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Social Media Training
May 2013
• Job Seeker Behavior
• Social Landscape
• Platforms
• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• Other Networks
• Integrated Strategy/Tools
• Questions
job seeker behavior
How the Recruitment Media landscape has changed
1993 2000 2010
How the Recruitment Media landscape has changed
2011 20152012
Candidate Behavior has changed
always on | media-snacking | constant partial attentionalways on | media-snacking | constant partial attention
Job Seeker Behavior Has Changed
17.8B Searches Top 5 Search Engines in April 2012
One Billion people on Facebook
LinkedIn has over 200 Million users
LinkedIn Signs Up 1 New Users every 2-3 seconds
34B Twitter Searches a Month
#3Search Engine: YouTube (#1Google & #2 Twitter)
109% New user Growth on Twitter (YOY)
Mobile Devices in 2013: #1 in Internet Access
Accessibility Has Changed
• Most tablet activity observed in late evening 9pm -11pm.
• Mobile traffic peaks during typical commuter travel hours (around 9am and 6pm).
• Computer-based traffic highest during typical office hours, spiking around lunchtime.
Product: Custom Analytix
Data: 10 December 2011
Accessibility Has Changed
• Usage patterns align more closely at weekends.
• Two Saturday spikes at 11am and 6pm.
Product: Custom Analytix
Data: 10 December 2011
Be Cognizant Of Mobile Display
social landscape
Social Reach – Beyond Just Users
Reach Any Demographic
Contrary to popular belief, social media
isn’t just for millennials. In fact, the
fastest growing demographic on
Facebook is women over 55!
Also interesting to note is that while
‘early adopters’ are considered always
to be the young set, Pinterest, the
latest social phenom, has over 35% of
their users over 45!
How Jobseekers Use Mobile
social training
• Updated Layout
• Reduced Tab Visibility
• Tab and Application Changes
• No default Landing Pages
• New ways to highlight content
• Private Messages between Brands and Users
• Improved Admin Panel
• Premium Ads and Logouts
Reduced Tab Visibility
• No left rail panel links
• Displayed under Cover Photo
• Total of 4 apps viewable at one time
• 1 space reserved for native apps like photos
• Ability to prioritize order
• Customize App images
• Expandable to view all apps and tabs
• Still able to drive traffic to Tabs
Profile – Timeline View
Profile – Timeline View
Privacy Settings
Privacy Settings
Privacy Settings
All of the settings in the How You Connect
section are significant. They determine who
can send you a friend request on Facebook,
who can message you on the service, and
who can see your Timeline. They also
control who can see your email address and
phone number if you provide that data to
The settings are structured to give you the
same Public, Friends, or Custom options as
does the Default Privacy menu and most of
them default either to 'Everyone' or to
'Friends of Friends', so you may want to
configure them to be a little less permissive.
Privacy Settings
Though the timeline settings are important,
the two settings here that will be most
useful to users involve Facebook
automation. The first controls Facebook's
unsettling facial recognition feature (added
last year). To disable that feature, set 'Who
sees tag suggestions when photos that look
like you are uploaded?' to no one.
The second setting lets you review friends'
posts that you've been tagged in before the
posting is approved. If you've ever worried
that an embarrassing and clearly labeled
photo might circulate on Facebook before
you can detag it, set 'Review posts friends
tag you in before they appear on your
timeline' to enabled and worry no more.
Privacy Settings
Everything here is worth scrutinizing, especially
the 'Apps you use' control panel. Here you can
review and remove all of the third-party apps
you've added to Facebook. Be warned, however,
that you must remove (and confirm removal) of
each app separately, unless you elect to delete
them all.
In the Ads settings, you can turn off social ads
and preemptively opt out of having your data
used in third-party advertising.
This section also lets you turn off Facebook
"features" such as instant personalization (which
exports your personal data to partner websites)
and public search (which allows users whom you
haven't friended to see your timeline through
search engines, even if you've set your Timeline
to be visible to friends only).
Graph Search
Stocky says if he was looking for
people to join the team at
Facebook, he could search for
NASA Ames employees who are
friends with people at Facebook. If I
wanted to reach out and recruit
them, I could see who their friends
are at Facebook. To refine them I
can look for people who wrote they
are “founders.”
Graph Search
Graph Search
Graph Search
Choosing a Twitter Username or “Handle”
1.One name/ Continuity
Try to choose a name that is available in most of the services you sing up to.
2. Real name
Your full name or a variation of it will make it easier for people to recognize you
at a conference or event. It also treats your name like a brand.
3. Short is sweet
With only 140 characters to use, every letter is valuable. It’s not generally an
issue but when people want to reply to you or retweet your posts, the shorter
the handle the better.
4. Your blog name
If you already have a blog with a name that is well known in your community,
using it as a Twitter handle makes Twitter a natural extension of your blog
5 . A combination of your name and your company
If you will be the only person representing your company on Twitter—and you
do not plan to make a company Twitter account—this is a great way to
represent you and your company at the same time.
6. A combination of your name and your industry
7. Promote your handle
 Usernames must be unique and contain
fewer than 15 characters.
Twitter Navigation
Home > Tweet & Read the latest updates from people you
@ Connect > @mentions, favorites, follows and more on
you and your Tweets will appear here. Tweets that mention
you, or are in reply to you, appear here.
#Discover > The new #discover tab is your window into
what interests you right now. And the more you use it, the
better it gets. 
View my profile page > your personal profile page, including
your own latest tweets
Search > Find tweets and tweeps based on keywords (check for more advanced search)
Who to Follow > find people to follow
Worldwide Trends > Current trending topics (by location)
> Click this button to send a tweet
> Drop down menu to view messages, settings,
profile, and help.
Activity Navigation
Tweets > Click to view all Tweets posted
Following > Click to view all users following you
Followers> Click to view all users you are currently
Settings to Know
Tweet Location>
Tweet Media >
Tweet Privacy>
Twitter Bios Dos and Don’s
• Don’t copy paste a longer than 160 character bio
from somewhere else. Bios that are cut off mid-
sentence are sloppy and unprofessional
• Don’t write something in the bio that has nothing to
do with you. For example, a popular quote; be
• Don’t leave it blank.
• Don’t use clichés, jargons or buzzwords. They
make you sound fake, insincere and a possible
• Define what interests you
• Your areas of expertise. 
• What you are passionate about.
• Keywords. If you want to be found on Twitter search or by the
numerous Twitter apps that group people by interest, then it’s vital that
you have relevant keywords in your profile. If you are recruiting locally,
you could have your location plus your job type as part of your Twitter
bio–e.g. “NYC PT recruiter.” That way search engines are more likely
to find your Twitter profile when searching for the keywords “NYC
• Use adjectives. Instead of saying you are a recruiter- try Kindred
recruiter or healthcare recruiter.
• A dash of personality. 
Sample Twitter Bios
Christa Foley a.k.a. @electra – Mom to an amazing 8 yr old. Sr HR Manager at Scouring the planet for people that are fun
and a little weird and then keepin 'em happy at Zappos!
Jennifer McClure a.k.a. @CincyRecruiter – Professional Speaker | Social Recruiting | Employment Branding | Talent Strategist | Recruiter
| Human Resources | Relationship Builder | Blogger | I Horses♡ ​
Craig Fisher a.k.a. @Fishdogs – LinkedIn Certified Training VP - Ajax Social Media • Partner/Recruiter • Speaker •
Host TalentNet Live Events
Jim Durbin a.k.a. @smheadhunter – B2B social marketing and social recruiting
• Optimal Image size= 1600 X 1200 px.
• Less is more
• Want a pattern as a background? Try these
• :
twitter actions
How to Tweet?
Twitter now provides an
automatic link shortener.
Paste link into Tweet Box. After
you enter 13 characters of an
URL, a pop up alert will tell you
that Twitter is going to shorten
that link to just 19 characters.
Once posted the link will get a link ID but it will appear as a
shortened version of the original
URL so people know where they
are navigating. and other shorteners are
still accepted if desired.
Twitter Actions
In order to get the most out of Twitter, it’s important to understand all of it’s messaging functionality. There are three main ways to directly communica
Twitter besides tweeting.
•Direct Messages (DM)
•ReTweet (RT)
•@username (ex: @kadubbs)
•Hashtags (#)
Direct Messages (DM)
Like sending a message on Facebook, it’s a private message between two users on Twitter using 140 characters.
There are a few ways to directly message a Twitter user. Directly from their profile page or from the messages tab
in your account.
Twitter Actions
View both your sent and received messages via your “Messages Tab” on the top of your Twitter profile.
Example of a career related Direct Message.
Note: You can only direct message people who follow you.
Twitter Actions
ReTweet (RT)
ReTweeting is exactly what the word implies. You are ReTweeting content someone else has tweeted. This gives credit to the
person who originally posted the content and shows your followers what you’re interested in and want you want to share. You
can ReTweet by clicking the ReTweet link.
NOTE: All of your followers can see what you ReTweet. Sometimes users type “RT” at the beginning of a Tweet to indicate that
they are posting a Retweet.
REMINDER: To see which of your Tweets others have retweeted go to top navigation CONNECT and view your interactions
Retweeting (cont.)
Disabling Retweets:
If a particular account that you follow retweets updates that you do not what to see in your home timeline., just visit their profile
to turn off retweets from them.
•Open a users mini profile by clicking their username anywhere on Twitter of visiting their account at{username}
•Click the gray person icon and choose turn off retweets. (this is NOT retroactive- old retweets will remain on timeline)
Keep in Mind:
If you see a new face in your timeline it is because someone you follow retweeted something they thought there followers
should see.
Twitter Actions
@username messages are tweets that indicate who you’re tweeting to. These are messages that are visible to all of
your followers and indicate who you’re speaking with directly. In order to create an @Username message, just put
@ symbol in front of the users Twitter handle and you will have created an @username message.
Hashtags (#)
Hashtags help add tweets to a category which narrows down content within a search. Hashtags are created by putting
a # in front of a word or phrase they want to be categorized. Note, phrases must be typed as one word.
Not all hashtags are trending. New hashtags can be easily created and if promoted can gain traction and begin to trend.
Trending Topics
Trending Topics Fail
Hashtags classify tweets by
“news” vs. “#news”
“news” search finds any
tweet with the word “news”
in it.
“#news” Finds any tweets
with #news in it – usually
more media focused
Job Related Hashtags
Hashtags – the following #Tags are important to trend in regards to general recruitment:
•Job Locations: #Minneapolis, #BrooklynPark, etc.
•Job categories: #Marketing, #Distribution, #Merchandising, etc.
•Job qualifications: #Management, #HR, #IT, etc.
•Recruitment focus: #grads, #campus, #entry-level, #internships, #full-time
•General Leadership Hashtags: #team, #leadership, #leaders, #collaboration, #leader, #volunteer, #community,
#professionaldevelopment, #direction, #teamwork, #partnership, #groupeffort, #alliance, #cooperation.
Who to Follow? Suggestions
View Suggestions based on who you are already
following, finding “peers”
Who to Follow? Categories and Interests
Browse interest- find people based on specific topics
or categories
Who to Follow? Find Friends
Find Friends- Find people you are already connected
with (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc.)
Find your LinkedIn Contacts on Twitter
Profile Creation
Profile Creation
Add a photo to make your profile more
Add your work and education history – this
will allow you to reconnect with current and
former colleagues very easily.
Get recommended by colleagues, your direct
reports, and customers. This will allow
potential employees to read how others enjoy
working with you and doing business with
your company.
1)Real Name (no email)
2)Write a headline
3)Update your status regularly
4)Include links to your company
website & career page
5)Control your Public Profile
6) Write your profile for your audience
Basic Tips to Building a Professional Brand
Profile Creation
Profile Creation
Profile Creation
Profile Creation
Profile Settings
Status Updates
Profile Applications
Profile Applications
Importance of Building Your Network
• The larger your network, the more people you can
directly connect and contact through LinkedIn
• Better chance for engaging with referrals and
Building Your Network
Add connections that will increase your
search reach and help you stay informed
of your colleagues, customers, and
industry updates.
Import your Webmail, Outlook, or Yahoo address
book to quickly find contacts you know that are
already on LinkedIn you can invite to join your
Reconnect with colleagues and classmates quickly.
User our People You May Know feature to find
other professionals to connect with.
• Invitation (free) – Request to “Add to network” networks. Connect with colleagues, classmates,
business partners, friends or groups.
• Introduction (free) – Message filtered through a trusted mutual 1st
degree connection. Your
connections will be listed and you can include introduction information you wish to share.
• Inmail (paid feature) – A direct message to a non 1st
degree or group connection.
Request Introduction:
Avoid the cost of InMails by figuring out
email addresses for potential candidates
and contacts.
By simple utilizing Google and, you can understand the
base of the email (ie - and
then plug in the credentials to check the
email address.
Then simply send an email from Outlook for
free and start connecting with the
candidate directly.
• Basic and Advanced Search Options (school,
• See up to 3 degrees of separation
• Ask for introduction through a shared contact
• Send InMail through LinkedIn
Groups provide amazing communities of professionals from niche to enthusiast around any given
profession, topic, association, or job function.
Groups can be private or public (you may have to be accepted). Once joined, any members of that
community may be sent an InMail at any time at no cost (unless not allowed by group owner).
There are forum discussions, Q&A, news, and jobs posted in groups – all with experts in their given fields
There are relevant networking groups
across LinkedIn for nearly every
profession. Take advantage of these
targeted group to engage and interact with
potential candidates or referrals.
Also, Groups can be leveraged for posting
jobs for free to relevant candidates.
integrating networks
Integrating Networks
Integrating Networks
To connect your Twitter Account and your Facebook Account:
•Log in to the Twitter account you want to associate with your Facebook profile.
•Go to your Settings menu and select the Profile tab. Scroll to the bottom and click Post
your Tweets to Facebook.
•Once you click the button, you will see the connection loading. Then you will see a button
to Connect to Facebook.
•If you are not logged into your Facebook account, a prompt will ask you to enter your
Facebook account’s log in information. After logging in, click Allow on the accept
permissions prompt,
•After you have linked your Facebook and Twitter accounts, go to your Facebook
Application settings and select Twitter. You will see an App privacy section. If you would
like your friends to be able to see your Tweets on your Facebook wall, please select
"Friends" as the sharing option from the drop down menu.
Post LinkedIn Status to Twitter
•Create a LinkedIn status and check the Twitter box.
•Click Share
•Keep in mind- LinkedIn status updates are limited to 500
characters- if you choose to post to Twitter you will need to limit
the post to 140 characters.
Integrating Networks
Integrating Networks
Scheduling capabilities for weeks in advance
Content customization for individual channels (ie
Twitter’s character limit)
Browser or tool integration (Chrome Extension)
Integrating Networks
Integrating Networks
Easy social channel integration for simple automation
Want to thank people who retweet you automatically? Save Facebook
photos you are tagged in to Dropbox or other online storage tools?
pushing out jobs
leveraging talentbrew
TalentBrew – Where It All Starts
Easy to grab vanity URLs
Each job category, location, and individual jobs have
their own, easy to grab URL making it easy to share
jobs on a specific or generic level through email, social
networks, or anywhere possible to share a link.
Candidate experience is also much improved when
landing on a TalentBrew page compared to landing to a
page inside of the ATS.
90 – the defacto standard for Twitter hashtag information. Allows users to search any term to determine whether
or not a hashtag exists for the term, and if it’s trending.
On the left is the homepage for Type any term into the search box and will allow you to
determine if it’s trending or not.
On the right is the results page after typing in a term. In this case, the term “marketing” was used. Since this is a
trending hashtag on Twitter, returns a chart displaying activity change over the last week, along with
example tweets where the hashtag #marketing was used.
Building Community
Thank you

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Ohiohealth social-training

  • 2. 2 Agenda • Job Seeker Behavior • Social Landscape • Platforms • Facebook • Twitter • LinkedIn • Other Networks • Integrated Strategy/Tools • Questions
  • 4. How the Recruitment Media landscape has changed 1993 2000 2010
  • 5. How the Recruitment Media landscape has changed 2011 20152012
  • 6. 6 Candidate Behavior has changed always on | media-snacking | constant partial attentionalways on | media-snacking | constant partial attention
  • 7. Job Seeker Behavior Has Changed 17.8B Searches Top 5 Search Engines in April 2012 One Billion people on Facebook LinkedIn has over 200 Million users LinkedIn Signs Up 1 New Users every 2-3 seconds 34B Twitter Searches a Month #3Search Engine: YouTube (#1Google & #2 Twitter) 109% New user Growth on Twitter (YOY) Mobile Devices in 2013: #1 in Internet Access
  • 8. Accessibility Has Changed 8 • Most tablet activity observed in late evening 9pm -11pm. • Mobile traffic peaks during typical commuter travel hours (around 9am and 6pm). • Computer-based traffic highest during typical office hours, spiking around lunchtime. Product: Custom Analytix Data: 10 December 2011
  • 9. Accessibility Has Changed 9 • Usage patterns align more closely at weekends. • Two Saturday spikes at 11am and 6pm. Product: Custom Analytix Data: 10 December 2011
  • 10. Be Cognizant Of Mobile Display
  • 12. Social Reach – Beyond Just Users
  • 13. Reach Any Demographic Contrary to popular belief, social media isn’t just for millennials. In fact, the fastest growing demographic on Facebook is women over 55! Also interesting to note is that while ‘early adopters’ are considered always to be the young set, Pinterest, the latest social phenom, has over 35% of their users over 45!
  • 16.
  • 19. Now…Timeline • Updated Layout • Reduced Tab Visibility • Tab and Application Changes • No default Landing Pages • New ways to highlight content • Private Messages between Brands and Users • Improved Admin Panel • Premium Ads and Logouts
  • 20. Reduced Tab Visibility • No left rail panel links • Displayed under Cover Photo • Total of 4 apps viewable at one time • 1 space reserved for native apps like photos • Ability to prioritize order • Customize App images • Expandable to view all apps and tabs • Still able to drive traffic to Tabs
  • 27. Privacy Settings All of the settings in the How You Connect section are significant. They determine who can send you a friend request on Facebook, who can message you on the service, and who can see your Timeline. They also control who can see your email address and phone number if you provide that data to Facebook. The settings are structured to give you the same Public, Friends, or Custom options as does the Default Privacy menu and most of them default either to 'Everyone' or to 'Friends of Friends', so you may want to configure them to be a little less permissive.
  • 28. Privacy Settings Though the timeline settings are important, the two settings here that will be most useful to users involve Facebook automation. The first controls Facebook's unsettling facial recognition feature (added last year). To disable that feature, set 'Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded?' to no one. The second setting lets you review friends' posts that you've been tagged in before the posting is approved. If you've ever worried that an embarrassing and clearly labeled photo might circulate on Facebook before you can detag it, set 'Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline' to enabled and worry no more.
  • 29. Privacy Settings Everything here is worth scrutinizing, especially the 'Apps you use' control panel. Here you can review and remove all of the third-party apps you've added to Facebook. Be warned, however, that you must remove (and confirm removal) of each app separately, unless you elect to delete them all. In the Ads settings, you can turn off social ads and preemptively opt out of having your data used in third-party advertising. This section also lets you turn off Facebook "features" such as instant personalization (which exports your personal data to partner websites) and public search (which allows users whom you haven't friended to see your timeline through search engines, even if you've set your Timeline to be visible to friends only).
  • 30. Graph Search Stocky says if he was looking for people to join the team at Facebook, he could search for NASA Ames employees who are friends with people at Facebook. If I wanted to reach out and recruit them, I could see who their friends are at Facebook. To refine them I can look for people who wrote they are “founders.”
  • 35. 35 Choosing a Twitter Username or “Handle” 1.One name/ Continuity Try to choose a name that is available in most of the services you sing up to. 2. Real name Your full name or a variation of it will make it easier for people to recognize you at a conference or event. It also treats your name like a brand. 3. Short is sweet With only 140 characters to use, every letter is valuable. It’s not generally an issue but when people want to reply to you or retweet your posts, the shorter the handle the better. 4. Your blog name If you already have a blog with a name that is well known in your community, using it as a Twitter handle makes Twitter a natural extension of your blog 5 . A combination of your name and your company If you will be the only person representing your company on Twitter—and you do not plan to make a company Twitter account—this is a great way to represent you and your company at the same time. 6. A combination of your name and your industry 7. Promote your handle  Usernames must be unique and contain fewer than 15 characters.
  • 36. Twitter Navigation 36 Home > Tweet & Read the latest updates from people you follow @ Connect > @mentions, favorites, follows and more on you and your Tweets will appear here. Tweets that mention you, or are in reply to you, appear here. #Discover > The new #discover tab is your window into what interests you right now. And the more you use it, the better it gets.  View my profile page > your personal profile page, including your own latest tweets Search > Find tweets and tweeps based on keywords (check for more advanced search) Who to Follow > find people to follow Worldwide Trends > Current trending topics (by location) > Click this button to send a tweet > Drop down menu to view messages, settings, profile, and help.
  • 37. Activity Navigation 37 Tweets > Click to view all Tweets posted Following > Click to view all users following you Followers> Click to view all users you are currently following
  • 38. Settings to Know 38 Tweet Location> Tweet Media > Tweet Privacy> HTTPS Only>
  • 39. Twitter Bios Dos and Don’s 39 • Don’t copy paste a longer than 160 character bio from somewhere else. Bios that are cut off mid- sentence are sloppy and unprofessional • Don’t write something in the bio that has nothing to do with you. For example, a popular quote; be original. • Don’t leave it blank. • Don’t use clichés, jargons or buzzwords. They make you sound fake, insincere and a possible spammer. • Define what interests you • Your areas of expertise.  • What you are passionate about. • Keywords. If you want to be found on Twitter search or by the numerous Twitter apps that group people by interest, then it’s vital that you have relevant keywords in your profile. If you are recruiting locally, you could have your location plus your job type as part of your Twitter bio–e.g. “NYC PT recruiter.” That way search engines are more likely to find your Twitter profile when searching for the keywords “NYC recruiter.” • Use adjectives. Instead of saying you are a recruiter- try Kindred recruiter or healthcare recruiter. • A dash of personality. 
  • 40. Sample Twitter Bios 40 Christa Foley a.k.a. @electra – Mom to an amazing 8 yr old. Sr HR Manager at Scouring the planet for people that are fun and a little weird and then keepin 'em happy at Zappos! Jennifer McClure a.k.a. @CincyRecruiter – Professional Speaker | Social Recruiting | Employment Branding | Talent Strategist | Recruiter | Human Resources | Relationship Builder | Blogger | I Horses♡ ​ Craig Fisher a.k.a. @Fishdogs – LinkedIn Certified Training VP - Ajax Social Media • Partner/Recruiter • Speaker • Host TalentNet Live Events Jim Durbin a.k.a. @smheadhunter – B2B social marketing and social recruiting
  • 41. 41 Design • Optimal Image size= 1600 X 1200 px. • Less is more • Want a pattern as a background? Try these • • • :
  • 43. How to Tweet? 43 Twitter now provides an automatic link shortener. Paste link into Tweet Box. After you enter 13 characters of an URL, a pop up alert will tell you that Twitter is going to shorten that link to just 19 characters. Once posted the link will get a link ID but it will appear as a shortened version of the original URL so people know where they are navigating. and other shorteners are still accepted if desired.
  • 44. Twitter Actions 44 In order to get the most out of Twitter, it’s important to understand all of it’s messaging functionality. There are three main ways to directly communica Twitter besides tweeting. •Direct Messages (DM) •ReTweet (RT) •@username (ex: @kadubbs) •Hashtags (#) Direct Messages (DM) Like sending a message on Facebook, it’s a private message between two users on Twitter using 140 characters. There are a few ways to directly message a Twitter user. Directly from their profile page or from the messages tab in your account.
  • 45. Twitter Actions 45 View both your sent and received messages via your “Messages Tab” on the top of your Twitter profile. Example of a career related Direct Message. Note: You can only direct message people who follow you.
  • 46. Twitter Actions 46 ReTweet (RT) ReTweeting is exactly what the word implies. You are ReTweeting content someone else has tweeted. This gives credit to the person who originally posted the content and shows your followers what you’re interested in and want you want to share. You can ReTweet by clicking the ReTweet link. NOTE: All of your followers can see what you ReTweet. Sometimes users type “RT” at the beginning of a Tweet to indicate that they are posting a Retweet. REMINDER: To see which of your Tweets others have retweeted go to top navigation CONNECT and view your interactions
  • 47. Retweeting (cont.) 47 Disabling Retweets: If a particular account that you follow retweets updates that you do not what to see in your home timeline., just visit their profile to turn off retweets from them. •Open a users mini profile by clicking their username anywhere on Twitter of visiting their account at{username} •Click the gray person icon and choose turn off retweets. (this is NOT retroactive- old retweets will remain on timeline) Keep in Mind: If you see a new face in your timeline it is because someone you follow retweeted something they thought there followers should see.
  • 48. Twitter Actions 48 @Username @username messages are tweets that indicate who you’re tweeting to. These are messages that are visible to all of your followers and indicate who you’re speaking with directly. In order to create an @Username message, just put @ symbol in front of the users Twitter handle and you will have created an @username message. (Ex:@SoundGlitter). Hashtags (#) Hashtags help add tweets to a category which narrows down content within a search. Hashtags are created by putting a # in front of a word or phrase they want to be categorized. Note, phrases must be typed as one word. Not all hashtags are trending. New hashtags can be easily created and if promoted can gain traction and begin to trend.
  • 51. Hashtags Hashtags classify tweets by subject. “news” vs. “#news” “news” search finds any tweet with the word “news” in it. “#news” Finds any tweets with #news in it – usually more media focused
  • 52. Job Related Hashtags 52 Hashtags – the following #Tags are important to trend in regards to general recruitment: •#Jobs •#jobadvice •#jobhunt •#jobsearch •#Careers •#Recruitment •#JobSeeker •Job Locations: #Minneapolis, #BrooklynPark, etc. •Job categories: #Marketing, #Distribution, #Merchandising, etc. •Job qualifications: #Management, #HR, #IT, etc. •Recruitment focus: #grads, #campus, #entry-level, #internships, #full-time •General Leadership Hashtags: #team, #leadership, #leaders, #collaboration, #leader, #volunteer, #community, #professionaldevelopment, #direction, #teamwork, #partnership, #groupeffort, #alliance, #cooperation.
  • 53. Who to Follow? Suggestions 53 View Suggestions based on who you are already following, finding “peers”
  • 54. Who to Follow? Categories and Interests 54 Browse interest- find people based on specific topics or categories
  • 55. Who to Follow? Find Friends 55 Find Friends- Find people you are already connected with (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc.)
  • 56. Find your LinkedIn Contacts on Twitter 56
  • 59. Profile Creation Add a photo to make your profile more authentic Add your work and education history – this will allow you to reconnect with current and former colleagues very easily. Get recommended by colleagues, your direct reports, and customers. This will allow potential employees to read how others enjoy working with you and doing business with your company.
  • 60. 1)Real Name (no email) 2)Write a headline 3)Update your status regularly 4)Include links to your company website & career page 5)Control your Public Profile 6) Write your profile for your audience Basic Tips to Building a Professional Brand
  • 69. Importance of Building Your Network • The larger your network, the more people you can directly connect and contact through LinkedIn • Better chance for engaging with referrals and sourcing
  • 70. Building Your Network Add connections that will increase your search reach and help you stay informed of your colleagues, customers, and industry updates. Import your Webmail, Outlook, or Yahoo address book to quickly find contacts you know that are already on LinkedIn you can invite to join your network. Reconnect with colleagues and classmates quickly. User our People You May Know feature to find other professionals to connect with.
  • 71. Communicating • Invitation (free) – Request to “Add to network” networks. Connect with colleagues, classmates, business partners, friends or groups. • Introduction (free) – Message filtered through a trusted mutual 1st degree connection. Your connections will be listed and you can include introduction information you wish to share. • Inmail (paid feature) – A direct message to a non 1st degree or group connection. Request Introduction:
  • 72. Communicating Avoid the cost of InMails by figuring out email addresses for potential candidates and contacts. By simple utilizing Google and, you can understand the base of the email (ie - and then plug in the credentials to check the email address. Then simply send an email from Outlook for free and start connecting with the candidate directly.
  • 74. • Basic and Advanced Search Options (school, location) • See up to 3 degrees of separation • Ask for introduction through a shared contact • Send InMail through LinkedIn Search
  • 77. Groups Groups provide amazing communities of professionals from niche to enthusiast around any given profession, topic, association, or job function. Groups can be private or public (you may have to be accepted). Once joined, any members of that community may be sent an InMail at any time at no cost (unless not allowed by group owner). There are forum discussions, Q&A, news, and jobs posted in groups – all with experts in their given fields
  • 78. Groups There are relevant networking groups across LinkedIn for nearly every profession. Take advantage of these targeted group to engage and interact with potential candidates or referrals. Also, Groups can be leveraged for posting jobs for free to relevant candidates.
  • 81. Integrating Networks 81 To connect your Twitter Account and your Facebook Account: •Log in to the Twitter account you want to associate with your Facebook profile. •Go to your Settings menu and select the Profile tab. Scroll to the bottom and click Post your Tweets to Facebook. •Once you click the button, you will see the connection loading. Then you will see a button to Connect to Facebook. •If you are not logged into your Facebook account, a prompt will ask you to enter your Facebook account’s log in information. After logging in, click Allow on the accept permissions prompt, •After you have linked your Facebook and Twitter accounts, go to your Facebook Application settings and select Twitter. You will see an App privacy section. If you would like your friends to be able to see your Tweets on your Facebook wall, please select "Friends" as the sharing option from the drop down menu. Post LinkedIn Status to Twitter •Create a LinkedIn status and check the Twitter box. •Click Share •Keep in mind- LinkedIn status updates are limited to 500 characters- if you choose to post to Twitter you will need to limit the post to 140 characters.
  • 83. Integrating Networks 83 Scheduling capabilities for weeks in advance Content customization for individual channels (ie Twitter’s character limit) Browser or tool integration (Chrome Extension)
  • 85. Integrating Networks 85 Easy social channel integration for simple automation Want to thank people who retweet you automatically? Save Facebook photos you are tagged in to Dropbox or other online storage tools?
  • 88. TalentBrew – Where It All Starts Easy to grab vanity URLs Each job category, location, and individual jobs have their own, easy to grab URL making it easy to share jobs on a specific or generic level through email, social networks, or anywhere possible to share a link. Candidate experience is also much improved when landing on a TalentBrew page compared to landing to a page inside of the ATS.
  • 90. 90 – the defacto standard for Twitter hashtag information. Allows users to search any term to determine whether or not a hashtag exists for the term, and if it’s trending. On the left is the homepage for Type any term into the search box and will allow you to determine if it’s trending or not. On the right is the results page after typing in a term. In this case, the term “marketing” was used. Since this is a trending hashtag on Twitter, returns a chart displaying activity change over the last week, along with example tweets where the hashtag #marketing was used.

Editor's Notes

  1. Added 10/16/09
  2. Important: you must click Allow on the prompt above and Friends from the drop down menu under App privacy in order for your Tweets to post on your Facebook profile and be seen by your Facebook friends. After completing these steps, your Tweets will post to Facebook Please note that Twitter for Facebook does not post Retweets or @replies If your Tweets do not appear on your Facebook profile, please check to make sure the box to Post your Tweets to Facebook is checked in your Profile settings (see below) and that you've selected Friends from the App privacy section on Facebook To connect your Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook you will see a check box and drop down menu underneath the my Facebook profile check box. After you select a Page, click the link to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page:
  3. Important: you must click Allow on the prompt above and Friends from the drop down menu under App privacy in order for your Tweets to post on your Facebook profile and be seen by your Facebook friends. After completing these steps, your Tweets will post to Facebook Please note that Twitter for Facebook does not post Retweets or @replies If your Tweets do not appear on your Facebook profile, please check to make sure the box to Post your Tweets to Facebook is checked in your Profile settings (see below) and that you've selected Friends from the App privacy section on Facebook To connect your Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook you will see a check box and drop down menu underneath the my Facebook profile check box. After you select a Page, click the link to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page:
  4. Important: you must click Allow on the prompt above and Friends from the drop down menu under App privacy in order for your Tweets to post on your Facebook profile and be seen by your Facebook friends. After completing these steps, your Tweets will post to Facebook Please note that Twitter for Facebook does not post Retweets or @replies If your Tweets do not appear on your Facebook profile, please check to make sure the box to Post your Tweets to Facebook is checked in your Profile settings (see below) and that you've selected Friends from the App privacy section on Facebook To connect your Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook you will see a check box and drop down menu underneath the my Facebook profile check box. After you select a Page, click the link to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page:
  5. Important: you must click Allow on the prompt above and Friends from the drop down menu under App privacy in order for your Tweets to post on your Facebook profile and be seen by your Facebook friends. After completing these steps, your Tweets will post to Facebook Please note that Twitter for Facebook does not post Retweets or @replies If your Tweets do not appear on your Facebook profile, please check to make sure the box to Post your Tweets to Facebook is checked in your Profile settings (see below) and that you've selected Friends from the App privacy section on Facebook To connect your Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook you will see a check box and drop down menu underneath the my Facebook profile check box. After you select a Page, click the link to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page:
  6. Important: you must click Allow on the prompt above and Friends from the drop down menu under App privacy in order for your Tweets to post on your Facebook profile and be seen by your Facebook friends. After completing these steps, your Tweets will post to Facebook Please note that Twitter for Facebook does not post Retweets or @replies If your Tweets do not appear on your Facebook profile, please check to make sure the box to Post your Tweets to Facebook is checked in your Profile settings (see below) and that you've selected Friends from the App privacy section on Facebook To connect your Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook you will see a check box and drop down menu underneath the my Facebook profile check box. After you select a Page, click the link to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page:
  7. Important: you must click Allow on the prompt above and Friends from the drop down menu under App privacy in order for your Tweets to post on your Facebook profile and be seen by your Facebook friends. After completing these steps, your Tweets will post to Facebook Please note that Twitter for Facebook does not post Retweets or @replies If your Tweets do not appear on your Facebook profile, please check to make sure the box to Post your Tweets to Facebook is checked in your Profile settings (see below) and that you've selected Friends from the App privacy section on Facebook To connect your Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook you will see a check box and drop down menu underneath the my Facebook profile check box. After you select a Page, click the link to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page:
  8. Embed Tide interview video