baptized: November 29, 2009
                                                                                   How about tensions with others?
                                     seemed smaller and reachable!
Daughter of Brian and Katie Daul
                                                                               Ask a Christian if the Gospel can
                                                                               change their life. Can a marriage be
Jack Jason Natzke
                                        That track was a little steel-trail
                                                                               healed? Yes, with God’s help. Can an
Born: October 16, 2009

                                     leading out of my Mayberry-like life
Baptized: December 5, 2009
                                                                               estranged relationship be brought close
                                     into the great big giant world of history
Son of Jason and Renee Natzke

                                                                               again? Yes! So, what’s the big picture
                                     and adventure-but I did not know it!
                                                                               of “everything is connected” thinking?
James Parks
Born: September 24, 1960
                                                                               It’s “I can do all things through Christ
                                        Likewise, to touch the driveway
Baptized: December 13, 2009

Weddings                             from our house makes a personal direct
                                                                               who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.
                                     connection to an uninterrupted
                                                                                   How about goals? The things we
                                     pathway to the rest of the world! From
Received their Crown
                                                                               want to accomplish while down here,
                                     our front steps even, we can walk,
                                                                               the places we want to go or
                                     drive, float or fly to most any point of
                                                                               experiences we want to have; they are
                                     civilization on God’s green earth. All

Membership Changes                   we have to do is take that first step.
                                                                               far closer than we know. The
                                                                               boundaries we set for ourselves are
                                                                               often too limited, and with God’s help
                                        Getting our arms around the big
                                                                               we are capable of doing more than we
IN:   Nathan Wilbur, transfer

                                     picture of anything is not always an
      from St. John’s Lutheran,
                                                                               believe, and going farther than we
                                     easy thing to do. Often we feel stuck in
      Little Suamico, WI (ELCA)

                                                                               ever thought.
                                     our daily lives, the burden of tasks and
      Dale Wolske, transfer from
                                     responsibilities prohibits us from
      St. John, Luxemburg (LCMS)
                                                                                   Touch the sidewalk and you are
                                     seeing life’s path any farther than ½
                                                                               touching the starting path to a big
                                     mile to the north and ½ mile to the
      Julianne Behling and

                                                                               world adventure. Touch base with God
      children, Amber and Emma,
                                     south. Would you agree? Often we
                                                                               and you are communicating with the
      transfer from Zion Lutheran

                                     only see small pieces of things and
      Church, Greenleaf, WI (LCMS)
                                                                               One who touches everything!
      Stacy Ketter and children,     rarely see the whole.
                                                                                    I wonder…were my teachers back
      Kailey and Jordan, transfer
                                        What can we learn here? Let’s look
      from Hope Lutheran Church,
                                                                                 then also living such a hectic day-to-
                                     beyond “as far as the eye can see.”
      Fond du Lac, WI (LCMS)
                                                                                 day life where even they never saw
                                     Things we supposed were out of reach
                                                                                 the tracks going more than a half a
      Jason and Kelli Hillman and
                                     are closer than we assumed. We are
                                                                                 mile in each direction? Maybe… I
      children, Gabrielle and

                                     often so caught up in the details we
      Samuel, transfer from
                                                                                 know I will need to be reminded again
                                     rarely zoom out to get the larger
      Pilgrim Lutheran Church,
                                                                                 myself, tomorrow.
      Green Bay, WI (LCMS)
OUT: None                            picture of our lives and our setting.

Be Content                                                           GOT NEWS? – Adeline, your Roving
                                                                Reporter is on the hunt for the latest scoop!
                                                                Call: 468-2061, E-mail:
A stonecutter delivered a slab of stone to a merchant
and seeing all the wonderful goods, he said, “I wish I
was a merchant and had such things.” In the
                                                                                Adeline Grieser
twinkling of an eye his wish was granted.
                                                                burned. One of her husband’s shoes had been chewed
                                                                by the dog. The washer overflowed. When her small
One day he saw a parade pass his store window with
                                                                son came in with his pants torn, she’d had enough.
the Prince in all his splendor. “I wish I were a prince.”
                                                                “Go right in, remove those pants and start mending
And immediately he became a Prince – until the day
                                                                them yourself!” She ordered. An hour later she noticed
the hot sun beat down on him and he said, “I wish I
                                                                the torn pants on the floor and the door to the cellar,
were the sun, greater than any man.” And he became
                                                                usually kept closed, was open. Starting down the stairs
the sun until he came to a mountain, which wouldn’t
                                                                she said, loudly and sternly, “Are you running around
let him pass. “That mountain is greater than I. I wish I
                                                                down there with no pants on?” “No, ma’am,” came a
were a mountain.” Instantly, he became a mountain
                                                                deep voice. “I’m just down here reading your gas
and he thought, “Now I am the greatest of all.”
                                                                meter.” Moral - Ask before you assume!
One day a man climbed the mountain and with
hammer and chisel began to tap away at it. The
                                                                Hear Ye Hear Ye – The Sunday morning
                                                                Bible Classes (aka “Vice Versa Versa Vice” classes)
mountain, unable to stop the hammer, said, “That
                                                                are returning in January. You will be able to attend
man is greater than I. I wish I was a man who cut
                                                                any of our three Sunday worship services get the
stone.” Once again his wish was granted and he
                                                                added value of attending a Sunday morning Bible
became a stonecutter. He lived a long, useful life and
                                                                class as well.
was very happy. Moral – And be content with such
things as ye have. Hebrews 13:5
                                                                The class (same topic) will be offered at two different
                                                                hours on Sundays, allowing you the option of going
The Offering – One Sunday the pastor told                       to worship first followed by a class, or vice versa.
his congregation the church needed some extra                   How cool is that? You know the time of the services
money and asked the members to prayerfully                      already. The classes will be at 9:30 and 10:30am. On
consider putting a bit extra in the offering plate.             this round the studies will match the same topic as the
“Whoever gives the most will be able to choose three            sermon – The Ten Commandments.
favorite hymns.” As he received the offering plate he
was stunned to see a $500 bill laying on top. “This is
amazing. I want to personally thank the person who              The Ten Commandments,
donated five-hundred dollars.” Mabel, a long-time               Outdated Rules or Ever
member shyly raised her hand.                                   Current Guides? – The Ten
                                                                Commandments coming to a pulpit near you,
“Come forward, Mabel. Thank you for your                        beginning in January. Yes siree Wilbur, you heard it
generosity. Please pick your three hymns.” Mabel’s eyes         right, a sermon series on the Stone Tablets that
brightened as she looked over the congregation and              continue to make history. The Bible classes on
pointed to the three most handsome men in the pews.             Sundays will synchronize with these Holy Guidelines
“I’ll take him and him and him!” Moral - What means             and you will come away with a whole new
one thing to us may mean something else to another.             perspective on humanity. And, we might learn just a
                                                                little bit about God too. Consider packing your Bible
An Assumption in the Cellar – It                                for a double header – Sermon series/Bible class
was one of Mother’s hectic days. The toast had                  series. Watch the church calendar for dates.

Pastor Greg

Trinity News                                                           What’s Hot with
Continue to Spread the Light - Just as the children’s
Christmas service reminds us that not only is Jesus the Light
of the world, but that it is our privilege and responsibility to       Profits from Scrip sales in 2009 grew more than 50% over
carry that Light to the four corners of the world. As the              2008. With over 600 retailers participating in the Scrip
“song” was passed from congregation to children and back               program, there is something for everyone. New in 2010,
again, we were reminded of the support that we give one                Scrip users will be able to use 50% of the profits from their
another in the body of the Christ, the church.                         sales toward the cost of their children’s tuition at a Christian
Calendar-                                                              school / preschool, expenses for OSLC sponsored youth
Kindergarten Open House: . . . . . .Jan 12 at 6:30pm                   events, Camp Luther and more. Watch for more information
Open House: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan 26-27 All Day         as the program sets up over the next month or two or stop
Taste Of Trinity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 5                   by the service counter between services. Joelle Bitters and
                                                                       Julie Richter are hoping to start recording Scrip sales to
Website and radio ads - To help raise awareness of the                 user accounts in early January. Here is a list of the Scrip
ministry of Lutheran schools, we have joined the other                 sales in 2009 through September:
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod schools in the area to
sponsor a website,, and to                 Retailer                   Sales   Profit %          Profit $
sponsor radio ads on Christian radio. Tell your friends                 1. Festival Foods         $40,200   3%              $1,206
about these and encourage them to send to their children                2. Copps                  $21,375   4%              $855
to a school where they are surrounded by the love of God
                                                                        3. Kwik Trip              $12,090   20%             $2,418
all day.
                                                                        4. Woodman’s              $9,050    4%              $362
Read-A-Thon - For the entire month of January, students                 5. Kohl’s                 $6,525    5%              $326
will be reading for money in addition to having the                     6. Sam’s/WalMart          $6,475    2%              $130
pleasure of reading. Money raised is used for field trips and           7. ShopKo                 $3,875    4%              $155
some other student activities. Thank you for your support.              8. Fleet Farm             $2,995    4%              $120
                                                                        9. Shell Gas              $2,475    1.5%            $37
Athletics - Boys and girls in grades 4-8 are competing in              10. BP Gas                 $2,450    2%              $49
basketball. Students are also involved in cheerleading.
                                                                       11. McDonald’s             $2,100    5%              $105
See the school’s website for the schedule-come and
watch the students use their God-given talents.                        12. University SV          $1,900    4%              $76
                                                                       13. Walgreen’s             $1,475    7%              $103
School email - The new email address for the school is                 14. Starbucks              $1,120    7%              $78 All of the teachers have                 15. Cub Foods              $1,000    2%              $20
email addresses which are listed on the website.                       16. Culver’s               $590      7%              $41
                                                                       17. Subway                 $470      6%              $28
Wish list items-                                                       18. Applebees              $300      8%              $24
Science Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 each
                                                                       19. iTunes                 $210      5%              $10
Air Quality Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . . $27.50
Geology Field Trip in a Bag . . . . . $40                              20. Marcus Theater         $200      9%              $18
Listening Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300                      21. A&W                    $175      10%             $18
Discover America Carpet . . . . . . . $500                             22. Olive Garden/          $150      9%              $14
                                                                           Red Lobster
Fund Raising - There has not been a tuition increase for               23. Texas Roadhouse        $125          8%          $10
three years, thanks in part to the following fund raisers-             24. Younkers               $100          8%          $8
Milk Caps, Box Tops, Capri Sun labels, Tyson Project A+                25. DePere Cinema          $60           10%         $6
labels (both new), Target Credit Card Rebate, Kwik Trip
                                                                       26. Panera Bread           $50           9%          $4
Scrip, Thrivent Giving Plus Matching Funds, Christmas
Cards, Packer Concession Workers,,                      27. Arbys                  $40           8%          $3
and HP printer cartridges. Thank you to all those of you               28. Barnes & Noble         $30           9%          $3
who have so faithfully supported Trinity through these                 29. Bath & Body Works      $20           13%         $3
efforts and please continue to do so.                                  Total                      $117,625                  $6,230


    Church Calendar
                                                                                                                        1            2
                                                                                                                                     6:00pm Youth

3                               4                  5                    6                      7                        8            9
7:45am    Trad. Worship         5:30pm Youth Board 7:00am Bible Study   3:30pm Youth Night 11:00am Bad Girls Bible 5:00pm Fish Fry
9:15am    Praise Worship        6:30pm Worship     9:00am Bible Study   6:00pm Praise Band          Study
10:45am   Trad. Worship                Committee 6:30pm Cub Scouts      6:00pm Confirmation 12:15pm Brown Bag
1:00pm    Gym Rental                               7:00pm Elders Mtg.   6:00pm Bad Girls            Worship, Parlor
                                                   7:00pm Choir                Bible Study 12:45pm Staff Meeting
                                                          Practice      7:00pm P&F Meet. 7:00pm Trad. Worship

10 COMMUNION                    11                 12                   13                     14                       15           16
7:45am    Trad. Worship       7:00pm Church        7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm     Youth Night 11:00am Bad Girls Bible                 1:00pm Gym
9:15am    Praise Worship             Council       9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm     Praise Band          Study                                 Rental
9:30am    Bible Study, Parlor                      6:30pm Trinity Open 6:00pm    Confirmation 12:15pm Brown Bag                      6:00pm PWP
10:30am   Bible Study, Parlor                             House        6:00pm    Bad Girls            Worship, Parlor                       Sock
10:45am   Trad. Worship                            7:00pm Choir                  Bible Study 12:45pm Staff Meeting                          Hop
1:00pm    Gym Rental                                      Practice                            7:00pm Trad. Worship
                                                                                              7:45pm Evangelism

17                              18                 19                   20                     21                       22           23
7:45am  Trad. Worship                              7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag       9:00am Preschool 1:00pm Gym
9:15am  Praise Worship                             9:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band         Worship, Parlor        Field Trip       Rental
        w/Sunday School                            6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting          to Weidner
        Assist                                     7:00pm Choir                          7:00pm Trad. Worship           Center
9:30am Bible Study, Parlor                                Practice
10:30am Bible Study, Parlor       NO TRINITY or
10:45am Trad. Worship
                                PRESCHOOL CLASS                                                    NO PRESCHOOL

24 COMMUNION                    25                 26                   27                     28                       29           30
7:45am    Trad. Worship       7:30pm Trinity       7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag                           1:00pm Gym
9:15am    Praise Worship             School        9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band          Worship, Parlor                           Rental
9:30am    Bible Study, Parlor        Board         7:00pm Choir       6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting
10:30am   Bible Study, Parlor                             Practice                        7:00pm Trad. Worship
10:45am   Trad. Worship
1:00pm    Gym Rental                               All Day Trinity Open All Day Trinity Open
                                                           House                House

7:45am    Trad. Worship
9:15am    Praise Worship
9:30am    Bible Study, Parlor
10:30am   Bible Study, Parlor
10:45am   Trad. Worship
1:00pm    Gym Rental

February 2010 Usher Schedule
                                                                           Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Day:        Date:          Service:               Lead                     Usher Team:
Thu.        04-Feb         7:00 pm                P. Kuehl
Sun.        07-Feb         7:45 am                A. Knaus                 Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.        07-Feb         9:15 am                W. Chamberlain           Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain;
                                                                           Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman
Sun.        07-Feb         10:45 am               M. Charles               Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN
Thu.        11-Feb         7:00 pm HC             J. Boettcher             Don Schultz; †UN; †UN
Sun.        14-Feb         7:45 am HC             J. Kielpikowski          Chad Kielpikowski; †UN; †UN
Sun.        14-Feb         9:15 am HC             D. Wians                 Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth;
                                                                           Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.        14-Feb         10:45 am               R. Bruhn                 Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Wed.        17-Feb         12:15 pm               G. Buechner              Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King;
                                                                           Rich Spangenberg
Wed.        17-Feb         7:00 pm HC             C. Arthur                Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.        21-Feb         7:45 am                M. Dalebroux             Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.        21-Feb         9:15 am                R. Vande Hei             Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei;
                                                                           Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.        21-Feb         10:45 am               M. Charles               Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN
Thu.        25-Feb         7:00 pm HC             P. Kuehl                 Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.        28-Feb         7:45 am HC             M. Morgan                Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.        28-Feb         9:15 am HC             D. Bitters               Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz;
                                                                           Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.        28-Feb         10:45 am               R. Bruhn                 Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
†UN = Usher Needed If you’d like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you’d like to join, or
contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or email

2010 Church                                                         LWML is returning to OSLC
Planning Council                                                    It has been many years since we’ve hosted LWML. It’s time to
                                                                    restart! LWML stands for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
The following is a list of congregation members who will            (also referred to as Lutheran Women in Mission.)
serve on the 2010 OSLC Planning Council. Please contact
any one on the list if you have ideas to better serve the Lord      From the national website (
or have an interest in serving in any area.                            Lutheran Women in Mission Are... Walking with the Lord,
                                                                       Totally confident of Christ’s presence in serving and living.
2010 OSLC Planning Council
Mike Charles . . . . . . . . . .President                           LWML -
Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President-Elect                 • It has as its “mission heart” thousands of volunteers who are
Kelly Hafeman . . . . . . . . .Chair – Personnel & Finance            daily dedicating their lives to making a difference in this world.
                                    (President Emeritus)            • It is women who are finding avenues to use their God-given
Jill Siegmund . . . . . . . . . .Secretary to the President           talents as they meet the challenges to share the Gospel message.
Gay Pivonka . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer                            • The LWML seeks to develop and maintain a greater mission
Donna Biebel . . . . . . . . . .Chair - Education                     consciousness among women of the LCMS through education,
Robin Williams . . . . . . . .Chair - Elders                          inspiration, and service.
Matthew Norem . . . . . . . .Chair - Evangelism
Greg Ammerman . . . . . . .Chair - Fellowship                       For more information about LWML in general, consult the
Rich Ryman . . . . . . . . . . .Chair - Stewardship        website. For more district info, check
Tom Proulx . . . . . . . . . . .Chair - Trustees                    Watch for further developments in future newsletters and
Sarah Blakeley . . . . . . . . .Chair - Youth                       announcements.

OSLC Business Directory
Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the     If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact
cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month.                       Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail:

                                                                       © 2010 Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved. Design compliments of Adagirl Design LLC.

Evangelism Committee
at work at OSLC
                                                                                                  Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                                                                                        Missouri Synod
                                                                                                      120 S. Henry Street
                                                                                                     Green Bay, WI 54302
In late 2009, a collection was taken for victims of disaster                                                   (920) 468-4065
stricken areas of Southeast Asia. A total of $511.75 was
collected and added to a $500 donation from Evangelism,
allowing OSLC to send $1,011.75 to Lutheran World Relief.
                                                                                     Senior Pastor                          David H. Hatch

Thanks to all of you for your generosity!
                                                                                                                            (920) 465-8118

Cell phones will be collected throughout 2010. The phones
collected will be donated to Golden House, a local domestic
                                                                                     Associate Pastor                       Greg Hovland

violence shelter, and to Cell Phones for Soldiers. With the ‘Cell
                                                                                                                            (920) 544-3614

Phones for Soldiers’ program, cell phones are sold to a recycler

and the money received is used to purchase international
calling cards for American soldiers serving overseas.
                                                                                     Church Office                          Michelle Burhite
                                                                                                                            (920) 468-4065

At Christmas-time, several projects were organized by the

Evangelism team. Exactly 100 shoe box gifts were packed for
Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse; a
                                                                                     Preschool Director                     Christina Scholz

separate $25 gift for shipping those boxes was also received.
                                                                                                                            (920) 468-4065

Gifts were purchased for five residents of Bornemann Nursing

Home. Dozens of gifts, ranging from board games and fishing
rods to electronic games and cologne, were delivered to the
                                                                                     Our Saviour Web              

Salvation Army for their Toys for Tots and Toys for Teens
programs. Poinsettia plants were delivered to 15 shut-ins who
                                                                                     Vol. 1 No. 13, January 2010 The Voice (permit No.

are regularly visited by our pastors. The Live Nativity and
                                                                                     59) is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran

Soup Supper on December 17 were well attended.
                                                                                     Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this
                                                                                     publication may be reproduced without permission.

Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                                                                 Non-Profit Organization
120 S. Henry St.                                                                    U.S. Postage Paid
Green Bay, WI 54302                                                                    Permit #59
(920) 468-4065                                                                       Green Bay, WI


 Sweet Monday
   Would you like to be part of a fun women’s            Sweet Things on the Schedule:
 ministry?                                               •  Mug and Muffin: Bring your favorite mug
   •    Would you like to get out of the house one          and enjoy muffins.
        night a month?
                                                         •    An Easter Surprise: Easter recipes and egg
   •    Have you been looking for something to                lessons.
        invite your neighbor ladies to?
                                                         •    Spring Cleaning
   Sweet Monday is perfect for you!
                                                         •    Mad Hatter Tea Party
    Sweet Monday is a fun night where you don’t
 have to worry about an RSVP or making food to           •    Wedding Wonders and Woes (and fashion
 bring. You just come and enjoy. I do ask one thing,          show?)
 though. This is the perfect opportunity to invite
 women to Our Saviour who have never been here –
 maybe never been to a church! I ask you to take an      Sweet Monday – Coming soon, to Our Saviour!
 invitation (I’ll even make one for you), give the
 invitation to a lady in your neighborhood, and         Stephenie will tell you even more about Sweet
 personally invite her to our sweet, fun night.        Monday in January! Watch the announcements.

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  • 1. O u r S a v i o u r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h • G re e n B a y, W i s c o n s i n Seeing Farther than 1/2 Mile in each Direction Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Vol. 1, Issue 13) January 2010 Pastor David H. Hatch Back in my hometown, we had to cross a set of the whole tracks were only a mile long, I never railroad tracks on the way to Roosevelt Elementary considered they actually “went anywhere”. School. They were the half-way point on the then-long two and one-half block walk to school. Those tracks were On the other side of those tracks at Roosevelt important to us. We would gather unclaimed cucumbers Elementary School, we learned about math and science, from the grassy edges of the tracks in the summer. We’d geography and history. We learned about the Battle of leave pennies on the rail and wait for the train to squish Gettysburg; Promontory Point, Utah (where the east and them into a shiny new distortion. west lines of the railroad connected). We learned about a new state called Alaska; The tracks running north would curve about Paul Revere’s famous Boston ride; off into the distance, out of sight and that we learned about the Boston Tea Party is as far as we thought they went. To the and the Teapot Dome Scandal; we learned south, they slid under a car-bridge and about the Oregon Trail and the Erie curved out of sight toward Main Street. A Canal. We will come back to these in a few years later I would discover them moment. again on my way to high school, “Wow, they go to this part of town, too?” On December 14th, last month, we had our OSLC staff Christmas party at “The Chicago Northwestern Railroad”, Titletown Brewery, the old railroad that’s what they said on the cars. When station on the west side of the Fox River. the rail cars would go by, always slowly, On the wall behind my seat was a very we’d sit and watch. Some cars were old map of the United States, showing all wooden like little barns on wheels, other the railroad lines with the name of every cars were steel, with ridges, like the inside stop. It is an amazing map. There are of cardboard. Every car had a number and more than one of them on the walls there. a date telling when it was built. With a little searching I found Promontory Point. My imagination went The little Putt Putt was my favorite; that back to the golden spike that those steam little two-man machine that would make rare appearances pioneers drove in to tie the nation together. Wow! And on those tracks…it sure looked like fun. A decade later, my there was Los Angeles, Denver, Portland, New York, then sister in-law would tell me how she was enticed by her Atlanta and all those other far away places! cousins to hitch a ride on those trains and ride them down the tracks, jumping off as the train began to pickup speed When I looked at my hometown on the map I could see near where her cousins lived close to that car bridge. She that very railroad track from my childhood. There it was! never said the tracks went farther, either. That’s where we found those little cucumbers! And (of course I knew this as an adult, but the map made it so real) To me, the tracks only went from as far north as I could see to as far south as I could see – so in my mind, Continued on page 2 1
  • 2. Official Acts Pastor Dave Continued from page 1 the tracks went a lot farther than ½ mile north and south of where we squished those pennies! It went so far Baptisms and connected to every other track in Life is an adventurous gift from God, the nation – Wowsers! inviting us to do more, go farther, Mason GRD Simpson reach beyond the limits and connect us Had my teachers at Roosevelt Born: July 6, 2009 to people and places. Baptized: November 15, 2009 School, back then, walked Son of Dennis Pelt and Georgette us students over to those tracks and VanDenHeuvel How about lost relationships? said, “These rails connect, without Long-lost aunts, uncles, cousins and Gabriel Lance Scholz interruption, to Gettysburg, Alaska, friends don’t have to be far away and Born: October 28, 2009 Boston, the Erie Canal and even to Baptized: November 22, 2009 in the past. They may be a phone call Promontory Point!” - Had I known that Son of Nathan & Christina Scholz away, or merely the amount of time it then, and touched my finger to those takes to fire off an email. Lauren Violet Daul rails with that big picture in my mind, I Born: October 27, 2009 believe the whole world would have Baptized: November 29, 2009 How about tensions with others? seemed smaller and reachable! Daughter of Brian and Katie Daul Ask a Christian if the Gospel can change their life. Can a marriage be Jack Jason Natzke That track was a little steel-trail healed? Yes, with God’s help. Can an Born: October 16, 2009 leading out of my Mayberry-like life Baptized: December 5, 2009 estranged relationship be brought close into the great big giant world of history Son of Jason and Renee Natzke again? Yes! So, what’s the big picture and adventure-but I did not know it! of “everything is connected” thinking? James Parks Born: September 24, 1960 It’s “I can do all things through Christ Likewise, to touch the driveway Baptized: December 13, 2009 Weddings from our house makes a personal direct who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. connection to an uninterrupted How about goals? The things we pathway to the rest of the world! From Received their Crown None want to accomplish while down here, our front steps even, we can walk, the places we want to go or drive, float or fly to most any point of experiences we want to have; they are civilization on God’s green earth. All None Membership Changes we have to do is take that first step. far closer than we know. The boundaries we set for ourselves are often too limited, and with God’s help Getting our arms around the big we are capable of doing more than we IN: Nathan Wilbur, transfer picture of anything is not always an from St. John’s Lutheran, believe, and going farther than we easy thing to do. Often we feel stuck in Little Suamico, WI (ELCA) ever thought. our daily lives, the burden of tasks and Dale Wolske, transfer from responsibilities prohibits us from St. John, Luxemburg (LCMS) Touch the sidewalk and you are seeing life’s path any farther than ½ touching the starting path to a big mile to the north and ½ mile to the Julianne Behling and world adventure. Touch base with God children, Amber and Emma, south. Would you agree? Often we and you are communicating with the transfer from Zion Lutheran only see small pieces of things and Church, Greenleaf, WI (LCMS) One who touches everything! Stacy Ketter and children, rarely see the whole. I wonder…were my teachers back Kailey and Jordan, transfer What can we learn here? Let’s look from Hope Lutheran Church, then also living such a hectic day-to- beyond “as far as the eye can see.” Fond du Lac, WI (LCMS) day life where even they never saw Things we supposed were out of reach the tracks going more than a half a Jason and Kelli Hillman and are closer than we assumed. We are mile in each direction? Maybe… I children, Gabrielle and often so caught up in the details we Samuel, transfer from know I will need to be reminded again rarely zoom out to get the larger Pilgrim Lutheran Church, myself, tomorrow. Green Bay, WI (LCMS) OUT: None picture of our lives and our setting. 2
  • 3. Be Content GOT NEWS? – Adeline, your Roving Reporter is on the hunt for the latest scoop! Call: 468-2061, E-mail: A stonecutter delivered a slab of stone to a merchant and seeing all the wonderful goods, he said, “I wish I was a merchant and had such things.” In the Adeline Grieser twinkling of an eye his wish was granted. burned. One of her husband’s shoes had been chewed by the dog. The washer overflowed. When her small One day he saw a parade pass his store window with son came in with his pants torn, she’d had enough. the Prince in all his splendor. “I wish I were a prince.” “Go right in, remove those pants and start mending And immediately he became a Prince – until the day them yourself!” She ordered. An hour later she noticed the hot sun beat down on him and he said, “I wish I the torn pants on the floor and the door to the cellar, were the sun, greater than any man.” And he became usually kept closed, was open. Starting down the stairs the sun until he came to a mountain, which wouldn’t she said, loudly and sternly, “Are you running around let him pass. “That mountain is greater than I. I wish I down there with no pants on?” “No, ma’am,” came a were a mountain.” Instantly, he became a mountain deep voice. “I’m just down here reading your gas and he thought, “Now I am the greatest of all.” meter.” Moral - Ask before you assume! One day a man climbed the mountain and with hammer and chisel began to tap away at it. The Hear Ye Hear Ye – The Sunday morning Bible Classes (aka “Vice Versa Versa Vice” classes) mountain, unable to stop the hammer, said, “That are returning in January. You will be able to attend man is greater than I. I wish I was a man who cut any of our three Sunday worship services get the stone.” Once again his wish was granted and he added value of attending a Sunday morning Bible became a stonecutter. He lived a long, useful life and class as well. was very happy. Moral – And be content with such things as ye have. Hebrews 13:5 The class (same topic) will be offered at two different hours on Sundays, allowing you the option of going The Offering – One Sunday the pastor told to worship first followed by a class, or vice versa. his congregation the church needed some extra How cool is that? You know the time of the services money and asked the members to prayerfully already. The classes will be at 9:30 and 10:30am. On consider putting a bit extra in the offering plate. this round the studies will match the same topic as the “Whoever gives the most will be able to choose three sermon – The Ten Commandments. favorite hymns.” As he received the offering plate he was stunned to see a $500 bill laying on top. “This is amazing. I want to personally thank the person who The Ten Commandments, donated five-hundred dollars.” Mabel, a long-time Outdated Rules or Ever member shyly raised her hand. Current Guides? – The Ten Commandments coming to a pulpit near you, “Come forward, Mabel. Thank you for your beginning in January. Yes siree Wilbur, you heard it generosity. Please pick your three hymns.” Mabel’s eyes right, a sermon series on the Stone Tablets that brightened as she looked over the congregation and continue to make history. The Bible classes on pointed to the three most handsome men in the pews. Sundays will synchronize with these Holy Guidelines “I’ll take him and him and him!” Moral - What means and you will come away with a whole new one thing to us may mean something else to another. perspective on humanity. And, we might learn just a little bit about God too. Consider packing your Bible An Assumption in the Cellar – It for a double header – Sermon series/Bible class was one of Mother’s hectic days. The toast had series. Watch the church calendar for dates. 3
  • 4. Pastor Greg Source: 4
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  • 8. Trinity News What’s Hot with Continue to Spread the Light - Just as the children’s Christmas service reminds us that not only is Jesus the Light SCRIP? of the world, but that it is our privilege and responsibility to Profits from Scrip sales in 2009 grew more than 50% over carry that Light to the four corners of the world. As the 2008. With over 600 retailers participating in the Scrip “song” was passed from congregation to children and back program, there is something for everyone. New in 2010, again, we were reminded of the support that we give one Scrip users will be able to use 50% of the profits from their another in the body of the Christ, the church. sales toward the cost of their children’s tuition at a Christian Calendar- school / preschool, expenses for OSLC sponsored youth Kindergarten Open House: . . . . . .Jan 12 at 6:30pm events, Camp Luther and more. Watch for more information Open House: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan 26-27 All Day as the program sets up over the next month or two or stop Taste Of Trinity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 5 by the service counter between services. Joelle Bitters and Julie Richter are hoping to start recording Scrip sales to Website and radio ads - To help raise awareness of the user accounts in early January. Here is a list of the Scrip ministry of Lutheran schools, we have joined the other sales in 2009 through September: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod schools in the area to sponsor a website,, and to Retailer Sales Profit % Profit $ sponsor radio ads on Christian radio. Tell your friends 1. Festival Foods $40,200 3% $1,206 about these and encourage them to send to their children 2. Copps $21,375 4% $855 to a school where they are surrounded by the love of God 3. Kwik Trip $12,090 20% $2,418 all day. 4. Woodman’s $9,050 4% $362 Read-A-Thon - For the entire month of January, students 5. Kohl’s $6,525 5% $326 will be reading for money in addition to having the 6. Sam’s/WalMart $6,475 2% $130 pleasure of reading. Money raised is used for field trips and 7. ShopKo $3,875 4% $155 some other student activities. Thank you for your support. 8. Fleet Farm $2,995 4% $120 9. Shell Gas $2,475 1.5% $37 Athletics - Boys and girls in grades 4-8 are competing in 10. BP Gas $2,450 2% $49 basketball. Students are also involved in cheerleading. 11. McDonald’s $2,100 5% $105 See the school’s website for the schedule-come and watch the students use their God-given talents. 12. University SV $1,900 4% $76 13. Walgreen’s $1,475 7% $103 School email - The new email address for the school is 14. Starbucks $1,120 7% $78 All of the teachers have 15. Cub Foods $1,000 2% $20 email addresses which are listed on the website. 16. Culver’s $590 7% $41 17. Subway $470 6% $28 Wish list items- 18. Applebees $300 8% $24 Science Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 each 19. iTunes $210 5% $10 Air Quality Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . . $27.50 Geology Field Trip in a Bag . . . . . $40 20. Marcus Theater $200 9% $18 Listening Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 21. A&W $175 10% $18 Discover America Carpet . . . . . . . $500 22. Olive Garden/ $150 9% $14 Red Lobster Fund Raising - There has not been a tuition increase for 23. Texas Roadhouse $125 8% $10 three years, thanks in part to the following fund raisers- 24. Younkers $100 8% $8 Milk Caps, Box Tops, Capri Sun labels, Tyson Project A+ 25. DePere Cinema $60 10% $6 labels (both new), Target Credit Card Rebate, Kwik Trip 26. Panera Bread $50 9% $4 Scrip, Thrivent Giving Plus Matching Funds, Christmas Cards, Packer Concession Workers,, 27. Arbys $40 8% $3 and HP printer cartridges. Thank you to all those of you 28. Barnes & Noble $30 9% $3 who have so faithfully supported Trinity through these 29. Bath & Body Works $20 13% $3 efforts and please continue to do so. Total $117,625 $6,230 8
  • 9. JANUARY 2010 Church Calendar 1 2 6:00pm Youth Movie Night 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7:45am Trad. Worship 5:30pm Youth Board 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 11:00am Bad Girls Bible 5:00pm Fish Fry 9:15am Praise Worship 6:30pm Worship 9:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band Study 10:45am Trad. Worship Committee 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Confirmation 12:15pm Brown Bag 1:00pm Gym Rental 7:00pm Elders Mtg. 6:00pm Bad Girls Worship, Parlor 7:00pm Choir Bible Study 12:45pm Staff Meeting Practice 7:00pm P&F Meet. 7:00pm Trad. Worship 10 COMMUNION 11 12 13 14 15 16 7:45am Trad. Worship 7:00pm Church 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 11:00am Bad Girls Bible 1:00pm Gym 9:15am Praise Worship Council 9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band Study Rental 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor 6:30pm Trinity Open 6:00pm Confirmation 12:15pm Brown Bag 6:00pm PWP 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor House 6:00pm Bad Girls Worship, Parlor Sock 10:45am Trad. Worship 7:00pm Choir Bible Study 12:45pm Staff Meeting Hop 1:00pm Gym Rental Practice 7:00pm Trad. Worship 7:45pm Evangelism Meeting 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7:45am Trad. Worship 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag 9:00am Preschool 1:00pm Gym 9:15am Praise Worship 9:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band Worship, Parlor Field Trip Rental w/Sunday School 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting to Weidner Assist 7:00pm Choir 7:00pm Trad. Worship Center 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor Practice 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor NO TRINITY or 10:45am Trad. Worship PRESCHOOL CLASS NO PRESCHOOL 24 COMMUNION 25 26 27 28 29 30 7:45am Trad. Worship 7:30pm Trinity 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag 1:00pm Gym 9:15am Praise Worship School 9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band Worship, Parlor Rental 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor Board 7:00pm Choir 6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor Practice 7:00pm Trad. Worship 10:45am Trad. Worship 1:00pm Gym Rental All Day Trinity Open All Day Trinity Open House House 31 7:45am Trad. Worship 9:15am Praise Worship 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor 10:45am Trad. Worship 1:00pm Gym Rental 9 5
  • 10. February 2010 Usher Schedule Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 04-Feb 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Sun. 07-Feb 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 07-Feb 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman Sun. 07-Feb 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN Thu. 11-Feb 7:00 pm HC J. Boettcher Don Schultz; †UN; †UN Sun. 14-Feb 7:45 am HC J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; †UN; †UN Sun. 14-Feb 9:15 am HC D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 14-Feb 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Wed. 17-Feb 12:15 pm G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Wed. 17-Feb 7:00 pm HC C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 21-Feb 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 21-Feb 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 21-Feb 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN Thu. 25-Feb 7:00 pm HC P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 28-Feb 7:45 am HC M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 28-Feb 9:15 am HC D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 28-Feb 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson †UN = Usher Needed If you’d like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you’d like to join, or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or email 2010 Church LWML is returning to OSLC Planning Council It has been many years since we’ve hosted LWML. It’s time to restart! LWML stands for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League The following is a list of congregation members who will (also referred to as Lutheran Women in Mission.) serve on the 2010 OSLC Planning Council. Please contact any one on the list if you have ideas to better serve the Lord From the national website ( or have an interest in serving in any area. Lutheran Women in Mission Are... Walking with the Lord, Totally confident of Christ’s presence in serving and living. 2010 OSLC Planning Council Mike Charles . . . . . . . . . .President LWML - Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President-Elect • It has as its “mission heart” thousands of volunteers who are Kelly Hafeman . . . . . . . . .Chair – Personnel & Finance daily dedicating their lives to making a difference in this world. (President Emeritus) • It is women who are finding avenues to use their God-given Jill Siegmund . . . . . . . . . .Secretary to the President talents as they meet the challenges to share the Gospel message. Gay Pivonka . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer • The LWML seeks to develop and maintain a greater mission Donna Biebel . . . . . . . . . .Chair - Education consciousness among women of the LCMS through education, Robin Williams . . . . . . . .Chair - Elders inspiration, and service. Matthew Norem . . . . . . . .Chair - Evangelism Greg Ammerman . . . . . . .Chair - Fellowship For more information about LWML in general, consult the Rich Ryman . . . . . . . . . . .Chair - Stewardship website. For more district info, check Tom Proulx . . . . . . . . . . .Chair - Trustees Watch for further developments in future newsletters and Sarah Blakeley . . . . . . . . .Chair - Youth announcements. 10
  • 11. OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month. Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail: © 2010 Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved. Design compliments of Adagirl Design LLC. Evangelism Committee at work at OSLC Our Saviour Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 120 S. Henry Street Green Bay, WI 54302 In late 2009, a collection was taken for victims of disaster (920) 468-4065 stricken areas of Southeast Asia. A total of $511.75 was collected and added to a $500 donation from Evangelism, allowing OSLC to send $1,011.75 to Lutheran World Relief. Senior Pastor David H. Hatch Thanks to all of you for your generosity! (920) 465-8118 Cell phones will be collected throughout 2010. The phones collected will be donated to Golden House, a local domestic Associate Pastor Greg Hovland violence shelter, and to Cell Phones for Soldiers. With the ‘Cell (920) 544-3614 Phones for Soldiers’ program, cell phones are sold to a recycler and the money received is used to purchase international calling cards for American soldiers serving overseas. Church Office Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 At Christmas-time, several projects were organized by the Evangelism team. Exactly 100 shoe box gifts were packed for Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse; a Preschool Director Christina Scholz separate $25 gift for shipping those boxes was also received. (920) 468-4065 Gifts were purchased for five residents of Bornemann Nursing Home. Dozens of gifts, ranging from board games and fishing rods to electronic games and cologne, were delivered to the Our Saviour Web Salvation Army for their Toys for Tots and Toys for Teens programs. Poinsettia plants were delivered to 15 shut-ins who Vol. 1 No. 13, January 2010 The Voice (permit No. are regularly visited by our pastors. The Live Nativity and 59) is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Soup Supper on December 17 were well attended. Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. 11
  • 12. Our Saviour Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 120 S. Henry St. U.S. Postage Paid Green Bay, WI 54302 Permit #59 (920) 468-4065 Green Bay, WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Sweet Monday Would you like to be part of a fun women’s Sweet Things on the Schedule: ministry? • Mug and Muffin: Bring your favorite mug • Would you like to get out of the house one and enjoy muffins. night a month? • An Easter Surprise: Easter recipes and egg • Have you been looking for something to lessons. invite your neighbor ladies to? • Spring Cleaning Sweet Monday is perfect for you! • Mad Hatter Tea Party Sweet Monday is a fun night where you don’t have to worry about an RSVP or making food to • Wedding Wonders and Woes (and fashion bring. You just come and enjoy. I do ask one thing, show?) though. This is the perfect opportunity to invite women to Our Saviour who have never been here – maybe never been to a church! I ask you to take an Sweet Monday – Coming soon, to Our Saviour! invitation (I’ll even make one for you), give the invitation to a lady in your neighborhood, and Stephenie will tell you even more about Sweet personally invite her to our sweet, fun night. Monday in January! Watch the announcements.