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Ohio State Application Essay
Crafting an essay on the Ohio State application can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It
demands a thorough understanding of your personal experiences, academic achievements, and
aspirations. You are tasked with presenting a compelling narrative that not only highlights your
achievements but also showcases your uniqueness.
The difficulty lies in finding the right balance between showcasing your accomplishments and
revealing the person behind the achievements. You must articulate your goals, experiences, and
the impact Ohio State will have on your academic and personal growth. This requires
introspection and a keen ability to express yourself effectively.
Moreover, there's the challenge of standing out among a sea of applicants. The Ohio State
application essay is a chance to distinguish yourself, and therefore, it requires careful thought and
creativity. Crafting a memorable essay involves meticulous planning, drafting, and revising to
ensure that your voice is both authentic and persuasive.
Additionally, the pressure to meet word count limitations while delivering a powerful message
adds another layer of complexity. It's crucial to convey your thoughts concisely without
sacrificing depth or substance.
For some, the challenge may also lie in deciding which aspects of their experiences to highlight,
as there's often a wealth of material to choose from. Selecting the most impactful and relevant
stories requires strategic thinking and a keen awareness of the essay's purpose.
In conclusion, writing an essay for the Ohio State application is no simple task. It demands self-
reflection, creativity, and the ability to communicate effectively. Successfully navigating these
challenges can significantly enhance your chances of securing a spot at Ohio State University.
If you find yourself needing assistance with such essays or other writing tasks, various resources
are available, including professional writing services. Websites offer
support for crafting essays, personal statements, and more. They can provide guidance and
examples to aid in the writing process, ensuring that your application materials leave a lasting
Ohio State Application Essay Ohio State Application Essay
Group: 06
_Toc350291717 h 22.INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc350291718 h
PAGEREF _Toc350291719 h 33.1 Geely Holdings PAGEREF _Toc350291720 h
33.2 Volvo Car Corporation PAGEREF _Toc350291721 h 34.MOTIVATION FOR
_Toc350291723 h 45.1 The attractiveness test PAGEREF _Toc350291724 h 45.2
The Cost of Entry Test PAGEREF _Toc350291725 h 55.3 The Better Off Test
_Toc350291727 h 56.1 Management ... Show more content on ...
And lastly, the management should consider the option of having an ally with Volvo
in the first place before going for the whole 100% equity stake in the company.
Geely HoldingsGeely is a Chinese automotive manufacturing company with the head
quarter situated in in Hangzhou, china and is listed in Hong Kong stock exchange
(code: HKG: 0175). Geely automobile holdings is owned and controlled by the parent
company named Geely Holding group whose business is in the automobile sector.
Market: In 1998, Geely sold about 200 cars but its annual sales volume shot up to
326710 in 2009 (about 96% rise). In terms of the market share, Geely was about
4.3% of the domestic Chinese automobile market in 2009. The sales in domestic
segment of Geely was about 95% in 2009 with the management ambitious goal of
growth in market share of both overseas and domestic.
Financial Situation: The financial report card of Geely registered consistent
progress in terms of turn over as well as profits. In 2009, Geely registered a net profit
of 1.3 billion RMB ($188 million).
Brand and Technology: As far as brand is concerned, Geely is regarded as a low cost
brand with mediocre quality and was competing in the low end segment of the
automobile market. Geely has a corporate culture of entrepreneurship with little
What Happened to Circuit City
Summer Trimester Project This paper demonstrates Hodges University s learning
outcome of Initiative. James E Boardman Wheel (Third) Hodges University
MAN 6410 Managing International Cultural Differences MAN 6430 Developing and
Managing Strategy in a Global Environment Dr. Nancey Wyant / Professor John
Meyer Due: July 28, 2010 Submitted: August 8, 2010
Graded by MSM Instructor: __________________________ Grade Awarded:
__________________________________ Writing Rubric Completed:
_________________________ Abstract
Circuit City officially closed its doors on March 31, 2009 and over 40,000
employees lost their jobs. Through thorough research and having experience working
at the ... Show more content on ...
Hussey believes that without a proper market analysis, analysis of the external
environment, and a strategic plan to improve, the organization will fail. The first
individual to conceptualize the idea of strategic decision making by upper
management and senior officials was Igor Ansoff in the 1960 s. Although Ansoff did
not invent the idea of strategy, he did bring the idea of using strategic decision
making for large corporations to succeed. In his book, Corporate Strategy, Ansoff
identified 4 major decision types every organization must make. Decisions on
strategy, policy, standard operating procedures, and programs were the 4 decisions
Ansoff believed every organization needed to make (Strategic management, 2005).
Ansoff was nicknamed the father of strategic management. Although Ansoff had a
complex thought process on the concept of strategic management, his ideas all
stemmed from similar thoughts. He summarized his thoughts on strategy by saying,
The key to strategy is recognizing that if a company is functioning, it is part of the
environment. When a manager understands the environment and is recognizing that
the environment is constantly changing, then the manager can make the correct
decisions in leading the organizations into the future (Ansoff, Igor, 2003). Henry
Mintzberg is also an important figure in the history and writings of strategic planning
Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) And How It Works And What...
For this reflection, the focus is to look closer at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and
how it works and what makes it successful. AA is a group that was a group formed
for those members that are powerless over alcohol (Van Wormer, Davis, 2013). I
attended AA meetings in Cincinnati on Monday Friday at noon. I have been
attending daily since October 3rd, except for weekends. There are usually about 30
to 50 participants in each session. There are beginner s meetings, open and closed
meetings all at the same place working together for the first fifteen minutes.
The facilitators would open the meeting by introducing himself as an alcoholic and
welcome everyone for attending. He asks for new members and visitors. This is a
nice touch as it seems very inviting as it gives that feeling of warmth from the
beginning. The facilitator also asks for any out of town visitors and lastly if there
are any anniversaries. There were two during my observation, one guy had reached
1 year and one lady had 5 years. Both were given a coin to celebrate their sobriety
and a warm celebratory praise from the group. They both were given the opportunity
to speak if they chose and they both declined.
Preamble is then read by the chairperson or a member. This states the purpose of AA
and why you are here and what you would expect by attending (Alcoholics
Anonymous World Services, Inc. 2005). For example, you would not have any fees,
and the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
Essay about Dreams Their Analysis
Dreams Their Analysis
The assignment is to recall a dream and analyze it from one or two theoretical
perspectives we ve learned thus far in dream analysis. Dreams have been a vehicle to
express emotions, thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they pose questions which have
been rooted in our conscious. Dreams are personalized works which we have
consciously directed and created in our minds and no one interpretation is right or
wrong. Weeks later upon receiving this assignment I had an incredible dream of my
mother of which I will never forget.
It was a beautiful sunny day, not one cloud to blemish the sky.
I remember this particular afternoon being warm and bright. The scenery ... Show
more content on ...
I felt threatened and didn t trust crossing this bridge and my mother instinctively
new my fear and preceded to cross, reassuring me it was safe. I didn t cross the
bridge but watched her take her steps alone. She reached the middle of the bridge
and it collapsed. I ran towards the edge looking down at my mother as she was
struggling to hold on and trying to get a better grip. She was calling out my name,
begging me to help her, but I just stood there frozen in silence and feeling no
emotion. I saw her fingers turn white as they lost their hold one by one, until she
was holding on with just one hand. She turned her head to look at me one last time
before she lost the grip in her other hand and fell. I remember hearing no noise of her
body hitting the water, just empty silence, but the expression of her face is etched
into my memory.
Remembering this dream brings up emotions of guilt and was painful to envision.
There are many theoretical perspectives one can use to analyze such dreams.
Ultimately to find a potential explanation or interpretation of what dreams mean. I
have looked closer into the works of
Sigmund Freud to study what this all means and maybe find an appropriate analysis
of my dream.
Freud is one of the most popular theorists today and has developed many theoretical
perspectives pertaining to personality. He organized three levels
Dbq Monument
Monuments are a way you can immortalize a person. There are many ways to create
monuments such as writing a book, Speeches, even sculpting. Many factors play into
creating a monument of a person. When honoring a person you have to look at the
location, size, and material and the significance of the monument.
When a group first considers on memorializing a person through a monument, they
should figure out the location that best fits the monument. A public area, in a nice
park or a place that is most significant to the person being immortalized, would be
best.Thus, giving it a deeper meaning to the monument. The statue of Christopher
Columbus stands in Riverside Park in Eaton. Pennsylvania.(Source B) When you see
his monument in this beautiful ... Show more content on ...
The size of the statue that is being presented is important to guarantee that the
person, who is being memorialized, gets the right amount of recognition. When
the design for the Holocaust Museum was finalized, protesters came together and
argued that is was too big. The reason for this museum was to remember the
Holocaust and not to overpower The Mall or its visitors. (Source E) It was then
decided that if they downsized the museum they could incorporate it into The
Mall. The material that the monument is made from is a very important component
to consider when making a monument. When creating a sculpture, which may be
expensive, the material it s made from should be able to withstand weathering,
eroding, or possibly being eaten. A statue was made for H. Elroy Johnson, which
was supposed to be cast in bronze...But Maine ran out of money, so the artist just
slapped a coat of bronze paint over the plaster. (Source F) After that was done, It
was sent to many places as if nobody wanted it, and while being shipped around it
was vandalized and just treated badly. The statue ended up in a warehouse where it
was eaten by rats. (Source F) So it is very important for a group to consider what
material the statue is made
Bulimia Nervosa And Non Purging Bulimia
Bulimia nervosa, also called bulimia is a possible life threating eating disorder. A
person that suffers from bulimia may secretly binge their food. They may eat large
amount of food and then purge their food to get rid of the additional calories that
they ve digested. Bulimia is categorized in two ways, purging bulimia and non
purging bulimia. Purging bulimia is when a person regularly self induces vomiting
after eating. Non purging bulimia is when an individual may use other methods to
try to prevent weight gain, such as fasting, extreme dieting, or overly exercising.
When a person has bulimia they may judge their self and their flaws. Up to 80% of
people self induced vomiting while the 30% of people use laxatives. They re some
risk to using other methods to binge. Using laxatives for a longtime can cause the
lead to potassium depletion and dehydration. Another risk is that the bowel can
become unresponsive. Some may use diuretics or water pills . Diuretics works by
getting rid of the body water, therefore it could decrease bloating. In addition it can
induce electrolyte or salt imbalances that can lead to a disturbance in the heart
rhythm. There are many signs to show whether a person suffers from bulimia nervosa.
For an example, if there is a withdrawal of large amounts of food in a short time
period. If you see the individual take frequent trips the restroom. Another sign will be
excessive exercise regardless of weather, fatigue, illness, or the uncontrollable
Similarities Between Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
The Other Side For generations, readers have been enchanted by the work of
authors Joseph Conrad and Robert Louis Stevenson, and by their books, such as
Heart of Darkness and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In each novel, the reader meets
characters and their others. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow s other is Kurtz. In Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll s other is Mr. Hyde. Both Marlow and Dr. Jekyll
are described as good men, who seem to stand above ordinary men. Yet, almost
from their creation, they have had a dark side. Jekyll was tainted by his other, and
Marlow was almost plunged into darkness by his. Because of their struggle against
their other selves, it can be stated that neither Jekyll or Marlow were born inherently
good, and struggled to conform with this ideal. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow defeats
his darkness with the death of his dark influence, while in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
Jekyll fails to defeat his darkness and finally succumbs. Marlow, through all his
struggles, remains a European man throughout his journey. The Congo, which moved
as a wild and gorgeous apparition of a... Show more content on ...
This allows Marlow to stay above temptation, as he considers breaking the taboo a
moral offense. Kurtz is does not have the same problem, shown in the description
of his Congolian lover, as she was savage and superb, wild eyed and magnificent
(Conrad). Marlow s true test against his ideals was when he was talking with
Kurtz. Since Kurtz existed in his own little world, the European ideals held little
influence. Marlow notices this world, and he is given opportunities to follow the
path Kurtz took. Kurtz held the key to open the door of this path, but his inevitable
death allowed Marlow to be free of his influence. This allowed Marlow to return a
European man and not a savage. Marlow survives because of his stoic beliefs, yet
Jekyll fails as his beliefs are responsive to his other
Simpsons and Philosophy
Simpson s and Philosophy
In the chapter Thus Spake Bart: On Nietzsche and the Virtues of Being Bad, Mark
T. Conard shows us why people believe Bart Simpson is similar to a philosophical
theorist named Friedrich Nietzsche. Bart being the bad boy of the Simpson s and
Nietzsche being the bad boy of Philosophy. Conard says that Bart does not take on
the chaos like Nietzsche says but he is just an empty being of bad actions. This
argument is ridiculous; Bart Simpson is as creative as creative gets. In this chapter,
Conard is first shows us how people consider Bart as Nietzsche like character
because he does not try to change the world of chaos and confusion but he accepts it
and makes art out of his life. Nietzsche views also point out ... Show more content on ...
Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for a better life for African Americans and that is
exactly what happened. But do you think that King wanted African Americans to
be represented the way they are today in our world. African American males are
killing each other off in record numbers; this is so far from what King was trying
to... The enemy is no longer the southern bigot but the enemy is the man in the
mirror. I am not trying to say that Gandhi and King lead pointless lives all I am
saying is that the world is filled with bad and no matter how much good you do
once you stop preaching the bad comes back That is exactly the way that Bart and
Nietzsche think they are worried about living a pointless life so they go with all the
bad in the world and run with it. They want their actions to artistically bring out what
the world is really made up of.
On the other hand of Bart is his sister Lisa. Lisa lives the conformist life; trying to
change the world with her music and preaching to everyone, especially Bart, about
their wrong doing. Sometimes you almost think that Lisa should not even be a
Simpson but rather be a part of the Flanders family. During the show Lisa does
many noble things like trying get Mr. Burns to stop his greed, or conform Bart but
in the end everyone goes back to who they are and Lisa chalks it up as another loss.
This is the kind of life that Nietzsche tried to steer people
Les Miserables Movie Analysis
Les MisГ©rables is a movie that takes place in 1815 to 1832 during June Rebellion.
During this time period, King Louis XVIII holds the throne for the beginning and it
changes to King Charles X who is exiled during the July revolution. Louis Philippe d
OrlГ©ans then assumes the power and starts the July monarchy. Les MisГ©rables
details the story about a man, Jean Valjean, who was once a prisoner for 19 years
freed by Javert. Jean Valjean reinvents himself into a mayor and factory owner
through unlawful behaviors. Javert however, vows to make sure that he captures
Jean and puts him back into prison. Eight years later, Valjean takes in a child,
Cosette, after her mother s death. However, Jean s life is not peaceful due to
Javert s pursuit. A memorable quote shown in the movie was Don t you fret,
Monsieur Marius. I don t feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now.
You re here. That s all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will keep
me close, and rain will make the flowers grow. This quote is significant as it allows
readers to directly The movie Les MisГ©rables is a historically accurate movie
because it displays the horrendous living conditions, the will for change as well as
the funeral of General Lamarque accurately. France s living condition was shown as
very poor during the 1832 rebellion as child labor, starvation and food shortages
were present. However, these conditions did not really change since 1789. Children
are seen in the movie
How Did The Sugar Act As A Result Of The Revolutionary...
Thesis 18th century Britain was a turbulent era as a result of the Seven Years War,
the death of King George II and the inauguration of King George III, rapid
expansion of territories in America coupled with the Colonies strong desire for
independence from Britain as well the passing of several acts on behalf of British
Parliament from the period 1763 to 1783. The Sugar Act of 1764, Currency Act of
1764, Stamp Act of 1765, Tea Act of 1773, Declaratory Act of 1766, and Intolerable
Acts of 1774, were some of the acts passed by Parliament prior to the American
turmotulous Revolution which would have a lasting adverse effect on the Britain s
power, control, wealth and influence. For the purpose of this essay, I will discuss the
two major acts... Show more content on ...
The Stamp Act created a crisis for both Britain and the Colonies due to the backlash
from the Colonies. As such, a year after being passed, the Stamp Act would be
repealed and superseded with the Declaratory Act of 1776, which would increase the
scope of power and authority that Britain had on the Colonies as well as reduce the
scope of the Sugar Act. In addition, the Declaratory Act affirmed Parliament s right to
pass and execute laws on the Colonies in all cases whatsoever (http:/
/ Act
How to Kill Ants Essay example
How to Kill Ants
One warm night, he came through the bedroom window. His sudden intrusion
angered me. That was the first time I saw him in this house. His tiny round eyes
seemed innocent enough, but he was frightened by my stare. His skinny long legs
were trembling. He turned his head, saying, I m completely lost. That was certainly
not a good excuse for breaking into my private property. Hey, YOU, get outta here, I
said as I picked him and threw him out of the window. Never come back!
But I saw him a second time; he was in the kitchen with his friends. They were
stealing my roommate Susie s peach from her shelf. With his triumphant face, he
proclaimed, I conquered your kitchen. Ha, ha, ha. I was furious. Oh, shut up! I ...
Show more content on ...
Thus, spraying can even result in greater number of ants. Ants will continuously
coming to your house even though you may have previously killed thousands of
worker ants. This fight might never end.
Not only are sprays ineffective in exterminating ants but spraying is also harmful for
humans and pets. COMBAT Ant Roach Instant Killer includes many toxic chemicals
like the 73 % petroleum distillates. Petroleum distillates are frequently found in
gasoline, paint thinner, and charcoal lighter. It s no wonder the spray smells so much
like gasoline. When you spray, these petroleum distillates allow the toxic chemicals
in the spray can to go under furniture, behind appliances and into corners and even
into walls to kill ants where they hide. Unfortunately, these toxic chemicals also cover
the entire room. Unconsciously, you may touch these chemicals many times,
increasing the risk of being poisoned. While you are sprayinga group of ants, your
puppy behind you may accidentally inhale the mist and become sick. While cutting
carrots, you may drop a piece on the sprayed counter. Later, when you throw it into
your mouth, you would be eating poison. Many ant killer sprays advise, Wash
thoroughly with soap andwater after handling and before eating or smoking. Avoid
contamination of cooking utensils and food preparation surfaces. Do not use in
edible products. The questionable
Hcc Industries Essay
HCC industries, a manufacturing company that produces hermetically sealed
electronic connection devices along with microelectronic packages, is headquartered
in Encino, California. Considering their highly sophisticated product line, one of
HCC s main clients was the U.S Military and government funded aerospace
programs. HCC is made up of four distinct operating divisions: Hermetic Seal,
Sealtron, Glasseal, and Hermetite. The divisions are highly decentralized and
completely autonomous of each other. They all have different customer bases,
different product lines and even different accounting systems. The divisions are also
profit centers, by definition; each was responsible for their sales, costs, and bottom
line. Each division also... Show more content on ...
Bonuses under the stretch method are based on annual performances, but payments
are made every quarter. And each quarterly bonus payment is only at 80% actual in
order to save management from paying out bonuses that may not be actual.
Opponents to this budgeting technique cited that targets were too optimistic, and that
rewards were based on complex and subjective measures. And because managers
could still receive a small bonus at 60% of budget, bad habits started to form.
In late 1986, HCC CEO Andy Goldfarb met with divisional managers and
announced a new budgeting philosophy. The Minimum Performance Standard
(MPS) was created to let divisional managers set their budgeting goals at a level
they felt was 100% attainable. However, Goldfarb asked each manager to set their
targets at levels above what they were currently producing at. The MPS plan was
accompanied with a change in incentive plan, in whereby a pool was created that
paid 20% of the amount exceeded actual over budgeted PBT (profit before taxes).
In addition, 25% of the amount they exceeded the target would be added to the
bonus. This allowed managers to see exactly where their bonuses were coming
from. If their shipments were at 98% of the budgeted, they would receive close to
100% of the bonus pool set aside for that particular measure. If a manager met only 4
or 5 measurements, then his/her bonus collection would be directly in proportion to
that. However, COO Al Berger
Sin In Scarlet Letter
The scarlet letter is a novel that examines how the sin of adultery, committed by
Hester Prynne, can result in multiple forms guilt related distress. Hawthorne s
intention for the novel was to establish sins and their effects as forces of
psychological torment as opposed to portraying sin as something in which one
should fear of their fate in the afterlife. Three primary time in the novel when sin
could be spun in genuinely religious manner are, when Hester faces bright light
exiting the prison, when pearl denies being created by God and when Dimmesdale
Finally dies.
In the beginning of the novel when Hester is exiting the jail the light is shining on her
The sunshine, which, falling on all alike, seemed, to her sick and morbid heart, ...
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Pearl later responds I have no heavenly father . Here would be another location
where Hawthorn could establish the mortal seriousness of sin and separation from
God as pearl seems to already at a young age be veering away from religious
thinking. He could have had Hester s character exclaim thou mustn t say that if
you desire heaven , to show how Hester recognized an afterlife and wanted pearl to
go to the better one. Instead Hawthorn states But Hester could not resolve the query,
using herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt . Query here refers to pearls asking of
the scarlet letters meaning and why it makes people act the way they do. Here he
sets up a theme that will carry on for later chapter in the novel. The unresolved query
is what haunts Hester in her heart; knowing that her little pearl must figure out the
truth eventually .The fear of this happening is what really affect
Should Veterans Get Health Care Essay
Veterans have risked their lives throughout the history of the United States to keep
its people safe and free from all harm. All military personnel should be taken for
granted and treat with respect even if the soldier is active or a veteran. Today
veterans are left homeless on the streets and have difficulties with life after serving in
the military. America offers veterans some benefits but it can be difficult to acquire
them. I think that the United Statescan take better care of their veterans by making it
easier to get health care, help veterans get jobs easier after the service, and improve
the GI bill. One reason why I think that America can take better care of their
veterans is by making it easier to get health care. Health care is offered for veterans
through the VA but it takes time and can be a very difficult process to acquire. I
think that Veterans should automatically be given health care after their service is
over because they deserve it after risking their lives for America, so America
should protect theirs. In past experiences I saw a man struggle because he was
diagnosed with cancer after his service, but could not get the health care from the
VA because it is a long process and takes a long time to get it. I think veterans should
be able to automatically receive health care after the service... Show more content on ...
Many veterans have been stranded homeless and jobless after their service. I think
that it should be a priority that America makes sure its veterans get a job after the
service because anyone that risks their life to protect America should never end up
on the streets. I think that America should make a program specifically to help
veterans and make sure they get off to a good start after the service. In past
experiences i ve seen homeless veterans on the streets because they couldn t find a
job after the service and couldn t get any
Analysis Of Dvorak Symphony 8
Antonin DvoЕ™Г k Symphony No. 8
Antonin Leopold Dvorak born in Czech in 1841 he was the second major Czech
composer to become recognised across the world. Although he did not come from a
wealthy family Dvorak showed much musical talent. During 1857 he entered the
Prague Organ School where he received in depth musical training both theoretically
and instrumentally. Symphony No.8 was composed during 1889 and premiered on
February 2, 1890 and conducted by Dvorak himself. It was composed in a small
town northeast of Iowa and the countryside is reflected in this piece. During the
summer of 1889 Dvorak retired to his home at Vysoka away from the pressures of
urban life and away from public and publishers demands. It was during this time
that he wanted to create something different from the other symphonies, with
individual thoughts worked out in a new way, and during 1890 he dedicated it for
my installation as a member of the Czech Academy of the Emperor Franz Joseph
for Sciences, Literature, and Arts. The symphony is written for the flute, piccolo,
oboe, English horn, clarinet, bassoon, horns, trumpets, trombones, tuba, timpani
and strings. It was originally listed as Symphony No.4 however, we now label it as
No.8 out of the nine symphonies. During the late 19th Century Dvorak had
composed five symphonies and continued to compose and it was during the 1950s
we began to use the current numbering system. During the 1880s and 1890s he was
a very popular and successful composer and Brahms himself was known to
promote Dvorak s early music. This G major symphony is by far the most pastoral
in its effect in comparison to Dvorak s other symphonies and stand apart from the
other works in terms of form. Publisher Simrock paid Dvorak 3000 marks for his
seventh symphony during 1885 and upon the completion of his eight symphony was
only offered 100 marks. This was due to the fact that large scale works such as this
were expensive to publish and difficult to market. Dovorak considered this as an
insult and began negotiations which resulted in the work being published by London
firm Novello. For this reason, the symphony is often referred to as the English, ironic
considering that stylistically the piece is heavily
Vietnam s Cosmetics Market.
VVietnams Cosmetics Market
With a population of 86 million over half aged under 30 Vietnam in particular is an
attractive market for cosmetic companies. In fact, according to business advice
service Vietnam Net, approximately 90% of cosmetics sold in the country are
imported. The country s largest foreign players are South Korea (30%), the EU
(23%), Japan (17%), Thailand (13%) and the US (10%), according to 2006 estimates
from the US Commercial Service. Ngo Minh Phuong from the US Commercial
Service in Vietnam points out: Although the share by each player may be slightly
different [than the 2006 figures given] the ranking is the same and [South] Korea is
still clearly the predominant player.
According to the Vietnams association s ... Show more content on ...
We re looking for expansion partners in Aseanbut the deals will vary from
manufacturing to marketing and direct selling, . In two years the second plant in
Burma will be manufacturing makeup and skincare products. Better Way will hold
40 per cent of the plant. Its partner Saha plans to develop a 500 rai (80 hectare)
industrial park in the country. (R amp;D)
The first factory in Burma for fragrance products has reached its limit in
manufacturing efficiency.
Better Way (Thailand) is also working with Wuttisak Clinic to create product
formulas. The first fruit of the collaboration, launched yesterday, is Mistine White
Spa Glutathione UV whitening lotion.
Better Way in the near future will be able to use Wuttisak s 115 beauty clinics
throughout the country to place and sell its Mistine cosmetics, while Wuttisak can use
the Mistine direct selling network to distribute its cosmetic and skincare lines. http:/
/ amp;sec=2
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American Dream Essay
Imagine a place where you can express your thoughts and feelings and do whatever
you dream to do in your life. America has always been that place for millions of
people who had a dream. Their dream was never anything crazy they want only to
have a good life: to have enough expenses to survive, to have a house where children
could be raised and more importantly to be free and protected. America has become
this for many people, who believe they are living out the American Dream and
therefore contributing to the term Americanism, but the truth is that people all over
the world dream about the same thing and therefore the appearance of the term
Americanism is not a surprise for anybody.
The connotation of the term Americanism reflects ... Show more content on ...
American with its populations knows that its lifestyle is qualitatively different from
other countries. This qualitative difference contains a lot of factors inside: the history
of the United States of America, the credo of the nation, the political and economic
structures and many others. Americanism can be seen when people try to copy the
way the Americans speak, walk, dress, love and think. As each American is
considered to be an honorary guest in any country and welcomed everywhere,
people belonging to other nations dream about having the same possibilities and
having an easier life compared to the one they have. Nevertheless, people do not
understand that the life of American people is not easy and they sometimes do suffer
a lot. The aura that has been constructed around the success of Americans as a nation
has converted Americanism in a cult and has given the direction for the development
of many countries all over the world. The personal freedom that is one of the key
characteristics of Americanism has already inspired many people to rearrange their
life in an American way or even try to emigrate to the United States of America.
Americanism is a notion that explains why people outside the borders of North
America tend to emphasize the opportunities that the American way of life gives and
the substitution of any other dreams by the American dream. So many things have
been said about Americanism and therefore about the
Fahrenheit 451 Banned
Books aren t people. You read and I look all around, but there isn t anybody! That
quote was taken From Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. We ll never feel safe
again, and so it s bye bye innocence. It s been nice knowing you, but you re gone
now. A quote taken from the book Tomorrow, when the war began By John Madsen.
Two books that have numerously been challenged. While these books have some
common points they also differ in the lesson that they teach at the end of the book.
Fahrenheit 451should be banned because it shows a world where people are
technology involved and where violence has taken over.
Fahrenheit 451 shows a world where the people can t tell reality from the virtual t.v
world. Will you turn the parlor off? he asked That s
The Effects Of Dementia On Alzheimer s Disease And...
The Effects of Dementia Alex Guthrie University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Introduction Dementia is a chronic illness that effects millions of Americans
annually with increasing numbers. The general understanding of dementia is that it
affects the mind, and while it does affect the mind, entangles much more than just
that. Dementia engulfs a patient s mind, family, a level of caregiving, and an
involvement in research of the disease. The Mind Adults age 65 years and older
make up around 13 percent of the population (39 million people). This number is
likely to increase significantly over the next 30+ years to encompass about 20
percent of the population (88.5 million). It is gathered that about 1 in 10 adults age 65
... Show more content on ...
Behavioral changes can include increased aggression and disruptiveness. This
behavior can almost be perceived as a deterioration or demotion in a person s
maturity. While it most certainly is not, it happens in a way that an individual
seemingly regresses in their decision making and maturity. It is theorized that some
of the behavioral research done on other populations of similar behavioral
competency (child like behavior) could be done on an elderly population suffering
from the behavioral regression of dementia. There has been little research such as this
done, however. Currently, there is no cure for dementia. There are some drug
therapies that are currently in use to help increase the chemical acetylcholine in the
brain in an attempt to aid in memory retention and judgement. A few drugs in the
class are: Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine. These have been attempted
treatments for the disease, but have had mixed results. In some cases such treatments
have come up short, and in drastic cases, these treatments have made matters worse
for some patients. Some of these treatments have been known to cause confusion,
delirium, and even increased risk of mortality. An alternative to these medicinal
treatments have been almost strictly environmental. This has been through the
application of behavior analytic principles that help see future problems before they
arise. This application also allows for an more individualized care plan for
The Consumer Decision Making Process
Well, they say that the customer is the king! All the efforts in the modern day
marketing are directed towards one area and that is customer satisfaction.
Marketers today use a lot of strategies to make the consumer purchase their brand
over various other competitors. But what is it exactly that happens inside the head
of the king that the marketers are always so interested in? What process does a
consumer follow towards making a purchase that reduces the level of his cognitive
dissonance? Let s have a look. Need Recognition This is the first stage of the
consumer decision making process (Solomon et al 2010), when a consumer
recognises that there is a difference between his current state and his ideal/desired
state. Information Search Information search involves the identification of
alternative ways to solve a problem (Jobber 2010). The major aim of information
search is to give the consumer the knowledge that can solve the problem.
Evaluation of Alternatives Consumers tend to be open to several alternatives in the
process of decision making. These alternatives will be filtered to produce an evoked
set (Jobber 2010). This evoked set includes several brands which a consumer is
considering to purchase. The Actual Purchase The purchase stage is when the
customer actually makes up his mind and purchases the product after information has
been searched and several alternatives evaluated (Solomon et al 2010). A simple
example of this process can be illustrated in the
The Ecology Of Lions
The Ecology of Lions
Pedro Hernandez Lions are one of the five big cats in the ecosystem. A lion is a
member of a Felidae which means Carnivor. Lions are the king of the jungle. Lions
take their territory serious. If a lion tries taking over he will have to fight the lion in
charge of the pride.
Lions are 1 of 5 big cats in our ecosystem. Lions are not dangerous unless they have
to be. Lions are carnivores. Lions Zebras, Impalas, deer, and many other species that
have lots of meat.Lions are mostly found out in Africa. In the U.S we have some
lions in many different zoos. Lions stay the their mom until they are 2 ВЅ to 3 years
old. The habitat that Lions live in are Woodlands. Lions live in this type of habitat
because they like the type
George Washington s Valley Forge
Valley Forge was a battle between the British and the Americans. Simultaneously as
how George Washington trained his troops to have the Brits surrender. They had to
survive the winter of 1777 1778. As well as to build a camp, protect it, and train there
as well. At first, the Americans had fought the British and ended up losing. They then
retreated and hid in a valley with elevated terrain around them for cover. Washington
then had them build small fires, additionally small shelters that didn t keep them
warm that winter. Washington got a slightly better shelter, his was a small space with
a desk and not much warmth either. Then they started to get better clothing and better
shelter made of wood. Washington had to train his army. He taught
Importance of Religion in A Lesson Before You Die
A Fatalistic Predisposition before Settling In
In an 1973 interview conducted by Forrest Ingraham and Barbara Steinberg, Ernest J.
Gaines states that although he is not devoutly religious, it is his belief that for you to
survive, you must have something greater than what you are, whether it s religion or
communism, or capitalism or something else, but it must be something above what
you are (Gaines and Lowe 52). When applied to the narrator of his subsequent work,
A Lesson Before Dying, it would seem that this principle is reflected in the one
thing Grant Wiggins initially holds above himself. I refer, of course, to Grant s
anticipation of the day that he will leave Bayonne in order to start a new life
elsewhere, ideally in the company ... Show more content on ...
However, as Grant recounts the events of the trial in a degree of detail that suggests
more than mere inference, this issue becomes more ambiguous. From Grant s
description of his aunt and Miss Emma s thoughts, perceptions and behavior in the
courtroom, to his exacting portrayal of Jefferson s story, including details as specific
as the type of wine, Apple White (Gaines 4), which prompts the shooting, as
recounted by Jefferson through Grant in third person, to the roughly two pages of
direct quotation that present the defense s closing arguments, we are left with such a
complete account of the trial that it is virtually impossible to believe Grant is not
embellishing upon his own assumptions. Yet with the closing lines of this chapter,
Death by electrocution. The governor would set the date (Gaines 9), the credibility of
Grant s implicit prediction is authenticated, leaving the reader with the impression
that since the conclusion implied at the beginning is valid, and since the premises
seem plausible, that these premises must at least be grounded in a degree of truth.
From the outset, the marked tendency for Grant s prognostications to ultimately
Germany s Stance Towards Serbia Essay
The issuance of the blank check by Germany signaled not only its understanding
that Austria s stance towards Serbia could draw in Russia, because German
support for Austria against Serbia alone is unnecessary, but more broadly it
demonstrates a willingness and a desire for a conflict in Berlin. Once the
ultimatum, with German support, was sent by Austria to Serbia, Russia was placed
in a predicament: does it abandon its Balkan policy, thus going counter to their
interests and making the Tsar s government look weak domestically, or does it risk
brining on a war with Germany and Austria just over Serbia? Of course, how Russia
chose to act in the weeks that followed may be rightly debated as to whether these
actions were the proper means to seek peace and the dialogue regarding war guilt
does not cease with an admonishment of the Austrian ultimatum. Still, with outrage
over the assassination simply being a pretext to fight Serbia, Austria actively sought
out conflict, aided by the assurance of the blank check. With the dispatch of the
ultimatum to Serbia, Austria and Germany thus placed Russia in a position in which,
to avoid war, Russia felt obligated to acquiesce and act contrary to its interests while
Germany and Austria barreled headlong in pursuit of theirs. Russia s reaction to the
ultimatum and its counsel to Serbia reflect a commitment on their part to preventing
a war. Russia, with its military preparations not fully completed until 1917, did not
wish for a
Aztec Dbq Essay
Between 1350 BCE and 1519 BCE the Aztecs dominated the area around Mexico
City. When the spaniards invaded Mexico and ended the era of the Aztecs they
were surprised and impressed. The Aztecs migrated to the shores of Lake Texcoco
in 1100 BCE. They were distrusted and disliked because of their domineering
nature. Eventually they came to power and began demanding military support and
labor by 1434 BCE. They developed an agricultural system known as chinampas.
Their admirable agricultural skills and military accomplishments allowed for them
to rule 10 20 million people. Their religion also revolved around agriculture and
military. They sacrificed humans as offerings to the god of war, Tezcatlipoca, and
made statues of a corn goddess to keep in... Show more content on ...
In Document 1 a map of the territorial acquisitions by various Aztec rulers shows
how they conquered a large portion of Central America between 1420 BCE and
1520 BCE. The aztecs conquered by force and had a reputation for being fierce
warriors. They were able to expand and occupy more territory because they had
already developed strong agricultural techniques. There are many independent
territories between their land due to a policy that independent land was meant to be
reserved for the capture of sacrifice victims. Document 4 explains how the aztecs
sacrificed humans for their gods. The text was written by a Spanish priest, living in
Mexico at the time, for the Spanish nobles. He provided one of the first accounts of
the Aztecs. Considering the relationship between the spanish, who were attempting to
conquer the Aztecs, and the Aztecs the priest may have been biased towards the
Aztecs. He could have exaggerated how many people they sacrificed or changed the
manner in which they did. However, in document 4 we are also shown a drawing by
an Aztec artist which corroborates the account of the priest. Although human sacrifice
was a major component of the Aztec s culture it was not nearly as important as their
The Theories Of Louise Rosenblatt s Reader Response
Reader Response Theory The Reader Response Theory emerged as a reaction
against the New Criticism or formalistic approach, which focused on the text,
finding all the meaning, the value in it and regarding everything else as
extraneous, including readers. Despite the ideas of the Reader Response in the
1920 s, the late Louise Rosenblatt pioneered the Reader Response theory. She was
a literary theorist and an English Educator. In her writing, Literature as Exploration
written in 1938, she emphasizes that the readers play an important role in the life of
any piece of literature. According to Rosenblatt, A novel or a poem or a play
remains merely ink spot on a paper until a reader transform them into a set of
meaningful symbols (1985, 25).... Show more content on ...
It allows for inferences and insights by the reader This means that when a reader
reads some literary texts it is the belief that it allows the individual to construct his
/her own meaning. Once the reader is able to interact with the text, he/she is able
to explore and interpret it in a way in which his or her cultural backgrounds is
understood and that of others. Within a literary text, the reader is able to
understand why specific cultures do certain practices and how it places value on
society. Furthermore, it is through a text that individuals gain insight on what is
morally acceptable to society and can be able to link it through their experiences
whether in their school environment and the community. This insight may be
gained not just by reading one book, but through various literary text in which they
are able to apply their critical thinking skills and construct their own understanding
whether it may be through a poem or story. However, not all similar books will be
written the same way, for example, Cinderella. There are many Cinderella books
written with countless interpretation; however, readers can be able to read all and
find similarities such as it is wrong to treat people cruel or that the stepmother is
cruel. Despite that, a reader may have a stepmother who is a wonderful person yet
he or she can analyze and understand that not all stepmothers are cruel or not
everyone will treat a person wrongfully. In essence, the readers are able to become
critical thinkers through the assimilation of a literary
Thought Provoking Illustrations in The Illustrated Man by...
Thought Provoking Illustrations in The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury Ray
Bradbury first introduces us to the Illustrated Man in Wisconsin, on a warm
afternoon in early September. The Illustrated Man is shown to be large and well
built, but now, for some reason, going to fat .
His outfit is odd a woollen shirt buttoned to the top and with cuffs tight. Although
this makes him sweat, he pays no attention to it. However, we are soon to learn why.
He is covered from neck to toe with illustrations. And not mere tattoos these move,
tell stories, and predict the future in every minute detail. He was a riot of rockets and
... Show more content on ...
Each of the Illustrations carries with it a moral standpoint, all of which are important
to Bradbury. The Veldmakes a point that is still highly relevant today Although
technology is important, it is not so important that it should get in the way of family
life. It is an incredible piece of foresight by the author, as this is possibly the greatest
problem that we face socially today. Nearly 75% of households are connected to the
Internet, with around 80% possessing computers. This is the root of many problems,
especially obesity, as the Internet and computer games are the primary contributors to
unhealthy sedentary lifestyles. Bradbury exaggerates the effects that the technology
has for impact, with the parents dying as a result of relying so much on their house s
technological equipment, and not bothering to communicate with other human
beings. In Kaleidoscope, Bradbury explores not only the concept of death, but also
his belief that we must make the most of our lives when we have the chance,
because at the end, the only things we are left with are our memories. He sets it in
open space to illustrate this nothingness and loneliness, but the point that he makes is
just as relevant here on Earth. Carpe diem is shown in
Pretty Essay
This video shows the reunion of a Belgian Malinois Pretty and her previous trainer,
and friend being reintroduced after a year or more of separation. The video is
rather short but the response from Pretty when she lays her eyes on Bryan is
remarkable. Pretty, immediately recognizes Bryan and runs too him and jumps on
him overjoyed to see him once again. This video takes place outside somewhere
and pretty is being led by a young woman to Bryan as soon as Pretty recognizes her
wanting for her, she immediately responds abundant jovialness. In fact, Pretty clings
to Bryan for almost the entire length of the video which is about seventeen seconds
long. I choose this video because it showed a dogrecognizing and greeting someone
from her past... Show more content on ...
Nano seconds, well she is a Malinois. Everything is fast. Aw, so sweet Anyhow,
after reading the comments apparently she is being trained for Police duty since
she did not go into heat and the only time she had been in heat was when she was
with Bryan. It maybe that she was suffering from depression being separated from
Bryan, but that is of course my speculation. Anyhow, in my opinion, this is the best
example of social awareness and intelligence recognizing and showing love for
someone you missed. You can tell she loves him since she is standing upright
embracing and vigorously wagging her tail. In addition to that, she is panting
heavily showing extreme excitement about finally being reunited with Bryan. The
main reason I choose this video was that is showed remembrance and pleasure upon
seeing somebody who they had missed and had nothing to do with training.
Numerous videos that show the dogs, putting up laundry and following an owners
gaze to a toy, is most likely the product of training. However, a greeting like Pretty is
subtle evidence of social
Indigenous People In Canada Essay
Terminology: Different terminology is used to describe groups of people. In Canada
it had been commonly accepted to say Aboriginal or First Nations people; however,
nowadays, the term Indigenous is more appropriate. Indigenous people are those,
living on Canadian territories before Europeans arrival. The term includes First
Nations, Metis, and Inuit. All these groups have a unique culture, languages, and
History: Indigenous communities have existed for thousands of years on the
Canadian territories. They lived as independent nations, with different degrees of
socio cultural, political and economic complexity. After European came, their
interactions were divided into four periods: first mutual respect, second first conflicts,
third ... Show more content on ...
However, accordingly to Maldonado, Having an Indian status does not necessarily
mean free universities and no taxes (lecture, November 15, 2016). The Canadian s
stereotypes about Indigenous people and their favorable position in the society is
based on the misunderstanding and leads to the discrimination they are still facing
nowadays. Although Canada s bill of rights were created in 1960 and gave people
the right for equality, liberty, and freedom of speech and religion, even the fact of
existence of Residential Schools makes it obvious that Ingenious people were still
harshly discriminated. Those schools, where children were kept away from their
families and taught that their culture was evil, that their parents were pagans, that
their identity was primitive, existed till 1996 and have been teaching approximately
150,000 First Nation, Inuit and Metis children (lecture, November 15, 2016).
Residential School is an example of the discrimination against Aboriginals, trial to
diminish the culture, language and family connections of the whole nation. The
formation of The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was an essential
step for the Government in order to renew the positive relationships with Indigenous
people. This commission worked on revealing the truth about the Residential Schools
and informing about it all Canadians. I believe that creating such programs is an
important part of history of social policy in Canada as it fosters positive relationships
between different groups of
Essay on Concord Bookstore
Concord Bookstore
University of Phoenix
Creating Change within Organizations HCS587
David Harrell
16 January, 2012 *
The Concord Bookshop is a small town bookstore with a 64 year history and a
cultural appeal enjoyed by the citizens of the town. In recent years the economic
environment created fierce competition for the bookstore, coupled with a need for
innovative technology meant a need for restructuring. The financial status of the
bookshop was in grave distress. Fearing financial ruin the board members made a
unanimous decision to implement significant changes. However, the board did not
take the necessary steps of including the appropriate stakeholders in the change
process and obtaining employee support. ... Show more content on ...
Behaviour Change Change can be successful if a company or group within the
organization changes the way an individual presents oneself (Spector, 2010).
Behavior change is based on how an individual works within the environment. The
employees of Concord Bookshop were not consulted therefore did not have an
opportunity to verbalize their concerns or provide input to assist the company to
move the bookstore in a new direction. The management team was aware of the
financial distress and was willing to participate in any financial changes required.
The employees of the bookstore had an abundance of knowledge and experience that
may have contributed to ending financial turmoil (Schein, 2011). Open dialogue
between the employees and owners may have facilitated the development and
collaboration of new ideas in a competitive environment. The new strategies could
have provided a new direction for the bookstore. According to Burnes, in discussing
Kurt Lewin s Change Model, for change to be effective within a group there has to be
a collective approach by each member of the group (2004).
The Concord Bookshop was a well respected historical bookstore facing financial
challenges. While the bookstore employed knowledgeable and dedicated employees,
the owners and board members did not engage
Sylvia Plath s Life And Life
American poet Sylvia Plath once stated eternity bores me, I never wanted it. This
quote, from her poem, Years, expressed that she did not want to live forever. It
even suggested a foreshadowing of her suicide in 1963. This quote is also from
one of her many poems, which were greatly influenced by her life. To learn how
Plath s life affected her writing, researchers studied main topics on her life and her
works, including her early life, career, and literary works. To begin with, one of
the topics that researchers studied was Plath s early life and her family history, as
events that occurred at an early age had a huge impact on the rest of her life. Sylvia
Plath was eight and a half pounds when she was born on October 27, 1932 at the
Massachusetts Memorial Hospital. After she was born, she lived at 24 Prince Street
in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts. Plath s parents were Aurelia Schobert Plath
and Otto Emile Plath. Aurelia Plath was an American with Austrian descent, while
Otto Plath was an immigrant from Grasbrow, Germany. Her father worked at the
Boston University as a biology and German professor with a specialty on
bumblebees. When her parents met at a class Aurelia attended, instructed by Otto,
Plath s mother was twenty one years younger than her father. Plath s brother, Warren
Plath, was born about two and a half years later on April 27, 1935. Then, in 1936, the
family moved to 92 Johnson Avenue in Winthrop, Massachusetts. During the night of
November 5, 1940,
Vanishment Of Freedom In The Matrix
The Matrix, a symbol of Blockbusters New Hollywood Digital cinema, is
characterized by advanced digital technology such as visual effects CGI, and
special effects to create environments which look realistic, or something impossible
to capture in the film. It is directed by Lana Wachowski and Lily Wachowski and
released in year 1999 in the U.S. The film shows multiple themes: freedom, illusion
and reality. The film conveys a issue of freedom that it is impossible or not;
however, the film is the vanishment of freedom at the beginning. For example,
Oracle s job is to liberate human, but she in fact does not believe in freedom. She
forecasts people s destiny, which is the opposite of freedom. Even her prediction
comes true that Trinity would
Essay on Big Bang Theory
There has been a lot of research done on the influence media can have on society, in
particular the degrading images of women that are often seen in media. Since the
second wave of the women s rights movements these images were the object of
scrutiny and an easy example of how women were viewed. In modern society where
women have made many strides towards equality why are there still instances in
popular media were women are negatively depicted? Have women come as far as
they think? The popular sitcom The Big Bang Theorynegatively depicts the female
characters by reverting to a binary view of gender, in which the female characters are
lacking, they can be beautiful or smart however they cannot be both.
The Big Bang Theory premiered on ... Show more content on ...
Penny s appearance is the first thing noticed. Sheldon and Lenard state that she is a
significant improvement from their last neighbor, a 200 pound transvestite with a
skin condition. Where as the introduction of Sheldon and Lenard clearly established
their intellectual superiority.
The article states that gender identity is enacted through a variety of self
presentational strategies including attire, non verbal and verbal behavior all of
which interact with others per existing expectations . Penny dresses in clothing that
show off her body. It is clear through her appearance and interactions with others that
Penny is valued for her sexuality. Most of Penny s interaction with the other main
characters point out her lack of knowledge. Consisting of the men having to explain
there conversations in the most simplistic way, or pointing our her community
college education compared to their accelerated programs at MIT, and Cal Tec.
Another indication that Penny lacks talent and intelligence is the fact that although
she aspires to be an actress in the six seasons The Big Bang Theory has aired Penny
has been working as a waitress at The Cheese Cake Factory, and on multiple occasion
the characters have made comments indicating that she is a bad waitress. The only
advancement made to her career was when she started
Case Study
Johnson Johnson
On January 26, 2011, health care conglomerate Johnson Johnson announced that
earnings had declined in the fourth quarter of the previous year, and lowered its
estimates for its earnings for 2010. The firm claimed that the weaker results could
be attributed to the depressed economy and to a string of product recalls. Sales
figures do indicate that Johnson and Johnson has clearly been hurt by 17 recalls
since September 2009, covering several over the counter medicines, a batch of
contact lenses and some hip replacements.
The most serious problems have surfaced at McNeil Consumer Healthcare, which has
had to recall many of its products, including one for an estimated 136 million bottles
of children s Tylenol,... Show more content on ...
The most widely known of these is the division that makes consumer products such as
Johnson Johnson baby care products, Band Aid adhesive strips and Visine eye
drops. The division grew substantially after J J acquired the consumer health unit of
Pfizer in 2006 for $16.6 billion, the biggest in its 120 year old history. The
acquisition allowed the firm to add well known products to its line up such as
Listerine mouth wash and Benadryl cough syrup.
But Johnson Johnson has reaped far more sales and profits from its other two
divisions. Its pharmaceuticals division sells several blockbuster drugs such as
anemia drug Procit and schizophrenia drug Risperdal. Its medical devices division is
responsible for best selling products such as Depuy orthopedic joint replacements and
Cyper coronary stents. These two divisions tend to generate operating profit margins
of around 30%, almost double those generated by the consumer business.
To a large extent, however, Johnson Johnson s success across its three divisions and
many different businesses has hinged on its unique structure and culture. Most of its
far flung business units were acquired because of the potential demonstrated by some
promising new products in its pipeline. Each of these units was therefore granted
Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs
Preparing students for life success, requires a balanced education that includes social
and emotional education. It is important that families, schools and communities come
together to achieve this. This article is researching the positive effects, of social and
emotional learning of students in kindergarten to eighth grade. This article
summarizes three reviews of research on the impact of social and emotional learning
(SEL) programs on elementary school and middle age school students. These
programs promote social and emotional skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger,
Payton, Pachan, Dymcicki and Durlak, 2008). The SEL programs showed many
benefits in both school and after school settings for students with and without
behavioral and... Show more content on ...
This study was done again to see if social and emotional learning still had positive
effects on children. The study asked these questions; (a)What skills, attitudes,
behaviors and academic outcomes do SEL programs achieve for elementary and
middle school (K 8) students? (b) Do SEL program effects endure over time? (c)
Are SEL programs effective in school and after school and for students with
problems and without problems and (d) What features are associated with highly
effective SEL programs? (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki
and Durlak, 2008). The study used a meta analytic approach. The study was broken
down into three reviews; The Universal Review, The Indicated Review and The After
School Review (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan and Durlak, 2008) .
The Universal Review included 180 school based studies involving 277,977 students.
The strategy involved classroom programming, which were a set of lessons that
sought to develop social and emotional skills such as problem and feeling
identification, goal setting, conflict resolution strategies and interpersonal problem
solving skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak,
The Indicated Review had 80 studies involving 11,337 students (Weissberg, Taylor,
Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak,
Epilepsy Brain Disorder
Introduction Epilepsy is a brain disorder classified as a neurological disorder that
affects the brain s electrical and immoderate activity which causes a person to have
a seizure. This brain disorder goes back thousands of years to Ancient Greece
where these individuals believed that people had seizures, they were being visited
by an evil spirit or demon. The word Epilepsy also derives from the ancient Greek
word attack. Ancient Greeks also thought that this neurological disorder, Epilepsy,
was infectious and for this same matter most of the people that suffered from this
disorder lived alone. Now in present day, researchers and scientist know that this is
not true and they now know the real factors and things that cause these seizures to
occur. Epilepsy is classified into different types, each depending on what part of
the brain is being affected and on the result of the seizure; different parts of the
brain that are being affected results to the type of Epilepsy one has. However, all
kinds of epilepsies have the same symptoms which are seizures. As of 2014,
Epilepsy was the fourth most common neurological disorder, until this year when a
new study was conducted. It was discovered that in only two years Epilepsy had
become the most common neurological disorder in the world. Epilepsy is
drastically increasing over the years that more than 200,000 cases of Epilepsy are
being reported each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, about 2.3 million American adults and 467,000 children have Epilepsy.
Even this neurological brain disorder can occur in whatever age, 30% of the time a
new case is being reported began in early years. Seizure and its Biochemistry... Show
more content on ...
Causes and Diagnosis Epilepsy can be cause for several of reasons, but the most
common ones are caused because of brain chemistry, prenatal injuries, hereditary
causes, or environmental
Who Is Responsible For Meriwether Lewis s Death
Meriwether Lewis s Death
Meriwether Lewis s death was caused by a murder by conspiracy. Lewis was
carrying secret messages between him and President Jefferson. General Lewis and
President Jefferson used code in their secret messages, no one in the government
could understand or figure out how to decode the letters and this made everyone
suspicious. Lewis was also holding a fortune which would encourage someone to
murder Lewis even more to get this fortune and have hands on the secret letters
between Lewis and the president.
During the time of Lewis s death on October 11, 1809 there was two guns used to
shoot Meriwether Lewis. One shot was found on the back of the head taking off part
of Lewis s skull and exposing his brain. The bullet did not exist the head which means
the bullet would have been stuck in the brain. The second bullet was found in the
stomach destroying organs, ... Show more content on ...
Also if Lewis was on a mission he would not want to quit his mission. It is very
unlikely that he could ve taken both the shots himself because the shot left him
incapacitated. Each interview of the suspects of Meriwether s death turned out to be
slightly different. For example, James Neely s quote stated that he heard 2 gunshots
at the same time. Gilbert Russell s quote stated that there was one gunshot then a
loud thump to the ground then he heard the words Oh Lord cry out before the
second gunshot was fired. His death could not have been a suicide because he couldn
t have shot himself once then talked because if the first shot was fired in the back
of his head he would be dead instantly from the back of his skull and brain being
blown off. If the first shot was towards the chest then he might be alive for a little
longer but still would be unable to speak. This evidence is from the biopsy of
Meriwether Lewis s
Dependent Clause and Answer
86. Briefly explain what the opening of a document should accomplish.
ANSWER: The opening of a shorter document should be relevant, interesting, and
geared to the reader s probable reaction. For longer messages, the first few paragraphs
should establish the subject, purpose, and organization of the material. Conclusions
should accomplish what two tasks?ANSWER: Conclusions should (1) summarize the
main idea and (2) leave the audience with a positive impression.
88. Briefly describe at least three advantages of using lists in business documents.
ANSWER: Lists can show the sequence of your ideas, heighten their impact visually,
and help readers find your key points. They also provide readers with clues, simplify
complex subjects, highlight ... Show more content on ...
It also requires shortening sentences that begin with indefinite pronouns such as it
and there. 99. Describe at least three types of software that can help you revise and
polish a document.
ANSWER: Software tools such as revision marks and commenting keep track of
proposed editing changes electronically and provide a history of a document s
revisions. A spell checker compares your document with an electronic dictionary,
highlights unrecognized words, and suggests correct spellings. A computer thesaurus
gives you alternative words much more quickly than a printed thesaurus does. A
grammar checker provides limited help with issues such as noun verb agreement
problems and items you should consider changing (such as passive voice, long
sentences, or words that tend to be misused or overused). Finally, a style checker
monitors your word choice and sentence structure and suggests alternatives that
might produce more effective meaning.
100. Explain the importance and process of proofreading. Why does it matter and
what should you look for?
ANSWER: Proofreading is important because it is your last chance to make sure that
your document is ready to carry your message and your reputation to the intended
audience. When proofreading, you should check the document for errors from the
writing, design, and layout stages, and mistakes that crept in during production. More
specifically, you should be on the lookout for writing errors (such as
The Resilience In The Play
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity or hardship, this idea was
express to the audience by Debra Oswald in Gary s house and podcast through the
lives of fictitious characters based on real Australian People. She chooses themes
such as people marginalised in society, challenging gender roles and the past
affecting the present knowing that the audience will relate to it. By using these ideas
with the diverse range of characters, Oswald is able to show how people need
resilienceand how important it is to overcome adversity through engagement with
characters and their development throughout the play.
The audience is showed the importance of resilience when they were introduce to
Gary. Oswald has given Gary numerous of circumstances ... Show more content on ...
Dave faces the issue of the past affecting the present because of this issue he tries
to find a place where he belongs in the world. Oswald gave Dave a difficult
problem and that is feeling the guilt of the death of a new friend where he had a
chance to save him. But timing would ve been different by using this
emotive language the audience felt connected to Dave even more and they would
have want to know how he can over come this event. Normally Dave would just
give up like many people would but Gary s death is Dave s agent of change. He in
the past would have never gotten involved in physical labour nor a deep
relationship, but after Gary s death he helped build the house while getting in a
deep relationship with Christine, thus showing his ability of resilience. Oswald
didn t want to end her play with Gary s death as expressed in the podcast so she
made Gary s death as a catalyst of change and hoped that it was the right solution .
As the progression of play the audience was treated to characters transitioning such as
Dave from little resilience to strong amounts of resilience in bouncing back from the
passing of Gary and implicating the importance of
Apartheidlapius Research Paper
Aesculapius played an important role in medicine and his contribution to the
medical field let to many other discoveries such as medical tools. Aesculapius was
the son of Apollo and Trikkaian princess Koronis. While in labor, Koronis died and
Apollo, cutting open the womb, rescued Aesculapius. From there is where he
received his name which means to cut open . This scenario is said to be the first C
section in history. He became into the art of medicinebecause of the Centaur Chiron,
Kheiron, who raised him. Chiron also taught him the use of drugs and aphrodisiacs
as aids to healing. Aesculapius gained the knowledge of knowing how to perform
surgery. Not only that, but he also discovered love potions, usage of drugs, and
conjurations. Blood was a powerful necessity to Aesculapius as it had use and
meaning behind it. Athena, daughter of Zeus, had given Aesculapius the blood of
Gorgon which contained magical properties. The blood from the right side was
believed to bring a dead person back to life while the left side was said to kill.
Aesculapius was a... Show more content on ...
He was portrayed as a man standing with a long cloak, with bare breast and
accompanied with a staff enclosed with a serpent coiled around it. His staff proves
to be the true symbol of medicine. He was worshipped and loved all throughout
Greece. His temples were known as Asclepieion. It was actually a sanctuary that
was a very popular place for healing. The most famous sanctuary was at Epidaurus
and they held games to honor him every four years. It was surrounded by a grove and
no woman was allowed to give birth nor was someone allowed to die. His temples
were not only used as places of worship, but also used by sick persons which made
them relate to hospitals. They were places of healing with snakes, baths, regimes of
diet and exercise and dream
Capital Structure theories
Capital Structure Theories
Capital Structure
Capital Structure is the proportion of debt, preference and equity capitals in the total
financing of the firm s assets. The main objective of financial management is to
maximize the value of the equity shares of the firm. Given this objective, the firm has
to choose that financing mix/capital structure that results in maximizing the wealth of
the equity shareholders. Such a capital structure is called as the optimum capital
structure. At the optimum capital structure, the weighted average cost of capital
would be the minimum. The capital structure decision influences the value of the
firm through its cost of capital and can affect the share of the earnings that pertain to
the equity ... Show more content on ...
This approach also says that the overall cost of capital is independent of the degree of
Features of NOI approach:
1. At all degrees of leverage (debt), the overall capitalization rate would remain
constant. For a given level of Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT), the value of
a firm would be equal to EBIT/overall capitalization rate.
2. The value of equity of a firm can be determined by subtracting the value of debt
from the total value of the firm. This can be denoted as follows:
Value of Equity = Total value of the firm Value of debt
3. Cost of equity increases with every increase in debt and the weighted average cost
of capital (WACC) remains constant. When the debt content in the capital structure
increases, it increases the risk of the firm as well as its shareholders. To compensate
for the higher risk involved in investing in highly levered company, equity holders
naturally expect higher returns which in turn increases the cost of equity capital.
Let us assume that a firm has an EBIT level of $50,000, cost of debt 10%, the total
value of debt $200,000 and the WACC is 12.5%. Let us find out the total value of the
firm and the cost of equity capital (the equity capitalization rate).
Bone Loss Research Paper
Table 4 Bone Density and Bone Loss
Author (Year)Age of SubjectsAmount/Type Vitamin DResults
Daswon Hughes et al.17 (1997)389 men and women 65 and older700IU vitamin D3
Cholecalciferol and 500mg calcium per day or a PlaceboVitamin D and calcium did
help to reduce bone loss significantly.
Jackson et al.18 (2006)36,282 postmenopausal women 400IU vitamin D3 and
1000mg of calcium or placebo on top of up to 1000mg calcium and up to 600IU
vitamin D3 per day at home.Vitamin D and calcium reduces bone loss at the hip,
however, there was not a significant decrease in hip fractures. There was a small
increase in bone density but also the risk of kidney stones increased.
When considering these studies as they relate to osteoporosis, they ... Show more
content on ...
In a healthy individual, an increased amount of vitamin D is only going to increase
calcium absorption about as much as drinking an extra half a glass of milk. Is that
really enough to warrant recommending an increased intake of vitamin D? While
every individual is different, it may be beneficial for healthy individuals to
consistently intake the recommended daily value and not focus on larger doses of
vitamin D for excess calcium absorption.7 12 When looking at children with rickets,
they are already deficient in vitamin D and in calcium. Therefore, it would be logical
to recommend that they increase their vitamin D and calcium intake in large amounts
to be able to reverse this condition. However, as the studies suggest, it is not enough
to just increase the children s vitamin D, you must also increase their calcium for
maximum results.14,15 Pregnant women and women who are breast feeding do not
need vitamin D just for themselves, they also need it for their growing child.
Therefore, it is also logical to recommend that they increase their vitamin D intake. As
seen in the studies mentioned above. They need to increase their vitamin D intakes in
large amounts. It also is not enough for women who
The Chocolate War Character Analysis
The most memorable character in the book The chocolate War was Jerry Renault
in my view because he was a very influential character and stood up for what he
believed in. The first thing that stood out to me was that Jerry s mother had just
passed away which was a very hard thing to over come. He is also becoming a
stronger person because he has decided to stand against the universe, because he is
tired of getting pushed around and told what to do. Also with the vigils breathing
down his neck to complete the assignment of not selling for the chocolate sale was
a big deal and put stress on him. I also feel that Jerry has become a stronger person
because he has to watch after his father. Jerry has become worried that his father is

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Ohio State Application Essay.pdf

  • 1. Ohio State Application Essay Crafting an essay on the Ohio State application can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It demands a thorough understanding of your personal experiences, academic achievements, and aspirations. You are tasked with presenting a compelling narrative that not only highlights your achievements but also showcases your uniqueness. The difficulty lies in finding the right balance between showcasing your accomplishments and revealing the person behind the achievements. You must articulate your goals, experiences, and the impact Ohio State will have on your academic and personal growth. This requires introspection and a keen ability to express yourself effectively. Moreover, there's the challenge of standing out among a sea of applicants. The Ohio State application essay is a chance to distinguish yourself, and therefore, it requires careful thought and creativity. Crafting a memorable essay involves meticulous planning, drafting, and revising to ensure that your voice is both authentic and persuasive. Additionally, the pressure to meet word count limitations while delivering a powerful message adds another layer of complexity. It's crucial to convey your thoughts concisely without sacrificing depth or substance. For some, the challenge may also lie in deciding which aspects of their experiences to highlight, as there's often a wealth of material to choose from. Selecting the most impactful and relevant stories requires strategic thinking and a keen awareness of the essay's purpose. In conclusion, writing an essay for the Ohio State application is no simple task. It demands self- reflection, creativity, and the ability to communicate effectively. Successfully navigating these challenges can significantly enhance your chances of securing a spot at Ohio State University. If you find yourself needing assistance with such essays or other writing tasks, various resources are available, including professional writing services. Websites offer support for crafting essays, personal statements, and more. They can provide guidance and examples to aid in the writing process, ensuring that your application materials leave a lasting impression. Ohio State Application Essay Ohio State Application Essay
  • 2. M A between GEELY HOLDINGS AND VOLVO CARS STUDY OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS BY ANALYSING THE DEAL BETWEEN GEELY HOLDINGS AND VOLVO CARS 11/23/2013 Group: 06 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC o 1 4 h z u 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc350291717 h 22.INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc350291718 h 23.DESCRIPTION OF GEELY AND VOLVO AS INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES PAGEREF _Toc350291719 h 33.1 Geely Holdings PAGEREF _Toc350291720 h 33.2 Volvo Car Corporation PAGEREF _Toc350291721 h 34.MOTIVATION FOR THE DEAL PAGEREF _Toc350291722 h 35. ESSENTIAL TESTS PAGEREF _Toc350291723 h 45.1 The attractiveness test PAGEREF _Toc350291724 h 45.2 The Cost of Entry Test PAGEREF _Toc350291725 h 55.3 The Better Off Test PAGEREF _Toc350291726 h 56. SYNERGY ANALYSIS PAGEREF _Toc350291727 h 56.1 Management ... Show more content on ... And lastly, the management should consider the option of having an ally with Volvo in the first place before going for the whole 100% equity stake in the company. DESCRIPTION OF GEELY AND VOLVO AS INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES3.1 Geely HoldingsGeely is a Chinese automotive manufacturing company with the head quarter situated in in Hangzhou, china and is listed in Hong Kong stock exchange (code: HKG: 0175). Geely automobile holdings is owned and controlled by the parent company named Geely Holding group whose business is in the automobile sector. Market: In 1998, Geely sold about 200 cars but its annual sales volume shot up to 326710 in 2009 (about 96% rise). In terms of the market share, Geely was about 4.3% of the domestic Chinese automobile market in 2009. The sales in domestic segment of Geely was about 95% in 2009 with the management ambitious goal of growth in market share of both overseas and domestic. Financial Situation: The financial report card of Geely registered consistent progress in terms of turn over as well as profits. In 2009, Geely registered a net profit of 1.3 billion RMB ($188 million). Brand and Technology: As far as brand is concerned, Geely is regarded as a low cost brand with mediocre quality and was competing in the low end segment of the automobile market. Geely has a corporate culture of entrepreneurship with little
  • 3. What Happened to Circuit City Summer Trimester Project This paper demonstrates Hodges University s learning outcome of Initiative. James E Boardman Wheel (Third) Hodges University MAN 6410 Managing International Cultural Differences MAN 6430 Developing and Managing Strategy in a Global Environment Dr. Nancey Wyant / Professor John Meyer Due: July 28, 2010 Submitted: August 8, 2010 Graded by MSM Instructor: __________________________ Grade Awarded: __________________________________ Writing Rubric Completed: _________________________ Abstract Circuit City officially closed its doors on March 31, 2009 and over 40,000 employees lost their jobs. Through thorough research and having experience working at the ... Show more content on ... Hussey believes that without a proper market analysis, analysis of the external environment, and a strategic plan to improve, the organization will fail. The first individual to conceptualize the idea of strategic decision making by upper management and senior officials was Igor Ansoff in the 1960 s. Although Ansoff did not invent the idea of strategy, he did bring the idea of using strategic decision making for large corporations to succeed. In his book, Corporate Strategy, Ansoff identified 4 major decision types every organization must make. Decisions on strategy, policy, standard operating procedures, and programs were the 4 decisions Ansoff believed every organization needed to make (Strategic management, 2005). Ansoff was nicknamed the father of strategic management. Although Ansoff had a complex thought process on the concept of strategic management, his ideas all stemmed from similar thoughts. He summarized his thoughts on strategy by saying, The key to strategy is recognizing that if a company is functioning, it is part of the environment. When a manager understands the environment and is recognizing that the environment is constantly changing, then the manager can make the correct decisions in leading the organizations into the future (Ansoff, Igor, 2003). Henry Mintzberg is also an important figure in the history and writings of strategic planning
  • 4. Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) And How It Works And What... For this reflection, the focus is to look closer at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and how it works and what makes it successful. AA is a group that was a group formed for those members that are powerless over alcohol (Van Wormer, Davis, 2013). I attended AA meetings in Cincinnati on Monday Friday at noon. I have been attending daily since October 3rd, except for weekends. There are usually about 30 to 50 participants in each session. There are beginner s meetings, open and closed meetings all at the same place working together for the first fifteen minutes. The facilitators would open the meeting by introducing himself as an alcoholic and welcome everyone for attending. He asks for new members and visitors. This is a nice touch as it seems very inviting as it gives that feeling of warmth from the beginning. The facilitator also asks for any out of town visitors and lastly if there are any anniversaries. There were two during my observation, one guy had reached 1 year and one lady had 5 years. Both were given a coin to celebrate their sobriety and a warm celebratory praise from the group. They both were given the opportunity to speak if they chose and they both declined. Preamble is then read by the chairperson or a member. This states the purpose of AA and why you are here and what you would expect by attending (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. 2005). For example, you would not have any fees, and the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
  • 5. Essay about Dreams Their Analysis Dreams Their Analysis The assignment is to recall a dream and analyze it from one or two theoretical perspectives we ve learned thus far in dream analysis. Dreams have been a vehicle to express emotions, thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they pose questions which have been rooted in our conscious. Dreams are personalized works which we have consciously directed and created in our minds and no one interpretation is right or wrong. Weeks later upon receiving this assignment I had an incredible dream of my mother of which I will never forget. It was a beautiful sunny day, not one cloud to blemish the sky. I remember this particular afternoon being warm and bright. The scenery ... Show more content on ... I felt threatened and didn t trust crossing this bridge and my mother instinctively new my fear and preceded to cross, reassuring me it was safe. I didn t cross the bridge but watched her take her steps alone. She reached the middle of the bridge and it collapsed. I ran towards the edge looking down at my mother as she was struggling to hold on and trying to get a better grip. She was calling out my name, begging me to help her, but I just stood there frozen in silence and feeling no emotion. I saw her fingers turn white as they lost their hold one by one, until she was holding on with just one hand. She turned her head to look at me one last time before she lost the grip in her other hand and fell. I remember hearing no noise of her body hitting the water, just empty silence, but the expression of her face is etched into my memory. Remembering this dream brings up emotions of guilt and was painful to envision. There are many theoretical perspectives one can use to analyze such dreams. Ultimately to find a potential explanation or interpretation of what dreams mean. I have looked closer into the works of Sigmund Freud to study what this all means and maybe find an appropriate analysis of my dream. Freud is one of the most popular theorists today and has developed many theoretical perspectives pertaining to personality. He organized three levels
  • 6. Dbq Monument Monuments are a way you can immortalize a person. There are many ways to create monuments such as writing a book, Speeches, even sculpting. Many factors play into creating a monument of a person. When honoring a person you have to look at the location, size, and material and the significance of the monument. When a group first considers on memorializing a person through a monument, they should figure out the location that best fits the monument. A public area, in a nice park or a place that is most significant to the person being immortalized, would be best.Thus, giving it a deeper meaning to the monument. The statue of Christopher Columbus stands in Riverside Park in Eaton. Pennsylvania.(Source B) When you see his monument in this beautiful ... Show more content on ... The size of the statue that is being presented is important to guarantee that the person, who is being memorialized, gets the right amount of recognition. When the design for the Holocaust Museum was finalized, protesters came together and argued that is was too big. The reason for this museum was to remember the Holocaust and not to overpower The Mall or its visitors. (Source E) It was then decided that if they downsized the museum they could incorporate it into The Mall. The material that the monument is made from is a very important component to consider when making a monument. When creating a sculpture, which may be expensive, the material it s made from should be able to withstand weathering, eroding, or possibly being eaten. A statue was made for H. Elroy Johnson, which was supposed to be cast in bronze...But Maine ran out of money, so the artist just slapped a coat of bronze paint over the plaster. (Source F) After that was done, It was sent to many places as if nobody wanted it, and while being shipped around it was vandalized and just treated badly. The statue ended up in a warehouse where it was eaten by rats. (Source F) So it is very important for a group to consider what material the statue is made
  • 7. Bulimia Nervosa And Non Purging Bulimia Bulimia nervosa, also called bulimia is a possible life threating eating disorder. A person that suffers from bulimia may secretly binge their food. They may eat large amount of food and then purge their food to get rid of the additional calories that they ve digested. Bulimia is categorized in two ways, purging bulimia and non purging bulimia. Purging bulimia is when a person regularly self induces vomiting after eating. Non purging bulimia is when an individual may use other methods to try to prevent weight gain, such as fasting, extreme dieting, or overly exercising. When a person has bulimia they may judge their self and their flaws. Up to 80% of people self induced vomiting while the 30% of people use laxatives. They re some risk to using other methods to binge. Using laxatives for a longtime can cause the lead to potassium depletion and dehydration. Another risk is that the bowel can become unresponsive. Some may use diuretics or water pills . Diuretics works by getting rid of the body water, therefore it could decrease bloating. In addition it can induce electrolyte or salt imbalances that can lead to a disturbance in the heart rhythm. There are many signs to show whether a person suffers from bulimia nervosa. For an example, if there is a withdrawal of large amounts of food in a short time period. If you see the individual take frequent trips the restroom. Another sign will be excessive exercise regardless of weather, fatigue, illness, or the uncontrollable
  • 8. Similarities Between Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde The Other Side For generations, readers have been enchanted by the work of authors Joseph Conrad and Robert Louis Stevenson, and by their books, such as Heart of Darkness and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In each novel, the reader meets characters and their others. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow s other is Kurtz. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll s other is Mr. Hyde. Both Marlow and Dr. Jekyll are described as good men, who seem to stand above ordinary men. Yet, almost from their creation, they have had a dark side. Jekyll was tainted by his other, and Marlow was almost plunged into darkness by his. Because of their struggle against their other selves, it can be stated that neither Jekyll or Marlow were born inherently good, and struggled to conform with this ideal. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow defeats his darkness with the death of his dark influence, while in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jekyll fails to defeat his darkness and finally succumbs. Marlow, through all his struggles, remains a European man throughout his journey. The Congo, which moved as a wild and gorgeous apparition of a... Show more content on ... This allows Marlow to stay above temptation, as he considers breaking the taboo a moral offense. Kurtz is does not have the same problem, shown in the description of his Congolian lover, as she was savage and superb, wild eyed and magnificent (Conrad). Marlow s true test against his ideals was when he was talking with Kurtz. Since Kurtz existed in his own little world, the European ideals held little influence. Marlow notices this world, and he is given opportunities to follow the path Kurtz took. Kurtz held the key to open the door of this path, but his inevitable death allowed Marlow to be free of his influence. This allowed Marlow to return a European man and not a savage. Marlow survives because of his stoic beliefs, yet Jekyll fails as his beliefs are responsive to his other
  • 9. Simpsons and Philosophy Simpson s and Philosophy In the chapter Thus Spake Bart: On Nietzsche and the Virtues of Being Bad, Mark T. Conard shows us why people believe Bart Simpson is similar to a philosophical theorist named Friedrich Nietzsche. Bart being the bad boy of the Simpson s and Nietzsche being the bad boy of Philosophy. Conard says that Bart does not take on the chaos like Nietzsche says but he is just an empty being of bad actions. This argument is ridiculous; Bart Simpson is as creative as creative gets. In this chapter, Conard is first shows us how people consider Bart as Nietzsche like character because he does not try to change the world of chaos and confusion but he accepts it and makes art out of his life. Nietzsche views also point out ... Show more content on ... Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for a better life for African Americans and that is exactly what happened. But do you think that King wanted African Americans to be represented the way they are today in our world. African American males are killing each other off in record numbers; this is so far from what King was trying to... The enemy is no longer the southern bigot but the enemy is the man in the mirror. I am not trying to say that Gandhi and King lead pointless lives all I am saying is that the world is filled with bad and no matter how much good you do once you stop preaching the bad comes back That is exactly the way that Bart and Nietzsche think they are worried about living a pointless life so they go with all the bad in the world and run with it. They want their actions to artistically bring out what the world is really made up of. On the other hand of Bart is his sister Lisa. Lisa lives the conformist life; trying to change the world with her music and preaching to everyone, especially Bart, about their wrong doing. Sometimes you almost think that Lisa should not even be a Simpson but rather be a part of the Flanders family. During the show Lisa does many noble things like trying get Mr. Burns to stop his greed, or conform Bart but in the end everyone goes back to who they are and Lisa chalks it up as another loss. This is the kind of life that Nietzsche tried to steer people
  • 10. Les Miserables Movie Analysis Les MisГ©rables is a movie that takes place in 1815 to 1832 during June Rebellion. During this time period, King Louis XVIII holds the throne for the beginning and it changes to King Charles X who is exiled during the July revolution. Louis Philippe d OrlГ©ans then assumes the power and starts the July monarchy. Les MisГ©rables details the story about a man, Jean Valjean, who was once a prisoner for 19 years freed by Javert. Jean Valjean reinvents himself into a mayor and factory owner through unlawful behaviors. Javert however, vows to make sure that he captures Jean and puts him back into prison. Eight years later, Valjean takes in a child, Cosette, after her mother s death. However, Jean s life is not peaceful due to Javert s pursuit. A memorable quote shown in the movie was Don t you fret, Monsieur Marius. I don t feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now. You re here. That s all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will keep me close, and rain will make the flowers grow. This quote is significant as it allows readers to directly The movie Les MisГ©rables is a historically accurate movie because it displays the horrendous living conditions, the will for change as well as the funeral of General Lamarque accurately. France s living condition was shown as very poor during the 1832 rebellion as child labor, starvation and food shortages were present. However, these conditions did not really change since 1789. Children are seen in the movie
  • 11. How Did The Sugar Act As A Result Of The Revolutionary... Thesis 18th century Britain was a turbulent era as a result of the Seven Years War, the death of King George II and the inauguration of King George III, rapid expansion of territories in America coupled with the Colonies strong desire for independence from Britain as well the passing of several acts on behalf of British Parliament from the period 1763 to 1783. The Sugar Act of 1764, Currency Act of 1764, Stamp Act of 1765, Tea Act of 1773, Declaratory Act of 1766, and Intolerable Acts of 1774, were some of the acts passed by Parliament prior to the American turmotulous Revolution which would have a lasting adverse effect on the Britain s power, control, wealth and influence. For the purpose of this essay, I will discuss the two major acts... Show more content on ... The Stamp Act created a crisis for both Britain and the Colonies due to the backlash from the Colonies. As such, a year after being passed, the Stamp Act would be repealed and superseded with the Declaratory Act of 1776, which would increase the scope of power and authority that Britain had on the Colonies as well as reduce the scope of the Sugar Act. In addition, the Declaratory Act affirmed Parliament s right to pass and execute laws on the Colonies in all cases whatsoever (http:/ / Act
  • 12. How to Kill Ants Essay example How to Kill Ants One warm night, he came through the bedroom window. His sudden intrusion angered me. That was the first time I saw him in this house. His tiny round eyes seemed innocent enough, but he was frightened by my stare. His skinny long legs were trembling. He turned his head, saying, I m completely lost. That was certainly not a good excuse for breaking into my private property. Hey, YOU, get outta here, I said as I picked him and threw him out of the window. Never come back! But I saw him a second time; he was in the kitchen with his friends. They were stealing my roommate Susie s peach from her shelf. With his triumphant face, he proclaimed, I conquered your kitchen. Ha, ha, ha. I was furious. Oh, shut up! I ... Show more content on ... Thus, spraying can even result in greater number of ants. Ants will continuously coming to your house even though you may have previously killed thousands of worker ants. This fight might never end. Not only are sprays ineffective in exterminating ants but spraying is also harmful for humans and pets. COMBAT Ant Roach Instant Killer includes many toxic chemicals like the 73 % petroleum distillates. Petroleum distillates are frequently found in gasoline, paint thinner, and charcoal lighter. It s no wonder the spray smells so much like gasoline. When you spray, these petroleum distillates allow the toxic chemicals in the spray can to go under furniture, behind appliances and into corners and even into walls to kill ants where they hide. Unfortunately, these toxic chemicals also cover the entire room. Unconsciously, you may touch these chemicals many times, increasing the risk of being poisoned. While you are sprayinga group of ants, your puppy behind you may accidentally inhale the mist and become sick. While cutting carrots, you may drop a piece on the sprayed counter. Later, when you throw it into your mouth, you would be eating poison. Many ant killer sprays advise, Wash thoroughly with soap andwater after handling and before eating or smoking. Avoid contamination of cooking utensils and food preparation surfaces. Do not use in edible products. The questionable
  • 13. Hcc Industries Essay HCC industries, a manufacturing company that produces hermetically sealed electronic connection devices along with microelectronic packages, is headquartered in Encino, California. Considering their highly sophisticated product line, one of HCC s main clients was the U.S Military and government funded aerospace programs. HCC is made up of four distinct operating divisions: Hermetic Seal, Sealtron, Glasseal, and Hermetite. The divisions are highly decentralized and completely autonomous of each other. They all have different customer bases, different product lines and even different accounting systems. The divisions are also profit centers, by definition; each was responsible for their sales, costs, and bottom line. Each division also... Show more content on ... Bonuses under the stretch method are based on annual performances, but payments are made every quarter. And each quarterly bonus payment is only at 80% actual in order to save management from paying out bonuses that may not be actual. Opponents to this budgeting technique cited that targets were too optimistic, and that rewards were based on complex and subjective measures. And because managers could still receive a small bonus at 60% of budget, bad habits started to form. In late 1986, HCC CEO Andy Goldfarb met with divisional managers and announced a new budgeting philosophy. The Minimum Performance Standard (MPS) was created to let divisional managers set their budgeting goals at a level they felt was 100% attainable. However, Goldfarb asked each manager to set their targets at levels above what they were currently producing at. The MPS plan was accompanied with a change in incentive plan, in whereby a pool was created that paid 20% of the amount exceeded actual over budgeted PBT (profit before taxes). In addition, 25% of the amount they exceeded the target would be added to the bonus. This allowed managers to see exactly where their bonuses were coming from. If their shipments were at 98% of the budgeted, they would receive close to 100% of the bonus pool set aside for that particular measure. If a manager met only 4 or 5 measurements, then his/her bonus collection would be directly in proportion to that. However, COO Al Berger
  • 14. Sin In Scarlet Letter The scarlet letter is a novel that examines how the sin of adultery, committed by Hester Prynne, can result in multiple forms guilt related distress. Hawthorne s intention for the novel was to establish sins and their effects as forces of psychological torment as opposed to portraying sin as something in which one should fear of their fate in the afterlife. Three primary time in the novel when sin could be spun in genuinely religious manner are, when Hester faces bright light exiting the prison, when pearl denies being created by God and when Dimmesdale Finally dies. In the beginning of the novel when Hester is exiting the jail the light is shining on her The sunshine, which, falling on all alike, seemed, to her sick and morbid heart, ... Show more content on ... Pearl later responds I have no heavenly father . Here would be another location where Hawthorn could establish the mortal seriousness of sin and separation from God as pearl seems to already at a young age be veering away from religious thinking. He could have had Hester s character exclaim thou mustn t say that if you desire heaven , to show how Hester recognized an afterlife and wanted pearl to go to the better one. Instead Hawthorn states But Hester could not resolve the query, using herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt . Query here refers to pearls asking of the scarlet letters meaning and why it makes people act the way they do. Here he sets up a theme that will carry on for later chapter in the novel. The unresolved query is what haunts Hester in her heart; knowing that her little pearl must figure out the truth eventually .The fear of this happening is what really affect
  • 15. Should Veterans Get Health Care Essay Veterans have risked their lives throughout the history of the United States to keep its people safe and free from all harm. All military personnel should be taken for granted and treat with respect even if the soldier is active or a veteran. Today veterans are left homeless on the streets and have difficulties with life after serving in the military. America offers veterans some benefits but it can be difficult to acquire them. I think that the United Statescan take better care of their veterans by making it easier to get health care, help veterans get jobs easier after the service, and improve the GI bill. One reason why I think that America can take better care of their veterans is by making it easier to get health care. Health care is offered for veterans through the VA but it takes time and can be a very difficult process to acquire. I think that Veterans should automatically be given health care after their service is over because they deserve it after risking their lives for America, so America should protect theirs. In past experiences I saw a man struggle because he was diagnosed with cancer after his service, but could not get the health care from the VA because it is a long process and takes a long time to get it. I think veterans should be able to automatically receive health care after the service... Show more content on ... Many veterans have been stranded homeless and jobless after their service. I think that it should be a priority that America makes sure its veterans get a job after the service because anyone that risks their life to protect America should never end up on the streets. I think that America should make a program specifically to help veterans and make sure they get off to a good start after the service. In past experiences i ve seen homeless veterans on the streets because they couldn t find a job after the service and couldn t get any
  • 16. Analysis Of Dvorak Symphony 8 Antonin DvoЕ™Г k Symphony No. 8 Antonin Leopold Dvorak born in Czech in 1841 he was the second major Czech composer to become recognised across the world. Although he did not come from a wealthy family Dvorak showed much musical talent. During 1857 he entered the Prague Organ School where he received in depth musical training both theoretically and instrumentally. Symphony No.8 was composed during 1889 and premiered on February 2, 1890 and conducted by Dvorak himself. It was composed in a small town northeast of Iowa and the countryside is reflected in this piece. During the summer of 1889 Dvorak retired to his home at Vysoka away from the pressures of urban life and away from public and publishers demands. It was during this time that he wanted to create something different from the other symphonies, with individual thoughts worked out in a new way, and during 1890 he dedicated it for my installation as a member of the Czech Academy of the Emperor Franz Joseph for Sciences, Literature, and Arts. The symphony is written for the flute, piccolo, oboe, English horn, clarinet, bassoon, horns, trumpets, trombones, tuba, timpani and strings. It was originally listed as Symphony No.4 however, we now label it as No.8 out of the nine symphonies. During the late 19th Century Dvorak had composed five symphonies and continued to compose and it was during the 1950s we began to use the current numbering system. During the 1880s and 1890s he was a very popular and successful composer and Brahms himself was known to promote Dvorak s early music. This G major symphony is by far the most pastoral in its effect in comparison to Dvorak s other symphonies and stand apart from the other works in terms of form. Publisher Simrock paid Dvorak 3000 marks for his seventh symphony during 1885 and upon the completion of his eight symphony was only offered 100 marks. This was due to the fact that large scale works such as this were expensive to publish and difficult to market. Dovorak considered this as an insult and began negotiations which resulted in the work being published by London firm Novello. For this reason, the symphony is often referred to as the English, ironic considering that stylistically the piece is heavily
  • 17. Vietnam s Cosmetics Market. VVietnams Cosmetics Market With a population of 86 million over half aged under 30 Vietnam in particular is an attractive market for cosmetic companies. In fact, according to business advice service Vietnam Net, approximately 90% of cosmetics sold in the country are imported. The country s largest foreign players are South Korea (30%), the EU (23%), Japan (17%), Thailand (13%) and the US (10%), according to 2006 estimates from the US Commercial Service. Ngo Minh Phuong from the US Commercial Service in Vietnam points out: Although the share by each player may be slightly different [than the 2006 figures given] the ranking is the same and [South] Korea is still clearly the predominant player. According to the Vietnams association s ... Show more content on ... We re looking for expansion partners in Aseanbut the deals will vary from manufacturing to marketing and direct selling, . In two years the second plant in Burma will be manufacturing makeup and skincare products. Better Way will hold 40 per cent of the plant. Its partner Saha plans to develop a 500 rai (80 hectare) industrial park in the country. (R amp;D) The first factory in Burma for fragrance products has reached its limit in manufacturing efficiency. Better Way (Thailand) is also working with Wuttisak Clinic to create product formulas. The first fruit of the collaboration, launched yesterday, is Mistine White Spa Glutathione UV whitening lotion. Better Way in the near future will be able to use Wuttisak s 115 beauty clinics throughout the country to place and sell its Mistine cosmetics, while Wuttisak can use the Mistine direct selling network to distribute its cosmetic and skincare lines. http:/ / amp;sec=2 ไม่๠ѓаёЉа№€аё ўаёµа№€аё«а№‰аё สมาร์ทโฟนทภแต่๠Ђаё›а№‡аё™а№Ѓаё›а№‰аё‡аёћаё±аёџаёаёґаёЎаёћаёаёЈа№Њаё•аё€аё ІаёЃ นับเป็นаёаёµаёЃаёЃаёІаёЈа№Ѓаёња№€аё‚аё ўаёІаёўаё„аё§аёІаёЎаё™ เกิดเป็นพลังครีเаёаё•а№Ђаё‹а№‡аёЃа№ЂаёЎа ด้วยมูลค่ภІаё•аёҐаёІаё”1,200 ล้านบาท аё—аёµа№€а№ ЃаёЎа№‰а№Ѓаё•а№€а№ ЃаёљаёЈаё™аё”์ไทย аёЎаёґаёЄаё—аёґаё™ ทเวลฟ์พลัส аёЉаёµа№Ђаё™а№€ аё ўаё±аё‡аё‚аёІаё” аёљаёµаёљаёµ ไม่ได้ บริโภคเปลี่ภўаё™ ตลาดเปลี่ภўаё™ ทั้งมิสทิน และ 12 Plus ให้ข้аёаёЎаё№аёҐа№ѓаёЃаёҐа№‰а№Ђаё„аёµаёўаё‡аёЃаё±аё™аё§а№€ 4 аё›аёµаё—аёµа№€аё ња№€аё Іаё™аёЎаёІаёЎаё№аёҐаё„а№€аё Іаё•аёҐаёІаё”แป้ภ600 ล้านบาท ได้ลดฮวบลงกว่าครึ่ง
  • 18. American Dream Essay Imagine a place where you can express your thoughts and feelings and do whatever you dream to do in your life. America has always been that place for millions of people who had a dream. Their dream was never anything crazy they want only to have a good life: to have enough expenses to survive, to have a house where children could be raised and more importantly to be free and protected. America has become this for many people, who believe they are living out the American Dream and therefore contributing to the term Americanism, but the truth is that people all over the world dream about the same thing and therefore the appearance of the term Americanism is not a surprise for anybody. The connotation of the term Americanism reflects ... Show more content on ... American with its populations knows that its lifestyle is qualitatively different from other countries. This qualitative difference contains a lot of factors inside: the history of the United States of America, the credo of the nation, the political and economic structures and many others. Americanism can be seen when people try to copy the way the Americans speak, walk, dress, love and think. As each American is considered to be an honorary guest in any country and welcomed everywhere, people belonging to other nations dream about having the same possibilities and having an easier life compared to the one they have. Nevertheless, people do not understand that the life of American people is not easy and they sometimes do suffer a lot. The aura that has been constructed around the success of Americans as a nation has converted Americanism in a cult and has given the direction for the development of many countries all over the world. The personal freedom that is one of the key characteristics of Americanism has already inspired many people to rearrange their life in an American way or even try to emigrate to the United States of America. Americanism is a notion that explains why people outside the borders of North America tend to emphasize the opportunities that the American way of life gives and the substitution of any other dreams by the American dream. So many things have been said about Americanism and therefore about the
  • 19. Fahrenheit 451 Banned Books aren t people. You read and I look all around, but there isn t anybody! That quote was taken From Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. We ll never feel safe again, and so it s bye bye innocence. It s been nice knowing you, but you re gone now. A quote taken from the book Tomorrow, when the war began By John Madsen. Two books that have numerously been challenged. While these books have some common points they also differ in the lesson that they teach at the end of the book. Fahrenheit 451should be banned because it shows a world where people are technology involved and where violence has taken over. Fahrenheit 451 shows a world where the people can t tell reality from the virtual t.v world. Will you turn the parlor off? he asked That s
  • 20. The Effects Of Dementia On Alzheimer s Disease And... The Effects of Dementia Alex Guthrie University of Tennessee Chattanooga Introduction Dementia is a chronic illness that effects millions of Americans annually with increasing numbers. The general understanding of dementia is that it affects the mind, and while it does affect the mind, entangles much more than just that. Dementia engulfs a patient s mind, family, a level of caregiving, and an involvement in research of the disease. The Mind Adults age 65 years and older make up around 13 percent of the population (39 million people). This number is likely to increase significantly over the next 30+ years to encompass about 20 percent of the population (88.5 million). It is gathered that about 1 in 10 adults age 65 ... Show more content on ... Behavioral changes can include increased aggression and disruptiveness. This behavior can almost be perceived as a deterioration or demotion in a person s maturity. While it most certainly is not, it happens in a way that an individual seemingly regresses in their decision making and maturity. It is theorized that some of the behavioral research done on other populations of similar behavioral competency (child like behavior) could be done on an elderly population suffering from the behavioral regression of dementia. There has been little research such as this done, however. Currently, there is no cure for dementia. There are some drug therapies that are currently in use to help increase the chemical acetylcholine in the brain in an attempt to aid in memory retention and judgement. A few drugs in the class are: Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine. These have been attempted treatments for the disease, but have had mixed results. In some cases such treatments have come up short, and in drastic cases, these treatments have made matters worse for some patients. Some of these treatments have been known to cause confusion, delirium, and even increased risk of mortality. An alternative to these medicinal treatments have been almost strictly environmental. This has been through the application of behavior analytic principles that help see future problems before they arise. This application also allows for an more individualized care plan for
  • 21. The Consumer Decision Making Process Well, they say that the customer is the king! All the efforts in the modern day marketing are directed towards one area and that is customer satisfaction. Marketers today use a lot of strategies to make the consumer purchase their brand over various other competitors. But what is it exactly that happens inside the head of the king that the marketers are always so interested in? What process does a consumer follow towards making a purchase that reduces the level of his cognitive dissonance? Let s have a look. Need Recognition This is the first stage of the consumer decision making process (Solomon et al 2010), when a consumer recognises that there is a difference between his current state and his ideal/desired state. Information Search Information search involves the identification of alternative ways to solve a problem (Jobber 2010). The major aim of information search is to give the consumer the knowledge that can solve the problem. Evaluation of Alternatives Consumers tend to be open to several alternatives in the process of decision making. These alternatives will be filtered to produce an evoked set (Jobber 2010). This evoked set includes several brands which a consumer is considering to purchase. The Actual Purchase The purchase stage is when the customer actually makes up his mind and purchases the product after information has been searched and several alternatives evaluated (Solomon et al 2010). A simple example of this process can be illustrated in the
  • 22. The Ecology Of Lions The Ecology of Lions Pedro Hernandez Lions are one of the five big cats in the ecosystem. A lion is a member of a Felidae which means Carnivor. Lions are the king of the jungle. Lions take their territory serious. If a lion tries taking over he will have to fight the lion in charge of the pride. Lions are 1 of 5 big cats in our ecosystem. Lions are not dangerous unless they have to be. Lions are carnivores. Lions Zebras, Impalas, deer, and many other species that have lots of meat.Lions are mostly found out in Africa. In the U.S we have some lions in many different zoos. Lions stay the their mom until they are 2 ВЅ to 3 years old. The habitat that Lions live in are Woodlands. Lions live in this type of habitat because they like the type
  • 23. George Washington s Valley Forge Valley Forge was a battle between the British and the Americans. Simultaneously as how George Washington trained his troops to have the Brits surrender. They had to survive the winter of 1777 1778. As well as to build a camp, protect it, and train there as well. At first, the Americans had fought the British and ended up losing. They then retreated and hid in a valley with elevated terrain around them for cover. Washington then had them build small fires, additionally small shelters that didn t keep them warm that winter. Washington got a slightly better shelter, his was a small space with a desk and not much warmth either. Then they started to get better clothing and better shelter made of wood. Washington had to train his army. He taught
  • 24. Importance of Religion in A Lesson Before You Die A Fatalistic Predisposition before Settling In In an 1973 interview conducted by Forrest Ingraham and Barbara Steinberg, Ernest J. Gaines states that although he is not devoutly religious, it is his belief that for you to survive, you must have something greater than what you are, whether it s religion or communism, or capitalism or something else, but it must be something above what you are (Gaines and Lowe 52). When applied to the narrator of his subsequent work, A Lesson Before Dying, it would seem that this principle is reflected in the one thing Grant Wiggins initially holds above himself. I refer, of course, to Grant s anticipation of the day that he will leave Bayonne in order to start a new life elsewhere, ideally in the company ... Show more content on ... However, as Grant recounts the events of the trial in a degree of detail that suggests more than mere inference, this issue becomes more ambiguous. From Grant s description of his aunt and Miss Emma s thoughts, perceptions and behavior in the courtroom, to his exacting portrayal of Jefferson s story, including details as specific as the type of wine, Apple White (Gaines 4), which prompts the shooting, as recounted by Jefferson through Grant in third person, to the roughly two pages of direct quotation that present the defense s closing arguments, we are left with such a complete account of the trial that it is virtually impossible to believe Grant is not embellishing upon his own assumptions. Yet with the closing lines of this chapter, Death by electrocution. The governor would set the date (Gaines 9), the credibility of Grant s implicit prediction is authenticated, leaving the reader with the impression that since the conclusion implied at the beginning is valid, and since the premises seem plausible, that these premises must at least be grounded in a degree of truth. From the outset, the marked tendency for Grant s prognostications to ultimately transpire
  • 25. Germany s Stance Towards Serbia Essay The issuance of the blank check by Germany signaled not only its understanding that Austria s stance towards Serbia could draw in Russia, because German support for Austria against Serbia alone is unnecessary, but more broadly it demonstrates a willingness and a desire for a conflict in Berlin. Once the ultimatum, with German support, was sent by Austria to Serbia, Russia was placed in a predicament: does it abandon its Balkan policy, thus going counter to their interests and making the Tsar s government look weak domestically, or does it risk brining on a war with Germany and Austria just over Serbia? Of course, how Russia chose to act in the weeks that followed may be rightly debated as to whether these actions were the proper means to seek peace and the dialogue regarding war guilt does not cease with an admonishment of the Austrian ultimatum. Still, with outrage over the assassination simply being a pretext to fight Serbia, Austria actively sought out conflict, aided by the assurance of the blank check. With the dispatch of the ultimatum to Serbia, Austria and Germany thus placed Russia in a position in which, to avoid war, Russia felt obligated to acquiesce and act contrary to its interests while Germany and Austria barreled headlong in pursuit of theirs. Russia s reaction to the ultimatum and its counsel to Serbia reflect a commitment on their part to preventing a war. Russia, with its military preparations not fully completed until 1917, did not wish for a
  • 26. Aztec Dbq Essay Between 1350 BCE and 1519 BCE the Aztecs dominated the area around Mexico City. When the spaniards invaded Mexico and ended the era of the Aztecs they were surprised and impressed. The Aztecs migrated to the shores of Lake Texcoco in 1100 BCE. They were distrusted and disliked because of their domineering nature. Eventually they came to power and began demanding military support and labor by 1434 BCE. They developed an agricultural system known as chinampas. Their admirable agricultural skills and military accomplishments allowed for them to rule 10 20 million people. Their religion also revolved around agriculture and military. They sacrificed humans as offerings to the god of war, Tezcatlipoca, and made statues of a corn goddess to keep in... Show more content on ... In Document 1 a map of the territorial acquisitions by various Aztec rulers shows how they conquered a large portion of Central America between 1420 BCE and 1520 BCE. The aztecs conquered by force and had a reputation for being fierce warriors. They were able to expand and occupy more territory because they had already developed strong agricultural techniques. There are many independent territories between their land due to a policy that independent land was meant to be reserved for the capture of sacrifice victims. Document 4 explains how the aztecs sacrificed humans for their gods. The text was written by a Spanish priest, living in Mexico at the time, for the Spanish nobles. He provided one of the first accounts of the Aztecs. Considering the relationship between the spanish, who were attempting to conquer the Aztecs, and the Aztecs the priest may have been biased towards the Aztecs. He could have exaggerated how many people they sacrificed or changed the manner in which they did. However, in document 4 we are also shown a drawing by an Aztec artist which corroborates the account of the priest. Although human sacrifice was a major component of the Aztec s culture it was not nearly as important as their
  • 27. The Theories Of Louise Rosenblatt s Reader Response Theory Reader Response Theory The Reader Response Theory emerged as a reaction against the New Criticism or formalistic approach, which focused on the text, finding all the meaning, the value in it and regarding everything else as extraneous, including readers. Despite the ideas of the Reader Response in the 1920 s, the late Louise Rosenblatt pioneered the Reader Response theory. She was a literary theorist and an English Educator. In her writing, Literature as Exploration written in 1938, she emphasizes that the readers play an important role in the life of any piece of literature. According to Rosenblatt, A novel or a poem or a play remains merely ink spot on a paper until a reader transform them into a set of meaningful symbols (1985, 25).... Show more content on ... It allows for inferences and insights by the reader This means that when a reader reads some literary texts it is the belief that it allows the individual to construct his /her own meaning. Once the reader is able to interact with the text, he/she is able to explore and interpret it in a way in which his or her cultural backgrounds is understood and that of others. Within a literary text, the reader is able to understand why specific cultures do certain practices and how it places value on society. Furthermore, it is through a text that individuals gain insight on what is morally acceptable to society and can be able to link it through their experiences whether in their school environment and the community. This insight may be gained not just by reading one book, but through various literary text in which they are able to apply their critical thinking skills and construct their own understanding whether it may be through a poem or story. However, not all similar books will be written the same way, for example, Cinderella. There are many Cinderella books written with countless interpretation; however, readers can be able to read all and find similarities such as it is wrong to treat people cruel or that the stepmother is cruel. Despite that, a reader may have a stepmother who is a wonderful person yet he or she can analyze and understand that not all stepmothers are cruel or not everyone will treat a person wrongfully. In essence, the readers are able to become critical thinkers through the assimilation of a literary
  • 28. Thought Provoking Illustrations in The Illustrated Man by... Thought Provoking Illustrations in The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury first introduces us to the Illustrated Man in Wisconsin, on a warm afternoon in early September. The Illustrated Man is shown to be large and well built, but now, for some reason, going to fat . ==================================================================== His outfit is odd a woollen shirt buttoned to the top and with cuffs tight. Although this makes him sweat, he pays no attention to it. However, we are soon to learn why. He is covered from neck to toe with illustrations. And not mere tattoos these move, tell stories, and predict the future in every minute detail. He was a riot of rockets and ... Show more content on ... Each of the Illustrations carries with it a moral standpoint, all of which are important to Bradbury. The Veldmakes a point that is still highly relevant today Although technology is important, it is not so important that it should get in the way of family life. It is an incredible piece of foresight by the author, as this is possibly the greatest problem that we face socially today. Nearly 75% of households are connected to the Internet, with around 80% possessing computers. This is the root of many problems, especially obesity, as the Internet and computer games are the primary contributors to unhealthy sedentary lifestyles. Bradbury exaggerates the effects that the technology has for impact, with the parents dying as a result of relying so much on their house s technological equipment, and not bothering to communicate with other human beings. In Kaleidoscope, Bradbury explores not only the concept of death, but also his belief that we must make the most of our lives when we have the chance, because at the end, the only things we are left with are our memories. He sets it in open space to illustrate this nothingness and loneliness, but the point that he makes is just as relevant here on Earth. Carpe diem is shown in
  • 29. Pretty Essay This video shows the reunion of a Belgian Malinois Pretty and her previous trainer, and friend being reintroduced after a year or more of separation. The video is rather short but the response from Pretty when she lays her eyes on Bryan is remarkable. Pretty, immediately recognizes Bryan and runs too him and jumps on him overjoyed to see him once again. This video takes place outside somewhere and pretty is being led by a young woman to Bryan as soon as Pretty recognizes her wanting for her, she immediately responds abundant jovialness. In fact, Pretty clings to Bryan for almost the entire length of the video which is about seventeen seconds long. I choose this video because it showed a dogrecognizing and greeting someone from her past... Show more content on ... Nano seconds, well she is a Malinois. Everything is fast. Aw, so sweet Anyhow, after reading the comments apparently she is being trained for Police duty since she did not go into heat and the only time she had been in heat was when she was with Bryan. It maybe that she was suffering from depression being separated from Bryan, but that is of course my speculation. Anyhow, in my opinion, this is the best example of social awareness and intelligence recognizing and showing love for someone you missed. You can tell she loves him since she is standing upright embracing and vigorously wagging her tail. In addition to that, she is panting heavily showing extreme excitement about finally being reunited with Bryan. The main reason I choose this video was that is showed remembrance and pleasure upon seeing somebody who they had missed and had nothing to do with training. Numerous videos that show the dogs, putting up laundry and following an owners gaze to a toy, is most likely the product of training. However, a greeting like Pretty is subtle evidence of social
  • 30. Indigenous People In Canada Essay Terminology: Different terminology is used to describe groups of people. In Canada it had been commonly accepted to say Aboriginal or First Nations people; however, nowadays, the term Indigenous is more appropriate. Indigenous people are those, living on Canadian territories before Europeans arrival. The term includes First Nations, Metis, and Inuit. All these groups have a unique culture, languages, and beliefs. History: Indigenous communities have existed for thousands of years on the Canadian territories. They lived as independent nations, with different degrees of socio cultural, political and economic complexity. After European came, their interactions were divided into four periods: first mutual respect, second first conflicts, third ... Show more content on ... However, accordingly to Maldonado, Having an Indian status does not necessarily mean free universities and no taxes (lecture, November 15, 2016). The Canadian s stereotypes about Indigenous people and their favorable position in the society is based on the misunderstanding and leads to the discrimination they are still facing nowadays. Although Canada s bill of rights were created in 1960 and gave people the right for equality, liberty, and freedom of speech and religion, even the fact of existence of Residential Schools makes it obvious that Ingenious people were still harshly discriminated. Those schools, where children were kept away from their families and taught that their culture was evil, that their parents were pagans, that their identity was primitive, existed till 1996 and have been teaching approximately 150,000 First Nation, Inuit and Metis children (lecture, November 15, 2016). Residential School is an example of the discrimination against Aboriginals, trial to diminish the culture, language and family connections of the whole nation. The formation of The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was an essential step for the Government in order to renew the positive relationships with Indigenous people. This commission worked on revealing the truth about the Residential Schools and informing about it all Canadians. I believe that creating such programs is an important part of history of social policy in Canada as it fosters positive relationships between different groups of
  • 31. Essay on Concord Bookstore Concord Bookstore University of Phoenix Creating Change within Organizations HCS587 David Harrell 16 January, 2012 * The Concord Bookshop is a small town bookstore with a 64 year history and a cultural appeal enjoyed by the citizens of the town. In recent years the economic environment created fierce competition for the bookstore, coupled with a need for innovative technology meant a need for restructuring. The financial status of the bookshop was in grave distress. Fearing financial ruin the board members made a unanimous decision to implement significant changes. However, the board did not take the necessary steps of including the appropriate stakeholders in the change process and obtaining employee support. ... Show more content on ... Behaviour Change Change can be successful if a company or group within the organization changes the way an individual presents oneself (Spector, 2010). Behavior change is based on how an individual works within the environment. The employees of Concord Bookshop were not consulted therefore did not have an opportunity to verbalize their concerns or provide input to assist the company to move the bookstore in a new direction. The management team was aware of the financial distress and was willing to participate in any financial changes required. The employees of the bookstore had an abundance of knowledge and experience that may have contributed to ending financial turmoil (Schein, 2011). Open dialogue between the employees and owners may have facilitated the development and collaboration of new ideas in a competitive environment. The new strategies could have provided a new direction for the bookstore. According to Burnes, in discussing Kurt Lewin s Change Model, for change to be effective within a group there has to be a collective approach by each member of the group (2004). Conclusion The Concord Bookshop was a well respected historical bookstore facing financial challenges. While the bookstore employed knowledgeable and dedicated employees, the owners and board members did not engage
  • 32. Sylvia Plath s Life And Life American poet Sylvia Plath once stated eternity bores me, I never wanted it. This quote, from her poem, Years, expressed that she did not want to live forever. It even suggested a foreshadowing of her suicide in 1963. This quote is also from one of her many poems, which were greatly influenced by her life. To learn how Plath s life affected her writing, researchers studied main topics on her life and her works, including her early life, career, and literary works. To begin with, one of the topics that researchers studied was Plath s early life and her family history, as events that occurred at an early age had a huge impact on the rest of her life. Sylvia Plath was eight and a half pounds when she was born on October 27, 1932 at the Massachusetts Memorial Hospital. After she was born, she lived at 24 Prince Street in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts. Plath s parents were Aurelia Schobert Plath and Otto Emile Plath. Aurelia Plath was an American with Austrian descent, while Otto Plath was an immigrant from Grasbrow, Germany. Her father worked at the Boston University as a biology and German professor with a specialty on bumblebees. When her parents met at a class Aurelia attended, instructed by Otto, Plath s mother was twenty one years younger than her father. Plath s brother, Warren Plath, was born about two and a half years later on April 27, 1935. Then, in 1936, the family moved to 92 Johnson Avenue in Winthrop, Massachusetts. During the night of November 5, 1940,
  • 33. Vanishment Of Freedom In The Matrix The Matrix, a symbol of Blockbusters New Hollywood Digital cinema, is characterized by advanced digital technology such as visual effects CGI, and special effects to create environments which look realistic, or something impossible to capture in the film. It is directed by Lana Wachowski and Lily Wachowski and released in year 1999 in the U.S. The film shows multiple themes: freedom, illusion and reality. The film conveys a issue of freedom that it is impossible or not; however, the film is the vanishment of freedom at the beginning. For example, Oracle s job is to liberate human, but she in fact does not believe in freedom. She forecasts people s destiny, which is the opposite of freedom. Even her prediction comes true that Trinity would
  • 34. Essay on Big Bang Theory There has been a lot of research done on the influence media can have on society, in particular the degrading images of women that are often seen in media. Since the second wave of the women s rights movements these images were the object of scrutiny and an easy example of how women were viewed. In modern society where women have made many strides towards equality why are there still instances in popular media were women are negatively depicted? Have women come as far as they think? The popular sitcom The Big Bang Theorynegatively depicts the female characters by reverting to a binary view of gender, in which the female characters are lacking, they can be beautiful or smart however they cannot be both. The Big Bang Theory premiered on ... Show more content on ... Penny s appearance is the first thing noticed. Sheldon and Lenard state that she is a significant improvement from their last neighbor, a 200 pound transvestite with a skin condition. Where as the introduction of Sheldon and Lenard clearly established their intellectual superiority. The article states that gender identity is enacted through a variety of self presentational strategies including attire, non verbal and verbal behavior all of which interact with others per existing expectations . Penny dresses in clothing that show off her body. It is clear through her appearance and interactions with others that Penny is valued for her sexuality. Most of Penny s interaction with the other main characters point out her lack of knowledge. Consisting of the men having to explain there conversations in the most simplistic way, or pointing our her community college education compared to their accelerated programs at MIT, and Cal Tec. Another indication that Penny lacks talent and intelligence is the fact that although she aspires to be an actress in the six seasons The Big Bang Theory has aired Penny has been working as a waitress at The Cheese Cake Factory, and on multiple occasion the characters have made comments indicating that she is a bad waitress. The only advancement made to her career was when she started
  • 35. Case Study Johnson Johnson On January 26, 2011, health care conglomerate Johnson Johnson announced that earnings had declined in the fourth quarter of the previous year, and lowered its estimates for its earnings for 2010. The firm claimed that the weaker results could be attributed to the depressed economy and to a string of product recalls. Sales figures do indicate that Johnson and Johnson has clearly been hurt by 17 recalls since September 2009, covering several over the counter medicines, a batch of contact lenses and some hip replacements. The most serious problems have surfaced at McNeil Consumer Healthcare, which has had to recall many of its products, including one for an estimated 136 million bottles of children s Tylenol,... Show more content on ... The most widely known of these is the division that makes consumer products such as Johnson Johnson baby care products, Band Aid adhesive strips and Visine eye drops. The division grew substantially after J J acquired the consumer health unit of Pfizer in 2006 for $16.6 billion, the biggest in its 120 year old history. The acquisition allowed the firm to add well known products to its line up such as Listerine mouth wash and Benadryl cough syrup. But Johnson Johnson has reaped far more sales and profits from its other two divisions. Its pharmaceuticals division sells several blockbuster drugs such as anemia drug Procit and schizophrenia drug Risperdal. Its medical devices division is responsible for best selling products such as Depuy orthopedic joint replacements and Cyper coronary stents. These two divisions tend to generate operating profit margins of around 30%, almost double those generated by the consumer business. To a large extent, however, Johnson Johnson s success across its three divisions and many different businesses has hinged on its unique structure and culture. Most of its far flung business units were acquired because of the potential demonstrated by some promising new products in its pipeline. Each of these units was therefore granted
  • 36. Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs on... Preparing students for life success, requires a balanced education that includes social and emotional education. It is important that families, schools and communities come together to achieve this. This article is researching the positive effects, of social and emotional learning of students in kindergarten to eighth grade. This article summarizes three reviews of research on the impact of social and emotional learning (SEL) programs on elementary school and middle age school students. These programs promote social and emotional skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymcicki and Durlak, 2008). The SEL programs showed many benefits in both school and after school settings for students with and without behavioral and... Show more content on ... This study was done again to see if social and emotional learning still had positive effects on children. The study asked these questions; (a)What skills, attitudes, behaviors and academic outcomes do SEL programs achieve for elementary and middle school (K 8) students? (b) Do SEL program effects endure over time? (c) Are SEL programs effective in school and after school and for students with problems and without problems and (d) What features are associated with highly effective SEL programs? (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The study used a meta analytic approach. The study was broken down into three reviews; The Universal Review, The Indicated Review and The After School Review (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan and Durlak, 2008) . The Universal Review included 180 school based studies involving 277,977 students. The strategy involved classroom programming, which were a set of lessons that sought to develop social and emotional skills such as problem and feeling identification, goal setting, conflict resolution strategies and interpersonal problem solving skills (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak, 2008). The Indicated Review had 80 studies involving 11,337 students (Weissberg, Taylor, Schellinger, Payton, Pachan, Dymicki and Durlak,
  • 37. Epilepsy Brain Disorder Introduction Epilepsy is a brain disorder classified as a neurological disorder that affects the brain s electrical and immoderate activity which causes a person to have a seizure. This brain disorder goes back thousands of years to Ancient Greece where these individuals believed that people had seizures, they were being visited by an evil spirit or demon. The word Epilepsy also derives from the ancient Greek word attack. Ancient Greeks also thought that this neurological disorder, Epilepsy, was infectious and for this same matter most of the people that suffered from this disorder lived alone. Now in present day, researchers and scientist know that this is not true and they now know the real factors and things that cause these seizures to occur. Epilepsy is classified into different types, each depending on what part of the brain is being affected and on the result of the seizure; different parts of the brain that are being affected results to the type of Epilepsy one has. However, all kinds of epilepsies have the same symptoms which are seizures. As of 2014, Epilepsy was the fourth most common neurological disorder, until this year when a new study was conducted. It was discovered that in only two years Epilepsy had become the most common neurological disorder in the world. Epilepsy is drastically increasing over the years that more than 200,000 cases of Epilepsy are being reported each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2.3 million American adults and 467,000 children have Epilepsy. Even this neurological brain disorder can occur in whatever age, 30% of the time a new case is being reported began in early years. Seizure and its Biochemistry... Show more content on ... Causes and Diagnosis Epilepsy can be cause for several of reasons, but the most common ones are caused because of brain chemistry, prenatal injuries, hereditary causes, or environmental
  • 38. Who Is Responsible For Meriwether Lewis s Death Meriwether Lewis s Death Meriwether Lewis s death was caused by a murder by conspiracy. Lewis was carrying secret messages between him and President Jefferson. General Lewis and President Jefferson used code in their secret messages, no one in the government could understand or figure out how to decode the letters and this made everyone suspicious. Lewis was also holding a fortune which would encourage someone to murder Lewis even more to get this fortune and have hands on the secret letters between Lewis and the president. During the time of Lewis s death on October 11, 1809 there was two guns used to shoot Meriwether Lewis. One shot was found on the back of the head taking off part of Lewis s skull and exposing his brain. The bullet did not exist the head which means the bullet would have been stuck in the brain. The second bullet was found in the stomach destroying organs, ... Show more content on ... Also if Lewis was on a mission he would not want to quit his mission. It is very unlikely that he could ve taken both the shots himself because the shot left him incapacitated. Each interview of the suspects of Meriwether s death turned out to be slightly different. For example, James Neely s quote stated that he heard 2 gunshots at the same time. Gilbert Russell s quote stated that there was one gunshot then a loud thump to the ground then he heard the words Oh Lord cry out before the second gunshot was fired. His death could not have been a suicide because he couldn t have shot himself once then talked because if the first shot was fired in the back of his head he would be dead instantly from the back of his skull and brain being blown off. If the first shot was towards the chest then he might be alive for a little longer but still would be unable to speak. This evidence is from the biopsy of Meriwether Lewis s
  • 39. Dependent Clause and Answer 86. Briefly explain what the opening of a document should accomplish. ANSWER: The opening of a shorter document should be relevant, interesting, and geared to the reader s probable reaction. For longer messages, the first few paragraphs should establish the subject, purpose, and organization of the material. Conclusions should accomplish what two tasks?ANSWER: Conclusions should (1) summarize the main idea and (2) leave the audience with a positive impression. 88. Briefly describe at least three advantages of using lists in business documents. ANSWER: Lists can show the sequence of your ideas, heighten their impact visually, and help readers find your key points. They also provide readers with clues, simplify complex subjects, highlight ... Show more content on ... It also requires shortening sentences that begin with indefinite pronouns such as it and there. 99. Describe at least three types of software that can help you revise and polish a document. ANSWER: Software tools such as revision marks and commenting keep track of proposed editing changes electronically and provide a history of a document s revisions. A spell checker compares your document with an electronic dictionary, highlights unrecognized words, and suggests correct spellings. A computer thesaurus gives you alternative words much more quickly than a printed thesaurus does. A grammar checker provides limited help with issues such as noun verb agreement problems and items you should consider changing (such as passive voice, long sentences, or words that tend to be misused or overused). Finally, a style checker monitors your word choice and sentence structure and suggests alternatives that might produce more effective meaning. 100. Explain the importance and process of proofreading. Why does it matter and what should you look for? ANSWER: Proofreading is important because it is your last chance to make sure that your document is ready to carry your message and your reputation to the intended audience. When proofreading, you should check the document for errors from the writing, design, and layout stages, and mistakes that crept in during production. More specifically, you should be on the lookout for writing errors (such as
  • 40. The Resilience In The Play Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity or hardship, this idea was express to the audience by Debra Oswald in Gary s house and podcast through the lives of fictitious characters based on real Australian People. She chooses themes such as people marginalised in society, challenging gender roles and the past affecting the present knowing that the audience will relate to it. By using these ideas with the diverse range of characters, Oswald is able to show how people need resilienceand how important it is to overcome adversity through engagement with characters and their development throughout the play. The audience is showed the importance of resilience when they were introduce to Gary. Oswald has given Gary numerous of circumstances ... Show more content on ... Dave faces the issue of the past affecting the present because of this issue he tries to find a place where he belongs in the world. Oswald gave Dave a difficult problem and that is feeling the guilt of the death of a new friend where he had a chance to save him. But timing would ve been different by using this emotive language the audience felt connected to Dave even more and they would have want to know how he can over come this event. Normally Dave would just give up like many people would but Gary s death is Dave s agent of change. He in the past would have never gotten involved in physical labour nor a deep relationship, but after Gary s death he helped build the house while getting in a deep relationship with Christine, thus showing his ability of resilience. Oswald didn t want to end her play with Gary s death as expressed in the podcast so she made Gary s death as a catalyst of change and hoped that it was the right solution . As the progression of play the audience was treated to characters transitioning such as Dave from little resilience to strong amounts of resilience in bouncing back from the passing of Gary and implicating the importance of
  • 41. Apartheidlapius Research Paper Aesculapius played an important role in medicine and his contribution to the medical field let to many other discoveries such as medical tools. Aesculapius was the son of Apollo and Trikkaian princess Koronis. While in labor, Koronis died and Apollo, cutting open the womb, rescued Aesculapius. From there is where he received his name which means to cut open . This scenario is said to be the first C section in history. He became into the art of medicinebecause of the Centaur Chiron, Kheiron, who raised him. Chiron also taught him the use of drugs and aphrodisiacs as aids to healing. Aesculapius gained the knowledge of knowing how to perform surgery. Not only that, but he also discovered love potions, usage of drugs, and conjurations. Blood was a powerful necessity to Aesculapius as it had use and meaning behind it. Athena, daughter of Zeus, had given Aesculapius the blood of Gorgon which contained magical properties. The blood from the right side was believed to bring a dead person back to life while the left side was said to kill. Aesculapius was a... Show more content on ... He was portrayed as a man standing with a long cloak, with bare breast and accompanied with a staff enclosed with a serpent coiled around it. His staff proves to be the true symbol of medicine. He was worshipped and loved all throughout Greece. His temples were known as Asclepieion. It was actually a sanctuary that was a very popular place for healing. The most famous sanctuary was at Epidaurus and they held games to honor him every four years. It was surrounded by a grove and no woman was allowed to give birth nor was someone allowed to die. His temples were not only used as places of worship, but also used by sick persons which made them relate to hospitals. They were places of healing with snakes, baths, regimes of diet and exercise and dream
  • 42. Capital Structure theories Capital Structure Theories Capital Structure Capital Structure is the proportion of debt, preference and equity capitals in the total financing of the firm s assets. The main objective of financial management is to maximize the value of the equity shares of the firm. Given this objective, the firm has to choose that financing mix/capital structure that results in maximizing the wealth of the equity shareholders. Such a capital structure is called as the optimum capital structure. At the optimum capital structure, the weighted average cost of capital would be the minimum. The capital structure decision influences the value of the firm through its cost of capital and can affect the share of the earnings that pertain to the equity ... Show more content on ... This approach also says that the overall cost of capital is independent of the degree of leverage. Features of NOI approach: 1. At all degrees of leverage (debt), the overall capitalization rate would remain constant. For a given level of Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT), the value of a firm would be equal to EBIT/overall capitalization rate. 2. The value of equity of a firm can be determined by subtracting the value of debt from the total value of the firm. This can be denoted as follows: Value of Equity = Total value of the firm Value of debt 3. Cost of equity increases with every increase in debt and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) remains constant. When the debt content in the capital structure increases, it increases the risk of the firm as well as its shareholders. To compensate for the higher risk involved in investing in highly levered company, equity holders naturally expect higher returns which in turn increases the cost of equity capital. Example: Let us assume that a firm has an EBIT level of $50,000, cost of debt 10%, the total value of debt $200,000 and the WACC is 12.5%. Let us find out the total value of the firm and the cost of equity capital (the equity capitalization rate). Solution: EBIT
  • 43. Bone Loss Research Paper Table 4 Bone Density and Bone Loss Author (Year)Age of SubjectsAmount/Type Vitamin DResults Daswon Hughes et al.17 (1997)389 men and women 65 and older700IU vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol and 500mg calcium per day or a PlaceboVitamin D and calcium did help to reduce bone loss significantly. Jackson et al.18 (2006)36,282 postmenopausal women 400IU vitamin D3 and 1000mg of calcium or placebo on top of up to 1000mg calcium and up to 600IU vitamin D3 per day at home.Vitamin D and calcium reduces bone loss at the hip, however, there was not a significant decrease in hip fractures. There was a small increase in bone density but also the risk of kidney stones increased. When considering these studies as they relate to osteoporosis, they ... Show more content on ... In a healthy individual, an increased amount of vitamin D is only going to increase calcium absorption about as much as drinking an extra half a glass of milk. Is that really enough to warrant recommending an increased intake of vitamin D? While every individual is different, it may be beneficial for healthy individuals to consistently intake the recommended daily value and not focus on larger doses of vitamin D for excess calcium absorption.7 12 When looking at children with rickets, they are already deficient in vitamin D and in calcium. Therefore, it would be logical to recommend that they increase their vitamin D and calcium intake in large amounts to be able to reverse this condition. However, as the studies suggest, it is not enough to just increase the children s vitamin D, you must also increase their calcium for maximum results.14,15 Pregnant women and women who are breast feeding do not need vitamin D just for themselves, they also need it for their growing child. Therefore, it is also logical to recommend that they increase their vitamin D intake. As seen in the studies mentioned above. They need to increase their vitamin D intakes in large amounts. It also is not enough for women who
  • 44. The Chocolate War Character Analysis The most memorable character in the book The chocolate War was Jerry Renault in my view because he was a very influential character and stood up for what he believed in. The first thing that stood out to me was that Jerry s mother had just passed away which was a very hard thing to over come. He is also becoming a stronger person because he has decided to stand against the universe, because he is tired of getting pushed around and told what to do. Also with the vigils breathing down his neck to complete the assignment of not selling for the chocolate sale was a big deal and put stress on him. I also feel that Jerry has become a stronger person because he has to watch after his father. Jerry has become worried that his father is living