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global eyes
July 2012
            Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine

                                     GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE /SUMMER 2012

                            June Pepper Harris
                       Grand Dame of Winnipeg Jazz Scene
                              at Highway 75 Club

                                            Diversity equals Inclusion
June Pepper Harris – Life, Love and the Bluze
  June Pepper Harris and her musical        made music in the moment, fresh, exciting and leave you wanting more.
friends rocked Trevor Druxman’s               The occasion was June’s CD release party of “Life, Love & The Bluze”
famous Pembina Hotel (Pembie’s              April 28, 2012 for which she flew in from Toronto to celebrate.
Jazz & Blues Lounge aka Highway 75             “ I was thrilled to perform before full house, with the swinging Bill
club) with some good old time jazz,         McMahon, Walle Larsson
country, blues and a medley of              band, with none other than
everything that made it a fine way to       the great blues saxophonist                        Bill McMahon
spend a Saturday afternoon in               himself Deano Deane; the
Winnipeg. It was beautiful and              amazingly talented blues
uplifting to hear the symphonic             singer/guitarist, harmonica
sounds of friends jamming that

                                                 Deano Deane, Walle Larsson

                                                                                                      player Ms Tracy K
                                                                                                      and her swinging
                             Tracy K
                                                                                                      guitarist. The joint
                                                          rocked. That’s the way I like it, uh” said June obviously
                                                          pleased with the attendance and audience participation.
                                                            The audience was treated to free pizza by the owner. The
                                                          entire afternoon was a blast – who would have thought
                                                          Winnipeggers could have so much fun indoors in the
                                                          middle of the day? You had to see it to believe it.

 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
 Beatrice Watson
   Many parents find it hard to compre-       listen to them and have a dialogue
                                              instead of a monologue.                 WAYNE
hend that the children they bring into                                                A mother can but guide ...
this world have thoughts of their own            Our children are much wiser
                                              than we were as children. Today’s       then step aside—I knew
and if given the chance will find their
                                              generations are rights based and        I could not say, “This is the way
natural calling in life. We all were called
                                              they are well aware of their rights     that you should go.”
into existence for a reason and no one
can tell us that reason. We find it           and sometimes responsibilities.
                                                 We cannot force our children to      For I could not forsee
 We cannot beat or insult a child into        conform to our ideas on what            what paths might beckon you
submission to our will. All that you may      they should do, what they should        to unimagined heights
succeed in doing is suppressing the will      become and what careers they            that I might never know.
of the child and nothing can be               should pursue - those are our
suppressed forever. That will will find       dreams not theirs. Many parents         Yet, always in my heart
expression one way or the other and           with good intention want their          I realized
sometimes not in a good way.                  children to have a life of their        That you would touch a star . . .
  Recently Creflo Dollar the mega             dreams not the children’s dreams.       I’m not surprised!
preacher on TV was hauled into the jail       This can create chaos in a child’s      — Hazel Dyer
after his daughter alleged that he abused     life.                                   (This poem was shared by Dr.
her; a claim a second daughter                   Parents do not always have to        Wayne Dyer with Oprah. His
corroborated.                                 have the right answer. It is okay to    mother wrote this. Dr. Dyer is a
   Children are aware of their rights and     say “I don’t know” and show             world renowned inspirational
many demand those rights. What do             some vulnerability. Those three         speaker and he achieved what he
you do when you cannot physically beat        words will drive home a big             has even though he spent his first 10
a child? You have to reason with them,        lesson to our children.                 years in an orphanage.

                                       The Philosophy of Ubuntu
    An anthropologist studying the               the candies, sat down, and            particularly about the fact that you
habits and customs of an African tribe began to happily munch away.                    can't exist as a human being in
found himself surrounded by children                The anthropologist went over       isolation. It speaks about our inter-
        Shannon Byfield, Dorrie Barrett, Lili Bitane
most days. So he decided to play a               to them and asked why they had        connectedness. You can't be human
little game with them. He managed to all run together, when any one                    all by yourself, and when you have
get candies from the nearest town,               of them could have had the            this quality 'Ubuntu'—you are
and put it all in a decorated basket at candies all to himself/herself.                known for your generosity.
the foot of a tree.                                 The children responded:              “We think of ourselves far too
   Then he called the children and               "Ubuntu"! How could any one           frequently as just individuals,
suggested they play a game. When the of us be happy if all the others                  separated from one another, whereas
anthropologist said "Now!", the                  were sad?"                            we are connected and what we
children had to run to the tree, and the            Ubuntu is a philosophy of          think, feel and do, even at the
first one to get there could have ALL            African tribes that can be            individual level, affects the entire
the candies to himself/herself.                  summed up as "I am what I am          universe. When we do well and
    So the children all lined up waiting because of who we all are."                   entertain only positive thoughts and
for the signal. When the                         Bishop Desmond Tutu gave              feelings, it radiates out; it is for the
anthropologist said "now", all the               this explanation in 2008:             whole of humanity." (Thanks to
children held each others' hand and              "One of the sayings in our            Rashmi Metha who sent this information
ran together towards the tree. They all country is Ubuntu—the essence                  to Global Eyes Magazine)
arrived at the same time, divided up             of being human. Ubuntu speaks
                                                                                     Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                 3                                                                                                          3
Zizi the continuing story p20
              Subscribe Today                                                 Leg Up p19
             Name:_________________________________________________________   Feature Story – June Pepper Harris p2
             Address:________________________________________________         Feature – RCMP Diversity Officer p25
             Postal Code_______________                                       Local Briefs p6

             Email address:_______________________
                                                                              Battle of the Gospel Choir p19
             Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think                        Editorial p7
             we’re doing a good job.
             Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues.                      Underground Railway p8
             I Would like to receive upcoming event notices
             from the Caribbean/Black/larger community -                      Global Briefs p9
             by email or by phone (YES/NO)
                                                                              Revisiting the work of Richard Wright p10
   Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine
                                  671 Rathgar Avenue,                         CMARD – Racism p12
   Winnipeg,                                       Manitoba
   R3L 1G6                                                                    Neil’s Poetry p14
 Global Eyes is an independent magazine devoted to
 promoting cultural awareness of the African and                              Immigrant Success Story – p16-17
 Caribbean communities of Manitoba and to highlight the
 issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims
 and promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its                       Artist Studio Tour p22
 mandate is to be a quarterly publication featuring articles,
 and the achievements of local, national and international                    Word Scramble p13 NEW
 personalities that are of interest to the African/Caribbean
 community, promoting healthy living by providing                             Guess Who p31 NEW
 healthtips and recipes as well as editorials with African/
 Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The
 Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial                             There’s a lot more to read!!!
 committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and

    IN THIS ISSUE                                                              Contributions of Slaves Recognized
                                                                                  In the 18th century France played a significant role in
   Regulars:                                                                   the Atlantic slave trade and the people of the city of
                                                                               Nantes benefitted greatly from the trade. It made many
   Briefs p6                                                                   of the people from this city rich as Nantes was a port
   Letter to my children p11                                                   through which more than 450,000 African men, women
                                                                               and children were brought from Africa to work on
   Global Counselor p11                                                        plantations in European counties.
                                                                               In March 2012 the Mayor the City of Nantes opened a
   Gaffin wid Buddy p26                                                        memorial to the abolition of slavery and in recognition
                                                                               of the contribution of slaves to that city’s prosperity
   Healthwise 18                                                               today. Officials say that this is unique in Europe
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012

   Editor: Beatrice Watson                               Condolences
   Distributed to local businesses, and in                                           GEM’s Regular
   Winnipeg and via email to individuals in              There have been              Contributors
   Manitoba and former Manitobans in various             many deaths in our
   parts of the world.
                                                         community since the
   To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a
                                                         last Global Eyes
   cheque for $15.00 to:                                 Magazine in
   Global Eyes Magazine                                  February.
   671 Rathgar Avenue                                       We take this
   Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6                            opportunity to send
   Phone: 204-477-1588                                   our condolences to          Neil Pitamber,
                                                                                     Caribbean Shield                          all the families           A prolific writer, poet
                                                         grieving at this time.     and owner, Caribbean
   All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be                                         Shield
                                                         We hope you find
   reprinted without the express or written consent
   of the author or Editor.
                                                         comfort in the fact
                                                         that your loved ones
           Out and About                                 were part of your
                                                         lives once and that
                                                         the memories you
                                                         hold would provide
                                                         some comfort to you        Robin Dwarka, Legal
                                                         on dark days.              Aid Manitoba
                                                            Have faith that one
                                                         day you will rejoin
                                                         those who have
                                                         passed on.
                                                         May their souls rest
                                                         in peace.
                                                         We must embrace
Met this wonderful spirit Cha Cha at the Nigerian        pain and burn it as          Discipline Counsel
Canada Congress’ (NICCOM) annual mini folklorama         fuel for our                 The Law Society of
2012. He was friendly and willingly shared a couple of                                    Manitoba
his jokes. For ChaCha jokes come naturally to him.       journey.
He makes them up on the spot. (Cha Cha poses with        Kenji Miyazawa
Dr. Sunday Olujuku, President NICCOM)
                                                                     Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                5                                                                                           5
Local Briefs
     Winnipeggers                           on the film.                                 A surprise ending
                                               Steve Kirton, President of Barbados
        celebrate                           Canada Aid which raises funds for          Out of the blue the UN Winnipeg
  Multiculturalism Day                      Barbadian youths attending colleges        Chapter learned that there will be
      at The Fork                           and universities said he was pleased
                                            to present the Award to Mr. Griffith as
                                                                                       no more UN Chapters in Canada
     With the perfect weather on                                                       and chapters will be replaced by
  Saturday June 23rd,                       it celebrates Barbados.                    fundraising agents with the
  Winnipeggers came out in drove                                                       mandate to raise $100,000 or
  to celebrate Multiculturalism                                                        more.
  Day. It is an opportunity for all                                                        Winnipeg Chapter was quite
  Manitobans and Canadians to                                                          pleased with its last fundraising
  celebrate our rich cultural                                                          efforts Local to Global which
  diversity and appreciate the                                                         topped more than $6,000.00
                                                                                       however, far below the $100,000
  contributions various
  multicultural groups and
                                                                                          The Chapter members
  communities have made to
                                                                                       expressed disappointment at a
  Canadian society and to
                                                                                       debriefing meeting called by
  Manitoba. There were give-
                                                                                       Chair Mary Scott to figure out
  aways, interactive and                                                               what to do with the group of
  educational cultural displays, live                                                  women committed to working for
  music and dance performances.                                                        the improvement of women’s
      Ernesto Griffith Wins                                                            lives around the world.
             Award                                                                        “There has been a lot of
                                                DJ Swann is looking for                volunteer time and energy
  Ernesto Griffith, Manitoba’s,                                                        invested in the development of an
  writer, singer, filmmaker and                 Supporters - Are you In?               active, diverse and committed
  actor, received the Barbados              I am DJ Swann, I. I am the leader of       group of volunteers here. It seems
  Association Charity Ball Award            THE STOP USING THE N WORD                  counterproductive to do away
  in recognition of his outstanding         movement. As I am sure you are             with Chapters in order to raise
  work on the Award winning film            aware, using the N word is a problem       funds,” said Mary Scott.
  Billy in which Griffith played the        in our communities. Moreover, our             The UN Chapter had planned
  leading role “Billy” to rave              youth are allowing people of other         to officially dissolved in
  reviews and which received the            persuasions to use this epitaph in their   September at the Annual General
  Manitoba Human Rights                     regard. I implore you to assist me in      Meeting but was told to close the
  Commitment Award in 2010                  my endeavor to eradicate this specific     chapter immediately.
    The award was presented at the          vernacular from our vocabulary. I          “We are now actively pursuing
  9th Annual Barbados Charity Ball          have started a petition, Stop Using The    what our local group can do to
  held in Toronto on June 9, 2012 -         N Word , on ,               continue with the important work
  a fundraising event to fund               created an album, Stop Using The N         we are all committed to and
  scholarships for Barbadian youths         Word !, which is available on iTunes       maintaining an active relationship
  attending Canadian universities           and and a cloud. In the         with the global women’s
  and colleges as well as in support        cloud below you will find some             movement.
  of healthcare programs in                 solutions and information on how to          If you would like to get involved
  Barbados and Canada.                                                                 with the group when it is
                                            access a ground breaking, youth
      Griffith, a born Barbadian and                                                   reconfigured you can contact
                                            friendly video.
  the late Winston Moxam lead                                                          Mary Scott at
  Filmmaker in Billy collaborated                                            
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Editorial - Take One                                                People were drinking,
                      If music be the      as well.
                                             Manitoba is festival country and we           bobbing their heads to the music
                      food of love,                                                        like there was no tomorrow. No
                      play on.             are fortunate that we never have to
                                           travel very far to enjoy them. Musicians        one appeared to be in a hurry to
                        Music is soul                                                      leave as Harris was joined on
                      food and when        sometime have to travel a distance to
                                           access this Prairie Town but Manitobans         stage by some of Winnipeg’s old
 you get into it you forget the world                                                      favourites to jam out a solo tune
 and its problems.                         are music lovers at heart and the
                                           musicians keep on coming back again             or accompany her on an
 If you did not attend any of the                                                          instrument.
 offerings of the Winnipeg Jazz            and again.
                                             Former Winnipegger, June Pepper                   Walle Larson and Deanne
 festival you have missed                                                                  Deano were fantastic on the sax,
 something special. But if you             Harris was one of the people who
                                           returned to Manitoba to launch her CD           really getting into the music.
 missed the Folk Festival you miss                                                         Now that’s what I call good old
 something extra-special but you           with the help of Cherlyn Thompson her
                                           friend and business partner.                    fashion music and I could have
 would not want to miss                                                                    sat there all night getting into to
 Folklorama, the biggest festival of         June hit the scene just before the Jazz
                                           festival as she had to return to Toronto        it. There is no stopping June
 its kind in Canada where people                                                           Harris when she is into her
 celebrate their cultures and make         to participate in the Toronto Jazz
                                           festival and she gave her audience and          groove with the bluze.
 some money for their organizations
                                           fans a treat at the Highway 75 Club.
             Toast to Guyana at GCO’s 46th Independence Banquet - Dr. Brian Archer
  I am indeed honoured to be giving a      can see a spirit, a Jumbee, a Backoo, a             If it ain’t genuine it could be
toast to Guyana on this her 46th           Moongazer or an Ole Higue. All of them          fake, canta, or macaro. Guyanese
anniversary of Independence Our            are bad, or as the Guyanese would say           can school you on the subtle
Guyanese culture and, Guyanese             “dem a firetail tings”.                         differences.
people. For we Guyanese say and do            - The rest of the world sees a dragonfly.       To our dear land of rivers and
some things which are totally different    We Guyanese see a Palmfly                       plains, land of the…
from everyone else in the world.            - A person who eats a lot may be known         - Beautiful Victoria Regia
Maybe it is the blending of so many        as a glutton. Not in Guyana, yu have a          …many waters…six races…the
unique cultures; African, East Indian,     laang belly or yu jus huungish.                 mighty Essequibo, Demerara, and
Amerindian, Portuguese, Chinese,           - A debonair man who is popular with the        Berbice rivers…the powerful
British, Dutch, and English. Or the        ladies may be referred to as a “Ladies’         Cayman…the Giant
fact that we are essentially an isolated   man”. In Guyana he is a Sagabuoy.               Camoody…the Frisky Hassa…
predominantly English speaking “non-       - In Guyana there’s a big difference            Melodious Kiskadee…Great
island” island surrounded by the           between plain rice, white rice, bare rice,      Wallaba…the towering
Atlantic Ocean (North and North            and shine rice.                                 Greenheart…delicious
East), Spanish Venezuela (North                You too thin, Guyanese call you fine or     Pepperpot…potent Piwari…the
West), Portuguese Brazil (South West       maaga. Lord be with you if deh double or        gigantic Arapaima…the mighty
and South), and Dutch Suriname (East       triple it up as in “de gurl jus get fine fine   Roraima…and the thundering
and South East); or maybe a                fine. You know things are really bad if deh     Kaieteur.
combination of all of the above. Some      triple it up and add another multiplier like
examples are:                              “de buoy jus fine fine fine so till” or “de
- A frog in Canada would be a Crapo        gurl jus fine fine fine till she pining way”.
in Guyana.                                     You have to be Guyanese to appreciate
   - The rest of the world sees a lizard   the subtle difference between plain ole
… we Guyanese see a Gangasaka.             paggly, paggly paggly, and dosey or
  - While Canadians see a ghost, we        packoo.
                                                                                  Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                  7                                                                                                      7
The Use of Freedom Quilts as Signals and Maps Along the Underground Railway
  The Use of
        Quilts as Signals and Maps Along the Underground Railway
                    The Underground           Pieces of fabric and thread         to visit an exhibition of these beautiful
                  Railway operated          would be painstakingly                threads of freedom that emerged from
                  between 18:40 and         transformed into rivers, lakes,       one of the darkest periods of African
                  18:60 and was a           trails, houses and other              American History.
                 support network            guideposts and landmarks that         By Joan Schroeder
                 dedicated to safe          produced colourful quilts used by
                 passage and freedom        the runaway slaves. Quilts also
  for slaves. The Fugitive Slave Act
                                                                                          Wedding Bells
                                            served as guidelines for the slave
  passed in 1850, had made life                                                     Summer is the time for weddings and
                                            preparing to leave. A “plan” of
  increasingly miserable for escaped                                              one of those weddings could not have
                                            action was often embedded in the
  slaves. The Act gave slave owners                                               happened to a nicer young woman,
                                            quilt. There were signals to let a
  the right to hunt down and return                                               Rashima Daniels Williams who was
                                            slave know when to start getting
  slaves even when they were on free                                              wedded to Michael Williams witnessed
                                            ready for a journey in the form of
  soil. The Freedom Quilt was one                                                 by about 200 guests at the Fort Garry
                                            the “Wagon Wheel”. A “Shoofly”
  method used, with much success, to                                              Hotel.
                                            pattern was code name for getting
  aid slaves in their escape to freedom.                                            Like most brides she looked radiant,
                                            dressed, while “Tumbling Block”
    A look at many of the Freedom                                                 content and was surrounded by all the
                                            patterns meant it was time to start
  Quilts in museums today, while                                                  people that are important to her, mom
                                            the Journey. Other symbols also
  beautiful works of art, gives one a                                             and dad, her beloved son Trayvon and
                                            helped the slaves survive on their
  sense of the horrors of slavery. But                                            great friends and family friends who
                                            journey. The “Star” pattern
  these quilts also served a very crucial                                         flew in from Florida, the Caribbean
                                            showed the passage north while a
  purpose. They held hidden maps that                                             other parts of Canada.
                                            “Log Cabin” pattern meant
  were intricately treaded and patched                                              The Wedding invitation specified a
  into quilts. These maps serve as a                                              black and white theme to match the
                                              The very popular story about
  guide to the fleeing slaves and their                                           black and white décor in the reception
                                            Sweet Clara and the Freedom
  helpers.                                                                        room. There were black and white
                                            Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson, is a
    During these times, whispers were                                             peacock feathers which looked like
                                            true account of Clara, a house
  circulated about where a slave might                                            palm trees that it a tropical feel.
                                            slave. After overhearing other
  travel to gain freedom. The                                                         Caribbean pan music played in the
                                            slaves talk about escaping if they
  underground Railway meant                                                       background during dinner and guests
                                            had a map, she used scraps to
  embarking upon arduous and                                                      were entertained by some high energy
                                            quilt a map of the land. Freedom
  dangerous expeditions from the                                                  dance moves by a professional dance
                                            quilts offered a sense of hope for
  South to Canada and the Northern                                                group as well as some very talented
                                            many slaves.
  States. From shared stories passed                                              young folks.
                                              These pieces of scraps when put
  around by slaves and from                 together, served as valuable
  information gathered on the               signposts for the Underground
  plantation, slaves knew that their        Railroad. The homes and
  hope lay north. This valuable             businesses of abolitionist along
  information had to be documented in       the Underground Railroad would
  a way that would not attract              have been of little use to slaves,
  suspicion, and with tools that were       had it not been for these
  accessible to slaves. Sewing was a        freedom quilts to guide them.
  creative way to capture directions and    Freedom quilts are an important
  codes for the benefit of runaway          part of the African American
  slaves.                                   experience and I encourage you

 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Global Briefs
                                                 LESRA MARTIN LITERACY
                       Creflo                          ADVOCATE
                                           Lesra Martin, famous lawyer          Martin is an avid advocate for
                       Dollar            who helped to free Hurricane        literacy.
                                         Carter, wrongfully jailed for a
                       Arrested          crime he did not commit was in
                                         Winnipeg in April to give a hand
                         Creflo Dollar, to Literacy Partners of Manitoba.
                         founder and       Martin has made a point of
                         pastor of the   giving back to the community
Atlanta-based megachurch World           because the community of a few
Changers International, was arrested     hippies from Toronto made him
recently and charged with simple         what he is today. They took him
battery and child cruelty after he       out from Brooklyn New York and
allegedly attacked his 15-year-old       set him on a path of higher
daughter. She claims her father threw education which has allowed him
her to the ground, punched her in the    to become the successful lawyer
face, and hit her with a shoe, according that he is today.
to the police report. On the 911 tape,     Carter gave a presentation at the
she also said that “it was not the first Centennial Library about the
time it’s happened.” Dollar’s 19-year- importance of literacy and
                                         encourage those adult learners
old daughter backs up her younger
                                         who have mastered the art of
sister’s claims. Mr. Dollar denied all
                                         reading and writing and encourage
                                         others to do the same

   Rashima, Trayvon and Michael
    Williams pose for the camera

                                                                         Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                9                                                                                               9
African American Authors – Revisiting the Works of Richard Wright
                     He was abandoned by       think of his expressions. It is    ostracized many times. He edited The
                   his father, a former        reported that he wrote the story   Left Front, a communist publication,
                   sharecropper, at an early   while being bored in his class     The New Masses, The Daily Worker,
                   age. He was raised by       at school. The story was           and The New Challenge. His book
                   his mother who was a        published in three instalments     “Native Son”, published in 1940 was
                   school teacher. As a        by a local black newspaper         his first novel and earned the prestige
                   young child, born on a      called The Southern Register.      of being the first Book of the Month
                   plantation, he                 This would be the start of      selection by a black American writer.
                   developed the art of        Richard Wright’s political and     His autobiographical work, The Black
writing, bred and nurtured by his personal     writing career that saw many       Boy, published 5 years later, vividly
and cultural experiences and sensitivities.    books, essays, short stories and   explored his early life, family conflicts
Richard Wright became a renowned               articles published until, and      and racial discrimination by his white
black writer, and gained international         even after, his death in 1960 at   employers. Other novels include
recognition as a significant literary and      the age of 52. In 1938, Richard    “White Man Listen, 1957, and Long
political figure. But he had little honour     Wright received national           Dream in 1958.
in his own country and critics felt that he    acclamation after he released      On the political front, Wright was a
had become disconnected from his               “Uncle Tom’s Children, a           member of the Communist party but
African Roots.                                 collection of four short stories   his support for their rigid philosophy
  Richard Wright was born September            which dealt with fictional         waned. He however, continued to
4th 1908 in Roxy Mississippi, the              accounts of lynching and for       adhere to leftist dogma after leaving
grandson of a slave. He experienced the        which he garnered the              the communist party. When he moved
untimely death of his uncle at the hands       prestigious Guggenheim             to Paris in 1947, he continued his
of whites. When he wrote his first short       Fellowship.                        political activism on a more
story, entitled The Voodoo of Hell’s             As editor and contributor of     international level. His Novel “Black
Half-Acre” At the tender age of 15             several publications, Richard      power” was a fictional work dealing
years, he did not get much support             Wright was fearless in the         with the growth of new African
from his family or his classmates,             expression of his conscience,      nations. His novels dealt with issues of
many of whom didn’t know what to               expressions that would see him     poverty, race and disenfranchised
                                                                                  people on an international level.
                                                                                     Before his death, Wright had
                     Can’t find a salon to do                                     become an internationally renowned
                      justice to your hair?                                       writer and left behind several
                                                                                  unfinished works. One of these; A
                        Look no more!                                             Father’s Law, was published as
                                                                                  recently as January 2008. Wright wrote

                  Les Touche Salon
                                                                                  about life as he saw it and felt it at a
                                                                                  time when intolerance was at its
                       will send you satisfied everytime                          height. Even though Wright became a
                                                                                  French citizen, this in no way should
                                                                                  have been held against him. Today his
                              4-555 Balmoral Ave                                  contributions to black history are being
                              Hours: Mon. - Sat.                                  revisited and it is about time. He left a
                               9 a.m - 7:00 p.m.                                  legacy that will forever shed light on
                                Phone: 947-5830                                   the African American experience as
                                                                                  captured by the imagination of a
                                                                                  literary genius.

                                                                                  By Joan Schroeder
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                                                                     Letter to my children
                                                            hair for a special
                                                            occasion might be      afro texture — I had no intention of
                                                            fine but making it     appearing in the film. I felt I was an
                                                            a      permanent       objective observer and really just
                                                            lifestyle is setting   wanted to highlight a growing
                                                            us up for serious      movement. (Of the 50 or so women I
                                                            health problems        struck up conversations with randomly
                                                            later on in life.      on the street, the vast majority had
My dear children,                            Black hair is beautiful         and   gone natural within the last three
                                           unique. In all of the kingdoms of       years.” She said being part of the film
    I read an editorial in the New York    the Creator there is no hair like the
Times recently which left me smiling. It                                           forced her to examine her own feel-
                                           Black hair except maybe for the         ings about her hair than ever before.
was by a prominent British Nigerian        sheep - just a little . Instead of
documentary maker Zina Saro-Wiwa, the                                                She said that this returning to roots
                                           appreciating the gift we have, we       hair is like an evolutionary process
daughter of famous Nigerian author Ken     try to be like every one else. If The
Saro-Wiwa.        Her documentary,                                                 among Black women, not an angry
                                           Creator wanted us to be like            movement but more an awakening to
Transitions shines a light on the quiet    everyone else we would have had
revolution of the come back of natural                                             self and to their health.
                                           straight hair.                             “Demonstrating this level of self-
hairstyles.                                   “When I set out to make a docu-
  What a relief. Hopefully black women                                             acceptance represents a powerful
                                           mentary about black women who           evolution in black political
would stop killing themselves with the     are “transitioning” — cutting off
various chemicals we use to keep our                                               expression.” It is time. It is beautiful.
                                           their chemically straightened hair      May you be one of those women.
hair straight. Maybe straightening one’s   and embracing their natural kinky       Love, mom

                                       Global Counsellor
Dear Globacounsellor,
                                        know anything about Rastafarian            young for that. Older women maybe
    I am a 25 year old white Canadian but as far as I can tell there is no         have to settle but you can find
girl and my boyfriend is a 32 year old such rule about marriage. What              someone who shares your beliefs and
Rastafarian Jamaican born man. We’ve do you think I should do, I am                values so cut your losses and be on
been going out for about three years    assuming you understand this               your way. A man who gets angry
and practically live together. The      culture better than I do. Thank            easily does not impress me either.
problem is my boyfriend does not        you for your help.
believe in marriage. He says it is
against his religion. I think this is a Seeker
way for him to not commit to me fully. Dear Seeker,
                                                                                   Some say the glass
I believe in marriage and when I tell   I don’t understand Rastafarian             is half empty, some
him I think we should split up and go religion but clearly there is a              say the glass is half
our separate ways he gets really mad    problem here. This man is not
and I think one of these days he will   prepared to give you what you              full, I say, are you
hit me. I told him I have three crazy   want. I think you have to find
brothers who will kill anyone who       someone who will. Don’t settle             going to drink that?
harmed me and I think that’s what       for anything less than what you
keeping his hands to his side. I don’t  are looking for. You are too
                                                                              Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
               11                                                                                                   11
In Your Back Yard
      15 Years and Going                                                           CMARD Coffee House on Racism
                                            Premier Greg Selinger and
            Strong                          Healthy Living, Seniors and
   Neither rain nor sleet could have        Consumer Affairs Minister Jim
  stopped the supporters of the             Rondeau presented 10
  Horace Patterson Foundation’s             outstanding Grade 12 students
  (HPF) annual fundraising walk-a-          with the Premier’s Healthy
  thon from participating its 15th          Living Award for Youth at a
  year’s walk a thon on Saturday            ceremony at the Legislative
  June 4, 2012 at the St. Vital Park        Building:
  which raised more than $2000.00                                                  The working group of The Canadian
  that will go towards the scholarship      Betelhem Chala, Elmwood High           Municipalities Against Racial
  fund to help students with their          School, Winnipeg;                      Discrimination (CMARD) composed of
                                            Michelle Coupland, Boissevain          representatives from a cross section of G
  post-secondary studies.
                                            School, Boissevain;                    and NGOs including, the Manitoba
     Diehards were walking with their
                                            Israa Elgazzar, Kelvin High            Human Rights Commission and Dept. of
  umbrellas and raincoats but they                                                 Canadian Heritage, that operates under
                                            School, Winnipeg;
  made it.                                                                         the umbrella of the City of Winnipeg
                                            Marie-Rose Hanyurwim-fura,
   Even though you did not walk,                                                   Equity and Diversity Committee headed
                                            Nelson McIntrye Collegiate,
  you can still make a pledge to the                                               by Councillor Mike Pagtakhan held its
  Foundation that would go towards                                                 first Coffee House style conversation
                                            Brayden Harper, Kildonan East          about racism at Sam’s Place in May 2012
  the scholarships.                         Collegiate, Winnipeg;                  with invited guests from community
     Last year the Foundation offered       James Harper, Dakota Collegiate,       organizations and government
  9 scholarships and each year the          Winnipeg;                              departments. The speakers were: with
  amount increases because the              Keith Johnson, Teulon Collegiate,      special greetings from Mr. Jerry Wood,
  Foundation is able to generate more       Teulon;                                Chair of the Manitoba Human Rights
  fund through its fundraising efforts.     Emily Klekta, Swan Valley              Commission Board. The goal of the
  “Our vision is to offer larger                                                   evening was to raise the racism topic with
                                            Regional Secondary School,
  scholarship amounts to more youth                                                informed research followed by
                                            Swan River;                            discussions among participants. It was
  each year,” said the President, Mrs.      Alana Robert, St. Mary’s               a successful first attempt. Mr. Osei-Bonsu
  DaCosta.                                  Academy, Winnipeg; and                 who staffs the CEC Committee
                                            Jeremy Ryant, West Kildonan            promised there will be more such coffee
     Immigrant Stories                      Collegiate, Winnipeg.                  houses on racism in the future.

     IWAM - Immigrant Women’s
  Association of Manitoba Inc. and
  Sarsvati Productions have partnered       “These young Manitobans are
  to produce Immigrant Stories              making a difference in many ways,
  which will be staged September 20         from the promotion of physical
  and 22, 2012 at the Asper Centre          activity, healthy eating and
  for Theatre, 4 00 Colony Street.          prevention of chronic disease, to
                                                                                   Jackie Halliburton and Denyse Lambert
  Funding for this project was              helping prevent bullying, addictions   (above) Counc. Mike Pagtakhan speaks
  provided by New Horizons                  and gang participation,”               with Jerry Woods MHRC Chair.
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Life Without Black People - The Annual List of Inventions
                          MARRIAGE POTENTIAL
Einstein said that we only use 10% of our intellectual capacity -
likewise, we only use 10% of our potential in marriage.                     Darkness all around you,
                        We can develop the 90%                              Light fading away,
1.      Be prepared to adapt wisely to changes.                             I can’t see my own feet front of me,
2.     Work on yourself not your spouse.                                    Lights turning off once in time,
3.     Common goals and values are needed.                                  I’m alone in cold lonely place.
4.     Commitment to growth is essential.
5.      Develop communications skills.                                      When I breath out,
6.      Use conflicts creatively.                                           I can see my own breath,
7.      Show appreciation and affection for each other.                     In coldest of the night,
8.      Agree on gender roles.                                              Darkness doesn’t scare me,
9.      Cooperate and work as a team.                                       Only my fears does.
10.     Strive for sexual fulfillment.
11.     Manage money well.                                                  I can hear footsteps,
12.     Be effective parents, 24 hours daily.                               Coming closer and closer,
13.     Learn to make decisions wisely.                                     I can hear my heart beat,
14.     Learn to deal with anger and frustration.                           I know I’m not alone.
15.     Be a part of a couples’ growth group.
16.     Evaluate your marriage periodically.                                Something truly out there,
17. Communicate, communicate and communicate.                               My eyes can’t not see,
18.     Save some of your kisses for the after the wedding reception.       Is not unknown.
                                                                            By Samantha Duncan, Winnipeg,
19.     Do not associate with too many divorced persons or you may          Manitoba
         get into the “Divorce Cluster” Group.
20.     Love, even when you do not understand each other.
                                                                             WORD SCRAMBLE
       Guess Who Contest Winner                                             Synnu
 Congratulations to Lisa Hackett
who was the first of many callers to                                        lerac
phone in with the correct name and                                          yogfg
information about our first winner                                          wamr
of the Guess Who contest!
  It was a photograph of Audrey                                             nywdi
Gordon the former Executive
Director of the Multiculturalism
Secretariat. Many of you would                                              olyecn
have dealt with Audrey during your                                          erspurse
funding application process and                                             ahli
also you might have caught her
bringing greetings at cultural            Thanks to Royle Derbitsky,
functions on behalf of the              Financial Planner at Investor’s     All these words have
Department of Multiculturalism.         Group for donating the prize.       something to do with the
And here is what Lisa won!
                                                                          Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
              13                                                                                                13
POEMS FROM THE HEART                                by Neil Pitambar

  Her knees were swollen                     There is a fire underneath my        PRIME
 (It’s not so much I meant to stare)         eyelids
 Her eyes glowing softly                     Have to stay closed to keep my
                                             awe                                  A head full of space debris
 Under birds’ nest of wet black hair         From spreading over you              A mouth of thin sour saliva
 Lightning in her wake                       I remember when we were small,       And frothy-sweet foam...
 Swinging from cloud to cloud                and                                  An archer’s elbow or tendonitis
 In jungle dense thick of night              How you dreamt it all
                                             The long and tall                    Round out the usual syndromes...
 She moves her mouth...                                                           I closed my eyes tight
                                             The shorter end of things fell
 Suffers me little to smile about            upon you                             To draw a diaphragm
 ’Invite me s’in for a ‘pot of tea?’         When you withdrew (your              My pen finger felt too supple
 Releasing my grip on the knob               breath)                              Red ink dried to rhino purple
 I motion, ‘Yes,’ but reluctantly...                                              It doesn’t feel the way I used to
                                                                                  This body
 LYFE                                                                             These bones
 If there really is some conduit                                                  The borrowed sense of freedom
 From futility to hope                                                            An atomic scope of cryptograms
 I’ve a Vonne feeling in my Gut                                                   With
 Where there are mirrors                                                          No trail(okya) to send me home...
 There will be smoke...                                                           Prime is who I am
 Have so many things I speak of                                                   And not the others...
 So many questions left starved
                                             You may
 If I pursue what will happen
                                             even fall in my memory
 When the problems’ solved?...               Living on and on to never fail me
 Will we reap or rape like kings             Falling and failing
 The impoverished mounds of                  Were so differently alike, tell me   INFINITE
 Covet-cious mouth and mind?                 Will you have me live on too...?
 Will you agree Earth is sinking                                          Joyce to the world!
                                             When we had juice in our veins
                                                                          Something comes from Nutting!
 Hopeless-sapiens incipient to               And the audacity (!) to complain
                                                                          I swear listening to you is as excruciating
 Disintegration by own design?               Were re-bells with whistles, too!
                                                                          As keeping wake while James peddles on
 Place your own fut- in -ure mouth           Until the day He returned for you
                                                                          A finer point of madness with Finnegan
 Divide the idea as much you like            And wouldn’t let me come along
                                                                          Featherless paratroping with im-prosition...
                                             (But I’ll be soon along...)  Ran past two just yesterday but metaphor
 You can wash the truth with a lye
                                                                          Waste of time, Eliot? (Not a waste of land)
 An alternate spelling yet so alike...                                    All tax collected put towards our future syn
                                                                          Twitchbells, bells, bells fallen on the porch
                                                                          Optimystic prefers the pace of sinking sand...
 MENTAL CRASH                                                             Good hell-th stricken hard by amor fati-gue
  (strum)                                   I knew it wouldn’t last       A slavepiece due its restricted use of colour
 ...Sitchin in front the looking glass      (strum)                       Currie is spicy (Radioactive? Don’t believe!)
 I have found A-liss a-tlas(t)...           ...She knew before they could I cannot sleep at the edge of the sea
                                                                          But there is a sign marked ‘No Wake’
 She’s not same as she used to be           tell                          Though ask anything of me
 Too much time has passed                   Every night contusions swell Do not ask me for anything
 Now she’s a girl I Nibiru...               Every night confusion swells As having given you much thought
 The whole systems’ crashed                 She had a system crash...     I have found the con- in -template...
 I knew it wouldn’t last...                 (strum)
                                            I’ve never made it ‘past’
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Are We There Yet?
                                             off of the Euro 2012 soccer              This summer as we go around the
    A lot has been accomplished within                                             Province and our city Winnipeg,
the last century with regard to making       tournament in the Ukraine
                                             should serve as such a reminder       taking in the sights and sounds and
the world we live in more humane and                                               enjoying the many attractions and
more tolerant of the diversity of us         that we are not there yet. Aluta
                                             ontinua…the battle continues.         festivities that come with the
humans. It has been no easy feat, and                                              season, let us be grateful for what
we owe a lot of the successes in this           Keeping things in perspective
                                             however, we definitely still have     has been accomplished here. Let us
area to the sacrifices of past and present                                         bask in the warmth of the season
day advocates for social justice.            reasons to celebrate how far we
                                             have come. Generally speaking,        and of the many good people of our
   We all have the natural tendency to                                             city. We must however never forget
relax after every success, to rest on our    the world has become more
                                             accepting of diversity. Most          to continue to be advocates of truth,
oars, so to speak. However, there are                                              justice and equality for all, and
always those incidents time and again        people in civilized societies are
                                             more willing to embrace the           never tire of picking
that should at least serve the purpose of                                          up our arms
reminding us that the battle for social      differences of others, and more
                                             willing to work together for the      whenever the need
justice for all can never end. We must                                             arises.
keep the flame burning, keep speaking        common good. I find this to be
out against injustice and advocating for     the case for many Manitobans. I
the equality of all human beings. The        am told that this was not the case
recent incidents of racism at the kick       two or three decades ago in
                                                                                   By: Lara Badmus

           Guyanese Cultural Organization celebrates Annual Tea

                                                                                              Dressed for tea - Mrs. & Mr

Guyanese Tea is an annual affair             love and care that we all can use     What more can make a birthday
where people get dressed up as Mr. &         a bit of every now and then. At       more special to a mother? We hope
Mrs. Sampson (r) up and join their           this year Tea Mrs. Doris Kitt         Mother Kitt lives to see quite a few
fellow Guyanese and other friends to a       celebrated her 80 something           more birthdays in great spirit and
cup of delicious tea and goodies             birthday and she had the              health.
properly served by volunteer tea             birthday song sung for her and a
pourers. It gives that special touch of      kiss from her eldest son Calvin.
                                                                                  Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                15                                                                                                      15
Helzi Sy - An Immigrant Success story
                                                                             My first encounter with Hlezi was as
                                                                             an Employment Counsellor with
                                                                             Immigrant Women Employment
                                                                             Counselling Service. She came to do a
                                                                             presentation to the clients of Immigrant
                                                                             Women’s Association of Manitoba,
                                                                             Inc. Hlezi was impressive, highly
                                                                             qualified and articulate. The mention of
                                                                             her name in the African community
                                                                             elicits commendations such as “very
                                                                             brilliant,” “very qualified”, “very
                                                                             successful in her field.” These are not
                                                                             over-dramatic statements. Hlezi is all
                                                                             of that and more. She is quiet,
                                                                             unassuming and there’s a definite air of
                                                                             humility about her and her soft
                                                                             spokenness draws one in. My second
                                                                             encounter recently I learned she is the
                                                                             Manager, Sector Research and
                                                                             Analysis at Agriculture Canada where
                                                                             she was recently recognized for
                                                                             reaching her 15 year milestone with the
                                                                             federal public service.
Hlezi was missing in action for a few years. I learned she had moved to Mexico but now she is back and I
accidentally bumped into her and the rest is history. I suggested an article and she willingly agreed. I hope her
story will inspire you to reach your life goals.
BW: How long have you lived in                BW: Do you have a family here?              the counsellor I met with asked me to
Canada?                                       HS         Husband and 2 kids plus lot      apply for a position with them. I did, got
HS:      23 years                             of relatives throughout North               the job and stayed there for 2 years.
BW: What is your country of Origin?           America                                     Because my degree is in Agricultural
HS:     Zimbabwe                              BW:        How often do you go back         Economics, I stayed plugged into that
BW: Why Canada?                               home to visit family and friends and        network through the Manitoba Institute
HS:      At the time, the International       when it’s time to leave, how do you         for Agrologists. At one of their meetings,
Development Research Centre (IDRC), a         feel?                                       I met a manager from the Royal Bank and
Canadian organization, was giving             HS        Every couple of years. It’s       networked my way into a job with the
scholarships for graduate studies and the U   hard to leave loved ones but I also         bank. Again, I worked for RBC for 2
of M had the program I wanted. I also         look forward to coming back to my           years. That whole time, I kept an
happened to meet the gentleman who later      home and family here in Winnipeg            updated resume in the Public Service
became my advisor when he came to             especially when I travel alone.             Commission database. One day I got a
Zimbabwe so that made my choice a little      BW: I know you currently work for           call to interview for a market analyst
easier.                                       the federal government. For many            position. It was only for six months but I
BW: Sounds like you came with a               immigrants landing that first job is very   still left my permanent RBC job for the
Bachelor’s degree, was it recognized?         difficult, what nuggets of experience       term because I knew that would be my
HS:     Yes I went into a Masters             can you share for their benefit?            foot in the door. Once I was in the
program with a Zimbabwean degree              HS:        My first job was with            federal government, I had access to a lot
BW: What was the most challenging             Immigrant Women’s Employment                more job openings so I applied and
adjustment you had to make in your new        Counselling Services (IWECS). I             eventually landed a permanent position.
country?                                      went there seeking help to look for a       BW: So networking is important.
HS:     The cold!                             job. Towards the end of my meeting,

 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Having a mentor was key to her success
HS:       For me, networking is the most
important tool I use whether I’m looking for      rather than operational which is          from where you left off in terms of your
a job or looking to move up. We need to           where I’m at right now.                   career development – what is the secret? Is
help each other as a community. Ask for           BW: What kinds of supports                it competence, luck, excellent qualifications
help, and if you have a bad experience once       would you need to get there?              or being at the right place at the right time?
with asking for help, try someone else. Do        HS:      A mentor is key, career          HS:       All of that. I am very grateful that
not overlook Canadian friends and                 plan and varied work assignments.         after a five year absence I made a smooth
colleagues, they are very supportive.             BW: How can immigrants help               transition back to work. I get support from
BW: What is the most satisfying job               each other in the area of work?           my husband and kids first and foremost,
you’ve held so far?                               There are many people looking for         but I also have colleagues and friends who
HS:         My favourite job by far was at        work outside of their fields because      have supported me by keeping me abreast
IWECS. There is nothing more satisfying           their qualifications are not              of opportunities. When the opportunities
than helping another immigrant find their         recognized. Do you have any tips to       presented themselves, I made sure that I
way and become successful. I still run into       share?                                    was as prepared as I could be.
former clients and some of them have              HS:      For the most part, as            BW: What is the most rewarding about
become very successful.                           immigrants, we have to get                living in Winnipeg?
BW: Do you see the glass ceiling and/or           Canadian qualifications. Even             HS:       The strong bonds I have formed
the colour bar to reaching your career goals?     when you come highly qualified            with friends and family. I always think of
HS:       Regardless of where you are, there      from your own country, investing in       it as having my Diaspora family here in
will always be narrow minded and open             six to nine months at a community         Canada in addition to the family I left in
minded people. I try to seek out open             college might mean the difference         Zimbabwe.
minded people as coaches and mentors who          between full employment (working          BW: Do your children like living in
will lead me to opportunities where my            in your area of specialization) and       Canada, do they ever talk about the
competencies are valued. This is not to say       under employment (doing work for          extended family?
that there have been no obstacles in my           which you are over qualified). The        HS:       They do. They were born here so
career path, just that I choose not to dwell on   other suggestion I have is to be          Canada is their home. We visit family or
that. Instead I focus on the opportunities I      willing to take an entry level            they visit us so the children do talk about
have had and on learning from successful          position just to get your foot in the     them, and to their relatives.
immigrants.                                       door. Once you are in, work hard          BW: Does Canada/Winnipeg feel like
BW: Recently you chaired a very                   to get to where you think you should      home? Or do you still feel like an
important conference in the federal public        be.                                       immigrant?
service? How did you land that role and what      BW: You were missing in action            HS:        Yes it feels like home. Winnipeg
did you learn from it?                            for some time would you like to tell      is the place I have lived the longest as an
HS:       I was co-emcee for the National         us what took you away and what            adult.
Managers Community Professional                   brought you back?                         BW: Thank you so much for this
Development Forum. This is an annual              HZ:      My husband was on a work         inspiring conversation. All the best in
event for federal public service managers         assignment in Mexico and I was able       future years to you and your family.
across Canada. To be emcee, I had to              to take a five year leave of absence.
submit an expression of interest. After being     We came back for two main reasons.
short listed, I was interviewed by a four         I needed to carry on with my career
person board. I had to make an impromptu          and I was not able to do that fully in
presentation to the board. At the end of the      Mexico even though I did have the
interview I had to provide the names of three     opportunity to work briefly. We also
people who had seen me speak in front of          came back, to Winnipeg specifically
large groups of people. This last part was        because we consider this to be our
important because the forum I emceed was          home in the Diaspora. We could
attended by 1100 managers.                        have easily gone to other parts of
BW: That is very impressive. Where do             Canada. The opportunities were
you see yourself in the next five years in your   there but we are very attached to our
                                                  community here. Yes, despite the          Jocelyn Beaudette (Director, Program
career?                                                                                     Planning and Administrative Policy
HS:        I would like to be in senior           cold. (laugh)                             Integration) presents Hlezi Sy (Manager,
management in the next five years, where I        BW: Yes, Winnipeg grows on us.            Sector Research & Analysis) with her 15
am focusing more on strategic type issues         It seems that you have picked up          year Service Award.
                                                                                           Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                  17                                                                                                             17
 Fruit Salsa                                and sugar until onion is a deep     1 navel orange, unpeeled
                                            brown color, 15 to 20 minutes.      and sliced 1/4 in. thick
     ·   1 basket of strawberries*
                                            Reduce heat to medium; add          1 star fruit, sliced width-
     ·   1 ripe avocado*                                                        wise (1/4in).
                                            garlic, chile pepper, ginger, and
     ·   1/2 of a big melon*
                                            curry powder. Stir constantly to    Method
     ·   1 red bell pepper
                                            incorporate, about 5 minutes.       In a large punch bowl, combine the
     ·   1 little red onion
                                            Increase heat to medium-heat        mandarin wedges and their juice,
     ·   1 clove of garlic
                                            and stir 1 can vegetable broth      mango, strawberries, pineapple and
     ·   the juice from one lime
                                            into the onion mixture. Scrape      maraschino cherries. Add the
     ·   a little bit of salt
                                            up any vegetables or curry          coconut extract, mixed essence,
 First, wash everything except the
                                            powder stuck to the bottom of       bitters and rum. Refrigerate for at
 onion. Remove skins, seeds or any
                                            the pot with a wooden spoon.        least an hour.
 other inedible bits. Cut everything
                                            Add lentils and remaining 1 can
 into small pieces, all about the size                                          Pine Tarts
                                            of vegetable broth; cook until
 of your little fingernail. Mix all the
 pieces together in a bowl. Pour on                                             2 cans crushed pineapple
 the lime juice. Put the garlic in a                                            Sugar - depends how sweet you want it
 garlic press and squeeze it into the                                           1 large egg
 bowl. If you like it hot, you can add                                          Pastry
 1/2 of a jalapeno pepper, chopped                                              1 lb (16 oz) flour
 very fine. Salt to taste, remembering                                          1/2 lb (8 oz) of Crisco shortening
 that most chips are salted.                                                    Method
                                                                                Drain most of the liquid from the
 Vegetarian Offering                                                            pineapple in the cans, then empty the cans
                                            lentils are tender, about 30        into a pot. Add sugar till the sweetness is
 Curried Lentils                            minutes. Stir cilantro into lentils desired to your taste.
                                            before serving.                     Boil the pineapple on a medium fire until
 Ingredients                                                                    the juice is absorbed but the fruit is not
                                                                                dry. Stir often to avoid burning. Put aside
 1/4 cup canola oil                         Caribbean Rum Punch                 to cool.
 1 large onion, diced                       Recipe.                             Prepare the pastry: mix the flour and
 2 carrots, peeled and diced                Ingredient:                         shortening together until the mixture
 salt and ground black pepper to taste      1 14-ounce can mandarin             becomes crumbly like bread crumbs.
 1/2 teaspoon white sugar                   orange wedges with juice            Then, as you mix with your hands, add
 3 cloves garlic, minced                    1 small mango, peeled and           small amounts of ice cold water as needed,
 1 fresh chile pepper, minced               chopped or                          and knead until the flour mixture becomes
 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger             1 cup frozen ripe mango             soft and doughy.
 3 tablespoons curry powder                 1 cup fresh or frozen               Break off 1½ inch balls and roll out into
 2 (14 ounce) cans vegetable broth,         strawberries, sliced                thin rounds.
                                                                                   Put an amount of the pineapple mixture
 divided                                    1 cup fresh or canned pineapple
                                                                                in the center of each round, and then close
 1 cup lentils                              chunks
                                                                                the pastry over the filling to form a
 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, or         1/4 cup maraschino cherries         triangle-shaped tart. Use a fork to pinch
 more to taste                              1/2 tsp. coconut extract            the corners shut.
                                            1/4 tsp. mixed essence              Beat the egg in a bowl and brush it on top
                                            2 tsp. Angostura bitters            of the pine tarts.
 Heat canola oil in a Dutch oven over       1 cup dark rum?                     Put the tarts in an oven preheated to
 medium-high heat; cook and stir            2 cups passion fruit                350°F, and bake for 20 - 25 minutes or
 onion, carrots, salt, black pepper,        4 cups ginger ale or ginger beer until done.
                                            2 cups sparkling white
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Leg Up                                                Nominate a Girl
                                                                                         The United Nations has declared
                                                                                         October 11, 2012 to be the First
                                                                                         “International Day of the Girl”
                                                                                                   Laurel Wright, Monica
                                                                                         to provide an opportunity to
                                                                                                   Rhiney and Violet Clacken
     Battle of the Gospel Choirs                        Pilgrim Baptist (PB)
                                                                                         recognize young women around
                                                                                         the world as important citizens
Mr. George                                              Church of Winnipeg,
Jarvis,                                                                                  and powerful voices of change.
                                                        sponsored its first annual
Pastor, PBC                                                                              The Manitoba Status of Women
with mentor                                             “Battle of the Choirs”
                                                        in March 2012 as its
                                                                                         will be holding a special event,
P a s t o r
Cornish                                                 contribution to Black            hosted by the Minister of Family
                                                        History. Five choirs             Services and Labour, to
                                                        registered but four got          celebrate this important
                                                        cold throats at the last         occasion. We are seeking
                                                        minute leaving one choir         nominations for girls ages 12 to
                                                        standing - Pilgrim               17 from across the province to
                                                        Baptist Choir and the            participate. Twenty girls will be
                                                        natural winner of the            selected to join us for a fun and
                                                                                         interactive day that will feature a
                                                        Conducted by Mr. Bruce           keynote speaker(s), local
                                                        Tynes, the choir,                entertainment, and the
         Pilgrim Baptist Choir                          entertained the audience         opportunity for the girls to
                                                        to a half hour of great          interact with members of the
                                                        singing and received on          Legislative Assembly. There is
                                                        the spot vital coaching          no cost for the selected young
                                                        from the three judges of
                                                                                         women and their chaperones to
                                                        the event: Cynthia Wahl,
                                                        Stuart Sladden and Dr.           attend. Nomination deadline is
                                                        Charles Horton.                  August 15, 2012. Please visit
                                                        The audience was also            index.html to download
                                                        introduced to Mr.                nomination forms or call the
                                                        George Jarvis, the new           Manitoba Status of Women at
                                                        pastor of PB Church who
                                                                                         (204) 945-6281 for more
                                                        handed out prizes to the
                                                        winning choir as well as         information. Call Today.
                                                        to Pastor Layne and
                                                        Pastor Cornish with 2nd
                                                        and 3 rd prizes a
                                                        respecttively. Pastor
                                                        Jarvis recognize Pastor
                                                                                        I learned that when you are
                                                        Cornish as his spiritual        willing to make sacrifices
                                                        father and mentor for           for a great cause, you will
                                                        more than 10 years. One         never be alone, because
                                                        and all are welcomed to         you will have divine
                                                        attend services at the          companionship and the
                                                        Church.                         support of good people.
  Cynthia Wall, Stuart Sladden and Dr. Charles Horton                                          Corretta Scott King
                                                                                                        Officer Sheppard and
                                                                                                            Sandra Housen
                                                                                     Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
                19                                                                                                         19
Zizi - The Continuing Story
    Zizi tried to get her head around all     it come from him and it will”       loved to bake and growing boys
 that she was hearing. She felt as if she        Okay. Well why don’t we go       love to have treats and she made
 was standing of shifting sands of beliefs    over to Brenda to see the boys. I   sure they had better treats than
 and that the people around her were like     miss them. They keep me             store bought treats.
 shadows going in and out of shades.          grounded and I’ve been getting          “The boys will be very happy
 Her head was spinning. Her only reality      phone calls - they want me to       tonight. They’re Canadians - love
 was Leyroy. She knew whatever he told        come over or they want a sleep      to eat out. We’re old time
 her was true and that he was truly           over. Maybe we’ll go and bring      Guyanese and prefer our own
 watching her back.                           them back with us.”                 cooking”
    What is the involvement with Mr.             “That’s fine with me. Me and         “Sometimes we need a break
 Daniels and Johnny? Was Mr. Daniels          the boys could play some            from the kitchen. I am looking
 playing her or was he a double agent.        computer games”                     forward to seeing the boys”
 Zizi’s active imagination was working           “What about me - when you            Zizi told Leyroy the plans
 overtime dreaming up all kinds of            guys get caught up with that        changed and he was excited about
 scenarios.                                   thing, I cease to exist.”           it too. He loved pizza and who
    “Why didn’t Danny let on that he             “Well, what’s wrong with         doesn’t Zizi thought.
 knew Johnny?”                                you learning to play the games -        “I’ll spilt the bill with you Zizi.
    “Beats me.” Leyroy said rubbing his       get involved man”                   When you take me there they treat
 chin thoughtfully “I’m sure there’s a           “We’ll see. I’m going to         us like Royalty and I’d like to
 good reason. Danny is a straight up          phone Brenda now and see if         return the favour.”
 guy. I trust him with everything I got.”     she’s going to be home before         “When you put it that way, how
    “Me too and I hate myself for             we start making grand plans.”       can I refuse. Thank you Ley. I
 questioning what this could mean?”              Zizi made the call and Brenda    think it’d be good for us to spend
    “That’s natural”                          was excited that they would get     some time with the boys - they are
    “So what do we do now?”                   together. Zizi decided that         so much fun and I feel like my old
    “Let’s wait and see for a while...        instead of going over, she’d        self when I am with them.”
 something’s gonna give and people will       invite them all at Boston Pizza,       “Would it be okay to bring my
 start talking”                               the boy’s favourite and then        son along as well?”
     “My gut feeling is to go straight to     afterwards they can go to their         “Of course I want to get to
 Danny and ask him what’s going on            house for desserts. She knew        know him a lot better.”
 that I need to be in the loop.”              Brenda always have something            “He thinks the world about you,
     “Don’t think that is a good idea. Let    sweet at the house because she      just like his dad.”

                      Nahlah Ayed’s Kockout Book-launch
 Nahlah Ayed, author of “A Thousand           of the province and said Win-
 Farewells” and CBC reporter who covered      nipeg is home to her and it is
 most of the Middleast news from the field,   always a pleasure to be back.
 packed the house at McNally Robinson             Ayed read beautifully and
 recently at her book launching event.        answer questions from the
        Former Winnipegger and former         audience from a platform on
 Churchill High student, Ayed’s ties to       the floor leading up to the
 Winnipeg remains strong with her parents     Children’s Section.
 and only brother for whom Winnipeg is          The books at the store were
 still home.                                  sold out and many left bearing
     Ayed spoke like a true Winnippegger      IOU’s with Ayed’s signature.
 who appreciate the beauty and diversity        Terry MacLeod was the MC
                                              for the book launch.
 Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012
21                                         21
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Globaleyessummer edition
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Globaleyessummer edition

  • 1. global eyes 1st QUARTER July 2012 Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE /SUMMER 2012 June Pepper Harris Grand Dame of Winnipeg Jazz Scene at Highway 75 Club Diversity equals Inclusion
  • 2. June Pepper Harris – Life, Love and the Bluze June Pepper Harris and her musical made music in the moment, fresh, exciting and leave you wanting more. friends rocked Trevor Druxman’s The occasion was June’s CD release party of “Life, Love & The Bluze” famous Pembina Hotel (Pembie’s April 28, 2012 for which she flew in from Toronto to celebrate. Jazz & Blues Lounge aka Highway 75 “ I was thrilled to perform before full house, with the swinging Bill club) with some good old time jazz, McMahon, Walle Larsson country, blues and a medley of band, with none other than everything that made it a fine way to the great blues saxophonist Bill McMahon spend a Saturday afternoon in himself Deano Deane; the Winnipeg. It was beautiful and amazingly talented blues uplifting to hear the symphonic singer/guitarist, harmonica sounds of friends jamming that Deano Deane, Walle Larsson player Ms Tracy K and her swinging Tracy K guitarist. The joint rocked. That’s the way I like it, uh” said June obviously pleased with the attendance and audience participation. The audience was treated to free pizza by the owner. The entire afternoon was a blast – who would have thought Winnipeggers could have so much fun indoors in the middle of the day? You had to see it to believe it. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 2
  • 3. Reflection Beatrice Watson Many parents find it hard to compre- listen to them and have a dialogue instead of a monologue. WAYNE hend that the children they bring into A mother can but guide ... this world have thoughts of their own Our children are much wiser than we were as children. Today’s then step aside—I knew and if given the chance will find their generations are rights based and I could not say, “This is the way natural calling in life. We all were called they are well aware of their rights that you should go.” into existence for a reason and no one can tell us that reason. We find it and sometimes responsibilities. We cannot force our children to For I could not forsee ourselves. We cannot beat or insult a child into conform to our ideas on what what paths might beckon you submission to our will. All that you may they should do, what they should to unimagined heights succeed in doing is suppressing the will become and what careers they that I might never know. of the child and nothing can be should pursue - those are our suppressed forever. That will will find dreams not theirs. Many parents Yet, always in my heart expression one way or the other and with good intention want their I realized sometimes not in a good way. children to have a life of their That you would touch a star . . . Recently Creflo Dollar the mega dreams not the children’s dreams. I’m not surprised! preacher on TV was hauled into the jail This can create chaos in a child’s — Hazel Dyer after his daughter alleged that he abused life. (This poem was shared by Dr. her; a claim a second daughter Parents do not always have to Wayne Dyer with Oprah. His corroborated. have the right answer. It is okay to mother wrote this. Dr. Dyer is a Children are aware of their rights and say “I don’t know” and show world renowned inspirational many demand those rights. What do some vulnerability. Those three speaker and he achieved what he you do when you cannot physically beat words will drive home a big has even though he spent his first 10 a child? You have to reason with them, lesson to our children. years in an orphanage. The Philosophy of Ubuntu An anthropologist studying the the candies, sat down, and particularly about the fact that you habits and customs of an African tribe began to happily munch away. can't exist as a human being in found himself surrounded by children The anthropologist went over isolation. It speaks about our inter- Shannon Byfield, Dorrie Barrett, Lili Bitane most days. So he decided to play a to them and asked why they had connectedness. You can't be human little game with them. He managed to all run together, when any one all by yourself, and when you have get candies from the nearest town, of them could have had the this quality 'Ubuntu'—you are and put it all in a decorated basket at candies all to himself/herself. known for your generosity. the foot of a tree. The children responded: “We think of ourselves far too Then he called the children and "Ubuntu"! How could any one frequently as just individuals, suggested they play a game. When the of us be happy if all the others separated from one another, whereas anthropologist said "Now!", the were sad?" we are connected and what we children had to run to the tree, and the Ubuntu is a philosophy of think, feel and do, even at the first one to get there could have ALL African tribes that can be individual level, affects the entire the candies to himself/herself. summed up as "I am what I am universe. When we do well and So the children all lined up waiting because of who we all are." entertain only positive thoughts and for the signal. When the Bishop Desmond Tutu gave feelings, it radiates out; it is for the anthropologist said "now", all the this explanation in 2008: whole of humanity." (Thanks to children held each others' hand and "One of the sayings in our Rashmi Metha who sent this information ran together towards the tree. They all country is Ubuntu—the essence to Global Eyes Magazine) arrived at the same time, divided up of being human. Ubuntu speaks Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 3 3
  • 4. Zizi the continuing story p20 Subscribe Today Leg Up p19 Name:_________________________________________________________ Feature Story – June Pepper Harris p2 Address:________________________________________________ Feature – RCMP Diversity Officer p25 Postal Code_______________ Local Briefs p6 Phone:_______________________ Email address:_______________________ Battle of the Gospel Choir p19 Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think Editorial p7 we’re doing a good job. Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues. Underground Railway p8 I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the Caribbean/Black/larger community - Global Briefs p9 by email or by phone (YES/NO) Revisiting the work of Richard Wright p10 Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine 671 Rathgar Avenue, CMARD – Racism p12 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Neil’s Poetry p14 Global Eyes is an independent magazine devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and Immigrant Success Story – p16-17 Caribbean communities of Manitoba and to highlight the issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims and promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its Artist Studio Tour p22 mandate is to be a quarterly publication featuring articles, and the achievements of local, national and international Word Scramble p13 NEW personalities that are of interest to the African/Caribbean community, promoting healthy living by providing Guess Who p31 NEW healthtips and recipes as well as editorials with African/ Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial There’s a lot more to read!!! committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and distribution. IN THIS ISSUE Contributions of Slaves Recognized In the 18th century France played a significant role in Regulars: the Atlantic slave trade and the people of the city of Nantes benefitted greatly from the trade. It made many Briefs p6 of the people from this city rich as Nantes was a port Letter to my children p11 through which more than 450,000 African men, women and children were brought from Africa to work on Global Counselor p11 plantations in European counties. In March 2012 the Mayor the City of Nantes opened a Gaffin wid Buddy p26 memorial to the abolition of slavery and in recognition of the contribution of slaves to that city’s prosperity Healthwise 18 today. Officials say that this is unique in Europe Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 4
  • 5. GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE Editor: Beatrice Watson Condolences Distributed to local businesses, and in GEM’s Regular Winnipeg and via email to individuals in There have been Contributors Manitoba and former Manitobans in various many deaths in our parts of the world. community since the To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a last Global Eyes cheque for $15.00 to: Magazine in Global Eyes Magazine February. 671 Rathgar Avenue We take this Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 opportunity to send Phone: 204-477-1588 our condolences to Neil Pitamber, Caribbean Shield all the families A prolific writer, poet grieving at this time. and owner, Caribbean All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be Shield We hope you find reprinted without the express or written consent of the author or Editor. comfort in the fact that your loved ones Out and About were part of your lives once and that the memories you hold would provide some comfort to you Robin Dwarka, Legal on dark days. Aid Manitoba Have faith that one day you will rejoin those who have passed on. May their souls rest in peace. We must embrace Met this wonderful spirit Cha Cha at the Nigerian pain and burn it as Discipline Counsel Canada Congress’ (NICCOM) annual mini folklorama fuel for our The Law Society of 2012. He was friendly and willingly shared a couple of Manitoba his jokes. For ChaCha jokes come naturally to him. journey. He makes them up on the spot. (Cha Cha poses with Kenji Miyazawa Dr. Sunday Olujuku, President NICCOM) Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 5 5
  • 6. Local Briefs Winnipeggers on the film. A surprise ending Steve Kirton, President of Barbados celebrate Canada Aid which raises funds for Out of the blue the UN Winnipeg Multiculturalism Day Barbadian youths attending colleges Chapter learned that there will be at The Fork and universities said he was pleased to present the Award to Mr. Griffith as no more UN Chapters in Canada With the perfect weather on and chapters will be replaced by Saturday June 23rd, it celebrates Barbados. fundraising agents with the Winnipeggers came out in drove mandate to raise $100,000 or to celebrate Multiculturalism more. Day. It is an opportunity for all Winnipeg Chapter was quite Manitobans and Canadians to pleased with its last fundraising celebrate our rich cultural efforts Local to Global which diversity and appreciate the topped more than $6,000.00 however, far below the $100,000 contributions various required. multicultural groups and The Chapter members communities have made to expressed disappointment at a Canadian society and to debriefing meeting called by Manitoba. There were give- Chair Mary Scott to figure out aways, interactive and what to do with the group of educational cultural displays, live women committed to working for music and dance performances. the improvement of women’s Ernesto Griffith Wins lives around the world. Award “There has been a lot of DJ Swann is looking for volunteer time and energy Ernesto Griffith, Manitoba’s, invested in the development of an writer, singer, filmmaker and Supporters - Are you In? active, diverse and committed actor, received the Barbados I am DJ Swann, I. I am the leader of group of volunteers here. It seems Association Charity Ball Award THE STOP USING THE N WORD counterproductive to do away in recognition of his outstanding movement. As I am sure you are with Chapters in order to raise work on the Award winning film aware, using the N word is a problem funds,” said Mary Scott. Billy in which Griffith played the in our communities. Moreover, our The UN Chapter had planned leading role “Billy” to rave youth are allowing people of other to officially dissolved in reviews and which received the persuasions to use this epitaph in their September at the Annual General Manitoba Human Rights regard. I implore you to assist me in Meeting but was told to close the Commitment Award in 2010 my endeavor to eradicate this specific chapter immediately. The award was presented at the vernacular from our vocabulary. I “We are now actively pursuing 9th Annual Barbados Charity Ball have started a petition, Stop Using The what our local group can do to held in Toronto on June 9, 2012 - N Word , on , continue with the important work a fundraising event to fund created an album, Stop Using The N we are all committed to and scholarships for Barbadian youths Word !, which is available on iTunes maintaining an active relationship attending Canadian universities and and a cloud. In the with the global women’s and colleges as well as in support cloud below you will find some movement. of healthcare programs in solutions and information on how to If you would like to get involved Barbados and Canada. with the group when it is access a ground breaking, youth Griffith, a born Barbadian and reconfigured you can contact friendly video. the late Winston Moxam lead Mary Scott at Filmmaker in Billy collaborated swann/sets/stop-using-the-n-word Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 6
  • 7. Editorial - Take One People were drinking, If music be the as well. Manitoba is festival country and we bobbing their heads to the music food of love, like there was no tomorrow. No play on. are fortunate that we never have to travel very far to enjoy them. Musicians one appeared to be in a hurry to Music is soul leave as Harris was joined on food and when sometime have to travel a distance to access this Prairie Town but Manitobans stage by some of Winnipeg’s old you get into it you forget the world favourites to jam out a solo tune and its problems. are music lovers at heart and the musicians keep on coming back again or accompany her on an If you did not attend any of the instrument. offerings of the Winnipeg Jazz and again. Former Winnipegger, June Pepper Walle Larson and Deanne festival you have missed Deano were fantastic on the sax, something special. But if you Harris was one of the people who returned to Manitoba to launch her CD really getting into the music. missed the Folk Festival you miss Now that’s what I call good old something extra-special but you with the help of Cherlyn Thompson her friend and business partner. fashion music and I could have would not want to miss sat there all night getting into to Folklorama, the biggest festival of June hit the scene just before the Jazz festival as she had to return to Toronto it. There is no stopping June its kind in Canada where people Harris when she is into her celebrate their cultures and make to participate in the Toronto Jazz festival and she gave her audience and groove with the bluze. some money for their organizations fans a treat at the Highway 75 Club. Toast to Guyana at GCO’s 46th Independence Banquet - Dr. Brian Archer I am indeed honoured to be giving a can see a spirit, a Jumbee, a Backoo, a If it ain’t genuine it could be toast to Guyana on this her 46th Moongazer or an Ole Higue. All of them fake, canta, or macaro. Guyanese anniversary of Independence Our are bad, or as the Guyanese would say can school you on the subtle Guyanese culture and, Guyanese “dem a firetail tings”. differences. people. For we Guyanese say and do - The rest of the world sees a dragonfly. To our dear land of rivers and some things which are totally different We Guyanese see a Palmfly plains, land of the… from everyone else in the world. - A person who eats a lot may be known - Beautiful Victoria Regia Maybe it is the blending of so many as a glutton. Not in Guyana, yu have a …many waters…six races…the unique cultures; African, East Indian, laang belly or yu jus huungish. mighty Essequibo, Demerara, and Amerindian, Portuguese, Chinese, - A debonair man who is popular with the Berbice rivers…the powerful British, Dutch, and English. Or the ladies may be referred to as a “Ladies’ Cayman…the Giant fact that we are essentially an isolated man”. In Guyana he is a Sagabuoy. Camoody…the Frisky Hassa… predominantly English speaking “non- - In Guyana there’s a big difference Melodious Kiskadee…Great island” island surrounded by the between plain rice, white rice, bare rice, Wallaba…the towering Atlantic Ocean (North and North and shine rice. Greenheart…delicious East), Spanish Venezuela (North You too thin, Guyanese call you fine or Pepperpot…potent Piwari…the West), Portuguese Brazil (South West maaga. Lord be with you if deh double or gigantic Arapaima…the mighty and South), and Dutch Suriname (East triple it up as in “de gurl jus get fine fine Roraima…and the thundering and South East); or maybe a fine. You know things are really bad if deh Kaieteur. combination of all of the above. Some triple it up and add another multiplier like examples are: “de buoy jus fine fine fine so till” or “de - A frog in Canada would be a Crapo gurl jus fine fine fine till she pining way”. in Guyana. You have to be Guyanese to appreciate - The rest of the world sees a lizard the subtle difference between plain ole … we Guyanese see a Gangasaka. paggly, paggly paggly, and dosey or - While Canadians see a ghost, we packoo. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 7 7
  • 8. The Use of Freedom Quilts as Signals and Maps Along the Underground Railway The Use of Quilts as Signals and Maps Along the Underground Railway The Underground Pieces of fabric and thread to visit an exhibition of these beautiful Railway operated would be painstakingly threads of freedom that emerged from between 18:40 and transformed into rivers, lakes, one of the darkest periods of African 18:60 and was a trails, houses and other American History. support network guideposts and landmarks that By Joan Schroeder dedicated to safe produced colourful quilts used by passage and freedom the runaway slaves. Quilts also for slaves. The Fugitive Slave Act Wedding Bells served as guidelines for the slave passed in 1850, had made life Summer is the time for weddings and preparing to leave. A “plan” of increasingly miserable for escaped one of those weddings could not have action was often embedded in the slaves. The Act gave slave owners happened to a nicer young woman, quilt. There were signals to let a the right to hunt down and return Rashima Daniels Williams who was slave know when to start getting slaves even when they were on free wedded to Michael Williams witnessed ready for a journey in the form of soil. The Freedom Quilt was one by about 200 guests at the Fort Garry the “Wagon Wheel”. A “Shoofly” method used, with much success, to Hotel. pattern was code name for getting aid slaves in their escape to freedom. Like most brides she looked radiant, dressed, while “Tumbling Block” A look at many of the Freedom content and was surrounded by all the patterns meant it was time to start Quilts in museums today, while people that are important to her, mom the Journey. Other symbols also beautiful works of art, gives one a and dad, her beloved son Trayvon and helped the slaves survive on their sense of the horrors of slavery. But great friends and family friends who journey. The “Star” pattern these quilts also served a very crucial flew in from Florida, the Caribbean showed the passage north while a purpose. They held hidden maps that other parts of Canada. “Log Cabin” pattern meant were intricately treaded and patched The Wedding invitation specified a danger. into quilts. These maps serve as a black and white theme to match the The very popular story about guide to the fleeing slaves and their black and white décor in the reception Sweet Clara and the Freedom helpers. room. There were black and white Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson, is a During these times, whispers were peacock feathers which looked like true account of Clara, a house circulated about where a slave might palm trees that it a tropical feel. slave. After overhearing other travel to gain freedom. The Caribbean pan music played in the slaves talk about escaping if they underground Railway meant background during dinner and guests had a map, she used scraps to embarking upon arduous and were entertained by some high energy quilt a map of the land. Freedom dangerous expeditions from the dance moves by a professional dance quilts offered a sense of hope for South to Canada and the Northern group as well as some very talented many slaves. States. From shared stories passed young folks. These pieces of scraps when put around by slaves and from together, served as valuable information gathered on the signposts for the Underground plantation, slaves knew that their Railroad. The homes and hope lay north. This valuable businesses of abolitionist along information had to be documented in the Underground Railroad would a way that would not attract have been of little use to slaves, suspicion, and with tools that were had it not been for these accessible to slaves. Sewing was a freedom quilts to guide them. creative way to capture directions and Freedom quilts are an important codes for the benefit of runaway part of the African American slaves. experience and I encourage you Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 8
  • 9. Global Briefs LESRA MARTIN LITERACY Creflo ADVOCATE Lesra Martin, famous lawyer Martin is an avid advocate for Dollar who helped to free Hurricane literacy. Carter, wrongfully jailed for a Arrested crime he did not commit was in Winnipeg in April to give a hand Creflo Dollar, to Literacy Partners of Manitoba. founder and Martin has made a point of pastor of the giving back to the community Atlanta-based megachurch World because the community of a few Changers International, was arrested hippies from Toronto made him recently and charged with simple what he is today. They took him battery and child cruelty after he out from Brooklyn New York and allegedly attacked his 15-year-old set him on a path of higher daughter. She claims her father threw education which has allowed him her to the ground, punched her in the to become the successful lawyer face, and hit her with a shoe, according that he is today. to the police report. On the 911 tape, Carter gave a presentation at the she also said that “it was not the first Centennial Library about the time it’s happened.” Dollar’s 19-year- importance of literacy and encourage those adult learners old daughter backs up her younger who have mastered the art of sister’s claims. Mr. Dollar denied all reading and writing and encourage charges. others to do the same Rashima, Trayvon and Michael Williams pose for the camera Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 9 9
  • 10. African American Authors – Revisiting the Works of Richard Wright He was abandoned by think of his expressions. It is ostracized many times. He edited The his father, a former reported that he wrote the story Left Front, a communist publication, sharecropper, at an early while being bored in his class The New Masses, The Daily Worker, age. He was raised by at school. The story was and The New Challenge. His book his mother who was a published in three instalments “Native Son”, published in 1940 was school teacher. As a by a local black newspaper his first novel and earned the prestige young child, born on a called The Southern Register. of being the first Book of the Month plantation, he This would be the start of selection by a black American writer. developed the art of Richard Wright’s political and His autobiographical work, The Black writing, bred and nurtured by his personal writing career that saw many Boy, published 5 years later, vividly and cultural experiences and sensitivities. books, essays, short stories and explored his early life, family conflicts Richard Wright became a renowned articles published until, and and racial discrimination by his white black writer, and gained international even after, his death in 1960 at employers. Other novels include recognition as a significant literary and the age of 52. In 1938, Richard “White Man Listen, 1957, and Long political figure. But he had little honour Wright received national Dream in 1958. in his own country and critics felt that he acclamation after he released On the political front, Wright was a had become disconnected from his “Uncle Tom’s Children, a member of the Communist party but African Roots. collection of four short stories his support for their rigid philosophy Richard Wright was born September which dealt with fictional waned. He however, continued to 4th 1908 in Roxy Mississippi, the accounts of lynching and for adhere to leftist dogma after leaving grandson of a slave. He experienced the which he garnered the the communist party. When he moved untimely death of his uncle at the hands prestigious Guggenheim to Paris in 1947, he continued his of whites. When he wrote his first short Fellowship. political activism on a more story, entitled The Voodoo of Hell’s As editor and contributor of international level. His Novel “Black Half-Acre” At the tender age of 15 several publications, Richard power” was a fictional work dealing years, he did not get much support Wright was fearless in the with the growth of new African from his family or his classmates, expression of his conscience, nations. His novels dealt with issues of many of whom didn’t know what to expressions that would see him poverty, race and disenfranchised people on an international level. Before his death, Wright had Can’t find a salon to do become an internationally renowned justice to your hair? writer and left behind several unfinished works. One of these; A Look no more! Father’s Law, was published as recently as January 2008. Wright wrote Les Touche Salon about life as he saw it and felt it at a time when intolerance was at its will send you satisfied everytime height. Even though Wright became a French citizen, this in no way should have been held against him. Today his 4-555 Balmoral Ave contributions to black history are being Hours: Mon. - Sat. revisited and it is about time. He left a 9 a.m - 7:00 p.m. legacy that will forever shed light on Phone: 947-5830 the African American experience as captured by the imagination of a literary genius. By Joan Schroeder Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 10
  • 11. Regulars Letter to my children hair for a special occasion might be afro texture — I had no intention of fine but making it appearing in the film. I felt I was an a permanent objective observer and really just lifestyle is setting wanted to highlight a growing us up for serious movement. (Of the 50 or so women I health problems struck up conversations with randomly later on in life. on the street, the vast majority had My dear children, Black hair is beautiful and gone natural within the last three unique. In all of the kingdoms of years.” She said being part of the film I read an editorial in the New York the Creator there is no hair like the Times recently which left me smiling. It forced her to examine her own feel- Black hair except maybe for the ings about her hair than ever before. was by a prominent British Nigerian sheep - just a little . Instead of documentary maker Zina Saro-Wiwa, the She said that this returning to roots appreciating the gift we have, we hair is like an evolutionary process daughter of famous Nigerian author Ken try to be like every one else. If The Saro-Wiwa. Her documentary, among Black women, not an angry Creator wanted us to be like movement but more an awakening to Transitions shines a light on the quiet everyone else we would have had revolution of the come back of natural self and to their health. straight hair. “Demonstrating this level of self- hairstyles. “When I set out to make a docu- What a relief. Hopefully black women acceptance represents a powerful mentary about black women who evolution in black political would stop killing themselves with the are “transitioning” — cutting off various chemicals we use to keep our expression.” It is time. It is beautiful. their chemically straightened hair May you be one of those women. hair straight. Maybe straightening one’s and embracing their natural kinky Love, mom Global Counsellor Dear Globacounsellor, know anything about Rastafarian young for that. Older women maybe I am a 25 year old white Canadian but as far as I can tell there is no have to settle but you can find girl and my boyfriend is a 32 year old such rule about marriage. What someone who shares your beliefs and Rastafarian Jamaican born man. We’ve do you think I should do, I am values so cut your losses and be on been going out for about three years assuming you understand this your way. A man who gets angry and practically live together. The culture better than I do. Thank easily does not impress me either. problem is my boyfriend does not you for your help. believe in marriage. He says it is against his religion. I think this is a Seeker way for him to not commit to me fully. Dear Seeker, Some say the glass I believe in marriage and when I tell I don’t understand Rastafarian is half empty, some him I think we should split up and go religion but clearly there is a say the glass is half our separate ways he gets really mad problem here. This man is not and I think one of these days he will prepared to give you what you full, I say, are you hit me. I told him I have three crazy want. I think you have to find brothers who will kill anyone who someone who will. Don’t settle going to drink that? harmed me and I think that’s what for anything less than what you keeping his hands to his side. I don’t are looking for. You are too Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 11 11
  • 12. In Your Back Yard 15 Years and Going CMARD Coffee House on Racism Premier Greg Selinger and Strong Healthy Living, Seniors and Neither rain nor sleet could have Consumer Affairs Minister Jim stopped the supporters of the Rondeau presented 10 Horace Patterson Foundation’s outstanding Grade 12 students (HPF) annual fundraising walk-a- with the Premier’s Healthy thon from participating its 15th Living Award for Youth at a year’s walk a thon on Saturday ceremony at the Legislative June 4, 2012 at the St. Vital Park Building: which raised more than $2000.00 The working group of The Canadian that will go towards the scholarship Betelhem Chala, Elmwood High Municipalities Against Racial fund to help students with their School, Winnipeg; Discrimination (CMARD) composed of Michelle Coupland, Boissevain representatives from a cross section of G post-secondary studies. School, Boissevain; and NGOs including, the Manitoba Diehards were walking with their Israa Elgazzar, Kelvin High Human Rights Commission and Dept. of umbrellas and raincoats but they Canadian Heritage, that operates under School, Winnipeg; made it. the umbrella of the City of Winnipeg Marie-Rose Hanyurwim-fura, Even though you did not walk, Equity and Diversity Committee headed Nelson McIntrye Collegiate, you can still make a pledge to the by Councillor Mike Pagtakhan held its Winnipeg; Foundation that would go towards first Coffee House style conversation Brayden Harper, Kildonan East about racism at Sam’s Place in May 2012 the scholarships. Collegiate, Winnipeg; with invited guests from community Last year the Foundation offered James Harper, Dakota Collegiate, organizations and government 9 scholarships and each year the Winnipeg; departments. The speakers were: with amount increases because the Keith Johnson, Teulon Collegiate, special greetings from Mr. Jerry Wood, Foundation is able to generate more Teulon; Chair of the Manitoba Human Rights fund through its fundraising efforts. Emily Klekta, Swan Valley Commission Board. The goal of the “Our vision is to offer larger evening was to raise the racism topic with Regional Secondary School, scholarship amounts to more youth informed research followed by Swan River; discussions among participants. It was each year,” said the President, Mrs. Alana Robert, St. Mary’s a successful first attempt. Mr. Osei-Bonsu DaCosta. Academy, Winnipeg; and who staffs the CEC Committee Jeremy Ryant, West Kildonan promised there will be more such coffee Immigrant Stories Collegiate, Winnipeg. houses on racism in the future. IWAM - Immigrant Women’s Association of Manitoba Inc. and Sarsvati Productions have partnered “These young Manitobans are to produce Immigrant Stories making a difference in many ways, which will be staged September 20 from the promotion of physical and 22, 2012 at the Asper Centre activity, healthy eating and for Theatre, 4 00 Colony Street. prevention of chronic disease, to Jackie Halliburton and Denyse Lambert Funding for this project was helping prevent bullying, addictions (above) Counc. Mike Pagtakhan speaks provided by New Horizons and gang participation,” with Jerry Woods MHRC Chair. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 12
  • 13. Life Without Black People - The Annual List of Inventions MARRIAGE POTENTIAL Einstein said that we only use 10% of our intellectual capacity - Unknown likewise, we only use 10% of our potential in marriage. Darkness all around you, We can develop the 90% Light fading away, 1. Be prepared to adapt wisely to changes. I can’t see my own feet front of me, 2. Work on yourself not your spouse. Lights turning off once in time, 3. Common goals and values are needed. I’m alone in cold lonely place. 4. Commitment to growth is essential. 5. Develop communications skills. When I breath out, 6. Use conflicts creatively. I can see my own breath, 7. Show appreciation and affection for each other. In coldest of the night, 8. Agree on gender roles. Darkness doesn’t scare me, 9. Cooperate and work as a team. Only my fears does. 10. Strive for sexual fulfillment. 11. Manage money well. I can hear footsteps, 12. Be effective parents, 24 hours daily. Coming closer and closer, 13. Learn to make decisions wisely. I can hear my heart beat, 14. Learn to deal with anger and frustration. I know I’m not alone. 15. Be a part of a couples’ growth group. 16. Evaluate your marriage periodically. Something truly out there, 17. Communicate, communicate and communicate. My eyes can’t not see, 18. Save some of your kisses for the after the wedding reception. Is not unknown. By Samantha Duncan, Winnipeg, 19. Do not associate with too many divorced persons or you may Manitoba get into the “Divorce Cluster” Group. 20. Love, even when you do not understand each other. WORD SCRAMBLE Guess Who Contest Winner Synnu olycdu Congratulations to Lisa Hackett who was the first of many callers to lerac phone in with the correct name and yogfg information about our first winner wamr of the Guess Who contest! oolc It was a photograph of Audrey nywdi Gordon the former Executive Director of the Multiculturalism ncaruhrie Secretariat. Many of you would olyecn have dealt with Audrey during your erspurse funding application process and ahli also you might have caught her bringing greetings at cultural Thanks to Royle Derbitsky, niar functions on behalf of the Financial Planner at Investor’s All these words have Department of Multiculturalism. Group for donating the prize. something to do with the And here is what Lisa won! weather Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 13 13
  • 14. POEMS FROM THE HEART by Neil Pitambar EPIC STRANGE Her knees were swollen There is a fire underneath my PRIME (It’s not so much I meant to stare) eyelids Her eyes glowing softly Have to stay closed to keep my awe A head full of space debris Under birds’ nest of wet black hair From spreading over you A mouth of thin sour saliva Lightning in her wake I remember when we were small, And frothy-sweet foam... Swinging from cloud to cloud and An archer’s elbow or tendonitis In jungle dense thick of night How you dreamt it all The long and tall Round out the usual syndromes... She moves her mouth... I closed my eyes tight The shorter end of things fell Suffers me little to smile about upon you To draw a diaphragm ’Invite me s’in for a ‘pot of tea?’ When you withdrew (your My pen finger felt too supple Releasing my grip on the knob breath) Red ink dried to rhino purple I motion, ‘Yes,’ but reluctantly... It doesn’t feel the way I used to This body LYFE These bones If there really is some conduit The borrowed sense of freedom From futility to hope An atomic scope of cryptograms I’ve a Vonne feeling in my Gut With Where there are mirrors No trail(okya) to send me home... There will be smoke... Prime is who I am Have so many things I speak of And not the others... So many questions left starved You may If I pursue what will happen even fall in my memory When the problems’ solved?... Living on and on to never fail me Will we reap or rape like kings Falling and failing The impoverished mounds of Were so differently alike, tell me INFINITE Covet-cious mouth and mind? Will you have me live on too...? Will you agree Earth is sinking Joyce to the world! When we had juice in our veins Something comes from Nutting! Hopeless-sapiens incipient to And the audacity (!) to complain I swear listening to you is as excruciating Disintegration by own design? Were re-bells with whistles, too! As keeping wake while James peddles on Place your own fut- in -ure mouth Until the day He returned for you A finer point of madness with Finnegan Divide the idea as much you like And wouldn’t let me come along Featherless paratroping with im-prosition... (But I’ll be soon along...) Ran past two just yesterday but metaphor You can wash the truth with a lye Waste of time, Eliot? (Not a waste of land) An alternate spelling yet so alike... All tax collected put towards our future syn Twitchbells, bells, bells fallen on the porch Optimystic prefers the pace of sinking sand... MENTAL CRASH Good hell-th stricken hard by amor fati-gue (strum) I knew it wouldn’t last A slavepiece due its restricted use of colour ...Sitchin in front the looking glass (strum) Currie is spicy (Radioactive? Don’t believe!) I have found A-liss a-tlas(t)... ...She knew before they could I cannot sleep at the edge of the sea But there is a sign marked ‘No Wake’ She’s not same as she used to be tell Though ask anything of me Too much time has passed Every night contusions swell Do not ask me for anything Now she’s a girl I Nibiru... Every night confusion swells As having given you much thought The whole systems’ crashed She had a system crash... I have found the con- in -template... I knew it wouldn’t last... (strum) I’ve never made it ‘past’ Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 14
  • 15. Are We There Yet? off of the Euro 2012 soccer This summer as we go around the A lot has been accomplished within Province and our city Winnipeg, the last century with regard to making tournament in the Ukraine should serve as such a reminder taking in the sights and sounds and the world we live in more humane and enjoying the many attractions and more tolerant of the diversity of us that we are not there yet. Aluta ontinua…the battle continues. festivities that come with the humans. It has been no easy feat, and season, let us be grateful for what we owe a lot of the successes in this Keeping things in perspective however, we definitely still have has been accomplished here. Let us area to the sacrifices of past and present bask in the warmth of the season day advocates for social justice. reasons to celebrate how far we have come. Generally speaking, and of the many good people of our We all have the natural tendency to city. We must however never forget relax after every success, to rest on our the world has become more accepting of diversity. Most to continue to be advocates of truth, oars, so to speak. However, there are justice and equality for all, and always those incidents time and again people in civilized societies are more willing to embrace the never tire of picking that should at least serve the purpose of up our arms reminding us that the battle for social differences of others, and more willing to work together for the whenever the need justice for all can never end. We must arises. keep the flame burning, keep speaking common good. I find this to be out against injustice and advocating for the case for many Manitobans. I the equality of all human beings. The am told that this was not the case recent incidents of racism at the kick two or three decades ago in By: Lara Badmus Manitoba. Guyanese Cultural Organization celebrates Annual Tea Dressed for tea - Mrs. & Mr Samppson Guyanese Tea is an annual affair love and care that we all can use What more can make a birthday where people get dressed up as Mr. & a bit of every now and then. At more special to a mother? We hope Mrs. Sampson (r) up and join their this year Tea Mrs. Doris Kitt Mother Kitt lives to see quite a few fellow Guyanese and other friends to a celebrated her 80 something more birthdays in great spirit and cup of delicious tea and goodies birthday and she had the health. properly served by volunteer tea birthday song sung for her and a pourers. It gives that special touch of kiss from her eldest son Calvin. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 15 15
  • 16. Helzi Sy - An Immigrant Success story My first encounter with Hlezi was as an Employment Counsellor with Immigrant Women Employment Counselling Service. She came to do a presentation to the clients of Immigrant Women’s Association of Manitoba, Inc. Hlezi was impressive, highly qualified and articulate. The mention of her name in the African community elicits commendations such as “very brilliant,” “very qualified”, “very successful in her field.” These are not over-dramatic statements. Hlezi is all of that and more. She is quiet, unassuming and there’s a definite air of humility about her and her soft spokenness draws one in. My second encounter recently I learned she is the Manager, Sector Research and Analysis at Agriculture Canada where she was recently recognized for reaching her 15 year milestone with the federal public service. Hlezi was missing in action for a few years. I learned she had moved to Mexico but now she is back and I accidentally bumped into her and the rest is history. I suggested an article and she willingly agreed. I hope her story will inspire you to reach your life goals. BW: How long have you lived in BW: Do you have a family here? the counsellor I met with asked me to Canada? HS Husband and 2 kids plus lot apply for a position with them. I did, got HS: 23 years of relatives throughout North the job and stayed there for 2 years. BW: What is your country of Origin? America Because my degree is in Agricultural HS: Zimbabwe BW: How often do you go back Economics, I stayed plugged into that BW: Why Canada? home to visit family and friends and network through the Manitoba Institute HS: At the time, the International when it’s time to leave, how do you for Agrologists. At one of their meetings, Development Research Centre (IDRC), a feel? I met a manager from the Royal Bank and Canadian organization, was giving HS Every couple of years. It’s networked my way into a job with the scholarships for graduate studies and the U hard to leave loved ones but I also bank. Again, I worked for RBC for 2 of M had the program I wanted. I also look forward to coming back to my years. That whole time, I kept an happened to meet the gentleman who later home and family here in Winnipeg updated resume in the Public Service became my advisor when he came to especially when I travel alone. Commission database. One day I got a Zimbabwe so that made my choice a little BW: I know you currently work for call to interview for a market analyst easier. the federal government. For many position. It was only for six months but I BW: Sounds like you came with a immigrants landing that first job is very still left my permanent RBC job for the Bachelor’s degree, was it recognized? difficult, what nuggets of experience term because I knew that would be my HS: Yes I went into a Masters can you share for their benefit? foot in the door. Once I was in the program with a Zimbabwean degree HS: My first job was with federal government, I had access to a lot BW: What was the most challenging Immigrant Women’s Employment more job openings so I applied and adjustment you had to make in your new Counselling Services (IWECS). I eventually landed a permanent position. country? went there seeking help to look for a BW: So networking is important. HS: The cold! job. Towards the end of my meeting, Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 16
  • 17. Having a mentor was key to her success HS: For me, networking is the most important tool I use whether I’m looking for rather than operational which is from where you left off in terms of your a job or looking to move up. We need to where I’m at right now. career development – what is the secret? Is help each other as a community. Ask for BW: What kinds of supports it competence, luck, excellent qualifications help, and if you have a bad experience once would you need to get there? or being at the right place at the right time? with asking for help, try someone else. Do HS: A mentor is key, career HS: All of that. I am very grateful that not overlook Canadian friends and plan and varied work assignments. after a five year absence I made a smooth colleagues, they are very supportive. BW: How can immigrants help transition back to work. I get support from BW: What is the most satisfying job each other in the area of work? my husband and kids first and foremost, you’ve held so far? There are many people looking for but I also have colleagues and friends who HS: My favourite job by far was at work outside of their fields because have supported me by keeping me abreast IWECS. There is nothing more satisfying their qualifications are not of opportunities. When the opportunities than helping another immigrant find their recognized. Do you have any tips to presented themselves, I made sure that I way and become successful. I still run into share? was as prepared as I could be. former clients and some of them have HS: For the most part, as BW: What is the most rewarding about become very successful. immigrants, we have to get living in Winnipeg? BW: Do you see the glass ceiling and/or Canadian qualifications. Even HS: The strong bonds I have formed the colour bar to reaching your career goals? when you come highly qualified with friends and family. I always think of HS: Regardless of where you are, there from your own country, investing in it as having my Diaspora family here in will always be narrow minded and open six to nine months at a community Canada in addition to the family I left in minded people. I try to seek out open college might mean the difference Zimbabwe. minded people as coaches and mentors who between full employment (working BW: Do your children like living in will lead me to opportunities where my in your area of specialization) and Canada, do they ever talk about the competencies are valued. This is not to say under employment (doing work for extended family? that there have been no obstacles in my which you are over qualified). The HS: They do. They were born here so career path, just that I choose not to dwell on other suggestion I have is to be Canada is their home. We visit family or that. Instead I focus on the opportunities I willing to take an entry level they visit us so the children do talk about have had and on learning from successful position just to get your foot in the them, and to their relatives. immigrants. door. Once you are in, work hard BW: Does Canada/Winnipeg feel like BW: Recently you chaired a very to get to where you think you should home? Or do you still feel like an important conference in the federal public be. immigrant? service? How did you land that role and what BW: You were missing in action HS: Yes it feels like home. Winnipeg did you learn from it? for some time would you like to tell is the place I have lived the longest as an HS: I was co-emcee for the National us what took you away and what adult. Managers Community Professional brought you back? BW: Thank you so much for this Development Forum. This is an annual HZ: My husband was on a work inspiring conversation. All the best in event for federal public service managers assignment in Mexico and I was able future years to you and your family. across Canada. To be emcee, I had to to take a five year leave of absence. submit an expression of interest. After being We came back for two main reasons. short listed, I was interviewed by a four I needed to carry on with my career person board. I had to make an impromptu and I was not able to do that fully in presentation to the board. At the end of the Mexico even though I did have the interview I had to provide the names of three opportunity to work briefly. We also people who had seen me speak in front of came back, to Winnipeg specifically large groups of people. This last part was because we consider this to be our important because the forum I emceed was home in the Diaspora. We could attended by 1100 managers. have easily gone to other parts of BW: That is very impressive. Where do Canada. The opportunities were you see yourself in the next five years in your there but we are very attached to our community here. Yes, despite the Jocelyn Beaudette (Director, Program career? Planning and Administrative Policy HS: I would like to be in senior cold. (laugh) Integration) presents Hlezi Sy (Manager, management in the next five years, where I BW: Yes, Winnipeg grows on us. Sector Research & Analysis) with her 15 am focusing more on strategic type issues It seems that you have picked up year Service Award. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 17 17
  • 18. HEALTHWISE Fruit Salsa and sugar until onion is a deep 1 navel orange, unpeeled brown color, 15 to 20 minutes. and sliced 1/4 in. thick · 1 basket of strawberries* Reduce heat to medium; add 1 star fruit, sliced width- · 1 ripe avocado* wise (1/4in). garlic, chile pepper, ginger, and · 1/2 of a big melon* curry powder. Stir constantly to Method · 1 red bell pepper incorporate, about 5 minutes. In a large punch bowl, combine the · 1 little red onion Increase heat to medium-heat mandarin wedges and their juice, · 1 clove of garlic and stir 1 can vegetable broth mango, strawberries, pineapple and · the juice from one lime into the onion mixture. Scrape maraschino cherries. Add the · a little bit of salt up any vegetables or curry coconut extract, mixed essence, First, wash everything except the powder stuck to the bottom of bitters and rum. Refrigerate for at onion. Remove skins, seeds or any the pot with a wooden spoon. least an hour. other inedible bits. Cut everything Add lentils and remaining 1 can into small pieces, all about the size Pine Tarts of vegetable broth; cook until of your little fingernail. Mix all the pieces together in a bowl. Pour on 2 cans crushed pineapple the lime juice. Put the garlic in a Sugar - depends how sweet you want it garlic press and squeeze it into the 1 large egg bowl. If you like it hot, you can add Pastry 1/2 of a jalapeno pepper, chopped 1 lb (16 oz) flour very fine. Salt to taste, remembering 1/2 lb (8 oz) of Crisco shortening that most chips are salted. Method Drain most of the liquid from the Vegetarian Offering pineapple in the cans, then empty the cans lentils are tender, about 30 into a pot. Add sugar till the sweetness is Curried Lentils minutes. Stir cilantro into lentils desired to your taste. before serving. Boil the pineapple on a medium fire until Ingredients the juice is absorbed but the fruit is not dry. Stir often to avoid burning. Put aside 1/4 cup canola oil Caribbean Rum Punch to cool. 1 large onion, diced Recipe. Prepare the pastry: mix the flour and 2 carrots, peeled and diced Ingredient: shortening together until the mixture salt and ground black pepper to taste 1 14-ounce can mandarin becomes crumbly like bread crumbs. 1/2 teaspoon white sugar orange wedges with juice Then, as you mix with your hands, add 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 small mango, peeled and small amounts of ice cold water as needed, 1 fresh chile pepper, minced chopped or and knead until the flour mixture becomes 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger 1 cup frozen ripe mango soft and doughy. 3 tablespoons curry powder 1 cup fresh or frozen Break off 1½ inch balls and roll out into 2 (14 ounce) cans vegetable broth, strawberries, sliced thin rounds. Put an amount of the pineapple mixture divided 1 cup fresh or canned pineapple in the center of each round, and then close 1 cup lentils chunks the pastry over the filling to form a 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, or 1/4 cup maraschino cherries triangle-shaped tart. Use a fork to pinch more to taste 1/2 tsp. coconut extract the corners shut. 1/4 tsp. mixed essence Beat the egg in a bowl and brush it on top Directions 2 tsp. Angostura bitters of the pine tarts. Heat canola oil in a Dutch oven over 1 cup dark rum? Put the tarts in an oven preheated to medium-high heat; cook and stir 2 cups passion fruit 350°F, and bake for 20 - 25 minutes or onion, carrots, salt, black pepper, 4 cups ginger ale or ginger beer until done. 2 cups sparkling white Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 18
  • 19. Leg Up Nominate a Girl The United Nations has declared October 11, 2012 to be the First “International Day of the Girl” Laurel Wright, Monica to provide an opportunity to Rhiney and Violet Clacken Battle of the Gospel Choirs Pilgrim Baptist (PB) recognize young women around the world as important citizens Mr. George Church of Winnipeg, Jarvis, and powerful voices of change. sponsored its first annual Pastor, PBC The Manitoba Status of Women with mentor “Battle of the Choirs” in March 2012 as its will be holding a special event, P a s t o r Cornish contribution to Black hosted by the Minister of Family History. Five choirs Services and Labour, to registered but four got celebrate this important cold throats at the last occasion. We are seeking minute leaving one choir nominations for girls ages 12 to standing - Pilgrim 17 from across the province to Baptist Choir and the participate. Twenty girls will be natural winner of the selected to join us for a fun and competition. interactive day that will feature a Conducted by Mr. Bruce keynote speaker(s), local Tynes, the choir, entertainment, and the Pilgrim Baptist Choir entertained the audience opportunity for the girls to to a half hour of great interact with members of the singing and received on Legislative Assembly. There is the spot vital coaching no cost for the selected young from the three judges of women and their chaperones to the event: Cynthia Wahl, Stuart Sladden and Dr. attend. Nomination deadline is Charles Horton. August 15, 2012. Please visit The audience was also index.html to download introduced to Mr. nomination forms or call the George Jarvis, the new Manitoba Status of Women at pastor of PB Church who (204) 945-6281 for more handed out prizes to the winning choir as well as information. Call Today. Judges to Pastor Layne and Pastor Cornish with 2nd and 3 rd prizes a respecttively. Pastor Jarvis recognize Pastor I learned that when you are Cornish as his spiritual willing to make sacrifices father and mentor for for a great cause, you will more than 10 years. One never be alone, because and all are welcomed to you will have divine attend services at the companionship and the Church. support of good people. Cynthia Wall, Stuart Sladden and Dr. Charles Horton Corretta Scott King Officer Sheppard and Sandra Housen Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 19 19
  • 20. Zizi - The Continuing Story Zizi tried to get her head around all it come from him and it will” loved to bake and growing boys that she was hearing. She felt as if she Okay. Well why don’t we go love to have treats and she made was standing of shifting sands of beliefs over to Brenda to see the boys. I sure they had better treats than and that the people around her were like miss them. They keep me store bought treats. shadows going in and out of shades. grounded and I’ve been getting “The boys will be very happy Her head was spinning. Her only reality phone calls - they want me to tonight. They’re Canadians - love was Leyroy. She knew whatever he told come over or they want a sleep to eat out. We’re old time her was true and that he was truly over. Maybe we’ll go and bring Guyanese and prefer our own watching her back. them back with us.” cooking” What is the involvement with Mr. “That’s fine with me. Me and “Sometimes we need a break Daniels and Johnny? Was Mr. Daniels the boys could play some from the kitchen. I am looking playing her or was he a double agent. computer games” forward to seeing the boys” Zizi’s active imagination was working “What about me - when you Zizi told Leyroy the plans overtime dreaming up all kinds of guys get caught up with that changed and he was excited about scenarios. thing, I cease to exist.” it too. He loved pizza and who “Why didn’t Danny let on that he “Well, what’s wrong with doesn’t Zizi thought. knew Johnny?” you learning to play the games - “I’ll spilt the bill with you Zizi. “Beats me.” Leyroy said rubbing his get involved man” When you take me there they treat chin thoughtfully “I’m sure there’s a “We’ll see. I’m going to us like Royalty and I’d like to good reason. Danny is a straight up phone Brenda now and see if return the favour.” guy. I trust him with everything I got.” she’s going to be home before “When you put it that way, how “Me too and I hate myself for we start making grand plans.” can I refuse. Thank you Ley. I questioning what this could mean?” Zizi made the call and Brenda think it’d be good for us to spend “That’s natural” was excited that they would get some time with the boys - they are “So what do we do now?” together. Zizi decided that so much fun and I feel like my old “Let’s wait and see for a while... instead of going over, she’d self when I am with them.” something’s gonna give and people will invite them all at Boston Pizza, “Would it be okay to bring my start talking” the boy’s favourite and then son along as well?” “My gut feeling is to go straight to afterwards they can go to their “Of course I want to get to Danny and ask him what’s going on house for desserts. She knew know him a lot better.” that I need to be in the loop.” Brenda always have something “He thinks the world about you, “Don’t think that is a good idea. Let sweet at the house because she just like his dad.” Nahlah Ayed’s Kockout Book-launch Nahlah Ayed, author of “A Thousand of the province and said Win- Farewells” and CBC reporter who covered nipeg is home to her and it is most of the Middleast news from the field, always a pleasure to be back. packed the house at McNally Robinson Ayed read beautifully and recently at her book launching event. answer questions from the Former Winnipegger and former audience from a platform on Churchill High student, Ayed’s ties to the floor leading up to the Winnipeg remains strong with her parents Children’s Section. and only brother for whom Winnipeg is The books at the store were still home. sold out and many left bearing Ayed spoke like a true Winnippegger IOU’s with Ayed’s signature. who appreciate the beauty and diversity Terry MacLeod was the MC for the book launch. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 20
  • 21. Global Eyes Magazine Summer Edition 2012 21 21