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Nt1330 Unit 4 Dthm Paper
Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman proposed a famous key exchange protocol in 1976 [16]. Diffie–Hellman
key exchange (D–H), is a method for exchanging cryptographic keys that allow two parties to share public key
for encrypting their messages over an insecure communication channel [16].
We consider two Clients, X and Y [5,6].
1. Both of the clients must agree to use large prime p and nonzero integer g which is a primitive root modulo p.
2. They share p and q and make it public together.
3. A picks a secret integer m and keeps it secret.
4. B picks a secret integer n and keeps it secret.
5. X computes: A ≡ gm (mod p)
6. Y computes: B ≡ gn (mod p)
7. X and Y exchanging A, B (X sends A to Y and Y ... Show more content on ...
In the encryption phase of the protocol:
1. A and B Shares their Diffie–Hellman's public key over communication channel
2. A, generates two 128–bit random numbers (αR and βR)
3. A, calculates hash of αR by RIPEMD–160 hash function
4. A, encrypts βR by Diffie–Hellman's public key
5. A, calculates hash of 3th step by SHA–256 hash function (αS is the result)
6. A, calculates hash of βR by SHA–256 hash function (βS is the result)
7. A should bitwise XOR αS and βS (The result of this step is Main Key (MK) for USEA)
8. A, encrypts plain text (Message) by USEA with MK (Cipher text is the result)
9. By Adding Result of the 4th step and αS and result of the 8th step (Cipher text), Final cipher text (Cipher text
with headers (CTH)) is the encrypted message of A.
In the decryption phase of the protocol:
For decrypting the CTH of A, B deciphers the result of the 4th step by itself Diffie–Hellman Private Key and
achieves βR. Then calculates hash of βR by SHA–256 hash function. Finally, with bitwise XOR αS and βS, B
can obtain MK and decrypt Cipher text. Figure 3 shows the structure of
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A Note On The And Cryptography Essay
(Cracking A Vigenere Cipher)
SUBMITTED TO: Dr.Huapeng Wu Course number:06–88–566–01 Course name:Data Security and
Cryptography University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario
SUBMITTED BY: Amanbir Singh Seth Student ID:104655731 Masters of Engineering in Electrical and
Computer Engineering University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario
For a given piece of cipher text generated with a vigenere cipher, find its encryption key and recover the
corresponding plaintext.
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment Of Encryption Techniques
1. Type of operations used for transforming plaintext to cipher text. All encryption algorithms are based on two
general principles. Those are substitution, in which each element in the plain text is mapped into another element
and transposition in which elements in the plaintext are rearranged. The fundamental requirement is that no
information be lost. Most systems referred to as product systems, involved multiple stages of substitution and
transposition [2].
2. The number of keys used: If sender and receiver use the same key, the system is referred to as symmetric,
single key or secret key conventional encryption. If the sender and the receiver each uses a different key the
system is referred to as asymmetric, two key, or public–key encryption
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Purpose Of Encode Information
To encode information, is to change data from one form to another through specific formulae/rules for a
specified purpose. Encoding is used every day by way of encryption, compression, data processing, conversion
and storage. Notable encoding systems include character encoding, video encoding, HTML encoding and URL
For information to be private and secure, encryption is used. A piece of information can be encrypted by
changing each of the characters in the data to something different. The encrypted information can then be
decrypted to find out the original information. It is important for information to be encrypted so that only the
person that has sent and the person receiving the information can see it. Without ... Show more content on ...
One of the ways that a message encrypted with a Caesar Cypher can be unencrypted is through a 'brute force'
attack. This type of attack is where all possible combinations of keys are tried and tried until the message has
been unencrypted. Due to the number of possible rotations being limited to only 25 (as there are only 26 letters
in the alphabet) and the speed at which modern computers can operate, a message with Caesar Cypher
encryption can be unencrypted within seconds. Although, with a larger number of cipher keys the time to
unencrypt the message will increase, but even with a larger key set, the alternative encryption solutions (RSA,
Triple DES and AES) take far long to solve, years compared to only hours with a substitution cypher. A Caesar
Cypher can also vulnerable to frequency analysis attacks, this is when the frequency of each the letters in an
encrypted message are recorded and compared with the most commonly used letters in the English language to
find the rotation amount and then decrypt the message. Longer messages are easier to decrypt using this attack
method as there are more letters that can be analysed and a pattern can be spotted quicker than that of a short
message. For modern data encryption methods to be secure, they must be able to prevent brute force and
frequency analysis attacks for a large period of time. The time it takes to decrypt a message is how encryption
methods can delay
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Attacks On Gsm Standards : Attack Against Mobile...
Attacks on GSM Standards: Attacks against mobile communication are not only depends on the network
weaknesses but the reasons may be mobile phones malware, identity theft by SIM cloning and so on. Some other
attacks, such as phishing with SMS, may exploit human factors as well. But most of these attacks are done on the
A5 family of ciphering algorithms. The exact formulation of these algorithm is still unknown but many
researchers try to calculate it through reverse engineering and cryptanalysis. Some of the attacks done on A5 are
discuss below, that can be distinguished as passive and active attacks. PASSIVE ATTACKS: After the general
configuration of A5/1 was released, a few shortcomings of this calculation have Been uncovered by mainstream
researchers. The primary assault focusing on the A5/1 calculation has been proposed by Golic [Golic 1997],
which presented a successful Time–Memory Trade–Off (TMTO) assault in light of the birthday Catch 22. This
method is pertinent to any cryptosystem with a generally little number of inner states like A5/1, which has 264
states characterized by three movement registers. The essential thought of the TMTO is to pre–process a huge set
of states A, and to consider the arrangement of states B through which the calculation advances amid the era of
yield bits. Any crossing point in the middle of A and B permits the distinguishing proof of a genuine condition of
the calculation. The proposed assault would be practicable just having
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Documents NETW206 W1 Ilab Report Essay
NAME: Joshua Spradlin DATE: 11/02/14 NETW206 Using Show Commands to Investigate Network Status Lab
Grading Rubric Category Points Description Section 1 Using Show Commands to Investigate Network Status:
15 Points Task 1: Step 2 Related Explanation or Response Task 1: Step 6 Related Explanation or Response Task
1: Step 10 Related Explanation or Response Task 1: Step 11 Related Explanation or Response Summary
Paragraph 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 Paste the requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. Paste the requested
screenshot. Provide the requested answer. Paste the requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. Paste the
requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. In your own words, summarize what you have ... Show more
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NOTE: Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the Professor
to grade. Performing Switch Startup and Initial Configuration Lab (15 points) Write a short paragraph (minimum
five college–level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab, what you learned by
performing it, how it relates to this week's TCOs and other course material, and just as important, how you feel it
will benefit you in your academic and professional career. (3 points) In this lab I was able to clear and configure
a switch from scratch. This will be very helpful when receiving a used switch from someone, or if I just want to
start from the beginning on a switch. This is vital when working professionally with switches. For the
Performing Switch Startup and Initial Configuration lab, you must post your completed lab screenshots to earn
points. A missing or incorrect screenshot earns 0 points. Task 1, Step 2: Paste a screenshot after your execute the
erase startup–config command but before you execute the reload. NOTE: Be sure to take the screenshot before
you reload or you will have to repeat this step in order to obtain the correct results. (1 point) Question: What is
the effect of erasing the startup–config file? By erasing it and entering the reload command, you will be able to
configure the switch from scratch. *Hint* Read and study the
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Introduction 1 Defining Security The security of a system, application, or protocol is always relative to – A set of
desired properties – An adversary with specific capabilities For example, standard file access permissions in
Linux and Windows are not effective against an adversary who can boot from a CD 2 Security Goals Integrity
C.I.A. Confidentiality Availability 3 Confidentiality Confidentiality is the avoidance of the unauthorized
disclosure of information. – confidentiality involves the protection of data, providing access for those who are
allowed to see it while disallowing others from learning anything about its content. 4 Tools for Confidentiality
Encryption: the ... Show more content on ...
For example, the designers of an online music system may specify policies that describe how users can access
and copy songs. – Permissions, which describe the behaviors that are allowed by the agents that interact with a
person or system. For instance, an online music store may provide permissions for limited access and copying to
people who have purchased certain songs. – Protections, which describe mechanisms put in place to enforce
permissions and polices. We could imagine that an online music store would build in protections to prevent
people from unauthorized access and copying of its songs. 12 Authenticity Authenticity is the ability to
determine that statements, policies, and permissions issued by persons or systems are genuine. Primary tool: –
digital signatures. These are cryptographic computations that allow a person or system to commit to the
authenticity of their documents in a unique way that achieves nonrepudiation, which is the property that
authentic statements issued by some person or system cannot be denied. 13 Anonymity Anonymity: the property
that certain records or transactions not to be attributable to any individual. Tools: – Aggregation: the combining
of data from many individuals so that disclosed sums or averages cannot be tied to any individual. – Mixing: the
intertwining of transactions, information, or communications in a way that cannot be traced to any individual. –
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Text Dat Encrypted Using Aes Algorithm Essay
In the above Fig.1 text data is encrypted using AES algorithm. The message digest is calculated using SHA–1
algorithm which is calculated for message integrity. The encrypted data is embedded in video which consists of
audio and images which is called as video steganography. Steganography is the process of hiding the text data in
any cover media such as audio, video, images. 3. PROBLEM DEFINITION 1. In previous technique the data
was hided in image due to which only less amount of data was made secure if the large amount of data is hided
in the image then the image gets blur. 2. In previous project the AES algorithm was used for encrypting the data
which required more time for encryption. 3. Only single level security was provided to the data while
transmission of data. 4. PROJECT OBJECTIVE 1. In our project we are using video due to which large amount
of data can be transmitted securely. 2. In our project we are using Blow fish algorithm to encrypt the data more
quickly as compared to AES algorithm. 3. In our project we are providing triple layer security to the data while
transmission. 5. LITERATURE SURVEY In [1] the existing system focuses on the data securityapproach when
combined with encryption and steganographic techniques for secret communication by hiding it inside the
multimedia files. The high results are achieved by providing the security to data before transmitting it over the
internet. The files such as images, audio, video contains collection of bits
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Protocols Of Encryption And Encryption
1. Objective
2. Introduction
3. Encryption
a. Asymmetric Encryption
b. Symmetric Encryption
4. Examples of encryption
5. Cryptography
6. Email Encryption
a. Advantages of Encryption Email
b. Disadvantages of Encryption Email
c. Why use the Encryption Email
7. Use of Encryption
8. How it works
9. Protocols of the Email Encryption
a. PGP
c. Message Encryption
d. Mail session Encryption
e. TLS
10. Conclusion
11. References
Email Encryption is the very important topic of todays need. Because it provides the proper security to the
message. And in now days everybody wants the proper security for our message so that the original message as it
is read by the recipient that are send by the sender without any changes/alternation in the message. So this is the
very important topic to cover up and secure our messages from unauthorized user's access. That provide the
security to our communication. So, we can easily communicate without any afraid of hacking of data.
INTRODUCTION:– Encryption is the most effective way to provide the data security. It is a process which
converts original information into a difficult–to–interpret form. The original information is known as plain text
and the converted information/message is commonly known as cipher text.
In now a days you email delicate, individual and business data to your recipients, then encryption is likely a
need. But still 99% of all emails movement goes
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Data Storage And Communication Systems Essay
Abstract– Encryption is widely used to ensure security in data storage and communication systems. This paper
introduces a new concept for image encryption using a new method we named it "Meaning Of Location (MOL)".
In this method, the private key is an image that converted into RGB numbers and the public key is random
integers used to permutate the image. The location of the RGB will be used to encrypt the plaintext. The
performance of this algorithm is investigated against many different attacks such as ciphertext attacks, plaintext
attacks and brute force attack. The analysis and statistical tests show the strength of this algorithm. The results
show that the MOL algorithm is suitable for securing wired and wireless communication systems such as
smartcards and cell phone services.
Keywords– AES, Encryption, Decryption, DES, RSA, MOL
2. OVERVIEW OF THE IMAGE DATA .............2,3
4. STATISTICAL TESTS ...............................4
5. SMART CARDS.....................................4,5
The requirements of information security within an organization have undergone two major changes in the last
several decades. Before the widespread use of data processing equipment , the security of information felt to be
valuable was provided primarily by physical and administrative
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Code For Finding Key Length, Key And Plain Text
static void main(String[] args) { String encrytedString =
+ "LEUGLHABHQSSFBOZGCNJUGTMGGUGKRBE"; Decryption decryption = new Decryption(); String
decryptedString = decryption.findDecryptedString(encrytedString); System.out.println(decryptedString); } }
DECRYPTION import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import
java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; //
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Hyper Chaotic Systems
HYPER CHAOTIC SYSTEM: Nowadays the application of the hyper chaotic system is becoming a hot topic in
the field of chaos .The hyper chaos was first reported in Rossler 1949[].The dynamics of the system expand in
more than one direction and generate a much more complex attractor compared with the chaotic system with
only one positive Lyapunov exponent, which is observed in( Rech et al).It is characterized as sensitive to initial
condition and control variables, pseudo randomness and ergodicity which meet the requirement of confusion and
diffusion properties explained by Shannon[].As the hyper–chaos has two positive Lyapunov exponents, the
prediction time of a hyper–chaotic system is shorter than that of a chaotic system[S. Yanchuk et al.,2001], as a
result, it is safer than chaos in security algorithm.As the hyper–chaos has larger key spaces than chaos used in
some previous work such as Refs. [2,3,20], is more secure against brute force attack Image encryption algorithm
based on hyper chaos Focus on security issues: This section represents some of the previous works based on
hyperchaotic system. The image encryption algorithm based on hyper chaos proposed by (Tiegang Gao et
al.,2007) and image encryption based on improved hyper chaotic sequences introduced by (Congxu Zhu.,2011).
The core idea of this image encryption scheme (Tiegang Gao et al.,2007) is based on total shuffling matrix using
the Logistic map, and the substitution of the shuffled image with a keystream
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Data Encryption Essay
Missing Chart Encryption Encryption is a method of programming data for security so that it appears to be
random data. Only the people sending and receiving the information have the key to decrypt the message, which
will put it back into its original form making it readable. The only people with the key are the people who are
intended to read the message. Not many people know what encryption is. I took a survey of twenty students and
asked two questions. The first question I asked was do you know what encryption means and the second question
I asked was have you ever heard of anybody using encryption. This is a chart of the information I received:
Many people wonder exactly how encryption works. People think that ... Show more content on
For example, the word computer would be changed to FRPSXWHU (Parsons 328). This method was easy
because it was just a simple offset of the alphabet and you could just line up the letters of both alphabets and
figure out what the message was. There are weak encryption and strong encryption. Caesars method is known as
weak encryption because it can be deciphered. Deciphering a code without authorization is known as "cracking"
a code. In order to crack the simple substitution code, you could make twenty–five different transformation tales
where each of them has a different offset. Strong encryption, the opposite of weak encryption, is very tough to
crack. By using expensive, specialized, code–breaking computers, strong encryptions methods can be broken.
Also, encryption methods can be broken by the use of supercomputers, mainframe computers, workstations and
personal computers. The codes can be broken using these computers by using the brute–force method, which
consists of trying all of the possible keys (Parsons 329). Symmetric key encryption is where the key is used to
not only encrypt a message but to decrypt it as well. This is also known as conventional and secret key
encryption. Symmetric key encryption is rarely used due to the fact that the person who encrypts the information
has to get the key to the person who decrypts the information. This is uncommonly used because if the key is
intercepted by an unauthorized person, there can
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Cryptography : Key Encryption And Its Implementation Essay
Primary purpose of cryptography is security. Cryptography has been present since thousands of years.
Encryption for a longer duration is a priority in many organizations. One among them is military, which used
cryptography to securely transmit a message. During 1980's there is great necessity of securely communicating
with others. Internet is present since 1960's and the World Wide Web came into existence during 1980's.
Throughout the world people access the internet. A World Wide Web, an electronic portal, is extensively used by
many people for communicating. People used World Wide Web to send electronic mails. This kind of
communication increased around the world. As the information passed between the two people may be hacked
by any other person, securing data and transmitting to the right person became important aspect. A deep
emphasis of encryption and cryptography will help all
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Csec 630 Lab 1
Lab Assignment #1: Introduction to Encryption Algorithms CSEC 630 University of Maryland University
College Professor Jingyu Zhang 1. Which tool or technique would be most effective for a cryptanalyst to use to
decipher a text encrypted with the Caesar cipher, and why? The best analysis tool to break the Caesar cipher is
histogram because it performs a statistical analysis on cipher text which shows the frequency of each letter used
in the file. This can later be compared and matched to the frequency of letters in the English language. 2. What
do you notice about the histogram results when text is encrypted with the Vigenère cipher in comparison to the
results of the Caesar cipher? Why is this the case? Histogram simply ... Show more content on ...
7. Analyze the data encrypted with the RSA cipher. How does this encryption method compare to the other
methods these Labs have covered? RSA is more secure than traditional ciphers. Histograms are completely
random. The complexity of cipher will depend on the ley size that is used. The RSA uses an asymmetric
encryption and this makes it more secure that the Symmetric encryption. Asymmetric uses a key for encryption
and one for decryption while the other methods used symmetric encryption and this used one key for encryption
and decryption. The longer they key is, the more secure and complex the cipher will be. This goes for both the
symmetric and asymmetric encryption The disadvantage of RSA is that it takes up a lot more space and memory
and will run slower. It needs more processing power and memory. 8. What are the advantages of the Hybrid
RSA–AES cipher? How does this encryption method compare to the other methods the Lab has covered?
Advantages of the Hybrid RSA–AES are many and one is that it still stays at the speed of symmetric encryption
while protecting the data with the strength of asymmetric encryption. Because the symmetric encryption is about
100 % faster than asymmetric encryption this makes it more efficient and there are no sacrifices to security and
the performance. This encryption uses the pros of each part of the encryptions. This
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An Evaluation Of The And Cryptographic
It was recognized that TLS 1.0, when managing different bundles, permits the accompanying parcels to utilize an
IV that is the last figure content square of the past bundle. At the end of the day, an assailant who can see the
encoded activity can note the IV utilized for session treat . Essentially put, a dynamic aggressor will have the
capacity to assemble the Ivs for each one record just by sniffing the system. So if the aggressor can "figure" a
plaintext message, he can make a theory at the session treat and check whether the figure content matches. Rc4
Rc4 is a stream figure made by Ron Rivest in 1980s. cryptographic count was known good to go division in
1994 and is as of now is the generally used stream figure. It has a long history of cryptographic examination and
cryptographic ambushes, most noticeably the ambush on its utilization in the WEP gathering. There are number
of weakness found in the first place byte stream. Yet none of these inadequacies were demonstrated to allow a
judicious attack against Rc4. they are gigantic enough to instruct a great deal regarding individuals in the
cryptographic gathering to recommend against its usage. due to execution and no matter how you look at it
apportionment, it has transformed into a common figure suite in SSL/TLS. However late research appear to have
made full plaintext recovery ambushes on Rc4. One of these attacks is a show attack, recovers the plaintext when
it is sent again and again in various different
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Annotated Bibliography On International Encryption Subversion
Nicholas Gambini Crypto Final Paper Dr. Landquist Intro to Crypto International Encryption Subversion
Introduction: As implied by the fourth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments to the Constitution of the United
States, all citizens of the United States have a right to privacy. In the digital age, where all of our most important
and personal information is stored digitally, we must have a way to protect this digital content. To protect our
data we use encryption where contents of files are scrambled and distorted and can only be made legible by
someone who knows the decryption key. Governments in Europe, Asia, and America are currently engaged in
undermining the encryption and privacy rights of their citizens either by demanding backdoors or ... Show more
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Apple responded with a case curiously omitted from the FBI's argument; a federal judge found it inconceivable
that the law could be used to compel a telecommunications provider to allow real–time tracking of a cellphone
without a search warrant (Lichtblau). As support for Apple grew, Director of Privacy at Stanford Law School,
Albert Gidari, LLM, published a paper detailing specifically why the FBI was wrong and why their argument
was useless. In his paper he discusses the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA.
CALEA details what is and isn't lawful assistance from telecommunications companies to the government.
Within section 1002 lies these details: (1) Design of features and systems configurations. This subchapter does
not authorize any law enforcement agency or office (a) to require any specific design of equipment, facilities,
services, features, or system configurations to be adopted by any provider of a wire or electronic communication
service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of telecommunications support
services; (b) to prohibit the adoption of any equipment, facility, service, or feature by any provider of a wire or
electronic communication service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of
telecommunications support services. (Schneier) What this means is that it is unlawful for
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Nt1310 Unit 4 Performance Analysis
4 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS There are various performance factors which are used to analyzed the different
encryption algorithms.
1. Throughput performance
It is the higher rate of production or maximum rate at which data can be processed which belong to may be
delivered over a physical or logical link. It may be affected by various factors such as medium, available
processing power of the system components and end–user behavior.
2. Key Length Size
In the encryption process, the key management is the important factor to shows the how the data is encrypted.
The symmetric algorithm uses a variable key length which is longer. So, the key management is a huge aspect in
encryption processing for control operation of the cipher.
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Mobile Ad Hoc And Multi Hop Strong Path Geographic Routing...
Secured PPEM based Multi–Hop Strong Path Geographic Routing protocol for MANETs
Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional)
Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4)
Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional)
Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4)
Abstract– this paper is an involvement in the field of security study on mobile ad–hoc networks. Boundaries of
the mobile ad hoc nodes have been considered in order to design a secure Geographic routing protocol that
thwarts selfish and flooding attacks. We took the base of Ad hoc On Demand Routing Protocol (AODV); the
most popular Routing protocol. The significance of the proposed protocol that should make sure security as
wanted by providing a broad architecture of Secured PPEM Mechanism based Multi–Hop Strong Path
Geographic Routing protocol (SMHSP) based on effective key management, secure neighbor detection, secure
routing data's, finding malicious nodes, and eliminating these nodes from routing table. Our results clearly show
that our secured Geographic routing protocol increases the throughput and packet delivery ratio while it has a
tolerable increase in the routing overhead and average delay. Also, security study proves in details that the
proposed protocol
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History of Cryptography
In the history of cryptography, the Enigma was a portable cipher machine used to encrypt and decrypt secret
messages. More precisely, Enigma was a family of related electro–mechanical rotor machines — comprising a
variety of different models. The Enigma was used commercially from the early 1920s on, and was also adopted
by the military and governmental services of a number of nations — most famously by Nazi Germany before and
during World War II. The German military model, the Wehrmacht Enigma, is the version most commonly
discussed. The machine has gained notoriety because Allied cryptologists were able to decrypt a large number of
messages that had been enciphered on the machine. The intelligence gained through this source — ... Show more
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For example, the pin corresponding to the letter E might be wired to the contact for letter T on the opposite face.
The complexity comes from the use of several rotors in series — usually three or four — and the regular
movement of the rotors; this provides a much stronger type of encryption. When placed in the machine, a rotor
can be set to one of 26 positions. It can be turned by hand using a grooved finger–wheel which protrudes from
the internal cover when closed, as shown in Figure 2. So that the operator knows the position, each rotor has an
alphabet tyre (or letter ring) attached around the outside of the disk, with 26 letters or numbers; one of these can
be seen through a window, indicating the position of the rotor to the operator. In early Enigma models, the
alphabet ring is fixed; a complication introduced in later versions is the facility to adjust the alphabet ring
relative to the core wiring. The position of the ring is known as the Ringstellung ("ring setting"). The rotors each
contain a notch (sometimes multiple notches), used to control the stepping of the rotors. In the military versions,
the notches are located on the alphabet ring. The Army and Air Force Enigmas came equipped with several
rotors; when first issued there were only three. On 15 December 1938 this changed to five, from which three
were chosen for insertion in the machine. These were marked with Roman numerals to distinguish them: I, II, III,
IV and V, all with single notches
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Cryptography Is A Science That Transforms Information Into...
In recent times providing security to the information is the major issue. There are many applications developed
by the cyber terrorists, cyber criminals, script kidders etc. to steal the private information like passwords, ATM
pin numbers, and credit card details so on. One of the solution to protect the information is Cryptography, which
is the focus of this paper.
Cryptography is a science that transforms information into secure form by providing basic protections. These
protections include confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authentication, and Nonrepudiation (Ciampa 189).
Let's understand the characteristics of information and their description (see table 1).
The term "Cryptography" was originated from Greek. In Greek "Crypto–" means hidden and "–grapy" means
writing. Simply, cryptography means scrambling data so that it cannot be read or access by an unauthorized
person. The ancient cryptographer Julius Caesar sent messages to his commanders by shifting each letter in his
message to three places down in the alphabet. A was replaced by D, B was replaced by E and so on (Ciampa
186). This method of changing the original text into a secret message is called encryption and retrieving back to
the original form is called decryption.
The clear plaintext is given as input to the cryptographic algorithm. According to Stallings cryptographic
algorithms consists of mathematical functions which are used to encrypt and decrypt the data (44). A key is a
mathematical value which
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Encryption Vs. Modern Society Essay
Encryption has become a necessity in modern society due to the nature of the information we must interact with
every day. Furthermore, the encryption of computer data is becoming increasingly important since much
sensitive information is stored on our hard drives and human based codes are simply too easy for a computer to
solve. All forms of encryption are based on cryptology which is "the science of analyzing and deciphering codes
and ciphers and cryptograms". Cryptology and simple codes have been used as early as the Roman Empire.
Encryption is used to ensure the confidentiality of a message that is being sent is not compromised as in case of
the message being intercepted, it ensure that only authorized individuals can understand the contents. As
technology, has been advancing, the complex nature of encrypting and decrypting messages have also been
advancing the electronic age has brought forth many technological advances. With these advances came the need
for security and tighter control on how we send information electronically over the Internet or through a network.
Date encryption is, in its simplest terms, the translation of data into a secret code. To read an encrypted file, the
receiver of the file must obtain a secret key that will enable him to decrypt the file. A deeper consider
cryptography, cryptanalysis, and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) will provide a better understanding of data
The DES algorithm is a block cipher that uses the same binary
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Julius Caesar Research Paper
Suetonius tells us that Julius Caesar enciphered his dispatches by writing D for A, E for B and so on [742]. When
Augustus Caesar ascended the throne, he changed the imperial cipher system so that C was now written for A, D
for B, and so on. In modern terminology, we would say that he changed the key from D to C.
The Arabs generalized this idea to the monoalphabetic substitution, in which a keyword is used to permute the
cipher alphabet. We will write the plaintext in lowercase letters, and the ciphertext in uppercase, as shown in
Figure 5.1.
kind is a straightforward pencil and paper puzzle, which you may have done in primary school. The trick is that
some letters, ... Show more content on ...
An example should explain all this. Suppose you had intercepted a message from a wartime German agent,
which you knew started with "Heil Hitler," and that the first 10 letters of ciphertext were DGTYI BWPJA. This
means that the first 10 letters of the onetime pad were wclnb tdefj, as shown in Figure 5.3.
Once he had burned the piece of silk with his key material, the spy could claim that he was actually a member of
the anti–Nazi underground resistance, and that the message actually said "Hang Hitler." This is quite possible, as
the key material could just as easily have been wggsb tdefj, as shown in Figure 5.4.
Now, we rarely get anything for nothing in cryptology, and the price of the perfect secrecy of the one–time pad is
that it fails completely to protect message integrity.
Suppose that you wanted to get this spy into trouble; you could change the ciphertext to DCYTI BWPJA, as
shown in Figure 5.5.
During the World War II, Claude Shannon proved that a cipher has perfect secrecy if and only if there are as
many possible keys as possible plaintexts, and if every key is equally likely; therefore, the one–time pad is the
only kind of system that offers perfect secrecy [694,
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Different Types of Attacks
An attack is any malicious or accidental disruption in the confidentially, integrity, or availability of information
and network resources. Attacks can come from many places, electronic, physical, or human. Electronics attacks
may come from the external network (Internet) or the internal network (Intranet); physical attacks can come in
the form of hardware and equipment sabotage or theft, and human attacks most often come in the form of social
engineering. Some of the attacks identify and evaluate in this paper are: spoofing, replays attacks, access attack
suppress–relay, and source and repudiation attack. Spoofing is when the attackers attempts to appear to be
someone else, usually an authentic user. The phenomenon of Web spoofing or ... Show more content on ...
Website defacements are a common form of modification attack. Repudiation attack is the main application layer
level attack repudiation refers to the rejection or attempted denial by a node involved in a communication of
having contributed in a part or the entire communication. For example, is someone access your email account
and inflammatory information to other under the guise of one of your top managers. This information might
prove humiliation to your company and possibly do irreparable harm. This type of attack is easy to accomplish
because most email systems do not check outbound email for validity. Data encryption and decryption have
become increasingly important as more people are communicating over the internet. Although cryptology is not
new, the demand for this technology has soared as its usefulness for security purposes has become more evident.
Cryptology involves converting original messages into non–readable formats and plays an important role in
keeping data safe while it is in transit (Agrawal & Mishra, 2012). Two popular forms of cryptology are
symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric cryptology–also known as single key encryption–has been in existence
for several decades. It is the most widely used. Symmetric encryptions consist of five components: plaintext,
encryption algorithm, secret key, ciphertext, and decryption algorithm. Additionally, in order for the
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Vsual Cryptography : A Branch Of Secret Sharing Data
VISUAL cryptography (VC) is a branch of secret sharing data. In the VC scheme, a secret image is encoded into
transparencies, and the content of each transparency is noise–like so that the secret information cannot be
retrieved from any one transparency via human visual observation or signal analysis techniques. In general, a –
threshold VC scheme has the following properties: The stacking of any out of those VC generated transparencies
can reveal the secret by visual perception, but the stacking of any or fewer number of transparencies cannot
retrieve any information other than the size of the secret image. Naor and Shamir [1] proposed a –threshold VC
scheme based on basis matrices, and the model had been further studied and ... Show more content on ...
The probabilistic model of the VC scheme was first introduced by Ito et al. [2], where the scheme is based on the
basis matrices, but only one column of the matrices is chosen to encode a binary secret pixel, rather than the
traditional VC scheme utilizing the whole basis matrices. The size of the generated transparencies is identical to
the secret image. Yangs [31] also proposed a probabilistic model of VC scheme, and the two cases and are
explicitly constructed to achieve the optimal contrast. Based on Yang [31], Cimato et al. [32] proposed a
generalized VC scheme in which the pixel expansion is between the probabilistic model of VC scheme and the
traditional VC scheme. Encrypting an image by random grids (RGs) was first introduced by Kafri and Keren
[26] in 1987. A binary secret image is encoded into two noise–like transparencies with the same size of the
original secret image, and stacking of the two transparencies reveals the content of the secret. Comparing RGs
with basis matrices, one of the major advantages is that the size of generated transparencies is unexpanded. The
RG scheme is similar to the probabilistic model of the VC scheme, but the RG scheme is not based on the basis
matrices. The recent studies include the RG for colour image [27], and RG schemes [28], [29]. We also compare
the proposed method with RG.
Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information (pictures,
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Encryption Is Just A Fancy Word For Coding
Encryption is just a fancy word for coding. When we talk about encrypting we really just mean turning
information into really a hard to read secret code. Let's say we have some secret agents in a movie and suppose
there is an agent working in Washington DC they need to send a message to another agent in Russia. The best
way for them to do this is by the two of you to meet up in advance, in person, and agree on a method of locking
and unlocking all the messages they will send and receive in future.This method is called a secret key, because
only the two of you will have access to it. When people want to find out what their saying to each other the
attack is called a chosen ciphertext attack,CCA. In cryptography, ciphertext or cyphertext is the result of
encryption performed on plaintext using an algorithm, called a cipher. It is an attack model for cryptanalysis in
which the cryptanalyst gathers information by choosing a ciphertext and obtaining its decryption under an
unknown key. Cryptanalysis is the study of analyzing information systems in order to study the hidden aspects of
the systems. People use encryption for a theoretical wall against anyone that wants to find out what is inside.
The government needs to be able to access information on phones, computers or social media accounts because
of illicit online activities:robbery, sexual predators and planned murder. The government needs to know about
these inappropriate activities so they can stop this behavior. Known
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Term Paper
| 2013 |
Term Paper: Redesigning Security Operations
1 Identify what you perceive to be the five (5) most concerning threats to the network, computing environment,
and the database operations of the company
Data security Threats:
Data face many threats in various forms which can accessed by unauthorized people who can misuse it and can
damage the company. Here is the series of potential risks and attacks which the data could face:
Data tempering: for the data to be more mores secure t is essential that it should not be modifies or viewed by
anyone .in the environment some external parties can perpetrate the data by intercepting in the transit and could
changes some parts of that data before it is retransmitting.
.Data theft: for ... Show more content on ...
External threats: some outsider who has potential access to use the server or database can damage the computer
and data .they are the expert people who break into the network mainly from the internet
3 design the security controls to mitigate the risks involved
For the control of the risk, following mechanism will be more effective in the implementation of the mechanism
as the management must design the control environment with the assessment control risk. Thus it is essential for
the higher management to look at the ground level and formulate the policies, guidelines and procedures which
could be fitted with the environment which can more helpful in mitigating the associated risks.
* :environmental control * Preventive maintenance * Physical security * Personal control * Environmental
change * Information control * User support * Some control over output * Event management Therefore risk
mitigation aim at reducing he some internal and external threats which can hinder the performance of the
organization. so these risk mitigation focus on the use of some structured policies and guidelines for the entire
system to be installed on the network. Thus management should favor the control
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The Impact Of Cryptanalysis Using Advanced 3d Playfair...
Impact of Cryptanalysis using Advanced 3D Playfair Cipher
Gaurav Kumawat1, Sandeep Upadhyay2
1 Department of Computer Sc. & Engg, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology
2 Department of Computer Sc. & Engg, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology
Abstract. The Playfair cipher is a manual symmetric encryption technique and was the first literal digraph
substitution cipher. The cryptanalysis of the Playfair cipher is also aided by the fact that a diagram and its reverse
will encrypt in a similar fashion. The paper proposes to encrypt/decrypt by choosing 216 ASCII characters out of
256 ASCII characters. The 216 characters includes the most frequently & popularly usable characters like 26
upper & lower case alphabets, 10 numerals and 154 most commonly used special characters of ASCII character
set. 40 special characters that are less frequently used are exempted. 2D–Playfair cipher is a case sensitive cipher,
as it requires only 26 alphabets rather than 52 alphabets (including lower and upper case both).The theme of this
paper is to provide security for the data that contains a wider coverage of alphabets numerals and special
characters in compare to 2D playfair cipher.
1 Introduction
Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties.
The art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format is called cipher
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The Security Of The Network
As a distributed system with a number of nodes working together, a Big data cluster relies on the interconnect to
communicate between Data Nodes and Name Nodes. The system also needs to extract data from data sources via
the network. Thus, the security of the network is critical to the Big data system. The threats relevant to the
network include DNS spoofing, eavesdropping attack and Denial–of–Service attacks, Man–In–the–Middle
attacks, etc.
In the next section, we will focus on two types of network securities and propose the solutions to these issues:
One is the security of interconnect, the other is the security of external network connections.
III. Security and Privacy Solutions of Big Data As Big data is usually a complex system with Petabytes or more
data stored and processed, there is never a single mechanism which can resolve all the security issues. We also
need to make a balance between security and cost. In addition, the affect to the performance and usability also
need to be taken into consideration.
A. Solutions to the unauthorized data access problem The data in Big data system usually contains privacy of
many users, therefore it must be protected from malicious from attackers. A commonly used data protection
approach is data encryption. A symmetric encryption algorithm is more appropriate than public key algorithm, as
symmetric encryption is much faster than the public key encryption. The data needs to be encrypted when it is
loaded into the Big
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Cryptography Vs. Modern Cryptography Essay
Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties
called adversaries. More generally, cryptography is about constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent third
parties or the public from reading private messages; various aspects in information security such as data
confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non–repudiation are central to modern cryptography. Modern
cryptography exists at the intersection of the disciplines of mathematics, computer science, and electrical
engineering. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce.
Main Concept of Cryptography
Cryptography is the science of writing in secret code and is an ancient art; the first documented use of
cryptography in writing dates back to circa 1900 B.C. when an Egyptian scribe used non–standard hieroglyphs in
an inscription. Some experts argue that cryptography appeared spontaneously sometime after writing was
invented, with applications ranging from diplomatic missives to war–time battle plans. It is no surprise, then, that
new forms of cryptography came soon after the widespread development of computer communications. In data
and telecommunications, cryptography is necessary when communicating over any un–trusted medium, which
includes just about any network, particularly the Internet.
Within the context of any application–to–application communication, there are some specific
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Using Des With A Password
CS 6520 Assignment – 2 Sahithi Madala WM8573 Question 1 The first method, the computer is to use DES with
a password as a key to encrypt plain text. In this case the attacker will have both ciphertext and the plain text
though the physical security is difficult to maintain. This key cannot be further used for the decryption process.
So with these mentioned limitations, we DES has strong encryption method which is always difficult for the
attacker to break. Considering the example mentioned in the question (64bits of 0s). In my opinion the second
method is much secure and authenticated than the first method, but close to it. Because in the password field, the
input is being entered is plain text and the key being fixed. Implementing the ... Show more content on ...
Now, when we consider the two XOR operations in the above figure shown. If the plaintext and key used for
encryption are both complemented, then the inputs given to the first XOR are also complemented. The output,
then, is the same as for the uncomplemented inputs. Further down, we see that only one of the two inputs to the
second XOR is complemented, therefore, the output is the complement of the output that would be generated by
uncomplemented inputs. b. In a chosen plaintext attack, if for chosen plaintext X, the analyst can obtain Y1 =
E[K, X] and Y2 = E[K, X '] An exhaustive key search requires only 255 rather than 256 encryptions. To see this,
note that (Y2) ' = E[K ', X]. Now, pick a test value of the key T and perform E[T, X]. If the result is Y1, then we
know that T is the correct key. If the result is (Y2) ', then we know that T ' is the correct key. If neither result
appears, then we have eliminated two possible keys with one encryption. Question 4 Stallings Problem 6.4: No.
For example, suppose C1 is corrupted. The output block P3 depends only on the input blocks C2 and C3 which is
shown in the image below. b). An error in P1 affects C1. But since C1 is input to the calculation of C2, C2 is
affected. This effect carries through indefinitely, so that all
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Trust And Encryption Based Smart Path Routing Protocol For...
Trust and Encryption based Smart Path Routing protocol for MANETs
Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional)
Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4)
Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional)
Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4)
Abstract– this paper is an involvement in the field of security study on mobile ad–hoc networks. Boundaries of
the mobile ad hoc nodes have been considered in order to design a secure Ad hoc routing protocol that thwarts
selfish and flooding attacks. We took the base of Ad hoc On Demand Routing Protocol (AODV); the most
popular Routing protocol. The significance of the proposed protocol that should make sure security as wanted by
providing a broad architecture of Trusted and PES Mechanism based smart Path Routing protocol (TBAODV)
based on effective key management, secure neighbor detection, secure routing data's, finding malicious nodes,
and eliminating these nodes from routing table. Our results clearly show that our secured Ad hoc routing protocol
increases the throughput and packet delivery ratio while it has a tolerable increase in the routing overhead and
average delay. Also, security study proves in details that the proposed protocol is robust enough to thwart all
classes of
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Encryption in Today's Information Systems
In today's world of instant connectivity and information at users' fingertips, it's vital that sensitive information is
safeguarded against those who seek to do personal harm and profit from gaining access to the data. The key
behind keeping information safe is the method in which it's protected and encrypted. In order to appreciate how
information is secured, users must understand the encryption concepts behind it. To do this, one must
comprehend the current encryption standards, the trends and developments in encryption technology, the
importance of securing data, the government's regulations pertaining to encryption, the companies involved in
research and implementation, the implications of leaked or stolen data, and a brief look into ... Show more
content on ...
When a fellow general received the message, he would wrap the paper around his corresponding scytale to
decipher the message (Tyson 2014). Since the advent of computers though, encryption has become increasing
important and relies almost solely on cryptographic means to secure information. When speaking about
encryption today, it refers more to the process rather than the mathematical formulas used to scramble data. The
basic idea behind encrypting a computer message is such that it is scrambled with a sequence of random bits,
known as a key, and only parties with the corresponding key can transpose it back into a comprehensible format.
These keys are created via a cipher, otherwise known as an algorithm. When a user sends a message, known as
the plaintext, across a network, the computer applies an algorithm to the information to encode it, resulting in a
ciphertext (Encryption Basics 2014). This method can be best summarized visually: Plaintext message +
encryption algorithm + secret key = Ciphertext Ciphertext + corresponding key + decryption algorithm =
Plaintext message Generally speaking, modern encryption techniques fall into one of two categories – symmetric
(homogeneous) and asymmetric (heterogeneous). Symmetric encryption is a system of communication whereby
both parties share the same key to encode and decode a message. The Spartan generals used this method with
their scytales.
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Hill Cipher
CioheWednesday, April 13, 2016
University of Botswana
Ndlovu.I 200902852
ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Hill Cipher Description .......................................................................................................................... 3
Question ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Implementation .................................................................................................................................... 3
Hill Cipher Encryption and ... Show more content on ...
Step 3 is the same as Step 2 but using a different matrix multiplication to find the key. All the programs have
written in java using Dr. Java.
ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
3.1. Hill Cipher Encryption and Decryption
ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
3.1.1. Part 1
Class Basic the class has the indexOfChar and indexAtChar method.
The first method matches characters of a string to the alphabet and returns a numeric value, the second method is
used to return a char which is located at the position int pos.
Class Hill has an object basic of the class basic so as to access the methods from the basic class, this is done later
on in the program.
Class Hill also contains method Hill, this ensures that the matrix we are using is a 2X2 matrix, that's why the
variable block=2.
The method reads the key matrix. The user will enter in the first number and press "enter" and do this until the
fourth number is entered. The assumption is that we are using a 2x2 matrix as the key size.
ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
3.1.2. Part 2
The method KeyInverse also reads 4 integers which are stored to the double array Key[][] and uses them for the
decryption key.
The method encryptBlock is
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Nt1310 Unit 4 Case Study
In order to recover the secret image from the mosaic image, embed relevant recovery information into the mosaic
image. The information required to recover a tile image T which is mapped to a target block B includes:
Index of B
Optimal rotation angle of T
Truncated means of T and B and the standard deviation quotients, of all color channels
Total number of tiles
These data items for recovering a tile image T are integrated as a five–component bit stream of the form in which
the bit segments represent the values of the index of B, the rotation angle of T , the means of T and B, the
standard deviation quotients, and total number of tiles, respectively. In more detail, the numbers of required bits
for the five data items in M are
item ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, in order to protect from being attacked, encrypt it with a secret key to obtain an encrypted bit stream .
For that AES encryption is used. After AES encryption, will embed at the fourth bit position of . Some related
information about the mosaic image generation process into the mosaic image for use in the secret image
recovery process are also embed at the last fourth bit position of . Such information, described as a bit stream I
like M, includes the following data items: 1) encryption key; and 2) total length of before encryption. After all
this process Target image with mosaic image, residual value and all information that required to recover original
image are transmitted to receiver
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Annotated Bibliography On Information Security
1. Abstract
Information security is a major concept in today's industrial and computer era, so security must be higher to
protect the confidential data. Information security plays major role in computer and network security with the
use of different cryptography algorithms that includes the encryption and decryption of data with the uses of the
algorithm and the key. By means of text or numerical key for the encryption can be dangerous because with the
several hack attacks that a key can be broken. So I have proposed a new mechanism that will replace the text key
with the image pixels and can gain high security which cannot be easy to break without prior knowledge.
2. Introduction
For the decades to keep data secure and to convey the ... Show more content on ...
It takes plaintext and the key as input and follows some mechanism with the use of mathematical calculations to
convert the plaintext into the cipher text. Instead of using the key that is in the numerical and text format if we
use the set of the pixels of an image, then the algorithm will be able to generate the cipher text that will be really
hard to decode.
3. Research design
3.1 Basic theory – there are some primary and important components that play a vital role in the cryptography
I. Plaintext: this is a regular text message that is in meaningful and in the readable format that needs to be
II. Cipher text: this is the result of the encryption process where we get the cipher text that is in scrambled and
unreadable format.
III. Algorithm: this is a core part of the cryptography where all transformations occur with some predefined
processes, rules and basic mathematical functions. This algorithm is responsible for encipher and decipher a
IV. Key: secret key that is used to encrypt the message and used as input to the algorithm. And this key is also
shared between the sender and the receiver.
3.2 Processes used to carry out cryptography
I. Encryption: encryption is carried out on the sender side, hence transferred plain text into the cipher text and
forwarded over the network.
II. Decryption: decryption is carried out on the receiver side to translate the cipher text into the plaintext with the
same key that is used at the sender side.
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Test Case Type Decryption Test
Decryption Test Case Number #03 Test Case Type Decryption test Test Case Name Decryption without password
Input Null Values Expected Output Displays a error message "BadPaddingException" If user provides a desired
file in the desired location without a password then it gives the above message. Decryption Test Case Number
#04 Test Case Type Decryption test Test Case Name Decryption with password Input Null Values Expected
Output Displays a error message "File Decrypted" If user provides a desired file in the desired location with
password then it gives the above message. 8.OUTPUT: Here test.txt is the source file to encrypt Run program to encrypt the test.txt file And encrypt.enc, encrypted.enc, encryptedfile.des are the
encrypted files with password, We need to send these files to destination and tell them the password. At
destination program need to be run to decrypt data and finally after decryption
testfile_decrypted.txt file will be created. 9. ENCRYPTION AT WORK Encryption is available at number of
utilities. By default every windows operating system is coming with Encryption feature. We will see some of
them now Encryption File System: In windows Oss file and folder level encryption is available by default to
protect our sensitive data. Bit Locker Encryption: It is a total drive encryption method in windows using a
password Winrar / WinZip : Compressing software also having a feature for protecting data SSL:
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Annotated Bibliography On Rsa Cryptography
RSA cryptography is vastly used to encrypt and decrypt message while communicating through internet and in
the field of digital signature. This encryption system is used regularly in web browsers, chat applications email,
vpn and any other types of communications that require securely sending data to severs or the other people.[8]
RSA cryptography is an asymmetrical cryptography system. Because it have two keys. One is public another is
private. The encryption key is public while the decryption key is private. So only the person with the correct
decryption key can decipher the encrypted message. Everyone have their own encryption and decryption keys.
The keys must be made in such a way that the decryption key may not easily ... Show more content on ...
Which is by trying every possible combination. The length of the key determines the strength. DES uses a 64–bit
key, but eight of those bits are used for parity checks, effectively limiting the key to 56–bits. So, it would take a
maximum of 256 or 72,057,594,037,927,936 attempts to find the correct key. In present state, this is not safe
because this amount of combination isn't too high. Even so, up–to 1990's mid this method was very popular and
widely used. In 1998 a computer system broke this security in 56 hours which later reduced in 22 hours. So
presently instead of providing compatibility in some instances, reliance on DES is a serious security problem for
data confidentiality and should be avoided. As encryption strength is directly proportional to key size and 56–bit
key length is not enough for present computing system so in 1997, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) announced an initiative to choose a successor to DES, in 2001, it selected the Advanced
Encryption Standard as a replacement. [1]
2. Triple DSE method was designed to take the place of Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. Triple DES
was the recommended standard and vastly used symmetric algorithm in the industry. This system uses three
individual keys each having 56–bits. So the total key length becomes 128–bits which is more secured than
normal DES system. Although slowly became out of date Triple DES still capable manages to make a
dependable hardware encryption
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Creating A New Storage Scheme
Hourglass Schemes: [1] As mentioned in the introduction, ensuring files confidentiality is a major issue in cloud
computing. The authors of this paper introduce a new storage scheme called the HourGlass. In this scheme the
cloud server is forced to save files in a way that enable clients challenges, the server's response ensures clients
that their files are safely stored. In most cloud providers, clients files are stored in an encrypted way based on
some predefined agreement between the client and the cloud provider. Then clients can challenge the server to
send back the encrypted files in timely manners. The problem with this scenario is with current resources and
computation powers, the servers can easily encrypt files on the fly and ... Show more content on
This is most likely to exceed the time limit and hence the client will know that the server is not storing their files
is a secure manner. The second property is also important because this scheme should not introduce any
complication to the clients when trying to access their file. When legitimate clients want to access their files on
the server, they should also be easily able to uncover the hourglass encapsulation, decrypt their file and read the
plain text. We will describe the proposed protocol using the following notations: F: the plaintext file, CipherF:
the encrypted file, X: The output of the hourglass function that will be stored on the server, C: the client, S: the
server, HG: the hourglass function, E: encryption function, RNG(): random number generator that will be used
by the client , A >> B: M: A sending M to B. The protocol is as follows: Client Server F C >> S: F F CipherF =
E(F) X = HG(CipherF) Discard F, Store X i = GEN(), start timer C >> S: i i Stop timer C << S: block i of X
Verify response Remark: this is a simplified version of the actual protocol; more details will be introduced in the
final report. The client can verify the server response either by computing HG and storing it on the client side or
by other means that will be explained in the final report. The
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Nt1330 Unit 4 Dthm Paper

  • 1. Nt1330 Unit 4 Dthm Paper 4 THE DIFFIE–HELLMAN KEY EXCHANGE ALGORITHM Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman proposed a famous key exchange protocol in 1976 [16]. Diffie–Hellman key exchange (D–H), is a method for exchanging cryptographic keys that allow two parties to share public key for encrypting their messages over an insecure communication channel [16]. We consider two Clients, X and Y [5,6]. 1. Both of the clients must agree to use large prime p and nonzero integer g which is a primitive root modulo p. 2. They share p and q and make it public together. 3. A picks a secret integer m and keeps it secret. 4. B picks a secret integer n and keeps it secret. 5. X computes: A ≡ gm (mod p) 6. Y computes: B ≡ gn (mod p) 7. X and Y exchanging A, B (X sends A to Y and Y ... Show more content on ... In the encryption phase of the protocol: 1. A and B Shares their Diffie–Hellman's public key over communication channel 2. A, generates two 128–bit random numbers (αR and βR) 3. A, calculates hash of αR by RIPEMD–160 hash function 4. A, encrypts βR by Diffie–Hellman's public key 5. A, calculates hash of 3th step by SHA–256 hash function (αS is the result) 6. A, calculates hash of βR by SHA–256 hash function (βS is the result) 7. A should bitwise XOR αS and βS (The result of this step is Main Key (MK) for USEA) 8. A, encrypts plain text (Message) by USEA with MK (Cipher text is the result) 9. By Adding Result of the 4th step and αS and result of the 8th step (Cipher text), Final cipher text (Cipher text with headers (CTH)) is the encrypted message of A. In the decryption phase of the protocol: For decrypting the CTH of A, B deciphers the result of the 4th step by itself Diffie–Hellman Private Key and achieves βR. Then calculates hash of βR by SHA–256 hash function. Finally, with bitwise XOR αS and βS, B can obtain MK and decrypt Cipher text. Figure 3 shows the structure of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment Of Encryption Techniques 1. Type of operations used for transforming plaintext to cipher text. All encryption algorithms are based on two general principles. Those are substitution, in which each element in the plain text is mapped into another element and transposition in which elements in the plaintext are rearranged. The fundamental requirement is that no information be lost. Most systems referred to as product systems, involved multiple stages of substitution and transposition [2]. 2. The number of keys used: If sender and receiver use the same key, the system is referred to as symmetric, single key or secret key conventional encryption. If the sender and the receiver each uses a different key the system is referred to as asymmetric, two key, or public–key encryption ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Purpose Of Encode Information To encode information, is to change data from one form to another through specific formulae/rules for a specified purpose. Encoding is used every day by way of encryption, compression, data processing, conversion and storage. Notable encoding systems include character encoding, video encoding, HTML encoding and URL encoding. Encryption For information to be private and secure, encryption is used. A piece of information can be encrypted by changing each of the characters in the data to something different. The encrypted information can then be decrypted to find out the original information. It is important for information to be encrypted so that only the person that has sent and the person receiving the information can see it. Without ... Show more content on ... One of the ways that a message encrypted with a Caesar Cypher can be unencrypted is through a 'brute force' attack. This type of attack is where all possible combinations of keys are tried and tried until the message has been unencrypted. Due to the number of possible rotations being limited to only 25 (as there are only 26 letters in the alphabet) and the speed at which modern computers can operate, a message with Caesar Cypher encryption can be unencrypted within seconds. Although, with a larger number of cipher keys the time to unencrypt the message will increase, but even with a larger key set, the alternative encryption solutions (RSA, Triple DES and AES) take far long to solve, years compared to only hours with a substitution cypher. A Caesar Cypher can also vulnerable to frequency analysis attacks, this is when the frequency of each the letters in an encrypted message are recorded and compared with the most commonly used letters in the English language to find the rotation amount and then decrypt the message. Longer messages are easier to decrypt using this attack method as there are more letters that can be analysed and a pattern can be spotted quicker than that of a short message. For modern data encryption methods to be secure, they must be able to prevent brute force and frequency analysis attacks for a large period of time. The time it takes to decrypt a message is how encryption methods can delay ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Attacks On Gsm Standards : Attack Against Mobile... Attacks on GSM Standards: Attacks against mobile communication are not only depends on the network weaknesses but the reasons may be mobile phones malware, identity theft by SIM cloning and so on. Some other attacks, such as phishing with SMS, may exploit human factors as well. But most of these attacks are done on the A5 family of ciphering algorithms. The exact formulation of these algorithm is still unknown but many researchers try to calculate it through reverse engineering and cryptanalysis. Some of the attacks done on A5 are discuss below, that can be distinguished as passive and active attacks. PASSIVE ATTACKS: After the general configuration of A5/1 was released, a few shortcomings of this calculation have Been uncovered by mainstream researchers. The primary assault focusing on the A5/1 calculation has been proposed by Golic [Golic 1997], which presented a successful Time–Memory Trade–Off (TMTO) assault in light of the birthday Catch 22. This method is pertinent to any cryptosystem with a generally little number of inner states like A5/1, which has 264 states characterized by three movement registers. The essential thought of the TMTO is to pre–process a huge set of states A, and to consider the arrangement of states B through which the calculation advances amid the era of yield bits. Any crossing point in the middle of A and B permits the distinguishing proof of a genuine condition of the calculation. The proposed assault would be practicable just having ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Documents NETW206 W1 Ilab Report Essay NAME: Joshua Spradlin DATE: 11/02/14 NETW206 Using Show Commands to Investigate Network Status Lab Grading Rubric Category Points Description Section 1 Using Show Commands to Investigate Network Status: 15 Points Task 1: Step 2 Related Explanation or Response Task 1: Step 6 Related Explanation or Response Task 1: Step 10 Related Explanation or Response Task 1: Step 11 Related Explanation or Response Summary Paragraph 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 Paste the requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. Paste the requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. Paste the requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. Paste the requested screenshot. Provide the requested answer. In your own words, summarize what you have ... Show more content on ... NOTE: Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the Professor to grade. Performing Switch Startup and Initial Configuration Lab (15 points) Write a short paragraph (minimum five college–level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab, what you learned by performing it, how it relates to this week's TCOs and other course material, and just as important, how you feel it will benefit you in your academic and professional career. (3 points) In this lab I was able to clear and configure a switch from scratch. This will be very helpful when receiving a used switch from someone, or if I just want to start from the beginning on a switch. This is vital when working professionally with switches. For the Performing Switch Startup and Initial Configuration lab, you must post your completed lab screenshots to earn points. A missing or incorrect screenshot earns 0 points. Task 1, Step 2: Paste a screenshot after your execute the erase startup–config command but before you execute the reload. NOTE: Be sure to take the screenshot before you reload or you will have to repeat this step in order to obtain the correct results. (1 point) Question: What is the effect of erasing the startup–config file? By erasing it and entering the reload command, you will be able to configure the switch from scratch. *Hint* Read and study the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Ch01-Introduction Introduction 1 Defining Security The security of a system, application, or protocol is always relative to – A set of desired properties – An adversary with specific capabilities For example, standard file access permissions in Linux and Windows are not effective against an adversary who can boot from a CD 2 Security Goals Integrity C.I.A. Confidentiality Availability 3 Confidentiality Confidentiality is the avoidance of the unauthorized disclosure of information. – confidentiality involves the protection of data, providing access for those who are allowed to see it while disallowing others from learning anything about its content. 4 Tools for Confidentiality Encryption: the ... Show more content on ... For example, the designers of an online music system may specify policies that describe how users can access and copy songs. – Permissions, which describe the behaviors that are allowed by the agents that interact with a person or system. For instance, an online music store may provide permissions for limited access and copying to people who have purchased certain songs. – Protections, which describe mechanisms put in place to enforce permissions and polices. We could imagine that an online music store would build in protections to prevent people from unauthorized access and copying of its songs. 12 Authenticity Authenticity is the ability to determine that statements, policies, and permissions issued by persons or systems are genuine. Primary tool: – digital signatures. These are cryptographic computations that allow a person or system to commit to the authenticity of their documents in a unique way that achieves nonrepudiation, which is the property that authentic statements issued by some person or system cannot be denied. 13 Anonymity Anonymity: the property that certain records or transactions not to be attributable to any individual. Tools: – Aggregation: the combining of data from many individuals so that disclosed sums or averages cannot be tied to any individual. – Mixing: the intertwining of transactions, information, or communications in a way that cannot be traced to any individual. – Proxies: ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Text Dat Encrypted Using Aes Algorithm Essay In the above Fig.1 text data is encrypted using AES algorithm. The message digest is calculated using SHA–1 algorithm which is calculated for message integrity. The encrypted data is embedded in video which consists of audio and images which is called as video steganography. Steganography is the process of hiding the text data in any cover media such as audio, video, images. 3. PROBLEM DEFINITION 1. In previous technique the data was hided in image due to which only less amount of data was made secure if the large amount of data is hided in the image then the image gets blur. 2. In previous project the AES algorithm was used for encrypting the data which required more time for encryption. 3. Only single level security was provided to the data while transmission of data. 4. PROJECT OBJECTIVE 1. In our project we are using video due to which large amount of data can be transmitted securely. 2. In our project we are using Blow fish algorithm to encrypt the data more quickly as compared to AES algorithm. 3. In our project we are providing triple layer security to the data while transmission. 5. LITERATURE SURVEY In [1] the existing system focuses on the data securityapproach when combined with encryption and steganographic techniques for secret communication by hiding it inside the multimedia files. The high results are achieved by providing the security to data before transmitting it over the internet. The files such as images, audio, video contains collection of bits ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Protocols Of Encryption And Encryption INDEX 1. Objective 2. Introduction 3. Encryption a. Asymmetric Encryption b. Symmetric Encryption 4. Examples of encryption 5. Cryptography 6. Email Encryption a. Advantages of Encryption Email b. Disadvantages of Encryption Email c. Why use the Encryption Email 7. Use of Encryption 8. How it works 9. Protocols of the Email Encryption a. PGP b. S/MIME c. Message Encryption d. Mail session Encryption e. TLS 10. Conclusion 11. References Objective Email Encryption is the very important topic of todays need. Because it provides the proper security to the message. And in now days everybody wants the proper security for our message so that the original message as it is read by the recipient that are send by the sender without any changes/alternation in the message. So this is the very important topic to cover up and secure our messages from unauthorized user's access. That provide the security to our communication. So, we can easily communicate without any afraid of hacking of data. INTRODUCTION:– Encryption is the most effective way to provide the data security. It is a process which converts original information into a difficult–to–interpret form. The original information is known as plain text and the converted information/message is commonly known as cipher text. In now a days you email delicate, individual and business data to your recipients, then encryption is likely a need. But still 99% of all emails movement goes ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Data Storage And Communication Systems Essay Abstract– Encryption is widely used to ensure security in data storage and communication systems. This paper introduces a new concept for image encryption using a new method we named it "Meaning Of Location (MOL)". In this method, the private key is an image that converted into RGB numbers and the public key is random integers used to permutate the image. The location of the RGB will be used to encrypt the plaintext. The performance of this algorithm is investigated against many different attacks such as ciphertext attacks, plaintext attacks and brute force attack. The analysis and statistical tests show the strength of this algorithm. The results show that the MOL algorithm is suitable for securing wired and wireless communication systems such as smartcards and cell phone services. Keywords– AES, Encryption, Decryption, DES, RSA, MOL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.INTODUCTION.....................................1,2 2. OVERVIEW OF THE IMAGE DATA .............2,3 3. MEANING OF LOCATION ALGORITHM........3,4 4. STATISTICAL TESTS ...............................4 5. SMART CARDS.....................................4,5 REFERENCES........................................................5Biography............................................................5 1. INTRODUCTION The requirements of information security within an organization have undergone two major changes in the last several decades. Before the widespread use of data processing equipment , the security of information felt to be valuable was provided primarily by physical and administrative ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Hyper Chaotic Systems HYPER CHAOTIC SYSTEM: Nowadays the application of the hyper chaotic system is becoming a hot topic in the field of chaos .The hyper chaos was first reported in Rossler 1949[].The dynamics of the system expand in more than one direction and generate a much more complex attractor compared with the chaotic system with only one positive Lyapunov exponent, which is observed in( Rech et al).It is characterized as sensitive to initial condition and control variables, pseudo randomness and ergodicity which meet the requirement of confusion and diffusion properties explained by Shannon[].As the hyper–chaos has two positive Lyapunov exponents, the prediction time of a hyper–chaotic system is shorter than that of a chaotic system[S. Yanchuk et al.,2001], as a result, it is safer than chaos in security algorithm.As the hyper–chaos has larger key spaces than chaos used in some previous work such as Refs. [2,3,20], is more secure against brute force attack Image encryption algorithm based on hyper chaos Focus on security issues: This section represents some of the previous works based on hyperchaotic system. The image encryption algorithm based on hyper chaos proposed by (Tiegang Gao et al.,2007) and image encryption based on improved hyper chaotic sequences introduced by (Congxu Zhu.,2011). The core idea of this image encryption scheme (Tiegang Gao et al.,2007) is based on total shuffling matrix using the Logistic map, and the substitution of the shuffled image with a keystream ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Data Encryption Essay Missing Chart Encryption Encryption is a method of programming data for security so that it appears to be random data. Only the people sending and receiving the information have the key to decrypt the message, which will put it back into its original form making it readable. The only people with the key are the people who are intended to read the message. Not many people know what encryption is. I took a survey of twenty students and asked two questions. The first question I asked was do you know what encryption means and the second question I asked was have you ever heard of anybody using encryption. This is a chart of the information I received: Many people wonder exactly how encryption works. People think that ... Show more content on ... For example, the word computer would be changed to FRPSXWHU (Parsons 328). This method was easy because it was just a simple offset of the alphabet and you could just line up the letters of both alphabets and figure out what the message was. There are weak encryption and strong encryption. Caesars method is known as weak encryption because it can be deciphered. Deciphering a code without authorization is known as "cracking" a code. In order to crack the simple substitution code, you could make twenty–five different transformation tales where each of them has a different offset. Strong encryption, the opposite of weak encryption, is very tough to crack. By using expensive, specialized, code–breaking computers, strong encryptions methods can be broken. Also, encryption methods can be broken by the use of supercomputers, mainframe computers, workstations and personal computers. The codes can be broken using these computers by using the brute–force method, which consists of trying all of the possible keys (Parsons 329). Symmetric key encryption is where the key is used to not only encrypt a message but to decrypt it as well. This is also known as conventional and secret key encryption. Symmetric key encryption is rarely used due to the fact that the person who encrypts the information has to get the key to the person who decrypts the information. This is uncommonly used because if the key is intercepted by an unauthorized person, there can ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Cryptography : Key Encryption And Its Implementation Essay INDEX PAGE NO. 1. ABSTRACT 1 2. INTRODUCTION 1 3. CRYPTOGRAPHY 1 4. ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION 2 5. CIPHER 2 6. HISTORICAL CRYPTOGRAPHY 3 7. WARDRIVEN CRYPTOGRAPHY (World War I) 7 8. WARDRIVEN CRYPTOGRAPHY (World War II) 9 9. MORDERN ENCRYPTION 11 10. SYMMENTRIC KEY ENCRYPTION AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION 12 11. ASYMMENTRIC KEY ENCRYPTION 14 12. RSA ENCRYPTION 15 13. STEGANODRAPHY 17 14. FUTURE MENTHODS OF ENCRYPTION 18 15. CONCLUSION 23 16. REFERENCES 24 ABSTRACT: Primary purpose of cryptography is security. Cryptography has been present since thousands of years. Encryption for a longer duration is a priority in many organizations. One among them is military, which used cryptography to securely transmit a message. During 1980's there is great necessity of securely communicating with others. Internet is present since 1960's and the World Wide Web came into existence during 1980's. Throughout the world people access the internet. A World Wide Web, an electronic portal, is extensively used by many people for communicating. People used World Wide Web to send electronic mails. This kind of communication increased around the world. As the information passed between the two people may be hacked by any other person, securing data and transmitting to the right person became important aspect. A deep emphasis of encryption and cryptography will help all ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Csec 630 Lab 1 Lab Assignment #1: Introduction to Encryption Algorithms CSEC 630 University of Maryland University College Professor Jingyu Zhang 1. Which tool or technique would be most effective for a cryptanalyst to use to decipher a text encrypted with the Caesar cipher, and why? The best analysis tool to break the Caesar cipher is histogram because it performs a statistical analysis on cipher text which shows the frequency of each letter used in the file. This can later be compared and matched to the frequency of letters in the English language. 2. What do you notice about the histogram results when text is encrypted with the Vigenère cipher in comparison to the results of the Caesar cipher? Why is this the case? Histogram simply ... Show more content on ... 7. Analyze the data encrypted with the RSA cipher. How does this encryption method compare to the other methods these Labs have covered? RSA is more secure than traditional ciphers. Histograms are completely random. The complexity of cipher will depend on the ley size that is used. The RSA uses an asymmetric encryption and this makes it more secure that the Symmetric encryption. Asymmetric uses a key for encryption and one for decryption while the other methods used symmetric encryption and this used one key for encryption and decryption. The longer they key is, the more secure and complex the cipher will be. This goes for both the symmetric and asymmetric encryption The disadvantage of RSA is that it takes up a lot more space and memory and will run slower. It needs more processing power and memory. 8. What are the advantages of the Hybrid RSA–AES cipher? How does this encryption method compare to the other methods the Lab has covered? Advantages of the Hybrid RSA–AES are many and one is that it still stays at the speed of symmetric encryption while protecting the data with the strength of asymmetric encryption. Because the symmetric encryption is about 100 % faster than asymmetric encryption this makes it more efficient and there are no sacrifices to security and the performance. This encryption uses the pros of each part of the encryptions. This ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. An Evaluation Of The And Cryptographic It was recognized that TLS 1.0, when managing different bundles, permits the accompanying parcels to utilize an IV that is the last figure content square of the past bundle. At the end of the day, an assailant who can see the encoded activity can note the IV utilized for session treat . Essentially put, a dynamic aggressor will have the capacity to assemble the Ivs for each one record just by sniffing the system. So if the aggressor can "figure" a plaintext message, he can make a theory at the session treat and check whether the figure content matches. Rc4 Rc4 is a stream figure made by Ron Rivest in 1980s. cryptographic count was known good to go division in 1994 and is as of now is the generally used stream figure. It has a long history of cryptographic examination and cryptographic ambushes, most noticeably the ambush on its utilization in the WEP gathering. There are number of weakness found in the first place byte stream. Yet none of these inadequacies were demonstrated to allow a judicious attack against Rc4. they are gigantic enough to instruct a great deal regarding individuals in the cryptographic gathering to recommend against its usage. due to execution and no matter how you look at it apportionment, it has transformed into a common figure suite in SSL/TLS. However late research appear to have made full plaintext recovery ambushes on Rc4. One of these attacks is a show attack, recovers the plaintext when it is sent again and again in various different ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Annotated Bibliography On International Encryption Subversion Nicholas Gambini Crypto Final Paper Dr. Landquist Intro to Crypto International Encryption Subversion Introduction: As implied by the fourth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all citizens of the United States have a right to privacy. In the digital age, where all of our most important and personal information is stored digitally, we must have a way to protect this digital content. To protect our data we use encryption where contents of files are scrambled and distorted and can only be made legible by someone who knows the decryption key. Governments in Europe, Asia, and America are currently engaged in undermining the encryption and privacy rights of their citizens either by demanding backdoors or ... Show more content on ... Apple responded with a case curiously omitted from the FBI's argument; a federal judge found it inconceivable that the law could be used to compel a telecommunications provider to allow real–time tracking of a cellphone without a search warrant (Lichtblau). As support for Apple grew, Director of Privacy at Stanford Law School, Albert Gidari, LLM, published a paper detailing specifically why the FBI was wrong and why their argument was useless. In his paper he discusses the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA. CALEA details what is and isn't lawful assistance from telecommunications companies to the government. Within section 1002 lies these details: (1) Design of features and systems configurations. This subchapter does not authorize any law enforcement agency or office (a) to require any specific design of equipment, facilities, services, features, or system configurations to be adopted by any provider of a wire or electronic communication service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of telecommunications support services; (b) to prohibit the adoption of any equipment, facility, service, or feature by any provider of a wire or electronic communication service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of telecommunications support services. (Schneier) What this means is that it is unlawful for ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Nt1310 Unit 4 Performance Analysis 4 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS There are various performance factors which are used to analyzed the different encryption algorithms. 1. Throughput performance It is the higher rate of production or maximum rate at which data can be processed which belong to may be delivered over a physical or logical link. It may be affected by various factors such as medium, available processing power of the system components and end–user behavior. 2. Key Length Size In the encryption process, the key management is the important factor to shows the how the data is encrypted. The symmetric algorithm uses a variable key length which is longer. So, the key management is a huge aspect in encryption processing for control operation of the cipher. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mobile Ad Hoc And Multi Hop Strong Path Geographic Routing... Secured PPEM based Multi–Hop Strong Path Geographic Routing protocol for MANETs Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional) Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2) City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4) Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional) Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2) City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4) Abstract– this paper is an involvement in the field of security study on mobile ad–hoc networks. Boundaries of the mobile ad hoc nodes have been considered in order to design a secure Geographic routing protocol that thwarts selfish and flooding attacks. We took the base of Ad hoc On Demand Routing Protocol (AODV); the most popular Routing protocol. The significance of the proposed protocol that should make sure security as wanted by providing a broad architecture of Secured PPEM Mechanism based Multi–Hop Strong Path Geographic Routing protocol (SMHSP) based on effective key management, secure neighbor detection, secure routing data's, finding malicious nodes, and eliminating these nodes from routing table. Our results clearly show that our secured Geographic routing protocol increases the throughput and packet delivery ratio while it has a tolerable increase in the routing overhead and average delay. Also, security study proves in details that the proposed protocol ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. History of Cryptography In the history of cryptography, the Enigma was a portable cipher machine used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages. More precisely, Enigma was a family of related electro–mechanical rotor machines — comprising a variety of different models. The Enigma was used commercially from the early 1920s on, and was also adopted by the military and governmental services of a number of nations — most famously by Nazi Germany before and during World War II. The German military model, the Wehrmacht Enigma, is the version most commonly discussed. The machine has gained notoriety because Allied cryptologists were able to decrypt a large number of messages that had been enciphered on the machine. The intelligence gained through this source — ... Show more content on ... For example, the pin corresponding to the letter E might be wired to the contact for letter T on the opposite face. The complexity comes from the use of several rotors in series — usually three or four — and the regular movement of the rotors; this provides a much stronger type of encryption. When placed in the machine, a rotor can be set to one of 26 positions. It can be turned by hand using a grooved finger–wheel which protrudes from the internal cover when closed, as shown in Figure 2. So that the operator knows the position, each rotor has an alphabet tyre (or letter ring) attached around the outside of the disk, with 26 letters or numbers; one of these can be seen through a window, indicating the position of the rotor to the operator. In early Enigma models, the alphabet ring is fixed; a complication introduced in later versions is the facility to adjust the alphabet ring relative to the core wiring. The position of the ring is known as the Ringstellung ("ring setting"). The rotors each contain a notch (sometimes multiple notches), used to control the stepping of the rotors. In the military versions, the notches are located on the alphabet ring. The Army and Air Force Enigmas came equipped with several rotors; when first issued there were only three. On 15 December 1938 this changed to five, from which three were chosen for insertion in the machine. These were marked with Roman numerals to distinguish them: I, II, III, IV and V, all with single notches ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Cryptography Is A Science That Transforms Information Into... In recent times providing security to the information is the major issue. There are many applications developed by the cyber terrorists, cyber criminals, script kidders etc. to steal the private information like passwords, ATM pin numbers, and credit card details so on. One of the solution to protect the information is Cryptography, which is the focus of this paper. Cryptography is a science that transforms information into secure form by providing basic protections. These protections include confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authentication, and Nonrepudiation (Ciampa 189). Let's understand the characteristics of information and their description (see table 1). The term "Cryptography" was originated from Greek. In Greek "Crypto–" means hidden and "–grapy" means writing. Simply, cryptography means scrambling data so that it cannot be read or access by an unauthorized person. The ancient cryptographer Julius Caesar sent messages to his commanders by shifting each letter in his message to three places down in the alphabet. A was replaced by D, B was replaced by E and so on (Ciampa 186). This method of changing the original text into a secret message is called encryption and retrieving back to the original form is called decryption. The clear plaintext is given as input to the cryptographic algorithm. According to Stallings cryptographic algorithms consists of mathematical functions which are used to encrypt and decrypt the data (44). A key is a mathematical value which ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Encryption Vs. Modern Society Essay Encryption has become a necessity in modern society due to the nature of the information we must interact with every day. Furthermore, the encryption of computer data is becoming increasingly important since much sensitive information is stored on our hard drives and human based codes are simply too easy for a computer to solve. All forms of encryption are based on cryptology which is "the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms". Cryptology and simple codes have been used as early as the Roman Empire. Encryption is used to ensure the confidentiality of a message that is being sent is not compromised as in case of the message being intercepted, it ensure that only authorized individuals can understand the contents. As technology, has been advancing, the complex nature of encrypting and decrypting messages have also been advancing the electronic age has brought forth many technological advances. With these advances came the need for security and tighter control on how we send information electronically over the Internet or through a network. Date encryption is, in its simplest terms, the translation of data into a secret code. To read an encrypted file, the receiver of the file must obtain a secret key that will enable him to decrypt the file. A deeper consider cryptography, cryptanalysis, and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) will provide a better understanding of data encryption. The DES algorithm is a block cipher that uses the same binary ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Julius Caesar Research Paper Suetonius tells us that Julius Caesar enciphered his dispatches by writing D for A, E for B and so on [742]. When Augustus Caesar ascended the throne, he changed the imperial cipher system so that C was now written for A, D for B, and so on. In modern terminology, we would say that he changed the key from D to C. The Arabs generalized this idea to the monoalphabetic substitution, in which a keyword is used to permute the cipher alphabet. We will write the plaintext in lowercase letters, and the ciphertext in uppercase, as shown in Figure 5.1. CYAN RWSGKFR AN AH RHTFANY MSOYRM OYSH SMSEAC NCMAKO; but breaking ciphers of this kind is a straightforward pencil and paper puzzle, which you may have done in primary school. The trick is that some letters, ... Show more content on ... An example should explain all this. Suppose you had intercepted a message from a wartime German agent, which you knew started with "Heil Hitler," and that the first 10 letters of ciphertext were DGTYI BWPJA. This means that the first 10 letters of the onetime pad were wclnb tdefj, as shown in Figure 5.3. Once he had burned the piece of silk with his key material, the spy could claim that he was actually a member of the anti–Nazi underground resistance, and that the message actually said "Hang Hitler." This is quite possible, as the key material could just as easily have been wggsb tdefj, as shown in Figure 5.4. Now, we rarely get anything for nothing in cryptology, and the price of the perfect secrecy of the one–time pad is that it fails completely to protect message integrity. Suppose that you wanted to get this spy into trouble; you could change the ciphertext to DCYTI BWPJA, as shown in Figure 5.5. During the World War II, Claude Shannon proved that a cipher has perfect secrecy if and only if there are as many possible keys as possible plaintexts, and if every key is equally likely; therefore, the one–time pad is the only kind of system that offers perfect secrecy [694, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Different Types of Attacks An attack is any malicious or accidental disruption in the confidentially, integrity, or availability of information and network resources. Attacks can come from many places, electronic, physical, or human. Electronics attacks may come from the external network (Internet) or the internal network (Intranet); physical attacks can come in the form of hardware and equipment sabotage or theft, and human attacks most often come in the form of social engineering. Some of the attacks identify and evaluate in this paper are: spoofing, replays attacks, access attack suppress–relay, and source and repudiation attack. Spoofing is when the attackers attempts to appear to be someone else, usually an authentic user. The phenomenon of Web spoofing or ... Show more content on ... Website defacements are a common form of modification attack. Repudiation attack is the main application layer level attack repudiation refers to the rejection or attempted denial by a node involved in a communication of having contributed in a part or the entire communication. For example, is someone access your email account and inflammatory information to other under the guise of one of your top managers. This information might prove humiliation to your company and possibly do irreparable harm. This type of attack is easy to accomplish because most email systems do not check outbound email for validity. Data encryption and decryption have become increasingly important as more people are communicating over the internet. Although cryptology is not new, the demand for this technology has soared as its usefulness for security purposes has become more evident. Cryptology involves converting original messages into non–readable formats and plays an important role in keeping data safe while it is in transit (Agrawal & Mishra, 2012). Two popular forms of cryptology are symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric cryptology–also known as single key encryption–has been in existence for several decades. It is the most widely used. Symmetric encryptions consist of five components: plaintext, encryption algorithm, secret key, ciphertext, and decryption algorithm. Additionally, in order for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Vsual Cryptography : A Branch Of Secret Sharing Data 1.1Overview VISUAL cryptography (VC) is a branch of secret sharing data. In the VC scheme, a secret image is encoded into transparencies, and the content of each transparency is noise–like so that the secret information cannot be retrieved from any one transparency via human visual observation or signal analysis techniques. In general, a – threshold VC scheme has the following properties: The stacking of any out of those VC generated transparencies can reveal the secret by visual perception, but the stacking of any or fewer number of transparencies cannot retrieve any information other than the size of the secret image. Naor and Shamir [1] proposed a –threshold VC scheme based on basis matrices, and the model had been further studied and ... Show more content on ... The probabilistic model of the VC scheme was first introduced by Ito et al. [2], where the scheme is based on the basis matrices, but only one column of the matrices is chosen to encode a binary secret pixel, rather than the traditional VC scheme utilizing the whole basis matrices. The size of the generated transparencies is identical to the secret image. Yangs [31] also proposed a probabilistic model of VC scheme, and the two cases and are explicitly constructed to achieve the optimal contrast. Based on Yang [31], Cimato et al. [32] proposed a generalized VC scheme in which the pixel expansion is between the probabilistic model of VC scheme and the traditional VC scheme. Encrypting an image by random grids (RGs) was first introduced by Kafri and Keren [26] in 1987. A binary secret image is encoded into two noise–like transparencies with the same size of the original secret image, and stacking of the two transparencies reveals the content of the secret. Comparing RGs with basis matrices, one of the major advantages is that the size of generated transparencies is unexpanded. The RG scheme is similar to the probabilistic model of the VC scheme, but the RG scheme is not based on the basis matrices. The recent studies include the RG for colour image [27], and RG schemes [28], [29]. We also compare the proposed method with RG. 1.2 VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY SCHEMES: Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information (pictures, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Encryption Is Just A Fancy Word For Coding Encryption is just a fancy word for coding. When we talk about encrypting we really just mean turning information into really a hard to read secret code. Let's say we have some secret agents in a movie and suppose there is an agent working in Washington DC they need to send a message to another agent in Russia. The best way for them to do this is by the two of you to meet up in advance, in person, and agree on a method of locking and unlocking all the messages they will send and receive in future.This method is called a secret key, because only the two of you will have access to it. When people want to find out what their saying to each other the attack is called a chosen ciphertext attack,CCA. In cryptography, ciphertext or cyphertext is the result of encryption performed on plaintext using an algorithm, called a cipher. It is an attack model for cryptanalysis in which the cryptanalyst gathers information by choosing a ciphertext and obtaining its decryption under an unknown key. Cryptanalysis is the study of analyzing information systems in order to study the hidden aspects of the systems. People use encryption for a theoretical wall against anyone that wants to find out what is inside. The government needs to be able to access information on phones, computers or social media accounts because of illicit online activities:robbery, sexual predators and planned murder. The government needs to know about these inappropriate activities so they can stop this behavior. Known ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Term Paper | 2013 | Term Paper: Redesigning Security Operations 1 Identify what you perceive to be the five (5) most concerning threats to the network, computing environment, and the database operations of the company Data security Threats: Data face many threats in various forms which can accessed by unauthorized people who can misuse it and can damage the company. Here is the series of potential risks and attacks which the data could face: Data tempering: for the data to be more mores secure t is essential that it should not be modifies or viewed by anyone .in the environment some external parties can perpetrate the data by intercepting in the transit and could changes some parts of that data before it is retransmitting. .Data theft: for ... Show more content on ... External threats: some outsider who has potential access to use the server or database can damage the computer and data .they are the expert people who break into the network mainly from the internet . 3 design the security controls to mitigate the risks involved For the control of the risk, following mechanism will be more effective in the implementation of the mechanism as the management must design the control environment with the assessment control risk. Thus it is essential for the higher management to look at the ground level and formulate the policies, guidelines and procedures which could be fitted with the environment which can more helpful in mitigating the associated risks. * :environmental control * Preventive maintenance * Physical security * Personal control * Environmental change * Information control * User support * Some control over output * Event management Therefore risk mitigation aim at reducing he some internal and external threats which can hinder the performance of the organization. so these risk mitigation focus on the use of some structured policies and guidelines for the entire system to be installed on the network. Thus management should favor the control ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Impact Of Cryptanalysis Using Advanced 3d Playfair... Impact of Cryptanalysis using Advanced 3D Playfair Cipher Gaurav Kumawat1, Sandeep Upadhyay2 1 Department of Computer Sc. & Engg, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology 2 Department of Computer Sc. & Engg, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology Abstract. The Playfair cipher is a manual symmetric encryption technique and was the first literal digraph substitution cipher. The cryptanalysis of the Playfair cipher is also aided by the fact that a diagram and its reverse will encrypt in a similar fashion. The paper proposes to encrypt/decrypt by choosing 216 ASCII characters out of 256 ASCII characters. The 216 characters includes the most frequently & popularly usable characters like 26 upper & lower case alphabets, 10 numerals and 154 most commonly used special characters of ASCII character set. 40 special characters that are less frequently used are exempted. 2D–Playfair cipher is a case sensitive cipher, as it requires only 26 alphabets rather than 52 alphabets (including lower and upper case both).The theme of this paper is to provide security for the data that contains a wider coverage of alphabets numerals and special characters in compare to 2D playfair cipher. 1 Introduction Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. The art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format is called cipher text. ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The Security Of The Network As a distributed system with a number of nodes working together, a Big data cluster relies on the interconnect to communicate between Data Nodes and Name Nodes. The system also needs to extract data from data sources via the network. Thus, the security of the network is critical to the Big data system. The threats relevant to the network include DNS spoofing, eavesdropping attack and Denial–of–Service attacks, Man–In–the–Middle attacks, etc. In the next section, we will focus on two types of network securities and propose the solutions to these issues: One is the security of interconnect, the other is the security of external network connections. III. Security and Privacy Solutions of Big Data As Big data is usually a complex system with Petabytes or more data stored and processed, there is never a single mechanism which can resolve all the security issues. We also need to make a balance between security and cost. In addition, the affect to the performance and usability also need to be taken into consideration. A. Solutions to the unauthorized data access problem The data in Big data system usually contains privacy of many users, therefore it must be protected from malicious from attackers. A commonly used data protection approach is data encryption. A symmetric encryption algorithm is more appropriate than public key algorithm, as symmetric encryption is much faster than the public key encryption. The data needs to be encrypted when it is loaded into the Big ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Cryptography Vs. Modern Cryptography Essay Introduction Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries. More generally, cryptography is about constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages; various aspects in information security such as data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non–repudiation are central to modern cryptography. Modern cryptography exists at the intersection of the disciplines of mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce. Main Concept of Cryptography Cryptography is the science of writing in secret code and is an ancient art; the first documented use of cryptography in writing dates back to circa 1900 B.C. when an Egyptian scribe used non–standard hieroglyphs in an inscription. Some experts argue that cryptography appeared spontaneously sometime after writing was invented, with applications ranging from diplomatic missives to war–time battle plans. It is no surprise, then, that new forms of cryptography came soon after the widespread development of computer communications. In data and telecommunications, cryptography is necessary when communicating over any un–trusted medium, which includes just about any network, particularly the Internet. Within the context of any application–to–application communication, there are some specific ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Using Des With A Password CS 6520 Assignment – 2 Sahithi Madala WM8573 Question 1 The first method, the computer is to use DES with a password as a key to encrypt plain text. In this case the attacker will have both ciphertext and the plain text though the physical security is difficult to maintain. This key cannot be further used for the decryption process. So with these mentioned limitations, we DES has strong encryption method which is always difficult for the attacker to break. Considering the example mentioned in the question (64bits of 0s). In my opinion the second method is much secure and authenticated than the first method, but close to it. Because in the password field, the input is being entered is plain text and the key being fixed. Implementing the ... Show more content on ... Now, when we consider the two XOR operations in the above figure shown. If the plaintext and key used for encryption are both complemented, then the inputs given to the first XOR are also complemented. The output, then, is the same as for the uncomplemented inputs. Further down, we see that only one of the two inputs to the second XOR is complemented, therefore, the output is the complement of the output that would be generated by uncomplemented inputs. b. In a chosen plaintext attack, if for chosen plaintext X, the analyst can obtain Y1 = E[K, X] and Y2 = E[K, X '] An exhaustive key search requires only 255 rather than 256 encryptions. To see this, note that (Y2) ' = E[K ', X]. Now, pick a test value of the key T and perform E[T, X]. If the result is Y1, then we know that T is the correct key. If the result is (Y2) ', then we know that T ' is the correct key. If neither result appears, then we have eliminated two possible keys with one encryption. Question 4 Stallings Problem 6.4: No. For example, suppose C1 is corrupted. The output block P3 depends only on the input blocks C2 and C3 which is shown in the image below. b). An error in P1 affects C1. But since C1 is input to the calculation of C2, C2 is affected. This effect carries through indefinitely, so that all ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Trust And Encryption Based Smart Path Routing Protocol For... Trust and Encryption based Smart Path Routing protocol for MANETs Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional) Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2) City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4) Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation – optional) Name of organization – acronyms acceptable (line 2) City, Country (line 3) – optional (line 4) Abstract– this paper is an involvement in the field of security study on mobile ad–hoc networks. Boundaries of the mobile ad hoc nodes have been considered in order to design a secure Ad hoc routing protocol that thwarts selfish and flooding attacks. We took the base of Ad hoc On Demand Routing Protocol (AODV); the most popular Routing protocol. The significance of the proposed protocol that should make sure security as wanted by providing a broad architecture of Trusted and PES Mechanism based smart Path Routing protocol (TBAODV) based on effective key management, secure neighbor detection, secure routing data's, finding malicious nodes, and eliminating these nodes from routing table. Our results clearly show that our secured Ad hoc routing protocol increases the throughput and packet delivery ratio while it has a tolerable increase in the routing overhead and average delay. Also, security study proves in details that the proposed protocol is robust enough to thwart all classes of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Encryption in Today's Information Systems In today's world of instant connectivity and information at users' fingertips, it's vital that sensitive information is safeguarded against those who seek to do personal harm and profit from gaining access to the data. The key behind keeping information safe is the method in which it's protected and encrypted. In order to appreciate how information is secured, users must understand the encryption concepts behind it. To do this, one must comprehend the current encryption standards, the trends and developments in encryption technology, the importance of securing data, the government's regulations pertaining to encryption, the companies involved in research and implementation, the implications of leaked or stolen data, and a brief look into ... Show more content on ... When a fellow general received the message, he would wrap the paper around his corresponding scytale to decipher the message (Tyson 2014). Since the advent of computers though, encryption has become increasing important and relies almost solely on cryptographic means to secure information. When speaking about encryption today, it refers more to the process rather than the mathematical formulas used to scramble data. The basic idea behind encrypting a computer message is such that it is scrambled with a sequence of random bits, known as a key, and only parties with the corresponding key can transpose it back into a comprehensible format. These keys are created via a cipher, otherwise known as an algorithm. When a user sends a message, known as the plaintext, across a network, the computer applies an algorithm to the information to encode it, resulting in a ciphertext (Encryption Basics 2014). This method can be best summarized visually: Plaintext message + encryption algorithm + secret key = Ciphertext Ciphertext + corresponding key + decryption algorithm = Plaintext message Generally speaking, modern encryption techniques fall into one of two categories – symmetric (homogeneous) and asymmetric (heterogeneous). Symmetric encryption is a system of communication whereby both parties share the same key to encode and decode a message. The Spartan generals used this method with their scytales. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Hill Cipher CioheWednesday, April 13, 2016 University of Botswana ISS 334 LAB 2 ASSIGNMENT Ndlovu.I 200902852 Ndlovu.I ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment Page 1 of 27 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Contents 1. Hill Cipher Description .......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Question ................................................................................................................................................ 3 3. Implementation .................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1. Hill Cipher Encryption and ... Show more content on ... Step 3 is the same as Step 2 but using a different matrix multiplication to find the key. All the programs have written in java using Dr. Java. Ndlovu.I ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment Page 3 of 27 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 3.1. Hill Cipher Encryption and Decryption
  • 68. Ndlovu.I ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment Page 4 of 27 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 3.1.1. Part 1 Class Basic the class has the indexOfChar and indexAtChar method. The first method matches characters of a string to the alphabet and returns a numeric value, the second method is used to return a char which is located at the position int pos. Class Hill has an object basic of the class basic so as to access the methods from the basic class, this is done later on in the program. Class Hill also contains method Hill, this ensures that the matrix we are using is a 2X2 matrix, that's why the variable block=2. The method reads the key matrix. The user will enter in the first number and press "enter" and do this until the fourth number is entered. The assumption is that we are using a 2x2 matrix as the key size. Ndlovu.I ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment Page 5 of 27 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Ndlovu.I ISS 334 Lab 2 Assignment Page 6 of 27 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 3.1.2. Part 2 The method KeyInverse also reads 4 integers which are stored to the double array Key[][] and uses them for the decryption key. The method encryptBlock is ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Nt1310 Unit 4 Case Study In order to recover the secret image from the mosaic image, embed relevant recovery information into the mosaic image. The information required to recover a tile image T which is mapped to a target block B includes: Index of B Optimal rotation angle of T Truncated means of T and B and the standard deviation quotients, of all color channels Total number of tiles These data items for recovering a tile image T are integrated as a five–component bit stream of the form in which the bit segments represent the values of the index of B, the rotation angle of T , the means of T and B, the standard deviation quotients, and total number of tiles, respectively. In more detail, the numbers of required bits for the five data items in M are item ... Show more content on ... Moreover, in order to protect from being attacked, encrypt it with a secret key to obtain an encrypted bit stream . For that AES encryption is used. After AES encryption, will embed at the fourth bit position of . Some related information about the mosaic image generation process into the mosaic image for use in the secret image recovery process are also embed at the last fourth bit position of . Such information, described as a bit stream I like M, includes the following data items: 1) encryption key; and 2) total length of before encryption. After all this process Target image with mosaic image, residual value and all information that required to recover original image are transmitted to receiver ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Annotated Bibliography On Information Security 1. Abstract Information security is a major concept in today's industrial and computer era, so security must be higher to protect the confidential data. Information security plays major role in computer and network security with the use of different cryptography algorithms that includes the encryption and decryption of data with the uses of the algorithm and the key. By means of text or numerical key for the encryption can be dangerous because with the several hack attacks that a key can be broken. So I have proposed a new mechanism that will replace the text key with the image pixels and can gain high security which cannot be easy to break without prior knowledge. 2. Introduction For the decades to keep data secure and to convey the ... Show more content on ... It takes plaintext and the key as input and follows some mechanism with the use of mathematical calculations to convert the plaintext into the cipher text. Instead of using the key that is in the numerical and text format if we use the set of the pixels of an image, then the algorithm will be able to generate the cipher text that will be really hard to decode. 3. Research design 3.1 Basic theory – there are some primary and important components that play a vital role in the cryptography are, I. Plaintext: this is a regular text message that is in meaningful and in the readable format that needs to be secured. II. Cipher text: this is the result of the encryption process where we get the cipher text that is in scrambled and unreadable format. III. Algorithm: this is a core part of the cryptography where all transformations occur with some predefined processes, rules and basic mathematical functions. This algorithm is responsible for encipher and decipher a message. IV. Key: secret key that is used to encrypt the message and used as input to the algorithm. And this key is also shared between the sender and the receiver. 3.2 Processes used to carry out cryptography I. Encryption: encryption is carried out on the sender side, hence transferred plain text into the cipher text and forwarded over the network. II. Decryption: decryption is carried out on the receiver side to translate the cipher text into the plaintext with the same key that is used at the sender side. 3.3 ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Test Case Type Decryption Test Decryption Test Case Number #03 Test Case Type Decryption test Test Case Name Decryption without password Input Null Values Expected Output Displays a error message "BadPaddingException" If user provides a desired file in the desired location without a password then it gives the above message. Decryption Test Case Number #04 Test Case Type Decryption test Test Case Name Decryption with password Input Null Values Expected Output Displays a error message "File Decrypted" If user provides a desired file in the desired location with password then it gives the above message. 8.OUTPUT: Here test.txt is the source file to encrypt Run program to encrypt the test.txt file And encrypt.enc, encrypted.enc, encryptedfile.des are the encrypted files with password, We need to send these files to destination and tell them the password. At destination program need to be run to decrypt data and finally after decryption testfile_decrypted.txt file will be created. 9. ENCRYPTION AT WORK Encryption is available at number of utilities. By default every windows operating system is coming with Encryption feature. We will see some of them now Encryption File System: In windows Oss file and folder level encryption is available by default to protect our sensitive data. Bit Locker Encryption: It is a total drive encryption method in windows using a password Winrar / WinZip : Compressing software also having a feature for protecting data SSL: ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Annotated Bibliography On Rsa Cryptography Introduction RSA cryptography is vastly used to encrypt and decrypt message while communicating through internet and in the field of digital signature. This encryption system is used regularly in web browsers, chat applications email, vpn and any other types of communications that require securely sending data to severs or the other people.[8] RSA cryptography is an asymmetrical cryptography system. Because it have two keys. One is public another is private. The encryption key is public while the decryption key is private. So only the person with the correct decryption key can decipher the encrypted message. Everyone have their own encryption and decryption keys. The keys must be made in such a way that the decryption key may not easily ... Show more content on ... Which is by trying every possible combination. The length of the key determines the strength. DES uses a 64–bit key, but eight of those bits are used for parity checks, effectively limiting the key to 56–bits. So, it would take a maximum of 256 or 72,057,594,037,927,936 attempts to find the correct key. In present state, this is not safe because this amount of combination isn't too high. Even so, up–to 1990's mid this method was very popular and widely used. In 1998 a computer system broke this security in 56 hours which later reduced in 22 hours. So presently instead of providing compatibility in some instances, reliance on DES is a serious security problem for data confidentiality and should be avoided. As encryption strength is directly proportional to key size and 56–bit key length is not enough for present computing system so in 1997, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced an initiative to choose a successor to DES, in 2001, it selected the Advanced Encryption Standard as a replacement. [1] 2. Triple DSE method was designed to take the place of Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. Triple DES was the recommended standard and vastly used symmetric algorithm in the industry. This system uses three individual keys each having 56–bits. So the total key length becomes 128–bits which is more secured than normal DES system. Although slowly became out of date Triple DES still capable manages to make a dependable hardware encryption ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Creating A New Storage Scheme Hourglass Schemes: [1] As mentioned in the introduction, ensuring files confidentiality is a major issue in cloud computing. The authors of this paper introduce a new storage scheme called the HourGlass. In this scheme the cloud server is forced to save files in a way that enable clients challenges, the server's response ensures clients that their files are safely stored. In most cloud providers, clients files are stored in an encrypted way based on some predefined agreement between the client and the cloud provider. Then clients can challenge the server to send back the encrypted files in timely manners. The problem with this scenario is with current resources and computation powers, the servers can easily encrypt files on the fly and ... Show more content on ... This is most likely to exceed the time limit and hence the client will know that the server is not storing their files is a secure manner. The second property is also important because this scheme should not introduce any complication to the clients when trying to access their file. When legitimate clients want to access their files on the server, they should also be easily able to uncover the hourglass encapsulation, decrypt their file and read the plain text. We will describe the proposed protocol using the following notations: F: the plaintext file, CipherF: the encrypted file, X: The output of the hourglass function that will be stored on the server, C: the client, S: the server, HG: the hourglass function, E: encryption function, RNG(): random number generator that will be used by the client , A >> B: M: A sending M to B. The protocol is as follows: Client Server F C >> S: F F CipherF = E(F) X = HG(CipherF) Discard F, Store X i = GEN(), start timer C >> S: i i Stop timer C << S: block i of X Verify response Remark: this is a simplified version of the actual protocol; more details will be introduced in the final report. The client can verify the server response either by computing HG and storing it on the client side or by other means that will be explained in the final report. The ... Get more on ...