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Opportunities At Macalester
We as human only have one life to live. Therefore, we should take advantage of opportunities in our
lives and make the most of it and also learn from our past experiences. College years are important
stage in one's life in terms of building one's identity and exploring new opportunities. The small
student body size at Macalester provides a commune atmosphere which gives students the
confidence and security of expressing and exploring their interests. Therefore, I strongly believe that
the new experiences that I will gain and the positive risks that I will take at Macalester will help
build my character and expand my perspectives on life. Besides my personal gains, I truly believe
that I can give back to the Mac community. Macalester is a college
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It Is Better to Have Tried and Failed Than to Have Never...
"It's better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all" Do you agree?
The saying "actions speak louder than words" can be applied to this scenario. Many people often
dare to dream but fear stops them from ever moving forward on their goals. The fear of failure, of
not knowing if it is possible to accomplish what may seem like the most unrealistic dream a person
sets out to achieve. One example we can learn from is one of the greatest swimmer the world has
seen, Ian Thorpe.
Four time Swimming World's Swimmer of the Year, Ian Thorpe once said, "I think it's better to
attempt something and fail than it is to not even attempt it, so I'm glad that I've been prepared to put
myself on the line there." Till today, these words ... Show more content on ...
Speaking from personal experience, failure is the mother of success, and without overcoming the
challenge posed to me, I would not make it a step further. For example, ever since I stepped on the
podium in the primary school swimming nationals, I have always wanted to have the chance to do it
again in the secondary school, scoring more points for my school. This year was the last year the
school nationals where I could have a chance on stepping on the podium once again and I made use
of the opportunity I was given. I started training extremely hard, to a point where I was at the pool at
5 in the morning and back again after school at 4 in the afternoon for strength as well as water
training. The number of times I would turn up could go up to ten times a week. This arduous task
went on for four to five months and in between, I still had to make sure that I was keeping up with
school curriculum. At the recent national schools, I competed and instead was placed 5th, missing
the podium by a whopping one second. Although I failed to reach the goal I set out to achieve, I
knew that there was nothing else I could do as
I have always wanted to represent the country in the Combined School Games and the recent
National Schools Swimming Championship would have been my chance to qualify for the games. I
started training extremely hard, to a point where I was at the pool at 5 in the morning and back again
after school at 4 in
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Norwich University Tuition: A Souring Cost Essay
On average college students owe $35,200 in debt due to high costs of college (Ellis). This is a very
frightening statistic that is a sad reality to many college students today. Students graduate and are
shocked by the dollar amount they owe because of student loans. Sadly, most struggle to pay off
these debts, and it often takes years to do so. Private universities tend to be more expensive then
public universities, due to the fact they are not partially funded by the state where they are located.
As American families are becoming more aware of these high costs they are thinking twice about
applying to the private universities. Norwich University, a private university in Vermont is among
those high priced schools. Norwich just this year ... Show more content on ...
If a student receives the highest scholarship the cost is still a steep $32,000 a year. National averages
show the cost of a private university in the US to be around $29,056 (College Board). This sheds
light on how high the cost of Norwich really is and that even with the highest available scholarship,
Norwich would still cost $2,944 more than the national average of a private school. Now that the
myth of Norwich offering scholarships that offset the cost making it the same cost as other schools
has proven to be false, we can explore how this cost is hurting Norwich students and the university
as well. College seeking students are facing a hard reality. They may not be able to attend the school
they most desire if they can not get a good scholarship, or they will need to choose a school less
desirable because it is among the few they can afford. This proves to be a serious problem, limiting
student's decisions by limiting their choices. Students might choose to attend an expensive school of
their choosing and find that they do not have the funds to pay the tuition and then are forced to leave
the school. Such situations are evident at Norwich by data provided by the Department of
Education, an interesting statistic to note is that the retention rate at Norwich University is 77%
(National Center for Education Statistics). This means every new school year Norwich only holds
about 77% of the students it had the prior year. However, not all of the
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Ranking Colleges, Can It Be Unbiased?
The article on "Rank Colleges, But Rank Them Right" has several strong points, one of which is the
need for rankings motivated by the increasing demand by students and their parents for credible
ranking data. The author, David Leonhardt, effectively appeals to the reader via three avenues:
ethos, logos, and pathos. As a columnist, as well as managing editor for the New York Times,
Leonhardt is plain spoken and analytical in his data laced commentary on ranking colleges. Included
in his summary, lending credibility to the value of and need for rankings are in the following
statements: "Today the United States ranks ninth among industrialized nations in higher education
attainment...;" America used to be considered to be "the most ... Show more content on ...
The author points this out in a statement made by Richard R. Beeman, a historian and former dean at
the University of Pennsylvania, "The very idea that universities with very different institutional
cultures and program priorities can be compared, and that the resulting ranking can be useful to
students, is highly problematic." One of Leonhard's weak ethos claims regarding the credibility of
rankings emerges in his stating, "Measuring how well students learn is incredibly difficult, but there
are some worthy efforts being made." However, the citing he makes of researchers at Indiana
Universities further clouds the objectivity needed for unbiased ranking, because students are asked
"how they spend their time and how engaged they are in their education, while another group is
measuring whether students become better writes and problem solvers during their college years."
Here Leonhardt artistically uses persuasion and logical reasoning to point out that the measuring
tools are subjective, hardly noteworthy of credible rankings for colleges.
The author convincingly argues the need for more accurate rankings for universities in this
statement "that can't rest on a brand name (i.e., his alma mater, Yale). The ones that did well would
be rewarded with applications from just the sort of students universities supposedly want ––– ones
who are willing to keep an open mind and be persuaded by evidence." U.S. News and World Report
have reported rankings since the
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Understanding Truancy Problem from Various Perspectives
1.0: Statement of the Problem 2
2.0: Motives and Goals 6
3.0: Research Question and Objectives 6
4.0: Literature Review 7
5.0: Research Strategies 10
6.0: Concepts 11
7.0: Data Sources, Types, and Forms 13
8.0: Selection of Data Sources 13
9.0: Data Collection and Timing 14
10.0: Data Reduction and Analysis 14
11.0: Problems and Limitation 19
12.0: Conclusion 20
13.0: References 25
14.0: Interview Question 27
Truancy or absenteeism has been a common problem faced by many schools in Malaysia whether
they are urban or rural. It is also considered as a disciplinary problem that ... Show more content on ...
Consistency refers to the means by which the attendance policy is put into practice by everyone
involved with the school. The school policy document needs to be owned by all staff. The objective
of the school policy document is to promote good attendance and to implement a sound system for
monitoring student behavior and progress. Schools who keep accurate attendance records are better
able to identify truancy problems early. This includes noting tardiness, patterns of tardiness and/or
absences or absences around particular days (such as holidays) as these may be red flags that there is
a problem. In order for the policy to be effective, students must be made aware of the policy, held
accountable for their actions, and the policy must be followed consistently. (Meaning the
consequences for truancy, such as detention, in school suspension, counseling, etc. are enforced each
and every time a child is truant). When a student is absent, make every effort to contact the parent
and try to figure out what might be going on. If time allows, call the parent during the day instead of
calling in the evening. The teachers should talk to the student about why he/she was absent. Make
sure that the student realizes that the teachers are aware of the absences and care about him/her
being in school. Parents play the fundamental role in the education of their children. This applies to
every family regardless of the parents' station in
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College Is a Waste of Time and Money Essays
Hayley Drummond
Professor Dill
Tuesday, Thursday 8:00–9:15
Essay # 1 Summary
September 10, 2011 Caroline Bird's essay "College is a Waste of Time and Money" explains her
beliefs on why, for some people, going to college is an ineffective and inefficient use of their time.
She states that many students do not belong in college because they are there for the wrong reasons
and they are not happy learning. She also gives evidence to suggest that going to college and getting
a degree does not actually allows a person to make more money in their life time. Her final claim is
that college does not prepare most students for the real world and the jobs they will have once they
graduate. Bird believes most students are not in college for ... Show more content on ...
Bird's second point is that, contrary to popular belief, college is not the best monetary investment a
young person can make. Bird explains this by comparing the money that would be spent on
education versus money that is put in a bank for interest. The outcome shows investing money that
would otherwise be spent on a college education would earn over half a million dollars more than
the earnings of a male college graduate compared to a non–graduate. Bird also states that even if a
graduate makes more money in their job than a non–graduate, there is no evidence that the higher
income is due to their college education. She attributes financial success to luck rather than a college
education. In this argument she mainly puts forth logical reasons why college is not for everyone.
She shows actual dollar amounts that logically prove an education is not necessarily the most
profitable investment. Bird's final point is that college does not prepare most people for the jobs they
are going to have in the future. She states the work attached to most jobs is totally unrelated to their
college education. For example, although there are many graduates with a psychology degree, there
are only so many jobs in psychology. The remaining graduates are forced to find jobs with work
unrelated to the degree they have obtained. Also, she brings up the point that college does not make
people intelligent and successful, but successful and intelligent people go to
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Essay on Consumerism Taking Over Our Universities
In contemporary society, the average person is coddled and raised to be sensitive about everything
whether it be good or bad. This translates over to universities, which causes them to be less
academic and more consumer– based. As the years progress, the trend is becoming more prevailing
which poses the question, do universities truly care about the education that they are providing, or is
it turning more into a business? Although some consumerism in education is good and is a driving
force to better institutions, too much like we have in it now is beginning to deteriorate the quality of
the education provided and in turn weakening American society. Consumerism is becoming more
widespread in universities due to the rising number of ... Show more content on ...
According to, Grade Inflation in the College Classroom, "Students are paying more for a college
education every year, and increasingly they are demanding the reward of a good grade for their
purchase" (Tucker, Courts 2). The expectations that the students have going into college are telling
of how consumerism is tarnishing higher education. Consumerism affects students' grades,
according to, Grade Inflation in the College Classroom, students are not studying as much as
students in the past and their grades are still on a rise. This shift in focus by the university causes the
classes to become less intense creating a more mediocre education for the students. This harms
students who will have to face the problem of entering the workforce with an inferior education.
Studies have shown that, "Many students feel that lower grades can significantly damage their
opportunities to gain employment after attending a university [...] it may be difficult to compete with
a near straight–A student from a university that has shown grade inflation, if one's grades are lower.
Many believe that grade inflation gives certain students an unfair advantage in the job market or
when applying to graduate schools" (Tucker, Courts 2). If one student goes to a school that is known
for a certain subject and graduates with a good grade point average, they could lose the
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College Costs Are Out Of Control Essay
People with college degrees are paid 80% more than people with only a high school education.
When the college degree is from a more prestigious school, that percentage increases even further
(McArdle). Even President Barack Obama acknowledged this in a 2012 speech, saying that "The
incomes of folks with a college degree are twice as high as those who don't have a high–school
diploma" (Lemann). While a college education is a good investment for the long run, the cost of
college is not a positive. The price of goods has risen due to inflation over the past decade, but
during that time college increased drastically. The rates have nearly doubled, but the things that
students learn still remain the same. If students are paying so much more ... Show more content on ...
The plan will help the state "to reach its goal of helping 60 percent of Idahoans between the ages of
25 and 34 complete a degree or certificate by 2020" (Mills). In addition, half the United States
already has, or is in the midst, of making statewide education systems that include college (Kingsley
and Vance). Not only is college becoming more common, but it would make sense that with more
students coming into college that the rates would be lower. However, colleges are not decreasing
costs, but instead increasing them, making tuition costs harder on students. The job market is
evolving, causing college to be essential to anyone that wants to pursue a job. In a 2012 speech,
President Barack Obama said that "right now, the unemployment rate for Americans with a college
degree or more is about half the national average" (Lemann). This shows that even with a college
degree, the job market is changing, causing many students to be unemployed.Yet at the same time,
people that have a college education are better off than those without one. Moreover, the current job
market is becoming more information based, which requires more literacy, math skills and critical
thinking. Since the United States is not fully prepared with an education system that only requires
kindergarten through 12th grade, the United States must outsource jobs overseas to have necessary
tasks be completed. This not only takes
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Ways to Prevent School Shootings
School shootings are terrifying to think about, but there are ways to help prevent the massacres from
ever happening again. The first known school shooting was at the Texas Tower at the University of
Texas in 1966 where Charles Whitman shot and killed 16 people while injuring 31 others. Who
would have known since that date that we would have more then 200 deaths on school campuses?
The most storied shooting in the 90's was probably the Columbine massacre where on April 20,
1999 Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 32 students and faculty before turning the guns on
themselves. The horror scene from the day will always be remembered in many lives and will
continue over the years. There were many other horrible shootings over the years as ... Show more
content on ...
Noticing some early warning signs and not being scared to report them can help someone from
making the biggest mistake of their life and saving people from harms way should start with the
love shown from the parents. Having the parents be in the kids life knowing his or her surroundings
at all time can be the key for prevention. Showing our kids love and attention will not make them
want to do harm to others and having your child talk to you if something is bothering them. When
you aren't in the child's life and not knowing what's going on with them could easily make them feel
lost inside and can turn to depression like our parents don't care about them, a key fact is no matter
how busy our lives with our job and anything else that we might do in our spare time parents should
always find time to spend with our child each day, even if its only for a half hour, each time that we
show love can be a key for our child not to do the unthinkable. The key facts from kids that do the
shooting is a lot of times from being bullied at school or make fun of that will keep there anger all
bottled up inside until one day the anger explodes and the worst scenario happens and that is a
school shooting. Parents should also talk to their child to let them know not to be scared to report
things that might seem out of the ordinary. Kids should always report to authority or a teacher
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Personal Experience: I Am A Mexican-American Woman
I am proud to say I am a Mexican–American woman. Unfortunately, I have not always been this
way mostly due to my upbringing in a primarily Caucasian school. Unsurprisingly, I felt as though I
needed to assimilate in order to fit in, yet I do not believe I understood the magnificence of my
culture. Colorful would be the word to describe Mexican culture. Every aspect of the culture, from
my favorite salsas and moles, to the traditional dress I wore for my presentation about Mexico to my
class, is a rainbow of colors. It is lively and loud in a way that can only be compared to mariachi
music that played while I made tamales with my family. Through these memories I have learned
how valuable my heritage is to me, and now I never hide who I am, and
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Analysis the admission policy of primary and secondary...
1. Introduction
The value and role of "knowledge" is different in every culture but good basic education is essential
in every culture. Primary and secondary education in UK (up to 16) is compulsory for all children.
However, there were a limited number of high quality schools and these are oversubscribed
application. That created problem of "distributing" pupils between schools (Hurst and Sugden,
2011). So a practical and effective admission policy has great influence on the quality of basic
education. The purpose of writing this report is to argue for the reliability and effectiveness of
current enrolment policy. According to this report, it will help admission policy designer to solve the
problems and prove the benefits of this ... Show more content on ...
(c). General Problem Solving – A test of general knowledge, assessing the ability to apply logic to
simple problems (Simon, 1991). This 11–plus examination was replaced by a non–selective system
on all local education authorities (LEAs) governed by 1976 Education Act. Non–selective system
means the provision of education in any school where arrangements for the admission of pupils to
the school are based on selection wholly or mainly by reference to ability or aptitude for music or
dancing (Trowler, 2003).In the 1980 Education Act parents were given right to choose the school
they wanted (though LEAs could refuse on grounds of inefficient use of resources (Trowler, 2003).
The Education Reform Act 1988 which is regarded another profound influential education
legislation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Scottish education legislation is separate from
that of the rest of the UK.) enabled existing maintained schools to opt out of LEAs control (Trowler,
2003). In the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act set out a new framework for schools (to be
implemented from 2000) with community schools replacing county schools and foundation schools
replacing GM schools (Trowler, 2003). The latest act–Academies Act 2010 continued to promote the
process of giving equal opportunity to children from all ethnic backgrounds (Hurst and Sugde,
3. Current Situation
The discussion of school enrolment policies of primary and secondary school among parents have
heated over
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Essay on Generation Y: The Surpassed Struggles for...
Life is a struggle in itself, but to do well in life one must do well in school. The older generations
view Generation Y as lazy "kids" who want to take the easy way out. Just because things look easy,
doesn't really mean they are. Computers and calculators may make tasks easier but because of this,
harder tasks are given. This new "Lazy" generation must defy all odds just to get through the crazy
competition that is high school and college to achieve a well–paying job. The definition of success
as we know it is now much harder to attain than it once was for Baby Boomers; yet this "lazy"
generation known as Millennials continue to achieve it while overcoming these difficulties that
previous generations never faced.
Older generations ... Show more content on ...
High school students took over three million AP exams in 2012 ("ANNUAL AP PROGRAM
PARTICIPATION 1956–2012"). This shows you how much high school students are competing
today. The competition is so great that it even bleeds into middle school. Students try to take more
advanced classes in middle school so they can have a head start in high school. What's crazy is
parents will even put their children in special "gifted" elementary schools now to try to get an even
earlier edge on the competition. "There has been a boom in the popularity of these programs in
recent years, and some only accept children who score in the 99th percentile on admissions tests."
("What are your options?"). That is what the world is coming to.
Just as Millennial are finishing roughing it through high school, they have a to do all their college
applications. Due to the Internet, something Baby Boomers did not have back when applying to
schools, the difficulty to send out applications has decreased. Today there is something called the
Common App, which allows students to create a single application and send it to any and as many
schools as they desire. This simplicity allows many more students to apply and allows each student
to apply to many more schools. Susan Adams of writes, "When I was a high school
student in the late 1970s, I remember typing out each form and tucking the pages into a bulky
envelope. Now students can fill out an online
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Traditional Grading System Essay
Traditional Grading System
Education is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of any human society. Without it human
beings could not have been at the current point of time where we all know tremendously about life
and the universe. We are now better off than we were. However, it is clear that there is still huge
variety of phenomena waiting for our discovery. The most important objective of education is to
help human beings pursue their burning desires to learn and reach their potential. In that way we
progress. Therefore, it is vital to help or at least not hinder education to fulfill its goals.
Traditional grading system will be my focus of this essay. Grading as numbers or letters, a
conventional way of assessing ... Show more content on ...
"When we consider the practically universal use in all educational institutions of a system of marks,
whether numbers or letters, to indicate the scholastic attainment of the students or pupils in these
institutions, and when we remember how very great stress is laid by teachers and students alike
upon these marks as real indicators or measures of attainment, we can but be astonished at the blind
faith that has been felt in the reliability of the marking system. School administrators have been
using with confidence an absolutely uncalibrated instrument...What faults appear in the marking
systems that we are now using, and how can these be avoided or minimized?" (Mark)
Can we find answers to his questions today?
Now let us examine the mostly accepted reasons for assessing students' achievements using
conventional grading systems.
The one rationale for grading is to sort students like "potatoes" so that higher institutions – colleges
and universities – and employers choose as correctly as possible from these sorted "potatoes".
(Alfie) Certainly higher education and future jobs are among most significant things in life.
However, the purpose of education, in particular high schools, is not to serve these institutions by
sorting students like potatoes, but help pupils to discover their interests, enhance learning, and reach
their potentials. Unfortunately the study shows that the grade is not "a cogent predictor
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My Reality Check Essay
My Reality Check
Two things didn't mix well in my life. One was being a full time student and the other an athlete.
It was great not having parents around telling you to do your homework or to go to class, of which I
never did. I had a choice, which was more important, playing lacrosse or studying. Like any first
year college student I picked lacrosse. At that point I didn't realize what I was getting myself into.
Who at that age would know either?
My worst nightmare came true in the summer of 1989. I was academically dismissed from the
university. I thought to myself "no way, this could never happen to me, I played lacrosse, had a
girlfriend, and I was popular, how could this have happened". The worst part of the whole ... Show
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This proved to be beneficial, for I received a 3.67 grade point average for that semester. That spring
was just as good, that year my grade point average was a 3.46. I was happy, and so were my parents.
I proceeded to reapply back to my former university and was accepted. I gradated with over a 3.0 in
my major and was offered a job in Washington D.C.
Being dismissed from college was one experience that I have never regretted and never will. I can
see why this happened; I was a student athlete, which doesn't mix. Being an athlete in college I had
to practice Monday through Saturday, I was always tired, too tired to study and go to class. I did
learn a couple things though, sportsmanship, self–discipline, teamwork, cooperation, and
concentration. Too bad none of these attributes rubbed off on my schooling. The university said that
they would help me out with my schoolwork but that was just a lie, one in which they still use today.
The school put me into these "easy" classes which didn't teach me anything except how to fall
asleep in class. The university was only worried about winning games and being nationally
recognized. They didn't help me when I was doing poorly and even after I was dismissed.
After being dismissed I realized a few things, one that the university only cared about my money,
another was that everything I did I did for someone else, and that I was accomplishing
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Essay Breaking the Cycle of Poverty caused by Lack of...
"Society has been trying to reduce poverty for over 500 years" (Indigenous) and has never
succeeded. The education and skill level, health or handicap status, and discrimination play a vital
role in poverty. So why does society keep trying the same approaches: give them money or give
them jobs? Neither one ever worked. A major factor determining whether someone will end up
living in poverty, education or skill level can make or break an income. Education plays a vital role
in acquiring jobs, learning new skills, and bringing home necessities and comforts of life. A person
who does not receive an education has a very small chance of making much money and acquiring
skills that would bring home a desirable income. Many who do not have an ... Show more content
on ...
Boaz allowed the widows of the community to glean in his field. Some believe it started somewhere
in the Middle Ages. Dependent on who one listens to, one may consider a different start time.
Perhaps it all started in England, under Edward III, with the Statute of Laborers, enacted in 1349 or
with the work ethic in 1571 with Martin Luther. Regardless we have had organized attempts to rid
ourselves to poverty for many years, and, we have been at it a very long way to go. More recent
causes not necessarily related to money already in hand have been categorized as follows:
inadequate education or skills, poor motivation to work and other negative attitudes or skills,
inability to form stable families, proliferation of low–wage, low–skilled jobs, poor schools and
inadequate investment in training and skill formation, lack of access to higher education, residential
segregation, discrimination in labor, credit, and housing markets. Of these listed, two deal with
discrimination (7 and 8), two with jobs (2 and 4) and four with education (1, 2, 5, and 6), and one
with families (3). "Society has been dealing with discrimination for decades" (Amadeo, Kimberly)
with the first big push away from it by President Johnson in the 60's. Discrimination still is with
society and society still need to work on this aspect. The United States has also had a jobs program
for decades with very limited success. Depending on which study you read, the success rate is
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Essay on The Sociological Perspective on Basketball
The Sociological perspective on basketball
In sociology, there are 3 paradigms. There is the conflict theory perspective, the symbolic–
interaction perspective and the structural–functionalist perspective. From a conflict paradigm point
of view, the essay would focus on gender and how the assumption that girls lack the same level of
strength and stamina as men. The WNBA (Women National Basketball League) doesn't get the same
amount of respect as the males do in the NBA (National Basketball League). Another issue could be
that the NBA players have a higher annual salary than an average teacher. A structural–functionalist
approach could be focused on how it creates jobs (the NBA) and academically too. Basketball could
also be focused on how ... Show more content on ...
How does playing basketball for a school can help a student academically in high school from a
structural–functionalist perspective? You notice that playing basketball for a high school can help
physically, mentally, socially, and academically. Not only does playing basketball for a school not
only build friendships between team members, but could also give them that competitive edge to
become better than who they are physically and mentally. For a student to continue playing
basketball for a school, he'll have to stay in shape for the season and be able to keep the grades
above average. Academically, at a college level, basketball is a good and bad thing. Majority of
universities pay attention to the student skill level at the sport rather than his grades, just to ensure
the schools success.
Paragraph 5 = From a structural–functionalist perspective, you realize that by the game of
basketball, you can build friendships easily just by having something in common like loving the
game. You also notice how job opportunities can be given by playing the sport or becoming a trainer
in the game and help the athletics stay in shape. By having more job opportunities, it expands the
economy. From a young age, basketball can not only help you academically, but help you get into
colleges. Paragraph 1 = the 3 paradigms
Paragraph 2 = friendships are built thru basketball. Gyms, reck team, common love for a team or
Paragraph 3 = the job oppurities
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Cost of College
Argumentative Essay
Ever since you were little, your parents have been talking about this wonderful thing called college.
They told you that you have to go there to get an education before you can get a good job. Many
kids have dreamed of going to college, and being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in
hard work and dedication to good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able
to get into an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to college to get a degree
is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition prices and job loss, the
college dream is slowly and surely slipping away from many students and their families.
The first step in the college ... Show more content on ...
With lack of financial aid students are not going to be able to afford college on their own. They are
relying on their parents to help them, but is there anything they can do?
In order to get a decent paying job, you have to have a college degree. Many people will not be able
to go to college full time because they have to work part–time or full–time to be able to afford
college and can not move on to a higher paying job with out it. Low income students have always
struggled with college bills. Financial and political forces are making it harder than ever to get a
college degree, which is crucial to getting a high paying job (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). It is
extremely difficult to get a job and go to college full or part time, just to have a higher paying job.
Many students hope to avoid a soaring loan debt. They work long hours; take courses part–time and
are commuting to college rather than living on campus. These compromises greatly reduce chances
of earning a college degree in a timely manner if at all (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). As a result,
students must rely on even larger loan debt to get through school. Many students have to put off
getting their degree and some never go back to get it.
Graduation rates have dropped because of the size of debt that students acquire while at school.
Students nowadays are expected to pay all of their tuition with no help. The economy is in
horrendous shape and
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College Preparedness Essay
People choose to go to college for a myriad of reasons. Some attend college because of the
expectations of their parents or society. Others go to college because of the increased earning
potential that a college education can provide. Still others decide to go to college to expand their
knowledge in an area of particular interest. William Cory, a 19th Century English schoolmaster said,
"You go to school not for knowledge so much as for arts and habits." The arts and habits that Cory
proposes that students are pursuing are certainly things that a student might learn in college.
However, I don't think that many people enter college with a goal of achieving the "mental courage
and mental soberness" that Cory proposes. Colleges, on the ... Show more content on ...
Some people might not appreciate these requirements at the time, but may find an interest in a
subject they never would have explored had it not been an educational requirement. College
students are also required to take classes that teach them to write research papers. The process of
researching and writing these papers can teach students new habits. Among these are what Cory
calls, "assuming . . . a new intellectual posture" and "regarding minute points of accuracy."
However, it would be a mistake to believe that a college is the only place one could acquire these
habits and "self–knowledge."
If Cory is correct that students go to a great school to learn "the habit of working out what is
possible in a given time, for taste, for discrimination," then one could conclude that those who
haven't gone to college lack those traits. According to the National Center for Education Statistics,
39% of students enrolled in colleges in 1999 were twenty–five years or older. (NCES, 1) This would
seem to indicate that many people are delaying their education for various reasons. Some go directly
to the work force after high school for financial reasons. Others might join the military or choose to
explore the world around them before going to college. There are also some students who may feel
they are not cut out for college because of poor grades in high
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College: Is it Still worth it? Essay
Elementary school, middle school, high school, college―that's how we're told our education careers
should go. After college you go on and get a job based on the degree you received. Seems simple
right? According to Erik Lowe in his Seattle Times article "Keep Washington's College Tuition
Affordable," he informs that people in his generation are the first to be less educated than their
parents, in the United States. He explains that this is due to the high cost of tuition followed by a
huge amount of student loan debt. Lowe believes that there needs to be a significant change in the
country's higher education systems (in reference to the tuition costs) or the decline of college
attendance will continue. There needs to be a decrease of ... Show more content on
Why does the tuition cost so much more? This leaves college students baffled and stressed about
how much money they're paying and what they're even paying for. As it is, there is about $1 trillion
in college debt in America. A Philadelphia Enquirer article warns that, "The average debt owed per
person is $25,000 –– the highest level of student debt in the nation's history," and that the number is
increased by tens of thousands of dollars for those who go on to get higher degrees. $25,000 is a lot
but the reality is that a lot of people have even more than that. For example, what if someone goes to
an expensive private college and their tuition is anywhere between 30 and 70 thousand per year. In
total they could be paying between 120 and 240 thousand dollars per year. The majority of the
country is most likely unable to easily pay for that and could end up with extensive amounts of debt
just because they went to the college that they wanted to. Student's education shouldn't be
compromised just because the school they want to go to has a high tuition. Alarmingly, "Study after
study has shown the number one barrier to attending college is the published rate of tuition."(Lowe)
The amount of student debt as a result of a school's high tuition should decide where people should
go to school. If tuition is decreased then simultaneously, student debt would be as well. If college
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Development of Education in Kenya
1.1 Definition of terms 3
1.2 Background information 4
1.2.1 Pre–colonial education 4
1.2.2 Post colonial education in Kenya (Neocolonialism) 4
1.3 National Aims/Goals of Education in Kenya 6
1.4 Structure of education 6
1.4.1 Early Childhood Development and Education 7
1.4.2 Primary education 8
1.4.3 Secondary education 9
1.4.4 Teacher Education 9
1.4.5 Tertiary Education 10
1.4.6 University education 11
1.5 Administration system 11
1.5.1 Permanent secretary 11
1.5.2 Finance and administration Division 12
1.5.3 Directorate of Education 12
1.5.4 Field Service Education Officers 13
2.1 Recommendations to the ... Show more content on ...
During that time education in Africa, Kenyan included was stratified on racial lines in matters of
system structure, curricula and resources. For example, the Europeans system had an upper hand
resource, its curriculum was based on British traditions, Arabs and Asians system came second.
Africans prepared youths to work on Europeans farms.
1.2.2 Post colonial education in Kenya (Neocolonialism)
Sifuna and Otiende (1992) noted that racial segregation was abolished in 1960 as the country moved
closer to independence. With the attainment of independence on 12th December, 1963;– a ministry
of education was created. The school system in Kenya was brought under a localized standard
curriculum and public examinations. Since independence, the Government has addressed challenges
facing the education sector through Commissions, Committees and Taskforces.
The first Commission, after independence, came up with the Report of the Kenya Education
Commission (The Ominde Report, 1964) that sought to reform the education system inherited from
the colonial government to make it more responsive to the needs of independent Kenya. The
Commission proposed an education system that would foster national unity and the creation of
sufficient human capital for national development. Sessional Paper No: 10 of 1965 on African
Socialism and its Application to Planning in Kenya formally adopted the Ominde
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Essay Affirmative Action Must Play a Role in College...
Anxiously awaiting its contents, the high school senior stares at his mailbox. He has been awaiting a
response for months from his dream college. He has endured the endless questions from friends and
family, "Did you hear from that college yet?" He has spent many a night he should have been
sleeping lying in bed wondering whether he would be heading to his dream school in the fall. He has
read numerous books and has done serious research on just what it took to get where he wanted to
be. He continues to stare for hours, shaking from either anticipation or fear, though he cannot decide
which. Finally his parents arrive home and encourage him to open the letter. He then opens the box.
Now I ask this. Should this senior's ethnicity impact ... Show more content on ...
In 1973, Bakke received a score of 468 out of 500, but was not accepted, because he had applied late
in the year due to his wife's mother's serious illness, and by this time of the year, only applicants
with scores 470 or higher were accepted. There were, however, four special–admissions slots
remaining, but Bakke was ineligible for these. The special admissions program at Davis was
reserved for applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds, and these applicants, who were required to
be from a racial minority group, were evaluated separately from the other regular–admissions
applicants. In both years that he applied, Bakke's GPA was close to the average for regular
admittees, but significantly higher than that of the special admittees. His MCAT scores were well
above both averages. Bakke was angered but decided to apply again in 1974. He was again rejected.
Bakke then sued the medical school. He claimed that the special admissions program was an unfair
racial quota, a violation of the 14th amendment. In its decision on the case of Allan Bakke, the
Supreme Court ruled that racial quotas are unconstitutional, but that race can still be used as a factor
in admissions. In the Supreme Court's decision, Justice Marshall, the only justice on the Supreme
Court who was of a racial minority group, stated that the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified directly
after the Civil War,
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Academic Sucess Essay
University of Phoenix Material
Academic Success
Answer each question below in at least 75 words per question, reflecting on your current abilities,
and identify resources to strengthen your skills. Refer to the videos, readings, and other weekly
assignments to help you compose your answers.
|Question |Your reflection |
|How would you define academic |In order be academically ready I feel one needs to understand,
and/or is making efforts to |
|readiness? |understand the class topics. You need to be goal oriented, and have your goals outlined,
and know|
| ... Show more content on ...
The center of excellence has many other things I know will be useful. When going through |
|reading skills (refer to your Student |the orientation I made sure to pay extra attention to all the tools
that would assist me in |
|Resources Worksheet)? |completing any essays or research papers. Without these tools I would
continue to struggle with |
| |my writing skills, and wouldn't be able to turn in quality work. |
|What is your personal learning style |My learning style is mode 4 which doesn't surprise me at all. I
am currently a customer service |
|(refer to the Ch. 1 Aplia homework)? |supervisor, so within my job duties my job is to learn and
then teach others what I have learned.|
| |I love to see others influenced by what I teach them, and what they see me accomplish. Currently |
| |I work on projects from start to finish, and take great satisfaction in seeing the final results |
| |of a project I assisted with. |
| | |
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Personal Narrative: My Graduate School Thesis Essay
There I was, poised with the first draft of my masters thesis, ready to jack it under the rear wheels of
my car so that I could vent my anger and frustration. Never had I felt this kind of undiluted rage in
dealing with a piece of writing. As far as I was concerned, the first draft was complete and therefore
the entire piece was finished; however, my thesis advisor didn't quite agree with me. A less deranged
friend of mine talked me out of repeatedly backing over my thesis, and convinced me that it didn't
really matter if I did leave tire marks on it because I had multiple drafts on my disk. But still, I knew
that it would just feel so good to leave some tire tread on the paper.
I had not written a thesis as an undergrad, and I was ... Show more content on ...
So, when I came to the end of the first draft of my thesis, I was convinced I had produced a solid
piece of writing and that I was finally, and thankfully, done with it. At the point at which I was ready
to jack the thesis under my rear tires, I knew I had worked hard on this piece, harder than I had ever
worked on a piece of writing in my life. It was certainly the longest piece of writing that I had ever
produced; yet I had erroneously equated length with good quality. I had done no revising to this
piece, nor had I achieved any distance from it in order set it aside to come back to it at a later time.
In the past, I had not written drafts of my papers; I had been told since high school that I was a
reasonably decent writer. I was a comparative literature major in college, and again, I had earned
solid grades on my writing assignments, and I had worked hard, but I had not slaved over draft after
draft. I tended to write well under pressure (or so I thought), but I left no time for revisions. Usually,
I was finishing up the paper within hours of the class in which it was due. Up until working with
Peter, I had thought that this process worked fine for me; in fact I thought that it had worked better
than fine. However, Peter Heinegg changed all of that for me.
Peter agreed with me that I was done with the thesis, but he thought I was merely done with the
FIRST draft of the piece. He told me my work was good but there was
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Eda 577 Action Inquiry Essay
The Big Picture: A Strategic Plan
Thomas Kordick
EDA 575
Grand Canyon University
October 12, 2010
To any prospective parent, a school needs to present all the facts about itself, so as the parent may
make the choice that is best for their child. Thirty years ago, when I was in school. There was no
concern about scores, diversity, etc. You just went to your local elementary, middle and high school.
Today parents are much more informed and curious about where their child is going to go. To some
parents, it is quite important to have their children attend a culturally diverse school. "There is a
richness that comes from students working side by side with others who are not of the same cookie–
cutter mold," notes Jean Snell. (Great ... Show more content on ...
It is a 2 1/2 hour after school program that has tutoring, homework and some exercise time.
Unfortunetly, space is limited to about 120 students because of funding. Local high school and
college students come and tutor for their community service and for credits. Data has provided some
evidence of strong improvement for kids who have attended SNAP. In looking at data from the
DMS Single Plan for Student Achievement, at the start of the 2008–2009 school year, they looked at
ten students that had flunked two or more academic classes. At the end of the school year, 7/10 kids,
who were in SNAP, finished without flunking any class (DMS SPSA, 2010). In school academic
classes, programs have been implemented for those that are CELDT 1–3 reading levels. The ratings
are for those that are below proficient to beyond basic. Usually kids that are born in other countries,
have not much education and have recently arrived in the community.
Another important part of a school improvement plan is The student population at DMS is made up
of 60% Latino and 40% Caucasian. The Latino population is primarily in the lowest socio–economic
group, with 40% living at or below the poverty line. The Caucasian population is made up of 5% in
the lowest and middle socio–economic class and 35% in the highest socio–economic class. The
socio–economic gap between the two groups is quite high. Over the last few years the new
administration has made it a
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Essay on Academic and Career Goals
ACADEMIC 2 Academic and Career Goals
Sometimes it seems like life is inhibiting me from achieving my goals. I define my objectives as I
see them. I associate them with my values. Knowing that the task at hand is essential to realizing my
dreams, but I am unable to do it. I have thought about other ways to get around the problem, I keep
getting back to the talent I'm missing. Accomplishing a new ability might feel like a huge
undertaking. It's been my experience that if a talent is necessary in getting closer to achieving my
dreams, education is not a bad thing after all. I begin on an excursion to take the first of many steps
gaining enlightenment ... Show more content on ...
During this day and age, numerous individuals are going back to the school to further their
education; due to many families having challenging times in making their ends meet. The employers
are seeking individuals who possess college degrees; which inspires people to further their
education. Having a college degree often leads individuals into a secure and a well–paying job in
order to adequately support their family. In today's society and principles, individuals with a college
degree are viewed to be more devoted, well–informed, teachable, and respected to potential
Additionally, when I was younger and inexperienced, my day dreams were of going college and
gaining the experience that would lead me to a successful career. Unnecessary time had passed; and
unfortunately, I had to work instead of continuing on with school. Many of my older friends talked
about their experiences, and my high school friends were also excited about the idea of joining the
working class. After being employed with several jobs, I felt as if my life was not reaching full
potential. My self–esteem became low and I felt distraught. Furthermore, I needed to motivate
myself and decided to pursue my college degree. There is a point in everyone's life where they will
have to become financially independent. Unfortunately, for some people this process can be
difficult. Planning my life has been a roller
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General Education Essay
With living costs as high as they are in this day and age, it is completely unreasonable to expect the
average individual to squander already limited resources. Receiving a bachelor's degree today
requires an assortment of classes that often are not directly related to one's career objectives. For
some, they find this to be an enjoyable adventure, broadening their knowledge and learning about
new aspects of life, but for others this is just burdensome. However it is looked upon, the college
curriculum still requires a diverse selection of courses to develop well rounded, responsible
individuals, but in turn creates added pressure upon students.
Is it the job of secondary education to start developing all inclusive students who have ... Show more
content on ...
Or for the individual who find one's true interest, general education is more than worth the two years
it takes to get through. So although the couple of years a college student spends in general education
may seem useless, it is important to recognize the value of it. It helps individuals by showing them
an array of possibilities that should be explored before one decides on his or hers life's career. It also
builds interesting people who are not just specialists, but who have a better understanding and
appreciation for the world around them. Even though, as explained previously, general education is
valuable it does create stress for the student who is set on his/her major. For many students,
especially those who go to state universities, the probability of graduating with a bachelor's degree
in four years is highly unlikely. For those students who have to fight to get into the classes they need
to graduate, general education is a villain. The victim of this system can't see the importance of
taking a variety of courses. Zinsser recognizes this problem in his essay "College Pressures," which
talks about the stresses that college students face. He quotes a dean of Yale University talking about
his students: "They ought to take chances. Not taking chances will lead to a life of colorless
mediocrity. They'll be comfortable. But something in the spirit will be missing." (452)
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Essay on Education and Virginia’s Woolf’s A Room of...
"Only the gold and silver flowed now, not from the coffers of the king, but from the purses of men
who had made, say a fortune from industry, and returned, in their wills, a bounteous share of it to
endow more chairs, more lectureships, more fellowships in the university where they had learnt their
craft" (754). This is a quote from Virginia's Woolf's essay, "A Room of One's Own". Here she is
making a point about universities and the funding that they received from men that had gone to
school there. Woolf's essay takes place during the early nineteen hundreds when most women did
not attend a university. There was great inequality of those who attended school because men had
control over all the money. The men in society either received ... Show more content on ...
Thankfully times have changed, and women writers are recognized equally as men are today in
society. The main reason is that women today have an equal chance at education. Education today is
open to everyone, because education can be paid for, or funded in various ways.
Universities today are much easier to attend for anyone that wishes to go to school. There are so
many different types of programs out there today that make education more affordable for people
that do not have the assets to pay for an education themselves. There are many forms of financial aid
available for specific groups of people. For example, there are scholarship programs set up
specifically for women, or programs set up specifically for minorities. There are also programs set
up for people with certain disabilities. These programs are set up in this sort of way to give everyone
a chance to fit in to one of the specific categories. There are many ways to apply for these types of
financial aid. You can do them through your high school, place of work, or even find them over the
What about the people that don't fit into these specific categories? For these people, there are
general financial aid programs established. These programs are set up by private, public, or
government institutions. These programs include scholarships, student loans, grants, and many
more. Many of these types of financial aid
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The Effects of Poverty on Education Essay
In today's world people need to compete globally for jobs and one of the most important factors in
getting a good paying job is education. However, even the best schools cannot overcome some of
the obstacles placed in front of the students that walk through their doors. Poverty, chaotic home
environments, discrepancies in exposure to technology, and lack of funding for schools all
negatively impact the effort to educate children. In today's economic environment even the
wealthiest states and districts are having to cut funding for education, while districts which were
already teetering on the edge are now in an even worse position. In some schools children have to
face not having enough books, paper for copies, severe overcrowding, ... Show more content on ...
With the current recession and foreclosure crisis, more families are facing homelessness than ever
before. This presents additional struggles for children and the schools who educate them. Since
many of the students have no fixed place to stay, they could bounce from school to school providing
no stability for education, or in some areas these children are transported back to their original home
school sometimes causing kids to be on busses for long commutes. When children face a lack of
stability in the classroom it is easier to fall behind, and teachers might only begin to see deficiencies
in skills after observing work for a while it could lead a student to fall further behind every day.
Even when children have a stable home there are other family life factors that can affect their
progress at school. Child neglect, drugs, alcohol, gangs, violence, and hunger can all have a
significant impact on how children learn both at school and at home. A child's first educational
experience should be at home, however with increasing use of drugs and alcohol, and sometimes
unintentional neglect from not being able to afford quality daycare means that some children
entering the classroom are woefully unprepared. Although poverty affects every nationality there are
races that traditionally are more
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It's Time To Put and End to Sexting Essay
Jesse Logan was a girl who had just graduated from high school when she was humiliated by her
ex–boyfriend to an unforgivable state. She sent a fully frontal nude photograph of herself to her
then–boyfriend, which is now known as sexting. After their breakup, the ex–boyfriend forwarded
Jesse's sext to their entire school, causing her embarrassment and humiliation. She then did an
interview with the Today Show stating "I just want to make sure no one else will have to go through
this again." Two months later she was found in her bedroom. She hanged herself. As a nation, how is
it going to be possible to implement a policy that will work sufficiently? I believe that through
annual, educational assemblies in elementary schools for ... Show more content on
The instructor will educate the students about topics such as "bathing suit parts," what exactly
privacy is, why everyone wants their own privacy, and why it is necessary to not invade other's
privacy. This will be a huge basis for the future assemblies that the students will attend. It will give a
solid prequel to why sending can offend others, and why it is necessary to not exploit other humans,
despite how "funny" it may be.
The next group of students, grades seven through nine, will increase be more relevant to what
exactly sexting is. The average age that children now–a–days are getting cellular telephones is 11.6
years of age (The Online Mom). Therefore, text messaging will be come more relevant to this junior
high school age, and it will greatly benefit the students to know exactly what cellular telephones are
supposed to be used for, and what sexting entails. This will educate the students about what kind of
text messages are appropriate, and what kind of messages (including what sexting is) are
inappropriate, and the consequences that can entail sending sexts.
The last group of students to take part in the annual assemblies will be students in grades ten
through twelve. This group of students will be hit hard with sexting information. They will be taught
exactly what sexting is and how it can impact their future. In East Forest High School, a
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Tim O'brien's On the Rainy River Essays
Tim O'brien's "On the Rainy River"
Tim O'brien's "On the Rainy River" is a true story told by a 41 year old of his life at the age of 21.
The fact that O'brien is writing this 20 years later adds a new aspect to the story. He describes
himself as a young man with the world in his back pocket. O'brien has just graduated from
Macalester College and has a free ride to Harvard. Unfortunately, his storybook world collapses
when he receives a draft notice for the Vietnam war, a war that he has "taken a modest stand
against"(44) in 1968. Upon receiving his draft notice, O'brien was thrown into a world of what he
calls "moral confusion"(44). As a 21 year–old, he follows every rule put forth in front of him, even
though he says ... Show more content on ...
He stopped here to try and organize his thoughts and make his decision, or at least that is what he
thought he was doing. He was actually trying to stall the inevitable. At the Tip Top Lodge he met
Elroy Berdhal, "the man who saved me"(50). Berdhal seemed to know exactly what O'Brien needed.
He gave him small tasks like chopping wood and didn't talk to him about sensitive topics like why
he was there. One of the most captivating moments of the story is when Berdhal takes O'Brien
fishing on the Rainy River, which is actually the divider between his two lives. Berdhal takes the
boat within meters of the Canadian shore, brining O'Brien to attempt to answer the question, swim
to freedom or return home and fight. He thinks that he actually has a choice in this matter, but there
really is now way that he could have jumped even with all the motivation in the world. His mind
isn't mentally prepared to make such a decision. He then knew, so close to freedom that "Canada had
become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a possibility"(59). So he went home
the next day, eventually heading off to Vietnam, not even getting to say good bye to the man who in
the next 20 years would grow to become the most influential man in his past.
Embarrassment is O'Brien's downfall. He would imagine all of the citizens in his hometown
gossiping about his lack of
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Chinese and Mexican Cultural Differences
Response to Chinese and Mexican Cultural Differences
Nathan D. Smith for Dr. John Obradovich, Ph.D.
BUSI –472
October 1, 2012
Response to Chinese and Mexican Cultural Differences The comparison between the Chinese and
Mexican cultures is an interesting and fascinating one. I do agree that music and dancing is a vital
part of the Mexican culture. Mexicans will use any event or situation as a reason to have a
celebratory party. All cultures celebrate events such as weddings, births, and some even celebrate
death in a positive light. The Mexican culture goes beyond the main events in life that we as
Americans normally consider celebration–worthy events. Mexicans will ... Show more content on ...
History is passed down from generation to generation through stories and these stories about
traditions are an important part of conversations in the Chinese culture (Wang, Leichtman &
Davies, 2010).
The Mexicans enjoy teaching about traditions through acts and events where as the Chinese prefer
passing down traditions through elaborate stories that are based on truths, but will captivate the
young minds of their children. These two cultures share many priorities, but have very different
ways of carrying out those cultural priorities. Though these two cultures have many differences, but
for literally being on opposite ends of the globe, they share a surprising about of commonalities. We
interact with both on a daily basis in the melting pot that defines our American society. Both have
made valuable contributions to our society in the United States and only time will tell what the
future holds as these two cultures continue to interact with one another in our great land.
Fry, Richard, (September 5, 2002); LATINOS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: MANY ENROLL, TOO
Retrieved from:–in–higher–education.pdf
Johnson, Jenna, (November 14, 2011); Chinese students enroll in record numbers at U.S. colleges
Retrieved from:
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Providing Support to Transgender Students On Campus Essay
As support for the LGBT population arises across the United States, colleges and universities have
responded by creating positive spaces and environments for students. However, in some cases, not
all populations are served adequately. A population specifically, transgender students, sometimes do
not receive the same support gay, lesbian and bisexual students receive. An issue facing LGBT
Services at DePauw University is providing adequate services to transgender students. Providing
educational programming, gender neutral restrooms, faculty education, and counseling for
transgender students could increase support for students who identify as transgender.
Review of Literature
Currently, there is not considerable empirical research about ... Show more content on ...
The students in Pusch's (2005) study had both positive and negative reactions about their identity
and beginning to transition. The reactions the participants had impacted their identity as a person in
college (Pusch, 2005).
Disapproval by others. Krista, a male–to–female student is consistently met with her parents
reinforcing her birth gender (Pusch, 2005). In addition, on campus, Krista is enrolled as a male and
resides on a male floor in a residence hall. Her daily life on campus is disconcerting and faces
constant alienation (Pusch, 2005). Mary, an age 21 female also has the same feelings as Krista.
However, Mary, who is pre–transitioning, attends community college, and lives at home with her
parents after leaving a university for academic reasons. In her home, she faces denial by her parents
and does not live as her self–identified gender (Pusch, 2005). The disapproval and alienation Krista
and Mary are faced with occur on college campuses and to college age students.
Supported by others. When a transgender person comes out having support is key in gaining self–
confidence. Oberan, a participant in the study, discussed how he always felt the most supported
when people would forget he was trans (Pusch, 2005). Since Oberan is treated as a male and not
transgendered he feels the most support from his peers and family (Pusch, 2005). Oberan also
impacted his campus
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Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs on...
Preparing students for life success, requires a balanced education that includes social and emotional
education. It is important that families, schools and communities come together to achieve this. This
article is researching the positive effects, of social and emotional learning of students in
kindergarten to eighth grade. This article summarizes three reviews of research on the impact of
social and emotional learning (SEL) programs on elementary school and middle age school students.
These programs promote social and emotional skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton,
Pachan, Dymcicki and Durlak, 2008). The SEL programs showed many benefits in both school and
after–school settings for students with and without behavioral and ... Show more content on ...
This study was done again to see if social and emotional learning still had positive effects on
children. The study asked these questions; (a)What skills, attitudes, behaviors and academic
outcomes do SEL programs achieve for elementary and middle school (K–8) students? (b) Do SEL
program effects endure over time? (c) Are SEL programs effective in school and after school and for
students with problems and without problems and (d) What features are associated with highly
effective SEL programs? (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak,
2008). The study used a meta–analytic approach. The study was broken down into three reviews;
The Universal Review, The Indicated Review and The After–School Review (Weissberg, Taylor,
Schellinger, Payton, Pachan and Durlak, 2008) .
The Universal Review included 180 school–based studies involving 277,977 students. The strategy
involved classroom programming, which were a set of lessons that sought to develop social and
emotional skills such as problem and feeling identification, goal setting, conflict resolution
strategies and interpersonal problem–solving skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan,
Dymicki and Durlak, 2008).
The Indicated Review had 80 studies involving 11,337 students (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger,
Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak,
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Study of the Influence of Teacher Effectiveness
1.1 Background to the study
As a teacher in the secondary school system in Nigeria for many years, experience has shown that,
there are two categories of teachers – the good or effective teachers, and the bad or ineffective
teachers' observable from among teachers in the school system.
The effective teachers are perceived to be fully equipped naturally and professionally to lead their
students to success in competitive standardized tests, as well as inculcate in them, values that would
make them exhibit behaviours that are generally desirable and acceptable.
On the other hand, the ineffective teachers do not care about the success of their students in
examinations, and, in some cases, students who pass through such teachers, ... Show more content
on ...
This behaviour has the tendency of reducing productivity and efficiency on the part of the teachers.
These ill–behaved teachers as they may be described may tend to produce their types from among
the students, since children tend to emulate adults they see as their models. In the fore–going
descriptions of teachers in the school system, it is evident that, there exists two categories of
teachers, but what attributes or characteristics define the effective and ineffective teachers?
Highet (1977), in identifying the kinds of teachers, said that, there are good or effective teachers,
and bad or ineffective teachers, and amateur teachers who are neither good enough nor too bad in
teaching activities. In this study, the researcher categorized teachers into two, because whatever that
is not good, in definitely, bad. Denigrating the bad teachers, Highet (1977), said that bad teaching
wastes a great deal of effort, and spoils many lives which might have been full of energy and
happiness. Giving support for the existence of effective and ineffective teachers in the school
system, Vernon cited in Gammage (1971), said that most of those in the teaching profession who are
well adjusted are somewhat extroverted, but many other personality types do excellent work and
that there are certainly, large number of misfits. The researcher, through a wide range of consultation
in various literatures, has firmly established the
... Get more on ...
College Accreditation Research Paper
Marketing Research
Accreditation Research Project
April 25, 2011
Being accredited is how an institution is recognized as a university having a legitimate degree
program. The value of the degree you receive is based upon accreditation, college ranking, and the
perception of the institutions image in organizations and society. As my problem statement I would
like to find out what the value of accreditation is, what it takes to become accredited, maintain
accreditation, and why some degrees from accredited institutions are not recognized by other
institutions and business organizations. Some research objectives I would like to achieve would be
to find out if the loss of credits in the transfer from school to school is due to different ... Show more
content on ...
According to an article written in the New York Times, and quoted in a higher education watchdog
website, "scores of students are dropping out of the University of Phoenix, the largest chain of for–
profit colleges in the country, fed up because their academic experiences bear no resemblance to the
promises that were made to them by duplicitous recruiters. Most of these students are leaving hugely
indebted. Contributing to the poor graduation rate, current and former students who studied at
University of Phoenix campuses or online complained of instructional shortcuts, unqualified
professors, and recruiting abuses" (Burd, 1). There are some business organizations that do not
recognize them as a credible education system. For example, I worked for the insurance company
Geico, and they offered tuition reimbursement if you attend an accredited university. However
because of their unorthodox style of teaching, and not being a traditional four year university, they
did not recognize them as a legitimate university and would not reimburse any tuition.
All of the accrediting organizations are overseen by an organization called CHEA, the Council for
Higher Education Accreditation. CHEA ensures that all the regulations and standards are uniform
throughout the agencies, and based on their definition, all the organizations should
... Get more on ...
Macalester Personal Statement
It was about two years ago that I first heard of Macalester College. One of my schoolfellow that has
been a Mac student for a year told me about the life and studying experience for the past year. That
was the time that I began to like this school, for its diversity in studying and high–quality life
experience. One of the reasons that I want to go to America for college is that I want to learn more
expansive knowledges and to learn more about people from different countries to broaden my
horizon. Macalester s known for its large international enrollment and has one of the highest
percentages of foreign students in the United States, which is really good for me to join . Also since
English is not my native language, I have been
... Get more on ...
Availability and Utilization of Ict-Based Facilites in the...
ABSTRACT This study employs ex–post factor research design to investigate the level of
Availability and Utilization of ICT–Based Technology among biology teachers in Ekiti state
secondary schools. In this survey, 36 biology teachers were randomly selected from boarding and
day public secondary schools in Ekiti state. Two instruments were developed, validated and
reliability scores obtained using Cronbach alpha method. Simple percentages, weighted average and
chi–square were used in data analyses. In all, two research questions and three hypotheses were
addressed and tested. The findings revealed low level of availability of ICT–Based facilities as well
as low level of utilization of ICT–Based facilities by teachers of biology. The study ... Show more
content on ...
Sample and Sampling Technique For the first target population of this study (i.e boarding senior
secondary schools), a simple random sampling was employed to select six (6) schools. Thereafter,
three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected from each of the sampled boarding schools. Also
for the second target population, a simple random sampling was adopted to selected six (6) non–
boarding senior secondary schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected
from each of the sampled schools. The overall sampled size for the study was 36. Instruments for
Data Collection 1. Inventory on Availability of ICT Facilities (IAIF) This instrument was developed
and validated by the researchers. It has two sections A and B. Section A contains demographic data,
while section B contains 11 items to elicit information on the availability of ICT–based facilities for
the teaching of biology in schools. A reliability alpha value of 0.87 was obtained using Croubach
alpha method. 2. Teachers' Utilization of ICT Facilities Questionnaires (TUIFQ) An instrument also
developed and validated by the researchers with two sections A and B. Section A contains
demographic data while section B contains 13 items to elicit information on the teachers' utilization
of ICT–based facilities in the teaching of biology. A reliability alpha
... Get more on ...
Macalester College Application Essay Sample
After being put on the wait list of Macalester College, I want to reiterate my interest in Macalester
and to update my application. Being on the waiting list to me is more like an opening door than pure
disappointment; it is an opportunity for me to express my increasing affection towards Macalester
and to reexamine my progress in the past few months and my future.
With the curtain of college applying season falling down, I have been self–studying four AP courses,
calculus, chemistry, microeconomics and macroeconomics, by using online resources, reviewing
Latin and Italian, and in the meantime keep making progress in my school curriculum.
I had been stepping into the society, leaving my little comfort zone, but it's still not sufficient for
contributing to the world around me.
Here in China. Topics like sex education or feminism are like lines that could not be crossed or even
touched. People are constantly trying to avoid facts regarding the severity of teenagers lacking
appropriate sex education or the situation of female being unequally treated. ... Show more content
on ...
Joining a newly born high school sex education advocacy group, AZURE, as the main editor and the
interviewer, I have been doing research and writing articles to provide correct and adequate sex
education of certain topics, such as menstruation, the usage of condoms and the prevention of sex
harassment as well as how to cope after being sexually harassed, for aged 14–18 readers and I have
made contact with experts like Dr. Wenli Liu, who is in charge of Sex Education for Youth Program
in Beijing Normal University, and Longxi Wang, head of Marie Stopes International in China, to
talk to them about the awaiting amendments concerning high school sex education. My articles
released on Weixin Official Account Platform have been viewed more than 600 hundred times so
... Get more on ...
College Athletes Should Not Be Exempt from Regular Class...
Many college athletes miss classes because of practice, competition and from exhaustion.
For those reasons, supporters argue for exemption of athletes from class attendance policies.
Others argue that college athletes are given scholarships to attend college to play sports. On the
contrary, the focus of colleges is educating students. The question is, should colleges athletes be
exempt from the class attendance requirements? The answer is no and here is why. First, the
education of athletes takes priority over recreational activities. Second, it is unfair for athletes to
receive preferential treatment. Third, exempting athletes from the policies does not allow them to
develop time management skills. For these reasons the college ... Show more content on ...
After all, athletes are not born they train hard to get their skills and do remarkably on the court. The
philosophy here is athletes must work equally hard in the classroom. (Emma) stated in "A College
Perspective on Academic and the Student Athlete."
Coach & Athletic Director "As more eyes open to the athlete's challenges and struggles, more ideas
and strategies will emerge to help them succeed not only in–between the lines of the playing field or
court, but in the lecture halls, science labs, and classrooms as well." Thus, education is a key
element that produces academic achievers, tomorrow's leaders and balance adults. Given these
points, the student athletes must recognize the importance class attendance.
For the longest time it has been known that student athletes often miss classes. Moreover, athlete
miss classes to attend practice, take part in competition and from exhaustion. Also, some athletes are
going to leave college early and enter professional sport. Consequently, they skip classes and slide
through college. Of course, colleges with attendance policies requires students to attend classes a
certain amount of time and so should the athletes. Whenever athletes miss classes their academic
performance is usually affected. As a matter of fact, it is difficult for them to keep up the grades
required for them to keep the scholarship reward and stay on the team. By the same token,
... Get more on ...

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Opportunities At Macalester

  • 1. Opportunities At Macalester We as human only have one life to live. Therefore, we should take advantage of opportunities in our lives and make the most of it and also learn from our past experiences. College years are important stage in one's life in terms of building one's identity and exploring new opportunities. The small student body size at Macalester provides a commune atmosphere which gives students the confidence and security of expressing and exploring their interests. Therefore, I strongly believe that the new experiences that I will gain and the positive risks that I will take at Macalester will help build my character and expand my perspectives on life. Besides my personal gains, I truly believe that I can give back to the Mac community. Macalester is a college ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. It Is Better to Have Tried and Failed Than to Have Never... "It's better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all" Do you agree? The saying "actions speak louder than words" can be applied to this scenario. Many people often dare to dream but fear stops them from ever moving forward on their goals. The fear of failure, of not knowing if it is possible to accomplish what may seem like the most unrealistic dream a person sets out to achieve. One example we can learn from is one of the greatest swimmer the world has seen, Ian Thorpe. Four time Swimming World's Swimmer of the Year, Ian Thorpe once said, "I think it's better to attempt something and fail than it is to not even attempt it, so I'm glad that I've been prepared to put myself on the line there." Till today, these words ... Show more content on ... Speaking from personal experience, failure is the mother of success, and without overcoming the challenge posed to me, I would not make it a step further. For example, ever since I stepped on the podium in the primary school swimming nationals, I have always wanted to have the chance to do it again in the secondary school, scoring more points for my school. This year was the last year the school nationals where I could have a chance on stepping on the podium once again and I made use of the opportunity I was given. I started training extremely hard, to a point where I was at the pool at 5 in the morning and back again after school at 4 in the afternoon for strength as well as water training. The number of times I would turn up could go up to ten times a week. This arduous task went on for four to five months and in between, I still had to make sure that I was keeping up with school curriculum. At the recent national schools, I competed and instead was placed 5th, missing the podium by a whopping one second. Although I failed to reach the goal I set out to achieve, I knew that there was nothing else I could do as I have always wanted to represent the country in the Combined School Games and the recent National Schools Swimming Championship would have been my chance to qualify for the games. I started training extremely hard, to a point where I was at the pool at 5 in the morning and back again after school at 4 in ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Norwich University Tuition: A Souring Cost Essay On average college students owe $35,200 in debt due to high costs of college (Ellis). This is a very frightening statistic that is a sad reality to many college students today. Students graduate and are shocked by the dollar amount they owe because of student loans. Sadly, most struggle to pay off these debts, and it often takes years to do so. Private universities tend to be more expensive then public universities, due to the fact they are not partially funded by the state where they are located. As American families are becoming more aware of these high costs they are thinking twice about applying to the private universities. Norwich University, a private university in Vermont is among those high priced schools. Norwich just this year ... Show more content on ... If a student receives the highest scholarship the cost is still a steep $32,000 a year. National averages show the cost of a private university in the US to be around $29,056 (College Board). This sheds light on how high the cost of Norwich really is and that even with the highest available scholarship, Norwich would still cost $2,944 more than the national average of a private school. Now that the myth of Norwich offering scholarships that offset the cost making it the same cost as other schools has proven to be false, we can explore how this cost is hurting Norwich students and the university as well. College seeking students are facing a hard reality. They may not be able to attend the school they most desire if they can not get a good scholarship, or they will need to choose a school less desirable because it is among the few they can afford. This proves to be a serious problem, limiting student's decisions by limiting their choices. Students might choose to attend an expensive school of their choosing and find that they do not have the funds to pay the tuition and then are forced to leave the school. Such situations are evident at Norwich by data provided by the Department of Education, an interesting statistic to note is that the retention rate at Norwich University is 77% (National Center for Education Statistics). This means every new school year Norwich only holds about 77% of the students it had the prior year. However, not all of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Ranking Colleges, Can It Be Unbiased? The article on "Rank Colleges, But Rank Them Right" has several strong points, one of which is the need for rankings motivated by the increasing demand by students and their parents for credible ranking data. The author, David Leonhardt, effectively appeals to the reader via three avenues: ethos, logos, and pathos. As a columnist, as well as managing editor for the New York Times, Leonhardt is plain spoken and analytical in his data laced commentary on ranking colleges. Included in his summary, lending credibility to the value of and need for rankings are in the following statements: "Today the United States ranks ninth among industrialized nations in higher education attainment...;" America used to be considered to be "the most ... Show more content on ... The author points this out in a statement made by Richard R. Beeman, a historian and former dean at the University of Pennsylvania, "The very idea that universities with very different institutional cultures and program priorities can be compared, and that the resulting ranking can be useful to students, is highly problematic." One of Leonhard's weak ethos claims regarding the credibility of rankings emerges in his stating, "Measuring how well students learn is incredibly difficult, but there are some worthy efforts being made." However, the citing he makes of researchers at Indiana Universities further clouds the objectivity needed for unbiased ranking, because students are asked "how they spend their time and how engaged they are in their education, while another group is measuring whether students become better writes and problem solvers during their college years." Here Leonhardt artistically uses persuasion and logical reasoning to point out that the measuring tools are subjective, hardly noteworthy of credible rankings for colleges. The author convincingly argues the need for more accurate rankings for universities in this statement "that can't rest on a brand name (i.e., his alma mater, Yale). The ones that did well would be rewarded with applications from just the sort of students universities supposedly want ––– ones who are willing to keep an open mind and be persuaded by evidence." U.S. News and World Report have reported rankings since the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Understanding Truancy Problem from Various Perspectives TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0: Statement of the Problem 2 2.0: Motives and Goals 6 3.0: Research Question and Objectives 6 4.0: Literature Review 7 5.0: Research Strategies 10 6.0: Concepts 11 7.0: Data Sources, Types, and Forms 13 8.0: Selection of Data Sources 13 9.0: Data Collection and Timing 14 10.0: Data Reduction and Analysis 14 11.0: Problems and Limitation 19 12.0: Conclusion 20 13.0: References 25 14.0: Interview Question 27 UNDERSTANDING TRUANCY PROBLEM FROM VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES. A CASE STUDY IN A SELECTED SCHOOL IN PENANG ISLAND. STATEMENT OF THE TOPIC/PROBLEM Truancy or absenteeism has been a common problem faced by many schools in Malaysia whether they are urban or rural. It is also considered as a disciplinary problem that ... Show more content on ... Consistency refers to the means by which the attendance policy is put into practice by everyone involved with the school. The school policy document needs to be owned by all staff. The objective of the school policy document is to promote good attendance and to implement a sound system for monitoring student behavior and progress. Schools who keep accurate attendance records are better able to identify truancy problems early. This includes noting tardiness, patterns of tardiness and/or absences or absences around particular days (such as holidays) as these may be red flags that there is a problem. In order for the policy to be effective, students must be made aware of the policy, held accountable for their actions, and the policy must be followed consistently. (Meaning the consequences for truancy, such as detention, in school suspension, counseling, etc. are enforced each and every time a child is truant). When a student is absent, make every effort to contact the parent and try to figure out what might be going on. If time allows, call the parent during the day instead of calling in the evening. The teachers should talk to the student about why he/she was absent. Make sure that the student realizes that the teachers are aware of the absences and care about him/her
  • 18. being in school. Parents play the fundamental role in the education of their children. This applies to every family regardless of the parents' station in ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. College Is a Waste of Time and Money Essays Hayley Drummond Professor Dill Tuesday, Thursday 8:00–9:15 Essay # 1 Summary September 10, 2011 Caroline Bird's essay "College is a Waste of Time and Money" explains her beliefs on why, for some people, going to college is an ineffective and inefficient use of their time. She states that many students do not belong in college because they are there for the wrong reasons and they are not happy learning. She also gives evidence to suggest that going to college and getting a degree does not actually allows a person to make more money in their life time. Her final claim is that college does not prepare most students for the real world and the jobs they will have once they graduate. Bird believes most students are not in college for ... Show more content on ... Bird's second point is that, contrary to popular belief, college is not the best monetary investment a young person can make. Bird explains this by comparing the money that would be spent on education versus money that is put in a bank for interest. The outcome shows investing money that would otherwise be spent on a college education would earn over half a million dollars more than the earnings of a male college graduate compared to a non–graduate. Bird also states that even if a graduate makes more money in their job than a non–graduate, there is no evidence that the higher income is due to their college education. She attributes financial success to luck rather than a college education. In this argument she mainly puts forth logical reasons why college is not for everyone. She shows actual dollar amounts that logically prove an education is not necessarily the most profitable investment. Bird's final point is that college does not prepare most people for the jobs they are going to have in the future. She states the work attached to most jobs is totally unrelated to their college education. For example, although there are many graduates with a psychology degree, there are only so many jobs in psychology. The remaining graduates are forced to find jobs with work unrelated to the degree they have obtained. Also, she brings up the point that college does not make people intelligent and successful, but successful and intelligent people go to ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Essay on Consumerism Taking Over Our Universities In contemporary society, the average person is coddled and raised to be sensitive about everything whether it be good or bad. This translates over to universities, which causes them to be less academic and more consumer– based. As the years progress, the trend is becoming more prevailing which poses the question, do universities truly care about the education that they are providing, or is it turning more into a business? Although some consumerism in education is good and is a driving force to better institutions, too much like we have in it now is beginning to deteriorate the quality of the education provided and in turn weakening American society. Consumerism is becoming more widespread in universities due to the rising number of ... Show more content on ... According to, Grade Inflation in the College Classroom, "Students are paying more for a college education every year, and increasingly they are demanding the reward of a good grade for their purchase" (Tucker, Courts 2). The expectations that the students have going into college are telling of how consumerism is tarnishing higher education. Consumerism affects students' grades, according to, Grade Inflation in the College Classroom, students are not studying as much as students in the past and their grades are still on a rise. This shift in focus by the university causes the classes to become less intense creating a more mediocre education for the students. This harms students who will have to face the problem of entering the workforce with an inferior education. Studies have shown that, "Many students feel that lower grades can significantly damage their opportunities to gain employment after attending a university [...] it may be difficult to compete with a near straight–A student from a university that has shown grade inflation, if one's grades are lower. Many believe that grade inflation gives certain students an unfair advantage in the job market or when applying to graduate schools" (Tucker, Courts 2). If one student goes to a school that is known for a certain subject and graduates with a good grade point average, they could lose the ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. College Costs Are Out Of Control Essay People with college degrees are paid 80% more than people with only a high school education. When the college degree is from a more prestigious school, that percentage increases even further (McArdle). Even President Barack Obama acknowledged this in a 2012 speech, saying that "The incomes of folks with a college degree are twice as high as those who don't have a high–school diploma" (Lemann). While a college education is a good investment for the long run, the cost of college is not a positive. The price of goods has risen due to inflation over the past decade, but during that time college increased drastically. The rates have nearly doubled, but the things that students learn still remain the same. If students are paying so much more ... Show more content on ... The plan will help the state "to reach its goal of helping 60 percent of Idahoans between the ages of 25 and 34 complete a degree or certificate by 2020" (Mills). In addition, half the United States already has, or is in the midst, of making statewide education systems that include college (Kingsley and Vance). Not only is college becoming more common, but it would make sense that with more students coming into college that the rates would be lower. However, colleges are not decreasing costs, but instead increasing them, making tuition costs harder on students. The job market is evolving, causing college to be essential to anyone that wants to pursue a job. In a 2012 speech, President Barack Obama said that "right now, the unemployment rate for Americans with a college degree or more is about half the national average" (Lemann). This shows that even with a college degree, the job market is changing, causing many students to be unemployed.Yet at the same time, people that have a college education are better off than those without one. Moreover, the current job market is becoming more information based, which requires more literacy, math skills and critical thinking. Since the United States is not fully prepared with an education system that only requires kindergarten through 12th grade, the United States must outsource jobs overseas to have necessary tasks be completed. This not only takes ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Ways to Prevent School Shootings School shootings are terrifying to think about, but there are ways to help prevent the massacres from ever happening again. The first known school shooting was at the Texas Tower at the University of Texas in 1966 where Charles Whitman shot and killed 16 people while injuring 31 others. Who would have known since that date that we would have more then 200 deaths on school campuses? The most storied shooting in the 90's was probably the Columbine massacre where on April 20, 1999 Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 32 students and faculty before turning the guns on themselves. The horror scene from the day will always be remembered in many lives and will continue over the years. There were many other horrible shootings over the years as ... Show more content on ... Noticing some early warning signs and not being scared to report them can help someone from making the biggest mistake of their life and saving people from harms way should start with the love shown from the parents. Having the parents be in the kids life knowing his or her surroundings at all time can be the key for prevention. Showing our kids love and attention will not make them want to do harm to others and having your child talk to you if something is bothering them. When you aren't in the child's life and not knowing what's going on with them could easily make them feel lost inside and can turn to depression like our parents don't care about them, a key fact is no matter how busy our lives with our job and anything else that we might do in our spare time parents should always find time to spend with our child each day, even if its only for a half hour, each time that we show love can be a key for our child not to do the unthinkable. The key facts from kids that do the shooting is a lot of times from being bullied at school or make fun of that will keep there anger all bottled up inside until one day the anger explodes and the worst scenario happens and that is a school shooting. Parents should also talk to their child to let them know not to be scared to report things that might seem out of the ordinary. Kids should always report to authority or a teacher ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Personal Experience: I Am A Mexican-American Woman I am proud to say I am a Mexican–American woman. Unfortunately, I have not always been this way mostly due to my upbringing in a primarily Caucasian school. Unsurprisingly, I felt as though I needed to assimilate in order to fit in, yet I do not believe I understood the magnificence of my culture. Colorful would be the word to describe Mexican culture. Every aspect of the culture, from my favorite salsas and moles, to the traditional dress I wore for my presentation about Mexico to my class, is a rainbow of colors. It is lively and loud in a way that can only be compared to mariachi music that played while I made tamales with my family. Through these memories I have learned how valuable my heritage is to me, and now I never hide who I am, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Analysis the admission policy of primary and secondary... 1. Introduction The value and role of "knowledge" is different in every culture but good basic education is essential in every culture. Primary and secondary education in UK (up to 16) is compulsory for all children. However, there were a limited number of high quality schools and these are oversubscribed application. That created problem of "distributing" pupils between schools (Hurst and Sugden, 2011). So a practical and effective admission policy has great influence on the quality of basic education. The purpose of writing this report is to argue for the reliability and effectiveness of current enrolment policy. According to this report, it will help admission policy designer to solve the problems and prove the benefits of this ... Show more content on ... (c). General Problem Solving – A test of general knowledge, assessing the ability to apply logic to simple problems (Simon, 1991). This 11–plus examination was replaced by a non–selective system on all local education authorities (LEAs) governed by 1976 Education Act. Non–selective system means the provision of education in any school where arrangements for the admission of pupils to the school are based on selection wholly or mainly by reference to ability or aptitude for music or dancing (Trowler, 2003).In the 1980 Education Act parents were given right to choose the school they wanted (though LEAs could refuse on grounds of inefficient use of resources (Trowler, 2003). The Education Reform Act 1988 which is regarded another profound influential education legislation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Scottish education legislation is separate from that of the rest of the UK.) enabled existing maintained schools to opt out of LEAs control (Trowler, 2003). In the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act set out a new framework for schools (to be implemented from 2000) with community schools replacing county schools and foundation schools replacing GM schools (Trowler, 2003). The latest act–Academies Act 2010 continued to promote the process of giving equal opportunity to children from all ethnic backgrounds (Hurst and Sugde, 2011). 3. Current Situation The discussion of school enrolment policies of primary and secondary school among parents have heated over ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Essay on Generation Y: The Surpassed Struggles for... Life is a struggle in itself, but to do well in life one must do well in school. The older generations view Generation Y as lazy "kids" who want to take the easy way out. Just because things look easy, doesn't really mean they are. Computers and calculators may make tasks easier but because of this, harder tasks are given. This new "Lazy" generation must defy all odds just to get through the crazy competition that is high school and college to achieve a well–paying job. The definition of success as we know it is now much harder to attain than it once was for Baby Boomers; yet this "lazy" generation known as Millennials continue to achieve it while overcoming these difficulties that previous generations never faced. Older generations ... Show more content on ... High school students took over three million AP exams in 2012 ("ANNUAL AP PROGRAM PARTICIPATION 1956–2012"). This shows you how much high school students are competing today. The competition is so great that it even bleeds into middle school. Students try to take more advanced classes in middle school so they can have a head start in high school. What's crazy is parents will even put their children in special "gifted" elementary schools now to try to get an even earlier edge on the competition. "There has been a boom in the popularity of these programs in recent years, and some only accept children who score in the 99th percentile on admissions tests." ("What are your options?"). That is what the world is coming to. Just as Millennial are finishing roughing it through high school, they have a to do all their college applications. Due to the Internet, something Baby Boomers did not have back when applying to schools, the difficulty to send out applications has decreased. Today there is something called the Common App, which allows students to create a single application and send it to any and as many schools as they desire. This simplicity allows many more students to apply and allows each student to apply to many more schools. Susan Adams of writes, "When I was a high school student in the late 1970s, I remember typing out each form and tucking the pages into a bulky envelope. Now students can fill out an online ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Traditional Grading System Essay Traditional Grading System Education is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of any human society. Without it human beings could not have been at the current point of time where we all know tremendously about life and the universe. We are now better off than we were. However, it is clear that there is still huge variety of phenomena waiting for our discovery. The most important objective of education is to help human beings pursue their burning desires to learn and reach their potential. In that way we progress. Therefore, it is vital to help or at least not hinder education to fulfill its goals. Traditional grading system will be my focus of this essay. Grading as numbers or letters, a conventional way of assessing ... Show more content on ... Finkelstein: "When we consider the practically universal use in all educational institutions of a system of marks, whether numbers or letters, to indicate the scholastic attainment of the students or pupils in these institutions, and when we remember how very great stress is laid by teachers and students alike upon these marks as real indicators or measures of attainment, we can but be astonished at the blind faith that has been felt in the reliability of the marking system. School administrators have been using with confidence an absolutely uncalibrated instrument...What faults appear in the marking systems that we are now using, and how can these be avoided or minimized?" (Mark) Can we find answers to his questions today? Now let us examine the mostly accepted reasons for assessing students' achievements using conventional grading systems. The one rationale for grading is to sort students like "potatoes" so that higher institutions – colleges and universities – and employers choose as correctly as possible from these sorted "potatoes". (Alfie) Certainly higher education and future jobs are among most significant things in life. However, the purpose of education, in particular high schools, is not to serve these institutions by sorting students like potatoes, but help pupils to discover their interests, enhance learning, and reach their potentials. Unfortunately the study shows that the grade is not "a cogent predictor ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. My Reality Check Essay My Reality Check Two things didn't mix well in my life. One was being a full time student and the other an athlete. It was great not having parents around telling you to do your homework or to go to class, of which I never did. I had a choice, which was more important, playing lacrosse or studying. Like any first year college student I picked lacrosse. At that point I didn't realize what I was getting myself into. Who at that age would know either? My worst nightmare came true in the summer of 1989. I was academically dismissed from the university. I thought to myself "no way, this could never happen to me, I played lacrosse, had a girlfriend, and I was popular, how could this have happened". The worst part of the whole ... Show more content on ... This proved to be beneficial, for I received a 3.67 grade point average for that semester. That spring was just as good, that year my grade point average was a 3.46. I was happy, and so were my parents. I proceeded to reapply back to my former university and was accepted. I gradated with over a 3.0 in my major and was offered a job in Washington D.C. Being dismissed from college was one experience that I have never regretted and never will. I can see why this happened; I was a student athlete, which doesn't mix. Being an athlete in college I had to practice Monday through Saturday, I was always tired, too tired to study and go to class. I did learn a couple things though, sportsmanship, self–discipline, teamwork, cooperation, and concentration. Too bad none of these attributes rubbed off on my schooling. The university said that they would help me out with my schoolwork but that was just a lie, one in which they still use today. The school put me into these "easy" classes which didn't teach me anything except how to fall asleep in class. The university was only worried about winning games and being nationally recognized. They didn't help me when I was doing poorly and even after I was dismissed. After being dismissed I realized a few things, one that the university only cared about my money, another was that everything I did I did for someone else, and that I was accomplishing ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Essay Breaking the Cycle of Poverty caused by Lack of... "Society has been trying to reduce poverty for over 500 years" (Indigenous) and has never succeeded. The education and skill level, health or handicap status, and discrimination play a vital role in poverty. So why does society keep trying the same approaches: give them money or give them jobs? Neither one ever worked. A major factor determining whether someone will end up living in poverty, education or skill level can make or break an income. Education plays a vital role in acquiring jobs, learning new skills, and bringing home necessities and comforts of life. A person who does not receive an education has a very small chance of making much money and acquiring skills that would bring home a desirable income. Many who do not have an ... Show more content on ... Boaz allowed the widows of the community to glean in his field. Some believe it started somewhere in the Middle Ages. Dependent on who one listens to, one may consider a different start time. Perhaps it all started in England, under Edward III, with the Statute of Laborers, enacted in 1349 or with the work ethic in 1571 with Martin Luther. Regardless we have had organized attempts to rid ourselves to poverty for many years, and, we have been at it a very long way to go. More recent causes not necessarily related to money already in hand have been categorized as follows: inadequate education or skills, poor motivation to work and other negative attitudes or skills, inability to form stable families, proliferation of low–wage, low–skilled jobs, poor schools and inadequate investment in training and skill formation, lack of access to higher education, residential segregation, discrimination in labor, credit, and housing markets. Of these listed, two deal with discrimination (7 and 8), two with jobs (2 and 4) and four with education (1, 2, 5, and 6), and one with families (3). "Society has been dealing with discrimination for decades" (Amadeo, Kimberly) with the first big push away from it by President Johnson in the 60's. Discrimination still is with society and society still need to work on this aspect. The United States has also had a jobs program for decades with very limited success. Depending on which study you read, the success rate is between ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Essay on The Sociological Perspective on Basketball The Sociological perspective on basketball In sociology, there are 3 paradigms. There is the conflict theory perspective, the symbolic– interaction perspective and the structural–functionalist perspective. From a conflict paradigm point of view, the essay would focus on gender and how the assumption that girls lack the same level of strength and stamina as men. The WNBA (Women National Basketball League) doesn't get the same amount of respect as the males do in the NBA (National Basketball League). Another issue could be that the NBA players have a higher annual salary than an average teacher. A structural–functionalist approach could be focused on how it creates jobs (the NBA) and academically too. Basketball could also be focused on how ... Show more content on ... How does playing basketball for a school can help a student academically in high school from a structural–functionalist perspective? You notice that playing basketball for a high school can help physically, mentally, socially, and academically. Not only does playing basketball for a school not only build friendships between team members, but could also give them that competitive edge to become better than who they are physically and mentally. For a student to continue playing basketball for a school, he'll have to stay in shape for the season and be able to keep the grades above average. Academically, at a college level, basketball is a good and bad thing. Majority of universities pay attention to the student skill level at the sport rather than his grades, just to ensure the schools success. Paragraph 5 = From a structural–functionalist perspective, you realize that by the game of basketball, you can build friendships easily just by having something in common like loving the game. You also notice how job opportunities can be given by playing the sport or becoming a trainer in the game and help the athletics stay in shape. By having more job opportunities, it expands the economy. From a young age, basketball can not only help you academically, but help you get into colleges. Paragraph 1 = the 3 paradigms Paragraph 2 = friendships are built thru basketball. Gyms, reck team, common love for a team or player Paragraph 3 = the job oppurities ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Cost of College Argumentative Essay Ever since you were little, your parents have been talking about this wonderful thing called college. They told you that you have to go there to get an education before you can get a good job. Many kids have dreamed of going to college, and being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in hard work and dedication to good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able to get into an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to college to get a degree is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition prices and job loss, the college dream is slowly and surely slipping away from many students and their families. The first step in the college ... Show more content on ... With lack of financial aid students are not going to be able to afford college on their own. They are relying on their parents to help them, but is there anything they can do? In order to get a decent paying job, you have to have a college degree. Many people will not be able to go to college full time because they have to work part–time or full–time to be able to afford college and can not move on to a higher paying job with out it. Low income students have always struggled with college bills. Financial and political forces are making it harder than ever to get a college degree, which is crucial to getting a high paying job (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). It is extremely difficult to get a job and go to college full or part time, just to have a higher paying job. Many students hope to avoid a soaring loan debt. They work long hours; take courses part–time and are commuting to college rather than living on campus. These compromises greatly reduce chances of earning a college degree in a timely manner if at all (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). As a result, students must rely on even larger loan debt to get through school. Many students have to put off getting their degree and some never go back to get it. Graduation rates have dropped because of the size of debt that students acquire while at school. Students nowadays are expected to pay all of their tuition with no help. The economy is in horrendous shape and ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. College Preparedness Essay People choose to go to college for a myriad of reasons. Some attend college because of the expectations of their parents or society. Others go to college because of the increased earning potential that a college education can provide. Still others decide to go to college to expand their knowledge in an area of particular interest. William Cory, a 19th Century English schoolmaster said, "You go to school not for knowledge so much as for arts and habits." The arts and habits that Cory proposes that students are pursuing are certainly things that a student might learn in college. However, I don't think that many people enter college with a goal of achieving the "mental courage and mental soberness" that Cory proposes. Colleges, on the ... Show more content on ... Some people might not appreciate these requirements at the time, but may find an interest in a subject they never would have explored had it not been an educational requirement. College students are also required to take classes that teach them to write research papers. The process of researching and writing these papers can teach students new habits. Among these are what Cory calls, "assuming . . . a new intellectual posture" and "regarding minute points of accuracy." However, it would be a mistake to believe that a college is the only place one could acquire these habits and "self–knowledge." If Cory is correct that students go to a great school to learn "the habit of working out what is possible in a given time, for taste, for discrimination," then one could conclude that those who haven't gone to college lack those traits. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 39% of students enrolled in colleges in 1999 were twenty–five years or older. (NCES, 1) This would seem to indicate that many people are delaying their education for various reasons. Some go directly to the work force after high school for financial reasons. Others might join the military or choose to explore the world around them before going to college. There are also some students who may feel they are not cut out for college because of poor grades in high ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. College: Is it Still worth it? Essay Elementary school, middle school, high school, college―that's how we're told our education careers should go. After college you go on and get a job based on the degree you received. Seems simple right? According to Erik Lowe in his Seattle Times article "Keep Washington's College Tuition Affordable," he informs that people in his generation are the first to be less educated than their parents, in the United States. He explains that this is due to the high cost of tuition followed by a huge amount of student loan debt. Lowe believes that there needs to be a significant change in the country's higher education systems (in reference to the tuition costs) or the decline of college attendance will continue. There needs to be a decrease of ... Show more content on ... Why does the tuition cost so much more? This leaves college students baffled and stressed about how much money they're paying and what they're even paying for. As it is, there is about $1 trillion in college debt in America. A Philadelphia Enquirer article warns that, "The average debt owed per person is $25,000 –– the highest level of student debt in the nation's history," and that the number is increased by tens of thousands of dollars for those who go on to get higher degrees. $25,000 is a lot but the reality is that a lot of people have even more than that. For example, what if someone goes to an expensive private college and their tuition is anywhere between 30 and 70 thousand per year. In total they could be paying between 120 and 240 thousand dollars per year. The majority of the country is most likely unable to easily pay for that and could end up with extensive amounts of debt just because they went to the college that they wanted to. Student's education shouldn't be compromised just because the school they want to go to has a high tuition. Alarmingly, "Study after study has shown the number one barrier to attending college is the published rate of tuition."(Lowe) The amount of student debt as a result of a school's high tuition should decide where people should go to school. If tuition is decreased then simultaneously, student debt would be as well. If college ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Development of Education in Kenya 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Definition of terms 3 1.2 Background information 4 1.2.1 Pre–colonial education 4 1.2.2 Post colonial education in Kenya (Neocolonialism) 4 1.3 National Aims/Goals of Education in Kenya 6 1.4 Structure of education 6 1.4.1 Early Childhood Development and Education 7 1.4.2 Primary education 8 1.4.3 Secondary education 9 1.4.4 Teacher Education 9 1.4.5 Tertiary Education 10 1.4.6 University education 11 1.5 Administration system 11 1.5.1 Permanent secretary 11 1.5.2 Finance and administration Division 12 1.5.3 Directorate of Education 12 1.5.4 Field Service Education Officers 13
  • 79. 2.0 CHALLENGES FACING THE FORMAL EDUCATION IN KENYA 14 2.1 Recommendations to the ... Show more content on ... During that time education in Africa, Kenyan included was stratified on racial lines in matters of system structure, curricula and resources. For example, the Europeans system had an upper hand resource, its curriculum was based on British traditions, Arabs and Asians system came second. Africans prepared youths to work on Europeans farms. 1.2.2 Post colonial education in Kenya (Neocolonialism) Sifuna and Otiende (1992) noted that racial segregation was abolished in 1960 as the country moved closer to independence. With the attainment of independence on 12th December, 1963;– a ministry of education was created. The school system in Kenya was brought under a localized standard curriculum and public examinations. Since independence, the Government has addressed challenges facing the education sector through Commissions, Committees and Taskforces. The first Commission, after independence, came up with the Report of the Kenya Education Commission (The Ominde Report, 1964) that sought to reform the education system inherited from the colonial government to make it more responsive to the needs of independent Kenya. The Commission proposed an education system that would foster national unity and the creation of sufficient human capital for national development. Sessional Paper No: 10 of 1965 on African Socialism and its Application to Planning in Kenya formally adopted the Ominde ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Essay Affirmative Action Must Play a Role in College... Anxiously awaiting its contents, the high school senior stares at his mailbox. He has been awaiting a response for months from his dream college. He has endured the endless questions from friends and family, "Did you hear from that college yet?" He has spent many a night he should have been sleeping lying in bed wondering whether he would be heading to his dream school in the fall. He has read numerous books and has done serious research on just what it took to get where he wanted to be. He continues to stare for hours, shaking from either anticipation or fear, though he cannot decide which. Finally his parents arrive home and encourage him to open the letter. He then opens the box. Now I ask this. Should this senior's ethnicity impact ... Show more content on ... In 1973, Bakke received a score of 468 out of 500, but was not accepted, because he had applied late in the year due to his wife's mother's serious illness, and by this time of the year, only applicants with scores 470 or higher were accepted. There were, however, four special–admissions slots remaining, but Bakke was ineligible for these. The special admissions program at Davis was reserved for applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds, and these applicants, who were required to be from a racial minority group, were evaluated separately from the other regular–admissions applicants. In both years that he applied, Bakke's GPA was close to the average for regular admittees, but significantly higher than that of the special admittees. His MCAT scores were well above both averages. Bakke was angered but decided to apply again in 1974. He was again rejected. Bakke then sued the medical school. He claimed that the special admissions program was an unfair racial quota, a violation of the 14th amendment. In its decision on the case of Allan Bakke, the Supreme Court ruled that racial quotas are unconstitutional, but that race can still be used as a factor in admissions. In the Supreme Court's decision, Justice Marshall, the only justice on the Supreme Court who was of a racial minority group, stated that the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified directly after the Civil War, ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Academic Sucess Essay University of Phoenix Material Academic Success Answer each question below in at least 75 words per question, reflecting on your current abilities, and identify resources to strengthen your skills. Refer to the videos, readings, and other weekly assignments to help you compose your answers. |Question |Your reflection | |How would you define academic |In order be academically ready I feel one needs to understand, and/or is making efforts to | |readiness? |understand the class topics. You need to be goal oriented, and have your goals outlined, and know| | ... Show more content on ... The center of excellence has many other things I know will be useful. When going through | |reading skills (refer to your Student |the orientation I made sure to pay extra attention to all the tools that would assist me in | |Resources Worksheet)? |completing any essays or research papers. Without these tools I would continue to struggle with | | |my writing skills, and wouldn't be able to turn in quality work. | |What is your personal learning style |My learning style is mode 4 which doesn't surprise me at all. I am currently a customer service | |(refer to the Ch. 1 Aplia homework)? |supervisor, so within my job duties my job is to learn and then teach others what I have learned.| | |I love to see others influenced by what I teach them, and what they see me accomplish. Currently | | |I work on projects from start to finish, and take great satisfaction in seeing the final results | | |of a project I assisted with. | | | | | ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Personal Narrative: My Graduate School Thesis Essay There I was, poised with the first draft of my masters thesis, ready to jack it under the rear wheels of my car so that I could vent my anger and frustration. Never had I felt this kind of undiluted rage in dealing with a piece of writing. As far as I was concerned, the first draft was complete and therefore the entire piece was finished; however, my thesis advisor didn't quite agree with me. A less deranged friend of mine talked me out of repeatedly backing over my thesis, and convinced me that it didn't really matter if I did leave tire marks on it because I had multiple drafts on my disk. But still, I knew that it would just feel so good to leave some tire tread on the paper. I had not written a thesis as an undergrad, and I was ... Show more content on ... So, when I came to the end of the first draft of my thesis, I was convinced I had produced a solid piece of writing and that I was finally, and thankfully, done with it. At the point at which I was ready to jack the thesis under my rear tires, I knew I had worked hard on this piece, harder than I had ever worked on a piece of writing in my life. It was certainly the longest piece of writing that I had ever produced; yet I had erroneously equated length with good quality. I had done no revising to this piece, nor had I achieved any distance from it in order set it aside to come back to it at a later time. In the past, I had not written drafts of my papers; I had been told since high school that I was a reasonably decent writer. I was a comparative literature major in college, and again, I had earned solid grades on my writing assignments, and I had worked hard, but I had not slaved over draft after draft. I tended to write well under pressure (or so I thought), but I left no time for revisions. Usually, I was finishing up the paper within hours of the class in which it was due. Up until working with Peter, I had thought that this process worked fine for me; in fact I thought that it had worked better than fine. However, Peter Heinegg changed all of that for me. Peter agreed with me that I was done with the thesis, but he thought I was merely done with the FIRST draft of the piece. He told me my work was good but there was ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Eda 577 Action Inquiry Essay The Big Picture: A Strategic Plan Thomas Kordick EDA 575 Grand Canyon University October 12, 2010 To any prospective parent, a school needs to present all the facts about itself, so as the parent may make the choice that is best for their child. Thirty years ago, when I was in school. There was no concern about scores, diversity, etc. You just went to your local elementary, middle and high school. Today parents are much more informed and curious about where their child is going to go. To some parents, it is quite important to have their children attend a culturally diverse school. "There is a richness that comes from students working side by side with others who are not of the same cookie– cutter mold," notes Jean Snell. (Great ... Show more content on ... It is a 2 1/2 hour after school program that has tutoring, homework and some exercise time. Unfortunetly, space is limited to about 120 students because of funding. Local high school and college students come and tutor for their community service and for credits. Data has provided some evidence of strong improvement for kids who have attended SNAP. In looking at data from the DMS Single Plan for Student Achievement, at the start of the 2008–2009 school year, they looked at ten students that had flunked two or more academic classes. At the end of the school year, 7/10 kids, who were in SNAP, finished without flunking any class (DMS SPSA, 2010). In school academic classes, programs have been implemented for those that are CELDT 1–3 reading levels. The ratings are for those that are below proficient to beyond basic. Usually kids that are born in other countries, have not much education and have recently arrived in the community. Another important part of a school improvement plan is The student population at DMS is made up of 60% Latino and 40% Caucasian. The Latino population is primarily in the lowest socio–economic group, with 40% living at or below the poverty line. The Caucasian population is made up of 5% in the lowest and middle socio–economic class and 35% in the highest socio–economic class. The socio–economic gap between the two groups is quite high. Over the last few years the new administration has made it a ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Essay on Academic and Career Goals ACADEMIC 2 Academic and Career Goals Sometimes it seems like life is inhibiting me from achieving my goals. I define my objectives as I see them. I associate them with my values. Knowing that the task at hand is essential to realizing my dreams, but I am unable to do it. I have thought about other ways to get around the problem, I keep getting back to the talent I'm missing. Accomplishing a new ability might feel like a huge undertaking. It's been my experience that if a talent is necessary in getting closer to achieving my dreams, education is not a bad thing after all. I begin on an excursion to take the first of many steps gaining enlightenment ... Show more content on ... During this day and age, numerous individuals are going back to the school to further their education; due to many families having challenging times in making their ends meet. The employers are seeking individuals who possess college degrees; which inspires people to further their education. Having a college degree often leads individuals into a secure and a well–paying job in order to adequately support their family. In today's society and principles, individuals with a college degree are viewed to be more devoted, well–informed, teachable, and respected to potential businesses. Additionally, when I was younger and inexperienced, my day dreams were of going college and gaining the experience that would lead me to a successful career. Unnecessary time had passed; and unfortunately, I had to work instead of continuing on with school. Many of my older friends talked about their experiences, and my high school friends were also excited about the idea of joining the working class. After being employed with several jobs, I felt as if my life was not reaching full potential. My self–esteem became low and I felt distraught. Furthermore, I needed to motivate myself and decided to pursue my college degree. There is a point in everyone's life where they will have to become financially independent. Unfortunately, for some people this process can be difficult. Planning my life has been a roller ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. General Education Essay With living costs as high as they are in this day and age, it is completely unreasonable to expect the average individual to squander already limited resources. Receiving a bachelor's degree today requires an assortment of classes that often are not directly related to one's career objectives. For some, they find this to be an enjoyable adventure, broadening their knowledge and learning about new aspects of life, but for others this is just burdensome. However it is looked upon, the college curriculum still requires a diverse selection of courses to develop well rounded, responsible individuals, but in turn creates added pressure upon students. Is it the job of secondary education to start developing all inclusive students who have ... Show more content on ... Or for the individual who find one's true interest, general education is more than worth the two years it takes to get through. So although the couple of years a college student spends in general education may seem useless, it is important to recognize the value of it. It helps individuals by showing them an array of possibilities that should be explored before one decides on his or hers life's career. It also builds interesting people who are not just specialists, but who have a better understanding and appreciation for the world around them. Even though, as explained previously, general education is valuable it does create stress for the student who is set on his/her major. For many students, especially those who go to state universities, the probability of graduating with a bachelor's degree in four years is highly unlikely. For those students who have to fight to get into the classes they need to graduate, general education is a villain. The victim of this system can't see the importance of taking a variety of courses. Zinsser recognizes this problem in his essay "College Pressures," which talks about the stresses that college students face. He quotes a dean of Yale University talking about his students: "They ought to take chances. Not taking chances will lead to a life of colorless mediocrity. They'll be comfortable. But something in the spirit will be missing." (452) ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Essay on Education and Virginia’s Woolf’s A Room of... "Only the gold and silver flowed now, not from the coffers of the king, but from the purses of men who had made, say a fortune from industry, and returned, in their wills, a bounteous share of it to endow more chairs, more lectureships, more fellowships in the university where they had learnt their craft" (754). This is a quote from Virginia's Woolf's essay, "A Room of One's Own". Here she is making a point about universities and the funding that they received from men that had gone to school there. Woolf's essay takes place during the early nineteen hundreds when most women did not attend a university. There was great inequality of those who attended school because men had control over all the money. The men in society either received ... Show more content on ... Thankfully times have changed, and women writers are recognized equally as men are today in society. The main reason is that women today have an equal chance at education. Education today is open to everyone, because education can be paid for, or funded in various ways. Universities today are much easier to attend for anyone that wishes to go to school. There are so many different types of programs out there today that make education more affordable for people that do not have the assets to pay for an education themselves. There are many forms of financial aid available for specific groups of people. For example, there are scholarship programs set up specifically for women, or programs set up specifically for minorities. There are also programs set up for people with certain disabilities. These programs are set up in this sort of way to give everyone a chance to fit in to one of the specific categories. There are many ways to apply for these types of financial aid. You can do them through your high school, place of work, or even find them over the internet. What about the people that don't fit into these specific categories? For these people, there are general financial aid programs established. These programs are set up by private, public, or government institutions. These programs include scholarships, student loans, grants, and many more. Many of these types of financial aid ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. The Effects of Poverty on Education Essay In today's world people need to compete globally for jobs and one of the most important factors in getting a good paying job is education. However, even the best schools cannot overcome some of the obstacles placed in front of the students that walk through their doors. Poverty, chaotic home environments, discrepancies in exposure to technology, and lack of funding for schools all negatively impact the effort to educate children. In today's economic environment even the wealthiest states and districts are having to cut funding for education, while districts which were already teetering on the edge are now in an even worse position. In some schools children have to face not having enough books, paper for copies, severe overcrowding, ... Show more content on ... With the current recession and foreclosure crisis, more families are facing homelessness than ever before. This presents additional struggles for children and the schools who educate them. Since many of the students have no fixed place to stay, they could bounce from school to school providing no stability for education, or in some areas these children are transported back to their original home school sometimes causing kids to be on busses for long commutes. When children face a lack of stability in the classroom it is easier to fall behind, and teachers might only begin to see deficiencies in skills after observing work for a while it could lead a student to fall further behind every day. Even when children have a stable home there are other family life factors that can affect their progress at school. Child neglect, drugs, alcohol, gangs, violence, and hunger can all have a significant impact on how children learn both at school and at home. A child's first educational experience should be at home, however with increasing use of drugs and alcohol, and sometimes unintentional neglect from not being able to afford quality daycare means that some children entering the classroom are woefully unprepared. Although poverty affects every nationality there are races that traditionally are more ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. It's Time To Put and End to Sexting Essay Jesse Logan was a girl who had just graduated from high school when she was humiliated by her ex–boyfriend to an unforgivable state. She sent a fully frontal nude photograph of herself to her then–boyfriend, which is now known as sexting. After their breakup, the ex–boyfriend forwarded Jesse's sext to their entire school, causing her embarrassment and humiliation. She then did an interview with the Today Show stating "I just want to make sure no one else will have to go through this again." Two months later she was found in her bedroom. She hanged herself. As a nation, how is it going to be possible to implement a policy that will work sufficiently? I believe that through annual, educational assemblies in elementary schools for ... Show more content on ... The instructor will educate the students about topics such as "bathing suit parts," what exactly privacy is, why everyone wants their own privacy, and why it is necessary to not invade other's privacy. This will be a huge basis for the future assemblies that the students will attend. It will give a solid prequel to why sending can offend others, and why it is necessary to not exploit other humans, despite how "funny" it may be. The next group of students, grades seven through nine, will increase be more relevant to what exactly sexting is. The average age that children now–a–days are getting cellular telephones is 11.6 years of age (The Online Mom). Therefore, text messaging will be come more relevant to this junior high school age, and it will greatly benefit the students to know exactly what cellular telephones are supposed to be used for, and what sexting entails. This will educate the students about what kind of text messages are appropriate, and what kind of messages (including what sexting is) are inappropriate, and the consequences that can entail sending sexts. The last group of students to take part in the annual assemblies will be students in grades ten through twelve. This group of students will be hit hard with sexting information. They will be taught exactly what sexting is and how it can impact their future. In East Forest High School, a ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Tim O'brien's On the Rainy River Essays Tim O'brien's "On the Rainy River" Tim O'brien's "On the Rainy River" is a true story told by a 41 year old of his life at the age of 21. The fact that O'brien is writing this 20 years later adds a new aspect to the story. He describes himself as a young man with the world in his back pocket. O'brien has just graduated from Macalester College and has a free ride to Harvard. Unfortunately, his storybook world collapses when he receives a draft notice for the Vietnam war, a war that he has "taken a modest stand against"(44) in 1968. Upon receiving his draft notice, O'brien was thrown into a world of what he calls "moral confusion"(44). As a 21 year–old, he follows every rule put forth in front of him, even though he says ... Show more content on ... He stopped here to try and organize his thoughts and make his decision, or at least that is what he thought he was doing. He was actually trying to stall the inevitable. At the Tip Top Lodge he met Elroy Berdhal, "the man who saved me"(50). Berdhal seemed to know exactly what O'Brien needed. He gave him small tasks like chopping wood and didn't talk to him about sensitive topics like why he was there. One of the most captivating moments of the story is when Berdhal takes O'Brien fishing on the Rainy River, which is actually the divider between his two lives. Berdhal takes the boat within meters of the Canadian shore, brining O'Brien to attempt to answer the question, swim to freedom or return home and fight. He thinks that he actually has a choice in this matter, but there really is now way that he could have jumped even with all the motivation in the world. His mind isn't mentally prepared to make such a decision. He then knew, so close to freedom that "Canada had become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a possibility"(59). So he went home the next day, eventually heading off to Vietnam, not even getting to say good bye to the man who in the next 20 years would grow to become the most influential man in his past. Embarrassment is O'Brien's downfall. He would imagine all of the citizens in his hometown gossiping about his lack of ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Chinese and Mexican Cultural Differences Response to Chinese and Mexican Cultural Differences Nathan D. Smith for Dr. John Obradovich, Ph.D. BUSI –472 October 1, 2012 Response to Chinese and Mexican Cultural Differences The comparison between the Chinese and Mexican cultures is an interesting and fascinating one. I do agree that music and dancing is a vital part of the Mexican culture. Mexicans will use any event or situation as a reason to have a celebratory party. All cultures celebrate events such as weddings, births, and some even celebrate death in a positive light. The Mexican culture goes beyond the main events in life that we as Americans normally consider celebration–worthy events. Mexicans will ... Show more content on ... History is passed down from generation to generation through stories and these stories about traditions are an important part of conversations in the Chinese culture (Wang, Leichtman & Davies, 2010). The Mexicans enjoy teaching about traditions through acts and events where as the Chinese prefer passing down traditions through elaborate stories that are based on truths, but will captivate the young minds of their children. These two cultures share many priorities, but have very different ways of carrying out those cultural priorities. Though these two cultures have many differences, but for literally being on opposite ends of the globe, they share a surprising about of commonalities. We interact with both on a daily basis in the melting pot that defines our American society. Both have made valuable contributions to our society in the United States and only time will tell what the future holds as these two cultures continue to interact with one another in our great land. References Fry, Richard, (September 5, 2002); LATINOS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: MANY ENROLL, TOO FEW GRADUATE Retrieved from:–in–higher–education.pdf Johnson, Jenna, (November 14, 2011); Chinese students enroll in record numbers at U.S. colleges Retrieved from: ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Providing Support to Transgender Students On Campus Essay As support for the LGBT population arises across the United States, colleges and universities have responded by creating positive spaces and environments for students. However, in some cases, not all populations are served adequately. A population specifically, transgender students, sometimes do not receive the same support gay, lesbian and bisexual students receive. An issue facing LGBT Services at DePauw University is providing adequate services to transgender students. Providing educational programming, gender neutral restrooms, faculty education, and counseling for transgender students could increase support for students who identify as transgender. Review of Literature Currently, there is not considerable empirical research about ... Show more content on ... The students in Pusch's (2005) study had both positive and negative reactions about their identity and beginning to transition. The reactions the participants had impacted their identity as a person in college (Pusch, 2005). Disapproval by others. Krista, a male–to–female student is consistently met with her parents reinforcing her birth gender (Pusch, 2005). In addition, on campus, Krista is enrolled as a male and resides on a male floor in a residence hall. Her daily life on campus is disconcerting and faces constant alienation (Pusch, 2005). Mary, an age 21 female also has the same feelings as Krista. However, Mary, who is pre–transitioning, attends community college, and lives at home with her parents after leaving a university for academic reasons. In her home, she faces denial by her parents and does not live as her self–identified gender (Pusch, 2005). The disapproval and alienation Krista and Mary are faced with occur on college campuses and to college age students. Supported by others. When a transgender person comes out having support is key in gaining self– confidence. Oberan, a participant in the study, discussed how he always felt the most supported when people would forget he was trans (Pusch, 2005). Since Oberan is treated as a male and not transgendered he feels the most support from his peers and family (Pusch, 2005). Oberan also impacted his campus ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs on... Preparing students for life success, requires a balanced education that includes social and emotional education. It is important that families, schools and communities come together to achieve this. This article is researching the positive effects, of social and emotional learning of students in kindergarten to eighth grade. This article summarizes three reviews of research on the impact of social and emotional learning (SEL) programs on elementary school and middle age school students. These programs promote social and emotional skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymcicki and Durlak, 2008). The SEL programs showed many benefits in both school and after–school settings for students with and without behavioral and ... Show more content on ... This study was done again to see if social and emotional learning still had positive effects on children. The study asked these questions; (a)What skills, attitudes, behaviors and academic outcomes do SEL programs achieve for elementary and middle school (K–8) students? (b) Do SEL program effects endure over time? (c) Are SEL programs effective in school and after school and for students with problems and without problems and (d) What features are associated with highly effective SEL programs? (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The study used a meta–analytic approach. The study was broken down into three reviews; The Universal Review, The Indicated Review and The After–School Review (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan and Durlak, 2008) . The Universal Review included 180 school–based studies involving 277,977 students. The strategy involved classroom programming, which were a set of lessons that sought to develop social and emotional skills such as problem and feeling identification, goal setting, conflict resolution strategies and interpersonal problem–solving skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The Indicated Review had 80 studies involving 11,337 students (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Study of the Influence of Teacher Effectiveness CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background to the study As a teacher in the secondary school system in Nigeria for many years, experience has shown that, there are two categories of teachers – the good or effective teachers, and the bad or ineffective teachers' observable from among teachers in the school system. The effective teachers are perceived to be fully equipped naturally and professionally to lead their students to success in competitive standardized tests, as well as inculcate in them, values that would make them exhibit behaviours that are generally desirable and acceptable. On the other hand, the ineffective teachers do not care about the success of their students in examinations, and, in some cases, students who pass through such teachers, ... Show more content on ... This behaviour has the tendency of reducing productivity and efficiency on the part of the teachers. These ill–behaved teachers as they may be described may tend to produce their types from among the students, since children tend to emulate adults they see as their models. In the fore–going descriptions of teachers in the school system, it is evident that, there exists two categories of teachers, but what attributes or characteristics define the effective and ineffective teachers? Highet (1977), in identifying the kinds of teachers, said that, there are good or effective teachers, and bad or ineffective teachers, and amateur teachers who are neither good enough nor too bad in teaching activities. In this study, the researcher categorized teachers into two, because whatever that is not good, in definitely, bad. Denigrating the bad teachers, Highet (1977), said that bad teaching wastes a great deal of effort, and spoils many lives which might have been full of energy and happiness. Giving support for the existence of effective and ineffective teachers in the school system, Vernon cited in Gammage (1971), said that most of those in the teaching profession who are well adjusted are somewhat extroverted, but many other personality types do excellent work and that there are certainly, large number of misfits. The researcher, through a wide range of consultation in various literatures, has firmly established the ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. College Accreditation Research Paper Marketing Research Accreditation Research Project April 25, 2011 Being accredited is how an institution is recognized as a university having a legitimate degree program. The value of the degree you receive is based upon accreditation, college ranking, and the perception of the institutions image in organizations and society. As my problem statement I would like to find out what the value of accreditation is, what it takes to become accredited, maintain accreditation, and why some degrees from accredited institutions are not recognized by other institutions and business organizations. Some research objectives I would like to achieve would be to find out if the loss of credits in the transfer from school to school is due to different ... Show more content on ... According to an article written in the New York Times, and quoted in a higher education watchdog website, "scores of students are dropping out of the University of Phoenix, the largest chain of for– profit colleges in the country, fed up because their academic experiences bear no resemblance to the promises that were made to them by duplicitous recruiters. Most of these students are leaving hugely indebted. Contributing to the poor graduation rate, current and former students who studied at University of Phoenix campuses or online complained of instructional shortcuts, unqualified professors, and recruiting abuses" (Burd, 1). There are some business organizations that do not recognize them as a credible education system. For example, I worked for the insurance company Geico, and they offered tuition reimbursement if you attend an accredited university. However because of their unorthodox style of teaching, and not being a traditional four year university, they did not recognize them as a legitimate university and would not reimburse any tuition. All of the accrediting organizations are overseen by an organization called CHEA, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. CHEA ensures that all the regulations and standards are uniform throughout the agencies, and based on their definition, all the organizations should ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Macalester Personal Statement It was about two years ago that I first heard of Macalester College. One of my schoolfellow that has been a Mac student for a year told me about the life and studying experience for the past year. That was the time that I began to like this school, for its diversity in studying and high–quality life experience. One of the reasons that I want to go to America for college is that I want to learn more expansive knowledges and to learn more about people from different countries to broaden my horizon. Macalester s known for its large international enrollment and has one of the highest percentages of foreign students in the United States, which is really good for me to join . Also since English is not my native language, I have been ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Availability and Utilization of Ict-Based Facilites in the... ABSTRACT This study employs ex–post factor research design to investigate the level of Availability and Utilization of ICT–Based Technology among biology teachers in Ekiti state secondary schools. In this survey, 36 biology teachers were randomly selected from boarding and day public secondary schools in Ekiti state. Two instruments were developed, validated and reliability scores obtained using Cronbach alpha method. Simple percentages, weighted average and chi–square were used in data analyses. In all, two research questions and three hypotheses were addressed and tested. The findings revealed low level of availability of ICT–Based facilities as well as low level of utilization of ICT–Based facilities by teachers of biology. The study ... Show more content on ... Sample and Sampling Technique For the first target population of this study (i.e boarding senior secondary schools), a simple random sampling was employed to select six (6) schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected from each of the sampled boarding schools. Also for the second target population, a simple random sampling was adopted to selected six (6) non– boarding senior secondary schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected from each of the sampled schools. The overall sampled size for the study was 36. Instruments for Data Collection 1. Inventory on Availability of ICT Facilities (IAIF) This instrument was developed and validated by the researchers. It has two sections A and B. Section A contains demographic data, while section B contains 11 items to elicit information on the availability of ICT–based facilities for the teaching of biology in schools. A reliability alpha value of 0.87 was obtained using Croubach alpha method. 2. Teachers' Utilization of ICT Facilities Questionnaires (TUIFQ) An instrument also developed and validated by the researchers with two sections A and B. Section A contains demographic data while section B contains 13 items to elicit information on the teachers' utilization of ICT–based facilities in the teaching of biology. A reliability alpha ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Macalester College Application Essay Sample After being put on the wait list of Macalester College, I want to reiterate my interest in Macalester and to update my application. Being on the waiting list to me is more like an opening door than pure disappointment; it is an opportunity for me to express my increasing affection towards Macalester and to reexamine my progress in the past few months and my future. With the curtain of college applying season falling down, I have been self–studying four AP courses, calculus, chemistry, microeconomics and macroeconomics, by using online resources, reviewing Latin and Italian, and in the meantime keep making progress in my school curriculum. I had been stepping into the society, leaving my little comfort zone, but it's still not sufficient for contributing to the world around me. Here in China. Topics like sex education or feminism are like lines that could not be crossed or even touched. People are constantly trying to avoid facts regarding the severity of teenagers lacking appropriate sex education or the situation of female being unequally treated. ... Show more content on ... Joining a newly born high school sex education advocacy group, AZURE, as the main editor and the interviewer, I have been doing research and writing articles to provide correct and adequate sex education of certain topics, such as menstruation, the usage of condoms and the prevention of sex harassment as well as how to cope after being sexually harassed, for aged 14–18 readers and I have made contact with experts like Dr. Wenli Liu, who is in charge of Sex Education for Youth Program in Beijing Normal University, and Longxi Wang, head of Marie Stopes International in China, to talk to them about the awaiting amendments concerning high school sex education. My articles released on Weixin Official Account Platform have been viewed more than 600 hundred times so ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. College Athletes Should Not Be Exempt from Regular Class... Many college athletes miss classes because of practice, competition and from exhaustion. For those reasons, supporters argue for exemption of athletes from class attendance policies. Others argue that college athletes are given scholarships to attend college to play sports. On the contrary, the focus of colleges is educating students. The question is, should colleges athletes be exempt from the class attendance requirements? The answer is no and here is why. First, the education of athletes takes priority over recreational activities. Second, it is unfair for athletes to receive preferential treatment. Third, exempting athletes from the policies does not allow them to develop time management skills. For these reasons the college ... Show more content on ... After all, athletes are not born they train hard to get their skills and do remarkably on the court. The philosophy here is athletes must work equally hard in the classroom. (Emma) stated in "A College Perspective on Academic and the Student Athlete." Coach & Athletic Director "As more eyes open to the athlete's challenges and struggles, more ideas and strategies will emerge to help them succeed not only in–between the lines of the playing field or court, but in the lecture halls, science labs, and classrooms as well." Thus, education is a key element that produces academic achievers, tomorrow's leaders and balance adults. Given these points, the student athletes must recognize the importance class attendance. For the longest time it has been known that student athletes often miss classes. Moreover, athlete miss classes to attend practice, take part in competition and from exhaustion. Also, some athletes are going to leave college early and enter professional sport. Consequently, they skip classes and slide through college. Of course, colleges with attendance policies requires students to attend classes a certain amount of time and so should the athletes. Whenever athletes miss classes their academic performance is usually affected. As a matter of fact, it is difficult for them to keep up the grades required for them to keep the scholarship reward and stay on the team. By the same token, exempting ... Get more on ...