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Shilpa Arora
PG 1st Year
Department of Public
Health Dentistry 1
• Introduction
• Terminologies
• Oral Habitats
• Acquisition Of Oral Flora
• Host Microbe Relationship
• Growth And Its Measurement
• Factors Determining Bacterial Distribution
• Normal Oral Microflora
• Microflora Of Dental Plaque 2
• Microbiology of dental caries
• Microbiology of endodontics
• Microbiology of periodontal disease
• Applied aspect
• References
• A “microbe” or “microscopic
organism” is a living thing
that is too small to be seen
with naked eye. We need to
use a microscope to see
• Human beings like other
animals, harbor a wide array
of microorganisms both on
and in their bodies. 4
• The human body is continuously inhabited by many
different micro-organisms mostly bacteria, some
fungi and other micro-organisms, which under normal
circumstances in a healthy individual, are harmless,
and may even be beneficial. These micro-organisms
are termed, the normal micro flora.
• Oral micro flora : - Micro-organisms inhabiting the
oral cavity.
• All the micro-organisms which establish a more or
less permanent residence at oral surfaces in man, in
one or more of oral habitats, are referred to as normal
micro flora of human mouth. 5
• The mouth presents a series of different microhabitats,
each of which may be colonised by different micro-
organisms i.e. there are several different oral habitats,
where micro-organisms can grow.
• Each habitat contains its characteristic population with
many different microbial species. Bacteria are the most
predominant type of microorganisms present in human oral
• More than 30 genera of bacteria have been detected in
human mouth. 25 of which are regular members of the oral
• These belong to both aerobic and anaerobic groups of
bacteria. Bacteria present in the oral cavity are both gram
positive and gram negative.
• On average 750 million microorganisms are present in each
ml of saliva.
• Natural microflora in the oral cavity become established
during childhood and then change throughout the life under
the influence of various environmental and behavioural
• It has been estimated that the human body is made up
of over 1014 cells of which only around 10% are
mammalian. The remainder are the micro-organisms
that comprise the resident micro flora of the host.
• Microorganisms in mouth were first described by
Anton von Leeuwenhoek in 1683.
Koch postulates
• Are four criteria designed to
establish a causal
relationship between a
causative microbe and a
Koch's postulates are:
• The microorganism must be
found in abundance in all
organisms suffering from the
disease, but should not be
found in healthy organisms. 9
• The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased
organism and grown in pure culture.
• The cultured microorganism should cause disease when
introduced into a healthy organism.
• The microorganism must be re-isolated from the
inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as
being identical to the original specific causative agent.
There is a revised versions of Koch’s postulates: Fredricks
and Relman have suggested the following set of Koch’s
postulates for the 21st century:
• A nucleic acid sequence belonging to a putative pathogen
should be present in most cases of an infectious disease.
Microbial nucleic acids should be found preferentially in
those organs or gross anatomic sites known to be diseased,
and not in those organs that lack pathology.
• Fewer, or no, copies of pathogen-associated nucleic acid
sequences should occur in hosts or tissues without disease.
• With resolution of disease, the copy number of pathogen-
associated nucleic acid sequences should decrease or
become undetectable. With clinical relapse, the opposite
should occur.
• The nature of the microorganism inferred from the
available sequence should be consistent with the known
biological characteristics of that group of organisms.
• Tissue-sequence should be sought at the cellular level:
efforts should be made to demonstrate specific in situ
hybridization of microbial sequence to areas of tissue
pathology and to visible microorganisms or to areas where
microorganisms are presumed to be located.
• These sequence-based forms of evidence for microbial
causation should be reproducible.
Habitat: The site where a microorganism grows.
Ecology: Study of relationship between organisms and
their environment.
Ecological niche: The functional position of an organism
in its environment, comprising the living space, periods of
time during which it is active there and resources it obtains
Aerobes: These organisms require oxygen for aerobic
cellular respiration to obtain energy.
Obligate aerobe: Is an organism that can survive and grow
only in an oxygenated environment.
Facultative anaerobes: Can use oxygen, but also have
anaerobic methods of energy production.
Capnophiles: Are which thrive in the presence of high
concentrations of carbon dioxide.
Oligotroph: An organism that can live in an environment
that offers very low levels of nutrients.
Microaerophiles: Organisms that may use oxygen, but
only at low concentrations
Indigenous Flora (Resident): It comprises those
indigenous species that are almost always present in high
numbers, greater than 1 per cent of the total viable count.
Supplemental Flora: The supplemental flora are those
bacterial species that are nearly always present, but in low
numbers, less than 1 per cent of total viable count
• Transient Flora: Comprise organisms "just passing
through" a host. At any given time a particular species
may or may not be represented in the flora.
• Pathogens: Microorganisms that have the potential to
cause disease.
• Opportunistic Pathogens: Micro-organisms that cause
disease only under exceptional circumstances .
True Pathogens: Micro-organisms that are consistently
associated with a particular disease.
Autochthonous: Species found characteristically in a
particular habitat.
Allochthonous: Organisms which originate from
elsewhere and are generally unable to colonize
successfully unless the ecosystem is severely disturbed.
Symbiosis: When both the host and the bacteria benefit
from their inter-relationship, it is termed symbiotic.
Antibiosis: It is the opposite of a symbiotic relationship.
Instead of helping each other, the bacteria and the host are
antagonistic to each other.
The major oral habitats are:-
- Oral mucosa (lips
Cheeks, palate)
- Dorsum of tongue
- Saliva and tonsillar areas
- Appliances
- Sub gingival areas
- Root surfaces
- Pits and fissures
- Smooth surfaces
Oral mucosal habitats :
• Oral mucosa harbors organisms that can overcome
abrasive forces of food, tongue and teeth for
retention. Due to the washing effects of saliva, these
organisms should be able to reproduce in great
numbers to ensure survival by reattachment.
- Staphylococcus albus and micro-cocci
- large no. of Streptococci
(S. salivarius, S. mitis) 23
• Cheeks
- Predominant bacterium is Streptococcus mitor
with sanguis and salivarius .
- Yeasts may be isolated from carriers.
• Palate
-Streptococcal flora
resembling cheek
-Others like lactobacilli are
-Yeasts and lactobacilli in
denture wearers because of
protected environment.
• Tongue:
-Dorsal surface of the tongue is
ideal for retention of
microorganisms due to the presence
of surface papilla
-Predominant organisms-
Streptococcus salivarius, mitior,
haemophilus, small no. of Candida
• A wide variety of microbes as
most of the microbes which get
detached from the tissue / tooth
surface will appear in saliva.
• All species of streptococcus
especially Streptococcus oralis
and Streptococcus salivarius
are found in the saliva.
• Appliances : Dentures worn
in mouth for a considerable
period will become colonized
with microorganisms and may
alter the oral flora.
• Candida albicans can be found
in large numbers in the fitting
surfaces of acrylic dentures
while yeasts and lactobacilli in
particular, multiply on any
mucosal surface protected from
flow of saliva. 28
• Clasps and other parts of appliance that cause
stagnation will promote the build up of dental plaque
and hence lead to accumulation of various bacteria
and their products.
• The tooth surface:
It is unique as it
is not protected by surface
shedding mechanisms, which
occur in other tissues. It is
stable and gets covered by
pellicle, which is ideal for
streptococcal attachment.
Tooth habitats favorable for
harboring pathogenic plaque
• Pits and Fissures:
• Provides excellent shelters for
organisms especially
Streptococcus sanguis and other
• Streptococcus mutans can also
be isolated at these sites even in
the absence of caries.
• Obligate anaerobes and gram –ve
species are infrequently isolated
or are absent.
• Smooth surface: The proximal area
immediately gingival to the contact area is
protected physically and is relatively free
from the effects of mastication, tongue
movements or salivary flushing. The
composition of the microflora varies and
is complex but is predominantly
Actinomyces and Streptococci.
• Tooth topography (such as a rough
surface due to defective/ poor
restoration), the size and shape of gingival
papilla (apically migrated papilla) and
oral hygiene can predispose the tooth to
caries or periodontal disease. 32
• Root surface:
• The proximal root surface near
the CEJ is usually unaffected by
flossing due to roughness. This
favors formation of mature,
isolated cariogenic plaque.
• Mainly, gram -ve obligate
anaerobes and Actinomyces are
present here.
• Sub-gingival areas: The initial
occupants of the sub- gingival
area are an extension of the
community from the adjacent
tooth surface.
• Metabolites released from the
plaque induce a strong
inflammatory response in the
sulcus leading to vascular
changes and release of Ig, PMNL
etc. This leads to a variation in
the local environment by removal
of some species and introduction
of newer ones. 34
• Thus, progressive changes from the cocci in the supra-
gingival plaque to filamentous bacteria and spirochetes in
the sub-gingival plaque is seen.
• Pathogenic Bacteroid melaninogenicus can exploit this
habitat and cause destruction of the gingival epithelium.
• Why the normal bacterial flora are located at
particular anatomical sites.
The normal flora exhibit a tissue preference or
predilection for colonization. This is referred to as
tissue tropism.
• One explanation for tissue tropism is that the host
provides an essential growth factor needed by the
bacterium. To explain why bacteria are not at an
alternative site, the host inherently provides an
inhospitable environment for the bacterium by the
production of such substances as stomach acids, bile
salts and lysozyme 36
Many of the normal flora are able to specifically
colonize a particular tissue or surface using their own
surface components like capsules, fimbriae, cell wall
components, as specific ligands for attachment to
specific receptors located at the colonization site.
Some of the indigenous
bacteria are able to
construct bacterial
biofilms on a tissue
surface, or they are able
to colonize a biofilm
built by another
bacterial species.
• Many biofilms are a
mixture of microbes,
although one member is
responsible for
maintaining the biofilm
and may predominate. 38
• The presence of nutrients, epithelial debris, and secretions
makes the mouth a favorable habitat for a great variety of
• The mouth presents a succession of different ecological
situations with age, and this corresponds with changes in the
composition of the normal flora.
• The process begins with the colonization of habitat by
pioneer microbial populations.
• In oral cavity of newborns, Streptococci are the pioneer
• They fill the niche of the new environment and modify
the habitat and new population develops.
• When no additional niche is available for new
population, a stable assemblage of bacterial population is
achieved called as climax community.
At birth:
• The mouth of full term foetus is usually sterile, transient
flora from the birth canal may be acquired.
• Mouth then rapidly acquires organisms from mother and
from the environment.
• It consists of several Streptococcal and Staphylococcal
species with Lactobacilli, Neisseria and Yeasts.
• Streptococcus salivarius is the most common and forms
the pioneer community with Staphylococcus albus.
Infancy & Early Childhood
• The infant comes into contact with an ever-increasing
range of microorganisms and some become established as
part of commensal flora.
• The eruption of deciduous teeth provides a new
attachment surface and turns Streptococcus sanguis and
mutans as regular inhabitants of oral cavity.
• Anaerobes are few in number due to absence of deep
gingival crevice.
• Actinomyces , Lactobacilli are found regularly.
• The greatest number of organisms in mouth occur when
permanent teeth erupt.
• These teeth have deep fissures, larger inter proximal spaces
and deeper gingival crevice, allowing a great increase in
• Its chief characteristic is its complexity of oral flora.
• There is an increase in Bacteroides and Spirochetes with
maturity of dental plaque.
• As the teeth are lost the available sites for
microbial colonisation decreases and
several species diminish
disproportionately in numbers.
• Edentulous persons harbour few
Spirochetes or Bacteroides but carriage
of Yeast increases.
• S.sanguis & mutans disappear.
• Microbes utilize the environment provided by the host to
gain their primary requirements which are nutrients, or, in
the case of viruses, nuclear synthetic machinery. The
results of this interaction, in terms of damage to the host,
vary and form the basis for broad categorization of host-
microbe symbiotic associations:
• Commensalism - Microbe derives benefit, host derives
neither benefit nor harm
• Mutualism - Microbe and host derive benefit from
association, which may be essential
• Parasitism - One benefits at the expense of the other
Host-Microbe Relationships
• Organisms that inhabit the oral cavity-- The oral cavity is a
complex environment that contains both aerobic and
anaerobic conditions. It is hard to classify oral bacteria as
commensals because many species can aid in the formation
of plaque and dental carries, cause periodontal disease, or
become potential pathogens as they invade other body
tissue. Some also present mutualistic benefits such as
vitamin synthesis and the suppression of no indigenous
potential pathogens.
• Species of Streptococcus, Neisseria, Lactobacillus, and
Staphylococcus make up just a few of the many bacteria
present in the oral cavity. 47
• A healthy mouth is one of the best examples of a host
supporting enormous numbers of microorganisms with
no deleterious effect.
• Alterations in the balance between host and microbes can
result in pathogenesis: may be caused by alterations in
host defense or by changes in the micro flora (for
example, after antibiotic therapy).
• Growth of a biological system or of a living
organism, or part of one, may be defined as an
increase in mass or size (in any direction)
accompanied by the synthesis of macromolecules,
leading to the production of a newly organized
Measurement of Growth
• Growth may be estimated as an increase in the
number of bacteria, cell mass, or any cellular
• When measuring populations counting methods can
be divided into two broad groups: total counts,
including both living and dead bacteria, and viable
counts in which only cells able to grow in the
conditions provided are counted.
• Both types of procedures are used commonly to
enumerate and evaluate oral bacteria.
Factors determining bacterial distribution
 Physicochemical factors
- Temperature
- Oxygen tension
- Hydrogen ion concentration
 Host factors
 Nutrient sources 51
Environmental Factors Influencing Growth
• Microorganisms in their natural environments and in the
laboratory are subjected to a wide variety of environmental
influences, which combine to determine whether growth
can occur and the rate at which it can occur.
• Organisms which are best adapted to the environment will
grow best and will consequently be selected from a mixed
• For example, as organisms in subgingival plaque grow and
the periodontal pocket deepens, conditions become
increasingly anaerobic so the bacteria which come to
predominate in periodontal pockets do not require oxygen
for metabolism.
• Temperature: Temperature primarily affects the enzymes
of a microorganism: a rise in temperature increases enzyme
activity and allows a faster growth rate, until key enzymes
are denatured.
• The temperatures at which these events occur vary widely
amongst microbes, which all have characteristic
maximum, minimum and optimum temperatures for
• Organisms which inhabit the human body as commensals
and/or pathogens are mesophiles, and grow most rapidly
within the range 20 degree celsius to 45 degree celsius,
with growth optimum between 35 degree celsius and 40
degree celsius.
• pH: Most bacteria have an optimum pH for growth in the
range 6.5 - 7.5 with limits somewhere between 5 and 9.
• Acidophilic bacteria can grow at a low pH, and such
organisms are very important in oral microbiology as the
causative agents of caries: Lactobacilli and Mutans
Streptococci produce acid as end products of metabolism of
dietary sugars, and are able to survive and grow in the
acidic conditions created.
• The organisms found in periodontal disease are usually not
aciduric as they tend to rely for growth on protein/peptide
breakdown and this produces slightly alkaline end products.
• Oxygen: Bacteria vary widely in their requirements for
oxygen, ranging from obligate aerobes through facultative
anaerobes and micro-aerophiles to obligate anaerobes.
• Because oxygen and its derivatives are toxic and can
lethally damage certain cellular components, aerobic and
facultative organisms have evolved protective enzyme
systems which eliminate superoxide radicals. Hydrogen
peroxide can be removed by catalase and peroxidase
• In general, anaerobes lack protective mechanisms
• Aerobic bacteria use oxygen as the terminal electron
acceptor in respiration, and obligate aerobes have an
absolute requirement for oxygen to grow.
• Microaerophilic (eg. Campylobacter sp.) organisms require
a low concentration of oxygen for growth, and are sensitive
to atmospheric concentrations.
• Facultative anaerobes, such as Streptococci and Neisseria,
use oxygen but also grow in its absence although growth is
usually slower without oxygen.
• An obligate anaerobic organism is one whose energy
generating and synthetic pathways do not require
molecular oxygen, and which demonstrates a high degree
of adverse sensitivity to oxygen.
• Because of their extreme sensitivity, obligate anaerobes
must be cultivated in the absence of atmospheric oxygen
and a low redox potential must be maintained in the growth
• These cultivation techniques, and anaerobic sampling
methods, are essential when examining samples from, for
example, periodontal pockets or abscesses which contain
high numbers of obligate anaerobic bacteria 57
Metabolism of Oral Microorganisms
• Oral microorganisms derive nutrients from saliva and
gingival crevicular fluid.
• Carbohydrate metabolism is of attention because of its role
in caries production. End products of such fermentation in
the mouth are varied e.g., Streptococcus mutans produces
only lactic acid from sugars, some lactobacilli produce
lactic acid and ethanol, whereas yeasts convert glucose to
ethanol and CO2.
• The substrates used are also varied and many of the
anaerobes seen in the mouth are able to utilize amino acids
as substrates for fermentation; therefore, periodontal
organisms are predominantly proteolytic.
• Diet as a nutrient source
– Three factors influences the effectiveness of the diet as a
microbial nutrient sources.
– These are the 1) Chemical composition of the diet 2) The
physical consistency of its components 3) The frequency
of its ingestion.
– The macromolecular nutrients such as starches, proteins
and lipids are normally not available to the oral flora
because their transit time through the oral cavity is too
short for them to be degraded to useable nutrients.
- If physical consistency of the food that contain them
permits retention such as fibrous food between the teeth or
sticky foods in fissures pits and contact points then some
utilization of starches and proteins could occur.
- Carbohydrates such as sucrose and lactose are readily
metabolized by the oral flora.
- It is this bioavailability of these simple sugars that make
them cariogenic.
• In dental decay the consistency of the diet and the
frequency of ingestion may be more important than
diet composition.
• Both consistency and frequency influence the length
of time that food remains in contact with the plaque
and thus is available for bacterial use.
• When snacks are taken between meals they augment
the time of nutrient availability.
• The consistency of food also influences the plaque flora.
Liquid foods such as fruit juices and tonics are usually
swallowed quickly and for this reason they are not readily
available to oral flora.
• Thus for those subjects who eat between meals, sugar
could be detected in their saliva during most of the day.
Some microbial fermentation was ongoing in the plaque
the most of the day.
• The pH at plaque enamel interface probably was below pH
5.5. This is the critical pH for enamel demineralization.
• Saliva as a nutrient source
- Saliva is homeostatic fluid that buffers the plaque,
provide nutrients to flora. It contains about 1% solids,
which include glycoproteins, inorganic salts, amino acids,
• Gingival crevicular fluid
- Gingival crevice contain serum transudate that contains
tissue and serum proteins as well as free amino acid,
vitamins, glucose.
• Shed cells
- The epithelial surfaces of oral cavity shed their surface
- These cells can be lysed by the hypotonicity of saliva
and their contents are then available for microbial nutrients.
• Bacteria
- The bacteria themselves can provide nutrients for each
other. Lactic acid producing bacteria such as Streptococcus
and lactate utilizing species such as Veillonella alkalescens.
• Definition :
Collectively describes various microbial types
frequently found by culture or microscopy on skin, mucous
membrane or body cavities in normal healthy individuals.
• Criteria :
 Frequently encountered in typical human anatomic
 As often in absence of disease as in it’s presence .
 Primary habitat – Human species .
Types :
INDIGENOUS FLORA – Almost always present.
Eg: Streptococci, Actinomyces and Neisseria.
SUPPLEMENTAL FLORA – Nearly always present
( Most potential dental
pathogens )
Eg: Lactobacilli, S. mutans, P. gingivalis
TRANSIENT FLORA – Organisms “just passing through” a
Eg: Coliforms
• Significance :
 Provide protection and contribute to general immunity of
 Provide a barrier to colonization ( eg: bacterial
interference for E. coli )
 Aids in nutrition of host – Vit K , B12 etc. produced by
 May cause opportunistic infections ( candida )
Bacteria Virus Fungi ProtozoaMycoplasma Spirochaetes
Oral flora
• Bacteria:
• Gram +ve bacteria
• Cocci : Of all the
bacteria present in the
oral cavity Streptococci
constitute the single
largest group.
• Others include :-
-S. oralis
- S. sanguis
-S. mutans
-S. mitior
-S. salivarius
-S. milleri
(anaerobic) 71
• Bacilli: Lactobacilli are widely
present and frequently found in
the oral cavity. 27 recognized
species of lactobacilli are known
with important ones being
• L. acidophilus
• L. salivarius
• L. casei
• Others include:-
- L. Acidophillus
- L. casei
- L. Rhamnosus
- L. fermentum
- Actinomyces israelii
- A. naeslundii
- A. viscosus
- Eubacterium
- clostridium 72
• Gram -ve bacteria:
• Cocci: Veillonella are
the most numerous ,
accounting for 10% of
cultivable salivary and
tongue flora. Neisseria
are also seen.
• (Bacteroid species and
F. nucleatum are most
commonly occurring
bacilli in gingival
sulcus area)
- Veillonella
- Neisseria
-N. Mucosa
- N.sicca
- Haemophilus
- Actinobacillus
- Eikenella
- Capnocytophaga
- Campylobacter
- Bacteroides
- Prevotella
- Fusobacterium
- Leptotrichae
• Spirochetes such as :-
T.vincenti are common inhabitants
of gingival crevices and are often
associated with periodontitis
- Treponema
- T.macrodentium
- T. scoliodontum
- T. vincentii
- Borrelia buccale
- B. vincentii 74
Mycoplasma: These pleomorphic organisms are
regularly seen in plaque, calculus, periodontal pockets
• M. salivarium is the most predominant species
M. salivarium
• Fungi: Candida albicans is the most
common fungus isolated from the oral
cavity & is detected in high numbers
in gingival flora, periodontal abscess,
infected root canals etc.
Other fungi isolated are
• Pencillium
• Aspergillus
• Hemispora
- Candida albicans
- C . Glabrata
- C . tropicalis
• Protozoa: Are present in
periodontal diseases
- Entamoeba
- Trichomonas
• Virus:
• Mumps virus
• Measles
• Influenza virus
( can be observed during the active stage of the
• Supply of certain nutrients.
• Aid in food digestion and protection.
• Oral bacteria like intestinal flora produce certain vitamins
and cofactors which are needed by humans. These include
vitamin K, biotin and riboflavin.
• Production of digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase
and protease .
Benefits of oral flora
• In the presence of resident flora it is difficult for exogenous
organisms to establish themselves and produce disease.
Growth of organisms such as C. diptheriae, S. pyogens,
Staph. aureus has shown to be inhibited in vitro by S.
• Helps in maturation of host immune system.
Microflora of Dental Plaque
• According to WHO : Plaque is highly specific and
selective but structurally variable clinical entity
characterized by sequential colonization of microorganisms
on the surface of teeth, restoration and other parts of the oral
cavity. It is made up of mucins, desquamative epithelial
cells and microorganisms embedded in an extracellular
matrix. 82
i. Based On Location
a) Supragingival
b) Subgingival
Tooth associated
ii. Based on time
- Early plaque
- Mature or late plaque 83
Composition of dental plaque
Bacteria + Intercellular matrix = Dental plaque
• Bacteria -- 70 to 80 per cent of total material.
• Mycoplasma, fungi, protozoa and viruses
• Intercellular matrix:
• Organic components Inorganic components
• Carbohydrates:
• Glycoproteins
• Host cells- Epithelial cells, macrophages & leucocytes
Microbial specificity of periodontal disease
“Non Specific Plaque Hypothesis”
Walter Loesche, 1976
“Specific Plaque Hypothesis”
Walter Loesche , 1976
• This hypothesis proposes that collective groups of different
bacteria have the total complement of virulence factors
required for periodontal tissue destruction and that some
bacteria can substitute for others absent from the pathogenic
• This hypothesis implies that plaque will cause disease
irrespective of its composition, and it is supported by the
clinical findings of numerous bacterial species in diseased
periodontal pockets.
The Non-specific Plaque Hypothesis
• It states that only certain plaque is pathogenic, and its
pathogenicity depends on the presence of or increases
in specific microorganisms.
• Newman et al (1976) and Slots (1976) demonstrated
that the microbial composition of subgingival plaque
taken from diseased sites differed substantially from
the samples taken from healthy sites in subjects with
localized juvenile periodontitis (LJP).
The specific plaque hypothesis
• Tanner et al. (1979) and Slots (1977) demonstrated
that the microbes recovered from lesion sites from
subjects with adult periodontitis differed from the
microbes from healthy sites in the same subjects and
also from lesion sites in LJP subjects.
Ecological plaque hypothesis
• In the 1990s, marsh and coworker developed the
ecologic plaque hypothesis as an attempt to unify the
existing theories on the role of dental plaque in oral
• According to the ecologic plaque hypothesis, disease
is the result of an imbalance in the total microflora
due to ecological stress, resulting in an enrichment of
some oral pathogens or disease related micro-
• The health associated dental plaque microflora is
consider to be relatively stable over time or in a state of
dental equilibrium.
• The host control subgingival plaque to some extent by
tempered immune response and low levels of GCF flow.
• Host response may be brought about by the excessive
accumulation of dental plaque or by plaque independent
host factors (eg: the onset of an immune disorder,
changes in hormonal balance such as pregnancy or
environmental factors eg, smoking, diet) 92
• Change in the host status such as inflammation , tissue
degradation and/or high GCF flow, may lead to a shift in
the microbial population in plaque.
• The Ecological plaque hypothesis is entirely consistent
with observation that disease associated organisms are
minor components of the oral microflora in health, these
organisms are kept in check by interspecies competition
during microbial homeostasis
• Disease is caused by the overgrowth of specific elements of
dental plaque when the local microenvironment changes,
but it is not necessity the same species in each case.
• Eliminating the disease-inducing stimulus whether it is
microbial, host or environmental will help to restore
microbial homeostasis.
• Ecologic plaque hypothesis in relation to periodontal
disease : gingivitis & periodontitis
• Accumulation of plaque causes inflammation of
adjacent tissues (gingivitis) & other environmental
changes that forms the growth of gram-ve anaerobes &
proteolytic species including periodontal pathogens.
• The increased proportion of such species results in
destruction of periodontal tissues (i.e. periodontitis).
• Stage 1: Acquired pellicle formation:
Involves the adsorption of salivary proteins to apatite
surfaces via electrostatic ionic interactions
• Stage 2: Transport and Adherence of pioneering
Transition between pellicle to plaque is rapid. The first
constituents are cocci with small numbers of epithelial cells
and PMNL’s which initially adhere via
electrostatic interactions (reversible). A little later specific
interactions between adhesins on microbial surface and
receptors in the pellicle result in irreversible adhesions. 97
• S. mutans and S. Sanguis produce glycans in the
presence of sucrose which aids in adherence to pellicle
and also promotes adherence to other micro organisms
• Within 8-10 hours, about 10,000 cells/ mm2 are
deposited. An extra-cellular matrix develops consisting
of polysaccharides and salivary organisms multiply with
• Stage 3: Co-Aggregation (Within 1-3 days):
The metabolic products of
the pioneering organisms alter the immediate
environment such as creating conditions with a low
redox potential suitable for anaerobes.
Other organisms become incorporated into the
plaque with a resulting gradual increase in microbial
complexity, biomass and thickness.
• Stage 4: Multiplication:
The proliferation of the attached
micro-organisms and further aggregation produces a
confluent growth and a biofilm.
• Stage 5: Seeding:
Detachment of cells from this bio film
into the saliva results in colonization of fresh sites.
• Listgarten in 1976 has described highly specific
interspecies microbial interactions:
– “Corncob” formations
– “Test tube Brush”/Bristle Brush formations 101
Corn cob formation
• Corncob formations have been
observed between rod-shaped
bacterial cells (e.g. Bacterionema,
C.matruchotii or F.Nucleatum) that
form the inner core of the structure
and coccal cells (e.g. Streptococci
or P. gingivalis) that attach along
the surface of the rod-shaped cell.
• “Corn cob” formations were
occasionally seen as a feature of
plaque present on teeth associated
with gingivitis.
Test tube Brush”/Bristle Brush formations
• This consists of one or
several filaments aligned
perpendicular to the central
• “Bristle-brush” formations
are commonly seen in the
subgingival plaque of teeth
associated with periodontitis.
MATRIX 50% Matrix Little or no matrix
FLORA Mostly gm +ve flora, cocci &
short rods
Mostly gm-ve rods &
Aerobic unless thick Highly anaerobic
METABOLISM Predominantly carbohydrate Predominantly proteins
Little initially, increasing with
Facultative Anaerobic
Gram-Positive Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus sanguis
Actinomyces viscosus
Gram-negative Actinobacillus
Eikenella corrodens
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Prevotella intermedia
Bacteroides forsythus
Campylobacter rectus
Spirochetes Treponema denticola
(Other Treponema species)105
• Factors which determine the ultimate composition and
pathogenicity of plaque
• Bacterial factors
– Extra-cellular products: eg. glucans produced by S.
mutans are sticky and help in co- aggregation
– Bacterial interactions: are important for bacteria that
cannot attach directly to the tooth. Eg. Vellionella which
of incapable of direct attachment accumulates on
• Host factors:
• Oral cleansing mechanism such as salivary flow,
movements of tongue and cheek control the plaque
formation rate.
• Saliva influences
–The plaque pH by its buffering action and acid
–Inhibition of adherence by coating the surface
–Inhibition of adherence via promotion of bacterial
• Immune response: Main sources of immune
components in oral cavity are:
– IgA and antibodies in saliva which compete with
bacterial adherence and influences their metabolism,
growth and accumulation.
– Crevicular fluid which contains antibodies, leukocytes,
complement factors etc.
Microbiology of Dental Caries
• Over the years, there has been a debate whether one or
more specific bacteria are principally involved in the
initiation of caries or if this disease is caused by a non –
specific mixture of bacteria.
• Given the variations found in the microbial composition,
it seems unlikely that the initiation and progression of all
carious lesions are associated with identical or even
similar plaques.
• However, there is evidence that some bacteria – S.
mutans, Lactobacilli and Actinomyces are more
important than others.
• S. mutans: The feature that supports its role as cariogenic
organisms are its:
- Rapid generation time
- Acidogenic nature
- Production of extra cellular polysaccharides from
sucrose which aids on adherence and acts as a nutrient
- Isolated in high numbers in caries active mouth in
incipient lesions
- Capacity to attain critical pH for enamel
demineralization more rapidly than other plaque bacteria.
• Once caries initiates, the local environment alters and
other bacteria arrive and take up the process of
progression of the caries eg Lactobacilli.
• Lactobacilli for many years was believed to be the
causative agent of dental caries as
- High numbers were obtained in most enamel
- Production of caries in germ-free rats
- Able to synthesis extra cellular and intra cellular
polysaccharides form glucose.
- Produce lactic acid at pH < 5
• Although these properties seemed valuable to a cariogenic
organism, it was also seen that their affinity for the tooth
surface and their number prior to development of caries
was low.
• They were, in fact, absent from incipient lesions while
present is significant numbers in developed caries.
• Thus, they were categorized as secondary invaders which
caused progression of caries due to their acidogenic and
aciduric properties.
• Other Cariogenic micro organisms:
• Actinomyces species: A.viscosus & some other Gram +ve
bacilli are involved in the initiation of lesions on root
• Role played by a large number of other bacteria isolated
from caries such as Arachnia, Eubacterium, Rothia etc are
not yet clearly known.
• Veillonella: Is a species which is supposed to be
antagonistic to the caries process. Its protective role is
contributed to its ability to decrease the acidity within the
plaque. 117
Difference between Cariogenic & Non
Cariogenic plaque
Cariogenic plaque Non-Cariogenic plaque
Plaque served from carious area
is called cariogenic plaque.
If plaque obtained from sound
enamel surface of same teeth.
The rate of sucrose consumption
high in cariogenic plaque
Rate of sucrose consumption is
lesser in non cariogenic plaque.
Rate of Lactic acid formation is
Rate of lactic acid formation is
Bacteria in cariogenic plaque
synthesis more intracellular
glycogen, amylopectin by
Bacteria in non cariogenic
plaque synthesis less
intracellular glycogen as
compared to cariogenic plaque
Cariogenic plaque formed
approximately twice as much
extracellular polysaccharide
from sucrose.
Non Cariogenic plaque formed
less than cariogenic plaque.
Cariogenic plaque contains
higher level of S. mutans.
Non cariogenic plaque contains
higher proportion of S. sanguis
and Actinomyces.
• Pit and fissure caries: Smooth surface caries:
Streptococcus sanguis
Other Streptococci
Lactobacilli sp
Actinomyces sp
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus Salivarius
Root surface caries: Deep dentinal caries:
Actinomyces viscosus
Actinomyces naeslundii
Other filamentous rods
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus sanguis
Streptococcus salivarius
Lactobacillus sp
Actinomyces naeslundii
Actinomyces viscosus
Other filamentous rods
Streptococcus mutans
Microbiology of Endodontics
• A large number of bacteria and some fungi can cause
infection in the dental pulp as well as periapical tissues.
• Dental pulp is a unique formative organ with limited
capacity to withstand bacterial, mechanical and chemical
attack. When bacteria enter the pulp it is unusual for the
host defenses to completely eliminate them. Healing is
uncommon and necrosis results
• With pulpal degeneration, antigens collect within the root
canal system and move to the periapical tissues and
further inflammatory responses lead to formation of
abscess, granulomas or cysts.
• Sources of infection:
- Infected carious lesion / iatrogenic exposure
- via periodontal tissues through exposed dentinal tubules,
lateral accessory canals or apical foramen.
- By the lymphatic / hematogeneous route i.e anachoresis
(localization of transient bacteria in the blood into an inflamed
area, such as a traumatized / inflamed pulp.)
- Traumatic displacement / fracture can also become a route
for microbial ingress to the pulp.
• Once the disease sets in, these tissues can act as source for
spreading infection to various organs of body through blood
resulting in septicemia. 124
• Disease occurring secondary to endodontic treatment
- Infective endocarditis
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis
- Bacterial myocarditis
- Cerebral abscess
- Various lesions result as sequelae to pulp necrosis
such as granulomas, abscesses, actinomycosis, cellulites,
osteomylitis etc.
Microflora of traumatized
but intact teeth with necrotic
Mainly and predominantly
consists of B.melaninogenicus
in association with other
anaerobic bacteria.
Microflora of acute infections
of endodontic origin
Bacteroides in association
P. endodontalis, gingivalis and
Prevotella intermedius.
Microflora of endodontic
‘flare-up’ infections
Obligate Anaerobes Such As
Microflora on refractory
endodontic cases are
E. faecalis
Candida albicans
Actinomyces israelii
Microflora of infected and
untreated necrotic pulp
Root canal flora of teeth with
clinically intact crowns but
having necrotic pulps and
diseased periapices is dominated
(>90% ) by the obligate
Endodontic flora in previously root
filled teeth
Enterococcus, propionibacterium
Microbiology of Periodontal Diseases
Plaque induced Gingivitis- Harold Loe, 1965
Gram positive
S. intermedia
S. Sanguis
A. Naesleundii
P. gingivalis
Gram negative
F. Nucleatum
P. intermedia,
induced gingivitis
P. intermedia
Chronic Periodontitis
P. gingivalis
A. actinomycetocomitans
Treponema Eubacterium
F. Nucleatum
C. Rectus
P. Intermedia
E. corrodens
• Recent studies have documented an association between
chronic periodontitis and viral microorganisms of the
herpes virus group, most probably Epstein Barr Virus I
(EBV-I) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV).
• Further, the presence of subgingival EBV-I and HCMV are
associated with high levels of putative bacterial pathogens,
including P. Gingivalis. T. Forsythia, P. Intermedia and T.
• These data support the hypothesis that viral infection may
contribute to periodontal pathogenesis, but the potential
role of viral agents remain to be determined.
• Localized Aggressive Periodontitis –
Socransky, 1977
P. gingivalis
F. Nucleatum
Virus- EB virus
Human cytomegalo
virus (HCMV) 133
• Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
P. intermedia
Spirochetes (B.vincenti)
• Abscesses of Periodontium
P. intermedia
P. gingivalis
• Refractory periodontitis:
B. forsythus
F. nucleatum
P. gingivalis
E. corrodens
C. rectus
Applied aspect
The Window of Infectivity
• In 1993, Page Caufield and Colleagues presented a paper with
evidence to support a discrete “window of infectivity” for MS
• As the teeth erupt into the oral cavity, they provide a virgin
habitat which enables MS to colonize the oral cavity avoiding
competition with other indigenous bacteria.
• Thus, in window period in deciduous teeth, the MS is
established by 7-31 months of age.
• Krass et al (1967), Edrman et al (1975) reported that at two to
six years of age, the child is less susceptible to acquiring MS.
The window occurs
• 38 of 46 infants acquired MS at median of 26 months
• 25% by 19months
• 75% by 31months
The “Window” end
• Window appears to close after all primary teeth erupt
• Once a stable plaque or biofilm covers the tooth
surface, MS is less likely to be established
• Children ages 2-6 have been shown to be less
susceptible to MS infection
2nd Window of Infectivity
• A 2nd window is speculated at approximately 6 years
of age when 1st molars are erupting.
• It is present in permanent dentition between 6-12
years of age.
• Straetemans (1998) found that about 75% of children
uninfected at age 5 became infected by age 11
• The timing of immunization should precede the
“window of infectivity”.
• i.e. the period during which children usually become
infected with Mutans Streptococci which extends
from 19 to 31 months of age.( median age of 26
• Ananthanarayan R, Paniker CKJ, Textbook of
Microbiology, 7th ed. Orient Longman Publications
• Newman MG, Takei HH, Carranza FA, Clinical
Periodontology, 9th ed. W B Saunders Company
• Fejerskov O, Kidd E, Dental Caries The Disease and
its Clinical Management, 2ne ed. Blackwelll
Munksgaard. Singapore.2008.

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Oral microflora

  • 1. ORAL MICROFLORA Shilpa Arora PG 1st Year Department of Public Health Dentistry 1
  • 2. Contents • Introduction • Terminologies • Oral Habitats • Acquisition Of Oral Flora • Host Microbe Relationship • Growth And Its Measurement • Factors Determining Bacterial Distribution • Normal Oral Microflora • Microflora Of Dental Plaque 2
  • 3. • Microbiology of dental caries • Microbiology of endodontics • Microbiology of periodontal disease • Applied aspect • References 3
  • 4. Introduction • A “microbe” or “microscopic organism” is a living thing that is too small to be seen with naked eye. We need to use a microscope to see them. • Human beings like other animals, harbor a wide array of microorganisms both on and in their bodies. 4
  • 5. • The human body is continuously inhabited by many different micro-organisms mostly bacteria, some fungi and other micro-organisms, which under normal circumstances in a healthy individual, are harmless, and may even be beneficial. These micro-organisms are termed, the normal micro flora. • Oral micro flora : - Micro-organisms inhabiting the oral cavity. • All the micro-organisms which establish a more or less permanent residence at oral surfaces in man, in one or more of oral habitats, are referred to as normal micro flora of human mouth. 5
  • 6. • The mouth presents a series of different microhabitats, each of which may be colonised by different micro- organisms i.e. there are several different oral habitats, where micro-organisms can grow. • Each habitat contains its characteristic population with many different microbial species. Bacteria are the most predominant type of microorganisms present in human oral cavity. • More than 30 genera of bacteria have been detected in human mouth. 25 of which are regular members of the oral flora. 6
  • 7. • These belong to both aerobic and anaerobic groups of bacteria. Bacteria present in the oral cavity are both gram positive and gram negative. • On average 750 million microorganisms are present in each ml of saliva. • Natural microflora in the oral cavity become established during childhood and then change throughout the life under the influence of various environmental and behavioural factors. 7
  • 8. • It has been estimated that the human body is made up of over 1014 cells of which only around 10% are mammalian. The remainder are the micro-organisms that comprise the resident micro flora of the host. • Microorganisms in mouth were first described by Anton von Leeuwenhoek in 1683. 8
  • 9. Koch postulates • Are four criteria designed to establish a causal relationship between a causative microbe and a disease. Koch's postulates are: • The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms. 9
  • 10. • The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. • The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. • The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent. 10
  • 11. There is a revised versions of Koch’s postulates: Fredricks and Relman have suggested the following set of Koch’s postulates for the 21st century: • A nucleic acid sequence belonging to a putative pathogen should be present in most cases of an infectious disease. Microbial nucleic acids should be found preferentially in those organs or gross anatomic sites known to be diseased, and not in those organs that lack pathology. • Fewer, or no, copies of pathogen-associated nucleic acid sequences should occur in hosts or tissues without disease. 11
  • 12. • With resolution of disease, the copy number of pathogen- associated nucleic acid sequences should decrease or become undetectable. With clinical relapse, the opposite should occur. • The nature of the microorganism inferred from the available sequence should be consistent with the known biological characteristics of that group of organisms. 12
  • 13. • Tissue-sequence should be sought at the cellular level: efforts should be made to demonstrate specific in situ hybridization of microbial sequence to areas of tissue pathology and to visible microorganisms or to areas where microorganisms are presumed to be located. • These sequence-based forms of evidence for microbial causation should be reproducible. 13
  • 14. Terminologies Habitat: The site where a microorganism grows. Ecology: Study of relationship between organisms and their environment. Ecological niche: The functional position of an organism in its environment, comprising the living space, periods of time during which it is active there and resources it obtains there. 14
  • 15. Aerobes: These organisms require oxygen for aerobic cellular respiration to obtain energy. Obligate aerobe: Is an organism that can survive and grow only in an oxygenated environment. Facultative anaerobes: Can use oxygen, but also have anaerobic methods of energy production. 15
  • 16. Capnophiles: Are which thrive in the presence of high concentrations of carbon dioxide. Oligotroph: An organism that can live in an environment that offers very low levels of nutrients. Microaerophiles: Organisms that may use oxygen, but only at low concentrations 16
  • 17. Indigenous Flora (Resident): It comprises those indigenous species that are almost always present in high numbers, greater than 1 per cent of the total viable count. Supplemental Flora: The supplemental flora are those bacterial species that are nearly always present, but in low numbers, less than 1 per cent of total viable count 17
  • 18. • Transient Flora: Comprise organisms "just passing through" a host. At any given time a particular species may or may not be represented in the flora. • Pathogens: Microorganisms that have the potential to cause disease. • Opportunistic Pathogens: Micro-organisms that cause disease only under exceptional circumstances . 18
  • 19. True Pathogens: Micro-organisms that are consistently associated with a particular disease. Autochthonous: Species found characteristically in a particular habitat. Allochthonous: Organisms which originate from elsewhere and are generally unable to colonize successfully unless the ecosystem is severely disturbed. 19
  • 20. Symbiosis: When both the host and the bacteria benefit from their inter-relationship, it is termed symbiotic. Antibiosis: It is the opposite of a symbiotic relationship. Instead of helping each other, the bacteria and the host are antagonistic to each other. 20
  • 21. ORAL HABITATS The major oral habitats are:- NON TOOTH HABITATS - Oral mucosa (lips Cheeks, palate) - Dorsum of tongue - Saliva and tonsillar areas - Appliances 21
  • 22. • TOOTH HABITATS - Sub gingival areas - Root surfaces - Pits and fissures - Smooth surfaces 22
  • 23. Oral mucosal habitats : • Oral mucosa harbors organisms that can overcome abrasive forces of food, tongue and teeth for retention. Due to the washing effects of saliva, these organisms should be able to reproduce in great numbers to ensure survival by reattachment. Lips - Staphylococcus albus and micro-cocci predominate - large no. of Streptococci (S. salivarius, S. mitis) 23
  • 24. • Cheeks - Predominant bacterium is Streptococcus mitor with sanguis and salivarius . - Yeasts may be isolated from carriers. 24
  • 25. • Palate -Streptococcal flora resembling cheek -Others like lactobacilli are common -Yeasts and lactobacilli in denture wearers because of protected environment. 25
  • 26. • Tongue: -Dorsal surface of the tongue is ideal for retention of microorganisms due to the presence of surface papilla -Predominant organisms- Streptococcus salivarius, mitior, haemophilus, small no. of Candida albicans 26
  • 27. Saliva: • A wide variety of microbes as most of the microbes which get detached from the tissue / tooth surface will appear in saliva. • All species of streptococcus especially Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus salivarius are found in the saliva. 27
  • 28. • Appliances : Dentures worn in mouth for a considerable period will become colonized with microorganisms and may alter the oral flora. • Candida albicans can be found in large numbers in the fitting surfaces of acrylic dentures while yeasts and lactobacilli in particular, multiply on any mucosal surface protected from flow of saliva. 28
  • 29. • Clasps and other parts of appliance that cause stagnation will promote the build up of dental plaque and hence lead to accumulation of various bacteria and their products. 29
  • 30. • The tooth surface: It is unique as it is not protected by surface shedding mechanisms, which occur in other tissues. It is stable and gets covered by pellicle, which is ideal for streptococcal attachment. Tooth habitats favorable for harboring pathogenic plaque include: 30
  • 31. • Pits and Fissures: • Provides excellent shelters for organisms especially Streptococcus sanguis and other streptococci. • Streptococcus mutans can also be isolated at these sites even in the absence of caries. • Obligate anaerobes and gram –ve species are infrequently isolated or are absent. 31
  • 32. • Smooth surface: The proximal area immediately gingival to the contact area is protected physically and is relatively free from the effects of mastication, tongue movements or salivary flushing. The composition of the microflora varies and is complex but is predominantly Actinomyces and Streptococci. • Tooth topography (such as a rough surface due to defective/ poor restoration), the size and shape of gingival papilla (apically migrated papilla) and oral hygiene can predispose the tooth to caries or periodontal disease. 32
  • 33. • Root surface: • The proximal root surface near the CEJ is usually unaffected by flossing due to roughness. This favors formation of mature, isolated cariogenic plaque. • Mainly, gram -ve obligate anaerobes and Actinomyces are present here. 33
  • 34. • Sub-gingival areas: The initial occupants of the sub- gingival area are an extension of the community from the adjacent tooth surface. • Metabolites released from the plaque induce a strong inflammatory response in the sulcus leading to vascular changes and release of Ig, PMNL etc. This leads to a variation in the local environment by removal of some species and introduction of newer ones. 34
  • 35. • Thus, progressive changes from the cocci in the supra- gingival plaque to filamentous bacteria and spirochetes in the sub-gingival plaque is seen. • Pathogenic Bacteroid melaninogenicus can exploit this habitat and cause destruction of the gingival epithelium. 35
  • 36. • Why the normal bacterial flora are located at particular anatomical sites. The normal flora exhibit a tissue preference or predilection for colonization. This is referred to as tissue tropism. • One explanation for tissue tropism is that the host provides an essential growth factor needed by the bacterium. To explain why bacteria are not at an alternative site, the host inherently provides an inhospitable environment for the bacterium by the production of such substances as stomach acids, bile salts and lysozyme 36
  • 37. Many of the normal flora are able to specifically colonize a particular tissue or surface using their own surface components like capsules, fimbriae, cell wall components, as specific ligands for attachment to specific receptors located at the colonization site. 37
  • 38. Some of the indigenous bacteria are able to construct bacterial biofilms on a tissue surface, or they are able to colonize a biofilm built by another bacterial species. • Many biofilms are a mixture of microbes, although one member is responsible for maintaining the biofilm and may predominate. 38
  • 39. ACQUISITION OF ORAL FLORA • The presence of nutrients, epithelial debris, and secretions makes the mouth a favorable habitat for a great variety of bacteria. • The mouth presents a succession of different ecological situations with age, and this corresponds with changes in the composition of the normal flora. 39
  • 40. • The process begins with the colonization of habitat by pioneer microbial populations. • In oral cavity of newborns, Streptococci are the pioneer organisms. • They fill the niche of the new environment and modify the habitat and new population develops. • When no additional niche is available for new population, a stable assemblage of bacterial population is achieved called as climax community. 40
  • 41. At birth: • The mouth of full term foetus is usually sterile, transient flora from the birth canal may be acquired. • Mouth then rapidly acquires organisms from mother and from the environment. • It consists of several Streptococcal and Staphylococcal species with Lactobacilli, Neisseria and Yeasts. • Streptococcus salivarius is the most common and forms the pioneer community with Staphylococcus albus. 41
  • 42. Infancy & Early Childhood • The infant comes into contact with an ever-increasing range of microorganisms and some become established as part of commensal flora. • The eruption of deciduous teeth provides a new attachment surface and turns Streptococcus sanguis and mutans as regular inhabitants of oral cavity. • Anaerobes are few in number due to absence of deep gingival crevice. • Actinomyces , Lactobacilli are found regularly. 42
  • 43. Adolescence • The greatest number of organisms in mouth occur when permanent teeth erupt. • These teeth have deep fissures, larger inter proximal spaces and deeper gingival crevice, allowing a great increase in anaerobes. Adulthood • Its chief characteristic is its complexity of oral flora. • There is an increase in Bacteroides and Spirochetes with maturity of dental plaque. 43
  • 44. • As the teeth are lost the available sites for microbial colonisation decreases and several species diminish disproportionately in numbers. • Edentulous persons harbour few Spirochetes or Bacteroides but carriage of Yeast increases. • S.sanguis & mutans disappear. 44
  • 45. • Microbes utilize the environment provided by the host to gain their primary requirements which are nutrients, or, in the case of viruses, nuclear synthetic machinery. The results of this interaction, in terms of damage to the host, vary and form the basis for broad categorization of host- microbe symbiotic associations: • Commensalism - Microbe derives benefit, host derives neither benefit nor harm • Mutualism - Microbe and host derive benefit from association, which may be essential • Parasitism - One benefits at the expense of the other Host-Microbe Relationships 45
  • 46. 46
  • 47. • Organisms that inhabit the oral cavity-- The oral cavity is a complex environment that contains both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It is hard to classify oral bacteria as commensals because many species can aid in the formation of plaque and dental carries, cause periodontal disease, or become potential pathogens as they invade other body tissue. Some also present mutualistic benefits such as vitamin synthesis and the suppression of no indigenous potential pathogens. • Species of Streptococcus, Neisseria, Lactobacillus, and Staphylococcus make up just a few of the many bacteria present in the oral cavity. 47
  • 48. • A healthy mouth is one of the best examples of a host supporting enormous numbers of microorganisms with no deleterious effect. • Alterations in the balance between host and microbes can result in pathogenesis: may be caused by alterations in host defense or by changes in the micro flora (for example, after antibiotic therapy). 48
  • 49. • Growth of a biological system or of a living organism, or part of one, may be defined as an increase in mass or size (in any direction) accompanied by the synthesis of macromolecules, leading to the production of a newly organized structure. 49
  • 50. Measurement of Growth • Growth may be estimated as an increase in the number of bacteria, cell mass, or any cellular constituent. • When measuring populations counting methods can be divided into two broad groups: total counts, including both living and dead bacteria, and viable counts in which only cells able to grow in the conditions provided are counted. • Both types of procedures are used commonly to enumerate and evaluate oral bacteria. 50
  • 51. Factors determining bacterial distribution  Physicochemical factors - Temperature - Oxygen tension - Hydrogen ion concentration  Host factors  Nutrient sources 51
  • 52. Environmental Factors Influencing Growth • Microorganisms in their natural environments and in the laboratory are subjected to a wide variety of environmental influences, which combine to determine whether growth can occur and the rate at which it can occur. • Organisms which are best adapted to the environment will grow best and will consequently be selected from a mixed population. • For example, as organisms in subgingival plaque grow and the periodontal pocket deepens, conditions become increasingly anaerobic so the bacteria which come to predominate in periodontal pockets do not require oxygen for metabolism. 52
  • 53. • Temperature: Temperature primarily affects the enzymes of a microorganism: a rise in temperature increases enzyme activity and allows a faster growth rate, until key enzymes are denatured. • The temperatures at which these events occur vary widely amongst microbes, which all have characteristic maximum, minimum and optimum temperatures for growth. • Organisms which inhabit the human body as commensals and/or pathogens are mesophiles, and grow most rapidly within the range 20 degree celsius to 45 degree celsius, with growth optimum between 35 degree celsius and 40 degree celsius. 53
  • 54. • pH: Most bacteria have an optimum pH for growth in the range 6.5 - 7.5 with limits somewhere between 5 and 9. • Acidophilic bacteria can grow at a low pH, and such organisms are very important in oral microbiology as the causative agents of caries: Lactobacilli and Mutans Streptococci produce acid as end products of metabolism of dietary sugars, and are able to survive and grow in the acidic conditions created. • The organisms found in periodontal disease are usually not aciduric as they tend to rely for growth on protein/peptide breakdown and this produces slightly alkaline end products. 54
  • 55. • Oxygen: Bacteria vary widely in their requirements for oxygen, ranging from obligate aerobes through facultative anaerobes and micro-aerophiles to obligate anaerobes. • Because oxygen and its derivatives are toxic and can lethally damage certain cellular components, aerobic and facultative organisms have evolved protective enzyme systems which eliminate superoxide radicals. Hydrogen peroxide can be removed by catalase and peroxidase enzymes. • In general, anaerobes lack protective mechanisms 55
  • 56. • Aerobic bacteria use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in respiration, and obligate aerobes have an absolute requirement for oxygen to grow. • Microaerophilic (eg. Campylobacter sp.) organisms require a low concentration of oxygen for growth, and are sensitive to atmospheric concentrations. • Facultative anaerobes, such as Streptococci and Neisseria, use oxygen but also grow in its absence although growth is usually slower without oxygen. 56
  • 57. • An obligate anaerobic organism is one whose energy generating and synthetic pathways do not require molecular oxygen, and which demonstrates a high degree of adverse sensitivity to oxygen. • Because of their extreme sensitivity, obligate anaerobes must be cultivated in the absence of atmospheric oxygen and a low redox potential must be maintained in the growth medium. • These cultivation techniques, and anaerobic sampling methods, are essential when examining samples from, for example, periodontal pockets or abscesses which contain high numbers of obligate anaerobic bacteria 57
  • 58. Metabolism of Oral Microorganisms • Oral microorganisms derive nutrients from saliva and gingival crevicular fluid. • Carbohydrate metabolism is of attention because of its role in caries production. End products of such fermentation in the mouth are varied e.g., Streptococcus mutans produces only lactic acid from sugars, some lactobacilli produce lactic acid and ethanol, whereas yeasts convert glucose to ethanol and CO2. 58
  • 59. • The substrates used are also varied and many of the anaerobes seen in the mouth are able to utilize amino acids as substrates for fermentation; therefore, periodontal organisms are predominantly proteolytic. 59
  • 60. • Diet as a nutrient source – Three factors influences the effectiveness of the diet as a microbial nutrient sources. – These are the 1) Chemical composition of the diet 2) The physical consistency of its components 3) The frequency of its ingestion. – The macromolecular nutrients such as starches, proteins and lipids are normally not available to the oral flora because their transit time through the oral cavity is too short for them to be degraded to useable nutrients. 60
  • 61. - If physical consistency of the food that contain them permits retention such as fibrous food between the teeth or sticky foods in fissures pits and contact points then some utilization of starches and proteins could occur. - Carbohydrates such as sucrose and lactose are readily metabolized by the oral flora. - It is this bioavailability of these simple sugars that make them cariogenic. 61
  • 62. • In dental decay the consistency of the diet and the frequency of ingestion may be more important than diet composition. • Both consistency and frequency influence the length of time that food remains in contact with the plaque and thus is available for bacterial use. • When snacks are taken between meals they augment the time of nutrient availability. 62
  • 63. • The consistency of food also influences the plaque flora. Liquid foods such as fruit juices and tonics are usually swallowed quickly and for this reason they are not readily available to oral flora. • Thus for those subjects who eat between meals, sugar could be detected in their saliva during most of the day. Some microbial fermentation was ongoing in the plaque the most of the day. • The pH at plaque enamel interface probably was below pH 5.5. This is the critical pH for enamel demineralization. 63
  • 64. • Saliva as a nutrient source - Saliva is homeostatic fluid that buffers the plaque, provide nutrients to flora. It contains about 1% solids, which include glycoproteins, inorganic salts, amino acids, glucose. • Gingival crevicular fluid - Gingival crevice contain serum transudate that contains tissue and serum proteins as well as free amino acid, vitamins, glucose. 64
  • 65. • Shed cells - The epithelial surfaces of oral cavity shed their surface cells. - These cells can be lysed by the hypotonicity of saliva and their contents are then available for microbial nutrients. • Bacteria - The bacteria themselves can provide nutrients for each other. Lactic acid producing bacteria such as Streptococcus and lactate utilizing species such as Veillonella alkalescens. 65
  • 66. • Definition : Collectively describes various microbial types frequently found by culture or microscopy on skin, mucous membrane or body cavities in normal healthy individuals. • Criteria :  Frequently encountered in typical human anatomic regions.  As often in absence of disease as in it’s presence .  Primary habitat – Human species . NORMAL ORAL MICROBIAL FLORA 66
  • 67. Types : INDIGENOUS FLORA – Almost always present. Eg: Streptococci, Actinomyces and Neisseria. SUPPLEMENTAL FLORA – Nearly always present ( Most potential dental pathogens ) Eg: Lactobacilli, S. mutans, P. gingivalis TRANSIENT FLORA – Organisms “just passing through” a host. Eg: Coliforms 67
  • 68. • Significance :  Provide protection and contribute to general immunity of host  Provide a barrier to colonization ( eg: bacterial interference for E. coli )  Aids in nutrition of host – Vit K , B12 etc. produced by microorganisms.  May cause opportunistic infections ( candida ) 68
  • 69. Oral Microflora Bacteria Virus Fungi ProtozoaMycoplasma Spirochaetes 69
  • 71. Oral flora • Bacteria: • Gram +ve bacteria • Cocci : Of all the bacteria present in the oral cavity Streptococci constitute the single largest group. • Others include :- GRAM POSITIVE COCCI -S. oralis - S. sanguis -S. mutans -S. mitior -S. salivarius -S. milleri -S.faecalis -Peptostreptococcus -Peptococci (anaerobic) 71
  • 72. • Bacilli: Lactobacilli are widely present and frequently found in the oral cavity. 27 recognized species of lactobacilli are known with important ones being • L. acidophilus • L. salivarius • L. casei • Others include:- GRAM POSITIVE BACILLI - L. Acidophillus - L. casei - L. Rhamnosus - L. fermentum - Actinomyces israelii - A. naeslundii - A. viscosus - Eubacterium saburreum - clostridium 72
  • 73. • Gram -ve bacteria: • Cocci: Veillonella are the most numerous , accounting for 10% of cultivable salivary and tongue flora. Neisseria are also seen. • (Bacteroid species and F. nucleatum are most commonly occurring bacilli in gingival sulcus area) GRAM NEGATIVE COCCI - Veillonella alcalescens - Neisseria subflava -N. Mucosa - N.sicca GRAM NEGATIVE BACILLI - Haemophilus - Actinobacillus - Eikenella - Capnocytophaga - Campylobacter - Bacteroides -Porphyromonas - Prevotella - Fusobacterium - Leptotrichae 73
  • 74. Treponemes: • Spirochetes such as :- T.vincenti are common inhabitants of gingival crevices and are often associated with periodontitis SPIROCHAETES : - Treponema denticola - T.macrodentium - T. scoliodontum - T. vincentii - Borrelia buccale - B. vincentii 74
  • 75. Mycoplasma: These pleomorphic organisms are regularly seen in plaque, calculus, periodontal pockets etc. • M. salivarium is the most predominant species 75 MYCOPLASMA – M. orale M. salivarium M.pneumonione
  • 76. • Fungi: Candida albicans is the most common fungus isolated from the oral cavity & is detected in high numbers in gingival flora, periodontal abscess, infected root canals etc. Other fungi isolated are • Pencillium • Aspergillus • Hemispora • FUNGI – - Candida albicans - C . Glabrata - C . tropicalis 76
  • 77. • Protozoa: Are present in periodontal diseases 77 PROTOZOA – - Entamoeba gingivalis - Trichomonas tenax
  • 78. • Virus: • EBV • Mumps virus • Measles • Influenza virus ( can be observed during the active stage of the disease) 78
  • 79. • Supply of certain nutrients. • Aid in food digestion and protection. • Oral bacteria like intestinal flora produce certain vitamins and cofactors which are needed by humans. These include vitamin K, biotin and riboflavin. • Production of digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase and protease . Benefits of oral flora 79
  • 80. • In the presence of resident flora it is difficult for exogenous organisms to establish themselves and produce disease. Growth of organisms such as C. diptheriae, S. pyogens, Staph. aureus has shown to be inhibited in vitro by S. mitior. • Helps in maturation of host immune system. 80
  • 81. Microflora of Dental Plaque 81
  • 82. • According to WHO : Plaque is highly specific and selective but structurally variable clinical entity characterized by sequential colonization of microorganisms on the surface of teeth, restoration and other parts of the oral cavity. It is made up of mucins, desquamative epithelial cells and microorganisms embedded in an extracellular matrix. 82
  • 83. CLASSIFICATION i. Based On Location a) Supragingival Coronal Marginal b) Subgingival Tooth associated Epithelial associated. ii. Based on time - Early plaque - Mature or late plaque 83
  • 84. 84
  • 85. Composition of dental plaque Bacteria + Intercellular matrix = Dental plaque • Bacteria -- 70 to 80 per cent of total material. • Mycoplasma, fungi, protozoa and viruses • Intercellular matrix: • Organic components Inorganic components 85 • Carbohydrates: Levan Glucan Galactose • Glycoproteins Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Potassium Sodium
  • 86. • Host cells- Epithelial cells, macrophages & leucocytes 86
  • 87. Microbial specificity of periodontal disease “Non Specific Plaque Hypothesis” Walter Loesche, 1976 “Specific Plaque Hypothesis” Walter Loesche , 1976 87
  • 88. • This hypothesis proposes that collective groups of different bacteria have the total complement of virulence factors required for periodontal tissue destruction and that some bacteria can substitute for others absent from the pathogenic consortium. • This hypothesis implies that plaque will cause disease irrespective of its composition, and it is supported by the clinical findings of numerous bacterial species in diseased periodontal pockets. 88 The Non-specific Plaque Hypothesis
  • 89. • It states that only certain plaque is pathogenic, and its pathogenicity depends on the presence of or increases in specific microorganisms. • Newman et al (1976) and Slots (1976) demonstrated that the microbial composition of subgingival plaque taken from diseased sites differed substantially from the samples taken from healthy sites in subjects with localized juvenile periodontitis (LJP). 89 The specific plaque hypothesis
  • 90. • Tanner et al. (1979) and Slots (1977) demonstrated that the microbes recovered from lesion sites from subjects with adult periodontitis differed from the microbes from healthy sites in the same subjects and also from lesion sites in LJP subjects. 90
  • 91. Ecological plaque hypothesis • In the 1990s, marsh and coworker developed the ecologic plaque hypothesis as an attempt to unify the existing theories on the role of dental plaque in oral disease. • According to the ecologic plaque hypothesis, disease is the result of an imbalance in the total microflora due to ecological stress, resulting in an enrichment of some oral pathogens or disease related micro- organisms. 91
  • 92. • The health associated dental plaque microflora is consider to be relatively stable over time or in a state of dental equilibrium. • The host control subgingival plaque to some extent by tempered immune response and low levels of GCF flow. • Host response may be brought about by the excessive accumulation of dental plaque or by plaque independent host factors (eg: the onset of an immune disorder, changes in hormonal balance such as pregnancy or environmental factors eg, smoking, diet) 92
  • 93. • Change in the host status such as inflammation , tissue degradation and/or high GCF flow, may lead to a shift in the microbial population in plaque. • The Ecological plaque hypothesis is entirely consistent with observation that disease associated organisms are minor components of the oral microflora in health, these organisms are kept in check by interspecies competition during microbial homeostasis 93
  • 94. • Disease is caused by the overgrowth of specific elements of dental plaque when the local microenvironment changes, but it is not necessity the same species in each case. • Eliminating the disease-inducing stimulus whether it is microbial, host or environmental will help to restore microbial homeostasis. 94
  • 95. • Ecologic plaque hypothesis in relation to periodontal disease : gingivitis & periodontitis • Accumulation of plaque causes inflammation of adjacent tissues (gingivitis) & other environmental changes that forms the growth of gram-ve anaerobes & proteolytic species including periodontal pathogens. • The increased proportion of such species results in destruction of periodontal tissues (i.e. periodontitis). 95
  • 96. 96
  • 97. • Stage 1: Acquired pellicle formation: Involves the adsorption of salivary proteins to apatite surfaces via electrostatic ionic interactions • Stage 2: Transport and Adherence of pioneering organisms: Transition between pellicle to plaque is rapid. The first constituents are cocci with small numbers of epithelial cells and PMNL’s which initially adhere via electrostatic interactions (reversible). A little later specific interactions between adhesins on microbial surface and receptors in the pellicle result in irreversible adhesions. 97
  • 98. • S. mutans and S. Sanguis produce glycans in the presence of sucrose which aids in adherence to pellicle and also promotes adherence to other micro organisms • Within 8-10 hours, about 10,000 cells/ mm2 are deposited. An extra-cellular matrix develops consisting of polysaccharides and salivary organisms multiply with time. 98
  • 99. • Stage 3: Co-Aggregation (Within 1-3 days): The metabolic products of the pioneering organisms alter the immediate environment such as creating conditions with a low redox potential suitable for anaerobes. Other organisms become incorporated into the plaque with a resulting gradual increase in microbial complexity, biomass and thickness. 99
  • 100. • Stage 4: Multiplication: The proliferation of the attached micro-organisms and further aggregation produces a confluent growth and a biofilm. • Stage 5: Seeding: Detachment of cells from this bio film into the saliva results in colonization of fresh sites. 100
  • 101. • Listgarten in 1976 has described highly specific interspecies microbial interactions: – “Corncob” formations – “Test tube Brush”/Bristle Brush formations 101
  • 102. 102 Corn cob formation • Corncob formations have been observed between rod-shaped bacterial cells (e.g. Bacterionema, C.matruchotii or F.Nucleatum) that form the inner core of the structure and coccal cells (e.g. Streptococci or P. gingivalis) that attach along the surface of the rod-shaped cell. • “Corn cob” formations were occasionally seen as a feature of plaque present on teeth associated with gingivitis.
  • 103. 103 Test tube Brush”/Bristle Brush formations • This consists of one or several filaments aligned perpendicular to the central filament. • “Bristle-brush” formations are commonly seen in the subgingival plaque of teeth associated with periodontitis.
  • 104. SUPRAGINGIVAL PLAQUE SUBGINGIVAL PLAQUE MATRIX 50% Matrix Little or no matrix FLORA Mostly gm +ve flora, cocci & short rods Mostly gm-ve rods & spirochetes MOTILE BACTERIA Few Common ANAEROBIC/ AEROBIC Aerobic unless thick Highly anaerobic METABOLISM Predominantly carbohydrate Predominantly proteins SPECIES DIVERSITY Little initially, increasing with time Great 104
  • 105. SELECTED BACTERIAL SPECIES FOUND IN DENTAL PLAQUE Facultative Anaerobic Gram-Positive Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus sanguis Actinomyces viscosus Gram-negative Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitan s Capnocytophypa species Eikenella corrodens Porphyromonas gingivalis Fusobacterium nucleatum Prevotella intermedia Bacteroides forsythus Campylobacter rectus Spirochetes Treponema denticola (Other Treponema species)105
  • 106. 106
  • 107. 107
  • 108. • Factors which determine the ultimate composition and pathogenicity of plaque • Bacterial factors – Extra-cellular products: eg. glucans produced by S. mutans are sticky and help in co- aggregation – Bacterial interactions: are important for bacteria that cannot attach directly to the tooth. Eg. Vellionella which of incapable of direct attachment accumulates on A.viscosus. 108
  • 109. • Host factors: • Oral cleansing mechanism such as salivary flow, movements of tongue and cheek control the plaque formation rate. • Saliva influences –The plaque pH by its buffering action and acid neutralization. –Inhibition of adherence by coating the surface receptors –Inhibition of adherence via promotion of bacterial agglutination 109
  • 110. • Immune response: Main sources of immune components in oral cavity are: – IgA and antibodies in saliva which compete with bacterial adherence and influences their metabolism, growth and accumulation. – Crevicular fluid which contains antibodies, leukocytes, complement factors etc. 110
  • 111. Microbiology of Dental Caries 111
  • 112. • Over the years, there has been a debate whether one or more specific bacteria are principally involved in the initiation of caries or if this disease is caused by a non – specific mixture of bacteria. • Given the variations found in the microbial composition, it seems unlikely that the initiation and progression of all carious lesions are associated with identical or even similar plaques. • However, there is evidence that some bacteria – S. mutans, Lactobacilli and Actinomyces are more important than others. 112
  • 113. • S. mutans: The feature that supports its role as cariogenic organisms are its: - Rapid generation time - Acidogenic nature - Production of extra cellular polysaccharides from sucrose which aids on adherence and acts as a nutrient - Isolated in high numbers in caries active mouth in incipient lesions - Capacity to attain critical pH for enamel demineralization more rapidly than other plaque bacteria. 113
  • 114. • Once caries initiates, the local environment alters and other bacteria arrive and take up the process of progression of the caries eg Lactobacilli. 114
  • 115. • Lactobacilli for many years was believed to be the causative agent of dental caries as - High numbers were obtained in most enamel caries - Production of caries in germ-free rats - Able to synthesis extra cellular and intra cellular polysaccharides form glucose. - Produce lactic acid at pH < 5 115
  • 116. • Although these properties seemed valuable to a cariogenic organism, it was also seen that their affinity for the tooth surface and their number prior to development of caries was low. • They were, in fact, absent from incipient lesions while present is significant numbers in developed caries. • Thus, they were categorized as secondary invaders which caused progression of caries due to their acidogenic and aciduric properties. 116
  • 117. • Other Cariogenic micro organisms: • Actinomyces species: A.viscosus & some other Gram +ve bacilli are involved in the initiation of lesions on root surface. • Role played by a large number of other bacteria isolated from caries such as Arachnia, Eubacterium, Rothia etc are not yet clearly known. • Veillonella: Is a species which is supposed to be antagonistic to the caries process. Its protective role is contributed to its ability to decrease the acidity within the plaque. 117
  • 118. Difference between Cariogenic & Non Cariogenic plaque Cariogenic plaque Non-Cariogenic plaque Plaque served from carious area is called cariogenic plaque. If plaque obtained from sound enamel surface of same teeth. The rate of sucrose consumption high in cariogenic plaque Rate of sucrose consumption is lesser in non cariogenic plaque. Rate of Lactic acid formation is high Rate of lactic acid formation is less 118
  • 119. Bacteria in cariogenic plaque synthesis more intracellular glycogen, amylopectin by polysaccharides Bacteria in non cariogenic plaque synthesis less intracellular glycogen as compared to cariogenic plaque Cariogenic plaque formed approximately twice as much extracellular polysaccharide from sucrose. Non Cariogenic plaque formed less than cariogenic plaque. Cariogenic plaque contains higher level of S. mutans. Non cariogenic plaque contains higher proportion of S. sanguis and Actinomyces. 119
  • 120. • Pit and fissure caries: Smooth surface caries: 120 Streptococcus sanguis Other Streptococci Lactobacilli sp Actinomyces sp Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus Salivarius
  • 121. Root surface caries: Deep dentinal caries: 121 Actinomyces viscosus Actinomyces naeslundii Other filamentous rods Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus sanguis Streptococcus salivarius Lactobacillus sp Actinomyces naeslundii Actinomyces viscosus Other filamentous rods Streptococcus mutans
  • 123. • A large number of bacteria and some fungi can cause infection in the dental pulp as well as periapical tissues. • Dental pulp is a unique formative organ with limited capacity to withstand bacterial, mechanical and chemical attack. When bacteria enter the pulp it is unusual for the host defenses to completely eliminate them. Healing is uncommon and necrosis results • With pulpal degeneration, antigens collect within the root canal system and move to the periapical tissues and further inflammatory responses lead to formation of abscess, granulomas or cysts. 123
  • 124. • Sources of infection: - Infected carious lesion / iatrogenic exposure - via periodontal tissues through exposed dentinal tubules, lateral accessory canals or apical foramen. - By the lymphatic / hematogeneous route i.e anachoresis (localization of transient bacteria in the blood into an inflamed area, such as a traumatized / inflamed pulp.) - Traumatic displacement / fracture can also become a route for microbial ingress to the pulp. • Once the disease sets in, these tissues can act as source for spreading infection to various organs of body through blood resulting in septicemia. 124
  • 125. • Disease occurring secondary to endodontic treatment include - Infective endocarditis - Cavernous sinus thrombosis - Bacterial myocarditis - Cerebral abscess - Various lesions result as sequelae to pulp necrosis such as granulomas, abscesses, actinomycosis, cellulites, osteomylitis etc. 125
  • 126. Microflora of traumatized but intact teeth with necrotic pulps Mainly and predominantly consists of B.melaninogenicus in association with other anaerobic bacteria. Microflora of acute infections of endodontic origin Bacteroides in association with P. endodontalis, gingivalis and Prevotella intermedius. 126
  • 127. ] Microflora of endodontic ‘flare-up’ infections Obligate Anaerobes Such As Veillonella Capnocytophaga Eiknella Bacteroides Fusobacterium Treponema. Microflora on refractory endodontic cases are E. faecalis Candida albicans Actinomyces israelii 127
  • 128. Microflora of infected and untreated necrotic pulp Root canal flora of teeth with clinically intact crowns but having necrotic pulps and diseased periapices is dominated (>90% ) by the obligate anaerobes. Fusobacterium Porphyromonas Prevotella Eubacterium Peptostreptococcus Endodontic flora in previously root filled teeth Actinomyces Enterococcus, propionibacterium 128
  • 130. Plaque induced Gingivitis- Harold Loe, 1965 Gram positive S. intermedia S. Sanguis S.Mitis S.oralis A.Viscosus A. Naesleundii P. gingivalis Gram negative F. Nucleatum P. intermedia, Capnocytophaga Haemophilus Campylobacter species. Pregnancy induced gingivitis P. intermedia 130
  • 131. Chronic Periodontitis Spirochetes P. gingivalis A. actinomycetocomitans Treponema Eubacterium F. Nucleatum C. Rectus P. Intermedia E. corrodens 131
  • 132. • Recent studies have documented an association between chronic periodontitis and viral microorganisms of the herpes virus group, most probably Epstein Barr Virus I (EBV-I) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). • Further, the presence of subgingival EBV-I and HCMV are associated with high levels of putative bacterial pathogens, including P. Gingivalis. T. Forsythia, P. Intermedia and T. Denticola. • These data support the hypothesis that viral infection may contribute to periodontal pathogenesis, but the potential role of viral agents remain to be determined. 132
  • 133. • Localized Aggressive Periodontitis – Socransky, 1977 A. actinomycetemcomitans P. gingivalis F. Nucleatum Virus- EB virus (EBV-I) Human cytomegalo virus (HCMV) 133
  • 134. • Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis P. intermedia Spirochetes (B.vincenti) Fusobacterium • Abscesses of Periodontium F.nucleatum P. intermedia P. gingivalis 134
  • 135. • Refractory periodontitis: B. forsythus F. nucleatum P. gingivalis E. corrodens C. rectus 135
  • 136. Applied aspect The Window of Infectivity • In 1993, Page Caufield and Colleagues presented a paper with evidence to support a discrete “window of infectivity” for MS colonization. • As the teeth erupt into the oral cavity, they provide a virgin habitat which enables MS to colonize the oral cavity avoiding competition with other indigenous bacteria. • Thus, in window period in deciduous teeth, the MS is established by 7-31 months of age. • Krass et al (1967), Edrman et al (1975) reported that at two to six years of age, the child is less susceptible to acquiring MS. 136
  • 137. The window occurs • 38 of 46 infants acquired MS at median of 26 months • 25% by 19months • 75% by 31months 137
  • 138. The “Window” end • Window appears to close after all primary teeth erupt • Once a stable plaque or biofilm covers the tooth surface, MS is less likely to be established • Children ages 2-6 have been shown to be less susceptible to MS infection 138
  • 139. 2nd Window of Infectivity • A 2nd window is speculated at approximately 6 years of age when 1st molars are erupting. • It is present in permanent dentition between 6-12 years of age. • Straetemans (1998) found that about 75% of children uninfected at age 5 became infected by age 11 139
  • 140. • The timing of immunization should precede the “window of infectivity”. • i.e. the period during which children usually become infected with Mutans Streptococci which extends from 19 to 31 months of age.( median age of 26 months). 140
  • 141. References • Ananthanarayan R, Paniker CKJ, Textbook of Microbiology, 7th ed. Orient Longman Publications • Newman MG, Takei HH, Carranza FA, Clinical Periodontology, 9th ed. W B Saunders Company Philadelphia.2000. • Fejerskov O, Kidd E, Dental Caries The Disease and its Clinical Management, 2ne ed. Blackwelll Munksgaard. Singapore.2008. 141
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