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Begin the Cenacle                  by
recitation of the Holy Rosary with Mary,
Our Lady of all Nations
For the New Evangelization of Nations
“ O Lord, Take from us all lukewarmness in
  meditation and all dullness in prayer. Give
  us fervour and delight in thinking of you.”
 (St. Thomas More)
                Pray the Creed.
Cenacle with Mary
 The Cenacle is Group prayer,
    with Mary and angels and saints,
    using the Rosary,
    to invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit (a second
    for a second evangelization of continents and
    nations (Asia, Africa, Russia, China, India, etc.)
                Pray the Our Father
The Cenacle   Pray with 3 virtues
              1. Faith
              2. Hope
              3. Love.                      3
              Pray with 3 choirs
              1. Angels
              2. Saints                     1
              3. Confraternity
                of the Rosary
              To invoke the descent
              of the Holy Spirit upon
              The prayer of the Rosary is
              no longer a monologue or a
              dialogue, but a chorus, a
              TRUE COMMUNION
              OF ANGELS AND
First Glorious Mystery
             The Resurrection
“You need not be amazed! You are looking for
Jesus of Nazareth, the one who was crucified.
He has been raised up; he is not here.
See the place where they laid him.”
The Church proclaims that Christ is risen, not
Christ has risen, because the event is not one
that is rooted in time. Through the resurrection of
Christ, we rise to eternal life. Eternity has cleaved
into time.
       Fruit of the mystery: Faith
1.The Resurrection
                 The truth of Jesus' divinity is
                 confirmed by his Resurrection.
                 The Resurrection of the
                 crucified one shows that he
                 was truly. Jesus "I AM", the
                 Son of God and God himself.”
                 Jesus rises triumphant over
                 sin and death, and restores
                 the relationship of the human
                 race with the Father.
                 Matthias Grunewald, The Resurrection of
                 Christ, Isenheim Altar, 1515. Colmar
2.** Peace to you
“Christ is risen, alleluia!”
Peace be to you, Peace be
to all ! Let nothing
disturb your peace!
Peace be in your hearts
and in your lives. May
peace be the everlasting
gift of your apostolate.”

Agnolo Bronzino,Resurrection. 1550
3. Christ is risen. On the left, we
see King David, Solomon and Moses; on the        Christ did not emerge
right are the three prophets. Beneath            alone from the grave.
Christ’s feet are the gates of Hell, shattered   Together with Himself He
and broken.
                                                 lifted all Humanity.
                                                 Christ is risen from the
                                                 dead conquering death,
                                                 and bestowing life on
                                                 those in the grave. Let us
                                                 celebrate this greatest of
                                                 all festivals, filled with joy
                                                 and gladness.
                                                 Let us warmly greet those
                                                 we meet and treat them all
                                                 like brothers and sisters. In
                                                 His rising all is grace.
4. The three Marys at the tomb                    “Let us keep
                                                  watch in
                                                  hope, in
                                                  prayer, and in
                                                  Keep burning
                                                  the light of
                                                  and of the
                                                  certainty of
                                                  his glorious
Annibale Carracci, The Three Marys at the Tomb,   return.”
1590 Hermitage. St. Petersburg.                   (Gobbi)
5.***Jesus appears to his Mother
                   Beloved children, keep watch with
                   me in expectation:
                   be strong in your faith,
                   be firm in the hope,
                   and be ardent in love.” (Gobbi)
                   We should try to experience
                   her joy by realizing that we too,
                   will rise up from the dead, to be
                   with Him forever.        Pray that
                   we always work towards this
                   end every day of our lives.
                   Juan de Flandes, Christ appearing to his
                   mother, 1496, Metropolitan. New York.
6*. Jesus appears to Mary “And so it happened that the
      Magdaleine.         woman who stayed behind to
                            seek Christ was the only one to
                            see him. For perseverance is
                            essential to any good deed.”
                            (St. Gregory the Great)
                            She is the example of great
                            forgiveness and great love. She
                            grasped the truth of God’s love
                            for human beings and spent her
                            life bearing witness to that love.
                            It is said that of all the songs of
                            the saints, that of Mary
                            Magdalene is the sweetest and
                            strongest because her love was
                            so great.
7**. The Supper at Emmaus
The table at Emmaus, with the bread and wine, becomes an
Altar, where the first sacrifice of the Eucharist took place.

       Caravaggio, The Supper at Emmaus,
       1601. London National Gallery
8.*** Behind closed doors. This scene shows a
unique aspect of Christianity: God’s search for man instead
of man’s search for God. Jesus wants to pass through closed
doors and meet us in our hidings, sins, weaknesses, and
doubts, to offer us Peace---- ‘Shalom’.

        Duccio di Buoninsegna,
        Christ Appears to the
        Apostles. 1308. Siena.
9.* The Incredulity of St. Thomas
He shows them His wounds. We should also be
continuously reminded of the tragic results of our
                                       “My children,
                                       the most
                                       precious gift
                                       you have is
                                       faith. Your faith
                                       must not be
                                       hidden: it must
                                       be your main
Caravaggio, The Incredulity of         motivation in
St. Thomas. 1600. Neues
Palais. Potsdam
                                       your life.”
10. “My Lord and My God”
                    “The disbelief of Thomas has
                    done more for our faith than the
                    belief of the other disciples.
                    Faith is the proof of what cannot
                    be seen. What is seen give
                    knowledge, not faith.
                    ‘Blessed are those who have not
                    seen and have belief’ apply to us,
                    but only if we follow up our faith
                    with good works. The true
                    believer practices what he
                    believes.” (St. Gregory the Great)

                    Altar of Master of San Bartolomeo 1460-
                    1500. Cologne. Wallraf-Richartz Museum.
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
  “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
   and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of
   thy mercy.”
2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
  “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and
  enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the
  powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your
  well-beloved Spouse.”
3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
  “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
  (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
   Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their
  sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your
Second Glorious Mystery
        The Ascension
Then after speaking to them, the
Lord Jesus was taken into
Heaven and took his seat at
God’s right hand.

  Fruit of the Mystery: Hope
1. Jesus appeared to his disciples at the lake of Galilee
 He said to them, Cast to the right of the boat, and you will have a catch.

             Konrad Witz 1445
             The Miraculous
             Draught of Fishes
             Musee d’Art.
2. The Primacy of Peter
     “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” “ Feed my Sheep”.
Lesson for all: If you want to be an instrument of divine love, you
have to be humble, and realize how weak you are. Jesus is asking
Peter for heroic love. Our own petty love is not enough

      Raphael, pasce Ovea Meas, 1514.
      Victoria and Albert Museum. London.
3***. The Great Commission
                                           The whole Church
                                           is apostolic. The
                                           Christian vocation
                                           is of its nature, a
                                           vocation to the
                                           apostolate “to
                                           spread the
                                           Kingdom of Christ
                                           over all the earth.”
                                           Charity, drawn
                                           from the Eucharist
                                           is always the soul
                                           of the whole
Duccio Buoninsegna 1308 Great Commission
Museo dell’Opera del Duomo Siena.          (Catechism)
4.* The Ascension
“If you love Me, you
would rejoice that I
am going to the
Father.” If He
enters into His
glorious kingdom,
it is to prepare a
place for us there.
He promises to
return one day to
take us with Him.
5**. The Ascension
“I am with you always
even to the end of
time.” In the Eucharist
Jesus remains always
with us.
“Jesus ascended into
heaven to help you live here
 below; to be in the world
but not of the world.”
Garofald 1510-20
Galleria. Nazionale.
6. I leave with you my Mother
Jesus: “I leave in my stead my
own Mother as your Protectress,
Consoler and Advocate, and as your
Mother, whom you are to hear and obey
in all things. He who knows my Mother,
knows Me; he who hears Her, hears
Me; and who honors Her, honors Me.
All of you shall have Her as your
Mother. She shall answer doubts, solve
your difficulties; in Her, those who seek
Me shall always find Me; for I shall
remain in Her until the end of the
world.” (Mary of Agreda)
Mantegna, The Ascension, Uffizi, Florence.
The Holy Trinity declared to the throng   7. The Protectress
of adoring angels and saints:             “This is the Protectress
                                          of the Church and the
                                          Intercessor of the
                                          faithful. Whoever shall
                                          call upon her from his
                                          heart and obtain her
                                          intercession, shall
                                          secure for himself
                                          eternal life. What she
                                          asks of Us shall be
                                          (Mary of Agreda)

                                          Giotto, The Ascension.
                                          1305-13. CGFA
8.* Help us to do your work
                     “In the world, there will reign
                     the one and only Conqueror of
                     sin and death, the King of the
                     entire created universe, Jesus
                     Christ.” (Gobbi)

                     Help us to do your work,
                     spreading the good news,
                     to all the world, and
                     comforting those who
                     Rembrandt, The Asension, 1636,
                     Alte pinakothek. Munich.
9. Pray for missionaries
Learn that Jesus is Lord of
Heaven and earth and all
authority belongs to Him.
There is no authority permitted
without His consent. Pray for
those in authority, for the leaders
of government.

Pray for missionaries that they
will be faithful in teaching the
gospel of Jesus, and will teach
people the means of salvation.
10.*** Christ will come again.
“I have announced to you that the end of the times and the
coming of Jesus in glory is very near. The first sign is the
spread of errors which lead to the loss of faith. The second
sign is the outbreak of wars, violence, hatred and natural
                                           ‘When you see
                                           these things
                                           taking place,
                                           know that your
                                           liberation is
                                           near.’ (Gobbi)
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
 “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
  and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of
  thy mercy.”
2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
  “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and
  enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the
  powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your
  well-beloved Spouse.”
3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
  “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
  (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
   Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their
  sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your
Third Glorious Mystery
     Descent of the Holy Spirit

  All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They
began to express themselves in foreign
tongues and made bold proclamation as the
Spirit prompted them.

        Fruit of the Mystery:
       Love of God & Charity
1. Mother of the new Evangelization.
                        Vatican II describes Mary’s
                        prayer at the Pentecost as a
                        petition for the whole
                        Church to receive the Holy
                        With Mary’s ‘Yes’ at the
                        Annunciation, the Holy
                        Spirit conceived the body
                        of Christ in her womb. With
                        Mary’s prayerful
                        intercession at Pentecost,
                        the same Spirit descend
                        upon the apostles to form
                        the Mystical Body of Christ,
                        the Church.
                        Mosaic of the Pentecost,
                        Rosary Basilica. Lourdes,
2.**** The Holy Spirit is the “Principal
agent of Evangelization”.
                    The Holy Spirit filled the
                    Apostles with Truth and Love.
                    They were infused the
                    Seven gifts of the Holy
                    Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge,
                    Understanding, Piety, Fear,
                    Counsel, and Fortitude.
                    By this blessing, the Twelve
                    were transformed into truly
                    apostolic founders and
                    missionaries. This event marks
                    the birth of the Church.
3.** Evangelization is the work of the
   Holy Spirit.
                    The Holy Spirit prepares
                    men and goes out to them
                    with his grace, in order to
                    draw them to Christ.
                    The Spirit manifests the
                    risen Lord to them, recalls
                    his word to them and opens
                    their minds to the
                    understanding of his Death
                    and Resurrection.
4. Missionary fruitfulness depends on prayer.
                     “If we are to understand the
                     mission of the Church, we must
                     go back to the Upper Room.
                     This icon of the nascent Church
                     should be a constant source of
                     inspiration for every Christian.
                     Apostolic and missionary
                     fruitfulness is not principally
                     due to programs and pastoral
                     methods that are cleverly drawn
                     up and efficient, but is the result
                     of the community`s constant
                     (Pope Benedict XVI)
5.**** Invitation to CENACLE with Mary
                      “I invite the whole church to
                      gather together in a continuous
                      prayer made
                      with me and through me, in
                      order to obtain the gift of a new
                      and second Pentecost for the
                      Church and for all humanity.”
                      My Immaculate Heart must
                      now become the new and
                      spiritual CENACLE in which
                      you must all gather together to
                      obtain the gift of the Second
6.** Come, Holy Spirit!
                  “My Immaculate Heart is the
                  golden door through which the
                  Holy Spirit passes to come to you
                  and bring you to the Second
                  And so I invite you to repeat often:
                   “Come, Holy Spirit,
                  come by means of the powerful
                  intercession of the Immaculate
                  Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
7. Cenacle with Mary to invoke the
descent of the Holy Spirit upon nations
                        “Come Holy Spirit!
                        Come and transform the
                        hearts of all your people! The
                        new era will come only as a
                        gift of the Holy Spirit, not as
                        the work of man.”
                        Popes Benedict, John Paul
                        II and Paul VI have called
                        repeatedly for a new out-
                        pouring of the Holy Spirit on
                        the People of God. We need a
                        golden age of the Holy spirit
                        for the second
                        Evangelization of nations.
8. We pray for
   the world
There is an old
man at the centre
of the Icon who
symbolizes the
world. He reminds
us that we do not
pray for ourselves
alone, but for the
entire world.
Our prayer helps
to transform not
only ourselves, but
also our friends,
neighbours, and
the world.
How to pray with icons.
By Myroslaw Tataryn
9.**** Apostles of these last times:
                                      “Be my apostles, in
                                      spreading the one
                                      and only light of
                                      Christ everywhere.
                                      Be my apostles, in
                                      spreading my light.

                                      Fight with prayer
                                      and penance. Let
                                      the Rosary be your
                                      victorious weapon.”
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308. Siena.
10 New union with GOD
“Blessed is the soul which sighs and
aspires after this blessing and seeks
to participate in this divine fire
which enkindles, enlightens and
purifies and raises it up to new
existence and A NEW UNION
As your true and loving Mother, I
want you to have this happiness. I
urge you to prepare your heart and
maintain an unshatterable inner
peace and calm, no matter what
happens to you.” (Mary of Agreda)
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
 “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
  and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of
  thy mercy.”
2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
  “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and
  enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the
  powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your
  well-beloved Spouse.”
3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
  “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
  (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
   Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their
  sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your
Fourth Glorious Mystery
             The Assumption
    A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman
    clothed with the sun, with the moon under
    her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve
   Fruit of the Mystery:
      Grace of a happy death
         A tender devotion for so good a Mother.
                                 (St. Louis de Montfort)
1. Death of the Virgin
p     “My body lay entombed
      in the ground. Then it
      was take up to Heaven
      with infinite honour and
      rejoicing. There is no
      other human body in
      Heaven except the
      glorious Body of my Son
      and my body.”
      The Blessed Virgin said to St.
      Bridget of Sweden.
      Hugo van Der Goes,
      Death of the
      Virgin.1480. Groeninge
      museum, Brussels.
2. Dormition of the Mother of God
                            “ My daughter, I wish to
                           inform you of another privilege:
                           that all those devoted to me
                           who shall call upon me at the
                           hour of death, making me their
                           Advocate in memory of my
                           happy Transition, shall be
                           under my special protection and
                           intercession at that hour.
                           The surest pledge of a good
                           death is a good life, a life in
                           which the heart is freed and
                           detached from earthly love.”
                           (Mary of Agreda)

                           How to pray with icons. By
                           Myroslaw Tataryn
3. Look to Paradise   “Paradise is your true
                      goal. You have not been
                      made for this earthly life
                      that now so absorbs,
                      wearies and consumes
                      you. Today you should
                      look more intently at the
                      Do not look any longer
                      at this world. Look to
                      me, look upon the face
                      of your heavenly
                      mother.” (Gobbi)
4.* The shortest way to Paradise
                   “I am the way which leads
                   you to Jesus. I am the
                   safest and shortest way, the
                   necessary way for you.”
                   (“To Jesus, through Mary”)
                   “The gates of heaven
                   will open to all who
                   confide in Mary’s
                   (St. Bonaventure).
                   Nicolas Poussin, The Assumption of the Virgin.
                   1626. National Gallery. Washington D.C
5. Live in paradise with me
                       “Live in paradise with me, and
                       do not let yourselves be
                       attracted by the world.
                       Live in the paradise of my
                       immaculate heart. Then you
                       will be serene and deeply
                       happy.” (Gobbi)
                       “Raise yourself up ever higher
                       and higher, until you live in
                       my Immaculate Heart
                       habitually. You will live in
                       time, and yet out-side of time.
                       You live in the world but
                       without being of the world.”
                       Murillo, The Assumption.
6.* Shower of Graces
“Today, I am causing a shower of
graces to fall upon you all, my
The light from my glorious body is
shining on you and pointing out to
you the road you must follow. It is
that of prayer, of suffering, of purity,
love and holiness. It is that of life
intimately united with Jesus.”
Murillo. The Immaculate Conception..
Museo del Prado. Madrid.
7. Look to our Father
                           “Carry out here below the
                           plan of the Heavenly Father
                           and you will create true
                           happiness all about you.

                           The more you look to the
                           Father and live with me, the
                           more will you labour on this
                           earth for your own good and
                           the good of all.” (Gobbi)
Titian. The Assumption 1516. Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice.
8.** Look to our Mother
               She is our mother who loves
               us and who, now in Heaven,
               prays for us to her divine Son.
                    From this mystery,
               realizing where we are going
               and whom we have helping
               us, let us take strength and
               courage to face all the
               problems of life.
               “O my Jesus, give me your Heart
               because I want to love Our Lady as
               you have love her.” (Gobbi)
                Rubens, The Assumption,
                Vrouwe-kathedraal, Antwerp
9.The Madonna of the girdle
                “I am always with you. You will
                always feel me close to you. I am
                your tender Mother who leads you
                to Jesus and brings you to peace.”
                “I personally intervene in order to
                help you conquer and overcome the
                snares of Satan.”
                Thomas arrived too late to see the
                Assumption. The Virgin offers her girdle as
                tangible proof of her departure.
                Franscesco Granacci, The
                Madonna of the Girdle. 1515.
                Galleria Dell Accademia. Florence.
10. Gather under my mantle
                     “I am your heavenly Mother
                     who invites you all to gather
                     under my Immaculate mantle,
                     to be protected.    I am the
                     true mediatrix of grace
                     between you and my son Jesus.
                     I am the refuge of sinners.
                     Come to me, and I will lead
                     you along the safe road which
                     takes you up here to paradise.”
                    Jacopo Palma Vecchio,
                    The Assumption.
                    Gallerie dell Accademia. Venice.
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
  “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
   and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of
   thy mercy.”
2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
  “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and
  enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the
  powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your
  well-beloved Spouse.”
3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
  “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
  (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
   Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their
  sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your
The Fifth Glorious Mystery
             The Coronation
You are the glory of Jerusalem….
You are the splendid boast of our people..
God is pleased with what you have wrought.
May you be blessed by the Lord Almighty
forever and ever.
Fruit of the mystery:
       Trust in Mary’s intercession
          “Make your request, my mother;
         for I will not refuse you.” (1 Kg. 2:20)
1.*The Queen of Angels and Saints
                       “I am the Queen of all the
                       Angels and Saints.
                       If you allow yourselves to
                       be led with docility by me,
                       you will always feel at your
                       side the precious help
                       which is given to you by the
                       angels and saints of
                       Live the stupendous reality
                       of the COMMUNION OF
                       SAINTS.” (Gobbi)
2.** The Communion of Angels
                “The whole heavenly cohort of
                angels and saints forms a great
                crown of glory about your
                heavenly Mother. The light of my
                motherly presence is uniting the
                heavenly world to the earthly one,
                in a PERENNIAL COMMUNION
                OF PRAYER and love.” (Gobbi)
                “I want to make deeper stronger
                and more extraordinary your
                communion of life, of love and of
                joy with the saints in paradise.”
3.****The Communion of Saints
 “Do not feel you are alone!” The saints of heaven are very
 close to you; they are helping you to carry out my plan.
                                         “Heaven and earth
                                         are united in this
                                         COMMUNION OF
                                         PRAYER, of love and
                                         of action at the orders
                                         of your heavenly
                                         I invite you to live the
                                         joyous experience of
                                         COMMUNION OF
4. Treasurer and Dispenser
“I wish also that She be the
Treasurer and Dispenser of all
the goods in heaven and on
earth. Whatever She ordains
and disposes in my Church for
my children, shall be confirmed
by the three divine Persons.
Whatever She shall ask for
mortals now, afterwards and
forever, We shall concede
according to her will and
wishes.” (Mary of Agreda.)
Raphael, The coronation of the Virgin,
1503. Vatican City.
5. Intercede for us   “The Most High still wishes to
                      give liberally of his infinite
                      treasures and resolves to favor
                      those who know how to gain my
                      intercession before God. This is
                      the secure way and the powerful
                      means of advancing the Church,
                      of improving the Catholic reigns,
                      of spreading the faith, of
                      furthering the welfare of families
                      and of states, of bringing the
                      souls to grace and to the
                      friendship of God.” (Mary of
                      Diego Rodriguez de Silva,
                      The Coronation of the Virgin. 1641.
                      Museo del Prado. Madrid
6.**** The Coronation of the virgin set in the infinite
panorama of paradise, earth, and hell.
                                                    God, the Father:
                                                    “This throne is
                                                    yours. It is here
                                                    that you will
                                                    intercede for the
                                                    world. I will hear
                                                    whatever you
                                                    say, and I will
                                                    give to you
                                                    whatever your
                                                    heart desires.”
                                                    “Trust in Mary &
                                                    expect miracles.”
                                                    (St. John Bosco)

Enguerrand Quarton, The Coronation of the Virgin.
Musee Municipal, Villeneuve Avignon.
8.* Our Lady of Lourdes
“Pray to God for sinners.” “Tell the priest to build a
shrine here, and come here in procession”
                       “Come in procession. I want all my children to
                       walk together, united in prayer and love. Come to
                       me, not in isolation or division.
                       Come to me because I wish to lead all of you to
                       my Son, present in the Eucharist.” (Gobbi)
9. Our Lady of Lourdes
“ Repentance! Repentance! Repentance!
  Go and drink at the fountain, and wash yourself there.”
“Immerse yourselves in the fountain of Divine Mercy, which has
gushed from the Heart of Jesus and given to you through the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
“Your immaculate Mother calls all of you to be chaste in mind, heart
and body in order to live the virtues of faith, hope and charity.” (Gobbi)
10. Our Lady of Fatima                "In Fatima, the Holy
Virgin invites all to consider the earth as the place of our
pilgrimage to our definitive homeland, which is heaven. In
fact, we are all pilgrims, we are in need of the Mother who
guides us."
Pope Benedict XVI
The Sanctuary in front of the Basilica during candlelight procession. Fatima.
Enormous multitude of pilgrims in the big square during Mass on 13th of May.   Fatima.
The Fatima Prayers
   “O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee. I ask pardon for
    those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love
   “Most holy trinity---Father, Son , and Holy Spirit----I adore Thee
    profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and
    Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in
    reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences whereby He
    is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart
    and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of
    poor sinners.”
   “O my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of
    sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the
    Immaculate heart of Mary.”
    “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of Hell. Lead
    all souls to Heaven, especially those who have the most need of thy
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
  “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
   lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need
   of thy mercy.”
2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
  “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and
  enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the
  powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your
  well-beloved Spouse.”
3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
  “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
  (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
   Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their
  sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your
The ( National ) Rosary                For the Evangelization
  of (Nations)
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
  “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
  fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially
  those who are in most need of thy mercy.”
2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
  “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National)
  people and enkindle in them the fire of your love!
  Come by means of the powerful intercession of
  the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
  Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
         (Abridged version of the National Rosary)
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart (Short version)
  “ Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, we who belong to the
  Marian Movement, consecrate ourselves in a special way to
  your Immaculate Heart. We also consecrate our motherland
  (Nation) to your Immaculate Heart. We intend to live with
  you, through you and for you , all the obligations assumed
  by our Baptismal consecration to bring about in ourselves
  that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the
  Gospel, that we may be available only to do always the will
  of the Father.
  Allow us to dwell in the garden of your Immaculate Heart .
  Lead us to a spiritual renewal with prayer and penance,
  with the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, the fervent
  celebration and adoration of the Holy Eucharist, the
  practice of Christian virtues, and in the works of the
  apostolate .
  Help us to be the disciples of The Marian Movement to
  multiply everywhere Cenacles of prayer with you for the
  evangelization of the world, and the Divine Mercy prayer ,
  for the salvation of the world. Help us to do everything with
  you in a spirit of humility, prayer and penance.”
Finally pray one Our Father,
one Hail Mary, and one
Glory be, to the Holy
Father’s intention.

End of the Cenacle

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Glorious Mysteries: Introduction

  • 1. Begin the Cenacle by recitation of the Holy Rosary with Mary, Our Lady of all Nations For the New Evangelization of Nations “ O Lord, Take from us all lukewarmness in meditation and all dullness in prayer. Give us fervour and delight in thinking of you.” (St. Thomas More) Pray the Creed.
  • 2. Cenacle with Mary  The Cenacle is Group prayer,  with Mary and angels and saints,  using the Rosary,  to invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit (a second Pentecost),  for a second evangelization of continents and nations (Asia, Africa, Russia, China, India, etc.) Pray the Our Father
  • 3. The Cenacle Pray with 3 virtues 1. Faith 2. Hope 3. Love. 3 Pray with 3 choirs 1. Angels 2 2. Saints 1 3. Confraternity of the Rosary To invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit upon nations The prayer of the Rosary is no longer a monologue or a dialogue, but a chorus, a TRUE COMMUNION OF ANGELS AND SAINTS
  • 4. First Glorious Mystery The Resurrection “You need not be amazed! You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, the one who was crucified. He has been raised up; he is not here. See the place where they laid him.” The Church proclaims that Christ is risen, not Christ has risen, because the event is not one that is rooted in time. Through the resurrection of Christ, we rise to eternal life. Eternity has cleaved into time. Fruit of the mystery: Faith
  • 5. 1.The Resurrection The truth of Jesus' divinity is confirmed by his Resurrection. The Resurrection of the crucified one shows that he was truly. Jesus "I AM", the Son of God and God himself.” Jesus rises triumphant over sin and death, and restores the relationship of the human race with the Father. Matthias Grunewald, The Resurrection of Christ, Isenheim Altar, 1515. Colmar
  • 6. 2.** Peace to you “Christ is risen, alleluia!” Peace be to you, Peace be to all ! Let nothing disturb your peace! Peace be in your hearts and in your lives. May peace be the everlasting gift of your apostolate.” (Gobbi) Agnolo Bronzino,Resurrection. 1550
  • 7. 3. Christ is risen. On the left, we see King David, Solomon and Moses; on the Christ did not emerge right are the three prophets. Beneath alone from the grave. Christ’s feet are the gates of Hell, shattered Together with Himself He and broken. lifted all Humanity. Christ is risen from the dead conquering death, and bestowing life on those in the grave. Let us celebrate this greatest of all festivals, filled with joy and gladness. Let us warmly greet those we meet and treat them all like brothers and sisters. In His rising all is grace.
  • 8. 4. The three Marys at the tomb “Let us keep watch in hope, in prayer, and in expectation. Keep burning the light of confidence and of the certainty of his glorious Annibale Carracci, The Three Marys at the Tomb, return.” 1590 Hermitage. St. Petersburg. (Gobbi)
  • 9. 5.***Jesus appears to his Mother Beloved children, keep watch with me in expectation: be strong in your faith, be firm in the hope, and be ardent in love.” (Gobbi) We should try to experience her joy by realizing that we too, will rise up from the dead, to be with Him forever. Pray that we always work towards this end every day of our lives. Juan de Flandes, Christ appearing to his mother, 1496, Metropolitan. New York.
  • 10. 6*. Jesus appears to Mary “And so it happened that the Magdaleine. woman who stayed behind to seek Christ was the only one to see him. For perseverance is essential to any good deed.” (St. Gregory the Great) She is the example of great forgiveness and great love. She grasped the truth of God’s love for human beings and spent her life bearing witness to that love. It is said that of all the songs of the saints, that of Mary Magdalene is the sweetest and strongest because her love was so great.
  • 11. 7**. The Supper at Emmaus The table at Emmaus, with the bread and wine, becomes an Altar, where the first sacrifice of the Eucharist took place. Caravaggio, The Supper at Emmaus, 1601. London National Gallery
  • 12. 8.*** Behind closed doors. This scene shows a unique aspect of Christianity: God’s search for man instead of man’s search for God. Jesus wants to pass through closed doors and meet us in our hidings, sins, weaknesses, and doubts, to offer us Peace---- ‘Shalom’. Duccio di Buoninsegna, Christ Appears to the Apostles. 1308. Siena.
  • 13. 9.* The Incredulity of St. Thomas He shows them His wounds. We should also be continuously reminded of the tragic results of our sins. “My children, the most precious gift you have is faith. Your faith must not be hidden: it must be your main Caravaggio, The Incredulity of motivation in St. Thomas. 1600. Neues Palais. Potsdam your life.”
  • 14. 10. “My Lord and My God” “The disbelief of Thomas has done more for our faith than the belief of the other disciples. Faith is the proof of what cannot be seen. What is seen give knowledge, not faith. ‘Blessed are those who have not seen and have belief’ apply to us, but only if we follow up our faith with good works. The true believer practices what he believes.” (St. Gregory the Great) Altar of Master of San Bartolomeo 1460- 1500. Cologne. Wallraf-Richartz Museum.
  • 15. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your love.”
  • 16. Second Glorious Mystery The Ascension Then after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken into Heaven and took his seat at God’s right hand. Fruit of the Mystery: Hope
  • 17. 1. Jesus appeared to his disciples at the lake of Galilee He said to them, Cast to the right of the boat, and you will have a catch. Konrad Witz 1445 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Musee d’Art. Geneva.
  • 18. 2. The Primacy of Peter “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” “ Feed my Sheep”. Lesson for all: If you want to be an instrument of divine love, you have to be humble, and realize how weak you are. Jesus is asking Peter for heroic love. Our own petty love is not enough Raphael, pasce Ovea Meas, 1514. Victoria and Albert Museum. London.
  • 19. 3***. The Great Commission The whole Church is apostolic. The Christian vocation is of its nature, a vocation to the apostolate “to spread the Kingdom of Christ over all the earth.” Charity, drawn from the Eucharist is always the soul of the whole apostolate. Duccio Buoninsegna 1308 Great Commission Museo dell’Opera del Duomo Siena. (Catechism)
  • 20. 4.* The Ascension “If you love Me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father.” If He enters into His glorious kingdom, it is to prepare a place for us there. He promises to return one day to take us with Him.
  • 21. 5**. The Ascension “I am with you always even to the end of time.” In the Eucharist Jesus remains always with us. “Jesus ascended into heaven to help you live here below; to be in the world but not of the world.” (Gobbi) Garofald 1510-20 Galleria. Nazionale.
  • 22. 6. I leave with you my Mother Jesus: “I leave in my stead my own Mother as your Protectress, Consoler and Advocate, and as your Mother, whom you are to hear and obey in all things. He who knows my Mother, knows Me; he who hears Her, hears Me; and who honors Her, honors Me. All of you shall have Her as your Mother. She shall answer doubts, solve your difficulties; in Her, those who seek Me shall always find Me; for I shall remain in Her until the end of the world.” (Mary of Agreda) Mantegna, The Ascension, Uffizi, Florence.
  • 23. The Holy Trinity declared to the throng 7. The Protectress of adoring angels and saints: “This is the Protectress of the Church and the Intercessor of the faithful. Whoever shall call upon her from his heart and obtain her intercession, shall secure for himself eternal life. What she asks of Us shall be granted.” (Mary of Agreda) Giotto, The Ascension. 1305-13. CGFA
  • 24. 8.* Help us to do your work “In the world, there will reign the one and only Conqueror of sin and death, the King of the entire created universe, Jesus Christ.” (Gobbi) Help us to do your work, spreading the good news, to all the world, and comforting those who suffer. Rembrandt, The Asension, 1636, Alte pinakothek. Munich.
  • 25. 9. Pray for missionaries Learn that Jesus is Lord of Heaven and earth and all authority belongs to Him. There is no authority permitted without His consent. Pray for those in authority, for the leaders of government. Pray for missionaries that they will be faithful in teaching the gospel of Jesus, and will teach people the means of salvation.
  • 26. 10.*** Christ will come again. “I have announced to you that the end of the times and the coming of Jesus in glory is very near. The first sign is the spread of errors which lead to the loss of faith. The second sign is the outbreak of wars, violence, hatred and natural catastrophes.” ‘When you see these things taking place, know that your liberation is near.’ (Gobbi)
  • 27. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all Evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of Evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new Evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your love.”
  • 28. Third Glorious Mystery Descent of the Holy Spirit All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign tongues and made bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted them. Fruit of the Mystery: Love of God & Charity
  • 29. 1. Mother of the new Evangelization. Vatican II describes Mary’s prayer at the Pentecost as a petition for the whole Church to receive the Holy Spirit. With Mary’s ‘Yes’ at the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit conceived the body of Christ in her womb. With Mary’s prayerful intercession at Pentecost, the same Spirit descend upon the apostles to form the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France.
  • 30. 2.**** The Holy Spirit is the “Principal agent of Evangelization”. The Holy Spirit filled the Apostles with Truth and Love. They were infused the Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Piety, Fear, Counsel, and Fortitude. By this blessing, the Twelve were transformed into truly apostolic founders and missionaries. This event marks the birth of the Church.
  • 31. 3.** Evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit prepares men and goes out to them with his grace, in order to draw them to Christ. The Spirit manifests the risen Lord to them, recalls his word to them and opens their minds to the understanding of his Death and Resurrection. (Catechism)
  • 32. 4. Missionary fruitfulness depends on prayer. “If we are to understand the mission of the Church, we must go back to the Upper Room. This icon of the nascent Church should be a constant source of inspiration for every Christian. Apostolic and missionary fruitfulness is not principally due to programs and pastoral methods that are cleverly drawn up and efficient, but is the result of the community`s constant prayer.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
  • 33. 5.**** Invitation to CENACLE with Mary “I invite the whole church to gather together in a continuous prayer made with me and through me, in order to obtain the gift of a new and second Pentecost for the Church and for all humanity.” My Immaculate Heart must now become the new and spiritual CENACLE in which you must all gather together to obtain the gift of the Second Pentecost.” (Gobbi)
  • 34. 6.** Come, Holy Spirit! “My Immaculate Heart is the golden door through which the Holy Spirit passes to come to you and bring you to the Second Pentecost. And so I invite you to repeat often: “Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” (Gobbi)
  • 35. 7. Cenacle with Mary to invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit upon nations “Come Holy Spirit! Come and transform the hearts of all your people! The new era will come only as a gift of the Holy Spirit, not as the work of man.” (Gobbi) Popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI have called repeatedly for a new out- pouring of the Holy Spirit on the People of God. We need a golden age of the Holy spirit for the second Evangelization of nations.
  • 36. 8. We pray for the world There is an old man at the centre of the Icon who symbolizes the world. He reminds us that we do not pray for ourselves alone, but for the entire world. Our prayer helps to transform not only ourselves, but also our friends, neighbours, and the world. How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
  • 37. 9.**** Apostles of these last times: “Be my apostles, in spreading the one and only light of Christ everywhere. Be my apostles, in spreading my light. Fight with prayer and penance. Let the Rosary be your victorious weapon.” (Gobbi) Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308. Siena.
  • 38. 10 New union with GOD “Blessed is the soul which sighs and aspires after this blessing and seeks to participate in this divine fire which enkindles, enlightens and purifies and raises it up to new existence and A NEW UNION WITH GOD. As your true and loving Mother, I want you to have this happiness. I urge you to prepare your heart and maintain an unshatterable inner peace and calm, no matter what happens to you.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 39. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your love.”
  • 40. Fourth Glorious Mystery The Assumption A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.  Fruit of the Mystery: Grace of a happy death A tender devotion for so good a Mother. (St. Louis de Montfort)
  • 41. 1. Death of the Virgin p “My body lay entombed in the ground. Then it was take up to Heaven with infinite honour and rejoicing. There is no other human body in Heaven except the glorious Body of my Son and my body.” The Blessed Virgin said to St. Bridget of Sweden. Hugo van Der Goes, Death of the Virgin.1480. Groeninge museum, Brussels.
  • 42. 2. Dormition of the Mother of God “ My daughter, I wish to inform you of another privilege: that all those devoted to me who shall call upon me at the hour of death, making me their Advocate in memory of my happy Transition, shall be under my special protection and intercession at that hour. The surest pledge of a good death is a good life, a life in which the heart is freed and detached from earthly love.” (Mary of Agreda) How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
  • 43. 3. Look to Paradise “Paradise is your true goal. You have not been made for this earthly life that now so absorbs, wearies and consumes you. Today you should look more intently at the paradise. Do not look any longer at this world. Look to me, look upon the face of your heavenly mother.” (Gobbi)
  • 44. 4.* The shortest way to Paradise “I am the way which leads you to Jesus. I am the safest and shortest way, the necessary way for you.” (“To Jesus, through Mary”) “The gates of heaven will open to all who confide in Mary’s protection.” (St. Bonaventure). Nicolas Poussin, The Assumption of the Virgin. 1626. National Gallery. Washington D.C
  • 45. 5. Live in paradise with me “Live in paradise with me, and do not let yourselves be attracted by the world. Live in the paradise of my immaculate heart. Then you will be serene and deeply happy.” (Gobbi) “Raise yourself up ever higher and higher, until you live in my Immaculate Heart habitually. You will live in time, and yet out-side of time. You live in the world but without being of the world.” Murillo, The Assumption.
  • 46. 6.* Shower of Graces “Today, I am causing a shower of graces to fall upon you all, my children. The light from my glorious body is shining on you and pointing out to you the road you must follow. It is that of prayer, of suffering, of purity, love and holiness. It is that of life intimately united with Jesus.” (Gobbi) Murillo. The Immaculate Conception.. Museo del Prado. Madrid.
  • 47. 7. Look to our Father “Carry out here below the plan of the Heavenly Father and you will create true happiness all about you. The more you look to the Father and live with me, the more will you labour on this earth for your own good and the good of all.” (Gobbi) Titian. The Assumption 1516. Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice.
  • 48. 8.** Look to our Mother She is our mother who loves us and who, now in Heaven, ) prays for us to her divine Son. From this mystery, realizing where we are going and whom we have helping us, let us take strength and courage to face all the problems of life. “O my Jesus, give me your Heart because I want to love Our Lady as you have love her.” (Gobbi) Rubens, The Assumption, Vrouwe-kathedraal, Antwerp
  • 49. 9.The Madonna of the girdle “I am always with you. You will always feel me close to you. I am your tender Mother who leads you to Jesus and brings you to peace.” “I personally intervene in order to help you conquer and overcome the snares of Satan.” (Gobbi) Thomas arrived too late to see the Assumption. The Virgin offers her girdle as tangible proof of her departure. Franscesco Granacci, The Madonna of the Girdle. 1515. Galleria Dell Accademia. Florence.
  • 50. 10. Gather under my mantle “I am your heavenly Mother who invites you all to gather under my Immaculate mantle, to be protected. I am the true mediatrix of grace between you and my son Jesus. I am the refuge of sinners. Come to me, and I will lead you along the safe road which takes you up here to paradise.” (Gobbi) Jacopo Palma Vecchio, The Assumption. Gallerie dell Accademia. Venice.
  • 51. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all Evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of Evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new Evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your love.”
  • 52. The Fifth Glorious Mystery The Coronation You are the glory of Jerusalem…. You are the splendid boast of our people.. God is pleased with what you have wrought. May you be blessed by the Lord Almighty forever and ever. Fruit of the mystery: Trust in Mary’s intercession “Make your request, my mother; for I will not refuse you.” (1 Kg. 2:20)
  • 53. 1.*The Queen of Angels and Saints “I am the Queen of all the Angels and Saints. If you allow yourselves to be led with docility by me, you will always feel at your side the precious help which is given to you by the angels and saints of paradise. Live the stupendous reality of the COMMUNION OF SAINTS.” (Gobbi)
  • 54. 2.** The Communion of Angels “The whole heavenly cohort of angels and saints forms a great crown of glory about your heavenly Mother. The light of my motherly presence is uniting the heavenly world to the earthly one, in a PERENNIAL COMMUNION OF PRAYER and love.” (Gobbi) “I want to make deeper stronger and more extraordinary your communion of life, of love and of joy with the saints in paradise.”
  • 55. 3.****The Communion of Saints “Do not feel you are alone!” The saints of heaven are very close to you; they are helping you to carry out my plan. “Heaven and earth are united in this EXTRAORDINARY COMMUNION OF PRAYER, of love and of action at the orders of your heavenly Leader.” I invite you to live the joyous experience of COMMUNION OF SAINTS.” (Gobbi)
  • 56. 4. Treasurer and Dispenser “I wish also that She be the Treasurer and Dispenser of all the goods in heaven and on earth. Whatever She ordains and disposes in my Church for my children, shall be confirmed by the three divine Persons. Whatever She shall ask for mortals now, afterwards and forever, We shall concede according to her will and wishes.” (Mary of Agreda.) Raphael, The coronation of the Virgin, 1503. Vatican City.
  • 57. 5. Intercede for us “The Most High still wishes to give liberally of his infinite treasures and resolves to favor those who know how to gain my intercession before God. This is the secure way and the powerful means of advancing the Church, of improving the Catholic reigns, of spreading the faith, of furthering the welfare of families and of states, of bringing the souls to grace and to the friendship of God.” (Mary of Agreda) Diego Rodriguez de Silva, The Coronation of the Virgin. 1641. Museo del Prado. Madrid
  • 58. 6.**** The Coronation of the virgin set in the infinite panorama of paradise, earth, and hell. God, the Father: “This throne is yours. It is here that you will intercede for the world. I will hear whatever you say, and I will give to you whatever your heart desires.” “Trust in Mary & expect miracles.” (St. John Bosco) Enguerrand Quarton, The Coronation of the Virgin. Musee Municipal, Villeneuve Avignon.
  • 59. 7.***
  • 60. 8.* Our Lady of Lourdes “Pray to God for sinners.” “Tell the priest to build a shrine here, and come here in procession” “Come in procession. I want all my children to walk together, united in prayer and love. Come to me, not in isolation or division. Come to me because I wish to lead all of you to my Son, present in the Eucharist.” (Gobbi)
  • 61. 9. Our Lady of Lourdes “ Repentance! Repentance! Repentance! Go and drink at the fountain, and wash yourself there.” “Immerse yourselves in the fountain of Divine Mercy, which has gushed from the Heart of Jesus and given to you through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.” “Your immaculate Mother calls all of you to be chaste in mind, heart and body in order to live the virtues of faith, hope and charity.” (Gobbi)
  • 62. 10. Our Lady of Fatima "In Fatima, the Holy Virgin invites all to consider the earth as the place of our pilgrimage to our definitive homeland, which is heaven. In fact, we are all pilgrims, we are in need of the Mother who guides us." Pope Benedict XVI
  • 63. The Sanctuary in front of the Basilica during candlelight procession. Fatima.
  • 64. Enormous multitude of pilgrims in the big square during Mass on 13th of May. Fatima.
  • 65. The Fatima Prayers  “O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.”  “Most holy trinity---Father, Son , and Holy Spirit----I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.”  “O my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate heart of Mary.”  “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of Hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have the most need of thy mercy.”
  • 66. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your intercession with the divine Redeemer, heal them of their sufferings, deliver them from all evil, and fill them with your love.”
  • 67. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar (Abridged version of the National Rosary)
  • 68. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart (Short version) “ Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, we who belong to the Marian Movement, consecrate ourselves in a special way to your Immaculate Heart. We also consecrate our motherland (Nation) to your Immaculate Heart. We intend to live with you, through you and for you , all the obligations assumed by our Baptismal consecration to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, that we may be available only to do always the will of the Father. Allow us to dwell in the garden of your Immaculate Heart . Lead us to a spiritual renewal with prayer and penance, with the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, the fervent celebration and adoration of the Holy Eucharist, the practice of Christian virtues, and in the works of the apostolate . Help us to be the disciples of The Marian Movement to multiply everywhere Cenacles of prayer with you for the evangelization of the world, and the Divine Mercy prayer , for the salvation of the world. Help us to do everything with you in a spirit of humility, prayer and penance.”
  • 69. Finally pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be, to the Holy Father’s intention. End of the Cenacle